Sloane Hospital for Women - Having a Baby With Us

Page created by Leslie Benson
Sloane Hospital for Women - Having a Baby With Us
Sloane Hospital
     for Women
     Having a Baby
     With Us

Sloane Hospital for Women - Having a Baby With Us
Sloane Hospital for Women - Having a Baby With Us
Table of Contents                               Table of Contents
 2 First in Women’s Health Care                  2 First in Women’s Health Care
 3 Education                                     3 Education
 3 Maternal Fetal Medicine                       3 Maternal Fetal Medicine
   (High-Risk Care)                                (High-Risk Care)
 4 Prenatal Diagnosis                            4 Prenatal Diagnosis
 4 Center for Prenatal Pediatrics   Dear Moms-to-be       (or to-be
                                          4 Center for Prenatal         again!)
                                                                Pediatrics Dear Moms-to-be (or to-be again!)
 5 Labor and Delivery                            5 Labor and Delivery
                                    We’re delighted to be at your side during this mostdelighted
                                                                                We’re    exciting to
                                                                                                        at your
                                                                                                           your life.
                                                                                                                                    most exciting time
 6 Pain Management                             6 Pain Management
                                    we opened our doors as the city’s first hospital dedicated
                                                                                we opened    ourexclusively to women’s
                                                                                                  doors as the  city’s firsthealth,  we’ve
                                                                                                                             hospital dedicated exclusi
 6 Pain Relief for Labor                       6 Pain Relief for Labor
                                    reassured expectant mothers just like you ofreassured
                                                                                   one essential fact: you’ve
                                                                                           expectant   motherscome
                                                                                                                 just to
                                                                                                                      likethe right
                                                                                                                            you     placeessential fact: y
                                                                                                                                 of one
 6 Mother-Baby Care
                                    to have your6 baby.
                                                   Mother-Baby Care
                                                                                to have your baby.
 7 Nursing                                       7 Nursing
 7 NICU Care                                     7 NICU
                                    Sloane Hospital   for Care
                                                          Women is committed toSloane  providing  quality
                                                                                              Hospital forcare   in a family-centered
                                                                                                             Women      is committed to providing quality ca
 8 Family Centered Care             environment.   The Hospital’s
                                                 8 Family  Centerednew CareCarmen and    John ThainThe
                                                                                     environment.     Labor    and Delivery
                                                                                                           Hospital’s           Unit, opened
                                                                                                                         new Carmen      and John Thain Labor
   and Visiting Hours               in January 2004,
                                                   andsets a newHours
                                                        Visiting   standard for patient-sensitive   care.sets
                                                                                     in January 2004,      From   its standard
                                                                                                              a new   light-filledfor
                                                                                                                                    labor  and
                                                                                                                                      patient-sensitive care. Fro
 8 Admissions                       delivery rooms,  with sweeping views of the delivery
                                                 8 Admissions                        Manhattan    skyline,
                                                                                               rooms,  withtosweeping
                                                                                                                specially views
                                                                                                                            designed   areas
                                                                                                                                   of the Manhattan skyline, to
 9 Suggestions for What             where family9 members
                                                   Suggestions canfor
                                                                       Whatthe night,where
                                                                                      the setting provides
                                                                                             family members   a comfortable
                                                                                                                 can spend the  delivery
                                                                                                                                           the setting provides a
   to Bring                         ence supported   by  advanced
                                                   to Bring           technology. We   encourage
                                                                                     ence          24-hour
                                                                                           supported   by     “rooming-in”
                                                                                                            advanced            so
                                                                                                                         technology.youWecanencourage 24-hour
10 Going Home                       adjust to your new role
                                                10 Going   Homeas parent. Sloane is also nationally
                                                                                     adjust to your recognized
                                                                                                     new role asfor      its expertise
                                                                                                                    parent.   Sloane isinalso
                                                                                                                                              nationally recogn
10 Directions to Sloane             risk births.10 Directions to Sloane              risk births.
12 Accommodations                               12 Accommodations
                                    On the following pages you’ll find information      about
                                                                                  On the      our capabilities,
                                                                                           following            ourfind
                                                                                                      pages you’ll  programs,   how about our capab
12 Still Have Questions?                       12 Still Have Questions?
                                    to get here, what to bring and what to expect.   In the
                                                                                  to get     meantime,
                                                                                         here,           you are
                                                                                                what to bring andwelcome
                                                                                                                   what to to  tour our
                                                                                                                            expect.  In the meantime,
   Forms (in the folder)                           Forms (in the folder)
                                    nurseries, semi-private and private accommodations
                                                                                  nurseries,and  to learn about
                                                                                             semi-private        some of
                                                                                                           and private     the hospital’s and to learn
                                    policies. The tours are available as part of our Preparation
                                                                                  policies.        for are
                                                                                            The tours  Parenthood
                                                                                                           available Program,
                                                                                                                     as part of and
                                                                                                                                 our can
                                                                                                                                     Preparation for P
                                    be arranged by calling (212) 746-3215.        be arranged by calling (212) 746-3215.

                                    Please take a look at the forms in the back pocket  of this
                                                                                 Please take    brochure.
                                                                                             a look         Filling in
                                                                                                     at the forms    outthe
                                                                                                                                 pocket of this brochu
                                    advance will help facilitate your admission to the hospital.
                                                                                 advance  will help facilitate your admission to the hospital.

                                    Thank you for considering Sloane HospitalThank
                                                                             for Women.
                                                                                   you for considering Sloane Hospital for Women.

                                    Robert E. Kelly, MD                                      Mary E. D’Alton, MD                               Mary E. D’Al
                                    Group Senior Vice President,                             Willard C. Rappleye Professor of                  Willard C. Rap
                                    COO & Chief Medical Officer                              Obstetrics and Gynecology                         Obstetrics and
                                    NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital/                           Chair, Department of Obstetrics                   Chair, Depart
                                    Columbia University Medical Center                       and Gynecology                                    and Gynecolo
                                                                                             Director, Sloane Hospital for Women               Director, Sloa

                                    1                                                 1
Sloane Hospital for Women - Having a Baby With Us
First in Women’s Health Care                         nitric oxide administration, and head cooling
                                                     for infants to perhaps decrease the risk of
Spanning three centuries, the hospital that          brain injury. Our team of physicians, specially
Emily Thorn Sloane – granddaughter of                trained in intensive care, has pioneered thera-
Cornelius Vanderbilt – and her husband               pies for newborn babies now used worldwide.
William D. Sloane endowed has never
faltered as a national model for what a              The labor and delivery suite on the 10th floor
women’s hospital ought to be.                        is in the same building that houses the
                                                     Morgan Stanley Children’s Hospital of
We’re proud of our reputation as a hospital          NewYork-Presbyterian on the corner of
of medical innovations. In our early days            West 165th Street and Broadway. The
we were thought of as radical because we             antepartum and postpartum units are cur-
believed in cleanliness, antiseptics and fresh       rently located on the fifth and sixth floors of
air. In the first part of the 20th century we        NewYork-Presbyterian. In 2006, these newly
set a standard for hospitals by linking obstet-      renovated units will open adjacent to the
rics with gynecology. We had outgrown our            labor and delivery unit on the 9th and 10th
name by then and changed from Sloane                 floors. Sloane Hospital for Women is part of
Maternity Hospital to Sloane Hospital for            NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital at the
Women. Not long after that we became part            Columbia University Medical Center.
of the newly created Columbia-Presbyterian
Medical Center.                                      On these floors you’ll find labor, delivery and
                                                     recovery rooms that have the latest technology
Along the way we’ve developed a vaccine that         – such as fetal monitoring, oxygen saturation
allows women with Rh-negative blood to               monitoring, cardiac and blood pressure moni-
deliver healthy Rh-positive babies. We were          toring – in a comfortable and private setting
the first hospital to introduce amniocentesis        with sweeping views of Manhattan.
and pioneer its use in detecting birth defects.
We initiated genetic counseling in the 1970s         We offer the option of keeping your baby in
and opened the city’s first in-vitro fertilization   your room around the clock to help you
clinic – in fact we were the first hospital to       adjust to each other.
perform surgery on a fetus in utero.
                                                     Our childbirth education classes will provide
Our staff today includes the world’s leading         helpful strategies to prepare you for the birth
experts in obstetrics and gynecology –               of your child. We will answer questions and
respected physicians who have made key               concerns that you may have about pregnan-
advances in minimal access surgery, treat-           cy, labor and childbirth. In addition, the
ments for menopause, high risk pregnancy             Division of Obstetric Anesthesia offers sem-
and new options for infertility.                     inars on anesthesia for childbirth, ranging
                                                     from whether or not to use any pain relief,
We’re especially proud of our leading-edge           differences between spinal and epidural
technology, such as our state-of-the-art             anesthesia and analgesia, and anesthesia
ultrasound and fetal diagnostic center. To           options for Caesarean section. A schedule of
diagnose and treat premature and newborn             these anesthesia seminars is included in the
infants, we use a variety of technologies,           registration packet. For more information,
including 3D and 4D ultrasound, advanced             call the Division of Obstetric Anesthesia at
neuroimaging, general and cardiac surgery,           (212) 342-2028.

Sloane Hospital for Women - Having a Baby With Us
Maternal Fetal Medicine
                                                   (High-Risk Care)
                                                   Many expectant mothers, because of age or
                                                   previous medical conditions, or who have
                                                   miscarried, shown problems in past pregnan-
Education                                          cies, or are carrying a fetus with a problem
                                                   are referred for specialized care. Here, we are
The Preparation for Parenthood Program             nationally known for our broad expertise in
features a full range of classes for new and       managing high-risk pregnancies.
experienced parents. The classes offer
strategies for labor including relaxation, visu-   At Sloane, we use diagnostic ultrasound
alization, breathing techniques, acupressure       screening (including 3D), fetal echocardio-
and developing a birthing plan. Discussion         graphy and MRI for the early detection of
topics also include medical interventions and      fetal abnormalities. We also provide expert
Caesarean birth. Breastfeeding classes provide     obstetric care required for other medical
an introduction to the art and science of          problems – including diabetes, thyroid
breastfeeding including confidence building        disease and cardiac problems.
approaches to get you off to a good start.
Tours of the maternity unit, arranged by           In fact, we provide every possible diagnostic
appointment, are available. You can get more       and therapeutic option for both mother and
information regarding classes and tours by         fetus. This includes management of twins
calling (212) 746-3215.                            and other multiple pregnancies, as well as the
                                                   complications that may occur during multiple
When you are in the hospital you can take          pregnancies. Our physicians are involved in
advantage of the Newborn Channel on the            numerous research endeavors supported
television in your room. It’s a free channel       by the National Institute of Health (NIH)
and is available in both English and Spanish.      such as the Maternal Fetal Medicine Unit
It covers basic newborn care, newborn safety       (MFMU) Network which focuses on high
and feeding your infant. For more informa-         risk pregnancies and neonates. We were also
tion about the Newborn Channel, please be          the lead center in a national study known
sure to talk to your nurse.                        as FASTER (First and Second Trimester
                                                   Evaluation of Risk) designed to evaluate
Meanwhile, if you plan to breastfeed your          new screening tests for Down Syndrome.
newborn, the nursing staff will be able to
assist you and answer your questions.              At Sloane, we offer a Maternal Fetal
Lactation consultants are also available to        Medicine transport program. If necessary,
work with you and the nursing staff.               your physician can arrange transport from
                                                   an outside hospital. This service includes
                                                   direct and immediate access to a Maternal
                                                   Fetal Medicine specialist, reliable service by
                                                   a dedicated ambulance and transport team,
                                                   transport planning, comprehensive manage-
                                                   ment including fetal evaluation and
                                                   monitoring and follow-up with your
                                                   referring physician.
Sloane Hospital for Women - Having a Baby With Us
Center for Prenatal Pediatrics
                                                The Center for Prenatal Pediatrics is dedicat-
                                                ed to helping pregnant women and their
                                                families when a significant birth defect or
                                                syndrome is found in their unborn baby.
Prenatal Diagnosis                              Complex, high-risk pregnancies often require
                                                several specialists and a variety of diagnostic
Another unique aspect of the expertise at
                                                tests over multiple visits. At the Center, the
Sloane Hospital for Women is the availabili-
                                                care of the patient is carefully coordinated
ty of a complete prenatal diagnosis service
                                                by a genetic counselor who leads the family
which includes genetic counseling, medical
                                                through all diagnostic, clinical and counseling
genetics, state-of-the-art sonography and
                                                steps. When possible, all consultations occur
prenatal diagnosis procedures. Often, a
                                                in one visit. The Care Coordinator also fol-
family’s history or even ethnic origins may
                                                lows up with the referring physician to
suggest a possible risk for a complicated
                                                ensure the best management of care for the
pregnancy – with the potential for an inher-
                                                patient. The detection of an abnormality can
ited disorder or a birth defect. At Sloane,
                                                be understandably stressful for a family. This
our patients benefit from the research and
                                                service-oriented focus provides patients and
expertise of our physician colleagues trained
                                                their families with the support and informa-
in developmental biology and genetics – the
                                                tion required for a more complete and
various ways that our bodies may change the
                                                accurate picture of their medical situation.
genetic patterns in an embryo. Our genetic
counselors are available to speak with you
                                                The term “prenatal pediatrics” means that
and your family about test options, and to
                                                the care of babies with abnormalities begins
case manage the results of those tests. We’re
                                                during the prenatal period and continues after
also ready to provide support and follow-up.
                                                birth with pediatric followup. This integrated
                                                approach requires the close involvement of
                                                both prenatal and postnatal specialists, such
                                                as perinatologists, neonatologists, genetics,
                                                pediatric cardiologists, pediatric surgeons
                                                and all pediatric subspecialties. One of the
                                                keys to the success of the Center for Prenatal
                                                Pediatrics is the quality of physicians and
                                                their dedication to collaboration. For referrals
                                                or questions about the Center, please call
                                                1-877-THE-BABY or go to the website

Sloane Hospital for Women - Having a Baby With Us
Labor and Delivery                                  Q. Where will I actually deliver my baby?
                                                    A. It depends. You may deliver in an LDR –
Here are some common questions our                  labor, delivery and recovery room – or an
patients ask about procedures at Sloane             operating room. But don’t worry. Your labor
Hospital for Women.                                 coach can be with you in either of these
                                                    locations. After a vaginal delivery, you will
Q. If I’m in labor, where do I go?                  remain in a labor room to recover for one
A. If you’ve spoken to your obstetrician and        to two hours.
were told to go to the hospital, you will be
directly admitted to an LDR room in the             Q. What if I’m having a Caesarean?
Carmen and John Thain Labor and Delivery            Who can stay with me?
Unit on the 10th floor in the Morgan                A. Even if you have a Caesarean section,
Stanley Children’s Hospital Building. The           your coach can be with you as long as you
entrance at 3959 Broadway (at 165th St.) is         have an epidural or spinal anesthesia. If you
operational 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.          have general anesthesia, your coach will be
                                                    taken to the recovery room to wait for you
Q. What happens when I arrive in the Labor          and your baby. After a Caesarean, you will
and Delivery and Recovery Room (LDR),               be monitored in the recovery room until the
but haven’t been evaluated by                       effects of anesthesia wear off. Your coach
my doctor?                                          can stay with you during your recovery in
A. In that case you’ll be evaluated in the          either location. Once you are ready, you will
triage room. Your doctor or another health-         be moved to the postpartum unit.
care provider will examine you internally to
determine your progress in labor. An exter-         Q. Can my family take pictures while
nal fetal monitor will be applied to your           I’m delivering?
abdomen to assess your pattern of contrac-          A. Yes. Pictures may be taken at delivery.
tions and fetal heart rate. Depending on            Photographs are permitted behind the anes-
what the doctor finds, you may be sent              thesia screen in the operating room at the
home, asked to walk around until your labor         discretion of your obstetrician and anesthe-
increases or be admitted to a birthing room.        siologist. Videotapes or audiotapes of the
                                                    baby are also allowed.
Q. What happens once I’m in the LDR?
A. When you are admitted, your nurse will
take your blood pressure, pulse and tempera-
ture and put you on a fetal monitor. She will
check your progress throughout your labor
and help you explore which comfort meas-
ures work best for you. An intravenous line
may be placed to give you medication and
fluids. You may also receive ice chips, lollipops
or candy sticks to help quench your thirst.

Q. Who can stay with me during labor?
A. You can have up to two people with you
at any given time. Your other visitors need
to wait in the lobby or cafeteria.
Sloane Hospital for Women - Having a Baby With Us
Many women opt to receive a regional
                                                  anesthetic for their labor. Modern tech-
                                                  niques include combinations of medications
                                                  which usually minimize pain during labor.
                                                  This permits your full participation in
                                                  your delivery, and has greatly increased
Pain Management                                   our patients’ satisfaction with analgesia
                                                  and the entire labor process. Many of our
Undoubtedly you have plenty of questions          patients are now offered patient-controlled
about pain and its management during the          epidural analgesia in which you have
birthing process. Keep in mind, your various      partial or complete control over how much
options for labor pain relief will be discussed   medication you receive through a computer-
as part of the Preparation for Parenthood         controlled pump. Regional anesthesia is
Program. And you’ll also get a chance to talk     used more than 90% of the time during
them over with your doctor and anesthesiol-       Caesarean delivery.
ogist before delivery. In the meantime, know
that during your labor and delivery, you’ll
have access to a full range of nonpharmaco-
logic anesthetic and pain relief services. At     Mother-Baby Care
all times, there is at least one attending        After giving birth, you will be given a room
obstetric anesthesiologist on duty, and one or    in the postpartum unit. Generally, in post-
more senior anesthesia residents whose sole       partum you can keep your baby in your
responsibility is the Labor and Delivery suite.   room with you all of the time. This “room-
                                                  ing-in” gives you an opportunity to bond
                                                  with your baby. Our family-centered care
Pain Relief for Labor                             approach helps you get to know your baby’s
                                                  behaviors and patterns. If you choose to
In the past, intravenous injections of med-       breastfeed, the lactation specialists will help
ications such as opiods (narcotics) were          you understand all the techniques to be suc-
commonly used for relief of pain during           cessful. If you become tired, you can have
delivery. While they are still used, the most     your baby taken to the nursery. In this case,
effective methods for relief of labor pain        different nurses will care for you and your
are the various “regional anesthetic” tech-       baby. You’ll want to discuss your preferences
niques. In these, medications are placed near     with your nurse beforehand.
the nerves that carry the painful impulses
from the uterus and cervix. These tech-           Our postpartum units offer private and
niques include epidural, spinal, and the          semi-private accommodations. Every room
combined spinal-epidural analgesia – all of       has air conditioning with bathroom and
which are commonly used at Sloane                 shower facilities. Telephone and television
Hospital for Women.                               service is available on a rental basis.

Sloane Hospital for Women - Having a Baby With Us
Our dedicated nurses take a great deal of
pride in all they do, from their caring, the
services they deliver, the relationships they
develop and the contributions they make to
the community. They strive to provide a
healing environment that promotes com-
fort, respect and privacy. They provide high
tech care with personal touch and sensitivity.

                                                 NICU Care
Each of the nurses caring for you and your
baby has received extensive education in the
birthing process. This includes all aspects of   A hallmark of the high-risk expertise at
both high-risk and routine pregnancies and       Sloane Hospital for Women is our Newborn
deliveries, as well as postpartum and newborn    Intensive Care Unit (NICU), a state-of-
care. If you need to be hospitalized prior to    the-art nursery for premature infants and
your delivery, these same nurses will monitor    newborns with special needs. In November
your baby using the latest technology.           2003, with the opening of the new Morgan
                                                 Stanley Children’s Hospital Building, a
Before you go home, they will teach you to       state-of-the-art, 50-bed NICU on Tower 7
safely care for your newborn, assist you in      opened its doors. The new facility is a model
adjusting to parenthood, and educate you         of family-centered high-tech care for the
about your baby’s physical needs and             sickest of babies.
changes. All of this will help get you back to
your pre-pregnancy strength.                     Our intensive care program has been an
                                                 international model since its opening in the
                                                 1930’s. The NICU treats low birth weight,
                                                 premature babies and infants with respirato-
                                                 ry distress and congenital abnormalities.
                                                 Our cardiac surgery survival rate for infants
                                                 is the best in the state. We’ve also been rec-
                                                 ognized for excellence in care of respiratory
                                                 disorders. We take enormous pride in having
                                                 dramatically reduced the incidence of
                                                 chronic lung disease in babies.

                                                 Our Neonatal Follow-up Clinic evaluates
                                                 the growth, nutrition, general health, and
                                                 neurodevelopment of at-risk infants during
                                                 their first three years of life. A team of
                                                 neonatologists, development therapists,
                                                 nutritionists, and nurses perform detailed,
                                                 regular evaluations to identify early, mild
                                                 signs of delayed or abnormal growth and
                                                 treat diagnosed problems.

Sloane Hospital for Women - Having a Baby With Us
Family-Centered Care                              Admissions
and Visiting Hours                                Once you’ve selected Sloane Hospital for
                                                  Women as the place to have your baby,
The birth of a baby is a wonderful and happy
                                                  you’ll have a chance to pre-register so you
time for all members of the family. With this
                                                  can avoid filling out paperwork on the day
in mind we heartily encourage family involve-
                                                  you arrive to deliver your baby. You can
ment in getting to know your baby right away.
                                                  even come into the hospital ahead of time
                                                  to take care of registration. It’s a good time
We welcome visitors, though we find it
                                                  to take a tour of the hospital as well. If you
works best for moms and babies if we limit
                                                  are interested in a tour, please schedule
guests to two at a time in a room. Generally,
                                                  it in advance by calling (212) 746-3215.
our visiting hours are from Noon to 8:30
p.m. If it is necessary, fathers, siblings or a
                                                  In the meantime, you’ll probably want to get
support person can visit at almost anytime
                                                  started on this list of things to bring, both
during the day. Just be mindful, if you’re in
                                                  for yourself and your baby.
a semi-private room, that consideration and
respect of your roommate’s privacy is very
important. It’s also important that visiting
children be free of colds and infections, and
that their immunizations are up to date.

Your baby may remain at your bedside,
throughout the day and night if you wish.
You can always have your baby cared for in
the nursery if you need some rest. Talk to
your nurse about what you’d prefer during
your stay.

l Two bras. Buy two different styled
                                                 nursing bras during the last month of
                                                 your pregnancy. Also, if you are breast-
                                                 feeding, buy some disposable nursing
                                                 pads (without plastic or rubber lining).
                                               l Two nightgowns, short if you have them,
Suggestions for What to Bring                    opening down the front if you are
For the Birthing Room                          l Shower cap and rubber thongs for
l Slippers                                       the shower
l Eyeglasses (if you wear contacts, pack a     l Toiletries, including shampoo, tooth
  case and solution)                             brush, tooth paste, lotion, (your skin may
l Robe, short gown or night shirt if you         be dry from a loss of fluids), a bar of soap
  prefer to wear your own – hospital gowns       in a carrying case, deodorant, hairbrush,
  are available                                  hand mirror, makeup and any other
l Picture to focus on during labor               personal beauty and hygiene products.
l Sandwich-size small paper bag                l Wrist watch or portable clock
l Books or magazines or deck of cards            (battery operated)
l Change for the telephone for your            l Pen and stationery (possibly birth
  husband/designated companion(Cellular          announcements) if you wish
  phones may only be used in the main          l Checks for TV or telephone service
  lobby or outside the hospital building)        if desired
l Can of tennis balls or rolling pin           l No valuable jewelry or large sums
l “Freeze-it” cold packs                         of money
l 1-2 wash cloths                              l Going home clothes for yourself.
l Warm socks during winter months                They should be loose fitting.
l Purse-size mouth wash spray                  l The hospital will provide sanitary pads.
l Your favorite body lotion or powder
l Watch with second-hand
l Lollipops
                                               During Your Stay, the Hospital

l Chapstick or Vaseline
                                               Will Provide
                                               l Diapers and wipes
l Snacks for the coach                         l Undershirts
l Camera and film                              l Blankets and hats
l Hairbrush
l Small battery-operated radio or
  cassette recorder
                                               What to Bring to Take Your Baby Home
                                               l An infant car seat for car ride home
l Pillows                                        (It’s state law.)
l A copy of your birth plan, if you have one   l Undershirt
l Birth ball and its pump, if you have one     l Onesie (stretch suit)
                                               l Sweater, hat and heavy blanket or
For the Hospital Room                            bunting for cold weather
For Yourself:                                  l Receiving blanket
l Slippers and bathrobe                        l Large cloth diaper/burp pad
l Underpants
l Few dollars for miscellaneous items

Going Home                                      Directions to Sloane
Going home with your newborn is a heart-        Hospital for Women
warming occasion that brings joy mixed
                                                The Sloane Hospital for Women is easily
with some anxiety. We’ll help prepare you as
                                                accessible by car, bus, and subway. We are
much as possible for those first days at
                                                located in Washington Heights, at West
home. On the day you go home, discharge
                                                165th Street and Broadway at the Columbia
time is 10 a.m. Generally, you will be dis-
                                                University Medical Center.
charged 48 hours after a vaginal delivery and
on the fourth day after a Caesarean birth.
                                                The entrance at 3959 Broadway
Please plan ahead so you can leave by 10
                                                (at 165th St.) is operational 24 hours a day, 7
a.m., on the day of your discharge. Both
                                                days a week.
your obstetrician and your pediatrician must
authorize your discharge.
                                                By Public Transportation
Be sure to have an infant car seat ready in     Take the A (express), C (local), 1 or 9
the car for the baby’s ride home.               subway train to West 168th Street and
                                                Broadway. Or take the M-2, 3, 4, 5 or
Thanks so much for your interest in Sloane      M-100 bus to the Medical Center stop.
Hospital for Women. We wish you and your
baby the very best.                             By Car
                                                The most direct way from most locations
                                                is to follow directions leading to the
                                                George Washington Bridge. Then exit onto
                                                Riverside Drive. From the exit ramp, bear
                                                right and proceed south to West 165th
                                                Street (a left exit). Proceed to Broadway.
                                                Make left. Hospital is on your left.

From upstate New York and New Jersey             By car from the west side of Manhattan
After crossing the George Washington             Take the Henry Hudson Parkway to Exit
Bridge, follow signs to the Henry Hudson         15-Riverside Drive South. From the exit
Parkway (also called the West Side               ramp, bear right and proceed south to 165th
Highway), and then to Riverside Drive.           Street (a left exit). Proceed to Broadway.
From the exit ramp, bear right and proceed       Make a left. Hospital is on your left.
south to West 165th Street (a left exit).
Proceed to Broadway. Make a left. Hospital       Parking
is on your left.                                 Valet parking is available for patients’
                                                 families and visitors from 5:45 a.m. to
By car from Riverdale and Westchester            10 p.m., Monday through Friday, 7:00
via the Saw Mill River Parkway                   a.m. to 10 p.m. Saturday and Sunday in
Follow the Saw Mill River Parkway to the         front of the entrance at Broadway and
Henry Hudson Parkway. Exit the Henry             West 165th Street. For all other times, use
Hudson Parkway at Riverside Drive immedi-        the West 165th Street and Fort Washington
ately past the George Washington Bridge.         parking garage. Parking is free during day
From the exit ramp, bear right and proceed       of discharge. Just present your discharge
south to West 165th Street (a left exit).        papers at the cashier. If you have an antici-
Proceed to Broadway. Make a left. Hospital       pated stay of five days or more, you can save
is on your left.                                 money on parking by purchasing discount
                                                 coupons at our parking office – please call
By car from Westchester, Connecticut,            (212) 305-4903 for more information.
or the east side of Manhattan, via the Major
Deegan, Cross Bronx Expressway, or
Harlem River Drive
Approaching the George Washington
Bridge, take the Henry Hudson Parkway,
stay to the left and follow signs to Riverside
Drive. From the exit ramp, bear right and
proceed south to West 165th Street (a left
exit). Proceed to Broadway. Make a left.
Hospital is on your left.

Nearby Accommodations
     The Fort Lee Hilton
     Fort Lee, NJ
     (201) 461-9000
     Just across the George Washington Bridge.
     Reach hospital by car or taxi.

     Radisson Englewood Hotel
     Englewood, NJ
     (201) 871-2020
     Across the George Washington Bridge.
     Reach hospital via free shuttle bus from
     7 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. that stops at the Milstein
     Hospital Building on Fort Washington
     Avenue. You are a one block walk to the
     entrance to Sloane Hospital for Women.
     Special room rates are available – mention
     you’re visiting the hospital.

     Still Have Questions?
     l For classes and tours call our
       Parent Education Office:
       (212) 746-3215

     l Admitting:
       (212) 342-1759

     l Division of Obstetric Anesthesia:
       (212) 342-2028

Sloane Hospital
for Women

622 West 168th Street
New York, NY 10032

Web site:
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