Skyz Metro FM dominates airwaves - BY MTHANDAZO NYONI SKYZ Metro FM is an award-winning - NewsDay Zimbabwe

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Skyz Metro FM dominates airwaves - BY MTHANDAZO NYONI SKYZ Metro FM is an award-winning - NewsDay Zimbabwe
X10    NewsDay | Friday June 15 2018

Skyz Metro FM dominates airwaves . . .
BY MTHANDAZO NYONI                                     educational and informative.                               The station falls under Fairtalk Communica-          tion and telling of the stories that show excellence that

                                                          The station provides music, culture, news and        tions, which also owns Breeze FM in Victoria Falls.     had not been celebrated.
           KYZ Metro FM is an award-winning            current affairs to listeners not only in Bulawayo,         Fair Talk Communications chief executive offic-         The stations have allowed voices that had remained
           commercial radio station based in the       but further at a 60km radius around the city.           er Qhubani Moyo said the two radio stations had         in the shadows to be amplified, not just to be heard,
           city of Bulawayo. Its business model is        Its team of radio professionals and manage-          come in as an important platform to celebrate           but also assist and influence communities to grow, he
           not only commercial, but communal as        ment is dedicated to providing the crème de la          amongst other things, the ethnic, linguistic, racial,   said.
           well.                                       crème of radio content.                                 musical and sporting diversity of the region.              “The stations have become an acceptable platform
  It is inspired by its location in the community         In 2017, the city’s first commercial radio sta-         He said the levels of acceptance of the stations     for interaction and transformation of communities for
and consequently, its desire is to offer fun, inter-   tion celebrated its first anniversary, highlighting a   were a living testimony that the region was thirsty     the better. We are also excited that we have a solid lis-
esting family-oriented programming that is both        dream come true.                                        for a radio platform that is dedicated to promo-        tenership in the Diaspora and clear testimony that we
                                                                                                                                                                       are the telepathic link for Zimbabweans working out
                                                                                                                                                                       there but contributing immensely for their family live-
                                                                                                                                                                       lihoods at home as well as making an immense contri-
                                                                                                                                                                       bution to national development,” Moyo said.
                                                                                                                                                                          “Our huge listenership base has provided a vibrant
                                                                                                                                                                       and valuable network for business as we reach out and
                                                                                                                                                                       interact with over a million listeners in the region. I am
                                                                                                                                                                       excited that within a year we have made so much im-
                                                                                                                                                                       pact and won accolades and awards as well as a per-
                                                                                                                                                                       manent place in the hearts of our listeners and adver-
                                                                                                                                                                          Moyo said they would never look back, as they aim
                                                                                                                                                                       to keep on growing and serving the best programmes.
                                                                                                                                                                          The local radio station has created an advertising
                                                                                                                                                                       platform which it wants local businesspeople to ex-
                                                                                                                                                                          Being a metro station, Skyz Metro FM brings a num-
                                                                                                                                                                       ber of advantages that can be harnessed to bring val-
                                                                                                                                                                       ue to the campaign:
                                                                                                                                                                          A captured audience — Skyz Metro FM has estab-
                                                                                                                                                                       lished itself as the station of choice in the areas cov-
                                                                                                                                                                          Based on internal surveys and indicative informa-
                                                                                                                                                                       tion the station has a listenership of around +500 000
                                                                                                                                                                       in the following areas: Bulawayo, Umzingwane, Mato-
                                                                                                                                                                       bo, Umguza, parts of Bubi, Tsholotsho, Gwanda and In-
                                                                                                                                                                       siza districts.
                                                                                                                                                                          Diaspora audience — Zimbabweans are a foreign
                                                                                                                                                                       people, many of whom live in the diaspora, having left
                                                                                                                                                                       home in pursuit of greener pastures.
                                                                                                                                                                          Many of these Zimbabweans, in particular those
                                                                                                                                                                       hailing from the southern region tune in via stream
                                                                                                                                                                       and catch up with “home” via the radio’s online stream.
                                                                                                                                                                          Data collated from on online streams has shown an
                                                                                                                                                                       excess of well over 40 000 unique gadgets from vary-
                                                                                                                                                                       ing parts of the globe that connect with Skyz Metro FM
                                                                                                                                                                       on a daily basis.
                                                                                                                                                                          Strength in the use of local languages — Skyz Metro
                                                                                                                                                                       FM prides itself in the use of local languages. The sta-
                                                                                                                                                                       tion uses the following languages, Ndebele, Shona,
                                                                                                                                                                       Kalanga, Sothu and English.
                                                                                                                                                                          They also take pride in giving the local languages in
                                                                                                                                                                       particular meaningful airtime in the prime slots with
                                                                                                                                                                       the drive time show being a vernacular show.
                                                                                                                                                                          The other shows mix the languages in a manner
                                                                                                                                                                       that ensures all the listeners are catered for.
                                                                                                                                                                          Community oriented programming — The station’s
                                                                                                                                                                       programming is geared towards uplifting the commu-
                                                                                                                                                                       nities that we serve and as which creates an opportu-
                                                                                                                                                                       nity for seamless integration of the voter registration

                                                                                                                                                                       Skyz Metro FM team on stage at the BAAs after
                                                                                                                                                                       retaining the Outstanding Mainstream Media Award
                                                                                                                                                                       in two years running
Skyz Metro FM dominates airwaves - BY MTHANDAZO NYONI SKYZ Metro FM is an award-winning - NewsDay Zimbabwe
NewsDay | Friday June 15 2018          X11


Skyz Metro FM team in 2017 that pioneered a new sound into the homes of
Bulawayo and surrounding areas

radio stations
   in Africa
            he hegemony of inter-        nological, cultural ‘superiority’
            national radio stations      [...] and therefore the superiority
            in Africa is based on the    of their civilisation”).
            failure of public media,        Bourges is himself the author
            challenged today by the      of a work entitled Décoloniser
rise of private radio stations.          l’information (“decolonising infor-
   Pluralism comes to Sub-Saharan        mation”) and was fully aware that
international radio stations             the radio station, whose reins he
   Sub-Saharan Africa is listen-         was taking was called “Le poste
ing intently to the outside world.       colonial” (“the colonial radio sta-
No other region in the world is so       tion”) before the war, prior to be-
open to international information        ing changed in 1940 to “La Voix de
and yet so dependent on foreign          la France” (“the voice of France”).
broadcasters.                               He, therefore, took on the task
   Of all the radio stations that are    of transforming the image and the
listened to in Africa, only one, Afri-   content of this radio station, going
ca N°1, can claim to be pan-African;     as far as turning it into an interna-
but this station is far behind the ra-   tional information tool able to ri-
dio stations of the former colonial      val the BBC, which, thanks to its
powers, like France or the United        independence and its influence, is
Kingdom, which have set up hun-          held up as a model.
dreds of transmitters throughout            At this time, international radio
the continent to broadcast Radio         stations broadcast in short-wave
France Internationale and the BBC        only were the only alternative to
World Service.                           the controls placed on the popu-
   The United States also has a sig-     lation’s access to information by
nificant presence with the Voice of      their respective African govern-
America and, a short time ago Chi-       ments.
na Radio International started to           They are perceived as a pallia-
rapidly increase its presence.           tive to the lack of democracy. No-
   Finally, several countries that       body could imagine then that the
have been through severe crises          advent of media pluralism in Afri-
have radio stations that have been       ca would lead to these internation-
created or helped off the ground by      al radio stations achieving even
the United Nations, such as Radio        greater audience figures.
Okapi, the most listened-to station         The decline of pan-African radio
at the moment in the Democratic             At the start of this same year,
Republic of the Congo.                   1981, the Gabonese government,
   Hervé Bourges, appointed in 1981      with the support of France,
to the helm of Radio France Inter-       launched Africa N°1, which sees it-
nationale, was known at the time         self as a Pan-African, French-lan-
as the advisor of the director-gen-      guage radio station.
eral of Unesco, Amadou Mahtar               This radio station was more Af-
Mbow, who supported the project          rican and more popular than RFI,
for a “New world information and         reaching over 20 million listeners
communication order” (in an ap-          in French-speaking Africa, and
peal published by Unesco in 1977,        was, from the 1990s through the
the following can be read: “Devel-       early 2000s, the fifth-largest global
oping countries continue […] to          radio station.
‘consume’ world information gen-            In 2002, Africa N°1 was still at
erally created by developed coun-        the top of the audience ratings in
tries and which tends to maintain        Lomé, ahead of RFI.
people in the third world in a cer-         But this successful era ended
tain state of alienation and, at the     that very year with the withdrawal
same time Western people in dan-         of the main shareholder of Africa
gerous ignorance of the circum-          N°1, SOFIRAD (Société financière
stances in these countries, while        de radiodiffusionor radio broad-
comforting them in their smug as-        casting financial company), which
surance of their industrial, tech-                                    l TO X12
Skyz Metro FM dominates airwaves - BY MTHANDAZO NYONI SKYZ Metro FM is an award-winning - NewsDay Zimbabwe
X12   NewsDay | Friday June 15 2018


                                      International radio
                                      stations in Africa
                                      l FROM X11
                                      managed holdings by the French state in “peripher-
                                      al radio stations”, as well as RMC-Moyen Orient (Radio
                                      Monte Carlo, Middle East) and Moroccan radio station
                                      Médi 1, and which held 40 % of its capital.
                                         The shares in this company were bought by Libya,
                                      whose “guide”, Mouammar Kaddafi, has always been
                                      open about his Pan-African ambitions.
                                         But while awaiting the investment announced by
                                      this new shareholder, Africa N°1 lost ground through-
                                      out French-speaking Africa.
                                         This drop can be explained by the out-of-date trans-
                                      mitters, the impact on the programmes of cutting the
                                      staffing in half, and can probably also be traced back
                                      to a loss of credibility due to the reputation of Libya
                                      as a rogue state, a title that it has never managed to
                                      rid itself of.
                                         On its own territory in Libreville, in November 2009,
                                      Africa N°1 achieved a market share half that of Radio
                                      France Internationale, while its peak audience rating in
                                      another African capital did not exceed 8% (in Yaoun-
                                         The dream of becoming an African Al Jazeera, which
                                      appears to have influenced the decision by Libya to
                                      buy out Africa N°1, now seems out of reach.
                                         The challenge for African languages
                                         BBC Africa and RFI each have their own private do-
                                      main, but the BBC managed until 2009 to stay ahead of
                                      RFI in Niger thanks to its programmes in Hausa.
                                         The great strength of this British broadcaster is the
                                      wide range of languages (33 in total, compared with
                                      13 at RFI) and in particular, the fact that it is broadcast
                                      in five African languages: Hausa, Somali, Kinyarwanda,
                                      Kirundi and Swahili.
                                         In East Africa, the BBC is listened to more in Swahili
                                      than in English.
                                         Radio France Internationale took a long time to look
                                      at broadcasting in African languages and did not start
                                      programmes in Hausa until 2007 and in Swahili in
                                         Thanks to this new policy, the French broadcaster is
                                      back at the top in Niger, where the BBC enjoyed the
                                      biggest audience ratings for the past 20 years, while
                                      RFI has converted to African languages, Deutsche
                                      Welle already broadcast in Amharic as well as Hausa
                                      and Swahili.
                                         The Voice of America goes out in 10 languages. In the
                                      north of Nigeria, where people are still very much used
                                      to listening to shortwave radio, 45 % of listeners tune
                                      in at least once a week.
                                         Towards rapid expansion of private African radio
                                         The huge presence of international or UN radio sta-
                                      tions in Africa and their substantial impact on the pub-
                                      lic are the symptoms of a failure of public service me-
                                      dia on the continent.
                                         Seen as partisan, propagandist or simply mollifying
                                      entities, public African radio stations are barely credi-
                                      ble in most countries.
                                         In the short term, private radio stations must in-
                                      crease in importance and become more professional
                                      in order for the national media to start to tentatively
                                      win over the public once again.
                                         The success of radio stations such as the Nation Me-
                                      dia group in Kenya, or Radio Futurs Média, launched
                                      by musician Youssou Ndour in Senegal (with a level
                                      of professionalism way over the average in both cas-
                                      es), appears to be the precursor for a questioning of
                                      the domination of international radio stations in Afri-
                                      ca. — Online
Skyz Metro FM dominates airwaves - BY MTHANDAZO NYONI SKYZ Metro FM is an award-winning - NewsDay Zimbabwe
NewsDay | Friday June 15 2018          X13


Radio stations resemble newspapers in that both report news and both serve as
platforms for the spreading of views

   Zimbabwe still
 needs diverse radio
             URING the World Ra-         ami FM.
             dio Day commemora-            This brings to four the radio sta-
             tions this year, MISA       tions being run by the group, in-
             reminded to the gov-        cluding the national commercial
             ernment of Zimbabwe         radio station Star FM.
on the need for genuine transfor-          The state controlled public
mation of the entire broadcasting        broadcaster, ZBC, runs four radio
sector to allow for diversity in ra-     stations.
dio broadcasting in the country.           The Broadcasting Authority of
   This year’s commemorations            Zimbabwe has still not, made a call
were held under the theme, Ra-           for the licensing of community ra-
dio, Sports and Cultural Diversity.      dio, as government continues to
In its announcement of the theme         prevaricate on the subject.
this year, the United Nations Edu-         BSA must go
cational, Scientific and Cultural          MISA Zimbabwe maintains that
Organisation (Unesco) invited all        the root cause of the challenges in
bodies and related organisations         the sector lie in the archaic Broad-
to celebrate radio and its contribu-     casting Services Act (BSA), which
tion to democratic debate through        was enacted more than two dec-
information, entertainment and           ades ago, and is no longer justicia-
audience interaction.                    ble to regulate the ever-changing
   Still no diversity                    broadcasting industry.
   Though successive surveys and           The repeal of the BSA, is even
research papers indicate that radio      more important now than ever,
is the medium of communication           with the apparent transformation
that attracts the attention of the       of the sector as it continues to con-
national population, the industry        verge with the telecommunica-
is by and large an oligopoly.            tions industry.
   Its ownership is in very view           A competitive broadcasting reg-
hands of the ruling elite. The com-      ulatory framework is an opportu-
ing in of two national commer-           nity for government to embrace
cial broadcasting stations in 2012,      the benefits of the expansion and
namely Star FM and ZiFM Stereo,          impact of radio services in Zimba-
broke the monopoly of the Zim-           bwe through alternative transmis-
babwe Broadcasting Corporation           sion and reception of broadcasts to
(ZBC) and created an impression          the entire population.
of the dawn of new era in broad-           The BSA must be replaced by a
casting.                                 law that among other critical is-
   Yet a closer look of ownership        sues, converges the regulation of
points back to the ruling elite and      the broadcasting and telecommu-
government owned companies.              nications sectors, guards against
   The same is true for the urban-       monopolies through cross owner-
based provincial commercial radio        ship and allows for periodic appli-
stations which added a semblance         cations for broadcasting services.
of diversity to Zimbabwe’s radio           That way diverse radio broad-
sector through decentralisation.         casting will be made available to
   Unfortunately, the ownership,         a cross section of interest and ge-
content and editorial policy of the      ographic communities in Zimba-
radio stations does not reflect di-      bwe.
versity in most cases.                     Liberalised radio broadcasting
   The majority of the radio li-         services have the potential to stim-
censed whose operations com-             ulate the country’s socio-economic
menced in 2015, fall under state-        and political developmental thrust
controlled, Zimpapers Group.             as the citizens make informed de-
   These include Harare Metropol-        cisions and contribute towards the
itan’s CapiTalk FM, Mutare’s Dia-        national debates.
mond FM and Kariba’s Nyaminy-              — Misa
Skyz Metro FM dominates airwaves - BY MTHANDAZO NYONI SKYZ Metro FM is an award-winning - NewsDay Zimbabwe
X14   NewsDay | Friday June 15 2018


 Solatek congratulates Skyz
          he managing direc-         2018.                               Skyz Metro FM.                       Our branch network is set       both the east and the south
          tor and founder of So-       They say that birds of the same      These we have been proud-      up for your convenience with;      equally. Call 0026329273366/7
          latek Marketing Melu-      feather fly together. Our mis-      ly rubbing shoulders with. It     Kelvin branch being the main       and 0026329261965
          si S Moyo and the rest     sion statement clarifies that its   goes without saying that hav-     branch, located on 13997 Ze-         Gwanda branch is the mid-
          of the family would like   achievement is through smart        ing been associating with such    nzele Cresent Kelvin North,        dle of, arguably, the busiest
to congratulate Skyz Metro FM on     synergies with strategic partners   winners (currently our cus-       Bulawayo and is right in the       road in the country connect-
winning the Outstanding Main-        — and such partners are all our     tomers are enjoying an array      middle of Bulawayo’s four bus-     ing Southern African Devel-
stream Media award at the BAA’s      valued customers and the likes of   of prizes from concurrently       iest taxi routes, that is, Khami   opment Community to the
                                                                         running promotions) it natu-      Road for those who commute         South African Beitbridge bor-
                                                                         rally followed that the covet-    between the city centre and        der. This one serves as a re-
                                                                         ed Zimbabwe National Cham-        the likes of Pumula South,         lief those who had travel all
                                                                         ber of Commerce Matabele-         Mpopoma and Nkulumane.             the way back to Musina or
                                                                         land Small-to-Medium Enter-          Hyde Park Road for those        Bulawayo whenever there
                                                                         prises of the Year award last     who commute between the            had been a breakdown. Call
                                                                         Friday be awarded to Solatek      city centre and the likes of       00263774335787
                                                                         Marketing.                        Mpopoma, Iminyela, Mabuth-           Ongoing drastic price re-
                                                                           This is an achievement that     weni, Pelandaba, Lobengula         duction exercise
                                                                         truly humbles and at the same     Extension, Magwegwe and the          We have reduced our prices
                                                                         time challenges us to dig more    Pumulas.                           drastically across the board.
                                                                         into our potential in giving         Nketa Drive for those who       For instance, piston rings for
                                                                         our customers and all oth-        commute       from      D’Square   Pulsar 1300s Sentra 1,3 GL and
                                                                         er stakeholders what they de-     through Mpopoma, Tshabala-         Langley 1300GL were cut from
                                                                         serve.                            la and Nkulumane to Emgan-         $51 to $31, just for you.
                                                                           In this season of winning do    wini.                                Notable price reductions are
                                                                         not be left out. Buy from So-        Masiyephambili Drive for        also in piston rings for Nissan
                                                                         latek and stand a chance to       connecting Emganwini, Nku-         GA14DS GA15 (from $87 to $57),
                                                                         win one of the following priz-    lumane, Nketa, Tshabalala,         Mazda 323 E3 ($33 from $53),
                                                                         es, T’s and C’s apply, courte-    Pelandaba, Magwegwe, Loben-        Mazda 323 E5 13 (from $40 to
                                                                         sy of Engen Lubes and HP          gula, Emakhandeni, Luveve          $26), Mazda F6 ($38 from $56),
                                                                         Lubes t/a Castrol, a smart-       and Cowdray Park.                  Mazda B3 (from $56 to $39), Ford
                                                                         phone, a braai set, a bluetooth      Second Avenue and 13th Av-      or Mazda B2200 R2 (from $105 to
                                                                         car set, a car shade, a solar     enue branches are both two         $72), Mazda B25 WL (from $127
                                                                         lantern, a cap and a T-shirt.     avenues into town from either      to $83), Toyota 4Y ($29 from $43)
                                                                         Found out more on these and       side of town so as to reach out    and Toyota 2L (from $89 to $54).
                                                                         more via our App/Call Hotline     to both south and north equal-       Pistons with rings for Toy-
                                                                         +263785036577. For a truly out-   ly. They also are both on Jason    ota 4Y are currently pegged
                                                                         standing customer experience      Moyo Street, the very middle       at $29 from $45, while big end
                                                                         pay us a visit.                   street among the eleven city       bearings for Toyota 1RZ are $29
                                                                           Where can you find us?          centre streets, so as to serve     from $44.

                                                                                               WITH SOLATEK “YOU DRIVE HOME”

                                                                                Mr Melusi S. Moyo the Managing Director and
                                                                              Founder of Solatek Marketing and the rest of the
                                                                               Solatek family would like to congratulate SKYZ
                                                                                   METRO on winning the OUTSTANDING
                                                                              MAINSTREAM MEDIA AWARD at the BAA's 2018.
                                                                                 Visit us at: 13997 Zenzele Cres, Kelvin North, Bulawayo
                                                                                              Cnr 2nd Avenue & Jason Moyo, Bulawayo
                                                                                              Cnr 13th Avenue & Jason Moyo, Bulawayo
                                                                                              Marpac Complex, Gwanda
                                                                                                  Hotline: +263 785 036 577
Skyz Metro FM dominates airwaves - BY MTHANDAZO NYONI SKYZ Metro FM is an award-winning - NewsDay Zimbabwe Skyz Metro FM dominates airwaves - BY MTHANDAZO NYONI SKYZ Metro FM is an award-winning - NewsDay Zimbabwe Skyz Metro FM dominates airwaves - BY MTHANDAZO NYONI SKYZ Metro FM is an award-winning - NewsDay Zimbabwe Skyz Metro FM dominates airwaves - BY MTHANDAZO NYONI SKYZ Metro FM is an award-winning - NewsDay Zimbabwe Skyz Metro FM dominates airwaves - BY MTHANDAZO NYONI SKYZ Metro FM is an award-winning - NewsDay Zimbabwe
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