Rough Consensus and Running Code' and the Internet-OSI Standards War

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‘Rough Consensus and Running Code’
     and the Internet-OSI Standards War
     Andrew L. Russell
     The Johns Hopkins University

                                             Internet historians recognize the technical achievements but often
                                             overlook the bureaucratic innovations of Internet pioneers. The
                                             phrase, “We reject: kings, presidents, and voting. We believe in:
                                             rough consensus and running code,” was coined by David Clark in
                                             1992. This article explains how the phrase captured the technical and
                                             political values of Internet engineers during a crucial phase in the
                                             Internet’s growth.

                        Historians interested in conflict and consensus      overlooked, however, is the extent to which the
                        in technological systems stand much to gain          success of the Internet depended on organiza-
                        from examining standardization—the process-          tional innovations directed by Cerf, Kahn, and
                        es of creating and implementing technical stan-      other Internet pioneers such as Jon Postel and
                        dards. Standardization requires sophisticated        David Clark. Starting in the 1970s, researchers
                        technical work as well as organizational and         in groups such as the Internet Configuration
                        strategic coordination. In the late 1970s, it was    Control Board (ICCB), the Internet Activities
                        reasonable to assume that formal standards-set-      Board (IAB), and the Internet Engineering Task
                        ting institutions, such as the International         Force (IETF) coordinated Internet standards
                        Telecommunication Union (ITU) and the                and architectural development. These institu-
                        International Organization for Standardization       tions deserve special attention not only for
                        (ISO), would lead the coordination and stan-         their technical achievements, but also because
                        dardization of information services, much as         they fostered a voluntary international con-
                        they did for international telecommunications.       sensus during a period of intense technical
                        Beginning in 1977, ISO oversaw a large, ambi-        and institutional change in computing and
                        tious attempt to define a network architecture       telecommunications.
                        called Open Systems Interconnection (OSI).              These organizational innovations emerged
                        Between the late 1970s and the early 1990s, the      as responses to external competition from ISO
                        OSI seven-layer model became enshrined in            as well as to internal strains in the processes of
                        computer science curricula and endorsed by           Internet standardization. As the Internet grew
                        governments around the world. Competing              rapidly in the late 1980s and 1990s, groups such
                        networks—including experimental TCP/IP net-          as the IAB and IETF started to become victims
                        works—were expected to fade away once OSI            of their own success and struggled to preserve
                        protocols were standardized and implemented          their founding principles. If we understand
                        by users and manufacturers.                          “politics” to mean relations of control between
                           By the mid-1990s, however, ISO’s slow stan-       individuals and groups, the political values of
                        dardization process had failed to keep up with       Internet architects and engineers were especial-
                        alternative, informal mechanisms that were           ly evident as these people built political struc-
                        more effective at coordinating rapid techno-         tures—standards bodies—from scratch.3
                        logical change.1 These informal mechanisms—             Standardization is technically and organiza-
                        the focus of this article—provided vital             tionally complex as well as deeply value-laden.4
                        institutional support for the eventual success       Leaders and participants in the IAB and IETF
                        and global deployment of the Internet archi-         articulated institutional rules, cultural tradi-
                        tecture and Internet standards such as TCP/IP.       tions, and versions of their own history as they
                           In most existing histories of the Internet,       responded to challenges from within and with-
                        leaders such as Vinton Cerf and Robert Kahn          out. A memorable phrase encapsulates the pre-
                        receive plaudits for their technical work, espe-     vailing technical and organizational values of
                        cially for their roles in the creation of the core   those who were involved in the Internet stan-
                        Internet standards TCP and IP.2 What is often        dards process from the mid-1970s to the pres-

48   IEEE Annals of the History of Computing          Published by the IEEE Computer Society     1058-6180/06/$20.00 © 2006 IEEE
ent: “We reject: kings, presidents, and voting.      Arpanet (PRnet was developed in Hawaii), but
We believe in: rough consensus and running           faced a problem of trying to connect what he
code.”5 This article explains how this phrase—       later called “two radically different networks”
which became a motto for Internet standardi-         with different network capacities, protocols,
zation—articulated a common set of beliefs           and routing systems.10 ARPA’s concurrent
about the work culture and engineering style of      development of satellite packet switching in
Internet standardization.                            SATnet further compounded this problem,
   In 1999, law professor Lawrence Lessig            leading Kahn to conclude that network inter-
declared that “rough consensus and running           connection could not be achieved on an ad
code” had broad significance as “a manifesto         hoc, network-to-network level.
that will define our generation.”6 An examina-          To overcome this problem, Kahn in 1973
tion of the origins of this credo—coined by          rekindled an effective partnership with Vint
David Clark in 1992—illustrates some techni-         Cerf—the two had worked together on the first
cal, rhetorical, and philosophical differences       nodes of the Arpanet in 1969—and proposed a
between the Internet standards process and the       new way to transport data packets. This mech-
competing ISO process. Most participants in the      anism was a simple technical protocol (trans-
Internet standards process today consider            mission control protocol, or TCP) and system
“rough consensus and running code” to be a           of gateways (now known as routers) to transfer
succinct and accurate description of the             data packets between the dissimilar networks.11
Internet standards process.7 For historians,         Kahn’s ultimate goal was to make the network
“rough consensus and running code” stands as         transparent, “a seamless whole,” invisible to
a revealing depiction of the international poli-     the user who would be more interested in
tics of computer internetworking in the last         accessing information over the network instead
quarter of the 20th century, as well as a point of   of the operation of the network itself.12 This
entry for investigating why contemporaries           basic principle—interconnection via standard
described the competition between the Internet       protocols—is the Internet’s fundamental struc-
and OSI as “the Internet religious war.”8            ture and defining feature.13 In 1978, Cerf and
                                                     two other DARPA-funded network researchers,
Internet architecture: TCP/IP and the                Danny Cohen and Jon Postel, split the func-
end-to-end argument                                  tions of TCP into two protocols, TCP and the
    In 1996, the Internet Architecture Board         Internet Protocol (IP), that worked together in
(IAB) published RFC 1958, “Architectural             the now-familiar combination of TCP/IP.14
Principles of the Internet,” to record aspects of       Network transparency and application
architectural approach practiced in the Internet     autonomy are the two key elements of a design
community over the previous 25 years. They           philosophy first articulated in 1981 by David
wrote: “in very general terms, the community         Clark, Jerome Saltzer, and David Reed, three
believes that the goal is connectivity, the tool     veterans of ARPA-sponsored networking exper-
is the Internet Protocol, and the intelligence is    iments at the Massachusetts Institute of
end to end rather than hidden in the net-            Technology’s (MIT’s) Laboratory for Computer
work.”9 This section provides a brief overview       Science. Their paper, “End-To-End Arguments
of the distinctive aspects of Internet architec-     in System Design,” was written to explore a
ture by exploring these three principles: inter-     design principle that they claimed had “been
connection, the Internet Protocol, and the           used for many years with[out] explicit recog-
“end-to-end” argument.                               nition.”15 An outgrowth of substantial experi-
    After initial networking experiments with        ence with TCP/IP networking, the end-to-end
the Arpanet beginning in 1969, the Advanced          principle held that the Internet’s complex
Projects Research Agency (ARPA) continued to         functions should be performed at the end-
explore networking concepts for satellite and        points, leaving only the (relatively) simple
radio. The problem of how to enable commu-           tasks of interconnection and data transport to
nication between technically disparate systems       the network. The authors commended the
also had implications for mobile military com-       technical merits and simplicity of the end-to-
munications. In the early 1970s, ARPA devel-         end model by concluding, “end-to-end argu-
oped a packet radio network (known as PRnet)         ments are a kind of ‘Occam’s razor’ when it
based on the same packet-switching technolo-         comes to choosing the functions to be provid-
gy being tested in the Arpanet. Robert Kahn, as      ed in a communications subsystem.”16
program manager for this project, identified            The end-to-end design principle thus calls
the need to connect packet radio networks to         for a simple standard for data transfer that
large computers in the continental US via the        allows new innovations to be added at the

                                                                                                   July–September 2006   49
‘Rough Consensus and Running Code’

                        edges and on top of the “stupid network.”17             sion formally to expand the involvement of the
                        From this distributed design follows decentral-         research community in making decisions about
                        ized control, both over the functionality of the        the network:
                        network and over the content of the network
                        traffic. Marjory Blumenthal and David Clark               [W]hen we started the internet program in the
                        argued in 2001 that end-to-end principles form            mid 1970s, originally it was just me in the office
                        the heart of the                                          running the program. And after Vint was hired,
                                                                                  then it was just Vint running the program with
                          conventional understanding of the “Internet             me to kibitz. And he was so good at what he did
                          philosophy”: freedom of action, user empower-           that he basically had everything in his head.
                          ment, end-user responsibility for actions under-        What I worried about was what would happen if
                          taken, and lack of controls “in” the Net that limit     he got hit by a truck? Number two, what would
                          or regulate what users can do.18                        happen if he would ever have to leave? And
                                                                                  number three, how was anybody else in the com-
                           By building in minimum control and allow-              munity ever going to be part of the thinking
                        ing the “broadest range of development” to                process. So he set up, after some discussions, a
                        end users, the technical standards of the                 kind of kitchen cabinet, if you will, of knowl-
                        Internet have, as Lessig wrote, “erected a free           edgeable people that he would convene periodi-
                        space of innovation.”19                                   cally. These were mostly the workers in the field,
                           On 1 January 1983, TCP/IP replaced NCP (an             the key people who were implementing proto-
                        older networking protocol) as the standard host           cols . . . When he left, that group stayed intact.24
                        protocol for the Arpanet.20 “With the use of
                        TCP/IP now mandatory on the Arpanet,” Kahn                 This group, Cerf’s “kitchen cabinet,” was the
                        recalled in 1994, “the rationale for connection         ICCB, created in 1979 and “chaired by David
                        of local area networks was evident and the              Clark from MIT to assist ARPA in the planning
                        growth of users and networks accelerated. It also       and execution of the evolution of the TCP/IP
                        led to a rethinking of the process that ARPA was        suite.”25 The ICCB expanded control over
                        using to manage the evolution of the net-               Internet development by bringing more of the
                        work.”21 The next section examines the evolu-           network users—technical experts distributed in
                        tion of this management process as the Internet         universities, firms, and government agencies—
                        community faced the problems and challenges             into Cerf’s inner circle in a more formal way.
                        that accompanied the growth of the network.             For Kahn, the ICCB was important because it
                                                                                “brought a wider segment of the research com-
                        Governance of Internet protocols,                       munity more directly into the decision-making
                        1979–1992                                               aspects of the Internet project which, until
                           Internet researchers created and presided            then, had been almost solely undertaken by
                        over the governing bodies of Internet proto-            ARPA.”26
                        cols—the ICCB, IAB, and IETF—to manage the                 Cerf left his position as head of the Internet
                        growth of end-to-end networks based on TCP/IP.          research program at ARPA in 1982, and was
                        The history of these groups reveals the creation        replaced in 1983 by Barry Leiner. Leiner and
                        of increasingly formal structures by a core of          Clark, in response to the continued growth of
                        Internet researchers who strove to preserve the         the Internet community, disbanded the ICCB
                        design principles and work culture that had fos-        in September 1984 and created the Internet
                        tered the Internet’s successful growth.                 Advisory Board (IAB).27 Clark continued his
                           Cerf’s involvement with ARPA started at              close involvement as the first chair of the IAB—
                        Stanford University, where he worked from               a position that confers the title of “Internet
                        1974 to 1976 to implement TCP/IP. Kahn, who             Architect.”28 Leiner created task forces within
                        joined ARPA’s Information Processing                    the IAB to focus on specific aspects of Internet
                        Techniques Office as a program manager in               technology (such as gateway algorithms, end-
                        1972, hired Cerf to come to ARPA in 1976 to             to-end protocols, and security) in an attempt to
                        run a program to pursue and coordinate                  keep discussions focused while accommodat-
                        Internet research. Cerf later recalled that, upon       ing growing numbers of participants.29 The
                        moving to ARPA, “The single-minded goal was             Board itself consisted of the chairs of the task
                        to get the Internet system up and running.”22           forces. There were no elections in the IAB.
                           When he began at ARPA, Cerf worked with              Instead, as Vint Cerf explained in 1989, new
                        “only a few researchers” to “develop and test           members were appointed by the chairman of
                        versions of the internet protocols.”23 Kahn,            the IAB, with the advice and consent of the
                        Cerf’s manager at the time, recalled the deci-          remaining members. Cerf wrote,

50   IEEE Annals of the History of Computing
[m]embership changes with time to adjust to the
  current realities of the research interests of the                         List of Acronyms
  participants, the needs of the Internet system         ARPA      Advanced Research Projects Agency
  and the concerns of the constituent members of         CLNP      ConnectionLess Network Protocol
  the Internet.23                                        DARPA     Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
                                                         DoD       Department of Defense
   Given this description, it is not difficult to        GOSIP     Government Open Systems Interconnection Profile
see why the author and computer scientist Ed             IAB       Internet Advisory Board (1984–1986); Internet Activities
Krol described the IAB as a “council of elders.”30                 Board (1986–1992); Internet Architecture Board (July
The IAB cannot be characterized as a democra-                      1992–present)
cy, since nobody voted and the Board only let            ICCB      Internet Configuration Control Board
in the people they wanted. The very premise of           IESG      Internet Engineering Steering Group
the Internet—especially its protocol and net-            IETF      Internet Engineering Task Force
work design—required that the Board make its             IPv4      Internet Protocol version 4
decisions by consensus. Democracy, with its              ISO       International Organization for Standardization
competing factions and its political compro-             ISOC      Internet Society
mises, was not an appropriate political model            ITU       International Telecommunication Union
for the IAB or the Internet. Instead, the IAB            NCP       Network Control Program
operated with a leadership of experienced tech-          NIST      National Institute of Standards and Technology
nicians and a rank and file organized by area of         OSI       Open Systems Interconnection
technical interest, more technocratic than               PRnet     Packet Radio Network
democratic. The IAB increasingly served as the           RFC       Request for Comments
steward of TCP/IP and the Internet, but had no           TCP/IP    Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol
legal mandate or enforcement mechanisms. In              TP-4      Transport Protocol Class 4
other words, IAB-backed protocols were de
facto standards, whose status as standards
depended on broad consensus and widespread
implementation.                                        increasing size, value, and internationalization
   One of the IAB’s task forces, the Internet          of the IETF and Internet standards process
Engineering Task Force, first met in 1986. Due         brought significant legal and practical prob-
to the tremendous growth in the Internet’s             lems to the fore, such as antitrust liability,
practical and engineering side, there was soon         copyright protection, and the needs to detach
“an explosion in the attendance at IETF meet-          the process from the US government and to
ings” that compelled IETF chair Phill Gross to         accommodate international participation.33 In
create a substructure for the group. In 1987, the      1990, Cerf began to formulate the idea of a pri-
IETF formed separate working groups to oversee         vate board of overseers that would act as a legal
specific topics; in 1989 the IETF organized the        and organizational umbrella for the IAB and
working groups into areas and designated area          IETF and, at the same time, serve as a global
directors, who formed the Internet Engineering         coordinating mechanism for promoting the
Steering Group (IESG). The IETF’s effectiveness        Internet. This umbrella, the Internet Society,
was underscored that same year, when the IAB           was launched as a private, professional mem-
“recognized the importance of the IETF, and            bership organization in January 1992, with
restructured the standards process explicitly to       Cerf as its president. In July 1992, the IAB
recognize the IESG as the major review body for        changed its name from the Internet Activities
standards.”31 Having assigned responsibility to        Board to the Internet Architecture Board and
the IETF for the short-term engineering of the         became part of the Internet Society.34
Internet, the IAB streamlined the rest of its task        A “Brief History of the Internet”—coau-
forces into the Internet Research Task Force with      thored by a number of Internet pioneers
small research groups, such as the End-to-End          (including Cerf, Clark, Kahn, and Leiner)—
Research Group and Internet Architecture Task          describes this formation of community gover-
Force, dedicated to long-term issues in the evo-       nance as a “steady evolution of organizational
lution of the Internet.32                              structures designed to support and facilitate an
   By the early 1990s, participation at IETF           ever-increasing community working collabora-
meetings—which were held three times a year            tively on Internet issues.”35 These structures
and open to anyone interested—continued to             combined two models of governance. The first
increase at an explosive pace, reflecting grow-        model, the structure led by Cerf that coordi-
ing interest from the research community as            nated the development of the Internet at ARPA,
well as from the commercial community. The             was a self-selected, experienced group—a

                                                                                                       July–September 2006    51
‘Rough Consensus and Running Code’

                        “council of elders.” Historians of the Internet      the TCP/IP Internet and the open systems
                        unequivocally praise this group as a source of       interconnection (OSI) model were designed as
                        its astounding growth. Frequently described as       nonproprietary networks that would allow
                        a meritocracy, this close-knit network of peo-       users more flexibility. Although they shared
                        ple worked together since the early Arpanet          some common architectural features, these two
                        days (many as graduate students at MIT or the        models—the Internet and OSI—emerged with-
                        University of California, Los Angeles, or as         in different organizational contexts under
                        engineers at Bolt Beranek and Newman, the            somewhat different motivations. This section
                        consulting firm that had designed aspects of         describes the ideas behind the development of
                        the Arpanet) and provided the bulk of the tech-      OSI, and its adoption by the US Department of
                        nical and bureaucratic leadership necessary to       Defense (DoD).39
                        keep the Internet up and running.36 (For more            OSI is an example of a broader movement
                        on BBN, see the special issues of Annals: vol. 27,   toward “open systems” that “encouraged com-
                        no. 2 and vol. 28, no. 1.) “Relatively few, com-     patibility between systems from different man-
                        petent, highly motivated people were                 ufacturers.”40 The emergence of many types of
                        involved,” recalled Larry Press, “and they had       open systems in the 1970s and 1980s (such as
                        considerable autonomy.”37                            for stereo components and microcomputers)
                            Kahn’s observation about the ICCB’s role as      helped smaller producers and consumers who
                        a sort of kitchen cabinet provides an insight        did not want to be locked in to proprietary
                        into the second model of governance, which           products from a single manufacturer.41 For
                        has received less attention from historians: the     computer networks, open systems such as OSI
                        function of the ICCB, IAB, and IETF as mecha-        and the TCP/IP Internet emerged as alternatives
                        nisms for engaging and directing the efforts of      that could challenge the dominance of IBM
                        a distributed group of Internet researchers. The     and its System Network Architecture. These
                        Internet user community was small enough in          various standards coexisted throughout the late
                        1979 that the ICCB functioned simultaneous-          1970s and 1980s, as networking executives and
                        ly as both a “council of elders” and a “grass-       engineers developed strategies and organiza-
                        roots mechanism” for Internet standards.38 By        tional structures to facilitate network intercon-
                        1992, the IAB and Internet Society maintained        nection.42 In short, open systems articulated a
                        the character of the council of elders, responsi-    network interconnection strategy that at the
                        ble for architectural and bureaucratic oversight,    same time facilitated a more decentralized
                        while the IETF, as its name implies, assumed         industry structure.
                        responsibility for the distributed, hands-on             OSI dates from 1977, when, according to
                        tasks involved in the engineering and imple-         one of its protagonists, the ISO “recognized the
                        mentation of protocols and provided a forum          special and urgent need for standards for het-
                        for interested newcomers.                            erogeneous informatic networks” and formed
                            The transfer of responsibility for technical     a subcommittee to create a Reference Model of
                        standards from the ICCB to the IAB and then          Open Systems Interconnection.43 The goal of
                        to the IETF demonstrated a strong desire on the      this seven-layer OSI Reference Model was not
                        part of the council of elders to engage and          to define the internal operations of networks,
                        empower the broader community that wanted            but only to standardize the external interfaces
                        to contribute to the further development of the      between networks: in other words, to set the
                        Internet. Under this system, the Internet’s          ground rules for network interconnection.44
                        architectural oversight remained with the                During the 1980s and early 1990s, OSI
                        reconstituted IAB, while the efforts of partici-     enjoyed widespread support from national gov-
                        pants in the IETF were channeled toward the          ernments, particularly in Western Europe,
                        technical aspects of protocol development and        North America, and the Far East.45 OSI enjoyed
                        implementation.                                      this level of support due in part to the strategic
                                                                             position of its sponsor, ISO. ISO was an “offi-
                        OSI in Europe and GOSIP in the US                    cial” international standards body, meaning
                           This development of TCP/IP networks with-         that it was populated by representatives from
                        in the ICCB, IAB, and IETF occurred while            national governments who, in most cases,
                        other groups developed competing protocol            acted on behalf of the interests of their nation-
                        architectures for computer internetworking.          al telecommunications and computer firms.46
                        Vendors such as IBM and DEC (Digital                 ISO’s organizational culture—concerned with
                        Equipment Corporation) offered proprietary           defining and controlling the future of infor-
                        networking solutions that were difficult if not      mation and telecommunication services on
                        impossible to connect to other networks. Both        behalf of its representatives from national gov-

52   IEEE Annals of the History of Computing
ernments—resembled contemporary demo-
cratic bodies insofar as it featured voting, par-
tisan compromises, and rule-making behavior               OSI continued to gain
designed to protect financial interests. Such
processes stand in stark contrast to the research    momentum in August 1988,
and military orientation of the people and
institutions that developed Internet protocols.     when the National Bureau of
    The international support for OSI influ-
enced the officials in the DoD who were                   Standards published a
responsible for procuring equipment for their
own computer networks.47 Even though they            version of OSI for US federal
had sponsored the development of Internet
standards, DoD managers believed in the early             agencies called GOSIP.
1980s that OSI networks were likely to emerge
as de facto and de jure global standards. To bet-
ter understand the competing standards, the             Tensions between the OSI and Internet com-
DoD asked the National Research Council in          munities became apparent in the early 1980s,
1983 to evaluate TCP and TP-4, its functional       well before GOSIP came into being. For exam-
counterpart in the OSI Reference Model. The         ple, in their 1983 paper describing the similar-
final 1985 report presented three options: keep     ities between the ARPA and ISO protocol
the two as costandards; adopt TP-4 as soon as       architectures, Danny Cohen and Jon Postel
it was shown to be ready for military networks;     painted the ISO model as an abstraction, far too
or keep TCP and defer indefinitely a decision       rigid in its reliance on seven interrelated levels,
on TP-4.48 The DoD supported the second             and inappropriate to be used “as a model for all
option and planned to “move ultimately              seasons.”54 In an unusually colorful paper,
toward exclusive use of TP-4.”49                    Cohen and Postel—both of whom were instru-
    OSI continued to gain momentum in               mental in the early history of TCP/IP—mock-
August 1988, when the National Bureau of            ingly speculated that “mystical” traditions such
Standards published a version of OSI for US fed-    as Early Zoroastrianism, New Testament celes-
eral agencies called GOSIP (for “Government         tial beings, and the Christian seven deadly sins
Open Systems Interconnection Profile”) version      might have “shaped the choice of Seven.”55
1, which was built around TP-4 and many OSI         Another Internet advocate, in his 1991 “tech-
specifications. By August 1990, federal agencies    nical travelogue” of networking in 21 countries
were required to procure GOSIP-compliant            across the world, suggested that trying to
products.50 Through this procurement require-       implement OSI over slow, low-quality lines was
ment, the government intended to stimulate          “akin to looking for a hippopotamus capable of
the market for OSI products.51 However, many        doing the limbo.”56
network administrators resisted the GOSIP pro-          The resentment of Cohen, Postel, and their
curement policy and continued to operate            Internet colleagues stemmed from their frustra-
TCP/IP networks, noting that the federal man-       tion with the technical aspects of OSI as well as
date, by specifying only procurement, did not       with ISO as a bureaucratic entity. Where TCP/IP
prohibit the use of products built around the       was developed through continual experimen-
more familiar and more readily available            tation in a fluid organizational setting, Internet
TCP/IP.52                                           engineers viewed OSI committees as overly
                                                    bureaucratic and out of touch with existing net-
‘OSI Bigots’ and ‘IP Bigots’: Cultural              works and computers. OSI’s political and formal
dimensions of a standards war                       process did not endear the TCP/IP Internet
   A spirited rivalry between respective advo-      community—who were accustomed to a decen-
cates of OSI and TCP/IP networks emerged as         tralized division of labor throughout the stan-
they fought for jurisdiction over standards for     dards process—to the ISO Reference Model. In
computer internetworks. Richard des Jardins—        a scathing 1985 critique of OSI and its advo-
an early contributor to the ISO Reference           cates, one veteran of the Arpanet and Internet
Model and president of the GOSIP Institute—         community, Mike A. Padlipsky, characterized
captured the intensity of this rivalry when, in     the ARPA Internet Reference Model as
a 1992 article, he compared the “OSI Bigots”        “Descriptive” and ISO Reference Model as
and the “IP Bigots” to people who objected to       “Prescriptive.” Another networking pioneer,
“the convergence of cultures and races in the       David Mills, agreed in a 2004 interview:
world at large.”53                                  “Internet standards tended to be those written

                                                                                                      July–September 2006   53
‘Rough Consensus and Running Code’

                                                                              of the Internet supported the community’s
                                                                              broader interests and the IAB’s mandate—
                         Apart from the external OSI                          keeping the network open for anyone who
                                                                              wanted to connect.63
                                threat, the Internet
                                                                              Internet’s constitutional crisis
                             community faced many                                During its June 1992 meeting in Kobe,
                                                                              Japan, the IAB developed a draft discussion pro-
                                 internal problems                            posal to use CLNP as the basis for a larger
                                                                              address space. To the IAB, this seemed a respon-
                           throughout the Internet’s                          sible path to take, given the limits of the IPv4
                                                                              address space and the desire for the Internet to
                            rapid growth during the                           accommodate as many users as possible. As IAB
                                                                              member Christian Huitema recalled in 1996,
                             1980s and early 1990s.
                                                                                The IAB discussed [the draft proposal to incor-
                                                                                porate CLNP] extensively. In less than two weeks,
                        for implementers. International standards were          it went through eight successive revisions. We
                        written as documents to be obeyed.”57 “Another          thought that our wording was very careful, and
                        way of putting it,” Padlipsky wrote, “is that           we were prepared to discuss it and try to con-
                        whereas the Descriptive approach is suitable for        vince the Internet community. Then, everything
                        technology, the Prescriptive approach is suitable       accelerated. Some journalists got the news, an
                        for theology.”58                                        announcement was hastily written, and many
                            Apart from the external OSI threat, the             members of the community felt betrayed. They
                        Internet community faced many internal prob-            perceived that we were selling the Internet to the
                        lems throughout the Internet’s rapid growth             ISO and that headquarters was simply giving the
                        during the 1980s and early 1990s. As Internet           field to an enemy that they had fought for many
                        advocates battled against OSI, they also contin-        years and eventually vanquished. The IAB had
                        ued to struggle with the organizational problems        no right to make such a decision alone.64
                        of their own standardization process. Some crit-
                        ics felt that the IAB “failed at times to provide a       To the “general membership of the IETF,” Carl
                        solid agenda and timetables of engineering            Cargill commented, “this was rank heresy.”65
                        problems” for the IETF to address.59 The infor-       Scott Bradner preferred a political metaphor to
                        mal character of the IAB’s oversight of the IETF      the military and religious metaphors used by
                        had created problems in the past, especially          Huitema and Cargill: he later referred to the
                        when IETF engineers perceived that IAB deci-          events that followed as a “constitutional cri-
                        sions favored the commercial interests of ven-        sis.”66 The technical discussion proposed by the
                        dors over the technical consensus of the IETF.60      IAB inspired a movement within the IETF that
                            Tensions between the IAB and IETF exacer-         challenged the organizational hierarchies of
                        bated a disagreement about a major technical          Internet standards. The fact that a mere propos-
                        obstacle to Internet growth. One of the chief         al—it is important to note that the IAB’s CLNP
                        concerns of Internet architects in the late 1980s     discussion was in no way a final decision—
                        revolved around addressing and routing prob-          would provoke such outrage from hundreds of
                        lems built into the current version of TCP/IP         engineers and computer scientists reflects the
                        (IPv4): the finite amount of address space in         passion and commitment of engineers in the
                        IPv4 was projected to be running out quickly.         pitched battle of a standards war.
                        If the exponential growth of Internet users con-          Many IETF participants, while aware of the
                        tinued, the bottleneck would prevent new con-         limitations of IPv4, assumed that TCP/IP and
                        nections to the network.61 The IAB perceived          OSI “will coexist for a long time,” and certain-
                        that a solution might be reached through the          ly did not anticipate that another group would
                        OSI functional counterpart to IP called               attempt to change the Internet’s fundamental
                        ConnectionLess Network Protocol, or CLNP.62           protocol without first consulting the IETF.67
                            Although it was aware of strong opposition        Tradition, supported by IAB and IETF docu-
                        to OSI within the Internet community, the IAB         mentation, gave the IETF the right to stan-
                        felt that working with CLNP could help the            dardize protocols. Additionally, the IETF,
                        Internet overcome the address space problem.          consisting mostly of academic and government
                        From this perspective, the technical rationale        researchers, resented that OSI was a complex
                        for incorporating CLNP into the architecture          and costly system, driven by the political con-

54   IEEE Annals of the History of Computing
cerns of ISO—the “standards elephant.”68 This         inception, the IETF never had members, only
cultural conflict—which was, by 1992, over a          participants, and hence it could not have a for-
decade old—made CLNP especially unpalatable           mal voting structure. In the tradition of Cerf’s
to the IETF as a replacement for their favored        ICCB discussions, IETF leaders encouraged new-
Internet Protocol.                                    comers to contribute their expertise, and
   At the July 1992 IETF meeting in                   approved proposals that enjoyed broad support
Cambridge, Massachusetts, irate IETF partici-         within the group. IETF veterans place an accept-
pants protested to the Internet Society about         able level of agreement at around 80 to 90 per-
what they perceived as a unilateral decision by       cent: a level high enough to demonstrate strong
the IAB. Approximately 700 IETF participants          support, but flexible enough to work in the
demanded that the newborn Internet Society            absence of unanimity. In short, rough consensus
intervene and ensure that the IETF would              was an apt description of this informal process
remain in control of the standards process.69 In      in which a proposal must answer to criticisms,
the face of a massive “palace revolt,” the IAB,       but need not be held up if supported by a vast
with Vint Cerf prominent among them, relent-          majority of the group.72 To IETF participants,
ed. As Cerf addressed the IETF, he slowly             this process was vastly superior to the bureau-
removed the layers of his signature three-piece       cratic and political approach of ISO.73
suit, performing a striptease that revealed a T-          As a complement to rough consensus, run-
shirt: “IP on Everything.” The T-shirt, accord-       ning code means “multiple actual and interop-
ing to Cerf, was to reiterate a goal of the IAB: to   erable implementations of a proposed standard
run IP on every underlying transmission medi-         must exist and be demonstrated before the pro-
um.70 Like Cerf, David Clark turned his plenary       posal can be advanced along the standards
presentation into a memorable occasion, one           track.”74 Since most standards begin with a pro-
that would “rally the troops” and reaffirm the        posal from an individual or group within a
values of the Internet community.71                   working group—and not from the IAB or IETF
                                                      leadership—the party behind the proposal
‘We reject: kings, presidents, and                    must provide multiple working versions of the
voting’                                               proposal. This burden of proof on the proposed
    Clark framed his talk in terms of architectur-    standard facilitates the adoption of new IETF
al choices the IETF would have to make. After         standards across the Internet’s diverse comput-
spending several minutes urging the audience          ing platforms. Running code also evokes a major
to focus on network security and the basic            difference between the IETF and ISO approach-
assumptions of the protocol architecture, Clark       es: where the IETF protocols represented “the
considered how the IETF should “manage the            result of intense implementation discussion
process of change and growth.”5 As he remind-         and testing,” ISO committees developed a the-
ed the IETF audience of the vital importance of       oretical model that was difficult to alter or
the values of the process by which they made          implement fully.75 According to Lyman
standards, Clark punctuated his discussion with       Chapin, a participant in both ISO and Internet
his summary of the IETF approach: “We reject:         standardization,
kings, presidents, and voting. We believe in:
rough consensus and running code.”5 The IETF            it didn’t take long to recognize the basic irony of
community responded with overwhelming                   OSI standards development: there we were,
approval. “Rough consensus and running code”            solemnly anointing international standards for
was so popular that Marshall Rose, a vocal par-         networking, and every time we needed to send
ticipant in the IETF “palace revolt,” created the       electronic mail or exchange files, we were using
ultimate form of computer geek approval: T-             the TCP/IP-based Internet!76
shirts with the phrase emblazoned across the
front. (On the occasion of the IETF’s 20th            Or, as Internet pioneer Einar Stefferud was
anniversary in 2006, Clark delivered an encore        fond of saying, “OSI is a beautiful dream, and
of this presentation. The video of his talk is        TCP/IP is living it.”77
available from          Beyond serving as a concise description of
    “Rough consensus and running code” gen-           the IETF’s organizational and technical
erated and sustained this level of enthusiasm         approach, “rough consensus and running code”
because of the way it framed the successful           also served as a means of self-identification and
aspects of the IETF process in opposition to the      a positive summary of the IETF’s model for
ISO process. The rough-consensus component            standards development. The internal divisions
of this motto refers to the decision-making           exacerbated by the controversy over CLNP
process within IETF working groups. Since its         prompted a good deal of reflection among

                                                                                                              July–September 2006   55
‘Rough Consensus and Running Code’

                        those who were committed to defending the               Internet standards community refer to the
                        traditions of the IETF. Although most of his            “rough consensus and running code” ideal,
                        presentation was devoted to the pressing tech-          Clark’s rejection of alternative forms of deci-
                        nical and organizational problems within the            sion making—kings, presidents, and voting—
                        Internet standards community, Clark’s memo-             reminds us of the close links between network
                        rable phrase was an attempt to unite the frac-          standards and international politics.
                        tured community by contrasting it to their OSI              Throughout the 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s, the
                        rivals. After their successful campaigns against        open and decentralized technical architecture of
                        the IAB and the CLNP proposal, one can imag-            the Internet embodied the technical and orga-
                        ine IETF engineers leaving the July 1992 meet-          nizational values of its design group. Internet
                        ing with a certain sense of optimism about the          architecture and organizations were created at
                        future of the Internet.                                 the same time, by the same people, as part of an
                                                                                effort “to unite the community behind a single
                        Conclusion                                              objective—to focus the effort and guarantee the
                           By the time National Institute of Standards          continued growth of the Internet.”80 As the evi-
                        and Technology (NIST) abandoned GOSIP in                dence in this article demonstrates, defining a
                        favor of TCP/IP in 1994, the grand future               single goal and then uniting the community
                        planned for OSI was on the rapid decline.78 The         behind it was no small feat.
                        market for network protocols had tipped in                  These organizational and procedural prob-
                        favor of TCP/IP, epitomized by the popularity of        lems intensified throughout the 1990s, and con-
                        a new application—the World Wide Web—that               tinue to haunt the IETF and IAB—as well as the
                        was designed to take advantage of the Internet’s        broader reaches of information technology stan-
                        end-to-end architecture.79 The veterans of the          dards—today.81 The structure and process of
                        Internet-OSI standards war were no doubt wiser          Internet standards set precedents and influenced
                        from the experience, but the millions of users          the development of subsequent efforts to set
                        who got on the Internet in the mid-1990s were           standards for digital networks in institutional
                        oblivious to the fact that their new toy was the        imitators such as the World Wide Web
                        product of a protracted international struggle.         Consortium, the Global Grid Forum, and, most
                        For those who read the last issue of Tele-              recently, the Voting Systems Performance
                        communications Policy in 1993, William Drake            Rating.82 The Internet standards community not
                        provided an insightful summary:                         only introduced technological innovations; it
                                                                                also pioneered organizational innovations such
                          The debate is not merely about the comparative        as the use of electronic mailing lists to build con-
                          efficacy of two sets of standards, but it is rather   sensus around technical work, a process open to
                          between two competing visions of how interna-         all interested stakeholders, and the free and
                          tional standardization processes and network          unrestricted distribution of standards.
                          development should be organized and controlled.8          As it embodied a new style of standardiza-
                                                                                tion, the Internet standards community con-
                           The religious, political, and military               stantly dealt with problems that stemmed from
                        metaphors that participants used to describe            the tension between centralized authority and
                        the competition between the Internet and OSI            grassroots initiatives, as well as the rising influ-
                        confirm that this was no mere technical dis-            ence of commercial values. Since 1992, IETF
                        pute. At the height of the “religious war”              participants in multiple working groups and
                        between TCP/IP and OSI, tensions within the             mailing lists have spent tremendous amounts
                        IETF and IAB over architecture and organiza-            of energy defining formal procedures for the
                        tional power created a “constitutional crisis.”         IETF, to the point that many in the IETF feel
                        This crisis, a divisive force in a community that       that their technical work is suffering from a lack
                        had always prided itself on its attention to due        of attention.83 In light of its history, it seems cer-
                        process and consensus, forced engineers in the          tain that the IETF’s ongoing efforts to refine and
                        IETF and IAB to examine their core procedural           reform its structure and process will dictate the
                        beliefs. In other words, strains in the technical       future success of its standards. Organizational
                        architecture—the address space—prompted                 and political conflicts within standards bodies
                        strains in the organizational architecture.             define the terrain within which effective col-
                        Forged in the face of this crisis, the credo            laborations can take place. Standards wars such
                        “rough consensus and running code” articulat-           as the Internet-OSI conflict provide ample
                        ed a political philosophy, a style of network           research opportunities for historians who want
                        architecture and of engineering. While it is            to understand computers, networks, and the
                        now common to see participants in the                   people who designed and used them.

56   IEEE Annals of the History of Computing
Acknowledgments                                                  ent. They were sort of the same genre. Just like,
I gratefully acknowledge the close reading and                   say, Chinese and Americans are of the same
thoughtful comments of Scott Bradner, Vinton                     genre except one speaks Chinese and one speaks
G. Cerf, Stuart W. Leslie, Mark Pittenger, and                   English, one lives on one side of the world, they
Philip J. Weiser.                                                go to sleep during your daytime, etc.”
                                                           11.   V.G. Cerf and R.E. Kahn, “A Protocol for Packet
References and notes                                             Network Intercommunication,” IEEE Trans.
 1. For descriptions of the features (and problems) of           Comm., vol. COM-22, no. 5, 1974, pp. 637-648.
    formal standards setting, see P.A. David and M.              For an account of the decisive international con-
    Shurmer, “Formal Standards-Setting for Global                tributions to TCP/IP, especially from French com-
    Telecommunications and Information Services,”                puter scientists such as Louis Pouzin who had
    Telecommunications Policy, Oct. 1996, pp. 789-               developed the Cyclades network, see J. Abbate,
    815; and W.J. Drake, “The Transformation of                  Inventing the Internet, pp. 123-133.
    International Telecommunications Standardiza-          12.   R. Kahn, “Testimony before the Subcommittee
    tion: European and Global Dimensions,” Telecom-              on Basic Research of the Committee on Science
    munications in Transition: Policies, Services, and           on the Subject of Internet Domain Names,” 31
    Technologies in the European Community, C. Stein-            Mar. 1998; available from http://www.cnri.
    field, J.M. Bauer and L. Caby, eds., Sage Publica- 
    tions, 1994, pp. 71-96.                                13.   D.D. Clark, “The Design Philosophy of the DARPA
 2. The best single account of Internet history is J.            Internet Protocols,” Proc. SIGCOMM 88, Comput-
    Abbate, Inventing the Internet, MIT Press, 1999.             er Communication Rev., vol. 18, no. 4, 1988, pp.
    Cerf and Kahn were awarded the 2004 Turing                   106-107.
    Award for their pioneering efforts.                    14.   Cerf, Cohen, and Postel split the protocol into
 3. According to one history, the Internet’s architec-           TCP and IP to reduce the requirements on
    tural principles “embody some value judgments                network gateways and leave complex tasks such
    and reflect the fundamental political and ethical            as tracking reliable packet delivery to the
    beliefs of the scientists and engineers who                  computers at the ends of the network. See J.
    designed the Internet”; National Research Coun-              Abbate, Inventing the Internet, pp. 129-130; V.G.
    cil, The Internet’s Coming of Age, National Acade-           Cerf, “Protocols for Interconnected Packet Net-
    my Press, 2000, p. 35.                                       works,” Computer Communication Rev., vol. 18,
 4. See H. Nissenbaum, “How Computer Systems                     no. 4, 1980, pp. 10-11; and J. Postel, ed., “DOD
    Embody Values,” Computer, Mar. 2001, pp. 118-                Standard Internet Protocol,” IETF RFC 760, Jan.
    120.                                                         1980;
 5. D.D. Clark, “A Cloudy Crystal Ball: Visions of the     15.   J.H. Saltzer, D.P. Reed, and D.D. Clark, “End-To-
    Future,” plenary presentation at 24th meeting of             End Arguments in System Design,” ACM Trans.
    the Internet Engineering Task Force, Cambridge,              Computer Systems, vol. 2, no. 4, 1984, p. 277.
    Mass., 13-17 July 1992. Slides from this presenta-     16.   J.H. Saltzer, D.P. Reed, and D.D. Clark, “End-to-
    tion are available from              End Arguments,” p. 287.
    videos/future_ietf_92.pdf.                             17.   D.S. Isenberg, “The Rise of the Stupid Network,”
 6. L. Lessig, Code and Other Laws of Cyberspace,                Computer Telephony, Aug. 1997, pp. 16-26.
    Basic Books, 1999, p. 4.                               18.   M.S. Blumenthal and D.D. Clark, “Rethinking the
 7. On “rough consensus and running code” as IETF                Design of the Internet: The End to End
    credo, see E. Huizer, IETF-ISOC Relationship, IETF           Arguments vs. the Brave New World,” ACM
    RFC 2031, Oct. 1996;                Trans. Internet Technology, vol. 1, no. 1, 2001, pp.
    rfc2031.txt; and S. Bradner, “The Internet Engi-             70-109.
    neering Task Force,” Open Sources: Voices from the     19.   Lessig notes that end-to-end concepts are not
    Open Source Revolution, C. DiBona, S. Ockman,                unique to the Internet, and are distinguished for
    and M. Stone, eds., O’Reilly, 1999, p. 50.                   their ability to provide a broad range of services.
 8. W. Drake, “The Internet Religious War,” Telecom-             Two examples are the electricity grid and the
    munications Policy, Dec. 1993, p. 643.                       highway systems: they are simple architectures
 9. B. Carpenter, ed., Architectural Principles of the           with minimal requirements for participation
    Internet, IETF RFC 1958, June 1996; http://www.              (standard plugs or motor vehicles) that do not                                    constrain the behavior of the participants. L.
10. R.E. Kahn, oral history interview by J.E. O’Neill,           Lessig, The Future of Ideas: The Fate of the
    24 Apr. 1990, OH 192, Charles Babbage Inst.                  Commons in a Connected World, Random House,
    (CBI), Univ. of Minnesota, Minneapolis. Kahn                 2001, pp. 26, 39.
    continued, noting that “all the details were differ-   20.   For a discussion of the strategy behind this transi-
    ent. I don’t mean conceptually they were differ-             tion, see J. Postel, “NCP/TCP Transition Plan,”

                                                                                                                    July–September 2006   57
‘Rough Consensus and Running Code’

                              IETF RFC 801, Nov. 1981;                 1462, May 1993;
                              rfc/rfc801.txt.                                               rfc1462.txt.
                        21.   R.E. Kahn, “The Role of the Government in the           31.   See B. Leiner et al., “A Brief History of the Inter-
                              Evolution of the Internet,” Comm. ACM, vol. 37,               net”;
                              no. 8, 1994, p. 16. Kahn was director of ARPA’s               shtml. Since 1989, the number of IETF areas has
                              Information Processing Techniques Office from                 shifted between seven and ten.
                              August 1979 until September 1985. Because Cerf          32.   B. Leiner et al., “A Brief History of the Internet”;
                              left ARPA in October 1982 and Barry Leiner did                and R. Kahn, “The Role of the Government,” p.
                              not replace him until August 1983, Kahn person-               17. For Internet Research Task Force mission and
                              ally managed the transition to TCP/IP. R.E. Kahn,             activities, see
                              oral history interview, OH 192, CBI.                    33.   See S. Bradner, “The Internet Engineering Task
                        22.   V.G. Cerf, oral history interview by J.E. O’Neill, 24         Force,” OnTheInternet, vol. 7, no. 1, 2001, p. 24;
                              Apr. 1990, OH 191, CBI.                                       and J. Abbate, Inventing the Internet, pp. 207-
                        23.   V. Cerf, “The Internet Activities Board,” IETF RFC            208.
                              1160, May 1990;                34.   V. Cerf, “IETF and ISOC,” 18 July 1995;
                        24.   R.E. Kahn oral history interview, OH 192, CBI.                l. Kahn also worked to provide institutional sup-
                              The term “kitchen cabinet” dates from the                     port for the growth of the Internet when he
                              administration of President Andrew Jackson, who               founded the Corporation for National Research
                              preferred to consult with an informal group of                Initiatives in 1986. See
                              advisors—allegedly in the White House kitchen—                about_cnri.html.
                              instead of his formal “Parlor” cabinet. See R.V.        35.   B. Leiner et al., “A Brief History of the Internet.”
                              Remini, Andrew Jackson: The Course of American                In a 1993 article, Dave Crocker concurred: “In
                              Freedom, 1822−1832, Johns Hopkins Univ. Press,                general, the IETF is applying its own technical
                              1998, pp. 315-330.                                            design philosophy to its own operation.” D.
                        25.   V. Cerf, as told to B. Aboba, “How the Internet               Crocker, “Making Standards the IETF Way,” Stan-
                              Came to Be,” The Online User’s Encyclopedia: Bul-             dardView, vol. 1, no. 1, 1993, p. 54. The 1968
                              letin Boards and Beyond, B. Aboba, Addison-Wes-               musings of Melvin Conway are also strikingly rel-
                              ley, 1993. Kahn and Cerf note that the ICCB,                  evant: “There is a very close relationship between
                              unlike the IAB and IETF, functioned in a time                 the structure of a system and the structure of the
                              where there was very little commercial interest in            organization which designed it.” See M.E. Con-
                              the Internet, no personal computers, and a nas-               way, “How Do Committees Invent?” Datamation,
                              cent networking industry. R.E. Kahn and V.G.                  vol. 14, no. 4, 1968, p. 30; and “Conway’s Law,”
                              Cerf, “What Is The Internet (And What Makes It                at
                              Work),” Dec. 1999;                 Conways-Law.html.
                              us/what_is_internet.html.                               36.   A.L. Norberg and J.E. O’Neill, Transforming Com-
                        26.   R.E. Kahn, “The Role of the Government,” p. 16.               puter Technology, Johns Hopkins Univ. Press,
                        27.   The acronym “IAB” remained consistent since                   1996; and T.P. Hughes, Rescuing Prometheus, Pan-
                              1984, but the “A”—and the meanings behind                     theon Books, 1998, pp. 15-68.
                              it—have changed. From 1984 to 1986, the IAB             37.   L. Press, “Seeding Networks: The Federal Role,”
                              was the Internet Advisory Board; in 1986 its                  Comm. ACM, vol. 39, no. 10, 1996, pp. 11-18.
                              name changed to the Internet Activities Board; in       38.   The description of the ICCB as a “grass-roots
                              1992 it changed once again, this time to the                  mechanism” comes from Kahn, “The Role of the
                              Internet Architecture Board. See “A Brief History             Government,” p. 18.
                              of the Internet Advisory/Activities/Architecture        39.   Various aspects of OSI adoption—too numerous
                              Board”;                and complex to describe in full in this article—
                        28.   Clark was Internet Architect from 1983 to 1989;               permeate Internet history. Although we lack a
                              Cerf served from 1989 to 1992, and was followed               comprehensive historical analysis of the Internet,
                              by Lyman Chapin (through March 1993).                         OSI, and other computer internetworking archi-
                        29.   See B. Leiner et al., “A Brief History of the Inter-          tectures of the period, three excellent
                              net”;             comparisons may be found in J. Abbate, Inventing
                              shtml, and R.E. Kahn, oral history interview, OH              the Internet, pp. 147-169; National Research
                              192, CBI. Task forces or working groups have                  Council, Global Networks and Local Values: A Com-
                              been a consistent feature in the history of techni-           parative Look at Germany and the United States,
                              cal standards bodies. See C. Cargill, Open Systems            National Academy Press, 2001, pp. 23-45; and T.
                              Standardization: A Business Approach, Paladin                 Egyedi, “‘Tension between Standardisation and
                              Consulting, 1997.                                             Flexibility’ Revisited: A Critique,” Standardisation
                        30.   E.Krol, “FYI on ‘What is the Internet?’” IETF RFC             and Innovation in Information Technology: Conf.

58   IEEE Annals of the History of Computing
Proc. 1st IEEE Conf. Standardisation and Innovation     46. For an analysis of ISO’s position within the system
      in Information Technology, K. Jakobs and R.                 of European standardization bodies, see S.K.
      Williams, eds., IEEE Press, 1999, pp. 65-74.                Schmidt and R. Werle, Coordinating Technology:
40.   J. Abbate, “Government, Business, and the Mak-              Studies in the International Standardization of
      ing of the Internet,” Business History Rev., vol. 75,       Telecommunications, MIT Press, 1998, pp. 39-57.
      no. 1, Spring 2001, p. 167. See also M. Libicki,        47. M. Witt, “Moving from DoD to OSI Protocols: A
      Information Technology Standards: Quest for the             First Step,” Computer Communication Rev., vol.
      Common Byte, Digital Press, 1995, pp. 75-129;               16, no. 2, 1986, pp. 2-7.
      J.S. Quarterman and S. Wilhelm, UNIX, POSIX,            48. National Research Council, Transport Protocols for
      and Open Systems: The Open Standards Puzzle,                Department of Defense Data Networks: Report to
      Addison-Wesley, 1993; C. Cargill, “Evolution and            the Department of Defense and the National
      Revolution in Open Systems,” StandardView, vol.             Bureau of Standards Committee on Computer-Com-
      2, no. 1, 1994, pp. 3-13; and S. Schindler, “Open           puter Communication Protocols, Board on
      Systems, Today and Tomorrow—A Personal Per-                 Telecommunications and Computer Applications
      spective,” Computer Networks, vol. 5, no. 3,                Commission on Eng. and Technical Systems,
      1981, pp. 167-176.                                          National Academy Press, 1985.
41.   R.N. Langlois, “Networks and Innovation in a            49. J. Postel, “A DoD Statement on the NRC Report,”
      Modular System: Lessons from the Microcomput-               IETF RFC 945, May 1985;
      er and Stereo Component Industries,” Research               rfc/rfc945.txt.
      Policy, vol. 21, no. 4, 1992, pp. 297-313. See also     50. “U.S. Government Open Systems
      R. Sanchez and J.T. Mahoney, “Modularity, Flexi-            Interconnection Profile,” US Federal Information
      bility, and Knowledge Management in Product                 Processing Standards Publication 146, version 1,
      and Organization Design,” Strategic Management              Aug. 1988, cited in V. Cerf and K. Mills, “Explain-
      J., vol. 17, Winter special issue, 1996, pp. 63-76.         ing the Role of GOSIP,” IETF RFC 1169, Aug.
42.   See P.E. Green Jr., ed., Network Interconnection            1990; See
      and Protocol Conversion, IEEE Press, 1988; and R.J.         also P. Janson et al., “Architectural Directions for
      Cypser, Communicating for Cooperating Systems:              Opening IBM Networks,” p. 314 (“Many govern-
      OSI, SNA, and TCP/IP, Addison-Wesley, 1991. IBM             ment agencies around the world, including the
      executives and engineers were keenly aware of               U.S. Department of Defense, require OSI on all
      the importance of network migration and                     systems they purchase”).
      integration. See, for example, L.M. Branscomb,          51. Throughout the latter half of the 20th century,
      “Computer Communications in the Eighties—                   DoD procurement policies were effective means
      Time to Put It All Together,” Computer Networks,            for driving market growth in semiconductors,
      vol. 5, no. 1, 1981, pp. 3-8; P. Janson, R. Molva,          computers, and software. See D.M. Hart, “Cor-
      and S. Zatti, “Architectural Directions for Open-           porate Technological Capabilities and the State:
      ing IBM Networks: The Case of OSI,” IBM Systems             A Dynamic Historical Interaction,” Constructing
      J., vol. 31, no. 2, 1992, pp. 313-335; and T.J.             Corporate America: Historical Perspectives on Big
      Routt, “Integration Strategies for APPN and                 Business, Society, and Politics, K. Lipartito and D.B.
      TCP/IP,” Business Communications Rev., Mar.                 Sicilia, eds., Oxford Univ. Press, 2004, pp. 168-
      1995, pp. 43-49.                                            187.
43.   H. Zimmerman, “OSI Reference Model—The ISO              52. TCP/IP and OSI, despite the rhetoric of many of
      Model of Open Architecture for Open Systems                 their proponents, could be engineered (with sub-
      Interconnection,” IEEE Trans. Comm., vol. COM-              stantial effort) to work together. Since 1987,
      28, no. 4, 1980, p. 425. ISO, created in 1947, is a         according to Cerf and NIST’s Kevin Mills, there
      worldwide federation of national standards bodies.          had been efforts “within the Internet community
44.   R. des Jardins, “Overview and Status of the ISO             to enable integration of OSI, coexistence of OSI
      Reference Model of Open Systems Interconnec-                with TCP/IP, and interoperability between OSI and
      tion,” Computer Networks, vol. 5, no. 2, 1981,              TCP/IP”; V. Cerf and K. Mills, IETF RFC 1169. See
      pp. 77-80.                                                  also E. Huizer, “The IETF Integrates OSI Related
45.   See, for example, T. Whitty, “OSI: the UK                   Work,” ConneXions, vol. 7, no. 6, 1993, pp. 26-28.
      approach,” Comm., vol. 7, no. 2, 1990, pp. 20-          53. R. des Jardins, “OSI is (Still) a Good Idea,”
      24; L. Caffrey, “EPHOS: Towards a European                  ConneXions, vol. 6, no. 6, 1992, p. 33. Des
      GOSIP,” Computer Networks and ISDN Systems,                 Jardins added, “Let’s continue to get the people
      vol. 19, no. 3-5, 1990, pp. 265-269; and R.                 of good will from both communities to work
      Cowan, ed., Information Technology Standards:               together to find the best solutions, whether they
      The Economic Dimension, Organisation for                    are two-letter words or three-letter words, and
      Economic Co-operation and Development, 1991,                let’s just line up the bigots against a wall and
      pp. 23-30.                                                  shoot them.”

                                                                                                                       July–September 2006   59
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