National Transformation in the Middle East - A Digital Journey - Deloitte

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National Transformation in the Middle East - A Digital Journey - Deloitte
National Transformation
in the Middle East
A Digital Journey
National Transformation in the Middle East - A Digital Journey - Deloitte
Digital Transformation is playing a            accessibility of resources for citizens, such
fundamental role in shaping the way            as e-learning content, event information,
governments across the world are               open government data and more.
adapting to new opportunities and              Governments are integrating services in
challenges. Competition, cost and budget       the form of mobile apps and one-stop-
pressures, shifting citizen demands,           shop e-service centers to create seamless
among other changes are sparking               customer journeys that encourage
governments all around the world to            paperless transactions and e-payment
implement innovative ICT capabilities          options for services. The digitalization
to drive their transformation to digital.      of content such as medical records,
Digitally mature countries like Estonia,       education curriculums and more is
South Korea and Singapore have realized        allowing for better operational efficiencies
the value of Digital Transformation and        across organizations. Finally, the rise of
have successfully progressed to deliver        autonomous cars is expected to ensure
delightful customer outcomes.                  the connectivity of people and networks
                                               across cities.
GCC countries are making the move to
build on international best practice and       The successful outcomes of these
leverage opportunities to transform into       programs will be driven by the rapid
Digital Government models. The National        adoption and well-planned execution of
Transformation in the Middle East: A           digital programs. They will be supported
Digital Journey, identifies six high impact    by technologies like artificial intelligence,
themes relevant to the Public Sector in the    robotics, cloud, Internet of Things, and
UAE, KSA, Qatar and Kuwait: Smart Cities,      virtual reality, and governed by digital
Smart Tourism, Next Generation Care,           program offices encompassing the cross
Classroom of the Future, Smart                 functional impacts. These transformations
Government and Future of Mobility.             are long-term and each stage of maturity
Across these themes, government                is driven by specific steps to be
strategies are emphasizing the role of         undertaken across the digital business,
digital in order to accelerate economic        digital operations and digital customer
diversification, promote sustainability and    horizons. Building maturity across these
enhance citizen satisfaction levels by         domains is the way forward for the Public
implementing exponential technologies.         Sector to deliver sustainable public service
                                               growth aligned to the 4th industrial
Smart solutions have emerged as a result       revolution.
of these efforts to incorporate digital into
initiatives across each key digital theme.
For example, national platforms have
been successfully developed as a means
of sharing information and enhancing

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National Transformation in the Middle East - A Digital Journey - Deloitte
Deloitte | National Transformation in the Middle East | A Digital Journey


Forewords                                                                          01

1. Digital Transformation in the Public Sector                                     04

2. Digital at the heart of GCC transformation                                      14

3. The GCC on the Digital Transformation journey                                   60

4. Implementing Digital Transformation                                             68

5. Public Service in its broader ecosystem                                         76

6. Implications for Government and Industry                                        82

Appendix                                                                           83

Glossary                                                                           87

Endnotes                                                                           89
National Transformation in the Middle East - A Digital Journey - Deloitte
Deloitte | National Transformation in the Middle East | A Digital Journey

Foreword: Deloitte
                                                    Over the past decade, countries across          Deloitte has developed in collaboration
                                                    the world and in the Middle East have           with Huawei to examine the role of Digital
                                                    witnessed some of the most seismic shifts       Transformation and Digital Government in
                                                    in their economies, societies and               the Middle East.
                                                    environment. The financial crises
                                                    restricted access to capital for billions,      The paper analyses global and regional
                                                    rapid population and urbanization growth        Digital Transformation trends in the Public
                                                    has led to the birth of mega-cities and         Sector, and based on this, identifies six
                                                    more extreme weather conditions have            key high impact themes that are at the
                                                    scarcened essential power and water             top of policymaker agendas. Across
                                                    more than ever before.                          these themes, the study explores how
                                                                                                    governments in the Middle East are
                                                    At the same time, we have also seen             applying Digital Transformation today,
                                                    some of the greatest technological              where they are on their Digital
                                                    breakthroughs and advances ever made.           Transformation journey in relation to
                                                    Artificial intelligence, flying taxis and the   international best practices, uncovers
                                                    Internet of Things, once figments of our        key challenges they need to overcome
Emmanuel Durou                                      imagination, have now become a practical        as well as the opportunities they need to
Partner, Head of Middle East                        reality, unlocking new answers to key           capitalize on going forward. To support
TMT Industry                                        challenges, and new possibilities. Such         this journey, the paper recommends a
Deloitte & Touche (M.E.)                            advanced technologies have completely           Digital Transformation pathway regional
                                                    transformed the way we as citizens              governments can take to help them
                                                    interact, learn, move, live, work and earn.     succeed towards achieving their national
                                                    Entire industries from media, retail, and       transformation goals.
                                                    tourism to finance have become
                                                    disrupted, and the Public Sector now is         We are pleased and honoured to have
                                                    also at the helm of a major Digital             worked alongside Huawei on this new
                                                    Transformation.                                 study, a leading ICT player in the region
                                                                                                    and we thank them for their vision,
                                                    Countries need to be at the forefront of        expertise and support. We also express
                                                    these changes to address the global and         our gratitude to the government entities
                                                    national challenges they face. Recognizing      across the region that provided their
                                                    this, governments the world-over are now        invaluable insights in support of this
                                                    harnessing new exponential technologies         paper.
                                                    and embarking on their own Digital
                                                    Transformation journeys, some more              While the study is based on Deloitte and
                                                    advanced than others.                           Huawei research, international Digital
                                                                                                    Government surveys, interviews with
                                                    To this end, governments across the             regional governments and subject matter
                                                    Middle East have launched ambitious             experts, we do not however presume ours
                                                    national transformation plans with a            is the last word on any given topic: our
                                                    major focus on enabling ICT and Digital         intent is to catalyze discussions and
                                                    Transformation technologies, to address         positive developments in the area in the
                                                    their own economic, social and                  best interest of regional governments,
                                                    environmental challenges. As such, the          businesses and civil society alike.
                                                    new era of national transformation, is a
                                                    journey that we believe is truly digital.
                                                    From this perspective, we welcome you to
                                                    “National Transformation in the Middle
                                                    East – A Digital Journey”, a whitepaper         Emmanuel Durou

National Transformation in the Middle East - A Digital Journey - Deloitte
Deloitte | National Transformation in the Middle East | A Digital Journey

Foreword: Huawei
                                      Digital is having a profound impact across        Digital Transformation, harnessing and
                                      the world’s economies, societies and              integrating digital technologies to develop
                                      future sustainability. The rapid                  smarter cities and become smarter
                                      proliferation and adoption across the             nations, a key outcome of their national
                                      world of the internet, including                  visions.
                                      broadband, mobile and digital
                                      technologies such as social media,                Huawei is focusing on helping the Middle
                                      smartphone devices, big data, cloud and           East region accelerate its National ICT
                                      the Internet of Things has given rise to a        transformation plans from vision to reality
                                      new era of hyper connectivity: the growing        through our broad ICT platform
                                      interconnectedness of people,                     capabilities of Cloud, Pipe and Device plus
                                      organizations, and machines.                      a rich ecosystem of global and regional
                                                                                        solution partners.
                                      This increasing digitalization is enabling
                                      the growth of a new Digital Economy, the          To help key stakeholders understand how
                                      economic activity that results from billions      Digital Transformation can enable success
                                      of everyday online connections among              in achieving national goals and the
Safder Nazir                          people, businesses, devices, data and             potential impact it can have, we partnered
Vice President, Digital Industries,   processes. It has completely transformed          with Deloitte in the development of this
Strategy & Marketing                  our urban transportation, social and              whitepaper, leveraging on their expertise
Huawei Technologies - Middle East     government interactions, our learning and         in Digital Transformation, Digital
                                      health experiences, the work we do and            Government and experience working with
                                      the way we live. Mobile is now our first          Middle East governments on their national
                                      screen, digital is now the primary channel,       transformation journeys. We thank
                                      data is the new currency and automation           Deloitte for their invaluable thought
                                      is our key to unlocking new efficiencies          leadership and the regional government
                                      and productivity.                                 entities that have provided their key
                                                                                        insights in support of this paper.
                                      With the disruption of every major
                                      economic sector ranging from e-                   We invite you to explore with us the
                                      commerce in retail, on-demand                     “National Transformation in the Middle
                                      entertainment, travel and hospitality to          East: A Digital Journey”, a paper which
                                      the advent of FinTech in banking and              assesses the trends and benefits of Digital
                                      insurance, digital technologies also              Transformation for the Public Sector and
                                      represent an unprecedented opportunity            the role of New ICT as a key enabler for
                                      for the Public Sector to reinvent itself. As      Digital Transformation. Middle Eastern
                                      such, governments are now digitally               governments are on their Digital
                                      transforming the way they interact with           Transformation journeys, learning from
                                      citizens, deliver public services and tackle      successful digital use cases can help
                                      their greatest national challenges.               them to accelerate the realization of
                                                                                        their national goals to become more
                                      Middle East governments, in response to           competitive, world leading smart nations.
                                      oil price pressures, rapid population
                                      growth, urbanization and rising citizen
                                      demands have also embarked on massive
                                      national transformation plans of their
                                      own. All of these plans are explicit about        Safder Nazir

National Transformation in the Middle East - A Digital Journey - Deloitte
National Transformation in the Middle East - A Digital Journey - Deloitte
1. Digital Transformation
in the Public Sector
National Transformation in the Middle East - A Digital Journey - Deloitte
Deloitte | National Transformation in the Middle East | A Digital Journey

1. Digital Transformation
in the Public Sector
The future of governments –
                                                    Demographic changes, new societal
                                                    behaviours and technological
Demographic changes, new societal

                                                    breakthroughs are amongst the key
behaviors and technological
breakthroughs are amongst the key

                                                    drivers transforming the Public Sector.
drivers transforming the Public Sector. By
2020, 60 percent of the global population

                                                    Governments will need to be at the
will be living in an urban area. New
innovative transport modes will be

                                                    forefront of these changes.
deployed, such as autonomous vehicles
and drones flying over cities1.
Governments will transform from a state
of reactivity to proactivity in a variety of
aspects ranging from policy decisions to
emergency responses. Two billion people             The role of digital and ICT in Public         experience. For example, by using mobile
without financial services will gradually           Sector transformation                         applications, individuals can create
enter the banking system, and education             Whilst the drivers of Public Sector           “service orders” to repair public
will become more inclusive pushing for no           disruption are manifold, for the purpose      infrastructure.
child to be left behind in a world where            of this paper, it was chosen to place a
illiteracy costs the global economy US$1.2          particular emphasis on digital                In the future, these trends will increase
trillion per year2.                                 technologies and their role in government     exponentially as governments will be able
                                                    transformation. Digital technologies          to allocate funds in more efficient ways.
Governments will need to be at the                  represent an unprecedented opportunity        Using Internet of Things (IoT) to collect
forefront of these changes. As part of a            for the Public Sector to reinvent itself,     and aggregate data through connected
recent global report, “Gov2020: A Journey           especially considering the convergence        devices with sensors can collate mass
into the Future of Government”3, Deloitte           of four prominent technologies: social        amounts of information and predict the
identified 204 Public Sector trends                 applications, mobile technologies, big data   occurrence of events. Predictive modeling
including 37 cross-sector and 167 specific          analytics and cloud infrastructure. These     will become more prevalent and data will
sectorial trends which will shape the               technologies represent a combined global      be processed into valuable information to
future of the Public Sector in the coming           market of approximately US$1.2 trillion in    increase the accuracy of Public Sector
years. Each of these trends will have the           20174. Furthermore, this market will          decisions. Smart services based on
potential to reshape Public Sector                  witness a double digit compound annual        remote devices connected to a mobile
operating models with the aim to improve            growth rate (CAGR) over the next few          network will enable governments to
service delivery experience, foster the             years.                                        enhance personal safety, sustainability,
economy, enhance citizen well-being and                                                           health, wellness and sanitation. Finally,
become more cost effective. Many of the             Governments can now use cloud based           with regard to Smart Cities, the world is on
analyses and outcomes contained within              environments to enable new public-            the brink of a new wave of disruption
the report have been used as a stepping             private partnerships for the provision of     considering that opportunities in this
stone for this paper where future                   public services. Already, many government     domain are still largely unexplored and
government shifts will be analyzed                  services are being made available through     have the potential to transform the way
through the lens of Digital Transformation.         mobile, enhancing service delivery            cities operate.

Deloitte | National Transformation in the Middle East | A Digital Journey

Figure 1: Selected impact on ICT economies
                                                                                                           Digital technologies
              Economy                                                                                      represent an
                                                    Society                       Sustainability

                                                                                                           opportunity for the Public
                                                                                                           Sector to reinvent itself.
+1.0%                  -1.0%                      -10%                             26bn                    The convergence of four
 Growth in GDP,     Lower unemployment          Death toll from road             Tons of net avoided
                                                                                                           prominent technologies:
                                                                                                           social applications,
 resulting from     rate recorded by cities      accidents by using              CO2 emissions from
every 20 percent   that invest in smart grid   usage based insurance               2016 to 2025 by

                                                                                                           mobile technologies, big
   increase in          technology and         coupled with assisted               launching digital
 ICT investment          infrastructure         driving technologies                  initiatives

Source: World Economic Forum5
                                                                                                           data analytics and cloud
Digital maturity in the Public Sector             Figure 2: Biggest drivers of Digital                     infrastructure represent a
                                                                                                           combined global market
As pointed out earlier, Public Sector

                                                                                                           of approximately US$1.2
entities across the world are embarking on        Question: What is the biggest driver of Digital
a Digital Transformation journey to help          Transformation?
overcome the many critical challenges
                                                                                                           trillion in 2017.
they face. According to interviews                                          5%
conducted with over 1,200 government

entities worldwide, Deloitte identified the                                                     38%

main drivers of Digital Transformation in

the Public Sector shown in the figure on
the right6.

According to interviews
conducted with over
1,200 government
entities worldwide,
Deloitte identified 3 main

drivers of Digital
                                                      Cost and budget             Customer/citizen

Transformation in the
                                                      pressures                   demands

Public Sector: cost and
                                                      Federal government          Others

budget pressures,
                                                      Digital maturity of
                                                      other agencies

customer/citizen                                  Source: Deloitte Global Digital Government
                                                  Transformation Survey, “The Journey to

demands and federal                               Government’s Digital Transformation 2015”,
                                                  Deloitte University Press (DUP)

government directives.

Deloitte | National Transformation in the Middle East | A Digital Journey

Many industries have experienced the                Figure 3: Public Sector benefits from the lessons learnt in “Industry 4.0”
impact of digital disruption before the
Public Sector. This advent of digital
technology is revamping the way of doing

business across industries, at different
                                                                                                                            Lessons learnt

paces and impacts. A comparison across
                                                                                    45                                                                 Long fuse, big bang sectors

industries based on digital impact and
                                                                                                        ICT & media

timing is presented in figure 37.
                                                                                    40   trade                                Finance
                                                                                                                                                                                         Transport &

Figure 3 outlines the main industry groups
                                                                                    35                                                                                                   post
                                                    Impact (% change in business)

                                                                                                                   Professional services                                        Health

that have been impacted at different
times and different levels of disruption by
                                                                                    30                                                                Agriculture                     Recruitment &
                                                                                                  Arts and

digital. Interestingly, Public Sector related
                                                                                    25                                                                          Government

entities (grouped with “long fuse, big bang
                                                                                                                              Real estate

industries”) are being severely disrupted                                           20

now by digital, but this impact has been

felt years after other sectors have, such as

ICT and media for instance. The

opportunity for the Public Sector is to
                                                                                    10       Accommodation &                                  Wholesale trade

learn from the experiences of the “short
                                                                                             food services

fuse, big bang industries” to best adapt to
                                                                                     5                                                                              Manufacturing

digital.                                                                             0

From a Public Sector
perspective, the relative
                                                                                         0                       1                      2             3                 4                5

                                                                                                                                            Timing (years)

absence of competition
                                                                                         Public Sector related industries

has delayed the                                     With globalization, countries are                                                               In developed countries, Digital

decision to undergo
                                                    increasingly competing against each other                                                       Transformation serves primarily as a way
                                                    for talent, foreign investment and                                                              to reduce budget pressure while
comprehensive                                       development. Ensuring that their digital                                                        enhancing customer experience. Certain

transformation exercises
                                                    infrastructure is in place has become a                                                         emerging markets (i.e. South Korea, UAE,
                                                    major competitveness differentiator as                                                          Singapore, Estonia) have successfully been

up until the “status-quo”                           reflected in a number of international
                                                    competitiveness indices. This, in turn, has
                                                                                                                                                    able to achieve great progress in their
                                                                                                                                                    digital initiatives. One of the factors that
became unsustainable.                               pushed countries both regionally and                                                            has helped these emerging countries to

However, in this day and
                                                    internationally to put in place national                                                        move quickly in their transformation is the
                                                    strategies to enhance smart government                                                          absence of legacy technological
age, transitioning to                               performance.                                                                                    infrastructure as compared to more

digital is no longer
                                                                                                                                                    developed countries.


Deloitte | National Transformation in the Middle East | A Digital Journey

How to assess the digital maturity              Figure 4: Deloitte’s Digital Maturity Assessment Framework
of a sector
As indicated above, while technology is an
intigral part of a Digital Transformation, it
requires a 360 degree operating model
change. Digital Transformation is primarily
about strategy supported by technology.
It requires a focus on developing needed                                                   STRATEGY

capabilities such as skills, culture and

As shown in the model on the right, digital
maturity should be viewed through the
                                                                OPERATIONS                                         CITIZENS

lens of five key pillars which form the core
components of Deloitte’s Digital Maturity
Assessment Framework.

These five pillars can support Public
Sector entities in order to answer the
                                                                        CULTURE, PEOPLE,

following questions and assess their digital

• Do you have the right vision and strategy
  for digital, and the leadership,
  communications and focus required to          • Do you have the right technologies and
  support this vision?                            infrastructure as well as the ability to
• Do you have the right people, talent,           develop, manage and deliver?
  skills and knowledge to support your          • Do you have the right approach to
  vision, products, and services?                 understanding and communicating with
• Do you have the right processes,                your customers to succeed in a digital
  controls and digital technologies to            environment?
  support the operations of the

Digital Transformation is primarily about
strategy supported by technology. It
requires a focus on developing needed
capabilities such as skills, culture and

Deloitte | National Transformation in the Middle East | A Digital Journey

Global challenges in the digitalization             Budget and capability constraints                remain unwilling to transition to newer
of the Public Sector                                Budget constraints restrict organizations        digital channels.
Despite the pressure to change, Public              from investing in the right resources to
Sector organizations are facing challenges          transform their operating models (i.e.           Privacy and security
in embarking on this journey. As per                investing in new technology systems,             Governments regularly deal with sensitive
Deloitte’s Global Digital Government                hiring new talent etc). In this context,         data related to personal information such
Transformation Survey8, many                        many Public Sector entities struggle to          as passport numbers, driver licenses and
organizations recognize that they are               find the necessary budget to fund Digital        other classified information.
neither ready to respond to digital trends          Transformation initiatives, even though it
nor satisfied with the progress on the              can lead to substantial cost savings.            New avenues that are offered by
initiatives they are undertaking. According                                                          technologies such as cloud computing,
to government entities, the main                    As per Deloitte’s Global Digital                 analytics (i.e. big data and open data) in
challenges and barriers that are impeding           Government Survey, culture, workforce            terms of improvements are
the implementation of these solutions and           skills and leadership are areas that remain      counterbalanced by greater risks
programs can be categorized into the                a challenge for Public Sector                    regarding data protection and
following:                                          organizations. As such, internal capabilities    confidentiality. This can be seen by the
                                                    are a constraint that hinders the journey        number of security breach cases that have
         Policy bottlenecks and                     in transitioning to full digital maturity.       made the news in the last few years.
         bureaucratic inertia
                                                    Embarking on this journey requires hiring        Notwithstanding, with considerable
                                                    new talent and skills that were previously       improvements in terms of security and
         Budget and capability constraints          not available in-house and that are not          privacy protection, many governments
                                                    always readily accessible in the market.         remain reluctant to further open up their
                                                    Moreover, instilling a culture that is more      data.
                                                    innovation driven as opposed to
         Digital exclusion and divide

                                                    operational is a challenge that many Public      Transitioning government staff
                                                    Sector organizations have not yet                to new roles
                                                    resolved.                                        With regards to government service
         Privacy and security

                                                                                                     digitization, the primary stakeholders
         Transitioning government
                                                    Finally, the digital understanding and           affected are employees used to delivering
                                                    commitment of leadership are key in              manual tasks, but later require new types
         staff to new roles

                                                    developing a foundation that will drive          of skills. Too often, governments neglect to
Policy bottlenecks and                              strategy and its implementation. Despite         offer bespoke trainings to employees who
bureaucratic inertia                                this fact, too often, entities face situations   have transititioned to new roles and are
Public Sector entities need to keep up to           where leadership is not strong enough to         left without the required capabilities to
date with the rapidly evolving digital              drive these changes.                             properly manage the new position.
technologies and innovations, yet these
developments often involve drastic                  Digital exclusion and divide                     Value at stake
changes to their operating models. Given            Digital literacy is the awareness and ability    Digitizing government entities and their
the complexitiy of such changes, some               of people to use digital tools in their daily    services can bring about major
entities prefer to adopt a “status quo”             lives. Overall, digital accessibility has        improvements for governments, citizens
approach and delay the decision making              improved dramatically over recent years          and businesses alike, and in turn,
process.                                            thanks to new, more tech-savvy                   contribute to the competitiveness of a
                                                    generations and enhanced ICT content in          nation. According to Deloitte’s National ICT
Additionally, legislative and regulatory            school and university curriculums.               Index which measures a variety of ICT
bottlenecks generate longer periods of              Nevertheless, digital exclusion remains an       readiness factors (i.e. telecommunications
time and resources required before                  issue with a persistant lack of adoption of      infrastructure, ICT regulation, government
organizations can start implementing any            these technologies by certain population         ICT adoption and social ICT impact), the
initiatives.                                        categories. Individuals residing in rural        GCC has made significant progress in
                                                    areas remain secluded from basic                 recent years, but on average, lags behind
                                                    technologies such as high speed internet.        other developed economies in terms of
                                                    Moreover, older generations at times             Digital Government capabilities.

Deloitte | National Transformation in the Middle East | A Digital Journey

Figure 5: The National ICT Index
                                                                                                                                            84% 84%
                                                                                                                77% 78% 78%
                                                                                                    74% 75% 76%
                                                                                72% 72% 72% 73% 73%
                                                            67% 67% 68%
                                                                        70% 70%                                                                       62%
                                                64% 66% 66%                                                                                           GCC
                  47% 50% 51%


Note: see Appendix for methodology and for calculation of National ICT Index for Canada
Source: Deloitte research and analysis, based on various published national indices and indicators from World Economic Forum

The value at stake for governments can be              According to the National
                                                       ICT Index, the GCC has
measured in a number of ways that range
from a cost saving perspective to the lens
of creating value for citizens and
businesses with better service delivery.
                                                       made significant progress
                                                       in recent years, but on
                                                                                                                  Impact on the Economy
Such improvements include citizen                                                                                 Case study: business cost
                                                       average, lags behind
wellbeing (e.g. satisfaction with                                                                                 reduction in New Zealand
government services), or ease of doing
business (e.g. time to open a company).                other developed                                            The New Zealand Ministry of
                                                                                                                  Business, Innovation and
                                                       economies in terms of
There are three main areas (economy,
society and sustainability) where Digital                                                                         Employment has launched a new

                                                       Digital Government
Transformation of the Public Sector can                                                                           initiative to improve Public Sector
lead into tangible and quantifiable benefits                                                                      service delivery to business
that are illustrated based on case studies             capabilities.                                              customers with the ultimate goal
below:                                                                                                            of decreasing costs to businesses
                                                                                                                  (business cost to be reduced by
                                                                                                                  25 percent) when dealing with the
                                                                                                                  government and enhancing the
                                                                                                                  overall competitiveness of New
                                                                                                                  Zealand’s businesses.
      Impact on Society                                     Impact on Sustainability                              To achieve these goals, the
      Case study: combating                                 Case study: safety for                                ministry launched several
      foodborne illnesses in the USA                        emergency services in the USA                         initiatives:

      Chicago is using advanced                             In the wake of the 2014                               • Making tax simpler:
      analytics combined with big and                       Washington State Oso mudslide,                          Businesses will be able to
      open data to combat foodborne                         the public, private and                                 process their tax through
      illnesses. Using unstructured                         philanthropic sectors collaborated                      improved online services
      datasets including 311 complaint                      to fly drones with advanced
                                                                                                                  • Accelerator: An accelerator has
      calls, sanitation inspections, and                    sensors using reality computing. It
                                                                                                                    been launched where Public
      even weather help, health                             then developed and printed a 3D
                                                                                                                    Sector staff collaborate with the
      inspectors have been able to                          surface model over the disaster
                                                                                                                    private sector entrepreneurs,
      forecast violations and focus on                      zone. Consequently, drones were
                                                                                                                    developers and mentors to
      food establishments most likely                       able to map the entire area in
                                                                                                                    develop services with the goal of
      requiring attention. With this new                    seven hours, an activity that would
                                                                                                                    solving major pain points for
      approach driven by prevention                         have normally taken two to three
                                                                                                                    local businesses11.
      and anticipation, violations are                      days, and it kept responders safe
      now being discovered on an                            in the process10.
      average of seven days earlier9.

Deloitte | National Transformation in the Middle East | A Digital Journey

                     Figure 6: Multi-layered architecture to address Digital Transformation for Public Sector

                                                                                                                                                                                                        National Transformation Plans

                                                                                                                                              Industry & Government Digital Transformation
                                                                       Transport / Tourism

                             Economic Sectors




                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          National Transformation Platform
                                                                      Alternative Modes of Transport

                                                                                                                                                                           Patient Powered Healthcare
                                                                                                                                              Healthcare Data Revolution

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Intelligence & Surveillance
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Environmental Innovation
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Sustainable Consumption
                            Key Digital Trends

                                                                                                                                                                                                           Classroom of the Future

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Tomorrow’s Curriculum

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Rise of Robot & Drone
                                                                                                                       Next Generation Care

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Smart Data & Devices
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     School Systems 2.0

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Smart Government
                                                 Future of Mobility

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               IoT in Defense
                                                                                                       Smart Tourism

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Smart City
                     Note: trends are not exhaustive

                                                                                                                       The Public Sector’s key themes for                                                                                                                                                                                                 trends identified in the “Gov2020: A
                                                                                                                       Digital Transformation                                                                                                                                                                                                             Journey into the Future of Government”12
                                                                                                                       Digital has an impact across multiple                                                                                                                                                                                              report. Each trend was then derived by
                                                                                                                       layers and levels of any organization.                                                                                                                                                                                             looking at a broad range of sectors (i.e.
                                                                                                                       Identifying all the services that can be                                                                                                                                                                                           education, defense, transportation, energy
                                                                                                                       digitized is an exercise that goes beyond                                                                                                                                                                                          and environment, healthcare, law and
                                                                                                                       the scope of this document. For the sake                                                                                                                                                                                           justice) and was supported by the
                                                                                                                       of this paper, the large universe of trends                                                                                                                                                                                        following intrinsic drivers that affect the
                                                                                                                       that are shaping the Public Sector was                                                                                                                                                                                             Public Sector: digital and exponential
                                                                                                                       analyzed in order to screen key themes to                                                                                                                                                                                          technologies, economy, demography and
                                                                                                                       be assessed that are relevant for the GCC                                                                                                                                                                                          society.
                                                                                                                       market. This paper leveraged the 204

Deloitte | National Transformation in the Middle East | A Digital Journey

For the purpose of this paper, these                                 Figure 7: Methodology to screen the key digital themes
trends were grouped into key themes
which were then filtered in two phases to                                                Deloitte’s 204 cross-sector and sectorial trends
ultimately arrive at six of the most relevant
themes (as described in the figure on the

The first filter reflects the theme’s
relevance to digital and exponential                                                       Trends across sectors grouped by category
technologies. This dimension underpins
the importance of digital as an enabler for
governements and Public Sector entities
                                                                      Our methodology
                                                                                                          Filter - Digital Related Categories
in order to take on such opportunities.
Twenty one digital-driven trends were
identified which range from IoT in defense
                                                                                                            Key Public Sector digital
to smart cities, to the rise of robotics.

                                                                                                       Filter – Relevancy to the Middle East

                                                                                                                 Key digital Public
                                                                                                                 Sector categories
                                                                                                                   in the region

                                                                                          6 key digital Public Sector themes (high impact)
Figure 8: Mapping of digitally-relevant themes

  Trends were bucketed in various
  themes across sectors
                                                                                                       Government Themes
                                        Additive                                                                              Healthcare       Intelligence &
              Defense                                         Army of                    Defense          Asymmetric                                             Rise of robot and
                                     manufacturing in                                                                        defense trans-   surveillance top                       IoT in defense
                                                             tomorrow                   spending            threats                                                drone armies
                                        defense                                                                                formation          priority

                                     The classroom of            Higher                     School             Tomorrow's          The evolution of        Next gen.
                                        the future              education                 Systems 2.0           curriculum             learning            teachers

                     Energy &                                                                                                           Urban
                                      Smart data and           Sustainable                Sustainable          Sustainable
                    Environment          devices                 finance                     policy           consumption
List of
  204                   Healthcare   manufacturing in
                                                                                        Next generation
                                                                                                                                    Healthcare data
                     Law & Justice                           Predictive crowd
                                        Security 2.0

                        Human                                                              Real-time
                                          Digital                 Social
                        Services                                                            location
                                         customer               financing

                   Transport /                                                                                 Innovation in
                                           Smart         Alternative modes                 Future of
                   Tourism                                                                                  pricing, funding &
                                          tourism           of transport                   mobility

                                                                                            National                               Transformation of                          Government
            Cross Sectors                  Smart                Smart                                         New basis for                               Alternative
                                                                                         Transformation                               government                              talent model
                                           cities             government                                    national prosperity                         funding models
                                                                                            platform                               operating models                              revamp

                                            Digital Trends

Deloitte | National Transformation in the Middle East | A Digital Journey

The second filter is an assessment of the                           • Smart Tourism: Smart Tourism is the                                 • Smart Government: Smart
relevance of these themes to the Middle                               use of ICT to promote travel and tourism                              Government refers to the use of
East and their impact on economy, society                             by enhancing visitor experience                                       integrated information and
and sustainability. The final outcome                                                                                                       communication technology in
reflects the most relevant digital themes                           • Next Generation Care: Next                                            government policies, services and
related to Public Sector transformation in                            Generation Care is characterized as                                   processes
the region. Ultimately, the following key                             pervasive, preventative, efficient and
themes were selected to be explored in                                personalized care through ICT usage                                 • Future of Mobility: Future of mobility
detail throughout this paper:                                         leading to higher quality and improved                                represents both the physical and digital
                                                                      patient experience                                                    infrastructure and services that enable
• Smart Cities: Cities that use smart                                                                                                       people and goods to move more safely,
  technologies, data analysis and                                   • Classroom of the Future:                                              cheaply, quickly, cleanly and happily.
  innovation to improve quality of life,                              Classroom of the Future represents the                                Existing and new advanced technologies
  efficiency of urban operations, services                            transformation of traditional education                               are applied to improve mobility and
  and competitiveness                                                 systems to digitally-enabled learning and                             resolve age-old transportation issues
                                                                      curricula that enhances the learning                                  such as congestion, capacity and
                                                                      experience                                                            sustainability.

Figure 9: Selection of key digital Public Sector themes for the GCC

                                                                                                 High          High
                                                            anal il
                                                          be det  a
     Public Sector Trends                             to
                                                   es rthe
                                                              r                                                       IoT                                          ICT Technologies
                                               he m     fu                          Smart                                        5G, 4G & 3G
                                             T       in                             government                                                        POL
                                                           Next gen. care
                                                                                                                 Cloud computing
                                                                           Smart tourism
                                                                  Smart cities            Future of
                                                                                                                                 Analytics/Big Data         Artificial
                                                                                                                  Social                                    intelligence
     Patient-powered healthcare                                           Classroom of the
                                                                          future                                               Cyber security
Healthcare data revolution                                                                                                                                         Robotics
                                                 Tomorrow’s curriculum                 IoT in defense                                           Integrated
                                                                                                                      Sensor technology         national
                                                                        National Transformation platform                                                                 Autonomous vehicles
                                Sustainable consumption                                                                                         platform

                                                            Rise of robot & drone armies                                                  Digital twins                       Unnamed aerial
                             Digital customer                                                                                                                                 Vehicles
                                                          School Systems 2.0                                                                     SDN/ NFV

                                                 Real-time location services                                                                                                    Augmented/virtual
                                        Smart environment data & devices                                                                                    LIFI

                                  Security 2.0
                                                                                                                                                                                     3D printing

                                                                                               Low         Low
                            Predictive crowd flows
                                                                          East                                                               vanc
                                                                  Mi ddle                                                                         e   to th
                                                      e    to th                                                                                              eM

                                             Rele                                                                                                                             East

                     High                                                                                                                                                                     High

Note: trends and technologies are not exhaustive

2. Digital at the heart of
GCC transformation
Deloitte | National Transformation in the Middle East | A Digital Journey

2. Digital at the heart of
GCC transformation
Digital Transformation: no longer optional
GCC countries have been,                            The imperative for change                                     have recognized and reignited their efforts

at various levels and
                                                    and new ambitions                                             to respond, improve and evolve.
                                                    The range and pace of social and

points in time, confronted                          economic challenges necessitating change
                                                    in the Middle East are unique. In the
                                                                                                                  GCC countries have been, at various levels
                                                                                                                  and points in time, confronted with a
with a sense of urgency to                          aftermath of the Arab Spring, which                           sense of urgency to diversify their still

diversify their still largely
                                                    precipitated significant shifts in the socio-                 largely hydrocarbon-dependent
                                                    political landscape of many Arab nations,                     economies. For the purpose of this paper
hydrocarbon-dependent                               as well as in the new light of more recent                    we have focused our analysis on the four

                                                    economic oil price shocks to national                         largest economies (GDP-wise) in the GCC
                                                    accounts, governments across the GCC                          as outlined in the figure below:

                                                    Figure 10: GDP and population analysis of the GCC

                                                              Nominal GDP
                                                              (USD billions)
                                                               800                                                                        756
                                                                         2014       2016                             Focus countries
                                                               700                                                                              646


                                                               400                                                                  349

                                                               200                                    163               152
                                                               100                               66
                                                                        33     32

                                                                        Bahrain            Oman        Kuwait       Qatar       UAE         KSA          Focus
                                                                                                                                                      % GCC share
                                                    Share of GCC GDP
                                                    2016 (%)                 2%                 5%          8%      11%         28%         45%          93%

                                                                             1.4m           4.4m        4.1m        2.6m        9.3m        32.3m        89%
                                                    2016 (millions)

                                                    Source: World Bank, Deloitte analysis

Deloitte | National Transformation in the Middle East | A Digital Journey

The imperative to change has prompted a
                                                The region will see the emergence of
                                                “Government 4.0”, harnessing and
wave of national vision upgrades, the most
recent being the Saudi Vision 2030

                                                applying the latest technologies and
unveiled in 2016, the New Kuwait 2035
vision launched earlier this year, as well as

                                                solutions to modernize, centralize and
the Qatar National Vision 2030 and UAE
Vision 2021 visions established earlier13A.

While endeavours towards national visions
tend to follow a steady and incremental         streamline government service delivery.
path over the long-term in other countries
and regions, the plans adopted by this
                                                Governments, like businesses, will have to
group of hydrocarbon-rich nations in the
                                                disrupt or be disrupted.
GCC are far bolder and more ambitious,
seeking to make substantive impact in a
                                                This is most acute in the Middle East
five-year time horizon. Saudi Arabia’s
                                                where the population base, especially in
National Transformation Plan 2020, UAE’s
                                                GCC countries, rapidly adopted
National Agenda 2021, Qatar’s anticipated
                                                smartphone devices, posting world
National Development Strategy 2017-
                                                leading penetration rates and exhibiting
2022, and Kuwait’s Kuwait Development
                                                some of the fastest digital media adoption
Plan (KDP) 2015-20 each represent
                                                rates in the world in just a few years. This
massive modernization plans, which seek
                                                consumer-led Digital Transformation
to accelerate economic diversification,
                                                ultimately disrupted and completely
stimulate growth, foster sustainability and
                                                changed the way citizens communicate,
unlock citizen happiness.
                                                consume media and information, and
                                                interact with governments across the
In doing so, these countries not only aim
to secure a viable long-term future for
their citizens, but also build on their
                                                Governments, including in the GCC, have
national competitiveness and credibility on
                                                since learned from this and are now
the global stage. They seek to encourage
                                                embracing Industry 4.0 – the next
foreign investment while continuing their
                                                industrial revolution based on Digital
ascent towards becoming leading centers
                                                Transformation. By placing new digital and
of knowledge, innovation and happiness.
                                                ICT transformation programs at the heart
                                                of their national plans, GCC governments
Digital Transformation: the critical
                                                aim to reinvent themselves to better meet
success factor
                                                the ever-changing needs not only of better
The most critical success factor in realizing
                                                connected, informed citizens and
such ambitious visions is Digital
                                                residents (G2C: Government-to-Citizen),
Transformation. As device penetration,
                                                but also of businesses (G2B: Government-
connectivity and new technologies
                                                to-Business), employees and other
continue to proliferate, the rate of
                                                government entities (G2G: Government-
disruption in traditional business and
operating models intensifies.

Deloitte | National Transformation in the Middle East | A Digital Journey

To this end, a number of ‘digital-ICT-first’             Plan 2020 (NTP), which highlights 29                      As such, the region will see the emergence
sub-strategies and programs have already                 essential digital initiatives for key sectors             of Government 4.0, harnessing and
been formulated. Notably, the UAE ICT                    as well as funding for national digital                   applying the latest technologies and
2021 Strategy and UAE National                           assets. The Qatar Digital Government                      solutions such as big data and analytics,
Innovation Strategy prioritize digital                   2020 Strategy targets the efficient and                   IoT, blockchain, augmented reality (AR) and
technology as one of the top seven                       transparent delivery of government                        virtual reality (VR), artificial intelligence (AI),
national sectors, including the application              services, supported by a world-class ICT                  drones, robotics and 3D printing, to
and rapid adoption of new disruptive                     infrastructure. Furthermore, Kuwait has                   modernize, centralize and streamline
technologies across sectors. Digital                     also revealed an updated e-government                     government service delivery, positioning
Transformation is also a top four priority in            program.                                                  them as both innovators and disruptors,
Saudi Arabia’s National Transformation                                                                             as opposed to disruptees.

Broadly in the Middle East, reports                                                                                However, as highlighted in the previous

suggest that only 6 percent of the
                                                                                                                   section, on average, the GCC Digital
                                                                                                                   Government maturity level still lags behind

population lives under smart
                                                                                                                   a number of other developed economies.
                                                                                                                   More broadly in the Middle East, reports

governance. Governments including
                                                                                                                   suggest that only 6 percent of the
                                                                                                                   population lives under smart

those of the GCC have plenty of work
                                                                                                                   governance13B. Overall, governments
                                                                                                                   including those of the GCC have plenty of

to do.
                                                                                                                   work to do.

Figure 11: Cascade of national visions, plans and digital programs

                                                                      GCC national visions and plans

                         Bahrain                   Oman                        Kuwait                  Qatar                   UAE                 Saudi Arabia


                      Bahrain National         Oman National
                         Planning           Program for Enhancing
                       Development         Economic Diversification

                  • e-government         • ICT 2020 program            • e-government       • Digital Government     • ICT 2021 strategy        • NTP ICT programs
                    program (e.g.          (e.Oman)                      program              2020 strategy          • Innovation strategy        (e.g. broadband
  ICT and
                    national datacenter,                                                    • National ICT plan      • UAE TRA strategy           expansion, ICT
                    government data                                                         • e-government 2020                                   human capital,
                    network, smart card)                                                      strategy (Hukoomi)                                  e-commerce)

Source: Official government websites and press releases, Monitor Deloitte research and analysis14

Regional Digital Transformation agenda
Deloitte | National Transformation in the Middle East | A Digital Journey

Regional Digital Transformation agenda
Drivers behind Digital                                two important elements are required:         - Modernization of other industries:
Transformation plans                                  - Inclusion in plans: Digital                  sectors such as education, healthcare
Similar to other countries across the                   Transformation programs must be              and tourism are also key to economic
world, Digital Transformation in the GCC’s              recognized and prioritized as such           diversification. These governments are
Public Sector is also driven by the same                within national visions and plans            already making significant investments
factors as alluded to in the previous                                                                in Digital Transformation efforts to
section:                                              - Swift decisions: quick decisions from        modernize these sectors and unlock
                                                        the top will push government entities        growth
• Cost and budget pressures: since the                  to enact Digital Transformation plans
  drop in oil prices in late 2014 that has              quickly and effectively                   • Security: over the years, the region’s
  now curbed the revenues of oil-rich                                                               governments have also been
  GCC countries, there is an increased              A good example of this is the H.H. Sheikh       experiencing and combatting increasing
  emphasis on curbing expenditures on               Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum UAE              levels of security threats:
  government assets and operations.                 m-government directive in 2013 requiring
  Cost-savings from more efficient                  government services to be available and        - National Security: GCC governments
  government processes are therefore                offered via mobile within two years. This        have seen an upsurge in conflict zones
  a key driver behind new Digital                   promptly led to an explosion of over 300         surrounding their territories. National
  Transformation programs. Not only do              UAE mobile government services                   security and citizen safety remain a
  such benefits improve governments’                developed and launched by various UAE            priority, driving investment in state of
  ability to improve their budget balance,          government entities across the country           the art digital security systems and
  such cost-benefits also get passed onto           within just 730 days15.                          solutions
  customers and businesses.
                                                    In addition, the following region-specific     - Cyber security: These governments
• Customer and citizen demand: the                  dynamics are also compounding the need           have also become increasingly afflicted
  emergence and popularity of social                and urgency behind Digital                       by cyber-attacks. As national data,
  media among Arabs has opened up a                 Transformation, especially in the GCC:           assets and operations become
  new channel, enabling governments and                                                              increasingly digitalized in the region,
  citizens to work together. Governments            • Economic diversification: as                   cyber security becomes ever-more
  have actively exploited this as a key               mentioned earlier, the GCC economies           paramount. Recognizing this,
  channel to obtain citizen feedback, as              remain largely reliant on oil. Building a      governments are investing in
  citizens have also exploited this to                viable future will require them to expand      strengthening their cyber security
  demand greater and higher quality                   their focus on other sectors and develop       capabilities. In turn, improved cyber
  government services (e.g. simplified                new industries:                                security, not just in terms of improved
  online payments solutions for utilities,                                                           online defense systems but also in
  car parking, fines and toll gate credits).          - Strategic focus on ICT sector: GCC           terms of laws and regulations (e.g.
                                                        countries are already the largest            minimum security measures, data
• “Federal” government directives: a                    spenders in the region on the ICT            protection), will reinforce government
  top-down approach to decision making                  sector, which globally is also enabling      and stakeholder confidence in the
  in GCC governments helps accelerate                   the birth of new technologies and            continued digital advancement towards
  the pace of Digital Transformation                    solutions behind Industry 4.0                Government 4.0.
  programs, compared to more                            advancements. Focus and importance
  consultative processes in other nations.              on this industry is therefore a key
  For Digital Transformation programs in                enabler and driver behind national
  the Middle East to get budget approval,               Digital Transformation efforts

Deloitte | National Transformation in the Middle East | A Digital Journey

• Mega events: although many programs        Figure 12: Key digital initiatives under national visions and plans
  have arisen out of a need to address
  new challenges, significant investments                                                 National plans

  in Digital Transformation programs are                                             ICT and Digital Initiatives
  also needed to enable as well as support
  the successful delivery and management
                                                         Classroom of                        Next Generation                         Smart

  of positive mega-events in the region
                                                         the Future                          Care                                    Tourism

  taking place over the next five years.                 Future                               Smart                                   Smart
  Namely the Dubai Expo 2020 and Qatar                   of Mobility                          Government                              Cities

  2022 FIFA World Cup.

Key Digital Transformation initiatives           Saudi Arabia                                                   Kuwait
Transformation initiatives do not only aim
to modernize governments, their reach             12                   03                                       02                02
extends to entire industries, economies
and the way society functions at large
within these countries.
                                                  02                   02                                       00                01
The first section looked at key future of         09                   01                                       01                01
government trends (Gov2020) that were
most prevalent in the Middle East, and
clustered them as key regional themes:           Qatar                                                          UAE

Classroom of the Future, Next Generation
Care, Smart Tourism, Future of Mobility,          04                   04                                       08                09
Smart Government and Smart Cities.
These were based on expert views, market
research and interviews with key
                                                  03                   04                                       04                04
government entities in the GCC.
                                                  05                   04                                       04                03
These themes are at the core of the GCC
Digital Transformation agenda and are
explored in more depth in this section.      Note: The above represents a sample of key digital initiatives, which is not exhaustive
                                             Source: Official government websites and press releases, Monitor Deloitte research and analysis16
Figure 12 gives an overview of key Digital
Transformation initiatives across each
theme that have arisen out of new GCC
country visions, modernization plans and
‘digital-first’ programs.

Deloitte | National Transformation in the Middle East | A Digital Journey

In the discussion that follows, this section                     1. Definition
examines more closely the Digital                                2. Key digital initiatives & outcomes
Transformation journey of these                                  3. Delivery method
governments while exploring the role,                            4. Investment
progress and impact of some of these                             5. Status
initiatives. As such, each theme is explored                     6. Challenges & needs
in depth based on a seven step                                   7. Outlook

Figure 13: Theme deep-dive content and study methodology

                                          Key digital
                                                                   Delivery                                                          Challenges
                  Definition              initiatives &                                Investment                 Status                                      Outlook
                                                                   method                                                            & needs
                Define the theme       Highlight and         Review how GCC         Understand the          Assess the level of   Identify key             Evaluate the

                in terms of how        analyze key digital   governments are        scale of spend          progress GCC          challenges GCC           future potential of
                technology and         initiatives in the    approaching and        and investment          governments have      governments are          the theme in the
                digital solutions      GCC and the           implementing           involved to deliver     made in               facing once              GCC and highlight
                are addressing key     desired outcomes      digital initiatives    key GCC digital         implementing key      implementing             key opportunities
                issues disrupting      these initiatives     (e.g. delivery         initiatives             digital initiatives   digital initiatives      based on the
                the public sector      seek to achieve       models)                                                                                       theme’s analysis
                                        Types of digital
                                                              Delivery models          Indication of               Progress
                Theme definition          initiatives &                                                                                                    Deloitte outlook
                                                                    used                investment                indicators

                                                                                                                                   GCC challenges
                                                                                                                                     and needs
                     Industry                GCC                   GCC                    GCC                       GCC                                         GCC
                    examples               examples              examples               examples                  examples                                   opportunities

                                                                             Theme-Specifificc Study & Analysis

                        Saudi Arabia                            United Arab Emirates                      Qatar                                   Kuwait

                   Deloitte &            Deloitte &             Deloitte &             Government              Government
                                                                                                                                    Theme-specific          Theme research
                    Huawei             Huawei thought         Huawei subject           interviews &          visions, plans &
                                                                                                                                   industry reports           & analysis
                   experience            leadership           matter experts              surveys                  data

Next Generation Care
Deloitte | National Transformation in the Middle East | A Digital Journey

Next Generation Care
Definition                                          Existing and new technologies are                       delivery, requiring large budgets to sustain
At its simplest, Next Generation Care is            fundamental towards achieving Next                      operations.
characterized as:                                   Generation Care (next-gen care), with
                                                    numerous examples of use cases that                     This, coupled with new economic
• Pervasive: accessible everywhere,                 include m-health apps, remote                           restrictions and other aforementioned
  low-cost                                          monitoring, ingestible data-generating IoT              Digital Transformation drivers, has led to a
                                                    sensors, holographic and robotic assisted               range of digital initiatives which not only
• Preventative: information and                     surgery, to name a few.                                 aim to resolve public health issues as
  awareness on vaccinations, pregnancies                                                                    noted above, but also develop a world-
  and healthier lifestyles                          Key initiatives and expected                            class next generation public health
                                                    outcomes                                                service. This, in turn, stimulates innovation
• Efficient: real-time health checks,               Healthcare remains a top concern for GCC                and economic growth in the sector as a
  diagnoses, health insurance claims                governments, as citizens have been                      whole to support diversification. Through
  processing and emergency services                 increasingly suffering from major public                such next-gen care initiatives, GCC
                                                    health illnesses such as obesity, diabetes              countries are also seeking to attract top
• Personalized: tailored to individuals’            and heart-disease. Providing care is also               medical talent and tourists from abroad to
  genetics or DNA, body-types,                      very costly as these governments offer                  develop their med-tourist markets.
  preferential or other needs                       national health services as a state benefit
                                                    to citizens, employ a sizeable public health            To this end, new digital initiatives of these
• Higher quality: less invasive and less            workforce (doctors, nurses), own and                    governments broadly cover four main
  painful for improved patient experience.          operate many assets (hospitals and clinics)             categories outlined in the figure below.
                                                    and have to effectively manage service

Figure 14: Key types of Next Generation Care digital initiatives

                                                           NEXT GENERATION CARE

                                                                        Key Initiatives

                        1                                    2                                         3                                      4
Virtual and mobile                     Online preventative                       National e-health                      Health-tech
health services                        health                                    systems                                innovation
Enable patients to access              Digital awareness campaigns to            Ongoing implementation of national     Engage in R&D of ICT and new-
healthcare easily online and on-       encourage health checks and               electronic medical records and         technology-based healthcare services
demand through digital devices         healthier lifestyles                      integrated national health systems     and solutions

Deloitte | National Transformation in the Middle East | A Digital Journey

Virtual and mobile health services:
                                                   Saudi Arabia’s NTP plan is targeting
                                                   70% of all Saudi citizens to have a
These services enable patients to access
healthcare easily online and on-demand

                                                   unified digital medical record by 2020.
through their mobile devices, without
having to visit hospital facilities only to wait
in long queues to be served. Such services
also reduce the burden and costs on state
healthcare facilities by eliminating
unnecessary hospital visits by patients.           • Electronic medical records: The                  Qatar’s updated National E-Health and
Similarly, telemedicine is another service           process of centralizing patient data             Data Program (QNeDP), formulated in
enabling access to wider pools of                    across the health system. For example,           2015, outlines a blueprint and set of
practitioners via consultations from                 UAE’s Ministry of Health and Prevention’s        phased implementation plans behind the
remote locations over digital media.                 National Unified Medical Record (NUMR)           integration of various national health
                                                     project (which started in 2016) aims to          management systems (e.g. e-referral,
For example, Qatar’s Smart Healthcare                centralize patient data and analytics for        pharmacy, virtual medicine), health data
On-Demand initiative aims to offer new               common use by all providers nationally           systems, clinical repositories (e.g. clinical
services which include a digital self-               streamlining diagnoses and treatments19.         data, medication inventory) and external
diagnosis platform (based on algorithms              Qatar’s Single Patient Record project (a         consumer systems (e.g. patient medical
to process step-by-step digital checklists           unique national patient record system)           records and accounts, population health
pin-pointing various symptoms for                    seeks the same20. Saudi Arabia’s NTP             systems)22.
patients), Doctor Finder, an appointment             aims to expand its efforts to digitize
service, and virtual doctor consultations            patient data, targeting 70 percent of all        In the UAE, the Emirates ID and health
through telemedicine (enabling patients to           Saudi citizens to have a unified digital         insurance services are also integrating,
connect to doctors via online video chat             medical record by 202021.                        enabling residents to use their Emirates ID
with digital transmission of medical                                                                  as a national health insurance card across
imaging and health informatics)17. UAE’s           • E-integrated national health                     the country, whilst also expanding data on
Abu Dhabi Telemedicine Centre also                   systems: connecting different                    the national citizen database23. The
provides a similar service with a free               healthcare ecosystem players (e.g.               Mabrouk Mayak service by the UAE
mobile application allowing patients to              patients, practitioners, hospitals, clinics,     Ministry of Health and Prevention
remotely share photos assisting their                pharmacies, test labs, investors,                (MOHAP) is another good example. It
diagnosis (e.g. photos of an affected area           regulators) to provide a seamlessly              enables rapid completion of all
of the body, medication labels)18.                   connected experience for all,                    certifications for new-born Emiratis (e.g.
                                                     representing a key step in digitally             birth certificate, ID card, passport) by
National e-health systems                            transforming GCC countries’ health               reducing required interactions and visits
Key initiatives include the ongoing                  systems.                                         from seven different government entities
implementation of national electronic                                                                 to just one24.
medical records and integrated national
health systems:

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