SHARING OUR VALUE - 2021 Environmental, Social and Governance Report - The Kroger Co.

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SHARING OUR VALUE - 2021 Environmental, Social and Governance Report - The Kroger Co.

Environmental, Social
and Governance Report
SHARING OUR VALUE - 2021 Environmental, Social and Governance Report - The Kroger Co.
2           2021 Kroger ESG Report                                                     Introduction   Our Approach        People        Planet          Systems         Appendix

Welcome to
Our ESG Report
We are pleased to share this         A cross-functional Kroger team of           Reporting Frameworks                              In This Report
                                     sustainability, business and functional
report on key environmental,         leaders oversees the company’s
                                                                                 The content in this report has been               3     Q&A With Rodney McMullen,
                                                                                 prepared with reference to select
social and governance (ESG)          management approach to, and                 portions of the Global Reporting
                                                                                                                                         Chairman and CEO

topics with our associates,          performance on, ESG topics. This            Initiative (GRI) Standards. We leveraged          4     About Kroger
                                     report marks the launch of our newly
customers, communities,                                                          the same principles for defining report
                                     formalized ESG strategy, which              content as in earlier years—such                  5     Our Approach to ESG
shareholders, suppliers, non-        highlights our focus on driving positive                                                      7     Goals Performance
                                                                                 as stakeholder inclusiveness and
governmental organizations           impact for People, Planet and Systems.      materiality—as well as discussion of              11    Stakeholder Engagement
(NGOs) and others.                   Details on our management approach          our management approach and several
                                                                                                                                   12    People
                                     to ESG topics can be found throughout       relevant topic-specific disclosures.              13    Food Access, Health & Safety
                                     this report. Additional details on key      Kroger is a member of the Standards               20    Just & Inclusive Economy
                                     topics are also available online at         Advisory Group (Food & Beverage
                                                   Sector) for the Sustainability                    24    Planet
                                     Read more about how we align impact         Accounting Standards Board (SASB)                 25    Climate Impact
                                                                                                                                   28    Resource Conservation
                                     philanthropy and investing to our ESG       standards. Volunteer industry experts
                                     strategy through corporate giving,          are appointed to advise on issues that            34    Systems
                                     The Kroger Co. Foundation and The           should be considered in the standards             35    Business Integration
                                     Kroger Co. Zero Hunger | Zero Waste         development process. To review our                38    Responsible & Resilient Systems
                                     Foundation.                                 disclosures against the Food Retailers
                                                                                 & Distributors Standard, refer to our             44    Appendix
                                     Report Scope
                                                                                 SASB Index at the end of this report.
                                     This report covers the Kroger family of     We strive to increase Kroger’s SASB-              46    SASB Index
                                     companies’ 2020 fiscal year, which ran      aligned disclosures over time.
                                     from February 3, 2020, to February 1,
                                                                                 In addition, Kroger is highlighting how
                                     2021. Unless otherwise noted, data
                                                                                 our management approach aligns
                                     included in the report reflects this time
                                                                                 with the Task Force on Climate-related
                                     period. This ESG Report incorporates
                                                                                 Disclosures (TCFD) framework.
                                     most of our operations, except for
                                     certain datasets where we are still
                                     integrating banners from more recent
                                     mergers into our tracking systems.
                                     Where appropriate, we note the scope
                                     of specific performance tracking in the
                                     relevant report section.

Kroger ESG Report & Resources
SHARING OUR VALUE - 2021 Environmental, Social and Governance Report - The Kroger Co.
3           2021 Kroger ESG Report                                                      Introduction   Our Approach      People          Planet         Systems       Appendix

With Rodney McMullen,
Chairman and CEO

I am pleased to share Kroger’s       What are the key business learnings         How is Kroger continuing to support              What drove the formalization of Kroger’s
                                     from 2020?                                  Associates and Communities?                      ESG strategy? Why now?
2020 progress on the ESG
                                     This past year presented challenges         Kroger directed more than $2.5                   Kroger’s ESG strategy is the next evolution
topics that matter to our            that none of us could have predicted.       billion to support and safeguard                 of a journey that started decades ago with
Company and stakeholders.            Our priority—then and now—is the            our Associates, Customers and                    energy efficiency and waste reduction
As I reflect on the past year,       health and safety of our Associates,        Communities during the pandemic,                 initiatives. With this report, we share
                                     Customers and Communities. Despite          including committing nearly $1 billion           our final progress on Kroger’s 2020
I am so proud of how Team
                                     the obstacles in 2020, Kroger continued     to better secure pensions for more               Sustainability Goals and look ahead to
Kroger rose to meet every            to make progress on our ESG strategy        than 30,000 Associates. We continue              what’s next. Our ESG strategy reflects what
challenge and be there for our       and long-term targets. The Kroger team      to provide support by offering personal          we’ve learned, what we will achieve by
Customers when they needed           always shines during difficult times, and   protective equipment (PPE), social               living Our Purpose, and how we will create a
                                     we continue to do so as we navigate         distancing precautions in stores,                world where we are truly Thriving Together.
us most. I’m incredibly thankful     each phase of the COVID-19 pandemic.        COVID-19 vaccines and vaccination
for our Associates’ continued        We learned how quickly we can adapt         clinics, COVID-19 testing, pharmacy and
dedication and service. More         our team, resources and modalities to       retail clinic services, and mental health,
                                     serve our Customers, no matter how          telehealth and telenutrition services.
than ever before, we are             they need or want to shop with us.
deeply committed to Our                                                          How is Kroger working toward
Purpose—to Feed the Human            How did 2020 change the way Kroger          racial equity?
                                     approaches ESG issues?
Spirit™—and to advancing                                                         Diversity and inclusion are among
                                     The past year confirmed Kroger’s unique     Kroger’s long-standing Values. In 2020,
our Zero Hunger | Zero Waste         role in advancing positive impacts for      amid renewed calls for social justice,
social and environmental             people, our planet and the complex          we were inspired to accelerate our path
impact plan to create a              global systems on which we all depend.      forward and introduce our Framework
                                     2020 also demonstrated the relevance        for Action: Diversity, Equity & Inclusion.
better future for people             of Kroger’s leading Zero Hunger |           This 10-point plan captures the next
and our planet.                      Zero Waste social and environmental         steps in our expanded commitment
                                     impact plan. We are humbled by and          to advance progress across
                                     grateful for the opportunity to lead        the company.
                                     meaningfully at such a challenging and
                                     pivotal moment in our shared history.
                                     Going forward, we will help create a
                                     more equitable, sustainable and resilient
                                     global food system and supply chain.

                                                                                                                      Rodney McMullen
                                                                                                                      Kroger’s Chairman and Chief Executive Officer

Kroger ESG Report & Resources
SHARING OUR VALUE - 2021 Environmental, Social and Governance Report - The Kroger Co.
4           2021 Kroger ESG Report                                                        Introduction   Our Approach        People         Planet         Systems         Appendix

About Kroger                                                                                                            Read more about Kroger and our consolidated
                                                                                                                        subsidiaries in our 2020 Fact Book.

As America’s favorite grocer,        In fulfilling Our Purpose—to Feed the Human Spirit—we always live by Our Values:
Kroger is committed to
                                     Honesty                           Diversity                            Safety                                      retail supermarkets
delivering fresh food at             We insist on truthfulness with    We seek and embrace                  We protect our customers
affordable prices, redefining        each other, with our customers,   differences in the backgrounds,      and each other from injury
the customer experience              with our vendors and in our       cultures and ethnicities of          with a safe and secure
                                     business records. We expect       all associates, customers            workplace and shopping
and giving back to our               and value openness.               and vendors.                         environment.                                manufacturing plants
communities. We believe that                                                                                                                            operated by the Kroger
no matter who you are or             Integrity                         Inclusion                            Respect                                     family of companies

where you live, you deserve          We act in accordance              We encourage and expect              We treat all with dignity
                                     with Our Values, even             collaboration, teamwork              and value the opinions and
affordable, fresh, healthy           when it’s difficult.              and the active involvement           perspectives of others.
food. This idea is embodied                                            of all associates.                                                               45
in a simple tagline—Fresh for                                                                                                                           distribution centers

Everyone™—that represents
our egalitarian brand and
underscores our commitment                                                                                                                              60M
to our customers.                                                                                                                                       households
                                                                                                                                                        served annually

                                                                                                                                                        total 2020 sales

                                                                                                                                                        square feet of
                                                                                                                                                        supermarket space

                                                                                                                                                        M = million
                                                                                                                                                        B = billion

Kroger ESG Report & Resources
SHARING OUR VALUE - 2021 Environmental, Social and Governance Report - The Kroger Co.
5            2021 Kroger ESG Report                                                             Introduction   Our Approach       People            Planet        Systems    Appendix

Our Approach to ESG
Kroger’s objective is to achieve lasting positive change for                              Zero Hunger | Zero Waste social and environmental impact
                                                                                          plan. Kroger’s evolution to a 10-year ESG strategy and greater
billions of people and for our planet by 2030. To do this, we                             ESG leadership are the next steps on our journey to delivering
are building a shared-value ESG framework that will unlock                                shared value—to the business and our stakeholders.
greater business value as we work collectively to create more                             Over time, we continue to more deeply understand and embrace
resilient, equitable and sustainable systems.                                             Kroger’s unique role and responsibility as a food and consumer
                                                                                          goods retailer. We strive to lead responsibly across a broad
Our Journey                                                                               portfolio of topics, integrate ESG accountability within lines of
Our roadmap to achieving long-term sustainability and social impact commitments           business and derive financial value in opportunities that create
began decades ago. More recently, we formalized our approach with the                     a more sustainable future for all.
announcement of our 2020 Sustainability Goals and the introduction of our

The Roadmap for Our Journey

       2016                           2017–19                    2020–21                       2023                              2025                            2030

    Sustainability Goals              Social Impact Plan        ESG Strategy                ESG Leadership                    Shared Value                    Achieve Kroger’s
      roger announces                 Kroger refines           Kroger establishes         Recognized leader                Innovation in ESG
     2020 Sustainability               Our Purpose—to Feed       ESG framework               in impact ESG in                  helps deliver growth
                                                                                                                                                              which contribute
     Goals                             the Human Spirit          Wraps up                   select topics                     Key businesses derive         to UN Sustainable
      oals focus
     G                                 Introduces Zero          progress on 2020             roger businesses
                                                                                             K                                 value from ESG                 Development Goals
     on operational                    Hunger | Zero             Sustainability Goals        co-own relevant ESG               workstreams                    (SDGs)
     waste, packaging                  Waste social and          Formalizes ESG             workstreams and                   Measure and report
     and sourcing                      environmental             strategy & longer-          targets                           collective positive
     Largely directed by              impact plan               term ESG targets            Supply chain                     impacts with suppliers
     discrete Corporate                 onducts first
                                       C                         I ntroduces Framework      engagement in ESG                 on select ESG targets
     Affairs teams                     formal materiality        for Action: Diversity,      targets, including                Achieve 2025 targets
                                       assessment                Equity & Inclusion          sustainable packaging
                                                                                                                               Review and refine
                                        egins aligning
                                       B                                                     and Scope 3
                                                                  eeper supply chain
                                                                 D                                                             roadmap for 2030
                                       philanthropy to social                                emissions reduction
                                                                 engagement                                                    targets
                                       impact plan                                           Achieve key
                                                                  ommits to Human
                                       Introduces master                                    milestones toward
                                                                 Rights Due Diligence
                                       brand: Fresh for                                      2025 goals

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SHARING OUR VALUE - 2021 Environmental, Social and Governance Report - The Kroger Co.
6           2021 Kroger ESG Report                                                                  Introduction   Our Approach      People          Planet         Systems       Appendix

ESG Strategy: Thriving Together
We imagine a world where                                             People: Help billions live healthier, more sustainable lifestyles
everyone is Thriving
                                                                     Food Access, Health & Safety                     Just & Inclusive Economy
Together. The objective
                                                                     Kroger’s brand promise, Fresh for                Offering access to employment, benefits
of our ESG strategy is to                                            Everyone, reflects our priorities around         and more; providing career paths that
achieve lasting positive                                             food and product safety, food access,            attract and retain talent; and fostering a
impacts through a shared-                                            and health and nutrition. Protecting our         culture of diversity, equity and inclusion
                                                                     associates’ health and safety and providing      for all.
value framework that                                                 the best customer experience are also
benefits people and our

                                                                     critical elements of our approach.
planet and creates more
resilient systems for
the future.                                                                                                   People
The centerpiece of Kroger’s ESG strategy
is our Zero Hunger | Zero Waste social and
environmental impact plan. Introduced
four years ago, Zero Hunger | Zero
Waste is an industry-leading platform for
collective action and systems change at      Systems: Build more                                                                                          Planet: Protect and restore
global, national and local levels.           responsible and inclusive                                                                                    natural resources for a
                                             global systems                                                                                               brighter future
Our strategy aims to address ESG topics
of importance to our business and to our     Business Integration                                                                                         Climate Impact
associates, customers and communities.       Strong ESG governance                                                                                        Reducing climate impact and
These topics align to three strategic        and a commitment to                                                                                          supporting the transition to
pillars: People, Planet and Systems.         ethics and compliance help                                                                                   a lower-carbon economy by
                                             build trust and promote                                                                                      investing in energy efficiency
                                             the long-term interests                                                                                      and renewable energy and
To address the complex                       of our stakeholders. Our                                                                                     by reducing food waste and

issues most relevant to our                  responsibilities include data                                                                                refrigerant emissions.

business, we continue to learn               privacy and cybersecurity

from internal and external                   and adopting responsible
                                                                                                                                                          Resource Conservation
stakeholders through the                     marketing practices.


materiality assessment process                                                                                                                            Kroger committed to achieve
and ongoing engagement.                      Responsible &                                                                                                zero food waste to landfill
                                             Resilient Systems                                                                                            company-wide by 2025, and
                                             Our efforts to improve                                                                                       we also focus on achieving zero
                                             environmental and social                                                                                     operational waste, offering
                                             impacts throughout our                                                                                       more sustainable packaging
                                             global supply chain include                                                                                  and optimizing water use.
                                             responsible sourcing,
                                             supply chain accountability
                                             and a holistic commitment
                                             to respecting human rights.

Kroger ESG Report & Resources
SHARING OUR VALUE - 2021 Environmental, Social and Governance Report - The Kroger Co.
7            2021 Kroger ESG Report                                                                                        Introduction       Our Approach            People                Planet             Systems          Appendix

 Goals Performance
 Having reached the end of our 2020 Sustainability Goals reporting period, we are now looking to what lies ahead.
 By engaging key stakeholders, subject matter experts and internal business owners, we established new long-term
 commitments and goals to advance Kroger’s sustainability leadership through the next decade.

         Goal                                                                                               2018                     2019                       2020                 Baseline         Target Year          Status

          Zero Hunger | Zero Waste

          Total Meals: Increase cumulative total of meals directed to our communities (food and funds)

             1 billion meals (2017–2019); 3 billion meals (2017–2025)                                       641M                      1.1B                      1.8B                  2017            2020 – 2025

          Surplus Food: Improve management of surplus food company-wide

             Optimize recovery of surplus food for donation through Kroger’s Zero Hunger |
                                                                                                        100M pounds              101M pounds             90M pounds*                  2017               2025
             Zero Waste Food Rescue program

             Strive for 100% of retail stores to participate in food rescue every year                      97%                      98%                       93%*                   2017               2025

             Increase retail donations of fresh Produce, Deli and Dairy items to be 45% of total
                                                                                                            26%                       29%                       37%                   2017               2025
             food rescue

          Philanthropy: Strategically optimize giving to hunger relief partners as share of
                                                                                                       $192M: $328M             $205M: $279M             $213M: $301M                 2017               2025
          total company-wide charitable giving (total of food and funds)

             Increase The Kroger Co. Foundation grant-making to advance Zero Hunger |
                                                                                                           $6.1M                    $10.5M                    $16.4M                  2017               2025
             Zero Waste, racial equity and other focus areas

             Establish The Kroger Co. Zero Hunger | Zero Waste Foundation and Innovation
                                                                                                             –                       $10M                     $16.5M                  2017               2025
             Fund; increase national and local grants to accelerate positive impact

          Wages & Benefits: Provide solid wages and good quality, affordable health care and retirement benefits

             Invest $500 million in cumulative associate compensation and benefits
                                                                                                           $216M                    $508M                      $798M                   2017              2020
             through Restock Kroger

                                                                                                      $14.40/hour; $18/                                 $15.50/hour; Over
                                                                                                                              $15/hour; $20/hour
             Increase average retail hourly wages and benefits over time                               hour including                                  $20/hour including              2017              2020
                                                                                                                               including benefits
                                                                                                           benefits                                          benefits

         M = million B = billion
         *Reflects pandemic-related disruptions in surplus food recovery

                                                               √ Extending goal     Did not achieve         Area of focus                  On track           Significant Progress            Achieved           Achieved ahead of schedule

 Kroger ESG Report & Resources
SHARING OUR VALUE - 2021 Environmental, Social and Governance Report - The Kroger Co.
8           2021 Kroger ESG Report                                                                                     Introduction       Our Approach             People              Planet               Systems          Appendix

         Goal                                                                                          2018                      2019                       2020                 Baseline        Target Year            Status

          Just & Inclusive Economy

          Framework for Action: Diversity, Equity & Inclusion: Achieve commitments to create a more inclusive culture

            Create DE&I Advisory Council to advance our long-term DE&I commitments                       –                             –                  Completed                 –                2020

            100% of leaders participate in Unconscious Bias training                                     –                             –                    96%                     –                2020

            100% of associates participate in Inclusion training in 2021                                 –                             –           Will report in 2022              –                2021

            Increase annual spend with inclusive suppliers to $10 billion                              $3B                       $3.4B                      $4.1B                   –                2030

            Deploy funds to advance social justice through The Kroger Co. Foundation’s
                                                                                                         –                             –                    $3M                     –                2025
            $5 million Racial Equity Fund

          Food Waste

          Reduce total food waste generated in our retail supermarkets by 50%                          9.3%                      13%                     19.3%
                                                                                                                                                                                   2017              2025
          cumulatively from our 2017 baseline (cumulative reduction; annual tons generated)        301,282 tons              288,966 tons             268,248 tons

          Achieve 95% retail food-waste diversion                                                      39.7%                     44.7%                      48.3%                  2017              2025

          Strive for 95% or more of retail stores participating in food waste                           74%                       76%                     87%
                                                                                                                                                                                   2017              2025
          recycling programs                                                                       (2,039 stores)            (2,120 stores)          (2,407 stores)

          Operational Waste

          Company-wide, meet and exceed the zero waste threshold of 90% diversion
                                                                                                       76%                        80%                       81%*                   2016              2020√
          from landfill

          Recycle over 200 million pounds more plastic cumulatively since 2016                     137.4M pounds             191.1M pounds          248.9M pounds                  2016              2020

          Continue to integrate reusable plastic containers (RPCs) into our network and test
                                                                                                    160M RPCs                 123M RPCs                   197M RPCs                2016              2020
          new technologies that reduce waste in the supply chain

          Recover over 3.3 billion pounds of cardboard annually                                     1.5B pounds               1.6B pounds             1.7B pounds                  2016              2020

          Achieve zero waste in 50% of new store and remodel construction projects                     40%                        54%                       64%                    2019              2020

          Phase out single-use plastic shopping bags. Phaseout commitment is in addition                                     QFC division             Developing
                                                                                                         –                                                                         2018              2025
          to any existing and future legislation for plastic bags                                                         phaseout complete           roadmap*

         M = million B = billion
         *Reflects pandemic-related disruptions

                                                          √ Extending goal       Did not achieve        Area of focus                  On track           Significant Progress            Achieved            Achieved ahead of schedule

 Kroger ESG Report & Resources
SHARING OUR VALUE - 2021 Environmental, Social and Governance Report - The Kroger Co.
9            2021 Kroger ESG Report                                                                                       Introduction       Our Approach            People             Planet                Systems            Appendix

         Goal                                                                                             2018                      2019                       2020                 Baseline        Target Year           Status


          Achieve a 3% annual reduction in water consumed per unit produced in our plants                3.44% ↑                    1.7% ↓                   3.43% ↓                  2019              2020


          Optimize Our Brands product packaging in the following ways:

          2020 Sustainable Packaging Goals—Our Brands-manufactured products

             Reduce plastic resin by 10 million pounds cumulative                                      9.8M pounds              10.1M pounds             15.1M pounds                 2015              2020

             Use at least 20% post-consumer recycled (PCR) content                                          –                             –                      5%                   2016              2020

             Increase communication about recyclability on all applicable packaging
                                                                                                       1,830+ items             3,000+ items             4,800+ items                 2016              2020
             (no. items labeled “Please Recycle”)

             Increase certified virgin fiber from well-managed forests for paperboard
                                                                                                            –                        80%                        74%                   2016              2020
             packaging (% certified)

             Increase the recyclability of plastic packaging                                                        Read more in Packaging section                                    2016              2020

             Support the expansion of infrastructure to increase the availability and
                                                                                                                    Read more in Packaging section                                    2016              2020
             accessibility of recycling for Our Brands product packaging

          2030 Sustainable Packaging Goals—All Our Brands products

             Complete a baseline product packaging footprint to fully understand current
                                                                                                            Reporting to commence in 2022 ESG Report                                 2020               2030                  –
             packaging impacts

             Seek to achieve 100% recyclable, compostable and/or reusable packaging                         Reporting to commence in 2022 ESG Report                                 2020               2030                  –

             Product portfolio collectively contains at least 10% recycled content
                                                                                                            Reporting to commence in 2022 ESG Report                                 2020               2030                  –
             in packaging

             Reduce unnecessary packaging                                                                   Reporting to commence in 2022 ESG Report                                 2020               2030                  –

             Increase awareness among Kroger customers about how to properly manage
                                                                                                            Reporting to commence in 2022 ESG Report                                 2020               2030                  –
             product packaging at end of life

         M = million B = billion

                                                          √ Extending goal           Did not achieve       Area of focus                  On track           Significant Progress            Achieved           Achieved ahead of schedule

 Kroger ESG Report & Resources
SHARING OUR VALUE - 2021 Environmental, Social and Governance Report - The Kroger Co.
10            2021 Kroger ESG Report                                                                                             Introduction       Our Approach            People               Planet               Systems            Appendix

          Goal                                                                                                   2018                      2019                       2020                 Baseline        Target Year            Status

           Climate Impact

           Achieve a 30% cumulative reduction in greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs)                                 Baseline                 3.4% ↑                   8.6% ↓
                                                                                                                                                                                             2018              2030
           (metric tons CO2e)                                                                               5,774,060 MTCO2e        5,967,865 MTCO2e         5,275,845 MTCO2e

           Improve our ton miles per gallon (TMPG) by 20%                                                        10.21%                   10.84%                     15.47%                  2010              2020

           Achieve a 3% annual reduction in electricity consumed per unit produced in                           0.36% ↓                   2.47% ↑                   5.26%* ↓                 2019              2020
           our plants

           Achieve a 3% annual reduction in natural gas consumed per unit produced in
                                                                                                                4.95% ↑                    3.12% ↑                  5.49%* ↓                 2019              2020
           our plants

           Achieve a 10% annual reduction in refrigerant leakages in our retail stores                            0%                         0%                        10%                   2019              2020

           Responsible Sourcing**

           Source 100% of wild-caught seafood from fisheries that are Marine Stewardship
           Council (MSC) certified, in MSC full assessment, in comprehensive fishery
                                                                                                                  88%                       88%                       86%                    2016              2020√
           improvement projects (FIPs) or certified by other Global Sustainable Seafood
           Initiative (GSSI)-recognized programs

           Preferentially source MSC-certified wild-caught seafood and source
                                                                                                                  75%                       71%                        72%                   2016              2020√
           at least 90% of volume from fisheries that are MSC certified

           Source 100% of farm-raised seafood from farms that are Best Aquaculture Practices
           (BAP) 2-Star or greater certified, Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC) certified                     89%                       96%                       98%                    2016              2020√
           or GLOBALG.A.P. certified

           Source 100% of shelf-stable tuna from companies aligned with the International
                                                                                                                 100%                      100%                       100%                   2016              2020√
           Seafood Sustainability Foundation (ISSF)

           Source 20% of Our Brands shelf-stable tuna from fisheries that are MSC certified                        Reporting to commence in 2022 ESG Report                                 2020               2025                   –

           Transition to a 100% cage-free egg supply chain (% shell eggs that are cage-free)                     23.3%                     23.1%                     24.9%                    –                2025

           Source 100% of fresh pork from suppliers and farms that have transitioned away
           from gestation crates (% of supply chain not using gestation crates for at least part                  38%                       43%                        51%                    –                2025
           of pregnancy)

          M = million B = billion
          *Per-unit decrease partially driven by increased production tonnage due to pandemic-related demand
          **Data reflects calendar year

                                                               √ Extending goal           Did not achieve         Area of focus                  On track           Significant Progress            Achieved            Achieved ahead of schedule

 Kroger ESG Report & Resources
11          2021 Kroger ESG Report                                                   Introduction   Our Approach      People          Planet          Systems       Appendix

Stakeholder Engagement
Kroger has a large and               Key Stakeholders   Primary Engagement Methods                                       Engagement Outcomes 2020
diverse group of stakeholders
that affect our ability to           Shareholders       Our leaders, Investor Relations team and other subject matter    In 2020, we met with investors who manage
                                                        experts engage with shareholders throughout the year. Key        nearly 58% of the active institutional float and
successfully run our business                           channels include direct engagement, investor conferences,        with investors holding approximately $38 billion
and may be impacted by our                              our annual shareholders’ meeting, quarterly earnings calls,      of purchasing power. Discussions with socially
operations. We proactively                              financial reports, investor questionnaires about ESG topics,     conscious investors helped inform our new ESG
                                              , press releases and webcasts.                strategy and long-term commitments.
manage relationships to
foster open dialogue with,           NGOs               We have long-standing partnerships and open dialogue             NGO engagement shaped our new ESG
and capture feedback from,                              with many NGOs to share our ESG priorities, plans and            strategy, our priorities for 2025 and 2030, and
more than 70 organizations                              performance. We welcome constructive discussion on many          our roadmap for human rights due diligence,
                                                        social and sustainability topics to help advance common          as outlined in an updated Statement on
on over 40 ESG topics. While                            goals for people and our planet.                                 Human Rights.
our approach to engagement
varies by stakeholder
group, we prioritize topics          Associates &       To gather feedback from associates, we use one-on-one            Input informed our COVID-19 response plan,
                                                        discussions and coaching, our intranet, email, leadership        including measures to help protect health
based on our strengths, our          Labor Unions       meetings and town halls, affinity and inclusion groups,          and safety, invest in wages, rewards and
ESG strategy, materiality                               internal and external social media, and an annual employee       paid sick leave for frontline grocery workers,
and risk-based analyses.                                engagement survey. We communicate with labor unions              and offer access to testing, vaccinations and
                                                        through scheduled meetings, telephone calls and ongoing          telehealth services.
                                                        collective bargaining agreement negotiations.

                                     Customers          Customers can engage with us through in-store service            Based on customer feedback and changing
                                                        counters, surveys, focus groups, websites and social media,      shopping behaviors during the pandemic,
                                                        as well as Kroger Customer Connect, our live call center.        Kroger accelerated digital options for low-
                                                                                                                         contact and contact-free shopping, and
                                                                                                                         activated payment using Electronic Benefits
                                                                                                                         Transfer (EBT) at curbside pickup.

                                     Communities        We foster close relationships with the neighborhoods in          National and local conversations about social
                                                        which we operate through direct engagement, local giving         justice and ongoing dialogue with community
                                                        and fundraising, service and volunteerism, weekly food           and non-profit leaders shaped our Framework
                                                        donations, hunger relief, ongoing special events, store          for Action: Diversity, Equity & Inclusion.
                                                        openings and media relations.

                                     Suppliers &        Supplier engagement is a critical element of our                 Connecting with suppliers throughout the
                                                        commitment to responsible sourcing and supplier                  pandemic helped keep shelves stocked
                                     Manufacturers      accountability. We focus our engagement during the               amid supply chain constraints, onboard new
                                                        onboarding process and continue it through ongoing               suppliers quickly, offer COVIDCare+™ testing
                                                        meetings, site visits, surveys, audits and scorecards.           and vaccination solutions, and share best
                                                                                                                         practices for worker health and safety through
                                                                                                                         Sharing What We’ve Learned: A Blueprint for

Kroger ESG Report & Resources
12          2021 Kroger ESG Report                                    Introduction   Our Approach   People   Planet           Systems       Appendix

                                     Help billions live healthier, more sustainable lifestyles                 In This Section

                                     We believe in building a just and inclusive world where                   13     Food Access, Health & Safety
                                     everyone can access nutritious, affordable foods and where                20     Just & Inclusive Economy

                                     our associates, customers and communities thrive. We aspire
                                     to help build more resilient communities where individual
                                     and collective rights are respected and protected.

Kroger ESG Report & Resources
13          2021 Kroger ESG Report                                                                          Introduction     Our Approach            People        Planet             Systems             Appendix

Food Access, Health & Safety
Material Topics                      Our Impact in Numbers                                  Charitable Giving Directed to Hunger Relief in Our Communities

• Food & Product Safety               90 million pounds of food donated                    $ to Hunger Relief as Share of Total Charitable Giving            Meals Directed to Our Communities (food + funds)
                                      through the Zero Hunger | Zero Waste                                                                           $301M
• Food Access                         Food Rescue program                                   2020     $213M                                                     640M
• Health & Nutrition                   irected nearly 1.8 billion meals (in food
                                      D                                                                                                              $279M
                                      and funds) toward our 2025 target of                  2019     $205M                                                     493M
• Customer Experience
                                      3 billion meals to our communities                                                                                                               Achieved goal to give
• Associate Health & Safety                                                                                                                         $328M
                                      116% growth in total digital sales in 2020           2018     $192M                                                     316M                    1B meals
• Community Engagement                Our Simple Truth® brand exceeded                                                                              $358M
                                                                                                                                                                                       by 2020

                                      $3 billion in annual sales                            2017     $200M                                                     325M
                                                                                                                                                                                        M = million, B = billion

The events of 2020 and                        Food & Product Safety                           We have a comprehensive company-
                                                                                              wide management approach focused on
the COVID-19 pandemic                         Providing quality, safe food for our
                                                                                              mitigating risk at our stores, plants and
highlighted the complex                       customers and their families is Kroger’s
                                                                                              distribution centers.
                                              highest priority. Quality assurance and
issues surrounding access                     regulatory compliance are key facets            Throughout the pandemic, the Kroger
to fresh, healthy foods                       of our business and, for our suppliers          operations and food safety teams adjusted
                                                                                              master sanitation and cleaning schedules
across the country. As                        and partners, they are essential
                                              conditions of working with us. We               at all facilities, with guidance from
America’s grocer, we are                      focus on meeting and exceeding our              sanitation partner Ecolab, to help protect
committed to fulfilling our                   stakeholders’ expectations for food             the health and safety of our associates
brand promise, Fresh for                      safety and quality.                             and customers and keep food safe.

Everyone, our Zero Hunger                     Under the leadership of our Vice                Kroger teams managed 39 recall events
                                              President of Corporate Food                     leading to 55 Class I product recalls last
| Zero Waste social and                       Technology and Regulatory                       year, 46 of which were related to food
environmental impact plan,                    Compliance, more than 50 scientists             products. Two of these recalls involved
and our Food as Medicine                      and technologists in the Corporate              Our Brands products, including one
                                              Food Technology group oversee                   produced in a Kroger-operated facility.
strategy so that everyone                                                                     As in previous years, recalls for undeclared
                                              food safety for our manufacturing
can access affordable,                        operations and retail stores. Among             allergens continue to be a primary cause
nutritious food.                              other responsibilities, this team tests         of Class I recalls.
                                              products we manufacture for safety,
                                              audits all Kroger facilities, reviews           Number of Kroger-Manufactured
                                              third-party audits of suppliers’ facilities     Our Brands Products Recalled
                                              for compliance, and works closely with               2018           2019            2020
Contributing to the SDGs                      regulatory agencies and suppliers to

                                                                                                   3              0               1
                                              process recalls affecting products sold
                                              in our stores.

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14          2021 Kroger ESG Report         Introduction     Our Approach      People          Planet          Systems        Appendix

                                     Supermarkets                                      We also monitor safety for our non-food
                                     Across our stores, food safety managers           products, such as clothing. In 2020,
                                     help ensure compliance with all applicable        we developed an Apparel Restricted
                                     federal, state and local regulations              Substance Policy that establishes new
                                     through our risk prevention strategy. In          chemical compliance requirements for
                                     2020, Kroger trained nearly 90% of new            our private-label clothing suppliers.
                                     retail store fresh department associates,
                                                                                       Distribution Centers
                                     totaling more than 21,300 associates who
                                     completed the Serve Up Safe Delicious             Maintaining excellent food safety
                                     Food™ program. We also completed nearly           practices is also critical across our 45
                                     15,000 in-store food safety audits in 2020.       national distribution centers. Established
                                                                                       food safety and sanitation standards
                                     While the Centers for Disease Control
                                                                                       outline management responsibilities, and
                                     determined that the virus that causes
                                                                                       associates implement formal documented
                                     COVID-19 is not transmissible by food,
                                                                                       programs, including Food Safety Plans.
                                     Kroger followed guidance to close some
                                                                                       Kroger’s distribution centers follow
                                     store departments, such as salad bars
                                                                                       established cold chain management
                                     and bulk foods, and remove unpackaged
                                                                                       standards to help ensure perishable food
                                     self-service items from sale. As certain
                                                                                       under our control is kept intact. This is of
                                     restrictions were lifted, we temporarily
                                                                                       particular importance during inbound and
                                     introduced protective single-use plastic
                                                                                       outbound transportation.
                                     packaging for items like fresh pastries in
                                     the self-service Bakery case.                     Our standards outline these requirements
                                                                                       in detail for our associates. Based on best
                                     Manufacturing Facilities                          practices and regulatory requirements, key
                                     All of our manufacturing facilities are           elements of the standards include:
                                     certified to Safe Quality Food Institute          • Food safety responsibility
                                     standards, and every plant has an assigned          and documented practices
                                     Quality Assurance Manager and a Safe              • Proper receipt and storage of materials
                                     Quality Food Practitioner. We manufacture
                                                                                       • Cleaning practices
                                     45% of Our Brands food items at 34
                                     Kroger-operated food processing plants            • Maintenance for food safety
                                     across the country, offering customers            • Pest prevention to avoid
                                     thousands of quality Our Brands and                 food adulteration
                                     banner brand products like Private
                                     Selection®, Simple Truth®, Simple Truth
                                     Organic® and many more.
                                     Our risk mitigation strategy includes:            Learn more about Kroger’s
                                                                                       commitment to food safety and
                                     • Leadership and training
                                                                                       leadership in the Consumer
                                     • Hazard analysis and risk-based                  Goods Forum’s Global Food
                                       preventive controls                             Safety Initiative Coalition of
                                     • Sanitation control                              Action on food safety.
                                     • Food allergen control
                                     • Environmental monitoring programs
                                     • Audits and food safety reviews
                                     • Recall management

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15          2021 Kroger ESG Report                                                              Introduction        Our Approach     People             Planet                  Systems   Appendix

                                                rescue food for donation wherever

                                                food banks were able to collect it.
                                                In 2020, the closure of restaurants,
                                                hospitality and entertainment venues
                                                created a surplus of some items, including

                                                raw milk. Kroger’s Manufacturing and
                                                Dairy Sourcing teams quickly scaled up
                                                a Dairy Rescue Program to collect,
                                                process and direct raw milk to families
                                                in need. Through this program, Kroger
                                                donated an additional 200,000 gallons
Food Access                                     of milk in partnership with our dairy
With access to healthy, affordable food         cooperative suppliers and farmers across
more important than ever today, we              the Midwest and South.
continue to advance our brand promise,          Kroger also introduced a brand new way
Fresh for Everyone. Many customers count        to help families stretch their budgets.
on Kroger for low prices and unique,            Kroger Chefbot is a smart recipe bot
personalized offers to make healthy             that uses artificial intelligence to “see”
options even more affordable. We also           nearly 2,000 ingredients and unlock
work with key partners to find creative         almost 20,000 recipes. Developed with
ways to direct more fresh surplus food to       integrated creative and media agency
individuals and communities in need.            360i and technology partners Coffee
                                                Labs and Clarifai, @KrogerChefbot offers
Zero Hunger | Zero Waste                        families an innovative and easy solution
Kroger’s Zero Hunger | Zero Waste social        for meals made with items already
and environmental impact plan is our            at home.
commitment to help create communities
free from hunger and waste. As America’s
grocer, we promote healthy product
choices, as well as health and nutrition
services, for millions of customers every
day. In 2020, we directed a record                   Balancing the Plate:
640 million meals to our communities,                Zero Hunger | Zero Waste Food Rescue                                                           17.5%
                               19%             23%                                                  19%                 23%
including food and funds to help end
hunger at national and local levels. During        Kroger is making solid progress on                                                                                     29%
                                                   our commitment to donate more
the past four years, Kroger has directed a         high-nutrition items like Produce, Deli,
total of nearly 1.8 billion meals toward our       and Meat & Seafood as a share of
                          12%                                                                 12%            2017                                           2020
3 billion meal goal by 2025.                     7%total surplus food rescue. Working with                                    7%
                                                   national partner Feeding America, we
Our Zero Hunger | Zero Waste Food                3%also achieved our goal to eliminate the                                 3%
Rescue program directs surplus food from64.59%
                                            64.59% undefined “mix” category in 2020 to
                                                                                                                      64.59%                                        64.59%
our stores, plants and distribution centers        improve data and37% insights that inform                                                   34.2%
                                                   surplus food rescue.
to families in need. In 2020, associates
                                     36%                                                                     36%                                                   8.7%
rescued 90 million pounds of food for
hunger relief organizations across the
country. Total food rescue declined by 10%
                                                                                                    Bakery      Dairy       Deli   Meat & Seafood      Produce            Mix
due to pandemic-related disruptions in
donations. Despite this, we continued to

Kroger ESG Report & Resources
16          2021 Kroger ESG Report                                                                  Introduction   Our Approach      People   Planet           Systems           Appendix

Health & Nutrition                             and medications. As a result, the pandemic     budgets, nourish critical and chronic health     Provided

Kroger Health leads the company’s
                                               contributed to closing gaps in health care
                                               access by making telehealth services
                                                                                              conditions, and learn to shop online and
                                                                                              cook at home. Use of Kroger’s telenutrition
                                                                                                                                               560,000 COVID-19
health and nutrition strategy, services                                                                                                        tests at pharmacies, clinics
                                               more familiar.                                 services increased significantly during
and programs, which include retail, mail                                                                                                       and drive‑through testing sites
                                               We believe promoting long-term health and      the pandemic, up 300% between April
order, central fill and specialty pharmacy
                                               nutrition is a shared-value proposition with   2020 and April 2021. The service remains
operations, retail health clinics, nutrition
                                               the potential to improve population health     available to the public today through paid-
and dietitian services, and health advocacy.                                                                                                   Administered
                                               and increase sales, customer loyalty and       for appointments and insurance.
In 2020, the company’s health services
included COVID-19 testing, nutrition           alternative revenue streams. We will extend    Hometown Pickup
                                                                                                                                               over 4.7M
support and some of the earliest deliveries    our commitment to serving vulnerable
                                                                                              We recognize that many people live
                                                                                                                                               COVID-19 vaccines
of COVID-19 vaccinations.                      populations beyond the pandemic, with                                                           through May 2021
                                                                                              outside of Kroger’s current retail store
                                               supermarkets as destinations for both
A team of 22,000 health care practitioners,                                                   footprint, and some lack convenient
                                               nutritious food and preventive health care.
including pharmacists, nurse practitioners,                                                   access to a full-service grocery store and
dietitians and technicians, serves over        Innovative Solutions                           affordable fresh food choices. In the spirit     Delivered
14 million customers a year. In 2020, we
connected with more people than ever           Kroger continues to develop and test
                                                                                              of Fresh for Everyone, we are piloting a
                                                                                              new retail model, Hometown Pickup, which
                                                                                                                                               over 840,000
through COVID-19 testing, vaccinations,        creative solutions to improving food access
                                                                                              offers grocery order pickup locations in         dietitian-approved
                                               and nutrition. Last year, we introduced
and telehealth and telenutrition services.
                                               three new ways to extend our reach.
                                                                                              neighborhoods within a certain radius of a       meals to at-risk patients
Mass flu shot clinics in the fall helped                                                      Kroger store. Customers can place an order       through the Pantry Staples Program
prepare for COVID-19 vaccine clinics           Pantry Staples Program                         online, and Kroger brings it to a designated
in 2021.                                                                                      location for convenient collection. After a
                                               In 2020, Kroger’s expert clinical dietitians
Kroger Health drives our ambitious Food                                                       late 2020 launch in select Ohio locations,
                                               hand-selected nourishing pantry staples                                                         Offered telenutrition services across
as Medicine strategy, which aims to                                                           Kroger expanded the pilot to a number of
                                               to be shipped to the homes of vulnerable
achieve a 20% improvement in five critical     and food-insecure individuals across the
                                                                                              Kentucky communities earlier this year.          48 states
dimensions of population health—obesity,       country. The pilot began with insurance-
diabetes, food insecurity, cost and product    funded patients, who received Pantry
assortment—by 2025. The team’s first year      Staples boxes to support healthy food
of programs was disrupted as services          choices during stay-at-home orders.
pivoted to support pandemic-related            Kroger Health is actively reviewing
efforts. But COVID-19 also confirmed           feedback and options for scaling up the
the urgent need for action to improve          reach of the program.
health among vulnerable populations
and communities of color, which were           Telenutrition
disproportionately affected by the             The pandemic advanced a nationwide
coronavirus pandemic.                          conversation about health and nutrition.
During the pandemic, Kroger Health             Because choosing the right foods can be
partnered with many federal, state and         daunting, Kroger offered free nutrition
local agencies, programs and health            counseling via video chat with expert
providers to assess needs and expand           registered dietitians—credentialed by the
services. By quickly introducing innovative    Commission on Dietetic Registration—
solutions, we met customers where they         as an emergency response to support
were—often sheltering at home and              public health in 2020. Through thousands
connecting via technology—throughout           of free consultations, patients received
the year. Remote clinics and free              personalized nutrition care from the
prescription delivery gave patients safe,      comfort and safety of home. Telenutrition
contact-free access to nurse practitioners     services help customers navigate their food

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17          2021 Kroger ESG Report                                                             Introduction   Our Approach   People   Planet   Systems   Appendix

Customer Experience                               Customers can now shop online for over
                                                  70,000 items, with more regularly added.
In 2020, the Kroger team learned we
                                                  We offer 2,223 curbside pickup locations,
are capable of doing more and pivoting
                                                  2,472 delivery locations and same-day
quickly to offer what matters most to our
                                                  home delivery from 2,385 stores through
customers and communities.
                                                  our partnership with Instacart. Kroger
Since the beginning of the COVID-19               is expanding home delivery services
pandemic, our priority has been to                in existing and new markets through
safeguard our associates and customers            the country’s first Customer Fulfillment
while keeping stores open to provide              Centers, powered by Ocado.
dependable access to food and essential
                                                • Personalization: Our data and
supplies. We implemented new safety and
                                                  personalization strengths enable
cleaning procedures in all of our stores
                                                  meaningful customer moments across
and facilities, including safety partitions,
                                                  channels to address specific needs and
mask requirements, physical distancing
                                                  enhance the overall relationship with
reminders and customer capacity limits.
                                                  Kroger. Our customers—nearly 60 million
The pandemic also changed how our                 households across the country—are at
customers enjoy food and family meals.            the center of everything we do. In 2020,
We continue to see people work remotely           we shared nearly 11 billion personalized
and prepare more meals at home.                   recommendations every week, which
We expect some of these trends and                amounted to more than half a trillion
preferences to persist going forward,             over the year.
and we remain committed to putting
                                                • Fresh: We continue to bring our brand
our customers first. Our Marketing,
                                                  promise—Fresh for Everyone—to life
Merchandising and 84.51° customer
                                                  across the company. Many customers
insights teams lead Kroger’s management
                                                  focused on fresh categories in 2020,
approach to customer experience.
                                                  with strong sales in Produce, Meat &
Kroger’s Fresh for Everyone brand                 Seafood, Deli/Bakery and meal solutions.
recently celebrated its first anniversary.        Home Chef finished the year with
The marketing campaign is reaching new            record sales, capturing additional share
heights in ad effectiveness, and customers        from restaurants and other retailers.
have responded positively.                        We continue to promote and expand
Our key strategic focus areas include:            affordable access to fresh, healthy foods.
• Seamless ecosystem: New customers             • Our Brands: Our Brands achieved its best
  are engaging in both our in-store and           year ever in 2020, exceeding $26.2 billion
  online offerings, resulting in a 98%            in sales, and our Simple Truth® brand
  customer retention rate. We tripled our         exceeded $3 billion in annual sales for
  digital sales in 2020, reflecting proactive     the first time. We saw 20% growth in
  investments in our network and our              our premium culinary brand, Private
  team’s ability to move quickly to meet          Selection®, while our Simple Truth Plant
  customers’ demands for safe, low-touch          Based® platform launched 53 new items
  and contact-free shopping options.              last year and continues to resonate
                                                  with customers.

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18          2021 Kroger ESG Report                                                                Introduction   Our Approach      People          Planet          Systems       Appendix

Customer Insights                               84.51° data science and tools—also inform   partnership with Ocado, one of the world’s      Associate health and safety in our retail
Kroger’s Net Promoter Scores®, which            improvements in service, product quality    largest online grocery retailers, Kroger is     stores, corporate offices, manufacturing
measure customer and stakeholder                and item assortment. We apply customer      bringing fresh food to current and new          plants and distribution centers follows our
approval, continue to improve, both for         equity capabilities to understand how       customers in select markets. This strategic     established management approach:
in-store shopping and pickup services,          our customers perceive Kroger relative to   partnership leverages advanced robotics         • Safety Training and Resources (STAR)
reflecting ongoing improvements in what         our competitors, and we continue to see     technology and a seamless fulfillment             Safety 360 teams
customers care most about, including            improvement in areas like digital, fresh    system for customers across the U.S. To
                                                                                                                                            • Department-specific safety requirements
wait times, items in stock and friendly         items and personalization.                  date, Kroger has named nine locations for
                                                                                            new Customer Fulfillment Centers featuring      • Associate training and education
associates. New social listening capabilities
                                                Kroger Delivery                             the Ocado Smart Platform. The first two         • Injury analysis and corrective action
help us monitor how customers talk about
Kroger in social media channels across a        Our seamless strategy includes a            facilities—in Monroe, OH, and Groveland, FL       through a centralized Enterprise
wide range of topics. Satisfaction surveys      new game-changing online shopping           —opened in spring 2021.                           Compliance Management System
and purchasing insights—using proprietary       experience for our customers. Through our                                                   • Safety observations and peer feedback
                                                                                            Associate Health & Safety
                                                                                            Protecting our associates and customers         Added Measures
                                                                                            is always critical but, during the COVID-19     Early in 2020, we recognized our
                                                                                            pandemic, health and safety has taken on        responsibility to keep stores open to
                                                                                            even greater importance.                        provide continued access to food and
                                                                                            We believe our leading safety results           other essentials. We quickly implemented
                                                                                            make our stores, manufacturing plants           additional measures to help protect our
                                                                                            and distribution centers among the safest       associates’ and customers’ safety, such as
                                                                                            places to work in the U.S. We follow            safety partitions, enhanced cleaning and
                                                                                            established policies and standards to           sanitation protocols, customer capacity
                                                                                            meet or exceed relevant Occupational            limits and more.
                                                                                            Safety and Health Administration                We also required associates to wear masks
                                                                                            (OSHA) requirements, including a hazard         and asked customers to do the same. We
                                                                                            communications plan, emergency                  encouraged associates to monitor their
                                                                                            evacuation guidelines and PPE guidelines.       health, provided free COVID-19 testing
                                                                                            Kroger has detailed requirements                based on medical need, and offered paid
                                                                                            and processes to prevent, review and            sick leave to help associates and their
                                                                                            address safety concerns. Through clearly        families comply with quarantines. For
                                                                                            communicated expectations, routine              additional details on these measures,
                                                                                            monitoring and regular safety training, we      please see Kroger’s COVID-19 overview.
                                                                                            focus on reducing the number of injuries        As COVID-19 vaccines became available,
                                                                                            and accidents across our workplaces.            we also provided early access to
                                                                                            Dedicated on-site safety teams meet             associates where possible and offered
                                                                                            routinely to review recent injuries, audit      a $100 payment for every associate
                                                                                            results and resolve any issues.                 who received the manufacturer-required
                                                                                                                                            number of doses.

Kroger ESG Report & Resources
19          2021 Kroger ESG Report                                                           Introduction   Our Approach   People   Planet   Systems   Appendix

In 2020, Kroger created Sharing What           unique local needs. Leaders often serve as
We’ve Learned: A Blueprint for Businesses,     non-profit board members and volunteer
a comprehensive resource for businesses        time in ways that align with our mission.
of all sizes and sectors of the economy.       Please find additional details in our
This 80-page guide is designed to help         Community Engagement Policy.
businesses navigate different phases of the    In 2020, critical product donations were
pandemic with recommendations, insights,       supplemented by increased corporate
best practices and downloadable assets to      donations and grants from Kroger, The
advance workforce safety for all.              Kroger Co. Foundation, our private
Kroger’s company-wide OSHA injury              foundation, and The Kroger Co. Zero
rates for 2020 were affected by increased      Hunger | Zero Waste Foundation, a
hiring and turnover, and by increased          registered public charity. We strategically
hours worked in all facilities to keep         gave more to organizations and partners
stores open and stocked during the             providing meals and nutrition during this
pandemic. Kroger actively monitored            time of increased need.
COVID-19 cases and case rates among            We continue to offer our customers and
our associates, which were generally well      other partners easy ways to give back by
below our surrounding communities. A few       rounding up their purchase to the nearest
Kroger‑operated facilities experienced brief   dollar to benefit The Zero Hunger | Zero
temporary closures to comply with local        Waste Foundation when they shop, or by
public health regulations and complete         donating directly in store or online.
deep‑cleaning procedures.
                                               Earlier this year, Kroger helped motivate
Kroger-operated food processing facilities     more Americans to get the COVID-19
also implemented new processes to protect      vaccine to better protect communities
associates in 2020. Through a continued        across the country. Through a Community
partnership with Safety in Motion®, Inc.,      Immunity Giveaway, Kroger Health offered
the manufacturing team achieved a 12%          associates and customers the chance to
reduction in the number of general injuries    win one of five $1 million prizes or one of
last year. Our team of safety specialists      50 prizes of free groceries for a year.
developed online training for OSHA safety
requirements to enable associates to
complete required training virtually due to
restrictions on classroom-style learning.
                                               For more details on our
Please see more details about our safety       philanthropic grant-making,
performance in the appendix.                   please see The Kroger
                                               Co. Foundation’s 2021
Community Engagement                           Report and The Kroger Co.
Kroger’s goal is to be a trusted and           Zero Hunger | Zero Waste
welcome partner in the communities we          Foundation’s 2021 Report.
call home. Our business and Corporate
Affairs leaders proactively engage
public officials and other community
stakeholders to understand priorities,
listen to concerns and help address

Kroger ESG Report & Resources
20          2021 Kroger ESG Report                                                                   Introduction   Our Approach           People             Planet            Systems           Appendix

Just & Inclusive Economy
Material Topics                      Our Impact in Numbers                                                  2020 Demographics                                  All Associates

• Diversity, Equity                   More than 100,000 jobs          96% of leaders completed                      Full Time    Part Time        Total                                 2019       2020

  & Inclusion                         filled in the early days of      Unconscious Bias training
                                      the pandemic, including                                               Women       83,250      133,912    217,162         White Women                32.5%      31.6%
                                                                        0% of store leaders first
• Talent Attraction                   temporary hires from other       joined Kroger as part-time           Men         87,952      121,617    209,569         Women of Color             18.7%      19.3%
  & Retention                         sectors                          associates
                                      More than $2.5 billion           verage wage for hourly
                                                                                                            Total      171,202      255,529    426,731         White Men                  31.2%      30.6%
• Labor Relations                     invested to support our          associates is more than                                                                 Men of Color               17.7%      18.5%
                                      associates during the            $15.50/hour in Kroger-
                                      pandemic, including $1 billion   operated stores
                                      to better secure pensions
                                                                       Average wage for hourly
                                      for over 30,000 associates
                                                                       store associates is more
                                      $7 million in emergency         than $20/hour, including
                                      financial assistance for         comprehensive benefits
                                      associates through our
                                      Helping Hands Fund

Public discourse on social justice in 2020 reflects the                                       As a national grocery retailer with local                Kroger publicly affirmed our commitment
                                                                                              reach, Kroger strives to reflect the                     with our Framework for Action: Diversity,
continuing need for racial equity and inclusion around the                                    communities we serve and foster a culture                Equity & Inclusion, which features
world, in the U.S. and in our neighborhoods. These principles                                 that empowers everyone to be their true                  both immediate and longer-term steps
have been among Kroger’s long-standing Values for decades;                                    self, offers opportunities to grow and                   developed in collaboration with associates
                                                                                              advance, and fulfills Our Purpose—to Feed                and leaders to accelerate and promote
however, it’s clear that everyone must do more to address
                                                                                              the Human Spirit.                                        greater change in the workplace and in
inequities in the systems designed to meet the most basic                                                                                              the communities we serve. This framework
human needs.                                                                                  Diversity, Equity & Inclusion                            outlines five focus areas: Create More
                                                                                              The events of 2020 tested our collective                 Inclusive Culture, Develop Diverse Talent,
                                                                                              resolve to address critical social issues,               Advance Diverse Partnerships, Advance
                                                                                              particularly how we advance diversity,                   Equitable Communities, and Deeply Listen
                                                                                              equity and inclusion among our associates.               and Report Progress.
                                                                                              Kroger’s Chief People Officer leads Human                The Kroger family of companies provides
                                                                                              Resources & Labor Relations, which                       inclusion training for leaders, including
                                                                                              includes our Diversity, Equity and Inclusion             Unconscious Bias training. In 2020, 96%
                                                                                              team. This function—with human resources                 of all leaders completed this development
                                                                                              professionals in place across our lines of               course. Inclusion training extends to all
                                                                                              business and retail divisions—advocates                  associates in 2021. Most work locations
Contributing to the SDGs
                                                                                              for and fosters an associate experience                  also have an inclusion-focused team, called
                                                                                              that reflects our Values of Diversity and                an Our Promise team. These teams seek
                                                                                              Inclusion. It also monitors and measures                 direct input from associates; recommend
                                                                                              progress on current goals and identifies                 ways to improve diversity, equity and
                                                                                              potential opportunities for improvement.                 inclusion; and facilitate communications on
                                                                                                                                                       business priorities.

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21              2021 Kroger ESG Report                                                               Introduction    Our Approach      People          Planet           Systems         Appendix

Enabling Connections                                 Workplace Equity
To promote ongoing dialogue, we also                 Kroger strives to attract, retain and develop      Framework for Action: Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
hosted associate listening sessions across           leaders and associates to best reflect the
the company and shared Allyship Guides,              communities we serve. We offer accessible
which aim to help leaders and people of              employment for a wide range of people
                                                                                                              reate More                   Develop                         Advance
all backgrounds move from awareness                  across the country. Because of our unique
                                                                                                             Inclusive                      Diverse Talent                    Diverse
to advocacy. We also launched a new                  business model, we help unlock economic
                                                                                                             Culture                                                          Partnerships
internal Diversity, Equity & Inclusion               opportunity for nearly half a million
Advisory Council made up of leaders                  people of all ages and aspirations, from        1. C
                                                                                                         reate a DE&I              3. Improve diverse            5. Increase spend
from across the organization. The new                those wanting an entry-level part-time             Advisory Council               talent recruiting              with diverse
Council works closely with senior officers           job to graduate-degree specialists across          to advance our                 by partnering                  suppliers from
and leaders across our business to                   corporate functions.                               long-term DE&I                 with Historically              $3.4 billion to
identify opportunities and action steps for          To achieve our goals, Kroger strategically         commitments,                   Black Colleges &               $10 billion by 2030.
improvement. We also formed an Associate             invests in our associates’ growth and              reporting to senior            Universities and            6. E
                                                                                                                                                                       nsure our media
Influencer Group comprised only of hourly            movement across levels, lines of business          leadership.                    community colleges.            partners align
associates to help ensure representation             and geographies. Our goal is to shift the       2. Provide Unconscious        4. Establish two-                with Our Values
from all levels of the company.                      demographic representation of women and            Bias training to               way mentorship                 and that we
Kroger also operates 12 Associate                    people of color at the local and company-          every leader in 2020           and advocacy                   reach diverse
Resource Groups (ARGs), or affinity                  wide levels to reflect our changing country,       and DE&I training              program between                customers through
groups, for our people with chapters                 communities and local neighborhoods.               for every associate            high potential                 our marketing
across the organization. These groups                The Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Advisory         in 2021.                       diverse talent and             spend, partners
enable connections across our family of              Council is currently engaging senior leaders                                      senior leaders.                and strategy.
companies, influence business decisions,             and associates to define our aspirations.
lift up shared experiences, encourage                As part of Kroger’s Framework for Action,
cross-ARG membership for awareness, and              we also announced the first community-
promote personal and professional growth.            based grantees for The Kroger Co.
Kroger leaders sponsor and personally                Foundation’s Racial Equity Fund earlier                               Advance                         Deeply Listen
engage with the ARGs.                                this year.                                                             Equitable                       and Report
                                                                                                                            Communities                     Progress
                                                     Learn more in The Kroger Co.
                                                     Foundation report.                                             7. D
                                                                                                                        eploy funds to           9. E
                                                                                                                                                      ngage external
                                                                                                                       support impactful             stakeholders to
Reflecting Our Communities
                                                                                                                       approaches to                 seek perspective
                                         U.S. Population   Kroger Operating           Total Kroger                     advance racial equity         and co-create more
                                                  2018*     Area Population            Associates                      with community                just and equitable
                                                                     2018*                 2020**                      partners.                     communities.

 White or Caucasian                                 63%                  59%                  64%
                                                                                                                    8. Encourage associates      10. Provide associates
                                                                                                                       to vote and provide            with platforms to
                                                                                                                       voter registration/            continue sharing
 Hispanic or Latino                                 17%                  19%                  13%
                                                                                                                       ballot applications            their stories and
                                                                                                                       in stores.                     feedback with
 Black or African American                          12%                  13%                  15%                                                     our leaders.

 Asian or Asian American                             5%                   6%                   3%

 Other                                               3%                   3%                   5%

*U.S. census estimate data
**Kroger data

Kroger ESG Report & Resources
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