ROAD TRANSPORT NEWS - Road Transport Association NZ

Page created by Beth Lewis
ROAD TRANSPORT NEWS - Road Transport Association NZ
Road Transport Association NZ Inc.                                                               April 2021


Te ara ki tua coordinator Fiona McDonagh and administrator Caleb Rapson Nuñez del Prado are pleased with
the response to the new initiative, which matches prospective employees with businesses.

Promoting new careers
E-TRUCKS AND FUEL CELLS                                Te ara ki tua—Road to success, a new
                                                       joint initiative by industry and the
MEMBERSHIP BENEFITS                                    government, aims to attract new
                                                       employees and put mana back into
HEALTH & SAFETY ADVICE                                 the road transport profession.

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Road Transport Association NZ Inc.                                                           April 2021

                            Principal Road Transport Associa1on NZ Inc. Sponsor



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From the Chief Operating Officer

Simon Carson updates members on what’s happening in the industry around the

Cover story

Te ara ki tua—Road to Success aims to put the road transport industry on a sure
footing for the future by encouraging more people into the profession.

Future fuels

Hydrogen fuel cell and electric powered heavy trucks are among projects to receive
co-funding from the government.

Improving safety culture

Traction, a tool developed by NZI and Fit Fleet partner Success Formula, helps
companies improve safety and performance.

Around the regions

RTANZ Senior Industry Advisors round up news and developments from around New

Events                                                  Contact Us
April 3 and April 10: 7:30 pm, Prime TV: Shouldering
The Load.
                                                        0800 367 782
April 14: An Evening with Greg Murphy, Auckland,
                                                        Chief Operating Officer: Simon Carson,
6:30 pm, $75 plus GST
                                              , 027 55 66 099
April 15: 2:00 pm, Webinar, driver health & wellbeing
                                                        Editor: David Killick, Communications Manager,
(Fleetcoach)                                  , 027 55 44 272
May 6: Fleet Day 2021, Claudelands, Hamilton
                                                        Administration: Victoria Higgs,
                                              , 027 365 2075
May 7-8 May: Eworld Expo, Trusts Arena, Auckland.
                                                        Membership Benefits Coordinator: Vicki Harris,
May 17-23: Road Safety Week                   , 027 534 3848
June 26: RTANZ South Island Seminar, Mackenzie          We welcome contributions and feedback for this
Country Hotel, Twizel.
August 27-28: RTANZ Region Three AGM and North
Island Seminar, Wairakei Resort

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Chief Operating Officer

Have your say on regional transport plans
By Simon Carson

                                                        “It is vitally important that
                                                        the RLTP proposals are given
                                                        serious consideration by

         egional Land Transport Plans (RLTP) are       quickly scale up to cater for what is an unsettled
         currently under review in many parts of the   international supply chain.
         country. These plans are usually set for          Containerised traffic through all our major
between six and 10 years by regional councils,         ports is reaching near record volumes and a
and come up for review every three years for           recent Ministry of Transport stakeholder
accuracy of tracking and to encourage further          workshop identified that much of the congestion
engagement from stakeholders.                          and market situation is because of the ports.
     Under the Land Transport Management Act,          Identification of import and export trends now will
RTLPs then contribute to what the National Land        help mitigate long-term challenges. Some serious
Transport Plan (NLTP) will look like. The regional     work to develop a national supply chain strategy
plans are posted to respective council websites,       is required if we are to see any relief from our
and distributed by RTANZ senior industry               current freight congestion problems.
advisors to regional members who have an                   Compliance is continually at the top of the
opportunity to have their say on the direction the     association’s radar. Waka Kotahi NZTA’s Weigh
plans might take.                                      Right program continues to be rolled out through
     Often, the requirements of industry are           improvements at existing sites, and the
overlooked by regional authorities reviewing           construction of new facilities. The CVSCs
RLTPs, resulting in decisions being made which         (Commercial Vehicle Safety Centres) are located
have an adverse effect on productivity and              on specified heavy vehicle routes and cover 46
efficiency of heavy vehicles using regional routes.      per cent of the total freight kilometres travelled in
It is vitally important that the RLTP proposals are    New Zealand. Selected sites are all locations
given serious consideration by operators and           where it is difficult for vehicles to avoid.
submissions from regions are aligned closely with         The Rakaia site in Mid Canterbury is no
industry requirements.                                 exception to this, and RTA along with other
     Along with the rest of the world, New             stakeholders for a long time has been adamant
Zealanders have seen the price of almost every         that the chosen location for the proposed CVSC
consumer product rise significantly due to the         is dangerous.
current international situation. New Zealand’s             The last discussion I had with Waka Kotahi
supply chain is based on an efficiency model, it         NZTA was that they were still proposing to build
does not have the capacity to handle                   on the Rakaia site between the two bridges, but
requirements that turn up with little to no notice,    have now “proposed” a split site with a north and
yet road transport businesses are expected to          a southbound CVSC to eliminate heavy traffic

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 The proposed site for a CVSCs (Commercial Vehicle Safety Centres) at rakaia in Mid Canterbury is dangerous
 and must be changed, the RTANZ says.

 turning across a dangerous and extremely busy part of the highway.
 Still, even this proposal does not assist HMVs merging onto SH1 in a
 heavy traffic area and with short merge lanes. RTANZ continues to
 advocate for members on the National Weigh Right program.
     Finally, I would like to take a moment to observe the passing of an
 industry stalwart from Region 5. On March 20, we lost David Roy Potter
 after a short illness. Dave Potter, 75, provided many years of service to
 RTA members with his time at the association, and working with industry
 in other roles. As a respected RTANZ Life Member and a 2015 inductee
 into the Road Transport Hall of Fame, Dave will be missed by all who
 knew him. (You can read more in Lisa Shaw’s column, on p29.)

 • Call Simon Carson on 027 55 66 099,
 0800 367 782, or email

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Road Transport Association NZ Inc.                                                            April 2021

Road Transport Forum

A realistic look at decarbonising road freight
By Nick Leggett, Road Transport Forum chief executive

                                                    targets set out in the Paris Agreement, absolute
                                                    emissions from road freight will need to decline
                                                    almost 60 per cent by that date.
                                                        The Deloitte report shows that insufficient
                                                    regulatory incentives, lack of infrastructure, and
                                                    the lack of a willingness from customers to
                                                    incentivise lower-emission road freight are
                                                    significant impediments to progress.
                                                        Once incentives are there and technology is
                                                    in place, asset replacement will have to occur.
                                                    This will take probably well over a decade until
                                                    there is confidence to make the shift. Decisions
                                                    will have to be made now about when to replace
                                                    current vehicles and whether to extend truck
                                                    lifespans to avoid risk of resale loss.

                                                        International advice is that operators should
       he ongoing debate around the world’s
                                                    experiment, pilot alternative energy vehicles,
       climate “emergency” will not abate. As a
                                                    and not wait for the perfect solution. It’s positive
       result, you will continue to hear from me
                                                    to see transport operators beginning to dip their
on this topic and I won’t apologise for that.
                                                    toes into the water of fossil-fuel alternatives in
Road Transport Forum will release its response
                                                    New Zealand, but it is early days and they still
to the Climate Change Commission’s Draft
                                                    need to have a reliable fleet moving their
Advice for Consultation once it is submitted.
                                                    customers’ products.
    New Zealand’s transport industry must
                                                                            Industry is beginning to
confront the need to
                                                                         take up transition tech-
significantly reduce greenhouse
gas emissions over the coming
                                       “Absolute emissions               nologies such as biofuel “to
                                                                         reduce the tailpipe emission
decades. How fast we can do            from road freight will
                                                                         profile of today’s trucks”. This
that will be almost entirely           need to decline almost            is a pragmatic choice for
dependent on the research and
                                       60 per cent by [2050].”           operators who recognise that
development that goes into
                                                                         these are better than nothing
alternative fuel sources that can
                                                                        to practically reduce
be used to power heavy transport in New
                                                    emissions. It’s likely that with the recent
Zealand. It’s going to require significant
                                                    government mandate on biofuels, our own
incentives from government, willing industry,
                                                    operators who own the right kinds of vehicles
and reliable technology to shift our transport
                                                    will likely be responding in a similar way.
movements to low or no emission options.
                                                        There is a strong belief by the international
    Before we consider New Zealand’s position
                                                    transport workforce that the decarbonisation
and response to climate change, we have
                                                    agenda is important. A total of 70 per cent of
looked to see what international transport
                                                    respondents to a survey for the Deloitte report
industries are telling us.
                                                    believed that decarbonisation should be in their
    A very useful Deloitte study—Decarbonizing
                                                    firms’ top three focus areas.
road freight: Getting into gear—commissioned
                                                        The report notes that reducing emissions is a
by Shell in Europe, looks at the challenges faced   global effort and we have to learn from others.
by heavy transport. Globally, the sector            Never is that truer than in a small market at the
accounts for about 9 per cent of Co2 emissions;     bottom of the planet, such as New Zealand.
in New Zealand, we estimate it is around 6 per      That isn’t a defeatist statement; merely realistic.
cent. Demand for goods delivered by road            RTF will attempt to inject realism into these
transport is likely to steeply increase (by over 50 discussions as they relate to the transport
per cent by 2050) but to be able to meet the        operators we represent.

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Road Transport Association NZ Inc.                                                       April 2021

Cover story

RIGHT: Te ara ki tua
coordinator Fiona McDonagh
and administrator Caleb
Rapson Nuñez del Prado run
the nationwide initiative
which aims to attract new
employees into the road
transport industry.

Te ara ki tua: Road to success
By David Killick

     ull of energy and enthusiasm with a           including sales and marketing, operations
     passion for road transport and traveling      support, dispatch, and HR and wellbeing.
     around the country, Fiona McDonagh is a       Before that she worked in retail and also spent
people person, someone who loves making            three years on the Gold Coast. She now lives in
connections.                                       the small Horowhenua township of Foxton
   As the coordinator for Te ara ki tua: Road to   Beach—but she spends a lot of time on the
success since December 2020, Fiona’s role is to    road and meeting people.
put those who want to join the road transport         “I get to talk to people about things I
industry in touch with prospective employers       am passionate about. RTF conducted an
throughout New Zealand.                            industry survey five years ago. There was
   Fiona spent 15 years with Regal Haulage in      a shortage of Class Five drivers—we
Hamilton, where she did “a bit of everything”      weren’t bringing the newcomers in.”

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    A shortage of professional drivers has been a         an employer and learn about Class 2 rules, then
continuing issue for the road transport industry,         over the next 11 months undertake four micro-
where the work pool is aging with fewer young             credentials and do online courses while working
people joining. Late last year, the Road Transport        with operators.
Forum and industry representatives formed Te                  “As they progress through the course, they
ara ki tua to encourage more people to join the           will pick up the necessary skills and gain an
industry. In October, Te ara ki tua representative        understanding of how the company operates,
Graham Sheldrake and RTF’s Mark Ngatuere                  health and safety, driver safety, and also a
conducted a roadshow to gauge support from                fundamental understating of the transport
road transport operators.                                 industry as a whole.”
    Fiona says the industry                                                     Fiona says industry support
wasn’t promoting the good                                                    has  been “really great” with 18
things enough, but in fact road         “There are amazing                   operators throughout New
transport offers career paths in         people and amazing                   Zealand signing up take on a
many areas and embraces                                                      trainee. She has also heard
                                        opportunities… It’s                  from at least 28 people who
many different skills and talents
—IT, logistics, stores and              putting     the mana    back         want to be trainees.
warehousing, as well as driving.        into the profession.”                    A website has been set up to
    “There are amazing people                                                provide  all the information
and amazing opportunities but                                                employers and prospective
we don’t bring them out into the sunshine. This           trainees  need. (See  contact information below.)
program is about promoting the road transport                 The  Road  Transport  Forum, which administers
industry as having a variety of career paths. It’s        Te ara ki tua—Road to success, is working with
putting the mana back into the profession.”               the Ministry of Social Development (MSD) on
    There is also significant responsibility. “There      placing registered job seekers and those
can be a $600,000 investment out on the road.”            impacted by Covid-19. If a trainee is sourced
    Fiona says she would still like to hear from          through MSD, there will be no administration fee
more female drivers and from drivers aged 20 to           cost to a business employing that trainee.
25. However, there are also opportunities for             Furthermore, MSD may be able to subsidise
people with other skills who want a career                approximately one-sixth of a trainee’s wages, as
change.                                                   well as providing some financial assistance for
    “It’s an exciting job, it’s an essential service.     their work readiness.
Without trucks the supply chain stops and                 • Contact administrator Caleb Rapson Nuñez
without qualified and professional drivers the                 del Prado, (04) 471 8283, email;
supply chain becomes a mere collection of                      or Fiona McDonagh, call 027 471 4350 or
containers.”                                                   email Or see:
    Te ara ki tua matches up potential drivers with  
prospective employers. The program provides
access to fees-free NZQA-approved MITO online
courses and provides resources and support for
both trainees and employers. Trainees start with

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Road Transport Association NZ Inc.                                                                April 2021

Membership benefits

Kaikoura Whale Watch provides a brilliant opportunity to see these beautiful marine mammals and learn about
their unique environment. Now RTANZ members can enjoy a special discount.

Special offer from Whale Watch Kaikoura

       TANZ is delighted to have secured             with children, promoting health using “Harold
       generous support from Whale Watch             the Giraffe”.
       Kaikoura in the form of vouchers and              “We are looking at raising funds, by initiating
special discounts for members.                       a Dutch auction at both seminars, to raise
    Whale Watch will provide                                         money for a second-hand tractor
vouchers to auction off at the                                        unit to tow their classrooms to
31st RTANZ South Island              “Members need to                their schools within the
Seminar, to be held at the           take  sound  breaks             Canterbury, Marlborough, and
Mackenzie Country Hotel, in          and holidays.”                  Nelson regions.”
Twizel, on June 26; and at the                                          Whale Watch is also offering a
                                     —John Bond, Senior Industry
RTANZ North Island Seminar,                                          50 per cent discount package to
to be held at the Wairakei                                           RTANZ members and their staff
Resort, Taupo, on August 28.                                         and families.
    Prizes comprise two family vouchers (for two         The discounts give members the opportunity
adults and two children) valued at $420 each.        to be part of the Kiwi Whale Watchers Club and
Proceeds from the auction will help raise funds      are valid until October 31, 2022. There is no
for the Life Education Trust for a new truck.        restriction on the number of tours travelled
    RTANZ Senior Industry Advisor John Bond          during the special period, and there is also a 20
says The Road Transport Association supports         per cent discount off any purchases over $20 at
the Life Education Trust and the work they do        the Whale Watch Gift Shop. (Conditions apply.)

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Road Transport Association NZ Inc.                 April 2021

  John Bond says he is thrilled with Whale
Watch’s generous offer. “Throughout both the
earthquake and the COVID-19 lockdown
periods, our industry drivers were able to
continue working, as ongoing service providers.
     “We were able to maintain our driving staff
but like most businesses, they were still
subjected to the stresses many other were
subjected to, throughout this period.
     “The association realises that, these
members need to take sound breaks and
holidays and with the borders still closed to
travel, we want to promote our tourist entities
within New Zealand.
    “The need for our members to take a break,
and to enjoy what we have here is this country,
is not only vital for our businesses and our
members’ wellbeing, but also vital in looking
after our tourist entities, who many people rely
•   To take advantage of the Whale Watch
    special offer, email inquiries to with “Kaikoura Whale
    Watch” in the subject field.

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Road Transport Association NZ Inc.                                                                   April 2021


Fuso New Zealand Ltd will purchase an electric 7.5t Fuso eCanter truck for extended-test drives and will also
carry out an e-truck trial in Auckland’s proposed Queen Street Valley Zero Emissions Area (ZEA).

Funding for hydrogen and electric trucks

        eavy vehicles running on hydrogen and         truck for extended-test drives by potential
        electric power are to receive a funding       customers through its dealers. The truck will be
        boost from the government in a                tested with various charging options and include
continuing push to lower carbon emissions.            the use of Fuso’s “eTruck Ready” app, and it will
    The government has approved 22 new low-           also provide eTruck education and training.
emission transport projects, announced by the             Fuso will also carry out a one-year e-truck
Energy and Resources Minister                                          trial with five Fuso eCanter
Dr Megan Woods in February.                                             trucks and chargers with major
    In the heavy electric vehicles     “Data collected by               transport companies in the
category, GreenCycle Ltd                                                proposed Auckland Transport
                                       EROAD and insights
received funding to replace a                                           Queen Street Valley Zero
diesel truck and diesel chipper        generated   by   the   Fuso      Emissions Area (ZEA). Data
with an electric hiab and tipper       project will inform              collected by EROAD and
truck for its green waste              future policy                    insights generated by the Fuso
recycling business in Auckland.                                         project will inform future policy
    Dempsey Wood Civil Ltd will        development.”                    development for implementing
purchase a heavy electric                                               the ZEA for urban freight, and
vehicle (HEV) to be used as a trial in the            high visibility.
construction industry. A rapid charging station           Hyundai Motors NZ Ltd will trial Hydrogen
will be installed at the company’s Auckland           Fuel Cell Electric (FCEV) (Zero Emission) Trucks.
depot to support the project, and to provide          Hyundai will purchase and deploy an initial fleet
public charging when not being utilised.              of five zero emission Fuel Cell Electric trucks
    Fuso New Zealand Ltd will purchase and fit        into New Zealand and enter real-world daily
out a 100 per cent electric 7.5t Fuso eCanter         logistics operation trials.

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Road Transport Association NZ Inc.                                                                April 2021

Hyundai Motors NZ Ltd will trial Hydrogen Fuel Cell Electric (FCEV) (Zero Emission) Trucks.

    Hyundai is among the world’s largest                    •   For more information, see: LEVFund or email
automotive companies to focus on hydrogen fuel        
cells as an emerging technology.                            •   For more on Fuso’s e-canter, see: https://
    In 2019, Hyundai Motor Company formed             
Hyundai Hydrogen Mobility (HHM), a joint
venture with Swiss company H2 Energy, which                 •   For more on Hyundai’s Fuel Cell trucks, see:
will lease the trucks to commercial truck                       Hyundai Fuel Cell Trucks and Hyundai Fuel
operators on a pay-per-use basis.                               Cell Technology.
    In December 2018, Hyundai Motor Group
announced its long-term roadmap, “Fuel Cell
Vision 2030”, and reaffirmed its commitment to
accelerate the development of a hydrogen
    Altogether, the Low Emission Vehicles                       ####################################
Contestable Fund (LEVCF) will contribute $3.7
million to the projects, with the 22 recipients                 ####################################
contributing a total of $9.4 million. The fund is               ####################################
administered by the Energy Efficiency and                         ####################################
Conservation Authority (EECA).                                  ####################################
    “The Climate Change Commission’s recently-                  ####################################
released draft report rightly points out how                    ####################################
crucial reducing transport emissions is to                      ####################################
meeting our climate change goals. It shows we                   ####################################
are on the right track by supporting the uptake of               Keep track of your assets
cleaner technologies,” Dr Woods said.
    She noted that the spread of projects showed                 with EROAD Where
the fund’s reach across the transport sector.                   ####################################
“Demonstrating and proving the potential for                     • Reduce the risk of lost productivity
electric and hydrogen heavy vehicles is                          • Improve asset utilisation
important, as heavy freight has an outsized                     ####################################
impact on transport emissions.”
                                                                 • Speed up customer billing
    A community electric bike and car share                     ####################################
scheme, additional EV charging stations, and                    ####################################
                                                                    Get in touch today
other innovative new technology projects also                   ####################################
                                                                    to learn more:
received government co-funding.                           
    Submissions for projects in Round 10 of the                     0800 437 623
Low Emission Fund are now underway.                             ####################################

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Road Transport Association NZ Inc.                                                             April 2021


Top 10 technology tips for truckers

      ime to ditch the diary? COVID taught us that being able to work anywhere is now part of good
      business continuity management. Going online with your transport management makes sense.
          We know that finding the best transport management system to fit your business could be
daunting. This is more than just buying a software package; it’s about understanding why you need it,
how it will work for you, and making the most of the investment to ensure it makes your business
operate more efficiently.
   Getting it right is worth it, though! You can reduce risk, the time it takes to communicate with all
your customers, overall transport spend, piles of paper around the office, and of course, stress.
   Here are 10 things to consider:

1. Ask your mates
In our industry, referrals and recommendations make sense. Find someone who’s done it before, talk
to your competitors, and listen to recommendations both positive and negative. Remember though,
what’s right for someone else isn’t necessarily right for you. The system needs to be simple for you to
use. You want something that is going to enhance your business, not be a noose around your neck.

2. By truckers for truckers
Look for a system that has been designed specifically with transport management in mind. If they’ve
not consulted with or been part of the industry, steer clear. It needs to be simple and practical for your
type of business and slot into the way you do things as fast as possible.

3. Is it cost effective?
What are you looking to save? The right transport management program will certainly save you time
and money in the long run, but you need to be prepared to spend some time learning about the
program and what it can do for you. Be sure to ask what the set-up cost is, and will there be ongoing
costs for help and support?

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4. Don’t fear technology
Don’t be scared of technology. It is the way of the future and it can be
simple to use and will certainly make your life way easier. “In the
cloud”?! Yes, it does sound scary. What it really means is that your
information is available to anyone at any time. You can effectively
manage your business from anywhere there is a good internet

5. Streamline communications
The fastest way you’ll get a return on your investment is if your program streamlines communications.
Can you get delivery notes automatically sent to customers when a job is completed, can you get your
weighbridge dockets instantly in the office instead of waiting for a driver to bring them to you? Can
your agents or reps instantly see the status of their jobs without waiting for a call or text from you?

6. One data entry

It is important to know that one data entry into your transport management system will flow on to do
the various things you want it to do, rather than re-entering the details several times. Ask the question,
does one data entry flow right through to invoicing? If your system is going to add value, it needs to
seamlessly integrate with your accounting system. Also consider how well your accounting system is
working for you; this might be the perfect time for a change.

7. Mobile app
Is there a mobile application? A mobile app ensures your drivers always have the correct job
information in their hands. Ensure the mobile app is applicable to both Apple and Android devices and
is easy for drivers to do the simple things you need them to do.

8. With you all the way
Make sure the system you choose can expand to fit your           “Make sure the system you
operations as you grow, without breaking the bank. Does it       choose can expand to fit
allow you to manage one vehicle this week, and 20 next           your operations as you grow,
year? Is the company putting out updates and releases as
the industry evolves?
                                                                 without breaking the bank.”

9. Multiple users
Is the number of users unlimited, or do you pay per user? Be sure to check this one out. It is very
handy to be able to have multiple dispatchers or users being able to use the same information at the
same time, from your office or their homes. Ensure your users can have different access levels so they
see what you need them to, and no more.

10. Support
Support is key, especially in the early stages of learning how to use your transport management
system. You want to ensure you have the ability to contact a real person at all times to assist with your

•   Tempted? If you’d like to give MyTrucking a whirl, fill the form in here and use RTANZ as the promo
    code and we’ll give you a month free.

RTANZ NEWS                                                                                              14
Road Transport Association NZ Inc.                                                                                                                     April 2021

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RTANZ NEWS                                                                                                                                                        15
Road Transport Association NZ Inc.                                                           April 2021

Ask a lawyer

Employers’ holiday and break obligations
By Amanda Douglas

                                                         The minimum wage is increasing on April 1 to
                                                      $20 per hour. The starting-out and training
                                                      minimum wages will increase to $16 per hour.
                                                      You must ensure that all your employees are
                                                      being paid at least the minimum wage for every
                                                      hour worked.
                                                         There is no legal requirement to “bump up”
                                                      the rest of your employee’s wages. However,
                                                      some employees who were on $20 an hour may
                                                      feel as if they should receive a pay rise so there
                                                      continues to be a distinction in pay rates for
                                                      different roles or levels of role. This decision is
                                                      yours as the employer. Adjusting everyone’s
                                                      wages in light of the minimum wage increase
                                                      may ensure your staff see you as a “good
                                                      employer”, however it is not required.

                                                         Nevertheless, this is a good time to review
     aster and ANZAC weekend are coming               your Individual Employment Agreements to
     up. Do I have to let my staff have the day        ensure everything is in order.
                                                      As an employer of drivers, do I have to meet
    This year’s public holidays fall on the           additional requirements in regards to rest and
following dates: Good Friday, April 2; Easter
                                                      meal breaks?
Monday, April 5; and ANZAC Day, April 26
(Mondayised). You can make your employees                 The transport industry has different work time
work only if 1, the public                                              restrictions to other industries
holiday falls on a day that they                                        due to the increased risk that
would have normally worked,            “As  their employer,    you      fatigue brings. The work time
and 2, their employment                may be held                      rules apply to everyone who is
agreement says they must                                                legally required to manage
                                       responsible for their
work on the public holiday. In                                          driving hours, including both
all other circumstances, the           breaches   and could     be      drivers and transport operators,
employee must agree if they            fined up to $25,000              so this covers your employees.
are to work the public holiday.        upon conviction.”                    Drivers generally are
    All employees who work on                                           required to take an at least 30-
a public holiday must be paid                                           minute break after 5½ hours of
at least time and a half for the hours worked.        work  (including driving and any other work like
Further, if the day was a day they normally           unloading, maintenance, or administration). In
would have worked, they must also be given a          any cumulative work day, drivers can work a
day in lieu (an alternative holiday). You must        maximum of 13 hours before they must take a
recognise your employee’s holiday entitlements.       continuous break of at least 10 hours (on top of
You cannot, for example, take a staff member off        the 30 minutes every 5½ hours). A cumulative
the roster on a public holiday if they normally
                                                      work day is a period in which work occurs which
would have worked that day.
                                                      1, does not exceed 24 hours, and 2, begins after
I heard that the minimum wage is going up             10 hours continuous rest. Drivers may
soon. One of my employees said that means             accumulate a total of 70 hours work time
everyone’s pay should go up. What do I have           (“cumulative work period”) before they must take
to change?                                            a continuous break of at least 24 hours.

RTANZ NEWS                                                                                            16
Road Transport Association NZ Inc.                                                         April 2021

    Some business-types have special work-         each. These are not additional to the work time
time conditions, so be sure to check the Waka      rules; the taking of breaks under one regime can
Kotahi NZ Transport Agency website to see if       meet break requirements under the other.
any apply to you. These include small              However, it is important to structure these
passenger service drivers, ferries, tour buses,    breaks correctly and some particular drafting is
critical agricultural operations, emergency        usually needed in the employment agreement. If
services, and others.                              your employment agreement has not been
    Most drivers are required to keep a logbook    updated to address rest and meal breaks, it is a
recording their work hours and rest times.         good idea to get onto that.
Again, please check the Waka Kotahi NZ
Transport Agency website to see if your
employees are covered by a logbook                 •   If you are a member of RTANZ and have an
exemption.                                             employment or health and safety related
    You must ensure your drivers adhere to the         question, please submit it to Amanda
worktime rules. As their employer, you may be          Douglas at Wynn Williams:
held responsible for their breaches and could be with
fined up to $25,000 upon conviction.                   the subject line: RTANZ Ask a Lawyer. Feel
Employees also need to meet the rest and meal
                                                       free to also make use of Wynn Williams’s
break obligation rules under the Employment
                                                       Legal Helpline, in which the first 15 minutes
Relations Act 2000. For a 13 hour shift, this
would be three paid rest breaks of 10 minutes          is free for RTANZ members, by calling
each and two unpaid meal breaks of 30 minutes          Amanda on (03) 379 7622.

        Transport law
       Keeping you on the right road
                                                                  CONTACT US
     Employment | Health & Safety | Insurance | Prosecutions | +more
                 Call now for your first 15 minutes free
      South Island: 03 379 7622 | North Island: 09 300 2600

RTANZ NEWS                                                                                         17
Road Transport Association NZ Inc.                                                           April 2021

Membership benefits

Reduce your business costs with n3

       oad Transport Association New
       Zealand has partnered with n3 for
       eight years to give our members
great discounts at New Zealand’s leading
suppliers. In the last year, RTANZ members
have spent over $4.5 million and saved
over $2.3 million utilizing n3 suppliers
(savings are based on member spend from
January 2020 to January 2021).
   One of the many benefits of being a
member of RTANZ is that your n3
membership is fully covered, with your
membership fee.
   We spoke to Mark Stewart from n3 to
hear more about how n3 works and how
RTANZ members can reduce their business
costs. When you join n3, you are joining a
network of over 15,000 other Kiwi
businesses. That is a lot of negotiating
                             strength. We call
                             it “business
 “The more you               buying power”—
 use, the more               but you can call it
 you save.”                  getting more for
                                  Mark says n3
has sourced over 55 leading New Zealand
suppliers, including NZ Safety Blackwoods,
                                                      provides access to instant savings at over 20 n3
BOC, Bunnings, and OfficeMax—from safety
                                                      suppliers. Simply show your card at the time of
supplies to office needs, tools to electrical, just
                                                      purchase to get the discount applied, with no
about everything you need to run your business,
                                                      need to open an account.
at a lower cost. That’s more ########################################
                                 money straight to
your bottom line.                                     n3 website
   Mark explains how you can        purchase with  an
                                                      Gain full access to n3’s self-service website. Log
n3 supplier and highlights some      key benefits to
                                                      in to see your monthly n3 spending and savings
help you get the most out of########################################
                                  your n3
                                                      report, open new trade accounts, transfer
                                                      existing accounts on to n3 pricing, send queries
On-account                                            and more.
You can purchase on-account from as many n3           n3 account manager
suppliers as you like. The more you use, the
                                                      When you join n3, you are provided with a
more you save. If you currently purchase from
                                                      dedicated account manager who is always there
one of n3’s suppliers, they can connect your
                                                      to help assist with the best ways to access
existing account to their price-file so that you
                                                      better supplier pricing and new supplier offers.
can access your exclusive n3 discount. You
keep the direct supplier relationship, purchasing     •   Why wait? Join n3 today by visiting http://
as you usually would.                            or contact Vicki Harris,
Trade card and app                                        on 027 534 3848 or email
To get access to instant business savings, you
can request an n3 Trade Card and/or app that

RTANZ NEWS                                                                                           18
Road Transport Association NZ Inc.                                                             April 2021

Membership benefits

As a road transport operator, fuel is one of your biggest costs.           Photo: Carbon Arc

Helping members save money on fuel
RTANZ Membership Benefits Coordinator Vicki Harris advises members.

       TANZ has partnerships with several fuel              How can I save money on fuel with RTANZ?
       providers to provide members with                    How does it work?
       substantial fuel price discounts through
the RTANZ Fuel Scheme. RTANZ offers a                     We have partnerships with BP, Z Business,
discounted fuel pricing scheme with BP, Mobil,       and Mobil for savings at Service Stations and
Z Business, and Allied Petroleum.                    Truck Stops, we also have a partnership with
   RTANZ Membership Benefits Coordinator             Allied for bulk fuel. Each fuel supplier provides
Vicki Harris discusses how the                                       different options for discounts,
scheme can help your business.                                         so it is always best to look at
                                        “Fuel prices are one           location, accessibility, and
Why should I care about fuel                                           whether you only use Truck
                                        of the biggest costs           Stops or Service Stations. All
                                        to your business.”             these questions I can assist
   Fuel prices are one of the
                                                                       with choosing the best supplier
biggest costs to your business.
                                                                      that suits your individual needs.
What kind of savings can I make on fuel?                 If you have an existing account with one of
                                                     our fuel suppliers, we can simply link your
   The savings vary depending on what your
                                                     existing account without the hassle of having to
existing discount structure is but I am happy to
                                                     reapply, the only thing that will change is the
do a fuel analysis to assist in telling you if you
                                                     amount you pay.
can save on fuel with the RTANZ Fuel Scheme.

RTANZ NEWS                                                                                                19
Road Transport Association NZ Inc.                                                                              April 2021

What information do you need for a fuel                                 OK, I’m sold, I want to do it! How do I get in
analysis?                                                               touch?
An invoice from the supplier showing the date,                          If you require any further information or want to
location, product, quantity and price is all I need                     know more, you can email or ring me on the
in order to see if you are better off on the RTANZ                       details provided. I am happy to help.
Fuel Scheme.
                                                                        •   For more information, call Vicki Harris, 027
How often should I do a fuel analysis?                                      534 3848 or 0800 367 782 or
This is a personal choice—there is no right or                              email:
wrong answer to this.

                A BIG

          DEAL                     FOR MEMBERS
                       Introducing Z Business Partner for
         Apply now at
         using your exclusive member code
         * Z's credit T&Cs apply. Fly Buys and Airpoints™ T&Cs apply.

  Z Business fuel card accepted at:

RTANZ NEWS                                                                                                                 20
Road Transport Association NZ Inc.                                                                 April 2021

 Health & safety

 NZI tool helps create better safety culture

            hen you’re running
            a commercial fleet,
            keeping every
 driver and staff member up
 to speed on safety
 processes can be
 challenging. In fact, when it
 comes to making sure
 employees stay safe on the
 job, sometimes it takes a bit
 more than just rules to
 minimise risk.
     Keeping a fleet operating
 safely requires constant
 communication, a solid
 understanding of people’s
 attitudes in the workplace,
 and a forum for constructive
 discussion, too.
                                  NZI and Fleet Fit partner, Success Formula, created Traction as a tool to
 That’s where Traction—a
                                  help road transport companies improve safety and performance.
 tool NZI created with its
 Fleet Fit partner, Success
 Formula—can prove valuable. The program                  reduce risk in as little as two months. Traction
 helps fleet businesses understand the impact             has proven particularly helpful for those
 that workplace culture has on overall safety and         implementing a big change, planning a business
 performance, and offers avenues to make and               exit, or simply in need of a fresh set of eyes to
 track productive change.                                 help solve problems.
                                                              Pyramid Trucking is a great example of a
 How does Traction work?                                  company benefiting from Traction. Every day
     Traction has supported commercial fleet              the Auckland-based road transport company
 operators to keep their people                           has drivers dotted across the country, making
 safe on the job since 2011. It’s                                                 team meetings and
 designed to give employers an                                                     training sessions difficult
                                     “Leaders and decision-                        to organise.
 easy way to survey staff and
 assess an organisation’s safety     makers can learn how to                           Compliance Manager
                                                                                   Jodene    Chappel says the
 culture, with tailored              drive productive change
 recommendations for                                                               ability to collaborate with
 improvements across the
                                     and    reduce      risk.”                     multiple   drivers has been
 organisation.                                                                     vital to the company’s
     For workplaces wanting help                                                  ongoing     success.
 to address issues, Traction also offers transport         “Traction  has allowed    Pyramid    Trucking to
 and logistics-specific leadership support                ensure all their employees have a greater
 modules (onsite and remote) for improved                 understanding of the safety culture that is
 planning, communication, problem solving, and            instilled by the management team and to ensure
 training.                                                employees are safety conscious across their
                                                          nationwide network.”
 Why Traction?                                                Another client making constructive use of
     By understanding gaps in an organisation’s           the  Traction program is Weatherell Transport, a
 safety culture, leaders and decision-makers can          chilled and frozen goods transport company
 learn how to drive productive change and                 operating out of Gisborne.

RTANZ NEWS                                                                                                  21
Road Transport Association NZ Inc.                                                         April 2021

    Depots Manager, Cam Tennent, credits            Traction for your business
Traction with Weatherell’s improved health and
                                                    Whether your business is undergoing a safety
safety culture and increased employee
                                                    overhaul, or is in need of comprehensive fleet
involvement. “We got a lot of benefit from the
                                                    analysis, Traction could be the tool for you. It
Traction program, firstly from getting a clear
                                                    can be effective, easy to implement, and as part
understanding of our health and safety culture
                                                    of NZI’s Fleet Fit program, it’s available to all
from the staffs perspective to help with tools
                                                    businesses holding a NZI Commercial Motor
and ideas to work on and improve health and
                                                    Vehicle Insurance Policy.
safety within our business.”
    For NZI’s Risk Advisory Manager, Andrew         •   To find out more about Traction or discuss
Greatbatch, diagnosis is half the battle when it        whether it’s right for your business, see
comes to implementing lasting change.          or ask your broker about
“Traction is a great way to efficiently diagnose          NZI’s Fleet Fit program.
what is going on in a company. This allows the
owners to prioritise their actions and our fleet
risk managers to support any change
management required,” he says.
    “Previously we were able to highlight the
risks but had difficulty identifying whether or not
effective actions had taken place. Now we get a
comprehensive snapshot of what is going on
and how we can focus and prioritise supporting
change management.”

RTANZ NEWS                                                                                            22
Road Transport Association NZ Inc.                                                               April 2021

Health and safety

Health & Safety and Human Resources
By By Julie Berry, HR Advisor, SBS

                        ealth and Safety and HR           can miss opportunities for improvement because
                        may not always appear             these two areas tend to be siloed and each
                        like natural allies, but they     focused on their own KPIs. For example, HR is
                  do have a common denominator            normally responsible for analysing and
                  —they are all about people. In          addressing employee attendance. However, it is
                  our experience, the two                 recognised that part and parcel of improving the
functions work hand in hand to ensure that the            attendance rate is reducing workplace injuries,
working environment is not only physically safe           illness, and stress, items often labelled “health
but the wellbeing and productivity of employees           and safety’s domain”. In companies where the
is also lawfully managed. Getting it right can            two work successfully in tandem, cost reductions
mean the workforce is at its most productive.             and productivity increases can be achieved from
Getting it wrong can have seriously negative              reduced absenteeism, improved return to work
consequences for a business and its people.               processes and ultimately more engaged workers.
Let’s delve into why we recommend that these
                                                          Culture eats strategy for breakfast
two areas of the business be fully aligned.
                                                            One of the biggest challenges to an
For some, the party never ends                          organisation is creating a robust safety culture
    A situation that some employers do encounter        that positively influences employee attitudes and
is intoxication or drug use among their                 behaviour and creates a workplace where
employees. This situation presents both a health        employees feel safe, secure, and comfortable to
and safety and a legal risk to                                             raise concerns. The personalities
the company. If you have a                                                   of the people you recruit into
robust H&S system and your        “I wish people came with a your organisation undoubtedly
employee has completed a                                                     shape the workplace culture,
proper company induction,         30   second     trailer…So      I can      yet the cultural fit of the
they should know what’s           see what I am getting                      candidate is often overlooked.
expected so you have already      myself into.”                                  Part of HR’s role is to ensure
done some of the work to                                                     that a robust recruitment
mitigate the risk to your                                                   process takes place so that any
business. While it’s obvious being under the            new employees joining the organisation will
influence of drugs or alcohol while at work is          contribute to and support the culture employers
unacceptable, your employment agreements                have created for their workplace. An example of
should also explicitly explain what steps will be       how this might be accomplished is to formulate
taken by the employer in the case of suspected          interview questions by drawing on the company’s
drug use or a “not-negative” drug test.                 Health and Safety Policy or Code of Conduct.
    Conflicting company procedures in this area             Here’s a thought: “I wish people came with a
form the basis of many personal grievances,             30  second trailer…So I can see what I am getting
therefore employment agreements should                  myself   into.”
support and align to drug and alcohol and other             In summary, building your company culture on
health and safety policies and procedures so that       a firm  foundation of aligned health and safety and
employees and managers know what is expected            HR   best  practice will not only bolster employee
along with the possible consequences of such            engagement but it will also help to protect your
behaviour.                                              company from risk and unforeseeable expense.

Are we all singing from the same songbook?                •   Safe Business Solutions Ltd (SBS) provides
                                                              professional and affordable consultancy
   In some organisations, HR and Health &                     services to businesses nationwide. For further
Safety often exist as two distinct functions or
                                                              advice or assistance, get in touch with a
teams which work in collaboration, or at least,
                                                              member of the SBS team on 0508 424 723.
they are supposed to. Quite often, companies

RTANZ NEWS                                                                                                23
Road Transport Association NZ Inc.                                                                                            April 2021

Essential information for members
The Road Transport Forum (RTF) is the central                                     for non-members. To purchase, please email
point of communication for the road freight                              or call (04) 472 3877.
transport industry. Visit the RTF website here to
keep up to date on media releases, Nick’s blog,
submissions, and advisories.                                                      WorkSafe signed off road freight transport
                                                                                  specific guidance and protocols developed by
General information                                                               the RTF to help businesses be safe during the
The COVID-19 website:                                    COVID-19 alert levels. These remain best
has general information including Government                                      practice at this time.
support available to businesses.                                                  WorkSafe—COVID-19 safety plan
2019 Operator Cost Comparison Report—                                             WorkSafe has developed a template to help
how to get your copy                                                              develop a COVID-19 safety plan, which you can
The latest operator cost comparison report is                                     find here.
now available for purchase from RTF. The report
presents the results of a confidential cost survey
of trucking businesses across New Zealand
conducted for the RTF by the New Zealand
Institute for Business Research (NZIBR),
University of Waikato.
The latest survey covers the financial year of
2019. The cost of copies of the report are:
       A division
$250+GST          of L&F Limited
             for members      of RTF and $400+GST                                              

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        A division of L&F Limited

RTANZ NEWS                                                                                                                            24
Road Transport Association NZ Inc.                                                           April 2021

Time for industry to embrace new technology
Simon Vincent, Region Two: Northland, Auckland, Waikato, Bay of Plenty

                                                      technology is a tool to lighten the load, to make
                                                      things simpler and easier, to cut out so much
                                                      wasted time and to have everything they need at
                                                      their fingertips.
                                                          We need to be embracing of this technology;
                                                      however, the industry has a history of shying
                                                      away from it, fearing some unknown or
                                                      perceived repercussions from adopting it.
                                                          It is heartening to hear from some members
                                                      who are adopting technologies and then
                                                      experiencing the benefits of doing so. It is even
                                                      more impressive to hear that some clients will
                                                      pay better rates if such technologies are
                                                          We are already seeing Waka Kotahi, the New
                                                      Zealand Transport Agency, adopting a far more
                                                      technology-based service and regulatory

       aving spent time dealing with the minutiae     regime. The roll-out of Automated Number Plate
       of daily hassles members face running a        Recognition cameras and Weigh Right
       transport operation, I feel it’s time to start automated in road weighing is just the tip of the
looking forward, not constantly back over our         iceberg.
shoulders at the times we considered the best.            The desire to see GPS tracking and
History is littered with examples of businesses       electronic logbooks would seem to be the
which have not moved with the times, and I            agency's next area of focus as they look to keep
certainly wrote many an article about such            an even closer eye on the performance of
companies in my past life.                                                operators, the health and
    The transport industry                                                 safety of road users, and the
represents a wonderfully              “The proliferation of new            protection of our national
diverse group of rugged               technology is relegating             roading network for damage.
individuals and hard-nosed                                                    Additionally, with
                                      the old ways of transport            appropriate  encouragement
businesspeople. The powerful
stimulus of challenging
                                      to  history.”                        from users,  the younger
conditions and fine margins                                                generation and technology
has made for some great                                                    are our future, and we need
innovation and success stories which can serve                            to embrace them. They are
to inspire every day. Trucking is built on a history  already shaping the future of our industry
of hard graft, long hours, and sacrifices.            whether we like it or not.
    However, for you, our members, to be able to          Our future lies outside the windscreen, not
move forwards, we need to look beyond the             the  rear-view mirror.
daily challenges of transport toward the future of
our industry, how the world is changing, and          Call Simon Vincent on 027 445 5785 or email:
how that affects what we want our industry to
look like.
    The proliferation of new technology is
relegating the old ways of transport to history.
The next generation of passionate participants is
no longer driven by noise, smoke, and long
hours that inspired us so many years ago.
    This next generation is excited by
technology, rules, and better outcomes—both
professionally and personally. To them,

RTANZ NEWS                                                                                            25
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