Revolution - Motorsport UK

Page created by Isaac Franklin
Revolution - Motorsport UK
                                     May 2020

         The official magazine of


  FEATURE             FEATURE         FEATURE

Revolution - Motorsport UK
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Revolution - Motorsport UK
          Hugh Chambers

                                            “Our community is resilient and
                                            passionate, and we will re-emerge
                                            from the crisis stronger and more
                                            determined than ever”
A little over two months ago motorsport     pure human resolve. Annemarie Harris         Much of motorsport as we know it is
in the UK, and worldwide, ground to         is a paramedic with the East of England      a purely amateur activity, with a small
a halt. I don’t know about you, but for     Ambulance Trust and a member of Cam          number of professional drivers, but that
me it feels a lifetime ago. In that time,   Rescue, and since the pandemic she           hobby level sport is reliant on a vast
everything that we had taken for granted    has been transferred into a critical care    network of people and businesses for
in our daily lives has been thrown up in    role, which is a challenge in itself, but    whom motorsport is their livelihood.
the air and reframed through the lens       she has also now gained a Masters in         Whether it is component manufacturers,
of COVID-19. It has often been said that    critical care which as she says “will work   circuit owners, teams, technicians or the
the British character is at its strongest   well for rallies to come”. Our community     people running the canteen at Brands
when backs are against the wall, and        is resilient and passionate, and we will     Hatch – they all earn a living from the
I think that our national spirit is best    re-emerge from the crisis stronger and       sport. Overall the sport employs around
symbolised by Captain Tom Moore             more determined than ever.                   40,000 people and has a contribution
(shortly to be Sir Tom), who it turns out                                                to the economy of some £10 billion.
                                            As the prevalence of the disease begins
is a lifelong motorsport fan and has                                                     Motorsport UK has a responsibility to
                                            to wane, if not its social and economic
been for seventy years! But perhaps we                                                   get the sport running again, not just for
                                            impact, so everyone’s attention is drawn
shouldn’t be surprised that Tom would                                                    our collective enjoyment, but for the
                                            to the resumption of normal life. I think
connect with motorsport, for our sport                                                   sake of these people who may be facing
                                            that there is a broad acceptance that we
exhibits the same spirit of ‘can-do’ and                                                 a bleak future.
                                            are not simply going to be able to go
innovation that he symbolises.
                                            back to the way things were before, and      It is our absolute priority to get
In this edition of the magazine we have     there will be a redefining of what exactly   motorsport restarted in the UK as
a feature on the ways in which our          normal looks like. And motorsport is no      quickly as we can. But of course, there is
industry is using one of its core skills,   different. We are all going to have to       a huge caveat to that simple statement,
that of inventiveness, to help society      work together to get back on track, while    in that we can only do so when it is
beat the pandemic. Part of that has been    adopting new ways of operating and           safe and appropriate. The overarching
engineering designs and contributions,      behaving. But there is no doubt at all       framework we need to operate within
illustrated by Williams, who have           that the very nature of motorsport means     is dictated by the government, for the
focused their efforts on resolving the      that we will find solutions, and we will     restrictions we face are not just advisory
supply chain issues with ventilators;       be able to enjoy the sport which we all      measures, but laws of the land and we
but much of what has been achieved is       are so passionate about.                     must respect that fact. But we don’t

Revolution - May 2020
Revolution - Motorsport UK
Revolution - Motorsport UK
                                             “I am really proud of the work that we
                                             have done in lobbying government
take all this at face value and assume
the worst, in fact the contrary is true.     and making a case, not just for our
I am really proud of the work that we
have done in lobbying government             sport, but all sports, for how we can
(the Department for Culture, Media
and Sport) and making a case, not just
                                             resume activity”
for our sport, but all sports, for how
                                            stakeholders. The execution of the          it is the medics and emergency teams,
we can resume activity. I don’t envy
                                            guidelines is something that event          marshals and officials, or the legion of
the government in trying to strike the
                                            organisers, venue owners, officials         helpers and spanner men and women
right balance between keeping society
                                            and competitors are all going to need       that populate every event we run. And
safe (and primarily our extraordinary
                                            to adapt and adopt to their own very        the glue for much of that is our club
NHS, care home and support workers)
                                            specific situations. Ultimately the rules   network, with over 700 across the UK.
alongside reigniting the economy. But
                                            and regulations of the sport are set out    As we announced last month, we have
our job as Motorsport UK is to make
                                            in the Blue Book, and we need to adhere     set up a Continuity Fund of £1m for
our case and make it loudly so that we      to them, but with a new execution. We       the specific purpose of ensuring that
are heard amongst the overwhelming          know that there is no precedent for         this critical infrastructure does not
pressure from all of society seeking        what is happening, and we all have to       fail. We need to be certain we have
their own resolutions from Whitehall.       react according to the best information     the resource and capability to restart
I think we have achieved that well          we have at the time. So, this work is not   when the time is right. We have already
with the work we have published this        set in stone, it will evolve and respond,   begun to make awards, and we welcome
week on our website. The ‘Getting Back      in main, to the government’s approach       applications from those that are facing
on Track’ programme has been the            and laws. And that is why we need your      real difficulties. But as our club survey
work of dozens of people, across the        help.                                       has shown (and summarised on pages
whole spectrum of the sport, working        Everyone needs to embrace this phase        10 and 11), the majority of the clubs are
tirelessly to produce our own road map.     in the spirit of collaboration and          going to weather this storm and we will
Whether it is Jonathan Palmer using his     seeking the art of the possible. We need    be able to rely on their strength when
vast experience with racing venues, or      to work together to find solutions, not     we need it.
our CMO Dr Paul Trafford, or members        sit on the sidelines and complain that
                                                                                        Finally, I would like to end with a
of our legal team, representatives          something doesn’t work – we need
                                                                                        specific thank you to all of the members
from all eleven sport disciplines, they     your help in figuring out a better way
                                                                                        of our community that work in the NHS,
have all deployed their experience          for initiatives that maybe in practice
                                                                                        in care roles and support for health
in documenting how we can restart           are a little flawed. Please give us your
                                                                                        in our society. You are simply amazing
motorsport. The FIA has commended           feedback and ideas, they are always
                                                                                        in what you are doing, and we are
the UK on the lead we have taken with       welcome.
                                                                                        immensely grateful. Thank you, be safe
this and we were invited to present the
                                            I mentioned the huge army of                and let’s get racing and rallying again
contents of our plan via a webinar to
                                            people who fuel the infrastructure of       soon.
over 150 countries worldwide.
                                            motorsport as their livelihoods – but
But one thing we need to be very clear      we are also massively dependent on an       Kind regards,
about is that this is not a blueprint,      equally important group who do this         Hugh Chambers
it is strictly a guideline for all of our   on a purely voluntary basis, whether        CEO, Motorsport UK

Revolution - May 2020
Revolution - Motorsport UK
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Revolution - Motorsport UK
In this issue: getting motorsport back on track,
                                                                            Cover story:
Motorsport UK’s new framework for electrified                               Getting
competition, the motorsport medics adapting                                 motorsport
                                                                            back on track
their skills to the fight against COVID-19 and how

the industry’s expertise and spirit for innovation
is being turned to new ends to help healthcare
workers in the pandemic.

Motorsport UK
the future
                        22 36                              Motorsport
                                                           medics on
                                                           the COVID
                                                                                 innovates in


 What’s On:
                                                                        Latest news


Revolution - May 2020
                        50              +    Club Corner + Member Benefits + What’s On

Revolution - Motorsport UK

 Motorsport UK has announced plans as to how it              aspect of every discipline can be adapted to respect
 proposes restarting motorsport across its eleven            government advice on social distancing, and the broader
 sporting disciplines.                                       needs of the community. As ever with Motorsport, our
                                                             responsibility is to the safety of both our community and
 Motorsport is currently suspended throughout the UK
                                                             the wider public. It is important that when we do restart
 until 30th June 2020. Although it is understood there
                                                             motorsport that we do so in a safe and responsible
 will continue to be levels of government restrictions
                                                             fashion that respects the broader public health agenda
 and social distancing in place for a considerable period,
                                                             and mood of the nation.
 Motorsport UK has been considering how to restart the
 sport, within the parameters set out by government and      “We will all need to modify the way we have worked in
 healthcare authorities.                                     the past and accept these changes in a collaborative
                                                             and constructive way. Motorsport has always thrived
 Significant planning has taken place involving              on innovation and adaptability to overcome problems,
 consultation with stakeholders from across the sport        and it has been enormously encouraging to see the
 and Motorsport UK’s specialist committees, to conceive      community come together and freely contributing to
 how the sport can be restarted at the appropriate           re-imagine every part of our sport, and the practicalities
 time, while adhering to the government’s prevailing         of each event.”
                                                             Motorsport UK continues to collaborate with
 Motorsport, unlike many other sports, takes place in        government through the Department for Culture,
 large outdoor environments, so that with practical          Media and Sport (DCMS) and will update its guidance,
 measures in place, much of motorsport should be able to     accordingly, should there be substantial changes in
 resume, provided modifications are made to many of the      government advice or restrictions.
 sport’s established protocols.
                                                             Details of Motorsport UK’s ‘Getting Back on Track’
 Motorsport UK CEO, Hugh Chambers said, “This project        guidance for event organisers can be found together
 has involved a wide representation of the motorsport        with accompanying Q&A and updated event declaration
 community coming together and examining how each            documentation at

Revolution - May 2020
Revolution - Motorsport UK
UP TO SPEED                                                                    LATEST NEWS

                 MOTORSPORT UK SPORT
                 Motorsport UK has launched a “Motorsport UK is Listening” initiative to assist
                 in the delivery of our new Sport Development Plan; a plan to grow and develop
                 our sport to create a sustainable future.
                 At a high level, the aims of the plan are to:
                 ÎÎ Provide focused support for Motorsport UK clubs
                 ÎÎ Develop and support our volunteers
                 ÎÎ Increase participation at grass roots level
                 In addition to the club survey specifically regarding the current COVID-19 situation, a programme of
                 consultation surveys has been undertaken and every club, competition licence holder, licenced official
                 and registered marshal should have received an invitation to participate. The data and information
                 gathered from this survey will be used to ensure that practical tools and techniques are created as part
                 of the Sport Development Plan.
                 We are very grateful for the excellent response rate to the consultation and the analysis is currently
                 underway. This will directly inform the delivery of our Sport Development Plan which will be shared
                 with the motorsport community in late summer.

Revolution - May 2020
Revolution - Motorsport UK

        As part of our response to the COVID-19 situation, the Learning and Development
        team created a short survey which was sent out in April to all our clubs regarding the
        immediate issues that the COVID-19 crisis has created. The main themes were as follows:

        As one might expect,
        48% reported that
        member numbers for
        2020 have declined
        against 2019 figures.
        However, 47% said they
        had remained the same                                           5%
        and 5% said they had
        actually increased.         48%             47%

                                           25%                   22%
       Financial Impact
       22% of clubs reported that they
       had been severely impacted by
       the COVID-19 crisis, while 53%
       said they had been only slightly
       affected, with 25% reporting they
       had not been affected at all.


Revolution - May 2020

    Club Continuity Funding Package
    17% of respondents reported that they were unaware of the Motorsport UK Club Continuity Funding Package, and
    61% wanted more information on it. Within 24 hours, both those groups had received an email from Motorsport UK
    containing details of the package and links to further information. Only 16% of clubs reported that they are considering
    applying for a grant or loan from the fund.

     MORE                                                                                      61%
     UNAWARE                  17%
     APPLYING                 16%
    As part of the survey, we asked what specific areas of support would be helpful, the key themes were:

                         35%                                        30%

                 35% - online marketing and               30% - online strategy workshops
                 communications workshops

Motorsport UK is working on a range of initiatives to support clubs, both in the short and long term, including:
ƒƒ The COVID-19 section of contains           ƒƒ A range of Info Guides is being created as a resource for
   information about the current situation with details           clubs, covering topics such as organising events, taster
   on government guidance, information about the Club             events, Zoom video meetings, social media platforms,
   Continuity Funding Package and a Q&A section                   marketing and writing press releases. These guides will
                                                                  be made available over the coming weeks at
ƒƒ We have already hosted three one-hour ‘crisis averted’
   webinars (led by Rupert Hine) which covered action
   points to enable clubs to remain resilient to, and also     ƒƒ Additionally, we are compiling Info Guides on some
   to become stronger through this lockdown period.               practical topics for our competitors which incorporate
   These were very well received, and we will be running          subjects such as nutrition, fitness, goal-setting and anti-
   more of these webinars in the near future. Following           doping
   the feedback we received, we are additionally planning
                                                               ƒƒ There is already a range of different modules on the
   further webinars covering topics such as marketing,
                                                                  Learning Hub which clubs and officials are encouraged
   using social media platforms and club development
                                                                  to use. These can be found within the members’ area of
                                                                  the Motorsport UK website

Revolution - May 2020

                                                                                                                                 Driven International
  Driven International, a motorsport venue design firm, has received royal recognition for
  designing world class facilities in the UK and abroad.
  Based in Hook in Hampshire, the specialist design company       which includes a 1.8km FIA grade 4 race track and the team
  has been awarded the prestigious Queen’s Award for              are currently penning a new FIA grade 3 Circuit in Hawaii.
  Enterprise for their international growth over the past three
                                                                  Ben Willshire, Managing Director and founder of Driven
  years. They were named in the International Trade category.
                                                                  International, said: “We are thrilled to receive this award,
  They join 7,000 other UK enterprises to receive the             particularly during such difficult times for all business
  Award since they were established in 1965. Each                 owners as we face the challenges of COVID-19.
  Award is approved by Her Majesty The Queen following
                                                                  “It is a privilege and honour to have been recognised at the
  recommendation by the Prime Minister, and is regarded as
                                                                  highest level by Her Majesty The Queen, and an award that
  the most prestigious recognition for UK businesses.
                                                                  I am incredibly proud of. Winning this award reflects the
  Driven is building a worldwide reputation for their unique      hard work and commitment by our entire team and I would
  approach using simulators and virtual reality technology        like to thank everyone who has supported the company
  to design race tracks, test tracks and experiential driving     over the past five years and made this achievement
  venues. As well as working for many UK track venues             possible.”
  on upgrades, 90% of their work is overseas with clients
                                                                  This is not the first prestigious award bestowed upon
  in India, USA, Middle East, China and Australia. Recent
                                                                  Driven International. The organisation, which formed in
  commissions include master planning a new 200 acre
                                                                  2014, has been previously celebrated for their international
  automotive innovation park & test circuit near Toronto,
                                                                  trading efforts, twice winning the ‘Inspire International
  Canada, designing the Lebanon International Autodrome
                                                                  Business of the Year’ award in 2017 and 2018.

Revolution - May 2020

                         COVERING UP FOR FUN
                        As we’ve all been asked to Stay at Home and Protect the NHS these
                        last couple of months, members of the Scottish Motorsport Marshals
                        Club recently enjoyed some light relief by submitting a picture of
                        them wearing a Club snood.
                        On 28th April, the Scottish Government        avoided and, for the avoidance of doubt,
                        recommended that people cover their           members were advised that wearing the
                        faces while in some enclosed public           snood would not prevent or protect the
                        spaces, such as shops and public transport.   wearer from COVID-19.
                        Some members picked up on this and
                                                                      23 members took up the challenge and,
                        commented that the Club appeared to have
                                                                      when the draw was made on Sunday 3rd
                        shown uncanny prescience by providing
                                                                      May, it was Pete Weall who was the lucky
                        snoods when annual memberships were
                                                                      winner of a club baseball cap. Pete will
                        renewed in March.
                                                                      receive his prize when it is safe to meet up.
                        So, to provide an element of fun during
                                                                      Until then the club will continue with
                        these motorsport free times, members were
                                                                      its weekly virtual coffee morning and
                        asked to submit a picture of them wearing
                                                                      Thursday night quiz, both of which are
                        the snood. In keeping with the lockdown
                                                                      bringing together members and friends the
                        requirements unnecessary travel was to be
                                                                      length and breadth of the country.

Revolution - May 2020

   PCSpecialist and AMD Collaborate
   with British Rally Championship

   The British Rally Championship has announced that                extra performance advantage. Those wanting to upgrade
   leading manufacturer of performance custom computers             their set-up can do so using the code: EBRC on the
   and laptops, PCSpecialist, and high-performance processors       PCSpecialist website.
   and graphics card manufacturers, AMD, are joining forces
                                                                    Running alongside the PCSpecialist BRC Esports
   with Britain’s premier rallying series as title partner of the
                                                                    Invitational is the Motorsport UK eBRC. This competition
   BRC Esports Invitational Series – which is played out on
                                                                    follows in the gaming wheel tracks of the Invitational
   the hugely popular DiRT Rally 2.0 game by Codemasters.
                                                                    event – with members of the public taking part on the
   As the British Rally Championship is on pause due to the         same stages, as they fight for the first Esports competition
   COVID-19 situation, the formation of the PCSpecialist            to be recognised by the governing body of four-wheel
   BRC Esports Invitational Championship has filled the             motorsport in the UK. A British title and an opportunity to
   competitive gap, as the stars of the 2020 series go head-to-     test a real rally car are the tantalising prizes at the end.
   head in the virtual world.
                                                                    The competition is open to any Motorsport UK licence
   The synergy between the BRC, PCSpecialist and AMD                holder or Trackside member. Those not yet a member
   couldn’t be stronger as the state-of-the-art Esports             can sign up for Motorsport UK’s Trackside membership
   rallying series is won and lost by a handful of seconds –        by visiting and use the
   demanding the best out of the driver, while the computing        following code for 20% discount off the RRP of £24.99:
   powerhouses provide the upgrades to equipment for that           EBRC20

Revolution - May 2020


Motorsport UK has been working on a plan that will enable us to grow and develop
rallying across many different levels of the sport.
We want any future roadmap to reflect the insight, opinions and     This survey is to be completed by anyone who has held or holds
contribution of the rally community and are eager to provide        a valid Motorsport UK rally licence in the past 3 years. It should
current and recent rally licence holders the opportunity to         take less than 10 minutes to complete and will be open until
contribute, and to this end are undertaking a short survey of the   23.59 on Monday 25th May.
                                                                    Thank you in advance for helping us to create a sustainable
We would appreciate if you could complete this short survey to      future for rallying in the UK.
help us understand more about your experiences as a rallying
                                                                    Complete the survey here:
competitor and your views on how rallying should develop
going forwards.

Revolution - May 2020

         Marking a world first in motor racing, Extreme E, the pioneering electric off-road racing series,
         will see teams field both a male and female driver in its races – promoting gender equality
         and a level playing field amongst competitors.

         Teams will be composed of a male and a female driver,      to help bring global attention to issues such as
         competing together in every two-lap race as driver and     deforestation in Brazil, rising sea levels along the West
         co-driver. Each will complete one lap behind the wheel     African coastline, melting icecaps in Greenland, and
         of the ODYSSEY 21 electric-SUV, with a changeover          more.
         incorporated into the race format, and it’s up to the
                                                                    The full race and championship format is approaching
         teams to determine driver and co-driver to best suit
                                                                    finalisation and will be revealed in the coming weeks
         their strategy.
                                                                    as the championship continues to take shape ahead of
         The only differentiators in Extreme E will be raw talent   Season 1, starting early 2021.
         and ability, with teams and drivers striving to extract
         every tenth-of-a-second in the fight for the top step of
         the podium.
         Extreme E drivers will compete wheel-to-wheel on
         the same stages, in the same 550 horsepower E-SUVs,
         using the same bespoke all-terrain Continental tyres in
         heats, semis and finals, taking place across the series’
         five formidable environments in some of the most
         remote regions on the planet.
         As well as being used as platform for equality and the
         promotion of electrification, Extreme E will highlight
         the impact that climate change is having on its remote
         race locations, using a committee of leading scientists

Revolution - May 2020

                        “The only differentiators in
                         Extreme E will be raw talent and
                         ability, with teams and drivers
                        striving to extract every tenth-
                         of-a-second in the fight for the
                         top step of the podium”

Revolution - May 2020


  Motorsport UK iRacing Esports
  Series powered by iZone
  Single seaters not usually your thing? Lockdown is the perfect time to give this
  inaugural Esports Championship a go!
  Motorsport UK and iZone Driver Performance are excited                 The championship will visit the following circuits:
  to announce the launch of an official 13 round, Dallara F3             Silverstone GP, Spa, Snetterton 300, Monza, Montreal,
  iRacing championship.                                                  Oulton Park International, Donington GP, Zandvoort GP,
                                                                         Lime Rock Park, Nurburgring GP, Brands Hatch GP, Okayama
  The championship will be open to all Motorsport UK
                                                                         International and Interlagos
  competition licence holders (except RS Clubman licence
  holders) and Trackside members, aged 14+ years at the                  Come November, we will have our inaugural league
  time of qualification. If you hold an RS Clubman licence or            champions and the outright Motorsport UK 2020 iRacing
  do not hold a 2020 competition licence, simply sign up to              Esports Champion! Alongside the championship title, there
  the Motorsport UK Trackside Membership by visiting                     are also some other exciting prizes to be announced. and use the following
  code for 20% discount off the RRP of £24.99: iZONE20.
                                                                         To help all drivers perform to their best and develop
  Competitors will also require access to the iRacing
                                                                         their skills, drivers will be supported throughout the
  platform – all Motorsport UK licence holders enjoy a three
                                                                         championship with the following resources from iZone’s
  month free subscription to iRacing, accessible from their
                                                                         expert coaching team:
  Member Benefit area of the Motorsport UK website.
                                                                         ƒƒ Visual flying laps before each race with a coaching voice
  *Non-UK residents will need to use the Motorsport UK
  postcode (SL3 0HG) when registering for a new Trackside
                                                                         ƒƒ Data telemetry to compare against at home
  Membership licence and a digital licence pack will be issued.
                                                                         ƒƒ Onboard eye tracking footage for home reviewing prior
  Qualification event                                                       to each championship race
  Qualification runs from Monday 25th May – Friday 29th
  May, 7pm BST and will take place at the same time
                                                                         Register now!
                                                                         All those wishing to enter this new and exciting
  every night that week. Each entrant will be allocated to
                                                                         championship should read the Rules and Regulations and
  a qualification evening which will follow the following
                                                                         complete the online registration form available at www.bit.
                                                                         ly/izone-esports before Monday 25th May (anyone signing
  ƒƒ Silverstone GP circuit in the Dallara F3
                                                                         up after this date cannot be guaranteed an entry).
  ƒƒ 40 minute practice
  ƒƒ 20 minute qualifying                                                All U18s will be required to complete a parent consent
                                                                         form prior to qualification.
  Results from qualification will then decide which league
  each driver will be allocated to (top 30 will be league 1,
  31-60 league 2 etc.)
  The season
  Once qualification is complete, there will then be a 13
  round season in the Dallara F3 with the following format:
  ƒƒ Fortnightly races on Mondays at 7pm BST
  ƒƒ 60 minute practice
  ƒƒ 15 minute qualifying
  ƒƒ 25 minute race                                                      Brought to you by
  ƒƒ FIA points scoring system (best 11 scores count)          Motorsport UK 2020 eSports British Championship
                                                               pow ered by izone perform a nce

                                                               Motorsport UK and iZone Driver Performance are            training
Revolution - May 2020                                          excited to announce the launch of an official 13 round,
                                                               Dallara F3 iRacing championship. The championship
                                                               will be open to all Motorsport UK race licence holders,
                                                                                                                         To help all drivers perform to their best and develop
                                                                                                                         their skills, throughout the championship drivers will

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                                                             their monthly policy payments by discussing tailored
Motorsport UK members benefit from discounts of up to        solutions where possible.
15% on road car and other insurance when contacting
                                                             Regularly updated information on Adrian Flux’s practises
Adrian Flux on the dedicated Motorsport UK quotation line
                                                             during Covid-19 can be found here: https://customers.
0344 381 7539.

                                                                                  Contact details
                                                                                  Call the dedicated Motorsport UK
                                                                                  quotation line on 0344 381 7539,
                                                                                  7 days a week to see how much
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                                                                                  on your insurance.

Revolution - May 2020

                                                                             Extractor Rescue Unit

In September of last year, the Motorsport UK licenced Extractor Rescue unit was travelling
to support the Trackrod Rally in Yorkshire, when the crew stopped to provide Samaritan
assistance for a road traffic collision, only to get caught up in one themselves.

Unfortunately, they were hit from the       When added to the insurers write-off       With the additional cost of reinstating
rear by another vehicle, which also         value, this still left a considerable      virtually the entire electrical system,
then hit the two vehicles involved          shortfall towards the cost of the          fitting out the interior and finishing
in the initial collision, thankfully        replacement ambulance vehicle they         touches such as signage, the total costs
without further injury or worse. The        had now found, especially as this had      were set to exceed £15,000.
driver accepted liability, but the rescue   been decommissioned and stripped
                                                                                       This is where Gerry Morriss from
unit was extensively damaged and            down completely, to the extent even
                                            the door locks had been removed.           Extractor Rescue turned to the BMSTT
eventually written off by the insurers.                                                (British Motor Sport Training Trust)
                                            Much of the specialist equipment was
The unit’s first reaction after the         transferable to the new vehicle, other     through its online grant application
incident was to seek a suitable             than the defibrillator (a replacement      process, having previously been
replacement vehicle, for which they set     was kindly donated) and the stretcher      successful in gaining financial support
up a crowdfunding page that attracted a     unit, for which a completely refurbished   to help with the cost of upgraded
generous £3,522 in voluntary donations.     unit was sourced at much-reduced cost.     cutting gear.

Revolution - May 2020

                                                                                       About the British Motor
                                                                                       Sports Training Trust
                                                                                       The British Motor Sports Training Trust
                                                                                       was formed in 1977 and is a registered
                                                                                       charity, set up to benefit the needs of
                                                                                       the motor sport community in the UK.
                                                                                       Since then, it has been instrumental in
                                                                                       providing grant aid to assist with the
                                                                                       safety training of volunteer motorsport
                                                                                       officials and marshals through its
                                                                                       Training Fund. Event and venue related
                                                                                       safety initiatives, of which the specialist
                                                                                       work of rescue units is part, are
                                                                                       supported via its Safety Development
                                                                                       Fund. In a typical year, the BMSTT
                                                                                       commits around £400,000 in total
                                                                                       available grant aid.
After providing all the necessary details                                              To date in 2020, the BMSTT has already
of the insurance and crowdfunding           “We are indebted for all                   provided grant aid of £31,200 towards
settlement, as well as evidence of the      donations received, large                  the replacement or refurbishment of
actual expenditure incurred, the grant
                                            and small, from across the                 nine licenced rescue units and required
aid application was considered by the                                                  equipment, reflecting a total spend by
Trust’s Awards Panel and, within a week
                                            motorsport fraternity, without
                                                                                       the operators of £62,773.
of that meeting, a grant offer of £4,350    whom it would have been
                                                                                       The Trust’s Chairman, Professor Richard
was confirmed.                              highly probable that we would
                                                                                       Parry–Jones CBE, leads the management
The Unit is now fully operational           not have been able to get the              team of Charity Trustees, and the day to
again in its new guise, bar a few final     rescue unit back on the road”              day administration is undertaken by the
flourishes to its operating livery.                                                    Trust’s General Secretary, Allan Dean-
“We are indebted for all donations                                                     Lewis MBE.
                                            Sports Training Trust recognises the
received, large and small, from across
                                            essential and potentially lifesaving
the motorsport fraternity, without whom
                                            role Motorsport UK registered Rescue
it would have been highly probable
                                            Units perform at events. Just like the
that we would not have been able to
                                            Extractor Rescue Unit, which we were
get the rescue unit back on the road,”
                                            pleased to support on this occasion,
commented Gerry Morriss. “We are
                                            the majority of these units are run and
especially grateful for the generous
                                            crewed by volunteer groups as their
grant received from the British Motor
                                            commitment to this sport of ours, which
Sports Training Trust, which has enabled
                                            is marvellous. The professional way
us to fully complete the replacement
                                            in which the crews both train for and
rescue unit project.”
                                            perform their duties when required, is    The accident pictures have been released by the Police
Professor Richard Parry-Jones CBE           an important part of the overall safety   (PC 1836 Matt Davidson, Preston Operating Centre -
(Trust Chairman) said, “The British Motor                                             South, Lancashire Constabulary) and Insurers (William
                                            management of UK motorsport events.”
                                                                                      Martin-Smith, AD Claims Handler, Banwells / Markerstudy
                                                                                      Insurance Services Limited) with no restrictions.

                                                        More information and contact details about the Trust – charitable
                                                        donations to which are always welcome - can be found at

Revolution - May 2020

 Hybrids and Electrified Vehicles are a growing part of international motor racing
 – a new regulatory framework from Motorsport UK takes the lead in helping
 competitors, manufacturers and series organisers embrace this new technology.
 By Dan Trent.

BTCC is among the major series
adopting hybrid power

Revolution - May 2020

                  Hybrids and full electric vehicles are fast             “Innovation is a crucial area of investment if we are
                  becoming a fixture of daily driving for more            to deliver a sustainable future for motorsport, and
                                                                          clearly Electrified Vehicles are central to this,” says
                  and more of us. Motorsport has, inevitably,
                                                                          Motorsport UK CEO Hugh Chambers. “We have been
                  been blazing a trail for this automotive
                                                                          working on this framework for many months and it is
                  revolution with flagship series such as F1              a very exciting area for our sport. This is happening
                  long-since adopting battery assistance and              alongside developments in electrified karting and
                  hybrids now winning at Le Mans and beyond.              it is now within our grasp to have hybrid or electric
                  From BTCC to WRC, batteries and motors                  power across all levels of motorsport.” In short, it’s
                  will play a bigger role in the sport, reflecting        nothing less than the futureproofing of the sport.
                  a tradition of technology filtering from                To understand the bigger story, Revolution has been
                  racing to the road since the earliest days of           talking to the people behind the headlines, the
                  motoring.                                               pioneering privateers who helped inspire them and
                                                                          examines what it means for everyone involved.
                  At a national motorsport level what does this mean?
                  With innovation being one of Motorsport UK’s            Michael Duncan is Motorsport UK’s Technical
                  key investment pillars, it’s a question the National    Manager and has been closely involved in the project.
                  Governing Body has been facing and now addressed        While not the work of a moment, the initiative has
                  with new regulations for electrified motorsport,        been helped by the lessons already learned in the
                  intended to encourage and enable competitors,           global series Electrified Vehicles already compete
                  manufacturers, race organisers and clubs alike. As an   in. “The FIA has existing technical regulations for
                  FIA Autorité Sportive Nationale (or ASN), Motorsport    Electrified Vehicles but they’re at a very high level,”
                  UK is blazing a trail for national-level electrified    explains Duncan. “We have tried as much as possible
                  competition, to the benefit of both grassroots          to align with FIA definitions and terminology to work
                  competitors and the many teams, manufacturers and       out how we can apply those to domestic competition.
                  supply networks contributing to the UK’s £10 billion    So, there is a lot of crossover in terms of eligibility,
                  motorsport industry.                                    and a car that applies to FIA regulations should be
                                                                          compliant with ours.”

Motorsport UK
is supporting
scrutineers and
organisers to
help maintain
a level playing
field in the
electrified age

Revolution - May 2020

One job of regulation is to ensure a               Roger says he’s happy scrutineering a car
level playing field for competitors and            with a laptop, while conceding not everyone
encouragement for promotors to deliver             will be as confident dealing with black boxes.
accessible, exciting racing across all             “Part of the education I’ve done for the
disciplines. But safety is another huge            scrutineers is to get them to understand you
concern, especially with the introduction of       have access to a huge amount of data and
brand-new technology. Protocols for dealing        the regulations give us the right to install
with vehicles carrying large quantities            a logger and examine it, so we can shut the
of combustible liquid are, of course, well         door if things get out of hand.”
established. Calming fears of how to handle
                                                   He’s also determined the rules reward
high voltages in similar situations is another
                                                   ingenuity, not spending power, especially
key area the new guidelines seek to address.
                                                   where Electrified Vehicles compete alongside
Motorsport UK’s Technical Commissioner,            regular internal-combustion powered ones.
Roger Ratley, brings with him valuable             “We’ve tried to write the regulations so a
experience as both a competitor and from his       well-funded individual or team can’t blitz
day job as electric vehicle manager at Ford, a     the field and we’ve limited the power to
role he’s recently moved to after a long career    keep things competitive,” he says. “You need
as an engineer for both internal combustion        to strike a balance and we’ve done in a way
and electrified powertrains. Training for          that will hopefully encourage people to do
officials and scrutineers is a key ‘enabler’ for   something new and exciting.”
hybrid and pure electric vehicles to compete
safely and fairly, and Roger’s appreciation of     “Innovation is a crucial area
both aspects has proved invaluable to the
framing of the regulations.                         of investment if we are
“The beauty of an electric powertrain is that       to deliver a sustainable
it’s very easy to calculate the power output
and we can design scrutineering systems
                                                    future for motorsport, and
that are in some ways simpler than more             clearly Electrified Vehicles
traditional methods of fuel flow restrictors
and suchlike,” he says. “In touring cars, for       are central to this”
instance, that means rather than use ‘success
ballast’ we’ll be able to adjust electric
                                                   Hugh Chambers,
assistance to maintain close competition.”         Motorsport UK

Plug in and go
racing – new
rules open door to
Electrified Vehicles
for everything
from grassroots
autotesting to
circuit racing,
rallying, sprinting
and hillclimbs

Revolution - May 2020

When it comes to safety, Roger’s insight
has also been invaluable, given his day job
involves training and safety regulations for
technicians working on electrified passenger
cars and commercial vehicles across large
dealer networks. Adapting similar processes
is a key part of the safety framework included
in the regulations.
“We’re intending to mirror how the motor
industry operates with EV training,” explains
Michael Duncan. “The IMI [Institute of the
Motoring Industry] has various levels of
training for technicians according to how
involved they need to be with the vehicles,
and we have something equivalent to level 1
already for our scrutineers through training
modules. We’d encourage everyone from a
marshal to the clerk of the course where
Electrified Vehicles may be competing to
complete the necessary training.”
Guidance, including High Voltage Electrified
Vehicle awareness training for scrutineers
and safety crews, is now available on
Motorsport UK’s Learning Hub. Specific
training will be tailored to suit particular
jobs, while all competitors entering
Electrified Vehicles will have to provide
specific safety and recovery information for
their car, much as EV manufacturers like Tesla
do for the emergency services on the public
road. But outside of series such as WRC and
BTCC, where are officials likely to encounter     their experience has proved valuable. One       (Top) Volkswagen’s ID.R has been
an electrified vehicle in the present or near-    example includes eRally Motorsport, which       setting lap records to prove what
                                                                                                  EVs can do, planting the seed for
future?                                           has been rallying an all-electric Renault Zoe
                                                                                                  the grassroots
                                                  for a number of years now.
‘Speed’ events such as hillclimbs and sprints                                                     (Bottom) Online training is already
are attractive to potential electric racers,      “The idea took shape around 10 years ago        available to help marshals and
especially at a grassroots level. “These events   when we started a conversation regarding        rescue crews handle Electrified
lend themselves to EVs as you want to             the Tesla Roadster and how its green            Vehicles safely
deploy a huge amount of power over a short        technology was fast becoming a performance
distance or space of time,” says Roger Ratley.    technology,” explains eRally’s Jean Hay.
“We’ve written the regulations so someone         “Ellya Gold [eRally co-founder] and I had       “Calming fears
who’s reasonably competent can build              always felt a little uncomfortable about
something competitive and, as it evolves,         how our love of competing in a Mitsubishi        of how to handle
there will be far more opportunities in the       Evo VI was a bit at odds with our growing        high voltages in
future.”                                          environmental concerns. eRally Motorsport
While EVs have previously been permitted          Ltd was set up to help blaze the trail for a
                                                                                                  similar situations is
to run in various disciplines Michael Duncan      major shift in UK motorsports towards fully-     another key area
admits the regulations were skewed against        electric competition cars, allowing a more
them at a practical level. That hasn’t stopped    environmentally responsible and sustainable
                                                                                                   the new guidelines
a few determined trailblazers though, and         option to futureproof the sport we love.”       seek to address”
Revolution - May 2020

Having spotted the potential in the Renault
Zoe for creating an affordable, electric-          “Having spotted the potential in the
powered rally car for junior competitors, eRally
then had to convince regulators it was safe
                                                   Renault Zoe for creating an affordable,
to compete with. “Coming from a health and         electric-powered rally car for junior
safety background, I could see the challenges
would all be around the event organisers’
                                                   competitors, eRally then had to convince
risk assessments and training for marshals,        regulators it was safe to compete”
rescue, recovery and scrutineers,” explains
Jean. “I attended several marshal training         they manage it? “Lots of communication,”
and rescue and recovery training weekends          says Jean, simply. “I called the technical
to find out what their concerns and thoughts       department and emailed the health and
regarding electric vehicles were. I organised      safety director and explained in great
a walk round the car before every event and        detail what we wanted to do, how much we
emailed the hand-out sheet to Motorsport UK        understood the risks and how we planned to
prior to the event for their input and approval.   reduce them as far as reasonably practicable.
I also sat with the rescue team when our car       I think my research into suitable, approved
was competing as the IMI level 2 EV Tech first     and well tested lithium-ion fire extinguishers
responder, so I could ensure the 400V traction     with encapsulator agents or cooling agents
battery was disconnected before anyone             to negate the requirement to have tens of
worked on the car.”                                thousands of litres of water on hand may
It’s credit to Jean and the team that they         have helped too.”
not only embraced the practical challenge          Having put in all that legwork does she
of rallying an EV, but also managed to             now hope others will follow? “I think more
convince regulators it was viable. How did         competitors might branch out and explore

                                                                                                              The eRally
                                                                                                              Renault Zoe
                                                                                                              helped prove
                                                                                                              electric cars
                                                                                                              could compete
                                                                                                              safely alongside

Revolution - May 2020

this exciting new technology if they know
their event entries will be accepted and
welcomed,” she says. “It will make it a
lot simpler and less daunting for event
organisers to run classes for EVs. I understand
how much responsibility, effort and time goes
into organising and running an event, so
clear guidance for all concerned is key. The
Motorsport UK electric vehicle e-learning
course now available online should go a long
way to dispel some myths, make volunteers
and officials aware of the hazards and feel
more confident around EVs.”
One of the first series likely to benefit from
the new regulations and hold national-level
EV motorsport is the Electro Rallycross
                                                                                                       Where F1 leads the rest of
Championship running as part of the 5
                                                                                                       motorsport inevitably follows
Nations British Rallycross Championship. “In        framework is essential to create not only a
                                                                                                       and hybrid power will soon be
this changing world it is important British         level playing field, but also to ensure safety,”   filtering down to all levels
motorsport is not left behind,” says series         she says. “Elimen Racing Electric Rallycross
organiser Shirley Gibson. “Electric vehicles        cars have passed all the tests required to
will be well suited to rallycross. Out on the       assist in compiling a set of regulations that
track they have already proved they equal the       work for us all.” COVID-19 notwithstanding
spectacular sight found in other rallycross         they’re still hoping to have held their first
divisions, providing close, fast, racing.”          event before the end of the year, encouraged
                                                    by competitive arrive-and-drive packages for
The theory has already been tested with
Fiat 500s and Ford Fiestas built by Polish-
based Elimen Racing, the latter capable of          Speaking more generally, Motorsport UK’s
                                                    Michael Duncan is keen to see more hybrids
“A regulatory framework is                          and EVs competing at all levels. “We’ve
essential to create not only a                      written it to be as accessible as possible at
level playing field, but to ensure                  the grassroots end,” he says. “If you’ve got a
                                                    production EV you don’t have to modify it at
safety.” Shirley Gibson, Electro                    all - you can compete with it as it came out of    including basic
Rallycross Championship                             the showroom. So, you could buy your Tesla
                                                    and hillclimb it the next day without any
100mph, 0-62mph in less than four seconds           changes – the opportunities are great and          requirements
and capable of charging in just 10 minutes.
“Teams racing in the series will find that
                                                    there’s no reason to treat an EV any differently
                                                    at an autotest than you would on the road.”
                                                                                                       and High Voltage
running the electric cars offers affordability,”
                                                    The impact of these changes won’t be felt
                                                                                                       Electrified Vehicle
enthuses Shirley. “In addition, the electric cars
have been found to be easier to drive and
                                                    overnight. But with organisers hopefully           awareness
                                                    confident they can admit Electrified Vehicles,
control. The lack of driver distraction was one
                                                    officials satisfied they have the training
                                                                                                       training for
of the positives mentioned in the feedback
forms completed by the British rallycross
                                                    and support to manage them safely, and             scrutineers and
                                                    competitors and manufacturers keen to
drivers who have already driven them.”
                                                    embrace the opportunities they represent,
                                                                                                       safety crews, is
Working with Motorsport UK to create a              now is the time to throw the weight of             now available on
framework in which the cars can compete             the regulatory body behind electrified
has been a challenge, but one Shirley and           motorsport. And embrace a new age in
                                                                                                       Motorsport UK’s
her team have embraced. “A regulatory               automotive competition.                            Learning Hub”
Revolution - May 2020

Partner               Offer                                         Status
Adrian Flux           15% off road car policies                     Business as usual
Aim Shop              £25 off a spend of £250+                      Still taking orders online
APH                   10% off airport parking and lounges           Still taking future bookings online
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Autosport             Save up to 74% off subscriptions              Business as usual
Avis                  10% off car hire worldwide                    Open for future bookings
Bluefin Sport         Free personal accident cover when competing   Business as usual
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		                                                                  until June 30th
Cirrus                Discount on noise measurement equipment       Still open online
Cotswold Outdoor      15% discount online and in-store              Still taking orders online
D4Drivers 20% off motorsport medicals                               Bookings closed until
		                                                                  June 30th at earliest
DFDS                  Save up to 25% off cross-channel ferries      Still taking future bookings
Dread                 Discount on Officials' clothing               Still taking orders online
Esso Card             Free fuel card worth £25 with
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GP Racing             Save up to 66% on subscriptions               Business as usual
GPR                   £25 off a spend of £250+                      Voucher still valid for online orders
Grandstand Merch      20% discount on merchandise                   Still taking orders online
Halfords              10% off in-store                              Stores still currently open
Haynes                Extra 10% off any purchase                    Taking orders online
Hilton Discounted rates across the UK                               Taking bookings online
		                                                                  for later on the year
Partner                     Offer                                   Status
IAM                         20% off advanced driving courses        Office still open for calls & emails
iRacing                     Free three-month subscription           Business as usual
iZone                       Discount on driver coaching             Available for remote coaching
Knockhill Discount on tickets, experiences and coaching             Office currently closed
		                                                                  until June 30th
Motor Sport magazine        Up to 70% off subscriptions             Business as usual
Motorsport UK Merch         15% discount online                     Still available online
Nutt Travel with Stena Line Discount on Irish Sea crossings         Currently business as usual
Opentrack                   10% off trackdays                       Open online for future bookings
Pirelli                     Up to £100 cash back on road tyres      Business as usual
Playseat                    20% discount on selected items          Business as usual
Porter Press                10% discount                            Business as usual
Power Maxed                 50% discount online                     Business as usual
Protyre                     Discounts on competition
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RAC                         30% off breakdown cover                 Business as usual
Readly                      Two months free                         Business as usual
Reis                        15% off motorsport insurance policies   Business as usual
Runners Need                15% discount online and in-store        Still taking orders online
Silverstone Classic         10% discount on hospitality             Tickets still on sale
Snow + Rock                 15% online and in-store                 Still taking orders online
Specsavers Free eye and hearing tests in participating stores Open for essential and
		                                                            urgent services only
WRC Shop                    15% off a dedicated range               Business as usual
WRC+                        15% off subscriptions                   Business as usual

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Revolution - May 2020

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Revolution - May 2020
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