Revealing Interdisciplinarity in Nanoscience and Technology Queries: A Transaction Log Analysis Approach

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Knowl. Org. 38(2011)No.2                                                                                                               135
A. Shiri. Revealing Interdisciplinarity in Nanoscience and Technology Queries: A Transaction Log Analysis Approach

                      Revealing Interdisciplinarity in
                   Nanoscience and Technology Queries:
                   A Transaction Log Analysis Approach

                                                                Ali Shiri*
               School of Library and Information Studies, University of Alberta,
      3-09 Rutherford South, Edmonton, T6G 2J4, Alberta, Canada, 

Ali Shiri is an Associate Professor in the School of Library and Information Studies at the University of
Alberta, Edmonton, Canada. Ali’s research areas and interests include: user search and interaction be-
havior, digital library user interfaces, knowledge organization systems in digital libraries, institutional
repositories, and subject gateways and social tagging trends and interfaces.

Shiri, Ali. Revealing Interdisciplinarity in Nanoscience and Technology Queries: A Transaction Log
Analysis Approach. Knowledge Organization, 38(2), 135-153. 86 references.

ABSTRACT: The study reported here investigated the search behaviour patterns of nanoscience and
nanotechnology searchers as revealed by transaction log analysis of the NANOnetBASE electronic
book digital library. This paper examines the patterns and strategies of nano searchers’ query formulation and reformulation, then
explores the extent of interdisciplinarity in search queries using the INSPEC and Compendex thesauri. The results show certain
query formulation patterns associated with searching in an emerging and interdisciplinary area of nanotechnology such as: the
use of multiword and compound query terms, extensive use of search terms beginning with the prefix “nano,” hyphenated terms,
spelling variations, a large number of query reformulations, and the use of acronyms. The results also indicate that 62% of the
unique top terms resulting from mapping users’ query terms to the INSPEC Classification codes represented two or more disci-
plines, specifically terms associated with the Classification code “A” representing “physics.” The results have implications for in-
formation organization and representation, user interface design and federated searching in digital libraries and multi-subject da-

Received 11 February 2010; Revised 22 May 2010; Accepted 22 May 2010

* The author would like to gratefully thank Thane Chambers for her assistance in data analysis and Randy Reichardt, Research
  Services Librarian (Engineering) at the University of Alberta, who provided me with the transaction log data for the
  NANOnetBASE e-book library.

1.0 Introduction                                                                 ficiently identify information resources and to carry
                                                                                 out inclusive and effective searches in a diverse and
Nanoscale science and technology have seen rapid                                 heterogeneous range of digital libraries, web-based da-
growth and expansion in new areas in recent years.                               tabases, and search engines. It is essential to understand
Nanoscience and technology are characterized by nano                             the problems and issues of interdisciplinary searching
researchers in an increasingly interdisciplinary domain,                         in a strategically and commercially significant area such
drawing upon such disciplines as chemistry, physics,                             as nanotechnology to support and enhance researchers’
materials science, and computer, electrical, mechanical,                         scholarly productivity and innovativeness, and to in-
and biomedical engineering. A key challenge faced by                             form knowledge organization and representation prac-
nano researchers, as well as the information profes-                             tices in nanotechnology-related library and informa-
sionals providing related information services, is to ef-                        tion services. Kutner (2000), in examining challenges

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         A. Shiri. Revealing Interdisciplinarity in Nanoscience and Technology Queries: A Transaction Log Analysis Approach

and issues in searching in interdisciplinary areas, argues                    2.2 Citation analysis and domain mapping
that, although electronic bibliographic databases that
provide sophisticated searching capabilities and multi-                       Most information science studies published relating
ple access points to the scholarly literature have been a                     to nanoscience and technology focus on citation ana-
boon to the interdisciplinary researcher, problems con-                       lysis, scientometric, and bibliometric studies of jour-
tinue to exist in terms of lack of consistent interfaces                      nals and publications in the field of nanoscience and
and consistent controlled vocabularies across databases.                      technology (Meyer and Persson 1998; Meyer 2000,
While there exist many studies of general information                         2001; Eto 2003; Morillo et al 2003; Schummer 2004a;
seeking behaviour of interdisciplinary areas of humani-                       Calero et al 2006; Leydesdorff 2007), mapping and
ties, the sciences, women’s studies, and social sciences,                     visualization of the area of nanoscience and technol-
very few studies have examined the nature of queries                          ogy (Boyack et al 2002; Zitt and Bassecoulard 2006;
and query formulation and reformulation strategies of                         Bassecoulard 2007; Milojević 2007), and identifying
interdisciplinary searchers in nanoscience and technol-                       core journals in the area of nanotechnology (Leydes-
ogy.                                                                          dorff 2007). A special issue of Scientometrics (Volume
                                                                              70, Number 3, March 2007) focuses on various as-
2.0 Related work                                                              pects of nanoscience and technology-related trends
                                                                              and issues. Suggestions for the development of an on-
This literature review focuses on the following areas:                        tology for the area of nanoscience and technology
the interdisciplinary nature of the sciences; nanos-                          have also been made by LIS researchers such as Ta-
cience and technology citation analysis and domain                            naka (2005). Citation analysis studies have also been
mapping; information search behaviour of interdisci-                          conducted to show the interdisciplinarity of other
plinary researchers; information search behaviour of                          scientific areas such as medical and behavioural sci-
scientists and engineers using electronic information                         ences (McCain 1989), environmental sciences (Steele
resources; and representative transaction log analysis                        and Stier 2000), biotechnology (McCain 1995), and
studies.                                                                      chemical engineering (Peters et al 1995).

2.1 Interdisciplinarity                                                       2.3 Information search behaviour of interdisciplinary
A number of studies have investigated the notion of
interdisciplinarity in the context of science and tech-                       Klein (1996) notes that meeting the interdisciplinary
nology. Qin et al (1997) investigated types and levels                        needs of today's library users begins with understand-
of collaboration in interdisciplinary research in the                         ing the activities that create them and their place in
sciences; they concluded that biology and medical sci-                        the knowledge system. Drawing on the studies car-
ences are highly interdisciplinary. Pierce (1999) identi-                     ried out by Mote (1962), as well as Packer and Soer-
fied three types of interdisciplinary information trans-                      gel (1979), Bates (1996) concluded that studying re-
fer: Borrowing, Collaboration, and Boundary cross-                            searcher information seeking in interdisciplinary
ing. Using bibliometric techniques, Morillo et al                             fields may tell us not only about the needs and prob-
(2003) measured interdisciplinarity in the sciences                           lems of people in those fields—something we very
based on the Institute for Scientific Information (ISI)                       much need to learn about—but also about what fac-
multi-assignation of journals in subject categories.                          tors, in general, contribute to ease and difficulty in
They found that a high degree of interdisciplinarity                          scholarly information seeking. She notes that inter-
was common in engineering, physics, and chemistry                             disciplinary researchers constitute a significant and
and concluded that new, emerging disciplines are                              distinctive class of scholars, much deserving of re-
highly interdisciplinary and show a predominance of                           search on their particular information needs and in-
“big interdisciplinarity.” Haythornthwaite (2006)                             formation-seeking behavior. Many other researchers
studied exchanges among three distributed interdisci-                         have investigated the challenges and issues of search-
plinary teams (one science and two social science                             ing in interdisciplinary areas (Kutner 2000; Palmer
teams) and found the highest indication of mutual ex-                         1999; Palmer and Neumann 2002; Foster 2004; Weis-
change in reports of joint research in the science team.                      gerber 1993; White 1996).
Leydesdorff (2007) has introduced a new indicator
called “betweenness centrality” as a measure of inter-
disciplinarity of scientific journals.

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A. Shiri. Revealing Interdisciplinarity in Nanoscience and Technology Queries: A Transaction Log Analysis Approach

2.4 Information search behavior of scientists and                              2.5 Transaction log analysis studies
    engineers using electronic information resources
                                                                               Transaction log analysis involves the following three
Several studies have focused on the ways in which new                          steps: TLA involves the following three major stages,
technologies such as email, electronic publishing, and                         which are as follows: a) collection: the process of col-
the Internet have affected the information seeking be-                         lecting the interaction data for a given period in a
haviour of petroleum engineers (Joseph 2001), as well                          transaction log, b) preparation: the process of cleaning
as scientists and engineers (Llull 1991); informal in-                         and preparing the transaction log data for analysis; and
formation sharing among scientists and engineers (Po-                          c) analysis: the process of analyzing the prepared data
land 1991); and information sources used by design,                            (Jansen 2006). Peters (1993) provides a review of
process, and manufacturing engineers (Kwasitsu 2003).                          transaction log analysis library and experimental IR
Pinelli (1991), for instance, reviews the literature of in-                    systems used in the 1980s and early 1990s. Transaction
formation seeking practices of scientists and engineers                        log analysis has been employed to study users of the
to discuss some of the differences in the information                          Internet in public libraries (Curry 2005); search en-
seeking patterns of scientists and engineers. Allen                            gines (Jansen and Pooch 2001; Cothey 2002; Ke et al
(1977) comments that engineers are more likely to use                          2002; Wen et al 2002; Jansen et al 2005; Mat-Hassan
specific forms of literature such as handbooks, stan-                          and Levene 2005; Sanderson and Dumais 2007); com-
dards, specifications, and technical reports. King et al                       parative evaluation of web search engines (Jansen and
(1994) provide a comprehensive review of engineers’                            Spink 2005); OPACs (Millsap and Ferl 1993; Blecic et
information needs, seeking processes, and use. Leckie                          al 1998; Lau and Goh 2006); library websites (Ghaph-
et al (1996) provide an analysis and interpretation of                         ery 2005); digital libraries (Jones et al 2000; Mahoui
empirical studies on the information habits and prac-                          and Cunnigham 2000; Marchionini 2000; Nicholas et
tices of three groups: engineers, health care profession-                      al 2006a; Zuccala et al 2007); electronic journals
als, and lawyers to propose a general model of informa-                        (Eason et al 2000; Davis and Solla 2003; Jamali et al
tion seeking. Other researchers have investigated the                          2005; Nicholas et al 2005; Nicholas et al 2006b); elec-
information seeking patterns of engineers and research                         tronic books (Hughes and Buchanan 2001; Connaway
scientists in an industrial environment (Ellis and Hau-                        and Snyder 2005); and organizational interfaces
gan 1997); astronomers, chemists, mathematicians, and                          (Marchionini 2002). Peters (1993) provides a useful
physicists (Brown 1999); environmental scientists                              discussion of the history and development of transac-
(Murphy 2003); engineers (Hertzum and Pejtersen                                tion log analysis. Troll Covey (2002) provides a very
2000); and interdisciplinary scholars in the areas of the                      useful guide on the use of transaction log analysis for
arts, social sciences, and science and information media                       studying users of digital libraries, OPACs, and library
studies (Spanner 2001). Palmer (2005, 2006, and                                websites. Jansen (2006) presents transaction log analy-
Palmer et al 2007) discusses different levels of research                      sis as a methodological framework along with strengths
work and information use within an interdisciplinary                           and limitations of this method in research. In the pre-
brain research context. Chau et al (2006) developed a                          sent study, transaction logs of an electronic book digi-
knowledge portal for nanoscience and technology in-                            tal library have been analyzed to investigate the search
formation called NanoPort incorporating collection                             behaviour patterns of nanoscience and technology
building, meta-searching, keyword suggestion, and                              searchers, in particular the extent of interdisciplinarity
various content analysis techniques such as document                           in the queries formulated by nanoscience and technol-
summarization, document clustering, and topic map                              ogy searchers.
visualization. User evaluation of NanoPort showed
that NanoPort could provide results with higher preci-                         3.0 Methodology
sion than benchmarking search engines such as Google
and NanoSpot (Qin et al 2004).                                                 The literature on the information search behaviour of
   The aim of present research is to investigate the in-                       nanoscience and technology information searchers is
formation search behaviour of nanoscience and tech-                            scarce. The overarching objective of this study was to
nology researchers through analyzing transaction                               investigate the information search behaviour of nano
logs of a nano electronic book digital library called                          researchers interacting with a nanoscience and tech-
NANOnetBASE. In particular, it examines the extent                             nology electronic book digital library. A more specific
of interdisciplinarity in the queries formulated by na-                        objective was to examine whether the data can pro-
no researchers.                                                                vide a basis for investigating the interdisciplinary na-

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           A. Shiri. Revealing Interdisciplinarity in Nanoscience and Technology Queries: A Transaction Log Analysis Approach

ture of the queries formulated by nano researchers.                             found to be exact matches for searchers’ query terms
As a result, the nature of this research is exploratory                         were traced to their top terms using their broader
rather than hypothesis-driven.                                                  terms. All of the top terms were then compared with
                                                                                the INSPEC Classification codes. The classification
3.1 Research questions                                                          codes were used due to their discipline-based categori-
                                                                                zation. A detailed description of the dataset and data
The research questions addressed in this study are                              analysis methods is provided in the following sections.
listed below. The first three focus on search charac-
teristics and strategies of nano researchers while the                          3.2 The NANOnetBASE e-book digital library
remaining two are concerned with interdisciplinarity
in the searchers’ queries.                                                      NANOnetBASE is an e-book database for nano-
                                                                                technology and nanoscience researchers consisting of
– What are the search behaviour characteristics of                              nanoscience and technology references in an online
  nano searchers, including session length, query                               collection. This full-text database contains 45 titles
  characteristics, and the use of query operators?                              that can be accessed in a variety of ways. Researchers
– What query formulation and reformulation strate-                              can browse titles from subject lists (e.g., Biomedical
  gies did users employ?                                                        Engineering, Computer Engineering, Electrical Engi-
– What search strategies were adopted by the users                              neering, Electrical Engineering Communications,
  (e.g., basic vs. advanced search features, failed and                         Electronics, General, Industrial Engineering & Manu-
  erroneous queries, and spelling issues)?                                      facturing, Laser & Optical Engineering, Mechanical
– Can disciplinary and interdisciplinary queries be                             Engineering, and Nanoscience/Nanotechnology) or
  identified? What subject areas are covered by the                             search within all titles using keywords.
  queries formulated by nano researchers?
– Are thesauri capable of providing a basis for identi-                         3.3 Transaction log dataset
  fying interdisciplinary queries in the area of
  nanoscience and technology?                                                   The data used in this study consisted of transaction
                                                                                logs from the NANOnetBASE digital library be-
Table 1 shows the variables used in this study along                            tween July 2004 and October 2006. The data was ac-
with their descriptions and the coding method.                                  quired from a large Canadian university with strong
   The data analysis was based on Jansen’s (2006)                               nanoscience and technology research profile where
transaction data analysis method, which includes term                           more than 140 nano researchers are currently active.
level, query level, and session level analyses. The IN-                         They include faculty members as well as graduate
SPEC thesaurus and the INPSEC Classification                                    students and post-doc researchers. It should be noted
Codes were used to map the disciplines represented                              that the actual users were not involved in this study.
by the query terms. The INPSEC terms that were                                  Rather, their interactions with the digital library, cap

 Variable                   Definition                                                                Coding
 Session                    Session length and the type of interactions users had                     Manual coding: identifying and recording
                            with the system (e.g., time spent on formulating and                      sessions using IP addresses
                            submitting a query and time spent on viewing the re-
                            sults). A transaction log may contain many sessions
                            in which users go to digital library for purposes other
                            than searching.
 Query terms                Number of terms per query                                                 Manual count
 Search strategies          Construction of queries using                                             Identified and counted queries with op-
                            Boolean operators; queries with acronyms                                  erators and acronyms
 Query reformulation        Any change to the initial query terms                                     Manual comparison of initial vs. reformu-
                                                                                                      lated terms
 Subject areas of queries   Discipline-based analysis of queries                                      Comparison of query terms with two
                                                                                                      thesauri, INSPEC and Compendex

                                                Table 1. Definition of variables studies

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                                        Table 2. Snippet from a sample transaction log

tured in the NANOnetBASE server, were used as re-                                 Session level analysis: includes session length and
search data in this study. In total, 1921 transactions                            the type of interactions users had with the system
were analyzed. Table 2 provides a sample of transac-                              (e.g., time spent on formulating and submitting a
tion logs that were analyzed in the study. The table                              query and time spent on viewing the results). This
has the following four columns:                                                   session definition is similar to the definition of a
                                                                                  unique visitor that is used by commercial search
–   Date and time of activity.                                                    engines and organizations to measure Web site traf-
–   User identifier (in the form of IP address).                                  fic (Jansen 2006).
–   Activity detail (query or book viewed).
–   Activity type: book viewed, advanced search, quick                        4.0 Results
    search, search results viewed, or managed account
    information.                                                              The results and findings presented here are based on
                                                                              the order of the research questions.
3.4 Data analysis                                                                In order to provide a brief overview of the general
                                                                              results, Table 3 shows the number of sessions, que-
Jansen (2006) suggests three common levels of analy-                          ries, reformulated queries, and queries using advanced
sis for examining transaction logs (i.e., term, query,                        search features.
and session), so we based our data analysis on these.
Before the transactions were analyzed, the transac-                             Variable                                       Number
tion logs were converted into a spreadsheet to facili-                          Sessions                                         552
tate data manipulation.                                                         Queries                                          393
                                                                                Queries using acronyms                            40
    Term level analysis: the number, nature, and fre-                           Reformulated queries                             155
    quency of user terms.                                                       Queries using advanced search features            22

    Query level analysis: includes query characteristics                            Table 3. Summary of session and query-related data
    as follows:
    – Query formulation and reformulation (and the                            4.1 Session length
       reasons for query reformulations),
    – Query construction strategies (use of Boolean                           Jansen et al (2005) noted that a session is the entire se-
       operators, quick vs. advanced search strategies                        ries of queries submitted by a user during one interac-
       etc.),                                                                 tion with the Web search engine. This definition was
    – Query classification (based on disciplines).                            taken into consideration while analyzing the dataset in
                                                                              this study. Session length information for the dataset

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was only available for the years 2005 and 2006. Table 4                           Table 5 shows that approximately 60% of queries
shows the average time spent on each search step by an                            consisted of two or more terms. This finding is par-
individual user; the overall search session length ranged                         ticularly interesting when compared with previous
from 30 seconds to more than 6 hours. This result                                 studies that found users tend to use very short que-
should be contextualized by the fact that this is in a                            ries. This can be explained by the very specific cover-
digital library that is an electronic book digital library                        age of this digital library and, based on closer exami-
with more than 44 titles. Some users spent more time                              nation of queries, that nano researchers tended to
on consulting the content than querying. The time                                 start with very specific, but long, muti-term queries
spent on each query averaged 2 minutes and fifty-one                              and then reformulated their queries if they were con-
seconds, but users spent more time looking at particu-                            sidered to be too restrictive in terms of retrieval. A
lar books and also viewing the results of their searches.                         hypothesis could be formulated to test whether in-
                                                                                  terdisciplinary searchers tend to formulate longer
 Activity type                                 Time spent                         queries than disciplinary searchers.
 Average Session                                  1:51:00
 Average Query                                    0:02:51                         4.3 Search strategies
 Average Book Viewed                              0:08:04
 Average Search Results Viewed                    0:05:57                         One advantage to using transaction logs is the ability
                                                                                  to see the entire search process. After performing a
                 Table 4. Search session length                                   query, the user receives search results from the NA-
                                                                                  NOnetBASE with the following information: number
It is important to note the difference between the aver-                          of times the search string appears in the document and
age session of 1 hour 51 minutes and the individual ac-                           a list of documents (usually chapter titles) indicating
tivities that occurred during the sessions; that is, most                         book title, authors, and file size. Unfortunately, there
users performed several activities during their interac-                          is little context for the user to determine whether re-
tion with the system. Users who chose to limit their                              trieved results are actually relevant without opening
session to one single action normally viewed a single                             the document itself. No abstract or brief annotation is
book. Of the 187 sessions, 161 of these involved view-                            provided for any of the documents found. Figure 1
ing a book. This is not surprising since it reflects the                          shows the NANOnetBASE search results screen.
nature of the digital library resources itself.                                       The search process begins with the query. During
                                                                                  the time period of this study, most users started with a
4.2 Query terms                                                                   quick search easily carried out from the homepage. It
                                                                                  is interesting to note that, in 2005, the number of Ad-
The average number of terms used per query was 2.11;                              vanced Searches and Quick Searches performed were
the maximum terms used was 8. Most users were look-                               almost equal (i.e., 94 Advanced Searches and 90 Quick
ing for subjects, and their queries reflected looking for                         Searches), but Quick Searches were far more popular
subjects in a direct away. For example, if someone were                           in 2004 (almost twice as many) and 2006 (almost four
looking for information about “textiles” and nano-                                times as many). It is also interesting that most users
technology, the query would be simply “textile.” Que-                             did not move from Quick Search to Advanced Search,
ries with more terms tended to be searches for book ti-                           but preferred to reformulate their search within the
tles, which are usually longer than one or two words.                             search type they started with. This may suggest that
                                                                                  the advanced search functionality was not viewed as
  Number of terms          Number of           Percentage of
                                                                                  desirable, relevant, or intuitive to the users.
   used in queries          Queries              Queries
                                                                                      NANOnetBASE has many search functions in-
          1                  156                   40%
                                                                                  cluding single character, stemming, fuzzy search,
          2                  137                   35%
                                                                                  phonic search, synonym search, numeric range, and
          3                   53                   14%
          4                   19                    5%
                                                                                  variable term weighting. These search functions,
          5                    9                    2%
                                                                                  however, are not well-used by users of this database.
          6                   13                    3%                            Only 22 queries out of 393 used any advanced search
          7                    3                  0.76%                           functions and the majority of these just used Boo-
          8                    3                  0.76%                           lean. Table 6 provides a summary of various search
        Total                393                                                  strategies adopted by searchers along with the fre-
                                                                                  quency of those strategies in the dataset.
           Table 5. Number of terms in queries

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A. Shiri. Revealing Interdisciplinarity in Nanoscience and Technology Queries: A Transaction Log Analysis Approach

                                         Figure 1. The NANOnetBASE search results screen

 Search features                                             No.                  Quick Search where those functions can be used but
 Queries using advanced search functions                      22                  are not promoted in any obvious way, the simple and
 Queries using more than one advanced search                   4                  easy access to free text searching, or users’ frustration
 function                                                                         when advanced search features retrieve no results. In-
 Queries using 2 advanced search function                      4                  terestingly, many consecutive searches revealed users
 Queries using Boolean operators                              20                  searching for single and plural versions of the same
 Queries using AND                                            19                  word, so the use of wildcard characters or truncation
 Queries using OR                                              1                  has potential time-saving benefits.
 Queries using phrase searching                                4
 Queries using parentheses                                     1                  4.4 Search for acronyms
 Queries using truncation                                      1
                                                                                  About 10% of the queries made use of some form of
                   Table 6. Search strategies                                     acronym. This suggests that, as in many scientific
                                                                                  fields, acronyms are a commonly-used and intrinsic
Although the ‘?’ character can be used to match any                               language form within the literature of nanoscience
single character, no queries in this dataset used it.                             and technology. Table 7 shows the extent of the use
Furthermore, there were no uses of stemming, fuzzy                                of acronyms in the searches.
search, phonic search, synonym search, numeric range,                                The search function of NANOnetBASE does not
or variable term weighting. Among the variety of                                  handle acronyms intelligently, so users must know and
reasons users chose not to use these functions could                              use their full forms as well. If an acronym is entered,
be a lack of understanding how they work, inaccessi-                              only a small number of results are retrieved because the
bility of descriptions or instructions, reliance on                               system does not offer simultaneous full-form and ac-

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 Queries containing acronyms                          % of 393                     Reasons for query reformulation                 No of
                                                      queries                                                                    instances
 Queries using acronyms                                  9.67                      Query changed (spelling errors)                   9
 Queries using 1 acronym by itself                       4.33                      Query expansion (additional terms added)          32
 Queries using acronyms and full form                    4.58                      Major shifts                                      38
 Queries using 2 acronyms                                0.76                      Query narrowed (narrower term used)               21
                                                                                   Query broadened ( broader term used)              26
                Table 7. Queries using acronyms                                    Query restructured (query terms moved             6
ronym searches to make the document selection pro-                                 Synonymous terms used                             23
cess easier. To ensure that all relevant documents are re-                         Total                                            155
trieved, users must combine the acronym with its full-
                                                                                      Table 9. Type and number of reformulation strategies
form equivalent using the Boolean operator OR.
                                                                                 Figure 2 provides a graphical representation of the
4.5 Query reformulation
                                                                                 reasons for query reformulation and the number of
                                                                                 instances for each reformulation reason.
A key question of this research was to examine how
                                                                                    One interesting observation regarding the nature of
users reformulated their queries and the reasons for
                                                                                 the queries submitted by nano searchers was that, of
doing so. Query reformulation can be interpreted in a
                                                                                 132 terms starting with the prefix “nano,” a few were
variety of ways. For instance, adding terms to the ini-
                                                                                 very general (e.g., nanotechnogy or nanoscience) but
tial search terms is considered to be one of the ways in
                                                                                 most represented very specific query terms; for exam-
which a query can be expanded whereas dropping any
                                                                                 ple, “nano-onion,” “nonoparticle,” “nanofabrication,”
terms from the initial query terms would be consid-
                                                                                 “nanotubes,” and “nanocones.” Due to a lack of con-
ered query refinement or modification. Through the
                                                                                 sistency in the ways these terms appear in different
analysis of users’ terms and the various ways in which
                                                                                 documents (e.g., sometimes hyphenated, sometimes
they reformulated their initial queries, we identified a
                                                                                 not), some searchers were not successful at retrieving
number of query reformulation strategies discussed in
                                                                                 any documents using these terms if they happened to
this section. Table 8 shows basic statistics about the
                                                                                 try the wrong form. Figure 2 refers to a shift to a to-
number of total queries and the reformulated queries
                                                                                 tally different topic. Table 10 below shows examples
in the analyzed dataset. One important observation is
                                                                                 of query reformulations.
that approximately 40% of queries were reformulated.
                                                                                 4.6 Interdisciplinarity in queries
 Query details                                         No. of
                                                                                 Another key question of this research was to examine
 Number of sessions                                       552
                                                                                 whether disciplinary or interdisciplinary queries can
 Total number of queries                                  393
                                                                                 be identified in the search behaviour of nano re-
 Total number of reformulated queries                     155
                                                                                 searchers. This is a complex and multidimensional
      Table 8. Number of Initial and reformulated queries                        question because interdisciplinarity can be inter-
                                                                                 preted from a variety of perspectives and using vari-
Table 9 shows types of reformulation strategies and                              ous methods (Palmer 1999; Morillo et al 2003). Pre-
the number of reformulations carried out by users.                               vious research on the interdisciplinary nature of
One interesting pattern was the use of phrases in                                nanoscience and technology has largely focused on
searching, and many reformulated queries were, in                                citation analysis and domain mapping (Meyer and
fact, the result of phrase searching. The “major shift”                          Persson 1998; Meyer 2010; Zitt 2006). Here the in-
category refers to a reformulation strategy where the                            tention is to explore whether the data allows us to
user tries a new query related to the initial query but                          address this issue from a search behaviour perspec-
not by any hierarchical or semantic relationships.                               tive. Some specific questions in this regard might be:
“Expansion” and “major shifts” queries constitute
37% of the 155 total reformulated queries. Also, 37%                             – Are there any queries that represent more than one
of reformulated queries were hierarchically or syn-                                discipline?
onymously related to the initial queries.

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A. Shiri. Revealing Interdisciplinarity in Nanoscience and Technology Queries: A Transaction Log Analysis Approach

                                            Figure 2. Query reformulation strategies

 Initial query     Spelling    Query ex-        Query modi-             Query modi-               Query         synonyms      Major shift
                    error       pansion            fication               fication             restructured
                                                 (narrower)              (broader)
 Protiein           Protein
                                                                          Heat sink
 heat sink
 DNA wire                                                                                      Wiring DNA
 Nanoparticle                                                                                                  Nanoparticle
 toxicology                                                                                                      toxicity

                                    Table 10. Examples of query reformulation strategies

– Are there any specific characteristics associated                           ity with their actual search behaviour, their research
  with interdisciplinary queries?                                             topics, and the results of the query analysis. How-
– Are interdisciplinary queries more complex and                              ever, in order to analyze the data to support our
  sophisticated than disciplinary queries?                                    analysis of the extent of interdisciplinarity in the que-
                                                                              ries, it was decided to conduct some analyses of user
Because we did not have access to the users them-                             terms and compare them with thesauri in two com-
selves or their research and educational backgrounds,                         mercial databases, namely INSPEC and Compendex,
it was not possible to base any evaluation on their                           and then compare them to the INSPEC classification
perception of interdisciplinarity. It would be instruc-                       codes that represent disciplines.
tive to compare users’ perception of interdisciplinar-

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4.7 Mapping user terms to INSPEC                                                Terms representing disciplines      No. of top       %
    and Compendex thesauri                                                                                           terms
                                                                                Top terms representing one              24          37.5
The first type of analysis was to map users’ terms                              discipline
with the terms in the two thesauri attached to the                              Top terms representing two              22          34.3
INSPEC and Compendex databases. This has been                                   disciplines
reported in another paper (Shiri & Chambers 2008)                               Top terms representing                  18          28.2
                                                                                three or more disciplines
showing that approximately 50% of terms entered by
users matched those of the Inspec thesaurus and that                            Total                                   64
around 62% of users’ search terms were matched                                  Table 11. Percentage of top terms representing disciplines
those of the Compendex thesaurus.
                                                                              The top terms mapped to the INSPEC Classification
4.8 Mapping top terms to the                                                  Codes represent the following disciplines: A - Physics,
    INSPEC Classification codes                                               B - Electrical Engineering & Electronics, C - Com-
                                                                              puters & Control, and E - Manufacturing & Produc-
The second type of analysis investigated whether any                          tion Engineering.
element of interdisciplinarity could be observed in                              One important observation about queries repre-
users’ queries. To analyze this, the INPSEC thesaurus                         senting two or three disciplines is that most had the
terms that were exact matches for searchers’ query                            INSPEC codes A and B for Physics and Electrical
terms were traced to their top terms using broader                            Engineering & Electronics, respectively. As Table 11
term indications in the thesaurus. All the top terms                          shows, approximately 62% of the top terms represent
were then compared with the INSPEC Classification                             two or more disciplines. Our findings also suggest
codes, which represent discipline-based categoriza-                           that some query terms represented a greater degree of
tions. Appendix A shows the classification structure                          interdisciplinarity. In other words, there may be que-
and its treatment of various domains.                                         ry terms that occur in more than one discipline or are
   Each INSPEC top term was searched in the subject                           discussed, researched, and searched from a variety of
field of the INSPEC database to retrieve records for                          perspectives. A closer examination of the top terms
each term with their subject fields containing the top                        and some of the associated classification codes pro-
term. Following the search, details of up to 10 docu-                         vides another interesting aspect of query interdisci-
ments were examined to ensure that the top term was,                          plinarity. Among the terms with a higher degree of
in fact, among the first three terms assigned to each                         interdisciplinarity, there were such terms as “coat-
document in the database. Then, classification codes                          ings,” “fluidics,” “control equipment,” “interface
for those records were examined and recorded to ana-                          phenomena,” “surface treatment,” and “vacuum tech-
lyze the disciplines and sub-disciplines they repre-                          niques.”
sented. The rationale for this method is that it takes                           Another interesting observation relates to code A8
into account the document collection as context for                           in appendix “A” or “Cross-disciplinary physics & re-
top terms; in other words, top terms associated with                          lated areas of science & technology.” There are a
classification codes and the document collection                              number of top terms that have been assigned this
formed the basis for the analysis of interdisciplinary                        classification code thus demonstrating another di-
queries.                                                                      mension of interdisciplinarity. That is, terms such as
   Top terms and classification codes were entered                            “electrochemical devices,” “transistors,” “disperse
into an MS Excel spreadsheet and analyzed (Appen-                             systems,” and “electric field effects” appear in docu-
dix A lists the INSPEC top terms and the INSPEC                               ments that show more interdisciplinarity than re-
Classification Codes utilized). In total, 64 unique top                       flected in the codes assigned to them. Another inter-
terms were used for searching NANOnetBASE and                                 esting observation is that 52 out of the 64 top terms
were compared with the INSPEC Classification                                  had the classification code “A” (i.e., physics) which
Codes. Table 11 summarizes the analysis of top terms                          suggests physics plays a key role in nanoscience and
with regards to their disciplinary or interdisciplinary                       technology and that a majority of nanoscience and
origins.                                                                      technology search queries are, in fact, associated with
                                                                              this discipline.

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5.0 Discussion                                                                  gine users. Wolfram (2008) found that query length
                                                                                varies in different web-based information retrieval
Interdisciplinary searching in the area of nanotechnol-                         environments; users tend to formulate shorter que-
ogy is an interesting topic as it sheds light on the ways                       ries in bibliographic databanks or specialized search
in which knowledge organization systems, digital li-                            services (1.81 and 1.78 terms per query, respectively)
braries, portals, and other web services can be devel-                          and longer queries when using OPACs or search en-
oped. The following discussion brings together and                              gines (3.66 and 2.62 terms per query respectively). In
discusses our results with findings reported previously.                        the present study, the average number of terms per
Session length indicates the level of users’ engagement                         query was 2.11. An interesting observation in this
and also their interaction with the system. Jones et al                         study was that approximately 24% of queries had
(2000) suggest that over half (54.34%) of user sessions                         three or more terms. This can be explained by users
they studied had a duration of five or fewer minutes,                           carrying out searches in an electronic book collection
while two thirds (66.43%) had a duration of ten min-                            specific to the area of nanoscience and technology,
utes or less. Marchionini (2002) reported that many re-                         where users could formulate very specific but some-
searchers use 30 minutes as a sensible idle time interval                       times long and hyphenated queries. Some queries
for a session delimiter..Spink and Jansen (2004) noted                          formulated by nano researchers are multifaceted and
that the mean session time associated with an identifier                        are more sophisticated compared to queries submit-
was more than two hours for some search engine data-                            ted to general search engines.
sets but most sessions lasted less than 15 minutes.                                In total, 22 queries made use of Boolean operators,
Wolfram (2008) found that users were more likely to                             but it must be noted that the interface does not ex-
engage in extensive searching using the OPAC and                                plicitly provide search options using Boolean opera-
specialized search system as compared to search en-                             tors, thus partly explaining the limited use. Gerhard,
gines and bibliographic databases. In the present study,                        Su, and Rubens (1998) note that despite keyword,
session length was found to be in line with those from                          Boolean, and other sophisticated search techniques
Wolfram (2008) and Spink & Jansen (2004); the aver-                             making it easier to access interdisciplinary and newly
age session lasted for an hour and fifty-one minutes.                           emerging bodies of literature, poorly constructed
This finding should be viewed in light of users interact-                       keyword searching still results in the retrieval of
ing with an electronic book digital library so a signifi-                       much irrelevant material. In this study, query refor-
cant amount of time was spent viewing individual elec-                          mulations and consecutive searches were related to
tronic books. It can be argued that, in the context of                          the poor performance of keyword searching. A close
electronic book libraries, users generally spend more                           examination of users’ queries showed that approxi-
time compared to OPAC searches, search engine use,                              mately 10% of their queries included some form of
and bibliographic databases consultation.                                       acronym. Because nanotechnology queries may rep-
   One search pattern related to search modes found in                          resent multifaceted and interdisciplinary search
this study was that approximately 40% of searches that                          terms, the use of acronyms should be considered one
were carried out in 2004 to 2006 used the advanced                              search strategies that digital libraries in this field must
search mode. This may be partly explained by the                                support. In the present study, users showed variabil-
NANOnetBASE interface not being flexible enough                                 ity in their use of search terms, including American
to support users’ retrieval of partially relevant results in                    and British spellings. The matching algorithm and the
their initial searches. Furthermore, approximately 85%                          interface should be designed to support users by pro-
of searches were subject searches reflecting the impor-                         viding cross references for variant spelling forms and
tance of providing subject-based search support for us-                         acronyms, particularly the disambiguation of homo-
ers of e-book digital libraries. All of the query terms                         graphs such as ‘PVD’ to distinguish between Physical
were checked against the electronic book titles that                            Vapour Deposition and Peripheral Vascular Disease.
were available in the NANOnetBASE digital library.                                 One key search strategy that can be used to infer
This observation is particularly important as users                             users’ search patterns and behaviours is query refor-
could easily browse the list of titles available in the li-                     mulation. The analyzed data showed that approxi-
brary, hence the focus on subject-based searches.                               mately 40% (155 of 393) of the queries were subject
   Number of terms per query and query length rep-                              to reformulations. Some reasons for query reformula-
resent search behaviour characteristics of interest to                          tions were spelling errors, hyphenated and combined
researchers. Jansen et al (2005) reported 2.35 average                          words, narrowing the search, broadening the search,
number of terms per query for Altavista search en-                              restructuring the query, and use of phrase searching

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and synonyms. The reformulation reasons noted ear-                            nology. Examples of these patterns are the use of
lier indicate that nanotechnology information search-                         multiword and compound query terms, hyphenated
ers require terminological support to carry out suc-                          terms, spelling variations, query reformulation, and
cessful reformulations and to explore the conceptual                          the use of acronyms. One hypothesis that can be
structure of the collection. The use of multiword                             formulated based on this study is that interdiscipli-
search terms and the order of the terms pose a chal-                          nary searchers tend to carry out more query reformu-
lenge to nanotechnology searchers in terms of formu-                          lation and modification compared with disciplinary
lating queries. It is of particular importance that the                       searchers. This hypothesis should be tested by a user-
interface and the search system be flexible enough to                         centred study, in which user contextual factors, such
guide the user throughout the search process. Inter-                          as task, intent, education level, and computer and in-
active term suggestion facilities based on the docu-                          formation literacy could be captured. This study also
ment collection can alleviate this problem.                                   demonstrated that knowledge structures such as
    Braun et al (1997) analyzed the early growth of                           thesauri attached to multidisciplinary databases and
nanoscience research during 1986-1995 and counted                             the INSPEC Classification Codes can contribute to
the occurrence of nano-prefix terms in the title of                           the identification of interdisciplinary queries. In par-
journal papers; they found 4,152 such papers during                           ticular, the INSPEC and Compendex thesauri can
1985-1995, which indicated a fast growth rate.                                provide interactive term suggestion facilities to sup-
Schummer (2004b) measured the growth of “nano-                                port users in exploratory browsing and searching of
title-papers” in terms of annual growth rate and dou-                         nanotechnology information collections by providing
bling times in different bibliographic databases and                          a structure for consecutive or reformulated searches.
various disciplines. In the present study, approxi-                           In addition, the knowledge structures in thesauri con-
mately 132 of the search terms used had the prefix                            textualize terms and how they are used in different
“nano,” thus stressing the importance of incorporat-                          disciplines and subject areas. Other findings suggest
ing ways to handle these terms by the search system.                          that the use of acronyms and full form of terms
    McCain (1989) studied descriptor versus citation-                         should be accommodated to allow users to disam-
based retrieval in the medical behavioural sciences lit-                      biguate their search terms; the user interface/system
erature and found the overlap between the results re-                         should provide opportunities to use either hyphen-
trieved using descriptors and the results retrieved                           ated or non-hyphenated words without penalizing
through citation-based searches was low. The use of                           the user by zero hits. The user terms that will be
INSPEC thesaurus terms along with INSPEC Classi-                              matched with the terms in the thesaurus, either ex-
fication Codes provided an analytical framework for                           actly or partially, could be shown to the user in addi-
this type of categorization in this study. Sixty-two                          tion to the discipline or disciplines in which these
percent of the 64 unique top terms resulting from                             terms are used. This way, the thesauri could be used
mapping users’ query terms to the INSPEC thesau-                              as an interdisciplinary map of several different do-
rus represented two or more disciplines and these                             mains.
queries were associated with the disciplines of Physics                          The NANOnetBASE user interface does not pro-
and Electrical Engineering & Electronics. One hy-                             vide query reformulation or modification facilities:
pothesis based on this finding is that queries related                        interdisciplinary digital library services should offer
to Physics and Electrical Engineering & Electronics                           interactive query reformulation support such as term
represent a considerable number of nanoscience and                            suggestions or a document collection map as well as
technology search queries. This finding concerning                            ranking algorithms that account for the importance
the interdisciplinarity of queries is particularly impor-                     of query terms in various disciplinary or interdiscipli-
tant, indicating that some queries are, in fact, more                         nary documents. This area also calls for revisiting in-
interdisciplinary than others.                                                formation organization and representation strategies
                                                                              based on the notion of disciplinarity. For instance,
6.0 Conclusion                                                                subject terms can be categorized, contextualized, and
                                                                              presented based on their relevance and importance in
This study was based on an analysis of transaction                            different disciplines. From a searcher’s standpoint,
logs from an electronic book digital library in the area                      search terms can be used to retrieve documents in a
of nanoscience and technology. The results show that                          collection based on disciplinary or interdisciplinary
there are certain patterns associated with searching in                       ranking or focus. If we can prove that some queries
an emerging and interdisciplinary area of nanotech-                           are more interdisciplinary than others, then it should

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