(Dihydrotestosterone, Androsterone, Estrone, Testosterone, Estradiol, Androstenedione)


Hormones and hormone action mechanisms
The term "hormone" means a substance that is produced by an endocrine cell, that is, of internal secretion,
is released into the bloodstream, causing functional responses in cells located at various distances from its
production headquarters. For the fulfillment of hormone action are needed, in addition to the synthesis and
secretion, transport into the bloodstream and target in target tissues where the receptors are present,
specialized structures that recognize the specific stimulus and translate the message.
The receptors may be on the cell membrane or within it; the hormone that can not cross the membrane (eg.,
A peptide) binds to receptors located on the plasma membrane, while that which diffuses through the plasma
membrane to the interior of the cell (steroids, iodothyronines) binds to intracellular receptors (typically
located in the nucleus).
Regardless of the structure and the type of hormone receptors have characteristics in common: they all
feature a region able to recognize and bind the hormone and another MEP to the generation of an
intracellular signal that translates the message hormone in functional responses of the target cell; also the
properties that regulate the hormone binding (affinity, specificity, saturability, transduction capacity, ie to
evoke specific effects) are common for all the receptors.
The communication entrusted to hormones takes place for the most part through the bloodstream (endocrine
action), but, to a lesser extent, also by means of other methods. Some hormones act in fact on the cells
immediately surrounding the cell that produces them (paracrine action), in other circumstances, however,
interact with the same cell secretory (autocrine action), other hormones, finally, are produced by the neurons
of the nervous system (action neurocrina , which in reality is a specialized form of paracrine action).
Were identified more than fifty hormones, whose functional characteristics are determined by the different
molecular structure. Based on this, they are divided into four broad categories: proteins and peptides,
steroids, derived from amino acids, derived from polyunsaturated fatty acids. The hormones, interacting with
receptors located at the level of target tissues, evoke specific responses regulate the enzymatic activities,
gene expression and protein synthesis.

Classification steroid hormones
They are fat-soluble, diffuse freely within the cell and exert their action after binding to receptors located in
the nucleus. Their chemical structure, which is polycyclic, derived from cholesterol. They are divided,
according to the site of production, adrenal and gonadal steroids, are included in this category also vitamin D
and its analogues. The steroid hormones produced by the adrenal gland and gonads are divided into
subgroups according to the number of carbon atoms of the steroid nucleus: progesterone, glucocorticoids
and mineralocorticoids derive for subsequent synthesis by pregnane, a simple substance that contains 21
carbon atoms, while estrogen come from the core of estrane which has 18 carbon atoms, and androgens of
androstane from the nucleus, which contains 19 carbon atoms.
The synthesis of steroid hormones following stages biosynthetic identical in both the adrenal and ovary or
testis and differentiation in the three endocrine glands depends on a different distribution of tissue-specific
enzyme synthesis. Steroidogenesis passes through a series of enzymatic steps, mostly catalyzed by

cytochrome P450 enzymes (cP450) localized within cells, and starts from the conversion of cholesterol to
pregnenolone. This stage enzyme is the most important as it controls the synthesis of all steroid hormones,
even in the presence of significant amounts of cholesterol, the possibility of the continuation of the
biosynthetic pathway appears to be limited, since it depends on the activity by enzymes cP450.
Pregnenolone format comes out of the mitochondria and is transferred to the endoplasmic reticulum, where it
undergoes subsequent enzymatic modifications by cP450. Pregnenolone is then the common precursor of
the major steroid hormones.

Gli androgeni vengono sintetizzati dalle cellule di Leydig del testicolo, dalla zona reticolare del surrene e
dalle cellule della teca del follicolo e dall'interstizio dell'ovaio. La via biosintetica che procede dal
pregnenolone segue due possibili direzioni: la prima via consiste nella trasformazione del pregnenolone in
17-idrossipregnenolone, di questo in deidroepiandrosterone, quindi in androstenediolo, e infine in
testosterone, che è il principale ormone maschile. La seconda via consiste nella trasformazione del
pregnenolone in progesterone, di questo in 17-idrossiprogesterone e quindi nella formazione di
androstenedione, a sua volta successivamente trasformato in testosterone. In alcuni tessuti il testosterone
necessita di un'ulteriore reazione di trasformazione in 5α-diidrotestosterone per esplicare la sua attività. Nel
surrene dove, rispetto al testicolo, vi è una diversa distribuzione degli enzimi che catalizzano queste vie
biosintetiche, la maggior parte della produzione di androgeni surrenali è diretta verso l'elaborazione di
precursori del testosterone e, in maniera particolare, di deidroepiandrosterone e androstenedione, che
hanno un'attività ormonale di più modesta entità. Circa il 50% del pregnenolone metabolizzato nella
corteccia surrenale viene convertito in deidroepiandrosterone.
Gli estrogeni e il progesterone, i principali ormoni femminili, sono gli steroidi prodotti in maggiore quantità
dall'ovaio e sono coinvolti nella regolazione del ciclo mestruale e nella gravidanza. La formazione di questi
steroidi deriva da tappe enzimatiche diversificate nei compartimenti cellulari dell'ovaio: follicoli e cellule
interstiziali. Le cellule della granulosa, che contornano l'ovulo nel contesto del follicolo, subiscono la
trasformazione in cellule luteiniche dopo l'ovulazione e il prodotto della trasformazione del pregnenolone è
rappresentato dal progesterone. Le cellule della teca del follicolo e quelle interstiziali producono in
prevalenza androstenedione attraverso le vie biosintetiche che sono già state descritte per gli androgeni.
Anche le tappe enzimatiche coinvolte nel successivo destino metabolico dell'androstenedione hanno una
caratteristica localizzazione cellulare: infatti il testosterone è sintetizzato solamente nelle cellule dell'ilo,
mentre all'interno delle cellule della granulosa l'androstenedione viene trasformato in testosterone e a sua
volta in estrone e estradiolo. Le cellule interstiziali hanno anche la capacità di trasformare il testosterone in

In contrast, peptide hormones, the secretion of steroids in the circulation does not proceed through their
storage within the cells but immediately follows the synthesis. They travel in the plasma bound to specific
transport proteins, with high affinity, such as cortisol-binding globulin (CBG, Cortisol binding protein), the sex
steroid binding globulin (SHBG, Sex hormone binding protein)-binding protein and vitamin D (DBP, vitamin D
binding protein). The CBG is a glycoprotein able to bind with equal affinity cortisol and progesterone. The
SHBG are globulins that bind with high affinity testosterone, whereas estradiol is bound mainly to albumin.
98% of the gonadal steroids, 95% and 50% of cortisol circulating aldosterone linked to the respective
transport proteins. Since only the free hormone is able to interact with the receptors, and then to express the
biological activity, the binding plasma is an important phase of reserves in the metabolism of these
hormones. Synthetic steroids used in therapy usually do not contract bond with transport proteins and are
therefore able to exert biological effects immediate. Glucocorticoids and mineralocorticoids are metabolized
through enzymatic reactions that result in the loss of their hormonal activity or through conjugation with
chemical groups that make them water-soluble and determine its elimination in the urine. The only metabolic
reaction that does not result in a loss of biological activity is represented by the conversion of testosterone to
dihydrotestosterone in target cells.*

Enciclopedia della Scienza e della Tecnica (2007)
Andreani, Cassano 1977: Andreani, Domenico - Cassano, Cataldo, Trattato italiano di endocrinologia, Roma, SEU,
Becker 1995: Becker, Kenneth L., Principles and practice of endocrinology and metabolism, 2. ed., Philadelphia,
Lippincott, 1995 (1. ed.: 1990).
Faglia 1998: Faglia, Giovanni, Malattie del sistema endocrino e del metabolismo, 2. ed., Milano, McGraw-Hill, 1998
(1. ed.: 1993).
Felig 1995: Felig, Philip - Baxter, John D. - Frohman, Lawrence A., Endocrinology and metabolism, 3. ed., New York,
McGraw-Hill, 1995 (1. ed.: 1981).
Giusti, Serio 1988: Giusti, Giorgio - Serio, Mario, Endocrinologia, fisiopatologia e clinica, Firenze, USES, 1988.
Pinchera 1991: Pinchera, Aldo e altri, Endocrinologia e metabolismo. Fisiopatologia e clinica, Milano, Ambrosiana,
Williams 1998: Williams, Robert H., Williams textbook of endocrinology, 9. ed., edited by Jean D. Wilson e altri,
Philadelphia-London, Saunders, 1998 (1. ed.: 1950).

Biosynthetic pathway diagram


Steroid hormones have been organized and divided into 4 profiles in order to highlight the four-level adrenal
biosynthesis pathways leading that result in the hormone that determines the final effect at the level of target
The primary profiles are the following:
    1. Profile Glucocorticoids
    2. Profile Mineralocorticoids
    3. Profile Sexual Hormones Level 1
    4. Profile Sexual Hormones Level 2

In this way it is possible to cover all the needs of endocrinology of the adrenal glands with a detail that would
have been unthinkable a short time ago.
The profile 3 also contains two sex hormones mainly caused by extra-adrenal: Testosterone and Estradiol
that can give a quick information depending on the age and sex of the subject examined.
In a way, act as a litmus test of the central synthesis of sex hormones compared to a dysfunction of
peripheral-type ie gonadal tissue that after what is most responsible for the synthesis of molecules similar.

This profile can be built from the 2nd level both male and female. The first definitely has a huge importance
for all those events that affect the peripheral utilization of sex hormones, especially androgens in women and
estradiol in the male. Dysfunctions in this level give rise to a whole series of such signs, hirsutism, alopecia,
acne, seborrhea etc.. Such a profile would surely have a great importance for both pediatricians,
gynecologists, urologists, but also dermatologists which would enjoy a tool biochemical able to differentiate
the type of response of the hair bulb compared to the sebaceous gland in the abovementioned events. The
Profile Level 2 female, if carried to adequate levels of sensitivity, could be useful in defining the degree of
conversion of testosterone to estradiol by the adipose tissue and account for example the appearance of
gynecomastia in male patients suffering from obesity as well as monitoring therapy.

                   EUREKA srl – LAB DIVISION                                       Head Quarter:
                   VAT N° 01547310423                                              Via Enrico Fermi 25
                                                60033 Chiaravalle (AN) ITALY
                                                        Tel. +39 071 7450790
                                                                                   Fax + 39 071 7496579

This product fulfills all the requirements of Directive 98/79/EC and Dl.ivo 08/09/2000 n.332 on in vitro diagnostic medical
devices (IVD). The declaration of conformity is available upon request.

Release N° 002                    Sexual Hormones 2° level in plasma by LC/MS                                     November 2013

Principle of Method:

Sexual Hormones are deproteinized with an appropriate reagent containing the internal standard, centrifuged, diluted
and injected in LC/MS.

Recovery :                                                   100%

Sensitivity (LLOD) :                                         Androstenedione           0,001 ng/ml
                                                             Androsterone             0,0003 ng/ml
                                                             Dihydrotestosterone      0,007 ng/ml
                                                             Estradiol                0,001 ng/ml
                                                             Estrone                   0,0006 ng/ml
                                                             Testosterone             0,001 ng/ml

Sensitivity (LLOQ) :                                         Androstenedione          0,003 ng/ml
                                                             Androsterone             0,001 ng/ml
                                                             Dihydrotestosterone      0,02 ng/ml
                                                             Estradiol                0,002 ng/ml
                                                             Estrone                  0,002 ng/ml
                                                             Testosterone             0,003 ng/ml

Dynamic Range :                                              Androstenedione          0,003 - 100 ng/ml
                                                             Androsterone             0,001 - 100 ng/ml
                                                             Dihydrotestosterone       0,02 - 150 ng/ml
                                                             Estradiol                0,002 - 50 ng/ml
                                                             Estrone                  0,002 - 20 ng/ml
                                                             Testosterone             0,003 - 150 ng/ml

       ANALYTE                Accuracy intra-day               Precision intra-day            CV% inter-day
                                  (Error %)                          (CV%)                      (Error %)
                                  Calibrator                        Calibrator                  Calibrator
                            Low Medium       High            Low Medium        High        Low Medium      High

  Androstenedione           6,3%     4,2%       3,9%      10,2%       5,6%         5,6%   11,6%       5,9%     6,0%
    Androsterone           12,9%     4,5%       6,1%      15,4%       5,4%         8,7%   16,7%       5,7%     9,1%
 Dihydrotestosterone       10,0%     7,0%       5,2%      13,9%       8,8%         7,3%   13,9%       8,8%     7,5%
      Estradiol            11,1%     5,6%       4,8%      12,8%       6,8%         6,1%   14,1%       9,6%     6,9%
       Estrone             20,0%     4,5%       4,1%      14,4%       5,8%         4,6%   15,6%       6,7%     5,4%
    Testosterone           10,5%     5,3%       4,8%      13,6%       7,2%         5,6%   15,4%       7,4%     5,8%

             ANALYTE                        Concentrations used to calculate precision and accuracy
                                               Low                 Medium                   High

         Androstenedione                         0,1                         0,8                          10
           Androsterone                          0,2                         1,6                          20
        Dihydrotestosterone                     0,15                         1,2                          15
             Estradiol                          0,05                         0,4                           5
              Estrone                           0,02                         0,16                          2
           Testosterone                         0,15                         1,2                          15

Components of the kit (50 tests) :                       All the reagents are stable 3 years at 2–8 °C.

Reagent A – Deproteinization Solution, 5 x 5 ml

Reagent B – Internal Standard Solution, 1 x 250 µl                        Store at -20

Reagent C – Diluting Solution, 1 x 3 ml

Reagent D1 – Calibrator in plasma – Level 1, 1 x 1 ml                     See Warnings

Reagent D2 – Calibrator in plasma – Level 2, 1 x 1 ml                     See Warnings

Reagent D3 – Calibrator in plasma – Level 3, 1 x 1 ml                     See Warnings

Reagent D4 – Calibrator in plasma – Level 4, 1 x 1 ml                     See Warnings

Reagent D5 – Calibrator in plasma – Level 5, 1 x 1 ml                     See Warnings

Reagent M1 – Mobile Phase M1, 1 x 500 ml

Reagent M2 – Mobile Phase M2, 1 x 500 ml

Minimum Instrumental equipment required:                 LC/MS System with triple quadrupole medium/high
                                                         level (S/N of at least 10.000/1 for 1 pg of injected
                                                         MRM Work Mode, positive APCI
                                                         Centrifugal evaporator

Blood Collection Procedure:                              Take 3 ml of whole blood in a test tube without gel or
                                                         with EDTA as anticoagulant. Centrifuge at 4000 rpm
                                                         for 5 minutes. Separate the serum and store at – 20
                                                         °C. Stable 4 weeks.



STEP 1 : Reconstitution of Deproteinization Solution

•    Add at Reagent A – Deproteinization Sol. 50 µl of Reagent B – Internal Std Sol. (Stable 6 months at
 - 20 °C)

STEP 2 : Preparation of samples, calibration and control

In eppendorf tubes dispense in sequence:

                                                  Calibrator      Sample       Control
                 Reagent D1-D5 –                    200 µl
                 Sample                                           200 µl
                 Control                                                        200 µl
                 Reagent A –                        500 µl        500 µl        500 µl
                 Deproteinization Sol (after
                 reconstitution at STEP 1)

                             Deproteinize directly on vortex for 20 seconds

STEP 3 : Centrifuge at 14.000 rpm for 10 minutes

STEP 4 : Take 500 µl of surnatant and dry (stable1 month at – 20 °C)

STEP 5 : Add 50 µl of Reagent C – Diluting Solution

                                            Vortex for 1 minute

STEP 6 : Centrifuge at 14.000 rpm for 10 minutes.

                    Transfer all the supernatant in vials with polypropylene insert


   •   Inject 10-20 µl of solution in LC system

                                                    N.B: at this step the sample is stable 2 days at 2-8 °C.

Release N° 002              Sexual Hormons 2° level in plasma by LC/MS                    November 2013


                                                    LEV. 1      LEV. 2      LEV. 3      LEV. 4       LEV. 5
                                                    (ng/ml)     (ng/ml)     (ng/ml)     (ng/ml)      (ng/ml)
      DIHYDROTESTOSTERONE                             0,08        0,9          1,2        5,8          13,9
      ANDROSTENEDIONE                                 0,05        0,6          0,8        3,9           7,5
      ANDROSTERONE                                    0,08        1,2          1,4        7,3          13,3
      ESTRONE                                         0,01        0,1         0,14        0,8           1,7
      ESTRADIOL                                       0,03        0,3          0,4        2,2           4,8
      TESTOSTERONE                                    0,05        0,9          1,2        5,9          10,4
      Use     and     Reconstitution:      Blood
      Calibrators are used for calibration of the
      LC system. Add exactly 1 ml of H2O
      HPLC grade and mix for 30 min untill all
      material is dissolved. Stir gently before
      sampling to ensure homogeneity.
      Storage and stability: 36 months if
      stored at 2 – 8 °C. After reconstituion 7
      days if stored at 2 – 8 °C and 6 months
      at – 20 °C. Don’t use after expiry date.
      Packaging : 5 x 1 ml
      Warning: The calibrator derives from
      human matrix, so it could be potentially
      infected. It must be handled with care.


      Install a new analytical column RRHD Eclipse Plus C18 (50 x 2,1 mm, 1,8 um), termostatate at 50 °C
      Disconnect the detector and flux a solution of Methanol : H2O (80 : 20 v/v) at flow of 300 ul / minute for
      20 minutes. Don’t recycle the washing solutions. Condition further on the column at the flow of
      Mobile Phase M1 : Mobile Phase 2 (50 : 50 v/v) at flow ofi 400 ul / minute for 30 minutes. Two
      injections of HPLC grade water before proceeding with the analytical series.
                            It’s NOT possible to make analysis at recycling phase.
      If room temperature is > 20 °C store the Mobile Phase at 2-8 °C between an analytical session and


      Wash with a solution of Methanol : H2O (80 : 20 v/v) at flow of 300 ul / minute for 10 minutes. Store the
      column in a solution of Methanol : H2O (80 : 20 v/v).


      Wash with a solution of Methanol : H2O (80 : 20 v/v).



               Time (min)            % M1 (PUMP A)             % M2 (PUMP B)        Flow (µl/min)

                      0                      75                      25                 600

                     0.38                    75                      25                 600

                     5.50                     0                     100                 600

                     5.90                     0                     100                 600

                     6.00                    75                      25                 600

                     7.50                    75                      25                 600

Fragmentations (optimized on AB SCIEX QTRAP® 4500)

                              Analyte                      Q1                Q3

               Androstenedione                                                           30
                                                          273,1             255
               Androsterone                                                              20
                                                          273,1             255,2
               Dihydrotestosterone                                                       20
                                                          273,1             255
               Estradiol                                                                 25
                                                           255              159,1
               Estrone                                                                   26
                                                          271,2             133
               Testosterone                                                              25
                                                          289,1              97


            CODE                                    DESCRIPTION                               PACKAGING
           LC72216          Calibrator in plasma for Sexual Hormones 2° level                 5 x 2 x 1 ml
           LC72317          Control in plasma for Steroid Hormones – Level 1                   5 x 1 ml
           LC72318          Control in plasma for Steroid Hormones – Level 2                   5 x 1 ml
           LC72319          Control in plasma for Steroid Hormones – Levels 1 and 2           2 x 5 x 1 ml
           SK72210          Starter kit for Glucocorticoids                                       1 Pz
                            Analytical Column RRHD Eclipse Plus C 18 (50 x 2.1 mm. 1.8
         Z959757902                                                                              1 Pz
           S29057U          Glass vials of 2 ml with screw cap                                1 x 100 Pz
           S24722           Polypropylene Insert 100 ul for vials of 2 ml                     1 x 100 Pz


Quantification of corticosteroids in human plasma by liquid chromatography-thermospray mass
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Fuyu Guan, Cornelius E. Uboh, Lawrence R. Soma, Yi Luo, Jeffery Rudy, Thomas Tobin., Journal of
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Liquid chromatography–electrospray ionization mass spectrometric analysis of corticosterone in rat
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Ashok Marwah, Padma Marwah, Henry Lardy, Journal of Chromatography B, 692 (1997) 7–14

                                                                      (Reference Chromatograms)

 1.25                                                                                         7.0
  5                                                                                            6
 1.15                                                                                         6.5
  5                                                                                            6
  5                                                                                            6
  5                                                                                           5.5
  5                                                                                            6
  4                                                                                           5.0
  4                                                                                            6
  4                                                                                           4.5
  4                                                                                            6
  4                                                                                           3.5
  4                                                                                            6
  4                                                                                           3.0
  4                                                                                            6
  4                                                                                           2.5
  4                                                                                            6
  4                                                                                           2.0
  4                                                                                            6
  4                                                                                            6
  4                                                                                           1.0
  4                                                                                            6
  4                                                                                           5.0
  4                                                                                            5
 00 0.                                                                                          0.
          0.        1.    1.   2.   2.       3.   3.   4.   4.   5.    5.    6.                         0.   1.   1.   2.   2.       3.   3.   4.   4.   5.   5.   6.
    00                                   Time,                                                  0                                Time,
          5         0     5    0    5        0    5    0    5    0     5     0                          5    0    5    0    5        0    5    0    5    0    5    0
                                           i                                                                                       i

         Fig. 1 :        Calibrator Level 1                                        Fig. 2 :          Calibrator Level 5
                         R.T. 3.48 ANDROSTENEDIONE                                                   R.T. 3.48 ANDROSTENEDIONE
                         R.T. 3.51 ESTRONE                                                           R.T. 3.51 ESTRONE
                         R.T. 3.62 ESTRADIOL                                                         R.T. 3.62 ESTRADIOL
                         R.T. 3.63 TESTOSTERONE                                                      R.T. 3.63 TESTOSTERONE
                         R.T. 4.1    DIHYDROTESTOSTERONE                                             R.T. 4.1    DIHYDROTESTOSTERONE
                         R.T. 4.28 ANDROSTERONE                                                      R.T. 4.28 ANDROSTERONE

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