September 2021 - Red Bank Baptist Church

Page created by Christine Wright
September 2021 - Red Bank Baptist Church
September 2021
                                   Welcome to Red Bank Baptist Church
       Please refer to our Website, Facebook or Red Bank App for up to date information on service times.

AWANA Clubs will be starting on Sunday, September 12th from 5:30pm to 7:00pm and are
conducted on Sunday evenings through April for children ages 2 through sixth grade. We will
have classes for Puggles ages 2 to 3 years old, Cubbies ages 3 to 5 years old, Sparks ages
kindergarten through 2nd grade and TNT is for 3rd through 6th grades. The cost is $30 for 1
child with new uniform, $45 for 2 or more children and $20 if you have a uniform. This is a
good time to get your children involved in memorizing and learning God’s word while having

 We are pleased to announce our new Mom’s Morning Out ministry, every Tuesday morning
 from 8:30 am until 11:30 am beginning September 7, 2021. This is offered to children ages
 infant through four years old. We are seeking volunteers to help minister to families in our
 area and to introduce them to our church family, by caring for their children for a short time.
 Cost is $15 for 1 child, $25 for 2 children, $30 for 3 children. If you are interested, please
 see Debbie Black or Donna Wright or call the church office at 803-359-2681.

                  Register for both of these events online at
September 2021 - Red Bank Baptist Church
Thank you RBBC Family for all the donations, prayers, time, smiles, and encouraging words to
make Jesus and me: Camping at the Sea of Galilee a success. We reached families in our
community that have no church background and no relationship with Jesus Christ. They learned
that Jesus Finds Us, Jesus Loves Us, Jesus Helps Us, Jesus Saves Us, and Jesus Stays With Us.
Please continue to pray that God will provide more opportunities for us to reach these lost
souls. We love because HE first loved us. 1 John 4:19
September 2021 - Red Bank Baptist Church

Hello Red Bank! Man, this year is going so quickly. It’s hard to believe that we are already thinking about
Thanksgiving and Christmas but they will be here before we know it. I want to thank all of you who came to the
meeting and volunteered for the “Journey Through Bethlehem”. We had over 80 people sign up to help. I think
this is going to be a great ministry outreach in the coming years. Just in case anyone didn’t get the dates, it will be
Saturday December 11 & Sunday December 12. We have a lot to do to get ready but I want to thank you for your
help in advance.
I also want to encourage any of you who have been thinking about being part of the music ministry to come and
join in. I love having so many people helping lead in worship and use the gifts and abilities God has given them.
So, if you sing, play an instrument, or want to help in the music ministry through audio, video, or media, we can
use you. Just let me know.
September 17 will be my 4 year anniversary here at Red Bank. It has been a great 4 years and I told you a few
weeks ago during service that it has been 4 of the best years of ministry I have been able to enjoy. God is so good
and I am so glad to be part of the Family of God at Red Bank. Thank you for loving me and my family and for
supporting us so faithfully. We are looking forward to many years of ministry with you and can’t wait to see what
God has in store for the future!!
In Christ’s service,
Pastor Mike

                                FROM THE SENIOR ADULT MINISTER
                              Thanks for all the help we had at the Senior Supper. We all had a great time with
                              food and fellowship.
                              We have two day trips coming up. The first one is on Tuesday, September 14th, to
                              the Billy Graham Library and the mystery dinner show. The bus will leave the
                              church at 7:45 am and we will be back around 6:30 pm. The bus is full for the day
    November 13th
                              trip to Billy Graham Library and mystery dinner show but if you want to go, you can
    Senior Supper at 5pm
                              drive and get tickets on your own. Just check with me.
    followed by the
    gospel group              The second trip is on Monday, October 4th, to Hendersonville, North Carolina to
    STEEPLE bringing          pick apples. You can sign up on the sheets located in the Connect Center or on the
    us a concert in the       Senior Bulletin Board. The cost is $10 to help with gas.
    sanctuary which is        If you have questions or concerns, please see me.
    open to the public.
                              Yours in Christ,
September 2021 - Red Bank Baptist Church
The flower calendar book is located in the                  Other Calendar Items to Note:
 Connect Center. If you would like to put                    August 31st 7pm
                                                             CLC meeting
 flowers in the church in honor of or in
                                                             September 1st 7:30pm
 memory of someone, please sign up.                          Deacon’s Meeting
                                                             September 6th
                                                             Labor Day (Office Closed)
                                                             September 8th 7:00pm
                                                              Church Business Meeting
                                                             September 16th 6:00 pm
                                                             Men’s Ministry Meeting
                                                             September 27th 2-7pm
Low Impact Exercise Classes Tuesday and Thursday 9:00        Red Cross Blood Drive
A.M. All are Welcome - No Charge - Enter at the Church       September 27th 6:30pm
                    Office Door.                             Band of Brothers Meeting

        From the RBBC Library: Thank you all so very much for the donations made to the library. At this
        time, we can no longer accept donations as we have limited space. Once we are able to accept
        donations again, we will let you know.

                                     GOOD NEWS CLUB!
The Good News Club (GNC) is one of the ministries of Child Evangelism Fellowship (CEF)
and Red Bank Baptist Church is a sponsor of the GNC at Red Bank and Saxe Gotha
Elementary schools. CEF has an Annual Fellowship Dinner to raise funds for the ministry and is
a time of sharing stories and updates about reaching children for Christ. The dinner is planned
for September 23rd at First Presbyterian Church in downtown Columbia and can only be
attended with reservations. Margie Dennis is hosting a table and if you would like to attend,
please let Margie know (803-309-4173) and she will make your reservation. The dinner is at
no-charge, but an appeal for support will be made during dinner. If you have any questions,
please contact Margie. Also, please pray that we as volunteers will be back in our elementary
schools soon sharing the Gospel with our children.
September 2021 - Red Bank Baptist Church
You hear us say that we are here for such a time as this. But how does that look in real life for you?
 Just like Esther of the Bible, you and I are called to be bold women of faith who are not afraid to
 stand firm in our faith, to stand up for those who cannot, to speak up with the truth in love, even
 if it means unwanted consequences. Esther knew if God was leading her to be bold and do the
 unthinkable, He would be with her and equip her as she stepped out in bold faith. “Becoming a
 woman of bold faith is not about a perfectly checked church attendance, or a small group
 with the best snacks on the block; but a real, bold, heart-wrenching, Jesus-glorifying,
 dig-your-heels in the dirt and fight for God’s truths in the midst of the mess, kind of
 belief. “ (Kaitlyn H. Parker)
    Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give
   yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is
                                          not in vain.
                                      ~ 1 Corinthians 15:58 ~

       Don’t miss out! Get your Simulcast tickets today!
                                                 Saturday, September 25 — 10am-5pm
                                                 Tickets are $20.00 per person
                                                 (Includes Chick-fil-A Lunch)
                                                 Tickets can be purchased:
                                                 In Person—see any member of WM Team
                                                 Church Office—call 803-359-2681
                                                 Scan—QR Code 
                                                 Childcare will be available—
                                                 $5.00 to cover cost of Nugget
                                                 Kids Meal

Be a woman of bold faith today. And invite someone to the Simulcast! We will see you there!
Until next time,
Jennifer, Cindy, Gale, Melissa & Chrystal —The Women’s Ministry Team Leaders
September 2021 - Red Bank Baptist Church
1357 South Lake Drive, Lexington, SC 29073

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                                               Phone: 803-359-2681
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                                        Vision Statement: To be Disciples that Make Disciples
Mission Statement: We are seeking to win the world for Christ, one person at a time while developing disciples in a relational environment
                               Core Values : Christ-centered, Faithful, Relational, Transparent Servants

                                DEADLINE FOR THE OCTOBER NEWSLETTER IS SEPTEMBER 20th

                                 Hello September

                                                            September 6, 2021
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