Second Sunday in Ordinary Time - January 15, 2023 - eCatholic

Page created by Adrian Mcdaniel
Second Sunday in Ordinary Time - January 15, 2023 - eCatholic
January 15, 2023
                          Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

18205 Chillicothe Road     440-708-0000
Chagrin Falls, Oh 44023         
Second Sunday in Ordinary Time - January 15, 2023 - eCatholic

        Welcome to ordinary time!
        We are now entering the season of reflection and practice, Ordinary Time. We are called to
reflect on what we learned and practice those teachings from the Christmas Season. We have just a
few short weeks to do this, because Ash Wednesday and the great season of Lent will arrive on
February 22!! Time for a breather and for reflection. Last week I asked, “What was the best part of
your Christmas?” So, what is your answer? The follow-up question is this; How are you going to
live in thanksgiving for whatever that is?
        Ordinary Time is a time when we can act on the grace given to us in the various seasons of
the Church. The practice of reflecting before acting is something that our Lord Jesus teaches us.
During the Christmas Season, the scriptures give us both good and bad examples of how to reflect
and act. Take for example Joseph and the shepherds: they had encounters with God that directed
their actions. Joseph could have ignored what the angels told him and stayed with Mary and Jesus
in Bethlehem. What would the outcome of that have looked like?
        The shepherds could have ignored their message and the good news would not have spread.
However, they all remained prayerful and faithful, and did what God wanted. Think about King
Herod. Can you image how he felt when he heard the news that a newborn King of the Jews just
arrived? Not to mention, he found this information out from out-of-towners! Herod’s actions were
out of fear not faith. He felt threatened, and fearful of this new King of the Jews. We all know
Herod’s reaction out of fear ended many lives, and to his surprise, did not even work.
        In reflecting on the season, we need to practice the art of pondering and asking questions
and then acting on the answers we come upon. How about thinking of the things that worry us, or
that we feel threatened by in our lives? Could they be from God to get our attention? Or a warning
to help us change our direction? What does God want us to get out of it? We are called to
encounter the season each year, maybe this is the year that we do it in a unique way!
        Ordinary Time is the time to not be the Herod of the world, but to be the Joseph or the
shepherd. We can live in the joy that Jesus is here. His coming has changed everything! During
this season of Ordinary Time what will your action be from your reflections on the Christmas
Season? You must act quickly since you have only four weeks. But in those four weeks we should
truly strive to be prayerful and faithful disciples of God; we must do the good and be the good in
our world.
        Be at peace and live in joy!
        God Bless,

              New Registrations:
              All are welcome! To make Holy Angels your home, please visit our website
              at Click on the link FORMS and select
              Register. Once you complete the registration form someone from The
              Parish Office will contact you to schedule an appointment.
Second Sunday in Ordinary Time - January 15, 2023 - eCatholic
Prayer & Worship

                                                             REST IN PEACE
                                                               In your prayers,
                                                                  please remember…

                                                            MARCIA & DONALD NOVAK
Mass                                                         ARCHIE KOWALEWSKI
                                                               JAMES STELLA
Monday January 16th |
                                                                           who recently passed
                                                                             to life eternal.
 9:00 am Regina Gorski
Tuesday January 17th | St. Anthony                                                   This week please remember all
                                                                                       in our parish community,
7:00 am Living and Deceased Members of Holy Angels                                        the intentions on our
Wednesday January 18th |                                                               Prayer Ministry board and
                                                                                     our family and friends in need:
9:00 am George Wierdsma                                                                ELAINE ANDONIAN
                                                                                      ADDISON BOEHNLEIN
Thursday January 19th |
                                                                                          RITA GRUBE
Friday January 20th | St. Fabian & St. Sebastian                                   HELEN & GENE IANNUCCI
 9:00 am Steve Hryb                                                                       JUNE KOCSIS
                                                                                        HUGH MORGAN
Saturday January 21st | St. Agnes                                                        ANNA NEALON
 5:00 pm JoAnn Santoiemmo
                                                                  Prayer                   JIM RYAN
                                                                                 LILY, SOPHIE & MARCO TYLER
Sunday January 22nd | Third Sunday in
                                 Ordinary Time                                      JIM & JOYCE WASHBURN
                                                                                         TIM ZUPANIC
9:00 am Michael & Thomas Hosie                                                         and all who have asked for
11:00 am William Salmon                                                                        our prayers.

     Sunday, January 15th                 Weekly Parish Schedule
            Donut Sunday

9:00 am   Mass (WS)                         Wednesday, January 18th
                                                                                 Saturday, January 21st
10:15 am Youth Choir (WS)                9:00 am   Mass (WS)
                                                                            9:00 am     First Reconciliation (MC)
11:00 am Mass (WS)                       9:45 am   Rosary (MC)
                                                                            9:00 am     Finance Council (Conf)
12:00 pm Empty Nesters (SM)              7:00 pm Adult Choir (WS)
                                                                            10:00 am Bereavement Ministry (L)
12:00 pm Baptism                              Thursday, January 19th
                                                                            3:00 pm     Reconciliation (MC)
2:00 pm Hearts for Guatemala (SM)        9:30 am   Cyndy’s PE (SM)
                                                                            5:00 pm     Mass (WS)
      Monday, January 16th               7:00 pm   Shoulder to Shoulder
                                                   (MC)                     6:00 pm Baptism (WS)
9:00 am Mass (WS)                                                                 Sunday, January 22nd
                                         7:00 pm   Cornerstone (CR)
9:45 am Rosary (MC)                                                         9:00 am     Mass (WS)
                                              Friday, January 20th
1:00 pm Creative Angels (SM)                                                10:15 am Youth Choir (WS)
                                         7:45 am   SoulCORE (CR)
6:30 pm Adoration (WS) ends at 8:30 pm                                      11:00 am Mass (WS)
                                         9:00 am   Mass (WS)
     Tuesday, January 17th               9:45 am   Rosary (MC)              12:00 pm Baptism (WS)
7:00 am   Mass (WS)                      10:00 am Sew for Missions (SM)     12:15 pm HAYgroup
7:45 am   SoulCORE (CR)                                                     2:00 pm     Hearts for Guatemala (SM)
Second Sunday in Ordinary Time - January 15, 2023 - eCatholic
Parish Life

Support the Collection for the Church in Latin America ~ Second Collection
Next week we will take up the Collection for the Church in Latin America. For many in Latin America and the
Caribbean, a rising secular culture, difficult rural terrain, and a shortage of ministers all present obstacles to
practicing the faith. Your support for the collection provides lay leadership training, catechesis, priestly and
religious formation and other programs to share our Catholic faith with those who long to hear the Good News
of Christ. To learn more about how your gifts make a difference, visit
Attention All Eucharistic Ministers ~ please save the date: January 29
On Sunday, January 29, following 11am Mass in the Worship Space we are asking all Eucharistic Ministers
to join us for a retraining for Precious Blood distribution. If you are available for this training, please RSVP
through the link on the website or contact Pam McKnight at 440-708-0000, ext. 311. We look forward to this
time with you as we return the Precious Blood distribution in our parish.
End of Year Tax Statement
End of year tax statements will be available by Friday, January 20th. If you would like one, please contact
the Parish Office at 440-708-0000 ext. 331. Leave a message with your email address and it will be emailed to
you. If you would like to stop in the Parish Office to pick it up, please leave a number where you can be
reached when your statement is ready for pick up.

                                        Did you know?
When do we sit, when do we stand, can we kneel? Sometimes Mass can be confusing! Here are four moments
of posture during Mass which the Bishop’s posture clarification addresses:
1. The time from after the Lamb of God until the celebrant receives Holy Communion.
“Posture: GIRM # 43 defers to the authority of the diocesan bishop in determining the posture of the faithful in
his diocese, either kneeling or standing. Since 2004, the policy of the Catholic Diocese of Cleveland has been
to stand from the end of the Lamb of God until the celebrant receives Holy Communion.”
2. The time from when the celebrant receives Holy Communion until the end of distribution of Holy
“Posture: The GIRM and supporting documentation from the Bishop’s Committee on the Liturgy clearly
indicates that the ordinary posture of the faithful is standing from the time the celebrant receives Holy
Communion until the end of the distribution of Holy Communion”
3. The time after an individual Catholic receives Holy Communion (which overlaps #2).
“Posture: Francis Cardinal Arinze clarifies in his dubium response that after an individual Catholic receives
Holy Communion, the ordinary posture is standing; however, this is not to be enforced so rigidly that those
who wish to kneel or sit after their individual reception of Holy Communion would not feel free to do so.”
4. The time of sacred silence after the distribution of Holy Communion has ended.
“Posture: The GIRM clearly indicates that the faithful may choose to either kneel or sit during the sacred
silence after everyone has received Holy Communion. It is not necessary to remain standing for the
reposition of any remaining hosts in the tabernacle, nor is it necessary to remain standing for the
purification of the sacred vessels.”
Second Sunday in Ordinary Time - January 15, 2023 - eCatholic

Let us Pray
Please keep our precious students in your prayers as they are about to receive the
Sacrament of Reconciliation for the first time. What a beautiful gift they will be
receiving in this Sacrament!
Second Sunday in Ordinary Time - January 15, 2023 - eCatholic
Chagrin Falls Community Center “WE CAN” Food Collection
Holy Angels is committed to helping our neighbors in need through the Chagrin Falls Park Community
Center. Our “WE CAN” food collection takes place at varying times throughout the year. You can help by
placing cash or food in marked bins in the Gathering Area. Our January Collection weekend is this
Empty Nesters ~ Come join us!
Adults as singles or couples, with an age span of more than thirty years, of common interests come together to
enjoy a wide variety of activities from exploring the outdoors to enhancing spirituality and much in between.
We are meeting Sunday, January 15 at 12pm in St. Michael Room, please join us. If you are looking for
more information, please contact Carole or George Morris at 440-543-6752.
Creative Angels ~ Come join us!
In fellowship this group knits, crochets, and creates a variety of items for several groups, organizations, and
individuals. They gather weekly in the St. Michael Room to work on projects together. Projects can also be
worked on at home if you are not able to meet with the group. Please join us, this Monday, January 16 at
1pm in St. Michael Room. If you are interested in finding out more about the Creative Angels Ministry
please contact Mary Ryan at 440-785-3171.
Eucharistic Adoration
Everyone is invited to spend a few minutes or more with Jesus, truly present in the Blessed Sacrament.
Eucharistic Adoration is held every Monday from 6:30pm to 8:30pm and on the first Friday of each month
from 9am to 3pm. Please note if there is a funeral scheduled that day Adoration will begin at 12:30pm and end
at 3pm. If you are looking for more information, please contact Kathie Turk at 440-708-6713.
Shoulder to Shoulder Healing Prayer ~ Come Join Us!
Using the power of the Holy Spirit to lead and pray in Jesus’ name, these group meetings begin in song and
scripture, share praise reports, and offer healing prayer in small teams for the needs that arise. All are welcome
so join us Thursday, January 19 at 7pm in Mercy Chapel. If you would like more information, please
contact Mary Clague at 859-816-3444.
Sew for Missions ~ Come join us!
This group sews dresses for girls and “britches” for boys in third world countries. They use gently used
pillowcases, t-shirts and fabric. They meet monthly and new members are always welcome to contribute their
time and talent to bring hope to these children. Join us Friday, January 20 at 10am in St. Michael Room.
For more information, please contact Elaine Smith at 267-994-5551.
Bereavement Ministry ~ Come join us!
Healing from the death of a loved one can be a difficult process, sometimes involving taking two steps forward
and one step back. To help meet the needs of those who grieve, Holy Angels has a Bereavement Ministry
Team. Members of this Team meet to plan and provide opportunities to support those walking the difficult
journey of loss. Come join us this Saturday, January 21 at 10am in Library. For information on becoming
part of this ministry, or to learn more about how this ministry might be of support to you, contact Bernie
Lahmann at 440-724-0506.
       Facebook:                                                                      Instagram:
Church of the Holy Angels                                                         @churchofholyangels
Second Sunday in Ordinary Time - January 15, 2023 - eCatholic
                                                                Stewardship | Our Team | Hours

                                                      Your donation is greatly appreciated.

Rev. G. Max Cole…………..………………………….Pastor
Rev. George Smiga…………….Senior Parochial Vicar
Deacon Jerry Ziemkiewicz…………………..….Deacon
Dianna Gunn…………………Business Office Assistant
Jennifer Hudson……………….Ministry Coordinator &
 Bulletin……………                      AN OFFERING OF YOUR
Will Kesler…..………………………….Maintenance Staff                           TREASURE FOR
Karen Kowalewski……………………………...Custodian
Cathy Lamanna……………...Administrative Assistant                       Week ending January 8, 2022
Don Maar………..…………………….. Business Manager
Pam McKnight……………………...Liturgy Coordinator           Total Operating (Offering)
Olivia Plas………………Communications Coordinator          Needed per Week………………………………….$17,788.00
Jodie Ricci…………………………………...Music Director            Total Sunday Offering Received:
Jeff Taylor………………………………….. Office Support            Envelopes & WeShare Online……………………$32,893.63
Scott Wojtasik………………………...Maintenance Staff          Total Contributions for:
                                                      Building for Our Future ………...........................$1,035.00
                                                      St. Michael’s Social Concern………………….…...$610.00

Phone………………………………………..440-708-0808                            Thank you for your generosity!
                                                                      To contribute online
Julie Karpowicz………..K-7 Family First Coordinator                       via WeShare, visit
Alex Yates……………………….…….Director of Youth &            
                         Young Adult Ministries

                            Parish Office and Church Hours

                                        Mass Schedule:                                 Baptisms:
                                                                         Please call to schedule.
                                   Weekend Mass Schedule                 Sacramental preparation is required.
       Office Hours:
                                         Saturday: 5pm                                 Marriages:
                                      Sunday: 9am & 11am                 Wedding arrangements must be
    Monday through Friday
     8:30am to 4:30pm                                                    made at least 6 months in advance.
                                   Weekday Mass Schedule                 Please call the office before setting
                                 Monday, Wednesday & Friday: 9am         a date. Sacramental preparation is
                                          Tuesday : 7am                  required.

 18205 Chillicothe Road               440-708-0000         
 Chagrin Falls, Oh 44023                                 
Second Sunday in Ordinary Time - January 15, 2023 - eCatholic
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Second Sunday in Ordinary Time - January 15, 2023 - eCatholic Second Sunday in Ordinary Time - January 15, 2023 - eCatholic
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