Senior Executive Programme - Moving from best practice to next practice - Irish Management Institute

Senior Executive Programme - Moving from best practice to next practice - Irish Management Institute
Senior Executive

 from best
 to next
Senior Executive Programme - Moving from best practice to next practice - Irish Management Institute

                                                The Senior Executive Programme (SEP) is IMI’s
                                                flagship development programme for senior business
                                                leaders. The SEP delivers a transformative learning
                                                experience that focuses on the role of leaders in driving
                                                and sustaining corporate success in uncertain times. This
                                                dynamic, cross-disciplinary programme is aimed at senior
                                                leaders from all functional backgrounds and from a range
                                                of industries.

                                                The SEP is renowned for bringing the very best of
                                                global business thinkers and practitioners to Ireland – from
                                                international centres of excellence such as IMD, Harvard
                                                Business School, INSEAD and London Business School.
                                                The IMI’s action learning philosophy and award-winning
                                                programme design capability integrates our expertise to
                                                deliver a learning experience with true business impact.

      The SEP has world class and thought provoking speakers who give practical
      tools and solutions which can immediately be brought back to your industry.
      The programme encourages you to revaluate your leadership style and it puts
      people skills at the core of your strategy. The learnings from other participants
      on the programme is invaluable, I would highly recommend this course”.

      Lorraine Walsh
      Head of Marketing, Laya Healthcare

2 |                                                Senior Executive Programme | Moving from best practice to next practice
Senior Executive Programme - Moving from best practice to next practice - Irish Management Institute
Who is this
       programme for?
       The SEP is tailored for groups of individuals who already are, or
       are targeted to become, senior team members – from private,
       public, for profit and not for profit organisations. Participants will
       have a desire to enhance an already impressive track record
       through a hunger to learn and exposure to new ideas and
       strategic perspectives.
       Participants will have demonstrated a high level of achievement
       in their career to date and will be involved in determining the
       strategic direction of their organisation, business unit or function.
       Executive directors and senior line managers, including general
       managers and functional heads from medium and large
       companies have made up the majority of attendees at this
       programme in recent years.

       The SEP was far more challenging than I had anticipated and it was an experience
       which has developed me as a leader, personally and professionally. When I look
       back, I will count it as an investment which paid off; for my work colleagues,
       myself and indeed my family. If you’re reading this and you want to invest in your
       career and yourself, do what I did a year ago: book yourself onto the SEP.”

       David Beausang
       Head Of Partnerships, Core HR

Senior Executive Programme | Moving from best practice to next practice                     | 3
Senior Executive Programme - Moving from best practice to next practice - Irish Management Institute
Impact for
       participating                             By participating in the SEP, you will:
                                                 +	Deepen your strategy formulation skill, in the context

       executives                                   of a turbulent environment.
                                                 +	Acquire new insights and perspectives from world
                                                    class business experts.
                                                 +	Understand and enhance your personal leadership
                                                    impact and effectiveness.
                                                 +	Build a powerful network of peers and faculty.
                                                 +	Develop an understanding of how to organise
                                                    effectively and maximise business performance.
                                                 +	Renew your energy and concentrate your focus on
                                                    your organisation’s leadership challenges.
                                                 +	Develop professional development plans for your

                                                 As a specific deliverable, each participant will be
                                                 supported throughout the programme in developing
                                                 an action plan based on the insights and learning from
                                                 the programme that you will put into practice following
                                                 completion of the SEP. This plan will serve as a focal
                                                 point for capturing the many personal insights that you
                                                 develop over the duration of the programme, structuring
                                                 the translation of best-practice theory into contextualised

      The Senior Exec Programme has been a wonderful professional and personal
      development experience for me. It provided the opportunity to engage with
      and learn from some really impressive business experts across a range of
      disciplines. The content was stimulating and helped me broaden my skills,
      knowledge and perspective. In addition, sharing the learning experience
      with colleagues from other industries was powerful and provided me with an
      excellent networking opportunity.”

      Marguerite Brosnan
      Head of Direct Channels, Bank of Ireland

4 |                                                 Senior Executive Programme | Moving from best practice to next practice
Senior Executive Programme - Moving from best practice to next practice - Irish Management Institute
Impact for your
       As a result of participating in the programme,
       you will be a stronger and more significant leader
       which will impact your organisation in two ways.
       Firstly, the SEP can position you in your organisation’s leadership
       talent pipeline. As a result of your learning you will develop a
       more holistic view of your organisation in order to take advantage
       of opportunities in the global arena. At IMI, we understand the skills
       required in senior management positions. When developing these key
       skills we focus on action-learning as it facilitates a broader view of the

       Secondly, the SEP delivers a return on your company’s investment.
       The Programme Director will work with you to identify a suitable
       organisational project that will add value to you and
       your organisation.

       The programme covers an array of topics in a practical way, comprehensively
       addressing traditional and “softer” elements of leadership (such as Emotional
       Intelligence), providing real depth and insight. Diverse subject matter is delivered
       by leading business thinkers, expertly woven together by the IMI team. The
       learning format provides an invaluable forum in which to share experiences and
       enhance learning while the variety and quality of each module results in attendees
       taking away different personal enlightenments.”

       Padraig Carley
       Manager, Ornua

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Senior Executive Programme - Moving from best practice to next practice - Irish Management Institute
Programme design and content
                       24 – 25 May 2018                                   20 – 22 June 2018
      JOURNEY          THE NEW LEADER                                     OUTSIDE-IN STRATEGY

      INSIGHTS         MY LEADERSHIP                                      THE OPPORTUNITY

      OVERVIEW         A dynamic introduction to the new,                 Organisations that succeed in today’s volatile
                       networked and interdependent business              and rapidly changing markets shape strategy
                       environment. Expectations for leaders in this      from the outside-in. This module will guide
                       environment, and how leaders themselves            participants in using market insights to inform
                       can be catalysts for sustainable growth, will      strategy, drive innovation and focus the
                       be explored.                                       organisation.

      OUTCOME          Participants will leave with a clear sense of      Participants will leave with a set of tools that
                       what it means to be a strategic leader in          will generate insights into how their customer
                       today’s business environment. They will gain       needs are changing and identify the capabilities
                       deep insights into their own leadership and        needed by the organisation to drive value.
                       create a road-map for development that will
                       enable them to maximise their future impact.

           insights                                                       Engaging the
                                                                                                                   The New

                                                                                     Making it           My
                                                                                     Happen           Leadership
          The SEP’s design takes into account not
          only the need for leading edge content, but
          also the importance of the learning process                                        INSIGHTS
                                                                                What it
                                                                                will Take                     The
          itself. A blend of teaching methods combine                                                      Opportunity
          throughout the programme to accommodate             Building a
                                                               Winning                        The Right                      Outside-in
          different learning styles, bringing participants                                      Move                          Strategy
          on a learning journey that interweaves and
          develops five critical insights.
          Together these insights focus each
          participating executive around developing                                           Evaluating
          growth trajectories for themselves and their                                         Strategic
          business. The sequence and focus of each
          module supports the development of the five
          core insights upon which the programme is
          based. A careful balance is struck between
          reflection, planning and action.

6 |                                                                    Senior Executive Programme | Moving from best practice to next practice
Senior Executive Programme - Moving from best practice to next practice - Irish Management Institute
12 – 13                                  09 - 10                            08 – 09                             06 – 07
      September 2018                           October 2018                       November 2018                       December 2018
      EVALUATING STRATEGIC                     BUILDING A WINNING                 ENGAGING THE
      OPTIONS                                  ORGANISATION                       ORGANISATION

                                                                                                                             FOLLOW UP DAYS
      THE RIGHT MOVE                           WHAT IT WILL TAKE                  MAKING IT HAPPEN

      Most companies are awash                 This module will discuss           Effective leaders understand
      with data but still searching            the challenges of the 21st         influence and persuasion,
      for insight. This module will            century workplace where            and are adept at navigating
      introduce participants to a range        winning engagement is the          the political landscape of the
      of cutting edge strategic and            key, millennials are the core      organisation.This module will
      financial tools that will enable         of the workforce, diversity is     focus on the skills required by
      them to locate and use the best          the norm, and agility is the       every leader to engage and
      available data to inform their           only mechanism for                 mobilise an organisation to take
      decision-making.                         survival.                          advantage of new opportunities.

      Participants will leave with a           Participants will leave with       Participants will leave with a
      toolset that will enable them to         an understanding of the            range of tools and frameworks
      turn information into actionable         dimensions of engagement           that will enable them to be more
      knowledge and real decisions             and agility and how to             effective as leaders in engaging
      and also track implementation            embed this in the culture          and mobilising the organisation
      using relevant and meaningful            of their own organisation.         around new initiatives.
      performance indicators.

     Programme Delivery
     The programme is delivered at IMI’s National Management Campus in Sandyford,
     County Dublin, and is structured in short monthly modules so as to suit the
     demanding schedules of senior executives.
     A typical programme day will begin at 9am and finish at                  + 	
                                                                                Personal reflection: Throughout the programme
     5pm, however finish times will vary between modules to                     participants will be encouraged to think, reflect and
     accommodate visits to the programme from business                          document their learning, ensuring that opportunities for
     leaders and executive coaching sessions. Programme days                    personal and professional growth are clearly identified.
     will incorporate a variety of interactive learning sessions,             + 	
                                                                                Practitioner stories: peer-to-peer discussions with
                                                                                visiting business leaders. These sessions will provide
       Classroom workshops: led by world class faculty, these                   an invaluable opportunity to tease out the strategic,
       workshops will typically include a mix of expert-led group               organisational and leadership challenges that participants
       discussion, debate, case study analysis, simulation and                  face through discussion with proven business leaders.
       role play.                                                             + 	
                                                                                Executive coaching: Participants will receive three one-
     + L
        earning sets: Participants will work regularly together                to-one executive coaching sessions over the duration of
       throughout each session to contextualise and apply their                 the programme to support their developmental journey.
       learning to the reality of their organisation. Each day will             Coaches will be selected from IMI’s expert accredited
       be consciously action-orientated, so that they return to                 coaching panel and will have extensive experience
       the workplace with a clearly contextualised, best-practice               in both organisational development as well as personal
       driven agenda for change.                                                leadership development.

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Senior Executive Programme - Moving from best practice to next practice - Irish Management Institute
Meet the
                                                                              Tim Wray is the Programme Director of the
                                                                              Senior Executive Programme at IMI and has led an
                                                                              extensive range of top executive programmes for
                                                                              large global organisations on an international basis.
                                                                              His teaching focus is primarily strategic change and
                                                                              organisation development.
                                                                              He has held the position of Director of Executive
                                                                              Education at both IMI and Nottingham University
                                                                              Business School in the UK. Prior to entering the
                                                                              world of executive development, Tim worked in the
                                                                              communications sector for eleven years with eir.

  Meet our world-class faculty*
  The SEP is renowned for combining a dynamic mix of world class business education
  experts and practitioners.

                                       Professor Costas Markides
                                       Costas is a bestselling author, Professor of Strategy and Entrepreneurship and holder of the the
                                       Robert P. Bauman Chair of Strategic Leadership at the London Business School. He has published
                                       several books on the topics of strategy and innovation including the best-selling books: All the
                                       Right Moves: A Guide to Crafting Breakthrough Strategy; (HBS Press, 2000); Fast Second (Wiley,
                                       2004) and Game-Changing Strategies: How to Create new Market Space in Established Industries
                                       by Breaking the Rules (Wiley 2008). Costas is a regular contributor to IMI events and programmes.
                                       He sits on the Board of Directors of the Strategic Management Society and was a participant at
                                       the World Economic Forum in Davos during 1999-2003 and in 2012-2013.

  Bernard Marr
  Bernard is a leading global authority and best-selling author on organisational performance and business
  success. He is currently Chief executive and Director of Research at Advanced Performance Institute.
  As the founder and CEO of the Advanced Performance Institute he is one of the world’s most highly
  respected thought leaders anywhere when it comes to data in business. He regularly advises companies
  and government organisations on how to improve their performance and gain better insights from their
  data. Bernard is a frequent contributor to the World Economic Forum, writes for Forbes, is recognised by
  the CEO Journal as one of today’s leading business brains and by LinkedIn as one of the World’s top 50
  business influencers. Companies he has advised include Accenture, AllianceBoots, Astra Zeneca, Bank of
  England, Bank of Ireland, Barclays, BP, DHL, Fujitsu, Gartner, and the UN, among many others.

                                     Professor Carol Hall
                                     Carol is Professor of Human Relations at the University of Nottingham, School of Education where she
                                     was formerly Head of School and Dean of Faculty. She began her professional career as a teacher,
                                     which sparked a lifetime interest in how to create the conditions under which individuals and groups
                                     thrive. Carol has published widely in the field of human learning, counselling and human relations and
                                     her work has been translated into five languages, including Chinese. She has consulted to public
                                     and private sector organisations and government agencies and is an experienced coach and mentor.
                                     Carol is a regular contributor to executive programmes on personal development and leadership
                                     at Nottingham University Business School. She is a recipient of the Lord Dearing Award for an
                                     Outstanding Contribution to Teaching and Learning.

                                                                              *Please note that the faculty listed on this page are subject to change.

8 |                                                                         Senior Executive Programme | Moving from best practice to next practice
Senior Executive Programme - Moving from best practice to next practice - Irish Management Institute
Professor John Fahy
                                           An award winning international educator, John is currently Professor of Marketing at the University of
                                           Limerick in Ireland and Adjunct Professor of Marketing at the University of Adelaide, Australia. He has
                                           a distinguished track record in the fields of marketing and business strategy. In particular, he is known
                                           for his work in the area of marketing resources and capabilities and how these factors impact on
                                           organisational performance. An eclectic thinker, his work draws on insights from marketing strategy,
                                           behavioural economics, evolutionary psychology and neuroscience. He is the author of dozens of
                                           articles on marketing and strategy that have been published in leading academic journals. He is also
                                           a renowned teacher with a particular expertise in working with MBA and executive groups.

    Gareth Jones
    Gareth is an expert on organisational design, culture, leadership and change and is currently a visiting
    professor at the IE Business School, Madrid, and a Fellow of the Centre for Management Development
    at London Business School. His career has spanned both the academic and business worlds. In the
    past, he has held positions in London Business School, Henley, served as Senior VP at Polygram’s global
    human resources and Director of Human Resources and Internal Communications at the BBC. He has
    published several books co-authored with Rob Goffee, including “The Character of a Corporation” and
    “Why Should Anyone Be Led by You?”. He is a founding partner of Creative Management Associates
    (CMA) and is the proud owner of an honorary doctorate from his home County of Glamorgan.

                                            Martin Fellenz
                                            Martin is Associate Professor of Organisational Behaviour and Director of Postgraduate Teaching
                                            and Learning at the School of Business, Trinity College Dublin. He has served as Director of
                                            Research and of the Doctoral Programme in the School, as Academic Director of the M.Sc. (Mgmt.)
                                            in Organisational Behaviour, and on the Academic Council of the University of Dublin, and on
                                            the Council of the Irish Academy of Management. His work experience includes military service,
                                            founding and running a small business, and extensive consulting experience, in part as management
                                            consultant and project leader with the IBM Consulting Group, and independent consulting and
                                            management development work with leading international firms as well as with government
                                            departments and semi-state and voluntary organisations (including AIB, Allianz, Dell and ESB).

    Cormac Lucey
    Cormac is a chartered accountant specialising in financial strategy. In addition to lecturing in finance,
    he is a frequent media commentator on public affairs and writes an economics column for The Sunday
    Times. Cormac directs the IMI Diploma in Business Finance at the IMI. He also presents the Diploma in
    Corporate Finance programme offered by Chartered Accountants Ireland, and teaches finance on various
    master’s programmes at UCD. Cormac has worked in various industrial and corporate finance jobs in
    Ireland and Germany including Norish plc, Stentor plc, Applicon and Rabobank International. He was also
    a special advisor to Michael McDowell when he was the Government Tánaiste, between 2002 and 2007.

                                          Kevin Empey
                                          Kevin has specialised in HR, Organisation Development and employment strategy consulting for over
                                          25 years. As a partner and then Director of Willis Towers Watson, he led the firms HR consulting
                                          practice in Ireland from 2002 to 2015. With a background in Information Technology and business
                                          development, the main focus of his work has been in developing HR, reward and talent strategies
                                          and solutions for a wide range of organisations. Kevin was appointed to the Top Level Appointments
                                          Committee (TLAC) in 2011 which advises Ministers and Government Departments on the selection
                                          of senior civil service appointments. He is also a member of the Labour Market Council and was the
                                          founder of Worklink, a professional employment support network set up during the economic crisis
                                          to support the transition of unemployed jobseekers back into full time employment.

    Trish Gorman
    Dr Trish Gorman is a consultant, professor and author. Her passion is helping individuals and organisations
    build the skills needed to create actionable growth strategies in dynamic environments. She was a featured
    speaker at the 2014 World. Innovation Forum and frequently addresses corporate audiences on leadership,
    growth and innovation. Trish has served as Dean of the Jack Welch Management Institute, Academic
    Director of the Global Consulting Practicum at Wharton, core faculty at Columbia Business School and
    lecturer at Duke, London Business School and various corporate universities. Trish served recently as a
    Director at Deloitte, leading their U.S. thought leadership on growth.

    *Please note that the faculty listed on this page are subject to change.

Senior Executive Programme | Moving from best practice to next practice                                                                                | 9
Senior Executive Programme - Moving from best practice to next practice - Irish Management Institute
       Previous    Participants
        Every year,  the SEP
               year, the SEPattracts
                                                                            progressive organisations
                                                                                      organisations      in Ireland,
                                                                                                     in Ireland,     spanning
                                                                                                                 spanning       across
       industry  sectors  and from   smaller organisations    to global multinationals. Participants  consistently   report that
        industry sectors and from smaller organisations to global multinationals. Participants consistently report that programme
        insights are insights areatgenerated
                      generated               at least
                                    least as much  fromasinteraction
                                                            much from   interaction
                                                                      and networkingand networking
                                                                                      with           with
                                                                                           their peers  as their
                                                                                                            from peers  as from
                                                                                                                 the SEP’s   worldthe
       SEP’s world class faculty team. Recent cohorts have included the following organisations.
        faculty team. Recent cohorts have included the following organisations.

       Programme Fees
       Programme Fees
       Corporate member | €8,200                           Non-member | €10,100
       Corporate member: €8,200
       Non-member: €10,100

       Programme Dates
                           MODULE 1:                                                        25 - 27 May 2016

          Module 1 MODULE
                     Module2:2                        Module 3              Module 4 22 - Module
                                                                                          24 June52016Follow Up
                           MODULE 3:                                                        07 - 08 Sept 2016
                                                       12-13                  09 -10       08-09        06-07
          24-25 May   20-22 June                     September               October     November
             2018   MODULE
                         20184:                                                      11 - 12 Oct 2016 December
                                                       2018                   2018          2018        2018
                           MODULE 5:                                                        17 - 18 Nov 2016

                           FOLLOW UP DAY:                                                   07 Dec 2016

10 |                                                                          Senior Executive Programme | Moving from best practice to next practice
The calibre of guest speakers and business thought leaders on the SEP was
       superb, combining both the theory and practical and laying the foundation
       for change which you can implement once the programme ends. Insights and
       interactions with peers from a wide variety of industries and disciplines led to
       many a lively debate, adding yet another dimension to the whole SEP experience.
       The programme is demanding but at the same time rewarding. It asks questions
       of your leadership style, challenges your thinking and empowers you to shape
       your organisational culture in a way that allows future leaders to flourish – I’m
       delighted to have participated from both a personal and professional perspective.”

       Joanne McLaughlin
       Head of Marketing, Esri Ireland

Senior Executive Programme | Moving from best practice to next practice                     | 11
        1    INFORM                                                2 TRANSFORM

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                 Advant-Edge Series
                 A series of sessions focusing on
                 developing yourself, your people and
                 your business.
                                                                           Network Mentors
                                                                           Develop future leaders through this
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                 Thought Leadership
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                                                                           Insights from IMI’s most popular

                 Inform Extras
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                 - Knowledge Centre
                 - Top Team Days Away                                      Meet and engage with international
                                                                           thought leaders in a closed group
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