ELIXIR - DECEMBER 2018 - Trans-50

Page created by Travis Gray
ELIXIR - DECEMBER 2018 - Trans-50
December 2018


DECEMBER 2018        DESEMBER 2018
ELIXIR - DECEMBER 2018 - Trans-50
1.   Message from the Managing Director   3

                    2.   Acacia Park                          5

                    3.   Fichardt Park                        8

                    4.   Panorama Palms                       10

                    5.   Care Services                        14

                    6.   Jakaranda Park                       17

                    7.   Witfield Park                        20

                    8.   Letters of thanks                    23

ELIXIR - DECEMBER 2018 - Trans-50
1. Message from our Managing Director
Toe ons weer sien is dit Desembermaand, nog 'n jaar is besig om vinnig tot 'n
einde te kom.
Sommige van ons sien daarna uit om saam met vriende en familie te kuier, ander
sien dalk uit na 'n rustige stil tyd by die huis. Ongelukkig is dit ook so dat daar leë
sitplekke by die Kerstafel kan wees, en baie van ons sal terugdink aan vriende of
familie wat nie hierdie Kersfees saam met ons vier nie.
Alhoewel dit menslik is om hartseer te voel, moet ons probeer om diegene wat nie
meer met ons is nie te eer deur die goeie te onthou, die snaakse dinge wat hulle
gedoen of gesê het en selfs die lawwe goed wat hulle dalk aangevang het.

Ons kan die impak wat hulle op ons lewens gemaak het respekteer deur hulle met
liefde en vreugde te onthou. Ons kan lag eerder as om te treur, ek is seker dit is
wat hulle ons sou toewens.

Onwillekeurig dink ons ook terug aan die jaar wat verby is. Wat het ek bereik,
ervaar en geleer? Herinner jouself aan die verskil wat jy in die lewens van mense
om jou gemaak het, die vriendelike woord van aanmoediging of die koppie koffie
wat jy gemaak het, selfs die kleinste gebaar maak ʼn verskil.

Ons kan ook terugdink aan die dinge wat ons graag anders sou wou doen, of selfs
die geleenthede wat ons voel ons laat verbygaan het. Dalk ʼn skewe woord in die
hitte van die oomblik, of ʼn besluit om nie deel te neem aan ʼn aktiwiteit of saam te
gaan op ʼn uitstappie nie.

Dit is menslik om spyt te wees. Ons deel ervarings met die mense om ons, ons kyk
na foto's van fantastiese tonele en lees boeke en artikels wat mense en plekke
beskryf. Dit alles maak ons net meer bewus van wat ons nie gedoen het nie of wat
ons gemis het.

Die vermoë om die ervarings uit ons verlede te onthou, die ervarings wat ander
met ons deel te verstaan en spyt te wees oor wat gemis is of dalk verkeerd
hanteer is, kan van waarde vir ons wees. Dit kan ons help om te leer hoe om
situasies beter te hanteer en om nie geleenthede te laat verbygaan nie. Ons kan
gelukkiger mense wees as ons leer uit ons spyt en dit nie as net ʼn negatiewe
emosie ervaar nie.

Ons kan leer uit ons verlede en die verlede van ander en nie toelaat dat klein
onsinnige verskille veroorsaak dat ons iets doen, of nie doen nie, wat ons later sal
berou nie.

Kom ons herlaai en beplan sodat ons die nuwe jaar met energie en 'n honger om
elke geleentheid aan te gryp ingaan. Kom ons wag nie vir geleenthede om na ons
toe te kom nie maar gaan soek hulle.

Ek hoop elke huis word geseën met ʼn Kersfees vol vreugde, geluk en dankbaarheid
en ʼn nuwe jaar oordadig met gesondheid en goeie herinneringe.

ELIXIR - DECEMBER 2018 - Trans-50
1. Message from our Managing Director
Once again we find ourselves in December; another year is rapidly coming to an
end. Some of us are looking forward to spending time with friends and family, others
might be looking forward to a peaceful quiet time at home.

Some of us will be missing someone at the table on Christmas day, and most of us
will remember friends or family members who will not be sharing this time with us.
Although it is human to feel sad, we should honour those who are not with us
anymore by remembering the good, the funny and even the downright silly things
they brought into our lives. Honour their memories with laughter, remember them
with fondness and do not let grief get the better of us as I am sure that is the last
thing they would wish for us.

Think back on what you have achieved, experienced and learned. Remember the
difference you made in the lives of partners, neighbours, family and friends. The
laughter and fun times you had.

We can also reflect back on things we wish we could have done differently, or even
opportunities we missed. Maybe something hurtful was said in the heat of the
moment, or a decision was made not to go on an outing or to join in an activity.

If we have regrets it shows that we are human. Because we share experiences with
the people around us, look at photographs picturing fantastic scenes and read books
and articles describing people and places, means we are aware of what we are
missing out on.

The ability to remember past experiences, to share in and understand the
experiences of other people and to have regrets can aid us to be better humans, to
forgive and to make amends. We can be happier, mean even more to those around
us and experience more.

We can learn from our past and the past of others and not let petty differences
cause us to do, or not do, something we will regret later.
What’s done is done, and what is past is past. What we take from the past, what we
learn from the past and how we change ourselves to become the person we want to
be, is our unique ability as humans.

Let us take the regrets of the past year and file them under learning opportunities.
Let us take the great moments of the past year and share them with others.

Let’s recharge and plan so that we can go into the New Year with energy and a
hunger to grasp each opportunity coming our way and to make the most of it. Let’s
not wait for the opportunities to come our way if they seem slow, go out and make it

I truly hope that the spirit of Christmas warms your home with love, joy and peace.
Have a blessed Christmas, and a happy, healthy new year.

                                                                     Ruan de Wet

ELIXIR - DECEMBER 2018 - Trans-50
2.1 Oupa and Ouma Day in Wag-‘n-Bietjie
On a cool morning in September, staff and
residents from our dementia unit, decided to
seize the moment and to enjoy a lovely
morning outside. Residents and staff played
games such as school days and match that
word, giving us the opportunity to get to
know each other better. We ended a perfect
morning off with some ice cream. Thank you
to all our residents and employees for
participating and for the laughter and fun.

      ‘The opportunity to get to know each other’

2.2 Open Day
Acacia Park hosted their first open day during September. Our contractors were also
invited to participate, giving them the opportunity to show case their company and
products. Feedem provides our residents with the most delicious food and are also
responsible for the cleaning and laundry service. Validus was also there to promote
their products. A huge thank you to our House Committee who was responsible for
baking pancakes (the best pancakes in the Northern Cape). Thank you to the
community members for visiting us. We trust we will meet again soon.

ELIXIR - DECEMBER 2018 - Trans-50
2.3 Braai dag
Braai dag is elke jaar ʼn hoogtepunt op Acacia Park se program. Inwoners geniet die
buitelug en heerlike samesyn. Braaivleis word bedien met tradisionele geregte soos
pap en sous, roosterkoek en ʼn lekker slaai.

     Inwoners, familie, vriende en kontrakteurs kuier gesellig saam onder ons

         Wat ʼn heerlike manier om ons kulturele agtergrond te vier

2.4 Guts Pretorius Skypes with his family
Here at Acacia Park we believe in person
centred care and one of the things we
encourage our residents to do and help them
with, is to stay in contact with their family
that live overseas. Mr Guts Pretorius and our
care practitioner, Desiree Koopman, talked
with his family in the Netherlands through
It is events like this, that makes our work
very special. To make people happy is our
priority and we love all our residents.
                                                Who we are, makes a difference!
ELIXIR - DECEMBER 2018 - Trans-50
2.5 Visit to McGregor Museum
On Friday 14 September 2018 a small group of Acacia residents enjoyed a
morning visit to the McGregor Museum in the historic suburb of Belgravia.
The exhibitions at the museum focus on the Northern Cape environment,
archaeology and history r a n g i n g from early man to democracy; a time-span
of 3 million years.
We began our visit with a brief look at the
ballroom with its beautiful windows. The visitors
then went into the Enviro Hall, depicting the
Northern Cape plants, animals and birds. It is
easy to spend time in this hall, which includes a
small display of night animals. A more recent
exhibition is the Hall of Ancestors which reflects
the human history of the area, going back three
million years. The life size models of early to
modern man have been expertly done and their
story is told through displays and posters. A
special section concentrates on rock art, with
examples of engravings done by the Khoi and San
people who roamed here for thousands of years.
The visit was thoroughly enjoyed and ended with
the happy residents enjoying a late tea. We
congratulate the McGregor Museum on its fine
displays, and offer special thanks to our lifestyle
consultant for organising our enjoyable morning.

                                              After the school closed, the buildings

                                              were donated to the McGregor Mu-

                                                 seum which opened in 1976.

ELIXIR - DECEMBER 2018 - Trans-50

3.1 Aspoestertjie
Our residents had a ladies pamper morning that was hosted by Annique. The
ladies were spoiled rotten with creams and moisturisers, etc. The message of the
morning was to always take care of yourself, not only physically but also
emotionally. The theme was “Aspoestertjie” and who in all fairy tales had a better
makeover than her.

3.2 Perderesies

    Die inwoners het hul eie perderesies gehou. Daar was ‘n paar
    interessante “deelnemers”. Selfs ʼn Cheetah, hoe dan anders! Die
    verskillende spanne kon self hul name kies. Hierdie was groot pret
    en heerlike pryse was op die spel. Soos met enige perderesies het
    die inwoners ook aangetrek vir die spog-geleentheid.

ELIXIR - DECEMBER 2018 - Trans-50

3.3 Pink Waffle Day

  We sprung into spring by
 having a pink waffle day. All
residents were invited to this
  gathering. The topic of the
morning was to embrace each
season of your life. To set new
goals and dream new dreams.

   Each resident planted Pansies in our garden. Bloom where you are

ELIXIR - DECEMBER 2018 - Trans-50

4.1 Spring Tea
                       The family of our residents in Frail
                       & Dementia Care were invited to
                       celebrate a special Spring tea on 1
                       September 2018. The color theme
                       was a beautiful bright lime green
                       and pink. Hugo Nieuwoudt was the
                       artist of the morning and kept us
                       busy on the dance floor. Mrs Annie
                       Smit won a CD for the best dance
                       moves. It was a really memorable

                       Our second Spring Tea took place
                       on 7 September 2018. The theme
was “The Secret Garden”. The beautiful lilac and dark purple accents, the bicycle
with flowers and bird cages made the event look colourful and festive. Oriana was
our artist of the morning and her playlist was on the spot. Our residents really
dressed up for the occasion. We had special hostesses for each table. We believe
our residents really had a ball!

4.2 Laughter therapy session for Volunteers

Charmaine Sparrow of The Laughter Company and Valley Laughter Club presented a
Laughter therapy session for our volunteers. Our other residents were also welcome
to attend. She talked about how to deal with stressors in life and how important
laughter is. She did practical sessions which had us in fits of laughter. The joy in the
pictures is enough evidence of how much fun we had.

4.3 International day of Older Persons
                                              Two of our residents, Leonie Turck and
                                              Danela Smit, were invited to Radio
                                              Sonder Grense (RSG) studio in
                                              Seapoint. Martelize Brink interviewed
                                              them about life after retirement. They
                                              gave insight on how older people can
                                              still embrace their talents while giving
                                              back to their generation and the
                                              community. Leonie spoke about her Art
                                              classes and volunteering in frail care
                                              and Danela about her dancing and her
                                              responsibilities as a volunteer. We are
                                              very proud of our two residents who
                                              gave their generation hope on how one
                                              can live life to the full.

4.4 Absolutely Fabulous Fashion Show

We have hosted our Second Absolutely Fabulous Fashion Show. Tygervalley Miladys
sponsored their new Summer range and the manager, Angelique Standaar, was
really helpful. Our models, our very own residents, went for a fitting and also
practiced their runway walk. The red carpet was rolled out and the air was filled with
excitement. Our ladies wore leisure wear, semi formal and formal clothing.

Our manager, Shaun, was the DJ and also artist for the morning. Mr Rossouw and
the Dancercise ladies also entertained the crowd in between fittings. Some of the
family members even made posters to cheer the models on. Tygervalley sponsored a
vouchers for each attendee and also a Voucher for the first person that booked a
ticket, in this case Vivian Matthews. What a Spectacular Morning! Also a big thank
you to Maureen Schreuder who assisted the lifestyle consultant with arranging the
fashion show. A big thank you to our models, Annatjie Coetzee, Judy Venter, Rhona
Venter, Norma Jurgenson, Gillian Botha and Pam Kellerman.

4.5 Palms Got Talent
We have so much talent at Panorama
Palms retirement village! We decided to
give them the opportunity to shine. Our
choir performed the songs, “Jantjie” &”
“Kiss me Honey, Honey”. Esme Moses
recited a beautiful poem. Hermien Brown
and Clara Bennet (of Feedem) sang
Suikerbossie and showed off some dance
moves. Our line dancers had their first
show since they started dancing a few
months ago. Mr. Rossouw & Mr. Meehan
showed off their talents on the organ
and piano. The Dancercise ladies
performance is called “All that Jazz” and
we ended off with the humorous
Cinderella Act. Palms Got Talent will
definitely be an annual event. Thank you
for all the residents’ hard work and

4.6 Creative Womanhood
                                                 Lianne Smuts, of 1st Solutions,
                                                   presented a creative morning
                                                 where the ladies had the chance
                                                  to make two different types of

                                                  It was all about the creation
                                                 process and not the end result.
                                                  We had to experience that it
                                                  shouldn’t be perfect, but just

                                                   We really had so much fun!

4.7 RVT Models visited our Frail Care
Mrs Davis from RVT modelling school arranged that the young models visit our Frail
Care to spoil our residents with cupcakes and hand massages. These ladies were so
friendly and looked so beautiful with their sashes. They really put a smile on our
residents’ faces. The school had an October senior challenge and promised to visit us
again very soon.

I think we all understand the benefits of
staying active as we age and how
important it is to stay physically and
emotionally fit. Many people however,
do not realize the great impact social
health has on their wellbeing. Social
interactions can be just as effective as
exercise, in maintain your quality of life.

Unfortunately   “life  happens”      and
situations or challenges arise where
maintaining healthy relationships with
family and friends are challenged.     As people age, some may find themselves
disconnected from family or friends – possibly due to unresolved disagreements from
the past. Adults who let go of their social interactions are at higher risk of
developing depression and dementia.

Om sosiale verhoudings te koester is van kardinale belang vir enige persoon maar
veral vir ouer persone. Baie ouer persone is enkellopend as gevolg van ʼn eggenoot
wat weggeval het. Dit is normaal dat die agtergeblewene deur die rouproses gaan
en van sosiale kringe en gebeure onttrek alhoewel dit nie onbeperk kan wees nie.
Hoe langer die persoon sosiale interaksie met ander vermei, hoe moeiliker raak dit
om weer met ander om te gaan en sosiaal te verkeer. Navorsing het bevind dat
ouer persone wat sosiaal verkeer of hul vlak van sosiale betrokkenheid verhoog, die
afname in hul gesondheid aansienlik kan vertraag.

Wat kan gedoen word om sosiaal betrokke te bly?            What can be done to

remain socially connected?

Vrywilliger/volunteering: Becoming a volunteer is one way of increasing your
self-esteem, self-worth and giving back to the community.         This can include
volunteering at your village or offering your services to youth centres or schools.
Many older adults assist young children in learning how to read – something that is
currently a huge social issue in South Africa.

Deeltydse werk / Part-time work: is ʼn guldige geleentheid om nie net sosiaal
betrokke te bly nie maar om ook jou kennis en vaardighede met ander te deel.


Sluit aan by ʼn klub / Join a club:        Sluit aan by ʼn tuinmaak groep, lees klub,
kunsklasse of golf klub. Beproef die onbekende en leer nuwe vaardighede aan.

Bevorder jou studies / Take a class: There is no better time than the present to
do what you have always wanted to do. You have the time and the experience to
fulfil your dreams. You can also join groups such as U3A (University of the third
age) or Probus - where like-minded individuals share information on a variety of

Leer meer oor tegnologie / Learn more about technology:                        Om
rekenaarvaardig te wees en die internet te kan gebruik, skep die geleentheid om in
kontak te bly met familie en vriende wat ver woon. Skype en Facetime bied die
geleentheid om ʼn video-gesprek met kinders en kleinkinders te hê. Ons het selfs al
ʼn inwoner gehad wat ʼn agterkleinkind se troue kon “bygewoon” deur middel van

What our villages and family members can do to help residents stay


Offer transportation: The loss of the ability to drive can be devastating to older
adults and can lead to physical and emotional isolation. Our villages all offer
transportation to encourage residents to still partake in outings, social events or to
enable them to do their monthly shopping.

Moedig georganiseerde sosiale aktiwiteite aan: Ons oorde bied almal
leefstylprogramme aan waarby inwoners betrokke kan raak. Of jy nou ʼn introvert is
of die “lewe van die partytjie is”, daar is plek en geleentheid vir almal om deel te
neem. Ons het ʼn verskeidenheid aktiwiteite om almal te akkommodeer. Dit sluit
een-tot-een interaksie, klein en groot groepe in.

Consider a pet: To nurture a pet, a plant or another human being, can relieve
feelings of social isolation and fosters a sense of purpose for that resident.

Encourage hearing and vision tests: People who are losing their sight and/or
hearing, are more likely to isolate themselves from social situations due to feelings
of embarrassment. By treating the hearing loss you can improve the quality of your
life immeasurably.

Talk to your peers / neighbours: Socially isolated older adults may have all
kinds of problems as a result of living alone and not having contact with others.
Issues such as early stage dementia or other serious health issues may go
unnoticed. Look out for your neighbour and make sure to say “hello” - just to
ensure that he/she is still doing ok.

                                      “Surround yourself with people who
                                     make you hungry for life, touch your
                                            heart and nourish your soul”

ʼn Geseënde Kersfees en ʼn voorspoedig 2019 word u en u familie toegewens.
Wishing you and your family a merry Christmas and a fantastic 2019.

Christi Louw

6.1 95ste Verjaarsdag & Vroudedag funksie
Wat ʼn pragtige geleentheid en voorreg      Dit was dan ook die eerste jaar dat die
om Vrouedag te kan vier saam met ʼn         manne van Jakaranda Park genooi was
baie spesiale verjaarsdag!                 na die Vrouedag funksie. ʼn Pienk en wit
                                           koek en bobotie met geelrys en
Tannie Harriet het 95 geword en is         piesangslaai het bygedra om die dag ʼn
tydens ons Vrouedag “vereer” as ʼn          treffer te maak. Die kersie op die koek
buitengewone vrou. Sy is steeds vol        was die Country sangeres wat Tannie
energie en het ook altyd tyd vir ʼn         Harriet se gunsteling liedjies kom sing
grappie of om ʼn staaltjie te vertel.       het!

Tannie Harriet was baie verras toe haar    Weereens het ons as vrouens besef: “Ek
seun en kleindogter die saal binnestap     is ekstra spesiaal, want ek, ek is ʼn
aangesien sy glad nie geweet het dat       vrou!”
haar verjaardag ook gevier word nie.                  YULANDE BEZUIDENHOUT

6.2 Father’s Day
Men at Jakaranda Park, are like
antiques, very rare and priceless.
Luckily where there is more than one
man, there is a party and party we did.
All the men came together on a lovely
sunny day to enjoy a scrumptious braai
and social. As always, the ladies
ensured that there was more than
enough food. In-between the pap-and-
gravy, the salad and the lovely meat,
numerous jokes were told as well as an
in-depth discussion of the current sport
issues. The day ended with a full tummy, and an appreciation for the wisdom and
sense of humour that comes with old age.
                                                              ALLEN VAN DE WEIDE
6.3 Ageless Grace deur Alet Briers
                “Grow old along with me.. The best is yet to be.”
Toe val dit vir Jakaranda Park inwoners te
beurt in die gedaante van Martie
Kraamwinkel. Wat ‘n absolute plesier om
al laggend en sittende op ‘n stoel jou hele
lyf, van jou kroontjie tot jou toontjie te
Lag, sê die mense wat weet, is die beste
medisyne en die aansteeklikste, almal kry
terselfdetyd daarvan in, bygevoeg nog die
heling vir die siel wat kom om na die
vrolike musiek te luister.
Alles aangebied in een pakket, wie kan
bekostig om dit mis te loop? Ons sien uit
daarna om dit binnekort elke week in plaas van 2 maal per maand te doen! Hou die
kennisgewingsborde dop.
Opregte dank aan die bestuur van Jakaranda Park, wat ons so bederf met die
aanbieding van “Ageless Grace”.

                                    Dié dag, 1 Oktober 2018, is vanjaar weer op
                                    besonderse wyse by Jakaranda Park gevier.
                                    Kinders en Kleinkinders asook vriende van
                                    inwoners het die middag gesellig saam gekuier
                                    en melkskommels en springmielies geniet.

                                    Marna het foto’s geneem en almal, veral die
                                    kleinkinders het dit baie geniet om met snaakse
                                    klere, brille, maskers en snorre te poseer.

                                    Dit was groot pret
                                    en     almal    het
                                    dikwels    geskater
                                    vir die mannewales
                                    van sommige van
                                    die inwoners.

                                    Dit is heerlik en ‘n
                                    voorreg          om
                                    sorgeloos pret te
                                    kan hê.
                                                               deur Dries Theron
6.5 LENTEDAG deur Lenie Potgieter
5 Oktober was ʼn heerlike sonnige en windlose
lentedag. Die personeel van Jakaranda Park het ons
lentedagvieringe gekombineer met ons jaarlikse tuin
Expo. Daar is tafels onder die bome gedek en die
inwoners is hartlik verwelkom.

Eers het ons die kans gekry om die verskillende
geboue se tuine te gaan besigtig en by elkeen ʼn
plakkertjie te kry as “bewys” dat ons daar was.
Geesdriftig het die inwoners meegedoen waarna ons
teruggekeer het na die tafels onder die bome om
worsbroodjies, koeldrank en roomys te geniet. Almal
was dit eens dat die verrigtinge plesierig verloop het
en geestige skertsery onder mekaar het die botoon

Ons dank Marna, haar personeel en vrywilligers vir die
aangename dag wat hul vir ons bejaardes moontlik
gemaak het. Ons sien uit na die volgende jaar
wanneer ons weer so kan maak.

                           Sowat 3 maande in die Nuwejaar van 2018 het 'n paar
                           van ons dames tydens 'n teedrink sommer net met die
                           gedagte begin speel van "Kom ons hou 'n Kermis/Mark".
                           Baie opgewonde het ons die gedagte met ons
                           Oordbestuurder bespreek en was Marna dadelik aan

                            Met die aanbreek van 4 Augustus 2018 het ons 49 tafels
                           verkoop! Die weer speel saam en soos die oggend
                           vorder, stroom die “skoppers” in. Vetkoek, pannekoek,
                           hamburgers, worsbroodjies, lekkers en poeding verdwyn
                           in die mae en vir die kunswerke, naaldwerk, hekel en
                           breiwerk word die beursies oor en oor oopgemaak. Die
                           rommeltafel kry ook groot aftrek en so kuier almal
                           boonop heerlik saam.

                           Aan die einde van die dag met die opruiming wonder
                           almal of ons darem 'n wins gemaak het. Ongeveer
                           R18 000 word inbetaal en daarmee kan ons uitsien om ʼn
                           heerlike Kersfunksie vir ons inwoners te hou!

                           Baie dankie aan almal wat saamgewerk het om van die
                           dag 'n reuse sukses te maak!

7.1 Kollig SABC besoek
Die inwoners het onlangs die voorreg gehad om die splinternuwe SABC Studio in
Randburg te besoek vir die produksie van ʼn nuwe TV 2 program, naamlik KOLLIG.
Ons het in die voorportaal ontspan totdat die program begin het. Vir die spesifieke
opname was Jannie Moolman en vriende die kunstenaars en Johan Stemmet die
vriendelike en galante aanbieder.

7.2 Outing to Rietvlei Nature Reserve
We left in the early hours of the morning on our outing to Rietvlei
Nature Reserve. The first stop was at the Wimpy along the road
for a breakfast. Thereafter, we were ready for the rest of the
day. Upon arrival at the Reserve, our tour guide, Brat Stevens,
introduced himself and our guided tour followed. He took us
through the park, introducing various animals and sharing lots of
interesting information. Thank you Elize, for the well organised
outing and transporting us safely.

7.3 Flea Market
The House Committee recently hosted another flea market. There were 17 different
stalls, varying from “vetkoek”, pancakes, pudding, cakes & biscuits to fresh fruit and
veggies, plants, clothes, shoes, jewellery, jams, carpets and crafts. After browsing
through the exhibitions, visitors were able to relax in the tea garden with a hot
cuppa and scones with jam and cream! Thank you to all the hard-working members
of the House Committee.

7.4 Koorsang by NG Kempton Park-Oos
                                        Die Witfield Park-koor was genooi om by ʼn
                                        byeenkoms van die NG Kempton Park-Oos se
                                        bejaardes te gaan optree. Bekende liedere
                                        soos “Die Heidelied” was gesing en het vele
                                        heerlike herinneringe opgeroep en selfs ʼn
                                        traan in die oog gelaat. Na die optrede is
                                        almal bederf met heerlike tee en verversings.
                                        Baie dankie aan die koorlede en -leiers wat
                                        so onverpoos oefen en optree.
                                                 Ons is trots op ons koor!
7.5 Residents & Family Concert

  A Resident & family
  concert was organised for
  Spring Day. The hall was
  filled to the brim with
  residents, relatives and
  friends. There was a
  variety of 21 items of
  song, laughter, dancing
  and jokes. Sr. Cara
  Johnstone was the
  master of ceremonies and
  together with the sound
  engineer, Dave
  Nieuwenhuys, all enjoyed
  the afternoon.

7.6 Witfield Park se Huiskomitee
Witfield Park het ʼn groep inwoners wat     verversings vir begrafnisse en ander
baie hard werk en wonderlik saamstaan      funksies en veral die leefstyl afdeling
om die verblyf van ander inwoners baie     baat geweldig baie by hulle hulp. Baie
beter te maak.      Die groepie is die     dankie aan elke persoon wat help
Witfield Park HUISKOMITEE. Hul reël        koekbak, toebroodjies maak, tee skink
allerlei fondsinsamelings geleenthede      en pannekoek bak of enige iets anders
ten bate van die sorgeenheid vir die       doen om van hulp te wees. Sonder julle
aankop      van     bv.     aanvullende    bydrae sal die leefstylprogram veel
beddegoed, gordyne, toiletware en talle    armer wees! Hier is ʼn groepie lede
ander klein items soos van tyd tot tyd     bymekaar tydens hul maandelikse
benodig. Hulle voorsien ook die tee en     vergadering.

8. Letters of thanks

  To Management and Staff

 Just to say thank you for our welcome home gift and to management and staff for their helpfulness
 and friendliness!

  Very much appreciated
  Kind regards

  Dicky & Ray Schouw G2-13

  Dear Management, Staff & Feedem

  Thank you so much for all your work and caring to provide us with a most enjoyable Spring Tea.
  The eats were delicious as usual and much appreciated.

  Forever grateful & thankful

  Dee Glaum

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