Small Coffee Producers in Honduras Reduce their Carbon Footprint - CASE STUDY

Page created by David Keller
Small Coffee Producers in Honduras Reduce their Carbon Footprint - CASE STUDY
Small Coffee Producers
in Honduras Reduce
their Carbon Footprint
                         CASE STUDY
Small Coffee Producers in Honduras Reduce their Carbon Footprint - CASE STUDY
Case Study

General Information
Case Name:
Small Coffee Producers in Honduras Reduce
their Carbon Footprint

Svetlana Samayoa and Evelyn Hernández

Project Advisors:
Svetlana Samayoa, Rubén Gallozzi, Osmer Ponce,
and Carlos Bueso

Start and end date of the agreement:
October 2010 - March 2012

Sponsor: AECID

Executor: SNV

Local partners:
The Associative Enterprise ARUCO and the Ecological
Coffee Cooperative, La Labor, Ocotepeque, Ltd.

Country: Honduras

Sector: Agriculture

The content of this document is the responsibility
of SNV and does not necessarily reflect the opinion
of the AECID.
Small Coffee Producers in Honduras Reduce their Carbon Footprint - CASE STUDY

The coffee sector in Honduras is
one of the most important for job
creation (approximately 1 million
jobs along the production chain)
and foreign exchange generation.
95% of the production is done by
small producers (with up to 2.4      Among these alternatives is the      processing plants.” With the
hectares), in the period 2005-       use of waste generated in the        financial support from the
2010, the country was the second     production and processing of         Spanish Agency for International
largest coffee producer in Central   coffee, to develop systems that      Development Cooperation
America; and in 2011, the largest    use biomass (pulp and coffee         (AECID), SNV provided advisory
exporter in the region.              effluent) to generate renewable      services to the associative
                                     energy (bio-gas and bio-ethanol)     enterprise ARUCO and The
Given the importance and size of                                          Ecological Coffee Cooperative,
                                     and bio-fertilizers that can be
the coffee industry in Honduras,                                          La Labor, Ocotepeque, Ltd.
                                     used in coffee production and the
it is deemed necessary to improve                                         (COCAFELOL).
                                     surplus used by the community or
environmental performance
during the wet processing                                                 This project is based on the
and energy efficiency during         To promote a more sustainable        design and implementation of
dry milling, reducing water          and environmentally responsible      production plants for bio-ethanol,
consumption and implementing         coffee production, for a period of   bio-gas and bio-fertilizers, using
alternative waste treatment for      18 months (from October 2010 to      locally adapted technology,
its use as a source of renewable     March 2012), SNV implemented         which brings many environmental
energy.                              the project “Sustainable             benefits (such as reduction of
                                     development, energy efficiency       odors, diseases, pollution of soil
                                     and competitiveness through the      and surface and underground
                                     production of bio-ethanol, bio-      water) and social benefits for the
                                     gas and bio-fertilizers from waste   communities surrounding the
                                     generated by coffee cooperative      project that use water sources.

Small Coffee Producers in Honduras Reduce their Carbon Footprint - CASE STUDY
It also impacts the economy
through income generation
                                        Also, the carbon footprint
                                        was calculated (GHG emissions         Customers an
from the sale of bio-ethanol and        by coffee at every stage of
bio-fertilizers and cost reduction      production), in order to design
derived from the replacement of         a Green Plan which sets out
                                                                              ARUCO and COCAFELOL,
fossil fuel use.                        actions to reduce GHG emissions,
                                                                              located in western Honduras,
                                        so that through future actions,
To ensure the sustainability                                                  showed great interest
                                        COCAFELOL and ARUCO could
of this initiative, the project                                               in improving the current
                                        achieve Carbon Neutral
also explored the possibility of                                              management of pulp and
                                        Certification and thereby obtain
incorporating the proposed bio-                                               waste water from coffee
                                        a better price in the sale of their
gas generation activity into the                                              processing, since these
Voluntary Carbon Market.                                                      can potentially threaten
The generation of bio-gas                                                     human and animal health
reduces the direct emission to the                                            and harm the environment
atmosphere of methane gas; and                                                through discharging their
its use to produce electricity and                                            wastes into soil and water
/ or heat promotes the reduction                                              bodies. Therefore, the local
of fossil fuels consumption for                                               partners were constituted
electricity generation.                                                       to implement the project
The purpose of the carbon                                                     “Sustainable development,
market is to sell carbon credits1                                             energy efficiency and
(Certified Emission Reductions),                                              competitiveness through the
which represent the reduction                                                 production of bio-ethanol,
of emissions of Greenhouse                                                    bio-gas and bio-fertilizers
Gases (GHGs), in this case                                                    from waste generated by
methane, by replacing fossil fuels                                            coffee cooperative processing
with bio-gas.                                                                 plants.”
                                                                              uu ARUCO is a farmers’
                                                                                association, founded in
                                                                                2006, located in Corquín,
                                                                                Copán, with 116 small
                                                                                coffee producers, who have
1 Each carbon credit is equivalent to
  1 ton of CO2.
Small Coffee Producers in Honduras Reduce their Carbon Footprint - CASE STUDY
nd partners
     554 hectares under coffee          Its mission is to ensure           uu AECID financially supports
     production. The coffee is fair     sustainable human                    the project, specifically
     trade certified and organic.       development and poverty              those activities related to
     ARUCO has its own facilities       reduction for its members            the carbon market and the
     with the processing capacity       in the region of western             determination of the carbon
     of 45,000 hundredweight            Honduras, through economic           footprint, as its 2009-2012
     of dried parchment coffee          and social development of            country strategy, identifies
     a season. It was estimated         the farmers and their families.      as a priority the confronting
     that the 2010-2011 harvest         Currently, the cooperative           of global challenges such as
     could produce 12,666               has 164 members divided              climate change. The AECID
     hundredweight of dry               into 7 communities in the            coffee program in Honduras
     parchment coffee (Gonzales,        department of Ocotepeque.            focuses on certified organic
     2011 and Alvarado, 2011).          COCAFELOL has 305                    coffee, promoting it in
                                        producers who are customers          international markets and in
   uu COCAFELOL , founded in 1999,
                                        of the cooperative processing        the development of human
     forms part of the social sector
                                        plant which for the 2009-            capital in coffee cooperatives.
     of the economy, located
                                        2010 harvest produced,               This project complements
     in La Labor, Ocotepeque,
                                        35,850 hundredweight of              the actions that address the
     it serves growers in the
                                        coffee with UTZ Certified,           proper management of waste
     region, supporting them
                                        organic and environmental            in the wet milling process and
     in the production, milling,
                                        seals (Alvarado, 2011).              energy efficiency in the dry
     marketing, credit and export
                                                                             milling process and therefore
     of high quality certified         The partners of ARUCO                 adds value to the final
     coffee produced sustainably.      and COCAFELOL enjoy the
     It has an installed capacity of   redistribution of profits. 389
     40,000 hundredweight and          families have benefited from
                                       income generation from the
     its farms are located between
                                       sale of their coffee, and the
     1100 to 1750 meters above         provision of technical assistance
     sea level.                        and capacity building.

Small Coffee Producers in Honduras Reduce their Carbon Footprint - CASE STUDY
Methods and Intervention logic

In order to identify the possibility   uu Feasibility studies for the       uu Estimation of GHG emissions
of generating additional income           implementation of a small scale      from Coffee processing from
for members of ARUCO and                  project in the Voluntary Carbon     farm to sale (determination
COCAFELOL for GHG reduction               Market under the framework          of the carbon footprint).
and climate change mitigation,            of the Gold Standard (GS)           As an alternative or additional
SNV advised on two processes:            for the generation and sale          activity to project management
                                         of carbon credits. According         in the carbon market, SNV
                                         to information previously            measured the carbon footprint
                                         submitted to the feasibility         in order to establish a Green
                                         study performed by SNV and           Plan that enables businesses
                                         subject to confirmation of           to achieve Certified Carbon
                                         aspects of environmental and         Neutral status (i.e. achieving
                                         financial additionality, the         GHG balance derived from
                                         bio-gas project and its use had      coffee processing), which
                                         the potential to be eligible in      could be used to negotiate a
                                         the Voluntary Carbon Market.         better price for the sale of their
                                         This is because it leads to          coffee.
                                         the reduction of methane
                                         (Greenhouse Gas, GHG), the
                                         absence of the proposed
                                         activity would mean the
                                         direct release of GHGs to the
                                         atmosphere through the open
                                         degradation of the pulp and
                                         the wastewater, as well as by
                                         the use of heat and electricity
                                         based on consumption of fossil
    Distillation tower at COCAFELOL.     fuels.
      bio-ethanol production plant.

Small Coffee Producers in Honduras Reduce their Carbon Footprint - CASE STUDY
The feasibility study of the
participation of the project     The advice that SNV has provided    uu Estimated equivalent tons
in the generation and use        to ARUCO and COCAFELOL,               of CO2, according to the
of bio-gas in the Voluntary      between October 2010 and              methodologies adopted
Carbon Market, and the           March 2012 focused on:                by the carbon market
determination of the carbon                                            projects and the use of
footprint, focused on the        uu Preparation and
                                                                       biogas generation and
following recommendations:         implementation of a
                                                                       the methodologies of the
                                   participatory methodology
uu Reduce the environmental                                            Intergovernmental Panel on
                                   (Public Consultation) to
  impacts generated during                                             Climate Change (IPCC) to
                                   determine the acceptance of
  the coffee production                                                estimate carbon footprint.
                                   the project in the surrounding
  process.                         communities, as well as the       uu Preparation of pre-feasibility
uu Reduce GHG emissions            necessary measures for an           documents for the project in
  directly into the atmosphere     economically, socially and          the Voluntary Carbon Market:
  through the generation and       environmentally sustainable         Feasibility study and Project
  use of ethanol and bio-gas,      project.                            Idea Note (PIN).
  and production processing      uu Preparation of a report on the   uu Development of a Green Plan,
  improvement.                     results of the implementation       which sets out measures to
uu Manage the generation           of participatory methodology        be developed to reduce GHG
  of additional revenues by        (Public Consultation Report)        emissions at different stages
  reducing GHG emissions.                                              of coffee processing.
                                 uu Opening an account with the
                                   Gold Standard and referral        uu Training staff and partners
                                   of the report to the Public          of COCAFELOL and ARUCO on
                                   Consultation.                       climate change and project
                                                                       development in the Voluntary
                                 uu Field survey information
                                                                       Carbon Market.
                                   (qualitative and quantitative)
                                   for the estimation of GHG
                                   reduction (carbon dioxide,
                                   methane and nitrous oxide)

Small Coffee Producers in Honduras Reduce their Carbon Footprint - CASE STUDY

With the implementation                       uu A feasibility study for the      uu Measuring the carbon
of activities to achieve the                    development of a project in         footprint that identified the
reduction of GHG emissions as                   the carbon market, which            amount of Greenhouse Gas
part of the project “Sustainable                states that the costs of the        emissions from cultivation and
development, energy efficiency                  project cycle are very high         processing of coffee, as well as
and competitiveness through the                 compared to potential revenue       identifying the most relevant
production of bio-ethanol, bio-                 from selling carbon credits.        emission sources (transport,
gas and bio-fertilizers from waste                                                  fertilizer and electricity)
                                              uu Awareness of the positive
generated by coffee cooperative                                                     and the establishment of
                                                environmental impact of
processing plants”, the following                                                   emissions mitigation measures,
                                                economic and social activities
results have been achieved:                                                         summarized in a Green Plan.
                                                aimed at reducing emissions,
uu Estimation of GHG emissions                  and the advantages of this        uu Capacity building of
    and tons of CO2e emitted into               process in positioning these         COCAFELOL and ARUCO on
    the atmosphere were the result              companies as environmentally        climate change issues and
    of inadequate management of                 responsible to potential buyers     carbon market.
    solid and liquid wastes, as well            of coffee.
    as the entire coffee production
    process (76,855.47 tCO2e
    per year for COCAFELOL
    and 18,201.06 tCO2e per year
    for ARUCO).

        Reduction of water consumption in
            the coffee wet milling process.

Small Coffee Producers in Honduras Reduce their Carbon Footprint - CASE STUDY

Implementation of the project
helped reduce 280 tons of CO2
equivalent per year through the
bio-gas plants, the reduction
of water consumption to 264
cubic meters (m3) per year during
coffee pulping and washing, and
proper handling of 575 metric
tons of pulp and 906 m3 of coffee
effluent, resulting from the wet
milling of coffee.

Increased awareness in
COCAFELOL and ARUCO about the                                          Biodigester recently installed at
impact their production activity     This project has attracted        ARUCO.
has on the environment and the       interest and commitment from
climate change, strengthened of      trade associations, development
their commitment towards the         agencies and coffee businesses
development and implementation       in the area, recognizing the
of a Green Plan, that outlines the   importance of reducing the
measures needed in the short,        carbon footprint as much for
medium and long term to achieve      market demand as well for
balance and get the Carbon           environmental responsibility.
Neutral Certification

Small Coffee Producers in Honduras Reduce their Carbon Footprint - CASE STUDY
Lessons learnt

uu The knowledge of the subject       uu The size of the biodigesters
    of climate change and carbon        (small) was one of the primary
    projects is a key factor in the     reasons for the limited
    motivation of management            participation of the project in
    and technical personnel             the carbon market, because
    to cooperate in supplying           they generate low volumes
    the information required to         of carbon reduction per year
    estimate the potential market       (85 tons of CO2 equivalent for
    and the determination of the        ARUCO and 195 tons of CO2
    carbon footprint.                   equivalent for COCAFELOL).
                                        This volume would mean
uu The exchange of knowledge
                                        low incomes (using the price
    and experience with                                                   uu For the participation of small-
                                        estimated during development
    companies that perform similar                                          scale projects into the carbon
                                        of the feasibility study, which
    activities (e.g. COOPEDOTA                                              market, it is needed to socialize
                                        was affected by instability and
    in Costa Rica), encouraged                                              the initiative with several
                                        uncertainty of the market)
    ARUCO and COCAFELOL                                                     companies that implement
                                        that fail to cover the costs
    to undertake long-term                                                  similar technologies, so that
                                        of a carbon cycle project,
    commitments, outside the                                                they can organize a program
                                        concluding that even with
    scope of this project, such as                                          of activities together and
                                        the facilities offered by the
    the implementation of the                                               benefit from cost reduction.
                                        Gold Standard for small-scale
    Green Plan to subsequently                                              This requires long-term
                                        projects and/or a Program of
    obtain the Carbon Neutral                                               coordination and more time
                                        Activities, this does not make
    Certification.                                                          and resources than available in
                                        the project economically viable
                                                                            this project component.


From the environmental point of
view, the reduction of GHG emissions
to the atmosphere, resulting from
the generation and use of biogas,
and the future implementation of the
Green Plan, contributes in reducing
the negative environmental impact
of the coffee produced by ARUCO
and COCAFELOL, demonstrating its
commitment and social responsibility.

From the commercial standpoint,
there is a growing demand for
sustainable products, in this case,
coffee with measured carbon
footprint and certified as carbon

Expanding and strengthening the
initiative could give added value
to the collective trademark HWC
(Western Honduran Coffee) as
the region where the project was
promoted is one of the biggest
producers of coffee in Honduras,
and, in turn, one of the poorest.

                    Bio-ethanol production plant
                                     at ARUCO.

Col. Florencia Norte, Blvd. Suyapa,
Edificio Corporativo Solaire,
segundo nivel, Tegucigalpa, Honduras.
Tel. (504) 2239-6938 / 2239-6448
Fax 2239-6921
e-mail: /
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