Page created by Nathaniel Barton
          No. 184            MAY 2020
 The magazine of the Parishes of Down Hatherley,
        Norton, The Leigh with Evington,
    Sandhurst, and Staverton with Boddington
          in the Diocese of Gloucester

Rector:                               Rev Suzanne Skepper           01452 731994
                              The Rectory, Tewkesbury Road, GL2 9PQ
                              Day off: Friday
Associate Ministers:                  Rev Philippa Donald           07810 228397
                              8 Seabroke Road, Gloucester GL1 3JH
                              Parish days: Tuesday, Thursday and Friday
Reader:                               Rod Pellereau                 01242 528039

Enquiries about baptisms, marriages and funerals should be directed to the Rector.

Seven Towers Benefice               website:


Down Hatherley                        Ellie Stevenson               01452 739142
St Mary & Corpus Christi              Dr Andy Nicol                 01452 730025

The Leigh & Evington                  Mrs Sue Roberts               01242 680835
St Catherine

Norton                                Mr Simon Trapnell             07774 803177
St Mary                               Mrs Jean Smith                01452 730265

Sandhurst                             Mr Jim Brown                  01452 731900
St Lawrence                           Mrs Carolyn Wright            01452 731450

Staverton & Boddington
St Catherine &                        Mr Rob Buckland               01452 713155
St Mary Magdalene

CHURCH SERVICES                             MAY 2020
Directives from the Church of England National body and
the Diocese of Gloucester have stated that, during the
Covid-19 outbreak, all church buildings should remain
closed until further notice.

We have added an extra page to the SevenTowers website
with lots of information which is frequently updated –
‘What’s New – the Latest News’.

Revd Suzanne has compiled a short booklet ‘Praying at
Home’, which contains Morning and Evening Prayer services
to follow. (It can be downloaded from our website – link on
front page).

                   You are also invited to email / send
                   prayer requests to the Revds Suzanne
                   and Philippa (see addresses on page 2).

                  Revds Suzanne and Philippa are saying
                  Morning Prayer on Tuesdays and
                  Thursdays on Facebook (link on
                  website) and will of course be praying
                  for you all.
Further information and updates, including any changes in
access to church buildings may be found on the Benefice
website at, or on your church

Rev Suzanne writes...
                            When push comes to shove!

Hi everyone, I wonder, how are you all in week five of Lockdown?
Life is certainly different, we’re all having to make choices as we learn to live
One of the choices most of us will have to make at some time or other is … “How
long do we let our hair grow before we have a go at cutting it ourselves?”
I am particularly pleased with myself today as I have just successfully cut Chris’
I ordered some hair clippers on Amazon that have yet to arrive…sometime in May,
they tell me, so Chris was having to wait whilst his hair grew at a rate of knots!
However our son Josh on his return from his Watch in London yesterday, told us he
had a beard trimmer (left at ours) that could possibly be used for cutting hair!
So, this morning, with our glasses on, we perused the different clipper sizes and
having studied various hairdressing You Tube videos we set to, with a no 4!
I have to tell you I did a good job! Even found some of Josh’s hair wax and styled…
(loosely) Chris’ hair…he’s never looked so good!
I wonder, when push comes to shove, what decisions you are choosing to make?
This month on 31st May the Church celebrates Pentecost…we call it the Church’s
birthday, when Jesus, having ascended to the Father in heaven sent the Holy Spirit
to live within the lives of all his followers. This moment had already been
prophesied through the prophet Joel when he said, “In the last days it will be, God
declares, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh…” before Jesus, the Holy Spirit
had only touched the lives of some people, but now, something new was
happening, through Jesus, the Holy Spirit was available to all!
Christians believe that it is only the power of the Holy Spirit living in us that can
change us to be like Jesus, we just can’t do it on our own.
This requires a new way of living …a choice we need to make.
Most of the time the Holy Spirit’s power is released in our lives in quiet, unassuming
ways that we sometimes aren’t even aware of or can feel. He often nudges us with
a gentle whisper. We become like Christ not by imitation, but by inhabitation. We
allow Jesus to live through us. How does that happen in real life? Through the
choices we make. We choose to do the right thing in situations and then trust God’s
Spirit to give us His power, love, faith, and wisdom to do it. Since God’s Spirit lives
inside us, these things are available for the asking.

The choice is ours…we can live our old lives without God’s help or new ones with
God actually living within us, helping us at every turn.
As you have guessed, I am rather delighted with my newly acquired hairdressing
skills, brought about by the choices we‘ve made as we learn to live differently …
when push comes to shove…
Pentecost opens up for us all a new way of living, with choices and decisions to be
made, that have longer lasting consequences than a haircut!
When push comes to shove, are we interested in this new way of living?
Do we want God involved in our lives?
The Holy Spirit whispers gently…new life…me living in you ,helping you…available to
you all through Jesus…who is up for that?


verse for 2020:
             “Let the peace of Christ keep you in tune with each other,
                              In step with each other.
          Cultivate thankfulness ... And sing, sing your hearts out to God”
                                                           Colossians 3, verses 15 - 16

Our cover picture this month is a representation of the Holy Spirit, as testified by
John when Jesus was bapitized by him: “ I saw the the Spirit descending from
heaven like a dove and it remained on him” (John 1: v 32). This prepares us for the
coming down of the Holy Spirit at the great Feast of Pentecost. Read Revd
Suzanne’s letter above to see how the power of the Holy Spirit can work in us all.

COPY DATE for JUNE 2020 magazine is 19th May:
Please continue to send your contributions to your parish correspondents (see
p.16), to the Benefice Office or to the Editor, Chris
Baldwin at to reach us in all cases by the due date.
Many thanks.

From the Registers

“I   am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will
               live, even though he dies” (John 11: 25)

          Peter John MacIver Whiteman, died 13th February,
           funeral followed by burial on Friday 20th March
                      at St Lawrence, Sandhurst.

             Harley Roy Luther Cornock, died 11th March,
           funeral followed by burial on Thursday 2nd April
                  at St Mary Magdalene, Boddington.

                   Gwen Jones, died 21st March,
funeral followed by burial on Tuesday 14th April at St Mary, Norton.

                     Susan Jones, died 29th March,
           funeral followed by burial on Thursday 16th April
            at St Mary and Corpus Christi, Down Hatherley.

              Barrie William Jackson, died 29th March,
            funeral followed by burial on Friday 17th April
                      at St Matthew, Twigworth.

                Herbert "Laurie" Mealing, died 6th April,
       funeral at Cheltenham Crematorium on Friday 17th April.


Sunday 3rd May                      4th Sunday of Easter
First reading:      Acts 2.42-end
Gospel:             John 10.1-10
Psalm:              23

Sunday 10th May                     5th Sunday of Easter
The Start of Christian Aid Week 2020
First reading:       Acts 7.55-end
Gospel:              John 14.1-14
Psalm:               31.1-5,15-16

Sunday 17th May                     6th Sunday of Easter
First reading:      Acts 17.22-31
Gospel:             John 14.15-21
Psalm:              66.7-end

Thursday 21st May                   Ascension Day
First reading:      Acts 1.1-11
Gospel:             Luke 24.44-end
Psalm:              47

Sunday 24th May                     7th Sunday of Easter
First reading:      Acts 1.6-14
Gospel:             John 17.1-11
Psalm:              68.1-10,32-end

Sunday 31st May                     Feast of Pentecost
First reading:      Acts 2.1-21
Gospel:             John 20.19-23
Psalm:              104.26-36, 37b

Church finances in these coronavirus times
These strange times have affected everyone. We are all, without exception,
impacted by this pandemic, even though for some the consequences have
certainly been more profound than for others. There has been great sadness
and stress, but also signs of great hope, commitment and generosity. We are
all in this together, and seeing people coming out onto their doorsteps,
balconies and front gardens to cheer for the many key workers who are
helping us all get through this is a heartening demonstration of that
We’ve also seen that oneness in the way our churches and individual village
communities have rallied round and have helped and looked out for each
This situation has also reminded us of the benefits of forward planning and
just how much we take for granted without really thinking about it.
As you know, all our churches had to close in March for public worship for
the time being. This is one of many changes we are experiencing now,
although our treasurers are telling us that some things haven’t changed at
all – the bills keep coming in! For example, we still have to pay our Parish
share (which pays for our clergy and associated costs), insurance, utilities
and other fixed costs, whether or not we are gathering together in church.
So this is a reminder, particularly to those in our worshipping community
who support us by donating through the collection plate and envelope
scheme rather than through direct giving to our bank accounts, that your
generous support is still needed through this difficult time. If you are one of
these people, please consider maintaining your support of your church
through this lock down by contributing in a different way. It is easy. You can
send a cheque, or if you contact your churchwarden or treasurer for the
account details, you can donate on line. Very soon you will be able to donate
through our website too.

Despite the restrictions preventing us from meeting in person, you’ll know
that there have been regular services on line – for many parishoners a new
and initially daunting prospect – but hugely appreciated by all who have
taken part. Read elsewhere in this magazine how you can join online
services or see the benefice website: Even if you
do not have internet access or a computer, there are ways that you can join
We can’t wait to fling open the doors of our churches again. Until then we
cannot pass round the plate in a physical sense, so if you felt able to
continue your support by giving your contributions in a new way during
these unprecedented times, it would be wonderful.
Thank you again for your support of your church and the benefice. And
remember, if you need any help in any way at all don’t hesitate, in the first
instance, to contact your churchwarden. We are all in this together.

Simon Trapnell (Chair) and Derek Wright (Treasurer)
Benefice Council

Although these events are currently suspended, these contact details are
appended for use as they recommence:

Monthly Breakfasts
1st Saturday of the month

Gentlemen: Edmund McClure                                   01242 681139

Ladies: Mary Limbrick                                       01452 731257

Friendly Friday at Down Hatherley Village Hall:
1st Friday of the month

Margaret Brind                                              01452 730744

Orchard Knitting Club at Nature in Art Coffee Shop
on Thursdays

Mavis                                                       07856 223207

Sandhurst Coffee Morning at Sandhurst Village Hall:
2nd Monday of the month

Caroline Watson                                             01452 730207

Baby and Toddler Group at Sandhurst Village Halll:
2nd Saturday of the month

Claire or Graeme                                            01452 730086


Norton & The Leigh Local History Group
meets on the 4th Monday of the month at Norton Village Hall
                         Sue Phelps                   07754 668898

Norton Nippers Babies & Toddlers Group
meets on Tuesdays during school term
                         Bronwyn Barnes
see Facebook page—

Norton W.I.
meets on the 3rd Thursday of the month: 7.30 pm at Norton Village Hall
                         Margaret Edwards             01452 731218
                         or Caroline Fennell          01452 730797

Wainlode Walkers
Fridays, at 9.30 am      Sue Phelps                   07754 668898

Sandhurst WI
meets on the 3rd Wednesday of the month: 7.30 pm at Sandhurst Village
                         Sheila Bloodworth            01452 739437

Oxstalls WI
meets on the 2nd Tuesday of the month: 7.30 pm at Longford Village Hall
                         Chris Martin                 01452 501196

Lockdown exercise:
Can you find the names of 16 books of the Bible hidden in the paragraph below?

I once made a remark about the hidden books in the Bible (merely by a fluke). It
kept people looking so hard for the facts and for others it was a revelation. Some
were in a jam, especially since the names of the books were not capitalized, but the
truth finally struck home to numbers of readers. To others it was a real job. We
want it to be a most fascinating few moments for you. Yes, there will some really
easy ones to spot. Others may require judges to help them. I will quickly admit it
usually takes a minister to find one of them, and there will be loud lamentations
when it is found. A little lady says she brews a cup of tea so she can concentrate
better. See how well you can compete. Relax now.
There really are sixteen names of books hidden in this story!
[Thanks to Philippa for this teaser — answer next month]

from your editor …
As I write this we have all become aware of the major impact the Covid-19
pandemic is having on our communities. Due to difficulties is printing and
distributing the magazine, this month’s edition is only available through Seven
Towers Benefice website. Apologies to all those who would normally receive a
printed version. It is inevitable that some of the information here will become
outdated, so it is worthwhile checking the website regularly for new items. Some
of our readers will have access to the internet, so if you are aware of any in our
communities who may be out of touch, let them know of developments in the
Benefice—you might even think of printing out a copy for them!

On page 3 you will find details of how to access services that are continuing to be
said by our clergy so that we can continue to practice our faith despite not being
able to participate in normal services for the time being. So keep in touch through
our website, or contact your churchwardens or clergy for the latest developments.
As most social events in our communities have been rescheduled or cancelled,
you will find on pages 10 and 11 contact details for all of the regular happenings.
Hopefully this will become useful when lockdown restrictions are eased and it
becomes possible to meet even if it is still necessary to abide by social distancing
considerations.                                                  CB
Christian Aid Week – 10 to 16 May
This year’s Christian Aid Week is being held between 10 and 16
May. At present it seems unlikely that we will be able to hold any
events, deliver and collect envelopes or have a collection in
Church for the work of Christian aid. But their work goes on.

In its recent communication, Christian Aid wrote the following:

Christian Aid and our partners already have experience of
limiting the spread of infection during the Ebola crisis, and we
will build on this experience to continue to stand together with
communities living in poverty during this period. If infection
rates start to develop as they are in Europe, then people in
poorer countries will be hit even harder. Many are already living
with reduced health resilience because of extreme poverty, or
in overcrowded humanitarian camps and in countries which do
not have the healthcare infrastructures needed to combat
widespread disease. We will be working on the ground to help
prepare communities to limit the impact of Covid-19. Please
pray for us in this vital work, and support us where you can by
making an online donation.
We are praying for all those affected by this new virus, both in
Britain and overseas, for all those working on the frontline and
for wisdom for our leaders. We will continue to monitor the
situation as it evolves. During this challenging time, we all need
to take seriously the science and advice being offered,
remaining calm but vigilant.
If you would like to make a donation to help Christian Aid please
either make a payment into the Benefice Bank account (30 93 48,
02433493) with reference CA or send me a cheque payable to
Seven Towers Benefice. I will then send all of our donations onto
Christian Aid at the end of May.

Derek Wright

Chris’s Corner
What a difference a month makes. That said there has been a scent of it for weeks.
Against the backdrop of the crisis, nature has put on an extraordinary show. The
cherries have been magnificent, the forsythia glowed, and the tulips have brought
real joy. I have a sentimental connection with them and try to plant more each year
as a teasing salute to my late Dad. My Mum had tulips in her wedding bouquet and
each anniversary my Dad would send her a bunch, but he never got the colour right,
travelling through every shade of pink and of course Mum always had to tell him of
his failure. I suspect as the shades grew ever darker, he was just making mischief.
With time on our hands there will be a high expectation of glorious displays as more
folk take to the garden. With some shortage of resources, we have the chance to
play and to savour the detail, to be more meticulous. I take great joy from turning
ground and then working it with my fingers to see off rogue weeds and the roots of
bindweed and of couch. The reconnection at the basic level brings immense
pleasure. Humour me, cultivate a two foot square and work it with your fingers to
remove everything that you don’t want to be there. Then plant something in the
space and monitor its celebration of your commitment. If you have seed then sow
them, no matter how old the packet, you’ll get something and if you have access to
plants then as the month moves forward plant with confidence. Hold back the most
tender, cucumbers and marrows will not enjoy cold nights and hold on to runner
beans plants until the middle of the month, but all the leaf vegetables can go out.
On the flower front the same rules apply, so hold onto busy lizzies, begonias and
marigolds for as long as you can. Pop into the garden in the evening and smell the
air as gardeners have done for decades, you’ll soon get a feel for change.

If you don’t have access to seed or new plants, then play with what you have.

Prune to create shape, harvest your pruning to create structures. Willow, cornus,
hazel and beech can all be used as plant supports (gardeners have not always had
access to canes).

And finally, enjoy rediscovering the still and bird song at all hours. Look to a sky free
from the streak of jet trails.

Happy Gardening.

PARISH COUNCIL MEETINGS – all currently suspended
Twigworth: Meetings are normally held on alternate months on the first Thursday
of the month at Orchard Park, starting at 7pm.
2020 dates: 2 July, 3 September, 5 November.

Down Hatherley: Meetings are held at 7pm in Down Hatherley Village Hall.
2020 dates: 15 July, 16 September, 18 November.

Sandhurst: Meetings are held in Sandhurst Village Hall, starting at 7:30 pm on the
first Monday of each month (unless this is a Bank Holiday).
Agendas, minutes and info on:

The Leigh: All meetings are held in St Catherine’s church, on Wednesdays and start
at 7.30pm. Additional meetings are called throughout the year to discuss planning
applications and changes in national and local policies that require a Parish
Email: Website:

Longford: Meetings are held in Longford Village Hall, first Tuesday of the month,
except for August and September, starting at 7:30 pm. All residents are invited.
There are also vacancies for residents to join the Parish Council.

Norton: Meetings are held in the Village Hall Committee Room on Wednesdays,
starting at 7.30pm.
Email: Website:

Staverton: Meetings are normally held on Mondays at 7.00 pm. The venue is the
Gloucester Suite of The Best Western Hotel.

Boddington: Meetings are normally held on the 3rd Wednesday of the month at
the Cheltenham West Community Fire Station, Uckington at 7pm.

                 and CORRESPONDENTS

Editor               Mr Chris Baldwin            01452 534105

Advertising manager Mr Derek Wright              01452 731450

Down Hatherley       Mrs Helen Nicol             01452 730025
The Leigh            Mrs Sue Roberts             01242 680835
Norton               Mrs Sue Phelps              01452 731280
Sandhurst            Mrs Caroline Watson         01452 730207
Staverton            Mr David Bound              01242 680692


Clerks to the Parish Councils:

Boddington             Ms Pauline Clarke         01386 47497
The Leigh              Miss Kate Tilling         07816 749809
Down Hatherley         Belinda Holder            by email see p. 15
Longford               Ms Julie Shirley          07759 118922
Norton                 Selina Bostock            by email see p. 15
Sandhurst              Ms Pauline Clarke         01386 47497
Staverton              Ms Pauline Clarke         by email see p. 15
Twigworth              Belinda Holder            by email see p. 15

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