Serial ATA International Organization - Revision 1.4 Version 1.0 Aug 27th 2009

Serial ATA International Organization - Revision 1.4 Version 1.0 Aug 27th 2009
Tektronix, Inc.

                                                                         Serial ATA
                                                          International Organization
                                                                         Revision 1.4 Version 1.0 Aug 27th 2009

Serial ATA Interoperability Program Revision 1.4
Tektronix MOI for RSG tests using Tektronix AWG7000
series Arbitrary Waveform Generator.

This document is provided "AS IS" and without any warranty of any kind, including, without limitation, any express
or implied warranty of non-infringement, merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. In no event shall
SATA-IO or any member of SATA-IO be liable for any direct, indirect, special, exemplary, punitive, or
consequential damages, including, without limitation, lost profits, even if advised of the possibility of such

This material is provided for reference only. The Serial ATA International Organization does not endorse the vendor
equipment outlined in this document.

                                                    1                 Tektronix SATA-IO Rev 1.4 RSG MOI v1.0
Serial ATA International Organization - Revision 1.4 Version 1.0 Aug 27th 2009
Tektronix, Inc.

                                         TABLE OF CONTENTS
TABLE OF CONTENTS.........................................................................................2
MODIFICATION RECORD ..................................................................................3
DETAILED TESTS..................................................................................................6
  TEST RSG-01 - GEN1I (1.5GB/S)RECEIVER JITTER TEST ...............................................................
  TEST RSG-02 – GEN2I (3 GB/S) RECEIVER JITTER TEST ................................................................
  TEST RSG-03 – GEN3I (6 GB/S) RECEIVER JITTER TEST ................................................................
  TEST RSG-05 – ASYNCHRONOUS RECEIVER STRESS TEST ............................................................
  TEST RSG-06 – ASYNCHRONOUS RECEIVER STRESS TEST WITH SSC ...........................................
APPENDIX A – RESOURCE REQUIREMENTS ...............................................9
APPENDIX B – TEST SETUPS ...........................................................................11
  DRIVE RECEIVER TESTS USING BIST-FIS .......................................................................................
  HOST RECEIVER TESTS USING BIST-FIS.........................................................................................
APPENDIX C – MEASUREMENT CALIBRATION .......................................12
APPENDIX D – AWG-7000 SETUPS ..................................................................19
APPENDIX E – FRAME ERROR DETECTOR................................................21
APPENDIX F – J9005A EXTERNAL Rj SOURCE ……………….…………26

                                                        2                   Tektronix SATA-IO Rev 1.4 RSG MOI v1.0
Serial ATA International Organization - Revision 1.4 Version 1.0 Aug 27th 2009
Tektronix, Inc.

                                       MODIFICATION RECORD

September 6, 2006 (Version 0.7) INITIAL RELEASE
        Mike Martin, John Calvin: RSG MOI contributions

July 12, 2007 (Version 1.0RC) released for general membership review.

September 26, 2007 (Version 1.0) Revised after 90 day general membership review, and submitted for
inclusion with the SATA 1.2 IW test program.
         Chris Skach
Dec 19, 2007 (R13_v0_09,Version 0.9) Revised after IW4 plugfest , and submitted for inclusion with the SATA
1.3 IW test program.
         Chris Skach
Aug 25 2008 (R14_v0_09,Version 0.5) Revised to include SATA 6Gb/s Preliminary Test procedure and Jitter
         Chris Skach

March 164th 2009 (R14_v0_095,Version 0.81) UTD1.4 Preliminary Test procedure and Jitter Calibration
        Chris Skach

March 27th 2009 (R14_v0_0.90) Tektronix RSG MOI finalized
        Chris Skach

April 21st 2009 (R14_v0_0.91) Tektronix RSG MOI updated to include UTD 1.4 changes
         Chris Skach
May 15th 2009 (R14_v0_0.92) Removed requirement for PLL clock recovery setting in amplitude measurement
         Chris Skach
May 19th 2009 (R14_v0_0.93) Edited RSG jitter tables to reflect UTD updates. Added Analog/vs Re-timed
loopback check
         Chris Skach
May 26th 2009 (R14_v0_0.93) Edited RSG-05,06 test tables to reflect UTD updates. Added text regarding Rj
note both prompted by Bent Hessen-Schmidt
         Chris Skach
May 28th 2009 (R14_v0_1.0RC) Moved to 1.0RC status
         Chris Skach
Aug 27th 2009 (R14_v0_1.0) Moved to 1.0 status
         Chris Skach

                                                          3            Tektronix SATA-IO Rev 1.4 RSG MOI v1.0
Serial ATA International Organization - Revision 1.4 Version 1.0 Aug 27th 2009
Tektronix, Inc.


The SATA-IO would like to acknowledge the efforts of the following individuals in the development of this
test suite.

        Creation of this document
Tektronix, Inc.           John Calvin
                          Chris Skach
                          Bill Leineweber
                          Kalev Sepp

                                                 4                Tektronix SATA-IO Rev 1.4 RSG MOI v1.0
Serial ATA International Organization - Revision 1.4 Version 1.0 Aug 27th 2009
Tektronix, Inc.

The tests contained in this document are organized in order to simplify the identification of
information related to a test, and to facilitate in the actual testing process. Tests are separated
into groups, primarily in order to reduce setup time in the lab environment, however the different
groups typically also tend to focus on specific aspects of device functionality.

       The test definitions themselves are intended to provide a high-level description of the
motivation, resources, procedures, and methodologies specific to each test. Formally, each test
description contains the following sections:

      This document outlines precise and specific procedures required to conduct SATA IW
      1.4 tests, as they pertain to receiver testing. This document covers the following tests
      which are all based around testing the receiver channel using a directly synthesized
      framed composite pattern with a precise level of digital impairment using an Arbitrary
      Waveform Generator.
      The actual framed Composite pattern utilized is a synthesized version of the pattern
      outlined in the SATA_Pretest_MOI.

                                            5               Tektronix SATA-IO Rev 1.4 RSG MOI v1.0
Serial ATA International Organization - Revision 1.4 Version 1.0 Aug 27th 2009
Tektronix, Inc.

                                                 Detailed Tests
Test RSG-01 – Gen1 (1.5Gb/s) Receiver Jitter Test
This test requirement is applicable to all products. (Gen1i-Gen3i)

Test RSG-02 – Gen2i (3Gb/s) Receiver Jitter Test
This test requirement is applicable to all PUTs claiming ability to run Gen2i and Gen3i rates.

Test RSG-03 – Gen3i (6Gb/s) Receiver Jitter Test (Informative)
This test requirement is applicable to all PUTs claiming ability to run Gen3i rates.

Test RSG-05 – Asynchronous Receiver Stress Test at + 350ppm (Informative)
This test requirement is applicable to all PUTs.

Test RSG-06 – Asynchronous Receiver Stress Test with SSC (Informative)
This test requirement is applicable to all PUTs.

Purpose: To verify that the Product Under Test (PUT) meets receiver tolerance specifications of section 7.4.11, and
7.4.12 of SerialATA Revision 3.0.

       SerialATA Revision 3.0
       SATA Interop_UnifiedTest_Rev1.4

The most current versions of above documents may be found at the Serial ATA document repository:
Resource Requirements:
         See appendix A

Signal Calibration:
        See appendix C.1 for Transition time validation Note: this step should precede the Jitter Calibration steps.
        See appendix C.2 for Rj calibration
        See appendix C.3 for Tj calibration
        See appendix C.4 for Amplitude.

Test Setup:
Connect equipment as shown in Appendix B, figure 1 or 2 as appropriate.

Use AWG Framed Long COMP Receiver Test Pattern library of stressed data patterns outlined in Appendix D for
each RSG test required. This library includes all stressed patterns including RJ, Dj including CIC/ISI and with sine
Pj source frequencies of:
         * Note for RSG-05 and RSG-06 only the 62MHz jitter profile is used for the test.

Test Procedure:

This procedure should be applied to the worst case port (in a multi-port system/host) as determined through the
worst case port identification MOI.

If necessary, use ancillary equipment to place the SATA product-under-test (host or drive) in BIST-L mode .

                                                      6                 Tektronix SATA-IO Rev 1.4 RSG MOI v1.0
Serial ATA International Organization - Revision 1.4 Version 1.0 Aug 27th 2009
Tektronix, Inc.

Note: In most cases the AWG will complete the entire process from OOB sequencing to BIST-L, and finally issuing
a repeating Framed COMP pattern. In certain cases, it may be necessary to use ancillary equipment to properly
initiate BIST-L modes of operation..

Once in BIST-L mode, use sequencer to run specific test waveform in test suite.
To validate PUT is not in Analog Loopback mode.
 • Right mouse click on the 62Mhz (RSG01-c) waveform and select Force Jump Here.
 • Select Ch1 Output On and select Run
 • Verify the PUTs transmitted 62Mhz spectrum is suppressed by viewing the jitter spectral content using
 • RSG01-03 is only Normative if the 62MHz spectral content is suppressed.

To validate that the frame error counting HW is functioning properly, recall the error injector (1 Frame Error)
framed comp pattern. (SFCP_1ERR_Clean.wfm from the SATA-Gen1i-RSG-Compliance.awg setup ). Observe that
the frame error counter increments by one every time the AWG Run button is pressed. Clear the error counters back
to 0 once this has been validated.

Recall the clean (no jitter) framed comp pattern (SFCP_2A_0ERR_clean.wfm from the SATA-GenX-RSG-
Compliance.awg setup) and run to observe that no frame error count increments are occurring for 1 minute of initial

 For each of the four sine jitter (PJ) frequencies defined, apply the appropriate Stressed Framed COMP patterns
outlined in table below by selecting it in the sequence menu. Perform the Frame Error Count test for each frequency
for a period of listed below . Record Frame Error Count for each jitter frequency.

Test pattern setup file for RSG-01: Normative,          SATA usage model:          Test time/PJ freq waveform
Required for all PUTs.                                  1.5Gbps(Gen1) + 0ppm       RSG01a 10Mhz 10 Min
AWG7000 SATA-                                            RSG01b 33Mhz 10 Min
                                                                                   RSG01c 62Mhz 10 Min
                                                                                   RSG01d 5Mhz 10 Min
Test pattern setup file for RSG-02: Normative,          SATA usage model:          Test time/PJ freq waveform
Required for PUTs claiming ability to run Gen2i         3Gbps(Gen2) + 0ppm         RSG02a 10Mhz 5 Min
and Gen3i rates.                                                                   RSG02b 33Mhz 5 Min
AWG7000 SATA-                                            RSG02c 62Mhz 5Min
                                                                                   RSG02d 5Mhz 5 Min
Test pattern setup file for RSG-03: Informative,        SATA usage model:          Test time/PJ freq waveform
Required for PUTs claiming ability to run Gen3i         6Gbps(Gen3i) +0ppm         RSG03a 10Mhz 2.5 Min
rates.                                                                             RSG03b 33Mhz 2.5 Min
AWG7000 SATA-                                            RSG03c 62Mhz 2.5Min
                                                                                   RSG03d 5Mhz 2.5 Min
Test pattern setup file for RSG-05: Normative,          SATA usage model:          Test time/PJ freq waveform
Required for all PUTs.                                  1.5Gbps + 350ppm           >= 18 successive iterations of
AWG7000 SATA-                                            Frame COMP wfm. With
                                                                                   62MHz Pj component
Test pattern setup file for RSG06: Informative,         SATA usage model:          Test time/PJ freq waveform
Required for all PUTs.                                  1.5Gbps - 350ppm with      >= 18 successive iterations of
AWG7000 SATA-                 ideal 5000ppm triangular   Frame COMP wfm. With
                                                        downspread SSC at          62MHz Pj component
                                                        33KHz modulation freq.

                                                    7                Tektronix SATA-IO Rev 1.4 RSG MOI v1.0
Serial ATA International Organization - Revision 1.4 Version 1.0 Aug 27th 2009
Tektronix, Inc.

                                                        Data Rate Range is
                                                        between 1.5 Gb/s –
                                                        5350ppm and 1.5 Gb/s -

Observable Results:

        Frame Error Counter must record 0 frame errors over a specified period at each of the prescribed jitter
        frequencies. Record the number of observed errors at each of the three phases of this test. In the case
        where at least 1000 errors are observed during test execution, the test iteration may stop and specific test
        would report a failure due to high number of errors.


Possible Problems:

Possible Issues: While the Interop testing require the use of the Pretest_MOI_Framed_COMP if the device does not
support the Pretest_MOI_Framed_COMP then the Pretest_MOI_Framed_COMP_with_4_ALIGNs version can be
used with a waiver request or the COMP_Framed_RD- pattern, which also comply with the 256 word ALIGN

                                                    8                 Tektronix SATA-IO Rev 1.4 RSG MOI v1.0
Tektronix, Inc.

                             Appendix A – Resource Requirements
The resource requirements include two separate sets of equipment. The equipment required for PHY and TSG tests
is shown in section A.1, and the equipment required for TX and RX tests is shown in section A.2, and the equipment
required for OOB tests is shown in section A.3.

A.1 Equipment for verifying Signal Source Calibration

    1.   Real-time Digital Oscilloscope
                  DPO/DSA 71254KB series (or higher), DPO/DSA71254 (or higher)
    2.   Test Fixture
                  Crescent Heart Software Fixture TF-SATA-NE-XP, TF-SATA-NE-ZP
                  or equivalent.

    3.   Cables
                  179-4944-01 for valid results using the distributed AWG setup files

    4.   Software
                 Tektronix AWG7000 Framed Long COMP Receiver Test Pattern library
                 Tektronix SDX100 opt ISI, opt SSC (Required only for waveform generation)
                 Tektronix TDSDPOJET

A.2 Equipment for Performing SATA RSG Tests

    1.   Signal Generator
                        AWG7102 or AWG7122B, option 6 (interleaved output with 20Gs/s or 24Gs/s sample rate)
                        and opt 01 (64M memory) and opt 08 for AWG7122B (Fast Sequencing)
                        AWG7122B recommended for Gen3i testing

    2.   Frame Error Counter
                 CHS FEC for Gen1 and Gen2

                  Finisar Xgig for Gen1- Gen3i
                  Xgig-C042 (qty 1): Four Slot Portable or Rack mountable Chassis
                  Xgig-B860Sc: 6 Gb/s SAS/SATA Wide Port Blade with mini SAS connectors, 16 GB memory,
                  w/ Link Extender (LE)
                  Xgig-S86AS: Wide-Port 6Gb/s SAS/SATA Analyzer Function Key (8 ports / 4 links)
                  Performance Monitor SW
                  SerialTek BusXpert Micro Analyzer Gen1- Gen3i
                  MA-2x6SA-2GB BusXpert Micro Analyzer, 2-port, 6Gb/s SAS/SATA, 2.25GB Buffer, Advanced
                  Triggering and Segmented Buffer
                  BusXpert SW

    3.   Test Fixture
                        Crescent Heart Software Fixture TF-SATA-NE-XP , TF-SATA-NE-ZP
                        or equivalent
                        Molex SAS test board 73931-2544 for Finisar FEC
    4.   Cables
                        179-4944-01 for valid results using the distributed AWG setup files.
    5.   Attenuators
                        Two 6 dB (2:1) attenuators should inserted at the end of the cables from the AWG attaching
                        to the inputs of the fixtures. Part number (Tek) 015-1001-01 are recommended.

                                                    9                 Tektronix SATA-IO Rev 1.4 RSG MOI v1.0
Tektronix, Inc.

    6.   SATA BISTFIS initialization system
               Any system capable of controlling Gen1 and Gen2 products-under-test (PUT), and capable of
               placing the PUT into BIST-L mode. For host testing, this could be a system such as the Catalyst
               SATA analyzer and device emulator. For drive testing, this could be a system such as the Ulink
               DriveMaster running on a SATA capable host system. It is possible that the AWG7000 might be
               used to perform the BIST-L setup, as well as provide the stressed data pattern for receiver testing.
               It is also acceptable to utilize proprietary solutions to meet this requirement.

    7.   Software
                 Tektronix AWG7000 RX SATA PHY 1.4 Test Pattern library available on
    8.   Optional Rj source NoiseCom J9005A

Appendix B – Test Setups
Drive receiver tests using BIST-FIS
Once the Device or Drive DUT has been put in BIST-L mode, the Framed Long COMP pattern is applied with the
AWG7000, and the frame errors are counted using a Frame Error Counter using the following configuration:

     Scope is only required for waveform validation
     and loopback verification

                    Tek DSA
                       DPOJET               Ch1

                                                                                   SMA Test
                     Tek AWG              Ch1+                          SMA
                                          Ch1 –                                               Rx-
              AWG7122 opt06, opt 08                                                           Tx+

                                                                                  Power Divider
                                                             SMA       SMA
                                                                                  SMA Cable

                              FEC                            Rx+

                 SATA I,II, III- Finisar, SerialTek
                 SATA I, II CHS                              SMA

                                                      Figure 1: Test the receiver using BIST-L

                                                                       10              Tektronix SATA-IO Rev 1.4 RSG MOI v1.0
Tektronix, Inc.

                               Appendix C – Measurement Calibration


                                                                                        BIST-L initiator

                                                                                        10, 33 and 62MHz
                                                                                        .45UI test vectors

                                                                                         Diagnostic test

Figure 1: AWG sequence table for the setup file SATA-G2-RSG-Compliance.awg illustrating three principal
      sets of waveforms. 1. BIST-L initiator, 2. .45UI test vectors and 3. Various diagnostic vectors.

After recalling the Compliance.awg setup (see appendix D) , with the output of the AWG directed into CH1 and
CH3 of Tektronix Oscilloscope as outlined in appendix A.1, One may select the various test or diagnostic vectors
sequentially and verify the overall system calibration.

Test Vectors can be individually selected by clicking on the desired sequence and with a right click perform a AWG
” force jump here” operation. As these patterns are sequenced for infinite repetition, they will remain in this state
until user intervention occurs.

Jitter measurements will be performed using TDSJIT3.V2 using a DATA-TIE (Time Interval Error) without a PLL
configuration or TDSDPOJET with similar configuration.

Setups forAWG and DPOJET
Download location to be determined on

                                                    11                  Tektronix SATA-IO Rev 1.4 RSG MOI v1.0
Tektronix, Inc.

Definition of specific test points for calibration

C.1 Transition Time Validation
The transition time measurement should be made on TP1 before jitter components are added. A LFTP pattern is
used as the generators test pattern. The same DPOJET setup files used for Jitter calibration/validation have Rise and
Fall time measurements which allow the user to validate that the transition rate is approximately 100ps 20%/80% for
Gen1i & Gen2i and 62ps-75ps 20%/80% for Gen3i.
             Gen1 RMS               Gen2 RMS      Gen3i RMS
 Nominal 100pSec                    100pSec       62-75ps

DPOJET screen-shot of Gen3i LFTP Rise Time Measurement.

C.2 Rj Verification
A reference Gen1, Gen2 and Gen3 MFTP pattern (MFTP-Rj-Cal.wfm) is provided in the AWG bases RSG
waveform library support package to facilitate verification of calibration of Rj. Rj is specified to be .18UI PtP @ 7
Sigma or 8.57pSec RMS for Gen1, 4.285pSec for Gen2 and 2.14ps for Gen3.

The RJ found in the Tektronix AWG MFTP pattern has been synthesized and is a truncated Gaussian
distribution with the truncation occurring at 4.7 Sigma. This amount of Rj has been verified to correlate well to
the 95% effective BER Rj. If additional Rj performance is desirable, users can effectively increase the crest
factor by incorporating the use of an External Rj source added as part of the test setup. (See appendix F for
additional information) Or by using a sequencing technique built into the AWG that can expand the apparent
memory of the waveform by concatenating different seeds of Rj waveforms to effectively produce a much higher
crest factor.

                                                     12                Tektronix SATA-IO Rev 1.4 RSG MOI v1.0
Tektronix, Inc.

Before performing the Rj calibration verification process, perform a SPC calibration on the Tektronix oscilloscope
used and perform a D/A channel calibration on the AWG to ensure instrument environmental conditions have been
compensated for.

Fig 2 DPOJET screenshot of Rj values of MFTP for Gen3i.

As is illustrated in the red circled area of Figure 2, ensure the averaged Rj is nominally reading according to table
below. The provided setup files will analyze 16E6 contiguous points per measurement, and 3 runs will typically
converge on a averaged RJ. Jitter magnitudes in excess of these values should result in re-calibration of the AWG.

             Gen1 RMS             Gen2 RMS        Gen3i RMS
 Nominal     8.57pSec             4.285ps         2.14ps
 Min         8.22ps               4.11ps          2.05ps
 Max         8.9ps                4.45ps          2.22ps

C.3 Pj Verification
A reference Gen1, Gen2 and Gen3 MFTP pattern (MFTP-Pj-Cal.wfm) is provided in the AWG RSG waveform
library support package to facilitate verification of calibration of Sj.

             Gen1           Gen2         Gen3i
 Nominal     .270 UI       .270 UI      .192 UI

                                                    13                 Tektronix SATA-IO Rev 1.4 RSG MOI v1.0
Tektronix, Inc.

C.4 Tj Verification
The required test waveforms for Gen1, Gen2 and Gen3 have been pre-synthesized using the Frame Comp pattern
and are provided in the AWG based RSG waveform library support package. These base patterns conform to the
IW sanctioned Framed Composite pattern outline in the SATA Pretest MOI. These waveforms include the required
jitter components including Rj, Pj and DDj which includes the ISI/ CIC requirements. Gen1i and Gen2i are
comprised using an ISI of 40ps, Gen3i requires using the CIC as defined in section 7.2.7 of SATA 3.0 Specification.

After instructing the AWG sequencer to step to any of the provided RSG01_xxMHz_V1_4 test vectors for Gen1,
RSG02_xxMHz_V1_4 test vector for Gen2 or RSG03_xxMHz_V1_4 test vectors for Gen3. DPOJET should be run.

Observe the averaged Total @ BER (Pk-Pk) Jitter value after three acquisitions. The nominal accuracy of a
calibrated system will provide Tj conformance within 4% of nominal error.

            Gen1 ps        UI            Gen2 ps         UI         Gen3i ps     UI
 Min        327.67ps       .501          177.82ps        .552       82.67ps      .498
 Max        345.65ps       .519          195.80ps        .588       94.62ps      .570

Fig 3 DPOJET screen-shot Gen3i of TJ measurement of full jitter profile.

                                                    14                Tektronix SATA-IO Rev 1.4 RSG MOI v1.0
Tektronix, Inc.

C.4 Amplitude Calibration

The Amplitude measurement is done at TP2 using a Eye Opening measurement at 50% of UI with all TIE jitter
components calibrated previously on the Frame Comp LBP. This technique is defined in Sec7.4.3 and 7.4.12 of
SATA 3.0 Specification. This measurement is used for all data rates where limits are listed in table below:

             Gen1i         Gen1m/x      Gen2i       Gen2m/x      Gen3i
 Min         325mV         240mV        275mV       240mV        240mV

Purpose: To verify that the Differential Output Voltage of the PUT’s transmitter is within the conformance limits
for all PUTs.

       [1] Sec7.4.3 and 7.4.12 of SATA 3.0 Specification.
       [2] Ibid, – Minimum Differential Voltage Amplitude (Gen3i)
       [3] SATA Unified Test Document, UTD_1.4

Resource Requirements:
       See Appendix A

          Reference [1] specifies the Transmitted Signal conformance limits for SATA generated signal. This
specification includes conformance limits for the Minimum Differential Voltage Amplitude. Reference [2] provides
the definition of this term for the purposes of SATA testing. Reference [3] defines the measurement requirements
for this test.

Test Setup:
          Connect equipment as shown in Appendix B, figure 1 or 2 as appropriate. Note that it is acceptable to use
either differential or pseudo-differential (single ended plus math waveform) probes for these measurements. Recall
Scope and DPOJET vertical cal setup.

Test Procedure:
         Using techniques and equipment as described in Appendix A of the PRE-TEST MOI, or equivalent, place
the PUT in BISTFIS mode transmitting compliant Frame Comp LBP pattern including jitter and CIC component.
Depending on the capability of the PUT, and the equipment available, it is acceptable to use either BIST-T or BIST-
L to produce the needed test pattern.

If the PUT supports disconnects, remove the SATA PRE-TEST system, and connect SATA test fixture. Some PUTs
require that the connection not be broken after BIST has been activated. In these situations, it may be necessary to
use power splitters to allow simultaneous connection of the PRE-TEST system and the test equipment. Refer to
Appendix A of the PRE-TEST MOI for additional details.

Start DPOJET to capture the waveform.. A measurement is taken of the High and Low amplitude values of the
middle of the eye opening of the resulting signal. The results are fitted into linear plots (e.g. Transformation Q)
which are extrapolated out to 1E^-12 BER. The difference between High and Low amplitudes at 1E^-12 BER are
evaluated and compared to the Pass/Fail Criteria (Table 7-3 of Serial ATA Revision 2.6)

Test pattern(s):                                         SATA usage model:
Frame Comp LBP with all jitter/CIC included (SSC         (Gen1-Gen3)

Observable Results:

                                                    15                 Tektronix SATA-IO Rev 1.4 RSG MOI v1.0
Tektronix, Inc.

         The differential voltage [(TX+) – (TX-)] measured at the TP2 shall comply with the respective electrical
specifications of section 7.2 of the SATA specification

             Gen1i         Gen1m/x      Gen2i       Gen2m/x      Gen3i
 Min         325mV         240mV        275mV       240mV        240mV

                                                    16                 Tektronix SATA-IO Rev 1.4 RSG MOI v1.0
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                                  Appendix D – AWG-7000 Setups
The AWG-7000 (with Option 6) arbitrary waveform generator is capable of regenerating a SATA Framed
Composite pattern with prescribed amount of random and deterministic jitter. These synthesized waveforms are
encapsulated in a series of setup files which will recall the waveform pattern to generate, set the proper AWG time-
base settings and set the vertical drive amplitude accordingly. Properly calibrated AWG instruments will exhibit an
instrument to instrument difference of less than 4% variation.

These AWG setup files reflect framed composite patters with five different jitter configurations modulated onto the
clean pattern. For Gen1 and Gen2 the Total Jitter observed on these patterns will be .5UI of jitter with .32UI of
Deterministic/Sinusoidal jitter and .18UI of Random jitter. The mean transition time for these signals is set to
120pSec, and the signal amplitude set to 325mV ppd (Gen1) or 275mV ppd (Gen2) and 275mV for ESATA.

For Gen3i the Total Jitter observed on these patterns will be .57UI of jitter with .42UI of Deterministic/Sinusoidal
and ISI jitter and .18UI of Random jitter. The mean transition time for these signals is set between 62ps – 75ps, and
the signal amplitude set between a min of 240mV ppd.

D.1      SATA 1.5Gb/Sec AWG7000 setup file descriptions.

                  AWG7000 SATA-

D.2      SATA 3.0Gb/Sec AWG7000 setup file descriptions.

                  AWG7000 SATA-

D.3      SATA 6.0Gb/Sec AWG7000 setup file descriptions.

                  AWG7122B SATA-

D.4      SATA 1.5Gb/Sec AWG7000 setup file descriptions.

                  AWG7000 SATA-

D.5      SATA 1.5Gb/Sec AWG7000 setup file descriptions.

                  AWG7000 SATA-

                                                    17                  Tektronix SATA-IO Rev 1.4 RSG MOI v1.0
Tektronix, Inc.

Test pattern setup file for RSG-01: Normative,          SATA usage model:          Test time/PJ freq waveform
Required for all PUTs.                                  1.5Gbps(Gen1i)             RSG01a 10Mhz 10 Min
AWG7000 SATA-                                            RSG01b 33Mhz 10 Min
                                                                                   RSG01c 62Mhz 10 Min
                                                                                   RSG01d 5Mhz 10 Min
Test pattern setup file for RSG-02: Normative,          SATA usage model:          Test time/PJ freq waveform
Required for PUTs claiming ability to run Gen2i         3Gbps(Gen2i) + 0ppm        RSG02a 10Mhz 5 Min
and Gen3i rates.                                                                   RSG02b 33Mhz 5 Min
AWG7000 SATA-                                            RSG02c 62Mhz 5Min
                                                                                   RSG02d 5Mhz 5 Min
Test pattern setup file for RSG-03: Informative,        SATA usage model:          Test time/PJ freq waveform
Required for PUTs claiming ability to run Gen3i         6Gbps(Gen3i) +0ppm         RSG03a 10Mhz 2.5 Min
rates.                                                                             RSG03b 33Mhz 2.5 Min
AWG7122B SATA-                                           RSG03c 62Mhz 2.5Min
                                                                                   RSG03d 5Mhz 2.5 Min

Test pattern setup file for RSG-05: Normative,          SATA usage model:          Test time/PJ freq waveform
Required for all PUTs.                                  1.5Gbps + 350ppm           >= 18 successive iterations of
AWG7000 SATA-                                            Frame COMP wfm. With
                                                                                   only 62MHz Pj component
Test pattern setup file for RSG06: Informative,         SATA usage model:          Test time/PJ freq waveform
Required for all PUTs.                                  1.5Gbps - 350ppm with      >= 18 successive iterations of
AWG7000 SATA-                 ideal 5000ppm triangular   Frame COMP wfm. With
                                                        downspread SSC at          only 62MHz Pj component
                                                        33KHz modulation freq.
                                                        Data Rate Range is
                                                        between 1.5 Gb/s –
                                                        5350ppm and 1.5 Gb/s -

                                                   18                 Tektronix SATA-IO Rev 1.4 RSG MOI v1.0
Tektronix, Inc.

                              Appendix E – Frame Error Detectors

  (Crescent Heart Software SATA-II Probe Adapter for Gen1 & Gen2 only)
As outlined in Section 9.8 of the SATA-II users’ manual, install the SATA-II control application on any host PC or
instrument in proximity to the PUT. The SATA-II probe adapter must be powered using the provided DC power
supply, and attached via USB cable to the host PC running the control application. After invoking the software the
application’s main window will be seen, as in Figure A.

                                            A – SATA-II Main Window
The controls in the middle column set as shown above are appropriate for any simple Gen-I FER counting objective
outlined in this MOI. For Gen-II use, the Initial Host Rx speed Gen2 and Initial Device Rx speed Gen2 checkboxes
should also be enabled.

Select Counters on the View pull down menu and the Counters window will be displayed, as seen in Figure B.

                                                   19                 Tektronix SATA-IO Rev 1.4 RSG MOI v1.0
Tektronix, Inc.

                                        B – SATA-II Counters Window

Ensure that the periodic update checkbox is checked and 40-bit count statistics will be automatically updated when
the events occur.

                                                    20                 Tektronix SATA-IO Rev 1.4 RSG MOI v1.0
Tektronix, Inc.

                            (Finisar Xgig with Performance Monitor)

                                                             Finisar Xgig for Gen1- Gen3i
                                                            Xgig-C042 (qty 1): Four Slot Portable or Rack mountable
                                                            Xgig-B860Sc: 6 Gb/s SAS/SATA Wide Port Blade with
                                                            mini SAS connectors, 16 GB memory, w/ Link Extender
                                                            Xgig-S86AS: Wide-Port 6Gb/s SAS/SATA Analyzer
                                                            Function Key (8 ports / 4 links)
                                                            Performance Monitor SW

Load the performance Monitor SW on PC or directly on the AWG. Make sure the chassis is connected to distributed
internet that is also connected to the host PC or AWG.
Run the performance monitor SW and follow the Xgig user guide to get started. Once the domain has been selected.

Setup display as below to perform single error test.

Once it has been established that the FEC is counting correctly, start a new capture and run test for prescribed
amount of time.
                              (SerialTek BusXpert Micro Analyzer)

                                                       21                Tektronix SATA-IO Rev 1.4 RSG MOI v1.0
Tektronix, Inc.

                                                    SerialTek BusXpert Micro Analyzer Gen1- Gen3i
                                                    MA-2x6SA-2GB BusXpert Micro Analyzer, 2-port, 6Gb/s
                                                    SAS/SATA, 2.25GB Buffer, Advanced Triggering and
                                                    Segmented Buffer
                                                    BusXpert SW

Load the BusXpert W on PC or directly on the AWG. Make sure the chassis is connected to distributed internet that
is also connected to the host PC or AWG.
Run the BusXpert SW and follow the user guide to get started. Once the instrument has been selected. SetupCapture
Control for manual stop and within trigger setup drag Any FIS into the New Sequencer dialog as below.

                                                  22                 Tektronix SATA-IO Rev 1.4 RSG MOI v1.0
Tektronix, Inc.

Select ATA OUTput Error and select Items as in next image.

Drag it into the Add Select Event dialog.

Use status menu to validate error counting

Once it has been established that the FEC is counting correctly, start a new capture and run test for prescribed
amount of time.

                                                     23                  Tektronix SATA-IO Rev 1.4 RSG MOI v1.0
Tektronix, Inc.

                                   Appendix F – J9005A External Rj Source
Reference Data Sheet at:

The J9005A instrument from Noisecom is designed to work in conjunction with the Tektronix
differential Arbitrary Waveform Generator to provide random jitter during compliance testing.
The J9005A has a high crest factor output, > 7 σ, to emulate very low BER occurrences. True
analog white Gaussian noise does not repeat, like Pseudo-random digital noise, and is truly
random. Analog noise will cover the full signal BW, and not fall short for today’s Serial Data
signal requirements

            Tek DSA
               DPOJET               Ch1

                                                                        SMA Test
             Tek AWG              Ch1+                      SMA
                                  Ch1 –                                            Rx-
       AWG7122 opt06, opt 08                                                       Tx+

                                                                       Power Divider
                                                  SMA       SMA
                                                                       SMA Cable

                      FEC                         Rx+

         SATA I,II, III- Finisar, SerialTek
         SATA I, II CHS                           SMA

Setup includes the J9005A in the transmission path from AWG to DUT calibrated waveforms are
provided in the compliance waveform package that enable use of this Rj source.

                                                                  24               Tektronix SATA-IO Rev 1.4 RSG MOI v1.0
Tektronix, Inc.

Appendix G – Arbitrary Waveform Generator Accuracy
Tables F.1 outline the system and individual measurement accuracy parameters for the SATA measurements
outlined in his MOI when performed using a AWG 7000 Arbitrary Waveform Generator.

Table F.2 Measurement specific performance parameters for current IW RSG measurements.

        Spec         Measurement       Accuracy                              Notes:

        RSG-01       Receiver          TBD.                                  TBD.
        RSG-02       Receiver          TBD.                                  TBD.
        RSG-03       Receiver          TBD.                                  TBD.
        RSG-05       Receiver          TBD.                                  TBD.
        RSG-06       Receiver          TBD.                                  TBD.

                                                 25                Tektronix SATA-IO Rev 1.4 RSG MOI v1.0
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