SEASON REPORT - NZ Young Farmers Contest

Page created by Ben Munoz
SEASON REPORT - NZ Young Farmers Contest

SEASON REPORT - NZ Young Farmers Contest
SEASON REPORT - NZ Young Farmers Contest
    The 52nd FMG Young Farmer of the Year season has finished.
    Unfortunately due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the country going
    into lockdown on 25th March, the decision was made on the 1st April
    to cancel the three remaining FMG Young Farmer of the Year Regional
    Finals, and the FMG Young Farmer of the Year Grand Final. All four
    North Island regionals had been completed prior to this decision.
    However, it wasn’t all bad news - by moving to an online format we
    had the ability to continue with the South Island Regional Finals for
    AgriKidsNZ and FMG Junior Young Farmer of the Year, which lead to
    the first ever online Grand Final for both AgriKidsNZ and FMG Junior
    Young Farmer of the Year on 19th June 2020.
    Many lessons were learnt this year, and the with the support of our
    family of sponsors we were able to host exams, modules and face-
    offs in a completely new online format.
    Every year we strive to put on a great event and this year was no
    different. We thank all our sponsors and volunteers for the ongoing
    support and look forward to continuing the same success in the 53rd
    season of FMG Young Farmer of the Year in 2021.

SEASON REPORT - NZ Young Farmers Contest
CONTEST SEASON                                                                                                          EVENING SHOW NUMBERS
                                                                                                                        FOR REGIONAL FINALS
FMG YOUNG FARMER OF THE YEAR DISTRICT FINALS                                                                                        Regional                              Tickets Sold                     Tickets available
                                                                                                                                    Northern                                  123                                160
The FMG Young Farmer of the Year 2020 Season kicked off with district contest opening in October 2019.                              Wai/BoP                                   207                                300
Between October and December, 18 district contests were held, with a total of 221 New Zealand Young
                                                                                                                                    Tara/Man                                  123                                200
Farmers’ competing.
                                                                                                                                    East Coast                                156                                200
It must be noted that district contests could not run without all the volunteers. Over 100 volunteers
help out across the country to put on the events and a huge thank you must go to them all.
Each District Contest has between one and four contestants qualifing through to the Regional Final. This is
dependant on how each region allocates its eight Regional Final spots.
                                                                                                                        LIVE STREAM NUMBERS
                                                                                                                        FOR REGIONAL FINALS
                                                                                                                              Regional                   Head to Head 1                  Head to head 2          Awards Show
                      District Final Name                   2017 Numbers   2018 Numbers   2019 Numbers   2020 Numbers
                                                                                                                              Northern                        123                             160                      970
Contest District Final - Lower North                             21             15             11             12
                                                                                                                              Wai/Bop                         207                             300                      1.8k
Contest District Final - Wairarpa (Merged EC)                    15             11             0              0
                                                                                                                              Tara/Man                        123                             200                      1k
Contest District Final - Bay of Plenty                           10             7              10             7
Contest District Final - Hawkes Bay (East Coast North)           19             15             9              13
                                                                                                                              East Coast                      156                             200                      899
Contest District Final - Manawatu                                10             15             13             14
Contest District Final - Manawatu Open                           27             20             13             13
Contest District Final - Mid Canterbury (Aorangi North)          27             24             19             29
Contest District Final - Nelson/Marlborough (Tasman North        9              7              11             11        SOCIAL ENGAGEMENT
                                                                                                                        FMG YOUNG FARMER OF THE YEAR
Contest District Final - North Canterbury (Tasman South)         7              10             11             0
Contest District Final - North Otago                             11             0              0              0
Contest District Final - North Waikato                           14             10             8              9
Contest District Final - Otago                                   18             6              13             12
                                                                                                                        July 2020
Contest District Final - Southland                               35             18             12             15
Contest District Final - Taranaki                                12             9              12             12
Contest District Final - Taranaki Open                           11             9              8              8
Contest District Final - Tararua (East Coast South)              20             11             15             13
Contest District Final - Timaru (Aorangi South)                  12             24             6              6
Contest District Final - Upper North                             11             18             8              11
Contest District Final - Waikato/Piako                           14             8              9              10                       FACEBOOK                                                     INSTAGRAM
Contest District Final - Waipa/King Country                      15             11             12             9
Contest District Final - West Coast                              10             6              3              0
Contest District Final -Christchurch (Tasman South)              21             22             12             17
                                                                349            276            215            221

This years’ districts saw a small increase on 2019 entry numbers. With the pipeline between FMG JR Young
Farmer and FMG Young Farmer of the Year growing stronger every year, we’re expecting to see those numbers
                                                                                                                                           FOLLOWERS                                                1,700+
                                                                                                                                      7,000+                                                          FOLLOWERS
keep rising as the contest grows.

SEASON REPORT - NZ Young Farmers Contest
REGIONAL FINALS                                                                                                TARANAKI/MANAWATU
                                                                                                               The drizzle was falling on and off during the Taranaki Manawatu Regional Final held on the 22nd of February -
                                                                                                               but it didn’t dampen any spirits!
The top eight contestants chosen from district finals move on to Regional Finals (seven) to compete against
each other, with the winner named the Region’s FMG Young Farmer of the Year. The winner then represents        Competitor’s quad bike skills, first aid response, gate construction abilities and even their fishing skills were put
their region at Grand Final, to compete for a shot at the title of FMG Young Farmer of the Year.               to the test by the creative Regional Final Convener and his team.
                                                                                                               It was definitely a regional final not to be missed and was enjoyed by all, with a post celebration to be rivalled.
                                                                                                               James Lawn came out on top, winning Taranaki Manawatu FMG Young Farmer of the Year with Hugh Jackson
NORTHERN                                                                                                       the runner up and Graham Johnson coming in third.

The Northern Regional Final held on the 1st of February was an absolutely sweltering hot day. The amount
of water that had to be drunk to keep everyone hydrated was immense! But the competition on the day was
fiercer than the sun. Lisa Kendall was named Northern FMG Young Farmer of the Year, with Calvin Ball hot her
heels and Kate Reed coming in third.

                                                                                                               EAST COAST
                                                                                                               Last but not least the East Coast Regional Final held on the 29th of February became our last Regional Final
                                                                                                               of the season due to COVID-19. But it was the best way to bow out, with so many good memories to reflect
                                                                                                               on before lockdown.
WAIKATO/BAY OF PLENTY                                                                                          The head to heads were intense, with gate building and fitting, AgriKidsNZ competitors receiving first
                                                                                                               aid treatment for “injuries”, lemon bobbing and juicing, tree pruning, technical trough and milking devices
Next up, the Waikato Bay of Plenty Regional Final held on the 8th of February was a scorcher for a different
                                                                                                               to put together and more! It was fast, it was quick, it was challenging and boy did it make for some
reason - with the teams having to make a barbecue, fire it up and then cook a burger on it. There were a few
                                                                                                               fantastic spectating!
burgers that looked a bit sore on the eyes and a couple of prying eyes also *borrowing* cooking ideas from
others during this head to head. The awards evening held at Wintec’s ‘The Atrium’, certainly set the venue     Joseph Watts took out East Coast FMG Young Farmer of the Year, hoping for a second shot at Grand Final.
standard very high for the rest of the season. Mitchel Hoare took out the regional title as Waikato/Bay of     Runner up was awarded to Hamish Hammond and Georgina Campbell came in third after absolutely
Plenty FMG Young Farmer of the Year. Kieran McHugh came second and Joshua Rainey came in third.                smashing the quiz.
SEASON REPORT - NZ Young Farmers Contest

           LISA KENDALL,                                              JAMES LAWN,
           Northern FMG Young Farmer of the Year 2020                 Taranaki Manawatu Young Farmer of the Year 2020

           Franklin Young Farmers                                     Inglewood Young Farmers

           28 years old                                               30 years old

           Business owner Nurture Farming LTD, Farmlands Assistant    Business Manager, Parininihi ki Waitotara Farms Taranaki
           Business Manager, part time Personal Trainer
                                                                      Previous Grand Finalist 2017, 5th place
           Previous Grand Finalist 2017, 4th place
                                                                      Massey University Alumni
           Lincoln University Alumni and Massey University Graduate

           MITCHEL HOARE,                                             JOSEPH WATTS,
           Waikato Bay of Plenty FMG Young Farmer of the Year 2020    East Coast FMG Young Farmer of the Year 2020

           North King Country Young Farmers                           Tikokino Young Farmers

           24 years old                                               29 years old

           Second in Charge, sheep and beef station, Te Kuiti         PGG Wrightson Technical Field Representative

           First time competitor                                      Previous Grand Finalist 2019, Runner up FMG Young
                                                                      Farmer of the Year
           Waipaoa Cadet and Lincoln University Alumni
                                                                      Massey University Alumni
SEASON REPORT - NZ Young Farmers Contest
                                                                                                                                                                As part of his $75,000 prize package, Robertson travelled
                                                                                                                                                                to Ireland where he attended the World Ploughing

                                                                                                                                                                Championships and also managed to place 1st in an Irish
                                                                                                                                                                Young Farmers tractor handling competition.

REGIONAL FINALISTS                                                                                                                                              While in Ireland, he joined the Callaghan Innovation New
                                                                                                                                                                Zealand Agritech Delegation, presented a session on
                                                                                                                                                                Sustainability in New Zealand farming and attended a
                                                                                                                                                                range of meetings at the New Zealand Embassy.

                                                                                                                                                                Closer to home, he has sat in on Primary Production Select
                                                                                                                                                                Committee meetings at Parliament, met with Government
                                                                                                                                                                Minister’s to discuss a range of issues impacting the next
                                                                                                                                                                generation of farmers and also presented and ran sessions
                                                                                                                                                                in schools around Auckland about opportunities in the
                                                                                                                                                                agriculture sector.

                                                                                                                                                                He’s worked with WorkSafe on a number of initiatives
                                                                                                                                                                and also been a popular interviewee in the media space,
                                                                                                                                                                featuring in many newspaper articles, radio interviews for
                                                                                                                                                                Rural Exchange, The Country and television interviews with
                                                                                                                                                                The Project and TVNZ’s Sunday programme.

                                   AORANGI                                                      JAMES ROBERTSON                                                 He was also recognised as a 2020 Finalist for the incredibly
                                   2020 REGIONAL FINALISTS                                                                                                      prestigious Australasian Zanda McDonald award, where he
                                                                                                2019 FMG YOUNG                                                  will attend the Platinum Primary Producer Conference at
                                                                                                                                                                the end of the year.
                                                                                                FARMER OF THE YEAR                                              He’s become the Chairman of the Auckland Club for 2020,
                                                                                                                                                                convened a District Final and unfortunately had a busy
                                                                                                James Robertson made FMG Young Farmer of the Year
                                                                                                                                                                calendar with many other opportunities, cleared due to
                                                                                                history when he took out the 2019 title.
  Adam        Campbell    George     George       Hamish     James       Jesse        Scott                                                                     COVID-19.
   Judd      Somerville   Smith      Webster      Holland    Hurst       Wilde      Middleton
                                                                                                At just 22 years old, he became the youngest ever winner at
                                                                                                                                                                Some of those opportunities included being a guest
                                                                                                the Hawke’s Bay Grand Final in the contest’s 51st season.
                                                                                                                                                                speaker for the Massey University Graduation in May and
                                                                                                But it doesn’t stop there - he became the first person ever     a trip to Rotterdam, Holland, to attend and compete at
                                    TASMAN                                                      to have taken out both FMG Young Farmer of the Year and
                                                                                                the Teen Ag Grand Final in 2013 (now FMG Junior Young
                                                                                                                                                                the International Food and Agribusiness Management
                                                                                                                                                                Association case study competition.
                                   2020 REGIONAL FINALISTS
                                                                                                Farmer of the Year).
                                                                                                                                                                Robertson said having won FMG Young Farmer of the Year
                                                                                                With the cancellation of the 52nd contest season due to         opened a myriad of doors and opportunities.
                                                                                                COVID-19, he’s also the only person to have carried the title
                                                                                                                                                                “The past twelve months have been mind-blowing, things
                                                                                                for two consecutive years.
                                                                                                                                                                haven’t stopped. The more you say yes, the more frequent
                                                                                                Robertson said in 2019, that becoming FMG Young Farmer          opportunities arise and since the Grand Final in 2019 this
                                                                                   Abrahamson   of the Year was a dream come true and had always been a         has certainly been the case,” Robertson said.
                                                                                                goal he wanted to achieve since watching the contest on TV
                                                                                                                                                                “Having the chance to travel and represent the contest,
                                                                                                as a child.
                                                                                                                                                                NZ Young Farmers and the sector has been really
                                                                                                Based in Auckland, he is a Technical Assistant for Fonterra’s   humbling and created an amazing learning environment

                          OTAGO/SOUTHLAND                                                       Managing Director of Co-operative Affairs, and has ticked
                                                                                                off many other achievements since his win as the reigning
                                                                                                                                                                for my longer-term ambitions. The FMG Young Farmer
                                                                                                                                                                of the Year Contest has accelerated my journey and career,
                                   2020 REGIONAL FINALISTS                                                                                                      which I’m truly grateful for.”
                                                                                                FMG Young Farmer of the Year.

   Adam        Adam       Andrew    Angel-Lee      Josh       Lee        Peter        Tom
 Callaghan     Dale        Cowie     Woods       Johanson    Hodsell   Templeton   Blackmore
SEASON REPORT - NZ Young Farmers Contest

Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, NZ          It became clear from the 21st of March   with the FMG Young Farmer of the            In the interests of being as fair as
Young Farmers was forced to cancel        when Government Alert Levels were        Year Contest, but for the safety of         possible to the contest and the
the remainder of the FMG Young            announced, that holding any form         competitors, volunteers, spectators         competitors affected, the Contest
Farmer of the Year 2020 Contest           of FMG Young Farmer of the Year          and sponsors it’s the right thing to do,”   Board introduced a new set of rules for
including Grand Final which was set       Regional Final was off the cards as      Coppersmith said on April 1st.              the 2021 contest season for the four
to be held in Christchurch at the         the country prepared to move to a                                                    2020 North Island Grand Finalists and
                                                                                   “I’d like to acknowledge all of our
start of July.                            full lockdown on March 26th.                                                         the 28 competitors who qualified for
                                                                                   competitors this year and in particular
                                                                                                                               the cancelled Regional Finals.
The announcement to cancel the            NZYF CEO Lynda Coppersmith said          highlight the efforts of our four Grand
season was made on Wednesday the          it was the first time in the contest’s   Finalists for 2020 who support the          All would need to requalify for
1st of April.                             52-year history that the Grand Final     decision and appreciate the unique          Regional Finals for the 2021 contest
Like other businesses, organisations      and remaining Contest season had         situation we’re all in. We also want        season, a one year age extension was
                                          been cancelled.                          to thank our South Island Regional          implemented and restrictions on the
and sporting events, we needed to
                                                                                   Finalists for their patience as we          number of Grand Final and Regional
respond and do our part to limit the
                                          “I appreciate this decision will be      worked through the postponement of          Final qualifications was revoked.
spread of the virus.
                                          disappointing for everyone involved      their Regional Finals,” she said.
Four North Island Regional Finals were                                                                                         The four Grand Finalists – Lisa Kendall,
held before the COVID-19 outbreak,                                                                                             Northern, Mitchel Hoare, Waikato
however Aorangi, Tasman and Otago/                                                                                             Bay of Plenty, James Lawn, Taranaki
Southland Regional Finals were                                                                                                 Manawatu and Joseph Watts, East            sponsors. But in these extraordinary      As the principal sponsor of the Contest,
postponed from the 16th of March as                                                                                            Coast – have kept their regional FMG       times our community’s health              FMG fully backed NZYF’s decision.
the Government started to introduce                                                                                            Young Farmer of the Year titles.           undoubtedly comes first,” he said at
                                                                                                                                                                          the time.                                 FMG would continue to work with
restrictions on mass gatherings and                                                                                                                                                                                 NZYF, its Board and the FMG Young
                                                                                                                               FMG Young Farmer of the Year 2019,
events.                                                                                                                                                                   Robertson said his thoughts were with     Farmer of the Year Contest organising
                                                                                                                               James Robertson would continue as
The three remaining FMG Junior                                                                                                 the reigning champion until the 2021       those who qualified for Grand Final, as   committee, along with other sponsors,
Young Farmer of the Year and AgriKids                                                                                          season.                                    well as the South Island competitors      to prepare for the 2021 season.
Regional Finals were moved to an                                                                                                                                          who did not get to compete.
                                                                                                                               Robertson supported the cancellation                                                 The 2021 FMG Young Farmer of the
online format which the team worked
                                                                                                                               of the 2020 contest season, calling it a   “Countless hours and even years of        Year Grand Final would be held in
extremely hard to reformat.
                                                                                                                               big decision but the right one to make.    planning goes into preparing for the      Christchurch, as was planned for the
Before the severity of the outbreak                                                                                                                                       FMG Young Farmer of the Year Grand        52nd season.
became clear NZYF had looked at                                                                                                “This will be disappointing news for       Final, but this time has not gone to
the possibility of holding the South                                                                                           everybody involved, two weeks ago          waste. I have no doubt the contestants
Island FMG Young Farmer of the Year                                                                                            we never thought we would be in the        will demonstrate their resilience
Regional Finals at a later date or in a                                                                                        current situation, which has created       and begin thinking about the fast
closed door format.                                                                                                            uncertainty for NZFY members,              approaching 2021 contest season,”
                                                                                                                               staff, contestants and the family of       he said.
SEASON REPORT - NZ Young Farmers Contest
                                                                           REGIONAL FINALS
                                                                           •   Four Practical based regionals were completed on the North Island (Northern, Wai/BoP, Tara/Man and
                                                                               East Coast) with eight modules at each of the four regionals. These included modules from Ravensdown,
Every year, hundreds of children from all over New Zealand compete             North Fuels, Honda, WorkSafe, New Holland, Lincoln University, Beef + Lamb and Hansen.
in their local Regional Final AgriKidsNZ Competition.
                                                                           •   The top seven teams from the modules competed in the Race-Off, to name the top three teams
The competition is open and free to all members, pre-registration              for each region.
is required as entries fill up quickly. AgriKidsNZ compete in teams
                                                                           •   Due to COVID-19 the South Island Regional Finals were moved to an online format. This last-minute
of three and a typical Regional Final consists of eight practical and
                                                                               change saw Tasman, Aorangi and Otago/Southland compete through an online challenge with the winners
theoretical modules to promote the learning of all the different
                                                                               from each school moving into the virtual Face-Off.
aspects of our industry.
                                                                           •   The top three teams from the Face-Off earned a place in the Grand Final.
The seven top scoring teams from the preliminary round then
progress to the Race-Off where competitors must compete in several
tasks as quickly and as carefully as possible. The format of the
competition is the same, but the specifics change from year to year.
While the challenges are predominantly agriculturally based, children
from all backgrounds will enjoy the competition as it is a way for
them to get outside and get active with their friends. All they need to
bring is determination and enthusiasm!
The top three teams at each Regional Final are then invited to the
Grand Final to battle it out for the champion’s title.

                                                                          AGRIKIDS ENTRIES PER REGION
                                                                          *144 capacity per region

                                                                                         Region                              Entries
                                                                                        Northern                               45
                                                                                        Wai/Bop                                32
                                                                                       Tara/Man                                123
                                                                                       East Coast                           144-Full
                                                                                     Aorangi-Online                         144-Full
                                                                                     Tasman-Online                             81
                                                                                 Otago/Southland-Online                     144-Full
SEASON REPORT - NZ Young Farmers Contest

                                                                            AORANGI                               AGRIKIDS GRAND FINAL
                                                                          GRAND FINALISTS
                                                                                                                  This year’s Grand Final was the first in the history of the competition to move to an online format. The teams
                                                                                                                  at Grand Final had a new challenge, not only with the high standard of modules, but also to navigate through
                                                                                                                  the technology of the modules, using various platforms such as Zoom and online quizzes.
                                                             Farmwise –        Hinds 1 –        AgriSeeds –       Grand Final broke down into 3 sections:
                                                             Longbeach        Hinds School      Longbeach
                                                               School                             School          •   An exam written and provided by Lincoln University.
                                                                                                                  •   An AgriTask Challenge (new to 2020) - the competitors were sent out a farm map with some craft
               EAST COAST                                              NORTHERN                                       equipment in advance. They needed to build their own farm and film a 2-3 min presentation.
                  GRAND FINALISTS                                       GRAND FINALISTS                           •   Seven Modules - modules included Lincoln University, Ravensdown, Beef + Lamb, South Fuels/North
                                                                                                                      Fuels, Worksafe, New Holland and MPI.
                                                                                                                  The top five teams at the end of the three challenges then battled it out in a Face-Off quiz. This element
                                                                                                                  had never been done at the AgriKidsNZ level. It was great to be able to provide a Grand Final for the AgriKids
                                                                                                                  competitiors and the feedback was very postive.
    Bush Boys –       Tiko Top Dogs –      Farmyard         Kamo Koolios      Kamo Dream         O.C Cuts –
     Kumeroa          Tikokino School/     Chickens –          – Kamo            – Kamo        Okaihau College
      School             Hereworth       Ruahine School     Intermediate      Intermediate

                      TASMAN                                 OTAGO/ SOUTHLAND
                                                                                                                  WATCH THE AGRIKIDS FACE-OFF ONLINE:
                  GRAND FINALISTS                                         GRAND FINALISTS

                                                                                                                  LIVE STREAM SOCIAL ENGAGEMENT
   Future Farmers       The Ramz –        Clever Cows –        Dipton         West Otago     Funky Farmers –
    – Oxford Area      Seddon School      Seddon School     Dynamites –      Rams – Blue     Winton Primary
       School                                               Dipton School   Mountain College     School

  WAIKATO/BAY OF PLENTY                                     TARANAKI/MANAWATU
                  GRAND FINALISTS                                       GRAND FINALISTS

                                                                                                                                                                                               1.6 K
   Mixed Breed – St    Cream of the       The Cow Girls     Carncot Green   Mak Trappers –     The Three Little                     FACEBOOK
   Mary’s Putaruru    Crop – Waikite      – Bethlehem          – Carncot    South Makirikiri   Biggs – Mount
                       Valley School       College, St       Independent        School          Biggs School
                                         Mary’s Putaruru,        School
                                         Kuranui Primary
            GRAND FINAL            TOP AGRIKIDS 2020 CONTEST

1   st      West Otago Rams -                                                  In second place were Aorangi team           modules and tasks as well as an exam
            Charlie Ottrey,                                                    “AgriSeeds” - Aiden Smollett, Liam          for the Grand Final.
PLACE       Dylan Young and                                                    Lash and Milli Pottinger from
                                                                               Longbeach School.                           They completed a food producing
            Riley Hill from Blue
                                                                                                                           memory game, calculated how
            Mountain College
                                                                               “Carncot Green” made up by Gabby            much feed it takes to feed different
                                                                               Cavan, Phoebe Driscole, Sophia              animals, matched up different oils and
                                                                               Pinkney from Carncot Independent            lubricants and were educated about
                                                                               School came in third place.                 safety hazards around fuel.

                                                                               Three South Island Regional Finals          They also completed a maze with
                                                                               and the Grand Final were all forced to      biosecurity problems, were quizzed
                                                                               either be cancelled or moved online         about tractors and created a 3D viable
                                                                               when Government restrictions around         farm for the agritask.
                                                                               events started coming into place in
                                                                                                                           The West Otago Rams say their

                                                                                                                           favourite challenge was the memory

    nd      Agri Seeds -
            Aiden Smollett,        Press release posted on
                                                                               New Zealand Young Farmers CEO
                                                                               Lynda Coppersmith says the quick
                                                                                                                           game with Lincoln University, matching
                                                                                                                           up different photos.
    PLACE   Liam Lash and Milli    19 June 2020                                decision was made, to move everything
                                                                               online and deliver the contest for          The top five point scoring teams then
            Pottinger from                                                                                                 went into the face off – a famous
                                                                               AgriKids competitors alongside the
            Long beach School      A talented trio from Blue Mountain                                                      Young Farmer of the Year styled quiz,
                                   College have taken out the title as the     FMG Junior Young Farmer of the Year
                                                                               contest.                                    streamed online across Facebook and
                                   2020 AgriKids winners.                                                                  YouTube.
                                   The “West Otago Rams,” made up by           Organising to host the event online for
                                                                               the first time, she says, created some      Lynda Coppersmith says she was
                                   Charlie Ottrey, 12, Dylan Young, 12, and                                                so impressed with the calibre of the
                                   Riley Hill, 13, were awarded the title at   new challenges to work through.
                                                                                                                           teams’ general knowledge during the
                                   the Grand Final tonight after a full day    “Working with two contests, 35 teams,       face off.
                                   of hard work.                               12 sponsors, 14 modules as well as
                                                                               the other tasks was a huge logistical       “They were correctly answering
                                   When asked how the trio felt about                                                      questions that I didn’t even know
                                                                               undertaking. It took a lot of things to

                                   their win, they replied in unison                                                       the answers to. It just goes to show
                                                                               fall in to place, a lot of people to make

                                   “happy,” “overwhelmed,” “and a little                                                   how bright the future of agriculture
            Carncot Green -        bit surprised as well”.                     it work and a really strict time frame,”
                                                                               she says.                                   is looking with so many children
            Gabby Cavan, Phoebe
    PLACE                          They said the day was really fun but                                                    starting their interest, involvement and
            Driscole and Sophia
                                   also challenging, with it being their       “The Events team has done the most          contribution in the sector at such a
            Pinkney from Carncot
                                   first Grand Final.                          amazing job to pull this off and I          young age.”
            Independent School                                                 cannot thank them enough, along with
                                   “It was a bit hard dealing with all the     our Sponsor family for all the hard         The AgriKids contest is made possible
                                   technology,” says Riley.                    work they put in to make both events        by the support of FMG, Ravensdown,
                                                                               happen and run seamlessly.”                 Honda, WorkSafe, PTS, STIHL, Lincoln
                                   Dylan and Riley now following in their                                                  University, Massey University,
                                   brother’s footsteps, who took out the       The 21 AgriKids Grand Final teams (top      Southfuels/Northfuels, Betacraft, MPI
                                   AgriKids title last year, also from Blue    three from each regional final) went        and New Holland.
                                   Mountain College.                           head to head on Friday in a series of
                                                                          REGIONAL FINALS
                                                                          •   Four Practical based regionals were completed in the North Island (Northern, Wai/BoP, Tara/Man and East
                                                                              Coast) with eight modules at each of the four regionals. These included modules from FMG, Ravensdown,
There are seven regional finals held throughout New Zealand in each           Massey University, WorkSafe, New Holland, Agriculture Test, Lincoln University and Hansen.
of the NZ Young Farmers regions. FMG Junior Young Farmer of the
                                                                          •   The top five teams from the modules then competed in the Face-Off quiz.
Year Regional Finals are held in conjunction with the FMG Young
Farmer of the Year Regional Finals, which makes for plenty of exciting    •   The top two teams from each Regional Final move forward to Grand Final, normally held alongside the FMG
viewing!                                                                      Young Farmer of the Year Grand Final.
To enter into the FMG Junior Young Farmer of the Year Regional            •   Due to COVID-19 the South Island regionals were moved to an online format. This last-minute change saw
Finals, competitors must be in a team of two and a member of a                Tasman, Aorangi and Otago/Southland competing through an online challenge with the winners from each
Teen Ag Club. In their team, they compete in eight different modules          school moving into the virtual face-Off. The top two teams of the Face-Off then moved on to Grand Final.
based on all aspects of the agricultural industry. Modules could
include animal anatomy, fencing, gun safety, equine, agronomy, feed
budgeting, biosecurity, chainsaw assembly and the list goes on. It is
all about getting involved and having a go at something they may
never have tried before!
The top five teams from the module section move onto the final,
called the ‘Face Off’. It involves a Buzzer quiz similar to the famous
FMG Young farmer of the Year quiz, held on the field at Practical Day.
After the quiz, prizes are awarded, and the top two teams earn a place
at the FMG Junior Young Farmer of the Year Grand Final.

                                                                         FMG JR YOUNG FARMER OF THE YEAR
                                                                         ENTRIES PER REGION
                                                                         *96 capacity per region

                                                                                        Region                              Entries
                                                                                       Northern                               21
                                                                                       Wai/Bop                                22
                                                                                      Tara/Man                                58
                                                                                      East Coast                              75
                                                                                    Aorangi-Online                            90
                                                                                    Tasman-Online                             58
                                                                                Otago/Southland-Online                        77

                                                                                                                             GRAND FINAL 2020
                                                                                                                             This Year’s FMG Jr Young Farmer of the Year also took place online with one practical element completed
                                                                                                                             across the country. This was the first time the FMG Jr Young Farmer of the Year Grand Final was held over a
                                                                                                                             week period.

                                                                                            AORANGI                          Grand Final broke down into 6 elements
                                                                                           GRAND FINALISTS
                                                                                                                             •   (New) FMG People’s Choice Award - The teams had to make a three minute video explaining something
                                                                                                                                 about themselves, why they entered FMG JR Young Farmer of the Year and what agriculture means to
  FMG JUNIOR YOUNG FARMER OF THE YEAR                                                                                            them.

  GRAND FINALISTS 2020                                                                                                       •   (New) Innovation Project - Build a business plan for a farm and present a five minute marketing
                                                                                                                                 presentation on why the banks should invest in the farm.
                                                                                  Hannah & Nicole      James & Robert        •   Farmlet - Construct a tumbling composter. This was a two hour task run across the country in each of the
                                                                                    High School
                                                                                                         High School
                                                                                                                             •   Speech - The topic for this year speech was:
                                                                                                                             “Recently the agriculture sector asked the government to relax the pressure on implementing changes to
         EAST COAST                               NORTHERN                                   TASMAN                          carbon emissions and water quality laws in order to give food producers and manufacturers the time and
          GRAND FINALISTS                          GRAND FINALISTS                         GRAND FINALISTS
                                                                                                                             ability to fully focus on providing for New Zealand’s food needs and to drive New Zealand’s economic recovery
                                                                                                                             from COVID-19 through strong food exports.”
                                                                                                                             1. Highlight what the issues are regarding carbon emissions and water quality as they relate to food
                                                                                                                                production in New Zealand.
                                                                                                                             2. Discuss the effect that addressing these issues may have on our food production.
    Guy & Tristin      Jock & Thomas         Nick & Zoe         Sean & Archer     Fergus & Marshall         Mac & Jack       3. Explain your thoughts on whether theGovernment should relax the implementation timeframes and why?
    Napier Boys       Rathkeale College    Okaihau College     Whangarei Boys     St Andrews College     St Bede’s College
    High School                                                  High School
                                                                                                                             •   An exam written and provided by Lincoln University.
                                                                                                                             •   Seven Modules - modules were supplied by FMG, New Holland, Lincoln University, Massey University,
                                                                                                                                 Worksafe, MPI and Ravensdown.
          OTAGO/                                WAIKATO/                                 TARANAKI/
        SOUTHLAND                             BAY OF PLENTY                              MANAWATU
          GRAND FINALISTS                          GRAND FINALISTS                         GRAND FINALISTS

     Josh & Ollie      Millar & Ryan          Alex & Alex       Luke & Furgus      Phoebe & Anna          Renee & Holly
 Northern Southland    Tokomairiro        Te Awamutu College   Putaruru College       Feilding               Feilding
       College         High School                                                  High School            High School
FACE-OFF/AWARDS SHOW ONLINE:                                     GRAND FINAL               PLACINGS


                                                                      1   st      Mac and Jack -
                                                                                  Mac Williams and
                                                                        PLACE     Jack Coakley from
                                                                                  St Bede’s College


                                                                      2   nd      Guy and Tristin -
SOCIAL ENGAGEMENT TEENAG                                                  PLACE
                                                                                  Guy Von Dadelszen
                                                                                  and Tristin Peeti-
July 2020                                                                         Webber From
                                                                                  Napier Boys’
                                                                                  High School

              FACEBOOK                               INSTAGRAM

                                                                      3   rd      Nick and Zoe -
                                                                                  Nick Harrison and

                                                                          PLACE   Zoe Harrison from
                                                                                  Okaihau College
               FOLLOWERS                              700+
             2,000+                                  FOLLOWERS


Press release posted on 19 June 2020      and the Grand Final were all forced to       creating a tumble composter from a         He enjoyed the innovation project,
                                          either be cancelled or moved online          barrel for the farmlet challenge.          saying it wasn’t things you’d usually
A talented pair from Canterbury have      when Government restrictions around                                                     get to do as a teenager.
taken out 2020 FMG Junior Young           events started coming into place in          The lifting of Alert Levels and
Farmer of the Year title.                 March.                                       restrictions allowed this to go ahead,     They broke the 250ha farm down into
                                                                                       with help from Young Farmers               40ha of sheep milking 170ha of lamb
Jack Coakley and Mac Williams from         New Zealand Young Farmers CEO               volunteers who hosted and judged the       finishing and 15ha of market garden.
St Bede’s College were crowned the         Lynda Coppersmith says the quick            regional challenges.
                                           decision was made, to move everything                                                  “We came up with an idea of producing
winners after a week’s worth of
                                           online and deliver a contest for Teen       Speech topics were handed out during       and selling our own meat for value add,
                                           Ag members, alongside the AgriKids          the week and innovation projects were      an abattoir and our own sheep milking
“It was an incredible result, we put a lot contest for primary school children.        handed in on Wednesday, before the         processes,” he says.
of hard work in this week so to come                                                   big Grand Final day on Friday.
                                           Organising to host the event online for                                                “We learnt a lot actually, the biosecurity
out with the result we got was an
                                           the first time, she says, created some      The 14 teams presented their               module made me think a bit more and
incredible feeling,” says Jack.
                                           new challenges to work through.             speeches, undertook an exam and            I managed to use a farm that I work on
The pair entered Friday morning in 5th                                                 competed in a series of modules.           as a base for it.”
Place and Mac says they tried their        “Working with two contests, 35 teams,
                                           12 sponsors, 14 modules as well as all      These included soil science based          The pair thought the hardest part of         with everything live streamed online.
hardest throughout the day.                                                            modules, animal welfare, environment       the week was the preparation and also
                                           the other tasks was a huge logistical                                                                                               “We are very thrilled we were able to
“It’s really rewarding to be able to       undertaking. It took a lot of things to     and farm planning, identifying risks       time management.
                                                                                       with WorkSafe, studying the Future                                                      reformat parts of the contest to be
compare your skills to others around       fall in to place, a lot of people to make                                              “We put so much work into it to try          able to deliver some champions for
the country, and prove to yourself         it work and a really strict time frame,”    of Farming report and developing
                                                                                       biosecurity plans for farms.               and make sure we got top marks for           2020.”
what you can do when you put your          she says.                                                                              everything - that was the hardest part
mind to it and take your passion to the                                                The speech topic was based around          about it; the work we had to put in,”        After finishing school, Mac plans to
next level.”                               “The Events team has done the most                                                                                                  head to Massey University to study
                                           amazing job to pull this off and I          carbon emissions and water quality         Jack says.
                                                                                       relating to food production in New                                                      veterinary, meanwhile Jack wants
Guy Von Dadelszen and Tristin Peeti-       cannot thank them enough, along with                                                   “I thought online was actually a really      to head further south to Lincoln
Webber from Napier Boys’ High School our Sponsor family and volunteers for             Zealand and in the Innovation Project,
                                                                                       teams had to produce a business            cool way of doing it, it was super           University and is currently tossing
came in second. Northern cousin duo        all the hard work they all have put                                                    smoothly run so we didn’t have any           up what agricultural based degree to
Nick and Zoe Harrison from Okaihau                                                     plan and five minute marketing
                                           in to make both events happen and           presentation on how they would             difficulties with any technological          study.
College were awarded third.                                                                                                       issues and it was different to how it
                                           run seamlessly, albeit a few very minor     develop and diversify a 250ha property                                                  The FMG Junior Young Farmer of the
Nicole Wakefield-Hart and Hannah           tech hiccups during the Face Off which      in the current COVID-19 local market.      was run in previous years which made
                                                                                                                                  it really exciting and new.”                 Year contest is made possible by
White from Geraldine High School took provided a few laughs.”                                                                                                                  the support of FMG, Ravensdown,
out the FMG People’s Choice Award                                                      “The farmlet was pretty hard, we got a
                                           The FMG Junior Young Farmer of the          different set of equipment compared        Lynda Coppersmith says nothing               Honda, WorkSafe, PTS, STIHL, Lincoln
with their special video.                                                                                                         can replace the excitement and               University, Massey University,
                                           Year Grand Final started on Saturday        to others but it was alright in the end,
Three South Island FMG Junior Young        13th June, where the two teams              we found that very, very tough,” Mac       atmosphere of a physical contest but         Southfuels/Northfuels, Betacraft, MPI
Farmer of the Year Regional Finals         in each region, went head to head           says.                                      it was still a very exciting Grand Final     and New Holland.

POSITIVE FEEDBACK...                                                                                          THINGS TO CONSIDER NEXT TIME...

    The innovation project as I found it really fun
                                                                                                                  The amount of work we had to complete in
    and interesting to be able to design how you                                                                                                                     Tech difficulties in rural schools... our team had
                                                        We enjoyed the practical section. Watching the kids      a short period of time, I think factors like our
     would run your own dream farm. I also like                                                                                                                     to move venues during the day and quite a few of
                                                        work things out as a team. The compost bin section      schoolwork, sport and extracurricular activities
    the worksafe one aswell with the interactive                                                                                                                        the modules wouldn’t load in parts and so
                                                            was really well organized and thought out.         needed to be taken into account when setting all
    technology being able to pause the video and                                                                                                                                 we missed questions.out.
                                                                                                                            this work we had to do.
            look around was really cool.

       My favourite parts were the Work Safe               The fact that it happened, very grateful that                                                             All the written work was too time consuming.
                                                                                                                      Live leaderboard update frequently
       module, speech, New Holland module,                  we still had the opportunity to compete.                                                                 Heavily waited towards academic ability rather
                                                                                                                              throughout the day.
         Biosecurity module presentation.                            The faceoff was fun too.                                                                                   than a practical aptitude.

       We enjoyed the online faceoff, Radar was a
   fantastic host and it was our first time we got to                                                                                                                      Take out the innovation project and
                                                             The competion needed massive changes
 meet some of the other contestants other than the                                                                                                                       keep it normal with more practicals as
                                                              due to covid. I think that the organizers
 team we met in our region. I think that the face off                                                             Obviously, I would have liked for a practical          well as general theoretical because the
                                                              did an amazing job! I realise that they
  is a good part to the competition as it gives you a                                                             based grand final but this wasn’t possible.             innovation project involved too much
                                                               do an amazing job every year, but this
    chance to show you general farming knowledge                                                                  But I think there still could have been more          creativity and it was very detailed for us
                                                             year they needed to step up even more.
      and knowledge in general whereas the other                                                                   practical models such as fencing as this             which we haven’t learnt doing a business
                                                                Thankyou. Our hosts for the farmlet
 modules are quite specific areas of farming rather                                                                  plays a major part of actual farming.                plan. But I totally see why you would
                                                             challenge were fabulous! it was a really
   than general knowledge. I also think it’s good as                                                                                                                    introduce something like this so we use
                                                                           enjoyable day.
    it gives the teams 1 last chance to change their                                                                                                                     innovative ideas and preparing up the
      placings which as we saw this year was vital.                                                                                                                             next future agri-leaders.

                                                                                                                   Letting us know throughout the week the          To focus the competition more on actual events
     Well done, not easy taking an event online.                It is the best competition and we are
                                                                                                                points we had and not just the place we were in     that happen on farm. Such as fencing, shearing,
      A big thank you for all your hard work!!                    very lucky and grateful to have it!
                                                                                                                           would’ve been beneficial.                      milking practices and chain saw use


Sarah’s Country interview: Podcast:

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