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The People's Guide
      Information about opportunities to help you get through hard times



               Health                      other

                                              38th Edition   2018
                                             Los Angeles County
Hunger Action LA
                                                                                                 For more information on getting
                            Introduction                                                         help:

The People’s Guide gives practical              In 2018, the President and Congress are     211  LA County
                                                                                             On the internet:
information about how to get food, money,       discussing even more huge budget cuts
housing, health care and other help from        that would greatly reduce cash and food          211 is a 24 hour per day, 7 day a week
government programs and community               assistance, our rights to health care,           telephone information and referral ser-
services if you live in Los Angeles County      workers' rights, immigrant rights, and           vice. Operators are available in many
and need help in hard times. You do not         our right to a clean environment.                languages. They can help you find
have to read the entire book, just find the                                                      emergency food and shelter, legal and
topic you need in the table of contents.        Your voices are needed in those                  financial assistance, counseling and
However, people who are eligible for            debates. Tell politicians how the programs       many other resources.
                                                help or don’t help and what your problems        Phone: 211 or (800) 339-6996
one kind of help often qualify for other
                                                are. Government officials need to be             (800) 660-4026 (TTY)
programs as well, so read the entire booklet.
                                                reminded of the tragic crises and pain
                                                that happen in people’s lives when they
The People’s Guide also gives advice on
what to do if you are treated unfairly or do
                                                can’t get food, housing, or health care.    LAAffairs
                                                                                                  County Office of Immigrant
not receive what you are entitled to by law.                                                     information on immigration issues
                                                To get names and addresses of your
                                                local, state and federal lawmakers,              LA County Consumer & Business
Lately, massive government budget cuts                                                           Affairs
                                                call (800) 481-8683 or visit: www.
have meant less help for low income
                                                     Help for workers, renters &
families, seniors, and homeless people.
There are other problems with obtaining                                                          consumers
                                                Politicians often want to use money for
assistance: rumors and false information
that discourage eligible people from
even trying to get help their family
                                                services. But when the rich get too much   Public Policy Organizations
                                                other things than health, welfare and social
                                                                                                 You can call these groups or attend their
                                                richer and the poor get too much poorer, the     meetings to learn about policies affecting
desperately needs, people not knowing
                                                gap has very bad effects on the whole society.   you.
what the application steps are, language
barriers, people being made to feel
                                                You can help close that gap. You don’t           ACCE (213)863-4548
embarrassed for asking for needed help.
                                                have to be an expert. Simply let those in
                                                authority know how a budget cut affects
The People’s Guide is dedicated to
                                                you or your neighbors.                           California Food Policy Advocates
helping all people overcome barriers
                                                                                                 (213) 482-8200
when they try to get help. Every person
                                                Hunger Action Los Angeles and our
has the right to enough food, housing,
                                                members struggle for policies that save          California Partnership
and health care. You help when you
                                                and improve the safety net.            
share this information with other people
who need help.
                                                Hunger Action Los Angeles (HALA)                 Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights of
 There is another important way to help.        961 S. Mariposa                                  Los Angeles (213)353-1333
.In Sacramento, Washington DC and               Los Angeles, CA 90006
 in County and local governments, the           Tel: 213-388 8228                                Community Coalition (323) 750-9087
 programs and services described in the
 People’s Guide are always being debated.
                                                                                                 Community Health Councils
38th Edition. The People’s Guide to Welfare,    are not responsible for the action, conduct,     (323) 295-9372
Health & Other Services                         treatment you receive, and/or quality of
©2018 Hunger Action Los Angeles                 service of any private (non-government)          Health Access (818) 480-3262
(HALA)                                          agencies listed in this book and their 
Editors: Frank Tamborello, Elizabeth            staff. Government agencies have their
Medrano, Samantha Vasquez                       own complaint procedures (see pg. 65)            L.A. Alliance for a New Economy
Editorial Committee and Major                   Also, phone numbers and other important          (213) 977-9400
Contributors: Yolanda Arias, Donald Noller,     information change: this information was
Ivette Vivanco, Lynn Kersey, Jessica Mark,      accurate as of May 2018.                         L.A. Community Action Network
Matthew Clark, Rene Peña, Ryan Bradley,                                                          (213) 228-0024
Tyler Sutherland,Staff of LA County DPSS.
Apologies if we missed anyone.                                                                   Legal Aid Foundation of Los Angeles
Spanish translation: Eliza Fraga, Elizabeth                                                      (800) 399-4LAW
DISCLAIMER: Hunger Action Los Angeles                                                            Maternal & Child Health Access
(HALA) and other contributors to this book                                                       (213) 749-4261

   2                                                       The People's Guide 2018

                                                                                         LA FAMILY SOURCE CENTERS
                                                                                         The City of Los Angeles has Family Source
                                                                                         Centers (FSC) where you can apply for
Income, Jobs, & Training:                 Health Care:                                 programs such as the ones in this book
                                                                                         and get other help including child care
   CalWorks...................4               Your Health Care Rights                    service, job placement and tutoring,
                                                                                         mentoring and arts instruction for youth:
   Cash and other aid for families with       ...............................40
   children under 19
                                                                                         Boyle Heights: El Centro de Ayuda
                                                                                         Corporation 1972 E. Cesar Chavez Ave.
   Job & Career Training....... 14            Medical assistance for low income
                                                                                         LA, CA 90033 (323) 265-9228
                                                                                         Echo Park: El Centro del Pueblo
                                                                                         1824 W. Sunset Blvd .LA, CA 90026
   Worker's Rights and                                                                   (213) 483-6335
   Unemployment..........15                   Health Care for Children...48              El Sereno/Lincoln Heights:
                                                                                         Barrio Action Youth and Family Center
   Unemployment, worker’s rights, and                                                    4927 Huntington Dr., Suite 200
   aid if you're temporarily disabled
                                              Free & Low Cost Health Care                LA, CA 90032 (323) 221-0779
                                                                                         Hollywood: Youth Policy Institute
   Tax Credits...............19               ....................................49     1075 N. Western Ave., Suite 110
                                              Health care you can get if you don’t
                                                                                         LA, CA 90029 (323) 836-0055
                                              qualify for Medi-Cal: mental health,
   Extra money for workers and renters                                                   North Valley: New Economics for Women
                                              substance abuse, and regional
                                                                                         21400 Saticoy St. Canoga Park, CA
                                                                                         91305 (818) 887-3872
   Child Care & Education.......20                                                       Pacoima: El Nido Family Centers
   Assistance for working parents             In Home Supportive Service                 11243 Glenoaks Blvd., Suite 3
                                                                                         Pacoima 91331 (818) 896-7776
                                              and Long Term Care.........52              Southeast: All People's Community Center
   Foster Care...............22                                                          822 E. 20th StreetLA, CA 90011
                                                                                         (213) 747-6357
   Social Security, SSI and CAPI              Health care for retirees, their
                                                                                         Southeast/Watts: Watts Labor Community
   ...............................23          dependents, and people with
                                                                                         Action Committee (WLCAC) 958 E. 108th
                                                                                         St. LA, CA 90059 (323) 249-7552
                                                                                         Southwest: El Nido Family Center
   Veterans...................27                                                         4060 S. Figueroa St. LA, CA 90037

   General Relief...........27
                                           Housing and Utilities:                       (323) 998-0093
                                                                                         Southwest/Florence: The Children’s
   Cash aid for single adults                                                            Collective 915 W. Manchester LA, CA
                                              Utilities and Phone.......54               90044 (323)789-4717
                                              Help with utility bills and special        Van Nuys: New Economics for Women
   Transportation..........31                                                            6946 Van Nuys Blvd., Ste. 220
   Bus passes, affordable car insurance,      phone equipment for the disabled
                                                                                         Van Nuys, CA 91406 (818) 786-4098
   help for cyclists
                                              Housing....................56              West Adams: 1736 Family Crisis Center
                                                                                         2116 Arlington Ave., Suite 220
  Food:                                      Low cost housing , renter
                                              assistance for seniors, renter’s rights    Los Angeles, CA 90018
                                                                                         (323) 737-3900
   CalFresh (Food Stamps)....32                                                          West Los Angeles: Latino Resource
   Assistance to buy more food.            Guides for Further Help:                     Organization, Inc. 4804 S. Centinela Ave.
                                                                                         Los Angeles, CA 90066
                                                                                         (310) 391-3457
   Free & Low Cost Food......36               Guide for Non-Citizens......61             Westlake/Pico Union: Central City
   Food pantries, meals for seniors,                                                     Neighborhood Partners 501 S. Bixel St.
   community gardens                                                                     LA, CA 90017(213) 482-8618
                                              Hearings and Complaints...65               Wilmington/San Pedro: Toberman
                                              How to get the benefits you are entitled   Neighborhood Center
   WIC..........................38            to                                         131 N. Grand Ave. San Pedro, CA
   Nutrition assistance for mothers,                                                     90731 (310) 832-1145 ext.106
   infants and children                                                                  Wilshire: P.F. Bresee Foundation
                                              Good Advice.............68                 184 Bimini Place
                                              Legal Aid and crisis resources
                                                                                         LA, CA 90004
   Child Nutrition..........39                                                           (213) 387-2822
   Free meals for children
                                              Welfare Offices ........70
                                                    The People's Guide 2018                                                          3
                                                                                                      How Do I Qualify?

                             CalWorks                                                          To qualify to get CalWORKs, your monthly
                                                                                               income must be under the amount shown
         CalWORKs (California Work, Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids) is                 on the table for your family size. Once you
         California’s welfare program for people who have children under 19 years              begin getting cash aid, you can make more
         old. It provides monthly financial assistance for low income families.                money and may still get cash assistance
         Most adults can only get CalWORKs for 48 months in a lifetime, and,                   from CalWORKs.
         unless exempt, will be required to work or go to training in order to
         receive the cash assistance. If you get CalWORKs you may also be                                Monthly Income Limits
         eligible to Medi-Cal for health care and CalFresh to help you buy food.                 Effective 7/1/17 through 6/30/2018
                                                                                               # of people        Gross Income Limit
                                                                                                 1			$660
Children age 18 and under and the adult                What To Bring When                        2			$1,082
relatives who care for them can get cash aid.                                                    3			$1,342
Both one- parent and two-parent families
can get cash aid. In two-parent families,
                                                             You Apply                           4			$1,592
                                                                                                 5			$1,817
one of the parents must be disabled or have     When applying for CalWORKs, bring the            6			$2,044
worked less than 100 hours in the last          following documents listed below with you.       7			$2,246
four weeks before applying for cash aid.        If you lack some of them, go ahead and           8			$2,444
                                                apply, and get a list of documents to be         9			$2,652
                                                brought in later. If you aren't able to get      10			$2,872
         How Do I Apply?                        the verification that is requested, ask the    Over 10 Add $26 for each extra person.
                                                worker to help you.
You apply for CalWORKs at the nearest                                                          Money you make from working and
DPSS (Department of Public Social               • Identification with your name and            unemployment counts as income. SSI
Services) office. (see page 70 Welfare              current address on it .This can be         payments, most student loans, tax refunds
Offices.)                                           a birth certificate, driver’s license,     and Earned Income Credit don’t count. If
                                                    California ID card                         your child is under age 19, your child’s
You can also apply online through               • Social Security Number or Card (or proof     income may not count if the student
YourBenefitsNow! website at:                        of application for the cards)              exemption rules are met. Loans from                   • Proof of income (like check stubs, a         friends may be counted if there is no
                                                    W2, or copy of your tax return) and        repayment agreement on file.
YourBenefitsNow! is a website for Los               resources (like a bank statement)
Angeles County residents to apply for and       • Proof that you live in the county (a         To be qualified your resources must be less
to view their benefits online. If you have          document that has your name and            than $2,250. But if someone in the family
an emergency, do not apply online.                  an address on it) for each person on       on aid is disabled or 60 years or older, the
                                                    the application                            limit is $3,500. Cash on hand, savings,
When you apply, you have a right to             • If you lack ID, you can also fill out a      some cars, and most other property count
be treated with courtesy and without                form called “PA 853 Affidavit” and         as resources. A home you live in, personal
discrimination for any reason. The DPSS             swear that you are who you say you are     items like furniture and a computer, tools,
workers will try to get you all the cash aid,   • Proof of citizenship, alien or immigration   and some retirement accounts don’t count.
food aid and other benefits for which you           status for each person on the
are eligible.                                       application                                While on cash aid, you can have a written
                                                • Proof of your housing situation (rent        agreement with DPSS to have a special
At times, eligible people who urgently need         receipts, lease agreement, etc.)           "restricted" savings account for education,
the aid don’t get correct information, or       • Auto payment papers and registration         training, starting a business or buying a
don’t understand or get discouraged. If that    • Letters from a doctor if anyone in the       house, and it will not count .You can have
is happening to you, be strong. Insist on           household is pregnant, disabled,           as much as you want in this "restricted"
talking to a supervisor, or the supervisor’s        has a special medical need or has a        account but you have to make a written
manager. Seek out the help of someone who           special diet                               agreement with DPSS on a form, and give
will advocate for you. Insist on speaking       • Any papers having to do with marriage,       them the bank account information.
to someone fluent in your language (DPSS            divorce, child support, or other
must provide a free interpreter) or call a          circumstances that apply to your           “Transfer of Assets.”
Legal Aid office. (see page 65 Hearings             family.                                     If you give away or sell a property or
and Complaints.)                                                                               resource for less than its fair market value
                                                                                               while you are on cash aid, you might lose
                                                                                               cash aid for one or more months. If you and
                                                                                               the DPSS disagree about this, you need to
                                                                                               consult with an attorney or legal services
                                                                                               office. (pg 68 Good Advice).

   4                                                      The People's Guide 2018
Rules about Cars                                Rule, does not apply any more as of January
                                                1, 2017. Children who were not getting
                                                                                                  mothers can add $15 to their grant
                                                                                                  to help with their dietary needs. Tell
If you're applying for CalWORKs or getting      aid because of this rule in the past will be      your worker if you have these special
it, you can own cars that are worth under       added to the grant starting in January of         needs.
$9,500. That's the "equity value"--the          2017. If you believe any of your children      • Child Support: You can get $50 extra
difference between what the car is worth        should have been added to the grant, but          each month if the other parent pays
and what you might still owe on it. A car you   were not added, contact legal services            at least $50 of child support to the
live in, a car used to go to work, a car used   (see pg. 68.)                                     County’s Department of Child Support
to make money like a gardener’s truck, or a                                                       Services on time. The Department
car used to transport a physically disabled
person in your home doesn’t count. Any
                                                      About Time Limits Before
                                                  Take Cash Aid
                                                                                                  should give you a list that shows
                                                                                                  when the other parent paid (an
vehicle for which ownership has been                                                              “accounting”). Check it to make
transferred to you as a gift, donation or                                                         sure you got $50 extra cash aid for
                                                You may not want to get cash aid if you
family transfer, as defined by Department                                                         every month the other parent paid on
                                                have other income. Any month you get cash
of Motor Vehicles, won't count against your                                                       time. To get an accounting call (866)
                                                aid counts against the adult's 48-month
family's maximum resource limit, but you                                                          901-3212.
                                                time limit, even if you are entitled only to
must show the paperwork to prove it. For
                                                a few dollars a month. You can get Medi-
other cars, anything over the $9,500 will
count toward your $2,250 resource limit.
                                                Cal, Cal-Fresh and child care money even
                                                when you do not get cash aid. Is the cash
                                                                                          3. Money for Pregnant Women
                                                aid you will get worth “using up” a month
         What Can I Get?                        of eligibility? Should you “save” the month
                                                                                               If you are pregnant, aged 19 or over, and
                                                                                               have no other children on CalWORKs,
                                                in case you need it more at a later time       you may get a grant for one person after
                                                in your life? Call legal services to discuss   reaching the beginning of the second
CalWORKs divides people who get cash
                                                your options. Remember, children do not        trimester of pregnancy plus an additional
aid into “exempt” and “non exempt”
                                                have a 48 month time limit.                    $47 (Pregnant Special Need.)You get this
recipients. You are considered “exempt”
if you are getting disability payments such                                                    money from the time your pregnancy is
as In-Home Supportive Services, SSI/
SSP, State Disability Insurance, SSDI,
                                          2. What Else Is Available?                          verified until the baby is born. Here are
                                                                                               some other rules for the $47:
Temporary Workers’Comp and Temporary            When you are eligible for CalWORKs, you
Disability Indemnity.                           may also qualify for these programs:           • Pregnant teens 18 or younger, who
                                                                                                    have graduated from high school or
The chart below shows the “Maximum              • Medi-Cal to pay for health care                   equivalent and with no other children
Aid Payment” for these two groups. This         • CalFresh (food stamps) in most cases              can get cash aid from the date of
maximum grant is cut dollar for dollar by       • Immediate Need: an advance of up to               application with proof of pregnancy,
any “unearned” income you have, such as             $200 of your CalWORKs grant, which              but must participate in Welfare to
social security survivor’s benefits, interest       is provided 24 hours from the date of           Work, (or in the Cal Learn Program
(like on a bank account), or unemployment           the request, or your whole CalWORKs             if they have not graduated from high
money. Earned income, wages from work, or           grant within 3 days if you have an              school. )
income based on a disability is not counted         eviction notice                            • If there are no other children, the father
dollar for dollar. Make sure you are getting    • Homeless and Housing Assistance                   cannot get CalWORKs until the child
the correct earned income deductions.               including eviction prevention,                  is born, but he can get General Relief
                                                    temporary shelter, move-in costs,               for himself, if eligible (see pg 27).
          Maximum Aid Payments                      rent subsidy, and help with cost of        • If you are undocumented, or receive
          (Accurate May 2018)                       moving (see pages 12 and 13 for                 SSI, and have no other children on
                                                    several programs offered.)                      CalWORKs, you must wait until the
# of people   "Nonexempt"        "Exempt"       • Non-Recurring Special Needs: You can              child is born to get benefits for the
		                Grant             Grant           get up to $600 each time if you have            baby. Bring in proof of the baby’s
                                                    to replace clothing, household items,           birth such as hospital records or birth
    1		             $ 355           $ 392           and appliances because of a fire,               certificate.
    2		             $ 577           $ 645           disaster, theft or other event beyond
                    $ 714
                    $ 852
                                    $ 799
                                    $ 949
                                                    your control. You can also get this
                                                    money for shelter if your home is so
                                                                                          4. Diversion Payments
    5		             $ 968           $ 1080          damaged or unlivable you can’t stay        Instead of receiving monthly cash aid you
    6		             $1087           $ 1214          there and you are not eligible for the     can apply for a large amount of money
    7		             $ 1195          $ 1334          Homeless Assistance program.You            called a “diversion payment” to help you
    8		             $ 1301          $ 1454          must have less than $100 to get            get or keep a job. To get it, you must be
    9		             $ 1407          $ 1571          this money.                                apparently eligible for CalWORKs, have
    10 or more      $ 1511          $ 1689      • Special Needs: You can get an extra          a job or immediate job opportunity, and
                                                    $9 to $15 if you have special needs        have an unexpected one-time need. For
Before 2017, in the CalWORKs program                such as higher food costs because of       example, you could pay for car repairs
you would usually not get more cash aid for         a necessary special diet, or higher        or insurance, work tools or clothing, rent
children born while your family is getting          transportation or utility costs due to     or utilities, license fees, or childcare
CalWORKs (with some exceptions). This               a medical condition. Breast-feeding        expenses. If you get a diversion payment
rule, called the Maximum Family Grant                                                          you may also get Medi-Cal, Cal-Fresh and
                                                      The People's Guide 2018                                                                 5
    supportive services. (see page 9 "Services         taking an application at your home, helping      MoneyPass locations do not charge a fee.
    To Help You.")                                     you fill out forms, or reading all forms to      Ask your worker for a list of banks and
                                                       you. Ask your worker for this help. If they      ATMs near you that will not charge you a
    The usual payment is up to the grant               won’t give it to you, call Legal Services        fee or go to or www.
    amount for your family size for three              for help.                               for a list of surcharge free
    months or $2,000, whichever is larger.                                                              ATMs near you. You can also go to www.
    For a “compelling need, ” you can get up
    to $4,000 or the maximum grant amount
                                                 8. Fingerprints                              for locations of ATMs.

    for 6 months, whichever is greater The             As of July 1, 2018, fingerprints are no longer   GAIN participants may choose to have their
    diversion payment counts as months of              required in order to recieve CalWORKs            payments for transportation issued through
    cash against the 48 month life-time limit          benefits. Already, no fingerprints are           their EBT card or through a mailed check.
    (amount of payment divided by monthly              required for non-needy caretaker relatives
    grant=months used up) After you get a              caring for related foster children placed        Call (877) 328-9677 right away if the card
    diversion payment, you can still get cash          by Department of Children and Family             is stolen, lost, or destroyed. You will not
    aid if you need it. But if you reapply for         Services and completeing forms CW 2218           be charged for stolen aid after reporting
    CalWORKs within the time period that               and 2219.                                        the loss.
    the Diversion covers, the DPSS must
    recollect the payment by either counting
    the diversion months against your 48         9. Next Steps                                                    What Are The
    month life time limit, or decreasing your
    monthy payment by 10%.
                                                       Keep in touch with your DPSS eligibility
                                                       worker and write down his or her name,
                                                       phone number, and phone hours. If you
    Diversion payments must be paid to
    you within 5 days after the application
                                                       are asked to mail additional papers to
                                                       the DPSS, ask the worker for a stamped
                                                                                                   1. Reporting Every Six Months
                                                                                                        Every six months you must report changes
    for a non-urgent need, or 3 days in an                                                              in income, property or the number of people
                                                       envelope addressed to him or her.
    emergency. Starting a new job the next                                                              in your household. You will also report
    day is an example of an emergency.                                                                  once a year on a Semi-Annual Eligibility
                                                       If you take in papers, get a receipt. Keep
                                                       your own copy of all the paperwork. If you       Income Report (SAR 7). It says "Eligibility
     Foster Care
             Else's Children)
                                                       need help and your worker is not available,
                                                       the duty worker or supervisor must help
                                                                                                        Status Report" on the top of the form. Also
                                                                                                        once a year, you will fill out what is called
                                                       you. You can also call the Help Line for         a "redetermination." DPSS will mail you
    If you are caring for someone else’s               your DPSS office.(see page 70)                   a SAR 7 report form. The form also asks
    children, the child or children may qualify                                                         you to report any changes you expect in
    for Foster Care or Approved Relative               Within 45 days of when you turn in your          the next six months.
    Caregiver payments even if you are related         application, you must either receive your
    to the children. Foster Care and Approved          first check, or a notice that you have been      You must turn in the SAR-7 even if there
    Relative Caregiver payments are higher             denied aid. If the DPSS denies your aid,         is no change to report. If you don’t get
    than CalWORKs cash aid. (see page 22               they must send you a letter explaining the       the SAR-7 in the mail go to DPSS to get
    Foster Care.) If a relative’s children live with   reason. Do not sign a “withdrawal” of your       another form and fill it out.
    you but do not get Foster Care or Approved         application unless you understand and
    Relative Caregiver payments, you should            agree with the written reason you are given.      The completed, signed form is due back
    be able to get cash aid for them.                                                                   to DPSS on the fifth day of the last month

                                                 10. Electronic Benefits Transfer                      of the six month period

6. Domestic Violence                                  “EBT” Card                                       There are some things that need to be
                                                                                                        reported to the county before your next
    If you are a victim of domestic violence, or       DPSS will give you an EBT “electronic            income report is due. This is called
    suffering effects of past domestic violence        benefits transfer card” (Golden State            “mandatory mid-period reporting.” You
    tell the worker right away, because there are      ADVANTAGE) to use at banks, ATM                  must report these things within 10 days:
    specially trained workers available to assist      machines and stores. If you are also getting     • Address changes
    you with the problems you or your children         CalFresh (food stamps), those benefits are       • fleeing felons
    may have. Also, you may be excused from            accessed using the same card.                    • parole or probation violations,
    GAIN or have other eligibility rules waived.
                                                                                                        • and if your income goes over the “Income
                                                       For CalWORKs, if the last digit of your                Reporting Threshold (“IRT”).”
    Let DPSS know if you need emergency or             case number is 1 to 3, the money goes            The IRT is the amount of income that would
    homeless assistance. DPSS staff must               on your card the first day of the month; 4       reduce your aid or make your household
    act quickly to help you.                           to 7, the second day of the month; and 8         ineligible for aid. DPSS will give you a form
                                                       to 0, the third day of the month. There          telling you your IRT limit. DPSS counts the
7. Special Help for the Disabled                      is no charge for the first four “swipes” of
                                                       the card each month, after that there is
                                                                                                        family’s earned and unearned income to
                                                                                                        see if you are at this limit. For example a
    If you have a physical or mental disability        a 85¢ charge for each use. Some ATM              family of three (non-exempt) has an IRT of
    that makes it hard for you to go through           machines will charge a fee of $1 or more         $1,654.00 per month. The family doesn’t
    the regular application process, DPSS must         to use the card.                                 have to report any change in income until
    give you special help. This might include:                                                          the next report is due, unless it adds up
                                                                                                        to more than $1,654.00 .
       6                                                         The People's Guide 2018
You can either drop your SAR-7 off at the       You won’t get aid if you’re in jail or out of   There are serious penalties for individuals
DPSS office, and get a dated receipt to         the state for 30 days, but you should still     who either are convicted of fraud in court
prove that you turned it in on time; or you     report it, or they will charge you with an      or found to have committed fraud at an
can mail it in the postage-paid envelope.       overpayment.                                    administrative hearing. You may have to
You can also safely submit your SAR 7
                                                                                                pay penalties and be disqualified from
online through YourBenefitsNow! You
can upload copies of pay stubs, bills, and 2. Rules for Families In Which                      CalWORKs for six months, twelve months,
                                                                                                or longer, depending on the seriousness
receipts, and get a receipt right after you     Only Children Get Money
                                                                                                of the fraud. You can also be arrested and
submit your report online.
                                                In some CalWORKs families, the children         face jail time.
 If you mail in your SAR-7, be sure to attach   are receiving money but the adults are not.
copies of pay stubs, bills and receipts         These are called "child only cases."If this
                                                is the case, you don't have to complete any
                                                                                           4. Cooperate with Child Support
to prove your information. It is wise to                                                        Collection
keep a copy of every piece of paper you         written mid-period/mid-year reports, such
give to DPSS. If the SAR-7 you turn in is       as the SAR 7, You will still have to fill a     Unless it could put you or your children in
incomplete, DPSS treats it as if it was not     written redetermination once a year. You        danger to do so, parents on cash aid must
turned in at all.                               may still have to complete reports every        help (“cooperate with”) the Child Support
                                                six months for CalFresh (food stamps.)          Agency (”CSA”) to collect child support
If you do not turn in a SAR-7 report by the                                                     from any absent parent. You must provide
eleventh day of the reporting month, you        The following are CalWORKs cases that           information you have about the other parent
will get a notice that your cash aid will       are considered "child only" cases:              such as name, an address or social security
stop. DPSS must also try to phone you to                                                        number, and/or place of employment.
let you know they don’t have the SAR-7.         • All adults that have reached the
                                                CalWORKs 48-month time limit;                   The County keeps most of the child support
If you get a notice that you are being          • The adult(s) is not eligible because of       it collects, up to the amount of the family’s
terminated (your aid stopped) for not           a fleeing felon status, or has been found       cash aid. You will get your CalWORKs grant
filling out a SAR-7, call your worker, go       by a court to be in violation of probation      plus an extra $50 per month for every month
to the DPSS immediately, and fill out a         or parole;                                      the other parent pays on time. Every quarter
new SAR-7 (or take in your receipt if you       • The adult(s) is not eligible for CalWORKs     the CSA should give you an accounting of
already submitted the SAR-7).                   due to immigration status;                      the child support they collected. Call (866)
                                                • The adult(s) is not eligible because of       901-3212 to ask for this information.
If you submit a complete SAR-7 within the       failure to provide a Social Security Number;    Parents will lose their share of cash aid if
month following the discontinuance, you         • The adult(s) is a CalWORKs non-needy          they refuse to sign over the child support
will not have to reapply but your eligibility   relative (did not request CalWORKs              to the county.
and benefits will be determined by the date     assistance);
you turn in a complete SAR-7 unless you         • The adult(s) is receiving Supplemental        If you sign over your child support, but
had a good reason (good cause).                 Security Income; or                             the Child Support Agency says you are not
                                                • The adult(s) is CalWORKs sanctioned           cooperating with them, your family’s aid
If you can show “good cause” your cash          due to refusal to assign child/spousal          can be cut 25%.
benefits will be restored back to the           support rights.
beginning of the month. Good cause for                                                          Many people have good cause for not
turning the SAR-7 in late includes:             If there is no adult receiving money            cooperating. Good cause includes:
• errors by DPSS,                               because he/she chooses not to participate       • You don’t know where the absent parent
• a physical or mental condition that           in welfare-to-work requirements, the case           is, or have no other information about
     prevented you from being on time,          is not a "child only" case.                         the other parent
• or not being able to provide all the                                                          • You are afraid of the absent parent, you
     necessary information.                     There are some things that need to be               or your children may be in danger, or
                                                reported to the county for child only cases:        you are a victim of domestic violence.
If you haven’t been able to work it out or      • When income exceeds the Income                • Rape or incest has occurred
haven’t heard from your worker, be sure to      Reporting Threshold (IRT)                       • You are planning to place the child for
file for a fair hearing before the date your    • Address changes                                   adoption.
check is supposed to stop. This way you         • Fleeing felon status
will not lose your cash aid (see pg. 65).       • Violation of conditions of parole             If your worker at DPSS agrees that you have
                                                • Changes in family composition                 good cause, you will not have your cash aid
When you first apply, the amount of cash                                                        cut. If you get a notice in writing that you are
aid you get depends on how much your                                                            “not cooperating” and you think you have
other income is at that time. What you
report on your application will be used
                                           3. Report All Your Income And Gifts                 a good reason not to, and cannot resolve
                                                                                                the issue by talking with your worker, ask
to determine what you get the next few          You should be careful to report all income      for a fair hearing. (See Page 65 Hearings
months until your first SAR-7 is turned in.     you get or changes in your family. DPSS         And Complaints.)
If your income goes down, report it right       will check bank, employer, and tax records
away, so your cash aid will go up. You          to check your income, and accepts tips of
can do this by calling your worker. DPSS        suspected “welfare fraud” from the public.
may ask you for proof that it has dropped.

                                                      The People's Guide 2018                                                                      7
  5. Get Immunizations (“Shots”)                   The GAIN program is a work-first program
                                                    that provides employment-related services
                                                                                               1. Weekly Participation Hours
                                                                                                    Currently, the hours of participation are
   For Your Children                                to help you find employment, stay               as follows:
                                                    employed, and move to higher paying
   When you apply for CalWORKs or at your           jobs which lead to self-sufficiency and          #of Adults          Average Weekly Hours
   annual redetermination, you must show            independence.                                    in Family           of Participation
   proof that your children under age 6 have
   had their shots. You have 30 days from           There is a WtW 24-Month Time Clock               Single-adult
   the approval of your Medi-Cal, if applying       (within the CalWORKs 48-month time               with a child
   for CalWORKs and Medi-Cal; or 45 days            limit). The WtW 24-Month gives you more          under 6 years old............ 20
   from the approval of CalWORKs and already        flexibility in activity options and requires     Single-adult
   receiving Medi-Cal benefits.                     fewer participation hours for single-adult       with no children
   If you do not prove your children are            families.                                        under 6 years old............ 30
   immunized and do not have good cause (for                                                         Two-parent families
   example, lack of access, you are a victim        During this 24 month period you can              (hours may be
   of domestic abuse, or a sworn statement          participate in several activities to keep        combined between
   that immunization is against your religious      getting cash aid including:                      both parents).................. 35
   or other beliefs), all cash aid to adults will   • subsidized or unsubsidized employment
   be cut off until you provide the proof. You      • education and/or training
   can call 211 to find free shots.                 • mental health, substance abuse, and/
                                                    or domestic abuse services.
                                                                                                     Getting Excused from GAIN
                                                                                                            or “Good Cause”)
6.Children Age 16 to 19 Must                       Your county office will send you a notice       You may be eligible to be exempt from
   Attend School or Participate in                  before you reach the end of your WtW            GAIN or REP if you are:
   Welfare-to-Work                                  24-Month Time Clock. They will also send        • A youth under 16 years old
                                                    you an appointment to review your WtW           • A youth from 16 to 18 in school full time
   If your child is over 16 and not attending       24-Month Time Clock with you. After you         • Caring for a first child under 12 months
   school (reported as "chronic truant" by          use up all your months from your WtW                old, or any later child under 6 months
   the School Attendance Review Board),             24-Month Time Clock, they will provide              old
   or is not participating in welfare to work       you with a shorter list of activities to        • Pregnant, and have medical verification
   activities without good cause, only that         choose from, and instructions on what you           that being pregnant harms your ability
   child’s cash aid will be cut. The cash grant     will need to do next in order to continue           to participate or work
   will be restored when proof is provided to       receiving the same level of cash aid.The        • Pregnant, and DPSS decides that work
   DPSS that the child is attending school          shorter list may include employment,                or training is not the right thing to
   regularly or has good cause.                     work experience, and community service.             do based on the medical verification
                                                    Vocational education and training may also      • A full time volunteer in the Volunteer
                                                    be allowed for up to one year after your            in Service to America (VISTA)
           Work Requirements                        WTW 24-Month Time Clock ends.                       program.
                                                                                                    Any months exempted for the following
                                                    The months on your WtW 24 Month Time            reasons do not count against the 48 month
                                                    Clock may not be months that come in            CalWORKs time clock:
   As a CalWORKs recipient, you are required
                                                    a row, but months added up over all the         • Disabled due to a physical or mental
   to participate in “Welfare-to-Work” (WtW)
                                                    time you are getting aid. Months in which           reason for 30 days or more
   activities in order to stay on cash aid.
                                                    the families meet the federal participation     • 60 years or older
   Participation in WtW is mandatory for all
                                                    requirements do not count towards the           • Taking care of an ill or disabled
   CalWORKs participants unless you are
                                                    WTW 24-Month Time Clock.                            household member, only if DPSS
   exempt or have a “good cause” for non-
                                                                                                        agrees that this prevents you from
                                                    Once your WTW 24-Month Time Clock                   participating in the program or
   • Exemptions and “good cause” require
                                                    ends, if you do not meet your new                   working.
        documentation, verification, and
                                                    participation requirements, your cash aid       • Non-parent relative, or caretaker of a
        approval of the WtW case manager.
                                                    may be lowered and it may affect your               child who is a dependent, or a ward
   • Exempt participants may volunteer to
                                                    supportive services.                                of the court, or at risk of being placed
        participate in WtW activities.
                                                                                                        in foster care. DPSS must agree that
   The WtW programs in Los Angeles County
                                                    Your WTW 24-Month Time Clock Stops When:            this harms your ability to participate
   are called GAIN (“Greater Avenues for
                                                    • You are in appraisal, job search,                 or work.
   Independence”) and REP (Refugee
                                                    assessment, or in the process of developing     • One time only, you can use the
   Employment Program).If you have been in
                                                    a new WTW plan.                                     exemption of caring for a child from
   the U.S. less than 5 years and have legal
                                                    • You are meeting the required number               newborn to 23 months old.
   immigrant status as a refugee or granted
   asylum, you are assigned to the Refugee          of participation hours in certain activities.
                                                    • You are in Cal-Learn.                         If you do not qualify for an exemption, you
   Employment Program (“REP”).
                                                    • You are exempt from participating.            may have good cause that excuses you from
                                                    • You have a "good cause" reason for at         doing something GAIN asks you to do. The
                                                    least half the month.                           48-month time limit is not stopped by
                                                    • You are sanctioned.                           good cause (see section on next page on
                                                                                                    domestic violence for exceptions).

       8                                                      The People's Guide 2018
   Good cause includes:                           volunteer or are currently attending school,
                                                  you might be eligible to get work-related        To request Ancillary/Work-Related Expenses
   • Not getting supportive services you need                                                      you must provide written verification from
       (such as child care and transportation)    and transportation services.
                                                                                                   your provider or employer. If written
       to work or go to a GAIN or REP activity                                                     verification is not available, your worker
   • Child sick at home from school               Services you may be eligible for are:
                                                  • Child care (see pg. 20)                        can assist by contacting the provider/
   • No transportation (for example your car                                                       employer, with your authorization, to obtain
       broke down)                                • Transportation: includes bus fare,
                                                      mileage payment, and payment for             verification.
   • You are homeless
                                                      alternative methods of transportation
                                                      such as shuttle, vanpool, carpool,           You must provide receipts within 10 days
   Domestic Violence Waiver:                                                                       from the date the payment was issued.
   DPSS can waive some of the CalWORKs                MetroLink, and taxi.
   rules for victims of domestic violence.                                                         Domestic Violence Counseling and Protection:
   For example they can stop the 48 month         How transportation funds are determined:
                                                  To find out the right mode of transportation,    Survivors of domestic violence can get
   time clock, excuse you from going to                                                            special help through programs including
   GAIN, or stop child support collections.       your GAIN/REP worker must determine the
                                                  lowest cost to the county, while finding the     emergency housing and safety planning,
   The domestic violence incident can be                                                           counseling, parenting classes, and legal
   something that happened in the past or         best combination of transportation modes
                                                  that will keep the round trip travel time less   services that provide help with restraining
   in the present.                                                                                 orders and divorces. You do not need
                                                  than two hours using public transportation.
                                                  If it takes you more than two hours round        a police report or other documents.
   Exempt people can volunteer and get help.                                                       Your sworn statement is enough proof.
   You do not have to participate in GAIN or      trip by public transportation to travel from
                                                  your home to your WtW activity, including        Everything you tell the DPSS eligibility
   REP if you are excused or exempt. But you                                                       worker or GAIN worker will be kept secret
   may volunteer to participate. As an exempt     walking time, then DPSS can pay you
                                                  mileage. The current rate is .51¢ a mile for     to the extent of the law.
   volunteer, you do not have to do the full 20
   hours each week, but you are subject to        the first 500 miles per month, and 15¢ per
                                                  mile for mileage over 500 miles per month.       Mental Health Services: You should receive a
   other requirements of GAIN participants.                                                        mental health screening during orientation.
   You can do as many or as few hours as          The mileage rate, however, can change
   you are able. DPSS must also pay you for       from time to time. Parking expenses can
                                                  be reimbursed when the parking expense            Also, a DPSS worker can suggest to you
   services, like child care and money for                                                         that you go to a mental health evaluation
   transportation, tools, and books.              is necessary to allow you to attend a WtW
                                                  activity and/or employment.                      if they think you have a mental health
                                                                                                   barrier to finding or keeping a job. You
3. Learning Disabilities                         Transportation for Children:                     can also ask for a mental health evaluation
                                                                                                   anytime by calling your eligibility worker
                                                  Transportation for children under 13 years
   All GAIN participants must be offered a        of age is provided when it is necessary          or GAIN worker.
   learning disability (LD) screening. You can    and will help the participant continue in
   say you do not want the LD screening,          their WtW activity, and/or obtain or retain      After the evaluation, you can be referred
   but if you change your mind, you can ask       employment even if they are not being            to a mental health provider for treatment.
   for LD screening and evaluation anytime.       aided but remain in the household.               The GAIN worker must develop your
   If the evaluation shows you have a learning                                                     welfare-to-work plan based on what your
   disability, your welfare-to-work plan must     A child over 13 years of age is eligible when:   treatment provider recommends.
   have activities that help you deal with        • The parents are receiving specialized
   your learning disability, such as tutoring     supportive services (mental health,              You have the right to refuse any mental
   or extra study time. DPSS must decide          domestic violence, substance use disorder)       health treatment, but if you do, you can’t
   whether job search will be useful for you,     • A child is not able to provide self-care.      use mental health problems as a reason to
   or if your time limits should be extended.                                                      not work or not participate in GAIN or REP.
                                                  Ancillary Supportive Services include help
   If you have already been to assessment,        to pay for tools, books, supplies, fees,         Substance Use Disorder Services: You can
   went through GAIN or REP and failed to         clothing, uniforms, car seat/booster, tattoo     ask for help with substance use disorder
   make satisfactory progress, you may have       removal services, and other necessary costs      treatment at any time by calling your
   the clock stopped on your time limits and      specifically required to participate in an       eligibility worker or GAIN worker. If you find
   changes must be made in your plan with         approved WtW activity or to accept a job         it difficult to obtain or keep a job because
   special help offered to you.                   or keep a job.                                   of problems with alcohol or drugs, the
                                                                                                   DPSS worker can refer you to a substance
                                                  In addition, Ancillary Supportive Services       use disorder clinical assessment. You
       Services To Help You                       are extended to participants who need            may receive help through residential or
                                                  reasonable accommodations due to a               day treatment: individual, group or family
                                                  disability which limits their ability to         counseling; rehabilitation services: and
                                                  participate In his/her approved WtW activity     health care information and referrals. You
   In addition to cash aid you get from                                                            can continue getting these services as part
                                                  and/or employment.
   CalWORKs, if you participate in GAIN or                                                         of your Welfare-to-Work requirements while
   REP, you can get help with transportation                                                       receiving cash aid.
                                                  Tuition and school fees in the nature
   and work-related expenses both before
                                                  of tuition are not considered ancillary
   and after you reach the CalWORKs
   48-month time limit. If you are excused
   from participating in GAIN but wish to
                                                        The People's Guide 2018                                                                     9
   You can go to a substance use disorder
   treatment program as the welfare to work
                                                   job search if:
                                                   • It would interfere with a full time job or
                                                                                                 Make Job Training Part of Your
                                                                                                        to Work Plan
                                                        approved training you already have, or
   activity. You have the right to refuse any
                                                   • You are in the Cal-Learn program or
   substance use disorder treatment program
                                                   • Doing a job search would not help you        You can request that your Employment Plan
   as the welfare-to-work activity; however,
                                                        (example-you need basic English or        includes any work experience or job skills
   if you do not go to a treatment program,
                                                        literacy training first)                  training offered by DPSS or other private
   you cannot use substance use disorder as
                                                   • You are exempt but are requesting to         or public agencies. You can request the
   a reason to not work or not participate in
                                                        participate as an exempt volunteer        Transitional Subsidized Employment (TSE)
   GAIN or REP.
                                                                                                  program if you are interested in working.
   Homeless Assistance, Moving Assistance,
   Rental Assistance, and Housing Relocation:
                                              3. Assessment                                      There are TSE services available even if
                                                                                                  you are homeless. In the TSE Program you
                                                   When unsubsidized employment is                are paid county minimum wage to work
   see pages 12 and 13.
                                                   not found within the first three weeks         at a non-profit agency (called Paid Work
                                                                                                  Experience) or you receive On-the-Job
             GAIN and REP                          of Job Club you will attend Vocational
                                                   Assessment at mid-week of the fourth           Training at a for-profit business.DPSS, the
                                                   week. A Vocational Assessment will             community colleges, and adult schools may
               Activities                          help identify your interests and strengths     also offer special job training programs for
                                                   as well as determine if you have any           people with limited English-speaking skills.

1. Appraisal                                      barriers to finding and/or keeping
                                                   employment. This information will help the     If earnings from the TSE Program cause
   Soon after you apply for CalWORKs, you          Vocational Assessor develop a personalized     your cash aid case to be stopped because
   will receive an appointment letter to go        Employment Plan.                               you make too much money, you may be
   to an Appraisal appointment. This will                                                         eligible to remain in the TSE program for
   most likely take longer than one hour. The      Your personalized Employment Plan              the remainder of the activity to continue to
   Online CalWORKs appraisal tool (OCAT)           will identify the training, subsidized         earn wages even if your CalWORKs case is
   will also be conducted at this time if it       employment, on-the-job training, and other     closed. You may also be eligible to continue
   has never been completed. You will meet         welfare-to-work activities needed to reach     to recieve trnasportation and child care
   with your GAIN or REP worker in a one-          your employment goal.                          services. If you voluntarily request to close
   on-one meeting where you will talk to your                                                     your CalWORKs case or you fail to provide
   worker about your work and educational          Stand Alone Assessment: Stand Alone            information on your CalWORKs case as
   history and what kind of services you need      Assessment is for participants who,            requested by your CalWORKs office, you
   to get back to work. If you have problems       during their appraisal interview or after      become ineligible to continue with the
   due to mental health, substance abuse,          Job Club are:                                  TSE Program and will be removed from
   or domestic violence, tell your worker at                                                      the activity immediately.
   this time so that you can get services          • Employed full or part time

   Tell your worker if you are already enrolled
                                                   • In a Self Initiated Program (SIP) and
                                                   need a second activity                    6.Employment
                                                                                                  If You Don’t Agree On The
                                                                                                            or your WtW Plan
                                                   • In need of a clinical assessment: or
   in an education or training program. It         • Post Employment Career Assessment
   might qualify as what they call a Self-         for participants who are working 20/30/35      If you and the assessor can’t agree on
   Initiated Program. This will let you do the     hours or more per week and request Post-       the employment plan, you can request
   education and training as your welfare-to-      Employment Services.                           an independent “third party assessment”
   work activity instead of going through Job                                                     by another agency. DPSS must let you
                                                                                                  know about the third party assessor when
   Club and the rest of the GAIN process.
                                                   Your Welfare to Work Plan and                  you disagree and must help you with the

2. Job Club & Job Search                                                                         request. You and DPSS will be bound by
                                                                                                  what this independent assessor decides.
                                                   After the assessment you will meet with        If you disagree with the result of the third
   The first day of Job Club is called
                                                   your Worker, to sign a “welfare to work”       party assessment, you may request a fair
   Orientation. You will get an overview of the
                                                   plan in which you agree to go to welfare to    hearing (see pg.65).
   GAIN progam and help in recognizing the
                                                   work activities. The plan must be based on
   skills you have that will help you get a job.
                                                   the assessment of your needs and skills.       If you still think your welfare to work
                                                   Your plan can include:                         plan will not work for you, you have these
   The first four weeks of GAIN are spent
                                                   • Counseling                                   options:
   in Job Club and Job Search. Everyone
                                                   • education and training at adult schools      • Ask for a change within the first three
   will participate in Job Search unless the
                                                   or community colleges,                              days from the date you signed the plan.
   welfare department determines that you
                                                   Subsidized employment                          • If you have already begun an activity,
   need to first be referred for help with
                                                   • ESL,math or GED classes,                          you have 30 days to request a change
   mental health, substance use disorder,
                                                   • or other work activities that will help           to another activity. Your worker must
   domestic violence, high school diploma,
                                                   you reach your employment goal.                     grant your request if the other activity
   or if for another reason you are exempt
                                                   All WtW participants are required to sign           is consistent with your plan and likely
   from Job Search. You are also exempt if
                                                   a Welfare-to-Work Plan, including those             to lead to employment. You can
   you completed Job Club/Job Search in
                                                   who are employed full-time.                         request for this grace period only once.
   the last 12 months. You don’t have to do

     10                                                      The People's Guide 2018
   7. Self-Initiated Programs (SIP)
    For Students
                                                     • Rapid re-employment services
                                                     • Mentoring                                      Clock Stoppers or Exemptions
                                                                                                      In a family with two aided parents, both
                                                     • Mental Health, Domestic Violence,
                                                        Substance Use Disorder                        adults must meet one of the clock stoppers
    Self-Initiated Programs (SIP) is a college                                                        listed here for the month not to count.
                                                     • PES continued case management
    or vocational program you chose and
                                                     • Referrals to homeless assistance
    began on your own before your first GAIN                                                          • Sanctioned or No Check—Any month you
                                                        programs and services
    appointment (appraisal). If on the date                                                           do not get a CalWORKs cash aid payment
    of your GAIN appraisal you have already                                                           for yourself including if you are sanctioned
                                                     To continue receiving PES, you will be
    enrolled in either an undergraduate degree                                                        that month, or you are caring for an aided
                                                     required to provide ongoing verification of
    or certificate program for school or training,                                                    child but not aided yourself
                                                     employment to your case manager.
    your education or training may count as                                                           • Any month that you have been granted
                                                     After CalWORKs case ends: GAIN/REP
    your GAIN activity. If you already have a                                                         an exemption from participation and the
                                                     participants who remain employed
    4-year college degree, you cannot do a                                                            cash aid time limit based on caring for
                                                     (20/30/35 hours per week) can continue
    SIP unless it is for a teaching credential.                                                       a child who is 0-23 months of age (This
                                                     receiving PES for up to 12 months from
                                                     the CalWORKs termination date. PES for           exemption is only available once).
    To continue in a SIP you must be making
                                                     former CalWORKs participants include
    satisfactory progress toward a degree or                                                          • Age 60 or over— Any month the parent
                                                     supportive services for the educational/
    certificate that leads to employment.                                                             or caretaker relative is 60 years or older.
                                                     training activity.
                                                                                                      . • Disabled—Any month you are sick,
    If your approved SIP is interrupted because                                                       disabled, or injured for 30 days or more
                                                     To get more information on PES, contact
    of a good reason, such as illness, you can                                                        and it interferes with going to work or GAIN.
                                                     your GAIN or REP case manager as soon
    go back to that program later, as long as you                                                     You may be required to provide a doctor’s
                                                     as you find employment. or you can call
    were in good standing when you left. If your                                                      report. This includes mental and physical
                                                     toll free (877) 292-4246.
    SIP activity weekly hours of participation                                                        illness.
    are less than the number of hours (for
                                                     Transitional CalFresh and Medi-Cal: You can
    example 20, 30 or 35) you are required                                                            • Domestic Violence—Any month you
                                                     continue to get Medi-Cal and CalFresh
    to participate, you will have to participate                                                      cannot participate in CalWORKs as a
                                                     (food stamps) when you leave CalWORKs,
    in other welfare to work activities to get                                                        result of domestic abuse. You do not have
                                                     without having to show that you are eligible
    to the total required number of weekly                                                            to currently be in an abuse situation. You
                                                     for CalFresh, again. You can get these
    participation hours.                                                                              also qualify if you are suffering from the
                                                     transitional CalFresh benefits for up to 5
                                                     months after leaving CalWORKs. If your           effects of past abuse and the effects limit
8. If You Are Working,What's Next?                  CalWORKs case did not close or was closed
                                                     due to an ineligible cause, you cannot get
                                                                                                      your ability to go to GAIN or work.. You only
                                                                                                      need to tell your worker [“self-declare”]
    Post-Employment Services (PES) is available      the transitional CalFresh benefits.              to qualify; no other proof, not even a
    to employed GAIN/REP participants with                                                            police report, is required. Your time will
    an open CalWORKs case during their                       Time Limit Rules                         be extended for as long as you continue
    entire CalWORKs 48-month eligibility                                                              to suffer from the effects of the abuse or
    if they are meeting the required hours           Most adults can only receive 48 months           are in danger of more violence.
    of participation of 20/30/35 hours per           (4 years) of cash aid from CalWORKs for          • Foster Child Placement or Risk of
    week. PES is also available to CalWORKs          their whole life. This does not have to be 48    Placement—Any month you are a non-
    terminated participants if employed the          months in a row. After the adult has been        parent relative taking care of a child who
    minimum participation requirements for           aided 48 months, their part of the grant         is a dependent ward of the court or “at
    their case (20/30/35 hours per week) for         is cut, but their children can still get aid.    risk of foster care placement” and that
    up to 12 months from their CalWORKs                                                               responsibility interfered with regular
    termination date.                                You should apply for an exemption to “stop       employment or participation in GAIN
                                                     the clock” for any months which should           activities. This can exempt, for example,
    PES will help you get information,               not have been counted in your 48 -month          a grandparent under age 60 who could
    resources, and tools you need to keep            limit, which include the reasons listed in       not both be regularly employed and care
    your job, improve career possibilities, and      the next column under "Clock Stoppers.".         for the child.
    become financially independent while             Your request should be in writing, but can
    earning a good living before reaching your       be verbal. If all aided adults or relative       • Caring For a    Sick Family Member—
    CalWORKs 48-month time limit.                    caregivers in the household permanently          Any month you     are caring for an ill or
                                                     fit into one of the groups listed, their clock   disabled person   living in the home and
    Types of services offered through PES:           should not run at all.                           that caretaking   interfered with regular
    • Career assessment                                                                               employment or      participation in GAIN
    • Job retention services                         DPSS has to send you a written decision          activities.
    • Educational development                        within 15 days of the request (unless
    • Job skills training                            something happens that is beyond DPSS            • Impairment--Not able to go to GAIN or
    • Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC)                control). If you disagree with the decision      employment because of an “impairment,”
        counseling                                   you may request a state fair hearing. DPSS       for example a learning disability or chronic
    • Life skills instruction                        is required to research your available           mental illness. You cannot have broken any
    • Supportive services for the education/         case records before asking you to provide        GAIN rules to qualify for this, or you must
        training or WtW activities (childcare,       information or documentation which they          show that you were in GAIN for either six
        transportation, and ancillary/work-          already have in the files.                       months straight or a total of six months
        related expenses)                                                                             over two years.
                                                           The People's Guide 2018                                                                    11
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