SANDF member in for alledgedly shooting boy

Page created by Beatrice Davidson
SANDF member in for alledgedly shooting boy
Friday 5 February 2010                                                                          VOLUME 25 NO. 05                                                                   R2.00c incl.

SANDF member in for
alledgedly shooting boy
By: Given Sebashe                                     ing alone when the incident occurred.
  A South African National Defence Force                 The suspect was apparently practicing his
soldier was arrested for allegedly shooting a 17      shooting skills when he shot the victim.
year old boy with a pellet gun in Namakgale              The victim was immediately rushed to Ma-
last Saturday.                                        phutha Hospital for treatment. He was since
  According to Namakgale police Spokesper-            transferred to Polokwane Hospital for further
son, Constable Lucy Sekgotodi, the suspect            treatment as doctors could not remove the
allegedly shot the boy in the shoulder with a         pellet.
pellet gun, where the pellet remained lodged.            The suspect, identified as Zanoxolo Cofa,
  The incident apparently occurred at a hot           was arrested on the spot and was charged with
spot, liked by criminals, next to a liquor store at   assault with intent to cause grievous bodily
around 20:45 on Saturday.                             harm.
  According to Sekgotodi, the victim was walk-           Cofa made a brief appearance at Namakgale
                                                      Magistrate's Court on Monday.

DA protesteer teen wyks indeling
  Lede van die DA het verlede week ‘n protes          lede van die DA, het hul stemme laat hoor toe
optog teen die munisipaliteit gehou.                  hul verlede week protes aangeteken het teen
  Roelf du Plooy, die voorsitter van die De-          die voorstelle van die ANC munisipaliteit om
mokratiese Alliansie in Phalaborwa, saam met          wyksafbakening te gebruik om ‘n eenparty
                                                                  munisipale raad te bew-
                                                                  erkstelling tydens die volgende
                                                                  Munisipale verkiesings in 2011.
                                                                    ‘n Petisie is aan Nkibi Ndlozi,
                                                                  die hoof van die Onhafhanklike
                                                                  Verkiesing       Komitee        van
                                                                  Phalaborwa en James Bayana,
                                                                  die direkteur van Gemeenskaps
                                                                  en Sosiale dienste buite die Mu-
                                                                  nisipaliteit oorhandig.
                                                                    Roelf du Plooy het gesê dat
                                                                  lede van die DA nie tevrede is
                                                                  met die nuwe wyks indeling nie.
                                                                  “Die demografiese en geo-
                                                                  grafiese voorstelle sal nie in aan-
                                                                  merking kom nie. Dit is om seker
                                                                                                        LEDET launches Marula Festival
Nkibi Ndlozi, die hoof van die Onhafhanklike Verkiesing           te maak dat die ANC volle stem-
Komitee en James Bayana, die direkteur van Gemeenskaps            ming wen, en dat die DA se plek       Chief of Seloane, Mapula Malatji, officially allowed the drinking of marula beer (as required by
en Sosiale dienste, lees deur die petisie wat deur die lede       op die raad verlore gaan.”            tradition) in Seloane village last Friday during the Marula Festival build-up organised by Ba-
van die DA en Roelf du Plooy geteken is.                                                                Phalaborwa Municipality. More inside.
SANDF member in for alledgedly shooting boy
        PAGE 2                                                        PHALABORWA HERALD - Friday 5 February 2010

These men work
for municipality
By: Given Sebashe                        In actual fact, the driver of the
  Last week, the Phalabor-            bakkie is employed by the Mopani
wa/Hoedspruit Herald published        District Municipality, which is the
an article about four men, whom       water authority of the whole dis-
some residents said claim to be       trict.
working for the municipality.            The municipality confirmed his
  The residents claimed that the      employment. According to him,
men go from yard to yard, saying      he was called upon to assist
they are checking faulty water        Ba-Phalaborwa Municipality. He
meters.                               is serving under the water and
  According to some of these res-     sewerage department of the mu-
idents, the men looked suspicious     nicipality and replaces inactive
as they had no identification         water meters.
cards, and the bakkie they used          The bakkie he drives is a sub-
had no municipal identification       sidised vehicle and has not yet
and was missing a number plate.       received the municipal logo.
  They immediately alerted the        However, the municipality said
Herald to put up a notice in an       they will look into the matter and
effort to warn others not to allow    address it soon so that residents
the men onto their premises, as       can identify him and his team.
they might be criminals.                 They also understand that the
  The Herald contacted the mu-        residents have a right not to allow
nicipality to confirm the appoint-    anyone onto their premises if they
ment of the men fitting the de-       suspect foul play.
scription of those described by          The Herald would like to apo-
residents. One of our journalists     logise for any inconvenience
ran into one of the suspects who
was also the driver of the bakkie.
                                      caused by the publication of in-
                                      correct information.                    DA teken protes teen wyks indeling aan
                                                                              Lede van die DA het Vrydag ‘n protes optog teen die munisipaliteit gehou. Hulle het vanaf Tamboti straat, tot by die
                                                                              kantoor van die Hoof van die Onhafhanklike Verkiesing Komitee van Phalaborwa geloop om die petisie oor

 Police arrest 20 suspects                                                    tehandig.

   Twenty people were arrested           Three males were arrested for
 by the Namakgale police for
 various criminal offences com-
                                      common assault, one for rape
                                      and two for assault with intent to     Bernadine presteer weer
 mitted over the past week.           cause grievous bodily harm.
   Eight males were arrested for         One male was arrested for ma-       'n MODEL in wording in                 is nie! Baie dankie ook vir my
 violation of the road traffic act,   licious damage to property and         Phalaborwa bereik sommer vinnig        prysgeld van R10 000 wat ek by
 one for drunk and driving and        one for being in possession of         groot hoogtes.                         Amoné Modelling Academy
 three for public drinking.           suspected stolen property.               Bernadine du Plessis, 'n leerling    gewen het met die "Little Miss
                                                                             van die Groenskool het weer eens       Nations SA" toe ek my land gaan
                                                                             haar borge, die dorp en skool baie     verteenwoordig het in Brasilië”
                                                                             trots op haar gemaak!                     Bernadine het daar ook die titel
                                                                               Bernadine is ‘n lid van Amoneé       van "Best Model of the Nations
                                                                             Modelling Academy. Die model           2009" gewen. Sy het ook in Bra-
                                                                             skool is een van Suid-Afrika se        silië                                                                              die titel v
                                                                             grootste model skole, en het takke     "Little Prinscess of the Sea 2009"
                                                                             in verskillende dorpe reg oor die      gewen. Dit is maar puik prestasie
                                                                             land.                                  na puik prestasie.
                                                                               Bernadine het onlangs die "JU-          Bernadine wil ook vir oom
                                                                             NIOR MODEL 2009" kompetisie            Schalk van Laeveld Slaghuis en
                                                                             van Amoneé Modelling Academy           oom Eddie-Kruger Park SPAR baie
                                                                             gewen.                                 dankie sê, asook die getroue
                                                                               Bernadine wil graag vir "tannie      gemeenskap van Phalaborwa vir
                                                                             Amanda en oom Branden baie             die getroue bydrae wat julle so
                                                                             dankie sê vir die puik afrigting wat   gereeld vir haar gegee het. “ Ek
                                                                             sy by hulle kry. “Sonder julle sou     waardeer dit opreg, en kon dit nie
                                                                             ek nie gekom het waar ek vandag        sonder julle hulp doen nie.”

                                                                             Give us your comment in writing
                                                                               If you have any comment on             Or fax it to 015 781 5752 and
                                                                             any of the articles placed in the      address it as ‘Letter to the Editor’
                                                                             Phalaborwa/Hoedspruit Herald,          or Melissa Albert or Given Se-
                                                                             please email us at given@her-          bashe. We would like to hear what
                                                                                                you have to say.

                                                                                                                                                           BERNADINE du Plessis spog trots met haar
                                                                                                                                                           trofee. Sy het weer eens haar talent gewys, en
                                                                                                                                                           is onlangs gekroon as die “Junior Model 2009”
                                                                                                                                                           van Amoneé Modelling Academy.
SANDF member in for alledgedly shooting boy
NUUS                                                PHALABORWA HERALD - Friday 5 February 2010   PAGE 3

                                                    Ba-Phalaborwa Mayor, Gloria Mudunungu,
MEC for Limpopo Economic Development,               showing respect during the traditional per-
Environment and Tourism, and the Mayor of           formance presented by Chief of Seloane,
Ba-Phalaborwa, Gloria Mudunungu, during             Mapula Malatji, to officiate the drinking of
the official launch of the Marula Festival held     marula beer as part of this year’s Marula
at Hans Merensky Golf Estate last Thursday.         Festival.

Marula Festival launched
By: Given Sebashe                                   marula build-up events, and not only during
   The annual Marula Festival was officially        the main event.
launched last Thursday at the Hans Merensky           Ba-Phalaborwa Municipality has been the
Golf Estate by Limpopo Economic Devel-              host of the festival since its inception because
opment, Environment and Tourism (LEDET), in         of its strategic positioning as a gateway to the
partnership with the Department of Sport, Arts      east.
and Culture, Limpopo Tourism and Parks and            The Marula Festival was conceptualised in
the Ba-Phalaborwa Municipality.                     2005. Local Mayor, Gloria Mudunungu, in her
   The main event, which is due to take place       address expressed Ba-Phalaborwa Municip-
from February 25 to 27 at Impala Park, is           ality’s appreciation of still being the host of the
centred around increasing market access, and        festival since its inception.
raising awareness on available marula, cul-           Mudunungu urged everyone who will be
tural and tourism products within the region,       attending the festival to wear their traditional
involving enterprise and co-operatives from         clothes and be proud of their cultures.
different areas in the province.                      This year, the festival will include, amongst
   MEC for LEDET, Pitsi Moloto, said                other things, exhibitions of marula
Ba-Phalaborwa Municipality plays a vital role       byproducts, marula beer tasting, a tourism
in growing the economy of the province              career fair and 4X4 racing challenges.
because of its richness of natural resources that     Meanwhile, the municipality has already
attract tourists. "Part of the concept of the       started with the build-up events to the Marula
Marula Festival is to promote and respect           Festival. So far, two of the five royal kraals in
tradition and culture by wearing our tra-           Ba-Phalaborwa have already had their
ditional dress code and drinking marula from        build-up events where the chiefs officiated the
clay pots so that we attract tourists." Moloto      drinking of marula beer in their areas.
further said more should be done on the               One of the royal kraals visited by the mayor
department’s side to show support during the        and municipal officials was in Seloane vil-
SANDF member in for alledgedly shooting boy
PAGE 4                                                         PHALABORWA HERALD - Friday 5 February 2010                                                       NEWS

KNP unveils 2010
Fifa Match Villages
KNP unveils the 2010 FIFA Match        of the media and KNP staff on the
Villages                               park's current preparations for the
   The official FIFA accommod-         2010 World Cup in areas such as
ation plaque to highlight the          accommodation renovations in all
Kruger National Park’s prepara-        camps, safety and security issues,
tions for the 2010 FIFA World Cup      disaster management plans, activ-
at Skukuza Rest Camp was form-         ities and entertainment, and local
ally unveiled last week by the         community development oppor-
park’s Managing Executive, Abe         tunities which will be available in
Sibiya.                                the park during the soccer tour-
   The company responsible for         nament.
accommodation during the soccer           He further urged staff members
showpiece, Match, awarded KNP          to honour this significant gesture.    Kruger National Park Managing Executive, Abe Sibiya, and the Head of Department of Tourism and Marketing, Lucy
the plaques to mark the three          Sibiya indicated that the KNP is an    Nhlapo, unveiling the FIFA plaque that marks KNP’s commitment to serve as an official 2010 FIFA World Cup
camps, namely Skukuza, Pretor-         acclaimed world famous organ-          accommodation provider.
iuskop and Berg en Dal, as the         isation and by implication, should
official accommodation providers       be able to provide world class
for 2010 soccer World Cup vis-         service as expected by both local
itors from June 11 to July 11.         and international tourists.
   "As we unveil the plaque, we           "Irrespective of which area of
want to believe that it will remain    responsibility you are in, please
as a reminder to our staff and         ask yourselves what your con-
visitors from now until the end of     tributions are going to be during
the World Cup, to the effect that      the World Cup. See to it that you
we have committed ourselves as         do your bit and aim to enhance the
KNP to serving the 2010 FIFA           image and reputation of the coun-
World Cup visitors who will come       try and that of the organisation you
to this country," said Sibiya in his   work for; this should go beyond
keynote address.                       the 2010 FIFA World Cup," con-
   Sibiya updated local members        cluded Sibiya.

                                                    Kruger National Park
                                                    Managing Executive,
                                                    Abe Sibiya, address-
                                                    ing the audience at
                                                    the unveiling of the
                                                    FIFA 2010 World
                                                    Cup accommodation
                                                                              Diski dancers (who are also Kruger National Park staff members) showcasing their skills as a prelude to hosting FIFA
                                                                              World Cup visitors.

                                                                                                                                                     Kruger National Park management committee
                                                                                                                                                     and other staff members dressed in the na-
                                                                                                                                                     tional soccer team colours to show their
                                                                                                                                                     support for the 2010 FIFA World Cup.
SANDF member in for alledgedly shooting boy
GENERAL                                               PHALABORWA HERALD - Friday 5 February 2010                                                                           PAGE 5

                                                                                                        Cleaning specialists
                                                                                                        open new branch
                                                                                                        By: Melissa Albert                                  offering you the chance to have your rare, one
                                                                                                          Vespcor Trading, your specialist in cleaning      of a kind and very valuable Persian Rug
                                                                                                        products and equipment, has called Phalabor-        cleaned by specialists.
                                                                                                        wa home for the past three years, and is thrilled      The Persian Rugs that Vespcor Kleen main-
                                                                                                        to announce their new branch, Vespcor               tains for their clients require special care and
                                                                                                        Kleen.                                              treatment to ensure that the quality of the rug is
                                                                                                          Vespcor Kleen takes what Vespcor Trading          maintained, in turn increasing its value. By
                                                                                                        offers, one step further. They offer an extensive   using a special range of Persian Rug cleaners,
                                                                                                        cleaning service that comes out to your home,       and a delicate steaming machine, Vespcor
                                                                                                        or office when needed, to do all the cleaning       Kleen can guarantee satisfaction when it
                                                                                                        jobs that you hate, in a professional manner.       comes to your Persian Rug.
                                                                                                          Not only can you get the top of the range            Never again do you have to sit around and
                                                                                                        cleaning supplies at really affordable prices,      worry that your rug may come home a different
                                                                                                        but now, thanks to Vespcor Kleen, you don't         shape, or even two shades lighter than what it
                                                                                                        have to do any of the dirty work whatsoever.        was when you took it to the cleaners.
                                                                                                          Vespcor Kleen now offers a fantastic new             For more information on these wonderful
                                                                                                        service which has taken specialised cleaning        cleaning services contact Esthelle or Anneke at
                                                                                                        of your valuables to an even higher level, by       015 781 7065 or 082 899 0665.
The ProGroup Foundation is now operational. Their Community Centre is situated in the
basement of the Lombards building in Tzaneen, opposite KFC. These are some of the friendly
faces you can expect to see at the centre: Ansie Raath, Kabelo Letswalo and Mahlatswa
Serumula.                                                                                               Hervormde kerk toer Kaap toe
                                                                                                          Die Hervormde Kerk gaan op 'n heerlike              Vir navrae skakel ds Martin van Rensburg by

ProGroup Foundation opens                                                                               Kaapse toer.
                                                                                                          Hulle gaan ‘n bietjie blomme bekyk asook
                                                                                                        vetplante en walvisse by Waenshuiskrans.
                                                                                                                                                            015 781 6263 of 083 633 7335. Besprekings
                                                                                                                                                            voor 15 Februarie 2010.

                                                                                                          In Kaapstad besoek hulle o.a. die kasteel en
THE ProGroup Foundation is now opera-
                                                       Human Rights Education - The Community
                                                     Centre aims to present various workshops in
                                                                                                          Die toer vertrek op 9 September en sal weer
                                                                                                                                                            Frangipani hou A J V
   It is a registered non-profit human rights        human rights later in the year.                    op 18 September terug wees.                           Die Jaarlikse Algemene Vergadering vir
trust with women and children as its core              Assistance with obtaining Social Grants -          Die toer sluit busvervoer van Phalaborwa en       Frangipani Skool sal op 9 Maart om 18:00 by
focus. The foundation is governed by a board         The centre will assist the disabled, the elderly   terug in, akkommodasie en twee etes per             die skool gehou word.
of trustees.                                         and poor children to obtain state assistance.      dag.                                                  Die skool wil graag die ouers, gemeenskap
   Their Community Centre is situated in the         All cases are treated confidentially.                Die prys van die toer is R6 800 per per-          en besighede van Ba-Phalaborwa uitnooi om
basement of the Lombards building - oppostie           Kindly contact them on 015 307 2762 or           soon.                                               die vergadering by te woon.
KFC.                                                 079 145 3923.
   The following services will be available to
the public - FREE OF CHARGE.
   Victim Empowerment - Victims of domestic
violence, sexual abuse, child abuse and vic-          Frangipani:
tims of violent crimes will be empowered to
make informed decisions regarding the situ-           Annual
ation they find themselves in, for example:
23% of the population living in Mopani                General
District is HIV positive. It can therefore be a       Meeting
lifesaving decision to take the medication
called PEP (Post Exposure Prophylaxis) within
72 hours after unlawful sexual penetration                The    Annual
(the new legal definition for rape).                   General Meeting
   Trauma Counselling - Victims of crime are           for Frangipani
traumatised and if not acknowledged and                School will be
treated, victims can suffer from various emo-          held on March 9
tional disorders eg anxiety, depression, anger         at 18:00 at the
and violence.                                          school.
   Court Preparation & Support - Victims of               The    school
crime have to give evidence in court if the            would like to ex-
case was reported to the police. A daunting            tend an invita-
prospect for most people. At the centre you            tion to the par-
will be prepared for your day in court and a           ents, community
representative from the centre will even attend        and businesses
the hearing with you. For many victims this            of Ba-Phalabor-
can become a liberating experience.                    wa to attend.
   Access to Justice - All citizens and victims of
crimes have rights. The centre will inform you
of your rights and help you to enforce them.
SANDF member in for alledgedly shooting boy
PAGE 6                                                        PHALABORWA HERALD - Friday 5 February 2010                                                             GENERAL

Besoek towerwêreld
van modelmotortjies
                                      Classique Modelcar Collection
                                      Museum genoem word.
                                         Hy is ook lid van Pietersburg
                                      Diecast Club wat sowat 35 lede
                                      sterk is.
                                         Pieter het ‘n woonstyel bokant
                                      sy meubelwinkel- Classique Fur-
                                      nishers in Schoemanstraat in ‘n
                                      museum omskep. Hy het geen
                                      moeite ontsien om reg aan sy
                                      versameling te laat geskied nie en
André Buys                            die kaste met die lugdigte vensters
                                      is van kersiehout. Spesiale be-
POLOKWANE- Dit is ‘n tower-           ligting sorg dat daar nie
wêreld wat jou meevoer na nos-        skaduwees is nie. Volvloer matte
talgiese herinneringe van die         maak dit so ‘n aangename
verlede en ook die hede.              omgewing en mense kan op sowat
   Dit gryp die verbeelding van       26 stoele sit en die versameling
sowel kind as ouer aan as jy jou oë   bewonder, want glo my dit gaan ‘n
oor meer as 2 000 modelmo-            tydjie neem.
tortjies in swierige vertoonkaste        Pieter sê hy voel soos ‘n kind
laat gly.                             tussen sy versameling. "Vandag se
   Verskillende tydperke van die      kinders weet nie van sulke goed
motor bedryf en veel meer is in die   soos gietyster modelletjies nie,"
versameling van Pieter de Jager, ‘n   skerts hy.
sakeman van Polokwane vervat.            Oor wat sy versameling behels,
   Voor-oorlogse modelmotortjies      gesels hy geesdriftig. Elke mo-
spog in die mooiste kleure en         delletjie is eg en die groottes wis-
mens kan nie anders as om ‘n rooi     sel van baie klein tot 1:18de skaal.
1947 Ford raak te sien nie, want      Die versameling verteenwoordig,
die meeste Fords wat ouer mense       Duitse,      Franse,    Britse   en
van die era gesien het was swart.     Amerikaanse modelle, maar dit

                                                                              Quentin kry groot verrassing
   Spoggerige koetse van verskil-     eindig nie hier nie. Dit word
lende groottes, kompleet, elk met     aangevul deur twee treintjies,
sowat agt perde vooraan, staan        grondverskuiwingsmasjine- rie,
daar, gevries in tyd.                 oorlogtuig, soos tenks, motorfi-
   Pieter vertel dit is koetse van    etse, helikopters en vliegtuie en
koningin Elizabeth se tyd.                                                    ‘n Lekker vet verrassing so vroeg in die nuwe jaar. Quentin Zwane, links het deelgeneem aan ‘n gelukkige sms
                                      nog meer.                               kompetisie wat Gallito’s aangebied het. Hier ontvang hy sy plasma skerm televiesiestel van die eienaar, Zonja Beukes.
   Hy meen sy versameling is             "Wat die versameling meer
sowat R1 miljoen werd en dit is                                               Beukes is die eienaar van Gallito’s in Tzaneen en Phalaborwa. Zwane is ‘n inwoner van Phalaborwa en het sy geskenk
                                      werd maak, is dat ek nog die            in Tzaneen in ontvangs geneem.
een van die grootste modelmo-         oorspronklike verpakking van
tortjies versameling noord van        elke modelletjie het en elkeen is in
Pretoria.                             ‘n uitstekende toestand en lyk
   Mense sal wonder waar sy lief-     splinternuut. Beperkte produksie
de vir dié besondere stokperdtjie
vandaan kom. "Dit het al sedert
klein tyd in my begin posvat elke
keer as die plaaslike haarkapper
                                      van baie modelle maak dit nog
                                      meer werd en ek het ook ser-
                                      tifikaatjies as bewys daarvan."
                                         Hy sê party modelletjies kos tot
                                                                             Three prominent members back
aan my ‘n karretjie belowe, as ek     R5 000 elk en is "so swaar soos ‘n       As part of its ‘Come Back Home Campaign’, the ANC of          Cope before he decided to re-join the ruling party.
mooi so stilsit terwyl hy my hare     baksteen."                             Mopani Region welcomed three prominent members of the              The three were welcomed back into the ranks of the ruling
skeer."                                  Die publiek is welkom om sy         Congress of the People back to its ranks during a press         party by the ANC’s regional executive committee, including
   Hy het reg aan sy pragversame-     versameling te gaan besigtig.          conference held at the party’s regional offices in Tzaneen on   the Chairperson, Joshua Matlou, Deputy Chairperson,
ling laat geskied deur dit in ‘n      Hulle kan dit per afspraak kom         Tuesday.                                                        David Maake, and Secretary, Bricks Manzini.
museum te omskep, wat die             bewonder en sy werk telefoon-            The three are Benny Moshobane, Morgan Lewele and                 Speaking at the press conference, Matlou said the ANC
                                      nommer is : (015) 297 2037.            Peter Modike who left the party more than a year ago to join    still expects a mass exodus of Cope members to come back
                                                                             the breakaway political party, Cope.                            home, because it is the only home for South Africans.
                                                                               Moshobane, the former Chief Executive Officer of                 “We will continue to engage all the people of South Africa
                                                                             Kgapane Hospital, was the Sub-regional Chairperson of           to be part of the transformation agenda as lead by the ANC,”
                                                                             Cope in the Greater Letaba Municipality. He was also            Matlou said.
                                                                             serving on the regional and provincial committees of the           Matlou further explained that their ’Come Back Home
                                                                             party.                                                          Campaign’ will be launched throughout the region to
                                                                               Morgan Lewele, who was a member of the executive              ensure that all those comrades who joined Cope and other
                                                                             committee of the De Oaks branch of Cope, was very               political parties are warmly welcomed back into the
                                                                             instrumental in the formation of Cope in Maruleng. He was       party.
                                                                             part of a contingent to move out from the ANC to form Cope         He also indicated that the three, like any other member,
                                                                             in the area.                                                    would be given tasks to assist in building the organ-
                                                                               Meanwhile, Peter Modike, former ANC councillor in the         isation.
                                                                             Greater Tzaneen Municipality before joining Cope - just            Speaking on behalf of the three, Moshobane said they
                                                                             before the previous general elections - was a senior member     were not pushed to rejoin the ANC, but did it of their own
                                                                             of the Mhlaba branch as well as Tzaneen Sub-region of           free will.

                                                                                                                                                                                   feit oor Feb
                                                                                                                                                                                   HET jy geweet dat
                                                                                                                                                                                   wat jy vanjaar in Feb-
                                                                                                                                                                                   ruarie gaan beleef,
                                                                                                                                                                                   gebeur glo slegs elke
                                                                                                                                                                                   11 jaar?
                                                                                                                                                                                     Februarie vanjaar
                                                                                                                                                                                   het vier Maandae, vi-
                                                                                                                                                                                   er Dinsdae, vier
                                                                                                                                                                                   Woensdae,          vier
                                                                                                                                                                                   Donderdae, vier Vry-
                                                                                                                                                                                   dae, vier Saterdae en
                                                                                                                                                                                   vier Sondae.
SANDF member in for alledgedly shooting boy
SKOLENUUS                                            PHALABORWA HERALD - Friday 5 February 2010                                                                    PAGE 7

Groenskool atlete presteer

Die volgende atlete van die Groenskool het op Saterdag 30 Januarie te Mariepskop baie goed
met presteer. Hulle is verdeel in groepe van Goue medalje wenners, Silwer medalje wenners en
Brons medalje wenners. Altesame het die leerders ‘n total van 73 medalje huis toe gebring. Die
19 Groenskool leerders het almal in Mariepskop ‘n Goud medalje gewen.

                                                                                                 Die volgende leerders van die Groenskool is top atlete. Lings: Nathan v.d. Heever, Junior Victor
                                                                                                 Ludorum, Jacqueline Henrique, beste middelafstand atleet (dogters), Thabang Maphanga, beste
                                                                                                 middelafstand atleet (seuns). Ons is baie trots op julle!

Die leerders het altesame 28 Brons medaljes terug groenskool toe gebring na hulle atletiek
byeenkoms te Mariepskop.

Die 26 atlete het almal ‘n silwer medalje te Mariepskop gewen.
SANDF member in for alledgedly shooting boy
PAGE 8                                                  PHALABORWA HERALD - Friday 5 February 2010                                                SCHOOL NEWS

Fauna Park welcomes grade 1’s

Catherine Matsipa from Fauna Park with her new Grade RE learners for 2010. All the children   Pretty Kubayi of Fauna Park and her new Grade RF class for 2010 enjoying the first day of
are looking forward to learning and playing in the big school.                                school.
SANDF member in for alledgedly shooting boy
SKOLENUUS                                            PHALABORWA HERALD - Friday 5 February 2010                                                                       PAGE 9

Nuus uit Fransieland

                                                                                                   Op 26-27 Januarie het die jaarlikse groentjiekonsert plaasgevind. Daar was ‘n “Dowwe Dolla”,
                                                                                                   ‘n “Tiger Woods” en die “Jonaas Brothers”. Die graad 8 leerders het die gehoor vermaak deur
                                                                                                   kwinkslae wat spontane applous by die ouers ontlok het. Die voorwaar ‘n groep met groot
                                                                                                   talent. Hoërskool Frans du Toit sien daarna uit om hulle talent nog verder te ontgin en van hulle
                                                                                                   positiewe en trots Fransies te maak. Baie dankie aan elke leier vir sy/haar bydrae in die verband.
                                                                                                   (Fotos is geneem deur Carl Coetzee)

"Almal aan boort en bon voyage..." Op Donderdag 25 Januarie het 24 toerisme-leerders, van
Frans du Toit saam met Me. Stander, Fraser en Joubert, op toer vertrek. Die toer is afgeskop met
‘n vlug van Kulula vanaf OR Tambo na Durban. Daarna het die groep vir 3 dae op die oop see
gevaar met die luukse plesierboot, die Symphonia. Hulle besoek die Portugese eilande waar die
leerders geswem en gesnorkel het. Dit was ‘n wonderlike ervaring asook baie leersaam vir die
toerisme leerders.
SANDF member in for alledgedly shooting boy
PAGE 10   PHALABORWA HERALD - Friday 5 February 2010   CLASSIFIEDS
SKOLENUUS   PHALABORWA HERALD - Friday 5 February 2010                                                               PAGE 11

                Fransies is bedrywig

                 Die volgende Fransies het Woensdag in Bethal by Hoërskool Hoogenhout aan 'n atletiek byeenkoms gaan deelneem
                 waar 40 ander skole ook deelgeneem het. Agter: Werner van Aardt, Diets Smit, Armand Potgieter, Christo Lombard en
                 Jannie Stander. Middel: Ntila Mayimele, nolanga Lukhele, rachelle Strydom en Tshepo Mophoru. Voor: Shaquill

                Op Saterdag, 30 Januarie het twee van Frans du Toit se spanne aan die Atlantic Sewe-aan-‘n-kant rugbytoenooi te
                Polokwane deelgeneem. Hulle het die voorreg gehad om op die nuwe Peter Mokaba stadion te speel. Die Fransies het
                hul goed van hul taak gekwyt, en goeie rugby gespeel. Geluk manne, ons is trots op julle. Die A span agter: Heinie van
                Staden, Werner van Aardt, Christo Lombard, Ryan Klynsmith, Diets Smit. Middel: Jonathan Snyders (a), Harold Voster,
                D.J. du Plessis, Yster Erasmus. Voor: Armand Potgieter, Marno Bezuidenhout, Garth Matthye, met hul afrifter Pieter

                Op Saterdag, 30 Januarie het twee van Frans du Toit se spanne aan die Atlantic Sewe-aan-‘n-kant rugbytoenooi te
                Polokwane deelgeneem. Hulle het die voorreg gehad om op die nuwe Peter Mokaba stadion te speel. Die Fransies het
                hul goed van hul taak gekwyt, en goeie rugby gespeel. Geluk manne, ons is trots op julle. Die A span agter: Heinie van
                Staden, Werner van Aardt, Christo Lombard, Ryan Klynsmith, Diets Smit. Middel: Jonathan Snyders (a), Harold Voster,
                D.J. du Plessis, Yster Erasmus. Voor: Armand Potgieter, Marno Bezuidenhout, Garth Matthye, met hul afrifter Pieter
PAGE 12                                                         PHALABORWA HERALD - Friday 5 February 2010                                                              ?????

Chief returns home
   The Chief has come home!                           provincial talent hunters and was selected for
   A very promising young rugby player from           the Gauteng Lions Under 19 provincial team.
Giyani has returned to his roots and is now              He plays both flank and lock and now wants
looking to carve a future in sports circles in this   to plough back his experience and exposure to
area.                                                 the highest levels of coaching into the local
   Talenta "The Chief" Mathebula was born and         sporting fraternity.
raised in the Giyani area where he completed             Apart from his parents, local couple Coen
his primary school career at the well-known           and Sophia Espag have "adopted" Talenta and
Khanyisa Primary School.                              assists him in his endeavours to create a career
   His leadership and sporting abilities, even as     in the area.
a primary school boy, didn’t go unnoticed and            Talenta intends to play rugby for Letaba and
he was invited to attend the prestigious St Johns     hopes to settle in or around Tzaneen. His wish
College in Houghton to complete his school            is to land a coaching job, preferably in rugby,
career.                                               but sports in general is a passion for Telenta,
   At St Johns Talenta was captain of the soccer      and he sees himself as a sports developer and
and basketball teams and vice captain of the          administrator in the future.
first rugby team.                                        Persons interested in assisting the likeable
   The burly youngster was soon noticed by            young man may contact Dippies de Beer on
                                                      073 314 8146 for more information.

Interhoër by Fransies
  Op Saterdag 20 Februarie bied Hoërskool               Die Fransies nooi almal hartlik uit om bo
Frans du Toit interhoër aan. Die Deelnemende          genoemde      atlitiekbyeenkoms     te  kom
skole is:                                             meemaak!
  Hoërskool Frans du Toit, Hoërskool Mer-               Skakel die Hoërskool by 015 781 2871/2
ensky, Hoërskool Pietersburg, Hoërskool Tom           indien u meer inligting oor die byeenkoms wil
Naudé, Hoërskool Louis Trichardt en Ho-               bekom. Ons sien uit om u by hierdie
ërskool Capricorn.                                    spoggeleentheid te ontvang.
                                                                                                         Talenta "The Chief" Mathebula who has returned to his roots and plans to carve a career in rugby

                                                                                                         Katlego part of winning team

                                                                                                                                                          Katlego Masete, a Grade 8 learner of Frans du
                                                                                                                                                          Toit, participated in the Phyllis Games during
                                                                                                                                                          the December holidays. This soccer tour-
                                                                                                                                                          nament was held in Johannesburg. Katlego
                                                                                                                                                          was also a proud member of the Thembisa
                                                                                                                                                          team, winner of the competition.
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