Romania's judiciary before the ECJ - An investigation into the so-called "judicial laws", the legality of the Cooperation and Verification ...

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Romania's judiciary before the ECJ - An investigation into the so-called "judicial laws", the legality of the Cooperation and Verification ...
March 2021

Rule of Law Programme South East Europe (Bucharest)

 Romania's judiciary before the ECJ

An investigation into the so-called “judicial laws”, the legality of the
Cooperation and Verification Mechanism (CVM), and rulings of the
Romanian Constitutional Court

Hartmut Rank, Christoph Popa

Since joining the European Union, Romania has been in the process of evolving towards harmoni-
zation with the fundamental principles for which the EU stands. The European Commission has
been supporting this process through the Cooperation and Control Mechanism (CVM) from the
moment of the accession in 2007. As part of the monitoring, which was originally planned to be
short-term but now lasted for almost a decade and a half, the European Commission reports an-
nually on the progress of the member states Bulgaria and Romania with regard to the situation of
the rule of law:

At the moment, several cases dealing with central aspects of the Romanian ju dicial system are
pending before the Court of Justice of the European Union (ECJ). In addition to an assessment of
the controversial judicial reforms in Romania in 2017-2019, the question of the extent to which the
CVM recommendations of the EU Commission are binding is another subject of decisions to be
expected shortly. The analysis of the cases pending before the Court of Justice in Luxembourg and
the applications of the Advocate General already allows for a number of conclusions to be drawn.

Earlier CVM reports on Romania showed remark-         the issues at stake concern the legal nature of the
able progress in fighting corruption and promot-      decisions and reports in the context of the CVM
ing the independence of the judiciary.1 As a result   procedure, i.e. the question of whether these are
of structural deterioration in the years 2017-2019    binding. In addition, Romanian courts requested
in the areas mentioned, not only did the positive     clarification as to the extent to which the so-
developments in Romania stagnate, but even the        called “judicial laws” violate European Union law.
praised progress was undone.2                         Several decisions of the Romanian Constitutional
                                                      Court were also sent to the ECJ to check for their
The path that Romania found itself on until 2019      conformity with EU law.
was considered by the European Commission to
be ultimately backward, and led to a lot of criti-    Pending cases at a glance
cism from abroad and protests in Romania itself.
As a result of this development, Romanian courts      There are currently several cases and questions
felt compelled to ask the European Court of Jus-      relating to Romania pending before the European
tice (ECJ) in Luxembourg for preliminary rulings      Court of Justice. Specifically, some of these cases
on several legal questions in order to find out its   concern the controversial judicial reform tabled
interpretation of European Union law. In essence,
Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e. V.
country report Romania                                                                             March 2021        2

by a PSD-led government under then Prime Min-            well. In this matter, the Advocate General differ-
ister Mihai Tudose on August 23, 2017. This was          entiated between the CVM decision and the CVM
not only followed by protests in Romania itself,         report, but found in both cases a binding effect
but was also viewed critically in Brussels. In addi-     for Romania.
tion to the demonstrations in many Romanian
cities, professional organizations also found the        The first decision is based on the wording of Art.
courage to criticize the measures. Individual            288 para. 4 TFEU, according to which decisions
judges suspended proceedings and opted to ask            are fundamentally binding. In addition, a lack of
for a preliminary ruling. Above all, it becomes          binding force of CVM decisions would in fact
clear that the organization “Forum of Judges in          amount to abandoning the core requirements of
Romania” has played a significant role in the            accession to the European Union.5 With regard to
movement towards a review of national regula-            the CVM reports, the Advocate General found
tions. The association is involved in three of the       that they were not an “act” within the meaning of
five related cases and, as its chairman Dragoș           Art. 288 para. 4 TFEU, but rather represented a
Călin expressed in an interview, is positively sur-      legal act of its own kind.6
prised by the courage and willingness of more            The binding effect for the member state stems
judges and prosecutors to follow this movement           from Art. 4 para. 3 TEU, i.e. the so-called “effet
and support it.3                                         utile” principle. From it, the Advocate General de-
                                                         rives a stronger obligation on the part of the
At the core of the legal cases stands the question       member state in CVM proceedings to "loyally co-
of the extent to which the so-called “judicial laws”     operate" with the European Commission. Above
and the resulting structural change are compati-         all, this obligation refers to the fact that the Com-
ble with European Union law. Above all, the com-         mission reports must be adequately taken into
patibility with the rule of law principles is ques-      consideration in the context of national judicial
tioned. Should the ECJ follow the applicant's point      reforms and the adoption of laws and adminis-
of view and find the reform of the so-called “judi-      trative measures.
cial laws” to be contrary to EU law, this alone
would mean progress for the development of the           The questions to be clarified in advance with re-
rule of law in Romania.                                  gard to the legal nature of the acts and their
                                                         binding nature in the context of CVM proceedings
Assessment of the decisions and re-                      were thus answered: it has now been established
ports in the context of the CVM pro-                     that Union law applies and the questions fall
cess                                                     within the jurisdiction of the ECJ.

Romanian courts sought the assistance of the ECJ         Assessment of the national provi-
mainly to clarify the legal nature of decisions and      sions in question
reports issued on the basis of the CVM proce-
dure. Advocate General Michal Bobek proposed             According to the reports of the European Com-
the following solution in his published Opinion:         mission, Romania was on the right track until
the adoption of such decisions and reports are           2017 and arguably could have already ended the
actions of a body of the European Union. Accord-         CVM proceedings by fulfilling the requirements
ing to Art. 267 para. 1 lit. b TFEU, such an action is   and recommendations of the European Commis-
necessary to be able to apply for a preliminary          sion. The subsequent structural deterioration in
ruling by the ECJ. The Advocate General answered         the area of the independence of the judiciary and
this in the affirmative on the grounds that the de-      the fight against corruption caused the Commis-
cision based on the CVM procedure was a deci-            sion to rethink. Analyzing the planned shape of
sion falling within the meaning of Art. 288 para. 4      the Romanian judicial reform, the EU Commis-
TFEU and was issued on the basis of Articles 37          sion identified an increasing risk of political influ-
and 38 of the Act of Accession.4 The legal effect of     ence on decisions of the judiciary, although the
the CVM decisions and/or reports and their bind-         member state should have prevented precisely
ing force for a member state was investigated as
Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e. V.
country report Romania                                                                          March 2021        3

this development. The aim of the European Com-         judiciary. This is the intention of Art. 19 para. 1
mission was to bring the independence of the ju-       TEU and Art. 47 para. 2 of the Charter of Funda-
diciary and the fight against corruption to a level    mental Rights of the European Union. From the
where a worsening becomes almost impossible            point of view of the Advocate General, the afore-
and therefore a control by the European Union is       mentioned provisions conflict with the system
no longer required. At first things looked good        created by Emergency Decree No. 77/2018, as it
from this perspective, as the CVM report from          cannot guarantee the necessary safeguards. This
January 2017 shows. Especially the negative fall-      becomes particularly clear from the fact that the
out of several Romanian emergency decrees              emergency decree enables the government to ex-
adopted in 2017 was tremendous, so it seemed           tend an already expired mandate without the au-
impossible for the European Commission to end          thority relevant under the Romanian Constitution
the CVM procedure. Specifically, the provisional       being able to exercise its discretion in this matter.
appointment of a head of the Judicial Inspection
and the creation of an independent department          This also clearly shows why the European Com-
for investigating criminal offenses in the judiciary   mission criticizes the judicial laws in the form en-
were met with criticism.                               visaged at the time and, above all, the effects of
                                                       the emergency decrees, viewing them as a step
Provisional appointment of an in-                      backwards in the development of Romania. The
terim head of the Judicial Inspection                  previous system and primarily the competence of
                                                       the Superior Council of Magistracy guaranteed a
The appointment of the interim head of the judi-       procedure based on the rule of law. The Emer-
ciary inspection led to critical statements and        gency Decree No. 77/2018 and the possibility of
raised concerns about the independence of the          influencing the appointment of the management
Romanian judiciary. The Judicial Inspection in-        position run the risk of constitutional principles
deed made the partially understandable argu-           being undermined. In addition, the judicial sys-
ment according to which the mandate of the pre-        tem loses some of its independence and is sub-
vious management ended without the competent           ject to increasing political influence.
authority having initiated a new selection proce-
dure and thus an extension of the previous man-        The department for the investigation
date was mandatory. Nevertheless, the effects of       of criminal offenses in the judiciary
the Emergency Decree No. 77/2018 showed a de-
velopment contrary to the actually desired pro-        The majority of the legal questions currently sub-
gress towards an independent judiciary. Accord-        mitted to the ECJ by Romanian courts concern the
ing to the Romanian Constitution, the Superior         department for the investigation of criminal of-
Council of Magistracy is responsible for appoint-      fenses in the judiciary (Romanian abbreviation:
ing the head of the Judicial Inspection. The au-       SIIJ), a new special department within the public
thority is seen as a guarantor of judicial inde-       prosecutor's office. When this department was
pendence, but was rather restricted in its consti-     established in 2018 it was met with strong criti-
tutional rights by the Emergency Decree No.            cism from the onset, as increasing political influ-
77/2018. In effect, the Superior Council of Magis-     ence on the work of judges and prosecutors was
tracy was deprived of the possibility of exercising    feared.
discretion and an automatic extension of the
mandate was made possible through a proce-             In this case, the Venice Commission also touched
dure other than the procedure under the law.           on the impact on public perception: establishing
This limitation of the constitutional rights of the    a new institution would create the impression
Superior Council of Magistracy through an emer-        that the judicial system is extensively affected by
gency decree not only violates the Romanian            crime and corruption, since otherwise a special
Constitution, but at the same time also infringes      department within the public prosecutor's office
European Union law. European Union law basi-           would not have been necessary. That this would
cally requires to avoid legal acts that could result   put all sorts of offenses committed by judges on
in political influence or political pressure on the
Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e. V.
country report Romania                                                                           March 2021         4

par with corruption, organized crime and terror-        different aims. According to the previous regula-
ism appears however disproportionate in the             tions, the special department is not only an “om-
context.                                                nipotent superstructure” supposed to control the
                                                        behaviour of judges and public prosecutors, but
Nevertheless, the aforementioned special depart-        also creates an actually fictitious immunity for
ment of the public prosecutor's office is covered       public prosecutors working in this special depart-
with a justifying veil. It is undoubtedly possible to   ment. This “vicious circle of responsibilities” al-
claim that an independent special department for        lows the conclusion that the establishment of this
offenses committed by judges and prosecutors            department was not primarily motivated by
would lead to a decrease in corruption within the       fighting corruption, but rather by allowing politi-
judicial system. In addition, the high standards        cal influence on rulings of the judiciary.
for working in this department may also lead to         It is revealing that immediately after its establish-
more legal certainty and independence. After all,       ment, the special department initiated or re-
to be accepted into the department at all, candi-       sumed investigations against those judges and
dates must show 18 years of experience as a             public prosecutors who had argued publicly
public prosecutor and pass a transparent proce-         against the structural change. In addition, magis-
dure .                                                  trates, who at the moment of the adoption of the
                                                        special department's legal framework were pros-
Nevertheless, it seems questionable whether it          ecuting members of the government, became a
was actually justified to create a special depart-      target as well.
ment. Since the establishment of the special de-
partment, it has become clear that it is not fully      Ultimately, these objective aspects persistently
functional. Above all, this is illustrated by the in-   suggest the impression that the department is
creasing number of cases in relation to the very        specifically investigating people who acted
limited number of prosecutors handling them. In         against the interests of the initiators. In our opin-
addition, there is no adequate territorial struc-       ion, such a development contradicts the princi-
ture, as the special department, in contrast to         ples of the rule of law, above all because it builds
other departments of the public prosecutor's of-        up the pressure on other judges and public pros-
fice, is only based in Bucharest, has no branches,      ecutors holding different opinions. Due to these
and does not cover all of Romania. The fact that        developments, it is impossible to continue to
the special department has exclusive compe-             speak of an independent, upright judiciary.
tence for cases involving judges and prosecutors
speaks against a “authentic” reason (and thereby        Another aspect to be considered is that everyone
rather suggests a more likely weakening of the          has the right to a fair trial within an appropriate
fight against corruption). The department retains       period of time. The rule of law is no longer up-
responsibility even if another person (outside the      held if the appropriate period cannot be met.
judiciary) is prosecuted for the same offense as
well. As a result of these regulations, fictitious      Above all, the case law of the European Court of
complaints against judges or public prosecutors         Human Rights (ECHR) on Art. 6 para. 1 ECHR is to
allow for targeted actions within the competence        be considered. The concept of appropriateness,
of the special department.                              which is not clearly defined, must always be as-
                                                        sessed under the particular circumstances of the
Thus, external actors have the opportunity to in-       individual case, but objective aspects must also
fluence the responsibilities within the judiciary.      be used. From an objective point of view, an as-
This opens a wide door to outside influence. At a       pect would already objectively speak against the
first glance, the establishment of such a special       rule of law if it actually precludes the possibility
department within the public prosecutor's office        of complying with the appropriate time frame. In
would arguably raise no concerns, as it may sig-        this context, the ECHR invokes the obligation of
nificantly raise the inhibition threshold for crimi-    states to organize themselves in a way that ena-
nal behaviour by judges and public prosecutors.         bles the judiciary to meet the requirements of
However, the implementation uncovers rather             Art. 6 para. 1 ECHR.7
Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e. V.
country report Romania                                                                           March 2021      5

                                                        rulings on current or future corruption proceed-
By setting up the special department, Romania           ings as a logical consequence that does not speak
has violated this principle and thus implemented        against the decision of the Constitutional Court.
a measure that contradicts the principles of the
rule of law. The number of public prosecutors           Inadmissible composition of court panels
employed within the special department is so
small, that it seems impossible to handle cases         The Advocate General also considers the decision
within reasonable time. This will inevitably lead       on the inadmissible composition of the ICCJ
to an inadequate length of the criminal proceed-        (685/2018) to be in conformity with Union law.
ings. Arguably, it may therefore be established on      The question of the composition lies within the
the part of the member state that a faulty organi-      responsibility of the member state. In addition,
zation of the special department leads to a viola-      Bobek also sees the financial interests of the Un-
tion of Art. 6 para. 1 ECHR.                            ion as not impaired by the decision of the Consti-
                                                        tutional Court, since this decision does not result
Review of several decisions of the Ro-                  in any new legal remedies. Likewise, no anti-cor-
manian Constitutional Court8                            ruption measures would be undermined, which is
                                                        why the ruling would not result in a violation of
In addition to the cases presented pertaining to        EU law. From the point of view of the Advocate
the Romanian judicial reforms, three other cases        General no suitable reasons would speak against
from 2016, 2018 and 2019 are also pending in            the independence or impartiality of the Constitu-
Luxembourg. They concern rulings of the Roma-           tional Court.
nian Constitutional Court (rulings 51/2016,
685/2018 and 417/2019) and all of them aim to           Expert panels for the fight against corruption
review the compatibility with European Union
law. Specifically, the Romanian Constitutional          The ruling of the Romanian Constitutional Court
Court decided on the question of whether the            in case 417/2019 related to the obligation of the
composition of some of the panels of the Su-            Supreme Court of Cassation to set up expert pan-
preme Court of Cassation and Justice (Înalta            els to deal with corruption offenses when acting
Curte de Casaţie şi Justiție - ICCJ) was inadmissi-     as court of first instance. According to the Consti-
ble. For a preliminary ruling, the ICCJ and the Tri-    tutional Court, the Supreme Court of Cassation
bunal in Bihor asked the ECJ to check whether the       has not met this obligation. In the opinion of the
principles of judicial independence and rule of         Advocate General, the ECJ should find that this
law as well as the protection of the financial inter-   ruling of the Romanian Constitutional Court actu-
ests of the EU are upheld.                              ally does violate EU law, specifically Article 325
                                                        para. 1 TFEU. He considers the decision of the
Participation of domestic intelligence services         Constitutional Court to be unlawful insofar the
in surveillance activities                              composition of the panels would be declared un-
                                                        lawful only due to the lack of specialization in cor-
In ruling 51/2016, the Constitutional Court de-         ruption cases. As a result, numerous first-in-
clared the participation of domestic intelligence       stance corruption cases dealt with between April
services in carrying out technical surveillance         2003 and January 2019 would have to be re-
measures for the purpose of criminal investiga-         viewed and retried. Concerns arise with regard to
tions to be unconstitutional. The EU Advocate           the practical consequences of the decision: In the
General suggested to the ECJ to rule that EU law        opinion of the Advocate General, the subsequent
does not conflict with the ruling of the national       impunity in a large number of cases would repre-
court, since European Union law does not stand-         sent a detriment to the financial interests of the
ardize the prerequisites and requirements of            EU. He therefore considers the Romanian ruling
such measures, but merely requires compliance           to be contrary to European Union law, since it un-
with the principles of EU law. The Advocate Gen-        dermines the member state's obligation to safe-
eral regards the influence of such constitutional       guard the financial interests of the EU, according
                                                        to Art. 325 para. 1 TFEU.
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country report Romania                                                                            March 2021       6

                                                        who break the law. In addition, the special de-
Outlook                                                 partment only brought two cases to court each
                                                        year. The Minister of Justice said he was very sur-
The final rulings of the ECJ in these cases are still   prised at this.10
                                                        Nevertheless, it remains to be seen to what ex-
After the Romanian parliamentary elections at           tent the current government will implement the
the end of 2020, there was renewed action in Ro-        requirements of the EU and whether the negative
mania towards EU-compliant judicial reforms.            effects of the structural changes in Romania have
Considering not only the dispute over compliance        not yet created other hidden problems in need of
with the rule of law in other EU member states,         remedy. Ultimately, not only did the European
this step will not only please the European Com-        Commission lose confidence in the stability of Ro-
mission. Ultimately, it will also be useful to Roma-    mania's rule of law development, but the Roma-
nia, as the intended end of the CVM mechanism,          nian people also lost trust in the government and
which has been in place since 2007, is now in           in the progress achieved in the fight against cor-
sight.                                                  ruption at the highest level. It will take more than
To reach this goal, an optimistic and ambitious         a law to restore the Romanian people's confi-
time schedule has been drawn up, stating that           dence in the judiciary.
the draft laws should be presented as early as
the end of April 2021.9                                 The decisions of the ECJ can already pave the way
                                                        for the first step. Due to the principle of the pri-
Concrete steps have already been initiated. In          macy of EU law, supranational rules and regula-
mid-February 2021, the Romanian Justice Minis-          tions must take precedence over national rules
ter Stelian Ion (a member of the Union for the          and regulations. In the concrete case, the colli-
Rescue of Romania, USR) sent a relevant draft law       sion of EU law principles with national regulations
to the government. In 2020 this reform was una-         would mean that the EU regulations would have
ble to be implemented because the PNL-led mi-           to be applied first. If Romania follows these deci-
nority governments had to seek majorities de-           sions and uses them as a yardstick, it is likely that
pending on individual situation and other ques-         there will be legislative changes in the near future
tions became more urgent after the outbreak of          that comply with EU requirements and move the
the pandemic.                                           country further in the direction of a fully function-
                                                        ing constitutional state.
The draft law tabled by the Minister of Justice
aims to abolish the department for special inves-       It remains to be seen how the ECJ will judge the
tigations within the judiciary. He explained this       cases presented here. Irrespective of this, it is to
step with the wish to return to normality. The          be welcomed that Parliament has now again
Minister also described the special department as       taken up reforms of the Romanian judicial sys-
an inefficient body that has completely failed to       tem in earnest.
achieve its goal of holding accountable judges
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country report Romania                                                                           March 2021   7

1 393_de.
2 851_en.
3 (in Romanian).
4 ageIn-
      dex=0&do-clang=DE&mode=req&dir=&occ=first&part =1, Rn. 125.
5 ageIn-
      dex=0&do-clang=DE&mode=req&dir=&occ=first&part =1, Rn. 153: Michal Bobek makes
      this clear by describing it as a license for abandoning to comply with the core require-
6 ageIn-
      dex=0&do-clang=DE&mode=req&dir=&occ=first&part =1, Rn. 159.
7, Rn. 24.
     Press Release No. 33/21, Court of Justice of the European Union, Luxembourg March 4,
      reforms-200994/?source=ro mania&fbclid=IwAR 3mGoO6R zPYsXFnut reVekZUkjjqT-

Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e. V.

Hartmut Rank
Head of Rule of Law Programme South East Europe

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