Scottish Highlands 2019 - Desmond O'Hagan - PASTEL WORKSHOP - Jack Richeson

Page created by Randall Sharp
Scottish Highlands 2019 - Desmond O'Hagan - PASTEL WORKSHOP - Jack Richeson

Desmond O'Hagan
   May 5-15, 2019                 Hosted by:

      (depart U.S. May 4, 2019)
Scottish Highlands 2019 - Desmond O'Hagan - PASTEL WORKSHOP - Jack Richeson
about              Desmond O'Hagan
                         Desmond           Prix’d Pastel Award, and “Southwest         DAY 1 Saturday, May 4 2019
                         O’Hagan           Art” magazine’s Award of Excellence
                                                                                       Depart from the city of your choice;
                         was born in       at the “Altitude & Attitude” Exhibition
                                                                                       destination – Edinburgh International Airport,
                         Wiesbaden,        in Denver, CO. He has also won the
                                                                                       Scotland (EDI)
                         Germany, and      George Innes, Jr. Memorial Award from
                         was raised in     the Salmagundi Club in New York City        Some of our group may choose to leave the US
                                                                                       earlier or stay later; touring the UK and Europe.
                         the United        and awards from the Pastel Society of
                         States. He        America’s annual exhibits.                  DAY 2 Sunday, May 5
                         enjoys work-      In September 2016, O’Hagan was              11:00-11:30 am: Meet in the Arrivals Area at
                         ing in several    invited to exhibit and conduct work-        Edinburgh International Airport
                         media, but        shops and seminars at the 2nd Biennial
                         his primary                                                   You will be met by a Richeson staff person and the
                                           China International Pastel Exhibition in    instructor. Luggage will be loaded on the coach
                         focus is in       Suzhou, China. In December 2016, F&W
pastels and oils. Although he appreci-                                                 12:00: Depart for The Kenmore Hotel.
                                           Media released four new instructional
ates many different forms of art, his      DVD’s by O‘Hagan: two instructing in        Lunch: Light lunch and a rest.
main interests include the paintings       pastel painting and two instructing in      6:00pm: A welcome dinner and reception.
of several late 19th century American,     oil painting.                               Early to bed!
French, Spanish, and Russian painters.
Continuous study of these painters has     His paintings have been the subject of      Day 3 Monday, May 6
had a strong influence on O’Hagan’s        feature articles in numerous national
                                                                                       We expect everyone to be suffering from
own art. Constantly challenging himself    and international magazines includ-
                                                                                       some jet lag. This will be an easy day. Supplies
has translated into a fulfilling career    ing The Pastel Journal, American
                                                                                       will be handed out.
in fine art encompassing several one-      Art Collector, Southwest Art, The
                                           Artist Magazine, International Artist,      Lunch: On your own, hotel.
man shows and participation in group
exhibitions in the United States, Japan,   American Artist, United Airlines’           Desmond will give an initial talk and demo.
China, and France. O’Hagan’s one-          Hemispheres magazine, Pratique Des          Spend the afternoon painting at the hotel
man shows have included a show of          Arts (France), Artists and Illustrators     along the banks of the beautiful River Tay.
Scotland depicting Edinburgh, Glasgow,     (England), International Artist
                                           (Australia), and Gekkan Bijyutsu (Japan).   DAY 4 Tuesday, May 7
and the Highlands. Scotland’s varied
landscapes and historic cities offered     He is also represented in four books.       Morning: Desmond will demo.
unique imagery for O’Hagan’s pastel        O’Hagan’s art is in public and private      Afternoon: Painting at Taymouth Castle.
and oil paintings.                         collections in the United States, Japan,    Lunch: Sack Lunch
                                           China, Canada, and Europe. He is rep-
O’Hagan is listed in Who’s Who in          resented by galleries in Santa Fe, NM,      Critique before dinner!
American Art, and is a Master Pastelist    Charleston, SC, and Desmond O’Hagan
with the Pastel Society of America.                                                    DAY 5 Wednesday, May 8
                                           studio, Denver, CO.
In 2005, he was inducted into the                                                      Optional free day for those who do not wish
International Association of Pastel        Studio: 303.691.3736                        to paint. The coach will take all those inter-
Societies’ (IAPS) “Masters Circle.”                       ested to the beautiful city of Stirling.
O’Hagan has won several awards in                   Stirling is home to one of the most well-known cas-
national and international exhibits                                                    tles in Scotland, Stirling Castle. You will be free to
including IAPS convention exhibit’s                                                    explore Stirling by open top bus. Some of the stops
                                                                                       are the famous Wallace Monument and historic
                                                                                       Stirling Castle.
                                                                                       Lunch: On your own, Stirling
                                                                                       You may wish to bring sketching or painting
                                                                                       supplies with you during the trip. Sightseeing
                                                                                       expenses will be on your own.

                                                                                       DAY 6 Thursday, May 9
                                                                                       Painting in the Aberfeldy area. The town grew
                                                                                       up around the Wades Bridge on the River Tay.
                                                                                       Lunch: Sack Lunch

                                                                                       DAY 7 Friday, May 10
                                                                                       Painting at Historic Blair Castle & Gardens.
                                                                                       Desmond will start the day with a demo at
                                                                                       the Gardens. Group will break up to paint.
                                                                                       Lunch: On your own, castle restaurant
Scottish Highlands 2019 - Desmond O'Hagan - PASTEL WORKSHOP - Jack Richeson
The Adventure Begins
 2:00pm: The coach will take anyone inter-
 ested to a shopping excursion at House of
                                                                  Workshop Packages & Information
 Bruar - 10 minute drive.,             Per Person Package Prices                               Tips
                                                          Sharing twin or double room:                            • Allow £4 per day
 DAY 8 Saturday, May 11                                                                                           • We will collect tips to hand out as a
                                                          Artist: $3,500                                            group at the trip's end to the coach driver
 We will be painting in the area of Loch                                                                            and the hotel
 Tay. Within walking distance is the Scottish
                                                          Non-artist: $3,100
                                                          Supplement for single room: $50.00/day                  Accommodations
 Crannog Centre – a reconstruction of an Iron
                                                          (single rooms limited)
 Age stilt dwelling built over the water.                                                                         We will be staying at the beautiful
                                                          Upgraded room (if available): $20.00/day                Historic Kenmore Hotel, built in 1572. Visit
 Lunch: Sack Lunch                                                                                       for more details
 Dinner: On your own.                                     Included                                                and information.
                                                          • Ground transportation with
 DAY 9 Sunday, May 12                                       group in Scotland                                     Roommates
                                                          • 10 nights bed & breakfast                             If you wish to have a roommate but are
 Special Day! We will be painting on the                  • Eight dinners (included standard tea &
 grounds of the Edradour Distillery, the small-                                                                   traveling alone, we will do our best to
                                                            coffee) and five packed lunches                       assign a roommate of the same sex. If this
 est traditional distillery in Scotland. Tours            • Instructor fees                                       isn’t possible, please be prepared to pay the
 have been arranged.                                      • BONUS $1,200.00 retail value of artist                single supplement.
 Lunch: Sack Lunch                                          supplies (for artists only) donated by Jack

 4:00pm: Trip to the beautiful town Pitlochery
                                                            Richeson & Co. available on site when the             Non-Artist Companions:
                                                            artist arrives.                                       Non-painters can enjoy walking, hiking, golf
 where you can enjoy dinner on your own.                  After the workshop, we ship the materials to our fac-   and exploring the villages.
 6:30pm: Coach leaves for the return trip                 tory in Wisconsin. From there we will ship to your
                                                          home or studio after the workshop.
                                                                                                                  Air Travel
 DAY 10 Monday, May 13                                    Guests in North America, but outside of the lower
                                                                                                                  Individuals are responsible for making
                                                          48 states, may have a small supplemental materials
 Painting in the area of Dunkeld and Dunkeld              shipping fee.                                           their own travel arrangements. This frees
 Cathedral. This area played a vital role in the          Guests outside North America should arrange to take     you to use travel miles and control your
 early history of Scotland, both as a royal and reli-     materials home on your flights.                         own travel schedule.
 gious area. Dunkeld Cathedral was built in the early                                                             Final destination will be the Edinburgh
 1600’s. This fantastic area gives us a wealth of sites   Not Included                                            Airport, Scotland UK (code EDI)
 to paint. For those who do not wish to paint, there      •   Alcoholic beverages,                                You may wish to book with a stop over-
 is plenty to see and do on the local trip.               •   Soft drinks                                         night. Flying from the U.S. the day before
 Demo and instruction on site by Desmond.                 •   Specialty coffees                                   can make for a very long and difficult day.
                                                          •   Personal items
 DAY 11 Tuesday, May 14                                   •   Painting materials in addition to the               Passport
                                                              materials provided                                  Passports are required for travel. We will
 This is our last day!                                                                                            require a copy of the picture page of your
 Morning: a wrap-up by Desmond                            Non-Artist Price                                        passport no later than March 1, 2019.
 Lunch: On your own.                                      Includes all listed items except the work-
                                                          shop and art supplies.
 Anyone wishing to get a little more painting
 in will be free to paint until 2pm. At 2pm, we                         **Important: The schedule and locations are TENTATIVE and
 will pack up the cartons and get them ready                                  subject to weather and instructor discretion.**
 to ship home.
 Evening: A wild and fun Robert Burns night….
 complete with bagpipes and a bringing in of
 the Haggis.

 DAY 12 Wednesday, May 15
 6:00am: Coach will depart for Edinburgh
 International Airport. Plan your return flight
 for 10:30am or later.
 8:30am: Check-in for returning flights
 Those staying on in the UK can ride the coach to
 the airport where they can pick up rental cars or
 other transportation for the remainder of their stay.

                Please Note
Bag Lunch Days may vary from the brochure
     as painting locations are selected.
Scottish Highlands 2019 - Desmond O'Hagan - PASTEL WORKSHOP - Jack Richeson
Trip Details & Contact Information
Who Should Attend?                                                                       Questions
For moderately experienced painters. Guests should be able to lift 40lbs. of             Please contact a customer service representative at
gear as well as walk for moderate distances. Ground is often uneven and                  Jack Richeson & Co., Inc. for further information.
paths are grass or rock.                                                                 Phone: 920.738.0744 or 800.233.2404
Departure and Return                                                                     Fax: 920.738.9156 or 800.233.2545
Depart U.S. on May 4, 2019. Arrive in the UK on May 5. Group will depart on
Wednesday May 15, 2019. Some guests may opt to arrive early or extend the
trip on their own.
                                                                                         About Your Hostess
Travel Insurance - IMPORTANT!                                                            Colleen Richeson-Maxey is Vice President of Sales
To protect your investment, it is important to consider trip i­nsurance. It must         at Jack Richeson & Co.,
be purchased from your local travel agent within three days of booking                   Inc. - a major manufac-
your trip. Please consult your local travel agent.                                       turer and distributor of
                                                                                         fine artist materials. She
Special Needs                                                                            is an e
                                                                                               ­ xperienced traveler
If you have any special requests such as vegetarian meals, d   ­ ifficulty with          and has ­organized dozens
stairs, etc., please add a note to the r­ eservation form. We will pass these on         of overseas painting work-
and do our best to comply.                                                               shops with instructors such
Cancellation Policy                                                                      as Daniel Greene, Stephen
100% refundable through December 2, 2018                                                 Quiller, Zoltan Szabo,
80% of fees are refundable from Dec. 3, 2018 - Feb. 1, 2019                              Maggie Price, Tom Fong,
We are unable to refund in the event of cancellation Feb. 2, 2019 or after               Chris Van Winkle and others.

Price Registration and Contract                                                               1 form required per traveller
                                                                                                                       COPIES ACCEPTED

  Name (as shown on passport):                                                                Preferred Name:

  Address:                                                              City:                                     State:           Zip:
  Phone Number:                                           Fax:                            Email (Print):
  *IMPORTANT: We will give email updates where possible. Copy of passport photo page must be submitted no later than March 1, 2019.

  1. Please check:      I am: ( ) a painter    ( ) not a painter      I require: ( ) Twin Bedded Room        ( ) Double Bed    ( ) Single Room
  2. Please list: if you have any health or dietary restrictions (we will try to accommodate, but cannot guarantee)

  3. Please name: the person you wish to room with (leave blank if you wish for us to find a roommate for you)

  4. (   ) Please mark if single room supplement ($50.00 per day added to total package price).

  5. I am interested in an upgraded room. ($20.00 per day additional) Yes: ( ) No: ( )       (If yes, we will contact you with availability.)

  Emergency contact:                                                                 Phone number:

  •   $500.00 deposit holds your spot.
  •   50% of remaining balance due by September 30, 2018                   Please secure trip              Please send contract and U.S. check,
  •   Completed payment due by February 4, 2019                         insurance through your              money order or credit card info to:
  •   Fully refundable up to December 2, 2019. See details above.
  •   NO REFUNDS are possible February 2, 2019 or later.
                                                                           local travel agent.                  Jack Richeson & Co., Inc.
                                                                                                             Attn: Scotland Workshop 2019
                                                                                                            557 Marcella Street (P.O. Box 160)
  MC/Visa (check one) Exp. Date:
                                                                                                                Kimberly, WI 54136-0160
  Card #:                                                   Security Code #
                                                                                                            A confirmation letter will be sent
  Amount Paid:                                      Date Paid:                                                upon receipt of your deposit.
Scottish Highlands 2019 - Desmond O'Hagan - PASTEL WORKSHOP - Jack Richeson Scottish Highlands 2019 - Desmond O'Hagan - PASTEL WORKSHOP - Jack Richeson Scottish Highlands 2019 - Desmond O'Hagan - PASTEL WORKSHOP - Jack Richeson Scottish Highlands 2019 - Desmond O'Hagan - PASTEL WORKSHOP - Jack Richeson Scottish Highlands 2019 - Desmond O'Hagan - PASTEL WORKSHOP - Jack Richeson Scottish Highlands 2019 - Desmond O'Hagan - PASTEL WORKSHOP - Jack Richeson
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