Page created by Joshua Jacobs



On behalf of The Clergy, I want to thank the follow-                  Quiero dar la gracia a la siguientes personas que
ing people who have participated and made the un-                     han participado y han hecho el evento Mariana in-
forgettable Marian event: specially to the coordina-                  olvidable a la coordinadora de la parte religiosa Ali-
tor of the religious part: Alicia Lima, the musicians                 cia Lima , a los Músicos Marc Howell, Jean Remy
Marc Howell, Jean Remy Clerveaux, Job Ucelo and                       Clervaux, Job Ucelo y su equipo, a la persona que
the singers; to the person who designed our cos-                      diseñó nuestros trajes, a los que mantiene la limpie-
tumes, to those who maintain the cleanliness of our                   za de nuestra parroquia al equipo Audio Visual y los
parish to the Audio-Visual team and the Ushers                        Ujieres y por último a los padre de familia y a cada
and finally to the parents and each girl who delight-                 niña que nos deleitaron con cada advocación Maria-
ed us with each Marian invocation.                                    na.

                            1-Jimiah Marcelin: Our Lady of Altagracia
                            2-Emily Yupa: Our Lady Madonna of the Streets
                             3-Sandy Sibrian: Our Lady of Rosa Mistica
                            4-Amy Lalangui: Our Lady of Czestochowa
                            5-Andrea Perez: Virgen Piadosa
                             6-Nayla Francois: Our Lady of Mount Carmel
                            7-Estefania Vilema: Nuestra Señora del Cisne
                            8-Daniela Soto: Maria de Nazaret
                            9-Vanessa Saldaña: Lady of Lourdes
                            10-London Dempaire; Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal
                            11-Allison Cameros: Our Lady of Providence
                            12-Jaqueline Lopez: Immaculate Heart of Mary
                            13- Jhesmi Guallpa: Our Lady of Manaoag
                            14-Lisbeth Jimenez: Nuestra Virgen de la Nube
                            15-Flor Mancheno: Our Lady of the Rosary
                            16-Anyssa Abraham: Our lady of Perpetual Help
                            17-Jenny Castro Mayancela: Our Lady of Guadalupe
                            18-Ashley Salazar: Mary Queen of the Apostles
                            19-Nayte Vega: Our Lady of Fatima
                                                                          Father Levelt Germain, Pastor

The Ascension of Jesus Christ
How it is celebrated
It is a long-standing tradition that within all 40 days starting from Easter and till Ascension of the Lord the gates of hell and heaven
remained open. During this period, the souls of dead saints can walk on earth and the souls of sinners do not feel damnation.
On the eve of the holiday, churches serve all-night vigil. A solemn liturgy takes place on Ascension of the Lord day.
On this day, church recommends pay special attention to charity. Earlier, people were putting coins on windowsills for the poor.
They used to put plates with food, water, and milk near the doors. As a ruled, they put boiled eggs, baked potato, flatbreads.
In addition, on the Ascension, women baked bread-ladders. It was believed that such dishes would help the souls of ancestors to
ascend to heaven sooner. Bread was taken to the cemetery and in the fields, so that rye and flax grew higher to the sky. Our ances-
tors threw baked bread from the roof and saw how many pieces it broke to: it was believed that this is a number of sins of this per-
On the Ascension people would go to the church and pray for prosperity and health. On this day, before going down to heaven, the
Lord, as it is believed, hears all requests of people, and fulfills them. Also, on this holiday people would apologize to everyone with
whom they quarreled.
                                                                     Sunday, 05.09.21     9:00 am    Jeanne Lindor (B)
Baptism:                                                                                             Mallory Attimy (T)
English, Spanish & French: Classes take place every
                                                                                                     + Isabel Bautista
Friday at 7:00 pm in the school classroom 13.
Please use the main entrance to enter.                                                    11:15 am Multiple Intentions

Baptism celebrated on:                                                                    1:15 pm    Multiple Intentions
  English 2nd & 4th Saturday of the month at 12:30 pm                Monday, 05.10.21     9:00 am    + Rose Charles
French/Creole - 3rd Saturday of the month at 12:30 pm
Spanish– Last Saturday of the month at 2:00 pm.                                            5:30 pm   + Jacques Leon Noisette

To Schedule a baptism please contact the office for more
information at 845-356-0311.                                         Tuesday, 05.11.21    9:00 am    Martine Carmelia W. de Bello (T)

Reconciliation: You may come to the parish office located                                 5:30 pm    All Souls in Purgatory
in the school building to speak to the priest on duty.
                                                                    Wednesday, 05.12.21   9:00 am    + Mr. & Mrs. Luc Celestin
Marriage: Please contact our parish office at least 6
months prior to your scheduled wedding date to schedule a                                            + Erol Belizaire
meeting with one of our priests.                                                          5:30 pm    + Mr. & Mrs. Luc Celestin
Religious Education:
Sacramental preparation for First Communion and Confir-             Thursday, 05.13.21    9:00 am    Medgine McCullum & Family(T)
mation is offered for public school students in grades 1                                             Rafael Lindor (B)
through 10.
                                                                                          5:30 pm    + Roger Frederique
All children should be registered before attending class. For
further information please call 845-356-0054.                                                        + Marie Antonia Victorin

Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA): A process of
liturgical and spiritual formation for those seeking to receive      Friday, 05.14.21     9:00 am    + Gerogette & Cecilia St Vil
the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist. For
more information contact our parish office.                                               5:30 pm    Myrlande, Terry & Cedric ( T)
                                                                    Saturday, 05.15.21    9:00 am    Allan & Lourdes Chavez (Wed.
Anointing of the sick: Please contact the parish office at                                           Anniv)
                                                                                                     + Benito Tudas
any time and make arrangements with one of our priests.                                              + Duquesne Lamonge

                                                                                          5:00 pm    N/A
                                Loving God, I pray that you will
                                                                                          7:30 pm    + Jose Antonio Santa Maria
                                comfort me in my suffering, lend
                                skill to the hands of my healers,
    and bless the means used for my cure. Give me such confi-
    dence in the power of your grace, that even when I am
    afraid, I may put my whole trust in you; through our Savior
    Jesus Christ. Amen.                                                        Sunday Mass Readings for May 9 2021,
                                                                                  Sixth Sunday of Easter, Year B

    Let us pray for: Theresa Beauvil Leonard                            1st Reading Acts 10:25-26, 34-35, 44-48
                                                                                     Psalms 98:1, 2-3, 3-4
                                                                        2nd Reading John 4:7-10
                                                                           Alleluia       John 15:4A, 5B
                                                                           Gospel         John 15:9-17

                Accompany your prayers
             by lighting a devotional candle
                  before or after masses
Sponsors of the week:

In Thanksgiving for Jeanne Lindor & Family          Throughout our lives we come across many types of
            Markensy Nemorin                        people and, without a doubt, some are to remember.
            Raymonde Torchon                        People like you have shown it to our church. We will
                Kyle Millien                        always be grateful, and are proud of you and your
                                                    loved ones.

                                                    Tout au long de notre vie, nous rencontrons de nom-
                                                    breux types de personnes et, sans aucun doute, cer-
                                                    taines sont à retenir. Des gens comme vous l'ont
                  TITHES & OFFERINGS                montré à notre église. Nous vous en serons toujours
                                                    reconnaissants, et sommes fiers de vous et vos
                   May 1 & 2, 2021 $11,058
               The purpose of tithing is to teach
              you always how to put God first       A lo largo de nuestra vida nos cruzamos con muchos
                       in your lives                tipos de persona y, sin duda, algunas son para re-
                     (Deuteronomy 14:28b)           cordar. Las personas como usted lo han mostrado a
                                                    nuestra iglesia. siempre estaremos agradecidos les
                                                    damos las gracias por los árboles que han donado y
                                                    nos sentimos orgullosos de tener sus seres queridos
                                                    adornando nuestra parroquia.
         Bann of Mariage
Regina Elisabel Mendoza Angamarca
         & Crespo Molina
Year with St. Joseph
Saint Joseph, Model of Purity
Saint Joseph was pre-eminent in purity be-
cause he feared God and faithfully ob-                               Lord, have mercy.
served His holy law; because he safeguard-                          Christ have mercy.
ed his virtue by fear of the Sovereign Good                          Lord, have mercy.
and by prudence; because he sheltered it                 Christ hear us. Christ graciously hear us.
under the virginity of Mary, and felt the              God, the Father of Heaven, have mercy on us.
influence of Jesus the divine Son of all              God the Son, Redeemer of the world, have mercy
                                                                           on us.
sanctity.                                                  God the Holy Spirit have mercy on us.
                                                         Holy Trinity, One God, have mercy on us.
How pure must he have been who was to
become the worthy spouse of the Immacu-                    Holy Mary, pray for us (after each line)
late Virgin! How holy must he have been                                   Saint Joseph,
whose relations with the thrice holy God                        Renowned offspring of David,
                                                                       Light of Patriarchs,
were so intimate.                                               Spouse of the Mother of God,
                                                               Chaste guardian of the Virgin,
                                                              Foster-father of the Son of God,
Prayer to Saint Joseph                                           Diligent protector of Christ,
Saint Joseph, help me to understand the                           Head of the Holy Family,
excellence of purity and how dear it is to                              Joseph most just,
the heart of God. Teach me to preserve                                Joseph most chaste,
carefully this delicate virtue under the                             Joseph most prudent,
shadow of the fear of God; to safeguard it                            Joseph most strong,
by prayer, by vigilance, by shunning the                            Joseph most obedient,
                                                                     Joseph most faithful,
world, by careful watch over my heart and
                                                                       Mirror of patience,
my senses. Grant that I may henceforward                                Lover of poverty,
close my heart to all disorderly affections;                            Model of artisans,
that I may deserve to enjoy like thee upon                             Glory of home life,
earth the friendship and intimacy of Jesus,                           Guardian of virgins,
and that it may be given to me one day to                               Pillar of families,
sing in Heaven the canticle reserved for                  Solace of the wretched, Hope of the sick,
Virgins.                                                              Patron of the dying,
                                                                        Terror of demons,
                                                                  Protector of Holy Church,
- from "The Catholic Family Book of Novenas," John
Crawley & Co. 1956
                                                                       Lamb of God,
                                                           who take away the sins of the world,
                                                                     Spare us, O Lord.
                                                        Lamb of God, who take away the sins of the
                                                                Graciously hear us, O Lord.
                                                        Lamb of God, who take away the sins of the
                                                                    Have mercy on us.

                                                           V. He made him the lord of His house:
                                                              R. And ruler of all His substance.

                                                     Let us pray: O God, in your ineffable providence you
                                                     were pleased to choose Blessed Joseph to be the
                                                     spouse of your most holy Mother; grant, we beg
                                                     you, that we may be worthy to have him for our
                                                     intercessor in heaven whom on earth we venerate
                                                     as our Protector: You who live and reign forever and

                                                     Saint Joseph, pray for us.
Mothers hold their children's hands for a while, but their hearts        Las madres toman las manos de sus hijos por un tiempo,
forever. Your arms were always open when I needed a hug.                 pero sus corazones para siempre.Tus brazos siempre estu-
Your heart understood when I needed a friend. Your sweet eyes            vieron abiertos cuando necesitaba un abrazo. Tu corazón
were stern when I needed a lesson. Your strength and love have           entendía cuando necesitaba un amigo. Tus dulces ojos
guided me and given me wings Happy Mother's Day                          eran severos cuando necesitaba una lección. Tu fuerza y
                                                                         amor me han guiado y me han dado alas Feliz Dia de las

               Les mères tiennent la main de leurs enfants pendant un certain temps, mais leur cœur pour
               toujours. Tes bras étaient toujours ouverts quand j'avais besoin d'un câlin. Votre cœur a com-
               pris quand j'avais besoin d'un ami. Tes doux yeux étaient sévères quand j'avais besoin d'une
               leçon. Ta force et ton amour m'ont guidé et m'ont donné des ailes. Bonne fête des mères!

   God has put you in my life and always in my heart! Happy Mother's Day to You! God's blessings be upon you no
   matter where you may be. My hope and prayer is that this Mother's Day is as happy for you as you make me!

                     The Rosado Family cordially invites you to a thanksgiving Mass
                                             on the occasion
                            of the 10th anniversary of Ordination of their son
                                        the Rev. Adaly Rosado, Jr.
                                          and the Class of 2011.
                                     When: May 14, 2021 at 7:30 pm
                                     Where: Church of Saint Joseph
                            245 North Main Street Spring Valley, NY 10977

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