Senior Infants Suggested Fortnightlly Work May 2020 Week 1 Activities

Page created by Eleanor Pena
Senior Infants Suggested Fortnightlly Work May 2020 Week 1 Activities
Senior Infants Suggested Fortnightlly Work May 2020
                    Week 1 Activities:
Select 2 Activities from this menu to complete per day 
Subject             Monday                  Tuesday               Wednesday             Thursday               Friday
                                               Online Reading Resources
                     Reading may include students own material and/or reading from Oxford Owl

                                   Listen to the audio book of the BFG online at

                                 Set discussion questions based on reading material
                                   - such as who, what, when, where questions.

                 Listen to a story        Practice some         Tricky Words    Writing:                   Create
                  online at Storyline       letter formation        Hubbard’s       Write about               your own
                  Online                    with this online        Cupboard          something that           acrostic
                                            letter formation        Tricky Words      you did this             poem for
                                            game or with the        reading           week. Practice           your name.
                                            attached letter         practice.         the use of
                                            formation sheets.       Choose a          Capital letters at
                                           tricky word       the beginning of
Literacy                                    and click on      a sentence, days
                                             etter_trace            the word to       of the week, full
                                                                    read a book       stops at the end
                                                                    based on the      of a sentence
                                                                    word.             and don’t forget
                                                                    http://www.hub    to use spaces
                                                                    bardscupboard     between words
Senior Infants Suggested Fortnightlly Work May 2020 Week 1 Activities
   Mental Maths           Do some coin         Learn about the     Create an               Online
               complete a page         rubbings with         different value      account with             maths
                                       crayons and           of coins with        https://www.folen        practice
                                                             your parents to           (
                                       paper and label
                                                             and cut out the      access the               m)
                                       your rubbings         attached coin        Senior infant
Numeracy                               with the coin’s       templates to         Planet Maths
                                       value.                match the value      resources under
                                                             to the coin.         the topic of
                                                                                  money and you
                                                                                  can play games
                                                                                  on the topic of

              Create a free          Learn off some       Practice            Use the free            Watch
               account with            new vocabulary        vocabulary for       smartphone app           some TV
               https://www.folens      related to the        an aimsir with       Duolingo to learn        shows in
      to           story of Hansel       this online          more Irish               Irish using
               access Abair Liom       and Gretal with       game                 https://www.duoli        Cula4
               B, for the lesson       the attached      https://www.cula4
               on Hansel and           flashcards.       .com/games/aimsi                              https://www.cul
 Gaeilge       Gretal to listen to                       r/index.html            Another great
               the story of                                                       Irish learning app   h/player/?pid=5
               'Hansel agus                                                       for the              761114480001
               Gretel'                                                            smartphone is        &teideal=Spong
                                                                                  called               ebob%20Squar
                                                                                  Mo Chéad             epants&series=
                                                                                  Fhocail which is     Spongebob%2
                                                                                  an interactive       0Squarepants&
                                                                                  Irish learning       dlft=7
S.E.S.E                   S.E.S.E                 R.E                    ART                   P.E
         Think of your              Learn the names       Discuss the           You could create     Joe Wicks
            favourite animal          of the different       things that you        your own animal         Daily live
            and learn about it        kinds of animals       might see in a         art exhibition by       P.E. lesson
            on National               from farm              church and             drawing farm            starting at
            Geographic Kids           animals to wild        complete the           animals and wild        9am every
        https://kids.nationalge       animals using          church                 animals.                morning,          the vocabulary         wordsearch                                     Monday -
                    /                 list attached.         attached and                                   Friday on
                                                             discuss the                                    YouTube
                MUSIC                    DRAMA               words with your                  
           Sing along to a          Dramatize story        parents.                         
            song from                 of Hansel and                                                      hebodycoach1
            GoNoodle to the           Gretal.               Colour in the
            songs on Abair                                   attached                                      Jumping
            Liom B while                   R.E               stained glass                                  Jack’s (10),
Other       practising a Go          Practice your          window                                         rest 30
            Noodle dance              prayers with           colouring sheet.                               seconds, do
            video                     your parents                                                          this 3 times.
                                      such as Our                S.P.H.E
                S.P.H.E               Father, Hail          Use Go Noodle                                Practise a
           Do a job to help at       Mary, Morning          https://www.gon                               dance video
            home and take a           Prayer and Night for                                from
            picture of it for         Prayer which           a variety of                                  www.gonoo
            some class dojo           should be at the       videos for                          
            points.                   back of your           mindfulness                                Bounce/Pass/C
                                      Grow in Love           and energy                                  atch a ball –
           Try out some              workbooks.             release ideas.                             Bounce ball off
            Yoga on Go                                                                                   a wall/ground
            Noodle or Cosmic
            Yoga for kids -
            videos available
Week 2 Activities
Select 2 Activities from this menu to complete per day 
Subject            Monday                 Tuesday               Wednesday             Thursday                Friday
                                               Online Reading Resources
                     Reading may include students own material and/or reading from Oxford Owl

                                   Listen to the audio book of the BFG online at

                                Set discussion questions based on reading material
                                  - such as who, what, when, where questions.

                 Practice some of       Complete              Tricky Words     Writing:                   Practice
                  your ccvcc              attached                Write some of  Write about                 some of
                  words using the         handwriting             your own tricky    something that           your
                  attached spelling       sheet.                  words and try      you did this             nursery
                  maze activity                                   to put them        week. Practice           rhymes
                  sheets.                                         into a             the use of               and
                                                                  sentence.          Capital letters at       complete
                                                                                     the beginning of         some
Literacy                                                                             a sentence, days         activities
                                                                                     of the week, full        linked to
                                                                                     stops at the end         them with
                                                                                     of a sentence            the
                                                                                     and don’t forget         attached
                                                                                     to use spaces            booklet.
                                                                                     between words
   Mental Maths             Listen to some    Practice your           Create an               Online
               complete a page           counting songs       problem solving        account with             maths
                                         using BBC            skills with this       https://www.folen        practice
                                         School Radio         online Sudoku to           (
                                game                   access the               m)
                                     k/programmes/p065z https://www.kidsma           Senior infant
Numeracy                             8z4                  Planet Maths
                                                          /sudoku/easysudok          resources under
                                                          u.html                     the topic of
                                                                                     money and you
                                                                                     can play games
                                                                                     on the topic of

              Listen to the story      Practice some     Draw your own            Use the free            Watch
               of 'Hansel agus           new vocabulary    weather chart and         smartphone app           some TV
               Gretel' and see           related to the    label it with the         Duolingo to learn        shows in
               can you act out           story of Hansel   Irish words such as       more Irish               Irish using
               what happens in           and Gretal with   grianmhar- sunny          https://www.duoli        Cula4
               the story or              the attached                      
               pretend to be             flashcards.                                                      https://www.cul
 Gaeilge       Hansel or Gretel.                                                    Another great
                                                                                     Irish learning app   h/player/?pid=5
                                                                                     for the              761114480001
                                                                                     smartphone is        &teideal=Spong
                                                                                     called               ebob%20Squar
                                                                                     Mo Chéad             epants&series=
                                                                                     Fhocail which is     Spongebob%2
                                                                                     an interactive       0Squarepants&
                                                                                     Irish learning       dlft=7
MUSIC                     S.E.S.E                 R.E                   ART                  P.E
           Sing along to a          Draw and label        Draw some of         Look at and talk    Joe Wicks
            song from                 the different          the things that       about his/her          Daily live
            GoNoodle to the           kinds of animals       you might see         work. Describing       P.E. lesson
            songs on Abair            from farm              in a church.          the piece of           starting at
            Liom B while              animals to wild                              work, the              9am every
            practising a Go           animals using              S.P.H.E           colours used to        morning,
            Noodle dance              the vocabulary        Use Go Noodle         create shapes,         Monday -
            video                     list attached.         https://www.gon       textures,              Friday on
                                                    for        patterns.              YouTube
                S.P.H.E                    R.E               a variety of                   
           Do a job to help at      Practice your          videos for           Discuss how
            home and take a           prayers with           mindfulness           he/she enjoyed      hebodycoach1
            picture of it for         your parents           and energy            making it.
Other       some class dojo           such as Our            release ideas.                              Jumping
            points.                   Father, Hail                                What he/she            Jack’s (10),
                                      Mary, Morning                                likes best about       rest 30
           Try out some              Prayer and Night                             the work               seconds, do
            Yoga on Go                Prayer which                                                        this 3 times.
            Noodle or Cosmic          should be at the
            Yoga for kids -           back of your                                                      Practise a
            videos available          Grow in Love                                                       dance video
            on            workbooks.                                                         from
                                                                                                       atch a ball –
                                                                                                      Bounce ball off
                                                                                                       a wall/ground
Suggested tips:
  ●   Find great resources on the school website that can support learning from home.
      from-home.html ( If you are having trouble viewing the website on your smart phone- try using Google Chrome and
      clicking on the three little dots on the top right corner of the webpage and ticking the box for desktop site.)
  ●   At the start of the week check to see if you can access the websites/books online for completion, print out any worksheets
      included. Print this list of work if possible and put it where you can see it each day. Mark off the work as you complete it.
  ●   Try and create a daily routine with the same fixed times for breakfast, school work, lunch, dinner and relax time to help relieve
      anxiety and create more normalcy with home schooling.
  ●   Supporting all Student’s Emotional Well-Being
  ●   Activities and Ideas for Learning at Home with Younger Children
  ●   Find some editable daily schedules online at: or
     Try and get 30 minutes of exercise daily to let off steam and get rid of some energy.
     There’s an interesting list of more Irish learning apps for kids online at

Additional Activities and Websites:
 • Log into - great ideas for age specific project work and activities
 • and are both offering free trials for the month in light of school closures
 • learn about different animals and nature with this website
 • more online reading material
 • Print, Play & Learn- The easiest way to access the best printable Play
 & Learn content for parents, for free.
You can also read