EAGLES Skyline High School - Granite School District

Page created by Wendy Santos
EAGLES Skyline High School - Granite School District
November 2018
 Skyline High School
     2018 - 2019
                                                Today counselors focus on four main
                                                areas as they help prepare students for
Dear Patrons,                                   College and Career Readiness:
                                                   •   Academic/Learning Development
Do any of you remember an experience               •   Life/Career Development
similar to this when meeting with your high        •   Multicultural/Global Citizenship
school counselor? “When I was in high                  Development, and
school, I went to our guidance counselor           •   Social/Emotional Development.
for advice on what career to pursue. I took
                                                Their task is so large, and they play such an
a battery of tests for aptitude and ability,
                                                integral part of all that takes place at
and finally, the counselor called me into
                                                Skyline. They serve on Leadership
his office. “Son,” he said, “the results of
                                                Committees, School Community Councils
your tests are back, and I’d seriously like
                                                etc. They attend plays and games to
you to consider some job in a field where
                                                support students. They develop plans to
your father is boss!”
                                                support school learning goals and most
                                                importantly support students’ individual
Today counselors focus on four main
areas as they help prepare students             Skyline’s Counseling Department has six
                                                full-time counselors, one half-time
for College and Career Readiness:               counselor, a part-time social worker, a
Academic/Learning Development,                  psychologist that we share with another
Life/Career Development,                        school, and a part-time comprehensive
                                                guidance clerk. In the next few weeks the
Multicultural/Global Citizenship                counselors will be providing resiliency and
Development, and Social/Emotional               suicide awareness training to all students
Development.                                    through their history classes. Skyline
                                                counselors have been working very hard
                                                to meet the needs of individual students.

                                                The information on the next page
Guidance counselors have changed a              describes some of their ongoing efforts.
great deal since then, and today’s society,
a counselor’s role in the school becomes
one that requires a diversity of skills and
                                               IMPORTANT PHONE NUMBERS
                                               ATTENDANCE OFFICE………….. 385-646-5433
knowledge, some of which are tact,
                                               COUNSELING CENTER…………. 385-646-5421
understanding, compassion, and
                                               CAREER CENTER-GTI info……… 385-646-5423
                                               MAIN OFFICE……….…………… 385-646-5420
                                               MAIN OFFICE FAX………...…..... 385-646-5422
EAGLES Skyline High School - Granite School District
Suicide Prevention                             OFF TO A GREAT START
Interventions                                  2nd Quarter Already
   •   School wide Staff Suicide Prevention    Our students right off the bat have
       Training, QPR                           participated in Academics, Sports,
   •   School wide Student Suicide             Performances, Clubs, and everyday
       Prevention and Resiliency Training,     drudgery of classes, lunches and after
       SafeUT, December 4-5, 2018              school events.
   •   Hope Squad training/Hope Week           The Boy’s Golf Team took 1st at State. We’re
   •   Fall Parent/Student night- NETSMARTZ
                                               number one!
   •   Motivational parent/student training
       that focused on positivity and
       empowerment. Topics included            The Girl’s Tennis, Soccer and Volleyball
       cyberbullying, sexting Internet         teams have finished their seasons.
       predators, and social media.
   •   Continuing with PBIS goals              Both boys and girls Cross Country will wrap
       (Resiliency, Integrity, Support,        up their season when they return from the
       Excellence)                             after season meet in California.
   •   Fall Parent/Student Suicide             And football…. Skyline was in a 3-way tie
       Prevention Outreach with Dr. Greg       to take the fourth-place spot for state
       Hudnall. 10-17-18                       playoffs but was defeated.
   •   Lunch Presentations for students;
       hosted with PTA – Pizza for students    The teams starting their season are:
   •   Website – further redesign to              •   Swimming
       Counseling website to include              •   Wrestling
       calendar                                   •   Boys & Girls Basketball
   •   School social worker hosted
       recurring group counseling sessions
       with students
                                               More Open Enrollment Info
                                                 Granite School District students will be
Open Enrollment for the 2019-2020              given priority for placement. All other
school year begins on Monday, Dec. 3rd,        applicants will be handled on a first-come,
2018. Early Open Enrollment applications       first-served basis. Written notification of
will be accepted until the end of the school   acceptance or denial will be given to the
day on Monday, February 19th, 2019.            parent or legal guardian by March 31st or
  Applications are available in the main       within 6 weeks after receipt of application.
office and are processed in the order             Applications may be denied to those who
received. Requests do not require a release    have committed serious infraction of the
from the home school or district. A one-       law or school rules or have been guilty of
time, non-refundable $5.00 processing fee,     chronic misbehavior. Academic standing
payable to Skyline, will be charged at the     cannot be used for exclusion.
time the application is submitted. We also       Please read the back of the Application
require Transcripts/ Grades from the past 2    for more guidelines.
EAGLES Skyline High School - Granite School District
PTSA will be holding their next meeting on
December 4th at 12:30pm in the main office
conference room. Everyone is welcome to attend.

We are looking for suggestions on whom the PTSA
should nominate for the Utah PTA awards. Awards
are given to outstanding teachers, administrators,   WE HAVE AMAZING STUDENTS
support staff, PTSA volunteers and programs. If
you think someone at Skyline has gone above and      Kate DeGroote - a Skyline student is
beyond and should be nominated, please contact       featured in a KSL story.
Alison Adams at adams7342@comcast.net                 Four Granite School District students have
REFLECTIONS ANNOUNCEMENT!!                           been appointed to the inaugural state
                                                     student advisory council:
Congratulations to all who participated in
Reflections this year! The theme was Heroes          Kate De Groote (Student Advisor)
Around Me and the entries were thoughtful and        Alexandria Hong - Skyline High School
just that, Heroic.                                   Thanh Le - Taylorsville High School
We want to acknowledge the entries that are
moving forward to the next level of judging by
                                                     Rylee Taylor - Olympus High School
category:                                            De Groot proposed this idea to State School
       Film Production:
       Jaxson Hobbs                                  Board member Linda Hansen earlier this
       Clara Larson                                  These students will advise the Utah State
       Clayton Rasmussen
       Aarushi Verma
                                                     Board of Education on issues relevant to
       Ella Larson                                   high school students throughout the state.
                                                     They were selected following an application
       Music Composition:
       Cameron Miller                                period this fall after the USBE approved a
                                                     new policy establishing the council.
       Aarushi Verma                                 Hansen said the high school juniors and
       Julia Morgan
                                                     seniors who applied for the advisory
       Madeline Tate
       Savannah Hays                                 council positions were "amazing"
       2D Visual Art:
       Baylee Child
       Elizabeth Rubens
                                                             Super huge congrats to Kate and
       Helen Wang                                            Alexandra!!!
       McKenzie Price
The PTA appreciates the time and efforts by the
students who participate and the judges. Good        REMEMBER TO JOIN PTSA!!!!!
luck to the students who are moving forward!!
EAGLES Skyline High School - Granite School District
COUNSELING                                     https://skylinecounseling.weebly.com/
Freshman - Counselors met with over 250
                                               School Wide Resiliency Training -
Freshman students during the first 2 weeks
                                               Counselors will be conducting Resiliency
of November. If your student did not meet
                                               Training during the first week in December.
with his/her counselor during their
                                               What is Resiliency Training? Students will
Freshman Success class, no worries!
                                               be introduced to concepts of how to
Counselors will continue to meet with
                                               manage stress, struggles, disappointment,
students over the next several weeks…. It’s
                                               and perseverance, so that they are better
never too soon to start preparing for high
                                               able to bounce back from disappointment
school graduation!
                                               and difficulties. Resiliency can be practiced
Junior “CCR” Appointments –We’re               and learned!
scheduling 11 grade Career and College

Readiness “CCR” appointments now to            Holiday Stress – We recognize that the
review your student’s Progress Towards         holidays can be a stressful time. If your
Graduation, how best to prioritize             student needs assistance during the
extracurricular activities, discuss college    holidays while school is not in session,
plans, and offer reminders to start studying   please utilize the resources available on the
for the State-wide ACT exam (which is          counseling center website.
coming up in February!). Appointments can      https://skylinecounseling.weebly.com/
be made in person, or by calling the
Counseling Center at 385-646-5421.             American Legion Auxiliary Utah Girls State
                                               2019 Session - The American Legion
College Application Week –The Career           Auxiliary will be holding its annual week-
Center coordinated over 400 appointments       long leadership conference June 3- 8, 2019
this week with Seniors to complete their       at Weber State University. Only Junior girls
college applications and set up their          are eligible to participate. Girls graduating
Parchment accounts (for transcript             from this unique educational opportunity
requests). If your student still needs help    will receive 3 Political Science 2920 college
with their application, please have them       credits from WSU, which are transferable
stop by the Career Center. We’re happy to      to other universities. Additional
help!                                          information can be found at
SAT Test Registration:
SAT Test Date: March 9th, 2019
                                               ACT Test Registration:
Registration Due: February 8th, 2019
                                               ACT Test Date: February 9th, 2019
Late registration: February 9th - 27th, 2019
                                               Late registration: January 11th, 2018
WWW.COLLEGEBOARD.COM                           www.actstudent.org
(School Code: 450397)                          (Skyline test center code: 185950)
CARING                                                           Community of Caring
Community of Caring has been busy                      December 5
this year serving in our community! We have a               Club Activity (Wellness kits for refugees)
great board of 17 students led by Board Director            2:15pm – 3:15pm, Room 112
Emily Wirthlin. We have been to the Food Bank,
                                                       December 10
Road Home Playroom, St. Vincent de Paul Dining
                                                            Road Home Midvale Playroom
Hall, Circles Salt Lake, volunteering at Eastwood’s         5:15pm – 7:15pm, meet at flagpole
STEAM Fest, Murray City’s Haunted Woods,
sponsoring a Red Cross Blood Drive, and running a      December 15
Learning for Life Camp at Camp Tracy.                       Assist with set-up of luminarias at
                                                            Wasatch Lawn Cemetery,
Our senior candidates for the Joanie Daily Service          9am (Wasatch Lawn)
Scholar Award are actively attending their             January 7
required meetings, finishing their Integrated                Utah Food Bank 2:15pm –
Service Projects, and completing their portfolios.           4:45pm, Room 112
All requirements and portfolios are due on
Wednesday, January 23, 2019. We are excited to         January 9
see their accomplishments.                                   400 Sandwiches
                                                             2:15pm – 3:15pm, Room 112
Our annual Hunger Banquet will be held on              January 9
Thursday night, January 31 from 6:30pm – 8:00pm.             St. Vincent’s de Paul Dining Hall 4:00pm
This charity event strives to increase awareness of          – 6:45pm, meet at flagpole
world hunger in addition to raising funds for a
specific charity. Our chosen charity is Utahns         January 16
                                                             Club Activity
Against Hunger. Come support this important
                                                             2:15pm – 3:15pm, Room 112
cause. Tickets are $10 each and include either a 1st
world, 2nd world, or 3rd world dinner (determined      January 23
that evening), a ticket for the opportunity drawing,         Learning for Life Winter Camp,
and the chance to listen to live entertainment by            9am – 12:30pm, Camp Tracy
Grace Kaelin and Ritt Momney. Tickets will be                (Layton Lodge)
available for purchase at the bookstore.               January 23
                                                             Joanie Daily Service Scholar Award
If you are unable to take the Community of Caring            Portfolios due
class, you are still welcome to belong to our club.
Monthly meetings/service projects are held in          January 30
Room 112. If you would like to join the club,                Road Home Midvale Playroom
please stop by and pick up an application form.              5:15pm – 7:15pm, meet at flagpole
Everyone is welcome! Our next club activity will
                                                       January 31
be Wednesday, December 5, where we will be
                                                             Hunger Banquet
putting together wellness kits for refugees. Follow           6:30pm – 8:00pm,
us on Instagram @shscommunityofcaring to find                Camp Tracy (Layton Lodge)
out about more service opportunities. Come join              featuring Grace Kaelin & Ritt Momney
us as we strive to make our community a better
Skyline Media Center
THINGS TO KNOW ABOUT THE LIBRARY                              Reading to Go. . .
                                                              Does your student hate to carry a book, or
  •   Library hours are 7-3:30 each day.                      pay late library fees? Check out books using
  •   You can check out books for two weeks with your         the OverDrive app and solve this problem.
      student ID card. If you need/want more time to          Students already have an account. Follow
      read a particular book, you can renew it.               these directions to get started:
  •   You can request a book for purchase by clicking             1. Download OverDrive App. (This app is available
      on the Media Center tab on the school website;                 through iTunes, Google and Android stores, and
      this will take you to the Skyline Media Center                 other eReader devices.) Great thing this app is
      page. Book requests can be found under Library                 free!
      links.                                                      2. Create an OverDrive account. This allows books
  •   You can access Destiny (our library software)                  to be visible on multiple devices.
      from your own student account on the computers.             3. Click menu.
      With Destiny you can look up your fees from the             4. Add a library
      library, browse the library catalogue, and place a          5. Search for your school and click
      hold on a book.                                                on it.
  •   FOOD AND DRINKS (including water) ARE NOT                   6. Click the star and then “Granite
      ALLOWED in the library. But we do have an                      District”.
      outdoor courtyard that you can use for eating –             7. User Name and Passwords are student
      just ask a staff member to unlock the door for you.            computer login.
  •   We love to have students spending time in the               8. Download eBooks or audiobooks for reading or
      library, but we do ask that you maintain an                    listening in the OverDrive app.
      appropriate voice and activity level, clean up after        9. Enjoy up to three books at a time.
      yourselves – Please throw away any trash and
      push in your chairs before you leave.                   Books will automatically return on due date, with no late
                                                              fees. Anyone who checks out a book on OverDrive gets
  •   Check out what your teachers are reading by
                                                              entered into a monthly drawing for prizes.
      seeing what they have posted on their reading
  •   Did you know that you can checkout iPads in the
      Skyline library? There are 25 iPads available for
      checkout to students for two weeks at a time. All
      you need is an approval form filled out by you and
      your parents. You can get one from any library
      staff member.
  •   Check out our monthly library promotions, they
      change each month. These can also be found on
      the        Skyline Media Center webpage:               HOLIDAY STRESS – We recognize that
      www.skylinemediacenter.org.                            the holidays can be a stressful time. If
  •   Follow us on                                           your student needs assistance during
      Twitter at: @SkylineMediaCtr
      Facebook at:                                           the holidays while school is not in
      www.facebook.com/skylinemediactr                       session, please utilize the resources
                                                             available on the counseling center
CLUBS                                          Heads Up
Our Club requests are in, giving us a          JOSTENS CAP AND GOWN
plethora of activities to choose from. Check
in the Counseling Center for the Advisor.
Here is a list:                                It is time to order graduation caps/gowns,
                                               graduation announcements and all other
                                               senior accessories. If you missed signing up
Activism               Art
                                               for your Senior items while Jostens was at
Alpine                 ASL
                                               Skyline, don’t panic! You can contact them
Anime                  Ballroom Dance          directly,
Dungeons &             BAMF Bus Acct Mkt
Dragons                Fin                      You can design and print an order form for
History                Book                    the class rings at:
Hockey                 Community of            www.jostens.com
Attendance Office
                                                LOOKING AHEAD:
REMINDERS TO PARENTS &                          WINTER FORMAL     DECEMBER 15, 2018
                                                WINTER RECESS
                                                 DECEMBER 24 – JANUARY 1, 2019
*      While we understand students get
sick and last-minute appointments come          END OF TERM       JANUARY 10, 2019
                                                SNAD for EOT      JANUARY 11, 2019
BEFORE 10:30 AM.
                                                DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR.
*      Students are expected to pick their                        JANUARY 21, 2019
street passes up from the attendance office
between classes or at lunch. This ensures       PARENT/TEACHER    FEBRUARY 13 -14, 2019
they have their pass in hand at the time                          SNAD for P/T conf
they are needed and minimizes classroom                           FEBRUARY 15, 2019
                                                                  PRESIDENTS DAY
*      We cannot guarantee passes being                           FEBRUARY 18, 2019
delivered to students in time if they are
called in late. We do not always have office    You are welcome to go to the
aide runners available to take notes to         Skyline website to see all athletic
classrooms, so please remind your student       and other calendaring events.
to pick up their pass when you have             The website is:
requested one.                                  https://schools.graniteschools.org/skyline
*       There is always an increase of
student dismissal requests during 4th
period on Fridays when students are ready
for a jumpstart on the weekend. While we
all relate, please encourage your student to
stay in class for those last 30 minutes!
                                               Granite HR is reaching out for help.
*      Parents are also welcome to write       Staff for our kitchen is urgently needed.
out a note requesting a street pass and        The starting pay is $11.89 per hour.
send the student into the attendance with      Email toliver@graniteschools.org
that signed by you. That is the quickest       or call 385-646-5504.
option, as it will typically be immediately
swapped for their street pass.                 Skyline 5.5 hours
                                               Wasatch 4.5 hours
                                               Lincoln 3 hours for dinner
STERLING                                        UTAH HIGH SCHOOL
                                                ACADEMIC ALL-STATE
SCHOLARS                                        STUDENT ATHLETES

                                                The following students will be honored at
                                                the Granite Board of Education meeting on
                                                December 4th 2018 for their outstanding
                                                achievement as an Academic All-State
Business & Marketing     Sarah Sun              Athlete.
Computer Technology      Howard Ying                       Robin Cinbis
Dance                    Anne Miner                        Gracie Cornaby
English                  Lauren Lengel                     Hayden Hansen
Family & Consumer        Anne Romney                       Katelyn Howe
  Science                                                  Eliza Nelson
Instrumental Music       Annabelle Buchanan                Katherine Nelson
Mathematics              Megan Zeng                        Anne Romney
Science                  Alexandria Hong                   Maxwell Salter
Skilled & Technical      Peter Zhou                        Grace Siu
    Sciences Education                                     Anna Sloan
Social Science           Kate De Groote                    Amelia Webb
Speech/Theater Arts/     Asha Pruitt
Visual Arts              Maggie Liu
Vocal Performance        Alexandra Cannon
World Languages          Amelia Webb            If you know someone who is not
                                                getting     our     weekly       email
                                                announcements and they would
UTAH GIRLS STATE 2019                           like to receive them, have them
The American Legion Auxiliary will be           contact the registrar:
holding its annual week-long leadership         Cathy Bird at 385-646-6809 or via
conference June 3- 8, 2019 at Weber State       email cbird@graniteschools.org
University. Only Junior girls are eligible to   to add their email to their child’s
participate. Girls graduating from this         record.
unique educational opportunity will receive
3 Political Science 2920 college credits from
WSU, which are transferable to other
universities. Additional information can be
found at: www.weber.edu/girlsstate
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