Senior Recital Drew Canning '21, soprano - Vassar College

Page created by Manuel Bell

     Senior Recital
Drew Canning ‘21, soprano
      David Alpher, piano
   with Adam Buchmueller, piano
      Lillian Wolsk, saxophone
     George Edison, saxophone
         John Rogers, guitar
          Noah Hornik, bass
         Wyatt Carey, drums

    Sunday, 23 May 2021
         12:00 PM
     Martel Recital Hall
    Skinner Hall of Music
Please note, Skinner Hall of Music and the VC Chapel
           currently remain closed to the general public.

           The 2021 Senior Recitals can be viewed on the
                  Vassar Music webcast page at:

                Skinner Recital Hall is equipped with a
                       LOOP Hearing System.
The loop will offer improved clarity for persons with hearing loss who
          wear telecoil —or T-coil—equipped hearing aids.

 Please silence all cell phones or other personal electronic devices
 and refrain from texting. Use of these instruments will disturb other
      audience members and cause interference with in-house
                     recording and webcasting.

La canzone di Doretta                             Giacomo Puccini
   (from La Rondine)                                  (1858-1924)

Bachianas Brasileiras no. 5                     Heitor Villa-Lobos
  Aria (Cantilena)                                    (1887-1959)

Ebben? Ne andro lontana                          Alfredo Catalani
  (from La Wally)                                    (1854-1893)

In uomini, in soldati                    Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
   (from Così fan tutte)                             (1756-1791)

Les chemins de l’amour                            Francis Poulenc

La vie en rose                        Marguerite Monnot (1903-1961),
                           Louiguy (1916-1991), Edith Piaf (1915-1963)

Manhattan                                Richard Rodgers (1902-1979),
                                              Lorenz Hart (1895-1943)

Beyond the Sea                             Charles Trenet (1913-2001),
                                           Jack Lawrence (1928-1994)

Stuff Like That There                      Jay Livingston (1915-2001)

Summer Wind                                Johnny Mercer (1909-1976),
                                              Heinz Meier (1925-1998)

I’m ‘Thru’ with Love                       Matty Malnek (1903-1981),
                                           Fud Livingston (1906-1957)

The Great Gig in the Sky                         Clare Torry (b. 1947),
                                           Richard Wright (1943-2008)

This recital would not have come together without the incredible efforts
of my voice teacher, Robert Osborne, my accompanist, David Alpher,
the fantastic jazz combo consisting of Lily, Noah, Wyatt, Adam, Jack,
and George, and of course the Music Department’s very own Jane Podell
and Kim Andresen, who organized this event. To Robert – thank you for
these four years. You have been more than a voice teacher to me, but a
mentor, a confidante, and accomplice to my musical rebellion. The
measure of your wisdom and kindness is not lost on me, and I expect
we’ll stay in touch. To David – you have so many beautiful and funny
thoughts and observations. I’ve loved hearing them and I can’t imagine I
won’t hear more in the future. You are an incredible support, and I will
always associate Froot Loop dispensers with Frederick, MD because of
you. To Mom and Madeline – well, you know. Thank you. I love you.
And ditto to Dad, but also, thanks for paying for these voice lessons all
four years. To Nana – This all started with you. Not only did you put me
in Little Music Makers at age 5, but I remember our trip to see Phantom
of the Opera in 2011. I remember pointing at Christine and saying
“Nana, I want to sound like her.” I don’t remember your verbatim
response, but it was probably something dramatic like “And so you shall.
And so. you. shall.” Thank you for enabling my increasingly
experimental vocal journey. And yes, jazz is a respected genre.
To my dear friends in attendance today – let’s crack open some White
Clams after.
Texts and Translations

La canzone di Doretta
Chi il bel sogno di Doretta          Who could Doretta's beautiful dream
potè in dovinar?                     ever guess?
Il suo mister come mai               Her mystery how come it's never
come mai fini                        how come it's never ending

Ahimè! un giorno uno studente        Alas! One day a student
in bocca la baciò                    kissed her on the lips
e fu quel bacio                      and it was such a kiss
rivelazione:                         revelation:
fu la passione!                      it was passion!

Folle amore!                         Crazy love!
Folle ebbrezza!                      Crazy intoxication!
Chi la sottil carezza                Who could this subtle caress
d'un bacio così ardente              of such a flaming kiss
mai ridir potrà?                     ever describe?

Ah! mio sogno!                       Ah! my dream!
Ah! mia vita!                        Ah! my life!
Che importa la ricchezza             Who cares about riches
se alfine è rifiorita                if it finally revives
la felicità!                         happiness!
O sogno d'or                         Oh golden dream
poter amar così!                     to be able to love like this!
                                                 (Giuseppe Adami)

Bachianas Brasileiras No. 5
Tarde uma nuvem rósea lenta e          Evening, a cloud, rosy and
transparente.                          translucent
Sobre o espaço, sonhadora e bela!      slowly crosses the drowsy, beautiful
Surge no infinito a lua docemente,     The moon gently rises into infinity,
Enfeitando a tarde, qual meiga         adorning the evening, like a sweet
donzela                                maiden
Que se apresta e a linda               getting ready, dreamily making
Em anseios d'alma para ficar bela         herself beautiful,
                                          desiring her soul to be beautiful.

Grita ao céu e a terra toda a             She calls to the heavens, earth, to all
Natureza!                                 of Nature!
Cala a passarada aos seus tristes         She silences the birds’ sad laments,
E reflete o mar toda a Sua riqueza...     And the sea reflects all her treasures
Suave a luz da lua desperta agora         Softly the moon awakens,
A cruel saudade que ri e chora!           a cruel yearning that laughs and
Tarde uma nuvem rósea lenta e             Evening, a cloud, rosy and
transparente                              translucent
Sobre o espaço, sonhadora e bela!         Slowly crosses the drowsy, beautiful
                                          (Ruth Valadares Corréa)

Ebben? Ne Andro Lontana
Ebben? Ne andrò lontana                   Well then! I’ll take off far away
come va l'eco pia campana,                as does the echo of a pious bell,
là fra la neve bianca,                    there among the white snow,
là fra le nubi d'ôr;                      there among the clouds of gold,
laddóve la speranza, la speranza          there where hope, hope
è rimpianto, è rimpianto, è dolor!        is regret, is regret, is sorrow!

O della madre mia casa gioconda           Oh from my mother's mirthful home
la Wally ne andrà da te, da te,           Wally will go away from you, from
lontana assai, e forse a te,              you!
e forse a te, non farà mai più ritorno,   far far away, and perhaps to you,
nè più la rivedrai!                       and perhaps to you, she’ll return no
Mai più, mai più!                         more, nor see you any more!
                                          Never again, never again!
Ne andrò sola e lontana,                   I’ll take off alone and far away,
là fra la neve bianca, n'andrò,           there among the white snow, I’ll take
n'andrò sola e lontana                    off, I’ll take off alone and far away,
e fra le nubi d'ôr!                       and to the clouds of gold!

                                          Well then! I’ll take off far away
                                          like the echo of a pious bell does,
there among the white snow,
                                  there among the clouds of gold,
                                  there where hope, hope
                                  is regret, is regret, is sorrow!
                                              (Luigi Illica)

In uomini, in soldati
In uomini, in soldati             In men, in soldiers
Sperare fedeltà?                  You look for fidelity?
ridendo                           laughing
Non vi fate sentir, per carità!   Don't tell me that, for pity's sake!
Di pasta simile                   Of the same stuff
Son tutti quanti:                 All of them are made;
Le fronde mobili,                 The quivering leaves,
L'aure incostanti                 The inconstant breezes
Han più degli uomini              Have more stability
Stabilità.                        Than men.
Mentite lagrime,                  Crocodile tears,
Fallaci sguardi,                  Lying looks,
Voci ingannevoli,                 Deceiving words,
Vezzi bugiardi,                   False endearments
Son le primarie                   Are the basis
Lor qualità.                      Of their tricks.
In noi non amano                  In us they only prize
Che il lor diletto;               Their own pleasure;
Poi ci dispregiano,               Then they despise us,
Neganci affetto,                  Deny us affection,
Né val da' barbari                And from such tyrants
Chieder pietà.                    There's no mercy to be had.
Paghiam, o femmine,               We women should repay
D'ugual moneta                    This hurtful,
Questa malefica                   Impudent breed
Razza indiscreta;                 In their own coin;
Amiam per comodo,                 Let's love them
Per vanità!                       To suit our convenience and our
                                  vanity! (Lorenzo da Ponte)
Les chemins de l’amour
Les chemins qui vont à la mer           The paths that lead to the sea
Ont gardé de notre passage              Have retained from our passing
Des fleurs effeuillées                  The flowers that shed their petals
Et l’écho sous leurs arbres             And the echo beneath their trees
De nos deux rires clairs.               Of our clear laughter.
Hélas! des jours de bonheur,            Alas! no trace of those happy days,
Radieuses joies envolées,               Those radiant joys now flown,
Je vais sans retrouver traces           Can I find again
Dans mon coeur.                         In my heart.
Chemins de mon amour,                   Paths of my love,
Je vous cherche toujours,               I search for you ceaselessly,
Chemins perdus, vous n’êtes plus        Lost paths, you are no more
Et vos échos sont sourds.               And your echoes are muted.
Chemins du désespoir,                   Paths of despair,
Chemins du souvenir,                    Paths of memory,
Chemins du premier jour,                Paths of our first day,
Divins chemins d’amour.                 Divine paths of love.
Si je dois l’oublier un jour,           If one day I must forget,
La vie effaçant toute chose,            Since life obliterates everything,
Je veux dans mon coeur qu’un            I wish for my heart to remember one
souvenir                                thing,
Repose plus fort que l’autre amour.     More vivid than the other love,
Le souvenir du chemin,                  To remember the path
Où tremblante et toute éperdue,         Where trembling and all distracted,
Un jour j’ai senti sur moi brûler tes   One day I felt on me your passionate
mains.                                  hands.             (Jean Anouilh)

La vie en rose
Des yeux qui font baisser les miens,    Eyes that gaze into mine,
Un rire qui se perd sur sa bouche—      A smile that is lost on his lips—
Voilà le portrait sans retouche         That is the unretouched portrait
De l’homme auquel j’appartiens.         Of the man to whom I belong.

Quand il me prend dans ses bras,        When he takes me in his arms
Il me parle tout bas,                   And speaks softly to me,
Je vois la vie en rose.                 I see life in rosy hues.
Il me dit des mots d’amour,             He tells me words of love,
Des mots de tous les jours,             Words of every day,
Et ça me fait quelque chose.            And in them I become something.
Il est entré dans mon cœur,              He has entered my heart,
Une part de bonheur                      A part of happiness
Dont je connais la cause.                Whereof I understand the reason.
C’est lui pour moi,                      It’s him for me,
Moi pour lui dans la vie,                I for him throughout life,
Il me l’a dit, l’a juré pour la vie.     He has told me, he has sworn for life.
Et dès que je l’aperçois,                And from the things that I sense,
Alors je sens en moi                     Now I can feel within me
Mon cœur qui bat.                        My heart that beats. (Edith Piaf)

I’ll take Manhattan
The Bronx and Staten Island too
It's lovely going through the zoo
It's very fancy on old Delancey
Street, you know
The Subway charms us so
When balmy breezes blow to-and-fro
And tell me what street
Compares with Mott Street in July?
Sweet pushcarts gently gliding by
The great big city's a wondrous toy
Just made for a girl and boy
We'll turn Manhattan into an isle of
We'll go to Yonkers
Where true love conquers in the
And starve together dear in Chiles
We'll go to Coney and eat baloney on
a roll
In Central Park we'll stroll
Where our first kiss we stole
Soul to soul
And 'My Fair Lady' is a terrific show,
they say
We both may see it close some day
The city's glamour can never spoil
The dreams of a boy and girl
We'll turn Manhattan into an isle of
joy.       (Lorenz Hart)
Beyond the Sea
Somewhere beyond the sea
Somewhere waiting for me
My lover stands on golden sands
And watches the ships that go sailin'
Somewhere beyond the sea
She's there watching for me
If I could fly like birds on high
Then straight to her arms
I'd go sailing
It's far beyond the stars
It's near beyond the moon
I know beyond a doubt
My heart will lead me there soon
We'll meet beyond the shore
We'll kiss just as before
Happy we'll be beyond the sea
And never again I'll go sailing
I know beyond a doubt, ah
My heart will lead me there soon
We'll meet (I know we'll meet)
beyond the shore
We'll kiss just as before
Happy we'll be beyond the sea
And never again I'll go sailing
No more sailing
So long sailing
Bye bye sailing. (Jack Lawrence)

Stuff Like That There
I was alone on a shelf
In a world by myself.
Oh, where could my prince charming
But a man came along,
Made my life like a song,
And taught me these words of
I want some huggin' and some
And some muggin' and some teasin'
And some stuff like that there.
I want some pettin' and some
And some happy honeymoonin'
And some stuff like that there.
I used to think that love
Was just a lot o' rubbish;
A mess o' cabbage, a mess
But now my attitude
Is wholly lovey dovish,
And baby, you, you've done it!
I want some kissin' and some hopin'
And some missin' and some mopin'
And some stuff like that there.
I want some leapin' and some chasin'
And some weepin' and some pacin'
And some stuff like that there.
And when I get a certain feelin' I
confess it.
There's really only one expression to
express it.
I want some huggin' and some
And some muggin' and some teasin'
And some leapin' and some chasin'
And some weepin' and some pacin'
And some stuff,
I want some stuff like that there.
I used to think romance was bunk,
A double mickey for the ickey.
But all at once my heart was sunk,
And baby, you, you've done it!
I want some kissin' and some hopin'
And some missin' and some mopin'
And some stuff like that there.
I want some leapin' and some chasin'
And some weepin' and some pacin'
And some stuff like that there.
And when I get a certain feelin'
confess it.
There's really only one expression to
express it.
I want some huggin', squeezin',
Muggin', teasin' and some stuff,
Stuff like that there!
Oooooooooh! (Ray Evans)

Summer Wind
The summer wind came blowin' in
from across the sea

It lingered there, to touch your hair
and walk with me

All summer long we sang a song and
then we strolled that golden sand

Two sweethearts and the summer

Like painted kites, those days and
nights they went flyin' by

The world was new beneath a blue
umbrella sky

Then softer than a piper man, one
day it called to you
I lost you, I lost you to the summer

The autumn wind, and the winter
winds they have come and gone

And still the days, those lonely days,
they go on and on

And guess who sighs his lullabies
through nights that never end?

My fickle friend, the summer wind
The summer wind
Warm summer wind
The summer wind.
       (Johnny Mercer)

I’m ‘Thru’ with Love
I'm through with love
I'll never fall again
Said "Adieu" to love
Don't ever call again
For I must have you
Or no one
And so I'm through with love
I've locked my heart
I'll keep my feelings there
I have stocked my heart
With icy frigid air
And I need to care for no one
And so I'm through with love
Why did you leave me
To think that you could care?
You didn't need me
For you have your share
Of slaves around you
To hound you and swear
With deep emotion
Devotion to you
Goodbye to spring
And all it meant to me
It can never bring
The things that used to be
For I must have you or no one
And so I'm through with love.
                   (Gus Kahn)
Skinner Hall of Music
          Spring 2021 Virtual Webcast Series
                      ~ Senior Recital Schedule ~
              Please note, Skinner Hall of Music and the VC Chapel
                  currently remain closed to the general public.

    Live webcasts* and digital program notes can be viewed through
   the end of the semester at:

 4/18 Sunday • 1:30 pm ~ Susannah Karron, soprano
 4/18 Sunday • 3:30 pm ~ Nicholas Christenson, double bass
 4/24 Saturday • 1pm ~ Emma Stovicek, soprano
 4/24 Saturday • 3 pm ~ Rachel Salvador, soprano
 5/02 Sunday • 2:30 pm ~ Sydney Amspacher, soprano
 5/15 Saturday • 12 pm ~ Abigail Hart Goldman, soprano
 5/15 Saturday • 2 pm ~ Charlotte Waldman, flute
 5/15 Saturday • 4 pm ~ Emma Bauchner, piano
 5/16 Sunday • 12 pm ~ Bryan Smith, baritone
 5/16 Sunday • 2 pm ~ Claire Furtwangler, cello
 5/16 Sunday • 3:30 pm ~ Helen Johnson, mezzo-soprano
 5/22 Saturday • 10 am ~ Christopher Triggs, jazz saxophone & flute
5/22 Saturday • 12 pm ~ Rachel Walker, mezzo-soprano
 5/22 Saturday • 2 pm ~ Susanna Monroe, violin
 5/23 Sunday • 12 pm ~ Drew Canning, soprano
 5/23 Sunday • 3:30 pm ~ Prashit Parikh, percussion & jazz drums
5/25 Tuesday • 8 pm ~ Michelle Kang, organ; this event was recorded at
                       the VC Chapel on 5/23.
                   *Start times are approximate - please be patient.
If for any reason the webcast is disrupted a recording will be provided at a later time.

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