VEHICLE REGISTRATION INITIATIVES - Discussion Paper Proposals for light vehicle registration reform in NSW - Amazon AWS

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VEHICLE REGISTRATION INITIATIVES - Discussion Paper Proposals for light vehicle registration reform in NSW - Amazon AWS
Discussion Paper
Proposals for light vehicle registration reform in NSW
VEHICLE REGISTRATION INITIATIVES - Discussion Paper Proposals for light vehicle registration reform in NSW - Amazon AWS

    Vehicle Registration Initiatives
    Discussion Paper
    Proposals for light vehicle registration reform in NSW
    ISBN: 978-1-922030-70-2
                                                             While every reasonable effort has been made to
    Copyright notice
                                                             ensure that this document is correct at the time of
    © State of New South Wales through the Director          printing, the State of NSW, its agents and employees,
    General of Transport for NSW, 2014.                      disclaim any and all liability to any person in respect
    Transport for NSW                                        of anything or the consequences of anything done or
    18 Lee Street                                            omitted to be done in reliance upon the whole or any
    Chippendale NSW 2008                                     part of this document.

VEHICLE REGISTRATION INITIATIVES - Discussion Paper Proposals for light vehicle registration reform in NSW - Amazon AWS


FOREWORD                                                2


1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY                                   4


3. THE NEED FOR REFORM                                 19



   FOR PASSENGER VEHICLES                              37


   REGISTRATION CHARGES                                46




12. HAVE YOUR SAY                                      61

13. APPENDICES                                         62

14. ENDNOTES                                           67

VEHICLE REGISTRATION INITIATIVES - Discussion Paper Proposals for light vehicle registration reform in NSW - Amazon AWS


    This Vehicle Registration Initiatives Discussion
    Paper has been developed to enable you
    to have your say on the future of vehicle
    registration in NSW.

    The Discussion Paper outlines proposals and
    options to: improve light vehicle registration
    and management in NSW; improve vehicle and
    road safety; promote positive environmental
    outcomes; and enhance customer service
    through more equitable and flexible
    registration arrangements.

    The NSW Government is committed to
    promoting safer vehicles and environmentally        These reforms build on the NSW Government’s
    responsible behaviours. The risk of death or        decision to abolish registration labels for light
    serious injury in a crash is much higher in older   vehicles from 1 January 2013. Removing labels
    vehicles, which generally have fewer safety         simplified the registration process, reduced red
    features. Vehicle safety technologies are           tape and saves the community, businesses and
    continually improving and being incorporated        the government time and money.
    by manufacturers to create safer vehicles, with
    a positive effect on road safety. It is important   The decision to abolish labels was made
    to continue this momentum by promoting the          after a rigorous review process that included
    uptake of safer new vehicles and motorcycles        community and stakeholder consultation; this
    through registration incentives.                    Discussion Paper is part of a similar process
                                                        for proposed vehicle registration changes. The
    A further aim of changing the structure of          NSW Government is committed to consultation
    registration charges is to help consumers           about proposals that will improve government
    understand the impact of their vehicle choice       services and customer interactions. It is
    on the environment and encourage the                important for the government to seek and
    purchase of greener vehicles. Environmental         understand the views of stakeholders and
    damage is a pressing NSW and global issue and       the community to ensure that the proposed
    everyone needs to play their part in reducing       changes are practical and workable.
    our vehicle emissions. This is why we are
    encouraging people to choose environmentally        I encourage you to provide feedback on the
    sound vehicles that will deliver longer term        proposals in this Discussion Paper to assist the
    environmental benefits to the community.            NSW Government in shaping a positive future
                                                        for vehicle registration policies in NSW.
    Changes are also proposed to improve the
    equity of caravan and light trailer charges.

    The proposed changes to registration charges
    are combined with improvements to the way           Duncan Gay
    vehicle owners can pay for vehicle registration.    Minister for Roads and Freight
    Offering continuous pay by the month
    registration will increase the convenience and
    affordability of registration and the range of
    services available to customers.

VEHICLE REGISTRATION INITIATIVES - Discussion Paper Proposals for light vehicle registration reform in NSW - Amazon AWS


Transport for NSW (TfNSW) invites members of       How to provide your feedback
the public and other stakeholders to comment
                                                   Throughout this Discussion Paper you will see
on a range of options to improve light vehicle
                                                   a number of questions that highlight key areas
registration and management in NSW. Light
                                                   where TfNSW is seeking feedback. You may also
vehicles have a gross vehicle mass (GVM) up
                                                   want to submit other questions or comments
to 4500 kilograms (4.5 tonnes). They include
                                                   that come to mind as you read the paper.
passenger vehicles, motorcycles, caravans, light
trailers and some light trucks and buses.          Copies of the Discussion Paper are available
                                                   online at the Transport for NSW Community
The primary aim of the proposed reforms is
                                                   Engagement website (
to improve road safety and environmental
                                                   engagement). If you do not have access to the
outcomes by raising awareness and
                                                   internet, and would like a printed copy mailed to
encouraging the uptake of safer and
                                                   you, please call 13 22 13.
greener vehicles.
                                                   You can submit your feedback by:
The reforms also aim to:
                                                   •• Email:
•• Improve registration charging equity across
   the vehicle fleet                               •• Mail:
                                                      Registration Policy
•• Provide customers with more flexible
                                                      Transport for New South Wales
   registration payment arrangements, and
                                                      PO Box K659
•• Provide a flexible registration framework          Haymarket NSW 1240
   to accommodate rapidly changing vehicle
                                                   •• Online:
   technologies and transport needs.
                                                   TfNSW welcomes all comments, whether they
The reforms do not apply to:
                                                   are a brief email or a substantial submission.
•• Heavy vehicles and trailers with a GVM of
                                                   All or part of your submission may be quoted or
   more than 4.5 tonnes. These vehicles are
                                                   made publicly available. If you do not want your
   covered by current and proposed national
                                                   personal details or any part of your submission
   model law and the National Heavy Vehicle
                                                   to be released, please indicate this clearly in
   Regulator, or
                                                   your submission.
•• Conditionally registered vehicles.
                                                   The closing date for submissions is 24 July 2014.

VEHICLE REGISTRATION INITIATIVES - Discussion Paper Proposals for light vehicle registration reform in NSW - Amazon AWS


    TfNSW considers that there are a number of                 There will be no net reduction in all light
    opportunities to modernise and improve the                 vehicle revenues, including revenue allocated
    registration system and is proposing a range of            to the Roads Program, as a result of these
    Vehicle Registration Initiatives (VRI). The VRI            reforms. Roads Program revenue is used to
    reforms propose to utilise registration fees as a          fund and maintain road infrastructure and road
    proactive policy tool to improve vehicle and road          safety initiatives.
    safety, and environmental outcomes. Current
    vehicle registration policy in NSW includes several
    long-held criteria. It is based on the principles that     1.1    The purpose of vehicle
    vehicle registration charges must be determined by                registration charges
    a vehicle’s weight; that registration periods must be      Originating in 19141, vehicle registration charges
    for specific, set periods of time; and that registration   were designed to pay for the damage vehicles
    must be actively renewed if it is to continue.             made to roads. NSW light vehicle weight tax
    These principles have provided a dependable                is currently charged according to the tare
    registration system but in the modern transport            weight of a vehicle. Charges are determined
    environment they are increasingly outmoded.                by irregular weight bands for light passenger
                                                               vehicles, caravans and some trailers. An
    Charging registration on the basis of vehicle
                                                               identical flat fee applies for all motorcycles and
    weight dates back to 1924. In recent years
    particularly there has been increasing community
    concern about environmental outcomes and                   Under NSW legislation, all revenue from
    increases in fuel costs as well as the introduction        motor vehicle weight tax is directed to the
    of modern safety technologies and alternative              Roads Program. Approximately 5.5 million
    fuels. Currently, any consideration of registration        light vehicles are registered in NSW2 and light
    charges when purchasing a vehicle is limited to a          vehicle weight tax contributes approximately
    price comparison based on weight. Registration             $1.66 billion3 in revenue a year.
    charges do not offer a direct incentive to choose
                                                               In addition to registration charges, NSW vehicle
    a safe and environmentally sound vehicle.
                                                               registration requirements include:
    Similarly, the policy of specific registration
                                                               •• Regular safety inspections for most vehicles
    terms and over-the-counter registration
                                                                  over five years of age
    renewals pre-dates the internet and automated
    payment options.                                           •• Compulsory Third Party (CTP) bodily injury
                                                                  insurance, and
    The primary aim of the proposed VRI reforms
    is to improve road safety and environmental                •• Payment of stamp duty, where applicable,
    outcomes by raising awareness and                             when registrations are established
    encouraging the uptake of safer and greener                   or transferred.
    vehicles. The reforms also aim to:
                                                               While the primary purpose of this Discussion
    •• Improve registration charging equity across             Paper is to describe proposals to improve
       the vehicle fleet                                       vehicle registration policy, it also briefly outlines
                                                               additional options to reform related registration
    •• Provide customers with more flexible
                                                               costs such as stamp duty and CTP insurance.
       registration payment arrangements, and

    •• Provide a flexible registration framework
       to accommodate rapidly changing vehicle
       technologies and transport needs.

VEHICLE REGISTRATION INITIATIVES - Discussion Paper Proposals for light vehicle registration reform in NSW - Amazon AWS

1.2 Passenger vehicles                              1.3 Stamp duty and
TfNSW proposes to reconfigure the current               Compulsory Third Party
light passenger vehicle registration charge             (CTP) insurance
from one that is based solely on weight to a        Stamp duty is collected on behalf of the Office
charging framework that incorporates and            of State Revenue (OSR) by Roads and Maritime
provides incentives for higher vehicle safety and   Services (RMS). In most cases, it must be paid
environmental criteria. Initiatives to improve      when a vehicle is registered for the first time or
road safety and environmental outcomes align        registration is transferred. It is proposed that
directly with key NSW Government, Federal           the stamp duty charge, which is currently based
Government and international priorities in          solely on the value of a vehicle, be reconfigured
these areas.                                        to also take into account vehicle safety and
                                                    environmental criteria.
Vehicle safety may be determined via the
Australasian New Car Assessment Program             CTP insurance (a ‘green slip’) is required for all
(ANCAP) safety ratings system. A vehicle’s          NSW vehicles before they can be registered.
environmental credentials may be determined         CTP insurance provides medical and other
using CO2 emissions and air pollution data          financial assistance for people injured in a
sourced from the Federal Government                 motor vehicle accident in NSW. CTP insurers
administered Green Vehicle Guide (GVG).             are regulated by the Motor Accidents Authority
                                                    (MAA), which licenses insurers to provide NSW
The vehicle weight component of the
                                                    CTP insurance.
registration charge is proposed to be a
combination of a base fee and a cost per            The MAA is responsible for the development
kilogram weight charge. The cost per kilogram       of CTP insurance premium guidelines and
calculation would be based on the standard          has indicated that it will consider the inclusion
tare weight of the vehicle as reported by the       of vehicle safety criteria within these guidelines,
vehicle manufacturer. This would ensure precise     which may enable insurers to take into
charging for all new vehicles.                      account a vehicle’s safety rating as a factor
                                                    in premium pricing.
Under the proposed registration charging
framework, a new light passenger vehicle with       The inclusion of safety and environmental
higher safety and environmental credentials         criteria within stamp duty and CTP insurance
would cost less to register than another new        charges would provide additional financial
vehicle of similar weight that has lower safety     incentives for the purchase of safer vehicles.
and environmental credentials.
                                                    The following diagram provides an overview
These reforms to light passenger vehicle            of the current and proposed registration costs
registration are initially being proposed for       for passenger vehicles.
all new passenger vehicles, with reforms to
second-hand vehicles proposed a number of
years later to enable customers to plan ahead
and be aware of any potential upcoming
changes to second-hand vehicle registration
charges. The reforms will not be retrospective.

VEHICLE REGISTRATION INITIATIVES - Discussion Paper Proposals for light vehicle registration reform in NSW - Amazon AWS

    Figure 1 – Current and proposed vehicle charges

VEHICLE REGISTRATION INITIATIVES - Discussion Paper Proposals for light vehicle registration reform in NSW - Amazon AWS

1.4 Motorcycles                                      In addition, it is proposed that motorcycle
                                                     registration charges also include a weight
All motorcycles are currently charged the same
                                                     component made up of a base fee and a cost
flat fee (weight tax) of $58. While this charging
                                                     per kilogram weight charge. The cost per
framework provides a simple registration
                                                     kilogram calculation would be based on the
system, there are no direct pricing incentives to
                                                     standard tare weight of the motorcycle as
choose safer motorcycles and the same charge
                                                     reported by the motorcycle manufacturer.
applies to small scooters and to larger touring
motorcycles and superbikes.                          These reforms would initially apply to new
                                                     motorcycles only with reforms to second-hand
While there are currently no ANCAP ratings
                                                     motorcycles proposed a number of years later
available for motorcycles, the NSW Centre for
                                                     to enable customers to plan ahead and be
Road Safety has advised that Anti-lock Braking
                                                     aware of any potential upcoming changes to
Systems (ABS) can significantly improve
                                                     second-hand motorcycle registration charges.
motorcycle and rider safety. Australian and
                                                     The reforms will not be retrospective.
international research concludes that the risk
of being involved in a fatal motorcycle crash        Australian regulations do not require emissions
is related to increasing power to weight ratios,     testing for motorcycles to demonstrate their
regardless of rider age or experience.               compliance with Australian Design Rules (ADRs).
                                                     In the absence of reliable emissions information,
To encourage the purchase of safer
                                                     TfNSW has not proposed an environmental
motorcycles, TfNSW proposes that ABS and
                                                     component within motorcycle registration charges.
power to weight ratios be considered as options
for registration charging criteria.                  The following diagram provides an overview
                                                     of the current and proposed registration costs
                                                     for motorcycles.

Figure 2 – Current and proposed motorcycle charges

VEHICLE REGISTRATION INITIATIVES - Discussion Paper Proposals for light vehicle registration reform in NSW - Amazon AWS

    1.5 Caravans and light trailers                         This new charging method would reduce the
                                                            charges that many light trailers and caravans
    Caravans and light trailers weighing 255kg and
                                                            currently pay by a range of approximately 5%
    above currently pay approximately the same
                                                            to 45% (private usage, depending on the weight
    weight tax rates as light passenger vehicles but
                                                            of the light trailer or caravan) to reflect the less
    they are often used on the road less frequently.
                                                            frequent use of these vehicles.
    The 536,000 light trailers weighing less than
    255kg currently pay no weight tax. These are            It is proposed that the changes to light trailer
    the only registrable vehicles in NSW that are not       and caravan registration charges be applied
    subject to weight tax. By comparison, a scooter         to the entire fleet to improve registration
    weighing 100kg (such as the Honda NSC110)               charging equity.
    currently pays $58 in weight tax.
                                                            The following diagram provides an overview
    In line with the proposal for passenger vehicles,       of the current and proposed registration costs
    it is proposed that light trailer and caravan           for light trailers and caravans.
    registration weight charges be made up of a
    base fee and a cost per kilogram weight charge.
    The cost per kilogram calculation would be
    based on the tare weight of the light trailer
    or caravan as reported by the manufacturer.
    These charges would also apply to light
    trailers weighing less than 255kg which are not
    currently subject to weight charges.

    Figure 3 – Current and proposed caravan and light trailer charges


1.6 Continuous registration                         TfNSW considers that effective ELV policies
                                                    have the potential to provide a range of vehicle
To improve the convenience and affordability
                                                    safety, environmental and consumer protection
of registration and provide additional choice
                                                    benefits. TfNSW has therefore provided initial
to customers, TfNSW proposes an automated,
                                                    options for future ELV policy including the
continuous registration option via a secure
                                                    provision of incentives to vehicle owners and
online monthly direct debit or credit facility.
                                                    recyclers who responsibly dispose of ELVs.
This would effectively provide vehicle
registration with no expiry date, provided that
ongoing payments were received.                     1.8 Discussion Paper format
                                                    The Discussion Paper provides an explanation
1.7 Options to improve other                        of the current registration system and then
    registration processes                          highlights the proposed reforms for each
                                                    vehicle type and areas where specific feedback
Through this Discussion Paper, TfNSW also
                                                    is sought. The Discussion Paper also highlights
seeks feedback on vehicle inspections and the
                                                    key areas of feedback received so far. Ideally,
management of end of life vehicles (ELVs).
                                                    the Discussion Paper should be read in whole
Vehicle inspections are a key component of          but readers who may only be interested in a
the registration system as they ensure the          specific vehicle type (e.g. passenger vehicles)
roadworthiness of vehicles. However, vehicle        may not find the chapters on other vehicle
safety and environmental technologies have          types as relevant.
advanced, with increasing numbers of vehicles
incorporating features that may warrant
additional or unique testing and inspection.
Inspection intervals for particular vehicle types
may need to be assessed within this context.



     2.1 An overview of NSW                               2.4 How is vehicle
         vehicle registration                                 registration governed?
     This section is an overview of the current           The registration of vehicles in NSW is governed
     NSW vehicle registration system, including           by the Road Transport Act 2013 and the Road
     information about the current light vehicle fleet,   Transport (Vehicle Registration) Regulation
     registration requirements and registration costs.    2007. The Motor Vehicles Taxation Act 1988
     It provides the background for the proposals in      sets out the tax payable for the registration
     this Discussion Paper.                               of motor vehicles and provides for annual
                                                          Consumer Price Index (CPI) indexation of motor
                                                          vehicle taxation.
     2.2 Why are vehicles
         registered?                                      The Minister for Roads and Freight has
                                                          oversight and responsibility for this legislation
     Registering vehicles enables the NSW
                                                          and for the vehicle registration system.
     Government to:
                                                          TfNSW is the lead agency responsible for
     •• Identify the registered operator of each
                                                          developing strategic road transport policy
        vehicle using road or road related areas
                                                          and legislative initiatives, including strategic
     •• Enforce traffic and other laws                    registration policy.

     •• Collect funds to sustain the road system          RMS is responsible for administering the
                                                          registration system and maintaining a register
     •• Contribute to road safety by ensuring
                                                          of registrable vehicles in accordance with the
        vehicles on the roads meet safety standards,
                                                          above Acts and Regulations.

     •• Insure against third party injury or loss due
        to motor accidents.
                                                          2.5 Key characteristics of
                                                              the current NSW light
                                                              vehicle fleet
     2.3 When did vehicle                                 There are approximately 5.5 million light
         registration begin?                              vehicles (including passenger vehicles,
     NSW Governor Macquarie introduced                    motorcycles, caravans and trailers) registered
     registration for carts and wagons in 1813. The       in NSW.
     Motor Traffic Act 1909 introduced “licensing”
                                                          Within this fleet there are approximately
     requirements for motor vehicles.
                                                          4.5 million passenger vehicles, 184,000
     Vehicle registration charges (based on vehicle       motorcycles (including scooters and mopeds)
     horsepower) were introduced in 1914 to offset        and 815,000 caravans and light trailers.
     the costs of road deterioration and the Motor
                                                          The average age of the passenger vehicle fleet
     Vehicles (Taxation) Act was introduced in 1916.
                                                          is approximately 10 years and new passenger
     Charging registration on the basis of a vehicle’s
                                                          vehicle registrations account for approximately
     weight commenced in 1924.
                                                          6.5% of the total passenger vehicle fleet
     The annual registration label scheme began in        each year.
     1932. In 1937, vehicle number plates with letters
                                                          The following graph details key features of the
     and numbers replaced the earlier numerical
                                                          NSW light vehicle fleet.
     sequences. In 1939, the Commissioner for Motor
     Transport introduced compulsory mechanical
     inspections before registration.


Figure 4 – NSW light vehicle fleet as at December 2011

2.6 Funding the road network:                            The major component of light vehicle

    NSW light vehicle                                    registration costs is motor vehicle weight
                                                         tax which is based on the tare weight of a
    weight tax                                           vehicle. A registration administration fee is
Road funding is directed to ensure safe                  also charged. The weight tax component and
access to roads, minimise road deterioration             the administration fee are adjusted annually
and rebuild damaged roads. Road funding                  based on the CPI. An average sized vehicle
is also used for maintaining and operating               (e.g. Toyota Corolla) is currently charged $277
traffic signals, street lights, bridges, tunnels,        weight tax, while a larger family sedan (e.g.
line markings, pavement markers, guide and               Holden Commodore) is charged $422. The
regulatory signs, electronic variable message            administration fee is currently $60.
and speed signs and CCTV cameras to monitor
traffic conditions. All vehicle operators should         Under NSW legislation, all revenue from motor
contribute to the availability of the road network       vehicle weight tax in NSW is directed to the
for vehicle use and for preventative treatments          Roads Program. It is used to fund road safety
and repairs related to wear and tear.                    initiatives, improve traffic management and
                                                         fund development and maintenance of the
                                                         road network. This is not the case in other
                                                         jurisdictions. Therefore, there can be differences


     in light vehicle registration charges between           2.8 Current registration
     states as a result of their different fiscal policies
     and funding arrangements.
                                                             Notification of registration renewal is posted
     Light vehicle weight tax contributes                    to the vehicle’s registered operator six weeks
     approximately $1.66 billion each year to the            prior to the registration expiry date. A reminder
     Roads Program and plays a crucial role in               notice is sent two weeks after the registration
     maintaining the NSW road network. The NSW               expiry if registration has not been paid. In
     Government also contributes more than $1                addition to paper based renewal and reminder
     billion each year through consolidated funds            notices, in May 2013 RMS introduced an email
     and the Australian Government contributes               and SMS registration notification and reminder
     approximately $1.5 billion. More than 75% of            service, for customers who have an online
     the roads budget is allocated to rural and              RMS account, to act as a further reminder that
     regional roads.                                         registration is due.

     The management of the road network in NSW               CTP bodily injury insurance (a green slip)
     is shared between the State Government                  is required for most light vehicles before
     (through RMS) who manage state roads and                registration can be established or renewed.
     Local Government (through local councils)
                                                             Most light vehicles over five years of age also
     who manage regional and local roads.
                                                             require an annual Safety Check inspection.
     RMS expenditure for 2012-13 consisted of
                                                             Current fees for these inspections range from
     approximately $2.2 billion for infrastructure
                                                             $21.60 to $36.40.
     growth and improvement, $1.5 billion for
     asset maintenance and $1.4 billion for services         RMS acts as an agent for the OSR to collect
     and operations.4                                        stamp duty, where applicable, when light
                                                             vehicle registrations are established or
                                                             transferred. The registration charges can be
     2.7 Registration                                        paid to RMS:
         administration fees
     The current registration administration fee             •• Online using credit card or BPAY via
     is $60. This fee is applied to all registration  
     transactions, including registration                    •• By cash, credit card or EFTPOS in person
     establishment and RMS registry or Service                  at an RMS registry or Service NSW Centre
     NSW Centre and online registration renewals.
     Eligible customers are exempt from paying               •• By post to RMS, or
     the administration fee. A pro-rata rate of the          •• Through the Rego App for iPhone
     administration fee is applicable for short term            (see below).
     registration renewals. A transfer fee of $30 is
     payable when a vehicle registration is being            To increase the availability and accessibility of
     transferred to a different person or corporation.       registration information to businesses and the
                                                             general public, RMS has released a Rego App
     Registration administration fees contribute             for the iPhone. The app has the same features
     approximately $350 million a year to                    as the free registration check service currently
     Consolidated Revenue. 5 This fund collects              available on the RMS website and customers
     the public revenue that is used to fund core            can also renew their vehicle registration through
     government services, including RMS services.            the app.


Both services provide the public with access to     2.9 Statutory charges for
the following information about a vehicle:
                                                        new vehicles
•• Whether the registration is current,             There are a number of costs involved when
   suspended or cancelled                           purchasing a new vehicle. The main cost is
                                                    the vehicle itself. Then there are the costs of
•• The registration expiry date
                                                    getting the vehicle registered and insured,
•• Whether there are registration restrictions on   which include registration, stamp duty and CTP
   the vehicle (for example registration renewal,   insurance. These are known as ‘statutory’ or
   transfer or establishment restrictions)          ‘government’ charges.

•• Whether there are registration concessions
                                                    New registration
   on the vehicle, and
                                                    The Minister for Roads and Freight has
•• The CTP insurance expiry date.                   responsibility for the registration scheme.

Vehicles registered for business purposes pay       If a person buys a vehicle that has never been
60% higher registration charges than those          registered in NSW, they need to apply for a
registered for private use.                         new registration with RMS. The current cost
                                                    of registration is based on the tare weight of
Concessions on registration charges apply
                                                    the vehicle, how it is used (private or business
for eligible pensioners who have a concession
                                                    use) and a registration administration fee. Total
card issued by Centrelink or the Department
                                                    light vehicle weight tax revenue for the 2012/13
of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA) that shows a NSW
                                                    financial year was approximately $1.66 billion.6
address. The pensioner concession scheme
applies to one vehicle per eligible pensioner.
                                                    Stamp duty
Registration concessions and rebates are            The Treasurer is responsible for tax policy
available to other eligible customers, including:   and the Minister for Finance and Services has
                                                    responsibility for the stamp duty scheme.
•• Primary producers
                                                    Stamp duty is a once-only cost paid when a
•• First and second year apprentices registered
                                                    vehicle is registered in NSW for the first time
   with the NSW Department of Education
                                                    or if registration is transferred to a different
   and Communities
                                                    person or corporation. It is collected by RMS on
•• Charitable organisations, and                    behalf of the OSR. Stamp duty is based on the
                                                    market value of the vehicle or the price paid for
•• Emergency and rescue services.
                                                    the vehicle, whichever is greater. Stamp duty is
Registration can only be renewed up to three        currently calculated at:
months after the expiry date. If registration is
                                                    •• 3% of the market value up to $45,000, and
not renewed during this time, it is cancelled and
the vehicle must be re-registered.                  •• 5% on the value over $45,000.

The standard initial registration period is 12      From 1 July 2009, caravans and camper trailers
months. When registration is renewed, short         have been exempt from stamp duty.
term registration for six months is available
                                                    Total motor vehicle stamp duty revenue for
for all light vehicles, while three or six-month
                                                    the 2012/13 financial year was approximately
registration periods are available for light
                                                    $630 million.7
trailers and caravans.
                                                    Stamp duty revenue goes into consolidated
                                                    revenue which is used to fund core government
                                                    services, including RMS services.


     CTP insurance                                     The cost of CTP insurance currently comprises
                                                       a base premium (based on vehicle class and
     The Minister for Finance and Services has
                                                       geographic region), bonus and malus risk
     responsibility for the CTP insurance scheme.
                                                       factors (for example, age, vehicle type and
     CTP insurance (a green slip) must be taken        accident history), a Medical Care and Injury
     out when establishing or renewing the             Services (MCIS) levy and GST.
     registration of a motor vehicle. CTP insurance
                                                       Owners of caravans and light trailers do not
     currently provides third party personal injury
                                                       need to take out CTP insurance as they are
     compensation to people injured in motor
                                                       covered under their towing vehicle’s CTP
     vehicle accidents. This includes the ‘at-fault’
                                                       insurance policy.
     vehicle’s passengers and other road users such
     as drivers, passengers, pedestrians, cyclists,    The average cost of CTP insurance in NSW is
     motorcyclists and pillion passengers. CTP         $542 (exc. GST). 8
     insurance also provides limited coverage to the
     at-fault driver. CTP insurance does not cover     Total CTP insurance premium revenue for the
     damage to property or other vehicles.             2012/13 financial year was approximately $1.9
                                                       billion and approximately $157 million in revenue
     CTP insurance is provided by a number of          was generated from the MCIS levy.9
     licensed insurance companies which set
     premium prices in a competitive market.           The following diagram provides a graphical
     The MAA of NSW is the government body             overview of statutory charges for passenger
     responsible for regulating the CTP insurance      vehicles under the current registration system.
     scheme, including premium pricing, for motor
     vehicles in NSW.

     Figure 5 – Current passenger vehicle costs


The following diagram illustrates that under the current weight tax charging framework there are
considerable variations in the size of the weight bands for passenger vehicles and the amount of tax
applying to each band.

Figure 6 – Passenger vehicle weight bands and examples


     The following diagram provides a graphical overview of statutory charges for caravans and
     light trailers under the current registration system. Note that under the current system privately
     registered light trailers weighing less than 255 kilograms pay only the administration fee; they do
     not pay any weight tax.

     Figure 7 – Current caravan and light trailer costs


The following diagram illustrates that, consistent with passenger vehicles, under the current weight
tax charging framework for caravans and light trailers there are considerable variations in the size
of the weight band and the amount of tax applying to each band.

Figure 8 – Caravan and light trailer weight bands and examples


     The following diagram provides a graphical overview of statutory charges for motorcycles under
     the current registration system.

     Figure 9 – Current motorcycle costs

     The following diagram illustrates that all motorcycles, regardless of type, weight or power to weight
     ratio, currently pay the same flat fee weight tax.

     Figure 10 – Motorcycle examples



3.1 Why are we suggesting                            and short term registration options, registration

    reforms to NSW light                             remains periodic, with a specific end-date, and
                                                     requires a conscious effort by customers to
    vehicle registration?                            renew registration before expiry. The current
Current vehicle registration policy in NSW           system does not offer a convenient ‘set-and-
includes a number of long-held criteria that have    forget’ continuous registration option.
provided a dependable registration system.
However, in the modern transport environment,        In the modern transport environment, therefore,
this system has become increasingly outmoded.        current registration criteria and principles
TfNSW therefore considers it imperative to           have become increasingly outdated. TfNSW’s
propose a modern, integrated registration            proposals intend to utilise registration fees
system that proactively encourages the purchase      and terms as proactive policy tools to improve
of safer and greener vehicles; provides vehicle      safety and environmental outcomes, and to
owners with greater flexibility and convenience;     provide a more seamless and customer-friendly
and is more equitable.                               registration system.

For many years NSW registration policy has
been based on three principles:                      3.2 What are the aims of
•• Registration charges should be determined
                                                         the reforms?
   predominately by a vehicle’s weight               The VRI reform proposals described in this
                                                     Discussion Paper provide options for the
•• Registration terms must be for specific, set      use of registration charges and terms as
   periods of time, and                              incentives to positively influence the choice
•• Registration renewal must be intentional and      of vehicles. The proposals are intended to
   active if it is to continue.                      provide the basis for an integrated, flexible, and
                                                     sustainable registration system that will cater
Charging registration on the basis of a              for future changes to the NSW fleet and vehicle
vehicle’s weight pre-dates strong community          management requirements.
awareness and concern about vehicle and
occupant safety and the environment. It also         The primary aim of the proposed VRI reforms
does not consider increases in fossil fuel           is to improve road safety and environmental
costs, and the introduction of advanced safety       outcomes by raising awareness and encouraging
technologies and alternative fuels. Currently,       the uptake of safer and greener vehicles.
if registration charges are considered at all        VRI reforms also aim to:
when purchasing a vehicle, they are limited
to comparing prices based on the weight of a         •• Improve registration charging equity across
vehicle. Weight tax alone is not an incentive           the vehicle fleet
for consumers to choose a safer or more              •• Provide customers with more flexible
environmentally sound vehicle. A stronger               registration payment arrangements, and
incentive can be provided by financially rewarding
the choice of a safer and greener vehicle.           •• Provide a flexible registration framework
                                                        to accommodate rapidly changing vehicle
Similarly, the policy of specific registration          technologies and transport needs.
terms and over-the-counter registration
renewals pre-dates the internet and automated        These registration initiatives are part of an
funds transfer to a time when face-to-face           integrated strategy to improve road safety
customer transactions were the only option           outcomes and complement existing and
for vehicle registration (and other) payments.       planned driver and rider training, education, and
Despite significant recent customer service          licensing programs.
improvements via online registration renewal



3.3 Inclusion of safety and                          3.5 Have the impacts of the
    environmental criteria                               reforms been assessed?
    in stamp duty and CTP                            In addition to improving road safety and
    insurance charges                                environmental outcomes, a key consideration
While the primary purpose of this Discussion         for TfNSW in developing the options is the
Paper is to outline options to reform and improve    impact of the proposals on the community.
the current vehicle registration system in NSW,      TfNSW has carried out an initial analysis to
the paper also briefly outlines additional options   assess the possible impact of the reforms on
to reform costs related to registration such as      vehicle operators across NSW.
stamp duty and CTP insurance.
                                                     There will be no net reduction in all light vehicle
Incorporating factors such as vehicle safety and     revenues, including revenue allocated to the
environmental ratings across registration, stamp     Roads Program, as a result of these reforms.
duty and CTP insurance charging frameworks           Roads Program revenue is used to fund
enables the government to provide larger             essential road infrastructure for the benefit of all
financial incentives and disincentives on the        road users.
statutory charges for new vehicle purchases.
                                                     Until recent years, virtually all new vehicles
Initial customer feedback has suggested that         with high safety and environmental credentials
changes to annual registration charges alone         have been in the higher price brackets and
based on safety and environmental ratings may        therefore generally available only to higher
not influence their vehicle choice. However if       income earners. This is no longer the case,
these changes were coupled with changes to           with an increasing number of safe, green new
the upfront stamp duty payment and/or annual         vehicles available in the lower and mid price
CTP insurance charges, this would increase           brackets. For example, there are approximately
the likelihood of positively influencing them to     260 vehicles that have been tested by ANCAP
purchase a safer and greener vehicle.                and listed on their website at
                                                     au as having a five-star safety rating. Similarly,
                                                     there are a number of popular and affordable
3.4 Preliminary consultation                         vehicles in a range of sizes currently on the
    on these reforms                                 market that have CO2 emissions which would fall
A range of preliminary stakeholder and               into the lowest emissions bands proposed by
community consultation has helped to shape           TfNSW (i.e. Bands A and B). Vehicle emissions
the reform proposals in this Discussion              information is available on the GVG website at
Paper. TfNSW consulted with a number       
of key government agencies and industry
                                                     The proposed reforms would initially apply only
stakeholders, who provided important input and
                                                     to new vehicles as not all vehicle purchasers
expertise in the development of the reforms.
                                                     wish to, or are able to afford, a new vehicle. This
TfNSW also convened community focus groups           will avoid disadvantaging current owners of less
in metropolitan and regional NSW. These focus        safe and less green vehicles.
groups were invaluable both for receiving direct
                                                     Additionally, incentives to purchase new safer
customer feedback on TfNSW’s reform options
                                                     and greener vehicles will inevitably have a
and proposals, and for generating additional
                                                     flow-on effect and increase the number and
ideas and perspectives from members of
                                                     percentage of safer and greener second-hand
the community.
                                                     vehicles on the used car market. Second-hand
Further information on preliminary consultation      safer and greener vehicles would retain a
is provided in section 11.2.                         lower registration charge, so that the ongoing
                                                     registration costs and affordability of these
                                                     vehicles would also be improved. Conversely,
                                                     vehicles with lower safety and environmental


     ratings would become less attractive to              It is proposed that changes to caravan and
     purchase as second hand vehicles as they             light trailer registration charges be applied
     would be subject to the higher registration          to the entire fleet to improve registration
     charge that they received when first registered      charging equity.
     as new vehicles.
                                                          The option of continuous, pay by the month
     Although the proposed increases and decreases        registration would be available to the entire
     in charges may not be seen as significant in         NSW light vehicle fleet.
     comparison with the total purchase price of a
                                                          Implementation of the reforms will be subject
     new vehicle, the changes to registration charges
                                                          to the options being refined following the
     would apply each year, and would accumulate
                                                          consultation process and government
     over time. If safety and/or environmental criteria
                                                          endorsement. This will involve considerable
     was also taken into account in CTP insurance
                                                          legislative, system and administrative changes.
     and stamp duty charges, the financial incentives
                                                          An implementation date will be announced at
     and disincentives would be further increased.
                                                          least one year prior to the reforms commencing,
                                                          and would be supported by an extensive public
     3.6 How will the reforms                             communication program to ensure awareness
         be implemented?                                  and understanding.

     The proposal is to initially apply the new           All changes to vehicle charging frameworks
     charging framework only to the registration of       would be clearly explained and transparent.
     new light passenger vehicles and motorcycles         Thorough communication of the new vehicle
     from a prescribed implementation date.               charges could include, for example, an
     The reforms will not be retrospective.               easy to use free online registration charges
     There are approximately 296,000 new                  comparison tool.
     vehicle registrations annually, representing
                                                          This service may be particularly useful for new
     approximately 6.5% of the total passenger
                                                          vehicle purchasers who have found a number
     vehicle fleet. There are approximately 18,000
                                                          of potential vehicles, or have ‘narrowed down’
     new motorcycle registrations annually,
                                                          their choices to a few vehicles, each of which
     representing approximately 10% of the
                                                          meet their needs for size, comfort, purpose
     motorcycle fleet.
                                                          and style. These customers could then enter
     Following implementation of the reforms for          the make, model and variant of each vehicle
     new vehicles, the remainder of the NSW light         to check and assess these vehicles’ safety and
     vehicle and motorcycle fleet would then be           environmental ratings, and use the comparison
     gradually transitioned over to the new charging      tool to immediately compare registration and
     framework. This would encourage the renewal          stamp duty costs between vehicles. This service
     of the NSW fleet.                                    is likely to be conceptually similar to the Motor
                                                          Accidents Authority’s online CTP insurance
     An adequate lead time is important to allow
                                                          comparison and calculator facility. Information
     owners of second-hand vehicles that do not
                                                          on registration and stamp duty charges would
     meet modern safety and environmental criteria
                                                          also be available via the RMS Contact Centre,
     time for transition to new charging criteria.
                                                          RMS Motor Registries and Service NSW centres.
     TfNSW will thoroughly assess further practical
                                                          Consumer information on vehicle weight,
     considerations before applying safety and
                                                          ANCAP safety ratings and emissions is also
     environmental criteria to the entire light vehicle
                                                          readily available online or through motor
     fleet. These will include the availability and
                                                          vehicle dealerships.
     application of safety and environmental ratings
     for older vehicles.                                  The following sections of this Discussion Paper
                                                          outline the reform proposals in more detail.



4.1 Options for proposed new                         Figure 11 – Passenger vehicles registration

    charging framework for
    passenger vehicles
Registration charges for light passenger
vehicles are currently based on the tare
weight of the vehicle, plus an administration
fee. While vehicle weight contributes to road
degradation, charges based solely on weight
fail to recognise other essential criteria such as
vehicle safety and vehicle emissions. TfNSW
has considered a range of charging frameworks
to effectively improve road safety and
environmental outcomes by raising awareness
and encouraging the uptake of safer and
greener vehicles.

The proposed new registration charging
framework incorporates vehicle safety and
environmental criteria, as well as vehicle weight.
TfNSW proposes that within the reconfigured
registration charges, the average proportion of
these three components will be:

•• Weight: 50%,

•• Vehicle safety: 35%, and

•• Environmental credentials: 15%.

These proportions will vary for individual
vehicle makes and models, depending on each
vehicle’s combination of weight, safety and
environmental criteria.

Under the new system, a new vehicle with
higher safety and environmental credentials
would cost less to register than a new vehicle
of similar weight with lower safety and
environmental credentials. This framework is
designed to be transparent, easily understood
by customers, and easily adaptable to any
changes to future priorities, requirements or
vehicle technologies.

The registration administration fee, which is
currently $60 for all registration establishment
and renewal transactions, would be
incorporated into the total registration charge.

The proposed new charging framework
would initially apply only to new passenger
vehicles registered after a prescribed
implementation date.


     4.2 Weight charges                                To improve charging equity, TfNSW proposes
                                                       that the vehicle weight component of the
     Current annual light motor vehicle registration
                                                       new registration charging framework be a
     charges are based on an irregular weight
                                                       combination of a base fee and a cost per
     band charging framework so the charges can
                                                       kilogram weight charge. The base fee would
     increase considerably with minimal increases in
                                                       be the same for all vehicles, acknowledging
     vehicle weight.
                                                       that all vehicle operators should contribute
     For example, a vehicle weighing 1500 kilograms    to the availability of the road network for
     pays $277 in weight tax whereas a vehicle         vehicle use, regardless of size, weight or
     weighing only 20 kilograms more (i.e. 1520        other characteristics. The cost per kilogram
     kilograms) pays $422 which is a $145 (52%)        calculation would be based on the standard
     increase. Common passenger vehicles can           tare weight of the vehicle as reported by the
     incur this substantial increase in weight tax     vehicle manufacturer.
     for a small difference in tare weight between
                                                       Moving from the current weight band
     model variants (for example, a base model
                                                       framework, where there are considerable
     compared to a luxury model, or the addition of
                                                       variations in the size of the weight bands and
     safety features).
                                                       the charges applying to each band, to a cost per
     Despite the fact they may be greener vehicles,    kilogram framework would ensure transparent
     hybrid and electric vehicles can also be          and precise charging for all vehicles.
     disadvantaged under the current weight band
                                                       An example (based on vehicles registered for
     charging framework due to the added weight of
                                                       private use) has been developed to illustrate
     their batteries and associated systems.
                                                       how the new charging framework may function
                                                       in practice. In this example, the cost per
                                                       kilogram charge has been set at 14 cents per
                                                       kilogram, which equals $14 per 100 kilograms
                                                       or $140 per tonne. The base fee has been set at
                                                       $50. These are example price settings only and
                                                       are not intended to provide specific or definite
                                                       future charges.

                                                       The following diagram illustrates the current
                                                       irregular weight bands and how a precise
                                                       cost per kilogram charging method would
                                                       create a median line of pricing throughout
                                                       the fleet for the weight component of the
                                                       registration charge.

                                                       A cost per kilogram charging method would
                                                       move all charges to the blue median line
                                                       shown in the diagram. This would result in a
                                                       decreased charge for vehicles currently to the
                                                       left of the median line and an increased charge
                                                       for vehicles to the right of the line. This is a
                                                       more equitable method for calculating weight
                                                       charges than the current system.

                                                       Under the proposed reforms, safety and
                                                       environmental charges would then be applied
                                                       to the weight charge as described in the
                                                       following sections.


Figure 12 – Current light motor vehicle weight tax categories and charges (private rate)

   1.   What are your views on the proposal to            2.   Do you agree that administrative fees
        calculate the vehicle weight component                 should be incorporated into the total
        of the registration charge as a                        registration charge?
        combination of a base fee and a cost per
        kilogram of the vehicle’s tare weight?


     4.3 Safer vehicles                                   For each of these reasons, TfNSW considers
                                                          it essential to include vehicle safety as a
     TfNSW considers that providing registration
                                                          registration charging criteria to promote the
     incentives based on vehicle safety criteria
                                                          uptake of newer and safer vehicles, and to
     would assist in the uptake of safer new vehicles.
                                                          assist in the incorporation of advanced safety
     Research has shown that without government
                                                          technology as standard features in vehicles.
     incentives or regulation, new vehicle safety
     features – such as seat belts and airbags – can
                                                          Australasian New Car Assessment
     take approximately 15 years to be incorporated
                                                          Program (ANCAP) safety ratings
     into 50% of a vehicle fleet and approximately
     30 years to be incorporated into 90% of the          TfNSW proposes that the ANCAP safety ratings
     fleet. Additionally, the occupant of a 10-year-old   system be used for calculating the safety
     vehicle has nearly twice the risk of being killed    component of the new registration charging
     in a crash than the occupant of a new vehicle.10     framework. ANCAP provides consumers with
                                                          independent and transparent information on
     Initiatives to encourage the purchase of             the level of occupant and pedestrian protection
     safer vehicles also directly support the NSW         provided by different vehicle models in the most
     Government’s goal to improve road safety and         common types of crashes through its safety
     reduce fatalities and injuries on NSW roads as       star rating program. ANCAP safety ratings are
     part of the NSW 2021 strategic plan. Improved        determined based on a series of internationally
     road safety is also a core principle of the NSW      recognised crash tests and safety ratings are
     Long Term Transport Master Plan and the NSW          available for approximately 500 vehicles.
     Road Safety and Motorcycle Safety Strategies
     2012-2021. TfNSW’s registration initiatives have     ANCAP assesses vehicles up to 3.5 tonnes GVM.
     also been designed to complement existing            Therefore it is proposed that new passenger
     and planned NSW driver and rider training,           vehicles weighing up to 3.5 tonnes GVM are
     education, and licensing programs.                   included in the new registration charging
     Key national and international programs are
     currently focussed on vehicle and road safety.       A full list of ANCAP safety ratings and model
     The United Nations has declared 2011-2020 as         specifications, as well as vehicle safety
     the ‘Decade of Action’ for road safety, and the      information and crash test images and videos,
     Australian Transport Council has released the        are available on the ANCAP website at
     National Road Safety Strategy 2011-2020 which
     sets out options and initiatives in the four key     Under the ANCAP safety rating system of 1 to
     areas of safe vehicles, safe roads, safe people,     5 stars, a higher number of stars indicates a
     and safe speeds. Further information on the          higher level of safety in a crash and the ability,
     alignment of TfNSW’s current proposals with          through technology, to avoid a crash. ANCAP has
     state, national and international road safety        advised TfNSW that there is a large difference
     initiatives is provided in Section 11.               between the safety credentials of vehicles with
     At a personal level, when purchasing a new           high ANCAP safety ratings and those with lower
     vehicle, individuals and families who choose a       ratings. A range of research shows a strong
     safer vehicle make a direct investment in their      link between a vehicle’s ANCAP safety rating
     own safety, and the safety of their passengers       and injury and fatality rates in a crash. ANCAP
     and other road users. Road crashes are a             advises that vehicle occupants have twice the
     leading cause of death for people aged one to        chance of being killed or seriously injured in a 3
     44 years in NSW and they cost the community          star ANCAP safety rated vehicle compared to a 5
     approximately $5.37 billion in 2011.11 Road safety   star ANCAP safety rated vehicle.
     initiatives that reduce the number of injuries       The following diagram illustrates the crash test
     and fatalities on NSW roads have a positive          results of a 1 star ANCAP safety rated vehicle
     and important flow-on effect in reducing the         and a 5 star ANCAP safety rated vehicle in a
     broader social costs of hospital and medical         frontal offset test at 64km/h.
     treatment. This benefits the whole community.

Figure 13 – Crash test results of a 1 star and a 5 star ANCAP safety rated vehicle

To achieve the maximum 5 star ANCAP safety                 ANCAP safety ratings cover approximately
rating, a vehicle must perform well in all safety          94% of new vehicle sales. ANCAP usually tests
test categories and must have a minimum                    and rates only one variant of a vehicle model
range of safety equipment and safety assist                but operates under a variant policy which can
technologies (SAT) as standard. The rating                 allow for the extension of the ANCAP crash test
system is regularly reviewed to accommodate                result from a tested model variant to similar
and encourage improved safety technologies                 variants across the model range, subject to
introduced by car manufacturers, with                      stringent conditions.
requirements for each star rating increasing year
                                                           Some vehicles are never ANCAP tested, such
on year.
                                                           as some high value, limited production vehicles.
ANCAP is supported by the Australian Federal,              Some are not tested in Australia; in these cases,
State and Territory Governments, the New                   the results of testing by other NCAP organisations
Zealand Government, the Victorian Transport                (such as EuroNCAP) are assessed using the
Accident Commission, NRMA Insurance,                       Australasian protocols and an ANCAP safety
Australian and New Zealand motoring                        rating is then determined. Once a particular vehicle
organisations and the FIA Foundation (UK).                 receives an ANCAP safety rating, it retains that
                                                           safety rating for the life of the vehicle (i.e. vehicles
In early 2013, the NSW Government
                                                           are not re-rated as they get older). It is proposed
strengthened its fleet purchasing guidelines
                                                           that vehicles with no ANCAP safety rating at the
to require all new passenger vehicles to have
                                                           time of registration be charged at the higher rate.
a 5 star ANCAP safety rating and all new light
commercial vehicles to have a minimum 4 star               As the following diagram shows, the purchase
safety rating, plus specified safety features.             of higher safety rated vehicles in NSW increased
                                                           significantly between 2006 and 2012.


     Charging structure for safety component
     The new charging framework being proposed by TfNSW provides incentives for the uptake of
     Figure 14 – 2006 - 2012 ANCAP stars % of total vehicles sold

     vehicles with high ANCAP safety ratings. The            Figure 15 – Example safety charges
     following table shows example charges (based
     on vehicles registered for private use) for the
     safety component of the registration charge,                                              Example fee
                                                              Safety rating
     using the ANCAP safety rating system. The                                                 (private use)
     safety charge would be in addition to the weight         5 stars                                $25
     charge described in the previous section and             4 stars                               $65
     the environmental charge described in the next
                                                              3 stars                              $150
                                                              2 stars                              $150
                                                              1 star                               $150

                                                                    3. Do you support the proposal
                                                                       to incorporate safety criteria into
                                                                       vehicle registration charges?
                                                                       Why or why not?

                                                                    4. Do you think the ANCAP safety rating
                                                                       system should be used as the basis
                                                                       for determining the safety component
                                                                       of the registration charge?

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