Schedule Sydney Royal Poultry & Pigeon Show 1 - 12 April 2021 Sydney Showground Sydney Olympic Park - Royal Agricultural ...

Page created by Thomas Miller
Schedule Sydney Royal Poultry & Pigeon Show 1 - 12 April 2021 Sydney Showground Sydney Olympic Park - Royal Agricultural ...
Sydney Royal
Poultry & Pigeon

1 - 12 April 2021
Sydney Showground
Sydney Olympic Park
Schedule Sydney Royal Poultry & Pigeon Show 1 - 12 April 2021 Sydney Showground Sydney Olympic Park - Royal Agricultural ...
Welcome from the President

   With a proud history running competitions for the benefit of breeders, producers
   and craftspeople going all the way back to 1823, the Royal Agricultural Society
   of NSW welcomes entries from right across Australia to be judged at the
   Sydney Royal Easter Show.

   This year, more than ever before, it is important that our competitions and
   events draw a community response and demonstrate the strength and
   commitment of breeders, producers, artisans, competitors and exhibitors.
   Our competitions are held not only to improve the quality of produce and
   animal breeds – as per our charter – but also to allow all those who enter the
   opportunity to take pride in their achievements and present them to an eager
   and curious audience during the Sydney Royal Easter Show.

   Your decision to take part in our competitions ensures your place in our history,
   joining more than 30,000 others each year with a willingness to be judged
   and assessed, and introduces your entry to Showgoers, consumers, exhibitors
   and our highly regarded judges.

   Sydney Royal competitions are constantly evolving, not only due to industry
   trends but also due to the innovation and enthusiasm of competitors. Our
   ability to change and adapt guarantee Sydney Royal awards remain relevant
   and worth striving for.

   Winning an award in a Sydney Royal competition confirms the exceptional
   standard of your entry and is an incredible acknowledgement of your hard
   work and dedication as judged by our esteemed panels of judges. As I thank
   you for considering our competitions, I also thank our judges, stewards,
   sponsors, committees and supporters.

   Whether your entry is award-winning or not, I hope that you enjoy and
   ultimately benefit from this Sydney Royal experience, and I wish you the very
   best of luck.

   Michael Millner
   President, Royal Agricultural Society of NSW
Schedule Sydney Royal Poultry & Pigeon Show 1 - 12 April 2021 Sydney Showground Sydney Olympic Park - Royal Agricultural ...

                        2021 POULTRY - WHAT’S NEW

2020 - 2021 Schedule Changes - Key Points for Exhibitors


15.       SUMMARY: For a FULL REFUND of Entry Fees, Class withdrawals must be received by the Coordinator via
 by 5pm on Wednesday 3 March 2021.
          For a PARTIAL REFUND of Entry Fees, Class withdrawals must be received by the Coordinator via
          by 5pm Sunday 21 March 2021.


2.    (l) All information as requested on the Application for Entry must be completed otherwise the application may not be accepted.
      (m) An Exhibition must provide the breed, colour and/or variety of the birds entered into the Any Breed, Any Other Breed, Any
          Colour, Any Other Colour, Any Variety or Any Other Variety classes at the time of Application for Entry. Failure to do so may
          result in the cancellation of the Entry.
      (p) Developmental breeds, colours or varieties – Only breeds, colours and/or varieties standardised in print in the Standards at
          the launch of Competition Entries (December 2020) will be eligible to submit an Application for Entry. Any breed or variety that
          is not standardised will not be eligible to enter into the Show.

14.       Exhibitors will be allocated one (1) one-day entry pass only.
          Participating Schools are eligible to apply for up to ten (10) one day entry passes, issued at the discretion of the Coordinator.
          Contact for further details.

26. (e)   A fee of $15 inclusive of GST is payable if an Exhibitor wishes to alter the Sale or Reserve Price after the closing Day of Entry
          on Wednesday 17 February 2021.
Schedule Sydney Royal Poultry & Pigeon Show 1 - 12 April 2021 Sydney Showground Sydney Olympic Park - Royal Agricultural ...

                         All Fees include GST. Rates apply to members and non-members of the RAS.

 Online and offline entries into the 2021 Poultry Competition close on WEDNESDAY 17 FEBRUARY 2021.


 To enter online, simply visit

 Offline Applications for Entry will be issued only at the discretion of the Coordinator, when contacted via
 An additional Offline Processing Fee of $25 (incl. GST) applies per Application For Entry submitted outside the RAS’ online entry
 facility, including but not limited to those submitted by post or by hand.
 Post completed Applications for Entry, with payment of fees to:
 Coordinator, Poultry & Pigeon
 Royal Agricultural Society of NSW
 Locked Bag 4317, Sydney Olympic Park NSW 2127
 Ph: (02) 9704 1270
 * Faxed Applications for Entry will not be accepted for Poultry Competitions.

                                                                     1 to 5 entries: total $40 flat fee
                                                                     6 or more entries: $7 each entry

 SCHOOL COMPETITIONS (including Poultry, Waterfowl & Egg
 Classes and Sydney Royal School Purebred Egg Layers)


 Entry Fee Example: Exhibitor submits an Application for Entry for one (1) entry in Poultry Competition
 Online Application: 1 x entry in Poultry at $40 Total Fee = $40
 Offline Application: 1 x entry in Poultry at $40, PLUS $25 Offline Processing Fee. Total Fee = $65


 A $5 auction fee per Exhibit nominated for Auction


 For a FULL REFUND of Entry Fees, Class withdrawals must be received by the Coordinator via by 5pm on
 Wednesday 3 March 2021

 For a PARTIAL REFUND of Entry Fees, Class withdrawals must be received by the Coordinator via by 5pm
 on Sunday 21 March 2021.

                                          This Schedule version issued 16 December 2020

CONDITIONS OF ENTRY                                                 PRIZES AND GST
Exhibitors should familiarise themselves with the Conditions of     The Australian Taxation Office has deemed that GST is
Entry outlined in the General Regulations and the Special           payable on prizes if an Exhibitor is registered for GST and
Poultry & Pigeon Regulations in this Schedule.                      enters an Exhibit as part of a business enterprise.
A condition of entering into Competitions is strict adherence to    The information an Exhibitor provides on the Application for
the Regulations. Accordingly, Applications for Entry in the         Entry determines whether GST is applicable.
name of deceased person(s) are not eligible for entry.              Any prize stated in this Schedule does not include GST.
The Application for Entry and the Regulations constitute the        GST will not apply:
whole agreement upon which Entries are submitted and the
Exhibitor agrees that all representations and statements not        •   if an Exhibitor enters an Exhibit as a hobby or private
appearing on the Application for Entry or in the Regulations are        recreational pursuit; or
excluded.                                                           •   if an Exhibitor enters an Exhibit as part of a business
The RAS has the power to evict any Exhibitor from the                   enterprise, the Exhibitor has an ABN, but the Exhibitor is
Showground in the event of a breach of the Conditions of Entry,         NOT REGISTERED for GST.
RAS General Regulations and/or the 2021 Poultry & Pigeon            • if an Exhibitor enters an Exhibit as part of a business
Schedule.                                                             enterprise the Exhibitor is not entitled to an ABN as the
                                                                      business or enterprise is not operating in Australia.
REFUNDS                                                             GST will apply:
A full refund of Entry Fees will not be issued unless a             •   if an Exhibitor enters an Exhibit as part of a business
notification of withdrawal is received by the RAS before the            enterprise, the Exhibitor has an ABN, and the Exhibitor is
Closing Day of Withdrawal by 5pm on Wednesday 3 March                   REGISTERED for GST.
2021. A partial refund (50%) of Entry Fees will be issued to        Where GST applies, the RAS will pay the prize money quoted
Exhibitors who provide notification of withdrawal by 5pm on         in this Schedule plus 10% GST. The RAS will issue a recipient
Sunday 21 March 2021. Notification of withdrawal must be            created tax invoice.
submitted in writing (via email or post
as above).                                                          WARNING: The Exhibitor must complete the Tax Details on
                                                                    the Application for Entry. Failure to do so will result in the RAS
                                                                    deducting 47% of the successful Exhibitor's prize money as
DISCLAIMER                                                          Pay As You Go Tax (PAYG). The RAS recommends that the
The information contained in this publication is gathered           Exhibitor seeks professional advice before completing the Tax
for the purpose of providing information to our Exhibitors          Details.
and Show patrons. The information is a compilation of
information provided by third parties and the RAS does              PAVILION OPENING TIMES
not warrant its accuracy and advises that any such                  The Poultry Pavilion will be open to the public at the following
information may be subject to change or amendment                   times:
occurring at any time and thereby making the                        From 9am to 7.00pm, Thursday 1 April to Monday 12 April
information incorrect. Subject to the RAS’ legal                    2021.
obligations and responsibilities. If you require
confirmation of any information please telephone the                JUDGING SCHEDULE
RAS coordinator responsible for the particular
information or the RAS switchboard on (02) 9704 1111.               POULTRY JUDGING
                                                                    General Exhibition Poultry Judging (including Exhibition Eggs,
WORKING WITH CHILDREN                                               School Classes and Components of School Competitions
                                                                    judging), will commence from 9am on Thursday 1 April 2021.
Exhibitors must comply with all applicable Working with             As required, sections of the Poultry Pavilion will be closed to
Children Legislation.                                               Exhibitors and the public on this day.
                                                                    Judging of Poultry will be in accordance with the Standards. All
The Exhibitor agrees to produce on demand, at least 1               cockerels and pullets must be under 12mths old.
month before Competition, evidence of working with
children checks for themselves, their employees or                  YOUTH POULTRY SHOWMANSHIP COMPETITION
volunteers who are involved in a child-related role or              Thursday 1 April 2021, commencing at 2pm. Judging will be
have direct unsupervised contact with children.                     conducted from the Stage in the Poultry Pavilion.
                                                                    SYDNEY ROYAL             SCHOOL       MEAT      BIRD      PAIRS
WORKPLACE SURVEILLANCE ACT                                          COMPETITION
RAS operates surveillance cameras from Sydney Showground
                                                                    There will be no Sydney Royal School Meat Bird Pairs
Security and these are located in and around facilities requiring
                                                                    Competition for 2021.
security monitoring for the safety or security of individuals or
property. RAS also has access to Sydney Olympic Park                SYDNEY ROYAL SCHOOL COMMERCIAL & PUREBRED
security cameras and vice versa. Please note that security          EGG LAYING COMPETITIONS
camera monitoring is continuous and ongoing and it is deemed        There will be no Sydney Royal School Commercial Egg Laying
that a person, by entering the Showground, consents to this         Competition for 2021.
photographing, filming or taping. RAS strictly complies with the
Workplace Surveillance Act 2005.                                    The 2021 Sydney Royal School Purebred Egg Laying
                                                                    Competition will proceed. The Live Bird Component is judged
                                                                    Thursday 1 April 2021, the Project Component will be judged
                                                                    on Wednesday 24 March 2021 and the Egg Component of the
                                                                    Competition will be judged on Saturday 10 April 2021, from
                                                                    10am in the Poultry Pavilion. Judging is open to the public.

RESULTS                                                                ARRIVAL AND PENNING OF EXHIBITS
Results of judging will be available on our website                    POULTRY
Results will not be given over the telephone.                          Exhibits are to be penned between 7am and 6pm on
                                                                       Tuesday 30 March and Wednesday 31 March 2021.
POULTRY AUCTION AND GENERAL                                            No Exhibits will be admitted to the Showground after 6pm on
SALES                                                                  Wednesday 31 March 2021. All Exhibitors must vacate the
                                                                       Poultry Pavilion by 6.30pm that evening.
Auction: Friday 2 April 2021, commencing at 2.30pm.
                                                                       Your cooperation in adhering to these set times is
The Auction will be conducted on the Stage in the Poultry              appreciated.
                                                                       Please be advised that all birds entered in a pair, trio or team
General Sales: Friday 2 April 2021 commencing at 9am.                  Class will be penned together.
Refer to the Poultry & Pigeon Special Regulations - Auction            It is recommended Exhibitors ensure such birds have been
and General Sales for further details.                                 penned together prior to the Show, to prevent fighting when
Subject to the Regulations, prize cards may be awarded                 DEPARTURE                AND        UNPENNING               OF
throughout the Poultry Section in accordance with the following        EXHIBITS
table:                                                                 POULTRY
        Up to 10 Exhibits               3 cards                        Exhibits must be removed from the Showground at the
        11 - 15 Exhibits                4 cards                        following times, as directed by the Poultry Superintendent or
        16 - 20 Exhibits                5 cards                        the Steward in Chief:
        21 - 25 Exhibits                6 cards                        7am to 6pm on Tuesday 13 April 2021.
        26 - 30 Exhibits                7 cards                        No responsibility will be taken for Exhibits not collected by 6pm
        Over 31 Exhibits                8 Cards                        on Tuesday 13 April 2021.
Specials prize cards will be displayed on pens as soon as
practical after judging. All other prize cards will be available for   SPECIAL REGULATIONS -
collection with ribbons on unpenning day.                              POULTRY
Prize stickers will be applied to pen number cards upon                The RAS General Regulations apply to all Sections of the
completion and finalisation of the judging process.                    Show. These Special Regulations apply to the Poultry & Pigeon
A Prize card may be awarded to the Best Male and Best                  Section only. Unless expressly stated in the General
Female in each colour. A Champion card, ribbon and $20 may             Regulations, if there is any inconsistency between the General
be awarded to the best of each classification, breed or colour.        Regulations and these Special Regulations, the Special
                                                                       Regulations for Poultry & Pigeon prevail. Copies of all
A Reserve Champion card may be awarded to the Exhibit
                                                                       Regulations are available from the Administration office at the
placed second to the one awarded Champion. First place
                                                                       RAS Showground. RAS’ General Regulations are also
Awards only shall be eligible for Championships. An Exhibit
                                                                       available at
placed second to the Exhibit awarded Champion may be
considered for Reserve Champion.
First place in Team Classes will receive $20, a card and ribbon.
                                                                       1.   In these Regulations, unless there be something in the
First place in Trios and Exhibition Pair Classes will receive $10,          subject or context inconsistent therewith:
a card and ribbon.
                                                                            Any Colour means any colour registered by the Standards
                                                                            for the stipulated breed.
                                                                            Any Other Breed means any breed recognised by the
Perpetual Trophies remain the property of the Royal                         Standards other than those listed in this Schedule.
Agricultural Society of NSW. Ownership of the Trophy does not
                                                                            Any Other Colour means any colour recognised by the
pass to the winning Exhibitor. A medallion will be presented to
                                                                            Standards for the stipulated breed other than those listed
the annual winner whose name will be engraved on the
                                                                            in this Schedule.
                                                                            Any Other Variety means any colour or variety (muffed,
                                                                            hen, feather etc.) recognised by the Standards for the
                                                                            stipulated breed other than those listed in this Schedule.
Prizes are provided by third parties and the RAS advises that
                                                                            Any Variety means any colour or variety recognised by the
any such Prize may be subject to change or amendment
                                                                            Standards for the stipulated breed.
occurring at any time, thereby making the original information
published incorrect.                                                        Committee means the RAS Poultry & Pigeon Committee.
                                                                            Exhibitor means the Person on whose behalf and in
ACCESS TO SHOWGROUND                                                        whose name an Application for Entry is lodged with and
The Poultry Bench Slip indicates the Classes in which your                  accepted by the RAS and includes the representatives and
Exhibits have been entered, and is required for access to the               agents of an Exhibitor.
Showground. A Dashboard Slip will also be issued to Exhibitors              Pen means a cage where the bird is held and in the context
with the Showtime Authorised Contact Person’s mobile number                 of a bird enclosure may contain one or more birds.
printed on the slip. A Dashboard Slip must be displayed on the              Person means a natural person, firm, partnership,
dashboard of each vehicle at all times while on the                         company or corporation.
Showground. Stewards will invite vehicles into the Poultry
                                                                            RAS means the Royal Agricultural Society of NSW.
Pavilion for delivery and collection of Exhibits.
Once an Exhibitor has delivered or collected Exhibits, the                  Show means the 2021 Sydney Royal Easter Show.
vehicle is to be removed from the Poultry Pavilion as directed.             Standards means the Australian Poultry Standards 2nd
Upon delivery, an Exhibitor may then return to provide final                Edition and Addendum.
show preparation to Exhibits.

2. Application for Entry will only be accepted on the express           (p)   Developmental breeds, colours or varieties - Only
   condition that the following Regulations shall be applicable:              breeds, colours and/or varieties standardised in print
                                                                              in the Standards at the launch of Competition Entries
   (a) No Application for Entry will be received from any
                                                                              (December 2020) will be eligible to submit an
        Person disqualified by the RAS or any recognised
                                                                              Application for Entry. Any breed or variety that is not
        Club or Society during the period of such
                                                                              standardised will not be eligible to enter into the
        disqualification, provided that notice has been
        received of the disqualification and the same has
        been confirmed by the Council.
        Should any such Application for Entry be accidentally        ACKNOWLEDGEMENT, RELEASE AND
        accepted, it shall, whenever discovered, be deemed           INDEMNITY
        void, and the Entry Fee returned.                            3. Refer to the General Regulations.
   (b) No Exhibit shall be entered by or in the name of any
        Person who is disqualified, or which is not at the time      ACCEPTANCE AND COLLECTION OF
        of the Application for Entry the bona fide property of       EXHIBITS
        the Exhibitor.                                               4.  No bird(s) will be accepted into the Poultry Pavilion
        No Sale, for a limited period or borrowing will be               unless an RAS supplied leg tag with the Exhibit's
        allowed.                                                         catalogue (pen) number is securely affixed to one leg.
        In the case of partnerships or joint Ownerships, the         5.  Leg tags must be affixed prior to arrival on the
        names of all such partners or Owners must be stated,             Showground.
        and each of such Owners shall be equally liable under
        all the Rules and Regulations of this RAS.                   6.  Poultry not leg tagged in accordance with the RAS'
   (c) The Committee reserves the right of refusing or                   Regulations may not be accepted for Exhibition.
        cancelling any Application for Entry without giving any          Please note: Take care when affixing the tags as the tags
        reason for so doing.                                             lock once pulled through the slot and cannot be released.
   (d) Whenever any Exhibit has been disqualified the                    Once the tag is affixed, trim the excess tag length.
        Council may also disqualify the Exhibitor thereof from       7.  Exhibits will be accepted by staff and appointed Stewards
        Exhibiting at future Shows of the RAS and may                    only. Please assist in avoiding congestion by waiting your
        declare forfeited all prizes awarded to him/her.                 turn if arriving during a busy period. The staff and
   (e) Every Exhibitor warrants that they are the absolute               Stewards will do their best to expedite receipt and
        Owner of every bird brought by them or by their                  penning of Exhibits. Your patience and cooperation are
        authority onto the Showground and agrees to                      respectfully sought.
        indemnify and shall indemnify the RAS against all            8.  Exhibitors are required to present their Bench Slip to
        claims on whatsoever ground and for whatsoever                   security personnel at the gate to gain access to the
        cause made against the RAS in respect of such bird               Showground for delivery of their Exhibits. Vehicles must
        at the instance of any other Person.                             be removed from the Pavilion immediately after delivery
   (f) An Exhibitor must not cover, hide from view, limit                and from the Showground at the completion of
        access to or lock (I.E.: plastic ties) their Exhibit.            preparation of Exhibits otherwise it will be regarded as a
   (g) Birds may only be removed for photographing with the              contravention of Regulations, with the possibility of
        approval of the Steward-in-Chief or Assistant                    removal of the vehicles by Officials.
        Steward-in-Chief, who will appoint another Steward to        9.  Except with the consent of the RAS, no animal shall be
        attend while the birds are being photographed.                   brought on to the Showground by the Exhibitor or by any
   (h) The Steward-in-Chief or Assistant Steward-in-Chief                other Person unless it is an Exhibit in respect of which an
        may sanction the removal of birds from pens should               Application for Entry has been accepted by the RAS.
        the birds be required in the conducting of Young             10. The RAS reserves the right to inspect any carrying box.
        Judges Competitions.                                         11. At the close of penning, after the conclusion of the
   (i) Entry and on ground fees will be set out in the 2021              Inspector’s review, an Exhibit entered in a wrong Class
        Application for Entry.                                           may be allowed to be transferred to another Class or
   (j) It is anticipated that all entries received may be                Exhibit substituted into the same or different Class at the
        accepted. However, the Committee reserves the right to           discretion of the RAS.
        reduce the number of Entries which may be accepted in        12. No exhibits with wounds, nor trimming, plucking, dyeing of
        any Class or Classes should there be insufficient                feathers, legs, or any other fraudulent practice will be
        penning space to accommodate all entries.                        allowed, and every Exhibitor will be deemed to be, and will
   (k) An Exhibit cannot compete in any Class additional to              be held responsible for the condition in which their Exhibit
        that for which it is entered on the Application for Entry.       appears in the pen.
   (l) All information as requested on the Application for           13. Poultry and Waterfowl Exhibits will be fed a ration
        Entry must be completed otherwise the application                appropriate to their nutritional requirements.
        may not be accepted.
                                                                     14. Exhibitors will be allocated one (1) one-day entry pass only.
   (m) An Exhibition must provide the breed, colour and/or
        variety of the birds entered into the Any Breed, Any             Participating Schools are eligible to apply for up to ten (10)
        Other Breed, Any Colour, Any Other Colour, Any                   one day entry passes, issued at the discretion of the
        Variety or Any Other Variety classes at the time of              Coordinator. Contact for further
        Application for Entry. Failure to do so may result in            details.
        the cancellation of the Entry.                                   Passes will be forwarded with Exhibitor Bench Slips and leg
   (n) School Meat Bird Pairs Competition - Only Schools                 tags two (2) weeks before the Competition. No duplicate
        are eligible to enter this Competition and the                   passes will be issued.
        incorporated components.
   (o) School Egg Laying Competitions - Only Schools
        are eligible to enter this Competition and incorporated

POULTRY                                                           21. Compliance Procedures (Effective September 2012).
15. Notification of withdrawals of Exhibits must be received by       The RAS of NSW Poultry Committee hereby request
    the RAS (via email or post ONLY) by no later than 5pm             Owners of all species of Poultry to be compliant with the
    on Wednesday 3 March 2021 for a full refund of Entry              requirements of PIC’s.
                                                                      Compliancy will be enforced for the 2021 Sydney Royal
    Notification of overdue withdrawals received after                Easter Show.
    Wednesday 3 March 2021 and no later than 5pm Sunday
    21 March 2021 will receive a refund of 50% of the Entry            Requirement
    Fees.                                                              Poultry:
    Failure to notify the RAS before 5pm Sunday 21 March               A PIC number is required for any holding on which are
    2021 will render the Exhibitor ineligible for any refund of        held 100 or more chickens, turkeys, guinea fowl, ducks,
    Entry Fee.                                                         geese, quail, pigeons (including racing pigeons),
    Attention is directed to the General Regulations which             pheasant or partridge and 10 or more of emus and/or
    state that: “An Application for Entry may be withdrawn or          ostriches.
    cancelled by an Applicant or Exhibitor on written request          Compliance
    to the RAS by the Applicant or the Exhibitor and only with         The onus is on individual property and stock owners to
    the consent of the RAS”.                                           comply with PIC requirements under Clause 29 of the
.                                                                      Stock Diseases Act 2009.
                                                                       There is no active surveillance for or compliance of PIC’s
BIOSECURITY MANAGEMENT                                                 for properties on which Poultry are held.
16. The RAS recognises that the individual health status of            RAS PIC Number
    birds from flocks Exhibited at the Sydney Royal Poultry
    Show may vary but are accepted as being of a high health           The RAS of NSW Sydney Showground PIC number for
    status on the basis of the advice from the Exhibitor. Our          compliant Exhibitors recording the details of their bird’s
    aim is to maintain the Exhibits in a healthy condition.            movements is: NJ464604
    Exhibitors and associated personnel are required to                Further Information
    support this aim with proper Poultry biosecurity                   Further information can be obtained from:
    management practices as per the NSW Biosecurity Act
                                                                       NSW Department Primary Industries,
    2015 and the DAFF Biosecurity Guidelines for Exhibition
                                                                       Locked Bag 21, Orange NSW 2800.
    Poultry - National Biosecurity Manual.
                                                                       Ph. 02 6391 3100
17. Exhibitors are required to ensure their Exhibits are in
    good health and condition when delivered to the Poultry  
    On Wednesday 31 March 2021, all Exhibits will be              AUCTION AND GENERAL SALES
    reviewed by a Veterinarian of the RAS. If any bird is found   22. A $5 per Exhibit nominated for Auction is payable at time
    to be injured or affected by sickness, disease or other           of Entry.
    ailment and causes a biosecurity concern to other
    Exhibits, the RAS will contact the Owner to forthwith         23. Exhibitors may nominate birds for auction on the
    remove the bird from the Showground. If the bird is not           Application for Entry. Due to the limitation of the number
    removed from the Showground prior to 9am the following            of Exhibits that can be auctioned, we request that
    morning, Thursday 1 April 2021, the Exhibitor will be             Exhibitors list those they wish to auction in order of
    charged $50 per affected Exhibit.                                 preference.
18. Exhibitors are recommended to protect their Exhibits          24. Should any bird nominated for auction not be accepted,
    health status with the application of all available               the auction fee will be refunded to the Exhibitor post
    vaccination programs. Exhibitors should ensure Exhibits           Show. Exhibitors that nominate birds for auction that are
    are vaccinated against:                                           entered in any colour, any variety, any other colour, breed
                                                                      or variety Classes must list the breed, variety & colour on
    • Fowl Pox and fully recovered from such vaccination
                                                                      the Application for Entry.
        before exhibition.
    • Infectious laryngotracheitis (ILT).                         25. If an Exhibitor wishes to sell or auction an Exhibit at the
                                                                      Show, it is necessary to nominate the bird for sale or
19. Exhibitors are requested to ensure that Exhibits are clean
                                                                      auction and specify the reserve price at the time of entry.
    by examining their birds for lice and vermin prior to
    delivery.                                                         (a) The RAS will charge a commission of $10 inclusive
                                                                            of GST or 10% of the Sale price, whichever is
20. Interstate Exhibitors are welcome, but they are asked to
    check with the appropriate government department in
    their home States in order to ascertain details of any            (b) All fees include GST.
    special health Regulations to be met before birds may be          (c) Persons wishing to purchase an Exhibit marked
    forwarded to or returned from New South Wales.                          “For Sale” should make enquiries at the Poultry &
                                                                            Pigeon Section Enquiries Hub. Ownership of the
                                                                            Exhibit will be transferred into the name of the first
                                                                            party to pay for the bird.
                                                                      (d) The minimum Sale or Reserve Price nominated
                                                                            shall be $30 per Exhibit. The Sale and Auction
                                                                            advice is included on the Application for Entry and
                                                                            shall be received by no later than Wednesday 17
                                                                            February 2021. Should an Exhibitor nominate a
                                                                            Sale or Reserve Price lower than $30, the RAS will
                                                                            automatically adjust it to the $30 minimum Sale or
                                                                            Reserve Price.

     (e)  A fee of $15 inclusive of GST is payable if an           DISCIPLINARY MATTERS
          Exhibitor wishes to alter the Sale or Reserve Price      32. Refer to the General Regulations.
          after the closing Day of Entry on Wednesday 17
          February 2021.
                                                                   UNETHICAL CONDUCT
     (f) A fee of $10 inclusive of GST is payable if Exhibits
          are withdrawn from Sale or Auction after                 33. Refer to the General Regulations.
          Wednesday 3 March 2021.
     (g) "For Sale" notices are to be placed on pens of Sale       UNSEEMLY BEHAVIOUR
          birds only by an authorised RAS Staff Member. The        34. Behaviour either in person or by publication through
          Sale price will be displayed on the "For Sale" notice,       media and online channels.
          which will be inclusive of commission.
                                                                       Refer to the General Regulations.
     (h) Birds for Auction will be published in the Auction
     (i) Birds purchased either by Sale or Auction cannot be       LOSS OR DAMAGE OF EXHIBITS
          removed from Exhibition until close of the Show.         35. Attention is directed to the General Regulations which
          These birds will be transferred into the name of the         state that the RAS will not be responsible in the event of
          purchaser and allowed to be collected on Tuesday             any loss or damage to any Exhibit howsoever arising, and
          13 April 2021 during ‘Bump Out’, and under the               in particular shall not be responsible if, through any
          supervision of RAS Poultry Staff and Bump Out                negligent or wilful act on the part of any Official of the
          Stewards.                                                    RAS, or through theft, the Exhibit is not restored in good
      (j) Exhibitors or unauthorised Persons are not                   order and condition to the Exhibitor or any Person
          permitted to place "For Sale" or other notices on any        claiming through the Exhibitor at the close of the Show.
          pens or Allocated Area.                                      In the event the RAS is unable to make contact with the
     (k) Birds nominated for Auction and penned at the                 owner of an Exhibit, the residing veterinarian may direct
          Show may not under any circumstance be                       the euthanasia of an Exhibit in accordance with the RAS
          withdrawn from Auction, except birds exempted as             Animal Welfare Policy.
          a result of a veterinary inspection.
     (l) A “For Sale” sign will be placed on the pen of each
          bird not sold at Auction with the nominated reserve      SPECIAL REGULATIONS - EGG
          price being the displayed “For Sale” price, by the       CLASSES
          morning after the Auction.
     (m) Exhibitors are advised that when an Exhibit is            CONDITIONS OF ENTRY
          marked "For Sale" it cannot be withdrawn from Sale
                                                                   36. For display purposes, please nominate on Application for
          once claimed for purchase.
                                                                       Entry, or on delivery to Showground, the breed of bird that
      (n) The RAS reserves the right to inspect all Exhibits           laid the eggs entered.
          (birds) for Sale or Auction. Should any Exhibit fail
                                                                   37. The breed of bird shall only be displayed after Judging
          inspection as to breed type, health and/or condition,
                                                                       has been completed.
          no Sale shall be allowed and "For Sale" signs shall
          not be displayed on such Exhibits and they will be
          withdrawn from Auction. Birds that do not pass           APPLICATION FOR ENTRY
          inspection will not be refunded any fees.                38. Should the number of Entries received exceed the
      (o) It shall be the responsibility of purchasers or              number which can be accommodated, the RAS reserves
          transferees to ensure proper crates or baskets are           the right to reduce the number of Entries in whatever
          provided for the transport of birds. The RAS is not          manner it deems fit.
          able to provide these.                                   39. A Mixed Plate Exhibit must be presented as a mix of
                                                                       different egg types including, but not limited to: Duck,
                                                                       Fowl, Goose, Guinea Fowl, Pheasant, Quail, Turkey, etc.
                                                                   40. Tinted eggs are any other natural colour shell (pink, pink-
26. The decision of the Judges shall be accepted as final.             brown; green; cream; speckled; etc.).
27. Refer to the General Regulations for protest Regulations.
28. Despite General Regulation 85, a Protest must be lodged        EGG EXHIBITS
    in writing with the Coordinator, Poultry & Pigeon by 12        41. Eggs will be exhibited in uniform containers supplied by
    noon of the day following judging.                                 the RAS.
    Such Protest shall be accompanied by a fee of $25.             42. Eggs will be on display for the duration of the Show.
29. All protests will be considered by the Committee as soon       43. The RAS will dispose of eggs at the end of the Show.
    as possible after the lodgement, and their decision shall
    be final for this Show.                                        JUDGING
30. Should any Exhibit which has been awarded a prize be           44. Judging will take place on Thursday 1 April 2021.
    disqualified, the next Exhibit in order of merit on the
                                                                   45. Eggs will be judged to the Standards for exhibition eggs.
    Judge’s placings in the online stewarding system shall
    not necessarily be entitled to the prize, but the matter       46. The Judge has the right to examine contents.
    shall be determined by the Committee.
31. An Exhibitor shall not receive an Award if, in the opinion
    of the judge, it is unworthy of such an Award. The
    Judge’s decision will be final in this regard.

                                                                           STANDARD AND BANTAM HARDFEATHER CLASSES
The Awards shall be determined as follows: 1st prize to count
as 3 points; 2nd as 2; 3rd as 1. Should there be fewer than                (S1010) - MOST SUCCESSFUL EXHIBITOR IN THE
three Awards in any one Class, the points shall be on the said             STANDARD AND BANTAM SOFTFEATHER CLASSES
basis in order of merit (E.g. If only two Entries in a Class, points
                                                                           (S1011) - MOST SUCCESSFUL EXHIBITOR IN THE
allocated 3, 2). There shall be 3 points for a Champion of each
                                                                           WATERFOWL CLASSES
breed or colour, including Breed Champions.
The following are excluded from the Most Successful Awards                 (S1012) - MOST SUCCESSFUL EXHIBITOR IN THE
calculations: Best Male and Best Female in each colour (where              LANDFOWL AND WATERFOWL CLASSES
applicable), Reserve Champions, Best Exhibit Awards, Open                  To be eligible for this Award, Exhibitors must have won Awards
Egg Classes, School Poultry Classes, School Egg Classes,                   across Hardfeather, Softfeather and Waterfowl Classes. Field
Sydney Royal School Meat Bird Pairs Competition, Sydney                    & Forest Classes will also be considered in the calculation of
Royal School Egg Laying Competitions and the Youth Poultry                 this Award.
Showmanship Competition.
The Exhibitor gaining the highest number of points will be the
winner. In the event of two or more Exhibitors gaining an equal
number of points, the Exhibitor gaining the greatest number of
first places will be the winner. Should a tie still occur, the
second and third prizes will be taken into consideration. Where
an Exhibitor is made up of two or more individual Persons,
points awarded to that Exhibitor cannot be divided and
allocated to those individual Persons.

                                         POULTRY AWARDS PRESENTATION
The RAS of NSW Poultry & Pigeon Committee invites all Exhibitors and friends to attend the 2021 Sydney Royal Poultry Show Awards
Presentation on the Stage in the Poultry Pavilion at 1.30pm Friday 2 April 2021. The Sydney Royal Poultry Auction will commence at the
conclusion of the Presentation, at 2.30pm.

                                                        POULTRY AUCTION
The RAS of NSW Poultry & Pigeon Committee invites all Exhibitors and friends to attend the 2021 Sydney Royal Poultry Show Auction
on the Stage in the Poultry Pavilion at 2.30pm Friday 2 April 2021.

                                            2021 FEATURE BREED OF SHOW
                                                                Indian Runners

        Sydney Royal Poultry and Pigeon Show has a total prize pool on offer in excess of $20,000 in prize money and trophies.
                                The following prizes will be awarded at the 2021 Sydney Royal Poultry Show.
                                      The RAS gratefully acknowledges donations from its supporters.

GRAND CHAMPION BIRD OF SHOW & OTHER                                       RAS of NSW Award of Excellence Medallion for:
PRIZES                                                                    Champion Field & Forest

The Peter Smith Perpetual Trophy, donated by the Family, Poultry          The David White Memorial Perpetual Cash Prize of $150 for:
Exhibitors and Friends of Peter Smith for:                                Most Successful Exhibitor in the Standard and Bantam Softfeather
Grand Champion Bird of Show                                               Classes
A testament to Peter Smith’s service to the RAS of NSW and dedicated      Most Successful Exhibitor in the Standard and Bantam Hardfeather
support of the Poultry Fancy as a breeder and Judge across Australia.     Classes

RAS of NSW Award of Excellence Medallion for:
                                                                          Prize (Medallion), supported by Royal Agricultural Society of NSW
Grand Champion Bird of Show                                               for:
The Pat Birchall Memorial Perpetual Trophy, donated by the Birchall       Most Successful Exhibitor in the Standard and Bantam Softfeather
Family for:                                                               Classes
Reserve Grand Champion Bird of Show                                       Most Successful Exhibitor in the Standard and Bantam Hardfeather
A tribute to Pat Birchall’s lifelong interest and dedication to Poultry
exhibition, breeding and judging.
                                                                          The Stan Lowe Perpetual Trophy, donated by Family and Friends &
                                                                          the Exhibition Poultry Association Inc for:
The Reg Watson Memorial Perpetual Trophy, donated by the                  Champion Waterfowl in Show
Watson Family for:                                                        This trophy acknowledges Stan Lowes 55 years of dedication to Poultry
Champion Hardfeather Standard or Bantam                                   breeding and judging at the RAS of NSW, particularly in the area of
This trophy commemorates the dedication Reg Watson gave to                Waterfowl.
breeding and judging Hardfeathered Poultry from 1941 until 1978.

                                                                          The Rebecca Johnstone Memorial Perpetual Trophy, donated by
The Warwick Watson Perpetual Trophy, donated by the Family of             Family and Friends for:
Warwick Watson for:                                                       Most Successful Waterfowl Exhibitor
Champion Bantam Hardfeather                                               This trophy is a tribute to Rebecca Johnstone’s passion for Waterfowl
Inspired by this father, Reg Watson, Warwick’s support and involvement    and overall dedication to Poultry breeding and Exhibition.
with the Parramatta and District Poultry Club has led to a long
association with the RAS of NSW, Exhibiting Old English Game
Bantams and serving on the RAS Council.                                   RAS of NSW Award of Excellence Medallion for:
                                                                          Champion Turkey

The Exhibition Poultry Association of NSW Perpetual Trophy for:
                                                                          The Michael Peel Perpetual Trophy for:
Champion Softfeather Standard or Bantam
                                                                          Champion Goose or Gander
The Exhibition Poultry Association of NSW Inc is the peak body for
                                                                          With this trophy Michael Peel recognises excellence in breeding geese.
exhibition breeders and fanciers of Poultry, Waterfowl and Pigeons in
                                                                          Cash Prize of $100, supported by Peel Ridge Stud for:
The Warren K Dickson Perpetual Trophy, donated by Family,                 Champion Goose or Gander
Friends and the Pekin Bantam Club of Australia Inc for:                   Cash Prize of $50, supported by Peel Ridge Stud for:
Champion Bantam Softfeather                                               Reserve Champion Goose or Gander
This trophy won by Warren Dickson at the 1962 World Poultry Congress
with his Black Pekins led to a lifelong dedication of breeding Pekins.

                                                                          Cash Prize of $25, supported by Ancona Club of Australia Inc for:
The Robert Hunt Perpetual Trophy, donated by the Exhibition               Champion Standard Ancona or Ancona Red, any comb
Poultry Association of NSW Inc for:
                                                                          Champion Bantam Ancona
Most Successful Exhibitor Overall
This trophy honours Robert Hunt’s commitment as both Judge and
Exhibitor across land and waterfowl classes at Sydney Royal from 1962.    BANTAM

                                                                          Cash Prize of $25, supported by Bantam Club of NSW for:
The Brian Tiyce Memorial Cash Prize of $300, supported by                 Champion Bantam Hardfeather
Exhibition Poultry Association of NSW Inc for:                            Champion Softfeather True Bantam
Most Successful Exhibitor Overall                                         Best Bantam Softfeather other than True

The Bryan (BJ) D'Este Memorial Perpetual Trophy, donated by               INDIAN GAME
John & Julie D'Este for:
Overall Champion Trio or Pair                                             Cash Prize of $25, supported by Indian Game Club of Australia for:
This trophy acknowledges Bryan D'Este's contribution to the Poultry       Champion Standard Indian Game
Fancy at the Sydney Royal.                                                Champion Bantam Indian Game

LEGHORN                                                                    Champion Standard Silkie, white

Cash Prize of $40, supported by Leghorn Club of Australia Inc for:         Champion Standard Silkie, bearded
                                                                           Champion Standard Silkie, partridge
Champion Standard Leghorn
Champion Bantam Leghorn, black                                             Champion Standard Silkie, buff

Champion Bantam Leghorn, white                                             Champion Standard Silkie, any other colour

Best Bantam Leghorn, other than black or white                             Cash Prize of $50, supported by Silkie Club of Australia Inc for:
                                                                           Best Silkie in Show

The Mulley Dickinson Memorial Cash Prize of $25, supported by              EGGS
Bantam Club of NSW for:                                                    RAS of NSW Award of Excellence Medallion for:
Champion Bantam Old English Game, self blue                                Champion Egg Plate (Open Classes)
                                                                           Cash Prize (1st $50, 2nd $30, 3rd $20), supported by Royal
                                                                           Agricultural Society of NSW for:
Cash Prize of $25, supported by Plymouth Rock Club of Australia            Most Successful Exhibitor in School Purebred Egg Layers Competition
Inc for:
Champion Standard Plymouth Rock                                            SCHOOL POULTRY CLASSES
Champion Bantam Plymouth Rock
                                                                           RAS of NSW Award of Excellence Medallion for:
                                                                           Champion School Poultry Exhibit

Cash Prize of $25, supported by Janet Doust for:                           YOUTH POULTRY SHOWMANSHIP COMPETITION
Champion Standard Silkie
                                                                           RAS of NSW Award of Excellence Medallion for:
Best Standard Silkie, other than white
                                                                           Overall Winner of the Showmanship Competition
Best Standard Opposite Sex Silkie

Cash Prize of $25, supported by Silkie Club of Australia Inc for:
Champion Standard Silkie, black

                                            Medallions will be awarded to the following Champions:

      Champion Duck or Drake                                                    Champion Standard Exhibition Trio
      Champion Duck Exhibition Pair                                             Champion Standard Hardfeather
      Champion Geese Exhibition Pair                                            Champion Standard Softfeather
      Champion Waterfowl Pair                                                   Champion Bantam Exhibition Team
      Champion Standard Exhibition Team                                         Champion Bantam Exhibition Pair
      Champion Standard Exhibition Pair                                         Champion Bantam Exhibition Trio

                                 POULTRY SPECIAL PRIZES
The following Champions will be awarded during judging as per the Schedule. A Special Prize Card and a Ribbon will be awarded to the:

                                            Grand Champion Bird of Show
                                            Reserve Grand Champion Bird of Show
                                            Champion Field & Forest
                                            Champion Waterfowl
                                            Champion Hardfeather Standard or Bantam
                                            Champion Softfeather Standard or Bantam

Field & Forest                                                                Bantam
Champion Guinea Fowl                                                          Champion Bantam Softfeather Heavy Exhibition Team
Champion Jungle Fowl                                                          Champion Bantam Softfeather Light Exhibition Team
Champion Turkey                                                               Champion Bantam Softfeather True Exhibition Team
                                                                              Champion Bantam Hardfeather Exhibition Team
                                                                              Champion Bantam Exhibition Team
Waterfowl                                                                     Champion Bantam Exhibition Pair
Champion Geese Exhibition Pair                                                Champion Bantam Softfeather Heavy Exhibition Trio
Champion Goose or Gander                                                      Champion Bantam Softfeather Light Exhibition Trio
Champion Duck Exhibition Pair                                                 Champion Bantam Softfeather True Exhibition Trio
Champion Duck or Drake                                                        Champion Bantam Exhibition Trio
Champion Waterfowl Pair                                                       Champion Bantam Hardfeather
                                                                              Champion Bantam Softfeather Heavy
Standard                                                                      Champion Bantam Softfeather Light
Champion Standard Softfeather Heavy Exhibition Team                           Champion Bantam Softfeather True
Champion Standard Softfeather Light Exhibition Team                           Champion Bantam Softfeather
Champion Standard Hardfeather Exhibition Team
Champion Standard Exhibition Team                                             Egg Classes
Champion Standard Exhibition Pair                                             Champion Egg Plate Standard
Champion Standard Softfeather Heavy Exhibition Trio                           Champion Egg Plate Bantam
Champion Standard Softfeather Light Exhibition Trio                           Champion Egg Plate Waterfowl
Champion Standard Exhibition Trio                                             Champion Egg Plate Mixed
Champion Standard Hardfeather                                                 Champion Egg Plate Open Classes
Champion Standard Softfeather Heavy                                           Champion Egg Plate School
Champion Standard Softfeather Light                                           Grand Champion Egg Plate
Champion Standard Softfeather

                                            POULTRY CLASSES

GUINEA FOWL              Cock       Cockerel     Hen    Pullet   DUCKS - SINGLE CLASSES (Cont.)               Drake    Duck

Guinea Fowl               1            2          3       4      Black East Indian                              90      91
                                                                 Campbell, khaki, under 12mths                  92      93
JUNGLE FOWL              Cock       Cockerel     Hen    Pullet
                                                                 Campbell, khaki, 12mths & over                 94      95
Jungle Fowl               5            6          7       8      Campbell, white                                96      97
TURKEYS               Gobbler         Hen        Tom    Pullet   Campbell, any other colour                     98      99
                                                                 Cayuga                                         100     101
Black                     9            10         11     12
                                                                 Crested, standard or bantam                    102     103
Blue                      13           14         15     16
                                                                 Elizabeth                                      104     105
Bourbon Red               17           18         19     20
                                                                 Indian Runner, fawn and white                  106     107
Bronze                    21           22         23     24
                                                                 Indian Runner, white, under 12mths             108     109
Buff                      25           26         27     28
                                                                 Indian Runner, white, 12mths & over            110     111
Narragansett              29           30         31     32
                                                                 Indian Runner, any other colour                112     113
Royal Palm                33           34         35     36
                                                                 Mallard, normal                                114     115
Slate                     37           38         39     40
                                                                 Mallard, white                                 116     117
White                     41           42         43     44
                                                                 Mallard, any other colour                      118     119
WATERFOWL                                                        Muscovy, white, under 12mths                   120     121
GEESE - EXHIBITION PAIRS                                         Muscovy, white, 12mths & over                  122     123
(1 x Male plus 1 x Female)                                       Muscovy, any other colour, under 12mths        124     125
Geese, any breed                                 49
                                                                 Muscovy, any other colour, 12mths & over       126     127
GEESE - SINGLE CLASSES                         Gander   Goose    Orpington, standard or bantam, any
                                                                                                                128     129
African                                         50       51
                                                                 Pekin, under 12mths                            130     131
Australian Settler (Pilgrim)                    52       53
                                                                 Pekin, 12mths & over                           132     133
Chinese, brown, under 12mths                    54       55
                                                                 Rouen, any colour, under 12mths                134     135
Chinese, brown, 12mths & over                   56       57
                                                                 Rouen, any colour, 12mths & over               136     137
Chinese, white                                  58       59
                                                                 Rouen Clair                                    138     139
Embden                                          60       61
                                                                 Saxony, standard or bantam, any colour         140     141
Sebastopol                                      62       63
                                                                 Silver Appleyard, standard                     142     143
Toulouse, grey                                  64       65
                                                                 Silver Appleyard, bantam                       144     145
Toulouse, white                                 66       67
                                                                 Welsh Harlequin, standard or bantam            146     147
Geese, any other variety                        68       69
                                                                 Duck, any other breed                          148     149
(1 x Male plus 1 x Female)
Australian Call, any colour                      72
                                                                 STANDARD EXHIBITION TEAMS
Campbell, any colour                             73                                                                   Teams
                                                                 (1 x Male plus 6 x Female)
Cayuga                                           74              Hardfeather, exhibition team                          153
Indian Runner, any colour                        75              Softfeather, heavy, exhibition team                   154
Mallard, any colour                              76              Softfeather, light, exhibition team                   155
Muscovy, any colour                              77              STANDARD EXHIBITION PAIRS
Pekin                                            78              (1 x Male plus 1 x Female)
Rouen, any colour                                79              Australian Game, any colour                           156
Duck Pair, any other breed                       80              Australian Pit Game, any variety                      157
                                                                 Indian Game, any colour                               158
DUCKS - SINGLE CLASSES                         Drake    Duck
                                                                 Old English Game, any variety                         159
Australian Call, white                           84      85
                                                                 Hardfeather, standard, exhibition pair, any other
Australian Call, any other colour                86      87      breed
Aylesbury                                        88      89

STANDARD EXHIBITION TRIOS                                                       STANDARD SINGLE CLASSES

                                                                 Trios          (Cont.)
(1 x Male plus 2 x Female)


Softfeather - Heavy
Australorp, any colour                                           161
                                                                                Softfeather - Heavy
Langshan, black                                                  162
                                                                                Australorp, black                 275       276   277        278
Langshan, any other colour                                       163            Australorp, blue                  279       280   281        282
Orpington, any colour                                            164            Australorp, white                 283       284   285        286
Rhode Island Red                                                 165            Barnevelder, double laced         287       288   289        290
Rhode Island White                                               166            Barnevelder, any other colour     291       292   293        294
Sussex, any colour                                               167            Brahma, any colour                295       296   297        298
Wyandotte, any colour                                            168            Cochin, any colour                299       300   301        302
Softfeather, heavy, standard, exhibition trio, any                              Crevecoeur, black                 303       304   305        306
other breed                                                                     Dorking, any colour               307       308   309        310
Softfeather - Light
                                                                                Faverolles, salmon                311       312   313        314
Ancona, any colour                                               170            Faverolles, any other colour      315       316   317        318
Hamburgh, any colour                                             171            Frizzle, any colour               319       320   321        322
Leghorn, white                                                   172            Langshan Australian, black        323       324   325        326
Leghorn, any other colour                                        173            Langshan Australian, blue         327       328   329        330
Silkie, any colour                                               174            Langshan Australian, white        331       332   333        334
Softfeather, light, standard, exhibition trio, any                              Langshan, Croad, black            335       336   337        338
other breed                                                      175
                                                                                Langshan, Croad, blue             339       340   341        342

                                                                                Langshan, Croad, white            343       344   345        346

                                                                                Marans, black red                 347       348   349        350


                                                                                Marans, cuckoo, any colour        351       352   353        354
Hardfeather                                                                     Marans, wheaten, any colour       355       356   357        358
Australian Game, black red              180    181    182            183        Marans, any other colour          359       360   361        362
Australian Game, duckwing               184    185    186            187        Orpington, black                  363       364   365        366

Australian Game, pile                   188    189    190            191        Orpington, buff                   367       368   369        370
                                                                                Orpington, any other colour       371       372   373        374
Australian Game, any other colour       192    193    194            195
Australian Pit Game, under 2.7kg                                                Plymouth Rock, dark barred        375       376   377        378
                                        196    197    198            199
for males & 2kg for females                                                     Plymouth Rock, light barred       379       380   381        382
Australian Pit Game, over 2.7kg                                                 Plymouth Rock, any other colour   383       384   385        386
                                        200    201    202            203
for males & 2kg for females
                                                                                Rhode Island Red, any comb        387       388   389        390
Australian Pit Game, any other
                                        204    205    206            207        Rhode Island White, any comb      391       392   393        394
Indian Game, dark                       208    209    210            211        Sussex, buff                      395       396   397        398
Indian Game, jubilee                    212    213    214            215        Sussex, coronation                399       400   401        402
Indian Game, any other colour           216    217    218            219        Sussex, light                     403       404   405        406
Malay Game, any colour                  220    221    222            223        Sussex, any other colour          407       408   409        410
Modern Game, any colour                 224    225    226            227        Wyandotte, blue laced gold        411       412   413        414
Old English Game, black red or                                                  Wyandotte, columbian              415       416   417        418
                                        228    229    230            231
partridge, dark leg                                                             Wyandotte, golden laced           419       420   421        422
Old English Game, blue red or                                                   Wyandotte, silver laced           423       424   425        426
                                        232    233    234            235
partridge, dark leg
Old English Game, brown red,                                                    Wyandotte, silver pencilled       427       428   429        430
                                        236    237    238            239
orange red or dun, any colour                                                   Wyandotte, white                  431       432   433        434
Old English Game, duckwing, any                                                 Wyandotte, any other colour       435       436   437        438
                                        240    241    242            243
                                                                                Softfeather, heavy, any other
Old English Game, ginger, any                                                                                     439       440   441        442
                                        244    245    246            247        breed
Old English Game, grey, any                                                     Softfeather - Light
                                        248    249    250            251
                                                                                Ancona, any comb                  443       444   445        446
Old English Game, partridge, light
                                        252    253    254            255        Ancona, red, any comb             447       448   449        450
Old English Game, pile, any colour      256    257    258            259        Andalusian                        451       452   453        454
Old English Game, any other                                                     Araucana, any colour              455       456   457        458
                                        260    261    262            263
                                                                                Campine, any colour               459       460   461        462
Sumatra, any colour                     264    265    266            267
Hardfeather, any other breed            268    269    270            271

STANDARD SINGLE CLASSES                                                      BANTAM EXHIBITION PAIRS (Cont.)

(Cont.)                                                                      (1 x Male plus 1 x Female)

                                                                             Old English Game, any other variety                                 610

                                                                             Hardfeather, bantam, exhibition pair, any other
Hamburgh, black                       467    468   469           470         breed                                                               611

Hamburgh, gold pencilled              471    472   473           474         BANTAM EXHIBITION TRIOS
Hamburgh, gold spangled               475    476   477           478         (1 x Male plus 2 x Female)
                                                                             Softfeather - Heavy Trios                                           Trios
Hamburgh, silver spangled             479    480   481           482
                                                                             Australorp, any colour                                              615
Hamburgh, any other colour            483    484   485           486
                                                                             Langshan Australian, black                                          616
Houdan, any colour                    487    488   489           490
                                                                             Langshan Australian, any other colour                               617
Leghorn, black                        491    492   493           494
                                                                             Plymouth Rock, any colour                                           618
Leghorn, brown                        495    496   497           498
                                                                             Rhode Island Red                                                    619
Leghorn, white                        499    500   501           502
                                                                             Rhode Island White                                                  620
Leghorn, any other colour             503    504   505           506
                                                                             Sussex, any colour                                                  621
Minorca, any colour                   519    520   521           522
                                                                             Wyandotte, white                                                    622
Old English Pheasant Fowl, any
                                      523    524   525           526
colour                                                                       Wyandotte, any other colour                                         623
Polish, white crested black           527    528   529           530         Softfeather, heavy, bantam, exhibition trio, any
                                                                             other breed
Polish, any other variety             531    532   533           534
                                                                             Softfeather - Light Trios                                           Trios
Redcap                                535    536   537           538
                                                                             Ancona, any colour                                                  626
Scots Grey, any colour                539    540   541           542
                                                                             Leghorn, black                                                      627
Sicilian Buttercup, any colour        543    544   545           546
                                                                             Leghorn, brown                                                      628
Silkie, black                         547    548   549           550
                                                                             Leghorn, white                                                      629
Silkie, buff                          551    552   553           554
                                                                             Leghorn, any other colour                                           630
Silkie, grey                          555    556   557           558
                                                                             Minorca, any colour                                                 631
Silkie, partridge                     559    560   561           562         Softfeather, light, bantam, exhibition trio, any
Silkie, white                         563    564   565           566         other breed
Silkie, bearded                       567    568   569           570         Softfeather - True Trios                                            Trios
Silkie, any other colour              571    572   573           574         Belgian, Barbu d’Anvers, any colour                                 634
Spanish, any colour                   575    576   577           578         Belgian, Barbu d’Uccle, any colour                                  635
Vorwerk                               579    580   581           582         Belgian, Barbu de Watermael, any colour                             636
Welsummer, any colour                 583    584   585           586         Japanese, any variety                                               637
Softfeather, light, any other breed   587    588   589           590         Pekin, black                                                        638
BANTAM - EXHIBITION TEAMS                                                    Pekin, white                                                        639
(1 x Male plus 6 x Female)                                                   Pekin, any other colour                                             640
Hardfeather, exhibition team                                  593            Rosecomb, any colour                                                641
Softfeather, heavy, exhibition team                           594            Sebright, any colour                                                642
Softfeather, light, exhibition team                           595            Softfeather, true bantam, exhibition trio, any
Softfeather, true bantam, exhibition team                     596            other breed

BANTAM EXHIBITION PAIRS                                                      BANTAM SINGLE CLASSES

(1 x Male plus 1 x Female)

Hardfeather Pairs                                             Pairs

Australian Game, any colour                                   600
Australian Pit Game, any variety                              601
                                                                             Australian Game, black red             646       647     648           649
Indian Game, any colour                                       602
                                                                             Australian Game, duckwing              650       651     652           653
Modern Game, black red                                        603
                                                                             Australian Game, any other colour      654       655     656           657
Modern Game, pile                                             604
                                                                             Australian Pit Game                    658       659     660           661
Modern Game, any other colour                                 605
                                                                             Australian Pit Game, muff              662       663     664           665
Old English Game, duckwing, any colour                        606
                                                                             Australian Pit Game, hen feather       666          *    667                *
Old English Game, spangled, any colour                        607
                                                                             Indian Game, dark                      668       669     670           671
Old English Game, partridge, any colour                       608
                                                                             Indian Game, jubilee                   672       673     674           675
Old English Game, wheaten, any colour                         609
                                                                             Indian Game, any other colour          676       677     678           679




                                                                       BANTAM SINGLE CLASSES

Modern Game, birchen                  680    681   682        683      (Cont.)

Modern Game, black red                684    685   686        687


Modern Game, blue red                 688    689   690        691
Modern Game, brown red                692    693   694        695      Orpington, black                   864    865   866        867
Modern Game, duckwing, any                                             Orpington, any other colour        868    869   870        871
                                      696    697   698        699
                                                                       Plymouth Rock, dark barred         872    873   874        875
Modern Game, pile                     700    701   702        703
                                                                       Plymouth Rock, light barred        876    877   878        879
Modern Game, spangled                 704    705   706        707
                                                                       Plymouth Rock, white               880    881   882        883
Modern Game, wheaten, black tail       *     708      *       709
                                                                       Plymouth Rock, any other colour    884    885   886        887
Modern Game, wheaten, blue tail        *     710      *       711
                                                                       Rhode Island Red                   888    889   890        891
Modern Game, any other colour         712    713   714        715
                                                                       Rhode Island Red, rose comb        892    893   894        895
Old English Game, black               716    717   718        719
                                                                       Rhode Island White, any comb       896    897   898        899
Old English Game, black red / light
                                      720    721   722        723      Sussex, buff                       900    901   902        903
leg, black tailed, wheaten
Old English Game, blue red / light                                     Sussex, coronation                 904    905   906        907
                                      724    725   726        727
leg, blue tailed, wheaten
Old English Game, black red, dark                                      Sussex, light                      908    909   910        911
                                      728    729   730        731
leg, partridge                                                         Sussex, any other colour           912    913   914        915
Old English Game, blue red, dark                                       Wyandotte, black                   916    917   918        919
                                      732    733   734        735
leg, partridge
Old English Game, brown or                                             Wyandotte, blue laced gold         920    921   922        923
                                      736    737   738        739
orange red, any colour                                                 Wyandotte, buff                    924    925   926        927
Old English Game, creel, any
                                      740    741   742        743      Wyandotte, buff columbian          928    929   930        931
Old English Game, duckwing, any                                        Wyandotte, buff laced              932    933   934        935
                                      744    745   746        747
                                                                       Wyandotte, columbian               936    937   938        939
Old English Game, ginger, any
                                      748    749   750        751      Wyandotte, golden laced            940    941   942        943
Old English Game, grey, any                                            Wyandotte, partridge               944    945   946        947
                                      752    753   754        755
                                                                       Wyandotte, silver laced            948    949   950        951
Old English Game, pile, any colour    756    757   758        759
                                                                       Wyandotte, silver pencilled        952    953   954        955
Old English Game, self blue           760    761   762        763
                                                                       Wyandotte, white                   956    957   958        959
Old English Game, spangled            764    765   766        767
Old English Game, any other                                            Wyandotte, any other colour        960    961   962        963
                                      768    769   770        771
variety                                                                Softfeather, heavy, any other breed 964   965   966        967
Hardfeather, any other breed          772    773   774        775
                                                                       Softfeather - Light
Softfeather - Heavy                                                    Ancona, rose comb                  975    976   977        978
Australorp, black                     795    796   797        798      Ancona, single comb                979    980   981        982
Australorp, blue                      799    800   801        802      Ancona Red, rose comb              983    984   985        986
Australorp, white                     803    804   805        806      Ancona Red, single comb            987    988   989        990
Barnevelder, double laced             807    808   809        810      Andalusian                         991    992   993        994
Barnevelder, any other colour         811    812   813        814      Araucana, any colour               995    996   997        998
Brahma, light                         815    816   817        818      Hamburgh, any colour               999    1000 1001 1002
Brahma, any other colour              819    820   821        822      Leghorn, black                    1003 1004 1005 1006
Dorking, any colour                   823    824   825        826      Leghorn, blue                     1007 1008 1009 1010
Faverolles, salmon                    827    828   829        830      Leghorn, brown                    1011 1012 1013 1014
Faverolles, any other colour          831    832   833        834      Leghorn, buff                     1015 1016 1017 1018
Frizzle, black                        835    836   837        838      Leghorn, duckwing, any colour     1019 1020 1021 1022
Frizzle, cuckoo                       839    840   841        842      Leghorn, red                      1023 1024 1025 1026
Frizzle, white                        843    844   845        846      Leghorn, white                    1027 1028 1029 1030
Frizzle, any other colour             848    849   850        851      Leghorn, any other colour         1031 1032 1033 1034
Langshan Australian, black            852    853   854        855
                                                                       Minorca, any colour               1035 1036 1037 1038
Langshan Australian, blue             856    857   858        859
                                                                       Silkie, any colour                1039 1040 1041 1042
Langshan Australian, white            860    861   862        863

Spanish, any colour                   1043 1044 1045 1046              Rosecomb, cuckoo                      1206 1207 1208 1209
Softfeather, light, any other breed   1047 1048 1049 1050              Rosecomb, white                       1210 1211 1212 1213
                                                                       Rosecomb, any other colour            1214 1215 1216 1217

                                                                       BANTAM SINGLE CLASSES





                                                                       Sebright, gold                        1218 1219 1220 1221

Softfeather - True                                                     Sebright, silver                      1222 1223 1224 1225

Belgian, Barbu d'Anvers, black        1058 1059 1060 1061              Softfeather, true, any other breed    1226 1227 1228 1229

Belgian, Barbu d'Anvers, lavender     1062 1063 1064 1065
Belgian, Barbu d'Anvers, mottled,
                                      1066 1067 1068 1069              OPEN EGG CLASSES
any colour
Belgian, Barbu d'Anvers, quail,
                                      1070 1071 1072 1073              SPECIAL REGULATIONS - EGG CLASSES
Belgian, Barbu d'Anvers, quail, any                                    Please refer to Special Regulations 36 to 46 for further
                                      1074 1075 1076 1077
other colour                                                           information.
Belgian, Barbu d'Anvers, any other
                                      1078 1079 1080 1081
Belgian, Barbu d'Uccle, black         1082 1083 1084 1085              STANDARD
Belgian, Barbu d'Uccle, millefleur    1086 1087 1088 1089              Six standard eggs, white                                        1241
Belgian, Barbu d'Uccle, mottled,
                                      1090 1091 1092 1093              Six standard eggs, brown                                        1242
any colour
Belgian, Barbu d'Uccle, porcelaine 1094 1095 1096 1097                 Six standard eggs, tinted                                       1243
Belgian, Barbu d'Uccle, blue          1098 1099 1100 1101              Six standard eggs, any other colour                             1244
Belgian, Barbu d’Uccle, splash        1102 1103 1104 1105              Champion Egg Plate Standard -
Belgian, Barbu d'Uccle, any other                                      Rosette and Prize Card will be awarded
                                  1106 1107 1108 1109
Belgian, Barbu de Watermael,
                                  1110 1111 1112 1113                  BANTAM
quail, any colour
Belgian, Barbu de Watermael, any                                       Six bantam eggs, white                                          1247
                                  1114 1115 1116 1117
other colour
                                                                       Six bantam eggs, brown                                          1248
Belgian Bantam, any other variety     1118 1119 1120 1121
Dutch, gold partridge                 1122 1123 1124 1125              Six bantam eggs, tinted                                         1249

Dutch, yellow partridge               1126 1127 1128 1129              Six bantam eggs, any other colour                               1250
Japanese, birchen                     1130 1131 1132 1133              Champion Egg Plate Bantam -
                                                                       Rosette and Prize Card will be awarded
Japanese, black tailed buff           1134 1135 1136 1137
Japanese, black tailed white          1138 1139 1140 1141              WATERFOWL
Japanese, brown red                   1142 1143 1144 1145              Six duck eggs, white                                            1254
Japanese, mottled                     1146 1147 1148 1149              Six duck eggs, green                                            1255
Japanese, plain self colour
                                      1150 1151 1152 1153              Four goose eggs, any colour                                     1256
(black, white, buff or blue)
Japanese, any other colour            1154 1155 1156 1157              Champion Egg Plate Waterfowl -
                                                                       Rosette and Prize Card will be awarded
Pekin, birchen or brown red           1158 1159 1160 1161
Pekin, black                          1162 1163 1164 1165
                                                                       MIXED PLATE
Pekin, blue                           1166 1167 1168 1169              Six eggs, mixed                                                 1260
Pekin, buff                           1170 1171 1172 1173              (E.G.: a mix of different egg types including, but
Pekin, cuckoo                         1174 1175 1176 1177              not limited to: Duck, Fowl, Goose, Guinea Fowl,
                                                                       Pheasant, Quail, Turkey, etc.)
Pekin, mottled                        1178 1179 1180 1181              Champion Egg Plate Mixed -
Pekin, partridge                      1182 1183 1184 1185              Rosette and Prize Card will be awarded

Pekin, white                          1186 1187 1188 1189
                                                                       CHAMPION EGG PLATE - OPEN CLASSES
Pekin, any other colour               1190 1191 1192 1193              Champion Egg Plate - Open Classes
Rosecomb, black                       1194 1195 1196 1197              Ribbon and Prize Card will be awarded

Rosecomb, blue                        1198 1199 1200 1201
Rosecomb, brown red                   1202 1203 1204 1205
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