Skenandore's artistic passions turning heads - Oneida Nation

Page created by Tracy Vasquez
Skenandore's artistic passions turning heads - Oneida Nation
Your Oneida Nation Connection                                                                      APRIL 6, 2022

PEARL WEBSTER Remarkable Woman of NE Wisconsin pg 2
Skenandore’s artistic passions turning heads
                                                                                registration,” Skenandore said.
                                                                                “So the first basket I made since I
                                                                                was a child was made in February
                                                                                2017. I gave that one to my son
                                                                                and his fiancée for their wedding
                                                                                card basket in 2018. My father
                                                                                walked on in June 2017, but by
                                                                                the end of that year I was weaving
                                                                                again and learning as much as I
                                                                                  Jumping headfirst into her
                                                                                new passion, Skenandore began
                                                                                learning how to work with Black
                                                                                Ash, Sweet Grass, Willow, Cedar,
                                                                                Pine needles, and Birch. Her
                                                                                mother, Loretta Webster, and
                                                                                stepfather, Stan Webster, were
                                                                                so enamored with Skenandore’s
                                                                                skills that they began encouraging
                                                                                her to enter art shows. In time
           Photos courtesy Christopher Johnson, James Kelly, D.King of Images   she gained the confidence to enter
Oneida artist Rae Skenandore proudly displays some of her artwork.              her first competition - the 2019
In recent years Skenandore has discovered a love for producing                  Woodland Indian Art Show, and
traditional baskets and other forms of Native art.                              she hasn’t looked back.
                                                                                  “My original intentions were
By Christopher Johnson                 years,” Skenandore said. “In 2015
                                                                                to produce three jingle dance
Senior Reporter/Photographer           my father, Don Domencich, was
                                                                                sisters as they represent healing,”
                                       diagnosed with terminal cancer.
   Discovering new passions a                                                   Skenandore said. “So the first
                                       I would spend most of my free
little later in life can often bring                                            piece I made for the competition
                                       time going back and forth to
a fulfillment for people who feel                                               was called ‘Healing Dancer,’ and
                                       Sturgeon Bay and attending his
they are missing something in                                                   she was in black shaped like a
                                       doctor’s appointments with him
their life. In recent years Rae                                                 female jingle dress dance with the
                                       and helping arrange home health
Skenandore, an Oneida Nation                                                    jingles. ‘Healing Dancer’ ended
citizen and career tribal employee,                                             up winning Theme category
                                         While helping take care of
has found that she absolutely                                                   Native Women. I was so thrilled
                                       her father, a close friend knew
loves producing traditional art                                                 when the Neville Public Museum
                                       Skenandore was under an extreme
and teaching eager learners                                                     approached me about purchasing
                                       amount of stress and, knowing of
following the passing of her father                                             her to be part of their permanent
                                       her growing interest in traditional
in 2017.                                                                        display.”
                                       basket making, signed her up for
   “Way back when we used to                                                      2019 turned out to be quite the
                                       a class through the Oneida Arts
have summer school at Norbert                                                   eventful year for Skenandore as
                                       Program. “My friend Mary knew
Hill Center I took a basket                                                     she followed up her impressive
                                       I wanted to learn so she told me
making class and that was the
                                       to get over there and pay for it             Continued on PG 10
only one I made for probably 40
                                       before they charged her for the          Skenandore’s artistic passions

FE AT U R E                             ELDER S VIDEOS                          CULTUR E
Oneida Nation honored by Sons          We are made of Stories - Elder           Oneida Fishing Ceremony honors
of the American Revolution             interviews return                        tribal rights
PG 3                                   PG 8                                     PG 9
Skenandore's artistic passions turning heads - Oneida Nation
2|   APRIL 6, 2022
                                                FEATURE                                                   KALIHWISAKS

WFRV names Pearl Webster 2022 Remarkable
Woman of Northeast Wisconsin

                                      Michele Mccormack, Pearl Webster, Tom Zalaski          Photos Courtesy Ken Webster

By Christopher Johnson                      Pearl Webster on receiving the 2022
Senior Reporter/Photographer                Remarkable Woman Award:
                                               "So much of this journey to make
  The Oneida Nation woman behind            Safe Shelter a reality was uncharted
the opening of Safe Shelter has been        territory. Nevertheless, with the
named WFRV’s 2022 Remarkable                help and inspiration of so many,
Woman of NE Wisconsin. The Green            I was able to keep pushing through
Bay CBS affiliate began celebrating         all of the challenges.
remarkable women in the community              Therefore, when we opened
back in March and came up with              the doors this past November, it
four finalists based on viewer and          filled my heart with pride and joy
community input.                            knowing that we were providing
  In 2014 Webster, a career nurse,          comfort to those who don’t have a
made it her goal to help those              place to call home. By receiving the    Garth Webster and Pearl Webster
battling homelessness on the Oneida         Remarkable Woman recognition,
Reservation. The Safe Shelter opened        it provides even more ambition to
                                                                                   The Safe Shelter
its doors to struggling families in         continue helping others.
November 2021 just before the holidays.        Thank you, WFRV, for holding        2155 Hutson Road
The shelter can house up to 14 families     this event to acknowledge all of the   Green Bay, WI 54303
at a time, and guests are offered various   woman leaders who have sacrificed      Contact Information:
resources such as Behavioral Health         so much to pursue their mission."      (920) 932-3380
and domestic abuse services.                                             
  Congratulations to Pearl and thank
you for your years of selfless caring
for others.
Skenandore's artistic passions turning heads - Oneida Nation
                                                FEATURE                                                      APRIL 6, 2022    |3

Oneida Nation honored by Sons of the American Revolution
                                                                                        the Oneida Nation Veterans of Foreign
                                                                                        Wars (VFW) Post 7784, Presidents
                                                                                        Wright and Keith presented Oneida
                                                                                        Nation Chairman Tehassi Hill with
                                                                                        a pair of awards in recognition of the
                                                                                        critical role the tribe played in the war.
                                                                                        Hill accepted the awards on behalf of
                                                                                        the Oneida Nation.
                                                                                          “I am very honored to be here to
                                                                                        present the National Society of the
                                                                                        Sons of the American Revolution’s
                                                                                        Distinguished Patriotic Leadership
                                                                                        Award,” Wright said. “This is to
                                                                                        recognize the Oneida Nation for the
                                                                                        assistance that they provided to the
                                                                                        American soldiers during the American
                                                                                        Revolution and for the more than
                                                       Kali photo/Christopher Johnson
                                                                                        250 years of continued service and
                                                                                        assistance to the United States and its
Great Lakes District Sons of the American Revolution (SAR) Vice President General
William Austin, Oneida Nation Chairman Tehassi Hill, George Washington’s Left
                                                                                          Wright then paused to offer a thought
Guard, and SAR President General Davis Wright proudly display ‘Oneida Warrior,’
and the Distinguished Patriotic Leadership Award.                                       he’d contemplated for years. “Part of me
                                                                                        wonders if I’d even be here if it weren’t
By Christopher Johnson                     President General William Austin,            for the Oneida people,” Wright said.
Senior Reporter/Photographer               along with Wisconsin and Michigan
                                           Societies Sons of the American                       Continued on PG 11
 President General of the National         Revolution President Sam Keith, made           Sons of the American Revolution
Society Sons of the American               an honorary visit to the Oneida Nation
Revolution (SAR) Davis Wright, Vice        Reservation March 31. Appearing at

Pope apologizes to Canadian Indigenous delegation
By Christopher Johnson                       The pope also said he hopes to             attended the Canadian facilities.
Senior Reporter/Photographer               visit Canada sometime this summer              In the United State, Department of
                                           around the Feast of St. Anne, being          the Interior Secretary Deb Haaland is
  In a potentially monumental first step   celebrated this year July 26. Members        expected to release her department’s
towards possible healing, Pope Francis     of the delegation made clear they also       report on its investigation into the
apologized to a Canadian Indigenous        wish to receive an apology from Francis      U.S. Government’s oversight of Native
delegation in Rome for the deplorable      on Canadian soil during the visit. At        American Boarding Schools sometime
abuses Native children suffered in         least 150,000 (this number is believed       in the near future. The report was
that country’s Catholic-run residential    to be much higher) Native children           delivered to Haaland April 1, but it’s
schools. The delegation, consisting of     from around Canada were forced to            not known what information is actually
dozens of First Nations, Inuit, and        into government-funded Christian             contained in the report.
Metis citizens, made the journey to        schools from the 19th century until            This is a developing story and more
the Vatican in the hopes of hearing an     the 1970s, with at least 6,000 student       information will be released as it is
apology and securing reparations for       deaths occurring at these facilities.        received.
their communities so severely impacted     Incomplete, and sometimes destroyed,
by Canada’s Residential School policies    records make it nearly impossible to
and horrors.                               get firm listings of all the children who
Skenandore's artistic passions turning heads - Oneida Nation
4|   APRIL 6, 2022
                                    ENVIRONMENTAL                                                                 KALIHWISAKS

Solar Deployment on Tribal Facilities project

Anna John Resident Centered Care Community has 165 kilowatts of solar on its roof.                     Photo Courtesy Enegy Team

By Mike Troge                               energy. As the sun gets lower in the        the solar arrays. In about five years
Energy Team                                 sky from summer to winter, the solar        SunVest will have benefited from their
Solar Electric Update                       panels have less time to collect energy.    investment. Oneida will be able to gain
  March 21 is the spring equinox which      Captured energy peaks in June and           full control of each solar array. That
means 12 hours of daylight and 12 hours     July. Captured energy is lowest in          will give Oneida Nation about $80,000
of night. June 21 is the summer solstice,   December and January. The graph is          of utility electricity savings per year.
the longest day of the year, when we get    showing us this seasonal relationship,      Solar panels last more then 30 years.
about 18 hours of daylight and 6 hours      very much like a sin wave.                    Other things to note: This photovoltaic
of night. Several Tribal buildings are         The systems combined produce about       (PV) system prevented nearly 5 million
taking advantage of this light using        850,000 kilowatt-hours per year. That       pounds of carbon dioxide emissions
solar electric (also called: photo-vol-     equals the same amount of energy that       into the atmosphere. That’s like
taic) arrays. A solar array is a bunch of   is used in 85 typical homes. To date, the   planting 36,000 trees!
rows and columns of solar panels that       combined savings are $20,000 per year.        Stay tuned! The Energy Team has
collect sunlight energy and convert it      Oneida Nation used a Department of          some interesting projects brewing.
to building energy. An inverter does        Energy grant and a partnership with         We’ll bring you updates in the coming
the conversion.                             a solar developer (SunVest) to build        months.
  In 2017, solar arrays were plugged
in at County H Recreation Center
(CHRC), Elder Service Apartments
(ESA), Food Distribution (FD),
Health Center (OCHC), Anna John
(AJRCCC), and IMAC/Annex. The
energy from the solar arrays plus the
utility energy provide the total energy
used in the building.
  The graph shows the annual solar
production for all 7 buildings from
2018 through 2021. Every day the
solar panels collect energy. As the sun
gets higher in the sky from winter to
summer and the days get longer, the
solar panels have more time to collect
Skenandore's artistic passions turning heads - Oneida Nation
                                       NEWS                                 APRIL 6, 2022   |5

        TOBACCO                                                       IS AN


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Skenandore's artistic passions turning heads - Oneida Nation
6|   APRIL 6, 2022
                                                NEWS                                                  KALIHWISAKS

                     UW–Oneida partnership
                     supports elder brain health
Article provided by the
Oneida Nation Alzheimer’s Disease
Community Advisory Board

   A partnership between the
Oneida Nation of Wisconsin and
the Wisconsin Alzheimer’s Disease
Research Center (ADRC) is work-
ing to expand memory care educa-
tion and understand how dementia
affects elders and their families in
the Oneida community.
   Since 2015, Oneida commu-
nity members, tribal leaders, aging
and health experts, and scientists
from UW–Madison have worked
together to raise awareness of         Members of the Oneida Nation Alzheimer’s Disease Community Advisory
Alzheimer’s disease and related        Board in 2019 (Membership has changed slightly since then). Back row, left
dementias in American Indian           to right: Crystal Metoxen, Marlene Summers, Pat Lassila, Lois Strong, Carey
communities across Wisconsin.          Gleason, Sacheen Lawrence and Melissa Metoxen. Front row, left to right:
The Wisconsin ADRC is one of           Megan Zuelsdorff, Florence Petri, Dellora Cornelius and Debbie Miller.
33 National Institute on Aging
(NIA)-designated Alzheimer’s           Wisconsin are living with a diagno-    for more information about Alzhei-
disease research centers in the        sis of Alzheimer’s disease, with an    mer’s disease in Indian Country, he
United States, working to find a       additional 198,000 family care-        learned there was minimal knowl-
way to prevent and effectively treat   givers caring for a loved one living   edge because research had included
Alzheimer’s disease. A community       with dementia.                         little representation of American
advisory board (CAB) guides the           The partnership between the         Indians. Also in 2015, Oneida
Wisconsin ADRC collaboration,          Oneida Nation of Wisconsin and         Elder Services Director Florence
with goals focused on providing        Wisconsin ADRC began with a            Petri obtained state funding to hire
outreach, education and memory         question: What do we know about        Oneida’s first dementia care spe-
care to Oneida Nation community        Alzheimer’s disease and American       cialist, and Debra Miller was hired
members.                               Indians?                               as tribal dementia care specialist
   Historically, understanding            At an Alzheimer’s Association       with the Oneida Nation Compre-
Alzheimer’s disease and its impact     state conference in 2015, Oneida       hensive Health Division.
in Indian Country has been lim-        Nation Commission on Aging                 As Oneida community mem-
ited. Alzheimer’s disease is the 7th   (ONCOA) board member Mike              bers wanted to support local elders
leading cause of death in the United   Hill met representatives from the      in their community with educa-
States. More than 120,000 people in    Wisconsin ADRC. When Hill asked        tion about memory changes and
Skenandore's artistic passions turning heads - Oneida Nation
                                              NEWS                                            APRIL 6, 2022   |7

resources for people and families
experiencing dementia, they began
to connect with Wisconsin ADRC

                                         Partner Spotlight
investigators and eventually formed
the Oneida Nation Alzheimer’s
Disease Community Advisory
Board (Oneida CAB).
    Through these collaborative
                                         Get to know an Oneida CAB member
partnerships, the Oneida CAB has         Carey Gleason, PhD, MS, is an
hosted memory screening clinics          associate professor of medicine at the
and brain health educational events      UW School of Medicine and Public
in Oneida. Educational events            Health and an Alzheimer’s disease
featured national experts who work       researcher. As a firm believer that
with American Indian populations,        diversity in research volunteers and
including Dr. Blythe Winchester,         research teams makes better science,
Dr. Donald Skenandore and                Gleason partners with African Ameri-
Dr. Neil Henderson. The work from        can and American Indian communities
the CAB gained them recognition          to ensure their needs and viewpoints
and they were awarded a Commu-           are represented in Alzheimer’s disease
nity–University Partnership Award        research. Her research team looks for
by the UW Chancellor in 2018.            ways to improve Alzheimer’s disease       Carey Gleason, PhD, MS
    As services and awareness            diagnosis and treatment, studies
expanded, so did the need for            lifestyle and health factors that affect
education and outreach — ideally         a person’s risk for disease, and promotes healthy aging and brain
supported by data describing             health through public events and programs.
Alzheimer’s disease in American
Indian populations. The Oneida

                                      News and Updates
CAB has since formed important
alliances to help achieve its ongo-
ing goals. Some of its partners
and collaborators are Great Lakes
Native American Elders Associa-
                                      From the Oneida CAB
tion (GLNAEA), Memory Keep-
ers–Medical Discovery Team at the
                                      Memory Screenings
University of Minnesota School of     Memory screenings are available at your
Medicine, Duluth Campus, Native       Oneida Community Health Center.
American Center for Health Pro-       For more information, contact Deb Miller:
fessions (NACHP, nay-chip) at the     Phone: (920) 869-2711
UW School of Medicine and Pub-        Email:
lic Health, Oneida Elder Services,
Oneida Nation Comprehensive           Contact Us
Health Division and Oneida Nation     Have questions about the Oneida Nation of Wisconsin and
Commission on Aging (ONCOA).          Wisconsin ADRC partnership or CAB? Please stay in touch with
    Read more about the col-          us by visiting our webpage at or contact
laboration between Wisconsin          Sacheen Lawrence, outreach specialist:
ADRC and Oneida Nation at             Phone: (608) 262-6505             Email:
Skenandore's artistic passions turning heads - Oneida Nation
8|   APRIL 6, 2022
                                                FEATURE                                                         KALIHWISAKS

We are made of Stories

                                                   Harrison A. Cornelius                      Photo Courtesy Elder Video Project

The late Gordon McLester, a respected        His father worked as a stonemason,       included a fellow paratrooper who had
Oneida Nation elder and historian,         working with Quarry stone, while his       a mishap during a jump and refused
conducted a vast number of tribal          mother stayed home. “She didn’t have       to get into a plane again afterwards,
community elder video interviews between   any time; she had too many kids,” he       or his own close call where his main
1994-2007.                                 explains while chuckling. Harrison         chute opened late. “Long as you don’t
                                           and his siblings would devote much         hit the ground before, you're alright,”
By Trista Cornelius-Henrickson             of their time working in the family’s      he says with another laugh.
Administrative Assistant - Printing,       vast 10-acre garden where they grew          After the military, he returned to
Marketing & Tourism
                                           a wide variety of things to harvest for    his job as a truck driver for Harvey
   Har r ison “Har r y” A nderson          the winter and to sell. “You had to hoe    Service and married his wife. They
Cornelius was born in 1929 in De Pere.     so many rows before you could go out       started a family and had six children.
His parents were Anderson & Lillian        and play.”                                 “You were never done buying shoes,”
(Wheelock) Cornelius. Their family                                                    he says with a grin. As time went on,
lived in a log home on the Oneida                                                     Harrison would travel often with his
reservation with no insulation, running                                               wife, taking a familiar route to visit
water and was warmed by a potbelly             They sent me a letter                  family in Seattle, Vegas, and Yuma.
stove with coals. Their second house                                                  He also joined the Oneida hymnal
they would have their own water from
                                               that said ‘Greetings’                  singers. His first encounter with the
a hand-dug well made by his father that        he says, laughing.                     Oneida singers was at wakes when he
was 28ft deep. He talked about what                                                   was young. “I used to like hearing them
hard work that was.                             Harrison “Harry”Anderson Cornelius    singing.”
   His father attended Carlisle school                                                  Harrison reflected on changes he’d
at the same time as Jim Thorpe. Both                                                  seen throughout the years. “You don’t
his parents spoke the Oneida language        As Harrison got older, he left school    have to be gone very long; people are
when they were young, but they did         to work on surrounding farms and           changing all the time.” To find out more
not teach their children. “They had        drive truck until he was drafted in        about Harrison’s life and other elder
a hard time, my dad and mother             1951 to the Army. There he served          stories, check out Oneida Digital Media
both had a hard time, so they wanted       in the 11th Airborne Division as a         on YouTube. Big Bear Media will soon
to make sure that we didn’t know           paratrooper. “They sent me a letter that   premier a database with all Gordon
Oneida. They always used English, but      said ‘Greetings’” he says, laughing. He    McLester’s elder videos recorded
I learned Oneida from listening to my      talks about his time as a paratrooper      between 1994 - 2007.
grandmother.” Harry’s grandmother          and the different requirements and
didn’t speak any English.                  experiences he had. One memory
Skenandore's artistic passions turning heads - Oneida Nation
                                                 CULTURE                                                   APRIL 6, 2022    |9

Oneida Fishing Ceremony honors tribal rights

                                                                                                 Photo Courtesy Leah Stroobants
The Annual Oneida Fishing Ceremony took place March 25 in Site I at sunrise. The significance of the ceremony is to welcome
the fish back to Duck Creek which has helped sustain our people for two centuries. The ceremony is also held annually to
recognize the Oneida Nation's fishing rights on reservation lands. This year's ceremony was a small gathering in which tobacco
was offered and good words were shared among the attendees. Drum group Buffalo Creek also performed an honor song.

Note: This photo was taken prior to the commencement of the ceremony. Haudenosaunee spiritual tradition does not allow for
the taking of photos or recordings of the ceremony while in progress.

     920.833.7952           M-Th: 9am - 4pm   F: 8am - 11:30am
                   NOW OPEN
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                                                                      Black Angus Beef            Oneida Nation Buffalo
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       Credit -Debit only
Skenandore's artistic passions turning heads - Oneida Nation
10 |   APRIL 6, 2022
                                          LOCAL                                                        KALIHWISAKS

From page 1/ Skenandore’s artistic passions
                                                                        numbers and patterns so it’s a very good
                                                                        fit,” Skenandore said. “I really thank the
                                                                        Oneida Arts Program and the Woodland
                                                                        Indian Arts Show for giving me my start. I
                                                                        really don’t know that I would have sought
                                                                        out how to make traditional baskets again
                                                                        if it weren’t for Mary and the classes that
                                                                        are being offered here. Not to mention how
                                                                        encouraging Beth Bashara was for me.”
                                                                           With her recently acquired basket making
                                                                        knowledge and art show experiences,
                                                                        Skenandore has decided to make a
                                                                        commitment to teaching future generations
                         Woodland Indian Art showing with a First       of Indigenous artists. “I love teaching so
                         Place Sculpture and Best of Show finish        much that I’ve begun instructing for the
                         in the Northern Woodland Art Show in           Oneida Arts Program,” Skenandore said.
                         Hayward, Wis. Later that same year she also    “I had a student who was so impacted by
                         took the Best of Division Contemporary         the classes because she was just getting into
                         Basketry & Innovator Award at the              it and she was so eager to learn. She was
        Healing Dancer   Cherokee Art Market in Tulsa, Okla.            taking monthly classes and after the first
                           A 2020 Honorable Mention at the              class she told me she went home and became
                         Ganondagan Hodinohsoni Virtual Art             very emotional about the basket she got to
                         Show in Victor, NY, segued into her return     make. She was so happy and so touched that
                         to the 2021 Woodland Indian Art Show and       she almost brought me to tears.”
                         Market where Skenandore displayed her             Anybody who has ever been an instructor
                         second jingle dress dancer, this one adorned   knows we all still have much to learn. “I’m
                         in red. Named ‘In Memory,’ Skenandore          still learning from everybody including my
                         produced the dancer to be a sister piece       students,” Skenandore said. “I continue
                         to ‘Healing Dancer’ and to call attention      to research things and even take my own
                         to the Missing and Murdered Indigenous         classes, and now I’ve even started making
                         Women (MMIW) crisis occurring across           brooms. Teaching is the natural progression
                         Indian Country. ‘In Memory’ took First         from learning in this endevour.”
                         Place in the 3-Dimensional Art Category           Knowing how she finally acted on her
                         and won Best of Show.                          desire to begin creating art after so many
                           Fast becoming a rising star in the world     years, Skenandore wants to encourage
                         of Indigenous art, the Wisconsin Visual        others who’ve contemplated artistic
                         Arts Achievement Awards (WVAAA)                creativity to go for it. “I really want people
                         Committee has reached out to Skenandore        to give it a shot,” Skenandore said. “For
                         and informed her that she has been selected    some people it’s actually very easy while
                         to receive their 2022 Emerging Artist          some others may struggle. I encourage those
          In Memory      Award. “I understand the WVAAA is              who enjoy this to keep at it and to keep
                         one of the oldest arts organizations in the    sharing it.”
                         state of Wisconsin and has been around            As her artistic popularity begins to
                         since the early 1900s,” Skenandore said.       soar, Skenandore’s work is now being held
                         “They’ve also asked me to possibly teach       in several private and public collections
                         at a museum this coming summer.”               including the Neville Public Museum, which
                           Skenandore holds a degree in business,       hosted the 2021 “Reviving Traditional Arts
                         and while some may not see a correlation       of the Oneida” exhibit in 2021. Some of
                         between the world of finance and traditional   her works can also be viewed in the main
                         Indigenous art, she readily sees the           lobby of the Radisson Hotel and Conference
                         connection. “I love numbers so if you know     Center.
                         anything about basket making it’s all about
                                                 FEATURE                                                       APRIL 6, 2022   | 11

From page 3/ Sons of the American Revolution
“My patriotic ancestor served in the 12th   history about Valley Forge continues           Next, Keith spoke of the relationship
Pennsylvania Regiment and spent that        to be shared to this day. For our people     between the tribe and the colonists as
famous winter at Valley Forge. It was       the recollections of Valley Forge bring      he presented the next award. “In honor
there, where I have no doubt, that he was   to mind the patriotism of our Oneida         of the relationship between the Oneida
saved by the gift of corn by the Oneida     Warriors who served in every military        Nation and the colonists during the war,
people. I found this to be very moving      conflict on the side of the United States    the Wisconsin and Michigan Societies
and very personal as I was preparing        since the Revolutionary War.                 of the Sons of the American Revolution
for this presentation.                         “The Oneida people have passed            would like to present the Oneida Nation
  “I would like to say on behalf of the     on stories of how our warriors               this bronze plaque of ‘Oneida Warrior.’
National Society of Sons of the American    showed courage through the suffering         (It was made) to celebrate the Oneida
Revolution, our 35,000 members, that        and tragedy of war, and how their            Nation becoming one of the first allies to
I’m very pleased and honored to be here     perseverance led them to survive the         America when they joined the colonists
to present the Distinguished Patriotic      scourge of destruction and decimation        in their fight for independence from
Leadership Award to the Oneida              of their homelands. Our people take          the British Government during the
Nation,” said Wright.                       great pride in sharing the history of the    Revolutionary War.”
  Chairman Hill then spoke while            Oneida white corn at Valley Forge. This        “For me this is a lasting memory in the
accepting the award. “On behalf the         story has been shortened but its impact      highlights of my year as Vice President
Oneida Nation I accept this distinguished   is quite powerful. So, with a good mind,     General of the Great Lakes District
recognition today,” Hill said. “We are      a good heart, and a strong fire, I express   Sons of the American Revolution,”
grateful for this honor from the Sons       our gratitude for this honor today.          Austin said.
of the American Revolution. Our             Yaw ko.”
12 |   APRIL 6, 2022
                             COMMUNITY EVENTS                                                                       KALIHWISAKS

  MARCH 2022 Virtual Childbirth
  & Breastfeeding Classes
By Candi Cornelius
Oneida Prenatal Nurse
  The Oneida Prenatal Nurse has been providing virtual
class all throughout the pandemic with good participation.
For March classes Kelly K., a dietician from Oneida WIC,
joined to team teach on infant behaviors and breastfeeding
basics. Kelly also is a IBCLC (International Board Certified
Lactation Counselor).
  Oneida Childbirth Classes are offered for free every
March, July and October. July we are hoping to reopen in-
person classes which will be at the Oneida Health Center
with COVID precautions in place. If interested in attending
a future class contact Candi Cornelius, 920-869-4940.
Participants do not need to be receiving prenatal care at
the Oneida Health Center just be an active patient.

                                  TO REGISTER CALL: 920-869-4940
• For due dates in April 2022 through July 2022               • Support person encouraged to participate
• Participants encouraged to attend all three classes         • Need a cell phone, laptop or computer with internet
Instructors are lactation counselors: Oneida Prenatal Nurse Candi and Oneida WIC Dietitian Kelly

                                                      Virtual Trauma Informed Parenting Workshop
                                                Many of us have experienced trauma throughout our lives. Understanding how
                                                trauma affects children can help parents make sense of their child’s behaviors,
                                                feelings and attitudes; can help parents develop greater insight around how to
                                                help their child cope with the effects of trauma; and, help parents understand
                                                how to provide a safe and stable home environment.
                                                        This is a FREE, 7 session workshop held virtually
                                                                          *Meets Twice a Week
                                                   When: Tuesdays and Thursdays beginning April 12, 2022
                                                                       5:00 PM-6:15 PM
                                                     Meeting dates: April 12, 14, 19, 21, 26, 28 and May 3
                                                   Where: Virtual group via Zoom. Join from any device with Wi-Fi.
                                                           Link to join will be sent via email to those who register.
                                                               Please Register:
                                                    Contact: Call Heather VandenLangenberg
                                                      or Vaughn Urbanek at 920-490-3700
                                                           Text or call 920-606-7026
                                                     or email
                      COMMUNITY EVENTS                                          APRIL 6, 2022   | 13

   April is Family Strengthening and
   Sexual Assault Awareness and
   Prevention Month. To bring awareness
   to these important topics Oneida Family Services
   will be hosting a series of events throughout April 2022.

     Virtual Awareness Walk 2022 4/1-4/27:
     The Oneida Family Services Department is hosting a Virtual Walk to raise
     awareness for Sexual Assault Month and ways to strengthen families.
     Take a walk throughout the month of April to be entered into a raffle drawing
     to win a prize! Post a picture of your walk by April 27th and caption it
     #FamilyStrengthening to the Oneida Domestic Abuse & Prevention
     Program Facebook page or email it to
     To post your picture visit:
     or use your smartphone to scan the QR code
     *Drawing will be held April 28th at 1:00 P.M. via Facebook live on
     the Oneida Domestic Abuse & Prevention Program Facebook page*

    Free Educational Webinars via Facebook:
    4/7- Parenting– The Importance of Connection
    4/14- Dynamics of Child Abuse and Neglect
    4/21- Sexual Assault in Indigenous Communities
    For more information and to view the web series please
                 visit one of the following Facebook pages:
14 |   APRIL 6, 2022
                              COMMUNITY EVENTS                                                                       KALIHWISAKS

 Wise Women Gathering Place
 Job Title: Onsite Safety Monitor                                                    Survey
 (Pool Position) Job # 0109
 Salary: $15/hour plus $3.50/hour
 hazard pay while applicable                Oneida
 Hours per week: 20 - 40 ( as needed)
 Reports to: Staff Midwife                  Community
 Position Summary: The Safe Parking         Health Survey
 Program is a seasonal, overnight safe
 parking shelter for homeless adults        Every 5 years, the Oneida Comprehensive Health
 and provision of services to the           Division conducts a survey of Oneida Nation Members
 homeless residents, who are living in      living in Brown & Outagamie Counties. The Health Survey
 their vehicle. The primary focus of        will gather information on members’ medical needs and collect
 this position is for the monitoring and    feedback on the Comprehensive Health Division’s programs & services.
 safety of guests, staff, volunteers and    You can expect the survey to arrive by mail in March 2022. Your response is
 neighborhood. Secondary focus is as        important and we would greatly appreciate your time in completing the survey.
 a Support Staff. This position is grant
                                            Please call 920-869-4840 for any questions.
 funded. Continuation of this position
 is contingent
 upon funding

  Wise Women Gathering Place
  Job Title: Shelter Safety Monitor
  (Pool Position) Job # 0203
  Salary: $15/hour plus $3.50/hour
  hazard pay while applicable
  Hours per week: 20 to 40 hours
  (Shift Time: 4p to 12:30A and/or
  12:00A to 8:30 as needed)
  Reports to: Shelter Supervisor/
  Position Summary: The Shelter
  is a 24/7 overnight shelter for
  individuals and families experiencing
  homelessness. The primary focus of
                                                         A captivating documentary about Alzheimer’s Disease
  this position is for the monitoring and
                                                      Audience Winner Best Documentary, Green Bay Film Festival
  safety of guests, staff, volunteers and                           Learn about the film at
  neighborhood. Secondary focus is
  as a Support Staff to include shelter                  Monday, April 25th, 2022 | 5:00pm
  operations as needed. Continuation              Weidner Center For the Performing Arts; Cofrin Family Hall and Grand Foyer
  of this position                                                  2420 Nicolet Dr, Green Bay, WI 54311
  is contingent
                                             FREE - Registration Required:
  upon funding                               Call 920 662-7500 or register online
                                        LEGAL NOTICES                                                                 APRIL 6, 2022       | 15

              LEGAL NOTICE                                                                     The Trust
      ONEIDA NATION FAMILY COURT                                                              Department
          NOTICE OF HEARING                                                                The Trust Enrollment Department is trying to
                                                                                           contact the following individuals with important
            Inquiries for pleadings and/or additional information may be directed to:      information regarding their Minor’s Trust Fund:
  Clerk of Court • Oneida Family Court • P.O. Box 19 • Oneida, WI 54155 • (920) 496-7200
                                                                                               Anthony David Skenandore
  In re the Interest of KRJ, (date of birth 9/23/2019) Case                                     Joseph Michael Ivancik
  22TP001 To: Unknown Father                                                               If you are one of these people, please call the Trust
                                                                                           Enrollment Department as soon as possible. If you
  This notice is advising you that a hearing on a Petition for Termination of Parental     know one of these people, please ask them to call
                                                                                           Trust Enrollment Department as soon as possible.
  Rights will take place on Monday, April 25, 2022 at 11:00 A.M. in the above              Phone number: (920) 869-6200 or (800) 571-9902.
  captioned case at the Oneida Family Court located at 2630 West Mason Street,             Yaw ko
  Green Bay, WI 54303.
                                                                                           2022 Minor Trust Payment Information
  Case #16PA123 ONCSA & Windy R. Wilson v Robert J.                                        If you were born between 9/2/2000 –
  Campbell                                                                                 9/1/2004 There may be a Minor Trust
                                                                                           Account available for you to claim or
  A diligent attempt was made to notify the above Respondent of a Motion for               defer.
  Contempt and Motion for Modification of Legal Custody and/or Physical Placement          Minor Trust Payment Deferral forms were
  filed by Petitioner. A hearing shall take place on Monday, May 2, 2022 at 10:00          mailed the first week in March 2022
                                                                                           If you do not receive a PINK Minor
  A.M. in the above captioned case at the Oneida Family Court office located at
                                                                                           Trust Payment Form packet in the mail
  2630 West Mason Street, Green Bay, WI 54303.                                             by April 1, 2022 contact our office or
                                                                                           find the Minor Trust Payment Deferral
                          LEGAL NOTICE                                                     forms available online: https://oneida-
                   Notice of Probate Hearings.                                             Deadline to Submit the Pink form to
    The following estates are being prepared for probate by the                            Defer or to Claim all is: Friday July 1
                                                                                           2022, 4:30 PM (CST) (No Exceptions)
      The Oneida Nation, Land Commission Hearings Body.
                                                                                           Deadline for Proof of Graduation
                                                                                           Document & Direct Deposit Form is:
 In the Matter of the Estate of                                   Submit creditor          Thursday September 1 2022, 4:30
 James L. King, Case No. 2020 LCP 0006                              claims to:             PM (CST) (No Exceptions)
                                                             Diane M. Wilson, Probate,     If you have not yet claimed your Minor
 May 23, 2022 at 4:00 p.m. (via Microsoft
                                                                  Oneida Nation,           Trust Account and you are 21 contact the
 Teams platform)                                                                           Trust Enrollment Department immediately.
                                                                Land Management,
 1. An application for probate was filed.                          PO Box 365,             Minor Trust Payment will be issued
 2. The decedent with a date of birth of 12/29/1950            Oneida, WI 54155,          end October 2022
     and date of death 10/08/2019, was an Oneida                 920-869-6614 or           Please visit our website for
     Nation member and domiciled on the Oneida                                             additional information: oneida-nsn.
     Reservation at N7147 Path of the Wolf,                                                gov/resources/enrollments/ Oneida
                                                                 Trust Enrollment Department
     Oneida, WI 54155.                                                                     Mail-ins USPS -> PO Box 365, Oneida,
 3. The deadline to submit claims was 5/07/2020.                                          WI 54155-0365 • 920-869-6200 •
 4. All interested persons are hereby noticed.                                            800-571-9902
 To attend a scheduled hearing virtually contact:                                          Please deliver in person or by courier
                                                                                           delivery only (Fed Ex, UPS)210 Elm St,
 Diane M. Wilson. Dated: 4/01/2022
                                                                                           Oneida WI 54155 (No office mailbox)
16 |   APRIL 6, 2022
                                            OBITUARIES                                                            KALIHWISAKS

BRUNO        ALLEN        CORNELIUS         ZELDA ADRIAN CORNELIUS PIERCE               watching wrestling and was an avid
August 15, 1960 - March 6, 2022                 March      17,         2022             Packers fan.
                        Br u no A l le n                    Zelda Adrian                Georgetta is survived by her son, Wayne
                       Cornelius, 61,                      Cornelius Pierce             and her daughter Kristen; her
                       Ch ic ago, IL                       went peaceably               grandchildren, Precious, Nevaeh,
                       p a s s e d aw ay                   on her journey,              Denali and her great-granchildren
                       peacefully with                     Thursday, March              Kehlani, Devina, Dasani and Aycen.
                       his wife by his                     17, at 8:20 p.m. at          She is further survived by her Aunts,
                       side on Sunday,                     St. Vinc ent                 Janice, Mildred, Deb and other relatives
                       March 6, 2022.                      Hospital.                    and friends.
                       He was born in                           She was preceded
Chicago on August 15, 1960, to the late     in death by her father Guy Cornelis,        GERALD      “J E R R Y ”      HOUSE
Royalton and Irene Cornelius. Debra         mother merci Metoxen Cornelius and          July 6, 1953 - March 27, 2022
invited Bruno to dinner 22 years ago        sisters Adele Oldenberg, Shirley,                              Gerald “Jerry”
and they were together ever since.          brothers Kenny, Sherman, Everette,                             House, age 68 of
Married on Father’s Day, June 20, 2004,     Forest and Frederick Cornelius.                                G r e e n B a y,
they had celebrated 18 years of marriage.                                                                  p a s s e d aw ay
                                            Zelda is survived by three sons, Gary,
Bruno worked for the City of Chicago        Dale, and Danny Skenandore (Danny                              peacefully March
for 33 years. He enjoyed riding his         has been missing for over 20 years), and                       27, 2022, with his
motorcycle, shooting pool and fishing.      one daughter, Roxanne Skenandore.                              wife Sherry of 49
He loved his animals, including dogs,       She is further survived by numerous                            years at his side.
snakes, and lizards.                        nieces, nephews and grandchildren.                                  Jerry was born
Bruno is survived by his wife, Debra;       Zelda loved going to the casinos and        July 6, 1953, in Green Bay, WI to the
siblings, Diane (Kenny) Skenandore,         watching polkas and The Green Bay           late George & Ethel (Charles) House.
Oneida; Fern (Jerry) Diamond, Oneida;       Packers on Sundays. She also loved          He married Sherry Jones on June 17,
Florence Murphy, Portland, OR;              having visits from nieces, nephews,         1972, at Redeemer Lutheran Church.
Royalton (Lynda) Cornelius, Jr. Green       grandchildren and friends and her sons      Jerry worked construction all his life
Bay; his nieces and nephews Kitty, Joe      and daughter.                               starting under his father at George
(Val), Kymme (Mike), Lee, Travel,                                                       House Construction. Upon George’s
                                            Zelda was a very loving and caring          retirement Jerry took over and ran
Lowell, Erin, Little Roy, Irene, Danelle,
                                            mother, sister, auntie, grandmother and     George House Construction. Jerry also
Nick, Matthew, Charlette, Doyle,
                                            friend. She will be greatly missed by all   worked with the Oneida Nation,
Ramone, Jamari and James. He is
                                            who knew her.                               R-Team Construction and Arrowhead
further survived by many relatives and
friends.                                                                                Trucking with his son Jamie. After his
                                            G E O R G E T TA M A R I E D OX TAT O R
In addition to his parents, Bruno is                                                    retirement Jerry enjoyed his Saturday
                                            July 15, 1963 - March 16, 2022
preceded in death by his brother George                                                 morning breakfasts with his family and
                                                                  Georgetta Marie
Cornelius, sister Pearl Ann Cornelius                                                   friends. Jerry also enjoyed spending as
                                                                  Doxt ator, 58,
and his nephew Zeke and nephew-in-                                                      much time as he could with his
                                                                  G r e e n B a y,
law Richie Pyzel.                                                                       granddaughters.
                                                                  passed away on
Private services were held. Interment in                          March 16, 2022.       Jerry is survived by his wife Sherry;
Oneida Methodist Cemetery. To leave                               Georgetta was         daughter Tammy (Geoff) Umentum
an online condolence for the Cornelius                            born on July 15,      and their children, Briana, Wyatt, and
Family, visit                                      1963 to Noreatta      Abigail; son Jamie (Leida) House and
                                                                  Doxtator and          their children, Sydney, Jaelyn, and Elly.
Bruno’s family would like to thank his                                                  As well as his great grandchildren
good friend and co-worker, Bobby Niles      George Webster, Sr. She graduated
                                            from Bowless High School. Georgetta         Roman and Isabella. Jerry is further
and the Suarez Family for being such                                                    survived by his siblings; Judy (Gary)
wonderful friends to Bruno. Also,           married Fred Jordan, he preceded her
                                            in death.                                   Smits, Nancy Rasmussen, and Alberta
thank you to the doctors and nurses at                                                  Metoxen. His father-in-law Lavern
Christ Hospital of Oaklawn IL for the       Georgetta was a proud member of the
amazing care and compassion shown           Oneida Nation. She enjoyed spending
                                                                                                 Continued on PG 17
to Bruno and Debra.                         time with her grandchildren, thrift
Love you to the moon and back.              shopping, bingo with her Aunts,                   Gerald “Jerry” House
                                            OBITUARIES                                                     APRIL 6, 2022   | 17

From page 16/                              9 strikes in a row and almost a 300         Pulmonary Fibrosis. Congestive heart
                                           game.                                       failure, and type 2 diabetes. Which one
Gerald “Jerry” House
                                           Along with my daughters, other              of them sadly ended his life.
Jones, sister-in-law Jeanne Braun,         surviving family members are my             He Graduated from Goodrich High
brothers-in-law Dale Jones, Dennis         siblings: Janet Herwald, Mike (Judy)        School 1966 in Fond Du lac Wis. He
(Angie) Jones and sister-in-law Darlene    Stowe, Patricia (Jim) Seiler, Sue Toye,     also was on the wrestling team and
House. As well as numerous nieces and      Lauri Palet and sister-in-law, Carolyn      earned his 'Letter' that he wore so
nephews.                                   Stowe. My 15 grandchildren, 31 great-       proudly on his leather mens Jacket.
 Jerry was preceded in death by his        grandchildren, 7 great-great                After high school he wanted to serve
parents George & Ethel House, siblings     grandchildren. Further survived by          his country that he loved and was so
Richard House, George (Bruce) House,       numerous nieces, nephews, other             happy and willing to join the US Army
Diane Theissen, nephew Robert Smits,       relatives and friends.                      and served his three years tour and one
brothers-in-law Thomas Rasmussen,          Now I will be united with my family         year in Vietnam. He loved being a
Gerald Metoxen, and his mother-in-law      members that have journeyed before          Veteran. While serving he was awarded
Myrna Jones.                               me: my daughter, Lana Sobiesczyk;           a certificate and a Medal for being a
The family would like to first and         mom and dad, Maggie & Jack Stowe            perfect 'Marksman.'
foremost thank the family as well as the   and other loved family members.             He settled in the state of Washington
doctors and healthcare specialists who     A special thank you goes out to our         and loved it so much, he became an iron
helped with Jerry                          loving grandson, Tyler, and two very        worker and was part of the Iron
                                           special friends, Bonnie & Vicente           Workers Union. After retiring from
M A R Y                 K R A A Y          Pabloblanco for all their help. Another     'Boeing Aircraft' he moved his motor
M a r c h         2 5 ,        2 0 2 2     special thanks to my sisters, Sue and       Home to California. He loved to travel
                      Jesus stretched      Janet for all of their love and care they   and saw most of our states. Loving the
                     out his arms and      gave. Furthermore, thank you to             the Dakotas and loved the history of
                     took me home,         Heartland Hospice for all their care and    'Crazy Horse' & Yellowstone National
                     Friday, March         Father Paul DeMuth for the time he          Park.
                     25, 2022 after a      spent with me.                              He also was a proud enrolled member
                     courageous battle     Please spend this time together enjoying    of the Indian tribe called 'Oneida
                     with Pulmonary        stories that bring joyous laughter.         Nation' in Oneida Wis.
                                           I love you all.                             Besides traveling he loved to Fish, and
                     My life was my                                                    Hunt when he could, loved to collect
family, 5 beautiful daughters: Wendy       GLENN       ALLAN         MILLER            guns working with wood and Iron. He
(Kevin Umentum) Sobiesczyk, Lisa           July 1, 1943 - January 13 2022              also loved to cook and was rather good
(Gary) Pochron, Cheryl (Buck) Udell,                           On January 13           at that. His real love of life was his
Cathy (John) Swelle, Lana Sobiesczyk                          2022 Glenn Allan         Motorcycle, and rode every chance he
(deceased) and my stepson, Michael                            Miller had gotten        could. Even with his oxygen strapped
(Pam) Kraay.                                                  his Angel Wings          to him. Nothing slowed him down.
I then went to work for Prange's and                          as he was called         Preceded in death are His Mother Stella
worked my way up to being a buyer’s                           to our heavenly          W Jacobs Oman and stepfather Gary
assistant. Then I accepted a position                         resting place, to        T Oman and his Three brothers,
with Oneida Printing as office manager,                       be Joined by all         Rodney Jay, Stanley Dean, Terry
until I retired.                                              his loved ones           Dennis Miller all of Fond Du lac Wi.
June 21, 1997 I married my true love       who went before him.                        And his sister Cheryl Lee Kuehn Of
Joie Kraay and we enjoyed years of         He was 75 years young born July 1,          fullerton Cail.
travel in various vacation destinations,   1947, to Stella W. Jacobs Oman & was        Survived by his last two siblings are
especially Jamaica, our favorite place.    the stepson of Gary T. Oman.                Gail Miller ( Ron Winters soul mate )
During the Brett Favre era, we followed    Glenn was a fighter and had fought a        of Nevada and Julie ( Mark) Freed of
the Packers to all of the games in many    good fight his whole life, born with
different cities, where we enjoyed their   Clubfeet and after many surgeries was
wins and fun times. I was an avid bowler                                                       Continued on PG 18
                                           able to walk, he also had Rheumatic
for many years. I had high scoring years   fever, not once but twice. In later years           Glenn Allan Miller
where I had an average of 179 and had      he had the fight of his life, Idiopathic
18 |   APRIL 6, 2022
                                            OBITUARIES                                                             KALIHWISAKS

From page 17/                              Ashley, Charles, Sheldon, Annalusia,          J.J. Jagodzinski and C.J. Tuell. Orlin
                                           Lorena, Juan, Matthew, Esaias, Jalia,         is further survived by numerous aunts,
Glenn Allan Miller
                                           Jacinto Jr., Desenia, Dilvani, Daniel,        uncles, nieces, nephews, other relatives
F.D.L. Wis. He had two nieces and one      Chazra, Roxana, Emmanuel, Gabriella,          and friends.
nephew and many cousins. One living        Julian, Damita, Carmalita, Eli, Dwayne,       Orlin is preceded in death by: sister-in-
Aunt, Dolores Jacobs. He had two high      Charles Jr., Emmie, Matthew Jr.,              law, Sydnie Sparks; mother-in-law, Lee
school buddies that were special to him,   Myrah, and Liam.                              Vaughn; uncle Orlin Wilber; and best
Jay Capelle and Bob Kuehn who also         Charles was preceded in death by his          friends, Josh Krueger and Tyler
was his brother in law                     wife, Annie, parents, son Charles             LaRock.
His witty and sometimes very DRY           “Chuck” Jr., and grandchildren
sense of humor and his laughter and        Augusto Jesus and Daizi Charlieann.
huge smile and YES even his                A special thank you to the doctors and
stubbornness will be so sadly missed by    nurses at St. Vincent Hospital for taking
all who knew him. He was so caring,        care of our dad.
loving AND GIVING and would help
anyone who needed it.                      ORLIN       ROBERT           SKINKIS
Once he said he loved being married so
much, He had to do it four times. And
                                           June 14, 1983 - March 28, 2022
                                                                 Orl in Rober t                  Obituaries
                                                                Skinkis, age 38,
then just gave that up, As he said he
just 'Couldn't get it right.'
He loved life and enjoyed it to the end
                                                                of Underh i l l,
                                                                p a s s e d aw ay
                                                                unexpectedly on
                                                                                                 Thank you
and as he asked, Please NO Tears just                           Monday, March
smile when you think of me. HAVE A
                                                                28, 2022, due to a
                                                                w o r k- r e l a t e d
He didn't want any services or funeral,                         accident. He was
or celebration of life.                    born on June 14, 1983, to Roger D.                      Submissions:
                                           Sanapaw and Valerie A. Skinkis in
Cremation has been done and his ashes
will be spread at Yellowstone National     Green Bay. He graduated from                             No charge
                                           Menominee Indian High School. On
                                           October 17, 2004, Orlin was united in
                                                                                               Less then 100 words
CHARLES SKENANDORE SR.                     marriage to Cassie May Weeder. He
                                           loved his family and friends and was
                                                                                                   Size will be
March 24, 1937 - March 25, 2022
                  C h a r l e s            devoted to spoiling the hell out of his              determined by open
                 Skenandore Sr.,           wife. Orlin worked as an arborist for
                 85, of Oneida,            his own company. He was a very honest,                   space. No
                                           hardworking, family man and a true
                 entered the spirit
                 world on Friday,          and loyal friend who will be deeply                       Guarantee.
                 March 25, 2022.           missed.
                      He was born to       He is survived by: his wife, Cassie; his
                                           children, Rory (Calista Vassallo)
                                                                                                 Submit your
                      Sheldon and
                      Viola (Antone)       Skinkis, and Alice Skinkis; his parents,             Thank yous to
Stevens on March 24, 1937. Charlie         Roger and Valerie; brothers and sisters,
enjoyed watching the Green Bay             Dan Coppens, Erica Coppens, Holly                  Christopher Johnson
Packers and NASCAR. He loved going         Coppens, Sasha Sanapaw, Candice
to Powwows, painting, and being            Sanapaw, Frank (Lacé) Sanapaw, Cody                     cjohnson@
outside. Charlies especially loved being   Skinkis, Ruth (Simon) Sanapaw-Rayos,
with his girls and grandchildren.          and Jordan (Bryan) Madosh; sisters-        
                                           in-law, Chantelle Weeder, and Danielle
He is survived by his children Melanie
                                           (Tony) Moore; grandparents-in-law,
“Ricky” Skenandore, Shelbie Castilo,
                                           Chuck and Martha Olson; father-in-
and Debbie “Ernesto” Garcia. Charlie
                                           law, Terry Weeder; and best friends,
is further survived by his grandchildren
                 LOCAL                                         APRIL 6, 2022    | 19


                                                                Every Friday
                                                                   at Noon
                    Oneida Trust Enrollment invites you to
                    take a brief survey regarding the use of
                    ¼ blood quantum for enrollment criteria.      Microsoft
                    Please visit
                    Or scan the QR code below.

                                                                  To receive an
                                                               invitation to virtual
                                                                 meetings please

                        Oneida Food Pantry Receives
                               $35,000 Grant
                     We need 3-4 community members that would
                     like to assist with the Pantry Garden this
                     year. This grant provides the ability for us to
                     compensate for time worked in the garden.
                     If you’re interested, please call main
                     number at 920-869-6165 or reach
                     out to Marlon Skenandore by email
                     or by cell 920-532-3070.
                     For more information on
                     our program please follow
                     our Facebook page on
                     some of the work we
                     are doing. https://
20 |   APRIL 6, 2022
                                                  LOCAL                                                     KALIHWISAKS

                                   HER STRENGTH IS OUR STRENGTH
                                    Saqora Rayn Skenandore is a 9th grader at Oneida Nation High School. On December
                                    27th, 2019, Saqora was diagnosed with B Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. With
                                    her family, friends, and the Oneida Community alongside her Saqora has been through
                                    the hardest journey of her life and she did it with such strength and courage.

                                    CELEBRATE THE END OF TREATMENT
                                     AND HELP OUR WARRIOR SEE THE
                                          OCEAN FUNDRAISER

       April 16, 2022 • 1PM-4PM
       If you have any
                                            WHITE EAGLES BAR & GRILL
       questions or donations,         2994 E. SERVICE RD • ONEIDA, WI 54155
       please contact…
       Marsha Skenandore                 Taco $6, Chili $5, Corn Soup $5, Raffles,
                                              Rezurrected Ridez, Free Music

   Oneida Skills Bank Workers Info Renewal
   and New Skills Workers Apply!
  Indian Preference is encouraging Oneida and other tribal skilled workers seeking
  employment in the construction field to apply for the SKILLS BANK LIST. Contractors
  could work directly with the Oneida Nation, or be a sub-contractor on an Oneida project
  with construction crew doing work within the reservation boundaries. There is now
  a high demand for construction workers and the possibilities of full time permanent
  employment opportunities beyond project work. Existing skills bank
  workers please update your current information.
  RETURN APPLICATION TO:                              HOW TO APPLY:             Go to:
        Oneida DPW- Indian Preference                    Select Business tab
        P.O. Box 365 • Oneida, WI 54155                  Select Indian Preference
        Jeanette Ninham, Office Manager
                                                         Click on Download trade
         920-869-1059, Ext. 2016                           skills bank application
                                       FAMILY FITNESS                                                          APRIL 6, 2022      | 21

    Oneida Family Fitness Announcement
            Registration Required for Most Classes

Group Fitness –
Starts April 8
                                                                                       Just Move It Oneida
                                                                                        Spring into Action
                                                          DA FAMILY FITN               APRIL 13, 2022–Virtual Event

Monday's and Wednesday's                         ON     EI              E

11 am - 2 pm                                                                            Complete any type of physical activity
                                                                                        at anytime throughout the day for at
Ages 18+ Must Register to Play                                                          least 30 minutes.
Zero Tolerance Policy                                                                   Upon completion REPORT your
Non-compliance with gymnasium rules willresult in an immediate 30 day                   activity minutes (see options below).
suspension. Violence of anykind will not be tolerated. Profanity is strictly            Registration required ONCE per
prohibited. Gymnasium Capacity - 20 person max. No exceptions. Sign-up is on            calendar year.
"first come, first serve" basis. Once roster is filled no further entry until a spot    You will receive ONE free 2022
becomes available.                                                                      JMIO T-Shirt.
                                                                                        Register at
Personal Training                                                                       /jmio/(click on registration form).
Single sessions and packages available;
limited avaiabile. Diabetic personal                                                   How to Report Your Activity
training; referrals accepted by OCHC                                                    Minutes (Pick One Option)
Martial arts                                                                             (click on activity minute submission).
                                                                                        Post a picture on our Facebook page.
We are excited to bring back Martial Art programming with                               E-mail or call Hanna Leisgang.)
Mr. Schoeneback for Oneida Tribal members and Oneida
Employees for a low fee.                                                                   Follow Us on Facebook
6 month membership available –                                                                     @JustMoveIt Oneida
Tai Chi, Tae Know DO, Ju Jitsu
Mighty Ninjas (4/5 year old) begins April 18 (see flyer for details)                           T-Shirt Pick-Up Info
Pre-registration required, capacity limits for each class                              Where: Woodland Church
                                                                                              760 Airport Dr.
Oneida Adventures                                                                      When: 4.12.22  3:30-5:15pm
Noon Hikes, Outdoor Adventures, Crafting, Weekend
Family Programming, Department Team Building
(upon request) , Email adventure_department@                                            For More Information or for more information                                                   Questions Contact
                                                                                        Hanna Leisgang
For additional question on memberships or services, please contact our
membership desk at (920)490-3730 or email us at     
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22 |   APRIL 6, 2022
                       COMMUNITY NOTICE   KALIHWISAKS
                 COMMUNITY   APRIL 6, 2022   | 23
                                                                                                                             US POSTAGE
                                                                                                                              PA ID
                                                                                                                           ONEIDA WI 54155
                                                                                                                            PERMIT NO. 4

PO Box 365, Oneida, WI 54155-0365 • 2701 W. Mason St., Green Bay, WI 54155

Michelle Danforth-Anderson              Christopher Johnson
Director                                Senior Reporter/Photographer     
920.496.5624                            920.496.5632

Nicole Hrabik
Graphic Designer


                                                              Drive-Thru Celebration
                                                                    Earth Day

                                                                             • Friday •
                                                                             April 22nd

                                                                      • 11:00 AM-1:00 PM •
                                                                           or until gone
                                                                • Oneida Nation Museum •
                                                                     W892 Cty Rd EE
                                                                       De Pere, WI

                                                         To Celebrate Earth Day the Oneida Nation Museum will be
                                                         giving away Cultural Activity Bags while supplies last.
                                                         ONE BAG PER CAR!
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