Roche News November 2020 - Roche Parish Council

Page created by Raymond Hunt
Roche News November 2020 - Roche Parish Council
Roche News
 November 2020
Roche News November 2020 - Roche Parish Council
Letter from the Editor
It is lovely to see a few more events happening although there are still a lot more
things that need to get back to normal and we have to be patient until that time.
Not that easy when people are getting frustrated not being able to see their friends
and go to their craft or exercise classes.
  Four pages were taken out of the magazine this time. The deadline is the same
every month, and I do send reminders, so please try and make the magazine bigger
and better next time. Thanks.
Rachel Wakeman
      DEADLINE for DECEMBER/JANUARY 2020 Edition is 15 NOVEMBER 2020
The Roche News is now online at under Latest Newsletter

                                     RYF Harvest 2020

  Quieter than previous, with no auction, and all donations to our local foodbank
here in Roche.
  St Gomondas Church, Roche are grateful and thankful for our continuing support,
as are we, from members, parents and others to ensure we keep going.
  Harvest, a time to thank our Farming community for their hard work all year
  Thank you to all key workers, wherever you may work and our NHS.

DISCLAIMER: Whilst the magazine could not be published without the support of the
villagers and businesses in the community, the Editor takes no responsibility for any of the
content published.
Roche News November 2020 - Roche Parish Council
I have always been very keen to look forward and to try and seek out
opportunities that will benefit the majority. My support for the Eco Village is well
known as is my lobbying anyone who would listen for the need to construct a St
Austell to Victoria link road. I do not deny that I am actively courting a couple of
major employers to re-locate to Roche Victoria bringing much needed employment
opportunities especially for younger people.
   However, I respect the workers of days gone by and enjoy celebrating their
achievements hence my involvement with Wheal Martyn where I am their
   With others I was dismayed and vowed to vehemently to oppose any suggestion
that the 'Clay Trails' should be re-named the Garden Trails'. I agree that, yes, Eden
and others are now major players in our community and do make a significant
contribution to our economy. They appear to have forgotten that Eden owes its very
existence to the clay industry, the fact that it was to be built in a redundant clay pit
was a major reason for it attracting 'Lottery Funding' all those years ago. Tim Smit,
its founder, made great play of this in all his presentations and their early video
(now that dates me) is all about the pit restoration.
   Try denying the importance of coal, or tin, for example. This country's wealth and
prosperity depended on these great industries for without them there would never
have been an industrial revolution.
   As we move forward into a new era of environmental awareness and the
importance of horticulture this does not give 'licence' to reduce the importance of
the Clay industry. Look around your home and be aware of just how much you take
for granted. Clay impacts on every aspect of your life: china, paint, paper, medicines,
cables the list goes on and on, china clay is used everywhere. Its excavation has had
a major impact on mid Cornwall reshaping the landscape and influencing the
development of the communities in this area. So please can we celebrate and do all
we can to support the Clay Industry and retain the names of the pits and their CLAY
TRAILS. The impact of clay excavation will be seen by all future generations and
hopefully they will, like their fellows in other parts of the country, be proud to live in
'clay country'.
   The Wheal Martyn Clay Museum is open for business; please support it by having
a local's pass. It is well worth a visit and it is a unique destination offering much
more than a traditional museum with spectacular views down into a working pit.
Plenty of safe dogs welcome walking trails with things to do and experience for all
generations and of course easy access to many of the clay trails, one even leads all
the way to Eden.
Cornwall Councillor John Wood
Roche News November 2020 - Roche Parish Council
Local Family Company with over
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Unisex Hairdressing          SERVICES
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                             Contact Mark on
                             07899 756772 or
   01726 891291
   1 Harmony Road,
   Roche PL26 8ES

Roche News November 2020 - Roche Parish Council
The following is a humorous poem written by Dr K Phillips, who was a history
professor at Liverpool University, about his experience with his piano and singing
teacher. Ken was born to our village blacksmith next to the Church and has written
bestselling books on the Cornish dialect and other things Cornish.
              Mrs SC Tabb. MBE.ATCL.                 A TRIBUTE. By Dr K Phillips

An Engineers wife and a teacher of music,            in your tenor
Letters after her name and a family what’s           Andante; that means that the going is slow
more,                                                Well there, never mind, the fish cakes Are
‘bout twice so busy as most of her                   ready.
neighbours,                                          Wrap up this cold weather; ‘‘tis time for ‘EE
Walking for three steps and running for four.        to go”

“With a wrong in your bass and you’m wrong           Trezaise Chapel organ and Widor’s Toccata
in your tenor                                        Who would think that these two could
And ‘librato’, that means, let the piano go          possibly join?
free...                                              Yet she did it with taste and technique, on
And now. Just a minute, I must see to the            occasion
fish cakes                                           That organ will never again sound so fine.
That I’m cooking up in time for Sam’s tea“
                                                     “You’m right in your bass and oh yes, That’s
And the cost for all this; fifteen shillings a       better
quarter                                              Finito; that means that’s ‘bout ‘nough for
Just three pounds year for to open the door          today
To Handel and Schubert and Bach and                  So see you next Tuesday... my goodness, the
Beethoven                                            fish cakes!
and Elgar and goodness knows how many                Oh dear! I shall have to throw this lot away
                                                     Dear Mrs Tabb, what else can I tell you?
“With a wrong in the bass and you’m right in         You belong to those people who know how
your tenor                                           to teach.
Allargando, that means as grand as can be            You gave musical knowledge to three
You wait there a minute, I must see to the           generations.
fish cakes                                           Your watchword is practise rather than
That getting ready for Sam’s tea”                    preach
                                                     With exams and with contests, with sheer
If you were to hear her, on a tinny piano,           inspiration.
Coax little singers performing alone                 You earned for yourself the best kind of
Then turning rumbustuous for some noisy              fame
tenor                                                And to those that you taught would most
Who needs a good row that matches his                certainly testify
own.                                                 You earned every letter comes after your
“You’m wrong in your bass And you’m wrong            name

Roche News November 2020 - Roche Parish Council
          Sun bed, Beauty, Nails &
            Holistic Treatments

          Open Tues, Weds, Thurs,
             Fri & Sat
   Gift Vouchers also Available

OPEN NOW - Covid 19 regulations and
  government recommendations are in
place and we look forward to seeing you

 We also sell wool and
    craft products
17 Edgcumbe Road, Roche
      01726 892726

 10% discount to local residents with
the advert for any boiler/aga service,
        breakdown or repairs
Roche News November 2020 - Roche Parish Council
        Dorothy Grose

  Due to the Coronavirus outbreak, the
  mobile library service will no longer be
  running until further notice. Cornwall
 Library Members can access a wealth of
   online reading - eBooks, Audiobooks,
 newspapers and magazines, comics and
 eGraphic novels: using our online library
                                                 Please continue sending in
      Please check out: https://                  your stories, articles and                photos so that we can keep
culture/libraries/your-library-online                the magazine alive

                            Roche Methodist Church News

We are still hoping to reopen for services on November 1st at 10.30am, with Sunday
School starting at 10.15am. Things obviously have to be different due to Covid
restrictions. We will adhere to the 2 metre social distancing, wear face masks and
hand gel will be in the porch. Services will last approximately 30-40 minutes and we
will not be able to sing hymns although can listen to music.

Although there is no village Remembrance Service this year we will have a short
service of Remembrance at 10.30am and include the 2 minute silence.

If you need any help please contact me (Sue) on 890428 evenings or Rev Paul Parker.
Roche News November 2020 - Roche Parish Council
 Professional and caring childcare &
 early years education for children
              aged from
     3 months - 11 years old
 (for those aged 5 - 11 years, after
       school hours & holidays)
   Sessions available - 50 weeks
Opening hours: 8am-6pm term time
(The setting closes at 5.30pm during
         the school holidays)
Up to 30 hours funding available for eligible
    working families for 3-4 year olds
         Tel: 01726 891597

Roche News November 2020 - Roche Parish Council
Roche News November 2020 - Roche Parish Council
St Gomonda's Church, Roche
From the Priest-in-charge

Dear Friends
Lest we forget
  These words have become synonymous with the
commemoration of war although the phrase was first coined in a poem by Rudyard
Kipling to commemorate the diamond jubilee of Queen Victoria in 1897.
  The passage of time changes the way in which we use words and phrases and how
we look at things. We remember people and places differently with the progress of
time, our perspectives alter. I am sure that the covid-19 pandemic has caused many
of us to reflect on how we view the world and our lives.
  What doesn’t change is the gratitude with which we look back to the supreme
sacrifice of those who gave their lives for us in wars and conflicts. This year our
marking of Remembrance will not have the usual parade and service but we hope to
toll the church bell around 11am on 8th November. You can lay wreaths quietly
throughout the day. There will be an online email-style service with hymns, sermon,
prayers, the Last Post, silence and Reveille on the St Gomonda’s Facebook page and
at 6.30pm there will be a live Zoom service which everyone is welcome to join.
Please contact me for the link to the Zoom service – we’d love to see you – you
don’t have to say or do anything!
  On 1st November at 6.30pm there will be Zoom service where we can give thanks
for those who we have loved and lost. Please contact me with any names of the
departed that you want to be read out and for the Zoom link. My email address
and telephone number for this are: and 01726 822317.
  Let us also spare some time to remember all of those people who are giving so
much to help and protect us during this current strange and difficult time.
With grace, peace and every blessing. Paul. Revd Canon K Paul Arthur

         Services for November                   15th 10.30am - Holy Communion.
1st 10.30am - Service of the Word.               22nd 10am - Service of the Word.
6.30pm - All Souls' Service on Zoom              29th 10am - Service of the Word.
(please contact Canon Paul for the link).        6.30pm - Service of Readings and Hymns
8th 10.30am - Service of the Word.               for Advent on Zoom (please contact
6.30pm - Remembrance Service on                  Canon Paul for the link)
Zoom (please contact Canon Paul for the
BC Electrical
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               YOUR FRIENDLY LOCAL
                 LAUNDRY SERVICE
                Mon 8am to 5.30pm * Tues 9.30am to 8pm
                 Wed 8am to 5.30pm * Thurs 8am to 8pm
                Fri 8am to 5.30pm * Sat & Sun 8am to 8pm
Service Washes Available
Free collect and delivery                 2 Harmony Road,
within a 10 mile Radius                   Roche PL26 8ES
Coin Operated Washing Machines          Tel: 01726 891307
and Dryers                             Mobile: 07761 701247
Free Wi Fi
            Email us:
               Like us on Facebook and Google
Cornwall Residents Pass offer
Until March 2021, Wheal Martyn is offering discounted annual
admission to all residents of Cornwall, £7.50 per adult and £5 per child
(under 5’s are free). You can come along and find out about the
industry which shaped where you live and discover more about your
clay mining roots. For this price you can visit as often as you like for 12
months. Perfect for Christmas presents too! Bring along proof of address when visiting
Wheal Martyn before the end of March to secure yourselves an annual ticket. We hope to
see you and your families here for your next adventure.
Craft Fair Saturday 7 & Sunday 8 November
Open 10am-4pm. Gifts, jewellery, handmade bird houses, pictures made from clock and
watch parts, woodturning items, candles, cards and much more. With free on-site parking
why not pop in for lots of great gift ideas as well as delicious treats in the café. We will be
keeping you all safe by limiting numbers entering at any one time so please bear with us.
Christmas shopping
We have a great selection of gifts here at Wheal Martyn so why not get all of your shopping
done in one go in our safe, welcoming gift shop? You can treat yourself to a coffee and cake
in our café at the same time.
   Visit us at Call us on 01726 850362. Like us on Facebook or
                        Instagram so we can keep you updated

                                        Roche Cricket
At one point this year we didn’t think we would play any cricket for the season.
However, against the odds, cricket started in July.

Roche Cricket fielded 2 teams in the league, a team in the evening league, a third
team playing friendlies, several junior matches and a ladies softball team. Our first
team made it through to their league final for a very intense match against St Erne
Cricket Club and after a hard fought match Roche won the game and were crowned
champions. Our ladies softball cricket team entered and won three festivals and
remain unbeaten for the season and our evening league team made it through to
the league final.
Following our AGM on the 23rd October, the committee and members will continue
with the winter maintenance programme at the ground, making sure that we are
ready for the start of next season.
The club will be running winter indoor training sessions for all levels and ages, should
you wish to get involved simply email us at

November 2020

                               Weekly Events
Every Tuesday Roche Guides, Rainbows and Brownies, 6pm.
Every Thursday Cash Bingo in the Hall, 7.15pm.

                           Special Diary Dates

Sunday 1st            Newcastle v Everton                 2pm
                      Man Utd v Arsenal                   4.30pm
Monday 2nd            Leeds v Leicester                   8pm
Tuesday 3rd           Atlanta v Liverpool                 8pm
Wednesday 4th         Istanbul v Man Utd Second Half      5.55pm
                      Chelsea v Rennes                    8pm
Thursday 5th          Ludogrets v Spurs Second Half       5.55pm
                      Arsenal v Molde                     8pm
Wednesday 11th        Notts County v Stockport            7.45pm
Saturday 14th         Weymouth v Wrexham                  5.20pm
                      Portugal v France                   7.45pm
Sunday 15th           Slovakia v Scotland                 2pm
                      Wales v Rep of Ireland              5pm
                      Belgium v England                   7.45pm
Tuesday 17th          Spain v Gemany                      7.45pm
Wednesday 18th        England v Iceland                   7.45pm
Tuesday 24th          Rennes v Chelsea Second Half        5.55pm
                      Man Utd v Basaksehir                8pm
Wednesday 25th        Liverpool v Atlanta                 8pm
Thursday 26th         Molde v Arsenal Second half         5.55pm
                      Spurs v Ludogrets                   8pm

GARAGE                                           Clay’s Garden Maintenance Services
                                                        Local. Friendly. Reliable.
 SERVICES                                                Covering Mid Cornwall
                                                       Your Garden - Your Choice
Steve Hawkey                                      Need to get your garden ready for summer?
                                                We can offer a professional, competitive weekly,
                                                 fortnightly or monthly grass cutting or garden
   Over 25 years experience                             maintenance service to meet all of
                                                              your gardening needs.
        All makes and models                               No Job Too Big Or Too Small
        serviced and repaired                           Regular or one off garden services
                                               Garden Clearance, Grass Cutting, Strimming, Hedge
   MOT preparation on all vehicles             Cutting, Pruning, Bed Preparation, Planting, Weed-
                                                  ing, Fence and Shed Painting, Patio Cleaning,
Computer & electrical diagnostic checks                 Turfing, Decking and much more...
        Clutches and brakes                              Female & Male Gardening Teams
       Exhausts and batteries                        CALL TODAY FOR A FREE QUOTE
                                               01726 890369 - 07888 763389
    All parts and work guaranteed        
                                               Visit us on Facebook: @claysgardenservices
Telephone: 01726 890633                              “Local Gardens Made Beautiful
  Mobile: 07765 132651                                      By Local People”

Camper Hire Cornwall                             POTENTIAL
                                                NEW ADVERT
                                                 HERE NEXT

We are a family business based in Roche         If you want to go on the
 and have a selection of 4 and 6 berth
         motorhomes for hire.                      list for when a space
Competitive prices include insurance, EU
     cover and unlimited mileage.
                                                    becomes available,
                                                      please email me
Give us a ring on 01726 893166 or email      

                                                     Clive Bunt
                                                       General DIY
                                                       Handyman / Odd Jobs
                                                       Painting & Decorating
                                                       Friendly reliable service

                                                       Tel: 01208 72727
                                                     Mob: 07868 654356

Roche Guiding News

A new term brings new challenges. The Brownies held an outdoor meeting in
the Victory Hall car park, doing lots of different challenges, they had fun and
finished just before the fog descended. The Rainbows met the following
week; they also had challenges to complete. Because the evenings are
starting to get darker, the Brownies next meeting was on Zoom. With the
help of a Guide Leader in London, the Brownies and their parents tried their
hands at making woggles, by turning this cord
into a woggle.

Rainbows have also had their first Zoom meeting
doing challenges and experiencing a virtual
meeting. After half term, both Brownies and
Rainbows are hoping to return to face to face
meetings back at the Victory Hall, slightly
different times so all 3 units can meet on a
Tuesday evening.

The Guides held 2 weeks of outdoor meetings
each week. They planted daffodil bulbs, some
planted bulbs going up Roche Hill and others
were planted along by the park, we planted
approximately 300 bulbs.

Guides can now return to indoor meetings,
but unfortunately we can only have a
maximum of 15 Guides, so we are having to split the Guides into two groups,
so each week we are holding face to face meetings and Zoom meetings.

HENRY’S                               ROBIN THE
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       New purpose built                      and Insured
       Boarding Cattery.                        45 Years of Experience
  Set in a quiet rural location
           at Withiel.                        All types of garden work
 Close to Bodmin, Wadebridge                          including:
                and St Austell              stone work, walling, decking,
              Contact Kathryn on            patios, tree pruning, fencing
              01726 891542                       and hedge cutting.
              07751 209301                     For free estimate
                                                contact Robin
                                             Phone: 01726 824965
                                             Mobile: 07944 623055

              SOLUTIONS UK
      Spinal Touch (ST): a muscle relaxation
           technique to re-align the body.
        Zero Balancing (ZB): a therapy that
      addresses imbalance in the body structure
                    and energy.
      Therapeutic Massage & Aromatherapy:
         promotes relaxation and wellbeing.
     Natural therapies can help problems such as
         joint & muscle pain, stress, fatigue,
       sleep problems, recovery from surgery
                   and much more.
           Vouchers available on request
     Wendy Leach RMANM Dip, SMTI, ZBA UK, B.E.S.T.
           Phone: 01726 824965
           Mobile: 07989 485605

   28th -
Sunday 29th


Saturday 5th
- Sunday 6th

 each day

        ST DENNIS
          For further details:
 Contact: Liz Bradbury 07805 319791

T: 01726 942477
                                            Dog & Cat Grooming
       M: 07883 824255
   E:                 Ultrasound teeth
      OVENS - HOBS -
   BARBECUES - RANGES                   Sherry Austin 07786 074857
                                         North Barn, Retire PL30 5LP
Evening and weekend appointments
       available on request     
      Full price list available
          on the website                 Please contact me or visit my                      website for more information

I also do Garden Maintenance,
 Light Haulage, Chippings and
        Sand Deliveries,
    New Driveways Dug Out

       BY THE EA

  Contact Dan on
Mobile: 07919 936262
BOBBINS, PINS & NEEDLES: Weekly 9am-12.30pm at the Roche Chapel.
Contact Christina 01726 858376 or 07986 450869.
ROCHE SECOND WIND: Weekly 10am-11am at the Roche Victory Hall. £3 per
session plus 50p for refreshments.
KNIT & NATTER: Every other Tuesday 10am-12 noon in the School House.
Contact Tessa on 01726 890526 or Jacky on 07531 664695 for more details.
RAINBOWS, GUIDES & BROWNIES: Tuesday evenings, term time only, at the
Victory Hall. For further information visit
ROCHE ROCKERS WI (WOMEN’S INSTITUTE): Fourth Tuesday of the month.
7-9pm in the Chapel Rooms. Contact Jacky on 07531 664695.
MOBILE LIBRARY: Every four weeks 4.10pm-4.30pm in Harmony Close.
55 CLUB: Until April 2020 at 1.30pm in the Victory Hall. Call Selena on
01726 892702.
JUNIOR BRASS BAND: Weekly 6pm-7pm. Contact the Secretary on
01726 892848 or email
CRAFT, COFFEE, CHAT: Weekly at the Methodist Chapel Hall 10am-12.30pm.
Come and join us, £2 each week, first week free.
WORLD DANCE: Weekly (excluding school holidays) 7.30pm-9.30pm at the
Quaker Meeting House (below the railway station), High Cross Street,
St Austell. Contact Nina on 01726 833806 or Jan on 07980 091198.
RAOB ROCK LODGE: Fortnightly 7.30pm-9.30pm in the RVHSC Committee
Room. Contact Alan on 01726 890785.
ROCHE YOUNG FARMERS: Weekly 7.30pm. Contact Chairman Jordan
Edyvean on 07907 449898.
LUNCH CLUB: Weekly in the Methodist Chapel Hall at 12 noon. Contact
Dorothy Grose on 01726 890825 for details.
Session held at Roche Children’s Playground (next to Red shelter). £5.
Contact Dave on 07977 509712 or Facebook @swallowtheanchor. For details.
SUNDAY CLUB: First Sunday of the month in the Methodist Hall 10.15am-
11.30am. For children over three. Contact Sue on 01726 890428 (evenings).
VILLAGE LITTER PICK: First Sunday of the month (every other month). 10am
-11.30am. Meet at Roche Football Club car park. If weather bad, we meet the
following week. Contact Parish Clerk on 01726 890983 for more details.


 (10 ISSUES) with payment up front               If you wish to advertise then email me or
                                                leave details at Sweet Pea and I will get in
   Full page £280; Half page £140                contact with you when a space becomes
          Quarter page £70                                       available.

15th November    December/January
                                               If there are any changes to dates, times
                 (double edition) issue
                                                  or other information in the Ongoing
15th January     February issue
                                                Events section, Contact Information or
15th February    March issue                    an advert, please let me know as soon
                                                          as possible. Thanks.
15th March       April issue
15th April       May issue
                                                     Non-business events can be
15th May         June issue
                                                  advertised, per issue, at a cost of:
15th June        July/August (double                        £7 quarter page
                 edition) issue                      £14 half page, £28 full page
15th August      September issue                     All quarter page adverts are
15th September   October issue                            guaranteed to go in.
15 October       November issue
                                               Half and full pages subject to availability
After reading the article on page 21 of the last magazine, Kay Underwood
remembered that she had a photo of Roche Choir taken many years ago. Together
with Mary, of The Hollies, they phoned me and sent in this lovely photo. Thanks to
both of them. Kay would like to let everyone know that she is doing well.
Editor: Rachel Wakeman 07940 541438

Distribution                  Neil Clark                         01726 891134
Cornwall Councillor           John Wood                          01726 891393
Parish Clerk                  Julie Burdon                       01726 890983
Parish Chair                  Dan Inch                           07920 790557
St Gomonda’s Priest in        Revd Canon Paul Arthur             01726 822317
Methodist Minister            Rev Paul Parker                    01726 850504
Doctors’ Surgery              Clays Practice                     01726 890370
Dental Help Line              West Country Dental Care           0333 405 0290
Veterinary Surgery            Rock View Vets                     01726 890887
Police                        Non-Urgent                         101
                              Crimestoppers                      0800 555111

Roche Primary School                                             01726 890323
Brannel Comprehensive                                            01726 822485

  Roche News is sponsored by Imerys Minerals Ltd

                     Printed by Parish Magazine Printing 01288 341617
    Cover Picture: “Spirit of the Rock” by Dick Twinney (
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