RIC Report: Central Region RAC Meeting - Minnesota Emergency Communications Boards

Page created by Manuel Garza
RIC Report: Central Region RAC Meeting - Minnesota Emergency Communications Boards
RIC Report:
                                                                          Central Region RAC Meeting
                                                                                                      August 9, 2019

NG 9-1-1 Program
9-1-1 Service Outage in the Southwest Region:
On June 15, a significant 9-1-1 outage occurred in the Southwest ECB Region. In total, there were 34 missed 9-1-
1 calls from 14 callers in the following counties:
    • • Brown                                  • • Lincoln                          • • Redwood
    • • Cottonwood                             • • Lyon                             • • Rock
    • • Jackson                                • • Nobles
    • • Lac qui Parle                          • • Pipestone

This outage was the result of a power supply failure at the Independent Emergency Services (IES) Ruthton selective
router. The failure of this key piece of hardware resulted in a complete outage for wireline, wireless, and Voice
over Internet Protocol (VoIP) carriers connected to the Ruthton selective router, preventing the delivery of 9-1-1

MN DPS-ECN will be working with the vendors, carriers, PSAPs, and other key stakeholders involved in the 9-1-1
call handling process to develop a ‘playbook’ document that outlines the roles, responsibilities, and recommended
actions for all involved parties affected by 9-1-1 service disruptions and/or outages.

NG 9-1-1 GIS Data Project:
Through its 2019-2021 Strategic Plan, the Statewide Emergency Communications Board (SECB) has directed MN
DPS-ECN to ‘create a statewide GIS dataset to support location-based routing for all current technology devices
to 9-1-1 that will enable first responders to locate a caller with more speed and accuracy’.

The Minnesota Next Generation 9‐1‐1 (NG 9‐1‐1) GIS Data Project is an effort to upgrade the state’s emergency
9‐1‐1 system by developing a statewide GIS dataset that will result in improved address verification as well as
faster and more accurate emergency response to a 9-1-1 caller’s location.

This project will be conducted in phases (Community Name Validation, Street Name Validation, Address
Validation, etc.) with a target completion date of Q4 2021.

PSAP and GIS personnel are responsible for gathering, submitting, and maintaining their local jurisdiction’s GIS
data such as road centerlines, emergency service zones, and site/structure address points. The NG 9-1-1 GIS
project team members are available to assist local jurisdictions in developing strategies to meet these

Funds from the State of Minnesota are currently provided to local PSAPs to assist with the operation and
maintenance of their 9‐1‐1 systems. In addition to upgrading equipment such as radios and computers, this
funding may also be used to develop their NG 9‐1‐1 GIS data. Also, the SECB allocates approximately $1 million
in grant funding each year to those local partners especially in need of financial assistance to support the operation
of their 9‐1‐1 systems. Several jurisdictions are receiving grant funds to assist with the development of their NG
9‐1‐1 GIS dataset. Additionally, approximately $5 million in federal grant funding is being secured by MN DPS-
ECN for the expressed purpose of increasing the adoption of NG 9‐1‐1 technologies. MN DPS-ECN intends to
allocate the majority of these grant funds to support GIS data collection by local jurisdictions.

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A map depicting the current project status for each jurisdiction within the region is attached below. The current
status can be checked at any time via an interactive map available on the MN DPS-ECN website:
     • https://dps.mn.gov/divisions/ecn/programs/911/Pages/interactive-gis-status-map.aspx

This is an extremely important initiative for the evolution of the 9-1-1 program and I encourage the members of
the region to continue dedicating the resources necessary to ensure that the data collection and validation efforts
stay on track.

Questions, concerns, or requests for technical assistance should be directed to one of the NG 9-1-1 GIS project
team members:
   • Project Lead: Norman Anderson at norm.anderson@state.mn.us or 651-201-7559
   • Central ESB Region: Curt Carlson at curtis.carlson@state.mn.us or (651) 201-2497
   • Southwest ECB Region: Akiko Nakamura at akiko.nakamura@state.mn.us or 651-201-7558
   • South Central ECB Region: Hollie Kim at hollie.kim@state.mn.us or 651-201-2496
   • Southeast ECB Region: Hollie Kim at hollie.kim@state.mn.us or 651-201-2496

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CAD-to-CAD Interoperability Project:
The majority of PSAPs in Minnesota do not currently have the ability to share CAD event information with
neighboring jurisdictions. This lack of interoperability can complicate response efforts during incidents that cross
PSAP boundaries and/or require mutual aid resources from neighboring jurisdictions.
The Statewide Emergency Communications Board (SECB) has recognized the need to address the interoperable
data challenges that Minnesota PSAPs currently face. Through its 2019-2021 Strategic Plan, the SECB has directed
the Minnesota Department of Public Safety, Division of Emergency Communication Networks (MN DPS-ECN) to
evaluate the feasibility of implementing a statewide CAD-to-CAD information sharing solution.

To accomplish this task, MN DPS-ECN is seeking stakeholder input to:
    • Identify jurisdictions that may be interested in sharing CAD event information with neighboring PSAPs.
    • Identify the desired features, functions, and specifications of a CAD event information sharing solution.
    • Select a vendor to implement a state purchased and supported CAD-to-CAD interoperability solution that
       will be made available to PSAPs in all seven of the state’s ECB/ESB regions.
    • Define the governance process, SOPs, and best practices for utilizing this technology to improve CAD event
       information sharing capabilities between jurisdictions.

FAQs regarding the CAD-to-CAD Interoperability Project:
   • This project is NOT a state mandate for PSAPs to share CAD event information. Each jurisdiction will have
       the discretion to ‘opt in’ or ‘opt out’ of the service at any time.
   • This project will NOT diminish local jurisdictional control over PSAP operations and/or the information
       contained in their CAD systems. Each jurisdiction will retain the authority and autonomy to decide:
         o IF they would like to share their CAD event information with neighboring PSAPs.
         o WHICH neighboring PSAP(s) that they would like to share their CAD event information with
             (including PSAPs outside of their ECB/ESB region).
         o WHAT information from their CAD system they would like to share with neighboring PSAPs.
         o HOW LONG their CAD event information will be made available to neighboring PSAPs.
   • This project will NOT require participating jurisdictions to replace or consolidate their existing CAD
       systems. The selected solution will connect with each PSAP’s existing CAD system through ‘intelligent
       hub’ architecture.
   • MN DPS-ECN is committed to funding the initial purchase AND ongoing maintenance of the infrastructure
       required to support a statewide CAD-to-CAD interoperability solution. This is consistent with the funding
       mechanism currently in place for other statewide public safety communication systems (e.g., ARMER and
       9-1-1 infrastructure). Depending on the technology solution that is selected through the RFP process and
       the level of interoperability that is desired, each participating jurisdiction MAY be required to fund the
       costs associated with connecting their existing CAD system to this infrastructure. However, until those
       decisions are made, the potential costs to each participating jurisdiction are unknown.

T-CPR Legislation:
Governor Walz signed the public safety omnibus bill on May 30, 2019. Included in that legislation was the
requirement for PSAPs to respond to 9-1-1 calls reporting full cardiac arrest by:
    a) Providing telephone CPR (T-CPR) instruction or
    b) Transferring the caller to a PSAP capable of providing T-CPR instruction

All Minnesota primary PSAPs will have until July 1, 2021, to become compliant with these requirements.

MN DPS-ECN is developing an implementation strategy and training program to assist PSAPs in their compliance
efforts. At this time, PSAPs should not implement any procedures or training related to T-CPR until these efforts
are completed. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this legislation, please contact Cathy Anderson,
MN DPS-ECN Standards & Training Coordinator, at 651-201-7548 or cathy.anderson@state.mn.us.

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Minnesota Land Mobile Radio Conventional Interoperability Plan:
In July 2018, the SECB Interoperability Committee established a workgroup to update the 2012 ‘Public Safety
Mobile Radio Cross Spectrum Interoperability System Operations Plan’. The workgroup has recently completed
this task and has released the draft ‘Minnesota Land Mobile Radio Conventional Interoperability Plan’. A major
component of this plan is improving VHF interoperability capabilities throughout the state. The draft plan is now
open to regional review through October 1, 2019. Copies of the draft plan have been provided to the committee
chairs within each region for dissemination to their members.

On-Line ARMER System Training Modules:
There are a wide range of on-line training modules offered through Alexandria Technical College that are related
to the technology and operation of the ARMER system. MN DPS-ECN are initiating a project to update the content
of these training modules. If you have an interest in assisting with this project and/or have any suggestions,
comments, or concerns, please feel free to contact me.

Communications Unit Training and Exercise Opportunities:
MN DPS-ECN encourages each region to provide regular training and exercise opportunities for their
Communications Unit (COMU) personnel. These opportunities might include incorporating a COMU component
into existing training and exercise programs, conducting stand-alone COMU training and exercise events, and/or
partnering with neighboring regions to conduct COMU training and exercise events. Participating in these types
of activities allows Communications Unit personnel to maintain and strengthen their proficiency and ensure the
operational readiness of communications resources within the region.

Wireless Broadband Program
ATT is the wireless carrier that was awarded a 25-year federal contract to build out the infrastructure necessary
to create a high-speed, nationwide wireless broadband network dedicated solely to public safety (FirstNet). The
buildout of the ATT FirstNet infrastructure continues at a rapid pace. According to a recent press release, over
60% of the national infrastructure is currently in place and that number should increase to over 70% by the end
of 2019.

Shane Olsen, Rus Poser, and Nancy Norsby from ATT FirstNet are available to assist jurisdictions in the region who
may be interested in migrating to FirstNet. Shane, Rus, and Nancy are not member of the sales team - their role
with ATT FirstNet is to help local jurisdictions evaluate their options as they consider transitioning to become part
of this dedicated, public safety only, network. To arrange a meeting with their team, please contact Shane at 612-
417-8915 or so273v@att.com.

The SECB Wireless Broadband & Applications Committee recently formed two workgroups to help support the
implementation of wireless broadband technology in Minnesota. The membership of these workgroup will be
comprised of regional representatives, state agency representatives, and private partners with expertise from
varied disciplines. The workgroups will address the applications that emergency responders can use to improve
response capabilities and the standards that govern their use (security, data sharing, interoperability, etc.). The
workgroups are currently working to review and update the carrier requirements that the State of Minnesota
established back in 2015.

The FirstNet Authority has developed a ‘roadmap’ strategy to help guide the growth, evolution, and advancement
of the FirstNet nationwide public safety broadband network that ATT has been contracted to complete. The
roadmap defines the operational needs of public safety users and technology trends for mobile broadband
communications that will evolve over the next five years. The table listed below outlines the actions that the

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FirstNet Authority is taking across six ‘domains’ to prioritize programs, activities, and investments to ensure that
first responders have the communication tools they need to save lives and protect their communities.

     Domain                       Focus Areas                                       Roadmap Priorities
                     −   EPC
                                                                   − Distribute the core and cloud-based operations to
                     −   IMS Core
                                                                     additional locations with content closer to users.
       Core          −   Service Platforms
                                                                   − Explore evolution of the core to address foundational
                     −   App Servers
                                                                     needs for next-generation technologies (e.g., 5G)
                     −   Service Enablers
                     −   Macro Coverage
                     −   Capacity                                  − Increase outdoor and indoor coverage, particularly
                     −   In-Building Solutions                       Band 14, at locations deemed to be public safety
                     −   Temporary/On-Demand Coverage                priorities.
   Coverage &        −   Range Extension                           − Advocate for changes in polices, codes, and standards
    Capacity         −   Device-to-Device                            to facilitate in-building coverage enhancement.
                     −   Air-to-Ground                             − Grow and improve the deployable fleet, considering
                     −   Maritime Operations                         staging locations, user experience, and technology
                     −   Availability, Reliability, Resiliency,      options.
                     − Location Services                           − Advocate for the creation and evolution of mapping and
                     − Sensors                                       display technologies that allow easy consumption of
                     − Wearables                                     geo-location information.
                     − Cameras/Video                               − Advocate for the development of devices, technologies,
    Awareness        − Mapping/Geographic Information                and systems that collect, synthesize, analyze, and share
                       System (GIS)                                  information regarding assets, threats, and hazards in a
                     − Data Analysis, Artificial Intelligence        manner that improves public safety operations.
                                                                   − Facilitate awareness, development, and adoption of
                                                                     LMR to LTE interface standards, and support agencies’
               − Mission Critical Push-to-Talk                       efforts to integrate LMR and mission critical PTT
                 (MCPTT)                                             (MCPTT) systems.
Communications − PTT Interworking                                  − Coordinate feature development and advancement
                                                                     with the Public safety Communications Research
                                                                     Division and other government agencies.
                                                           − Collaborate across government in advocating for
                                                             national standards, procedures, and governance for
                                                             simplified and integrated access and exchange of
                     −   Data Access
      Secure                                                 information.
                     −   Data Sharing
                                                           − Improve the performance and use of identity,
   Information       −   Cybersecurity
                                                             credential, and access management and single sign-on
    Exchange         −   Identify, Credential, and Access
                                                             services through evaluation of real-world experiences.
                         Management (ICAM), Single Sign-In
                                                           − Assess industry standards and procedures for end-to-
                                                             end security of information at rest, in motion, and in
                                                                   − Improve the performance and efficacy of priority
                     −   Priority Services                           services through evaluation in real-world deployments,
                     −   Applications                                development of case studies, and analysis of
                     −   Devices                                     performance with AT&T.
 User Experience     −   Accessories                               − Advocate for the continued development and use of the
                     −   Hands Free Operations                       FirstNet application catalog.
                     −   Augmented Virtual Reality                 − Advocate for the development and use of devices that
                     −   Heads-Up Display                            support public safety operations, including specialized

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Televate was recently awarded a contract to assist MN DPS-ECN and the SECB Wireless Broadband & Applications
Committee with exploring opportunities related to this emerging technology and developing a strategy for
integrating the activities outlined in the FirstNet Authority Roadmap into the MN DPS-ECN Wireless Broadband

Integrated Public Alert and Warning System (IPAWS) Program
The ability to disseminate Wireless Emergency Alert (WEA) messages to wireless devices and Emergency Alert
System (EAS) messages through local broadcast media are important capabilities for local jurisdictions to have
when they need to notify the public in an emergency.

Over 70 jurisdictions in Minnesota are using IPAWS and approximately ½ of them are performing regular system
testing. I would encourage all jurisdictions in the region to adopt this technology and participate in regular system
testing to ensure operational readiness.

I would also encourage members of the region to work with IPAWS Program Manager John Dooley and the SECB
IPAWS Committee to discuss ‘best practices’ regarding the utilization of IPAWS messaging for ‘non-traditional’
community emergencies such as a 9-1-1 service outage or disruption.

SECB Standards
In 2004, the Minnesota Legislature established the Statewide Radio Board to oversee the deployment of the
ARMER system. Since that time, the board has evolved to become the Statewide Emergency Communications
Board (SECB) with oversight of three additional public safety communication programs (9-1-1, Wireless
Broadband, and IPAWS).

Shortly after its inception, the SRB established standards to govern usage of the ARMER system. Those standards
are commonly referred to as the ‘ARMER’ standards. Unfortunately, those standards have not fully evolved to
encompass the other three program areas governed by the SECB.

The SECB has tasked MN DPS-ECN staff with updating the ‘ARMER standards’ to become ‘SECB’ standards. ECN
Standards and Training Coordinator Cathy Anderson is spearheading the effort to renumber and revise the format
of each of the existing standards based on input received from stakeholders participating in the SECB Standards

I encourage the members of the region to engage their representatives on the SECB Standards Workgroup to
provide input and direction regarding any proposed changes to the SECB standards.

Recent SECB Standards Workgroup Activity:
On August 5, 2019, the monthly SECB Standards Workgroup conference call was conducted. This call focused on
the recently identified technical defect regarding ARMER system inter-zone patching and its impact on SECB
Standard 3.44.00 (Statewide Pursuit Communications). As a result of the workgroup discussion, MN DPS-ECN will
be publishing a training bulletin on this topic to ensure that PSAP personnel and field users are aware of this defect
and the potential safety issues that it may create for responders when critical information is being relayed during
an emergency.

The SECB Standards Workgroup is also in the process of reviewing and revising the standards related to ARMER
system participation. A draft ‘working copy’ of the standard has been distributed to each region for review.

Comments or questions regarding SECB standards should be directed to Cathy Anderson, MN DPS-ECN Standards
& Training Coordinator, at 651-201-7548 or cathy.anderson@state.mn.us

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Regional Leadership Meetings
MN DPS-ECN hosts ‘Regional Leadership Meetings’ to bring key stakeholders from all seven of the state’s
Emergency Service Board (ESB) and Emergency Communications Board (ECB) regions together to participate in
high-level discussions related to public safety communication programs, projects, and initiatives.

I would like to thank the members of the region for their participation in the most recent Regional Leadership
Meeting (RLM) that was held in St. Cloud on July 22, 2019. This meeting produced some good discussion regarding
the status of our current public safety communications grant programs and opportunities for improving the
planning and execution of those grants. The feedback received during the RLM will be discussed at an upcoming
SECB Grants Workgroup meeting.

The schedule and discussion topics for the upcoming meetings is as follows:
    • Monday, October 28, 2019 - 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM
           o Location: MnDOT Conference Center (3725 12th Street North, St. Cloud)
           o Topic: TBD
    • Monday, January 27, 2020 - 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM
           o Location: MnDOT Conference Center (3725 12th Street North, St. Cloud)
           o Topic: TBD

The MN DPS-ECN leadership, program managers, and Regional Interoperability Coordinators are available to meet
with the elected officials, appointed leaders, emergency responders, and other stakeholders within the region to
address any questions, comments, or concerns regarding current and/or proposed public safety communication
programs, projects, and initiatives. My contact information is listed below.

                                                  Steve Tait
                                  Regional Interoperability Coordinator (RIC)
                                  (Central, SW, South Central, & SE Regions)

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