Page created by Bryan Becker

CSC offers enriching science opportunities for rising
Pre-K through High School learners in geology,
chemistry, astronomy, biology, environmental science,
and more! Classes are designed to be hands-on, as well
as age and science content appropriate.

Astronomy content and planetarium shows will be
presented in CSC’s updated Millholland Planetarium.
New technology provides for crisper images, new
content, and additional resources to learn about           828.322.8169
space and much more!                        
Registration Information
Pre-K - High School Classes                         Registration & Refunds
WHEN:                                               Payment and registration forms are required to reserve your child’s
Preschool – 8th Grade: Choose the Tuesday or        space. Classes will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis. If you
Wednesday in the 3rd week of each month             need to cancel a registration, you must do so at least two weeks prior
High School: Wednesdays in the third week           to the class date in order to receive a refund, minus an administrative
of each month                                       fee of $5.

CLASS TIME: 1:00 - 2:30 PM                          Please note, CSC reserves the right to cancel a class (and issue full
                                                    refunds) if minimum enrollment is not met.
Beginning 10 minutes to class time,                 If you sign up for the year, refunds will not be paid for missed
sign in at the West Building Lobby.                 programs, unless they are canceled by CSC.

PICK UP:                                            An optional payment plan will allow for installments to be paid
Participants will be signed out in the              throughout the year. $40 per child and membership, if applicable,
West Building Lobby by a parent or guardian.        must be paid at time of registration. Call (828) 322-8169 for details.
*Exceptions can be made for older students with
parental permission, or for mobility limitations;
contact Erin Graves for accommodations.
                                                    Please contact Erin Graves, CSC Director of Programs at (828) 322-8169
COST:                                               or

Preschool – 8th Grade:
• CSC Members: $16 per class
  ($130 entire year) plus tax.                      COVID-19 Safety Procedures
• Non-members: $26 per class
                                                    CSC will follow all NC Dept. of Health & Human Services guidelines for
  ($210 entire year) plus tax.                      educational settings to protect the health of our participants and staff.
                                                    These procedures may include masking, social distancing, smaller class
High School:                                        sizes, and/or limiting access to classrooms for parents/caregivers.
• CSC Members: $20 per class plus tax.
• Non-members: $30 per class plus tax.              Current CSC procedures can be found on the education page of CSC’s
                                                    website. We appreciate your flexibility as the pandemic continues.

Homeschool Educators take $10 off
                                         Annual Membership purchases!

                                         Membership Application
                                         O Mr. O Mrs. O Miss O Ms. O Dr. O Other
                                         Adult #1 Name
                                         Mailing Address
                                         City                                   State       Zip
                                         O Mr. O Mrs. O Miss O Ms. O Dr. O Other
                                         Adult #2 Name
                                         Full Name(s) & Birthdate(s) of Child(ren)

                                         This membership is: O Renewal O New O Gift
                                         If gift membership:
                                         Gift From
                                         Recipient Name
                                         Mailing Address
                                         City                                   State       Zip

                                         Membership Level: (check one)
                                         O College Student, $45    O Benefactor, $250+
                                         O Senior, $45             O Stellar Society, $500+
                                         O Individual, $60         O Angel, $1,000+
                                         O Grandparent, $75        O President’s Circle, $2,500+
                                         O Family, $75             O Corp. Member
                                         O Patron, $100+             Upgrade, $30

                                         I’d like info on
                                         O EVENTS                         O B-DAY PARTIES
                                         O HOMESCHOOL                     O CAMPS
                                         O SCHOLARSHIPS                   O VOLUNTEERING

                                         *To receive $10 educator discount, valid ID is required at the
                                         time of purchase. For independent home educators, please
                                         provide a copy of “Intent to Home School” form submitted
                                         to your local school district. Cost will be added to total on
                                         registration form.

Changing Lives and Inspiring Learning
    Through Science and Wonder                                                                      2
Science Class Descriptions
Pre-K - Kindergarten                      1st - 2nd Grade                             3rd - 4th Grade
September 14-15: Sink or Float            September 14-15: Hair-raising Science       September 14-15: Lights, Heat, Action!
Learn what makes some objects sink        Experiment with magnets and electricity.    Track the movement of heat and
and others float. Use a ball of            Construct a circuit, watch a pickle glow,   discover which materials conduct
clay to make a boat that floats and        and have some “hair-raising” fun with       the most energy.
see raisins bobbing in a cup.             balloons and a Van de Graaff generator.
                                                                                      October 12-13: Who Cut the Cheese?
October 12-13: Move On                    October 12-13: Going Batty                  Learn all about your digestive system
                                          Bats aren’t scary! Participate in fun       (including the smellier parts) and other
Investigate forces – make things roll,
                                          activities centered on Janell Cannon’s      gross things about your body. Watch
bounce, slide, and fly while learning
                                          Stellaluna.                                 Grossology and You in the Millholland
the science of motion.

November 16-17: Sensational Senses        November 16-17: It’s a Gas
                                                                                      November 16-17: Wild Weather Ride
Smell, see, hear, touch, and taste!       Investigate the properties of gases.
                                                                                      Explore all things weather-related on
Use all of your senses in this            Learn about air pressure, the forces
                                                                                      our planet and others too. Watch
fun-filled class.                          of flight, and more.
                                                                                      Zula Patrol: Under the Weather in the
                                                                                      Millholland Planetarium.
December 14-15: Stuck on You              December 14-15: Star Stories
                                                                                      December 14-15: Winter Constellations
Find out what will stick to a magnet      Learn about the winter night sky in
                                          the Millholland Planetarium,                Become an expert on your night sky!
and why. Make a magnet discovery
                                          including a viewing of Legends of the       Make a planisphere and use it in the
                                          Night Sky - Orion.                          Millholland Planetarium. View the
January 11-12: Drip, Drip, Hop, Hop                                                   feature Legends of the Night Sky - Orion.
Come find out who lives in a               January 11-12: Snot-tastic Science
rainforest. Make a tree frog and listen                                               January 11-12: Sound Science
                                          Explore snot and other gross things
to the sounds of the rainforest.          while you learn about your body.            Make some noise while investigating
                                          Watch Grossology and You in the             pitch and volume. Play a unique
                                          Millholland Planetarium.                    musical instrument without touching it!
February 15-16: My Beating Heart
Listen to your heart with a real          February 15-16: Slithery Snakes             February 15-16: Amphibian Misfortunes
stethoscope. Make your own squishy                                                    Solve the mystery of mutating frogs
heart and see how blood pumps             Participate in fun activities centered
                                          on Janell Cannon’s Verdi. Meet a            in this class that combines genetics,
through your body.                                                                    ecology, and math.
                                          couple of CSC’s scaly inhabitants.

March 15-16: Soil, Rocks, and Minerals                                                March 15-16: Science Tool Time
Explore and identify objects that are     March 15-16: Dinosaurs Galore               Discover the world of tools around
made from animals, plants, or rocks.      Learn about the dinosaurs that roamed       you, particularly those used by
Examine clay, sand, and silt. “Mine”      the earth. Measure a dinosaur bone          scientists. Learn how tools make our
for gems to take home and start a         and dig for shark’s teeth.                  work easier and which ones we use
rock collection.                                                                      every day.

April 12-13: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle       April 12-13: Water Works                    April 12-13: Talkin’ Trash
Learn ways you can help conserve          Bubble over with fun as you                 Learn about the impact of trash on
energy and reduce pollution!              experiment with water! You will get         our earth and oceans and how YOU
Participate in an Earth awareness         wet; you may get soaked!                    can help. Do some fun experiments
scavenger hunt.                                                                       using recycled materials.
                                          May 17-18: What’s the Buzz?
May 17-18: Bug-o-rama                     Enter the fascinating world of              May 17-18: Bugology
Grab a magnifier and check out             honeybees! Examine an observation           Observe all things creepy crawly to
insects and spiders. Make a model of      hive and look for the queen bee.            learn about insects, metamorphosis,
metamorphosis and see butterflies          Learn how to communicate like bees          and more.
up close!                                 to find the best nectar.

Science Class Descriptions
                                                                                          High School - Physical
5th - 6th Grade                               7th - 8th Grade                             Science/Astronomy
September 14-15: Exotic Exosolar Planets      September 14-15: The Pressure’s On          September 15: The Properties of Waves
Board the spaceship in CSC’s Millholland      It’s everywhere but you don’t see it or     Explore the properties of light through
Planetarium to fly past the planets and        feel it! Discover how air pressure affects   the use of lenses and mirrors. Discover
away from the solar system. Watch             the world around us and learn some fun      properties of sound waves through
Extreme Planets and learn about the           air pressure tricks.                        hands-on experiments.
unique worlds beyond the Sun.
                                                                                          October 13: Going Around In Circles
                                              October 12-13: Waves, Waves, Waves
October 12-13: Grossology and You                                                         Explore motion from beginning to
                                              Investigate sound, light, and seismic,
Explore your body’s immune,                                                               end: why it starts, why it stops, and
                                              waves through hands-on experiments
digestive, and respiratory systems.                                                       what happens when we spin.
                                              using lasers, tuning forks, and toys.
Watch Grossology and You in the
Millholland Planetarium.                                                                  November 17: Is Anything Really “COLD”?
                                              November 16-17: Vet School
November 16-17: Fizz, Bubble, Foam                                                        Develop an understanding of heat energy
                                              Want to be a veterinarian? Test your        and its transfer, including the insulation
Learn about matter as you perform             diagnostic skills by “reading” animal       properties of several common substances.
chemical experiments that are a gas! Get      x-rays. Learn to use a syringe and          Study the connection between heat and
ready to mix up the ingredients for fun!      how to suture!                              the kinetic energy of atoms.
December 14-15: Move It                       December 14-15: Science Without Answers
                                                                                          December 15: It’s Electrifying
Experience how playing with toys can          Discover solutions to wacky science
help you make discoveries about                                                           Construct different types of electrical
                                              questions through fun
Newton’s laws of motion and other                                                         currents and learn the significance of
physics forces.                                                                           Ohm’s Law.

January 11-12: Dive Right In                  January 11-12: Farts and Phlegm             January 12: It’s a Matter of Density
Does a clam have a foot? Does a sea star      Explore your body’s immune,                 Develop an understanding of how
have a mouth? Find out in this dissection     digestive, and respiratory systems.         matter can be described in terms of
class for junior marine biologists.           Watch Grossology and You in the             density. Can liquids be denser than
(Additional $4 materials charge)              Millholland Planetarium.                    solids? Make a density column.

February 15-16: Close Encounters              February 15-16: Something’s Fishy           February 16: Universal Science
Enhance your microscope skills and            Dissect a perch and investigate their       An introduction to space science
slide preparation techniques as you           unique anatomy. Discover what keeps         including the light spectrum, black
view a hidden world.                          them afloat and get a microscopic            holes, astronomical measurement,
                                              view of scales. Materials Fee: $8.00        and galaxy formation.
March 15-16: 3D Printing
                                                                                          March 16: Great Balls of Fire
Watch a 3D printer in action. Play            March 15-16: Hydromania
around in TinkerCad, the software that                                                    Discover the differences between
                                              Assess the water quality of a local         our solar system’s non-planetary
translates your imagined objects into         stream through hands-on testing.
reality!                                                                                  bodies: comets, meteors, and
                                              Learn what macro-invertebrates can          asteroids. Make models and explore
April 12-13: Seed & Soil Science              tell us about the health of the stream.     their properties.
Dig into dirt! Use science tools to examine
plants and seeds. Sift through soils to       April 12-13: Poly...what?                   April 13: The Sun - Our Stellar Sea
learn about what’s under your feet.           Find out what polymers are and              Learn about our Sun, the forces that
Participants will meet at Glenn Hilton Park   perform amazing experiments to              hold it together, its formation, life
10 minutes after class start time, and be     discover how they’re used in                cycle, and processes. Discover how
picked up from there 10 minutes after end     everyday life.                              the Sun’s magnetic storms impact
of class time (to accommodate families
                                                                                          planet Earth.
with multiple children enrolled in CSC
homeschool classes).                          May 17-18: DNA Day
                                                                                          May 18: Planetary Objects
                                              Crack the genetic code as you work
                                              to extract DNA.                             Explore the members of our solar
May 17-18: Weather Watchers
                                                                                          system, their structures, their
Discover the tools that help us                                                           similarities and differences, and how
measure and predict weather! Learn                                                        they can impact one another.
to forecast for your family.

          Changing Lives and Inspiring Learning
              Through Science and Wonder                                                                                           4
CSC Homeschool 2021-2022 Registration Form
Pre-K – 8th Grade Classes
Please use a separate form for EACH child registering.                         Return completed form with payment to: Catawba Science
Photocopies are acceptable, or download additional forms                       Center, PO Box 2431, Hickory, NC, 28603, email to
at                                           , or fax to (828) 322-1585.

Child’s name                                                                    M      F    Birthdate (mo./day/yr.)                                  Grade
Primary phone                                                                                                     Is this: Home             Work          Cell
Secondary phone                                                                                                   Is this: Home             Work          Cell
Address                                                                                City                                        State           Zip
CSC Member? Y                N      (see pg. 2 ) Exp. Date                                     Membership must remain valid through May 31, 2022.
Other individuals allowed to pick up your child(ren):
     I hereby consent and authorize Catawba Science Center to use and reproduce any photographs of my children for promotional purposes or otherwise.
Class Selections: Please circle Tuesday or Wednesday date                                            Class Cost:
Sept. 14, 15           Oct. 12, 13          Nov. 16, 17         Dec. 14, 15      Jan. 11, 12         CSC Members: $16 per class, $130 per year + tax
Feb. 15, 16            March 15, 16         April 12, 13        May 17, 18                           Non-members: $26 per class, $210 per year + tax
     Entire year option, Tuesday or Wednesday (please circle your day of choice)

Payment Method:                                                                                        $                  Classes subtotal
     Check enclosed              Please call for information:                                          $                  Tax (7%)
Charge my             Visa        MasterCard        Discover                                           $                   Fee subtotal
Name on card                                                                                           $                  Membership Cost
No.                                                            Security Code                           $                   Grand Total
Exp. Date         /      /              Signature
                                                                                                     Refund policy: A refund minus an administration fee of $5
  I would like to participate in CSC’s payment plan. If choosing payment plan,                       will be issued if you cancel at least two weeks in advance.
                                                                                                     Cancellations made within two weeks of a class will not
$40 per child and membership, if applicable, is due at time of registration.                         receive a refund. CSC reserves the right to cancel any
                                                                                                     programs in the event that minimum class enrollments are
Signature                                                              Date                          not met. If this occurs, your payment will be refunded fully.

Medical Information: (Completion required)
Emergency contact (if parent can’t be reached)
Primary Phone(s)
Health/Accident Insurance: Employer                                                        Company                                       Policy #
Name of Insured                                                                  Dr.                                    Phone
Currently on any medications? If so, please list and describe schedule for emergency administration. Include any asthma or
allergy medications. If there are medications that must be administered by CSC staff, written directions must be sent.
Allergies                                                                           Medications
medical treatment or medicine for my son/daughter,                                                                                   , during the 2021-2022
homeschool program.
Signature                                                                                    Date

CSC Homeschool 2021-2022 Registration Form
High School Physical Science & Astronomy Classes
Please use a separate form for EACH child registering.                        Return completed form with payment to: Catawba Science
Photocopies are acceptable, or download additional forms                      Center, PO Box 2431, Hickory, NC, 28603, email to
at                                          , or fax to (828) 322-1585.

Child’s name                                                                  M       F      Birthdate (mo./day/yr.)                                 Grade
Primary phone                                                                                                     Is this: Home             Work           Cell
Secondary phone                                                                                                   Is this: Home             Work           Cell
Address                                                                               City                                       State           Zip
CSC Member? Y               N       (see pg. 2 ) Exp. Date                                     Membership must remain valid through May 31, 2022.
Other individuals allowed to pick up your child(ren):
     I hereby consent and authorize Catawba Science Center to use and reproduce any photographs of my children for promotional purposes or otherwise.
Class Selections: Chemistry, Please circle your choices.                                             High School Classes:
Sept. 15           Oct. 13             Nov. 17             Dec. 15       Jan. 12                     CSC Members: $20 per class + tax
Feb. 16            March 16            April 13            May 18                                    Non-members: $30 per class + tax

Check if able to switch into Tuesday classes           Y       N

Payment Method:                                                                                          $                   Classes Subtotal
     Check enclosed             Please call for information:                                             $                  Tax (7%)
Charge my            Visa        MasterCard        Discover                                              $                  Membership Cost
Name on card                                                                                             $                  Grand Total
No.                                                           Security Code
Exp. Date        /      /              Signature                                                     Refund policy: A refund minus an administration fee of $5
                                                                                                     will be issued if you cancel at least two weeks in advance.
  I would like to participate in CSC’s payment plan. If choosing payment plan,                       Cancellations made within two weeks of a class will not
$40 per child and membership, if applicable, is due at time of registration.                         receive a refund. CSC reserves the right to cancel any
                                                                                                     programs in the event that minimum class enrollments are
Signature                                                             Date                           not met. If this occurs, your payment will be refunded fully.

Medical Information: (Completion required)
Emergency contact (if parent can’t be reached)
Primary Phone(s)
Health/Accident Insurance: Employer                                            Company                                           Policy #
Name of Insured                                                                 Dr.                                      Phone
Currently on any medications? If so, please list and describe schedule for emergency administration. Include any asthma or
allergy medications. If there are medications that must be administered by CSC staff, written directions must be sent.
Allergies                                                                          Medications
I,                                                                           do hereby authorize CSC staff to act on my behalf in seeking any
medical treatment or medicine for my son/daughter,                                                                                   , during the 2021-2022
homeschool program.
Signature                                                                                     Date

      Changing Lives and Inspiring Learning
          Through Science and Wonder                                                                                                                                 6
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