Royal New Zealand Navy International Naval Review - Te Taua Moana - warriors of The sea

Royal New Zealand Navy International Naval Review - Te Taua Moana - warriors of The sea
issue 205 NoVEMBER 2016

                                             Celebrating our 75th Anniversary

                                             New Zealand
                                             Naval Review

                                             #KiwiNavy75th I

         T e Ta u a M o a n a – wa r r i o r s o f t h e s e a1
Royal New Zealand Navy International Naval Review - Te Taua Moana - warriors of The sea
Sponsor acknowledgement

          The Royal New Zealand Navy gratefully acknowledges the support of its family of sponsors.

                                PRESENTING PARTNER, OPERATION NEPTUNE

                                           PLATINUM SPONSORS

                                              GOLD SPONSORS

                                             SILVER SPONSORS


Royal New Zealand Navy International Naval Review - Te Taua Moana - warriors of The sea
Haere Mai and
                                                                                       welcome to the
                                                                                       November Edition
                                                                                       of Navy Today.
                                                                                       T  he prime focus of the edition is to feature the
                                                                                          International Naval Review. During this year we have
                                                                                       honoured the people that have served in our Naval Forces
                                                                                       over the past decades; we have celebrated the country’s
                                                 commitment to their navy; and, we look forward to a maritime century full of challenge and
Published to inform, inspire and entertain
serving and former members of the RNZN,
                                                 opportunity. This month we are honoured and privileged to host Her Excellency the Governor
their families and friends and the wider         General, The Right Honourable Dame Patsy Reddy, GNZM, QSO as she reviews the fleet of the
Navy community.
                                                 RNZN and the ships of our visitors, friends and allies. We are fortunate to enjoy the support of
Navy Today is the official magazine of the
Royal New Zealand Navy. Published by
                                                 the Minister of Defence, the Hon Gerry Brownlee who will join us for much of the celebrations.
Defence Public Affairs, Wellington.
Navy Today is now in its twentieth year          To our friends who have travelled here over sea many miles, to the visiting Chiefs of Navy’s and
of publication.                                  their representatives, to those who participate in the Naval review with Aircraft, Ships, bands
Views expressed in Navy Today are not            and support by their presence – we say welcome and thank you. We hope that your stay is
necessarily those of the RNZN or the NZDF.
                                                 enjoyable and you take home great memories of Aotearoa – New Zealand.
Contributions are welcomed, including
stories, photographs and letters. Please
                                                 Finally, to the Navy; regular, reservists and civilians – you are building the future of the navy
submit stories and letters by email in
Microsoft Word or the body of an email.          with your efforts in the Southern Ocean, South West Pacific, in RIMPAC, South East Asia, on
Articles up to 500 words welcomed, longer
if required by the subject. Please consult the
                                                 the water, under and over the water. Your efforts during the INR will enhance our reputation
editor about long articles. Digital photos       with the People of New Zealand, our friends and allies, our family and Whanau. Kia tu kaha,
submitted by email also welcomed, at least
                                                 Kia tu Maia, kia tu Heramana e!
500kb preferred.

COPY DEADLINES FOR NT                            Welcome to you all – we hope you enjoy the International Naval Review.
NT 206 December issue         15 November
NT 207 February issue         15 January
NT 208 March issue		          15 February
Subject to change.

EDITOR:                                          Chief of Navy
Andrew Bonallack
                                                 Rear Admiral John Martin
Defence Public Affairs
HQ NZ Defence Force
Private Bag, Wellington, New Zealand

Defence Public Affairs
                                                  contents                            NAVY TODAY ISSUE 205 2016

As part of a Government multi-agency
                                                 04    messages
initiative the NZDF has changed to a single
provider for all of its Print Services.
This magazine is now printed by Blue Star.
                                                 08    visiting countries
                                                                                                                  issue 205 NoVEMBER 2016

Feedback to on
the quality of this publication is welcomed.
                                                 10    our history
Defence Public Affairs                           14    our fleet
P: (04) 496 0270 F: (04) 496 0290
                                                                                                                                                               Celebrating our 75th Anniversary

Director Defence Public Affairs
P: (04) 496 0299 F: (04) 496 0290                      programme                                                                                               New Zealand
                                                                                                                                                               Naval Review
Defence Careers:
P: 0800 1FORCE (0800 136 723)                    20    list of ships                                                                                                                                      #KiwiNavy75th i

CHANGING ADDRESS?                                26    our 75TH year
                                                                                                                           T e Ta u a M o a n a – wa r r i o r s o f T h e s e a1

To join or leave our mailing list,
please contact:
                                                                                                                        cover image:
E:                         30    our future                                                       HMNZS OTAGO (front) and
                                                                                                                        HMNZS TE KAHA.

                                                 34    partnership

                                                                                                                                                    YOURS AYE                                     3
Royal New Zealand Navy International Naval Review - Te Taua Moana - warriors of The sea
Celebrating our 75th Anniversary

Special message from
The Governor-General of New Zealand
                                                                   Kia ora tatou

                                                                       am delighted to send a message of congratulations to the Royal
                                                                       New Zealand Navy as it nears the conclusion of the NEPTUNE
                                                                       75th anniversary programme. I look forward to joining other New
                                                                   Zealanders to witness the grand finale, the International Naval Review
                                                                   on 19 November.

                                                                   This year, New Zealanders have had occasion to be reminded of the
                                                                   times when our sailors and ships have fought in the service of our
                                                                   country – and to mourn those who died in battle, in particular the
                                                                   crew of HMS Neptune.

                                                                   We have remembered how the Navy was on hand to support their
                                                                   fellow citizens following the 1931 Napier earthquake and, 80 years
                                                                   later, after the Canterbury earthquake.

                                                                   We have recalled the occasions when our RNZN personnel have
                                                                   gone to the aid of our Pacific neighbours, providing humanitarian
                                                                   relief following natural disasters, or supporting sustainable fisheries

                                                                   As New Zealand’s third female Governor-General, I am particularly
                                                                   pleased to know that our Navy was one of the first to have women
                                                                   serve on ships at sea, 30 years ago – and to know that they now
                                                                   make up 23.5 percent of the Navy. It’s also pleasing to see increasing
                                                                   representation of the diverse cultures in 21st century New Zealand.

                                                                   Congratulations to our Navy personnel, past and present, for 75 years
                                                                   of honourable and loyal service, and I look forward to sharing your
                                                                   celebrations in November.
                                                                   I wish you all fair winds and following seas.
                                                                   The Right Honourable Dame Patsy Reddy, GNZM, QSO
Below: Dame Patsy Reddy and Guard Commander Lieutenant Commander
Kerry Tutty, during her swearing-in ceremony.                      Governor-General of New Zealand

Royal New Zealand Navy International Naval Review - Te Taua Moana - warriors of The sea
Special message from
                                  The Minister of Defence

                                            ew Zealand’s isolation        reasons we have a Navy are broadly the same, the types of situations,
                                            means we are a maritime       emergencies and conflicts the Navy must be able to respond to have
                                            nation. Our Exclusive         changed over time. This is why the Navy of today is more integrated
                                  Economic Zone is the fourth             into the New Zealand Defence Force than ever before, and our sailors,
                                  largest in the world and with this      soldiers and airmen spend significant amounts of time preparing to
                                  maritime domain comes significant       maintain security and safety in our region.
Defence Minister Gerry Brownlee. responsibility. For example, our
                                                                          I know the Navy is well prepared for the challenges of the future
Search and Rescue zone covers 11 per cent of the planet, and 99
                                                                          and will continue to play a vital role in defending the interests of our
per cent of our trade still travels by sea. We therefore place a
                                                                          nation. I’m looking forward to the Navy’s 75th commemorations and
great importance on freedom of navigation and maintaining open
                                                                          remembering those who have served our nation at sea.
trading routes.
                                                                          I’m proud of the Navy that we have today, and I would like to thank
The Royal New Zealand Navy may only have received its Royal
                                                                          the men and women who serve our nation with courage, commitment
Warrant in 1941, but the Navy has been instrumental in protecting
                                                                          and comradeship. Our nation is grateful. Thank you for your service.
these maritime freedoms for much longer than that. This started at
the signing of the Treaty of Waitangi, and has continued through          Hon Gerry Brownlee
to the modern and versatile Navy we have today. And while the             Minister of Defence

                                  Special message from
                                  The Chief of Navy
                                          ur Navy is officially 75        rise and pressure and competition for resources will intensify.
                                          years old and it’s been an
                                                                          These pressures mean we must provide to the Government and the
                                          eventful 75 years at that.
                                                                          people of New Zealand credible, sustainable options at all times.
                                 Our Navy and our people have done
                                                                          Naturally, they expect us to achieve great things in some of the
                                 extraordinary things; are doing
                                                                          harshest environments known to mankind, they expect us to be an
                                 extraordinary things or will continue
                                                                          exemplary training institution and they expect us to enable other
                                 to do them in the future.
                                                                          Government departments to be able to achieve their mission.
                                  It’s been a busy 75 years. A period
                                                                          These expectations won’t change in the years ahead, but how we
that underscores the wisdom of the people of New Zealand who
                                                                          meet them will.
established our Navy and set it to task; initially during the dark
days of the Second World War, to counter the threat of invasion and       Technology is providing us with a fantastic opportunity to achieve
counter the mine threat in our waters, patrol the hostile waters of the   more than we ever have before. Therefore ensuring we bring the right
Solomon Islands and eventually assist in successfully concluding the      technology into service is a key component to building New Zealand’s
War. Only a decade or so later our ships were patrolling the waters       future Navy.
of the Korean Peninsula. And while the limelight is so often turned       We also need to make sure we have the right people on board,
towards witnessing nuclear testing, or more recently conducting anti-     and as the demographics of New Zealand change, so must the
terrorism operations, keeping international waters free from piracy, or   demographics of the Navy. We must remain truly representative of
racing to the aid of people affected by disaster, it’s the mundane that   the people we serve.
has shaped our Navy. Over the years we just got on with surveying
                                                                          Finally we will build on the already close integration with the Army
our coastline, resupplying our offshore islands, training thousands of
                                                                          and Air Force, to become better team-mates with other government
young New Zealanders and preparing them for rewarding careers.
                                                                          agencies and our international security partners. Because if there is
The next 75 years, even the next 10 years, promises to be busy for        one thing that history shows us, it’s that by working together we can
your Navy and our challenge in our 75th year is to take our solid         achieve more.
foundations and use this moment to create a Navy for the future.
                                                                          Therefore, it is important that in our 75th year, we pause to take stock
Our leaders are well prepared for the task and have already started       of our history. Remember those who have served our Navy and gave
transforming our Navy so that it can operate the ships that will enter    their lives for the freedoms we enjoy. And that we cast our mind to
service through the decades to come.                                      the future to ensure our Navy is as relevant and valued tomorrow as it
                                                                          has been throughout history.
Our ships of tomorrow must be capable of operating in the vastly
different world we expect. A world where small interest groups have       Rear Admiral John Martin
the power to disrupt stability and trade, where sea levels continue to    Chief of Navy

                                                                                                                                 MESSAGES            5
Royal New Zealand Navy International Naval Review - Te Taua Moana - warriors of The sea
Special events and moments at

                                                                   The Kawasaki P-1 patrol aircraft    A P-3K2 Orion from 5 Squadron
                                                                   from the Japanese Maritime          RNZAF. There will be Orions
                                                                   Self-Defense Force.                 from other countries participating
                                                                                                       as well.
               The Cloud on
               Queen’s Wharf.

Right: Faces from the past (and
their cats), captured by Navy
photographer Tudor Collins.

       rom November 18 to 20, The Cloud on Queen’s Wharf
       will be the exhibition centrepiece of the International
       Naval Review, telling “Our Story” to the public and
                                                                    Above: The Royal Marines Band Service. PHOTO CREDIT: Navy News (UK)
visiting sailors. Visitors to The Cloud can expect a multi-media
experience from the word go. The exhibitors have made the
most of the wealth of historic imagery from the Royal New
Zealand Navy’s Collections Unit, combined with modern
                                                                   THE ROYAL MARINES BAND SERVICE
photography and documentary video.                                 A highlight of the “Thousand-Sailor” street parade on Friday
                                                                   November 18 will be a Band of Her Majesty’s Royal Marines,
A “history tunnel” will tell our story from the 1940s onwards,     from the United Kingdom.
with large storyboards and imagery, plus video screens. At
the end a 6m by 3m LED screen will showcase the Navy’s             Royal Marines Band Service members have to prove
contemporary duties, and show our mission and purpose today.       themselves in basic military training first. After that, becoming
                                                                   a band member involves up to two years and eight months of
Interactive exhibits include a Rigid                               immersion in musical performance, theory and rehearsal - and
Hulled Inflatable Boat (RHIB) set                                  more rehearsal. The band plays at the highest level, for royalty,
up so that members of the public                                   and are recognised world-wide for their professionalism and
can pose with Navy equipment                                       talent. Highlights of their year would include the Edinburgh
in the seats, against a large                                      Military Tattoo, in front of over 200,000 people. There are at
photo of a sea backdrop with                                       present five Royal Marine Bands and a Corps of Drums.
background.                                                        Look out for the distinctive band in Division 3 of the march,
                                                                   which features the contingents from visiting ships.
Right: A RHIB with a sea poster background
will be set up in The Cloud for photo poses.

Royal New Zealand Navy International Naval Review - Te Taua Moana - warriors of The sea
Celebrating our 75th Anniversary
the INR
 While the formality of the International Naval Review gets
 underway, cast your eyes skyward on Saturday November 19.

 On the harbour, the Governor-General, Dame Patsy Reddy,
 will conduct the formal review on board a RNZN vessel as she
 passes alongside a line of moored visiting ships.

 But the variety of aircraft and helicopters involved in the
 International Naval Review aren’t about to miss out, and
 aircraft spotters are in for a treat. A steady run of aircraft,
 in intervals, will do a flypast above the ships.

                                                                   Above: Sailors at the Navy’s birthday church service last month in
                                                                   St Paul’s Church, Wellington.

                                                                   DIVINE SERVICE
                                                                   On Sunday November 20 at 2pm a Divine Service will
                                                                   be hosted at the Holy Trinity Cathedral for Flag Officers
                                                                   and designates from all nations. An estimated 500 naval
                                                                   personnel and VIPs will be attending.

 Above: Te Mana Bridge.

 It’s not just about dress whites and open days when Navies
 come together.

 Prior to the fleet entry on November 17 most of the ships
 involved in the INR will participate in two exercises, MAHI
 TANGAROA 16 and NGATAHI, in the Hauraki Gulf. MAHI
 TANGAROA 16, which involves the ADMM-Plus (ASEAN
 Defence Ministers’ Meeting Plus) countries, falls within one
 of the six areas of practical cooperation being pursued by the
 ASEAN and its eight Dialogue Partners – maritime security.

 This multilateral maritime security exercise aims to enhance
 maritime cooperation amongst regional partners. It also seeks
 to further develop interoperability with maritime security
 partners, strengthen relationships with them and provide
 an opportunity to build relationships with other countries /
 navies. It demonstrates the NZDF’s commitment to enhance
 cooperation throughout the Pacific and Asian region.

 NGATAHI, running parallel, is tailored training designed
 to test and enhance the maritime warfare competencies of
 participating countries.

                                                                                                      Auckland’s Holy Trinity Cathedral.

                                                                                                              SPECIAL EVENTS            7
Royal New Zealand Navy International Naval Review - Te Taua Moana - warriors of The sea
Celebrating our 75th Anniversary

                                                                                 15   11
                                                               6            19


                                                                                 18        14



            Visiting Countries
                1                                       4                                        6                                         9
                    AUSTRALIA                                CANADA                                  	CHINA                                     	INDIA
            Our most important and enduring            New Zealand and Canada cooperate         New Zealand has worked with the           New Zealand enjoys a good
            defence partnership with Australia         closely in all aspects of defence        People’s Liberation Army Navy             relationship with India. Both
            is a legacy grounded in blood, from        relations, drawing on a history of       Task Force in joint exercises that        countries enjoy mutual ship visits
            the birth of the Anzac soldier on          shared success in wartime and            include Australia and Association of      and staff college exchanges, and
            the fields of Gallipoli, Belgium and       peace. Canada and New Zealand            Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)           both our Anzac frigates have been
            France in WWI. Today, as we honour         have worked together on numerous         partners, such as Exercise Tropic         visitors in recent years, notably TE
            the Anzac Centenary, Defence               international security operations,       Twilight in the Cook Islands. In          KAHA on her way back home from
            chiefs of both countries engage            including Timor-Leste, Bosnia            2015 New Zealand broke new ground         anti-piracy operations. In 2011 the
            on the highest levels of mutual            and Afghanistan. New Zealand             in brokering a Five Year Engagement       Prime Ministers of both countries
            interest in defence. Both countries        and Canadian sailors have regular        Plan between the NZDF and the             made strong statements about
            are members of the Five Powers             exchanges aboard ships. Both our         People’s Liberation Army. Chinese         strengthening bilateral defence
            Defence Arrangements. Ships                frigates will go to Lockheed Martin      ships last visited New Zealand in         cooperation.
            frequently visit each country, and         Canada, from next year, for a            October 2013, when the destroyer
            engage in joint military exercises.        systems upgrade.                         QINGDAO, frigate LINYI and supply          10
                                                                                                vessel HONGZEHU were hosted in                  	Indonesia
                2                                       5                                       Auckland.                                 A country straddling the equator
                    BRITAIN                                 	CHILE                                                                        comprising more than 13,670 islands
            Britain will not be sending a vessel       New Zealand has a strong                                                           (6000 inhabited) can make good
            to the INR, but their Chief of Naval       relationship with Chile as Pacific             FRANCE                              use of a large Navy. Indonesia has
            Staff and First Sea Lord, Admiral          neighbours. New Zealand, Chile,          New Zealand and France share              a fleet strength of 165 vessels and
            Sir Philip Jones, is a Distinguished       Singapore and Brunei joined in a free    strong mutual interests in the            65,000 personnel, including 20,000
            Visitor for our International Naval        trade agreement, the Trans-Pacific       Pacific region, including cooperation     Marines, according to Jane’s Fighting
            Review. The Royal Navy is also             Strategic Economic Partnership,          on maritime surveillance, joint           Ships 2016.
            committing the famous Royal                over 10 years ago, and are likely to     defence exercises, disaster relief        Concerns over human rights
            Marines Band Service to the                continue this with the Trans-Pacific     and development, and the closer           records in East Timor affected
            “thousand sailor march” down               Partnership (TPP). Both Chile            integration of the French Pacific         defence cooperation in the
            Queen St on Friday November 18.            and New Zealand work together            territories within the region. We         mid-1990s. Reforms since then
                                                       on fisheries issues in the Pacific,      have a Status of Forces Agreement,        have resulted in a modest level of
                3                                      both have interests in Antarctica,       signed in May 2014. This supports         defence cooperation, focused on
                    BRUNEI DARUSSALAM                  and both have mutual interests in        our strong ongoing defence                education, non-combat training
            Our strong defence relationship is         tsumani warning systems. In 1996         cooperation in the Pacific.               and cooperation in humanitarian
            mainly based around training. We           a Naval Cooperation Agreement                                                      operations, as well as navy-to-navy
                                                       was established to facilitate the         8
            take part in joint military training                                                                                          engagement.
            exercises, and New Zealand provides        exchange of information between                GERMANY
            training assistance under the Mutual       both countries’ navies.                  Germany and New Zealand have
            Assistance Programme (MAP), which                                                   a close relationship largely based
            also gives our troops opportunities                                                 on trade, commerce and cultural
            to train in Brunei’s jungle.                                                        exchange. It is a $1 billion market for
                                                                                                New Zealand exports, particularly in
                                                                                                venison and sheep meat.

            8        VISITING COUNTRIES
Royal New Zealand Navy International Naval Review - Te Taua Moana - warriors of The sea
11                                                                               16
      JAPAN                                                                            SINGAPORE
Our Pacific Naval relationship with      providing the platforms for Pacific     The Republic of Singapore Navy         Memorandum of Understanding,
Japan goes back to 1882, when            nations to undertake maritime           (RSN) and our Navy regularly           signed in 2013, which includes
Japanese ships began making              security in their Exclusive Economic    conduct professional exchanges,        mutual cooperation on maritime
goodwill visits, up until the 1930s.     Zones (EEZ), and open ocean             visits and multilateral exercises,     security in the region and receiving
In modern times Japan and New            fishing compliance with existing        as part of the Five Power Defence      of RNZN ships to Vietnam.
Zealand have had numerous port           international treaties.                 Arrangements (United Kingdom,
exchanges. Today, New Zealand has                                                Malaysia, Singapore, Australia and      20
a “strategic cooperative partnership”     14                                     New Zealand) and the Western                 UNITED STATES
with Japan that includes the signing           PAPUA NEW GUINEA                  Pacific Naval Symposium (21            The history that lies behind the
of a Memorandum of Intent on             New Zealand has a strong defence        member states). Last month the Five    first US ship to visit New Zealand
Defence Cooperation in 2013.             relationship with Papua New Guinea      Powers came together for Exercise      in 33 years is inescapable. In the
                                         through leader engagement, training     BERSAMA LIMA, in the South China       seventies, public opinion in New
 12                                                                              Sea area.
                                         and exercises, and supports the                                                Zealand was turning against nuclear
      MALAYSIA                           Papua New Guinea Defence Force                                                 power, seen visibly with protests
We have a close and significant          in becoming a strong national                                                  against submarines USS PINTADO
relationship with Malaysia including     institution that contributes to its           	THAILAND                        in 1978, USS HADDO in 1979, USS
strong ties in trade, education          society.                                New Zealand and Thailand               TRUXTUN and USS LONG BEACH
and security, notably with co-                                                   cooperate on police issues and         in 1976, and notably USS TEXAS in
membership in the Five Power              15                                     regional defence issues, engaging on   1983. When David Lange’s Labour
Defence Arrangements. Our two                  REPUBLIC OF KOREA                 forums such as the ASEAN Defence       Government swept into power with
countries have a history of friendly     New Zealand’s political, economic       Ministers’ Meeting Plus.               an anti-nuclear ticket in 1984, there
and constructive links based             and security links with Korea date                                             was little room for manoeuvre.
on a shared membership of the                                                     18                                    The government turned down a
                                         back to the Korean War (1950-53)
Commonwealth, the Colombo Plan           during which 6,000 New Zealanders             	TIMOR-LESTE                     visit from USS BUCHANAN in
and shared security interests as part    served and 45 lost their lives. New     New Zealand made a significant         1985, resulting in the severing of
of the Asia-Pacific region.              Zealand continues to support efforts    historic defence and security          intelligence and military ties with
                                         to bring peace and security to the      contribution to Timor-Leste’s          New Zealand.
                                         Korean Peninsula and frequently         establishment as a new nation from     Fast-forward 33 years. New Zealand
      PACIFIC ISLANDS                    engages with Korea on military          1999 to 2002, and following the        and America have reinstated
New Zealand and Australia’s              exercises, ship visits, defence talks   internal conflict of 2006. Today,      virtually all aspects of their defence
strategic presence in the Pacific is     and exchanges.                          our military and police are less       relationship. Chief of Navy RADM
enhanced through close ties with its     South Korea has a large Navy,           involved and the focus has turned      John Martin told USNI News,
Pacific neighbours. The international    a suitable advertisement for its        to supporting Timor-Leste’s growth     during the International Seapower
community expects both countries         substantial defence and shipbuilding    into a stable, democratic and          Symposium in the United States in
to take the lead on security and         capability, which includes the word’s   prosperous nation.                     September, that “the nuclear ship
stability in the Pacific. Small island   largest shipbuilding company,                                                  issue was behind us”. He says the
nations are reliant on New Zealand                                                19                                    visit is a “great step forward in
                                         Hyundai Heavy Industries. New
and Australia for trade, resources,      Zealand’s latest naval tanker will be
                                                                                       	VIETNAM                         navy-to-navy relations” and he
aid and assistance. The Royal New        built there.                            Vietnam and New Zealand have           hoped the visits would become a
Zealand Navy’s major input is                                                    a bilateral defence cooperation        regular activity.

                                                                                                                              VISITING COUNTRIES                 9
Royal New Zealand Navy International Naval Review - Te Taua Moana - warriors of The sea
Celebrating our 75th Anniversary

75 Years 75 Objects
Log                                                                       Wavy Navy
At some point during their training, most sailors will have an            On 1 October 1941, the Kiwi
intimate relationship with the log. “Stand by. Pick. Up. The. Log,”       Navy waved goodbye to its
will be the order given by the Physical Training Instructor.              former self and said hello to
Trainees respond by picking up the log in stages while shouting,          its new incarnation, the Royal
“Down 2 3. Up 2 3. Lift”.                                                 New Zealand Navy. Before
On “lift” the log is raised above the trainees’ heads.                    then the Service had been an
The log is then transferred from shoulder to                               arm of Britain’s Royal Navy.
shoulder; timing and teamwork is essential.                                Simultaneously, the Royal New
Trainees also run in step with the log                                     Zealand Navy Volunteer Reserve
on their shoulders. Keeping in                                             (RNZNVR) was established – or
step is the only way not                                                   the Wavy Navy, as some called
to get a bruise on your                                                    it. The nickname came from the
shoulder or chin.                                                          undulating lace on the sleeve of
                                                                           officers’ jackets. Between 1951
                                                                           and 52, this design changed to
                                                                           straight lines of lace with an “R”
                                                                           for “Reserves”.


           his year marks the 75th Anniversary of the foundation of the   World War II in the Pacific
           Royal New Zealand Navy (RNZN). It was on 1 October 1941,       Following Japan’s onslaught through the Pacific in 1941-42, the New
           when His Majesty King George VI approved the designation       Zealand cruisers ACHILLES and LEANDER were integrated into US
     “Royal New Zealand Navy” for the New Zealand Division of             Navy’s South Pacific Command. Following the initial US-led counter-
     the Royal Navy. Since then, the history of our Navy’s service to     offensive at Guadalcanal on 7 August 1942, the cruisers were used to
     our nation is a proud one. It honours the men and women who          escort American troopships. They soon became involved in fighting in
     faced extraordinary situations in peace and war with courage,        and around the Solomons Islands, and were damaged and had to be
     commitment, and a spirit of comradeship that is so very evident in   withdrawn for repairs.
     our modern Navy of today.
                                                                          Afterwards, New Zealand’s naval effort in the Solomon Islands
     A Tragic Beginning                                                   campaign was limited to minesweepers and motor launches. In
     With the foundation of our navy coinciding with the Second World     December 1942 four minesweeper trawlers were deployed to
     War, the change from the New Zealand Division of the Royal Navy      Guadalcanal to conduct anti-submarine operations. Working from
     to the RNZN made little difference operationally at the time,        a base on Tulagi, on 29 January 1943, KIWI and MOA destroyed the
     though New Zealand vessels now became His Majesty’s New              Japanese submarine I-1 off Guadalcanal. KIWI had to return to New
     Zealand Ship (HMNZS), rather than His Majesty’s Ship (HMS). As       Zealand for repairs after ramming the submarine, and was replaced by
     with the First World War, New Zealand’s contribution to the war      the converted coastal vessel GALE. In April 1943, MOA was sunk by a
     effort was not confined to its own naval vessels. It also included   bomb in Tulagi harbour, with the loss of five lives. In March 1944 twelve
     the provision of large numbers of men to serve in the Royal          Fairmile launches were sent to the Solomons Islands and remained in
     Navy. The worst disaster involving New Zealand naval personnel       service in the region until the end of the war.
     occurred on 18 December 1941 when HMS NEPTUNE, which was
                                                                          The US South Pacific Command initially set up its headquarters in
     being prepared to join the RNZN, sank after hitting a mine off
                                                                          Auckland. The subsequent influx of American forces into New Zealand
     Tripoli in the Mediterranean Sea. Despite rescue attempts, all but
                                                                          ignited major construction and redevelopment of the naval base in
     one of the 764 Ship’s Company were lost. Amongst them were
                                                                          Devonport. At the same time, the increased demand for men to crew
     150 New Zealanders. It remains the greatest single loss of life in
                                                                          warships led to the creation of the Women’s Royal New Zealand Naval
     New Zealand naval operations history. The wreck of the NEPTUNE
                                                                          Service (WRNZNS) in 1942. The WRNZNS eventually reached a peak of
     has been located and those New Zealanders who perished are
                                                                          519 women and made substantial contributions to naval intelligence
     remembered on the HMNZS PHILOMEL Memorial Wall inside the
                                                                          and signalling services. They also completed driver, command centre
     Devonport Naval Base in Auckland.

75 Years 75 Objects

                                                                            Land and Sea
                                                                            New Zealand naval personnel have deployed in Cambodia, the
                                                                            former Yugoslavia, Iraq, Afghanistan and East Timor. For many
                                                                            naval officers much of their naval careers have been spent in a land
                                                                            environment, working with multinational agencies.
                                                                            The Disruptive Pattern Material (or DPM) slides use the design from
                                                                            the old Army Green camouflage uniform. The Desert Disruptive
                                                                            Pattern Material (or DDPM) are designed after the desert camouflage
                                                                            uniform. And of course, the black background with gold stripes are
                                                                            what officers wear on their traditional blue or white Navy uniforms.
Creating Trust
This image depicts HMNZS WAIKATO’s Commanding Officer
Commander David Ledson and the ship’s cultural group ashore
at Bougainville in 1990. They were there along with the frigate
peace mission.
There had been a long period of conflict between the Bougainville
Liberation Army and Papua New Guinea National Forces. There
was initially tension when WAIKATO arrived at Bougainville.
Commander Ledson, decided to go ashore unarmed. After the
ship’s cultural group presented a haka, the ice was broken.

watchkeeper, and other shore-based roles, through until the WRNZNS          still based around the two cruisers. This was followed by the
were disbanded after the war.                                               acquisition of the survey vessel LACHLAN in 1949.

By the end of 1944 the Royal Navy had returned to the Pacific. The          Middle East commitment and the Korean War
cruisers ACHILLES and GAMBIA (which replaced LEANDER in 1943)               At the end of the 1940s, the onset of the Cold War saw a shift in New
and the corvette ARBUTUS, served as part of the British Pacific Fleet       Zealand’s strategic interests. Much of this was centred on preparing
that served alongside US forces until the Japanese were defeated in         to fulfil the so-called Middle East pledge, which was a promise to
1945. Many New Zealand naval aviators also flew off British aircraft        provide forces immediately for the defence of Egypt in the event of
carriers during this campaign. GAMBIA, which remains the largest            war with the Soviet Union. The government promised to send all
warship to have served with the RNZN, was also present in Tokyo Bay         surplus naval capacity to the region. Readiness was enhanced by
when Japan formally surrendered aboard USS MISSOURI.                        the exchange of frigates with the Royal Navy’s Mediterranean Fleet
The strength of the RNZN and Volunteer Reserves peaked at 10,500            in 1950. The outbreak of the Korean War in 1950, however, saw an
men and women in July 1945. Many of these served on ships in the            immediate naval commitment into North Asia that stretched RNZN
Pacific, while others served with the Royal Navy in other parts of the      resources to its limits.
world. A total of 524 Officers and Ratings were killed in naval service     Two frigates, PUKAKI and TUTIRA, deployed immediately and
during the Second World War, and 65 became Prisoners of War.                reached Korea in early August 1950. They began by escorting
                                                                            ships between Japan and the South Korean port of Pusan. In mid-
Post-War Operations
                                                                            September 1950 they were also involved in escorting troopships
The immediate post war period was one of rapid demobilisation as the        to Incheon. The subsequent landing of United Nation forces
RNZN returned to peacetime levels. Like all of New Zealand’s armed          transformed the war, and lead to the rapid liberation of South
services, the Navy faced difficulties in having to drastically reduce its   Korea. All six frigates undertook tours of duty through until July
numbers and to reshape its post-war force. New cruisers BELLONA             1954. In all approximately 1300 RNZN personnel served in the
and BLACK PRINCE replaced ACHILLES and GAMBIA, but problems                 Korean War. Two men lost their lives, including one during a shore
with pay in 1947 led to a mutiny and the subsequent dismissal of            raid made by ROTOITI on North Korea in August 1951.
200 ratings. This crisis in manpower led to the reintroduction of the
                                                                            New Zealand’s commitment in Korea led it to joining with Australia
WRNZNS to free up men for sea service.
                                                                            and United States in the ANZUS pact. It was the first time New
In 1948, the Frigate Era began when New Zealand took advantage              Zealand had entered a defence relationship without Britain.
of so much wartime surplus equipment available and acquired six             Showing a growing sense of independence in 1956, the government
wartime Loch-class antisubmarine frigates to supplement a force             refused Britain permission to test its thermonuclear weapons

                                                                                                                       OUR NAVAL HISTORY            11
Celebrating our 75th Anniversary

                                                                          Navy’s Mystery Tours
                                                                          After assisting at Christmas Island in 1957, New Zealand again sent
                                                                          ships to nuclear tests in the Pacific fifteen years later. This time,
                                                                          however, the country was protesting against French atmospheric
                                                                          nuclear testing at Mururoa Atoll. Labour Prime Minister Norman Kirk
                                                                          sent HMNZS CANTERBURY and OTAGO to oppose the tests.
                                                                          This flag, made by Peter Mitchell and donated by Michael Bell,
                                                                          is marked “Norm’s Mystery Tours.” It was flown by HMNZS
                                                                          CANTERBURY as she sailed out of Auckland on her way to Mururoa
                                                                          and again when she returned to Auckland. “Norm” referred to the
Above: Fraser Colman MP on HMNZS OTAGO at Mururoa.                        Prime Minister Norman Kirk.

                                                                          to confront Great Britain and to intimidate the newly formed
     in the Kermadec Islands, and also would not allow the cruiser
                                                                          Federation of Malaysia. ROYALIST, TARANAKI, and OTAGO and the
     ROYALIST to serve with the Royal Navy’s Mediterranean Fleet
                                                                          minesweepers, HICKLETON and STANTON all completed patrols in
     during the Suez Crisis.
                                                                          the area at various stages during the Confrontation (1962-66). In June
     Focus shifts to South East Asia                                      1966, the RNZN fired its guns in anger when HICKLETON engaged
     By the mid-1950s New Zealand’s strategic interests were firmly       armed Indonesian infiltrators.
     focussed on Southeast Asia. The region became the focus of           The NZ government chose not to commit any RNZN warships to the
     our naval efforts through until the early 1970s. In 1955 New         Vietnam War. Most of the 26 RNZN personnel who served in Vietnam
     Zealand agreed to supply forces in peacetime for the British         did so as part of a joint services medical unit, which operated in the
     Commonwealth Strategic Reserve, which would provide the initial      Binh Dinh province from 1967 until 1971.
     response to any attack on the region by China. As a result, one
                                                                          Frigate Operations and Support at Home
     RNZN frigate was stationed in Singapore at all times. Although
     intended to meet a ‘hot war’ situation, the reserve forces quickly   In 1973 the frigate OTAGO was sent to Mururoa Atoll to protest
     became involved in the Malayan Emergency. RNZN frigates              against the atmospheric testing of French nuclear weapons. OTAGO
     conducted anti-piracy and fisheries protection patrols off the       observed the first test and was replaced on station by the new Leander
     Malayan coast through until March 1961. During this time they also   -class frigate CANTERBURY (commissioned in 1971). In the early 1980s
     provided support to land forces, and were at times called upon to    both OTAGO and TARANAKI were replaced by WELLINGTON and
     bombard communist positions.                                         SOUTHLAND giving the RNZN an all-Leander-class four-frigate force.
                                                                          In 1982, during the Falklands War, the RNZN took over patrols in the
     By the start of the 1960s, the RNZN required new warships for its    Indian Ocean to free up Royal Navy vessels for service in the South
     fleet. In 1962 the Rothesay-class frigates OTAGO and TARANAKI        Atlantic. The government’s decision to break the ANZUS Treaty in 1985
     were commissioned and were the first all-new major surface           greatly affected the RNZN’s long standing training programme with the
     combatants to serve with the RNZN. A Leander-class frigate           United States Navy. At the time CANTERBURY was training with the
     HMNZS WAIKATO—which was the first RNZN ship designed to              US Navy in North America and was ordered to withdraw immediately.
     embark a helicopter—was also acquired in 1966 to replace the
                                                                          In 1985 the RNZN Operational Dive Team helped in the salvage of
     RNZN’s last cruiser ROYALIST.
                                                                          the RAINBOW WARRIOR, after it was sunk in Auckland Harbour
     In 1962 the RNZN again became involved in Southeast Asian            by French government operatives. They also provided assistance
     conflict. Indonesia used a series of raids, commerce interdiction    to help with the salvage of the Russian cruise liner, MIKHAIL
     and minor skirmishes (known as ‘Konfrontasi’ (Confrontation)),

75 Years 75 Objects

                                                                          Wakey Wakey Wakey
                                                                          These are the not so subtle tones of the Bosun’s Mate, who rouses
The Loveable Rat                                                          the ship’s company each morning. It is the first so-called ‘pipe’ of
                                                                          each day, accompanied by the sound played on the bosun’s call.
This is Lieutenant Finnegan Rat, a loveable crew member whose
                                                                          Today there are speakers throughout the ship, but announcements
hijinks in the service are legendary. Finnegan has been the victim
                                                                          are still referred to as “pipes”.
of kidnappings from HMNZS WAIKATO, on which he is stationed.
He has served in the Persian Gulf with HMNZS TE MANA, and was
kidnapped in Fukuoka, Japan, by the Wardroom (officers’ mess) in            These objects, and others like them, can be seen at the
                                                                            National Museum of the Royal New Zealand Navy as
How he got to be on HMNZS TE KAHA remains a mystery, although               part of their 75 Years, 75 Objects exhibition.
there is speculation that he suffered disorientation after shore leave.

LERMONTOV, which sunk in the Marlborough Sounds in 1986. In 1988,         in frigates. By the end of the decade any remaining restrictions had
MANAWANUI, a new diving support tender with modern equipment,             been abolished, allowing women to serve in the diving branch and
was commissioned into RNZN. MANAWANUI, and the Navy’s Littoral            in all combat and peacekeeping operations.
Support Group (which includes Operational Dive, Mine clearance, and       Increasing involvement in Peacekeeping Operations
Maritime Survey Units) remain key elements of RNZN to this day. In
                                                                          The 1990s was a period where the participation of the RNZN in
1988 the RNZN’s first ever replenishment tanker, named ENDEAVOUR
                                                                          peacekeeping operations greatly increased. RNZN personnel took
III, was commissioned into service. It was the first time a tanker had
                                                                          part in land-based United Nations (UN) operations in the former
been operated as part of New Zealand naval forces since 1925, and it
                                                                          Yugoslavia, and small craft operations on rivers in Cambodia. That
greatly enhanced the Navy’s ability to sustain its frigate operations
                                                                          same year the RNZN would also play a key role in the attempt to
away from New Zealand. Despite these capability upgrades, the end of
                                                                          make peace on Bougainville. The tanker ENDEAVOUR, supported
the Cold War in 1989 found the RNZN with a fleet in which most of its
                                                                          by the frigates CANTERBURY and WAIKATO, was used as a neutral
frigates were nearing obsolescence.
                                                                          meeting site for negotiations between the Papua New Guinean
To counter this problem the government committed in the early             government and local rebels. RNZN ships and shore-based
1990’s to purchasing two new Anzac-class frigates. They were built in     personnel would continue to assist with truce monitoring and
Australia, named TE KAHA and TE MANA, and entered into service            peace-making initiatives in Bougainville throughout the decade. In
in 1997 and 1999 respectively. In 1997 the frigates’ capabilities were    1999, TE KAHA, CANTERBURY, and ENDEAVOUR were rushed to
further enhanced when the RNZN’s aging Wasp helicopters, which            East Timor to provide naval support during the early stages of the
had served in the RNZN since 1966, were replaced by modern Kaman          country’s bloody separation from Indonesia. RNZN personnel then
Seasprite helicopters. That same year the Navy’s hydrographic survey      served ashore in coming years, as part of the multinational force
capability was also updated, when MONOWAI was replaced by                 that helped establish and then monitor peace in the country during
RESOLUTION.                                                               its early years of independence.
Women in the Navy                                                         In 1995 WELLINGTON took part in UN-endorsed multi-national
The 1990’s also saw the full integration of women into the RNZN. The      operations to enforce sanctions against Iraq in the Arabian Gulf. This
WRNZNS was disbanded in 1977 in order to meet new legislation, but        deployment was followed by CANTERBURY in 1996 and 1999, and
by 1979 women were trained alongside men and were being employed          was the first of many RNZN deployments into the Middle East region
in shore-based roles. Women first served at sea in 1986 on board          over the next twenty years. Since 2000 both Anzac-class frigates
MONOWAI, as part of an enduring programme to transition women             have completed numerous maritime security and counter-piracy
into seagoing operations. By 1993 all branches of the Navy, except        operations in the Straits of Hormuz, Gulf of Oman and Horn of Africa
diving, were open to women, and in 1995 the first women served at sea     areas of the region.

                                                                                                                      OUR NAVAL HISTORY            13
Celebrating our 75th Anniversary

                                                                 TE MANA & TE KAHA
                                                                 Length:         118m
                                                                 Beam:           15m
                                                                 Displacement:   3,600 tonnes
                                                                 Speed:          27+ knots
     FRIGATES                                                    Main Gun:       5-inch fully automatic
                                                                                 lightweight gun
                  TE MANA & TE KAHA                              Missiles:       Eight cell Vertical Launch System
                  New Zealand
                                                                                 which houses the NATO Seasparrow

     O     ur two frigates, TE MANA and TE KAHA, are
           two of 10 Anzac-class frigates constructed for
     New Zealand and Australia. Ours came into service in
                                                                                 Mk 41 air defence missile
                                                                                 PHALANX Close In Weapons
     1997 and 1999, a change of scene from New Zealand’s
     traditional four-frigate force. They are our main           Torpedos:       Two Mk32 Mod 5 Surface Vessel
     fighting ships, protecting New Zealand, our exports,                        Torpedo Tubes
     maritime resources and those of our allies. They are        Helicopter:     One Kaman Super Seasprite SH-2G(I)
     capable of prolonged independent missions, and
                                                                                 with a combination of torpedos,
     have proved themselves multiple times in different
                                                                                 depth charges, Penguin air-to-air
     oceans. There tasks include global security, anti-piracy,
     counter-terrorism, interception and boarding, disaster
                                                                                 missiles and M60 machine gun
     relief and search and rescue. In June last year TE KAHA     Small arms:     Numerous, ranging from .50-calibre
     seized almost 260 kilograms of heroin worth NZ$235                          machine guns and mini-Typhoon
     million during a search of a dhow in the Indian Ocean.                      automatic weapons to 9mm pistols

                                          New Zealand

C   ANTERBURY is our Navy’s Multi-Role Vessel (MRV).
    Entering service in 2007, the 131m-long ship is based on a
Dutch roll-on roll-off passenger ferry, modified for naval use.      CANTERBURY
She has been notable as a disaster relief ship, including close to   Length:                131m
home in Christchurch. She happened to be berthed in Lyttelton
when the second Christchurch earthquake struck in February           Beam:                  23m
2011. She also assisted Vanuatu after Cyclone Pam in 2015.           Displacement:          9,000 tonnes
CANTERBURY is also the sealift capability for the NZ Defence         Speed:                 20 knots
Force Joint Amphibious Task Force. She can deploy personnel,
                                                                     Range:                 6000 plus nautical miles
vehicles and equipment using landing craft, helicopters or
ramps. She has a self-contained hospital with surgical capability.   Crew:                  78 (core crew), 10 (flight), 4
                                                                                            (Government) 7 (Army ship’s staff), 24
Because of her ability to store two Navy Seasprites in the
                                                                                            (trainees), 243 (embarked force).
hanger, and four NH90s below, naval commentators have
compared CANTERBURY to a mini carrier.                               Armament:              25mm Bushmaster naval cannon.
                                                                                            Two .50 calibre machine guns.
                                                                                            Two helicopters spots on flight deck
                                          ENDEAVOUR                                         and hangar storage for up to four.
                                          New Zealand

                                                                     E   NDEAVOUR is our Navy’s fleet replenishment tanker.
                                                                         With over 5,000 tonnes of fuel on board, its primary
                                                                     role is to refuel ships at sea, allowing our warships and
                                                                     other vessels to stay at sea for long missions and exercises.
                                                                     It can also refuel vessels of other Navies, and “hot” refuel
                                                                     helicopters from her aviation fuel tank while the helicopter
                                                                     hovers above the flight deck. Her deck, built with the smaller
                                                                     Westland Wasp in mind, is now too small for the larger Naval
                                                                     helicopters typically used.
                                                                     ENDEAVOUR will be replaced in 2020 by the Maritime
                                                                     Sustainment Capability Project, a 24,000 tonne naval tanker.

                                                                        Length:                138 m
                                                                        Beam:                  18 m
                                                                        Displacement:          7,300 tonnes
                                                                        Speed:                 14 knots
                                                                        Range:                 10,000 nautical miles
                                                                        Crew:                  50
                                                                        Armament: Numerous small arms ranging from Steyr
                                                                        rifles to 9 mm pistols

                                                                                                                    OUR FLEET         15
Celebrating our 75th Anniversary

                                                                    OFFSHORE PATROL
                                                                    VESSELS (OPV)
                                                                                  OTAGO & WELLINGTON
                                                                                 New Zealand

                                                                    O    TAGO and WELLINGTON are the Navy’s patrol “workhorses”,
                                                                         meant for operation from just south of the equator to the
                                                                    Antarctic – although WELLINGTON has crossed the equator once.
                                                                    They were delivered to the Navy as part of Project Protector in
                                                                    2007 and 2008.
                                                                    The two Offshore Patrol Vessels (OPVs) have been prominent this
                                                                    winter with Operation Calypso, patrolling the south-west Pacific
                                                                    and boarding fishing boats to ensure compliance.
                                                                    The RNZN does this in support of Pacific Islands that want
                                                                    to protect their Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZ) but lack the
                                                                    capability of ocean-going patrols lasting for weeks.
                                                                    The presence of OPVs in the Pacific, as well as working to protect
     OTAGO & WELLINGTON                                             the livelihoods of New Zealand’s Pacific Island partners, provides
                                                                    training for the islands’ own fisheries officers.
     Length:               85m
                                                                    The OPVs, which are ice-strengthened, might be called for a
     Beam:                 14m
                                                                    long stint in the Southern Ocean, among icebergs, to ensure
     Displacement:         1,900 tonnes                             compliance under the Commission for Conservation of Antarctic
     Speed:                22 knots                                 Marine Living Resources.

     Range:                6,000 nautical miles                     Their versatility also allows the Navy to undertake scientific
                                                                    duties and support Department of Conservation activities on New
     Crew:                 42 (core crew)
                                                                    Zealand’s islands. This year OTAGO embarked a Seasprite SH-2G(I)
     Armament:             One 25mm Typhoon Naval gun and           for the first time, aiding the work considerably.
                           two .50 calibre machine guns

                                                                    the Seasprite from Whenuapai since the 1990s.
                                                                    The operation and service of 6 Squadron is a hybrid of Navy and
                                                                    Air Force. Navy crew the Seasprites, while the Air Force trains
                                                                    the pilots and maintains the helicopters.
                                                                    Seasprites are operated from TE KAHA, TE MANA,
                                                                    CANTERBURY, OTAGO and WELLINGTON, and will be able to
                                                                    operate from the ENDEAVOUR replacement and new Littoral
                                                                    Operations vessel. This year was the first time Seasprites
                                                                    were properly embarked for missions with the OPVs, the first
                                                                    being Operation HAVRE, to support scientific work in the
                                                                    Kermedec Islands.
                                                                    Their roles include surveillance, reconnaissance, transport and
     HELICOPTER RESOURCE                                            vertical replenishment, but also combative. At RIMPAC 2016
     The Navy operates 10 Kaman SH-2G(I) Seasprite helicopters,     a Seasprite SH-2G(I) joined forces with frigate TE KAHA and
     which have been delivered in intervals from early 2015. 6      a P-3K2 Orion to drop torpedoes on a simulated underwater
     Squadron, their home base, have operated earlier versions of   target. It can also fire Maverick and Penguin anti-ship missiles.

16     OUR FLEET
             HAWEA, ROTOITI,
             TAUPO & PUKAKI
             New Zealand

T   he Navy’s four Lake-class Inshore Patrol Vessels
rolled out in 2007 and 2008, replacing seven sturdy
but small Inshore Patrol Craft. Designed and built by
Whangarei’s Tenix Shipbuilding New Zealand Ltd, the
IPVs conduct maritime surveillance in support of civil
agencies along our coasts. They have the added benefit
of providing command opportunities for young officers.
It was, sadly, the last major contract for Tenix NZ, which
closed at the end of 2008.

Length:               55m
Beam:                 9m
Displacement:         340 tonnes
Speed:                25 knots
Range:                3,000 nautical miles
Crew:                 24
Armament:             Numerous small arms ranging from .50
                      calibre machine guns to 9 mm pistols

          MANAWANUI                                          DIVING SUPPORT VESSEL
          New Zealand                                              early 40 years old, HMNZS MANAWANUI is the
                                                                   Royal New Zealand Navy’s busy diving support
MANAWANUI                                                    vessel, holding the Operational Diving Team, the Mine
                                                             Countermeasures team and the Maritime Survey team.
Length:               43m                                    Built in 1979 as a North Sea oil tender, she is designed for
Beam:                 9.5m                                   good sea-keeping and has a range of 5,000 nautical miles,
                                                             allowing her to reach the South Pacific or South East Asia.
Displacement:         991 tonnes
                                                             MANAWANUI was in the news this year as she helped
Speed:                11 knots                               recover WWII unexploded munitions in the waters around
Range:                5,000 nautical miles                   the Solomon Islands. She is also prominent in disaster
                                                             relief and supporting police, fisheries, Customs and the
Crew:                 24
                                                             Department of Conservation. In 2020 she will be replaced by
Armament:             Numerous small arms ranging from .50   the Littoral Operations Sustainment Capability ship.
                      calibre machine guns to 9 mm pistols

                                                                                                           OUR FLEET        17

Thursday November
                                           Friday November
                                                                                      Saturday November
0600 – 1500                                1115 – 1220                                1230 – 1430
Warships conduct formation entry into      The “thousand sailor” street march on      Ceremonial Fleet Review by Dame Patsy
Auckland.                                  Queen St, Auckland, reviewed by the        Reddy, the Governor-General of New
HMNZS TE KAHA to provide gun salute to     mayor of Auckland.                         Zealand.
Chief of Defence Force.                    The parade will start from the Town Hall   Review will commence aboard HMNZS
Waka Taua will exchange formal salute      and proceed down Queen St, concluding      OTAGO at approximately 1300.
with first group of ships.                 at Queen’s Wharf.                          Flypast of maritime and historic aircraft
1600 – 1700                                                                           at intervals throughout the review.
Haka powhiri for visiting nations at The
Cloud.                                                                                1830
                                                                                      All Ranks Reception at The Cloud.

Celebrating our 75th Anniversary

Sunday November
                                      Monday November
                                                                              Tuesday November
1000 – 1600                           0930 – 1300                             Ships depart.
Ships Open Day for ships berthed at   Squadron Sports Day at Ngataringa Bay
Auckland wharves.                     sports fields, Devonport.
                                      1300 – 1400
1400 – 1500                           Cultural and musical entertainment,
Divine Service at the Holy Trinity    Ngataringa Bay.
Cathedral, Parnell.

                                                                                   PROGRAMME OF THE INR   19

                                                                        C    NS YANCHENG is a Type 054A multi-role frigate with the
                                                                             same stealthy hull as the Type 054, minimising the radar
                                                                        cross section, but with improved sensors and weapons. It is
                                                                        designed primarily for anti-air warfare but also equipped for
                                                                        anti-surface and anti-submarine. Defence commentators have
                                                                        remarked the Chinese production of Type 54/54A and future
                                                                        variants could match the US Navy’s prolific production of Arleigh
                                                                        Burke-class destroyers (62).
                                      CREDIT: DVIDS / LT Edward Early   The 054A is a versatile ship used for patrolling Chinese waters,
                                                                        escort and patrol missions in the South China Sea, and anti-
               USS SAMPSON                                              piracy operations in the Gulf of Aden. One Type 054A was used
                                                                        to evacuate Chinese and foreign nationals from Yemen in 2015 as
               United States
                                                                        the security situation deteriorated.

O     n probability alone, the chances of an Arleigh Burke-
      class destroyer being the first to visit New Zealand in
over 30 years were pretty good. Just over a quarter of US Navy
                                                                           CNS YANCHENG
commissioned front-line ships are this class. The 62 ships built           Length:                 134m
so far add up to the most prolific warship class for the modern            Beam:                   16m
US Navy, with the longest production run post-World War II.
                                                                           Displacement:           3,963 tonnes
USS SAMPSON is well down the list, commissioned in 2007
(ARLEIGH BURKE was commissioned some 16 years earlier). They               Speed:                  27 knots
are designed as multi-mission destroyers, built around the Aegis           Range:                  3,800 nautical miles
combat system, with anti-submarine, anti-surface, surface-to-
                                                                           Crew:                   165
air and strategic land strike capabilities, plus the ability to carry
anti-ballistic missiles and anti-satellite platforms. With weaponry        Armament:               76mm main gun. Two Type 730 seven-
that includes about 90 missiles, they are larger and more heavily-                                 barrel 30mm Close-In Weapon Systems
armed than earlier missile cruisers.                                                               (CWIS). One 32-cell vertical launch
                                                                                                   surface-to-air missile system. Six
The USS SAMPSON had a moment in popular culture in the
                                                                                                   324mm torpedo tubes.
movie Battleship, when it was destroyed by aliens during Exercise
RIMPAC 2012.
                                                                        Below: A Harbin Z-9 aboard Chinese frigate YUNCHENG.

     Length:               155m
     Beam:                 20m
     Displacement:         9,425 tonnes
     Speed:                31 knots
     Range:                4,300 nautical miles
     Crew:                 276
     Armament:             5 inch main gun
                           96 Tomahawk or Asroc missiles
                           Mark 32 and 46 torpedo tubes
                           20mm Phalanx Close In Weapon
                           System (CIWS)                                                                               CREDIT: Wikimedia / Rob Schleiffert

Celebrating our 75th Anniversary

                                   Left: A MH60R “Romeo” Seahawk
                                   with the Australian Navy.
                                                                                           PHOTOS CREDIT: Department of Defence (Australia)

                                                                                     HMAS DECHAINEUX
              HMAS DARWIN                                                            Australia

                                                                        H     MAS DECHAINEUX is a Collins-class guided missile diesel-
                                                                              electric submarine, one of six in her class serving with the

H    MAS DARWIN is an Adelaide-class long-range escort frigate
     that undertakes area air defence, anti-submarine warfare,
surveillance, reconnaissance and interdiction. The ship is capable
                                                                        Royal Australian Navy. At the time of their commissioning (1996 to
                                                                        2003), they were the largest conventionally-powered submarines
                                                                        in the world (this has reportedly been topped by China).
of countering simultaneous threats from the air, surface and sub-
surface.                                                                Collins-class submarines have been tailored specifically for a two-
                                                                        ocean surveillance role in the Royal Australian Navy. Designed
Commissioned in 1984, DARWIN and her five sister frigates
                                                                        to be as quiet as advanced technology can achieve, Collins-
were the first Royal Australian Navy ships to be powered by
                                                                        class submarines have been developed from five generations of
gas turbines for its main propulsion. This, combined with a
                                                                        submarines designed and built by the Swedish Navy.
modern repair by replacement policy, has allowed both a reduced
complement and a high availability for sea. DARWIN can be               One of the first submarines to be totally designed by computers,
underway from cold in 30 minutes. In addition, two forward              these submarines boast a high performance hull form, highly
mounted retractable auxiliary propulsion units provide a                automated controls, low indiscretion rates, high shock resistance
secondary means of propulsion plus excellent manoeuvrability in         and an efficient weapons handling and discharge system.
confined waters.                                                        The submarine will move silently on electric power supplied by
DARWIN, together with her sister ship SYDNEY, have been                 banks of new-technology batteries. The batteries are charged by
deployed to the Persian Gulf a record five times in 1990, 1991, 1992,   three on-board diesel generator sets.
2002 and 2004. Darwin was deployed to East Timor (Timor-                Her sister vessels have previously visited New Zealand; HMAS
Leste) in 1999 and was also involved in operations in the Solomon       RANKIN in 2008, and HMAS FARNCOMB in 2005. Australia has
Islands in 2001.                                                        operated submarines since WWI.

   HMAS DARWIN                                                             HMAS DECHAINEUX
   Length:                138m                                             Length:                    78m
   Beam:                  14m                                              Beam:                      8m
   Displacement:          4,267 tonnes                                     Surface                    3,407 tonnes
   Speed:                 29 knots                                         displacement:

   Range:                 4,500 nautical miles                             Range:                     11,500 nautical miles

   Crew:                  184                                              Crew:                      58

   Armament:              Standard medium range anti-aircraft              Armament:                  McDonnell Douglas Sub Harpoon
                          missiles and Harpoon anti-ship missiles.                                    anti-ship missiles; six 21-in (533 mm)
                          A 76 mm gun to counter both aircraft                                        forward tubes for Mark 48 torpedoes
                          and surface threats is fitted forward                                       containing 267kg warheads
                          of the funnel and one 20 mm Vulcan
                          Phalanx close-in weapon system for
                          anti-missile defence. Six Mark 32
                          torpedo tubes.

                                                                                                                         OUR GUESTS       21
Celebrating our 75th Anniversary

                     CREDIT: Republic of Korea Armed Forces – 20130626                                                         CREDIT: Wikimedia / Indian Navy

               ROKS CHUNGBUK                                                            INS SUMITRA
               South Korea                                                              India

T   he ROKS CHUNGBUK could take the prize for the most
    modern ship to feature in this International Naval Review,
being commissioned last year, according to Jane’s Fighting Ships.
                                                                         I NS SUMITRA is the fourth in the Saryu class of Indian-built
                                                                           Offshore Patrol Vessels (OPVs), capable of ocean surveillance
                                                                         and monitoring. SUMITRA was commissioned in 2014 and
She is one of six or seven expected Incheon-class multi-role             assigned to India’s Eastern Naval Command, which tackles
coastal defence frigates, replacing South Korea’s eighties-era           maritime challenges in the Bay of Bengal and the waters of the
corvettes and Ulsan-class frigates.                                      adjoining Eastern Indian Ocean region. India’s OPVs undertake
                                                                         counter-piracy and counter-terrorism operations. Her armament
                                                                         duplicates a frigate, with a 76mm main gun and two 30mm Close
     ROKS CHUNGBUK                                                       In Weapon Systems. She is also the presidential yacht of India.
     Length:                114m
     Beam:                  14m
                                                                             INS SUMITRA
     Displacement:          3,251 tonnes
     Speed:                 30 knots                                         Length:                   105m

     Range:                 4,500 nautical miles                             Beam:                     13m

     Crew:                  140                                              Displacement:             2,230 tonnes

     Armament:              Cheon Ryong land-attack missiles,                Speed:                    24 knots
                            Hae Sung surface-to-ship missiles,               Range:                    6,500 nautical miles
                            Raytheon Mk 49 RAM RIM-116 surface-              Crew:                     113
                            to-air missiles. 127mm main gun. Six
                                                                             Armament:                 76mm main gun plus 30mm Close In
                            324mm torpedo tubes.
                                                                                                       Weapon System

Below: A Republic of Korean Navy P-3C Orion.                             Below: The Kawasaki P-1, a Japanese maritime patrol aircraft.

                                   CREDIT: Wikimedia/Ricardo R Guzman                                                      CREDIT: Steve Lynes, UK

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