Ruralite - First-Time Author Wins Award - UNITED ELECTRIC - United Electric Co-op

Page created by Kurt Schroeder
Ruralite - First-Time Author Wins Award - UNITED ELECTRIC - United Electric Co-op
               UNITED ELECTRIC
               MAY 2021

                                 Carla Crane Osborne reads
                                 to her grandchildren in the
                                 barn she has cherished
                                 since childhood.
                                 PHOTO COURTESY OF
                                 CARLA CRANE OSBORNE
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First-Time Author Wins Award
            Co-op Connections
Ruralite - First-Time Author Wins Award - UNITED ELECTRIC - United Electric Co-op
Carla Crane Osborne’s book, “Under the Barnyard Light,” was released in November after a decade of work. It is the first of a series.

First-Time Author Wins National Award
Carla Crane Osborne’s book captures magical moments on a farm
By Dianna Troyer                                 Book Publishers Association in the                   Carla’s parents, Calvin Crane and Raeola
                                                 children’s book category. The program was         Drake, with the help of their five children,
Even though decades have passed, Carla           established to recognize excellence in book       raised crops and livestock.
Crane Osborne still remembers the sounds         editorial and design among independent               “The barn and other buildings I grew
of her cherished childhood chores at her         publishers.                                       up with are still standing,” Carla says. “I’m
family’s farm near Burley.                            “I’m excited the book received               proud my brother, Dennis, is the fifth
   Grateful horses nickered and calves           recognition,” says Carla, a first-time author.    generation to run the farm and is carrying
mooed when they saw her coming to feed           “My publisher suggested I enter.”                 on our family’s heritage.”
them at dusk during winter.                          Carla says she wrote the book because            Carla says she and her husband, Ron,
   “It was a magical time for me,” Carla says.   she “wanted to bring to life a snapshot of        who grew up in nearby Heyburn, will
“The color of the sky was unforgettable, a       the past, so children today can experience        always have a sentimental connection to
deep blue. There was a peaceful stillness.       a sliver of the magic I knew growing up           southeastern Idaho. They live in western
When I was done, I’d catch snowflakes            on a farm with all its wonders—especially         Idaho in Meridian where they run their
on my tongue and kiss our horse, Dandy,          the sky in winter. I was thrilled to find an      family businesses dealing with real estate,
goodnight.”                                      illustrator who painted the color of the          storage units, and insurance.
   Those memories inspired Carla to write        evening sky perfectly.”                              For years, Ron and Carla returned
and publish an award-winning children’s              During evening, a mercury light cast a        often to the family farm with their
picture book, “Under the Barnyard                soft glow over the barnyard at the family         children to instill an appreciation of the
Light.” She collaborated with a nationally       farm in the Unity area east of Burley             farm and farm work.
acclaimed illustrator and published the          while Carla helped her father care for               The Osbornes own land near Albion,
26-page book last fall.                          their livestock.                                  about 14 miles east of Unity.
   In April, the book received a Ben                 “The warmth of the light represented             She jokes that completing the book
Franklin Award from the Independent              love and security to me,” she says.               was more strenuous and time-consuming

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Ruralite - First-Time Author Wins Award - UNITED ELECTRIC - United Electric Co-op

                                                                                                ABOVE: Carla discusses sketches with her
                                                                                                nephew, Michael Crane. LEFT: Carla’s book
                                                                                                shares stories from her time growing up on
                                                                                                the family farm near Burley.

than any farm chore. She embarked on her         and have no idea it’s grown on a farm.”           “I had so much fun with the first book, I
literary odyssey a decade ago.                      Carla asked her nephew, Michael             decided to write two more,” Carla says.
    To complete her labor of love, she           Crane, who grew up on the farm, to                “Pony Express” will be released soon,
summoned her endless energy and lived            sketch the buildings.                          followed by “Alex the Lamb.”
up to her childhood nickname of Gona                “He’s a talented artist and provided           Along with her farm chores, another of
(pronounced Go Na).                              Brandon with true-to-life sketches             Carla’s cherished childhood routines was
    “My brothers called me that because          to follow,” Carla says. “Brandon was           going to local libraries with her mother
they said I was always going somewhere on        contracted to other writers, so he squeezed    and siblings.
an adventure,” she says.                         my book in between other projects.”               “We spent many happy hours perusing
    Carla says she channeled her Gona               She waited about four years for him to      the shelves for adventure books,” she says.
energy into writing the manuscript. Next         complete the illustrations.                    “We’d come home with a stack of books.”
she searched the internet for the right             “It was worth the wait,” she says.             Wanting children to take reading
illustrator.                                     “When I showed the illustrations to our        adventures, Carla donated copies of her
    “I looked for more than a year,” she says.   grandchildren, they told me, ‘Hey, that        book to libraries in Rupert and Burley and
    She finally found Brandon Dorman,            looks like where you grew up.’ ”               to Dworshak Elementary School in Burley,
who has illustrated two dozen picture               Carla contacted Aloha Publishing            where Carla was a student.
books, including the covers of New               in Eagle, Idaho, to print her book. The           “It’s exciting to read positive comments
York Times best-sellers “Fablehaven,”            company usually publishes business and         on the book’s Facebook page, on blogs
“Goosebumps,” and “The Land of Stories.”         inspirational books.                           and the Goodreads website,” Carla says. “I
    Carla contacted the agency that                 “They told me that my manuscript’s          hope my books foster a love of reading and
represents Brandon and sent him a copy           message resonated with them, and for the       make children feel like they’re at a family
of her manuscript. She also told him she         first time they would print a children’s       farm going on their own adventures.” n
hoped her book would help children               book,” she says. “They said my writing
understand where their food comes from.          made them feel like they were there in the
     “Brandon told me he wanted to               barnyard with me pitching hay to horses        “Under the Barnyard Light” is available on
illustrate my book because he believed in        and bottle-feeding calves.”                    Amazon. It also has a Facebook page and a
                                                                                                YouTube page, Gona’s Reading Ranch. Carla’s
its messages,” Carla says. “Some kids think         Carla’s book is the first in a series, Go   website is and
food just appears on a grocery store shelf       Gona Go, a nod to her nickname.                her Instagram is Carla_Osborne_books.

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Ruralite - First-Time Author Wins Award - UNITED ELECTRIC - United Electric Co-op

UEC’s Annual
Meeting Report
United Electric Cooperative
celebrated its 23rd Annual
Meeting of the Members
March 19. It went great!
   The addition of the express
pass printed in March’s Ruralite
made registration fast and
                                    Cordell Searle
convenient. Thank you to all
members who brought them.
   Cookies, milk and water
were passed out to attendees
at the end of the meeting as a
nice treat on the way home.
   Highlights included reelec-
tion of Cordell Searle and David
Phillips to three-year terms on
the board of directors. n
                                                       Congratulations to Melvin and Rosemary Barfuss, who won a $500 shopping
Nontraditional                      David Phillips     spree at the business of their choice—the annual meeting grand prize.
Scholarship Available
Applications for United
Electric Cooperative’s $500
nontraditional scholarship are
accepted until 5 p.m. Thursday,
                                                REMEMBER AND HONOR
June 10.
    The scholarship is
given to an adult or
nontraditional student whose
life circumstances differ
from traditional students.
Applicants do not need to be
members of United Electric.
    Visit or stop
by the office for an application.
For information, contact Trisha
Moultrie at 208-679-2222. n

                                                 United Electric Cooperative's office is closed
                                                 Monday, May 31, in honor of Memorial Day.

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Ruralite - First-Time Author Wins Award - UNITED ELECTRIC - United Electric Co-op

Correcting the Record: Hydro
Is Still the Best Deal in Town
By Kurt Miller, Executive Director                                        Aside from clean energy, hydropower comes with its own
Northwest RiverPartners                                                battery-like storage capabilities. Hydropower dams can increase
                                                                       and decrease output on demand by storing and releasing water
If you or one of your family members uses social media, you            from their reservoirs. This ability allows us to meet the electricity
know there is such a thing as information overload. One of the         demands of customers, which vary from moment to moment and
most difficult challenges of social media is sorting through what is   season to season.
accurate and what is not.                                                 Unlike hydropower, however, wind and solar don’t have built-in
   As an example, a statement we often hear is, “Wind and solar        storage capabilities. To make an apples-to-apples cost comparison,
power are now less expensive than hydropower.” This assertion is       you must add the cost of mega-batteries to the cost of wind and
typically used as an argument to remove existing hydropower dams.      solar power.
   Wind and solar power are important as we look to decarbonize           An international energy analytics group, Lazard, made that
our energy supply, but neither comes close to hydropower in            calculation and determined the cost of utility-scale solar with
terms of capabilities or affordability.                                batteries ranges from $81 to $140 per MWh—roughly two to
   The region’s largest hydropower provider, the Bonneville Power      four times the cost of BPA’s wholesale power rate. Wind would be
Administration, charges $35.50 per megawatt-hour for electricity       slightly more expensive than solar.
under its long-term utility contracts. This rate includes BPA’s           While wind, solar and hydropower all have important parts to
considerable spending on fish and wildlife programs, representing      play in our clean energy future, existing hydropower still provides
roughly 25% of its power supply costs.                                 the best value per dollar for our Northwest communities. n

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Ruralite - First-Time Author Wins Award - UNITED ELECTRIC - United Electric Co-op

                    Please support these businesses that participate in the Co-op Connections Card program

                                     Home, Landscape & Commercial Services
                                     Barclay Mechanical Services Inc.                       Pro Paint Inc.
                                     5% off rental purchases.                               5% off total purchase.
                                     100 S. 490 W, Paul                                     1116 Overland Ave., Burley
                                     208-438-8108                                           208-878-0856

                                     Barry Equipment & Rental                               Stars Ferry Building Supplies
                                     10% off daily rates; 10% off select Walker and         Free hat with $100 purchase.
                                     Bobcat parts.                                          20 S. 300 W, Burley
                                     159 W. Highway 30, Burley                              208-678-5562
                                                                                            Ward’s Cleaning & Detail
It’s time to power a Small           Clayville Insulation                                   10% off carpet and upholstery cleaning.
Business Comeback across             5% off existing residential insulation.                1131 E. 18th Ave., Burley
America.                             250 E. 100 S., Burley                                  208-878-5105
Co-op Connections is a free                                                                 Wilson Bates Appliance & Furniture
member benefit program               Columbia Electric Supply Co.                           Additional 5% off lowest furniture sale price—
brought to you by United             Wholesale pricing on cash sales.                       Burley location only.
Electric Co-op. Download             1027 Normal Ave., Burley                               2560 Overland Ave., Burley
the free Co-op Connections           208-878-9035                                           208-678-1133
app to find discounts
                                     Larry’s Electric & Heating
from your local merchants                                                                   Marble-N-Counter
                                     10% off in-store purchase of filters and lightbulbs.
and nationwide. We can                                                                      5% off marble jobs.
                                     1133 Albion Ave., Burley
support our neighborhood                                                                    1321 E. Main., Burley
businesses and reopen                208-678-4071
safely if we all work
together and practice smart                                                                 Skaggs Furniture and Mattress Gallery
                                     Lee’s Furniture Outlet                                 Free local delivery on purchases over $499.
social distancing.
                                     Up to 5% discount on your purchase.                    Appliances excluded.
See   459 Overland Ave., Burley                              Overland Shopping Center, Burley
for more information.                208-878-4433                                           208-878-5100

28   M AY 2 0 2 1
Ruralite - First-Time Author Wins Award - UNITED ELECTRIC - United Electric Co-op

Hospitality, Recreation & Shopping
 Arby’s                                               Snake River Bowl
 10% off all purchases.                               10% off regularly priced bowling, merchandise
 594 N. Overland Ave., Burley                         and food (leagues and tournaments excluded).
 208-678-8426                                         725 Minidoka Ave., Burley
 Farmers Corner
 Free pop with gas purchase.                          Sweetheart Manor
 202 S. Highway 27, Burley                            $100 off receptions.
 208-678-5130                                         Overland and 42nd St., Burley
 Mini-Cassia Chamber of Commerce
 25% off all Idaho gifts and jewelry (excludes        The Gathering Place
 consignment and sale items).                         10% off purchases (excludes kits, batting and
 1177 7th St., Heyburn                                quilting machines).
 208-679-4793                                         24 6th St., Rupert                            208-436-0455

 Ponderosa Golf                                       Tony’s Barbershop
 $1 off green fees, Monday-Friday before 4 p.m.       Special price for seniors and children.
 320 Midoka Ave., Burley                              1607 J. St., Heyburn
 208-679-5730                                         208-219-0666

Automobile Repair & Maintenance
Clegg’s Service ‘n Repair                            NAPA Auto Parts
$10 off full lube and service.                       7% off regularly priced items.
703 W. Main, Burley                                  501 Overland Dr., Burley
Office: 208-678-7697 Mobile: 208-670-7624            208-678-8311

Doug’s Alternator & Starter Repais
10% off once a month on any rebuilt starter,
alternator or generator.
1141 S. Hwy 30, Heyburn

Financial Services
D.L. Evans Bank                200 W. Market St., Albion, 208-673-5301
Free Bill Pay with personal    397 N. Overland Ave., Burley, 208-678-9076
checking account.              2281 Overland Ave., Burley, 208-678-6000
                               108 E. Ellis St., Paul, 208-438-8400
                               318 S. Oneida, Rupert, 208-436-2265

Veterinary Services
Animal Medical Clinic
5% discount on cash purchases.
284 S 600 W., Heyburn

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Ruralite - First-Time Author Wins Award - UNITED ELECTRIC - United Electric Co-op
Directors                                 ID-29
President David Phillips
Vice President Brent Bowen               Thanks to Our Frontline Folks
Sec./Treas. Cordell Searle               I want to take a time out from
Bruce Beck                               all the talk of dam breaching,
Dean Nielsen                             power supply and industry
Ronald Osterhout                         chatter to just say “THANKS!”
George Toner                                 We hope you noticed the
David Hruza                              yellow note in your bill when
                                         it arrived in April. We sent
Board meetings are typically held        these out wishing you would
the fourth Monday of the month.          send back your notes of
General Manager                          appreciation to our linemen
M. Jamie Stark                           in honor of National Lineman
Engineering and Operations               Appreciation Day on April 18.
Trevor Parke                             WOW, did you!
                                             We posted your notes of appreciation on a bulletin board for all to read and enjoy. As
Line Superintendent
                                         you can see from the picture, we are running out of room to hang all the notes. Our line
Kay Hill
                                         crews stop by the wall daily to read the new comments and always head out to work with
Executive Assistant/Billing Specialist   smiles from your kind words.
Trisha Moultrie                              Some of the comments are:
Member Services Manager                     “United’s linemen are the best! We are never without power for very long no matter the
Chris Seibold                            weather. We appreciate their dedication and commitment. Thank you!!!”
                                            “We are so thankful to you for the work you do. I have medical equipment that helps me
                                         and I depend on you to keep the power going. We know you sacrifice family time when
Carla Beck
                                         on call. Please know we thank you and keep you in our prayers.”
Mailing address:                            “To our friends in high places who show up so fast when we have an outage—rain
1330 21st St.                            or shine. Thank you so very much for your service to us! Thank you so much for your
Heyburn, ID 83336                        profession in a high-risk job. Thanks again so much! God bless!”
Phone: 208-679-2222                          All of us at United Electric appreciate you taking the time to jot down words of
Fax: 208-679-3333                        encouragement for our linemen. It is great to know you appreciate their hard work and
Email:                      dedication, just as we do. But I would also like to give a shoutout to some of our other
Website:                        frontline folks who are the face of the cooperative. Tami, Melissa and Liz make up our
                                         member services team in the front office. They are the smiling folks who greet you when
Office hours: Monday-Thursday,
                                         you walk in the front doors, use our drive-up window or call in with questions. I also want
7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
                                         to mention Sam, our staking technician, who many of you work with when you have a
Friday, 7:30 to 11:30 a.m.
                                         new service or power line project.
After Hours: 208-679-4444
                                             Along with all of you, I also want to say THANKS to all our of frontline employees.
                                         They are the ones who exemplify the “exceptional service and commitment to the
                                         members” part of our mission statement.

                                         Cooperatively yours,

                                         M. Jamie Stark
                                         General Manager
                                         For more information about UEC, please check out our website
                                         at, or follow us on Facebook and Instagram.

32   M AY 2021
Ruralite - First-Time Author Wins Award - UNITED ELECTRIC - United Electric Co-op Ruralite - First-Time Author Wins Award - UNITED ELECTRIC - United Electric Co-op
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