SIS World A Glimpse of the 2019/2020 - SIS Swiss International School

Page created by April Williamson
SIS World A Glimpse of the 2019/2020 - SIS Swiss International School
A Glimpse of the

SIS World
SIS World A Glimpse of the 2019/2020 - SIS Swiss International School
SIS World A Glimpse of the 2019/2020 - SIS Swiss International School
Welcome to SIS

Table of Contents

Educational Concept_5
The SIS World_6
SIS Graduates_40
Merits and Awards_42
New School_44
SIS Head Offices_46
SIS World A Glimpse of the 2019/2020 - SIS Swiss International School

Dear readers,

Constantly, SIS Swiss International School is proudly getting the best out of 16 schools by
implementing its Educational Concept. In our understanding, formation starts with every
single person getting into view its social and natural environment. This edition of the SIS
World is a perfect glimpse of how students and teachers take on their responsibility in
creating an international network to shape others and themselves. Two things stand out:
exemplifying team performance on the one hand and individual performance on the other.

In a spectacular finishing effort, SIS Kassel came away as the overall winner of the SIS Cup
2019. Teams from all SIS schools from Brazil, Germany and Switzerland were competing
at SIS Friedrichshafen in different disciplines such as floorball, table tennis, streetball
and chess, and experienced an atmosphere full of sportsmanship. Alongside the thrilling
action on the playing field, there was also plenty of time to celebrate the SIS community.

Every year, students of our Colleges have the chance to compete for the SIS Best Essay
Award. The three best essays, which they had to write as part of their final exams, are
honoured. The winner of the SIS Best Essay Award 2019 is Victoria Borsotto Machado
Monteiro from ESB Rio de Janeiro. In her paper entitled “Nem sempre o Romantismo, mas
sempre o Romantismo” she compared two books, “Nutshell” by Ian McEwan and “Epitaph
of a Small Winner” by Machado de Assis, and studied how the notion of romanticism is
deconstructed by the authors. She was awarded with the highest possible grade from the
International Baccalaureate Organisation for her outstanding essay.

As these two examples show, performance means growing, and so does SIS. At the
beginning of next school year, our new school in Frankfurt is going to open its doors. We
are proud to welcome SIS Frankfurt. It is an excellent sign for our constant endeavour to
grow and perform on an individual as well as on a community level.

A fundamental part of this growth is that every single school at SIS puts great effort into
transforming our Educational Concept into a tangible reality for our students. The different
stories in this edition show that. Read for instance about two social projects by two students
at SIS Rotkreuz-Zug that put into effect our Independent and Value-Centred Approach or
about how Performance through Diversity guides teachers when setting goals for a school
lesson at SIS Regensburg.

I wish all readers a lot of fun while reading these different
contributions from the SIS world.

Best regards,
Andrea Sandro Furgler
Group Chief Executive Officer

                                                                    Marcel Stähli, CEO SIS Switzerland
                                                                    André von Malotki, CEO SIS Brazil
                                                                    Verena Simpson, CEO SIS Germany
                                                                    Andrea Sandro Furgler, Group CEO

SIS World A Glimpse of the 2019/2020 - SIS Swiss International School
Educational Concept

Bilingual Experience                                           International Education – Local Insight
English and the national language play equal roles in school   The SIS community of students, parents and teachers is
communication – in the classroom and in all parts of day-      made up of a variety of nationalities and backgrounds. We
to-day school life. As a result, children learn to express     offer students a diverse and engaging school environment
themselves naturally and confidently in both languages.        that simultaneously fosters an awareness of the wider world
                                                               and a relationship to their immediate environment.
Independent and Value-Centred Approach
The teaching philosophy at SIS Swiss International School is   Continuity from Kindergarten to College
non-ideological, but founded on clearly defined core values.   SIS Swiss International School offers a single unified learning
We strive to embody the values we seek to impart to our        concept – from kindergarten to primary school, to secondary
students: honesty, appreciation, personal responsibility and   and college level. Because we cater to all education levels
commitment.                                                    (sometimes even under the same roof), we can facilitate a
                                                               seamless transition from one stage to the next.
Day School Community
To meet the needs of modern families and working               National and International Recognition
parents, our day school offers a structured and challenging    For students at college level, we offer targeted preparation
programme with classroom instruction with fixed hours,         for the national high school diploma. At the same time,
lunch, supervised homework hour and additional supervised      they have the opportunity to complete the International
periods and courses.                                           Baccalaureate (IB), a globally recognised university entrance
Performance through Diversity
The varied, stimulating environment of SIS Swiss Inter­        Strong Network
national School supports students in achieving excellent       The SIS network ensures consistently high quality standards,
academic performance, while allowing them to take              as structures and processes at our facilities are evaluated,
enjoyment and pride in what they learn. Our teachers hail      developed and enhanced on an ongoing basis. Plus, our
from diverse backgrounds and deploy a range of teaching        international organisation provides teachers and students
and learning methods.                                          with a platform to exchange experience and insights across

                                                   Bilingual Experience

                           Strong Network                                      and Value-Centred

                                                                                        Day School
                      and International

                           Continuity from
                                                                              Performance through
                           Kindergarten to

                                                       Education –
                                                       Local Insight
SIS World A Glimpse of the 2019/2020 - SIS Swiss International School
The SIS World

The SIS world comprises sixteen schools with more than 3.700 students in three countries. On the following pages, each
school will tell a very special story of its own.

SIS Swiss International School

SIS Swiss International School

SIS Swiss International School

SIS World A Glimpse of the 2019/2020 - SIS Swiss International School
SIS Basel
Switzerland                                 Page 8

SIS Männedorf-Zürich
Switzerland                                 Page 10

SIS Pfäffikon-Schwyz
Switzerland                                 Page 12

SIS Rotkreuz-Zug
Switzerland                                 Page 14

SIS Schönenwerd
Switzerland                                 Page 16

SIS Winterthur
Switzerland                                 Page 18

SIS Zürich
Switzerland                                 Page 20

SIS Zürich-Wollishofen
Switzerland                                 Page 22

SIS Berlin
Germany                                     Page 24

SIS Friedrichshafen
Germany                                     Page 26

SIS Ingolstadt
Germany                                     Page 28

SIS Kassel
Germany                                     Page 30

SIS Regensburg
Germany                                     Page 32

SIS Stuttgart-Fellbach
Germany                                     Page 34

SIS Brasília
Brazil                                      Page 36

Escola Suíço-Brasileira Rio de Janeiro
by SIS Swiss International School, Brazil   Page 38

SIS World A Glimpse of the 2019/2020 - SIS Swiss International School
SIS Basel
Stärkung der regionalen Verankerung der SIS Basel
in der Sportlandschaft des Dreiländerecks
Marc Sachs, Sportkoordinator und -lehrer

In den vergangenen Schuljahren nahm die SIS Basel an vielen Sportanlässen im Kanton
Basel Stadt teil und stärkte dadurch ihre lokale Verankerung.                                       International
                                                                                                 ausgerichtet – lokal
Viele unserer Schülerinnen und Schüler nahmen mit grosser Freude und viel Engagement                  verankert
in unterschiedlichen Altersklassen und Sportarten sehr erfolgreich an regionalen Wett-
kämpfen teil. Für alle Teilnehmer, wie auch für die begleitenden Lehrpersonen, ergaben
sich Möglichkeiten des Austauschs mit anderen Schulen und lokalen Sportvereinen sowie           Summary
grenzüberschreitende Kontakte nach Deutschland und Frankreich.                                  For many years, the
                                                                                                students of SIS Basel
Zu den wichtigsten Sportveranstaltungen, an denen die SIS Basel schon seit vielen Jahren        have enthusiastically
mit einer grossen Teilnehmeranzahl vertreten ist, zählen der kantonale Schulsporttag, die       taken part in many of
Basler Schulfussballmeisterschaften, der Basler Stadtlauf und der Dreiländerlauf.               Basel’s local sporting
                                                                                                events. These events
                                                                                                have included the
Der kantonale Schulsporttag und das Schulfussballturnier erfreuen sich in den letzten Jah-
                                                                                                Basel school’s football
ren zunehmender Beliebtheit. Am Schulsporttag messen sich rund 600 Jugendliche der              championships, the
7. bis 9. Klasse in den Sportarten Schwimmen, Badminton, Basketball, Handball, Tisch-           cantonal school sports
                                                                                                day, the Basel city run
tennis, Unihockey und Volleyball, während im Fussball an zwei Turniertagen über 2.500           and the three-country
Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer die Basler Meisterschaft ausspielen.                             run. Additionally, the
                                                                                                Basilisks basketball club
Neben diesen Veranstaltungen wurden auch die Sportmöglichkeiten an der SIS Basel                has been very successful
                                                                                                in earning our boy’s team
kontinuierlich erweitert. Neben einer neu formierten Mädchenmannschaft im Fussball in
                                                                                                the bronze medal and
den Klassen 4 bis 6, die schon einige Freundschaftsspiele mit benachbarten Schulen be-          the girl’s team the gold
stritt, ist es vor allem unser vor vier Jahren gegründeter Basilisks Basketball Club, der für   medal in 2018.
viele sportbegeisterte Schüler und Schülerinnen eine neue Anlaufstelle geworden ist. Mit
zwei Juniorenteams und einer aktiven Herrenmannschaft haben sich die Basilisks in den
vergangenen Jahren im regionalen Basketball einen Namen gemacht. Dank einer guten
Jugend­arbeit der Trainer konnten sich 2018 ein Mädchen- und ein Jungenteam der SIS
Basel für die nationale Schweizer Schulmeisterschaft in Lausanne qualifizieren. Stolz kehr-
ten die Jungen mit einer Bronzemedaille nach Hause, während sich die Mädchen sogar die
Schweizer Meisterschaft sicherten.

Fakten & Zahlen

Gegründet                            1999
Schulisches Angebot                  Kindergarten
Abschlüsse                           International General Certificate
                                     of Secondary Education (IGCSE)
                                     International Baccalaureate (IB)
                                     Zweisprachige Schweizer Maturität
Sprachzertifikate                    Cambridge Certificates in English
                                     Diplôme d’Études en Langue Française
Zusatzangebote                       Mittagstisch
                                     Morgen- und Nachmittagsbetreuung
Anzahl Schülerinnen und Schüler      590
Schulleiter                          Andrew Wulfers
Schulleitungseam                     Adrian Bürgi, Marie-Claude Gaëtan, Ulrike Müller,
                                     Lucy Bandtock, Andrea Spielmann
IB Diplom Koordinator                James Brocklehurst
Stand Oktober 2019

   SIS Swiss International School
   Erlenstrasse 15
   CH-4058 Basel
   Telefon +41 61 683 71 40

                                                                      Andrew Wulfers, Schulleiter

SIS Männedorf-Zürich

A Home Away from Home
Miranda Dominguez Stead, Head of Kindergarten and Primary

As SIS Swiss International School is a multicultural environment with various family
structures and varying work-life balance choices, it is essential that these needs be met.          Day School
At SIS Männedorf-Zürich parents can trust that their children feel at home and are in good          Community
hands from 7:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. if need be.

The structured school day is divided into fundamental lesson times where the SIS
curriculum is delivered in English and German with lunchtime scheduled during the day.
Parents can choose to take advantage of our onsite lunchroom where healthy hot lunches
are served daily. Children enjoy sharing their mealtime with their classmates in a calm and
relaxed environment followed by a supervised playtime within the school grounds.

On top of the day’s structured lesson times, there is the opportunity for children to remain
in their classrooms to complete their homework. Parents are grateful knowing that class
teachers supervise homework sessions and that their children are assisted when needed.

Additionally, children can take advantage of learning a new skill, such as programming or
acrobatics, by joining an after school club. Parents stated that they appreciate the offering
of engaging activities for their children to explore their interests.

For those working parents, play-based supervision is offered in the early morning and
late afternoon where children build and extend their friendships and socialise with other
children from the school.

Listening to parents, some remarked that the offering of whole day schooling and care
was a swaying factor in choosing SIS. They appreciate that their children are in the one
place for everything, where the worry of coordinating transport and carers is taken away.
Furthermore, they know that their children are engaged and well looked after in their home
away from home, which sets their minds at ease. Some commented that it is actually
difficult to get their children to leave, as they insist on staying longer, which tells them that
they are happy and well cared for by the SIS staff.

Facts & Figures

Established                         2009
Educational Offers                  Kindergarten
                                    Primary School

Additional Offers                   Lunch
                                    Early and After School Care
                                    Holiday Club
Number of Students                  102
Principal                           Lisa Cummins
School Management Team              Miranda Dominguez Stead
as per October 2019

   SIS Swiss International School
   Seestrasse 57
   CH-8708 Männedorf
   Phone +41 44 921 50 50

                                                                  Lisa Cummins, Principal

SIS Pfäffikon-Schwyz

Integration von Wertevermittlung im Schulalltag
Manuel Brunner, Lehrer Primarschule

In verschiedenen Bereichen des Lebens sind gesellschaftliche Normen wichtig für das
gemeinsame Zusammenleben. Wir haben es uns explizit zur Aufgabe gemacht, die Wert-             Unabhängig und
vermittlung zu thematisieren und sie in den Schulalltag zu integrieren. Die SIS Pfäffikon-      werteorientiert
Schwyz setzt sich dafür seit dem Bestehen der Schule im sogenannten Persönlichkeits-
entwicklungsprogramm im Schulunterricht ein.

Gemeinsam haben die Lehrpersonen wichtige Werte wie Respekt, Empathie, Ehrlichkeit,          Summary
Verantwortung, Engagement, Weltoffenheit, Selbstvertrauen, Wertschätzung und Selbst-
                                                                                             In addition to the
kontrolle festgelegt.                                                                        academic goals,
                                                                                             supporting character
Während ein bis zwei Monaten wird intensiv an einem Wert gearbeitet. Am Anfang jedes         development is extremely
Prozesses kommen alle Klassen vom Kindergarten bis zur Sekundarstufe in einer Ver-           important in our school.
                                                                                             Through our programme
sammlung zusammen, um den neuen Fokus auf unterschiedliche Weise kennenzulernen.             we try to sensitise the
                                                                                             students to key values.
Manchmal führen einige Kinder zum jeweiligen Thema ein Rollenspiel auf, um den Jün-          We are convinced that
geren bildlich und verständlich die Thematik aufzuzeigen. Manchmal aber wird der Wert        our programme will
                                                                                             be useful in the near
durch den Schulleiter oder durch eine Lehrperson auf andere Weise dargestellt. Das Ziel      and distant future for
nach jeder Versammlung ist, dass die Kinder den Schulfokus für die kommende Zeit ken-        the students of SIS
nengelernt haben.                                                                            Pfäffikon-Schwyz, and
                                                                                             later also for any studies,
                                                                                             in professional life and in
Das aktuelle Thema wird dann weiterhin regelmässig durch die jeweiligen Lehrpersonen
                                                                                             everyday life.
im Schulzimmer vertieft und gefestigt. Damit werden die Kinder anhaltend sensibilisiert.

Am Ende jeder Periode treffen wir uns für die Reflexion wieder in der Versammlung. Es ist
vorgesehen, die vorbildlichen Schülerinnen und Schüler für ihren Einsatz auszuzeichnen.

Fakten & Zahlen

Gegründet                             2015
Schulisches Angebot                   Kindergarten
Zusatzangebote                        Mittagstisch
                                      Morgen- und Nachmittagsbetreuung
Anzahl Schülerinnen und Schüler       108
Schulleiter                           Shane Peter
Schulleitungsteam                     Andrea Oettinger, Manuel Brunner
Stand Oktober 2019

   SIS Swiss International School
   Eichenstrasse 15
   CH-8808 Pfäffikon/SZ
   Telefon +41 55 415 44 00

                                                                     Shane Peter, Schulleiter

SIS Rotkreuz-Zug
Projektarbeit – organisieren, konzipieren
und durchführen
Daniela Silva Guedes, Stellvertretende Schulleiterin

An der SIS Rotkreuz-Zug erhalten Schülerinnen und Schüler der 3. Sekundarstufe jedes
Jahr die Möglichkeit, während eines ganzen Schuljahres an einem individuellen Projekt zu       Unabhängig und
arbeiten. Dadurch lernen sie, Aufgaben selbstständig anzugehen, vernetzt und weitsichtig        werteorientiert
zu denken sowie effizient zu arbeiten. Zudem werden die Schülerinnen und Schüler dazu
angeregt, Probleme zu lösen und bei der Projektpräsentation viel Kreativität zu zeigen. Im
vergangenen Jahr wurden zwei soziokulturelle Projekte verwirklicht.
Spendensammlung für das Projekt Moroccan Children’s Trust                                    In the final year of their
Für die Organisation Moroccan Children’s Trust, die marokkanische Kinder in Armut unter-     secondary education,
stützt und ihnen ein sicheres Umfeld bietet, plante eine Schülerin, die selber marokkani-    students at SIS
                                                                                             Rotkreuz-Zug work on
sche Wurzeln hat, eine Spendenaktion. Die Schülerin klärte dabei im Vorfeld viele Fragen     an individual, self-
und trat mit verschiedenen Personen in Kontakt. Ihr Projekt verlangte ein grosses Organi-    designed project. They
sationsgefühl und konzeptionelle Fähigkeiten. An der Spendenaktion wurden Spielsachen,       learn to think long-term
                                                                                             and work in an efficient
Bücher und selbstgebackene Kuchen verkauft. Der Anlass war ein riesiger Erfolg und die       and structured way.
Schülerin konnte eine grosszügige Spende realisieren.                                        Last year’s students
                                                                                             chose value-driven
Wohltätigkeitskonzert für minderjährige Asylsuchende                                         projects. One consisted
                                                                                             of fundraising for the
Auch das zweite Projekt basierte auf dem Handlungsschwerpunkt Organisieren und Kon-          Moroccan Children’s
zipieren. Ziel des zweiten soziokulturellen Projekts war es, ein Wohltätigkeitskonzert zu    Trust, which creates
organisieren und auszuwerten. Die Einnahmen sollten an asylsuchende Minderjährige ge-        and maintains safe
                                                                                             and enjoyable settings
hen, die ohne Familie und auf sich alleingestellt, Schutz in der Schweiz suchen.             for children in poverty.
                                                                                             The second project
Das Jugendkulturhaus Treibhaus in Luzern überliess dem Schüler die Räumlichkeiten für        culminated in the
das Konzert. Der Schüler erstellte ein Budget, fragte Sponsoren an und organisierte di-      organisation of a charity
                                                                                             concert in which the
verse Bands, die ohne Gage auftraten. Das Konzert war ein voller Erfolg und mit den          student himself and
eingenommenen Spendengeldern wird Asylsuchenden ein erlebnisreicher Tag ermöglicht.          several other locally
                                                                                             well-known bands
                                                                                             performed for free. This
                                                                                             raised money to provide
                                                                                             young asylum seekers in
                                                                                             Switzerland without their
                                                                                             parents an activity day.

Fakten & Zahlen

Gegründet                            2012
Schulisches Angebot                  Kindergarten
Zusatzangebote                       Mittagstisch
                                     Morgen- und Nachmittagsbetreuung
Anzahl Schülerinnen und Schüler      107
Schulleiterin                        Katrina Cameron
Schulleitungsteam                    Daniela Silva-Guedes
Stand Oktober 2019

   SIS Swiss International School
   Suurstoffi 41c
   CH-6343 Rotkreuz
   Telefon +41 41 757 57 11

                                                                  Katrina Cameron,
SIS Schönenwerd

Swiss National Read Aloud Day
Dr. Ora Melles, Head of Preschool and Primary

Since 2018, the Swiss National Read Aloud Day has taken place on the fourth Wednesday
in May. Last year at SIS Schönenwerd, we decided to participate in this nationally (and
internationally) recognized event. On this day, we promoted literacy and celebrated the          Bilingual Education
power of words, using an innovative and creative approach tailored to different ages and
levels of language proficiency.

To create a cosy and relaxed atmosphere, the students were encouraged to wear their
pyjamas and bring their favorite stuffed animal to school. They enjoyed a humorous English
excerpt from “Sideways Stories by Wayside School”. Then, to encourage different aspects
of literacy, in mixed age groups, the children participated in three activities:

In one, the children paired up and read to each other from a favorite book, either in English,
German or French. This activity allowed the children to explore and enjoy reading genres
that they would have not normally selected.

In the second activity, the students composed group stories, with individuals contributing
the beginning, the middle or the end of the story, either in English, in German or by drawing.

In the third activity, children re-enacted parts of the story they had heard at the beginning
of the event. Using either musical instruments or verbal cues, students were encouraged
to interpret their understanding of the characters of the story.

All the children had a fun and positive experience, strengthened their relationships,
explored emotions, and reinforced their positive relationship to reading and literature.

Facts & Figures

Joined SIS Group                    2010
Educational Offers                  Reception Class
                                    Primary School
Additional Offers                   Lunch
                                    Early and After School Care
                                    Holiday Club
                                    School Bus
Number of Students                  84
Principal                           Pia Mathes
School Management Team              Dr. Ora Melles
as per October 2019

   SIS Swiss International School
   Schachenstrasse 24
   CH-5012 Schönenwerd
   Phone +41 62 312 30 30

                                                                  Pia Mathes, Principal

SIS Winterthur

Schoolwide Recycling Programme
Lawrence Wood, Principal

SIS Winterthur began participating in the Swiss National Clean-Up Day in 2017. It has now
become a fixture in the school calendar and provides not only an opportunity for students         Independent
and staff to engage in public service, but has also inspired our students to consider           and Value-Centred
the problems, challenges and opportunities presented by litter. The children have been
fascinated and shocked by what they find when collecting litter in our neighbourhood.

Several members of our primary 6 class, led by Ronya Kubasch, decided that the school
itself could do more to promote the sustainable use of resources at school. They developed
a schoolwide recycling programme that not only included the obvious materials paper,
cardboard and polyethylene terephthalate (PET) plastic, but also other forms of plastic
accepted by the “Kuh-Bag”-initiative, as well as glass, metal, batteries, cork and styrofoam.

This project included finding out what materials would be accepted at the neighbourhood
recycling receptacles. The schoolhouse now has a central collection area for recyclables
with separate bins for each type of material. In addition, each classroom has a paper
collection bin as well as a collection box for recyclable wrappers and containers. The
use of handcarts to transport the materials to the local recycling centre is also a part of
reducing the school’s carbon footprint.

We also began a “No Wrapper Snacker” campaign with posters and assembly presentations
to encourage children to avoid the use of packaging in their school snacks and lunches.
There has been a considerable reduction in the amount of waste in the bins after recess
and lunch. This comprehensive recycling programme was the final piece of the waste
hierarchy (reduce, reuse, recycle) we have implemented on our path to becoming a
sustainable school.

Facts & Figures

Established                           2001
Educational Offers                    Kindergarten
                                      Primary School
Additional Offers                     Lunch
                                      Early and After School Care
                                      Holiday Club
Number of Students                    93
Principal                             Lawrence Wood
School Management Team                Nicola Johnson, Ramona Rauscher
as per October 2019

   SIS Swiss International School
   Technoparkstrasse 1
   CH-8406 Winterthur
   Phone +41 52 202 82 11

                                                                    Lawrence Wood, Principal

SIS Zürich

School Ball: Independently Organised by Students
Timothy Tikhonov and Aline Alber, grade 11 students

In the context of a CAS (Creativity, Activity, Service) project we had the opportunity to
organise a school ball, which was the first event of this kind at SIS Zürich and turned out    Day School
to be a big success.                                                                           Community

To make the school ball happen, planning and organising began months ahead with a group
of motivated volunteers. The process was a lengthy one and although some volunteers
dropped out, this just made the ones that remained more steadfast in their goal to organise
a successful party.

The entire project was financed solely from a prepared bake sale, which was led by the
same organisation committee as the party. In the end, we were able to raise more money
than we thought we would need. The money that was not used towards the school party
will be used to organise another school event for the younger children in autumn 2019, while
donating any remaining money to the charity “Boky Mamiko”, which supports children’s
learning in Madagascar.

As for our party, it was a splendid success. Not only were the children able to enjoy
themselves, but also the teachers supervising it. Probably the best aspect of this was
pioneering the first successful school ball at SIS Zürich, thus opening the possibility of a
new school tradition.

Furthermore, the event helped students from various grades to come together and have
fun outside of the mandatory school hours. The entire event was an excellent way for the
volunteers to learn how to plan a large event and was great fun for everyone involved.
One of our main hopes for the future is that SIS Zürich will be able to have such an event

Facts and Figures

Established                          2005
Educational Offers                   Kindergarten
                                     Primary School
                                     Secondary School
Diplomas                             International Baccalaureate (IB)
                                     Bilingual Swiss High School Diploma

Language Certificates                Cambridge Certificates in English
                                     Diplôme d’Études en Langue Française
Additional Offers                    Lunch
                                     Early and After School Care
                                     Holiday Club
Number of Students                   272
Principal                            Katarina Guggenbühler
School Management Team               Christoph Neuenstein, Muriel Schers, Yvonne van Luijt
IB Diploma Programme                 Christoph Neuenstein

as per October 2019

   SIS Swiss International School
   Seidenstrasse 2
   CH-8304 Wallisellen
   Phone +41 44 388 99 44

                                                                      Katarina Guggenbühler,
SIS Zürich-Wollishofen

Une escapade à Lausanne
Yael Zingg, Enseignante de Français

Durant cette année, nous avons échangé des lettres avec une classe de Lausanne qui est
venue nous rendre visite au mois de novembre. Au mois de juin, c’était donc à notre tour                 International
d’aller à leur rencontre !                                                                               Education –
                                                                                                         Local Insight
Avant notre départ, nous étions devenus incollables sur les places et les monuments de
cette ville. Lausanne n’avait plus aucun secret pour nous ! Notre voyage a commencé à la
gare centrale de Zürich. Les enfants étaient très excités !                                         Summary
Enfin arrivés à Lausanne, nous avons déposé nos bagages et avons retrouvé nos vingt                 On 24 and 25 June, the
                                                                                                    grade 6 students went
correspondants romands à l'ombre, au bord du lac. Pique-nique, jeux coopératifs, foot :             to Lausanne to meet
opération réussie ! La barrière du Röstigraben était brisée. Après un « Au revoir ! » et            students from a local
« Tschüss » collectif, nous sommes partis à Ouchy. Baignade et bataille d'eau dans la               school, practise their
                                                                                                    French, and celebrate as
fontaine nous ont fait le plus grand bien : canicule oblige !                                       they come to the end of
                                                                                                    their elementary school
Le soir venu, il fallait mériter sa pizza ! Tout d’abord, choisir ses ingrédients puis passer sa    years. From taking a dip
commande en français. Mais, rassurez-vous, personne n’est mort de faim et chacun a pu               in the fountain, to visiting
                                                                                                    a museum, to taking part
se régaler. En sortant du restaurant, il faisait encore si bon dehors que nous nous sommes          in a treasure hunt around
arrêtés chez le glacier. Ravi et fatigué, tout le monde était content de se glisser dans son lit.   the city, the students
                                                                                                    had fun and came away
Le lendemain, départ pour une chasse au trésor à travers la ville. Malgré les montées               with fond and lasting
et descentes, les enfants ont bien joué le jeu. Ils étaient fiers de pouvoir communiquer
avec les Lausannois et se sont très bien débrouillés avec leur plan de ville. L’une des trois
équipes s’est même distinguée et a reçu un prix !

Après l’effort, le réconfort : à l'ombre, dans un parc, nous attendait un pique-nique bien
mérité. Puis, l’après-midi, direction le Palais de Rumine. La canicule toujours présente,
nous avons décidé de rester au frais et avons donc visité deux musées. Le temps du retour
s’annonçait déjà… « à bientôt Lausanne, il est temps de retrouver le beau lac de Zürich ».

Ce fut une expérience très riche autant pour les élèves que pour nous, les trois professeurs.
Les élèves ont été très reconnaissants et je les en remercie. Pour ma part, c'est avec
plaisir, que je souhaiterais renouveler ce séjour à Lausanne !

Facts & Figures

Established                           2000
Educational Offers                    Kindergarten
                                      Primary School
Additional Offers                     Lunch
                                      Early and After School Care
                                      Holiday Club
                                      School Bus
Number of Students                    204
Principal                             Ryan Howard
School Management Team                Stefanie George
as per October 2019

   SIS Swiss International School
   Seestrasse 271
   CH-8038 Zürich
   Phone +41 43 399 88 44

                                                                    Ryan Howard, Principal

SIS Berlin

Staatliche Anerkennung der Grundschule
Chantal Sylla-Bucher, Schulleiterin

Nach der integrierten Sekundarschule hat nun auch die Grundschule der SIS Berlin von
der Berliner Senatsverwaltung für Bildung, Jugend und Familie die staatliche Anerkennung             National
erhalten. Am 15. Februar 2019 erfolgte die offizielle Anerkennung.                               und international
Frau Teichert, Schulrätin für Schulen in privater Trägerschaft bei der Senatsverwaltung für
Bildung, Jugend und Familie, übergab die Anerkennungsurkunde im Rahmen einer Schul-
versammlung an die Schulleiterin der SIS Berlin, Frau Sylla-Bucher. Die Zeremonie wurde
vom Musiklehrer Jonathan Conaway mit Hilfe der Schülerinnen und Schüler aus der dritten        Summary
Klasse musikalisch untermalt. Auch die Gesamtelternvertreter wohnten diesem feierlichen
                                                                                               Along with the integrated
Anlass bei.                                                                                    secondary school, the
                                                                                               primary school of SIS
Um die staatliche Anerkennung zu erhalten, haben alle Lehrkräfte ihr Bestes gegeben und        Berlin has also received
wir sind hocherfreut, dass sich die harte Arbeit ausgezahlt hat. Das pädagogische Per-         state recognition. This is
                                                                                               a great achievement.
sonal an der Grundschule SIS Berlin hat es geschafft, professionell und mit guter Arbeit       The pedagogical staff at
das Vertrauen der Behörden in die SIS Berlin aufzubauen. Mit der Anerkennung haben wir         the primary school of SIS
bewiesen, dass wir den Anforderungen des Landes Berlin-Brandenburg entsprechen und             Berlin has managed to
                                                                                               build up the trust with the
somit einer öffentlichen Grundschule gleichwertig sind.                                        authorities in Berlin in a
                                                                                               professional and positive
An der SIS Berlin wird das Bildungskonzept der SIS Swiss International School stringent        manner. We celebrated
im Schulalltag umgesetzt. Die Schülerinnen und Schüler sollen so auf die Herausforderun-       the recognition in an
                                                                                               assembly where grade
gen vorbereitet werden, die der ständige Wandel der Gesellschaft und die Digitalisierung       3 students musically
mit sich bringen. Dazu gehört die Förderung verschiedenster Kompetenzen, die es den            accompanied the
Schülerinnen und Schülern ermöglichen, ihre Zukunft durch eine aktive Teilnahme am ge-         gathering.

sellschaftlichen, politischen, wirtschaftlichen, wissenschaftlichen und kulturellen Leben zu

Fakten & Zahlen

In SIS Gruppe integriert              2016
Schulisches Angebot                   Kindergarten
                                      Sekundarschule mit gymnasialer Oberstufe
Abschlüsse                            International Baccalaureate (IB)

Zusatzangebote                        Mittagstisch
                                      Morgen- und Nachmittagsbetreuung
Anzahl Schülerinnen und Schüler       253
Schulleiterin                         Chantal Sylla-Bucher
Schulleitungsteam                     Kristin Adler, Marko Hohnjec, Manuela Czech,
                                      Svenja Dinkloh
IB Diplom Koordinatorin               Carol Ann Clonan
Meilenstein 2018                      Staatliche Anerkennung der Grundschule
Stand Oktober 2019

   SIS Swiss International School
   Heerstraße 465
   D-13593 Berlin
   Telefon +49 30 233 213 920

                                                                         Chantal Sylla-Bucher,
SIS Friedrichshafen
Herausforderungen positiv begegnen:
Deutsch als Zweitsprache (DaZ)
Marie Bertschinger, Lehrerin Gymnasium Deutsch, DaZ und Sport

Zweisprachigkeit ist ein wesentlicher Teil des Bildungskonzepts der SIS Swiss Internatio-
nal School. Dabei basiert der Spracherwerb auf dem Immersionsprinzip – die Schülerinnen             Gelebte
und Schüler tauchen in die Zielsprache ein und erlernen diese spielerisch und natürlich.        Zweisprachigkeit
Erfolgt der Eintritt eines Kindes ohne Deutschkenntnisse in der Sekundarschule, bietet die
SIS zusätzliche Maßnahmen, damit diese Schülerinnen und Schüler rasch ein sehr hohes
sprachliches Niveau erlangen, um dem Unterricht folgen zu können. Der zusätzliche DaZ-
Unterricht wird an der SIS Friedrichshafen mit einem Vier-Säulen-Konzept umgesetzt:           Summary
                                                                                              As a bilingual
Eintritt erleichtern: Schulkinder ohne Deutschkenntnisse bewegen sich in der Sekundar-        secondary school, SIS
schule an der SIS zunächst im »Gastschülerstatus«. Sie besuchen bereits den Fachunter-        Friedrichshafen positively
                                                                                              approaches the diverse
richt und erhalten parallel einen mehrmonatigen Intensivkurs, den sie mit A2 abschließen.     challenges of teaching
Ziel ist es, die Lernenden zügig in den Regelunterricht zu integrieren und ihnen zu sprach-   and learning German in
licher Handlungsfähigkeit zu verhelfen.                                                       language and subject
                                                                                              classrooms. In order to
                                                                                              best support the German
Differenzierung im Fachunterricht: DaZ-Lernende erhalten erleichterte Texte, Lektüren
                                                                                              language acquisition
oder themenspezifisches DaZ-Material und erweitern mit Tablets und Wörterbüchern ihren        of many international
Wortschatz eigenverantwortlich. Kleine Klassen, eine offene Lernatmosphäre, vielseitige       and non-German
                                                                                              speaking students, SIS
Methoden und ein großes Angebot an Selbstlernmaterial ermöglichen eine differenzierte         Friedrichshafen, with the
und enge Betreuung durch die Fachlehrkraft.                                                   belief that “all teachers
                                                                                              are language teachers”,
Zusatzförderung: Verschiedene Zusatzangebote fördern die DaZ-Lernenden in leis-               strives for smooth school
                                                                                              entry, differentiation in
tungshomogenen Lerngruppen auf ihrem Sprachniveau. Besondere Wertschätzung der
                                                                                              key subject areas and
Lernerfolge erhalten sie durch schulinterne Prüfungen, die ihre erworbenen Sprachkennt-       extra support.
nisse mit einem Zertifikat auszeichnen.

Alle Lehrkräfte sind Sprachlehrkräfte: Die vierte Säule des Konzepts bildet die enge
Zusammenarbeit der Deutschlehrkräfte und der Austausch mit allen auf Deutsch unter-
richtenden Fachlehrkräften. Eine schülernahe Betreuung im Fachunterricht sowie die ste-
tige Ausrichtung der Förderangebote am Bedarf des Kindes können nur durch intensiven
Austausch zwischen den Lernenden, Lehrenden und Eltern gelingen.

Der Erfolg der Umsetzung des Konzeptes an der SIS Friedrichshafen zeigt sich an einigen
beeindruckenden Schülerbeispielen. So gelang bereits im ersten Abiturjahrgang 2018 zwei
Schülerinnen, die ohne Deutschkenntnisse zu Beginn der Sekundarschule zur SIS kamen,
ein beachtenswertes Einserabitur. Positive Rückmeldungen von Eltern und den Fachlehr-
kräften über Fortschritte der Deutsch-Lernenden bezeugen, dass sich der Einsatz lohnt
und motivieren Lernende und Lehrkräfte gleichermaßen, diesen Weg fortzuführen.

Fakten & Zahlen

Gegründet                             2009
Schulisches Angebot                   Kindergarten
Abschlüsse                            International Baccalaureate (IB)

Zusatzangebote                        Mittagstisch
                                      Morgen- und Nachmittagsbetreuung
Anzahl Schülerinnen und Schüler       247
Schulleiter                           Shane Lions
Schulleitungsteam                     Alexandra Delplace, Anika Eitz, Janine Léon,
                                      Courtney Sliwinski
IB Diplom Koordinatorin               Janine Firgus
Stand Oktober 2019

   SIS Swiss International School
   Fallenbrunnen 1
   D-88045 Friedrichshafen
   Telefon +49 7541 954 37 0

                                                                         Shane Lions, Schulleiter

SIS Ingolstadt

Vertrauen schenken!
Tim Kaboth, Schulleiter

»Keine Vorbehalte, kein Misstrauen haben und Glauben schenken« – diese Bedeutungen
liest man im Wörterbuch unter »Vertrauen«. An der SIS Ingolstadt wird dieses Wort nicht          Unabhängig und
nur häufig verwendet, sondern wir schreiben ihm im Schulalltag eine große Bedeutung               werteorientiert
zu. So wird Vertrauen sowohl von den Schülerinnen und Schülern, als auch von den Lehr-
kräften erwartet und eingefordert. Für den Aufbau einer Vertrauensbasis braucht es Mut:
Voraussetzung ist, dass man sich etwas traut. Dies gilt für die Schülerinnen und Schüler
gleichermaßen wie für die Lehrkräfte.                                                          Summary
                                                                                               Taking risks is often
An der SIS Ingolstadt trauen wir auch unseren jüngeren Schulkindern etwas zu: die Erst-        necessary if we want
klässler empfangen wenige Wochen vor dem Schulstart die Kinder, denen in Kürze der             to trust someone.
                                                                                               The outcome is not
Übertritt in die Schule bevorsteht und zeigen ihnen, wie der Schulalltag aussieht und wel-     always predictable.
ches Verhalten angebracht ist. Die Erstklässler übernehmen so für ein bis zwei Unterrichts-    Nevertheless, trust
stunden pro Woche die Verantwortung im Unterricht. Obwohl zwischen der ersten Klasse           among teachers and
                                                                                               students is a necessity
und der Vorschulgruppe meist nur ein Jahr Altersunterschied vorliegt, ist es schön zu          for successful learning.
sehen, wie viel Eigenverantwortung die Erstklässler nach nur einem knappen Jahr Schule         Reflecting on behaviour
                                                                                               is vital for both teachers
schon übernehmen können und das meist ohne die Unterstützung der Lehrkräfte.
                                                                                               and students. On the
                                                                                               one hand, teachers
Für die Lehrkräfte ist es wichtig, das Alter der Schüler und Schülerinnen im Blick zu behal-   have to be open to
ten und diese altersgerecht an Aufgaben heranzuführen, die sie auch bewältigen können.         allowing students to be
Für die Schüler und Schülerinnen hingegen ist es wichtig, das Vertrauen, das sie von den       self-responsible in an
                                                                                               age-appropriate way. On
Lehrkräften erfahren wollen, auch immer wieder einzufordern, denn Vertrauen bedingt in         the other hand, students
diesem Kontext auch die Entwicklung von Eigenverantwortung und Selbstständigkeit.              also have to ask for trust
                                                                                               and self-responsibility.

Fakten & Zahlen

Gegründet                             2009
Schulisches Angebot                   Kindergarten
Abschlüsse                            International Baccalaureate (IB)

Zusatzangebote                        Mittagstisch
                                      Morgen- und Nachmittagsbetreuung
Anzahl Schülerinnen und Schüler       224
Schulleiter                           Tim Kaboth
Schulleitungsteam                     Pamela Bradley-Höllering, Sarah Kragl, Tamara Sander
IB Diplom Koordinatorin               Veronika Hinkofer
Stand Oktober 2019

   SIS Swiss International School
   Stinnesstraße 1
   D-85057 Ingolstadt
   Telefon +49 841 981 446 0

                                                                         Tim Kaboth, Schulleiter

SIS Kassel

Gewinner des SIS Cups 2019
Célia Diogo, Sportlehrerin

Der SIS Cup 2019 wurde Ende Mai an der SIS Friedrichshafen ausgetragen und wir sind
stolz auf unser Team, welches den Gesamtwettbewerb dieses Jahr für sich entscheiden
konnte. Die Teilnahme am SIS Cup war für das ganze Team eine einzigartige Erfahrung,           Stark im Verbund
bei der Vielfalt, Freundschaft, Verbundenheit, Spaß und Sport, nicht nur im eigenen Team
Hand in Hand gingen, sondern auch in der ganzen SIS-Schulgemeinschaft erlebbar wa-
ren. Die Schüler und Schülerinnen hatten die einmalige Gelegenheit, mit Kindern aus ver-
schiedenen Ländern Erfahrungen auszutauschen, neue Freundschaften zu schließen und           Summary
bleibende Erinnerungen zu sammeln.                                                           In 2019, to our surprise,
                                                                                             the team of SIS Kassel
Unser Team bereitete sich zwar akribisch auf den SIS Cup vor und es wurde so manche ex-      returned with the SIS
                                                                                             Cup. Even though our
tra Trainingseinheit eingelegt – mit dem Gewinn des SIS Cups rechneten wir jedoch nicht.     team had trained and
An den Wettbewerbstagen stieg die Spannung bei der in Kassel verbliebenen Schulge-           prepared for the SIS
meinschaft und lauter Jubel war zu hören, als die Nachricht dieses Erfolges durchsickerte.   Cup, we did not expect
                                                                                             our team to carry home
                                                                                             the trophy. The entire
Nach ausgelassener Freude begannen in Kassel sogleich Überlegungen, wie wir dem Ge-
                                                                                             SIS Kassel school
winnerteam einen gebürtigen Empfang bereiten könnten und kurzerhand wurde entschie-          community was very
den, dass eine Delegation von Lehrkräften und Mitarbeitenden das Sportlerteam mit lau-       proud of our team and
                                                                                             it was clear that the
tem Jubel und Applaus direkt am Bahnhof bei der Ankunft empfangen sollte. Am Schultag        team needed to get a
nach der Rückkehr folgte eine Schulversammlung mit allen Schülerinnen und Schülern, in       very warm and special
der das SIS Cup-Team Gelegenheit bekam, seine Erfahrungen mit der Schulgemeinschaft          welcome when they
                                                                                             returned. Therefore, a big
zu teilen.                                                                                   crew of staff members
                                                                                             went to the train station
Die Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer berichteten der gesamten Schulgemeinschaft voller         to cheer for the team,
Stolz von dem spannenden Wettkampf, den unvergesslichen Erfahrungen und dem Ge-              and the school also
                                                                                             hosted a big celebration
fühl, den riesigen Pokal in die Luft heben zu dürfen.                                        assembly the next school
                                                                                             day. We are all ready for
Schon jetzt ist der SIS Cup 2020 Thema bei Schülerinnen und Schülern unterschiedlicher       the SIS Cup 2020.
Altersstufen und wir hoffen, dass sich unser Team erneut gut schlagen kann.

Zahlen & Fakten

Gegründet                            2014
Schulisches Angebot                  Eingangsstufe
Abschlüsse                           International Baccalaureate (IB) geplant
                                     Abitur geplant
Zusatzangebote                       Mittagstisch
                                     Morgen- und Nachmittagsbetreuung
Anzahl Schülerinnen und Schüler      184
Schulleiter                          Sebastian Koch
Schulleitungsteam                    Birgit Breidenbach, Nicole Mitreska
Besonderes                           Gründung und Aufbau unterstützt von der Wintershall
                                     Holding GmbH
Stand Okotober 2019

   SIS Swiss International School
   Johanna-Waescher-Straße 15
   D-34131 Kassel
   Telefon +49 561 316 68 30

                                                                       Sebastian Koch, Schulleiter

SIS Regensburg

Goal Achievement in Lessons
Andrea Maes-Prior, Principal

During my first assembly at SIS Regensburg, I asked the students what they enjoyed most
about the school. The hand of one grade 1 student shot up at once: “The internationalism!”       Performance through
was the answer. I was surprised by the appreciation of this unique feature of SIS schools              Diversity
coming from such a young student. What the student called internationalism I would
describe as one aspect of diversity – an integral part of our concept.

Diversity comprises, amongst other things, the many places our students and staff have
been to and come from, their different beliefs and their unique skills. Being able to harness
diversity to enrich and enhance performance requires a deep understanding of each
learner in a classroom and the dynamics between them.

Our staff uses a whole raft of data – hard and soft – to plan and execute lessons. Being
able to communicate the goals of a lesson and setting out success criteria enables
students to work towards goal achievement and progress. Differentiation allows every
student to be recognised as an individual and to succeed and fulfil their potential. We are
very careful when setting goals and have developed a common language that teachers use
to introduce and refer back to goals that students will recognise irrespective of the lesson
they are attending:

From your learning today you will be able to ...
By extending your thinking you will be able to ...
If you really challenge yourself you will be able to ...

Students reflect not only upon goal achievement, but also on how they got there, which
strategies worked and which did not. In the long run this will enable them to develop study
skills that they can utilise throughout their journey of lifelong learning. And these journeys
will surely be as international and diverse as our school community is on a day-to-day

Facts & Figures

Joined SIS Group                    2010
Educational Offers                  Kindergarten
                                    Primary School
                                    Secondary School
Diplomas                            International Baccalaureate (IB)
                                    German High School Diploma

Additional Offers                   Lunch
                                    Early and After School Care
Number of Students                  142
Principal                           Andrea Maes-Prior
School Management Team              Danette Brink, Zoe Lilley, Christine Scheid,
                                    Andrea Asbury
IB Diploma Programme                Christine Scheid

as per October 2019

   SIS Swiss International School
   Erzbischof-Buchberger-Allee 23
   D-93051 Regensburg
   Phone +49 941 9925 93 00

                                                                       Andrea Maes-Prior,
SIS Stuttgart-Fellbach

3D CAD Workshop
Rachael Mayfield, Secondary School Teacher

In the words of Steve Jobs, “creativity is just connecting things” and this is what we have
been doing at SIS Stuttgart-Fellbach: connecting IT with design. During the summer months       International
of 2019, the teachers and students of SIS Stuttgart-Fellbach and Gustav Stresemann              Education –
                                                                                                Local Insight
Gymnasium were given the opportunity to use 3D printers and associated software in order
to enhance their IT skills and keep up to date with the newly implemented IT curriculum.

This oversubscribed course was a massive success, with partner schools and companies
in the local area coming together to create one IT community. Students were encouraged
to bring their creativity to the table, and teachers were encouraged to leave their fears at
the door. Together with the Create team we realised the opportunities that the software
can provide. Students from SIS Stuttgart-Fellbach and Gustav Stresemann Gymnasium
were taught in German how to navigate the SketchUp software, and then later how to
transform their designs into reality. Teachers were given advice on software possibilities
and areas of the curriculum in which it could be used during development sessions hosted
by both schools.

Feedback from students included referring to how easy the software is to use, and that:
“You don’t have to be good at art in order to design.”

It has long been the case that art and design have been disciplines for those with natural
talent, often leaving others who have the desire but not the skill at a disadvantage. This is
no longer the case with CAD and it has opened up a whole new world of design possibilities
to those who have the willingness to learn the IT skills.

Teachers of art and the sciences agree that this software is a useful tool to allow students
to access areas of design which may have otherwise been inaccessible to them. We look
forward to seeing the results of this strong network of IT professionals in our students work
this coming year.

Facts & Figures

Established                           2008
Educational Offers                    Kindergarten
                                      Primary School
                                      Secondary School
Diplomas                              International Baccalaureate (IB)
                                      German High School Diploma

Additional Offers                     Lunch
                                      Early and After School Care
Number of Students                    426
Principal                             Marc Corner
School Management Team                Richard Williamson, Jessica Poser, Claudia Bath,
                                      Suzanne Füllemann, Birgit Huber
IB Diploma Programme                  Genea Pittman

as per October 2019

   SIS Swiss International School
   Schmidener Weg 7/1
   D-70736 Fellbach
   Phone +49 711 469 194 10

                                                                         Marc Corner,
SIS Brasília
Concept-Based Learning
through Local and Global Contexts
Hayley Waghorn, Primary Years Programme (PYP) Coordinator

SIS Brasília strives to prepare students as global citizens of a world that is everchanging. It
is no longer enough to teach students the facts, but to teach them the big ideas in order to        International
make sense of the world. The PYP organises the curriculum into transdisciplinary themes             Education –
                                                                                                    Local Insight
that transcend time, place and situation. In effect, the local curriculum is organised under
these themes and connections are made between local and global contexts through big
ideas or key concepts. Important knowledge and skills may vary and change over time,
however, the concepts remain the same.

There are seven key concepts that PYP students explore through units of inquiries. Each
unit of inquiry focuses on a few key concepts that frame the inquiry and aim to develop
meaningful and deep understandings. For example, grade 3 explore the theme: “where
we are in place and time” with the central idea: “exploration causes change to people and
places”. The key concepts of causation, change and perspective focus this unit on reasons
for exploration, ways that exploration brings about change, and historical perspectives.
Students inquire into what is significant and relevant to their local context, that being the
development of the capital city of Brazil, Brasília. Brazilian literature is used to deepen their
understandings of why their city is like it is today and the changes that have occurred, all
while considering the different perspectives of the story.

As Brasília has a significant internal migrant and foreign population, students interviewed
their parents and created graphs to show where they came from. As a demonstration
of their new understandings, students developed and built a model city. In this way the
curriculum is presented in a significant, relevant, challenging and engaging way that allows
for breadth in knowledge and depth in understanding that is accessible to all students.

Facts & Figures

Established                           2011
Educational Offers                    Preschool
                                      Primary School
                                      Secondary School (up to grade 8)
Language Certificates                 Deutsches Sprachdiplom
                                      Cambridge Certificates in English
                                      Diplôme d’Études en Langue Française
Additional Offers                     Lunch
                                      Day School
                                      After School Care
Number of Students                    149
Principal                             Anderson Vidal
School Management                     Valéria Poyares
IB Primary Years Programme            Hayley Waghorn

IB Middle Years Programme             Anderson Vidal

as per October 2019

   SIS Swiss International School
   SGA/SUL, Quadra 905, cj B
   BR-70390-050 Brasília DF
   Phone +55 61 3443 4145

                                                                         Anderson Vidal, Principal

Escola Suíço-Brasileira Rio de Janeiro
by SIS Swiss International School

Nosso papel nesse mundo de incertezas
Rachel Guanabara, International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Coordinator

O Ensino Médio é uma época de importantes conquistas e decisões na vida dos jovens.
Ao mesmo tempo em que o aluno se despede da segurança do ambiente escolar, ele                Reconhecimento
abraça um novo mundo de incertezas. Viver de forma consistente o conceito educacional      nacional e internacional
do grupo SIS, que tem, no reconhecimento nacional e internacional, um de seus pilares
educacionais é uma segurança dentro desse futuro de incertezas. Frente a esse cenário
indefinido, cabe a nós investir em uma formação holística, que desenvolva nos jovens uma
visão crítica e transformadora. Mas, cabe-nos, também, muni-los com ferramentas que         Summary
possam atestar proficiência em diversas áreas, abrindo caminhos para o acesso a uma         The end of high school is
                                                                                            a time full of uncertainty.
educação superior de qualidade.                                                             Students must be
                                                                                            ready to face a new and
Entendemos que é função da escola preparar o jovem para o ingresso na Universidade          ever-changing world
em seu país de origem. Durante as aulas, na ESB Rio de Janeiro, conteúdos e habilidades     and it is the school’s
são trabalhados de maneira consciente para que os alunos possam ter êxito no Exame          responsibility to get
                                                                                            them ready for those
Nacional do Ensino Médio (ENEM). Parte do sucesso de nossos alunos, nessa avaliação,        challenges. That is
deve-se aos excelentes resultados em Redação.                                               why it is important to
                                                                                            give students a holistic
O nosso grande foco pedagógico, desde a Educação Infantil, é a formação do cidadão          education, especially in
                                                                                            providing them with tools
global, capaz de se comunicar e desenvolver conteúdos e soluções em diversas áreas e        to face the competitive
locais. E, ao chegar no Ensino Médio, nossos alunos alcançam, naturalmente, certificados    job market. At ESB Rio
de proficiência em, pelo menos, duas línguas estrangeiras e, ainda, nível avançado em       de Janeiro, students
                                                                                            leave school ready to join
uma terceira. Nosso aluno é multilíngue. Além disso, ele deixa o Ensino Médio com o         universities and succeed
Diploma do International Baccalaureate (IB Diploma), que lhe confere oportunidades de       anywhere in the world.
ingresso nas melhores Universidades do mundo. Somos a única escola no Rio de Janeiro
a oferecer os programas do IB desde a Educação Infantil.

Nosso aluno deixa a Escola preparado para continuar seus estudos em qualquer lugar do
mundo, levando consigo uma imensurável bagagem cultural, olhar crítico, além de certifi-
cados que lhes conferem vantagens e confiança frente a esse novo mundo de incertezas.

Fatos & Números

Integrado no grupo SIS               2014
Oferta educacional                   Educação Infantil
                                     Ensino Fundamental I
                                     Ensino Fundamental II
                                     Ensino Médio
Diplomas                             Exame Nacional do Ensino Médio (ENEM)
                                     International Baccalaureate (IB)

Diplomas de língua                   Deutsches Sprachdiplom
                                     Cambridge Certificates in English
                                     Diplôme d’Études en Langue Française
Ofertas adicionais                   Almoço
                                     Horário integral
                                     Atividades extracurriculares
                                     Transporte escolar
Número de alunos                     572
Diretor                              Walter Stooss
Gestão escolar                       Luiza Maria Bokelmann
IB Primary Years Programme           Aline Costa

IB Middle Years Programme            Soraia Dale-Harris

IB Diploma Programme                 Rachel Guanabara

Outubro 2019

   Escola Suíço-Brasileira
   by SIS Swiss International School
   Rua Corrêa de Araújo 81, Barra da Tijuca
   BR-22611-060 Rio de Janeiro RJ
   Telefone +55 21 3389 2089

                                                                    Walter Stooss, Diretor

SIS Graduates 2018/19
College students at SIS Swiss International School have the opportunity to acquire both
the national high school diploma and the International Baccalaureate (IB), a globally
recognised university entrance qualification. In 2018/2019, the following SIS students
successfully completed college:

SIS Switzerland
SIS Basel
Bilingual Swiss Matura
Goergia Kramer, Niels Gajendran
Christophe Varaklis, Blaise Coen, Julia Janke, Thomas Pânzar,
Arun Yoganathan, Didier Destexhe, Ruben Ariel Catanzaro

SIS Zürich
Bilingual Swiss Matura
Ian Berhardsgrütter, Caroline Dalloz, Christopher Dittler, Gavin Graf, Haedi Houraibi,
Carla Kistner, Dane Joseph Mulamootil, Matthew Mylius, Ruben Oberholzer, Tamara
Trajkovic, Alicia Vitoria de Castro Anderheggen, Gabriel Wolfensberger
Sebastian Barth, Gina Baumberger, Celeste Dodds
Bilingual Swiss Matura and IB
Jasmin Hofstetter, Inga Ladina Jakobs, Maxim Vovk

SIS Germany
SIS Berlin
German Abitur
Nick Grinspun

SIS Friedrichshafen
German Abitur
Marisa Arena, Marvin Bonengel, Bojie Chen, Bozhi Chen, Merlin Hipp, Tristan Keller,
Lea Rimmer
German Abitur and IB
Shayan Kharazi, Philip Scherer

SIS Ingolstadt
German Abitur
Nomingoo Zolzaya, Chantal Kellermann
Patrick Mihaila

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