MEMBERS' BULLETIN Thursday, 29 July 2021/Issue No. 2021/30 - Basildon Council

Page created by Raymond Leon
MEMBERS' BULLETIN Thursday, 29 July 2021/Issue No. 2021/30 - Basildon Council

          Thursday, 29 July 2021/Issue No. 2021/30

For enquiries regarding The Members Bulletin, please call 01268 207934
The Basildon Centre, St Martin’s Square, Basildon, Essex SS14 1DL
           This is a list of meetings to be attended by Councillors.
           Please note that meetings marked with an asterisk are
                              not open to the public.
                               Week Commencing 2nd August 2021

                COMMITTEE, CONFERENCE, ETC                     VENUE           TIME

Mon 2
Tue 3
Wed 4                                       NO MEETINGS

Thur 5
 Fri 6

                                Week Commencing 9th August 2021

                COMMITTEE, CONFERENCE, ETC                       VENUE         TIME
Mon 9
Tue 10
Wed 11    Planning Committee                              St. George’s Suite   7.00pm
Thur 12
Fri 13

                           Week Commencing 16th August 2021

                COMMITTEE, CONFERENCE, ETC                     VENUE           TIME
Mon 16
Tue 17
Wed 18                                      NO MEETINGS
Thur 19
Fri 20

                           Week Commencing 23rd August 2021

                COMMITTEE, CONFERENCE, ETC                     VENUE           TIME
Mon 23
Tue 24
Wed 25                                      NO MEETINGS
Thur 26
Fri 27

              (Please note that these lists are correct at the time of
                  being printed and do not take account of any
                       subsequent changes to the diary.)

   Thursday 29th July          Basildon Rotary Club             Holiday Inn
         7pm                         Meeting                     Basildon

    Saturday 31st July       The Unveiling of William      Langdon Hills Country
          1pm                 Langdon Woodward                    Park

   Thursday 5th August         Rochford Afternoon          The Lawn, Hall Road,
          1pm                    Garden Party                   Rochford


                         GENERAL INFORMATION


For detailed information regarding Roadworks in your Ward, go to:-



For up to date information on changes to bus timetables within the Essex area, go to
the link below and sign up to the Essex County Council’s Transport and Travel Update
Electronic Newsletter, which includes the contents of Bus Passenger News, as well as
Travel News, Offers and other information.


                             WARD RELATED
The following sections provide information on planning applications and other Ward
specific information which will be of interest to Members in their community leadership
role. Members are reminded that further details on planning applications can be
viewed on the Public Access for Planning pages of the Council’s web-site, This includes associated documents,
case officer details and the expiry date for consultations. Any written comments
submitted by Members in respect of specific applications will be taken into
consideration as part of the decision making process.

All letters received in response to the Council’s consultations on planning applications
are available for viewing by Members by contacting Planning Technical Support
Officers, Suzanne Spears (6861) or Amanda Ficken (6858).

Please note these sections will now include planning application information for the 2
weeks prior to the distribution of each Bulletin, in order to avoid backdated
applications being omitted. Therefore, some information may be duplicated.

                          LICENSING APPLICATIONS
The Licensing Authority have received (26/07/2021) an application to vary a Club premises certificate,

Billericay Cricket Club
Blunts Hall Lane

Ward: Burstead

The Application requests to permit licensable activity on the whole site.

Any representations must be received by the Licensing Authority by 23/8/2021. If you have any
questions, please contact Licensing Officer Roy Robinson on 01268-208260.

The Licensing Authority have received (26/07/2021) an application for a premises licence regarding,

Billericay Food & Wine
4 Western Road

Ward: Burstead

The Application requests recorded music and the sale of alcohol for consumption off the premises.

Hours for licensable activity   Monday to Sunday                   07:00hrs -23:00hrs

Opening hours                   Monday to Sunday                   07:00hrs -23:00hrs

Any representations must be received by the Licensing Authority by 24 /8/2021. If you have any
questions, please contact Licensing Officer Roy Robinson on 01268-208260.

                   Planning Applications Submitted:

     APPLICATION              ADDRESS                          DESCRIPTION

21/01087/FULL      60 Norsey Road Billericay       Proposed partly enclosed veranda to
                                                   the rear of the dwelling.

21/01100/FULL      12 Highland Grove Billericay    Single storey side/rear extension

21/01102/FULL      26 St Marys Avenue Billericay   Side/rear single storey extension to
                                                   rear of existing garage

21/01110/FULL      6 Martingale Road Billericay    Demolition of existing conservatory,
                                                   erection of a Single storey rear
                                                   extension, and a single storey side
                                                   infill extension

21/01112/TPOBAS    3 St Johns Road Billericay      TPO/10/95 - Horse Chestnut (T1) -
                                                   1.5 meter crown reduction. Lime
                                                   Trees (T5 & T6) - crown thin by 20%;
                                                   crown lift of epicormic branches only
                                                   to 4 meter above ground; 2 meter
                                                   crown reduction in height and 1 meter
                                                   crown reduction in lateral branches.

21/01124/FULL      47 Tensing Gardens Billericay   Replace existing conservatory with a
                                                   single storey flat roofed rear
                                                   extension with lantern light

21/01129/FULL      46 Crown Road Billericay        Demolition of existing dwelling and
                                                   construction of new two storey
                                                   dwellinghouse with rooms in the roof

21/01130/FULL      9 Crown Road Billericay         Proposed first floor side extension
                                                   with front dormer and garage

21/01133/FULL      Hermay The Crossway             The erection of a 4-bedroom chalet
                                                   style family dwelling house.

21/01135/FULL      27 Coach Mews Billericay        New front porch

21/01136/FULL      54 Salesbury Drive Billericay   Single storey rear infill extension;
                                                   dormer increase on first floor
APPLICATION                  ADDRESS                             DESCRIPTION

21/01150/FULL           17 Parklands Billericay          Ground floor rear extension, garage
                                                         conversion plus canopy roof to front

21/01151/FULL           70 Meadow Rise Billericay        Single storey rear extension

21/01153/FULL           Goldsmiths Deerbank Road         Existing front dormers to be linked


                        Planning Applications Decided:

          APPLICATION                  ADDRESS              DESCRIPTION           DECISION

21/00423/FULL                    Land North Of           Erection of three 4-    Refused
                                 Britannia Close         bed dwelling houses

21/00549/FULL                    411 Outwood             Proposed garage         Refused
                                 Common Road             conversion into self
                                 Billericay              contained annex

21/00704/FULL                    7 South Ridge           Single storey side      Granted
                                 Billericay              and rear extension

21/00803/LDCP                    20 Hunts Mead           To establish the        Granted
                                 Billericay              lawfulness of a
                                                         proposed hip to
                                                         gable roof addition
                                                         including extension
                                                         of the existing rear
                                                         box dormer and
                                                         installation of front
                                                         roof light windows

21/00835/FULL                    202 Norsey Road         Two-storey front        Refused
                                 Billericay              extension

21/00877/NMABAS                  4 The Vale Billericay   To establish whether    Granted
                                                         a change of finish to
                                                         extension and two
                                                         panels on the
                                                         existing house from
                                                         render to
                                                         cladding can be
                                                         considered a non-
                                                         material amendment
                                                         of granted consent
APPLICATION                  ADDRESS            DESCRIPTION            DECISION

21/00914/FULL                    27 Bridleway          Two storey part        Granted
                                 Billericay            single storey rear


                        BILLERICAY WEST WARD

                        Planning Applications Submitted:

     APPLICATION                   ADDRESS                         DESCRIPTION

21/00989/FULL           Brightside County Junior And   Construction of a circular treehouse
                        Infant School Brightside       clad with access ramp and veranda

21/01081/FULL           177 Stock Road Billericay      Proposed single storey rear
                                                       extension to replace existing
                                                       conservatory, along with alterations
                                                       to the elevations of the rear dormer

21/01083/FULL           5 Carlyle Gardens Billericay   Two storey rear extension, single
                                                       storey side extension

21/01101/FULL           10 Arundel Way Billericay      Single storey front extension to
                                                       garage, first floor extension over
                                                       existing garage and alterations to

21/01117/NMABAS         30 Radford Way Billericay      To establish whether various
                                                       changes to the site layout, and
                                                       building can be considered a non-
                                                       material amendments to granted
                                                       consent 19/00401/FULL.

21/01118/FULL           242 Perry Street Billericay    Single storey rear extension, two
                                                       storey side extension and extensions
                                                       to existing front and rear dormer

21/01127/FULL           317 Mountnessing Road          Proposed two storey extension to
                        Billericay                     side and rear with internal alterations

Planning Applications Decided:

     APPLICATION          ADDRESS                     DESCRIPTION              DECISION

21/00504/COND      Queens Park Court           Application for approval of    Granted
                   Goldington Crescent         details reserved by Condition
                                               4 (Materials), Condition 5
                                               (Walls and Fences) and
                                               Condition 11 (Electric Vehicle
                                               Charging Point) to consent of

21/00812/FULL      225 Stock Road Billericay   Single storey garage           Granted
                                               extension to side, part single
                                               and part two-storey extension
                                               to rear/side

21/00841/TPOBAS    44 Porchester Road          TPO/21/94 (Oak tree) - 4       Application
                   Billericay                  metre lift and a crown         Permitted
                                               reduction of 3 metres. Dead
                                               wood and crown clean

21/00846/FULL      12 Connaught Way            Ground floor rear extension    Granted
                   Billericay                  to replace existing

21/00848/FULL      18 Bluebell Wood            Garage conversion with part    Granted
                   Billericay                  pitched roof over and new
                                               porch canopy to front

21/00862/FULL      9 Lakeside Billericay       Single storey rear extension   Granted

21/00881/LDCP      12 Farriers Drive Billericay To establish the lawfulness of Granted
                                                a proposed loft conversion
                                                incorporating front roof lights
                                                and a rear dormer

21/00882/FULL      34 Chestwood Close          Single storey side/rear        Granted
                   Billericay                  extension

21/00904/LDCP      59 Bush Hall Road           To establish the lawfulness of Granted
                   Billericay                  a proposed single storey rear

21/01026/NMABAS    300 Mountnessing Road       To establish whether minor     Granted
                   Billericay                  amendments by carrying out
                                               a render finish rather than
                                               brickwork can be considered
                                               non-material amendments to
                                               granted consent

                          BURSTEAD WARD

                    Planning Applications Submitted:

      APPLICATION               ADDRESS                              DESCRIPTION

21/00966/FULL        29A Langham Crescent                Change of use of existing outbuilding
                     Billericay                          to nail bar business

21/01027/PIP         Lyndhurst Broomhills Chase          Permission in Principle for a single

21/01089/FULL        12 Bellevue Road Billericay         Proposed first floor side extension

21/01106/FULL        5 Fairfield Rise Billericay         Single storey rear extension

21/01113/FULL        Stead Hall Farm Laindon             Demolition of garage and outbuilding,
                     Common Road                         construction of single storey
                                                         extension, re-cladding of house and
                                                         construction of chimney stacks

21/01125/FULL        21 Passingham Avenue                Proposed side and rear extension for
                     Billericay                          additional kitchen, bathroom, utility,
                                                         dining and living space.

21/01140/FULL        6 The Rowans Billericay             Two storey rear extension

21/01154/FULL        18 Frithwood Lane Billericay        Proposed enlargement of existing
                                                         roof dormer to front elevation.


                     Planning Applications Decided:

     APPLICATION            ADDRESS                       DESCRIPTION              DECISION

21/00742/LDCP       Lyndhurst Broomhills            To establish the lawfulness   Granted
                    Chase                           of a proposed outbuilding

21/00797/FULL       46 Trinity Road Billericay      Proposed two-storey side    Granted
                                                    extension following removal
                                                    of existing side extension.

21/00833/FULL       The Elms Laindon Common Installation of window to     Granted
                    Road                    existing storage building for
                                            conversion from storage to
APPLICATION           ADDRESS                    DESCRIPTION              DECISION

                                                home office use

21/00838/FULL      The Barn Burstead Grange     Proposed garage extension Refused
                                                and games room to rear of
                                                existing double garage

21/00856/LDCP      2 Western View Billericay    To establish the lawfulness   Granted
                                                of a proposed dormer and
                                                ground floor rear extension

21/00861/LDCP      70 Western Road Billericay   To establish the lawfulness   Granted
                                                of a proposed loft
                                                conversion incorporating a
                                                rear box dormer with Juliet
                                                balcony and rooflights to

21/00894/FULL      Talitha Tye Common Road      Garage conversion             Granted

21/00908/LDCP      6A First Avenue Billericay   To establish the lawfulness   Granted
                                                of a proposed single storey
                                                flat roofed rear extension

21/01016/LDCP      110 Western Road             To establish the lawfulness   Granted
                   Billericay                   of a proposed rear dormer


                           CROUCH WARD

                   Planning Applications Submitted:

     APPLICATION               ADDRESS                            DESCRIPTION

21/01067/FULL       132 Wash Road Laindon            Single-storey rear extension.
                                                     Replacement of existing windows and
                                                     front door in a conservation area.

21/01099/FULL       14 Pound Lane North Laindon      Demolish existing double garage and
                                                     log cabin. Construct new garage and
                                                     workshop with gym.

Planning Applications Decided:

     APPLICATION           ADDRESS                  DESCRIPTION               DECISION

21/00762/FULL      Land On The East Side Of   Development of 4 detached      Refused
                   Newhouse Avenue            3 bedroom chalet-

21/00808/FULL      Drybrook Crays Hill        Proposed single-storey front   Granted
                                              and side extension

21/00825/FULL      Hazelmere Lodge Glebe      Proposed single storey rear    Granted
                   Road                       extension and new gazebo
                                              to rear

21/00828/FULL      Dentria Church Road        Demolition of existing       Granted
                                              bungalow and construction
                                              of a new chalet bungalow
                                              with detached garage to rear

21/00840/FULL      146 Highcliffe Drive       Construct new detached         Refused
                   Wickford                   bungalow on land adjacent
                                              to 146 Highcliffe Drive

21/00878/NMABAS    Four Seasons Church        To establish whether           Granted
                   Road                       alterations to the approved
                                              windows can be considered
                                              a non-material amendment
                                              of granted consent

21/00898/TPOBAS    12 Kenilworth Place Noak   Surgery on one Lombardy     Application
                   Bridge                     Poplar tree T1 of TPO/19/00 Permitted
                                              comprising crown reduction
                                              to previous pruning points.

21/00922/LDCP      43 Chenies Drive Laindon   To establish the lawfulness    Granted
                                              of a proposed single-storey
                                              rear extension to replace


                   Planning Applications Submitted:

     APPLICATION              ADDRESS                           DESCRIPTION

21/01093/REM        Craylands Estates And Former     Appearance in relation to West
                    Fryerns School Site Craylands    Phase development plots 64-72 and
                                                     92-96, of the West Phase of the
                                                     Beechwood development, approved
                                                     under reference 16/00898/OUT.

21/01094/REM        Craylands Estates And Former     Appearance in relation to West
                    Fryerns School Site Craylands    Phase development plots 247-251, of
                                                     the West Phase of the Beechwood
                                                     development, approved under
                                                     reference 16/00898/OUT.

21/01096/FULL       28 Southcote Crescent Fryerns    Demolition of existing garage and
                                                     storage and erection of 1 x 2
                                                     bedroom, two-storey dwelling house,
                                                     with waste storage and amenity

21/01109/FULL       75 Whitmore Way Basildon         First floor side extension

21/01134/FULL       11 Vernons Walk Fryerns          Single storey front & rear extensions

21/01139/FULL       96 Whitmore Way Basildon         Proposed change of use from 'Sui
                                                     Generis' (former Betting Shop) to use
                                                     E(C) Undertakers


                    Planning Applications Decided:

     APPLICATION          ADDRESS                    DESCRIPTION                  DECISION

21/00620/COND      Land At Paycocke Road       Application for approval of   Granted
                                               details reserved by condition
                                               4 (Proposed Levels),
                                               condition 5 (Material
                                               Samples), condition 7 (Soft
                                               Landscaping Scheme),
                                               condition 9 (Hard
                                               Landscaping), condition 11
                                               (Boundary Treatments),
                                               condition 12 (surface Water
                                               drainage scheme), condition
                                               13 (Drainage Management
APPLICATION           ADDRESS                     DESCRIPTION              DECISION

                                                Plan) and condition 27
                                                (Construction, Employment,
                                                Skills and Suppliers
                                                Statement), of consent
                                                reference 20/01078/FULL

21/00682/FULL      Waymade Warehouse            Creation of a new first floor Granted
                   Miles Gray Road              within the existing
                                                warehouse to house office
                                                space at the front and
                                                secure pharmaceutical
                                                storage at the rear as well
                                                as minor external alterations
                                                to doors and windows and
                                                associated alterations to
                                                external areas to create new
                                                car parking.

21/01035/ABAS      Unit D2 Pipps Hill Retail    Installation of 2No.           Granted
                   Park                         Illuminated box signs and
                                                4No. window graphics.

21/01044/LDCP      28 Montague Side             To establish the lawfulness    Granted
                   Basildon                     of a proposed loft
                                                conversion together with
                                                rear box dormer and two


                     LAINDON PARK WARD

                   Planning Applications Submitted:

     APPLICATION               ADDRESS                             DESCRIPTION

21/01103/FULL       87 School Avenue Laindon           Single storey rear extension, and
                                                       front porch


                    Planning Applications Decided:

     APPLICATION          ADDRESS                     DESCRIPTION               DECISION

21/00727/FULL      Laindon Park Cp School      Single classroom modular        Granted
                   Church Hill                 building, with toilets, store
                                               room and lobby, for the
                                               temporary period of 5 years.
APPLICATION          ADDRESS                   DESCRIPTION                DECISION

21/00773/FULL      47 Brooklands Park        Single-storey side and rear      Granted
                   Basildon                  extension to replace existing
                                             conservatory and front porch

21/00852/FULL      87 New Century Road       Construction of single storey Granted
                   Laindon                   summer house (retrospective)

21/00870/PACU      Dunton Hall Church Road Prior notification of proposed     Prior
                                           development under GPDO             Approval
                                           order 2015, (schedule 2, Part      Approved
                                           3, Class Q) for a proposed
                                           change of use from an
                                           agricultural buildings to two
                                           residential units

21/01051/NMABAS    32 Basildon Drive         To establish whether the        Granted
                   Basildon                  change of structure of the roof
                                             can be considered non-
                                             material amendments to
                                             granted consent


                    LANGDON HILLS WARD

                   Planning Applications Submitted:

     APPLICATION              ADDRESS                            DESCRIPTION

21/01032/FULL       48 Wheatfield Way Langdon        Proposed loft conversion with 4 front
                    Hills                            dormers


                    Planning Applications Decided:

     APPLICATION          ADDRESS                   DESCRIPTION                DECISION

20/01648/TPOBAS    Coppins Lee Chapel        Crown reduction of ash tree to Application
                   Lane                      around 5m leaving growth       Permitted
                                             points (T2 of TP0/10/73).

21/00702/FULL      6 Hayrick Close Langdon   Roof pitch altered to increase   Refused
                   Hills                     ridge height and rear loft
                                             conversion (including Juilet
APPLICATION          ADDRESS                   DESCRIPTION               DECISION


21/00822/FULL      32 The Badgers Basildon Demolition of existing single-   Granted
                                           storey front garage extension
                                           and rebuilding.

21/00981/NMABAS    7 Westley Road Langdon To establish whether              Granted
                   Hills                  rendering the proposed
                                          extension and lower part of
                                          the existing dwelling, and the
                                          upper part of the dwelling to
                                          be cladded with composite
                                          panels can be considered
                                          non-material amendments
                                          under granted consent


                   LEE CHAPEL NORTH WARD

                    Planning Applications Submitted:

     APPLICATION              ADDRESS                           DESCRIPTION

21/01095/TFULL      Existing Base Station Laindon    Proposed upgrade of base station
                    Link                             consisting of replacement of existing
                                                     20 metre monopole with upgraded 20
                                                     metre monopole supporting 3 no
                                                     antenna, 2 no. 300mm dishes and
                                                     internal works to cabinets with
                                                     ancillary development thereto.


                    Planning Applications Decided:

     APPLICATION          ADDRESS                   DESCRIPTION               DECISION

21/00138/COND      Laindon Shopping Centre    Application for approval of   Granted
                   Laindon Centre             details reserved by Condition
                                              4 (materials), Condition 5
                                              (large scale drawings)
                                              Condition 19 (hard and soft
                                              landscaping) and Condition
                                              21 (lighting strategy) for
                                              Phase 2A of consent
                                              reference 18/01133/VAR
APPLICATION          ADDRESS                  DESCRIPTION               DECISION

21/00988/NMABAS    Laindon Shopping Centre   To establish whether          Granted
                   Laindon Centre            amendments to Block J,
                                             including reduction in car
                                             parking spaces from 120 to
                                             117 spaces can be
                                             considered non-material
                                             amendments granted
                                             consent 16/01594/FULL and
                                             varied by granted consent



                   Planning Applications Submitted:

     APPLICATION              ADDRESS                          DESCRIPTION

21/01104/FULL       2 Ravensdale Kingswood          Demolish existing conservatory and
                                                    construct the single story rear

21/01111/FULL       5 The Slades Basildon           Replacement porch

21/01121/TPOBAS     9 Curlew Crescent Basildon      TPO/20/90 - Mature Oak on front
                                                    boundary of front garden. To be
                                                    crown reduced by 2 meters to leave a
                                                    well-balanced shape. All branches to
                                                    be cut to the nearest available growth
                                                    point. Branches encroaching on
                                                    property to be cut back to leave a
                                                    clearance of 2 meters.


                    Planning Applications Decided:

     APPLICATION          ADDRESS                  DESCRIPTION               DECISION

21/00559/FULL      Basildon University       Erection of two-storey new    Granted
                   Hospital Nether Mayne     main entrance comprising
                                             new reception, retail and
                                             office floorspace and
                                             associated external
                                             landscaping and parking
APPLICATION           ADDRESS                  DESCRIPTION              DECISION

21/00795/LDCP       118 Great Gregorie        To establish the lawfulness   Granted
                    Basildon                  of a proposed loft conversion
                                              incorporating a rear dormer
                                              and two front velux windows

21/00851/FULL       8 Waldegrave Basildon     To build a garden building    Granted
                                              part shed/storage with
                                              concealed door part
                                              room/occasional working
                                              from home space.

21/01069/LDCP       Elm View Woodlands        To establish the lawfulness   Granted
                    Drive                     of a proposed single-storey
                                              rear extension


                   PITSEA NORTH WEST WARD

                    Planning Applications Submitted:



                     Planning Applications Decided:

     APPLICATION           ADDRESS                  DESCRIPTION              DECISION

21/01052/NMABAS     238 Rectory Road Pitsea   To establish whether           Refused
                                              changing the construction
                                              materials of the front
                                              extension from white PVCu
                                              frames with Light Oak Solid
                                              Panels to masonry, and the
                                              roof from Anthracite grey
                                              solid roof panels with double
                                              glazed tinted and toughened
                                              glazing panel to clay tilescan
                                              be considered a non-material
                                              amendments to granted
                                              consent 18/01518/FULL


                    Planning Applications Submitted:



                     Planning Applications Decided:

     APPLICATION           ADDRESS                DESCRIPTION               DECISION

21/00070/FULL       93 Pound Lane Bowers    Demolish existing bungalow     Refused
                    Gifford                 and erect 2No. four bedroom
                                            detached houses with

21/00572/FULL       18 Bowers Court Drive   Erection of attached garage    Granted
                    Bowers Gifford          to side/rear

21/00768/FULL       McDonalds High Road     Installation of new "Folded    Granted
                                            Roof" concept, comprising of
                                            new aluminium cladding to
                                            the roof with associated
                                            works to the building.

21/00769/ABAS       McDonalds High Road     8 no. Fascia signs,            Granted
                                            comprising of 3no, white
                                            'Mcdonalds' letterset and
                                            5no. yellow 'Golden Arch'

21/00849/LDCP       20 Ilfracombe Avenue    To establish the lawfulness   Granted
                    Bowers Gifford          of the proposed demolition of
                                            existing conservatory and
                                            erection of a single storey
                                            rear extension

21/00899/FULL       Mayfield Osborne Road   Single storey side extension   Refused


                   Planning Applications Submitted:

     APPLICATION             ADDRESS                         DESCRIPTION

21/01137/SCREEN    Former Post Office Site Town   Screening opinion for the proposed
                   Square                         erection of a single 10-storey building
                                                  (plus plant) to provide up to 60
                                                  residential dwellings (use class C3)
                                                  with associated access and


                   Planning Applications Decided:



                          VANGE WARD

                   Planning Applications Submitted:

     APPLICATION             ADDRESS                         DESCRIPTION

21/01091/FULL      Robs Autos High Road           Removal of 3 containers and the
                                                  construction of a steel workshop

21/01144/TPOBAS    1 Furlongs Vange               TPO/11/01 - Fell T1 Hawthorn
                                                  located at the left hand boundary of
                                                  garage causing subsidence

21/01145/FULL      156 Byfletts Vange             Two-storey side extension and
                                                  single-storey front/side porch

Planning Applications Decided:

     APPLICATION           ADDRESS                    DESCRIPTION               DECISION

21/00813/FULL        156 Byfletts Vange       Two-storey side extension and    Refused
                                              single-storey front porch

21/00819/LDCE        73 Bardfield Basildon    To establish the lawfulness of   Granted
                                              an existing timber
                                              garage/workshop/shed erected
                                              in 2010


                   WICKFORD CASTLEDON WARD

                     Planning Applications Submitted:

     APPLICATION                 ADDRESS                           DESCRIPTION

21/01071/FULL         46 Nevendon Road Wickford         Dropped kerb

21/01149/FULL         24 Deirdre Avenue Wickford        Hip to gable roof conversion with
                                                        dormers front and rear, and
                                                        replacement single storey porch to
                                                        side with pitched roof


                      Planning Applications Decided:

     APPLICATION            ADDRESS                    DESCRIPTION              DECISION

21/00361/COND        Castledon School            Application for approval of   Granted
                     Bromfords Drive             details reserved by condition
                                                 5 (soft landscaping), and
                                                 condition 6 (landscaping
                                                 scheme) of consent

21/00872/LDCP        119 Elizabeth Drive         To establish the lawfulness   Granted
                     Wickford                    of a proposed single-storey
                                                 rear extension

21/00902/NMABAS      105 Elder Avenue            To establish whether minor    Granted
                     Wickford                    amendments to make the
APPLICATION           ADDRESS                   DESCRIPTION                 DECISION

                                              dwelling 0.5m shorter in
                                              length plus various internal
                                              alterations can be
                                              considered non-material
                                              amendments to granted
                                              consent 20/00879/FULL


                   WICKFORD NORTH WARD

                   Planning Applications Submitted:

     APPLICATION               ADDRESS                            DESCRIPTION

21/01072/FULL       26 Bruce Grove Wickford           Addition of first floor box dormers to
                                                      front and rear roof

21/01105/DEMBAS     Unit 1A Bruce Grove               Prior notification for the demolition of
                                                      1A-6A Bruce Grove


                    Planning Applications Decided:

     APPLICATION        ADDRESS                    DESCRIPTION                   DECISION

21/00589/FULL      Barn Hall Station      Proposed detached outbuilding        Refused
                   Road                   for use as an office

21/00824/FULL      25 Kenley Close        Part single, part two-storey side    Refused
                   Shotgate               extension

21/00884/TPOBAS    109 Station Avenue     21/00884/TPOBAS - T1 - Twin          Application
                   Wickford               stemmed Oak - to fell to ground      Permitted
                                          level as the roots are causing
                                          damage to number 109 station
                                          T2, T3 and T4 - All Oak trees to
                                          reduce by aprox 1.5m to keep
                                          roots under control


                       Planning Applications Submitted:

     APPLICATION                  ADDRESS                            DESCRIPTION

21/01097/FULL           12 Westray Walk Wickford         Proposed new roof loft conversion
                                                         with rear box dormer, roof extension
                                                         to side and rooflights to front

21/01098/FULL           12 Westray Walk Wickford         Proposed first floor side/front


                        Planning Applications Decided:

     APPLICATION            ADDRESS                    DESCRIPTION                  DECISION

21/00586/FULL          30 Pebmarsh Drive       Proposed single storey side and Granted
                       Wickford                rear extension

21/00867/FULL          16 Twinstead Wickford   Demolish existing garage and       Refused
                                               erect a two-storey side/rear
                                               extension and a single storey
                                               rear extension



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Appeal Decision
Site visit made on 6 July 2021

by C Osgathorp BSc (Hons) MSc MRTPI
an Inspector appointed by the Secretary of State
Decision date: 19 July 2021

Appeal Ref: APP/V1505/W/20/3263158
18C Crown Avenue, Pitsea SS13 2BE
•   The appeal is made under section 78 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990
    against a refusal to grant planning permission.
•   The appeal is made by Mr Howard Newport against the decision of Basildon Borough
•   The application Ref 20/00557/FULL, dated 20 May 2020, was refused by notice dated
    22 June 2020.
•   The development proposed is described as ‘new top floor flat within roof space of
    existing block of flats. 1No. 2 bedroom 3 person flat. Dormers installed front and rear.
    Car parking/cycle parking/refuse allowances provided’.


1. The appeal is dismissed.

Preliminary Matters

2. On 19 January 2021, the Government published the latest Housing Delivery
   Test (HDT) and both main parties have been given the opportunity to provide
   comments. No responses were received.

3. The appellant submitted a Bat Scoping Survey with the appeal. This is technical
   evidence that does not materially change the proposal. It can be accepted
   without prejudicing the interests of any parties. The Council were provided the
   opportunity to comment on the Bat Scoping Survey and I have had regard to
   their response.

Main Issues

4. The main issues are the effect of the proposed development on (i) the
   character and appearance of the area, and (2) ecology.


Character and appearance

5. The area predominantly consists of 2 storey dwellings that are designed with
   shallow pitched roofs. The appeal property is a 2 storey block of flats, which is
   set back from Crown Avenue and accessed from a driveway that runs between
   Nos. 17 and 19 Crown Avenue. The building is of simple design, featuring a
   hipped roof and a central 2 storey gable.

Appeal Decision APP/V1505/W/20/3263158

6. The appeal scheme proposes the installation of 2no pitched dormer windows in
   the front roof slope and a triple-gable dormer in the rear roof slope, which
   would facilitate a 2-bedroom flat at second floor.

7. The proposed front dormers would cumulatively result in a bulky and cramped
   appearance on the front elevation due to their significant width and lack of set
   down from the ridge of the main roof. The dormers would not be proportionate
   to the scale of the roof, and they would be positioned awkwardly close to the
   existing 2 storey central gable feature. Whilst the existing building is set back
   from Crown Avenue, the proposed front dormers would nevertheless be visible
   in the street scene, for which second floor front dormers are not an established
   characteristic. I acknowledge that the appeal property is of a somewhat
   different scale and form to the other buildings in the street scene, including a
   hipped roof of greater height and volume, however this would not justify the
   discordant appearance of the proposal. The siting and excessive size of the
   proposed front dormers would therefore detract from the character and
   appearance of the host building and the street scene.

8. The proposed rear dormer would be of considerable width with a triple gable
   form and would also cover nearly the full height of the roof. It would appear
   very bulky and dominant on the rear roof slope and would not respect the scale
   and proportions of the roof, which would harm the character and appearance of
   the building. I acknowledge that there is an area of woodland to the rear of the
   appeal property and so views from the public realm would be quite limited.
   However, the lack of visibility from main roads does not obviate the need to
   achieve good design.

9. For the above reasons, I conclude that the proposed development would be
   harmful to the character and appearance of the area. The proposal would
   therefore be contrary to Policy BAS BE12 of the Basildon District Local Plan
   Saved Policies 2007 (the Local Plan) and guidance contained in DC1, DC32 and
   DC34 of the Basildon Development Control Guidelines (Alterations approved 19
   March 1997), which, amongst other things, state that planning permission for
   new residential development, and for the alteration and extension of existing
   dwellings, will be refused if it causes harm to the character of the surrounding
   area, including the street scene. The proposal would also be contrary to
   Chapter 12 of the National Planning Policy Framework (the Framework), which,
   amongst other matters, seeks the creation of high quality buildings, and to
   ensure that developments are visually attractive as a result of good
   architecture and are sympathetic to local character.


10. The appeal building is located close to an area of woodland to the east, which
    could offer a suitable habitat for foraging and commuting by bats. Bats are
    protected under the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2017 as
    amended (the Habitat Regulations). Circular 06/2005 states that the presence
    of protected species is a material consideration when a development proposal
    is being considered which would be likely to result in harm to the species or its
    habitat. It goes on to say that it ‘…is essential that the presence or otherwise of
    protected species, and the extent that they may be affected by the proposed
    development, is established before the planning permission is granted,
    otherwise all relevant material considerations may not have been addressed in
    making the decision’ (paragraph 99). Further, Circular 06/2005 advises that       2
Appeal Decision APP/V1505/W/20/3263158

       the need to ensure that ecological surveys are carried out should only be left to
       conditions in exceptional circumstances. This is reinforced in advice within the
       Planning Practice Guidance (the PPG).

11. No ecological information was included in the planning application, however the
    appellant submitted a Bat Scoping Survey1 with the appeal. This states that the
    main building and shed were assessed as having negligible bat roosting
    potential and so no further surveys or mitigation are required. Nevertheless,
    the Bat Scoping Survey notes that due to the habitats present within the site
    and the local landscape, it is likely that foraging or commuting bats use the site
    to a certain extent.

12. The report states that to avoid a detrimental impact on bats using the site,
    there should be no increased light spillage on to suitable habitats, particularly
    on to the rear of the site adjacent to the woodland habitat, where bats are
    most likely to forage and commute. As such, it recommends that measures
    should be implemented within a lighting scheme. Furthermore, the Bat Scoping
    Report sets out recommended opportunities for biodiversity enhancement in
    accordance with the Framework – consisting of the inclusion of bat boxes. I am
    satisfied that conditions to require specific details and implementation of a
    lighting scheme, and final details of biodiversity enhancement measures would
    protect and enhance ecology at the site.

13. I therefore conclude that through appropriate conditions the proposed
    development would protect and enhance ecology. The Council’s decision notice
    does not cite development plan policy, nevertheless the proposal would accord
    with Chapter 15 of the Framework and the advice contained in Circular
    06/2005 and the PPG, which, along with other things, seek to protect and
    enhance biodiversity.

Other Matters

14. The Council states that the proposed development would be located within the
    5 kilometres Zone of Influence of the Benfleet and Southend Marshes Special
    Protection Area and Ramsar (the SPA). The SPA is a designated habitat site
    which is subject to statutory protection under the Habitat Regulations. Had the
    proposal been acceptable in planning terms, it would have been necessary for
    me to have undertaken an Appropriate Assessment (AA) as the competent
    authority. However, regulation 63(1) of the Habitat Regulations indicates that
    the requirement for an AA is only necessary where the competent authority is
    minded to give consent for the proposal. As I am dismissing the appeal for
    other reasons, it has not been necessary for me to consider this matter further.

Planning Balance and Conclusion

15. The Housing Delivery Test results published 19 January 2021 show that the
    Council has a measurement of just 45% of homes delivered against its
    requirement over the previous 3 years. Therefore, the most important policies
    for determining the appeal are out-of-date in accordance with footnote 7 of the
    Framework. In these circumstances, paragraph 11(d) (ii) of the Framework is

16. Paragraph 59 of the Framework sets out an objective to significantly boost the
    supply of homes. The proposal would result in the provision of one additional
    Prepared by Tim Moya Associates Ref. 200755-ED-01 dated August 2020.                  3
Appeal Decision APP/V1505/W/20/3263158

     dwelling on previously developed land, which would make a small contribution
     towards addressing the significant shortfall in housing land supply. Small sized
     sites can make an important contribution to meeting the housing requirement
     of an area and are often built-out relatively quickly, as indicated in paragraph
     68 of the Framework. The proposal would bring temporary economic benefit
     from the construction process, and the long-term economic benefit from the
     boost to local services from the new residents. These factors weigh in favour of
     the proposal, but the benefits would be limited because of the small amount of
     development. As such, I give these considerations only limited weight in my

17. I have found that the proposed development would be harmful to the character
    and appearance of the area. Given the importance that the Framework places
    on the creation of high-quality buildings and developments that are visually
    attractive and sympathetic to local character, this is a matter that weighs
    significantly against the proposal.

18. Even if I had found that the proposal would avoid an adverse effect on the
    integrity of the SPA, and hence that there was not a clear reason for refusing
    the development proposed, I conclude that the identified adverse effects of the
    proposal would significantly and demonstrably outweigh the benefits outlined
    above, when assessed against the policies in the Framework taken as a whole.

19. The proposal would conflict with the development plan as a whole and there
    are no other considerations, including the provisions of the Framework, which
    outweigh this finding. Therefore, for the reasons given, the appeal is dismissed.

C Osgathorp

                                 Councillor Call in form – Planning Committee

All call ins must be made within 28 days from the date of validation of a planning application (as set
out in the Member Bulletin).

     I wish to call-in the following application for determination by the Planning Committee.

             Application Number:

             Application Site Address:

My reasons for requesting call-in are as follows. Please tick appropriate box(es):

             Impact on neighbouring properties

             Impact on character of the street scene

             Residential amenity

             Car parking

             Highway issues

             Impact on trees and landscaping

             Impact on Listed Building/Conservation Area

             Other reasons (please specify below):

Name:                                                                                         Date:

This form should be emailed to the Development Team Manager
and to the Technical Support Team

If you have not received acknowledgement within 1 working day please contact the Technical
Support Team at

                                                       OFFICIAL USE ONLY

Authorised: Yes [           ]            No [      ]

Signature of the Chairman of Committee………………………………………………………..

Date signed………………………………………

̽In calling an application to the Planning Committee the Councillor is not pre-determining the planning application. Rather the Councillor is
 expressing a legitimate concern about an application and will reach a final conclusion, having considered all of the matters presented at the
 meeting and being genuinely open to persuasion on the merits of the application when a decision comes to be made by the Committee.
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