Page created by Herman Dawson


           April 2021
Context & Rationale
The cancellation of all CCEA GCSE, AS and A2 examinations by the Minister of Education,
Peter Weir MLA on 6 January was followed on 2 March by a formal direction that the
approach to the awarding of grades in summer 2021 would be based on teachers’
professional judgements.

In 2021 centres (schools) are asked to use a range of evidence to arrive at a professional
and academic judgement of the standard at which each pupil is performing in the context of
the specification for which they are entered and from this to provide a grade to CCEA. At the
Royal School, Armagh pupils take GCSE and A Level qualifications offered by CCEA and
AQA and BTEC qualifications offered by Pearson.

This is very different from 2020, when centres1 were asked to supply a centre assessment
grade based on their judgement of the grade a student would likely have achieved if they
had been able to complete examinations. This requires CCEA to develop and use different
processes than those used in 2020. It is acknowledged that this processes places a not
insignificant additional responsibility on staff.

Purpose of this Policy:
         to ensure that the effective operation of the Centre Determined Grades process
          produces fair, objective, consistent and timely outcomes within and across
         to ensure that all staff involved in producing Centre Determined
          Grades know, understand and can complete their roles in the process
          as published by CCEA;
         to ensure that Centre Determined Grades are produced in line with the
          process as published by CCEA or AQA using the professional judgement
          of teachers, with internal moderation, ensuring quality and accuracy of
          the grades submitted to CCEA; and
        to ensure that the centre meets its obligations in relation to relevant legislation.

It is the responsibility of everyone involved in the generation of Centre Determined
Grades to read, understand and implement this policy. The Centre Determined Grades
policy is in line with CCEA Alternative Arrangements – Process for Heads of
Centre, subject- specific guidance and other CCEA/ AQA guidance and information
issued in relation to Summer 2021. As this guidance may be amended or updated
references in this policy will always relate to the most recently issued version. All staff
involved in centre determined grades will support the implementation of alternative
arrangements as set out by CCEA, including the CCEA review stage. Staff will
familiarise themselves with all relevant guidance provided by CCEA, the JCQ

1   References to centre and Head of Centre in this document are in line with JCQ examination centre terminology
requirements and the relevant centre policies. In cases where CCEA is referenced as
an awarding body that should be taken to mean any other relevant awarding body.

The school ethos promotes respect and care for the individual. This policy should be
interpreted and implemented in a manner consistent with that ethos.

Process Overview
It is important that each CCEA qualification grade awarded in Summer 2021 is
valid and reliable. This is to ensure that qualifications have credibility with users,
including higher education institutions and employers.

CCEA has established a five step process for the Summer 2021 awarding
arrangements, this is outlined in the CCEA Alternative Arrangements –
Process for Heads of Centre Revised Version 2.0 published 15 March 2021.
Internal deadlines relating to the steps of the CCEA process are provided in
Appendix 4a of the above document.

The 5 Step Process
 1              Guidance, Information &                            March, April
                Readiness                                          2021
 2              Evidence Gathering and Provision                   March, April &
                of Assessment Resource                             May 2021
 3              Centre Professional Judgement &                    April & May
                Moderation                                         2021
 4              Review of Evidence & Award                         June & July
 5              Post Award Review Service                          August &
                                                                   September 2021

The knowledge, expertise and professionalism of the staff of our school is central
to determining Centre Determined Grades.

Roles and Responsibilities
The roles and responsibilities of staff are outlined below:

The Board of Governors is responsible for approving this policy and must notify
CCEA of arrangements should the Head of Centre be unavailable to confirm the
Centre Determined Grades.
The Headmaster as Head of Centre has overall responsibility for the school as an
examinations centre and will ensure the roles and responsibilities of all staff are

The Head of Centre will confirm that Centre Determined Grade judgements are accurate
and represent the professional judgement made by staff. The Head of Centre will ensure
that the method of determining grades by the centre (in line with processes published
by CCEA) uses the professional judgement of teachers, with internal moderation and
participation in an external review process set out by CCEA.

The Head of Centre will work collaboratively with CCEA in terms of engaging with
professional dialogue and the provision of evidence as requested.

The Vice Principal Curriculum will provide support to staff involved in producing
Centre Determined Grades and will support the Head of Centre in the quality
assurance of the final Centre Determined Grades. He will have a role in achieving a
consistent approach across departments and authenticating the preliminary outcomes
in subjects where there is only one teacher. This will be agreed on a case-by-case
basis but may include, for example:

Senior Leaders or the Head of Centre validating the outcomes after comparing them
with outcomes in associated subject areas where applicable.

The Headmaster and Vice Principal, who attended the CCEA Chartered Institute of
Educational Assessors (CIEA) training will act as Lead Assessors and disseminate
content from the programme to all teachers involved in producing Centre Determined

The Examinations Officer is responsible for ensuring accurate and timely entries are
submitted to CCEA. He must ensure that all information from CCEA is shared promptly
with all relevant staff. The Examinations Officer will ensure that he knows, understands
and can use the CCEA Centre Manager Applications. He will ensure that the centre’s
systems for data capture are enabled and that the Centre Determined Grades are
submitted for each candidate entry by the published date(s) for Summer 2021.

The Examinations Officer is responsible for the administration of the final Centre
Determined Grades and for managing the post-results services within the centre.

Heads of Department are responsible for leading the process in their departments,
supporting departmental staff and ensuring all staff are aware of the relevant training,
conduct assessments under the appropriate levels of control and have the information
required to make accurate and fair judgements. They must ensure the VP Curriculum
is informed in a timely manner of any emerging training need and will ensure that a
Head of Department Checklist is completed for the overall cohort, one for each subject
at each qualification level. They must ensure that records are retained at departmental
level containing the information required on the Candidate Assessment Record (CAR).
This does not have to be on the CAR but they must ensure that the CAR is completed
and submitted in respect of each candidate selected for CCEA sampling. The
information on the CAR to include a description of the assessment evidence used, the
level of control for each assessment considered, and any other evidence that explains
the final Centre Determined Grade submitted.

Additional support and, where appropriate, quality assurance measures will be
provided for newly qualified teachers.

Subject teachers are responsible for ensuring that they conduct assessments including,
where appropriate, the CCEA Assessment Resource under an appropriate level of control,
and that they have sufficient evidence, in line with this centre policy, to support Centre
Determined Grades for each candidate they have entered for a qualification. They must
ensure that the Centre Determined Grade they assign to each candidate is a fair, valid and
reliable reflection of the assessed evidence available for each candidate. Teachers have the
responsibility for participating in the process of internal standardisation and of moderating
candidates’ work, in conjunction with departmental colleagues under the direction of senior
leaders as required. They must securely store and be able to retrieve evidence to support
their decisions.

It is the responsibility of each person involved in the process of assigning Centre Determined
Grades to adhere as closely as possible to this policy, to all other guidance provided by
CCEA or other relevant awarding bodies and to seek advice and support from senior
colleagues in the event of uncertainty relating to any aspect of the process.

Training, Support and Guidance

Teachers involved in determining grades must attend any centre-based training provided.
The school will engage fully with all training and support that CCEA has provided, including
web-based support and training. The Headmaster and Vice Principal Curriculum have
engaged fully with the training offered by the Chartered Institute of Educational Assessors
(CIEA). Further general and subject-specific support and guidance can be found at:

      CCEA:
      AQA:
      Pearson:
Senior Leaders will disseminate the training they have received to all teachers involved in
producing Centre Determined Grades.

Each Head of Department will meet with the Headmaster to discuss their understanding of
the requirements of the process, the nature of evidence that has to be used, the quality of
evidence they hold, and their proposed use of the Assessment Resources. Heads of
Department have been advised to speak to their CCEA Subject officer. All staff have been
directed to the audio visual resource produced by the Department of Education and have
had sign posted to them all relevant CCEA support.

If relevant staff are unable to attend subject support meetings or training, they must delegate
to the most suitable alternative member of staff and ensure that the information is shared at
the earliest possible opportunity with all relevant staff. The Vice Principal Curriculum should
be notified if no one from a department has been able to attend support meetings and he will
consider how this is addressed.

 Training & support offered                      Timescale
 Discussion of Head of Centre Guidance           10 March 2021
 Version 1.0 with SLT
 Key Facts from CCEA Principals Briefing         5 March & 24 March
 shared with Heads of Department
 Outline of timescales & principles to be        5 March
 adopted presented to all staff
 Individual HoDs meet with Head of Centre        10 March – 18 March
 Presentation to Management Committee of         25 February & 25 March
 Board of Governors
 Lead Assessors avail of NIEA training           8 February – 22 March
 Head of Centre attends CCEA Bi-monthly          January – April 2021
 Q&A video material from DE shared with all      23 March
 Circulation of Draft CDG policy                 12 April
 HOD Meeting to share Exec Summary &             19 April
 NIEA Training
 Presentation on CDG Policy to staff             17 May 2021
 at QPD
 Staff avail of subject specific assistance      March / April 2021

Appropriate Evidence
CCEA aspires to a grading system which arrives at a holistic judgement of the grade a
candidate is working at. In order to do this, it will be necessary to avail of a range of
evidence from throughout the course. CCEA acknowledges the challenges this provides in
that disruption to learning and teaching caused by the pandemic means that the learning
experience and consequent performance of pupils will be different at different points of the
course and in different subjects. In arriving at a holistic judgement therefore it is important to
understand that there can be no formulaic approach adopted. At the CCEA Principal’s
Briefing on 10 March CCEA acknowledged this cannot be a “scientific approach” and
confirmed that schools should not be ‘weighting’ evidence.

Departments in the Royal School, Armagh may make use of the following candidate
evidence in arriving at Centre Determined Grades:
   mock examinations, which relate to the CCEA or AQA specification, where these have
     been taken;
   coursework or controlled assessments, even where not completed – if
    applicable to the subject;
   performance in class tests;
   records of each student’s performance throughout their study;
   for any GCSE student who sat units prior to summer 2021 their notional grades in that
   homework*;
   due consideration will be given to the tier of entry;
   the CCEA or AQA Assessment Resource for 2021 adapted as appropriate.
Departments may include other types of evidence upon discussion with the VP Curriculum to
establish its validity.
Departments should make use of a broad range of evidence in arriving at a holistic
judgement of the standard at which a pupil is working. The Royal School will adopt an
approach which will enable individual departments, as the subject specialists, to choose how
the evidence is used to reach a supported decision, but the following must be taken into

   in reaching a holistic judgement evidence generated in circumstances of high control is
    likely to have a greater degree of validity than evidence generated in circumstances of
    low control. Consequently, if a department needs to, or chooses to use evidence
    generated in circumstances of low control it is expected that they will require more
    pieces of such evidence to support the award of a grade as that would demonstrate
    consistency in pupil work;
   In reaching a holistic judgement it is expected that departments will make use of
    evidence that shows performance across a range of aspects of the course or which
    (taken together) meets a range of Assessment Objectives;
 In reaching a holistic judgement it is expected that departments will make use of
    evidence of sufficient robustness involving a “suitable level of demand” (CCEA
    Principal’s Briefing 03/03/21) to reflect the actual level of performance. Short fact tests
    for instance are unlikely to be any value in this regard, past paper or exam style
    questions would have more value;
   Work which can be authenticated as the pupil’s own.

Following discussion departments have decided upon the range of evidence they will
consider in arriving at their judgement, details of which can be found in the appendix
to this policy. Heads of Department must discuss with the VP Curriculum any issues
or concerns which arise with regard to appropriate evidence or any exception to this,
such as when a piece of evidence is not available for a particular pupil.

To ensure the maximum amount of consistency in arriving at more secure decisions
across the cohort, it is recommended that the same evidence should be used with
respect to each pupil at a particular qualification. However, attention should be paid
to the holistic nature of the judgement and anomalous results should not be
permitted to skew a pupil’s outcome just for the sake of ‘consistency’ if there is
sufficient evidence available to support a different grade outcome.

At the Principals Briefing on 10 March 2021 CCEA explained that the “best
evidence” should be used which represents holistically the level the pupil is working
at. In reaching judgements departments should take cognizance of the Technical
Questions and Answers published by CCEA on 31 March 2021 or any subsequent
The Royal School, Armagh will base all evidence on the relevant CCEA qualification
specifications as set out in the CCEA Alternative Arrangements – Process for
Heads of Centre

The school has taken into account the information provided by CCEA about unit
omissions before the cancellation of examinations. These are detailed on the
Summer 2021 Information Pre-Examination Cancellation section of the CCEA

CCEA has stated that pupils should only be tested on what they have been taught.
At departmental level appropriate account will be taken of the disruption that
candidates have faced to their learning as a result of COVID-19 disruption. That
may mean that assessments will be adapted to reflect the material which has been
taught. Any adaptations that have been made will be recorded in the checklists
provided by CCEA and will be based on the CCEA Alternative Arrangements –
Process for Heads of Centre.

Where Assessment Resources are used pupils will be entitled to know the raw scores they
have achieved; however, no grades will be supplied. Teachers should be prepared to
explain how marks have been allocated and pupils will have an opportunity to seek
clarification, if required. Papers will not be returned to pupils but will be retained for possible
use as evidence at which a pupil is working. Pupils will be advised that marks are subject to

Where coursework is used, raw scores will be shared with pupils, and teachers will explain
how marks have been allocated.

Where past papers have been completed, or in instances where class tests have already
been returned, pupils will already be aware of the marks awarded.

Candidates will be made aware of the evidence that will be used in determining their grades.
This will be discussed with them in class and up to date information, detailing the evidence
used in each department will be included in the appendix of this policy. An up to date version
of the policy will be available to stakeholders prior to the determination of the grades. Pupils
and their parents/ guardians will not be advised of the grade prior to the date for the release
of results.

Centre Determined Grades

The Royal School, Armagh will determine grades based on evidence that reflects the standard
at which a candidate is performing, i.e. their demonstrated knowledge, understanding and
skills in regard to the specification content they have covered.

  To make accurate judgements, teachers must have a clear understanding of:

   the range of skills, knowledge and understanding covered by the specification;
   the assessment requirements and the structure of the specification;
   the grade descriptions at key grades;
   the level of demand of the qualification assessments; and
   the weighting of each component/unit and the type of assessment.

Information on these aspects for each qualification will be drawn from the CCEA specification,
specimen assessment materials, past papers, controlled assessment/coursework
assessment tasks, and Chief Examiner and Principal Moderator reports, which are available
on the CCEA website at
All teachers are responsible for ensuring that evidence and relevant records have been
  stored securely, in a manner compliant with GDPR and is accessible to support the CCEA
  Review of Evidence and Award process. It is important that decisions are justified and
  recorded to show how the evidence was used to arrive at a fair and objective grade.

  Internal Standardisation

  It is important that decisions are justified and that departments are able to demonstrate how
  evidence was used to arrive at a fair and objective grade. In subjects where there is more
  than one teacher and/or class in the department, it is a requirement to carry out internal
  standardisation. The purpose of internal standardisation is to provide teachers with
  confidence in the grades they have assigned, to ensure fairness and objectivity of decisions,
  and to ensure consistency in the application of assessment criteria and standards. This
  allows for any teachers’ differences to be resolved.

  Internal standardisation should include cross-checking of marking across the full range of
  marks and include candidates from each class. Time must be taken to do this and it must be
  participated in by all the teachers involved with the CDG for that qualification.

  As a result of the internal standardisation process, it may be necessary for a teacher or the
  Head of Department to adjust the original decision:
 to match the standards as established and understood in the guidance provided; and
 to bring judgements into line with those of other teachers in the department.

  In the context of internal standardisation, any necessary decisions will be made by the Head
  of Department. They should complete the relevant checklist, (the Head of Department
  Checklist contained at Appendix 6 of: GCSE, AS and A Level Awarding Summer 2021
  Alternative Arrangements – Process for Heads of Centre), which will record any adjustments
  and relevant information.

  Qualification Procedure Days (QPDs)

  This is a novel and complex process which will require significant time to be done properly.
  The Department of Education has permitted two Qualification Procedure Days to enable
  teachers to work at the system. All teachers should attend school on QPDs. QPDs will be
  used exclusively for work on Centre Determined Grades e.g. marking, moderating,
  standardizing, discussing holistic grading etc. Teachers not involved in determining grades
  for a particular qualification will work under the instruction of their Head of Department to
  support the department in reaching their holistic judgements.
Head of Centre Moderation and Declaration

The Royal School, Armagh undertakes to have the maximum amount of consistency
possible in its approach across departments/subjects. The Lead Assessors will carry out
moderation, to include a review of marking and the internal standardisation arrangements,
and will investigate whether decisions have been justified. Unexplained grade profiles will be
considered and may result in a review of the evidence used or remarking. A record of
decisions should be retained.

The moderation exercise will include professional discussions with Heads of Department.
The lead assessors will consider both the subject and centre outcomes based on the
evidence available.

The Head of Centre will submit a declaration on behalf of the centre. This will include a
confirmation that the Centre Determined Grades for candidates are a true representation of
their performance.

Access Arrangements and Special Consideration

Where candidates have agreed access arrangements or reasonable adjustments (for
example a reader or scribe), the school will make every reasonable effort to ensure that
these arrangements are in place when assessments are being taken. Details on access
arrangements can be found in the JCQ document Adjustments for candidates with
disabilities and learning difficulties, which is available on the JCQ website. As with an
external examination series the responsibility for informing the centre of the need for Access
Arrangements or Special Consideration rests with the candidate.

As public examinations have been cancelled, the normal application process to the awarding
organisation for special consideration will not apply this summer in the usual manner.
However, where illness or other personal circumstances, covered by the JCQ guidelines,
might have affected the candidate’s standard of performance, the school will take account of
this when making judgements. Class teachers will record how they have determined any
impact of illness or personal circumstances and how this was incorporated into their
judgements. The school will ensure consistency in the application of special consideration by
following the guidance on pages 4–7 of the JCQ document A guide to the special
consideration process, with effect from 1 September 2020.

 Training & preparation                          March – April

 Head of Department Meeting                      Monday 19 April

 Assessment Resources are taken                  19 April – 14 May

 Gathering & storing of evidence                 12 April – 14 May

 Final decision on evidence to support A         7 May
 Level Centre Determined Grades
 Determination of A Level grades                 10 May – 14 May

 Final quality assurance checks for A            17 May - 21 May
 Level grades
 Final decisions on evidence to support          21 May
 GCSE determined grades
 Determination of GCSE grades                    24 May – 28 May

 Final quality assurance checks for              31 May – 04 June
 GCSE grades
 Determination of GCSE grades                    24 May – 28 May

 Qualification Procedure Days: 1                 Monday 17 May
                               2                 Tuesday 18 May
 Submission deadline for A Level grades          Friday 21 May

 Submission deadline of GCSE grades              Friday 4 June

Bias and Discrimination

The Royal School, Armagh will fulfil its duties and responsibilities concerning relevant equality
and disability requirements.

The Headmaster and the Vice Principal Curriculum as lead assessors will disseminate
guidance from the CIEA training on potential bias in judgements, including the challenges and
solutions relevant to a holistic approach to assessing the validity of assessment judgements.
This will include information on:
   sources of unfairness and bias (situations/contexts, difficulty, presentation and format,
    language, conditions for assessment and marker pre-conceptions);
   minimising bias (how to minimise bias in questions and marking, and hidden forms of
      bias); and
   bias in teacher assessments.

To avoid bias and discrimination, all staff involved in judgements relating to Centre Determined
Grades will consider that:
   unconscious bias can skew judgements;
   the evidence should be valued for its own merit as an indication of performance and
   Centre Determined Grades should not be influenced by positive or challenging personal
    circumstances, character, behaviour, appearance, socio-economic background, or the
    performance of candidates’ siblings;
   unconscious bias is more likely to occur when quick opinions are formed; and
   having effective internal standardisation will help to ensure that there is consideration
    from different perspectives.
  Recording Decisions and Retention of Evidence and Data

  It is fundamental that teachers and Heads of Department maintain appropriate records that
  show how Centre Determined Grades have been arrived at and internally standardised,
  including the rationale for decisions in relation to individual marks/grades. These records
  should be sufficient to justify the grade while being mindful of the workload of teachers and
  the tight timescales involved in this process. Evidence used to support the grade
  determined for each candidate will be retained electronically on the C2k network.

  It is essential that there are robust, accurate and secure records of decisions and retention
  of evidence to comply with data protection legislation and in anticipation of centre
  moderation and the CCEA Review of Evidence and Award process and potential appeals.

  When requested, evidence will be uploaded via the CCEA application used to submit the
  Centre Determined Grades.

  The following CCEA documentation must be fully and accurately completed and retained
         Candidate Assessment Records, or similar records as determined by the department;
         Head of Department Checklists and Departmental Assessment Evidence Grid; and
         Head of Centre Declaration.

The Royal School, Armagh will not disclose Centre Determined Grades in advance of the
official issue of results. This is in keeping with the centre’s GDPR policy and CCEA

Malpractice & Maladministration

The Royal School, Armagh will act ethically, to uphold the integrity of the qualifications
system and to report potential cases of malpractice or maladministration to CCEA for
investigation. There may be instances where the centre or individual teachers are put under
improper pressure from a candidate or their parent/guardian to influence the decision-
making on a grade. Any improper pressure must be reported to the lead assessors who will
report it to CCEA. CCEA may investigate this as potential malpractice or maladministration.

Other examples of potential malpractice include:
     deception;
     improper assistance to a candidate;
     failure to appropriately authenticate a candidate’s work;
     over-direction of candidates in preparation for assessments;
     the centre submitting grades not supported by evidence or that they know to be
     centres entering candidate(s) who were not originally intending to cash in a grade in the
      Summer 2021 series;
     failure to engage as requested with CCEA during the review stage of the process; and
     failure to keep appropriate records of decisions made and Centre Determined Grades.

The consequences of malpractice or maladministration are as published in the JCQ
guidance Suspected Malpractice: Policies and Procedures, which is available on the JCQ
website, and include the risk of a delay to candidates receiving their grades, up to and
including removal of centre status.
Private Candidates
For subjects where entries have been made for private candidates, centres will ensure that
they have sufficient evidence to confidently submit an objective Centre Determined Grade. If
evidence is limited, it is essential that these candidates complete the CCEA Assessment
Resource or an appropriate adaptation of the Assessment Resource. Thereafter, decisions
for the private candidate should be made with a similar approach as for all other candidates
at the Royal School, Armagh.

Conflicts of Interest
To protect the integrity of the awarding process, staff must declare any potential conflicts of
interest to the Head of Centre. Instances when there may be a conflict include teaching and
preparing members of their family or close friends for qualifications that include internally
assessed components or involvement in determining the grade for a family member. Where
the Head of Centre identifies a personal conflict of interest that will be reported directly to
CCEA and the lead assessors will be advised in writing.

The Head of Centre will take the appropriate actions to manage any potential conflicts of
interest arising with centre staff, following the requirements set out in CCEA’s Alternative
Arrangements – Process for Heads of Centre document issued in March 2021.

The Royal School, Armagh will also carefully consider the requirements of their centre
policies, particularly in relation to the separation of duties and personnel to ensure fairness
in later process reviews and appeals.

Internal Appeals Procedure Relating to Centre Determined Grades
A written internal appeals procedure is available to permit candidates recourse in relation to
the production of a Centre Determined Grade. The Royal School, Armagh internal appeals
procedure is available for staff, candidates and parents on the centre website at It outlines the roles and responsibilities for centre staff and provides
clarity on the various steps in the internal procedure. The various steps of the internal
appeals procedure are time bound and in line with CCEA requirements. Candidates will be
updated at each stage and will be informed in writing of the outcomes and recourse

Requirements as a JCQ Registered Centre

The Royal School, Armagh has reviewed and amended, where necessary, all assessment
and examination-related policies and procedures in line with the JCQ General Regulations
for Approved Centres, 1 September 2020 to 31 August 2021 to ensure appropriateness for
the unique context of Summer 2021 qualifications.
Linked Documents

    GDPR / Data Protection Policy

    Assessment Policy

    GCSE, AS and A Level Awarding Summer 2021: Alternative Awarding Arrangements
    Technical Questions and Answers

    GCSE, AS and A Level Awarding Summer 2021: Alternative Arrangements – Process
    for Heads of Centre

    JCQ Guidance for Students, Parents and Guardians

    Appeals Policy

    Equal Opportunities Policy

    Special Educational Needs Policy

    Pastoral Care Policy

    Social Media Policy
Appendix. 1

                             ROYAL SCHOOL, ARMAGH
                            Departmental Evidence Record

                                                 Art & Design

 The following key evidence will be used by the above department in reaching a holistic
     determination of the grade at which pupils in the department are performing.
Evidence marked with an asterisk * indicates evidence that will be used in the event that
                             key evidence is not available.

Evidence                                                              Level of control
                                                                   (High /medium/low)
Unit A2 1- Personal & Critical Investigation- Practical           Medium & High Control
AO1, AO2 & AO3

Unit A2 1- Personal & Critical Investigation- Written                Medium Control
AO1, AO2 & AO3

Unit A2 2 Thematic Outcome                                      Low, Medium & High Control
AO1, AO2 & AO3
                             Departmental Evidence Record

                                              Art & Design

 The following key evidence will be used by the above department in reaching a holistic
     determination of the grade at which pupils in the department are performing.
Evidence marked with an asterisk * indicates evidence that will be used in the event that
                             key evidence is not available.

Evidence                                                          Level of control
                                                               (High /medium/low)
Unit AS 1- Experimental Portfolio                             High, Medium and Low
AO1, AO2 & AO3                                                        Control

Unit AS 2- Personal Response                                  High, Medium and Low
AO1, AO2 & AO3                                                       Control
                            Departmental Evidence Record

                                              Art & Design

 The following key evidence will be used by the above department in reaching a holistic
     determination of the grade at which pupils in the department are performing.
Evidence marked with an asterisk * indicates evidence that will be used in the event that
                            key evidence is not available.

Evidence                                                          Level of control
                                                               (High /medium/low)
Component 1 Part A- Exploratory Portfolio                     High & Medium Control
AO1, AO2, AO3 & AO4

Component 1 Part B- Investigating the Creative and            Low, Medium and High
Cultural Industries                                                 Control
AO1, AO2 & AO3
                            Departmental Evidence Record


 The following key evidence will be used by the above department in reaching a holistic
     determination of the grade at which pupils in the department are performing.

Evidence marked with an asterisk * indicates evidence that will be used in the event that
                            key evidence is not available.

                       Evidence                                   Level of control
                                                               (High /medium/low)

Mod 1 CCEA Resource material                                            High

Mod 2 CCEA Resource material                                            High

Excretion and Osmoregulation Test                                       High

Immunity Test                                                           High

Gene Technology Test                                                    High

AS Molecules test                                                       High

AS Adaptations test                                                     High

AS Exchange Surfaces Test                                               High

*Online engagement                                                      low

*Online assessments                                                     low
                          Departmental Evidence Record


 The following key evidence will be used by the above department in reaching a holistic
     determination of the grade at which pupils in the department are performing.
Evidence marked with an asterisk * indicates evidence that will be used in the event that
                            key evidence is not available.

Evidence                                                          Level of control
                                                               (High /medium/low)
Mod 1 CCEA Resource material                                            High

Mod 2 CCEA Resource material                                            High

Mod 1 Mock Examination                                                  High

Mod 2 Mock Examination                                                  High

Adaptations and Sampling Test                                           High

Exchange Surfaces Test                                                  High

Molecules Test                                                          High

*                                                                       Low
Online engagement
*                                                                       low
Online assessments
                            Departmental Evidence Record

Department                                       Biology

                                           GCSE Triple Award

 The following key evidence will be used by the above department in reaching a holistic
     determination of the grade at which pupils in the department are performing.

Evidence marked with an asterisk * indicates evidence that will be used in the event that
                            key evidence is not available.

Evidence                                                          Level of control
                                                               (High /medium/low)
Assessment using CCEA resource material                                 High

Cells Test                                                              High

Respiration and Gas Exchange Test                                       High

Photosynthesis Test                                                     High

Food and Digestion Test                                                 High

Plant Transport and Osmosis Test                                        High

Reproduction and DNA Test                                               High

Genetics Test                                                           High

*                                                                       Low
Online engagement
*                                                                       low
Online assessments
                            Departmental Evidence Record

                                             Business Studies

 The following key evidence will be used by the above department in reaching a holistic
     determination of the grade at which pupils in the department are performing.

Evidence marked with an asterisk * indicates evidence that will be used in the event that
                            key evidence is not available.

Evidence                                                           Level of control
                                                                (High /medium/low)
Mock Examination (paper based on the pre-planned
mock schedule for early 2021)
Mock Examination (paper based on CCEA assessment
Coursework (full section)
                            Departmental Evidence Record

                                             Business Studies

 The following key evidence will be used by the above department in reaching a holistic
     determination of the grade at which pupils in the department are performing.

Evidence marked with an asterisk * indicates evidence that will be used in the event that
                            key evidence is not available.

Evidence                                                           Level of control
                                                                (High /medium/low)
Mock Examination (CCEA assessment resources)
Test 1 (Cash Flow)
Test 2 (Investment)
Test 3 (Ratio Analysis)
CCEA Mock (December 2020)
                           Departmental Evidence Record

                                             Business Studies

  The following key evidence will be used by the above department in reaching a holistic
      determination of the grade at which pupils in the department are performing.
 Evidence marked with an asterisk * indicates evidence that will be used in the event that
                              key evidence is not available.
Evidence                                                            Level of control
                                                                 (High /medium/low)
Mock Examination (CCEA assessment resource based)
Booklet B CCEA (CCEA resource; written paper based on
the coursework)
Coursework (full section completed)
                            Departmental Evidence Record

Department                                     CHEMISTRY

Qualification                            A2 – LEVEL CHEMISTRY

 The following key evidence will be used by the above department in reaching a holistic
     determination of the grade at which pupils in the department are performing.

Evidence marked with an asterisk * indicates evidence that will be used in the event that
                            key evidence is not available.

Evidence                                                          Level of control
                                                               (High /medium/low)
UNIT 1 – ALL END OF TOPIC TESTS (CCEA PPQ)                             HIGH


ASSESSED HW (x2)                                                        LOW

*Engagement with online learning on Google Classroom                    LOW
                            Departmental Evidence Record

Department                                     CHEMISTRY

Qualification                            AS – LEVEL CHEMISTRY

 The following key evidence will be used by the above department in reaching a holistic
     determination of the grade at which pupils in the department are performing.

Evidence marked with an asterisk * indicates evidence that will be used in the event that
                            key evidence is not available.

Evidence                                                          Level of control
                                                               (High /medium/low)
UNIT 1 – ALL END OF TOPIC TESTS (all CCEA PPQ)                         HIGH

UNIT 1 – MOCK (all CCEA PPQ)                                           HIGH


UNIT 2 – END OF TOPIC TEST (including some CCEA                        HIGH

ASSESSED HW (x1)                                                        LOW

*Engagement with online learning on Google Classroom                    LOW
                             Departmental Evidence Record

Department                                      CHEMISTRY

Qualification                        GCSE TRIPLE AWARD CHEMISTRY

 The following key evidence will be used by the above department in reaching a holistic
     determination of the grade at which pupils in the department are performing.

Evidence marked with an asterisk * indicates evidence that will be used in the event that
                            key evidence is not available.

Evidence                                                          Level of control
                                                               (High /medium/low)
UNIT 1 – END OF TOPIC TESTS (mainly CCEA style                         HIGH
questions) *apart from ‘Equations and Solubility Test’
due to COVID disruption

UNIT 2 – ALL END OF TOPIC TESTS (all CCEA style                        HIGH


ASSESSED HW (x1)                                                       LOW

*Engagement with online learning on Google Classroom                   LOW
                         Departmental Evidence Record
Department                               Digital Technology

Qualification                                    A2

  The following key evidence will be used by the above department in reaching a
holistic determination of the grade at which pupils in the department are performing.
Evidence marked with an asterisk * indicates evidence that will be used in the event
                           that key evidence is not available.
Evidence                                                  Level of control
                                                          (High /medium/low)
                    Assessment 1                                     H
                    Assessment 2                                     H
                     Coursework                                      M
                     Tracking 1                                      H
                         Departmental Evidence Record
Department                               Digital Technology

Qualification                                    AS

  The following key evidence will be used by the above department in reaching a
holistic determination of the grade at which pupils in the department are performing.
Evidence marked with an asterisk * indicates evidence that will be used in the event
                           that key evidence is not available.
Evidence                                                  Level of control
                                                          (High /medium/low)
                    Assessment 1                                     H
                    Assessment 2                                     H
                       Mock                                          H
                     Tracking 1                                      H
                         Departmental Evidence Record
Department                               Digital Technology

Qualification                            GCSE - Multimedia

  The following key evidence will be used by the above department in reaching a
holistic determination of the grade at which pupils in the department are performing.
Evidence marked with an asterisk * indicates evidence that will be used in the event
                           that key evidence is not available.
Evidence                                                  Level of control
                                                          (High /medium/low)
                Controlled Assessment                                M

                    Assessment 1                                     H

                    Assessment 2                                     H
                         Departmental Evidence Record
Department                               Digital Technology

Qualification                           GCSE - Programming

  The following key evidence will be used by the above department in reaching a
holistic determination of the grade at which pupils in the department are performing.
Evidence marked with an asterisk * indicates evidence that will be used in the event
                           that key evidence is not available.
Evidence                                                  Level of control
                                                          (High /medium/low)
                Controlled Assessment                                M

                    Assessment 1                                     H

                    Assessment 2                                     H

                                 Departmental Evidence Record

Qualification                                 GCSE Double Award Science

  The following key evidence will be used by the above department in reaching a holistic
      determination of the grade at which pupils in the department are performing.
 Evidence marked with an asterisk * indicates evidence that will be used in the event that
                              key evidence is not available.
Evidence                                                            Level of control
                                                                 (High /medium/low)
CCEA Assessment resources in all 3 Sciences                               High

Year12 All end of Topic tests (all CCEA past papers) across all 3         High
Year11 All end of Topic tests (all CCEA past papers) across all 3         High

                             Departmental Evidence Record

Department                                        Engineering
Qualification                Level 3 National Extended Certificate in Engineering

 The following key evidence will be used by the above department in reaching a holistic
     determination of the grade at which pupils in the department are performing.

Evidence marked with an asterisk * indicates evidence that will be used in the event that
                            key evidence is not available.

Evidence                                                           Level of control
                                                                (High /medium/low)
           Unit 1: Engineering Principles (CAG)                          High

  Unit 2: Delivery of Engineering Processes Safely as a                  High
                       Team (CAG)

  Unit 3: Engineering Product Design and Manufacture                   Medium
                  May 2017 Past Paper

  Unit 3: Engineering Product Design and Manufacture                   Medium
                  May 2019 Past Paper

  Unit 3: Engineering Product Design and Manufacture                     High
                   Jan 2021 Past Paper

 * Unit 3: Engineering Product Design and Manufacture                  Medium
                  Jan 2019 Past Paper

       * Classwork on completed on Google classroom                      Low

       * Unit 3: Engineering Product Design and                        Medium
       Manufacture assessments
                             Departmental Evidence Record

                                       GCE A Level English Literature

 The following key evidence will be used by the above department in reaching a holistic
     determination of the grade at which pupils in the department are performing.

Evidence marked with an asterisk * indicates evidence that will be used in the event that
                            key evidence is not available.

                                                                   Level of control
                                                                (High /medium/low)

                  Coursework – The American Dream                       Medium

                CCEA Assessment resource                                High

                     Class tests (2)                                    High

                       Homework                                         Low
                             Departmental Evidence Record

                                       GCE AS Level English Literature

 The following key evidence will be used by the above department in reaching a holistic
     determination of the grade at which pupils in the department are performing.

Evidence marked with an asterisk * indicates evidence that will be used in the event that
                            key evidence is not available.

Evidence                                                            Level of control
                                                                 (High /medium/low)

                CCEA Assessment resource                                 High

                      Class test (1)                                     High

                       Homework                                          Low
                             Departmental Evidence Record

Qualification                              GCSE English Language

 The following key evidence will be used by the above department in reaching a holistic
     determination of the grade at which pupils in the department are performing.

Evidence marked with an asterisk * indicates evidence that will be used in the event that
                            key evidence is not available.

Evidence                                                          Level of control
                                                               (High /medium/low)

 Controlled Assessment (Spoken Language and written                     High

                          Mock                                          High

Speaking and Listening (individual presentation, role play              High
                 and group discussion)

                CCEA Assessment Resource                                High

                       Homework                                         Low
                             Departmental Evidence Record

Department                                         English

                                           GCSE English Literature

 The following key evidence will be used by the above department in reaching a holistic
     determination of the grade at which pupils in the department are performing.

Evidence marked with an asterisk * indicates evidence that will be used in the event that
                            key evidence is not available.

Evidence                                                           Level of control
                                                                (High /medium/low)

                 Controlled assessment                                Medium

                CCEA Assessment resource                                High

                     Class tests (2)                                    High

                       Homework                                         Low
                          Departmental Evidence Record

Department                                      Geography
Qualification                                        A2

 The following key evidence will be used by the above department in reaching a holistic
      determination of the grade at which pupils in the department are performing.
Evidence marked with an asterisk * indicates evidence that will be used in the event that
                              key evidence is not available.

Evidence                                                          Level of control
                                                               (High /medium/low)
A2 Assessment Opportunity 1: A2 1: Physical Processes,            High – 20/4/21
Landforms and Management                                           Assembly Hall
A2 Assessment Opportunity 2: A2 2: Processes and                  High – 30/4/21
Issues in Human Geography                                          Assembly Hall
Option D: Tourism
End of Topic Test – Issues in Human Geography. Option                   High
D – Tourism and/or Ecotourism

End of Topic Test – Physical Processes, Landforms and                   High
Management – Plate Tectonics and Volcanoes and/or
Plate Tectonics and Earthquakes

*End of Topic Tests - Issues in Human Geography. Option                 High
D – Tourism and/or Ecotourism

*End of Topic Tests – Plate Tectonics, Earthquakes                      High
and/or Volcanoes
                           Departmental Evidence Record

Department                                         Geography
Qualification                                          AS

 The following key evidence will be used by the above department in reaching a holistic
       determination of the grade at which pupils in the department are performing.
Evidence marked with an asterisk * indicates evidence that will be used in the event that
                                 key evidence is not available.

Evidence                                                            Level of control
                                                                  (High /medium/low)
AS Assessment Opportunity 1: AS 1: Physical Geography               High – 22/4/21
Element 1(a) Processes that shape Fluvial Environments
and AS 2 element 1(a) Population Data and 1(b)
Population Change
A2 Assessment Opportunity 2: AS 2: Human Geography -                High – 29/4/21
End of Topic Test – Fluvial Environments                                 High

End of Topic Test – Settlement                                           High

End of Topic Tests – Geographical Skills                                 High

Mock                                                                     High
                            Departmental Evidence Record

Department                                       Geography
Qualification                                       GCSE

 The following key evidence will be used by the above department in reaching a holistic
      determination of the grade at which pupils in the department are performing.
Evidence marked with an asterisk * indicates evidence that will be used in the event that
                               key evidence is not available.

Evidence                                                          Level of control
                                                                (High /medium/low)
GCSE Assessment Opportunity – Living in Our World                 High – 21/4/21
Theme A: Population and Migration and Theme C:                       Sports Hall
Contrasts in World Development
End of Topic Test: Rivers                                               High

End of Topic Test: Coasts                                               High

End of Topic Test: Weather and Climate                                  High

End of Topic Test: Restless Earth                                       High

End of Topic Test: Population Change                                    High

End of Topic Test: Population Change and Managing                       High
Urban Areas
                               Departmental Evidence Record

Department                                 Government and Politics

Qualification                                         A2

    The following key evidence will be used by the above department in reaching a holistic
        determination of the grade at which pupils in the department are performing.

Evidence marked with an asterisk * indicates evidence that will be used in the event that
                            key evidence is not available.

Evidence                                                             Level of control
                                                                  (High /medium/low)
    Past paper question: essay on US Cabinet November                      High
      CCEA past paper question A2: 2 Power: Marxism                       High
                         April 2021

 CCEA AR – A2:1 Comparative study of Government and                       High
                 Politics of US and UK

*                                                                         Low
       Lockdown essays – 2 completed on classroom
                               Departmental Evidence Record

Department                                  Government & Politics

Qualification                                         AS

    The following key evidence will be used by the above department in reaching a holistic
        determination of the grade at which pupils in the department are performing.

Evidence marked with an asterisk * indicates evidence that will be used in the event that
                            key evidence is not available.

Evidence                                                             Level of control
                                                                  (High /medium/low)
                     Winter Mock – NI                                      High

                     Winter Mock - GB                                     High

            Assessment 1 – Past Paper Essays NI                           High

                        CCEA AR - GB                                      High

                      Lockdown work                                       Low
                            Departmental Evidence Record

Department                                  Health and Social Care
Qualification                                         A2

    The following key evidence will be used by the above department in reaching a holistic
        determination of the grade at which pupils in the department are performing.
Evidence marked with an asterisk * indicates evidence that will be used in the event that
                                key evidence is not available.

Evidence                                                             Level of control
                                                                  (High /medium/low)
Unit 5: The Family Controlled Assessment Task                           Medium

Unit 4: Health Promotion Activity Controlled Assessment                 Medium
Assessment Resource                                                       High

*Past Paper Question (Class test)                                         High

                           Departmental Evidence Record

Department                                Health and Social Care
Qualification                                       AS

 The following key evidence will be used by the above department in reaching a holistic
       determination of the grade at which pupils in the department are performing.
Evidence marked with an asterisk * indicates evidence that will be used in the event that
                              key evidence is not available.

Evidence                                                           Level of control
                                                               (High /medium/low)
Mock Examination                                                        High

Assessment Resource                                                     High

Unit 1: Promoting Quality of Care Controlled Assessment               Medium

Unit 2: Communication Controlled Assessment Task                      Medium

* Past Paper Question Online Task                                   Low Medium
                               Departmental Evidence Record

Department                                          History

Qualification                                         A2

    The following key evidence will be used by the above department in reaching a holistic
        determination of the grade at which pupils in the department are performing.
Evidence marked with an asterisk * indicates evidence that will be used in the event that
                            key evidence is not available.

Evidence                                                             Level of control
                                                                  (High /medium/low)
          Knowledge tests/end of topic – Sept-Dec                          High
          Emmet’s Rebellion & situation up to 1820
             O’Connell & Emancipation 1821-29
          Tithe War, O’Connell & ‘Justice for Ireland’
                    O’Connell & Repeal
            The Fenians and Gladstone’s Reforms
                 Home Rule, Parnell & Land
                  The battle for Home Rule
        CCEA AR – A2:1 – Ireland Under Union Essay                        High

CCEA AR – A2:2 – Choice of essays – Home Rule & Easter                    High

*                                                                         Low
       Lockdown essays – 2 completed on classroom
                           Departmental Evidence Record

Department                                        History

Qualification                                       AS

  The following key evidence will be used by the above department in reaching a holistic
      determination of the grade at which pupils in the department are performing.
 Evidence marked with an asterisk * indicates evidence that will be used in the event that
                              key evidence is not available.
Evidence                                                            Level of control
                                                                 (High /medium/low)
                Winter Mock – Germany                                     High

                  Winter Mock - Russia                                   High

                  CCEA AR - Germany                                      High

                    CCEA AR - Russia                                     High

*                                                                        Low
 Lockdown/class work – individual past paper questions
             ranging from 10 to 30 marks
                                Departmental Evidence Record

Department                                          History

Qualification                                       GCSE

 The following key evidence will be used by the above department in reaching a holistic
     determination of the grade at which pupils in the department are performing.

Evidence marked with an asterisk * indicates evidence that will be used in the event that
                            key evidence is not available.

Evidence                                                          Level of control
                                                               (High /medium/low)
                  Nazi Germany topic tests:                             High
                  Consolidation of Power 1933/34
                   Police State & Propaganda
                           Nazi Youth
                      Women and Family
                        Nazis & Religion
                       Nazi racial policies
                         Nazi Economy

 CCEA Assessment Resource Section A – Nazi Germany                      High

     CCEA Assessment Resource Section B – NI & its                      High

                 International Relations Essays                         Low
                  Practice Papers – April 2021                        Medium
                            Departmental Evidence Record

Department                                     Home Economics

Qualification                           A2 Nutrition and Food Science

    The following key evidence will be used by the above department in reaching a holistic
        determination of the grade at which pupils in the department are performing.
Evidence marked with an asterisk * indicates evidence that will be used in the event that
                                key evidence is not available.

Evidence                                                            Level of control
                                                                  (High /medium/low)
Unit 1: Research Project (Controlled Assessment Task)                   Medium

Class tests x 2                                                           High

Assessment Resource                                                       High

Past Paper Questions                                                      High

* Past Paper Question Online Task                                    Low/Medium

                            Departmental Evidence Record

Department                                     Home Economics

Qualification                                         AS

    The following key evidence will be used by the above department in reaching a holistic
        determination of the grade at which pupils in the department are performing.
Evidence marked with an asterisk * indicates evidence that will be used in the event that
                                key evidence is not available.

Evidence                                                            Level of control
                                                                  (High /medium/low)
Mock Examination                                                          High

Class Tests x 2                                                           High

Assessment Resource                                                       High

Class Assessment x 1                                                      High

*Past Paper Question Online Task                                     Low/Medium

                            Departmental Evidence Record

Department                                      Home Economics

Qualification                               GCSE Food and Nutrition

 The following key evidence will be used by the above department in reaching a holistic
      determination of the grade at which pupils in the department are performing.
Evidence marked with an asterisk * indicates evidence that will be used in the event that
                                 key evidence is not available.
Evidence                                                              Level of control
                                                                  (High /medium/low)
Controlled Assessment Task on Older Adults                               Medium

Class tests (Mixed topics) x 2                                             High

Assessment Resource                                                        High

Year 11 Topic Tests x 2                                                    High

*Past Paper Question Online Task                                       Low/Medium

*Past Paper Questions Online                                           Low/Medium
                             Departmental Evidence Record

Department                                    Mathematics
Qualification                                 GCE – A Level

 The following key evidence will be used by the above department in reaching a holistic
     determination of the grade at which pupils in the department are performing.
Evidence marked with an asterisk * indicates evidence that will be used in the event that
                            key evidence is not available.

Evidence                                                          Level of control
                                                               (High /medium/low)
                Tracking Test 1 – A21 Pure
                Tracking Test 2 – A21 Pure
            Assessment 1 on A22 - Applied
            Assessment 2 on A22 – Applied
                Assessment Resource – A21
                Assessment Resource – A22
            *Classwork Google Classroom
     *Homework completed on Google Classroom
                           Departmental Evidence Record

                                              GCE – AS Level

  The following key evidence will be used by the above department in reaching a holistic
      determination of the grade at which pupils in the department are performing.
 Evidence marked with an asterisk * indicates evidence that will be used in the event that
                               key evidence is not available.
Evidence                                                            Level of control
                                                                 (High /medium/low)
                Tracking Test1 – AS1 Pure
                 AS1 – December assessment
                 AS2 – December assessment
                 Assessment Resource – AS1
                 Assessment Resource – AS2
             *Classwork Google Classroom
      *Homework completed on Google Classroom
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