Review of Twenty-First Century Portable Electronic Devices for Persons with Moderate Intellectual Disabilities and Autism Spectrum Disorders - CEC ...

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Education and Training in Autism and Developmental Disabilities, 2011, 46(4), 479-498
                                               © Division on Autism and Developmental Disabilities

  Review of Twenty-First Century Portable Electronic Devices
    for Persons with Moderate Intellectual Disabilities and
                 Autism Spectrum Disorders
                                            Linda C. Mechling
                                 University of North Carolina Wilmington

Abstract: Use of portable electronic devices by persons with moderate intellectual disabilities and autism spectrum
disorders is gaining increased research attention. The purpose of this review was to synthesize twenty-first century
literature (2000-2010) focusing on these technologies. Twenty-one studies were identified which evaluated use
of: (a) media players with audio playback; (b) cellular/smartphones; (c) handheld computers and handheld
video players across various skills and settings to assist persons with disabilities. Guidelines and recommen-
dations for instruction and future research are provided.

Persons with moderate intellectual disabilities              mass produced (Carey, Friedman, & Bryen,
(ID) and those with a diagnosis of autism                    2005). Their portability and capacity for stor-
spectrum disorder (ASD) have been shown to                   ing large amounts of data formulate a tool for
have the ability to self-manage their own be-                providing multiple uses for persons with mod-
haviors and to independently complete func-                  erate ID and ASD including: (a) remembering
tional, daily tasks when provided with the                   and performing steps of a complex task (Riffel
proper tools and technologies (Mechling,                     et al., 2005); (b) decision making (Davies,
2007; Wehmeyer, Palmer, Smith, Davies, &                     Stock, & Wehmeyer, 2003); (c) organization
Stock, 2008). With the use of assistive technol-             and time management (Gillette & DePompei,
ogies or mainstream technologies, one of the                 2008); and (d) self-monitoring and self-man-
goals is to increase independence while de-                  agement of behaviors (Cihak, Wright, & Ay-
creasing reliance on other persons for assis-                res, 2010).
tance. Today’s portable electronic technolo-                    While these portable electronic devices are
gies, including handheld computers, cellular                 rapidly increasing in number and advancing
(cell) phones, e-books or electronic readers,                in capabilities, research evaluating their ap-
global positioning systems (GPS) and per-                    plied use with persons with disabilities re-
sonal media or MP3 players, appear to hold                   mains relatively minute. In their meta-analysis
potential for assisting persons with moderate                of single-subject design studies which evalu-
ID and those with a diagnosis of ASD. These                  ated use of technology by persons with intel-
portable technologies may be adapted or spe-                 lectual disabilities, Wehmeyer et al. (2008)
cially designed for persons with disabilities                recommended more research with a wider
(i.e., Community Integration Suite by                        range of technology devices and reported that
Ablelink Technologies; Cyrano Communica-                     only .9% of the 81 studies they evaluated used
tor TM by Kiba Technologies, LLC) or ge-                     palmtop computers, 2.2% evaluated palmtop
neric, mainstream technologies such as cell                  computers with audio vibrators, and 4.8%
phones and the iPod by Apple, Inc. that are                  evaluated electronic and information technol-
                                                             ogies (i.e., cell phones).
                                                                The purpose of this review was to examine
   Correspondence concerning this article should
                                                             the most current research which has applied
be addressed to Linda Mechling, University of                portable electronic devices to increase the in-
North Carolina Wilmington, Department of Educa-              dependent functioning of persons with mod-
tion of Young Children and Special Education, 601            erate ID and those with a diagnosis of ASD. By
S. College Road, Wilmington, NC 28404-5940.                  examining the present status of a relatively

                                                       Twenty-First Century Portable Electronic Devices     /   479
new line of research, the review holds poten-              ate intellectual disability and/or autism
tial for laying the ground work for additional             spectrum disorder.
lines and directions for future research.
Method                                                  Twenty-one studies (Table 1) were identified
The period of review was limited to those               and included in this review. Although not
studies conducted in the twenty-first century.          within the scope of this literature review, read-
Although a review of this limited extent risks          ers may also wish to review the work being
exclusion of some earlier findings, devices             conducted with handheld devices and smart-
such as personal digital assistants, which have         phones as memory and organization aids with
been in existence since the beginning of the            persons with traumatic brain injury (i.e., De-
eighties, have only become extensively popu-            Pompei et al., 2008; Gentry, Wallace, Kvar-
lar in the last few years (Nashville, 2009). Like-      fordt, & Lynch, 2008; Gillette & DePopmei,
wise, cellular phones were a rarity fifteen years       2008; Hart, Buchhofer, & Vaccaro, 2004; Hart,
ago (Cell, 2008), and the popular            O’Neil-Pirozzi, & Morita, 2003; Wade & Troy,
iPod and video iPod by Apple, Inc. were intro-          2001). The review is organized around three
duced in 2000 and 2005 respectively. There-             types of portable electronic technologies:
fore, due to the relatively recent introduction         handheld computers and handheld video
of these portable electronic technologies into          players (17 studies), cellular phones (3 stud-
mainstream society, and the rapidly changing            ies), and MP3 players (1 study). Skills ad-
nature of technology, this review extended              dressed were: functional, multi-step skills (15
from the years 2000 –2010. Journal articles             studies); time management and organization
published between those years were located              skills (4 studies), and independent transitions
using an electronic search through a univer-            (2 studies). The majority of participants were
sity EBSCOhost database (Academic Search                15 years of age and older (18 studies) while
Premier, Eric, MasterFILE Premier, PsychAR-             seven studies included students under the age
TICLES, and PsycINFO). Specific key words               of 15 years and two studies included elemen-
used in the search were a combination of the            tary age students. The majority of the studies
words disabilities, intellectual disabilities, au-      evaluated use of portable electronic devices
tism, autism spectrum disorders, mental retar-          with students with moderate ID (17 studies)
dation and the words personal digital assis-            and five of the studies included students with
tants, PDAs, handheld computers, palmtop                ASD.
computers, pocket PCs, cellular phones, cell
phones, mobile phones, smartphones, mobile              Media Players with Audio Playback
technologies, portable electronic devices,
iPhone, iPod, video iPod, MP3 players, and              In 2007, Millard reported that “every month a
portable media players. In addition to the              new portable MP3 player is on the market”
electronic search, a cross-reference, manual            with capabilities and functions extending be-
search was made of previously identified arti-          yond music players. She further sites the in-
cles.                                                   creased use of these players as a creative
   In order to be included in the review, arti-         means for providing alternative methods for
cles had to meet the following criteria:                students with disabilities to learn. Simply ap-
                                                        plied, MP3 players can deliver auditory infor-
1. Use of a quasi-experimental or single-sub-           mation to students in a step-by-step format for
   ject research design.                                completing multiple step tasks or they can be
2. Publication in peer-reviewed journal pub-            used to prompt on-task behaviors. Media play-
   lished in the English language.                      ers such as the iPod provide auditory prompts
3. Primary intervention was the evaluation of           and information in much the same way that
   a form of portable electronic technology:            earlier studies used portable cassette players
   handheld computer, cellular phone, MP3               (Post & Storey, 2003; Taber, Alberto, &
   player.                                              Fredrick, 1998), but provide more sophisti-
4. Participants were diagnosed with a moder-            cated means for navigating through recorded

480   /   Education and Training in Autism and Developmental Disabilities-December 2011

                                                   Overview of Handheld Technology

                                                           Author(s)                 Participants            Target Skill           Research Design            Setting                  Results
                                                                                                         (Dependent Variable)

                                                   Media Players with Audio
                                                   Taber-Doughty, (2005)        n ⫽ 3 CA ⫽ 15-21yrs     Operate debit & copy    Alternating treatment   Domestic living area   Picture prompting system,
                                                                                  Moderate ID            machine                                         of high school          SLP, & MP 3 Player
                                                                                                                                                                                 effective & efficient
                                                                                                                                                                                 Performance superior
                                                                                                                                                                                 when students used
                                                                                                                                                                                 their preferred system.
                                                   Stock, Davies, Wehmeyer,     n ⫽ 22 CA ⫽ 18-         Operate adapted         Within- Subjects        Center-based           Compared to a
                                                     & Palmer (2008)              21yrs Full scale IQ    phone functions &       paired samples                                  mainstream cell phone,
                                                                                  range 47–69            mainstream phone                                                        participants required
                                                                                                         functions                                                               fewer prompts & made
                                                                                                                                                                                 fewer errors with the
                                                                                                                                                                                 adapted phone.
                                                   Taber, Alberto, Hughes,      n ⫽ 14 CA ⫽ 11-         Dial phone # from       Multiple probe across   School-based.          Participants effectively
                                                     & Seltzer (2002)             14yrs Moderate ID       printed card when      groups                   Generalization to      dialed phone numbers.
                                                                                                          lost. Describe                                  community.             Difficulty describing
                                                                                                          location                                                               location.
                                                   Taber, Alberto, Seltzer, &   n ⫽ 6 CA ⫽ 14-18yrs     Operate speed dial,     Multiple probe across   School-based           Participants effectively
                                                     Hughes (2003)                Moderate ID            answer phone            students                 Generalization to      used speed dial
                                                                                                         when lost. Describe                              community.             function to place
                                                                                                         location                                                                phone call & to answer
                                                                                                                                                                                 phone when lost in
                                                                                                                                                                                 school or community.

Twenty-First Century Portable Electronic Devices
                                                                                                                                                                                 Difficulty describing


                                                                                TABLE 1—(Continued)

                                                                                Overview of Handheld Technology

                                                                                        Author(s)                 Participants           Target Skill           Research Design              Setting                Results
                                                                                                                                     (Dependent Variable)

                                                                                PDA with Text, Sound,
                                                                                  and Light Cues
                                                                                Davies, Stock, Wehmeyer     n ⫽ 12 CA ⫽ 19-         Compared                Two-group within-         Community            PDA with specially
                                                                                  (2002a)                     46yrs Full scale IQ     performance of          subjects design           vocational site      designed prompting
                                                                                                              range 45–90             tasks on schedule                                                      software more effective
                                                                                                                                      using a written                                                        than written schedule
                                                                                                                                      schedule or PDA                                                        for prompting initiation
                                                                                                                                                                                                             of tasks.
                                                                                Gentry, Wallace,            n ⫽ 22 CA ⫽ 14-         Independent             Quasi-experimental        School setting       Students were able to use
                                                                                  Kvarfordt, & Lynch          18yrs Autism            operation of PDA       pre- & post-                                    the PDA as a task
                                                                                  (2010)                                              (enter                 assessment                                      management tool.
                                                                                                                                      appointments,                                                          Maintenance of skill up
                                                                                                                                      schedules,                                                             to 8 weeks.
                                                                                                                                      assignments) &
                                                                                                                                      frequency of use of
                                                                                Gillette & Depompei         n ⫽ 20 CA ⫽ 6-20yrs     On-time behavior        Comparison of             School-based         Highest rate of on-time
                                                                                  (2008)                      Mild - moderate        using: written time      incidence rate ratios     settings             behavior using the
                                                                                                              ID                     & task list; paper       across conditions &                            PDA.
                                                                                                                                     planner, & PDA           periods using a
                                                                                                                                                              Poisson regression
                                                                                PDA with Picture Cues

Education and Training in Autism and Developmental Disabilities-December 2011
                                                                                Cihak, Kessler, & Alberto   n ⫽ 4 CA ⫽ 16-17yrs     Transition between      Multiple probe across     Community settings   Increased independent
                                                                                  (2008)                      Moderate to             vocational tasks       students                                        transitions between
                                                                                                              Severe ID                                                                                      tasks. Maintenance up
                                                                                                                                                                                                             to 9 weeks.
TABLE 1—(Continued)

                                                   Overview of Handheld Technology

                                                           Author(s)                 Participants           Target Skill           Research Design            Setting                    Results
                                                                                                        (Dependent Variable)

                                                   Cihak, Kessler, & Alberto   n ⫽ 4 CA ⫽ 18-19yrs     Independent task        Multiple probe across   Community settings     Independent task
                                                     (2007)                      Moderate ID             completion of          tasks                                           completion using the
                                                                                                         progressively more                                                     PDA. Maintenance up to
                                                                                                         difficult tasks                                                        9 weeks.
                                                   Cihak, Wright, & Ayres      n ⫽ 3 CA ⫽ 11-13yrs     Self-monitoring of      ABAB                    Middle school          Self-model pictures on the
                                                     (2010)                      High functioning        task engagement                                general education       PDA resulted in increased
                                                                                 autism                                                                 classrooms              task engagement &
                                                                                                                                                                                decreased teacher
                                                   Davis, Stock, &             n ⫽ 40 CA ⫽ 18-         Software & Pocket PC    Two-group within-       Community              Use of PDA with specially
                                                     Wehmeyer (2003)             54yrs Full scale IQ     assembly                subjects design         vocational setting     designed software
                                                                                 range 24–76                                                                                    incorporating decision
                                                                                                                                                                                points resulted in
                                                                                                                                                                                increased independence
                                                                                                                                                                                & accuracy assembling
                                                                                                                                                                                both tasks.
                                                   Davies, Stock, &            n ⫽ 10 CA ⫽ 18-         Assemble pizza boxes    Two-group within-       Community              PDA with specially designed
                                                     Wehneyer (2002b)            70yrs Full scale IQ     & package software      subjects design         vocational setting     software produced
                                                                                 range 39–72                                                                                    improved task accuracy &
                                                                                                                                                                                decreased reliance on
                                                                                                                                                                                adult prompts.
                                                   Lancioni, O’Reilly,         n ⫽ 6 CA ⫽ 23-47yrs     Cleaning, table         Alternating treatment   Day activity center    Students completed more
                                                     Seedhouse, Furniss, &       IQ unavailable          setting, food                                                          steps independently when
                                                     Cunha (2000)                Adaptive Behavior       preparation                                                            using the PDA compared
                                                                                 Scale, age                                                                                     to a picture based system.
                                                                                 equivalents 2-6.5                                                                              Steps were also clustered

Twenty-First Century Portable Electronic Devices
                                                                                 years for daily                                                                                into fewer pictures on the

                                                                                 living                                                                                         PDA.

TABLE 1—(Continued)

                                                                                Overview of Handheld Technology

                                                                                         Author(s)                Participants        Target Skill            Research Design           Setting                    Results
                                                                                                                                  (Dependent Variable)

                                                                                Riffel et al. (2005)      n ⫽ 4 CA ⫽ 16-21yrs    Table setting, rolling   Multiple probe across   School, group         Use of PDA with specially
                                                                                                            Mild to moderate       silverware, laundry     participants             home, retirement      designed software increased
                                                                                                            ID, Autism                                                              home, restaurant      number of steps performed
                                                                                                                                                                                                          without adult prompting.
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Decrease in duration time
                                                                                                                                                                                                          to complete tasks.
                                                                                PDA with Video Cues &
                                                                                  Handheld Video
                                                                                Cihak, Fahrenkrog,        n ⫽ 4 CA ⫽ 6-8yrs      Transitions between      ABAB                    Elementary school     Increased independent
                                                                                  Ayres, & Smith (2010)     Autism                 school locations &                                                     transitioning with video
                                                                                                                                   activities                                                             models presented on
                                                                                                                                                                                                          video iPod. Performance
                                                                                                                                                                                                          decreased with withdrawal
                                                                                                                                                                                                          of video models.
                                                                                Mechling, Gast, & Seid    n ⫽ 3 CA ⫽ 15-17yrs    Food preparation         Multiple probe across   Home living area of   Use of PDA with multiple
                                                                                 (2010)                     Moderate ID                                    tasks                   high school            prompt levels (audio,
                                                                                                                                                                                                          picture, video) resulted in
                                                                                                                                                                                                          immediate increase in
                                                                                                                                                                                                          independent completion of
                                                                                                                                                                                                          cooking recipes. Students
                                                                                                                                                                                                          prompts used. Performance
                                                                                                                                                                                                          maintained over time.

Education and Training in Autism and Developmental Disabilities-December 2011
                                                                                Mechling, Gast, & Seid    n ⫽ 3 CA ⫽ 16-17yrs    Food preparation         Multiple probe across   Home living area of   Use of PDA with multiple
                                                                                 (2009)                     Autism                                         tasks                   high school            prompt levels (audio,
                                                                                                                                                                                                          picture, video) replicated
                                                                                                                                                                                                          results of Mechling et al.
                                                                                                                                                                                                          (2010) although use &
                                                                                                                                                                                                          self-adjustment of prompt
                                                                                                                                                                                                          levels differed from
                                                                                                                                                                                                          previous findings.
TABLE 1—(Continued)

                                                   Overview of Handheld Technology

                                                           Author(s)                 Participants        Target Skill           Research Design             Setting                 Results
                                                                                                     (Dependent Variable)

                                                   Mechling & Seid (2011)     n ⫽ 3 CA ⫽ 21-22yrs   Pedestrian travel       Multiple probe across    University campus   Use of PDA with multiple
                                                                                Moderate ID           (walking) locating     tasks                                         prompt levels (audio,
                                                                                                      landmarks &                                                          picture, video) resulted in
                                                                                                      destinations                                                         students independently
                                                                                                                                                                           locating three different
                                                                                                                                                                           destinations. Students self-
                                                                                                                                                                           adjusted prompt levels
                                                                                                                                                                           used. Maintenance of
                                                                                                                                                                           skills over time.
                                                   Taber-Doughty, Patton, &   n ⫽ 3 CA ⫽ 13-15yrs   Locating books &        Alternating treatments   Community library   Both simultaneous &
                                                     Brennan (2008)             Moderate ID           DVDs. Use of                                                         delayed video modelling
                                                                                                      computer to locate                                                   effective. Preferred
                                                                                                      call numbers                                                         modeling system more
                                                                                                                                                                           effective for 2 students.
                                                                                                                                                                           Generalization of
                                                                                                                                                                           performance across
                                                   Van Laarhoven, Van         n ⫽ 1 CA ⫽ 17yrs      Emptying trash,         Multiple probe across    No-kill animal      Video prompting & feed-
                                                     Laarhoven-Myers,           Moderate ID          mopping, cleaning       tasks                    shelter              back, using a Video iPod,
                                                     Grider, & Grider                                bathroom, cleaning                                                    resulted in an increase in
                                                     (2009)                                          kennels                                                               correct responding across
                                                                                                                                                                           tasks & decrease in adult
                                                                                                                                                                           prompting for error
                                                                                                                                                                           correction & use of the
                                                   Van Laarhoven, Van         n ⫽ 2 CA ⫽ 18yrs      Sorting & sanitizing    Multiple probe across    Red Robin &         Video modeling & feed
                                                     Laarhoven-Myers, &         Mild to moderate      silverware,            tasks                     Applebee’s          back & least to most
                                                     Zurita (2007)              ID                    portioning recipes,                              restaurants         prompting resulted in
                                                                                                      cleaning &                                                           increased independent
                                                                                                      sanitizing work                                                      responding & decrease in
                                                                                                      area, clocking in &                                                  adult prompting

Twenty-First Century Portable Electronic Devices
                                                                                                      out, rolling

pants were able to complete tasks when two
                                                        auditory steps from the original instructions
                                                        were clustered together.

                                                        In addition to meeting basic communication
                                                        needs, it is suggested that use of cell phones by
                                                        persons with disabilities can address safety is-
                                                        sues (i.e., being lost, being stranded if a wheel-
                                                        chair breaks down) or be used as a memory
                                                        aid (alarms and reminder features) (Bryen,
                                                        Carey, & Friedman, 2007). In their survey of
                                                        cell phone use by 83 persons with intellectual
                                                        disabilities, Bryen et al. found that in addition
Figure 1. MP3 Player (Model: SM-320V). Pine
          Technology, Ltd.                              to day-to-day communication, cell phones
                                                        were most often used for emergencies, storing
                                                        phone numbers, and storing calendar infor-
segments on the device. In addition, media              mation. In the current review, two of the three
players such as video iPods now feature video           studies which evaluated use of cell phones by
playback (see section titled Handheld Com-              persons with moderate intellectual disabilities,
puters and Handheld Video Players).                     used a cell phone as an intervention for the
   In the only identified study evaluating use          emergency situation of being lost in the com-
of a media player with audio playback, Taber-           munity. In the first study, Taber, Alberto,
Doughty (2005) used a D’music MP3 Player                Hughes, and Seltzer (2002) found that 14
(Pine Technology, Ltd) (Figure 1) to deliver            middle school students were able to use a cell
auditory prompts while comparing the effects            phone to dial a number by copying a phone
and efficiency of student choice and task per-          number from a printed card and to describe
formance between prompting methods (MP3                 their physical location. Sessions were first con-
player, system of least prompts, and picture            ducted at school and then generalized to a
prompts). Data were collected for the percent           community setting. In a final phase, students
of task steps completed independently and               also dialed a different phone number than the
the duration of task completion for the tasks           one used during training.
of operating a copying machine and making                  Because some students had difficulty dial-
purchases using a debit card machine. Results           ing the phone number in the first study, speed
demonstrated that each system was effective             dialing was used in a second study by Taber,
and efficient for five high school age students         Alberto, Seltzer, and Hughes (2003). In addi-
with moderate ID and that students’ perfor-             tion to the change in dialing, they also evalu-
mances were superior when using their system            ated six secondary age students’ abilities to
of choice.                                              answer a cell phone and describe their loca-
   Although the experimental design did not             tion to the caller for those students who were
meet the criteria for inclusion in the current          not able to recognize that they were lost. Once
literature review, one additional study was             again, training took place in the school setting
identified which used a portable cassette               and then generalization sessions occurred in
player to prompt students with moderate in-             two community settings. Results were again
tellectual and visual disabilities (Lancioni,           supportive of cell phone use by students with
O’Reilly & Oliva, 2001). The study demon-               moderate intellectual disabilities when lost in
strated that although more sophisticated de-            the community. One interesting result of each
vices may be available, researchers and practi-         of these studies was that in addition to some
tioners are still finding value in lighter tech         issues with operation of the cell phone itself,
systems. An interesting finding and focus of            students had the greatest amount of difficulty
the study was that following task mastery using         describing their physical location.
step-by-step auditory instructions, the partici-           In spite of their potential benefits, Bryen et

486   /   Education and Training in Autism and Developmental Disabilities-December 2011
al. (2007) still found a gap between the use of
cell phones by people with intellectual disabil-
ities compared to persons without disabilities.
In their report they found that non-use by
persons with intellectual disabilities was pri-
marily due to cost, perception of not needing
a cell phone, and lack of accessibility. To ad-
dress the issue of cognitive accessibility, Stock,
Davies, Wehmeyer, and Palmer (2008) evalu-
ated a specially designed multimedia software
prototype, Pocket ACE (AbleLink Technolo-
gies), with 22 participants with intellectual dis-
abilities (range IQ score 47– 69). The program
operated on the Pocket PC 2002 Phone edi-
tion of a mainstream PDA and incorporated a
picture-based address book and simplified sys-
tem for operating phone functions of the
                                                           Figure 2. Videophone (Avaya Nortel 1535 IP
PDA. Adapted features allowed participants to
                                                                     model). Retrieved from http://en.wikipedia.
place phone calls by tapping pictures on the                         org/wiki/Videophone
PDA screen and to see a picture of the person
calling them when they received a call. When
compared to a mainstream Nokia cell phone,                 ments for both communication parties to own
participants required fewer prompts and                    the videophones, prevented them from taking
made fewer errors when placing and receiving               off (
calls.                                                     High-speed cable and DSL allowed video-
   With the widespread availability and rela-              phoning to eventually become popular by us-
tively inexpensive cost of cell phones, it may             ing a computer and specialized software. In
be time for the field of special education to              2006 Skype popularized the use of video-
look in-depth into cell phone use beyond                   phones by offering free worldwide calling
emergency applications. Other features and                 (
uses identified by Bryen et al. (2007) were:                  In addition to computer-based systems, vid-
paging and text messaging, connecting to the               eophones are also available in desktop or land
internet, use of voice recognition capabilities,           line models which provide video and audio
speed dialing, voice mail options, transmitting            transmissions for communication between
computer files, taking digital photographs,                people in real-time. These videophones are
and video-calling. Incorporating these fea-                currently popular among deaf persons who
tures into a cell phone is now recognized                  use them with sign language and among per-
within the realm of smartphones. Smart-                    sons with limited mobility (
phones are electronic handheld devices that                topic/videophone) (Figure 2).
integrate the functionality of a mobile phone,                Video calling and downloading multimedia
personal digital assistant (PDA), or other in-             content on mobile smartphones are currently
formation appliances to offer features beyond              available with models such as the Sony-Erics-
making voice calls (                 son K800 (
wiki/smartphone). Smartphones include de-                  phone) (Figure 3) and the newly released
vices such as BlackBerry, Razr, iPhone and                 iPhone 4 which allows video chats using a
Palm Treo (                  feature called FaceTime (
glossary).                                                 iphone/features/facetime.html) (Figure 4).
   Smartphones may also come equipped with                    Renblad (1999) reported the positive re-
built-in cameras and screens for visual, real-             sults of using early picture telephones and
time communications. In the early 1990s                    video telephones (videotelephony) to in-
AT&T introduced its VideoPhone, but the                    crease communication and social interactions
bandwidth limitation of dial-up phone lines,               among persons with intellectual disabilities. In
high cost of entry ($1,000 each), and require-             his review of the literature of studies con-

                                                     Twenty-First Century Portable Electronic Devices    /   487
ID and ASD. When re-examining the research
                                                        of Taber et al. (2002, 2003) in which students
                                                        had difficult verbally describing their location
                                                        when lost, it appears that incorporating video
                                                        on cell phones would allow students to video
                                                        record and send visual images of their loca-
                                                        tion (to the person trying to locate them)
                                                        which would provide an important applica-
                                                        tion for this technology.

                                                        Handheld Computers and Handheld Video
Figure 3. Sony-Ericsson K800. Retrieved from http://    Handheld computers, often referred to today
            as PDAs (personal digital assistants), are also
          mobilephones/overview/k800i                   known as palmtop computers and Pocket PCs.
                                                        These PDAs have been around since the be-
                                                        ginning of the eighties, but have only become
ducted in Europe, these technologies were               popular in the last few years due to innovative
reported as beneficial for assisting persons in         technologies such as 3G mobile telephony
making contacts outside of their work place             and wireless connectivity (Nashville, 2009).
and home which might otherwise be difficult             These features provide PDAs with the ability
to make. Yet, at the time of this review, pre-          to do many of the things that a PC can do,
senting video in a portable cell phone format,          such as connecting to the internet, running
had not been researched as a tool for inde-             third party applications, and serving as a mo-
pendence by persons with moderate ID or                 bile phone (Nashville). In the field of special
ASD. Future research needs to investigate the           education, PDAs may provide digital content
application of portable electronic devices with         (i.e., pictures and video) in flexible formats
video capability with persons with moderate             that can be made meaningful to individual
                                                        students with disabilities (Abell, Bauder, Sim-
                                                        mons, & Sharon, 2003). In their meta-analysis
                                                        of single-subject design studies, Wehmeyer et
                                                        al. (2008) reported palmtop computers to be
                                                        a simple and effective use of technology for
                                                        prompting persons with intellectual disabili-
                                                        ties. They suggested that these devices are
                                                        highly effective in their use of cognitive access
                                                        features such as touch screens as well as their
                                                        audio and video output and input capabilities.
                                                        Further, their portability, relative affordabil-
                                                        ity, customization features, and ability to store
                                                        large amounts of data, provide a means to
                                                        address the needs of persons with intellectual
                                                        disabilities (Stock, Davies, Davies, & Weh-
                                                        meyer, 2006).
                                                           In the current review, identification of stud-
                                                        ies using handheld computers and handheld
                                                        video players were categorized as those using:
                                                        (a) text, sound, and light; (b) picture cuing
                                                        with and without voice recording; and (c)
                                                        video recordings. Within those categories, the
Figure 4. iPhone 4. Retrieved from http://www.          identified purposes of the devices were to
       function as: (a) reminders and tools for time

488   /   Education and Training in Autism and Developmental Disabilities-December 2011
management; (b) transition aids; and (c)                  provided by the PDA since each system was
prompts and models for completing multi-                  comprised of a similar list of assigned tasks.
step functional skills.                                      In light of these positive results using the
   PDA with text, sound, and light cues. PDAs,            more basic features of a PDA, future research
which were originally designed to provide                 may want to include evaluation of alarming or
electronic task organization, can now be pro-             auditory signaling features as reminders for
grammed to include complex activity sched-                additional types of tasks from those which
ules whereby each task can be linked to a                 have been evaluated. These may include self-
reminder alarm to prompt students to check                management of health and safety issues such
their schedule (Gentry, Wallace, Kvarfordt, &             as reminders to brush one’s teeth (O’Hara,
Lynch, 2010). The basic features of text,                 Seafriff-Curtin, Levitz, Davies, & Stock, 2008),
sound, and flashing lights have been used in              checking the lock on the front door of an
this capacity to remind students to complete              apartment, or turning off the kitchen stove.
tasks. Gentry et al. used a quasi-experimental,           Individuals with moderate ID or ASD may
pre- and post-assessment design to evaluate               have the ability to complete these tasks, but
the ability of 22 high school students with ASD           may require a reminder to do so. For many,
to enter appointments, schedules, and assign-             the inability to remember to complete such
ments onto a Palm Zire 31 PDA with a re-                  tasks may prohibit them from participating in
minder alarm linked to each entry. Results                less restrictive living and work situations or
showed that students were able to use the PDA             require external reminders to be delivered by
as an electronic task management tool and to              other adults.
maintain their ability to use the cognitive aid              PDA with picture cues. Digital content, in
over an eight-week period following a brief               the form of pictures, can also be incorporated
training period.                                          onto handheld devices and have primarily
   Davies, Stock, and Wehmeyer (2002a) used               been used to provide step-by-step instructions
specially designed software, Schedule Assis-              for performing multi-step functional skills that
tant (AbleLink Technologies), as a time man-              may be new or difficult for the learner (i.e.,
agement tool that operated on a Windows CE                operating a washing machine) and tasks
palmtop computer platform. The program                    which are performed infrequently (i.e., bak-
provided an auditory beep to cue 12 students              ing a birthday cake). With these systems, in-
with intellectual disabilities (IQ scores ranged          formation is presented on a single picture and
from 45–90) to check their PDA schedule fol-              the student performs the step based on the
lowed by a recorded auditory cue telling them             information provided in the picture before
what task to perform. When compared to a                  advancing the system to the next picture
traditional written schedule, results demon-              (step) in the task sequence.
strated that the palmtop computer with sched-                Lancioni, O’Reily, Seedhouse, Furniss, and
ule prompting software was more effective                 Cunha (2000) found that six students with
than the written schedule for prompting ini-              intellectual disabilities correctly performed a
tiation of tasks.                                         greater number of cleaning, food prepara-
   Twenty students with intellectual disabilities         tion, and table setting steps when pictures
were included in a comparison study which                 were presented on an IBM 110 palm-top com-
evaluated use of a written time and task list,            puter compared to a card-based picture sys-
paper planner, and PDA with students with                 tem. The researchers further found that task
mild to moderate ID (Gillette & DePompei,                 steps could be clustered into fewer pictures as
2008). Students responded with the highest                students’ task performances improved. One
rate of on-time behavior using a 1-Dell Axim              reason attributed to the differences in perfor-
and a 2-Palm Zire 71 or 72 PDA with an alarm              mance was the ease of navigation with the
function compared to a list or planner. The               PDA (pushing one button to advance the pro-
alarm function served as an effective reminder            gram) compared to physical manipulation of
to prompt students to read the written mes-               the card system.
sage on the PDA screen which indicated the                   Cihak, Wright, and Ayres (2010) used self-
task to be completed. The researchers attrib-             modeling static picture prompts via an HP
uted the positive results to the audible “beep”           iPAQ Mobile Media Companion handheld

                                                    Twenty-First Century Portable Electronic Devices   /   489
computer with three middle school students
diagnosed with high-functioning autism. Dif-
ferent photographs showing the individual
student modeling task engagement (i.e., writ-
ing, reading) were downloaded onto Power-
Point slides so that one photograph was dis-
played every 30 seconds and the program
advanced automatically during the class pe-
riod. In addition to use of the PDA, students
self-recorded their task engagement on a 3x5
inch index card as each new picture appeared.
Results supported prompts delivered by the
handheld computer and self-recording by stu-
dents for increasing task engagement and de-
creasing teacher directed prompts. Students
were further able to generalize use of the
system across general education classrooms
(i.e., math, science, language arts).
   Picture-based PDA systems can also incorpo-
rate voice recordings to provide additional
information to that provided by the visual pic-
tures. Students typically touch the picture or a
button on the PDA to hear a verbal descrip-
tion of how to perform the step. Davies, Stock,
and Wehmeyer (2002b) provided information
to students using picture ⫹ voice recording
format. They evaluated the software program,
Visual Assistant (AbleLink Technologies),
which ran on a Windows CE platform of a
handheld computer. Ten adults with intellec-
tual disabilities (Mean IQ ⫽ 54.8) viewed step-
by-step pictures along with verbal instructions         Figure 5. Pocket Compass. AbleLink Technogies.
as they completed steps for assembling pizza
boxes and packaging software. Students dem-
onstrated improved task accuracy and de-                the screen and audio instructions which cor-
creased reliance on adult prompts across both           responded to different options available to the
tasks within a vocational setting. Using the            student (i.e., different colors of CDs to put
same Visual Assistant program and a Cassio-             into a box) (Figure 5). When the student
peia TFT palmtop computer, Riffel et al.                touched one of the decision point pictures,
(2005) demonstrated the ability of four tran-           the program advanced to the corresponding
sition-age students with mild to moderate ID            sequence of pictures and auditory cues. Forty
and one student with ASD to increase the                transition-age students with intellectual dis-
number of steps they completed without ex-              abilities (mean IQ ⫽ 55.53) participated in
ternal adult prompting (i.e., doing laundry,            the beta test and increased their indepen-
rolling silverware, and setting tables) and to          dence and accuracy in completing assembly
decrease duration time spent on each task.              tasks within a vocational setting as well as their
   Davies and colleagues (2003) evaluated an            ability to navigate decision points.
additional software prototype, Pocket Com-                 Cihak, Kessler, and Alberto (2007; 2008)
pass (AbleLink Technologies), which incorpo-            conducted two similar studies to evaluate use
rated decision points into a picture ⫹ audio            of picture and auditory prompts via a PDA to
prompting system. The software application,             prompt independent task completion and
which operated on a Pocket PC palmtop com-              transitions by students with moderate intellec-
puter platform, provided multiple pictures on           tual disabilities. Each study presented the vi-

490   /   Education and Training in Autism and Developmental Disabilities-December 2011
sual and auditory cues on an Axim ⫻30 hand-                choice or decision made by the user (i.e.,
held computer by Dell. In the first study four             which recipe to cook, laundry load size for a
students completed four separate community-                washing machine).
based tasks (i.e., stocking milk, making sub-                 PDA with video cues and handheld video players.
rolls) with each subsequent task increasing in             In a recent literature review of assistive tech-
the number of steps required for completion.               nology devices (including PDAs) used as self-
The PDA, used in conjunction with a least-to-              management tools for prompting students
most prompting system delivered by the in-                 with ID, no studies were available (through
structor, was an effective tool for delivering             2005) evaluating the use of video presented
prompts to students and task performance was               on handhelds (Mechling, 2007). The current
maintained up to 9 weeks. In the second                    review identified eight studies between the
study, four of the same tasks were used from               years 2007 and 2010 addressing use of video
the first study, along with six additional tasks,          modeling or prompting presented on porta-
to evaluate independent transitions between                ble handheld devices as intervention tools for
tasks by four students with moderate to severe             students with moderate ID and ASD.
intellectual disabilities. Similar results indi-              Video modeling, watching an entire video
cated that the handheld prompting system                   recording demonstrating how to perform a
was an effective tool for increasing indepen-              task prior to completing the task, was used in
dent task transitions and skills were once                 three of the eight identified studies utilizing
again maintained for up to 9 weeks.                        video on handheld devices. Van Laarhoven,
   In summary, although similar to picture-                Van Laarhoven-Myers, and Zurita (2007)
based booklets, the presentation of pictures               worked with two high school aged males with
on electronic PDAs, may provide a more effi-               mild and moderate intellectual disabilities in
cient and effective means for delivering                   two employment settings (Red Robin and
prompts whereby students may find the tradi-               Applebee’s) using video modeling presented
tional form of presentation to be more cum-                on an HP iPAQ hg2700 series Pocket PC. Each
bersome to manipulate and may lose their                   student completed three different tasks (i.e.,
place in the sequence (Lancioni et al., 2000).             rolling silverware, portioning recipes) using
Electronic picture-based systems with and                  video modeling and video feedback (re-watch-
without voice recordings were both found to                ing the video after errors occurred) in con-
be effective in this review. In light of research          junction with a least-to-most prompting system
which indicates that students with ASD may be              delivered by the instructor. Both students
stronger visual than auditory learners (Quill,             demonstrated an increase in independent re-
1995; West, 2008), what remains unanswered                 sponding and a decrease in external adult
is whether it is necessary to include voice re-            prompting while using the device.
cordings in conjunction with pictures. In ad-                 Taber-Doughty, Patton, and Brennan
dition to examining the need for voice record-             (2008) used a 30GB Apple video iPod (Figure
ings, future research should also continue the             6) to deliver simultaneous prompting in a
line of investigation initiated by Lancioni et al.         library whereby students watched an entire
concerning clustering multiple pictures into               video task chain, with audio instructions,
fewer pictures (2000) and clustering individ-              while simultaneously completing each step.
ual verbal prompts of steps into longer                    This format was used for locating books and
streams of auditory recordings (2001) as tasks             DVDs and using a computer to obtain call
are acquired. Research will need to examine                numbers by three middle school students with
not only students’ abilities to use these fea-             moderate intellectual disabilities. This study
tures, but the flexibility of systems for making           compared simultaneous video modeling and
these adjustments with regards to preparation              delayed video modeling in which a student
time. The line of research initiated by Davies             watched a video model at least one hour prior
et al. (2003) into the capabilities of PDAs to             to traveling to the library and locating the
function in a non-linear format also warrants              items. The delayed video modeling was pre-
more attention. With such programming, pic-                sented on a VCR/DVD player. Both systems
tures on one screen can be linked to a differ-             were found to be effective and students were
ent sequence of pictures depending on the                  able to generalize the skills to a second library,

                                                     Twenty-First Century Portable Electronic Devices   /   491
Students experienced an increase in indepen-
                                                        dent transitions when using the handheld
                                                        video device paired with a least-to-most
                                                        prompting system delivered by the instructor
                                                        and descending trends in performance when
                                                        the device was removed.
                                                           A third study also used a video iPod, but
                                                        compared to the previously reviewed studies,
                                                        the researchers used video prompting and
                                                        feedback on the device rather than video
                                                        modeling (Van Laarhoven, Johnson, Van
                                                        Laarhoven-Myers, Grider & Grider, 2009).
                                                        Video prompting requires the user to watch
                                                        one video segment on the device, complete
                                                        the corresponding step, return to the device,
                                                        watch the next video segment in the task se-
                                                        quence and so forth. Van Laarhoven and oth-
                                                        ers used video prompting and feedback to
                                                        present steps to a 17-year-old young man for
                                                        completing work-related tasks in a no-kill an-
                                                        imal shelter. Compared to the Van Laarhoven
                                                        et al. (2007) study, the participant referred
                                                        back to individual video segments (rather
                                                        than the entire video) when an error occurred
                                                        on a particular step The program also con-
                                                        tained still photographs at the beginning of
                                                        each video clip to present critical features of
          Figure 6. Video iPod. Apple, Inc.             steps and a title screen at the end of each
                                                        video clip to prompt the student to stop the
                                                        device and complete the step. Voice over nar-
however, when using the video iPod with si-             ration was also uploaded to the video iPod.
multaneous prompting, acquisition and gen-              Introduction of the video-based materials re-
eralization of skills was slightly greater for two      sulted in an increase in correct responding by
students for the computer task and for all              the participant across three job-related tasks
three students when locating DVDs and                   and a decrease in adult prompting for error
books. Of further interest was the preference           correction and use of the device.
of two of the students for using the video iPod.           In the final three studies identified in this
   A video iPod, with video modeling was also           review, PDAs were used to present multiple
used by Cihak, Fahrenkrog, Ayres, and Smith             media options to the users including: voice
(2010) to increase independent transition be-           recordings, digital photographs, and digital
haviors of four elementary students diagnosed           video. Unlike the other studies reviewed
with ASD within a general education class-              which incorporated video onto handheld de-
room. A combination of video self-modeling              vices, each of these studies used a specialized
without audio (video clips of the student as            assistive technology device rather than a main-
the model lining up, walking in the hallway,            stream, commercially available product. The
and entering the next area of the school) and           studies used a Cyrano Communicator TM
person first point-of-view (students’ vantage           (Kiba Technologies, LLC.) which was origi-
point as if they were walking to the next area)         nally designed as a portable augmentative
were used to create the video models of ten             communication device. The device operated
daily transitions. At the beginning of each             using specially designed software on a com-
transition the student watched the video                mercially available PDA (Hewlett Packard
model on the video iPod followed by a teacher           iPAQ Pocket PC or Pidion BM-150R) with
prompt to “line up” and begin the transition.           multimedia features that allowed the user to

492   /   Education and Training in Autism and Developmental Disabilities-December 2011
access pictures, video, text, and audio all on
one screen. In each of the three studies the
PDA was used for prompting step-by-step com-
pletion of multi-step functional skills. Stu-
dents could look at a picture to receive infor-
mation, repeatedly touch a picture on the
screen and hear a voice recording, touch a
video icon and play a video recording, or ad-
vance the program to subsequent screens
(task steps). Using these multiple prompting
features students could choose and self-adjust
the level of prompting delivered by the device
for each step of the task. Unlike the studies
previously reviewed in this section, no exter-
nal adult prompting (i.e., least-to-most
prompting system) was provided for task com-
pletion although the instructors did provide
prompts for use of the device.
   The first study evaluated the effects of mul-
tiple prompt levels on the independent prep-
aration of recipes by three high school age
students with moderate intellectual disabilities
(Mechling, Gast, & Seid, 2010). Immediate
and abrupt increases in the percentage of
steps completed independently were demon-
strated by each of the participants following
introduction of the PDA system and perfor-
mance was maintained over time. Results also
indicated that participants initially used more
intrusive levels of prompts and self-faded
these levels of prompts (i.e., video to photos)
                                                         Figure 7. Cyrano Communicator TM. Kiba Tech-
and later reinstated use of more intrusive
                                                                   nologies, LLC.
prompt levels, as needed, during maintenance
   In response to the Mechling et al. (2010)             evaluated the effectiveness of the PDA with
study, a second study was implemented in or-             multiple prompt levels to prompt indepen-
der to evaluate the effects of the PDA proce-            dent pedestrian travel by three transition age
dure on the same food preparation tasks, but             students with moderate intellectual disabili-
with three high school age students with ASD             ties. Similar to a global positioning system
(Mechling, Gast, & Seid, 2009). Results repli-           (GPS), students who were unable to read
cated those of the previous study in support of          maps or text used photographs and video re-
a PDA with video, pictures, and auditory                 cordings of landmarks along the routes to
prompts as a self-prompting device to assist             independently reach three different destina-
students with ASD to perform multi-step tasks.           tions on a college campus (Figure 7). Similar
Differences did exist between the two studies            to the other studies using multiple prompt
in regards to the levels of prompts used by              levels on one screen, the three students self-
students with ASD. Although they also self-              adjusted their use of prompt levels as they
adjusted the use of prompt levels, overall their         became more familiar with each route.
tendency was to continue to rely on prompts                 Results of this review on the use of hand-
from the PDA within and across recipes even              held computers with students with moderate
though they were able to complete the recipes            ID and ASD demonstrate that these small por-
independently when the PDA was removed.                  table systems provide some definite advan-
   In a third study Mechling and Seid (2011)             tages for individuals, including portability. For

                                                   Twenty-First Century Portable Electronic Devices   /   493
example, in contrast to previous studies exam-               when using picture-based and video-based
ining video and transitions, students in the                 systems (Rayner, Denholm, & Sigafoos,
Cihak et al. (2010) study did not have to re-                2009).
turn to a “home base” in order to view the               ●   effects of handheld devices on different
video on a television or computer screen. In-                types of task (i.e., fine motor compared to
stead, the portable device moved with the stu-               gross motor) (Furniss et al., 1999).
dents across environments. Similarly, in the             ●   provision of high-tech handheld systems
Mechling and Seid (2011) and Van Laarhoven                   during acquisition of skills followed by use
et al. (2009) studies, students were able to                 of light-tech (picture or auditory) systems
walk with the PDA while locating destinations                during review or continuous performance
and completing job tasks within an animal                    of skills.
shelter.                                                 ●   provision of multiple prompt levels (text,
   Although the results have all been positive               audio, picture, and video) on one device or
when using PDAs with different presentation                  one screen of a device.
modes (i.e., picture, video), accessibility issues       ●   ability of users to self-adjust the prompt lev-
remain with these mainstream devices. Stock                  els used on devices and development of sys-
et al. (2006) identified and affectively ad-                 tems that permit this adjustment (Van Laar-
dressed some of these barriers by developing                 hoven & Van Laarhoven-Myers, 2006).
and evaluating a simplified multimedia soft-             ●   effects of clustering multiple pictures of
ware system, Pocket Voyager (AbleLink Tech-                  steps into fewer pictures (Lancioni et al.,
nologies) for use with a PDA. With their pro-                2000), lengthening or shortening verbal re-
totype, they created: (a) oversized icons to                 cordings (Lancioni et al., 2001), and adjust-
address the issue of physical access with small              ing the length of video recordings (Can-
icons; (b) digital pictures for identification of            nella-Malone et al., 2006) as tasks are
contacts in the address book for persons who                 learned and repeated.
had difficulty reading text; (c) audio messages          ●   use of wide screen or zoom shots with pho-
to assist understanding of what applications                 tographs and videos when presenting differ-
were represented by each icon; (d) recorded                  ent components of tasks (Van Laarhoven et
audio files for reading phone numbers in the                 al., 2007).
address book; and (e) numbers in larger fonts            ●   comparative effects of screen size and im-
for persons who had difficulty recognizing                   ages for delivering information through pic-
and dialing numbers. They further identified                 tures and video (Stock et al., 2008).
the problems persons have with complex PDA
operating systems and provided greater con-
                                                         Discussion and Recommendations for Future
sistency across steps for starting different ap-
plications in the system. When compared to
use of a standard Windows CE operating sys-              Research into the potential benefits of porta-
tem and Pocket PC, 32 participants with intel-           ble electronic technologies for persons with a
lectual disabilities (mean IQ score 56.1) re-            diagnosis of moderate intellectual disabilities
quired fewer prompts and committed fewer                 and autism spectrum disorders is in its initial
errors when using the specially designed soft-           stages. Studies to date support the use of these
ware program.                                            technologies across environments including
   In addition to access when using handheld             work, school, and community settings and
computers, further research and development              across skills including functional multi-step
should continue to investigate the following:            skills, transitioning between tasks and environ-
                                                         ments, and time and task management.
●   use of video prompting compared to video                In spite of the positive results reported in
    modeling on portable handheld devices.               the studies reviewed, persons with intellectual
●   comparative effects of different systems             disabilities have traditionally accessed cutting
    (i.e., picture-based and video-based systems;        edge technologies far less often than those
    self-operated auditory prompting and video           without disabilities (Carey et al., 2005). In
    prompting) (Taber-Doughty et al., 2008).             their survey of 83 adults with intellectual dis-
●   importance of verbal/voice over recordings           abilities, Carey and colleagues found that only

494    /   Education and Training in Autism and Developmental Disabilities-December 2011
41% used a computer, 25.3% used the Inter-                and use by persons with intellectual disabili-
net, 27.7 used cell phones, and 10.8% used                ties (Stock et al., 2006; 2008). Researchers
electronic organizers on a regular basis. They            may wish to evaluate commercial mainstream
reported that primary barriers to use included            products such as the video iPod to determine
lack of access, lack of training and support,             if they are as effective as those made specifi-
and expense. They further found that age,                 cally for persons with disabilities (i.e., Ablelink
employment status, and self-perceived ability             Technologies, Kiba Technologies, LLC.) in
to perform fine motor tasks, significantly af-            delivering information and providing access.
fected use of these technologies. More specif-               Other directions for future research center
ically, younger persons used more technology;             around the need to explore the application of
those employed in competitive employment                  currently available features offered by PDAs
and those unemployed used more technology                 and smartphones (Gentry et al., 2010) These
than those in sheltered workshops: and per-               include:
sons who were manually able to copy informa-
                                                          ●   text to speech features on portable devices
tion (i.e., write/copy an address from a busi-
ness card) used more technology.                              so that information (i.e., emails, contact in-
   To address the issues of availability and ex-              formation) can be read to the user. Fonix
pense, some researchers support the use of                    VoiceCentral 3.1 (Fonix Speech, 2008) has
mainstream, generic devices that are designed                 built-in text-to-speech software that allows a
for the general population in mass quantities                 Pocket PC to read information and Voice-
(Cihak et al., 2008). In developing these ge-                 Central Black Swan, available for iPhones
neric devices, commercial producers are in-                   (Riverturn, Inc., 2009 –2010), has this capa-
creasingly following the principles of universal              bility.
                                                          ●   voice recognition for operating applica-
design which allow accessibility to all users (as
much as possible) without incorporation of                    tions, making phone calls etc. Features are
special designs or customization (Cihak et                    now being offered through products such as
al.). Wehmeyer et al. (2008) recommend fu-                    Dragon Pdsay (Nuance Communications,
ture research and development across a wide                   Inc., 2010) which provides voice input as
range of technologies, including newer elec-                  well as text to speech features.
                                                          ●   video telephoning to increase skills and op-
tronic and information systems which employ
aspects of universal design to determine their                portunities such as social, communication
applicability to persons with intellectual dis-               (Renblad, 1999), and safety skills.
                                                          ●   video playback on smartphones to prompt
abilities. In addition to being readily available
and less expensive, mainstream handheld de-                   task completion.
vices and phones are reported to be non-stig-                In addition to these directions, it appears
matizing means for providing assistance to                that special education and related fields
persons with intellectual disabilities because            should also explore development of applica-
they are predominantly used by the general                tions that will afford the following:
public (Davies et al., 2002b; Gentry et al.,
2010; Gillette & DePompei, 2008; Myles, Fer-              ●   use of electronic readers on a PDA or smart-
guson, & Hagiwara, 2007). Results of the re-                  phone which would allow instant photo-
viewed studies further indicate that students                 graphs to be taken of text which could be
like handheld devices and are motivated to                    converted to speech to allow ready access to
use them (Cihak et al., 2010; Mechling & Seid,                print materials. This feature, which is avail-
2011; Taber et al., 2003; Taber-Doughty et al.,               able on the Intel Reader (Intel Corpora-
2008; Van Laarhoven et al., 2007). However,                   tion) would allow persons with moderate ID
the old saying, “one size does not fit all” may               or ASD to take a photograph in a commu-
also apply to the use of portable electronic                  nity setting (i.e., street sign, grocery aisle)
devices. For many users, cognitive and physi-                 and have the information read to them.
cal accessibility are concerns and there con-             ●   simple to use GPS systems which provide
tinues to be a need to modify mainstream                      pictorial, auditory, and video information to
software which operates portable electronic                   users with moderate intellectual disabilities
devices in order to increase their accessibility              who are walking (Mechling & Seid, 2011) or

                                                    Twenty-First Century Portable Electronic Devices   /   495
using public transportation. Devices such as              with intellectual disabilities. Mental Retardation,
  the Trekker Breeze (HumanWare, 2005–                      43, 322–333.
  2009) are currently used by persons who are             Cell (2008). Cell phone history. Re-
  blind to provide auditory information about               trieved from
                                                            history.html on June 23, 2010.
  locations, directions, routes, and land-
                                                          Cihak, D., Fahrenkrog, C., Ayres, K. M., & Smith, C.
                                                            (2010). The use of video modeling via a video
   While considering these listed features, it              iPod and a system of least prompts to improve
                                                            transitional behaviors for students with autism
appears relevant to individually evaluate them
                                                            spectrum disorders in the general education
as independent variables as well as to evaluate
                                                            classroom. Journal of Positive Behavior Intervention,
them in conjunction with each other such as                 12, 103–115.
using a single device for prompting step-by-              Cihak, D. F., Kessler, K. B., & Alberto, P. A. (2007).
step task completion, providing reminders to                Generalized use of a handheld prompting system.
complete a task, and serving as a travel aid. It            Research in Developmental Disabilities, 28, 397– 408.
is important to recognize that future technol-            Cihak, D. F., Kessler, K. B., & Alberto, P. A. (2008).
ogies that merge functions into one device,                 Use of a handheld prompting system to transition
mainstream or customized, will be made avail-               independently through vocational tasks for stu-
able so that students will have access to multi-            dents with moderate and severe intellectual dis-
ple features on one device.                                 abilities. Education and Training in Developmental
                                                            Disabilities, 43, 102–110.
   Finally, while it is important to realize these
                                                          Cihak, D. F., Wright, R., & Ayres, K. M. (2010). Use
portable electronic devices may not be appro-               of self-modeling static-picture prompts via a hand-
priate for everyone, and that persons in more               held computer to facilitate self-monitoring in the
restrictive settings with fewer task demands                general education classroom. Education and Train-
may have less need for PDAs and smartphones                 ing in Autism and Developmental Disabilities, 45,
(DePompei et al., 2008), it is also possible that           136 –149.
these innovations will create opportunities for           Davies, D. K., Stock, S. E., & Wehmeyer, M. L.
access and engagement in living, work, and                  (2003). A palmtop computer-based intelligent aid
recreational environments that are currently                for individuals with intellectual disabilities to in-
not available to persons with more significant              crease independent decision making. Research &
                                                            Practice for Persons with Severe Disabilities, 28, 182–
                                                          Davies, D. K., Stock, S. E., & Wehmeyer, M. L.
References                                                  (2002a). Enhancing independent time-manage-
                                                            ment skills to individuals with mental retardation
Abbell, M., Bauder, D., Simmons, T., & Sharon, D.           using a palmtop personal computer. Mental Retar-
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