Washington County Fair Premium Book 2019 - PREMIUM BOOK VALID FOR: July 23-28, 2019 Washington County Fair Park 3000 Hwy PV, West Bend, WI 53095

Page created by Danielle Juarez
Washington County Fair Premium Book 2019 - PREMIUM BOOK VALID FOR: July 23-28, 2019 Washington County Fair Park 3000 Hwy PV, West Bend, WI 53095
Washington County Fair
   Premium Book

           July 23-28, 2019

      Washington County Fair Park
   3000 Hwy PV, West Bend, WI 53095

                                      pg. 1
Washington County Fair Premium Book 2019 - PREMIUM BOOK VALID FOR: July 23-28, 2019 Washington County Fair Park 3000 Hwy PV, West Bend, WI 53095
2019 Premium Book Index
                  Department                  Page #                      Department                           Page #
Fair Park Information                           3         133 Jr. Youth Leadership / Self Determined          120-121
Admission Prices                                4         134 Jr. Social / Political Science                    122
Judging                                         5         1 Open Dairy Cattle                                   123
Staff & Committees                              6         2 Open Beef/Dual Purpose Livestock                  124-125
Exhibitor Instructions                         7-9        4 Open Sheep                                        126-127
Regulations for State Aid                     10-13       6 Open Draft Horses                                 128-130
Animal Health Regulations                     14-18       7 Open Poultry                                      131-137
Jr. Department General Rules                  18-20       8 Open Rabbits                                      138-140
Veterinarian Responsibilities                   20        11 Open Llamas/Alpacas                              141-142
Overnight Passes                                21        14 Open Plant & Soil Science                        143-148
Buy a Brick                                     22        15 Open Flowers & House Plants                      149-152
                                                          16 Open Natural Science                               153
101 Jr. Dairy Cattle                          23-25       18 Open Cultural Arts                               154-155
102 Jr. Beef/Dual Purpose Livestock           26-29       20 Open Photography                                 156-157
103 Jr. Swine                                 30-33       22 Open Woodworking                                   158
104 Jr. Sheep                                 34-37       24 Open Mechanical Projects                           159
105 Jr. Goats                                 38-40       25 Open Foods & Nutrition                           160-165
106 Jr. Horses/Ponies                         41-48       26 Open Clothing                                    166-167
107 Jr. Poultry                               49-56       27 Open Knitting Crocheting & Wool                  168-169
108 Jr. Rabbits                               57-62       28 Open Home Furnishings                            170-173
109 Jr. Dogs                                  63-64       32 Open Educational Exhibits                          174
110 Jr. Animal Vet Science                    65-68       40 Open Senior Citizens                             175-178
111 Jr. Llamas/Alpacas                        69-70       41 Open Project by Exhibitors                         179
                                                          With Special Needs
113 Jr. Cats                                    71

114 Jr. Plant & Soil Science                  72-75
115 Jr. Flowers & House Plants                76-77        Those participating in the WC Fair may request reasonable
116 Jr. Natural Science/Wild Life             78-84       accommodations for disabilities by contacting Kellie Boone
117 Jr. Exploring/Cloverbuds                  85-86       AIS Executive Director and Fair Manager at 262-677-5060 or
                                                          kboone@wcfairpark.com. At least on month in advance is
118 Jr. Cultural Arts                         87-89
                                                          suggested. Staff will follow up with participant as soon possible
120 Jr. Photography                           90-91       to discuss the requests for accommodation and will notify the
121 Jr. Computers                               92        appropriate County Fair Officials of accommodations that have
122 Jr. Woodworking                           93-94       been approved.
123 Jr. Electricity                           95-96
124 Jr. Mechanical Projects                   97-99            Fair Premium Book and Online Entering
125 Jr. Foods                                100-105
                                                                   available at www.wcfairpark.com
126 Jr. Clothing/Clothes Horse               106-109
127 Jr. Knitting/Crocheting/Wool Spinning    110-112
128 Jr. Home Environment/Quilting            113-114          Washington County Fair Park is not responsible
129 Jr. Child Development & Health             115               for any changes made to this book after
131 Jr. Communications/Demonstrations        116-117                          Publication.

132 Jr. Club Booths                          118-119

                                                                                                                              pg. 2
Washington County Fair Premium Book 2019 - PREMIUM BOOK VALID FOR: July 23-28, 2019 Washington County Fair Park 3000 Hwy PV, West Bend, WI 53095
Washington County
              Fair Dates

             July 23 – 28, 2019

Draft Horse Deadline is 6/14/19 NO EXCEPTIONS!

             Address:     3000 Hwy PV
                          West Bend WI 53095

             Phone:       262-677-5060 - Office

             Email:       kboone@wcfairpark.com

             Office Hours: Mon – Fri 8:00am - 4:30pm

                                                       pg. 3
Washington County Fair Premium Book 2019 - PREMIUM BOOK VALID FOR: July 23-28, 2019 Washington County Fair Park 3000 Hwy PV, West Bend, WI 53095
Admission Fees
                                 JUNIOR DEPARTMENT EXHIBITORS
                                          $8.00 Season Pass
                                  OPEN DEPARTMENT EXHIBITORS
                                         $20.00 Season Pass

                                          GENERAL ADMISSION
     Tuesday                       $3           (all ages no discounts)
     Wednesday                     $7           adults (13 and over)
                                   $5           seniors (60 and over)
                                   $4           youth (7-12 yrs.)
                                   Free         Military + 1 guest
     Thursday - Saturday           $10          adults (13 and over)
                                   $5           seniors (60 and over)
                                   $7           adults advance (prior to 7/12/19)
                                   $4           youth (7-12 yrs.)
     Sunday                        $7           adults (13 and over)
                                   $5           seniors (60 and over)
                                   $4           youth (7-12 yrs.)
                                           SEASON PASSES
     Adult                         $30
                                   $25             (prior to 7/12/19)
     Youth                         $14
                                   $12             (prior to 7/12/19)
     OC Exhibitors                 $20
     JR Exhibitors                 $8
     4-H/FFA Adult Vol.            $15             (Available only through UW Extension office)

                                           6 yrs. and under -- FREE

                               *These prices may change after publication*

                          GATES OPEN & ADMISSION IS CHARGED FROM:
                                     3:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. - Tuesday
                               8:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. Wednesday - Saturday
                                      8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. - Sunday
             Exhibitors being judged after gates open must have a wristband or admission ticket

The Washington County Agricultural & Industrial Society and the Washington County Education and Culture
Committee takes this opportunity to welcome you to the annual Washington County Fair. The Fair is held to
       encourage young people of the county to learn new skills in the process of becoming adults.
                               We extend a sincere invitation to all to attend.

                                                                                                      pg. 4
Danish Judging: This is the traditional system, in which all exhibits of the same division are presented
simultaneously to the judge. The judge evaluates each exhibit, but is permitted to give a maximum of 25%
ribbons within each color in each division. This style is used primarily on the animal departments and open
division entries.

Face-to-Face Judging: This form of judging allows more flexibility for judge and exhibitor. Youth bring their
projects to the judge within the allotted time, and talk to the judge about their exhibit. Based on the variables
from the “face-to-face” discussion, the judge awards the ribbon and premium which he/she believes is
appropriate. This style is used in junior division departments exhibited in the Ziegler Family Exposition Center.

Premium Listings:
1st Blue      = Excellent
2 Red         = Very Good
3rd White     = Good
4 Pink        = Needs Improvement

   1. Exhibits in any department must be worthy, in the estimations of the judge, to qualify for a prize.
   2. Not more than one premium will be awarded any exhibitor upon any one prize number.
   3. Any person residing in Washington County is eligible to enter Open Departments. Junior Department
       exhibitors must be a member of a recognized youth group.
   4. Any exhibitor who shall attempt to interfere with deliberations or decisions of the judges will be
       excluded from competition in that division.
   5. Any person making a false entry will forfeit premium.
   6. All judging will be done by qualified judges registered with the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture,
       Trade and Consumer Protection.
   7. The report of the judges must be made out and returned to the Manager’s Office at the completion of the
       Department Judging.
   8. No person Except the Manager and Assistants will be allowed to examine the entry books until after the
       awards have been made.
   9. All premiums, both regular and special, are the absolute property of the Washington County Ag &
       Industrial Society, and will be paid as such.
   10. All articles competing for premiums will be under the control of the Superintendent and must not be
       removed from the grounds until after the last say except by written permission of the Fair Manager.
       Failure to abide by this rule, exhibitor forfeits all premiums.
   11. No articles shall compete for more than one premium unless as part of a collection, nor will premiums
       be awarded when articles are not worthy in the estimation of the judges, even though there will be no

                                                                                                              pg. 5

                                  BOARD OF DIRECTORS

Kathy Broske                        Roger Kist                Richard Roembke
Phil Dahlberg                       Chris Miller              Jim Schwalen
Daniel Dineen                       Carroll Merry             William Symicek
Rick Gundrum                        Marilyn Merten            Colette Troeller
Aaron Jambura                       Tracy Oestreich           Anthony Warren
Carrie Kasubaski                    Robbie Robrahn


Executive Director/Fair Manager                         Kellie Boone
Accounting Manager                                      Angela Schickert
Buildings & Grounds Manager                             Ray Schowalter
Marketing Coordinator                                   Cassie Wimer
Event Coordinator                                       Suzanne Fischer
Event Coordinator                                       Dakota Steger
Administrative Assistant                                Morgan Miller

                                   UW EXTENSION STAFF

Cooperative Extension Service Area Extension Director   Cindy Sarkady
4-H Youth Development Educator                          Amy Mangan-Fischer
Family Living Educator                                  Carol Bralich
Agriculture/Agri-Business Educator                      Steph Plaster
Community Development Educator                          Paul Roback
Nutrition Education Coordinator                         Renee Vertin

                                                                                 pg. 6
                   All entries and payments must be turned in to the Fair Park office by July 1st
                                         CLASS BY AN EXHIBITOR

   1. All entry forms must be received 4:30pm on Monday, July 1st. Entry forms can be dropped off in the
      Fair Park Office or be submitted online at www.wcfairpark.com. Entry forms will not be accepted after
      this date.
   2. All entry forms must include exhibitor name, complete address, department entered, the division and
      class number, and fair premium book description. If not completed in full, the entry may be eliminated.
      Junior Class MUST enter Club Name or Organization Name, Grade, and age.
   3. All entries must be made as indicated in the premium list.
   4. An error on an entry form may result in a loss of premium.
   5. Everyone, exhibitors included, will need a season wristband or admission ticket to enter the Fair after
      the gates open.

                                           RECYCLING FEE (per animal)
  A recycling fee will be charged for each animal exhibited in the Pleasure, Draft Horse, Dairy, Beef, Llama,
      Sheep, Swine, Goat, Rabbits and Poultry Departments. Absolutely no refunds on recycling fees.
                      Dairy, Beef, Llamas          $4.00 per animal
                      Sheep, Swine, Goats          $2.00 per animal
                      Poultry and Rabbits          $0.75 per animal
                      Horse (Pleasure)             $5.00 per horse
                      Horse (Draft)                $10.00 per slip stall
                                                   $15.00 per box stall
                                                   $20.00 per tack stall

Exhibitor Code of Conduct Rules:
   1. Adhere to rules and policies outlined in Washington County Fair Premium Book
   2. Conduct yourself in a courteous and respectful manner
   3. Use appropriate language, exhibit good sportsmanship and provide a positive role model
   4. Comply with local, state and federal laws
   5. Respect others’ property and privacy rights
   6. Abstain from any type of abuse- physical, emotional, harassment, hazing and bullying
   7. Accept personal responsibility for behavior
   8. Adhere to safety rules
Consequences for violations of Code of Conduct:
   1. Removal from exhibiting at the Fair up to and including removal from the fairgrounds
   2. Forfeiture or repayment of fees and damages
   3. Sanctions on participating in future years
   4. A representative from the County Fair (Director or Fair Committee Chair), a member of the Non-Animal
      Committee or Livestock Committee and UWEX Staff Member (if youth exhibitor) will meet with the
      exhibitor to inform them of the consequence. If the exhibitor is in Junior Class, a parent or guardian will
      be notified.
   5. A written letter outlining the decision will be mailed within 10 business days of the last day of the
      County Fair.

                                                                                                            pg. 7
DISQUALIFICATION PROCESS (Junior and Open Class Exhibits)
I. General Process:
       A. The work of the exhibit must be done by the Exhibitor.
       B. If the Exhibitor enters an exhibit which he/she has not made, or in the case of an animal, cared for,
       the exhibit will be disqualified.
       C. The exhibit may be disqualified by the judge during the judging process or by a respective
       department at any time during the Fair.
       D. Premiums for all exhibits the Exhibitor has exhibited in that year will be forfeited.
       E. The exhibit will be removed from the Washington County Fair.
       F. A representative from the Non-Animal Committee or Livestock Committee, County Fair Staff, and
       UWEX Staff Member (if youth Exhibitor) will meet with the Exhibitor to inform them of the
       G. A verbal disqualification will be given to the Exhibitor. If the Exhibitor is in Junior Class, a parent or
       guardian will be notified.
       H. A written letter outlining the decision will be mailed to the Exhibitor within 10 business days
       of the last day of the County Fair. If the Exhibitor is in Open Class, the decision will be sent by the
       AIS Board and/or Fair Park Staff. If the Exhibitor is a Junior Class Exhibitor, the letter will be sent by
       UWEX and Fair Park Staff.

For a second infraction/disqualification, the Exhibitor will be disqualified from exhibiting at the Washington
County Fair for two years. If a third infraction/disqualification occurs, the Exhibitor will not be allowed to
exhibit at the Washington County Fair.

II. Appeals Process:
        A. The Exhibitor has the right to appeal the written decision.
        B. The Exhibitor shall submit their written request to appeal within 10 business days of the date of the
written decision to the following:

       -   If the Exhibitor is in Open Class – to the AIS Board whose address is:
                                 AIS: Washington County Ag & Industrial Society
                                                   3000 Hwy PV
                                           West Bend, Wisconsin 53095
       -   If the Exhibitor is in Junior Class – to the AIS Board and UWEX Office, whose addresses are:
                                 AIS: Washington County Ag & Industrial Society
                                                   3000 Hwy PV
                                           West Bend, Wisconsin 53095
                                    UWEX: University of Wisconsin Extension
                                       333 E. Washington Street. Suite 1200
                                           West Bend, Wisconsin 53095

       -   For Non-Animal Exhibits: The Appeals Committee will consist of three members from the Non-
           Animal Committee. One alternate will be named.
       -   Livestock Exhibits: The Appeals Committee will consist of three member from the Livestock
           Committee. One alternate will be named.
       -   The AIS Board may appoint additional members if they deem necessary.

        C. The Appeals Committee will review the written Decision and the exhibitor’s written request to
appeal, with any supporting documentation, to make their determination. Their determination shall also be in
writing, sent to the Exhibitor and shall be final. There shall be no further appeal.

                                                                                                                pg. 8

 Poultry                                        Monday           5:00pm – 8:00pm
                                                Tuesday          8:00am – 12:00pm
 Rabbits                                        Monday           5:00pm – 8:00pm
                                                Tuesday          8:00am – 12:00pm
 Beef, Sheep, Swine                             Tuesday          10:00am – 12:30pm
 Dairy                                          Tuesday          2:00pm – 6:00pm
 Goats                                          Tuesday          2:00pm
 Pleasure Horses                                Tuesday          12:00pm – 8:00pm
 Draft Horses                                 Wednesday &        Must be in place by 12:00pm (noon) Thursday
 Llamas                                        Wednesday         7:00am – 9:00am
                                               *Times are subject to change*

For all other projects, please see the respective department in the Fair Premium Book for entry information and
judging times.

All animals must be identified (ear tag or health papers, tattoo) with Department Superintendent before being
unloaded. Health papers will be kept on file during the Fair in the Livestock Office and turned over to the Fair
Office to maintain for a 5 year period. Failure to abide by this rule will result in immediate removal of animals
from grounds and forfeiture of show rights.


    1. Pick up your exhibitor tickets in the Fair Park Office until the Friday before the Fair begins. Starting
       Monday of Fair week, pick up will be in the Ziegler Building lobby.
    2. Take your exhibitor tags and exhibits to the appropriate department area.
    3. The superintendent will attach the exhibit tag(s) to the exhibit and put your exhibit in place after being
    4. It is understood that the exhibitor shows the display at his/her own risk, and that neither Washington
       County Fair nor Washington County is liable to any extent for any damage the exhibitor’s display may
    5. In order to show livestock at the Washington County Fair, an exhibitor must be 9 years old or older as of
       January 1st of the current Fair year. The only exception to this rule is for those that choose to show in
       Little Squealers, Little Shepherds, and/or Half Pint/Little Britches.

                                           RELEASE INFORMATION

 Draft Horses                               Sunday                                6:00pm
 All Livestock Exhibits                     Sunday                                7:00pm
 All other Junior Exhibits                  Sunday (ONLY)                         7:00pm – 9:00pm
 All Open Division Exhibits                 Sunday                                7:00pm – 9:00pm
                                            Monday                                8:00am – 4:30pm

Open Division Exhibits will be kept at Fair Park for one week. Exhibits will be disposed of if not picked up
within this time.

                                    OTHER IMPORTANT INFORMATION
Barns will be closed from 10:00 pm to 6:00 am. Any exceptions to entering the barns during these hours is at the
discretion of the Superintendent.
                                                                                                                   pg. 9
             Changes made are in compliance with the WI. Dept. of Ag and Consumer Protection.

                                          CHAPTER ATCP 160
                               WI. AG, TRADE & CONSUMER PROTECTION
                                           SUBCHAPTER 1
                              CENERAL REQUIREMENTS AND DEFINITIONS

ATCP160.01 DEFINITIONS. As used in the Chapter:
  1. “Class” means a grouping in which exhibits may be entered, including an animal breed or age group for
     animal exhibits; a type of produce, crop or food; or a specific age, age group or educational grade level
     of exhibitor.
  2. “Department” as it relates to the organizational structure of a fair, mean an animal species, production
     group, or other principal classification of exhibits. As used in any other context, “department” means the
     State of Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection.
  3. “Division” means one of three exhibitor group classifications for a fair and is limited to Junior
     Divisions, Open Division and Senior Citizens Division.
  4. “Lot” or “lot number” means the numerical designation assigned by a local fair a specific category if
     exhibits within a class.
  5. “Premium” means a monetary prize that a county fair awards to an exhibitor after judging all competing
     exhibits in the class too which the premium pertains.

ATCP160.02 PREMIUM REQUIREMENTS. (1) GENERAL. (a) the state aid authorized by s.93.23(1), Stats,
may be paid only on net premiums, which consists of total premiums paid less total entry fees received. The
department may withhold state aid from any fair which does not enforce the animal health provisions required
under ch.ATCP10. for all classes of livestock exhibited at the fair. State aid will be paid only on premiums
actually paid by bank check or draft.
(b) No deductions may be made from premium money won by an exhibitor. Premiums may, however, be
withheld where exhibition rules established by the fair association are violated. A written statement of violation
shall be submitted to the department to justify action taken by a local fair.
(c) Premiums offered shall be definite in amount, No decrease or increase in published premiums may be made
because of the financial condition of the organization or for any other reason.
(d) State aid may be paid on no more than 2 premiums awarded an exhibitor under one premium or lot number
in Open Division individual livestock classes, except poultry and rabbits, and no more than one premium in all
other calluses, including poultry and rabbits.
(e) No county or district fair may receive state aid for premium awarded to any exhibitor in the Open Division if
that exhibitor entered the same exhibit in the Junior Division at the same county or district fair. This paragraph
does not apply if the exhibit was entered in the Junior Division only as part of a herd group, carcass class or
performance class.
(f) No state aid will be paid on the cost of ribbons, cups, trophy prizes or entertainment contests.
(2) PREMIUM LISTS. (a) Premiums for which state aid is requested by county and district fairs shall conform
with uniform premium lists and other requirements set forth in these rules. Fairs requesting state aid for net
premiums shall submit to the department a printed copy of the premium list used at the fair, as required under s.
ATCP160.92 (3)(d).

(b) The officers of each fair shall mail a copy of the premium list to other associations, societies, or boards
conducting a fair in Wisconsin upon request.
(c) Sections ATCP160.01 through 160.07 and 160.91 shall be published in premium books used by a fair for
which state aid is requested.
(3) ENTRY FEES. (a) A county fair may charge an exhibitor an entry fee. Entry fees may not exceed 10% of
the sum of all premiums offered to exhibitors in the same class for which the entry fee is charged. In lieu of an
                                                                                                             pg. 10
entry fee, a county fair may charge stall rents for horses, cattle, sheep, goats, swine, poultry, rabbits or pets.
Stall rents shall not exceed $1.50 per single stall or animal or $3.00 per box stall for horses; $1.00 per single
stall or animal or $2.00 per box stall for cattle; or $.50 per animal or $2.00 per pen for swine, goats or sheep. A
standard pen for swine, goats or sheep is approximately 16-20 square feet.

(4) SPLIT FAIR DATES. No state aid may be paid to fairs having split dates, unless prior written approval is
granted by the department. Extreme hardship must be established by the fair organization before approval can
be granted. A split date is one where exhibits or contests are judged, and premiums paid at more than one time
or at more than one location during the current year. When split dates are approved, all blue ribbon winners
shall be required to repeat their demonstration or exhibit at the regular fair dates, unless exempted by the
department in hardship cases. The repeated demonstration or exhibit may be presented through the use of
audiovisual media, still photography or an educational display. Split date approval may not be required for
clothing revue, demonstration, favorite foods revue, or dogs and small animals.

ATCP160.03 EXHIBITION REQUIREMENTS. A county or district fair shall meet all of the exhibition
requirements of this section to be eligible for state premium aid.

(1) No fair society or other organization sponsoring a county or district fair shall require an exhibitor to become
a member of the organization in order to enter an exhibit at the fair, nor shall the sponsoring organization make
any deduction from an exhibitor’s premium as a donation to the fair society, or require an exhibitor in any other
way to make a donation to the society.

(2) State aid may not be approved for out-of-state exhibits or for separate classed of local and nonlocal
exhibitors. Aid may not be approved for payment of premiums to an exhibitor having an out-of-state address but
claiming Wisconsin residency unless the fair secretary provides the department with an affidavit that the
exhibitor’s residence is geographically located within the state.

(3) State aid may be paid only on articles or animals actually on display in an exhibit building or actually shown
in the show ring on regular fair dates unless approval for split fair dates is obtained under s. ATCP160.023 (4).
State aid may not be paid on Dairy Herd Improvement Association records, transportation aid, production
contests or other special educational exhibits unless prior approval is obtained under s. STCP160.04(8).

State aid may not be paid on exhibits removed from the fairgrounds before 8pm of the last day of the fair, or
such other later time as may be specified by the fair, without prior approval of the department. Authority for
earlier removal may be granted by the department in case of meat animal sales or other special classes, if
requested before the beginning of the fair. In other hardship cases, approval may be granted by the local fair.
Exhibits in dog obedience and small animal pet classes may be judged during the regular fair but are not
required to remain present during the entire fair. The local fair may prescribe the length of time junior fair
Exhibitors of horses shall keep their animals on the grounds.

ATCP160.04 JR FAIR DIVISION; GENERAL REQUIREMENTS (1) AGE. In the Junior fair division, state
aid will be paid on prizes offered to exhibitors who are 8-19 years of age on January 1 of the current fair year,
except for exhibitors under ss.ATCP160.65(1) and 160.80 who may be 5-8years of age on January 1 of the
current fair year. State aid will not be paid on prizes for club parades, club floats, song contests, or project
which is not an exhibit or demonstration at the fair.

(2) All exhibitors in the junior fair division shall be members of 4-H, FFA, FHA-HERO, Wisconsin Jr. Polled
Hereford Association, scouting programs, breed groups or any other recognized youth organization under adult
leadership and with an education program approved by the local fair.
(3) Exhibits in the junior fair shall be a result of the exhibitor’s own labor and may include a study, merit, or
other special project, a skill area or a supervised occupational experience in which the exhibitor is regularly
                                                                                                               pg. 11
(4) State aid may be used for the payment of no more than one premium awarded an exhibitor under any one
premium or lot number in the Junior fair division, except when awarded as part of a group in livestock exhibits
or in showmanship.

(5) Premiums in the educational department shall be paid directly to the exhibitor who made the exhibit and not
to the school or teacher, except for group premiums offered to inter-school competitive classes. No aid may be
paid on education department premiums unless a complete list of exhibitors and a complete set of judges’ sheets
for the education department, similar to those required in other departments, is filed with the department. All
educational exhibits shall be displayed at the fair regardless of whether they are judged prior to or at the fair.

(6) If 16 or more animals, items or articles are entered in any junior class, the class may be divided into 2 or
more approximately equal groups according to weight, age or other identifying characteristic and each group
judged as a class.

(7) Special educational exhibits may be established if the proposal is presented to the Wisconsin association of
fairs before October 1 of the year preceding its proposed establishment and the exhibit is approved by the

(8) Within any junior fair department under sub Ch. IV, a county or district fair may establish special classes
where none are specified under sub Ch. IV. Special classes may include classes for grade and crossbred females
in the beef, swine, sheep and horse departments. Premiums for special classes created under this subsection
shall be equal to premiums for comparable classes established in the same department under sub Ch. IV.

ATCP160.05 OPEN DIVISION; GENERAL REQUIREMENTS. (1) The total maximum premiums set forth
for all places in any open division livestock class, excluding poultry and rabbits, may be divided into premiums
for a greater number of places, but the maximum premium offered for any additional place shall not be higher
than the maximum for last place in the class.

(2) State aid for premiums awarded for horses in open division classes shall be limited to horses which are
owned by the exhibitor.

(3) All animals in any open division class shall be owned by the exhibitor, except as provided in s.

ATCP160.06 SR. CITIZENS DIVISION; GENERAL REQUIREMENTS. (1) The age of exhibitors in the
Senior Citizens Division is limited to persons 62 years of age or over.

(2) Exhibitors in the Senior Citizens Division may not enter identical items or articles in both the Senior
Citizens Division and in the corresponding classes in the regular Open Division

ATCP160.07 CLASSES; GENERAL REQUIREMENTS. (1) Classes may be combined if the number of entries
in several single classes is insufficient. If any classes are combined, state aid shall be limited to the maximum
total premiums listed for a single class of animals, items or articles in that department.

(2) (a) Except as provided under par. (b), no county fair may receive state aid for premiums awarded for
sexually intact male dairy cattle, beef cattle, sheep, swine or horses unless those animals are registered
purebreds. Registered purebred stats shall be documented by a certificate of registry for the appropriate breed
association or society, or by a copy of the application for registration. (b) Paragraph (a) does not apply to dairy
cattle exhibited at a county fair if a national breed association certifies that those dairy cattle are recorded in that
breed association’s qualified herd which records the genealogy of that breed.

(3) Any animal entered as part of a group class may also be exhibited in a class for individual animals.
                                                                                                                  pg. 12
(4) Boars may not be entered as an exhibit in the swine department unless their tusks have been removed.


(1) Judging shall be done at county and district fairs by individuals who are registered with the department and
who have knowledge, training or experience in the specific class or classes to be judged as determined by the
department. Judging shall be done in accordance with the requirements of s. Ag 5.92(3) (a). In no case shall any
person who is an officer or director of a fair be eligible to judge exhibits at such fair; nor shall any person
interested directly or indirectly articles or animals in that department.

(2) Each judge at a county fair, shall be provided with a copy of the premium book or list of entry classes at
least 7 days prior to the opening date of the fair.

(3) No animal/article, irrespective of the number of entries in the class in which it is entered, shall be awarded a
higher rating than its merit would entitle, in comparison to the standard of perfection in the class.

(4) (a) No state aid will be paid on premiums awarded under the Danish system in any classes except in the
junior and the educational departments.

(b) When classes in the Junior and educational departments are judged according to the Danish system, 4 group
placings shall be awarded in any class. When there are less than 8 exhibitors in the class, there shall not be more
than 2 in the first group, not more than 4 in the first 2 groups and not more than 6 in the first 3 groups. If there
are 8 or more entries in the class, there shall not be more than 25% in the first group, not more than 50% in the
first 2 groups, and not more than 75% in the first 3 groups.

(c) The number of awards in the last group placing may be increased to the extent necessary to give awards to
all exhibitors.

                                                                                                               pg. 13
Animal Health Regulations for Fairs and Shows in Wisconsin:
                                                             2019 Season
This is a summary of animal health requirements for fairs, shows and exhibitions only. They are not necessarily the same as
requirements for importing animals in Wisconsin or moving them within the state for other purposes. They may change if animal
diseases occur in Wisconsin or elsewhere, so you should always check our website or contact us for current information.
Ref. s. ATCP 10.87, Wis. Admin. Code

                                     GENERAL REQUIREMENTS FOR SHOW ORGANIZERS
All Fairs or Exhibitions of any length must obtain, review, and keep five years all required records and test results:
      Exhibitor’s name and address
      Animal identification (number, type, description)
      Documents showing compliance with disease testing and other health requirements
      Livestock premises numbers, if any, where animal originated
      If requested by the Fair or show organizer, the documentation showing legal importation (if applicable) and movement to the
      Fairs or Exhibitions lasting more than 24 hours must appoint a licensed vegetarian to inspect all animals daily and review the
         above required records.
Animals that show evidence of having contagious or infectious diseases may not be commingled (or housed/kept) with other
animals at the Fair, show or other Exhibition in such a way as to allow disease to spread. Such animals should not attend the Fair,
Show, or Exhibition. Animals may be denied entry if they arrive at these events with contagious or infectious diseases, isolated and/or
removed if they develop disease after arriving, or be subject to other actions as would be necessary to control diseases.
Bovine animals with ringworm, mange, warts or scab will be removed from the Fair or Exhibition premises, unless the veterinarian
in charge finds wart or ringworm lesions are incapable of transmitting disease.

                                                          CATTLE and BISON
Cattle from within Wisconsin have no requirements for tests or health documents.
Cattle from outside Wisconsin must:
      Be accompanied by certificate of veterinary inspection (CVI or health certificate) documenting official animal ID and all
         required tests and certifications.
      Have a least one form of official individual ID (including steers)
      Meet all of Wisconsin’s normal requirements for import (see https://datcp.wi.fov/Pages/Programs Services/CattleBison.aspx)
Acceptable animal ID’s for all cattle from outside Wisconsin
      USDA metal ear tag number that is part of the National Uniform Eartagging System (NUES) (starts with state 2-digit code,
         also known as “brite” tag); this includes that orange brucellosis vaccination tag
      15-digit “840” tags (visual or RFID)
      Valid only if applied before March 11, 2015:
              o Manufacturer-coded RFID tag – 15-digit number with the first three digits in 900s
              o American ID tag – 8 to 12-digit number prefaced with “USA”
Brucellosis requirements for cattle from outside Wisconsin
No cattle from outside Wisconsin are currently required to be brucellosis tested or vaccinated to cone the Fairs and Shows in
Tuberculosis requirements for cattle from outside Wisconsin
For requirements by state, see: https://datcp.wi.gov/Pages/Programs Services/CattleBison.aspx
Cattle from Michigan’s Modified Accredited Zone (for cattle from Michigan’s TB Free Zone, see requirements by state above)
also need:
      Import permit
      To originate from a herd that has a negative whole-herd TB test within 12 months before arrival in Wisconsin that includes
         all animals 1 year and older
      Negative individual TB test within 60 days before entering Wisconsin
      To return directly to the state of origin after the show, and there must be a statement on the CVI that they will be doing so.
For information on obtaining an import permit:
      Online https://datcp.wi.gov/Pages/Programs Services/AnimalMovementPermits.aspx
      Email DATCPAnimalImports@wi.gov
      Call 608-224-4872
Cattle from Canada must meet current federal requirements to enter the United States. (See
https://www.aphis.usda.gov/regulations/vs/iregs/animals/downloads/pro imp cattle bison NOV 17.pdf)
Requirements are subject to change as conditions warrant. For current information, check https://datcp.wi.gov/Pages/Programs

                                                                                                                                 pg. 14
Swine from within Wisconsin need a Wisconsin intrastate certificate of veterinary inspection (CVI or health certificate):
      Stating that the entire herd of origin was inspected on the farm within 30 days before the show and showed no signs of
      Non-terminal Exhibitors: All swine must have a PRRS (Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome) and SECD
          (Swine Enteric Coronavirus Disease) test of the herd of origin within 90 days of the exhibition.
      Terminal Exhibitions: No testing requirements
Note: Terminal Exhibitions are those at which the swine go directly from the fair/show to the slaughtering establishment OR to a
slaughter only market sale. If going to a slaughter only market sale, contact the Division of Animal Health fair inspector for required
information to collect.
Swine from outside Wisconsin need a certificate of veterinary inspection that includes the following:
      The negative results of the PRRS test from the swine’s herd of origin conducted within 90 days prior to movement into
          Wisconsin including test date, type, and results.
      The negative results of the PEDv test from the swine’s her of origin conducted within 90 days prior to movement into
          Wisconisin including test date, type, and results.
      A statement that the veterinarian has inspected the entire herd of origin within the past 30 days and that no clinical signs of
          PRRS and PEDv or any other apparent diseases was present at the time of inspection
      Official individual identification (ID)
Acceptable methods of ID for swine are:
      USDA silver ear tag
      USDA 840 ear tag, either visual or RFID
      Breed association tattoo if the pig is a purebred and the tattoo is registered
      An ear tag with the premises identification number and a unique identifier
      Ear notch if the pig is a purebred and the notch is registered
Requirements are subject to change as conditions warrant. For current information and for PRRS and PEDv testing options, check
https://datcp.wi.gov/Pages/Programs Services/SwineMovement.aspx

                                                          SHEEP and GOATS
Note: These rules do not apply for non-domestic sheep and goats. For these animals see the section on Exotic ruminants below.
Sheep and goats from within Wisconsin need:
      If sexually intact, need official individual identification (ID) at any age
      If not sexually intact, need official individual ID if they are 12 months or older
      Official ID includes scrapie ear tags or tattoos. USDA 840 ear tag, approved microchips of a reader is available and if
         accompanied by registration papers in the owner’s name, or breed association tattoo if accompanied by registration papers in
         the owner’s name
      Cannot be under restriction for movement to fairs and shows
Sheep and goats from outside Wisconsin need:
      Certificate of veterinary inspection (CVI or health certificate) and official individual ID: scrapie ear tags or tattoos, USDA
         840 ear tag, approved microchips if a reader is available and if accompanied by breed registration papers in the owner’s
         name, or breed association tattoo if accompanied by registration papers on the owner’s name.
Goats from Michigan’s TB Modified Accredited Zone also need:
      Import permit
      To originate from a herd that has a negative whole-herd TB test within 12 months before arrival in Wisconsin that includes
         all animals 1 year and older
      Negative individual TB test within 60 days before entering Wisconsin
      To return directly to the state of origin after the show, and there must be a statement of the CVI that they will be doing so
For information on obtaining an import permit:
      Online https://datcp.wi.gov/Pages/Programs Services/AnimalMovementPermits.aspx
      Email DATCPAnimalImports@wi.gov
      Call 608-224-4872
Requirements are subject to change as conditions warrant. For current information, check https://datcp.wi.gov/Pages/Programs

Equine animals from within Wisconsin need documentation of a negative EIA test done within the previous 12 months, which
clearly identifies the animal by complete description, digital photographs, or an approved microchip (if a reader is available). No test
is needed for nursing foals accompanying negative dams. Documentation may be:
      Official test report VS 10-11, or
      USDA-approved electronic test form, or
      Global Vet Link EIA electronic form, or
      Certificate of veterinary inspection with the test results listed
                                                                                                                                   pg. 15
Equine animals from outside Wisconsin need:
     Certificate of veterinary inspection (CVI or health certificate) which clearly identifies the animal by complete description,
         digital photographs, or an approved microchip
     Negative EIA test done within previous 12 months that is reported on the CVI
     No EIA test is needed for nursing foals accompanying negative dams
Equines from Minnesota are exempt from the CVI requirement if:
     Ownership does not change while the animal is in Wisconsin
     The animal remains in Wisconsin no longer than 7 days
     Proof of a negative EIA test in previous 12 months accompanies the animal
Requirements are subject to change as conditions warrant. For current information, check https://datcp.wi.gov/Pages/Programs

South American camelids from within Wisconsin have no requirements.
South American camelids from outside Wisconsin must have a certificate of veterinary inspection (CVI or health certificate) and
official individual identification (ID). Official ID may be:
      Approved USDA ear tag number
      Microchip number
      Breed association registration number
      Breed association tattoo
Requirements are subject to change as conditions warrant. For current information, check https://datcp.wi.gov/Pages/Programs

                                                      EXOTIC RUMINANTS
Note: Exotic ruminants are ruminants that are not native to Wisconsin, and are not cervids – for example, Old World camels, yaks,
water buffalo, pronghorn antelope, giraffes, and non-domestic sheep and goats. In addition, please contact your county and local
municipality for any restrictions.
Exotic ruminants from within Wisconsin have no requirements.
Exotic ruminants from outside Wisconsin must have
     Certificate of veterinary inspection (CVI or health certificate)
     Official individual identification (ID) (one of the following)
         o Approved USDA ear tag number
         o Microchip number
         o Breed association registration number
         o Breed association tattoo
     Import permit
     Proof written on the CVI that they meet requirements for:
         o Tuberculosis (TB) – negative test required within 60 days before entry
         o Brucellosis – negative test required within 30 days before entry
Please call 608-224-4872 beforehand to determine which TB test to use.

For information on obtaining an import permit:
      Online https://datcp.wi.gov/Pages/Programs Services/Animal/MovementPermits.aspx
      Email DATCPAnimalImports@wi.gov
      Call 608-224-4872
Requirements are subject to change as conditions warrant. For current information, check https://datcp.wi.gov/Pages/Programs

                                                   POULTRY AND WATERFOWL
                                      (Pigeons are not considered poultry for Fairs and Shows)
Poultry and Waterfowl from within Wisconsin need:
    A NPIP certificate stating that the birds originate from a US pullorum-typhoid clean or NPIP affiliated flock and turkeys
        must test negative for Mycoplasma gallisepticum, or
    A DATCP-issued certificate stating they are from a Wisconsin Tested or Associate Flock and turkeys must test negative for
        Mycoplasma galliseptirum
    Individually test sexually mature birds within 90 days before arrival at the show. These birds also need wing or leg band
        identification (ID). All birds must test negative for pullorum-typhoid, and turkeys must test negative for Mycoplasma

                                                                                                                                pg. 16
Poultry and Waterfowl from outside Wisconsin need a certificate of veterinary inspection or equivalent (such as form VS-9-3) that
      They originate from a flock classified pullorum-typhoid clean under NPIP or an equivalent state program and turkeys for
          Mycoplasma gallisepticum, or
      If they are sexually mature, that they have tested negative for pullorum-typhoid (and Mycoplasma gallisepticum for turkeys)
          within 90 days before arrival at the show. These birds also need wing or leg band ID.
Not Required:
      Import permit number
Requirements are subject to change as conditions warrant. For current information, check
https://datcp.wi.gov/Pages/Programs Services/PoultryMovement.aspx.

                         (Ferrets, pet birds, rabbits, gerbils, guinea pigs, hamsters, domestic mice and rats)
Note: For animals that are part of menageries, see also rules below for menageries. Pot-bellied and miniature pigs fall under rules
for swine. Dog hybrids, domestic cat hybrids, or exotic small cat species such as servals fall under rules for Exotic small animals.
Native wild animals and birds, including raptors, and captive wild animals such as raccoons, opossums, and skunks fall under rules
for wild animals.
Dogs from within Wisconsin that are 5 months or older need proof of current rabies vaccination.
Cats and other household pet from within Wisconsin have no requirements.
Dogs and cats from outside Wisconsin that are 5 months or older need to be vaccinated for rabies by a licensed veterinarian, and
regardless of age, need certificates of veterinary inspection (CVIs or health certificates) stating the age of the animal and for animals 5
months and older the date of last rabies vaccination and revaccination due date.
Other household pets from outside Wisconsin need certificates of veterinary inspection (CVIs or health certificates) but have no
testing or vaccination requirements.
Small animals from other nations need to meet requirements of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (608-662-0600) and
Centers for Disease Control (1-800-232-4636).
Requirements are subject to change as conditions warrant. For current information, check
https://datcp.wi.gov/Pages/Programs Services/PetMovement.aspx.

                                                    EXOTIC SMALL ANIMALS
                  (Any species not covered by “small animals” above) Exotic large animals, and other wild animals
Note: Local jurisdictions may have requirements beyond the state requirements listed here.
Animals from within Wisconsin do not have any requirements as long as they are legally possessed in Wisconsin.
Animals from outside Wisconsin generally have no testing or vaccination requirements, but do need:
      Certificate of veterinary inspection (CVI or health certificate)
      Import permit number
Note: Some animals may not be brought to Wisconsin. These are North American prairie dogs and the following African species:
tree squirrels, rope squirrels, dormice, Gambian giant pouched rats, brush-trailed porcupines and striped mice. Some animals may
require permits front he Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. See http://dnr.wi.gov
For information on obtaining an import permit:
      Online https://datcp.wi.gov/Pages/Programs Services/AnimalMovement.aspx.
      Email DATCP AnimalImports@wi.gov
      Call 608-224-4872
Requirements are subject to change as conditions warrant. For current information, check
https://datcp.wi.gov/Pages/Programs Services/PetMovement.aspx.

                                    CIRCUS, RODEO, RACING AND MENAGERIE ANIMALS
Note: Local jurisdictions may have requirements beyond the state requirements listed here.
Animals from within Wisconsin must meet vaccination and testing requirements for their species. See these requirements earlier in
this document.
Animals from outside Wisconsin need certificates of veterinary inspection (CVIs or health certificates) and vaccinations and tests
required for their species. See these requirements earlier in this document.

They also need permit numbers if they are:
     Circuses and individual circus acts
     Rodeo stock other than individual participants’ horses
     Multi-species menageries (defined as any animals kept in a collection primarily for purposes of exhibition or competition)
     Petting zoos
They do not need import permit number of they are:
     Rodeo horses owned by individual participants
     Single-species groups
Note: Some animals may not be brought to Wisconsin. These are North American prairie dogs and the following African species:
                                                                                                                              pg. 17
tree squirrels, rope squirrels, dormice, Gambian giant pouched rats, brush-trailed porcupines and striped mice. Some animals may
require permits front he Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. See http://dnr.wi.gov/topic/wildlifehabitat/captive.html
For information on obtaining an import permit:
      Online https://datcp.wi.gov/Pages/Programs Services/AnimalMovemenPermitst.aspx.
      Email DATCP AnimalImports@wi.gov
      Call 608-224-4872
Requirements are subject to change as conditions warrant. For current information, check
https://datcp.wi.gov/Pages/Programs Services/CircusesRodeosMenageries.aspx.

The State Veterinarian Recommends that exhibitors:
     Vaccinate breeding cattle against bovine viral diarrhea (BVD) at least 30 days before the event
     Test cattle for BVD-PI by immunoperoxidase test, and bring them to shows only if they test negative
     Test cattle for Johne’s diseases by ELISA test, and bring them to shows only if they test negative
     Clean and disinfect vehicles used to transport animals to and from the show, and vehicles used at the show, before and after
     Isolate exhibited animals returning to their farms or animals purchased at the show for 21 days before mingling them with
        other stock
The State Veterinarian recommends that show organizers:
     House cattle separately from South American camelids and other exotic ruminants
     House cattle separately from small ruminants, especially sheep
     House ostriches, emus, rheas and cassowaries separately from domestic poultry
     House swine separately from any other mammals
     Include a space for the premises registration code on livestock entry forms
     Provide hand-washing stations near all livestock facilities
     Provide individual watering and feeding troughs rather than common ones.

                                               JUNIOR FAIR DIVISION GENERAL RULES

    1.   The exhibits in this division are open only to members on good standing of a Washington County organization located in
         Washington County, including 4-H Clubs, FFA, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, FHA, Jr. Holstein Association, Pioneers, Jr. Polled
         Hereford Associations and other qualified groups which are approved by the Washington County AIS at least 30 days prior to
         opening day of the fair. By meeting the expectations of the youth organization they are a part of, youth exhibitors earn the
         privilege to represent that organization as an exhibitor a the Washington County Fair. Youth exhibitors should check with
         leaders and administrative staff of the organization they represent to verify that they are meeting the expectations of that
         organization before entering to exhibit at the Washington County Fair.

    2.   All exhibits must be the work of the exhibitor since the previous County Fair.

    3.   Exhibits are to be made only on the project or projects in which the exhibitor is enrolled. The enrollment is to be vouched for
         by the leader of the youth organization or parent concerned.

    4.   4-H members competing for premiums must meet all the rules and requirements of 4-H club work. Premiums will not be paid
         to anyone not enrolled as a 4-H member in good standing or to any member who failed to hand in a completed record book at
         the end of the club year. The Fair Board reserves the right to withhold premium checks for exhibitors not completing all
         requirements for project. Record books must cover the projects exhibited. Record of Achievement Lists for 4-H project
         record books must be turned in by the club General Leader to the UW Extension Office no later than September 5 th in order
         for premium money to be paid.

    5.   Exhibits are open to youth K5 – 13th grade or no more than 19 years of age as of January 1 st of the current fair year,
         depending on the grade or age rule governing the Recognized Washington County organization to which the youth belongs.

    6.   In addition to champion ribbons, merit ribbons may be presented to those articles deemed outstanding by the judge. State Fair
         selections may also be made.

    7.   Exhibitors are allowed to show an exhibit from another county providing space allows.

                                                                                                                                  pg. 18

1.   Not more than 5 dairy or beef entries may be shown by any one exhibitor.

2.   In order to show livestock at the Washington County Fair, an exhibitor must be 9 years old or older as of January 1 st of the
     current Fair year. The only exception to this rule is for those that choose to show in Little Squealers, Little Shepherds, and/or
     Half Pint/Little Britches.

3.   Barns will be closed from 10:00 pm to 6:00 am. Any exceptions to entering the barns during these hours is at the discretion
     of the Superintendent.

4.   An animal may NOT be shown in both Junior and Open Divisions, except to complete a group division in the Open Show.

5.   All health papers for animals must be presented to the superintendent before animals are unloaded.

6.   Animals entered must be placed with the club indicated on the entry form. If an exhibitor wishes to put their animals in
     another group, they must contact the superintendent of the department no later than 15 days before entry day of the fair.
     Adjustments will be made at the discretion of the superintendent.

7.   Exhibitor must furnish own straw and feed.

8.   See Page 9 for time livestock should be in place.

9.   Exhibitors are responsible to clean up manure from their animals any time the animals are out of the barn.

10. Registration papers must accompany all registered animals and be shown to superintendent on entry day before unloading

11. All animals shown must be owned by exhibitors, exhibitor’s family or resident employee of the owner of the animal.

12. Animals must be shown by exhibitors except where permission is granted to have a substitute do the showing. The substitute
    must be a youth member from Washington County.

13. The appearance of a person showing an animal in the judging ring and his ability of showmanship will be considered by the
    judge in awarding ribbons. This is very important and will be stressed.

14. It is recommended that anyone exhibiting livestock, dress in clean neat attire for the show ring. The customary “cover all” or
    usual barn clothes are discouraged from use in the show ring. No farm name may be worn during showing.

15. Control of Animals – Livestock exhibitors must be able to bring animals into the show ring to be handled and judged but he
    judge in order to receive premiums in any division or be eligible for the Livestock Sale.

16. The only individuals allowed in the show ring during judging of all animal species will the exhibitor and individuals wearing
    a vest with the working “LIVESTOCK OFFICIAL.” These officials will be determined by the Department Superintendent.
    Any other individual in the show ring during judging will result in disciplinary action.

17. No sedatives may be used on livestock.

18. If you are planning to stay overnight with your livestock, a pass will be required. Passes will be available on the following
    schedule: Tues. – Sat. 3-5pm. Livestock exhibitors ONLY will be allowed overnight on the fairgrounds. Not brothers, sisters
    or friends.

19. Livestock entries may be loaded at 7:00pm on the last day if the Fair. (Draft horses at 6:00pm)

20. Any animal not under control will be removed from the fairgrounds at the discretion of the Livestock Coordinator and the
    Department Superintendent. If necessary, the matter will be referred to the Fair Manager.

21. Exhibitors are required to wash cattle at wash racks only.

                                                                                                                                 pg. 19

The rule for the Washington County Fair Livestock Sale were provided to all project members in the packet at the time of weigh-in ad
printed in the Animal Science Handbook. Please refer to these sources for information and requirements. If there are questions contact
the UW Extension Office at 262-335-4477.

                                                        LIVESTOCK WEIGH-IN

Fair weigh-in: All animals must be in place Tuesday on or before 12:30pm.

Lambs will be weighed in pen by pen starting at 1:00pm. Swine to be weighed in pen by pen immediately following lambs. No free
weigh-ins for lambs or swine.

Beef weights taken from 12:00 noon to 2:00pm.

                                                      EDUCATIONAL DISPLAYS

See Dept. 132, Division B for information on educational displays. Entry must be made by the club on an official entry form,
postmarked July 1st, to be eligible.

                                                       HEALTH REGULATIONS

Junior Fair exhibits will be subjected to the same requirements as for other livestock at the Fair.


                                             FAIR VETERINARIAN RESPONSIBILITES

The Wisconsin Department of Agriculture Trade and Consumer Protection establish rules that fairs must follow to reduce the risk of
animal health concerns. One of those requirements is:

If a fair or livestock exhibition in this state lasts for more than 24 hours, the sponsors of the fair or exhibition shall appoint a licensed
veterinarian to conduct a daily inspection of all livestock at the fair or exhibition. For a complete listing of the rule, please see the
health requirements section of the fair book.

The veterinarian employed by the fair does come to the grounds each day. Their schedule depends on their other responsibilities and is
usually not at a set time each day. When the veterinarian comes to the fair, they will check with the Livestock Office to see if there are
any concerns or animals to check. They will then walk through the livestock areas and observe animals for any concerns.

If you have an animal that you would like the veterinarian to check when they are on the grounds, please leave the in livestock office.
It will then be provided to the veterinarian on the next visit. The veterinarian will check your animal. However, if any treatment is
administered you are responsible for the costs of the treatment.

If an animal needs immediate attention it is the responsibility of the exhibitor to contact their own veterinarian for any attention or

If you have any questions, please speak to the superintendent of your department or someone at the Livestock Office.

                                                                                                                                        pg. 20

Youth or adults that plan to stay on the grounds between 11:00pm and 6:00am will need to obtain an overnight
pass. All junior fair exhibitors, even if over the age of 18, are considered as youth and will need to follow the
procedures and requirements for a youth pass.
Overnight passes for youth will be issued only to people exhibiting livestock having an important and
compelling need to stay at the fair. Friends or others will not be eligible for overnight passes.
Adults and/or youth wishing to obtain an overnight pass can pick up the applications at the UW Extension
Office in West Bend. Exhibitors are encouraged to complete and turn in the application to UW Extension Office
by June 30th. However, applications will be accepted no later than July 12th, Applications will only be
considered on an emergency basis after this date.
All youth staying overnight will need to be under the supervision of a parent, legal guardian, or a chaperone.
Chaperones must be identified by parents, be over 21 years of age, obtain an overnight pass, and have
completed the youth protection program. Chaperones are limited to supervising 10 youth.
Pick up of passes is handled as follows:
Beef, sheep, swine and dairy exhibitors will be available for pick up in the Livestock Office on Tuesday through
Saturday of the Fair between the hours of 3:00pm and 5:00pm.
Llama, alpaca and goat: UW Extension staff will give the wristbands to the appropriate Superintendent or
participants directly.

                                                                                                           pg. 21
Pave the Way to the Fair Park
                                              Buy a Brick

During the planning stages of the new Washington County Fair Park many people asked that the County
provide a way for citizens, organizations, clubs and businesses to personalize their contributions and show their
support. A commemorative dedication plaza was suggested and planners went to work to provide such an area.
The Washington County 4-H Leaders Association now brings this opportunity to you!

The Washington County Fair Park Donor Recognition Plaza is located just outside the Fair Park Pavilion and
the Main Fair Park Entrance. This attractive plaza offers donors a variety of commemorative elements that will
provide space for memorials, special messages, family names, and business logos.

Donors will be able to put their family name, business name, or club on a variety of items from a simple brick
or plaque to a tree or park bench.

The Fair Park offers year round educational, entertainment and economic benefit to Washington County and
Southeastern Wisconsin. Hundreds of thousands of people use the Fair Park each year.

Personalized memorial bricks make great gifts for the person who has everything, or for children and
grandchildren, An investment of as little as $25.00 for your names on a plaque or $50.00 for a 4”x 8”
personalized brick will give you, your family or club a lifetime of satisfaction knowing you helped build the
Washington County Fair Park. (Gift Certificates available at the Fair Park Office) Bricks will be installed in the
spring and in the fall.

                                                                                                             pg. 22
You can also read