Serverless Predictions: 2021-2030 -

Page created by Lauren Williams
Serverless Predictions:
                                        Pedro Garcia Lopez
                                        Universitat Rovira i Virgili/IBM Watson Research, Spain/USA
                                        Aleksander Slominski
                                        IBM Watson Research, USA
arXiv:2104.03075v1 [cs.DC] 7 Apr 2021

                                        Michael Behrendt
                                        IBM Deutschland Research & Development GmbH, DE
                                        Bernard Metzler
                                        IBM Research Zurich, CH

                                        Within the next 10 years, advances on resource disaggregation will enable full transparency for
                                        most Cloud applications: to run unmodified single-machine applications over effectively
                                        unlimited remote computing resources. In this article, we present five serverless predictions for
                                        the next decade that will realize this vision of transparency – equivalent to Tim Wagner’s
                                        Serverless SuperComputer or AnyScale’s Infinite Laptop proposals.

                                            S ERVERLESS gained popularity in industry              goal of merging the programming and computa-
                                        and in academia in last few years [1]. It at-              tional models of local and remote computing is
                                        tracted companies and developers with a sim-               not new. They state that around every ten years
                                        ple Function-as-a-Service (FaaS) programming               “a furious bout of language and protocol design
                                        model that realized original promise of the Cloud:         takes place and a new distributed computing
                                        elasticity and fine grained pay-as-you-go for ac-          paradigm is announced“. In every iteration, a new
                                        tual usage. When a code is running in FaaS                 wave of software modernization is generated, and
                                        developers do not have control over where the              applications are ported to the newest and hot
                                        code is running and do not need to worry about             paradigm.
                                        how to do scaling - serverless cloud providers                 We believe the Serverless Compute paradigm,
                                        create transparency by removing servers, or at             as emerging today [1], [9], will converge at the
                                        least making them more transparent.                        needed level of resource abstraction to enable
                                                                                                   transparency. What we call The Serverless End
                                            Transparency is an archetypal challenge in
                                                                                                   Game is the process of mapping this principle
                                        distributed systems that has not yet been ade-
                                                                                                   on emerging disaggregated computing resources
                                        quately solved. Transparency implies the conceal-
                                                                                                   (compute, storage, memory), eventually enabling
                                        ment from the user and the application program-
                                                                                                   unlimited flexible scaling.
                                        mer of the complexities of distributed systems.
                                                                                                       The major hypothesis of this paper is that full
                                        According to Colouris [2], access transparency
                                                                                                   transparency will become possible in the next
                                        enables local and remote resources to be accessed
                                                                                                   years thanks to predicted advances on latency
                                        using identical operations.
                                                                                                   reduction in distributed systems [4], [6], [16].
                                           Nevertheless, Waldo et al. [3] explain that the         This will put an end to the aforementioned cycles

                                                                              Published by the IEEE Computer Society                            © IEEE
Table 1. Latencies for   remote resource   access          specialized system interface which includes some
     Resource Local           Remote today      Remote soon    POSIX syscalls, serverless-specific tasks, and
     Storage    10ms          10ms              0.05ms (NVM)
     Compute 0.01ms           15-100ms          0.001-0.1ms    frameworks such as OpenMP and MPI. Faasm
                (Thread)      (FaaS)            (RPC)          transparently intercepts calls to this interface
     Memory 0.0001ms          0.25ms            0.002-0.01ms   to automatically distribute unmodified applica-
                              (Redis)           (PMEM)
                                                               tions, and execute existing HPC applications over
                                                               serverless compute resources.
    of software modernization. The consequences for                 Faasm allows colocated functions to share
    the field will be enormous, by considerably sim-           pages of memory and synchronizes these pages
    plifying development and maintenance of soft-              across hosts to provide distributed state. However,
    ware systems for the majority of users.                    this is done through a custom API where the user
                                                               must have knowledge of the underlying system,
    BACKGROUND                                                 hence breaking full transparency. Furthermore,
        Latency improvements [4], [6] are boosting             when functions are widely distributed, this ap-
    resource disaggregation in the Cloud, which is the         proach exhibits performance similar to traditional
    definitive catalyst to achieve transparency. As we         distributed shared memory (DSM), which has
    can see in table 1, current data center networks           proven to be poor without hardware support.
    already enable disk storage disaggregation, where               Nevertheless, resource disaggregation is still
    reads from local disk are comparable (10ms) to             in its infancy, and there is no current solution to
    reads over the network. In contrast, creating a            provide flexible scaling and access transparency
    thread in Linux takes about 10µs, still far better         over remote shared memory. Container instan-
    than 15ms/100ms (warm/cold) as achieved to-                tiation is slow comparing to local threads, and
    day in Function-as-a-Service (FaaS) settings. The          even fast NVMs[16] are an order of magnitude
    level of resource disaggregation as possible today         slower than local memory accesses which are in
    is specifically utilized by Serverless Platforms,          the nanosecond range [6].
    and focus of research in Disaggregated Data                     Besides of the aforementioned constraints of
    Centers (DDC) in general [8].                              current resource disaggregation, serverless com-
        Providing access transparency over DDC re-             puting has a number of well known limitations[9]
    sources is the aim of LegoOS: A disseminated,              like: focus on stateless computations, lack of
    distributed OS for hardware resource disaggrega-           efficient communication between executed tasks
    tion [13]. LegoOS exposes a distributed set of             or functions, maximum code runtime limitations,
    virtual nodes (vNode) to users. Each vNode is              and deficiencies in transparent integration of
    like a virtual machine managing its own disaggre-          hardware accelerators.
    gated processing, memory and storage resources.
    LegoOS achieves transparency and backwards                 PREDICTIONS
    compatibility by supporting the Linux system call              The major hypothesis of this paper is that
    interface, so that unmodified Linux applications           transparency will be achieved in the next ten
    can run on top of it. For example, LegoOS                  years thanks to novel advances in networking, dis-
    executes two unmodified applications: Phoenix              aggregation, and middleware services. The huge
    (a single-node multi-threaded implementation of            consequence is the unification of local and remote
    MapReduce) and TensorFlow.                                 paradigms, which will democratize distributed
        A good example of providing access trans-              programming for a majority of users. This will
    parency over serverless resources is Lithops               realize the old and ultimate goal of hiding the
    [14]. Lithops intercepts Python language li-               complexity of distributed systems.
    braries (multiprocessing) in order to access re-
                                                                   The projected developments to reach the ul-
    mote serverless resources in a transparent way.
                                                               timate goal (Serverless End Game) include the
    Lithops is however limited to running Python
    aplications using that library.
        Another example of transparency in a server-           • Prediction 1: Serverless Clusters (Multi-tenant
    less context is Faasm [19]. Faasm exposes a                  Kubernetes) will overcome the current limi-

(Spark, Ray, Dask), Actors (Akka), and even High
                                                      Performance Computing (MPI).
                                                          There will be intense efforts in cluster
                                                      scheduling and workload analysis using machine
                                                      learning techniques to optimize the deployment
                                                      of different applications and frameworks.
                                                          Nevertheless, container instantiation times
                                                      will still be slow (tens to 100s ms) and similar to
                                                      current FaaS technologies. And the lack of mem-
Figure 1. Serverless End Game                         ory disaggregation will preclude the transition for
                                                      many applications.
    tations of direct communication among func-
                                                      Prediction 2
    tions, hardware acceleration, and time limits.
                                                           Serverless Granular Computing will drasti-
•   Prediction 2: Serverless Granular computing
                                                      cally reduce instantiation and execution times
    will offer 1-10 µs microsecond latencies for
                                                      thanks to more lightweight virtualization and
    remote functions thanks to lightweight virtual-
                                                      execution technologies[7] and fast RPCs[5]. Mi-
    ization and fast RPCs.
                                                      crosecond latencies will also propagate to other
•   Prediction 3: Serverless memory disaggrega-
                                                      middleware services such as messaging and col-
    tion will offer shared mutable state and coor-
                                                      lective communication.
    dination at 2-10 µs microsecond latencies over
                                                           Accessing disaggregated resources in a trans-
    persistent memory.
                                                      parent manner requires a form of lightweight,
•   Prediction 4: Serverless Edge Computing plat-
                                                      flexible virtualization that does not currently ex-
    forms leveraging 6G’s ms latencies and AI op-
                                                      ist. This new virtualization must intercept compu-
    timizations will facilitate a Cloud Continuum
                                                      tation and memory management to provide access
    for remote applications.
                                                      to disaggregated resources, and must do so with
•   Prediction 5: Transparency will become the
                                                      native-like performance and no input from the
    dominant software paradigm for most appli-
                                                      programmer. Several alternatives for lightweight
    cations, when computing resources become
                                                      virtualization will emerge around micro-VMs,
    standardized utilities.
                                                      software-based virtualization (Krustlet and We-
    We will discuss the basis of these predictions    bAssembly) and platform-independent runtimes
as well as technical challenges and risks. As we      like GraalVM.
can see in Figure 1, the predictions are mapped            In summary, serverless granular computing
to phases to reach the final goal. Let’s review the   will represent a performance boost for most ap-
proposed forecasts.                                   plications in the Cloud, provoking a massive
                                                      redesign of many toolkits (Web, games, Desktop).
Prediction 1
    In less than two years, a second generation of    Prediction 3
Serverless platforms will overcome major limita-          In the next years, public Cloud providers will
tions of previous FaaS offerings.                     start offering Serverless Memory Disaggregation
    This is already starting to happen around         at microsecond speeds. We leverage here previous
the so called serverless containers platforms like    work on memory disaggregation like [20], [11],
Google Cloud Run, IBM Code Engine, or Ama-            [10]. Services like Serverless Redis will arrive
zon Fargate. Multi-tenant Kubernetes (K8s) clus-      soon with limited consistency requirements.
ters may become the necessary glue to build               Nevertheless, disaggregated memory at mi-
multi-Cloud API-agnostic applications.                crosecond latencies will never reach the nanosec-
    As a consequence, a number of Cluster toolk-      ond latencies of local memory. As a consequence,
its will accelerate the transition to K8s like Web    the combination of local memory with remote
frameworks (Flask, Rails, Node.js), Microser-         consistent shared memory will then create truly
vices (Quarcus, Spring, Micronaut), Analytics         Serverless Mutable State and Coordination ser-

vices. This will open transparency avenues for         applications using OS public Call Interfaces. This
    most stateful applications like: Serverless In-        will require the collaboration of DDC and OS
    Memory Databases, Analytics (TensorFlow, Py-           researchers, but also the research work of the
    Torch, Phoenix, OpenMP), Game engines and              broader Systems community.
    Multi-user Worlds (Unity, Minecraft), Desktop
    applications (Image editing, Video Editing), and
    Collaborative applications (games, conferencing).      Prediction 4
        When Serverless Granular Computing and                 The computing power at the edge, along 1-2
    Disaggregated Memory become available, the             millisecond latencies facilitated by 6G will pro-
    three types of resources (compute, storage, mem-       duce Serverless Edge platforms that will alter the
    ory) may be offered through virtual interfaces         operating systems of mobile phones and terminals
    against disaggregated Serverless services.             at the edge. The smooth integration with Cloud
        This will imply parallel work in different         resources will create a Cloud Continuum where
    layers of the software stack. The first approach, as   transparent applications directly access data in
    followed by Lithops[14] will consist in intercept-     remote resources.
    ing language libraries and toolkits to transparently       Micro-second latencies will also produce a
    interact and combine local and remote resources.       flourishing of remote use interfaces. In line with
        The second approach will adapt polyglot exe-       remote displays (X-Windows, VNC), many ap-
    cution runtimes like GraalVM, WASM, or .NET            plications could just focus edge devices in user
    Common Language Runtime among others. This             interface interaction, moving all computing logic
    second phase is more ambitious, and it will con-       to remote execution. This could provoke a revival
    sistently arrive to all languages and applications     of dumb terminals that delegate their execution
    built on top of them.                                  entirely to the cloud.
        Finally, the more advanced but also more
    complex approach is to redesign the Kernel Space           Nevertheless, dumb terminals cannot address
    to accomodate Serverless Remote Resources in a         more sophisticated use cases where edge com-
    seamless way. This is more in line with initial        puting resources are relevant. In cases where you
    DDC works like LegoOS[13] or Arrakis[18], but          cannot neglect the computing resources in the
    they will certainly require hard engineering ef-       edge, local and remote resources should be intel-
    forts to cover the entire kernel APIs, and probably    ligently combined in the Edge/Cloud Continuum.
    novel co-designs and OS improvements at all                This will certainly become the last frontier for
    levels. We outline here the virtual file system and    software modernization, which will then define
    network device drivers, virtual memory manage-         how to write local applications that use remote
    ment, and also process/thread management layers.       resources in a transparent way. A plethora of
        In this line, Arrakis[18] comes from previous      novel applications (tele-presence, games, collab-
    efforts aimed at optimizing the kernel code paths      orative work, augmented/mixed reality, virtual
    to improve data transfer and latency in the OS.        reality) will emerge leveraging the novel pro-
    In Arrakis, applications have direct access to         gramming abstractions, and existing ones will be
    virtualized I/O devices, which allows most I/O         re-engineered or improved considerably.
    operations to bypass the kernel entirely without
    compromising process isolation. Arrakis virtual-
    ized control plane approach allows storage so-         Prediction 5
    lutions to be integrated with applications (co-            In ten years, no application domain will re-
    design), even allowing the development of higher       main unaltered for transparency as a consequence
    level abstractions like persistent data structures.    of the Serverless End Game. The convergence
    Arrakis shows us how its control plane may             of Granular Computing, Disaggregated memory,
    become a first step towards integration with a         and the Edge-Cloud continuum will definitely
    serverless data center resource allocator.             unify the local and remote paradigms. Computing
        Redesign of OS kernels will then enable the        will finally become a utility thanks to standards
    final goal of full transparency for any native         accepted by all providers.

IMPACT                                                 in the data center, and 1-5 ms latencies of edge
    Achieving transparency will produce a pro-         resources will profoundly change how we interact
found impact in the computing field and it will        with technology. Analogously to the unification of
change drastically how applications are built in       the local and remote paradigms in programming,
the future.                                            we will see a blurring and unification of real
    On the technical side, transparency has been       and virtual environments using Augmented and
the ultimate goal of distributed systems for many      Virtual Reality.
decades now. Developers will still care about par-
allel programming, object oriented programming,        TRADEOFFS OF DISAGGREGATION
user interfaces, event-based systems, or functional    AND TRANSPARENCY
programming. However, most developers will no              Blurring the borders between local and remote
longer worry about middleware, transport layers        resources may have important advantages, but it
and marshaling, web-based protocols, or Cloud-         also implies some tradeoffs and limitations that
specific APIs among others.                            we must be aware.
    On the technical side, the disaggregation (and         Waldo et al.[3] already considered 25 years
standardization) of remote computing resources         ago that future hardware improvements could
will also have a profound impact on the edge: in       make the difference in latency irrelevant, and that
the redesign of Operating Systems for computers,       differences between local and remote memory
mobile phones, and edge devices. Novel devel-          could be masked. But they still claimed that
opment environments will emerge to cover the           concurrency and partial failures preclude the uni-
entire life cycle of applications in the Cloud/Edge    fication of local and remote computing. Let´s
continuum.                                             study the major challenges and tradeoffs:
    On the economic side, transparency will also
imply a revolution that will shake the entire indus-     1) Partial Failure: Existing applications are a
try. The major economic impact will be in devel-            blackbox for the Cloud, but the transition
oper costs and productivity for most applications.          will imply a “compile to the Cloud“ pro-
If Serverless technologies transparently handle             cess. In this case, the Cloud will have ac-
the distributed systems complexity, programming             cess over applications’ life cycle and it will
remote applications will become as simple as                be able to offer failure transparency, and to
programming local ones with infinite resources.             optimize their execution performance and
    Transparency will boost the consumerization             cost. This means that they can perform
of software, facilitating the creation of many              static analysis to predict resource require-
applications in different domains. More users               ments, failures, dependencies and potential
will be able to customize and develop software,             for hardware acceleration. In the past, ex-
benefiting from novel visual and no-code tools.             tensive optimizations have been performed
    The economic impact will also affect all                to declarative dataflows, but there are also
Cloud providers on a first wave, in a fierce                opportunities to improve imperative pro-
competition to be the most efficient disaggregated          grams with static analysis [15].
backend for applications. It will also affect Oper-         Transparency efforts for different types of
ating Systems in the edge (like Apple, Windows,             applications will also require customizable
Linux, Android, or iOS), which will seamlessly              control planes. In particular, customized co-
integrate remote resources.                                 designs [17] may be necessary to optimize
    In this integration of Cloud and Edge, some             resource usage. Such customization will be
providers with presence in both sides (Google,              based on advanced observability and fast
Microsoft, Apple) will have a certain advantage             orchestration mechanisms relying on stan-
over the rest of the industry. Nevertheless, open           dard services and protocols. Monitoring and
source giants like IBM/RedHat could also offer              interception of the different resources (com-
integrated solutions in the Cloud and Edge based            pute, storage, memory, network) should be
on Linux technologies.                                      available and even integrated into the data
    In any case, microsecond latencies enabled              center, enabling coordinated actuators at

different levels.                                     will always offer an order of magnitude
    2) Concurrency: Another important limitation             faster access than remote memory. Future
       when developing concurrent applications               approaches should smartly leverage local
       is scaling transparency, which means that             memory and combine it with remote mem-
       applications can expand in scale without              ory.
       changes to the system structure or the appli-         Locality still plays a key role in stateful
       cation algorithms. If the local programming           distributed applications. For example: (i)
       model was designed to use a fixed amount              where huge data movements represent a
       of resources, there is no magic way of                penalty and memory-locality can be use-
       transparently achieving scalability, not to           ful; (ii) where specialized hardware like
       mention elasticity.                                   GPUs must be used; in (iii) some iterative
       Some workloads that do not need elasticity,           machine-learning algorithms; in (iv) simu-
       such as enterprise batch jobs or scientific           lators, interactive agents or actors.
       simulations, can just port existing code to           Future serverless middleware addressing
       the Cloud. If the application is configured to        transparency will have to provide affinity
       run on a fixed number of resources (threads           and grouping requirements for stateful en-
       or processes), it may run unmodified over             tities. Serverless Stateful services will sup-
       the same fixed amount of disaggregated                port very different requirements of coor-
       resources. However, for more user driven              dination, consistency, scalability and fault
       and interactive services, such as internal en-        tolerance.
       terprise web applications, simple porting of       4) Cost: Another limiting factor today for
       the executables (sometimes referred as “lift-         current serverless disaggregated technolo-
       and-shift“) is rarely enough. The unchanged           gies is cost. For example, Amazon Lambda
       code is not able to take advantage of the             compute time is 2x more expensive than on-
       elasticity of disaggregated resources.                demand VMs, and around 6x more expen-
       We will then need elastic programming                 sive than Spot Instances. For problems like
       models that can be used without change                batch analytics that have 100% utilization,
       when running over Cloud resources. Such               VMs are now a better solution for intensive
       elastic models should take care of providing          computing applications.
       the different transparency types (scaling,            We foresee that cost limitations will
       failure, replication, location, access) and           be overcome in the future, when
       other aspects of application behavior when            Cloud providers improve scheduling
       it is moved between local and distributed             of lightweight micro-VMs, reducing both
       environments. The local executable APIs               start time and overall costs thanks to
       may need to be expanded to include elas-              locality. Furthermore, sophisticated cost
       tic programming abstractions for processes,           planes should be available to users in order
       memory, and storage.                                  to have full control of costs derived by
    3) Locality: Advances in datacenter network-             remote resources.
       ing and NVMs have reduced access to
       networked storage to a few 10ths of µs,
       however this is still an order of magnitude      CONCLUSIONS
       slower than local memory accesses which              We argue that full transparency will be pos-
       are in the nanosecond range [6] (100ns),         sible soon thanks to low latency and resource
       and local cache accesses in the 4ns-30ns         disaggregation. The Serverless End Game will
       range. Existing efforts in memory disag-         unify local and remote programming paradigms,
       gregation [11], [10] strive to play in the       changing completely the way we currently create
       µs range, which can be a limiting factor         distributed applications. This is the ultimate goal
       for some applications. This means that lo-       of distributed systems, to become invisible us-
       cal memory cannot be neglected, since it         ing transparent middleware, and to simplify how
                                                        users access remote resources.

ACKNOWLEDGMENT                                               15. M. Kiran, A. Hashim, L. Kuan, T. Jiun, “Execution time
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EU Horizon2020 programme under grant agree-                     ing optimization”, Int J Comput Sci Netw Secur,2009.
ment No 825184.                                              16. T. Coughlin, “Nonvolatile Memory Express: The Link
                                                                That Binds Them”, IEEE Computer,2019.
   REFERENCES                                                17. S. Angel, M. Navanati, S.Sen, “Disaggregation and the

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5. A. Kalia, M. Kaminsky, D. Andersen, “Datacenter RPCs
   can be general and fast”, USENIX Symposium on Net-        Pedro Garcia Lopez is full professor at Universi-
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                                                             tat Rovira i Virgili (Spain) and visiting scientist at
                                                             IBM Watson Research. He leads the “Cloud and
6. L. Barroso, M. Marty, D. Patterson, P. Ranganathan,
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   “Attack of the killer microseconds”, Communications of
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7. C. Lee, J. Ousterhout, “Granular Computing”, Proceed-
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   tems,2019.                                                Aleksander Slominski is research staff member in
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                                                             Michael Behrendt is a Distinguished Engineer and
                                                             technical executive at IBM Deutschland Research. (URL).
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                                                             Functions and IBM Code Engine. Contact him at
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   mentation,2017.                                           Bernard Metzler is a Principal Research Staff Mem-
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