School Curriculum 2021 2022 - Long Sutton primary School

Page created by Ellen Moody
School Curriculum 2021 2022 - Long Sutton primary School
Long Sutton County Primary School Curriculum 2021 – 2022

                             School Curriculum
                                             2021 – 2022

School Curriculum 2021 2022 - Long Sutton primary School
Long Sutton County Primary School Curriculum 2021 – 2022

                                                   Our Curriculum Intent
At Long Sutton Primary School, we are aiming for an ambitious curriculum that has equal and high expectations of all who study
   it. It should be accessible for all and contain meaningful experiences that enhance learning and promote curiosity from the
children. Our children are ultimately at the heart of this curriculum. The main question we should ask ourselves is ‘what must it
be like to be a child at Long Sutton Primary School?’ Our curriculum should reflect our observations of this and underpin all that
                                                    in what we plan to teach them.

   Our curriculum should be well planned, sequenced and maintain a logical flow throughout. The key foundations, especially
  around reading, will be introduced early and children will be given opportunities to ‘delve deeper’ to master these skills. We
understand the importance of retention, so ‘non-negotiable knowledge’ will be key. Teachers will carefully select the curriculum
 content to ensure there is sufficient time to embed and explore it. By having a knowledge rich curriculum, we need to show full
 clarity about what we feel our children need to learn & overlearn, and then how we intend to build upon this progressively, so
children retain it. Key questions to us include - Why am I teaching this? Where does it fit into the bigger picture of the curriculum
     plans? Why is it important to know or master this? What difference would it make to the learning if we did not do this?

    We must prepare our children for the demands of living in a diverse 21st century world. Therefore, we must consider the
  cultural capital of Long Sutton and beyond, so that children leave LSPS as well rounded, knowledgeable and resilience citizens
                                         who are eager to achieve well in their future life.

Long Sutton County Primary School Curriculum 2021 – 2022

               Reception             Year 1                 Year 2            Year 3            Year 4            Year 5             Year 6

 Autumn                                                                    Long Sutton                          Destination:
               This Is Me!        Funny Bones        Dinosaur Planet                         Old Blighty                         Hola Mexico!
    1                                                                      Remembers                               Earth

 Autumn                                                                     Location,        Passport to        Destination:     WWI – We will
              Near and Far       Famous People               Space
    2                                                                      Location …          Europe           Outer Space     never Surrender!

  Spring    The World at My                                                Pre-historic      Greece is the    The Anglo-Saxon    WWII – We will
                                     Castles          Superheroes!
    1            Feet                                                        Britain            Word!             Settlers      never Surrender!

  Spring                                                                                    The Rise of the     The Viking
             Tell Me a Story    Gardener’s World           Fire, Fire!    Extreme Earth                                          Road Trip USA
    2                                                                                          Romans            Invaders

                                Oh I do like to be
 Summer       Down on the                                                  Around the                         Environmental     Project Runway:
                                   beside the        Great Explorers                        Romanisation
    1            Farm                                                    World in 80 days                       Explorers        Making the Cut

 Summer          Outdoor                                                   Land of the      God Save the      Environmental       Tomorrow’s
                                  Under the Sea      Carnival Time!
    2           Explorers                                                   Pharaohs          Queen!            Explorers           World

Long Sutton County Primary School Curriculum 2021 – 2022

Vertical Thematic Concepts

   Science           History          Geography          RE              Art                DT              Music          Computing            PE          MFL

                                          Key          Believing
   Working        Chronological                                                          Master                             Computer
                                      geographical                  Develop Ideas                        Play & Perform                      Physical    Read fluently
 Scientifically   Understanding                                                       practical skills                       Science
                                       vocabulary         UC

                                      Investigating      LAS
                                         Places:       Thinking                       Design, make,
                  Connections in                                       Master                              Create &        Information                      Write
   Biology                             Locational                                     evaluate and                                            Social
                  World History                                      Techniques                            Compose         Technology                    imaginatively
                                     Knowledge and        UC                            improve
                                     Understanding     Creation

                     Historical                          LAS
                     Enquiry:         Investigating     Living           Take              Take
                                                                                                          Responding                                        Speak
  Chemistry        Investigating      Geographical                    inspiration       inspiration                       Digital Literacy   Emotional
                                                                                                         and Reviewing                                    confidently
                  and Interpreting      Patterns         UC         from the greats    from design
                     Evidence                            God

                    Historical       Communicate          UC                                              Listening &
   Physics                                                                                                                                   Thinking      Listening
                  Communication      Geographically   Incarnation                                          Applying


Long Sutton County Primary School Curriculum 2021 – 2022

               Schemes and Resources to support Curriculum Delivery
To support the consistent delivery of our curriculum, the school has purchased a number of resources to ensure that sequencing
is clear and progressive throughout the school.

                             Subject Area                                         Scheme / Resources
                               R/W/M                                                       Pixl
                               Reading                                        Literacy Shed Plus – Vipers
                               Phonics                                            Letters and Sounds
                             Handwriting                                          Teach Handwriting
                                Maths                                       White Rose Premium Resources
                              Computing                                               Purple Mash
                                 DT                                               The DT Association
                               History                                 Key Stage History / Historical Association
                              Geography                                                Digimaps
                                Music                                                  Charanga
                                PSHE                                                     Jigsaw
                                  PE                                                  Get Set 4 PE
                                 RE                                  Lincolnshire Agreed Syllabus / Understanding
                                  MFL                                                La Jolie Ronde

Long Sutton County Primary School Curriculum 2021 – 2022

                                       Reading Curriculum Expectations
✓ The school’s chosen programme for Phonics is ‘Letters and Sounds’. Children in Reception and Year 1 receive daily phonics teaching and this
  continues across the school until they have secured Phase 5.

✓ High quality texts form part of the school’s English and wider curriculum. Texts are selected by class teachers to engage and develop children’s
  vocabulary and understanding of the topic they are studying.

✓ Where possible, teachers are encouraged to allow children to use and apply reading skills across the curriculum to enhance children’s knowledge.

✓ Teachers should be reading regularly to their class – a minimum of twice a week for 15 minutes at a time. From Year 2 onwards, each class will
  have a class novel that they are reading. Teachers in EYFS/Year 1 will chose a variety of picture books or shorter texts to share with the children.

✓ As part of the school’s homework policy, children should be reading regularly at home. At the end of each week, class teachers will check the
  children’s reading records to monitor how much reading is taking place at home.

✓ Children who are on the Reading Scheme will have their colour band checked each half term to ensure that the books they read maintain the
  correct level of challenge.

✓ Guided Reading is a fundamental part of the school’s reading curriculum.

✓ Whole Class Comprehension lessons will be introduced from September 2020 to provide a tighter focus on the teaching of content domains.

✓ The school will use ‘VIPERS’ to support the teaching of content domains with a focus on Vocabulary, Retrieval or Inference each half term.

✓ Children, in Year 3-6, will undertake the Pixl Reading Speed Test to test their fluency.

✓ Each classroom will have a designated reading area for children.
Long Sutton County Primary School Curriculum 2021 – 2022

                                                           Content Domains
Reading Content domain reference KS1:

1a draw on knowledge of vocabulary to understand texts (V)

1b identify / explain key aspects of fiction and non-fiction texts, such as characters, events, titles and information (R)

1c identify and explain the sequence of events in texts (S)

1d make inferences from the text (I)

1e predict what might happen on the basis of what has been read so far (P)

Reading Content domain reference KS2:

2a give / explain the meaning of words in context (V)

2b retrieve and record information / identify key details from fiction and non-fiction (R)

2c summarise main ideas from more than one paragraph (S)

2d make inferences from the text / explain and justify inferences with evidence from the text (I)

2e predict what might happen from details stated and implied (P)

2f identify / explain how information / narrative content is related and contributes to meaning as a whole (E)

2g identify / explain how meaning is enhanced through choice of words and phrases (E)

2h make comparisons within the text (E)

Long Sutton County Primary School Curriculum 2021 – 2022

                                                   Termly Reading Focus
        Autumn 1                 Autumn 2                  Spring 1                 Spring 2               Summer 1              Summer 2

       Vocabulary                 Retrieval                Inference              Vocabulary                Retrieval             Inference

                                   All VIPERS skills to be embedded within Guided Reading Questioning

                                 Weekly Comprehension Lesson Outline

✓ Weekly comprehension lessons where the VIR domain of the half term is followed strictly will be taught in Reception using pictures for 30 minutes
  per week. By term 6, children will be expected in small groups to read a short sentence and answer a written question about it.

✓ Weekly comprehension lessons where the VIR domain of the half term is followed strictly will be taught from Y1 – Y6 for one hour per week
  (initially in Y1 their lesson may only be 30 minutes during the Autumn Term)

✓ The weekly comprehension lesson can replace an English lesson for that week or if appropriate, can be a topic or science based comprehension.
  Therefore, still teaching the knowledge of the non-core lesson but with a focus on the VIPER domain of the half term.

✓ Texts and activities do not need to be differentiated – children will be supported or challenged through AfL within sessions

✓ The format of the session will be similar across the school to ensure consistency – see below for example outline of lesson.

Long Sutton County Primary School Curriculum 2021 – 2022

Coverage of Guided Reading Texts across School

Year Two
                          Fiction                                               Non-Fiction                                               Poetry
 The Owl Who Was Afraid of the Dark (Jill Tomlinson)       Trailblazers: Neil Armstrong (Alex Woolf)             The Months Poem (spine)
 The Hodgeheg (Dick King Smith)                            Ready, Steady, Grow! (RHS)                            The Small Ghostie (spine)
 George’s Marvellous Medicine (Roald Dahl)                 The Bee Book (Charlotte Milner)                       Dinosaur Poetry
 The Giraffe, the Pelly and Me (Roald Dahl)                Ladybird Histories: The Great Fire of London (Chris
 Traction Man (Mini Grey)                                  Baker)
 The True Story of the Three Little Pigs (Jon Scieszka)

Year Three
                         Fiction                                                Non-Fiction                                            Poetry
 The Iron Man (Ted Hughes)                                 Stone, Bronze, Iron Ages (Explore!) (Sonya Newland)   Butterworth Toast Colonel Fazackerley
 Dick Turpin: Legends and Lies (T Deary)                   Everything Volcanoes and Earthquakes (National        Bed in Summer (Robert Louis Stevenson)
 The Firework Maker’s Daughter (P Pullman)                 Geographic Kids)
 The Twits (Roald Dahl)                                    So You Think You have Got it Bad (Chae Strathie)
 The boy who grew dragons (Andy Shepherd)
 Fantastic Mr Fox (Roald Dahl)

Year Four
                        Fiction                                                   Non-Fiction                                          Poetry
 My friend Walter (Michael Morpurgo)                       Body Facts (Fact finder series Collins)               From a Railway Carriage- by Robert Louis Stevenson
 The Railway Children (E. Nesbit)                          The Usborne Official Roman                            The Dark Wood-Anon
 Malamander (Thomas Taylor)                                Soldier's Handbook (Lesley Sims)                      Icarus-Cynthia Ryder
 Agatha Oddly- The Secret Key (Lena Jones)                 A Visitor's Guide to Ancient Greece (Usborne Time     The Sound Collector-Roger McGough
 The boy who Flew (Fleur Hitchcock)                        Tours S.)
 The Nothing To See Here Hotel (Stephen Butler)

Year Five
                          Fiction                                               Non-Fiction                                              Poetry
 The White Horses of Zennor (Michael Morpurgo)             Space – A Child’s Encyclopaedia (DK)                  Heard it in the Playground Book (Allah Ahlberg)
 FArTHER (Graheme Baker-Smith)                             A World of Information (Richard Platt and James       The Daffodils (William Wordsworth)
 Journey to the River Sea (Eva Ibbotson)                   Brown)                                                My Mother Saw a Dancing Bear (Charles Causeley)
 Danny the Champion of the World (Roald Dahl)              Wonder Garden (Jenny Broom)
 There’s a Viking in my Bed and Other Stories (J Strong)
 Butterfly Lion (Michael Morpurgo)

Long Sutton County Primary School Curriculum 2021 – 2022

Year Six
                          Fiction                                                   Non-Fiction                                                     Poetry
 Holes (Louis Sachar)                                          Heroes: Incredible Stories of Courageous Animals           ‘If’ (Rudyard Kipling)
 Wonder (RJ Palacio)                                           (David Long and Kelly Hyndman)                             ‘In Flanders Field’ (John McCrae)
 Goodnight Mr Tom (Michelle Magorian)                          Incredible Journeys (Levison Wood)                         ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas’ (Clement Clarke
 The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas (John Boyce)                   DK Eyewitness Books: Forensic Science (DK)                 Moore)
 Beetle Boy (MG Leonard)
 Oliver Twist (Charles Dickens)
Additional Texts
                 Y2                                  Y3                                  Y4                                  Y5                                Y6
 Flat Stanley (Jeff Brown)           Harry and the Poisonous              Nevermoor: The Trial of             Northern Lights (Philip           Lie Tree (Frances Hardinge)
 The Battle of Bubble and            Centipede (Lynne Banks)              Morrigan Crow Book 1 (Jessica       Pullman)                          The Girl of Ink and Stars (Kiran
 Squeak (Philippa Pearce)            The Demon Headmaster                 Townsend)                           The Abominables (Eva              Millwood)
 Stink Dog (Tom Watson)              (Gillian Cross)                      Pages and Co (Anna James)           Ibbotson)                         Lockwood and Co: The
 Esio Trot (Roald Dahl)              Matilda (Roald Dahl)                 One dog and this boy (Eva           Boy (Roald Dahl)                  Screaming Staircase (Jonathan
 The Sheep Pig (Dick King Smith)     The Creakers (Tom Fletcher)          Ibbotson)                           Alone on a wide, wide sea         Stroud)
                                     Charlotte’s Web (E B White)          A Tale of Dark and Grimm            (Michael Morpurgo)                The Goldfish Boy (Lisa
                                     Pog (Padraig Kenny)                  (Adam Gidwitz)                      Skulduggery Pleasant (Derek       Thompson)
                                     The Chocoplot (Chris Callaghan)      Skeleton Keys: The                  Landy)                            Who Let the Gods Out (Maz
                                     Harry Potter and the                 Unimaginary Friend (Guy Bass)       The boy with the Power of a       Evans)
                                     Philosopher’s Stone (J K             The Clockwork Crow                  Star – Phoenix (S F Said)         The Nowhere Emporium (Ross
                                     Rowling)                             (Catherine Fisher)                  Clockwork or Wound Up             Mackenzie)
                                     The Worst Witch (Jill Murphy)        Varjaw Paw (S F Said)               (Philip Pullman)                  Ink Heart (Cornelia Funke)
                                     Charlie and the Chocolate            Little Manfred (Michael
                                     Factory (Roald Dahl)                 Morpurgo)
                                     The Lost Polar Bears (Harry          Coraline (Neil Gaiman)
                                     Horse)                               There’s a boy in the girls’
                                     Tom’s Sausage Lion (Michael          bathroom (Louis Sachar)
                                     Morpurgo)                            The Hunter (Paul Geraghty)
                                     Hostage (Malorie Blackman)           E.S.P (Dick King Smith)
                                     Deadline (John Townsend)             100 Facts about Ancient
                                     Mr Bird’s Nest and the House         Greece (Fiona MacDonald)
                                     Next Door (Michael Morpurgo)         Jim (Poem)
                                     Mad Iris (Jeremy Strong)             Language of Cat (Poem)
                                     Clockwork – All Wound Up             Matilda (Poem)
                                     (Philip Pullman)
Children in Reception, Year One and Year Two (where applicable) will access texts from the Rigby Star and Bug Club Guided Reading sets.
Class Teachers track the books children read within guided sessions to ensure progression and suitability as well as avoiding repetition
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Long Sutton County Primary School Curriculum 2021 – 2022

Nursery Long Term Overview 2020-21 – Clare Smith (Nursery Manager)

Term 1 – TOPIC – In the Moment Planning

     Communication                  Physical               Personal, Social                  English                      Maths              Understanding the                Expressive Arts
      and Language                Development              and Emotional                                                                          World                         and Design
 ✓    I can use words for     ✓   I can grasp a pencil    Being Me in My world       ✓ I can make sounds in       ✓ I show interest in       ✓ I know I belong to           ✓ I can begin to select
      familiar objects and    ✓   I can begin to make    ✓ All Play modelled by        response to stimuli          numbers and counting       Draco class and know           and use basic art
      adults within the           marks                      adults                    I can listen to stories      in the environment         the names of the adults        resources
      nursery environment     ✓   I can use scissors     ✓ I can play alongside                                   ✓ I can use shapes to        and my friends.              ✓ I can join in with
                                  with support               others with support                                    make pictures and        ✓ I can interact with the        rhymes and songs
                                                         ✓ I can follow simple                                      patterns                   smart board
                                                             instructions                                                                    ✓ I can talk about the
                                                         ✓ I can put a coat on                                                                 things I see
                                                             with support

Term 2 – TOPIC – In the Moment Planning

     Communication                  Physical               Personal, Social                  English                      Maths              Understanding the                Expressive Arts
      and Language                Development              and Emotional                                                                          World                         and Design
 ✓    I can use social        ✓ I can make marks with     Celebrating Difference     ✓ I can use my voice for     ✓ I use some number        ✓ I know I belong to           ✓ I can begin to select
      interaction terms         increasing control       ✓ I can begin to follow       different purposes           names in my play           different groups and           and use basic art
      appropriately e.g.,     ✓ I can develop my           nursery routines          ✓ I can talk about the key   ✓ I can begin to develop     communities e.g., my           resources
      hello, goodbye, thank     pencil grip              ✓ I can play alongside        events of a story in         an understanding of        class, my family, our        ✓ I can join in with
      you                                                  others                      order                        pattern                    school                         rhymes and songs
                                                         ✓ I can take put my                                      ✓ I can begin to           ✓ I will begin to do
                                                           shoes on and take                                        understand positional      activities in the school
                                                           them off with support                                    language                   e.g., use the hall, panto,
                                                         ✓ I can begin to interact                                                             Christmas lunch, with
                                                           with less familiar                                                                  Reception Nativity,
                                                           adults/children                                                                     Singing to parents
                                                                                                                                             ✓ I can navigate a simple
                                                                                                                                               computer programme
                                                                                                                                               on the smart board
                                                                                                                                             ✓ I can talk about
                                                                                                                                               changes (seasons)

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Long Sutton County Primary School Curriculum 2021 – 2022

Term 3 – TOPIC – In the Moment Planning

   Communication                   Physical                Personal, Social                 English                       Maths               Understanding the              Expressive Arts
    and Language                 Development               and Emotional                                                                           World                       and Design
 ✓ I can use simple           ✓ I can begin to              Dreams and Goals         ✓ I can respond to          ✓ I know number names        ✓ I can recognise key        ✓ I can make simple
   sentences and phrases        copy/trace shapes and    ✓ I can play in a group       rhythm and rhyme in         to 5                         areas of the school and      representations in my
   to express my interests      lines                    ✓ I can sit on the carpet     stories and rhymes        ✓ I can sometimes match        some staff members           drawings and
 ✓ I can name primary         ✓ I can develop my           appropriately             ✓ I can talk about the        a number to ts name          e.g. the hall and office     constructions
   and secondary colours        pencil grip              ✓ I can begin to line up      characters and settings   ✓ I can recognise shapes       area, SLT and SENCo        ✓ I can use a narrative in
                                                           with support                in a story                  in the environment         ✓ I can use button and         my play
                                                         ✓ I can put my wellies on                                                              switches to make
                                                           when appropriate                                                                     things work
                                                         ✓ I can begin to express                                                             ✓ I can talk about
                                                           needs and interests to                                                               different groups of
                                                           an adult                                                                             animals.

Term 4 – TOPIC – In the Moment Planning

   Communication                   Physical                Personal, Social                 English                       Maths               Understanding the              Expressive Arts
    and Language                 Development               and Emotional                                                                           World                       and Design
 ✓ I can describe how I       ✓ I can copy and draw             Healthy me           ✓ I can handle books        ✓ I can recognise            ✓ I can begin to             ✓ I can move and
   feel in a full sentence.     shapes and lines with    ✓ I can begin to              independently and           nursery positional           recognise the wider          respond to music
                                increasing control and     understand and              with care                   language e.g., next,         school community
                                accuracy                   identify the emotions I   ✓ I can distinguish           under, in, on              ✓ I can talk about
                              ✓ I am beginning to use      feel                        between sounds in the     ✓ I can count objects to 5     changes inmy
                                scissors independently   ✓ I can play in a group       environment               ✓ I can talk about shapes      environment (
                              ✓ I can hold a pencil        and develop ideas         ✓ I can predict what          in the everyday              seasons)
                                using my fingers         ✓ I can interact with         happens next in a story     environment
                                                           familiar adults to
                                                           express needs and
                                                         ✓ I can independently
                                                           get ready for home
                                                         ✓ I can sit on the carpet
                                                           with increased
                                                         ✓ I can line up.

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Long Sutton County Primary School Curriculum 2021 – 2022

Term 5 – TOPIC – In the Moment Planning

     Communication                 Physical                  Personal, Social                    English                     Maths               Understanding the              Expressive Arts
      and Language               Development                 and Emotional                                                                            World                       and Design
 ✓ I can describe how        ✓ I can begin to copy my           Relationships            ✓ I know the text has       ✓ I can recite numbers in   ✓ I can begin to identify    ✓ I can create pictures
   others feel in a full       name in cursive script      ✓ I can begin to                meaning                     order to 10                 the reception adults         and models using a
   sentence.                 ✓ I can hold my pencil          negociate with others       ✓ I can hear the initial    ✓ I can use everyday          and classrooms               variety of materials
                               using the tripod grip         when playing                  sounds in a word            language to describe      ✓ I can talk about the
                                                           ✓ I am moclty                 ✓ I can hold a book the       shapes                      bugs and insects that
                                                             independent in my self        right way up and turn                                   visit us
                                                             care                          single pages
                                                           ✓ I can begin to adapt my     ✓ I ca talk about how
                                                             behaviour during              stories make me feel
                                                             changes to routines
                                                           ✓ I can begin to
                                                             understand how other
                                                             peole feel

Term 6 – TOPIC – In the Moment Planning

     Communication                 Physical                  Personal, Social                    English                     Maths               Understanding the              Expressive Arts
      and Language               Development                 and Emotional                                                                            World                       and Design
 ✓    I can participate in   ✓ I can copy the letters in         Changing me             ✓ I can recognise my        ✓ I can talk about more     ✓ I can identify the other   ✓ I can use simple
      short conversations      my name in cursive          ✓ I can begin to self-          name                        or less                     outdoor areas linked         percussion
      and keep it going        script                        manage my behaviour         ✓ I can distinguish         ✓ I am beginning to           to reception                 instruments with
      with relevant          ✓ I can hold a pencil           in a range of situations.     between letters and         understand the word       ✓ I know how to look           increasing rhythm.
      contributions            using a tripod grip         ✓ I can engage                  numbers                     altogether                  after our environments
                             ✓ I can use scissors with       purposefully in play.       ✓ I can hear simple         ✓ I can count to 20           (classroom/outdoor
                               increasing control and      ✓ I can begin to                words segmented and       ✓ I can count 10 objects      area)
                               accuracy.                     understand how my             blended                     I can name and            ✓ I can use the ipads and
                                                             actions make other          ✓ I can think of an           recognise a square,         purple mash
                                                             people feel.                  alternative ending to a     circle, rectangle and     ✓ I can talk about how
                                                                                           story.                      triangle                    plants change as they

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Long Sutton County Primary School Curriculum 2021 – 2022

Reception Long Term Overview 2021-22 – Sarah Emery / Rachel Barkworth & Sally Tidswell-West

                              Term 1                       Term 2                   Term 3                     Term 4                     Term 5                    Term 6
                              8 Weeks                     7 Weeks                  6 Weeks                    6 Weeks                     6 Weeks                   7 Weeks
     Term Title:             This is Me!                Near and Far          The World at My Feet         Tell Me a Story           Down on the Farm           Outdoor Explorers
     Wow Event:      Library & Parent Reading         Walk around Town       Chinese New Year Day           Den Building              Trip to the Farm            Camping Day
 Weekly Focus       1. Settling in                 1. How does the world     1.What happened at        1. Who lives in the       1. How has our world        1. Who lives in our
                    2. Who am I? (Birthday)        change? (Autumn /         Christmas?                woods?                    changed?                    garden?
                    3. My Feelings & My            Hibernation)              2. What is China?         2. Red Riding Hood        2. Animals on the farm      2. Minibeast
                         Body                      2. Where is the South     3. Life in China          3. Red Riding Hood        3. Farm to Fork             3. Eric Carle
                    4. My Family & My              Pole and North Pole?      4. Chinese New Year       4. Goldilocks and Three   4. Farming in the Past      4. Healthy Eating
                         House                     3. Who lives there?       5. Winter Olympics        Bears                     5. Comparing Countryside    5. Healthy Life
                    5. Harvest Festival &          4. Oliver Jeffers         6. Winter Olympics        5. Goldilocks and Three   and City                    6. How have we
                         School Houses             5. Oliver Jeffers                                   Bears                                                 changed?
                    6. Nursery Rhymes &            6. Nativity                                         6. Easter                                             7. Our Last Week
                         Autumn                    7. What is Christmas?
                    7. Nursery Rhymes &
 Key Texts          Nursery Rhymes                 Tree: Seasons come,       Jolly Postman             Red Riding Hood           What the Ladybird Heard     The Hungry Caterpillar
 [Fiction, Non-     A Great Big Cuddle (Poems      seasons go                Christmas                 The Gingerbread Man       Story Collection            The Bad Tempered
 Fiction, Poetry]   for the very young) by         Lost and Found – Oliver   Mr Wolf’s Pancakes        Goldilocks and the        Rosie’s Walk [Spine]        Ladybird [Spine]
                    Michael Rosen                  Jeffers                   The Runaway Wok           Three Bears               Farm Animal Riddles         (Eric Carle Stories)
                    We’re Going on a Bear          Up and Down – Oliver      (Chinese New Year)        Going on a Egg Hunt                                   Mad about Minibeasts
                    Hunt                           Jeffers                   Scarecrow Wedding         Aesop’s Fables                                        DK First Facts Bugs
                    Jolly Postman                  Cuddly Dudley [Spine]     Kipper [Spine] &          (alternative to                                       We’re Going on a Bear
                    Kipper [Spine] & Kipper’s      Bonfire Night by Sara     Kipper’s Birthday         traditional tale)                                     Hunt: Let’s Discover
                    Birthday                       Fox                       China Fact Books (Visit                                                         Bugs
                    Very Helpful Hedgehog                                    school library to
                    Leaf Man Story                                           collect)
                    We’re Going on a Leaf
                    Hovis the Hedgehog
 English            Making marks with              Writing recognisable      To write simple           To write simple           To write simple stories     To write extended
 [Comprehension,    meaning and purpose            letters to give meaning   phonetically plausible    sentences                 To write their full name    sentences and phrases
 Word Reading,      Copying the letters in their   (CVC words)               words independently       To use basic              To be aware of and begin    using and
 Writing]           name                           Writing their name in a   To write their name       punctuation               to use narrative features   Phase 4 Sounds
                    Beginning to copy letters      recognisable way          with increasing           To begin to write a       Phase 3 Sounds              Children are beginning
                    to represent initial sounds    Handwriting letters       accuracy.                 simple story              Children are able to read   to be able to read CCVC,
                    Handwriting patterns           Phase 2 Sounds            Phase 3 Sounds            To begin to write their   some phase 3 words.         CVCC and CCVCC
                    Phase 2 Sounds                                                                     surname                                               words. They are able to

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Long Sutton County Primary School Curriculum 2021 – 2022

                      Children to begin to read     Children to                Children to begin to      Phase 3 Sounds            Children are able to read     write these words with
                      VC and CVC words. Begin       independently read VC      recognise digraphs in     Children to begin to      most of the phase 3 tricky    support.
                      to recognise phase 2 tricky   words and develops         words.                    independently read        words and is beginning to     Children are able to
                      words.                        more confidence with       Children are able to      phase 3 words.            spell them with support.      read and spell some
                      Sharing of familiar stories   CVC words. Can read and    recall the alphabet and   Children to begin to      Guided Reading;               polysyllabic words.
                      and rhymes as a whole         recognise most phase 2     understand the            recognise phase 3         Children to continue to use   Children can
                      class. Modelling reading in   tricky words.              difference between        tricky words.             the scheme but are able to    independently read and
                      reading corners of            Guided Reading; small      letter names and          Guided Reading;           independently read from       write a range of phase 2
                      classroom. (This is to        group shared reading, to   sounds with               Children to continue to   the phonetic book.            and 3 tricky words.
                      continue all year)            begin to develop           confidence.               use the scheme but are                                  They are beginning to
                                                    understanding of events    Guided Reading; using     beginning to              VIPERS: Sequence              recognise, read and
                      VIPERS: Retrieval             in stories.                the set scheme            independently read        [Beginning as a class then    write phase 4 tricky
                      [Picture on the board and                                children to begin to      from the phonetic         small group work.             words.
                      as a class discuss the        VIPERS: Inference          read some words and       book.                     Independent and shared        Guided Reading:
                      retrieval question]           [Picture on the board      sentences alongside                                 reading. Read the question    Children are
                                                    with a written question    shared reading.           VIPERS: Vocabulary &      together and then answer      independently reading
                                                    underneath, modelling                                Explain                   the question together and     books and
                                                    the answer]                VIPERS: Retrieval         [Vocab: In small groups   model recording as a class    demonstrating what
                                                                               [Sentence on the board    read a sentence           then record the answer        has been read to them
                                                                               which you read            together and the          together on their own         through activities.
                                                                               together and then read    question. Discuss their   sheets.]
                                                                               the question together]    answers and model                                       VIPERS: All 6 areas
                                                                                                         answering the question                                  [small group working
                                                                                                         Explain: Using pictures                                 with teacher support.
                                                                                                         and shared reading to                                   Read the short
                                                                                                         read the question                                       sentences together and
                                                                                                         together and discuss                                    the question. Answer
                                                                                                         their answers,                                          the question together
                                                                                                         modelling recording                                     by completing their
                                                                                                         their answers]                                          own sheet.]
 Phonics              Phase 1                       Phase 1                    Phase 3                   Phase 3                   Phase 3                       Phase 4
 For Detailed plans   Phase 2                       Phase 2
 see Phonics
 Content Document

 Maths                Numbers to 5                  Numbers to 5               Numbers to 10             Numbers to 10             Numbers to 20                 Numbers to 20
 (see Additional      Subitising to 5               Subitising to 5            Number bonds to 10        Recap Subitising to 5     Recap number bonds to 10
 Plan)_               Number bonds to 5             Number bonds to 5                                    Number bonds to 10        to include doubles            Counting beyond 25
 [Number,                                                                      Counting to 15                                                                    (forwards &
 Numerical            Counting to 5 (forwards &     Counting to 10             (forwards &               Counting to 20            Counting to 25                backwards)
 Patterns]            backwards)                    (forwards & backwards)     backwards)                                          (forwards & backwards)

15 | P a g e
Long Sutton County Primary School Curriculum 2021 – 2022

                   Compare objects up to 5        Compare objects up to 5     Compare objects up to      (forwards &                Doubles to 10 patterns       White Rose Unit: Find
                                                                              10                         backwards)                 Sharing patterns             My Pattern, On the
                   White Rose Unit: Getting       White Rose Unit: It’s Me    Sharing patterns           Compare objects up to      Odds and Evens               Move
                   to Know You, Just Like Me      1 2 3! Light and Dark       White Rose Unit: Alive     10                         White Rose Unit: To 20
                                                                              in 5! Growing 6,7,8ww      White Rose Unit:           and Beyond, First The
                                                                                                         Building 9 and 10,         Now
 Communication     Key vocabulary – see term      Key vocabulary – see        Key vocabulary – see       Key vocabulary – see       Key vocabulary – see term    Key vocabulary – see
 and Language      1 overview                     term 2 overview             term 3 overview            term 4 overview            5 overview                   term 6 overview
 [Listening,       Children able to listen to a   Children are able to        Children are able to       Beginning to respond       Children are able to         Children can
 Attention and     short story on the carpet.     answer a simple             answer questions           with some confidence       discuss books from a         confidently respond in
 Understanding,    Children are beginning to      question about the story,   based on discussions in    about what they have       range of questions that      a range of situations
 Speaking]         understand what                which is read to them, in   whole class and small      heard.                     they have read and are       Children can respond to
                   questioning means.             small groups.               group interactions.        Children are confident     read to.                     questions asked and
                   Children are beginning to      Children are able to        Children are able          talking about what         Children can understand      ask them back to clarify
                   participate in one to one      answer simple questions     beginning to talk about    they have heard to         questions that are asked     their understanding.
                   discussions with peers and     during carpet time.         what they have heard       demonstrate your           from their peers and         Children are able to
                   adults.                        Children are able to use    in full sentences.         understanding.             adults.                      participate in a range of
                   Beginning to use some          simple comments about       Children are beginning     Children are becoming      Children are able to         discussions
                   simple vocabulary words        what they have heard.       to use their               confident in using         identify new vocabulary      demonstrating their
                   from stories, poems,           Children are beginning      questioning skills to      simple questions           from a range of key texts.   ideas with new
                   rhymes and non-fiction         to develop their            develop                    accurately to develop      Children are using the new   vocabulary.
                   with modelled support.         questioning skills          understanding.             their understanding.       vocabulary in their play     Children are able to
                   With modelled support          through adult modelling.    Children are able to       Children are able to       independently.               discuss why things
                   children are able to use       Children are confident in   share their ideas in       use vocabulary that        Children are confident       might happen using
                   short phrases to               responding and              small group                has been introduced so     showing their knowledge      new vocabulary from
                                                  participating in one to     discussions with some      far in one to one          of new vocabulary during     key texts.
                                                  one discussions with        confidence and are         discussions and small      class discussions of what    Children are able to
                                                  their own ideas. They are   able to model a limited    groups independently.      interests them.              express their ideas and
                                                  beginning to use            amount of new              Children are starting to   Children are able to         feelings about their
                                                  modelled vocabulary.        vocabulary.                use and identify new       explain why things might     experiences using full
                                                  Children are beginning      Children across the        vocabulary in class        happen based what has        sentences, they are able
                                                  to become curious to        whole class are            discussions.               been read to them with       to accurately use
                                                  explore why things          beginning to share         Children are beginning     occasional support.          different tenses and
                                                  happen and adults model     their ideas during class   to talk about why          Children are able to use a   will use conjunction,
                                                  how to find out more        discussions with           things might happen        range of tenses in their     with modelling and
                                                  information.                support on using new       with modelled support      speech with occasional       support from their
                                                  Children are beginning      vocabulary.                from adults. Children      support for the use of       teacher where
                                                  to share their ideas and    Children are beginning     are beginning to use       conjunctions.                required.
                                                  with modelled support       to use the correct         the correct tenses in

16 | P a g e
Long Sutton County Primary School Curriculum 2021 – 2022

                                                      use focused vocabulary       tenses in a sentence      sentences with only
                                                      in small groups.             with modelled support.    occasional support.
                                                      Some children may begin
                                                      to feel confident to offer
                                                      their own ideas during
                                                      class discussions.
                                                      With modelled support
                                                      children are starting to
                                                      use simple tense words
                                                      when discussing their
 PSED                   Introduction of feelings      Working towards simple       Following simple 2        Development of further   Following complex            Feelings over transition
 [Self-Regulation,      trees                         goals – junk modelling       step instructions         feelings linked to       instructions                 Understanding of
 Managing Self,         Following simple 1 step       Understanding rules          Beginning to              relationships            Understanding the rules      expectations during
 Building               instructions                  when in local area           understand the routine    Able to follow high      for school trips             school events
 Relationships]         Understanding class rules     Joining in with some         and rules of different    expectations for         Healthy food choices         Healthy Food Choices
                        and school rules              assemblies.                  assemblies                assemblies no matter     Able to be independent       Positive attachments to
                        Beginning to understand       Changing for PE with         Changing for PE           who is delivering        with toileting on trips      adults and friendships
                        assembly expectations         support                      independently             Independently zips up    Positive relationships on    with peers
                        Changing for PE with          Beginning to understand      Zips with support         coat                     the playground with older    Work and play
                        support                       zips                         Beginning to make         Developed positive       children                     cooperatively and take
                        Putting on their coats        Independence with            further friendships       friendships with peers   Beginning to trust adults    turns with others
                        independently                 toileting.                   with different children   across both classes      who are familiar to them     Shows sensitivity to
                        Getting to know our class     Have developed small         Trusting adults in own    Trusting adults across   at school outside of the     their own and to others’
                        members                       friendship groups            classroom                 the EYFS unit            EYFS unit.                   needs
                        Begin to make new class       Trust one key adult          Sharing of favourite      Ability share new        Able to resolve conflicts
                        friends and trust adults      Beginning to share in        resources inside and      resources with others    with others
                        Starting to understand        some areas of the            outside                   without argument
                        rules of the resources and    classroom

 Jigsaw                 Being Me in My World          Celebrating Difference       Dreams and Goals          Relationships            Healthy Me                   Changing Me

 Physical               Space Negotiation using       Space Negotiation using      Dance: move               Gymnastics:              Get Set 4 PE – Ball Skills   Games: Move
 Development            different movements           different movements          energetically, such as    demonstrate balance      (Inspire Plus Little         energetically; negotiate
 [Gross Motor Skills,   Gross Motor Activities;                                    dancing                   and coordination         Movers)                      space and obstacles
 Fine Motor Skills]                                   Get Set 4 PE –                                                                  Pencil Grip (dynamic
                        Get Set 4 PE – Introduction   Fundamentals                 Get Set 4 PE – Dance      Get Set 4 PE -           tripod grip)                 Get Set 4 PE - Games
                        to PE                                                      (Little Movers)           Gymnastics               Scissor Skills
                                                      Pencil Grip (four finger                                                        Small tools;                 Pencil Grip (dynamic
                                                      and thumb grip)                                                                                              tripod grip)

17 | P a g e
Long Sutton County Primary School Curriculum 2021 – 2022

                      Pencil grip (palmer grip)   Scissor Skills              Pencil Grip (tripod       Pencil Grip (tripod                                   Scissor Skills
                                                  Small tools;                grip)                     grip)                                                 Small tools;
                                                                              Scissor Skills            Scissor Skills
                                                                              Small tools;              Small tools;

 UTW                  Jobs of people in our       Remembrance Day             Chinese Zodiac Story      Exploring the wooded     Describing our school        Study of Eric Carle
 [Past and Present,   family, Time Capsule and    Describing our school       Story of Nian             area just like the       environment through          (important figures from
 People Culture and   Time Line                   environment through         Comparing life in China   woods setting in         seasons.                     the past)
 Communities,         Jolly Postman Map (Map      seasons.                    and England with use      stories.                 Comparing Countryside        Drawing minibeasts
 The Natural World]   work with Beebots)          Comparing our winter to     of maps                                            and the City                 from their observations
                      Aerial Photos of School,    North & South Pole                                                             Drawing flowers in the       Lifecycle of a butterfly
                      Knowing our town, village   Melting & Freezing                                                             school environment and
                      (where we come from)        liquids – changing states                                                      discussing the flowers
                      Describing Autumn           of matter                                                                      they choose for their clay
 [Need to check       Myself [Introduce people    Special People to Me        Our Special Books         Salvation [Why do        Creation [Why is the word    Our Beautiful World
 against ELG people   who belong to a religious   [Introduce people who       [Introduce stories from   Christians put a cross   ‘God’ so important to        [Introduce stories
 and cultures]        group]                      are important to            religions and             in an Easter Garden?]    Christians?]                 about creation and
                                                  members of a religious      important books for                                                             some beliefs about the
                                                  group]                      members of a religious                                                          natural world]
 Expressive Arts      Drawing – Self Portraits    Junk Model Boats (share     Paper Folding for         Printing / Textiles      Clay Flower Tiles            Clay Minibeasts
 [Creating with       Singing Nursery Rhymes      their creations,            Chinese New Year                                   Vegetable Soup               Matisse Snail – Recreate
 Materials,           Recount narratives: Bear    explaining the process)     Stir Fry                  Goldilocks Song                                       on iPad
 Being Imaginative    Hunt                        Oil Pastel/Watercolour      Dragon Masks              Acting out the stories   Invent their own Rosie’s     Adapt the story Hungry
 and Expressive]      Charanga – Me!              Resist Fireworks            Charanga – Everyone       during provision         Walk story as a class to     Caterpillar
                                                  Penguin Handprint Art                                 Adapt the stories:       lead into provision.         Charanga – Reflect,
                                                  Work                                                  traditional tales                                     Rewind, Replay
                                                  Singing Nativity Songs                                                         Charanga – Big Bear Funk!
                                                  Performing songs and                                  Charanga – Our World
                                                  Christmas story
                                                  Charanga – My Stories

18 | P a g e
Long Sutton County Primary School Curriculum 2021 – 2022

Year 1 Long Term Overview 2021-22 – Sonia Askher / Olivia Harper

Term 1 – TOPIC – Funny Bones

   English           Phonics           Maths –         Science*         Computing            Art/DT              Hist/               Music           PSHE -              PE               RE
                   Letters & Sounds   White Rose                                                                Geog**                               Jigsaw
  Labels, lists       Phase 4         Number: Place    The Human        Purple Mash Unit   Drawing – Self      Geographical         Charanga –     Being Me in My    GetSet4PE          Creation
 and captions &                       Value (within   Body & Senses       1.1 – Online       Portraits       skills & fieldwork     How Does           World          Block 1        UC (core) Who
                     Revision of          10)                                Safety                                                Music Tell Us                                      do Christians
                                                                                                              Fieldwork of
    Familiar       Phase 3 sounds                        Seasonal                           Artist – Pablo                         Stories from                     Fundamentals     believe made
                                                                                                              school and its
    settings                            Number:          Change –                              Picasso           grounds             the Past?                       / Ball Skills     the world?
  Funny Bones                          Addition &         Autumn
                                       Subtraction    including class                                         Aerial Views of
    Recounts                           (within 10)    weather diary                                            Long Sutton

Term 2 – TOPIC – Famous People

   English           Phonics           Maths –         Science*         Computing            Art/DT              Hist/               Music           PSHE -              PE               RE
                   Letters & Sounds   White Rose                                                                Geog**                               Jigsaw
   Character          Phase 5a         Geometry:        Everyday         Purple Mash            Food            Significant                         Celebrating      GetSet4PE            God
  Highway Rat                            Shape          Materials       Unit 1.4 – Lego                      historical events,                     Difference       Block 1 & 2     UC 1.1 (core)
                                                                           Builders        Preparing Fruit      people and                                                              What do
    Biography                                                                                                  places in own
   Guy Fawkes                         Number: Place    Day Length                          and Vegetables                                                           Fundamentals       Christians
                                      Value (within                        Barefoot                                                                                  / Ball Skills   believe God is
  Performance                             20)                            Computing –                           Dick Turpin &                                                              like?
     Poetry                                                                                                     Guy Fawkes
                                                                            Crazy                                                                                   Dance / Net &
  Crackle! Spit!                                                                                             (intro to London)
                                                                          Characters                                                                                 Wall Games

Term 3 – TOPIC – Castles

   English           Phonics           Maths –         Science*         Computing            Art/DT              Hist/               Music           PSHE -              PE               RE
                   Letters & Sounds   White Rose                                                                Geog**                               Jigsaw
  Fairy Tales –       Phase 5b          Number:         Everyday                             Structures      Four Countries        Charanga –       Dreams and       GetSet4PE           LAS
   Rapunzel                            Addition &       Materials                                             and Capital           How Does           Goals         Block 2 & 3     Compulsory
                                       Subtraction                                          Freestanding      Cities of UK        Music Make the                                      God - Islam
      Non-                                               Seasonal                                                                                                   Dance / Net &
                                       (within 20)                                           Structures                           World a Better
  Chronological                                          Change –                                                                                                    Wall Games
                                                                                                             Events beyond            Place?
     Reports                          Number: Place       Winter
                                                                                                             living memory                                          Gymnastics /
   Castles Non-                       Value (within   including class
                                                                                                             – Castles in UK                                        Sending and
     Fiction                              50)         weather diary
19 | P a g e
Long Sutton County Primary School Curriculum 2021 – 2022

Term 4 – TOPIC – Gardener’s World

   English          Phonics           Maths –          Science*         Computing            Art/DT               Hist/            Music           PSHE -            PE              RE
                  Letters & Sounds   White Rose                                                                  Geog**                            Jigsaw
   Traditional      Phase 5b/c       Measurement:         Plants         Purple Mash         Printing /         Directional                       Healthy Me      GetSet4PE          LAS
     Tales –                          Length and                          Unit 1.7 –          Textiles           Language                                         Block 3 & 4    Compulsory
  Jack and the                          Height           Seasonal          Coding                                                                                                 God - Islam
                                                                                                                Physical &
   Beanstalk                                             Change –                            Repeating                                                           Gymnastics /
                                     Measurement:         Spring           Barefoot           Patterns                                                           Sending and
                                                                                                              Features (using
  Instructions                        Weight and      including class    Computing –                                                                              Receiving
 How to Plant a                        Volume         weather diary      Bee Bots 123       Artist - Henri
      Seed                                                                                   Rousseau                                                             Athletics /
                                                                                                                                                                 Target Games

Term 5 – TOPIC – Oh I do like to be near the seaside

   English          Phonics           Maths –          Science*         Computing            Art/DT               Hist/            Music           PSHE -            PE              RE
                  Letters & Sounds   White Rose                                                                  Geog**                            Jigsaw
   A Famous          Phase 5c          Number:            Plants                            Mechanisms          Changes in       Charanga –      Relationships    GetSet4PE          LAS
    Author                           Multiplication                                                           Living Memory       How Does                         Block 4       Additional
 Benji Davies –                       & Division        Common                               Slides and                         Music Teach Us                                     Places of
 Storm Whale                                            Animals                                Levers         Seasides in the   About Looking                     Athletics /      worship
                                       Number                                                                      Past           After the                      Target Games     (including
 Sensory Poems                         Fractions       Day Length                                                                  Planet?                                       Christianity)
 Seaside Senses

Term 6 – TOPIC – Under the Sea

   English          Phonics           Maths –          Science*         Computing            Art/DT               Hist/            Music           PSHE -            PE              RE
                  Letters & Sounds   White Rose                                                                  Geog**                            Jigsaw
   Stories with     Screening        Number: Place       Animals        Purple Mash Unit      Painting        4 countries and    Production      Changing Me      GetSet4PE          LAS
     patterned        Check          Value (within                            1.8 –                            seas of the UK      Songs                           Block 5       Additional
    language –     Preparation           100)            Seasonal        Spreadsheets &    Artist - Vincent                                                                        Places of
      Tiddler                                                               Unit 1.9 –
                                                         Change –                             Scarpace          Study of a                                         Striking &      worship
                     Phase 5c        Measurement:        Summer          Outside School                        small area of                                       Fielding /     (including
                                        Money         including class                                            the UK -                                        Team Building   Christianity)
                    Y1 Spelling                       weather diary        Barefoot                            Hunstanton
  The Big Book
                      Rules          Measurement:                        Computing –
   of the Blue                                                          Sharing Sweets
*Seasonal Change and associated weather ongoing all year / **Seasonal and daily weather patterns ongoing all year
20 | P a g e
Long Sutton County Primary School Curriculum 2021 – 2022

Year 2 Long Term Overview 2021-22 – Michelle Lee / Lorna O’Dwyer & Jenny Copeman

Term 1 – TOPIC – Dinosaur Planet!

   English            Phonics           Maths –            Science        Computing          Art/DT          History/           Music           PSHE -              PE               RE
                    Letters & Sounds   White Rose                                                           Geography                           Jigsaw
  Narrative -          Phase 5         Number: Place      Living things    Purple Mash      Sculpture –       Locational                      Being Me in My    GetSet4PE            LAS
    Settings           Revision           Value             and their       Unit 2.1 –         Clay          Knowledge –                          World          Block 1         Compulsory
 Gigantosaurus                                              habitats         Coding                            Oceans &                                                         Being Human -
                     No Nonsense        Number:                                              Coil Pots        Continents                                       Fundamentals         Islam
 Experimenting         Spelling        Addition and                          Barefoot                                                                           / Ball Skills
  with words                           Subtraction                         Computing –      Artist - Jean      Hot/Cold
   and effects                                                            Spelling Rules      Michael       Places (include
    Dinosaur                                                                                 Basquiat           Egypt)

Term 2 – TOPIC – Space

   English            Phonics           Maths –            Science        Computing          Art/DT          History/           Music           PSHE -              PE               RE
                    Letters & Sounds   White Rose                                                           Geography                           Jigsaw
 Fantasy Settings      Phonics           Number:            Animals       Purple Mash –    Mechanisms –       Significant      Charanga –      Celebrating      GetSet4PE             LAS
   Man on the         Screening         Addition and       including      Online Safety     Wheels and       Individuals –     How Does        Difference       Block 1 & 2     Compulsory
      Moon              Check           Subtraction         humans                            Axles         Neil Armstrong    Music Help Us                                     Life Journey -
                     Preparation       Measurement:                                                                             to Make                        Fundamentals         Islam
      Non-                                Money                                                               Where is          Friends?                        / Ball Skills
  chronological      No Nonsense                                                                              America?
     Reports           Spelling                                                                                                                                Dance / Net &
                                       Multiplication &
    Space N-F
                                          Division                                                                                                              Wall Games

Term 3 – TOPIC – Superheroes

   English            Phonics           Maths –            Science        Computing          Art/DT          History/           Music           PSHE -              PE               RE
                    Letters & Sounds   White Rose                                                           Geography                           Jigsaw
    Character        No Nonsense         Number:            Use of         Purple Mash        Textiles       Geographical                      Dreams and       GetSet4PE           LAS
 Supertato Series      Spelling        Multiplication      everyday         Unit 2.3 –     Templates and       skills and                         Goals         Block 2 & 3      Additional
   Instructions                         & Division         materials      Spreadsheets        joining         fieldwork –                                                       Thankfulness
                                                                                                                                                               Dance / Net &
    Linked to                                                                               techniques      maps, compass                                                        (including
    Supertato                                                                Barefoot                                                                           Wall Games
                                          Statistics                                                           directions                                                       Christianity)
     Teddies                                                               Computing –
                                                                                                                                                               Gymnastics /
                                                                          Sharing Sweets
21 | P a g e
Long Sutton County Primary School Curriculum 2021 – 2022

Term 4 – TOPIC – Fire! Fire!

   English            Phonics           Maths –         Science     Computing             Art/DT            History/            Music           PSHE -            PE               RE
                    Letters & Sounds   White Rose                                                          Geography                            Jigsaw
   Newspaper         No Nonsense        Geometry:        Uses of                          Painting         Events beyond      Charanga –       Healthy Me      GetSet4PE          LAS
    Reports            Spelling        Properties of    everyday                                           living memory       How Does                        Block 3 & 4     Additional
  Toby and the                            Shape         materials                      Fire! Fire! Fire!   – Great Fire of   Music Make the                                   Thankfulness
  Great Fire of                                                                                                London        World a Better                   Gymnastics /     (including
    London                               Number:                                       Artist – Jackson                          Place?                         Fitness       Christianity)
                                         Fractions                                         Pollock
   Classical &                                                                                                                                                 Athletics /
 Contemporary                          Measurement:                                                                                                             Invasion
     Poetry                              Length &                                                                                                                Games
  Fire Poetry                             Height

Term 5 – TOPIC – Great Explorers

   English            Phonics           Maths –         Science     Computing             Art/DT            History/            Music           PSHE -            PE               RE
                    Letters & Sounds   White Rose                                                          Geography                            Jigsaw
   Information       No Nonsense         Geometry:       Plants     Purple Mash Unit      Drawing            Significant                      Relationships     GetSet4PE       Salvation
      Texts            Spelling          Position &                  2.5 – Effective                       Individuals –                                         Block 4      UC 1.5 (core)
      David                              Direction                     Searching       Artist - Martin      Christopher                                                         Why does
  Attenborough                                                                            Bulinya            Columbus                                          Athletics /    Easter matter
                                         Problem                      Computing –                                                                               Invasion      to Christians?
   Significant                           Solving &                  Crazy Characters                                                                             Games
     Author                              Efficient
  Emily Gravett                          Methods

Term 6 – TOPIC – Carnival Time!

   English            Phonics           Maths –         Science     Computing             Art/DT            History/            Music           PSHE -            PE               RE
                    Letters & Sounds   White Rose                                                          Geography                            Jigsaw
 Cultural Stories    No Nonsense       Measurement:      Plants                            Food -           Locational        Charanga –      Changing Me      GetSet4PE      Incarnation
    The Great          Spelling           Time                                         Preparing fruit     Knowledge &        How Does                          Block 5       UC 1.3 (core)
   Kapok Tree                                                                          and vegetables         Place          Music Make Us                                     Why does
                                       Measurement:                                                         Knowledge          Happy?                           Striking &     Christmas
   Explanation                         Mass, Capacity                                                                                                           Fielding /      matter to
      Texts                                 and                                                              (London /        Production                      Team Building    Christians?
   How does a                          Temperature                                                         South America        Songs
                                                                                                              – Brazil)
22 | P a g e
Long Sutton County Primary School Curriculum 2021 – 2022

Year 3 Long Term Overview 2021-22 – Katie Law / Emma Nichols

Term 1 – TOPIC – Long Sutton Remembers

    English           Maths –         Science      Computing         Art/DT            History/            Music           PSHE -            PE             RE              MFL
                     White Rose                                                       Geography                            Jigsaw
   Stories with      Number: Place    Forces and                      Painting            A Local        Charanga –      Being Me in My   GetSet4PE         LAS         La Jolie Ronde
 Familiar Settings      Value          Magnets                                        History Study –    How Does            World         Block 1      Compulsory     ✓ Numbers 0-
  Into the Forest
                                                                   Artist - Michael    How has Long     Music Bring Us                                     God –           10
      Letters         Number:                                        Thompsett        Sutton Primary       Closer                         Tag Rugby /    Hinduism      ✓   Greetings
   Performance       Addition and                                                      changed over      Together?                         Swimming                    ✓   Classroom
      Poetry         Subtraction                                                           time?                                                                           instructions
  Michael Rosen /
   Spike Milligan

Term 2 – TOPIC – Location, Location …

    English           Maths –         Science      Computing         Art/DT            History/            Music           PSHE -            PE             RE              MFL
                     White Rose                                                       Geography                            Jigsaw
  Author Study        Number:         Forces and   Purple Mash        Printing /        The Fens –                        Celebrating     GetSet4PE         LAS         La Jolie Ronde
   Dick King         Addition and      Magnets       Unit 3.4 –        Textiles       A study of the                      Difference      Block 1 & 2   Compulsory     ✓ Ask for and
     Smith           Subtraction                   Touch Typing                         physical &                                                       God – Islam       give name
                                                                    Cushion rep           human                                           Tag Rugby /                  ✓   Revision of
                                                     Barefoot                                                                                                              no’s 0 – 10
      Non-             Number:                                      Lincolnshire      geography of a                                       Swimming
                                                   Computing –                                                                                                         ✓   Ask for and
  Chronological      Multiplication                                                    region of the
                                                      Fossil                                                                                                               state age
    Reports           & Division                                    Artist – Andy           UK                                             Dance /
                                                    Formation                                                                                                          ✓   Christmas
    The Fens                                                          Warhol                                                              Swimming

Term 3 – TOPIC – Pre-historic Britain

    English           Maths –         Science      Computing         Art/DT            History/            Music           PSHE -            PE             RE              MFL
                     White Rose                                                       Geography                            Jigsaw
    Character          Number:         Animals     Purple Mash –       Food              Changes in      Charanga –       Dreams and      GetSet4PE        God/         La Jolie Ronde
  Stone Age Boy      Multiplication   including    Online Safety    Healthy and         Britain from     How Does            Goals        Block 2 & 3   Incarnation    ✓ Colours
    Recounts          & Division       Humans                       varied diet        the Stone Age    Music Help to                                     UC 2a.3      ✓ Verb – est
                                                                                                                                          Tag Rugby /                  ✓ Connective
  Stone Age Exp                                                                       to the Iron Age     Make the                                       What is the
                     Measurement:                                                                                                          Swimming                        - et
   Instructions                                                                                         World a Better                                    Trinity?
                        Money                                                                              Place?
  How to Wash a                                                                                                                            Netball /
     Woolly            Statistics                                                                                                         Swimming

23 | P a g e
Long Sutton County Primary School Curriculum 2021 – 2022

Term 4 – TOPIC – Extreme Earth

   English          Maths –        Science   Computing            Art/DT            History/             Music           PSHE -           PE              RE                MFL
                   White Rose                                                      Geography                             Jigsaw
   Adventure        Measures:       Rocks     Purple Mash         Structures          Human &           Production      Healthy Me     GetSet4PE        God/            La Jolie Ronde
    Stories         Length &                   Unit 3.6 –            Shell            Physical            Songs                        Block 3 & 4   Incarnation       ✓ Names of
  Escape from       Perimeter                  Branching          structures        Geography –                                                        UC 2a.3             fruit
    Pompeii                                    Databases            (CAD)            Volcanoes                                          Netball /     What is the      ✓   Food items
                     Number:                                                        (Pompeii) &                                        Gymnastics      Trinity?        ✓   Easter
   Poems on a        Fractions                 Barefoot          Packaging /        Earthquakes
     Theme                                   Computing –          Desk Tidy                                                            Athletics /
   Volcanoes                                 Network Hunt                                                                              Gymnastics

Term 5 – TOPIC – Around the World in 80 days

   English          Maths –        Science   Computing            Art/DT            History/             Music           PSHE -           PE              RE                MFL
                   White Rose                                                      Geography                             Jigsaw
  Stories set in     Number:        Plants                         Drawing           Locational         Charanga –     Relationships   GetSet4PE       Salvation        La Jolie Ronde
   imaginary         Fractions                                                       Knowledge          How Does                        Block 4         UC 2a.5        ✓ Days of the
     worlds                                                     Artist - Anthony      (World’s         Music Make a                                     Why do             week
    Journey        Measurement:                                     Mwangi                             Difference to                   Athletics /   Christians call
                      Time                                                           Geographical      Us Every day?                    Tennis       the day Jesus
  Poetic Form                                                                          skills and                                                     died ‘Good
    Haikus                                                                            fieldwork         Whole Class                                     Friday’?
                                                                                   (Globes & Digital       Music
                                                                                       Mapping         Instrumental

Term 6 – TOPIC – Land of the Pharaohs

   English          Maths –        Science   Computing            Art/DT            History/             Music           PSHE -           PE              RE                MFL
                   White Rose                                                      Geography                             Jigsaw
   Traditional      Geometry:       Light      Purple Mash        Mechanical       Achievements         Whole Class    Changing Me     GetSet4PE          LAS           La Jolie Ronde
      Tales        Properties of             Unit 3.5 – Email      systems         of the Earliest         Music                        Block 5       Additional       ✓ Months of
  The Egyptian        Shape                  (including email     Levers and       Civilisations –     Instrumental                                  Big Questions         the week
   Cinderella                                                      linkages        Ancient Egypt          Tuition                        Golf /      What does it
                   Measurement:                  Barefoot                                                                              Rounders /    mean to live a
   Information       Mass and                  Computing –                                                                               Tennis        good life?
      Texts          Capacity                Shapes & Crystal
  Ancient Egypt                                  Flowers

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Long Sutton County Primary School Curriculum 2021 – 2022

Year 4 Long Term Overview 2021-22 – Pete Whitehead / Jo Deal

Term 1 – TOPIC – Old Blighty

   English            Maths –          Science        Computing            Art/DT          History/             Music           PSHE -             PE             RE               MFL
                     White Rose                                                           Geography                             Jigsaw
  Author Study       Number: Place       Animals       Purple Mash          Drawing          Cities and                       Being Me in My    GetSet4PE          LAS         La Jolie Ronde
  MG Leonard            Value           including       Unit 4.1 –                         Counties of the                        World          Block 1       Additional     ✓ Revision of
                                         Humans          Coding           Artist - Rene          UK                                                           Big Questions       colours from
    Letters           Number:                                              Magritte                                                             Hockey /       Why do we          Y3
                                                                                           Land Use and                                                                       ✓   Parts of the
  The Highland       Addition and                        Barefoot                           Settlement                                          Dodgeball      celebrate?
  Falcon Thief       Subtraction                       Computing –
                                                                                                                                                                              ✓   Asking for
                                                        2D Shape                          Compass Points /                                                                        French
  Diary Entries                                          Drawing                             OS Maps                                                                              translation
                                                        Debugging                                                                                                             ✓   Zoo Animals

Term 2 – TOPIC – Passport to Europe

   English            Maths –          Science        Computing            Art/DT          History/             Music           PSHE -             PE             RE               MFL
                     White Rose                                                           Geography                             Jigsaw
   Poetry –          Measurement:     Living Things                          Textiles        Locational       Charanga –       Celebrating     GetSet4PE          LAS          La Jolie Ronde
  Classic and         Length and        and their                        2D shape to 3D     Knowledge –       How Does         Difference      Block 1 & 2    Compulsory      ✓ Verbs /
                      Perimeter                                                               Europe
 Contemporary                            Habitats                        product (CAD)                       Music Bring Us                                   Community -         Quantifiers
                                                                                          Human & Physical    Together?                         Hockey /       Hinduism           / Adjectives
  Novel Study          Number:                                                              Geography                                           Dodgeball                     ✓   Members of
  The Midnight       Multiplication                                                       Campania region                                                                         family
      Fox            and Division                                                             of Italy                                           Dance /                      ✓   Christmas
                                                                                                                                                 Football                         Theme

Term 3 – TOPIC – Greece is the Word!

   English            Maths –          Science        Computing            Art/DT          History/             Music           PSHE -             PE             RE               MFL
                     White Rose                                                           Geography                             Jigsaw
      Myths            Number:           Animals       Purple Mash        Sculpture –     Ancient Greece –    Whole Class      Dreams and      GetSet4PE          LAS          La Jolie Ronde
   Greek Myths                                          Unit 4.6 –                        a study of Greek
                     Multiplication     including                        Krator / Pinch                          Music            Goals        Block 2 & 3    Compulsory      ✓ Family
   Performance       and Division        Humans         Animation             Pot              life and      Instrumental                                     Community -          Members
      Poetry                                                                               achievements                                          Dance /
                                                                                                                Tuition                                          Islam        ✓ Vocabulary
                                                          Barefoot                            and their                                          Football
 Non-Chronological   Measurement:                                           Artist -      influence on the                                                                         for Story
                         Area                           Computing –      Yayoi Kusama                                                                                         ✓ Revision of
    The Greeks                                                                             western world                                       Gymnastics /
                                                      Selecting Search                                                                                                             pets
25 | P a g e
Long Sutton County Primary School Curriculum 2021 – 2022

Term 4 – TOPIC – The Rise of the Romans

   English          Maths –         Science        Computing         Art/DT            History/               Music            PSHE -             PE                RE                MFL
                   White Rose                                                         Geography                                Jigsaw
   Historical        Number:        Electricity    Purple Mash –      Electrical       The Roman           Charanga – How     Healthy Me       GetSet4PE          Creation        La Jolie Ronde
    Settings         Fractions                     Online Safety      systems         Empire and its       Does Music Make                     Block 3 & 4        Unit 2a.1      ✓ Dictionary
                                                                   Simple circuits      impact on            the World a                                          What do            skills
                                                                                                            Better Place?                                                        ✓   Playground
   Newspaper         Number:                                        and switches         Britain                                              Gymnastics /       Christians
     Reports         Decimals                                      (programming                                                                Swimming        learn from the        song and
                                                                                                             Whole Class                                                             activity
    Claudius’                                                       and control)                                Music                                          creation story?
   Invasion of                                                                                                                               Athletics / OAA                     ✓   Hobbies
     Britain                                                                                                   Tuition                          & Tennis                         ✓   Easter

Term 5 – TOPIC – Romanisation

   English          Maths –         Science        Computing         Art/DT            History/               Music            PSHE -             PE                RE                MFL
                   White Rose                                                         Geography                                Jigsaw
   Persuasive        Number:         States of     Purple Mash         Food           Romanisation                           Relationships     GetSet4PE            LAS           La Jolie Ronde
    Writing          Decimals         Matter         Unit 4.7 –     Healthy and        of Britain –                                             Block 4         Additional       ✓ Numbers
                                                     Effective      varied diet       what did the                                                              Pilgrimage           12-31
   Information                                      Searching &                                                                                                                  ✓   Revision of
                   Measurement:                                                       Romans leave                                           Athletics / OAA
      Texts                                          Unit 4.8 –                                                                                                                      leisure
   The Romans         Money                                                              for us?                                                & Tennis
                                                     Hardware                                                                                                                        activities
                                                   Investigators                                                                                                                     and opinion
   Stories with    Measurement:                                                                                                                                                      phrases
    issues and        Time                            Barefoot
    dilemmas                                        Computing –
 Roman Mysteries                                   Network Hunt

Term 6 – TOPIC – God Save the Queen!

   English          Maths –         Science        Computing         Art/DT            History/               Music            PSHE -             PE                RE                MFL
                   White Rose                                                         Geography                                Jigsaw
  Biographies        Statistics    Consolidation                      Painting           A study of an      Charanga –       Changing Me       GetSet4PE            LAS          La Jolie Ronde
 Queen Victoria                                                                       aspect or theme in     How Does                           Block 5         Additional       ✓ Weather
                    Geometry:                                                           British history
                                                                   Artist – Georgia                         Music Shape                                         Pilgrimage       ✓ Clothes
                   Properties of                                                         that extends
  Explanation                                                          O’Keeffe             pupils’         Our Way of                          Cricket /
     Texts            Shape                                                             chronological          Life?                             Tennis
                    Geometry:                                                           beyond 1066
                   Position and
                    Direction                                                          Queen Victoria

26 | P a g e
Long Sutton County Primary School Curriculum 2021 – 2022

Year 5 Long Term Overview 2021-22 – Emma Clark / Chloe Hannam

Term 1 – TOPIC – Destination: Earth

   English         Maths –         Science       Computing       Art/DT           History/         Music           PSHE -              PE             RE              MFL
                  White Rose                                                     Geography                         Jigsaw
 Writing for a    Number: Place      Forces                       Painting        Locational     Charanga –      Being Me in My    GetSet4PE           LAS        La Jolie Ronde
   purpose           Value                                                        Knowledge      How Does            World          Block 1        Compulsory    ✓ Zoo Animals
 The Day the                                                   Artists – Andre                  Music Bring Us                                     Being Human   ✓ Verbs /
 Crayons Quit      Number:                                         Derain        Geographical    Together?                        Golf / Netball    Hinduism         Quantifiers
 Drew Daywalt     Addition and                                                    Skills and                                                                         / Adjectives
                  Subtraction                                                     Fieldwork      Whole Class                                                     ✓   Receptive
  Performance                                                                                       Music                                                            vocabulary
     Poetry         Statistics                                                                  Instrumental                                                         only from
 The Raft. The                                                                                                                                                       song
   Rhythm of                                                                                                                                                     ✓   Ask and
      Life                                                                                                                                                           answer
 Michael Rosen                                                                                                                                                       questions
 Jabberwocky                                                                                                                                                         about
  Lewis Carroll                                                                                                                                                      family

Term 2 – TOPIC – Destination: Outer Space

   English         Maths –         Science       Computing       Art/DT           History/         Music           PSHE -              PE             RE              MFL
                  White Rose                                                     Geography                         Jigsaw
  Information       Number:        Earth, Sun,   Purple Mash    Mechanisms        Locational     Whole Class      Celebrating      GetSet4PE            LAS       La Jolie Ronde
     Texts        Multiplication     Moon         Unit 5.1 –   (pulleys, gears    Knowledge         Music         Difference       Block 1 & 2     Compulsory    ✓ Vocabulary
     Space         & Division                      Coding        or CAMS)                       Instrumental                                       Being Human        for Story
       DK                                                                        Geographical      Tuition                        Golf / Netball       Islam     ✓ Revision of
                  Measurement:                     Barefoot                       Skills and                                                                          pets
     Dialogue      Perimeter &                   Computing –                      Fieldwork                                         Dance /                      ✓ Dictionary
    Pandora           Area                          Logical                                                                        Badminton                          skills
  Literacy Shed                                    Number                                                                                                        ✓ Christmas
                                                  Sequences                                                                                                      ✓ Dictionary
 Letter Writing                                                                                                                                                       skills
 For the Birds
  Pixar short

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