Page created by Ellen Leonard
                     The Official Publication of the ANKOKAS, NJ Region AACA

 July/August 2021
Volume 58, Issue 4

        In This
  ppJohnson’s Farm Tailgate
  ppCar Markets & COVID
  ppTwo Puzzles
  ppIt Caught My Eye
  ppTeardrop Trailers
  ppThe History of Toilet Paper
  ppMount Vesuvius
In This Month’s Issue:

Looking Down
the Road................... 1
Meeting Minutes...... 2
From the Archives..... 2
News........................ 3
Car Markets.............. 6
Rummage Box.......... 9
Match Puzzle............ 9           It looks like things are
It Caught My Eye...... 10         finally getting back to normal as
                                                                                 meeting at this
Teardrop Trailers....... 11       events are taking place and car shows
Ankokas Calendar..... 13                                                         event and I believe
                                  are happening. Nancy and I recently
AACA Calendar......... 13                                                        there was some further
                                  attended the All Ford Nationals in
Fun Holidays............. 13                                                     discussion on the Haddonfield show.
                                  Carlisle, PA. There were 3,248 cars in
Local Events............. 13                                                     There will be additional meetings to
Webside Ramblings 14              attendance but due to travel restrictions
                                                                                 finalize everything that will need to
Toilet Paper............... 15    at the Canadian Border the record of
                                                                                 happen, but the one thing that is certain
Vesuvius.................... 16   3,298 cars for any show at Carlisle was
                                                                                 is we will need volunteers for registration,
Find-a-Word.............. 19      not broken.
Letter from                                                                      parking and judging in Haddonfield on
                                    Ankokas has now been given the go
the Editors................ 20                                                   September 11th.
                                  ahead from Haddonfield to hold our
Marketplace.............. 21                                                       Congratulations to Jeff Schulte as
                                  show on September 11th, 2021. It will
                                                                                 the recipient of the 2019-2020 Frank
                                  be a different show this year as there
                                                                                 Hankins Memorial Award. Jeff was the
                                  will be modified cars allowed and no
                                                                                 club treasurer and is currently a director.
                                  classes for judging. There will be no
                                                                                 Congrats Jeff…well deserved!
                                  pre-registration and you will pay the day
                                                                                   On another note, I recently found out
                                  of show only.
                                                                                 that Carl Villone and Jim Wickel have had
                                    We held our first in-person
                                                                                         some health issues. Please let’s
                                  meeting on June 18th
  This newsletter is                                                                       keep them both in our thoughts
a publication of the              at Johnson’s Farm.
                                                                                            and prayers.
Ankokas Region of the             Unfortunately, Nancy
Antique Automobile Club                                                                         Keep checking the website
                                  and I were not in
of America, located in                                                                        as Steve will be posting
southern New Jersey.              attendance as we
                                                                                              updates on the Haddonfield
  Material may be                 were on vacation
                                                                                              Show. Wishing everyone a
reproduced only if credit         at the shore. Tom
is given to the source                                                                         safe and healthy summer!
                                  McLarney held the
and we are asked for
permission to reproduce                                                                         -Joe Dougherty
the material.
  If you have material                                                                              President
that you would like to
contribute or you have
comments or ideas about
the newsletter, please
contact the editor, Diana,
at newsletter@ankokas.

                                                      President Joe Dougherty.
                                                       Photo by D. Antinucci.
SMOKE SIGNALS                                                                          Page 2

           ghgh                     Meeting Minutes ghgh
               General Meeting Minutes                                cleanliness, presentation. Carl V. and his teams will pick the
     May 13, 2021, called to order on Zoom at 7:30 pm.                top cars for awards. At least 25 trophies, plus Mayor’s Choice,
   AACA annual meeting moved to Williamsburg, VA in June.             Voggelson and Best in Show. There is an option to have
   AACA is selling raffle tickets for a drawing in Hershey in         additional trophies if we choose. Ankokas cars will not be
October. The club has (as of May) a few for sale.                     judged. Senior cars will not receive special awards. This is a
   Ankokas Haddonfield show - As of this date, the town has           different kind of show.
not confirmed the show. We still want to hold a show. (note -             Day of show registration only. Registration starts at 9:00
more about this topic in the June directors meeting minutes)          am. Cars will arrive, pay $10, receive their registration form,
   We will have our tailgate meeting June 11 at Johnson’s             park their car, fill out their form and take their completed form
Farm.                                                                 to the registration tables for a window card.
   There will be no meeting in July. There will be a special              A show flyer will be made by Diana and Steven to be handed
meeting in August. Location to be announced.                          out at other shows during the summer. A show poster to be
   Treasurer reported no expenses since last report.                  displayed in store windows in Haddonfield will also be made.
-Submitted by Steven Soppe, Secretary.                                    There are still options for People’s Choice, sponsor, or other
                                                                      types of trophies that will be decided as we get closer to the
                    Directors’ Meeting                                event.
          June 8, 2021 - Haddonfield Show planning                        It was repeated many times that the support of ALL Ankokas
    Haddonfield has confirmed our show, September 11, 2021.           members will be critical to the success of the show this year.
    We are having a “different kind of show”. That is our motto       A lot of volunteers will be needed for registration, parking,
for this year. Social distancing and health and safety guidelines     judging.
will be followed.                                                     -Submitted by Steven Soppe, Secretary.
Show guidelines:
    Vehicles 1996 and older only, stock and modified, no                                  Tailgate Meeting
classes - everyone is in the same class, open parking - not by                      June 18, 2021 at Johnson’s Farm.
class, limit of 150 vehicles, Ankokas cars (max 20) to be parked         This was an informal meeting. Haddonfield show plans were
separately and not count toward the 150 limit.                        presented to the attending members. 2021 printed roster was
    Judging will use a different set of guidelines than past years.   distributed. The Hankins Award was presented to Jeff Schulte.
Judging based on quality of workmanship, overall condition,           You can read more about the tailgate meeting in the newsletter.

                                   gh From the Archives gh
                                                    Saving on Hotel Bills
originally printed December 2003                                         After about a week of beaches, ocean and wild nightlife, the
article by Howard Steinberg                                           two Americans began to realize they had a problem. They had
   During my ten months as a student in Mexico City in 1960,          all but run out of money. A careful appraisal of their financial
I visited Acapulco no less than three times. On one of these          situation revealed that if they simply didn’t pay their hotel bill,
visits, I met a fellow American while relaxing on the beach. He       they would have enough money for food and gas to make the
was a pleasant guy with a sense of humor and he passed along          border.
the following story.                                                     So, in the dead of night, they gassed up the Lincoln and
   It seems that the year before, 1959 to be exact, two of his        took off, “go for broke” for the good old USA. Realizing that
friends from the East Coast drove a 1947 Lincoln Continental          two of his guests had skipped on their bill, the hotel manager
coupe from New York to Acapulco. The car was original,                frantically alerted all the border crossings to the North to be on
but showed all the signs of hard use and outdoor storage.             the lookout for two gringos in a ‘47 Lincoln. And, sure enough,
Nonetheless, the two young men made it safely to Acapulco             when they got to their crossing point, the Mexican police were
without major trouble.                                                waiting.
   Once in town, the pair checked into a first rate hotel. Their         Now, back in 1960, when I lived in Mexico, most modest
thirteen-year-old Lincoln, while probably not worth a second          infringements such as running out on your hotel bill could be
look here in the States back then, was a dreamboat in a poor          settled for a small bribe called a “mordida” or “bite” in English.
country like Mexico. It drew lots of attention and our two young      Unfortunately for our two friends, they had no money left
heroes felt like kings. And they also indulged themselves of the      for a bribe and the prospect of serving time in a Mexican jail
pleasures of the resort town like royals. Back then Acapulco          was terrifying. But they still had the Continental coupe. You
was a magic place. It offered beautiful scenery, lovely hotels,       guessed it. The two gringos walked across the border and a
great shows, top-notch food and all with the beautiful Pacific        very happy Mexican police officer was about to join the Classic
Ocean at your feet.                                                   Car Club of Mexico.
SMOKE SIGNALS                       Page 3

               gh             Johnson’s Farm Tailgate gh
    article by Diana Antinucci
    photos by S. Soppe and D. Antinucci
     On June 18, 2021, we had our first in-person meeting in
over a year! It was great to see everyone and if you weren’t
there you missed a great time. You also missed cookies.
     There was discussion about the Haddonfield show.
Admission will be $10, day of show registration only with a
limit of 150 show cars. Ankokas members will have reserved
space for their cars at the end of the showfield by the
Speedline tracks. There will be no classes and there will be
awards for the top 25 cars, Best of Show, Mayor’s Choice
and the Allan Vogelson Memorial Award. We are welcoming
vehicles up to 1996, stock or modified. All cars must display a
fire extinguisher to be judged. You can see the show flyer on
the website
     We also presented the 2020 Frank Hankins Memorial
Award, which should have been presented at the luncheon
last year. The award went to Jeff Schulte, a long-time
member, active contributor, long-serving Treasurer and active
Director. Congratulations, Jeff!
     The new 2021 rosters were given out to those present.
If you weren’t there, your roster will be mailed to you. Inside
you’ll find some fun surprises from Ankokas history. You will
also receive a smaller version to keep with you.
     It was also our first opportunity to meet our newest
members, Mike and Jennifer Ruff. Welcome to the club! Mike
owns a very special 1963 Thunderbird and everyone should
ask Mike to show them around the car.

 Above: Our newest member, Mike Ruff, with his Thunderbird. Top right: Bill
 and Diane Marter. Center right: Bob and Kathy Petters. Bottom right: Bob
                     explains the Haddonfield show.
SMOKE SIGNALS           Page 4

                                         Top left: Steven
                                        Soppe introduces
                                       the new roster. Top
                                     right: Tom McLarney
                                        leads the pledge.
                                        Center left: Group
                                     shot of (front row left
                                      to right) Sharon and
                                     Carl Grossman, Carol
                                     McLarney, (back row,
                                        left to right) Keith
                                     Bentzley, Karen Hann,
                                      Mike Ruff and Dave
                                       Hann. Center right:
                                      The blue crew (from
                                      left to right) Bill and
                                      Diane Marter, Carol
                                      and Tom Amendola,
                                       Ed Jeffers, Howard
                                       Steinberg and Tom

 Bottom left: Jeff
receives the Frank
Hankins Memorial
   Bottom right:
  Welcoming our
  new member.
SMOKE SIGNALS                                                                                      Page 5

                                gh The Award Goes To... gh
                                                               Congratulations to Jeff
                                                             Schulte on receiving the Frank
                                                             Hankins Memorial Award! Jeff
                                                             has done a lot for the club over
                                                             the years, including serving a
                                                             long term as Treasurer. He’s
                                                             always there for the club when
                                                             we need him.
                                                               Congratulations also go to
                                                             Jim Hann for winning third
                                                             place with his 1966 Plymouth
                                                             Barracuda at the All Mopar
                                                             Car Show on June 20, 2021 in
                                                             Califon, NJ! It’s a beautiful car
                                                             and very deserving.
  Jeff Schulte giving his speech after receiving the Frank                                                   Jim Hann’s All Mopar Show third place trophy.
     Hankins Memorial Award. Photo by D. Antinucci.                                                                        Photo by J. Hann

  Ankokas had three winners at the Memorial Day Show at the Silver Diner. Bruce Prichard and his 1955
 Ford Thunderbird, Bruce MacLachlan and his 1963 Studebaker GT Hawk and Bernie Shuster with his
 1976 Cadillac Eldorado convertible all won class awards. Congratulations, gentlemen!

Top left to right: Bruce Prichard and Bob Petters. Bernie Shuster and his family receiving their trophy. Tom Amendola and Bruce MacLachlan with his trophy. Bruce
  Prichard with his 1955 Thunderbird (Bob Petters’ 1953 Oldsmobile Super 88 convertible in background). Bottom left: Bernie Shuster’s 1976 Cadillac Eldorado.
                  Bottom right: Bruce Prichard’s Studebaker Hawk and Tom Amendola’s 1964 Plymouth Sport Fury convertible. Photos by S. Soppe.
SMOKE SIGNALS                                                                                    Page 6

                          gh Car Markets and COVID gh
  article by Diana Antinucci                                               The freak winter storms in Texas this year also caused
  Many of you may have heard about the shortage of cars on             chip manufacturer NXP Semiconductors, a major provider
the market lately and the sky-rocketing prices of cars that are        of microchips to the auto and mobile phone industries,
available. What caused it, what effect is it having and when           to temporarily close. Power was also cut off to Infineon
might things return to normal?                                         Technologies in Austin.
  While there are other supply chain issues, such as seating              Estimates on when the chip shortage will end vary
foam and plastic, the major supply issue is microchips. The            considerably, but most agree that it will last into next year
causes of the shortage are varied and complex and effect               and perhaps into 2023. Simply increasing production in
many products, but auto manufacturing has been hit hard,               existing factories isn’t enough. Each chip can take up to
with microchips required for diverse systems in cars including         26 weeks to complete with up to 1,400 different steps in
heating, air conditioning, safety systems, entertainment               the process. More factories have to be built domestically
systems, navigation, smart keys and even window motors.
                                                                       and there’s a need to diversify where chips are sourced.
The good news is that the problem is a lack of chips, not lack
                                                                       Europe, which currently accounts for 10% of chip production
of resources to make the chips, which would be a much more
                                                                       is looking to double that figure and is considering an
serious issue. But why do we not have enough chips?
                                                                       investment of 20 to 30 billion euros ($24 to $36 million
  The US is the second biggest producer of microchips,
                                                                       dollars). Intel has expressed interest in helping by building a
but the amount we produce pales in comparison to Asia.
                                                                       plant in Europe, but wants 8 billion euros in public subsidies
Asia produces 80% of all microchips, with China the #1
producer. The US produces only 12%. In May 2020, the US                in return. Intel has also announced its intention to spend
introduced sanctions against the Chinese company, Huawei               $20 billion dollars to build two new plants in Arizona. The
Technologies, a maker of smart phones using US microchips.             proposed CHIPS act in the US would invest $50 billion into
Another Chinese company, Semiconductor Manufacturing                   increasing the US’s microchip producing capacity. Building
International Corporation was hit with similar sanctions               new facilities takes time though and the effects won’t be
in September 2020. Ahead of the effective date, these                  seen for maybe two or three years.
companies and other Asian companies increased their orders                The global chip shortage has affected not only the new
of US produced chips as a stockpile, reducing the amount of            car market, but also the used car market. And the pandemic
chips available here.                                                  has compounded the problem. In early 2020, carmakers
  Additionally, as people were forced to stay home, they               experienced shutdowns and slowdowns. They expected new
wanted more of the creature comforts for their home,                   car sales to be weak and so they cut down production and
including microchip-intensive items like new computers, game           canceled their microchip orders. This would prove to be a
consoles, entertainment systems and a multitude of other               disastrous mistake. The downturn was less than expected
gadgets, creating larger demand just as the pandemic was               and when restrictions began to loosen and vaccines were
forcing some chip factories to close or reduce their workforce.        made available, people wanted to get back out into the
  To add insult to injury, a major producer of microchips,             world and many wanted a new car. Other people had fled the
Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC), which               cities for the suburbs, where cars are more of a requirement.
supplies not only car makers but also AMD, Apple, Nvidia and           Because they were expecting the worst, carmakers were
others, is being effected by a drought in Taiwan. Water is being                                                               continued on page 7
trucked to their facilities to wash the wafers for
their chips. A statement from the company
said that they hope to begin meeting
the minimum requirement of chips
for the auto industry by the end of
June, but shortages are likely to
continue into next year.
  In Japan, Renesas, a
microchip company that
produces 30% of all chips
destined for the auto market,
had a fire at their plant in mid-
March. The fire burned over
6,000 square feet of the plant
and damaged 23 machines that
would take several months to
repair and they hoped to get back
to full production by early July.
                                         World map with red tags showing problem areas. Microchip photo by Jon Sullivan and released to the public
                                                                          domain. World map is public domain.
SMOKE SIGNALS                                                                                                  Page 7
Car Markets and COVID continued from page 6                                                      Honda, Nissan, Subaru, Toyota and Volkswagen have all
offering loans over 84 or 96 months with zero-percent                                        lost   between 20,000 and 46,000 thousand units. Honda
financing. The market for new cars surged and carmakers                                      suspended          operations at most of its US plants in March
rushed to put in orders for microchips, only to discover that                                and    the    Accord,      Civic, Insight, Odyssey and the Acura RDX
they were at the back of the line, behind all the personal                                   have     all  been     affected.      Nissan’s plant in Tennessee has seen
electronic companies that were booming. The car industry                                     the   Leaf,     Maxima        and    Rogue       affected and their Mississippi
could see a $110 billion loss as a result.                                                   plant    has     had    shortages        on    the  Kicks and Versa crossovers.
   The trouble started                                                                                                                              Subaru in Indiana was
with the beginning of the                                                                                                                           temporarily shut down
pandemic. Auto factories                                                                                                                            in April, affecting 15,000
were either closed or                                                                                                                               units, including the
worked with a much-                                                                                                                                 Ascent, Impreza, Legacy
reduced workforce,                                                                                                                                  and Outback. Toyota,
slowing production. Then,                                                                                                                           which keeps a close eye
just as restrictions eased                                                                                                                          on its supply chain and
and demand for new                                                                                                                                  was early to stockpile
cars increased, the chip                                                                                                                            chips, has been less
shortage took its toll.                                                                                                                             affected, but still says
Stellantis (created by the                                                                                                                          some models such as the
merger of Fiat Chrysler                                                                                                                             Tundra may be affected.
                                                                                                                                                    In March, Volkswagen
and Peugeot maker
                                                                                                                                                    said it had a shortfall of
PSA) says that the chip
                                                                                                                                                    100,000 cars and halted
shortage got worse the
                                                                                                                                                    production at their Puebla,
last quarter and could last
                                                                                                                                                    Mexico plant for three
into next year. As a result
                                                                                                                                                    weeks starting in late May
of the chip shortage,
                                                                                                                                                    and their Chattanooga
some manufacturers are
                                                                                                                                                    plant was brought to a
leaving out some high-
                                                                                                                                                    two week halt in June.
end features. Nissan is
                                                                                                                                                       Stellantis temporarily
producing models without
                                                                                                                                                    halted production at its
navigation that would                                                                                                                               Brampton plant, affecting
normally have it. Dodge                                                                                                                             Dodge Chargers and
has stopped equipping its                                                                                                                           Challengers, as well as its
1500 pickups with their                                                                                                                             plant in Toluca, Mexico
intelligent rearview mirror      Emblems for the affected car brands.. Photo of Dodge, Toyota, Cadillac, Ford and Nissan emblem taken by Michael    where the Jeep Compass
with blind spot detection.       Sheehan and used under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license. Photo of Chrysler emblem taken by
                                                                                                                                                    is made. Another plant in
                               David W. Schmidt and released to the public domain. Photo of Buick emblem taken by Greg Gjerdingen and used under
In March, GM stopped           the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 Generic license. Photo of Volkswagen emblem taken by De-okin and Detroit had its production
putting a fuel economy           used under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license. Photo of the Subaru emblem taken
                               by Kestrel and used under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license. Photo of the Honda limited and is affecting
chip module into their          emblem   taken by Kevin and used under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license. Photo of the Peugeot
                               emblem taken by Georgy90 and used under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license. Photo the Dodge Durango and
most popular trucks.              of the Ram emblem taken by Bull_Dozer and released to the public domain. Photo of the Chevy emblem taken by       Jeep Grand Cherokee.
                                Luke Holloway anmd released to the public domain. Photo of the Jeep emblem taken by Christopher Ziemnowicz and
Some carmakers are                                                        released to the public domain.                                            The Warren Truck
making cars without the                                                                                                                             Assembly plant also halted
chips and parking them                                                                                                                              production, affecting the
until chips are available to be placed in the vehicles. Some                                 Ram 1500 Classic. Stellantis expects to have a shortfall of
factories have been forced to shut down for weeks at a time.                                 over 250,000 units.
   It is estimated that Ford could have a production shortage                                    Two auto makers that have been relatively unaffected
between 300,000 and 1.1 million units for 2021 with lost profits                             are Hyundai and Tesla. Hyundai has kept a close watch on
estimated at $2.5 billion. They expect to make only half of the                              its chip supply and Tesla, unlike many rigid carmakers, is
usual number of cars between mid-May through June. GM has                                    used to adapting to rapid changes, changing many of its
seen fallout from the chip shortage at five of its plants, affecting                         components to use different microprocessors.
the Buick Enclave, Chevy Blazer, Camaro, Equinox, Malibu                                         The shortage of available cars has had different affects
Silverado, Traverse, Cadillac CT4, CT5, XT4 and the GMC                                      on different cars. Large SUVs and pick-ups are in high
Arcadia and Sierra. They have cut out almost 300,000 units                                   demand and the prices have significantly increased. With
from production and expect a loss of $2 billion. GM and others                               those cars in high demand, some car buyers are turning
have decided to halt production on some cars and small SUVs                                  to cars that have not been as popular lately, with sedans
to concentrate on the more popular pick-ups and large SUVs.                                  making a bit of a comeback.
                                                                                                                                                        continued on page 8
SMOKE SIGNALS                                                                        Page 8
Car Markets and COVID continued from page 7

   Meanwhile, new cars in general are in demand. Average new         month jump since it started tracking prices in 1953. Used car
car prices topped $40,000, an increase of almost 10% over the        prices are increasing so rapidly that there is concern that they
last two years. In April, about 1.5 million new cars were sold,      may start to overlap new car prices.
inventory was reduced to 42% from a year ago and about 13%             The good news is for those looking to sell a car. If you have a
of buyers paying over sticker in that month. GM says its full-size   car you’re not using, this is the time to sell. And if you’re in the
trucks have increased in price by 10% and full-size SUVs have        new car market, your trade-in will never be worth more.
increased by 20%.                                                      If you’re looking to buy a used car, you may have to act more
   The result of the current new car market is that prices are       quickly than in the past. If you see a car that meets your needs,
inflated, buyers have limited selection, limited bargaining power,   “shopping around” may cause you to lose the car to another
smaller offered discounts and the state of the new car market is     buyer. You may want to look further afield for your car. Maybe
having repercussions on the used car market.                         instead of within fifty miles, search within a hundred. You may
   Until recently, the high price of used cars pushed more car       be able to have a car delivered to you for a test drive, but stick
buyers into the new car market. Now, with high new car prices        with companies you are familiar with. Research the vehicle you
and less new cars to go around, more people are being driven         want, as you would with any car purchase. Also, you may have
back to the used car market. Of course, problems in the used         to compromise on something. The age, condition and price of
car market aren’t much better.                                       the car are all more important than the color, for instance. And
   The used car market depends on multiple sources for used          last, if you are looking for a particular model of car, you may
cars. One source is car rental companies. These companies            want to consider similar models to give yourself more choices.
often sell their old cars to buy new ones. When the pandemic           That brings us to classic cars. The chip shortage really has
hit, many rental companies sold large portions of their fleet. Now   no effect on these, but oddly, the pandemic has. While people
that restrictions are being lifted and more people are travelling,   were forced to spend more time at home and not able to take
rental companies need cars, but they can’t find enough new           vacations, some of them remembered their love of classic
cars to meet demand. So instead of contributing to the pool of       cars. Some of them had extra money that they planned to use
used cars, rental companies are purchasing used cars to fill their   for vacations and they were looking for a project. Searches
fleet. Used cars also come from people trading in old cars for       for classic cars were up 39% for the top 200 cars, including
new ones or turning over their leased cars. But, less new cars       Porsche 911 (the most popular), Jaguar E-Type (second), BMW
are available, so there are fewer trade-ins and more people are      E30 (third), Mustangs, Skylines, Toyota Supra, Mazda RX-7
holding on to their leases. In addition, people that have been out   and the Toyota MR2. Of course, they are no longer making the
of work can’t afford new cars, but with some stimulus money,         classics, so the supply is what it is. When demand rises, so
low interest rates and cheap car loans, they may be able to get      do prices. This pushes some people out of the market for the
a used car. Getting your own car may be attractive for many to       more expensive classics, but many people that can’t afford a
avoid public transportation amid the pandemic. Less inventory        nice classic Porsche, including younger people. These people
and increased demand has increased the price of used cars.           are turning to cars that have only recently become classics
   In April, average used car prices soared to almost $25,500, the   or “future classics”, which are more affordable. The biggest
highest ever recorded by J.D. Power, up almost 17% since the         increase in value has been seen for cars that are $25,000 or
start of 2021. TrueCar says used car prices are up an average of     less on average and driver-condition cars are rising faster than
32% compared to last year. The US Bureau of Statistics reported      concourse-condition cars.
a 21% increase in average used car prices since April 2020, with       The pandemic has affected almost everything. Cars have
10% of that increase seen in April 2021 alone, the largest single    not been an exception. When the market will normalize is yet
                                                                     to be seen.
           gh Barry’s West Coast Car Spotting gh
                                                                                                               Our West Coast
                                                                                                                member, Barry
                                                                                                              photographed this
                                                                                                             1990’s Volvo. Thank
                                                                                                            you, Barry, for sending
                                                                                                             in your car spotting
SMOKE SIGNALS                                                                          Page 9

                          gh            AACA Rummage Box                                          gh
                                               Does Anybody Know Our Name?
               By Mary Bartemeyer                                    The answer is quite easy actually. Get the word out
               VP – Regions/Chapter Websites                       about the Antique Automobile Club of America, (AACA).
               Being from the Midwest, it has occurred             Shout it from the roof tops, promote it at local events
             to me that the acronym AACA has little or             with membership tables, and most importantly get
             no meaning to the average car collector               your Region on social media. Look at your children,
             in our part of the country. My Region is              grandchildren, or any youngster around you, they are
             starting to work on our 2022 National                 glued to social media. We need a heavy presence out
Fall Show and talking to those who might assist with               there to get our organization recognized. WE MUST
our costs or participate in such an important event,               make AACA the first name that is thought of when it
they don’t know who we are or what we stand for.                   comes to automobiles 25 years old or older. What a
Yes every 4 or 5 years, we host a National Show, to                history we have in our vehicles and that needs to be
bring into our community that piece of history that                taught to new generations. Talk to them about your
is sometimes forgotten. There are car clubs in our                 vehicle, they are interested. Let them know how AACA
area that cater to modified vehicles and those for                 can help them if they choose to restore, preserve, and
low riders etc. but those who wish to preserve the                 most importantly, help them have fun with an older
history of the automotive industry are getting fewer               vehicle. Welcome the changes they can bring to get
and fewer. Looking at my own Region, we lost 6 very                those younger folks into our hobby. Don’t expect them
supportive members of our club just over a 2 month                 to do things the way they have been done for the last
period. Our condolences go out to those families, but              50 years. Let their new ideas flow. If we don’t, we will
what can we do to honor those who have staunchly                   die, and I don’t think any of those we lost would be very
supported our hobby?                                               happy if we allowed that to happened. P

           ghgh Protest Song Match Puzzle ghgh
July 3rd is Disobedience Day! Match the name of the song on the left to the artist/group name on the right. If you want to listen
                         to the songs after you’ve solved the puzzle, click here. Answers on page 20.
 1.    Imagine                            A. Aretha Franklin
 2.    Revolution                         B. Barry McGuire
 3.    Sunday, Bloody Sunday              C. The Beatles
 4.    Between the Wars                   D. Billie Holiday
 5.    The Way It Is                      E. Billy Bragg
 6.    Born in the USA                    F. Bob Dylan
 7.    What’s Goin’ On                    G. Bob Marley & the Wailers
 8.    Get Up, Stand Up                   H. Bruce Hornsby
 9.    Another Brick in the Wall          I. Bruce Springsteen
 10.   Fortunate Son                      J. Buffalo Springfield
 11.   Respect                            K. Creedence Clearwater Revival
 12.   Strange Fruit                      L. Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young
 13.   Ohio                               M. Edwin Starr
 14.   Lift Every Voice and Sing          N. Fisk Jubilee Singers
 15.   We Shall Overcome                  O. James Weldon Johnson
 16.   A Change is Gonna Come             P. John Lennon
 17.   For What It’s Worth                Q. Joni Mitchell
 18.   Blowin’ in the Wind                R. Marvin Gaye
 19.   Go Down, Moses                     S. Pete Seeger
 20.   Winnsboro Cotton Mill Blues        T. Pink Floyd
 21.   Eve of Destruction                 U. Rev. Charles Tindley
 22.   Get Together                       V. Sam Cooke
 23.   Big Yellow Taxi                    W. U2
 24.   War                                X. The Youngbloods
                                                                                  Poster advertising the planned protest on May 4th,
                                                                                          1970 at Kent State. Public domain.
SMOKE SIGNALS                                                                                Page 10

                               ghgh It Caught My Eye ghgh
  article by Diana Antinucci                                           made the harder-to-copy Meyers Manx MK2. Meyers left
   While at a local show in May, Steven and I spotted a                the company in frustration to build boats and custom
dune buggy. I liked it, but didn’t quite know what it was.             cars. The company continued to make buggies until
Steven knew exactly what it was and was quite excited.                 1971 when they had some trouble with the IRS.
When he was much younger, he remembers someone                            In 1978, Meyers was inducted into the Off-Road
driving their Meyers Manx around Haddonfield.                          Motorsports Hall of Fame. In 1994, he started the Manx
   Bruce Meyers was born in Los Angeles where his father               Dune Buggy Club to explore interest in a new Manx.
was a car dealer. During WWII, he enlisted in the Merchant In 2000, he founded Meyers Manx, Inc. and offered a
Marines and then the Navy. After returning home, he                    limited series of the classic Manx. The 100 cars sold
spent time surfboarding and attending art school. He also              out in a single week. In 2002, he made the Manxter
learned to make sailboats out of a new material called                 2+2 and the Manxter DualSport, based on the original
fiberglass. While spending time at the beach, he noticed               design, but using a full-length Beetle floorpan. In 2009,
some people using                                                                                            Meyers made a Manx with
modified Volkswagen                                                                                          the shortened wheelbase
Beetles to drive on the                                                                                      and named it the Kick-
dunes. He thought he                                                                                         Out Manx. In November
could do better.                                                                                             2020, Meyers sold his
   Working in his garage                                                                                     company. He passed away
in 1964, Meyers started                                                                                      in February 2021.
with a Beetle floorpan                                                                                          Today, the Meyers Manx
and running gear, created                                                                                    can be seen driven by
a fiberglass top and                                                                                         Steve McQueen in 1968’s
fashioned chrome “bug-                                                                                       The Thomas Crown Affair,
eye” headlights. He                                                                                          a live-action children’s
named his handiwork                                                                                          show Wonderbug and
“Old Red”. Later in 1964                                                                                     a cartoon called Speed
through 1965, Meyers                                                                                         Buggy (based on the Manx
made kits under the name                                                                                     buggy). Meyers Manx
Meyers Manx (named                                                                                           buggies are still made by
after the Manx cat). It was                                                                                  Meyers Manx, LLC.
featured on the cover of                   This is the Meyers Manx that we saw in Voorhees.                                              P
                                                          Photo by S. Soppe.
Car & Driver in April 1967
and got a lot of attention,
but the kit was too expensive and only 12
were ever made.
   In 1967, Meyers raced Old Red at the
Mexican 1000 in Baja (predecessor to the
Baja 1000) in a 832 mile race from La Paz
to Tijuana. He finished in a record 34 hours
and 45 minutes, blowing away the previous
record by five hours.
   Meyers also produced a more
commercially successful version of the
Manx, the MK1. It had an open-wheeled
fiberglass body, a Volkswagen Beetle
H4 flat-four engine and a Beetle frame
modified to be 14 inches shorter. The
MK1 proved to be very popular and 7,000
of them were made, but copycats began
to flood the market. In response, Meyers            Bruce Meyers in 2007, driving “Old Red”. Photo by Roger D. Herzler and rused under the Creative
                                                                                 Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license.
SMOKE SIGNALS                                                                             Page 11

                               ghgh Teardrop Trailers ghgh
  article by Diana Antinucci                                              short, water tanks may be small or non-existent and almost
   Teardrop trailers, so called because of their distinct                 all of them only have outdoor kitchens.
teardrop shape, were first made in the 1930s and were                       So, maybe you know you want a smaller trailer, but you’re
very popular in the 1930s and ‘40s. They fell out of                      deciding between a teardrop and a pop-up. There are some
popularity as preferred vehicles and trailers got larger, but             things to consider. Teardrops, because of their hard-walled
have experienced a rise in popularity as some vehicles                    construction, are sturdier than a pop-up. It also gives them
have gotten smaller and less powerful and need a suitable                 better protection against weather, temperature and noise.
trailer to tow.                                                           Teardrops are also easier to secure without collapsing or
   Teardrop trailers are very small                                                                        breaking down anything; just
travel trailers that are more                                                                              lock and go. Teardrops are also
comfortable than sleeping in a                                                                             easier to setup and move than
tent, but can still provide the                                                                            pop-ups. The main advantage
feeling of being close to nature.                                                                          of pop-ups over teardrops is
The simplest examples are just                                                                             size. Pop-ups can be larger to
a bedroom on wheels, but many                                                                              start with and can be expand
also provide a kitchen, dining                                                                             for even greater space. If you’re
area, wet bath and numerous                                                                                camping with three people or
options. To get all of this in a                                                                           more, a pop-up is probably the
small area, teardrops make use                                                                             camper for you.
of swivel toilets, folding sinks                                                                               There are some important
and convertible beds. Some of                                                                              things to look for when
them have off-road capabilities.                                                                           choosing a teardrop trailer.
These little trailers are best                                                                              You want a sturdy frame
suited to one or two people that                                                                            and chassis, a strong but
want to spend a comfortable                                                                                 lightweight body, good
weekend of adventure.                                                                                       insulation, a lightweight tongue
   Teardrop trailers have many                                                                              (tongue weight is how much
advantages. One of their major                                                                              down force the trailer tongue
advantages is their size. With                                                                              puts on the trailer hitch) and
most weighing less than 4,000                                                                               clean interior lines. Other things
pounds, they can be towed by                                                                                you may want to consider
almost any vehicle with a hitch                                                                             are whether or not it has a
and therefore use less fuel to                                                                              propane tank (and how large),
tow. Teardrop trailers are more                                                                             water tanks, a vent fan, heater,
affordable, with some as low as                                                                             air conditioner, refrigerator,
$3,000. Once at the campsite,                                                                               bathroom, solar panels, roof
they take only about fifteen                                                                                rack or awning.
minutes to set up. Their small           Escapod Topo Series exterior (above) and interior (below). Photos
                                                    courtesy of Escapod. All rights reserved.                 Also check the trailer’s tires
size allows them to fit in any                                                                             and axles before your trip. Make
campsite and parking or storing                                                                            sure the battery is fully charged
them is a cinch, making them ideal for anyone that must                   and give it a good wash and dry before you go.
store their trailer in the garage to satisfy their HOA. Not able            If you look on the internet, you can easily find lists of
to reach your destination in a single day? No problem. Just               recommended teardrop trailers. Here a few highlights:
pull over with your little teardrop and spend a comfortable                 The Timberleaf Classic starts at around $21,500, has a
night of sleep before starting out again. They also require               dry weight of 1,500 pounds and a tongue weight of 150
little maintenance. With fewer systems and components,                    pounds. Every surface has one-inch thick foam insulation
there are fewer things to break and fewer things to check                 between two layers of birch plywood and it has one of the
before you travel. And let’s not forget the very cute retro               largest skylights of any teardrop trailer. It’s available in three
factor.                                                                   different suspension packages. The Standard is a highway
   While their small size is their biggest advantage, it’s also           cruiser. The All-road will go anywhere your SUV will go. The
their biggest disadvantage. Storage is limited, they may not              Off-road package has a Timbren Axleless suspension with
have an indoor bathroom, the interior height may be a bit
                                                                                                                          continued on page 12
SMOKE SIGNALS                                                                Page 12
Teardrop Trailers continued from page 11                             entertainment system with three-zone audio, DVD and
a four-inch lift, 33-inch all-terrain tires, electric brakes, rock   television. The full wet bath has a full residential-style floor-
armor and an articulating hitch. The Off-road is built to go         to-ceiling shower surround and a marine style toilet. The
just about anywhere.                                                 kitchen has a residential style sink, two-burner glass stove
   The Escapod Topo Series starts at $19,750, has a length           top, full height pantry with adjustable shelves, microwave
of 13 feet, a width of 7 feet, a height of 6.5 feet and a dry        and a four cubic foot refrigerator. The Max also has a
weight of 1,600 pounds (1,800 with water tanks). The frame           13,500 BTU air conditioner, a 16,000 BTU ducted furnace
is constructed of powder-coated steel and the exterior               and a propane and carbon monoxide detector. The Little
walls and roof are made from lightweight aluminum. It                Guy Mini Max starts at just under $30,000, a dry weight
has triple redundant waterproofing and can be taken off-             starting at 2,320 pounds, a tongue weight of 280 pounds
road. Standard features and accessories include a Queen              and an interior height of six feet. It can be towed by most
bed, double-pane stargazer window and an awning. Add-                smaller SUVs and crossovers. It’s made with a tubular steel
ons and optional accessories include a 21-gallon water               chassis, Azdel composite side walls, fiberglass roof and
tank, a water heater and shower, a propane heater, an air            insulated dual pane windows. The wet bath is the same as
conditioner, an integrated solar panel, a double battery             in the Max, just with the slightly shorter height. The kitchen
bank, a domestic fridge/freezer, a bike rack, a kayak rack,          has a stainless steel sink, two-burner glass stovetop,
two sizes of four-season rooftop tent, a second awning or            microwave and a five cubic foot fridge with an upper freezer
an awning annex room.                                                compartment. The dinette converts into a queen bed or two
   Xtreme Outdoors makes three levels of Little Guy                  twin beds. It also has a 13,500 BTU air conditioner and a
trailers: the Little Guy Max, the Little Guy Mini Max and            16,000 BTU furnace.
the MyPod (the MyPod is not covered here). All of them                 Other models to consider are the Earth Traveler T250LX,
include a fridge, stove, sink and wet bath. The Little Guy           Polydrop, Tiny Camper Mini Standard, Meaner Bean and
Max starts at just under $40,000, has a dry weight of 3,010          the NuCamp TAB 400. So, if your looking for the simple
pounds, a length of 21 feet and 6 feet 7 inches of interior          camping life, but don’t want a tent, consider going in style
height. It can be towed by most SUVs. It has a true queen            with a teardrop trailer. P
bed, dedicated wardrobe space and a master bedroom

                 Ankokas Needs Volunteers
                         for the...
                        33rd Annual
                   Haddonfield Auto Show
                                            Saturday, Sept. 11, 2021
                                         (rain date Sept. 18th)
                 We need volunteers for registration, parking and judging. See the flyer
                 for the show on our website To volunteer, call Bob
                              856-767-4438 or e-mail
SMOKE SIGNALS                                                                     Page 13
                  ghghgh Ankokas Events 2021 ghghgh
Thursday, August 12: 7:30PM: Ankokas regular monthly          on the second floor of the Haddonfield Municipal Building, 242
meeting on the second floor of the Haddonfield Municipal      Kings Highway East, Haddonfield.
Building, 242 Kings Highway East, Haddonfield.                Saturday, Sept. 11: Haddonfield Car Show
Thursday, Sept. 9: 7:30: Ankokas regular monthly meeting         Go to for updates.

                  ghghgh AACA Calendar 2021 ghghgh
             All dates subject to change due to the ongoing pandemic. Please check for updates.
 July 1-3: Central Spring Nationals. Auburn, IN.              Sept. 12-17: Glidden Tour. Saratoga Springs, NY.
 July 11-16: AACA National Vintage Tour. Wellsboro, PA.       Oct. 6-9: Eastern Fall Nationals. Hershey, PA.
 July 22-24: Annual Grand Nationals. Hosted by the            Go to for more
 Minnesota Region. New Ulm, MN.                               information and listings.

              ghgh             Fun Holidays to Celebrate in July & August                       ghgh
  July 1: US Postage Stamp Day                                                        August 1: Clown Day
  July 3: Disobedience Day                                                            August 2: National Coloring Book Day
  July 5: National Bikini Day                                                         August 3: National White Wine Day
  July 10: National Kitten Day                                                        August 7: National Lighthouse Day
  July 11: Cheer Up the Lonely Day                                                    August 8: International Cat Day
  July 14: Bastille Day                                                               August 12: World Elephant Day
  July 15: Cow Appreciation Day                                                       August 16: National Tell a Joke Day
  July 17: Disneyland Day                                                             August 17: National Thrift Shop Day
  July 20: World Chess Day                                                            August 19: Aviation Day
  July 23: National Gorgeous Grandma Day                                              August 20: National Radio Day
  July 24: National Day of the Cowboy                                                 August 24: Vesuvius Day
  July 25: Culinarians’ Day                                                           August 26: Toilet Paper Day
  July 27: Dance Day                                                                  August 28: National Bow Tie Day
  July 28: Water Park Day                                                             August 29: International Bat Night
  July 31: Mutts’ Day                                                                 August 31: National Eat Outside Day

                         ghghgh Local Events ghghgh
July 4: 8AM-12PM: Silver Diner 4th of July Breakfast Show.    July 25: 9AM-2PM: First Annual Paint the Town Pink
2131 Route 38, Cherry Hill. Registration ends at 10:00AM.     Car Show. 1103 Route 130, Cinnaminson. Supports the
$20 DOS. Call Steve 609-790-6544.                             Cinnaminson Fire Department. Over 60 trophies. Dash plaques
July 11: 10AM-2PM: (rain date 7/18) Rack’s Summer Car         to the first 150 vehicles. $20 DOS. Call George Ferris 856-304-
Show. 2021 N. Black Horse Pike,                                                          3734.
Williamstown. 50/50, ticket auction,                                                     July 31: 9AM-2PM: 6th Annual St.
T-shirts, trophies. Registration                                                         Paul School Car Show. 250 James St.,
9-11AM. $10. Care packages                                                               Burlington. Preregistration suggested.
collected for our troops. 856-875-                                                       Free coffee/tea and donut. DJ, indoor
9700.                                                                                    restrooms, catered lunch available,
July 17: 9AM-2PM: (rain date 7/18)                                                       air-conditioned cafeteria. Call George
Sentimental Cruisers Summer                                                              609-234-5135.
Cruisin’ Car & Truck Show. 101                                                           August 14-15: New Hope Auto Show.
N. Main St., Forked River. Music,                                                        Two days of amazing cars in the
trophies, food truck, ice cream                                                          beautiful town of New Hope! 215-862-
truck. Registration starts at 8AM.                                                       5665 or
609-971-6351.                                                                            August 28:12-4PM: (rain date 9/4) 3rd
July 18: 9AM-3PM: (rain date 7/25) 3rd Annual Elkins          Annual Overdose Awareness Day Car Show. 201 South White
Chevrolet All “GM” Powered Car Show. 401 Route 73 S.,         Horse Pike, Hammonton. Vendors, raffle baskets, DJ, food
Marlton. $20 DOS. DJ, food truck. Call Tom 856-461-8084.      truck, trophies. Back-to-school, food & Secret Santa toy drives.
July 24: 9Am-2PM:: Pennco Tech Blackwood Car Show. 99         Register online Vehicle entry
Erial Rd., Blackwood. Top 40 plus specialty trophies, WMMR    $20 donation.
live broadcast, food, raffle, games. Call Tom 856-524-2588.
SMOKE SIGNALS                                                                         Page 14

                 ghgh            Webside Ramblings                                                      ghgh
article by Diana Antinucci                                         art. In addition to displaying objects, the museum shows films,
Editor’s Note: I have not written a DIY section in this issue so I hosts panel discussions with noted leaders in film and television
could bring you two very interesting museums. Enjoy!               and offers educational programs and classes. To show films,
                         Automotive                                they have a theater equipped to show 70mm, 35mm and 16mm
   The Haynes International Motor Museum is located in the         films and they are one of only two places in New York capable of
village of Sparkford in Somerset, England. It was founded by       showing old nitrate prints.
the publisher of the Haynes Service Manuals, John Haynes.             Their core exhibition is Behind the Screen and is displayed
His love of vehicles found                                                        across 15,000 square feet on the second and third
expression in collecting                                                          floors of the museum. Of the 130,000 artifacts,
and he was soon out of                                                            only 1,400 are on display, showing the history of
space and losing track of                                                         the moving image and the skills required to bring
what he had. Looking for                                                          them to life. Included in the exhibit are historic
a new building to store                                                           film and television cameras, projectors, television
his collection and make it                                                        sets, costumes, sketches, models, make-up and
accessible to the public,                                                         posters. The display also has almost four hours
Haynes found a WWII                                                                                      of audio-visual material,
American munitions dump                                                                                  including The Great Train
and transformed it into                                                                                  Robbery, selections from
a museum which was         Above: Hall of Motor Sports                                                   The Jazz Singer and Nanook
opened in 1985.             at the Haynes International                                                  of the North and also some
                             Motor Museum. Photo by
   Today, the collection                                                                                 early kinetoscope films. The
                              Ian Kirk and used under
has expanded from              the Creative Commons                                                      museum also houses an
29 vehicles to almost          Attribution 2.0 Generic                                                   impressive collection of video
400, exhibited in 19          license. Right: Exhibit of                                                 arcade and console games
displays, and is the         TV sets at the Museum of
                                                                                                         that patrons can play.
                             the Moving Image. Photo
UK’s largest exhibition      by MusikAnimal and used                                                       Two permanent exhibits
of cars from around the under the Creative Commons                                                       feature the work of Jim
world. An all-aluminum Attribution-Share Alike 4.0                                                       Henson and his associates.
1965 AC Shelby Cobra             International license.
                                                                                                         The Jim Henson Exhibition
greets people in the                                                                                     opened in 2017 and houses
foyer. The Dawn of Motoring display houses cars dating back        almost 500 artifacts donated to the museum by his family and
to 1886, including a replica 1886 Benz Patent Motorwagen.          showcases objects from his early experimental films, early
Wheels Around the World houses a 1975 Bricklin SVI and a           puppetry work, The Muppet Show, the Muppet movies, Sesame
1967 Citroen DS. The Micros and Minis display contains a           Street, Fraggle Rock, The Dark Crystal and Labyrinth. Some of
1964 Trojan 200 and a 1965 Morris Mini MK2. The Great British the puppets on display include Kermit, Miss Piggy, Rowlf, the
Marques display has a 1965 Jaguar E-Type and a 1977 Lotus          Swedish Chef, Statler, Waldorf, Big Bird, Elmo, Cantus Fraggle
Elite Type 75. The American Dream houses a 1931 Dusenberg and a Skeksis. The exhibit also has sketches, storyboards,
J. Derham-bodied Tourster, one of only eight built and worth       scripts, photographs and costumes. Monitors throughout the
millions of dollars. The world famous Red Room has only red        exhibit show film and television clips and behind the scenes
sports cars including a 1966 Ford Mustang convertible, a 1959 footage. Creatures From the Land of Thra: Character Design
Austin Healey Sprite, a 1963 Alfa Romeo 2600 Spider, a 1966        for The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance is a permanent exhibit
Lancia Flavia, a 1969 Marcos and a Daimler SP250 “Dart”,           showing artifacts from the Netflix series that is a prequel to The
with more than 40 vehicles in total. All of the vehicles in the    Dark Crystal film and features concept art, maquettes, puppets
collection are run at special visitor events.
                                                                   and behind the scenes photos. Watch Adam Savage tour the
   To see more of the Haynes Museum, you can see a five-part
                                                                   Jim Henson exhibit.
video from Motoring Culture Magazine: Part One, Part Two,
                                                                      Envisioning 2001: Stanley Kubrick’s Space Odyssey is an
Part Three, Part Four and Part Five. You can also watch an
                                                                   exhibit running until September 26th. The exhibit has artifacts
unnarrated video by Rod Osmond.
                                                                   from international collections, the museum’s collection and from
                       Non-Automotive                              the Stanley Kubrick Archive, including sketches, storyboards,
   The Museum of the Moving Image opened in Queens, NY in contact sheets, test films, photographs and costumes. In
1988. It is the country’s only museum dedicated to the subject conjunction with this exhibit, the museum is showing Stanley
and houses about 130,000 artifacts, the largest collection of      Kubrick films, including 2001: A Space Odyssey, Dr. Strangelove,
objects relating to the moving image in the US. The breadth        Lolita, The Shining and Full Metal Jacket.
of subjects is stunning and ranges from optical toys to digital                                                 P
SMOKE SIGNALS                                                                             Page 15

                     ghgh History of Toilet Paper ghgh
                                                           August 26th is Toilet Paper Day!
  article by Diana Antinucci                                                   toilet paper. Paper was created in China in the second century
  Every year in the US, more than 7 billion rolls of toilet paper              BC, but it wasn’t used for the toilet until the sixth century AD.
are sold. In March of 2020, with the onset of the pandemic,                    In 1393, there is a Ming Dynasty record of 15,000 sheets of
there was a panic that caused a toilet paper shortage. It’s one                soft fabric, perfumed toilet paper made for the imperial family.
of those things you never think about until it’s not there. What               They made 720,000 sheets of rice toilet paper every year for the
did we do before toilet paper?                                                 imperial court in general and 10 million packages of 1,000 to
  In very ancient times, people literally used whatever was at                 10,000 sheets every year for other users.
hand: seashells, animal fur, rocks, sticks, leaves or (yuck) just                Elsewhere, many people were still using whatever was close
your hands and some water.                                                     by. More wealthy people might use a bit of lace or maybe some
  One of the earliest examples of using special “tools” for                    wool or hemp. Poorer people might go in or near a river and
toilet hygiene comes from ancient Rome. Bathrooms in                           wash with the water or use rags, wood shavings, leaves, grass,
ancient Rome were communal places with stone or marble                         hay, stones, moss, etc. to wipe with. Farmers used corncobs
slabs with a series of holes in them. (See the Jan./Feb.                       through the 1700s.
2020 issue of Smoke Signals for the history of toilets and a                     Paper was more widely available in the 15th century, but in
picture of Rome’s public toilets.) Toilet hygiene consisted of a               the West, toilet paper wasn’t a thing until 1857, when Joseph
sponge on a stick that was kept in a container of salt water                   Gayetty of New York sold his “Medicated Paper for the Water-
or vinegar between uses. These sponges, called tersoriums,                                             Closet”. Sold in flat sheets and made
were used communally just like the toilets. Greeks and                                                 of hemp and aloe, the Gayetty Firm
Romans also used moss, leaves or pieces of ceramic called                                              produced their toilet paper in New
pessoi. The pessoi may have begun as ostraca, broken                                                   Jersey and he was so proud of it, his
pieces of pottery with the names of enemies on them that                                               name was watermarked on every sheet.
were used for wiping. Small fragments of cloth found in                                                   It wasn’t the hit that he had hoped
Herculaneum (see page ) may have been used for toilet                                                  for. Why pay for toilet paper when you
hygiene, but since cloth was made by hand, wiping with it                                              can use pages torn from the free Sears
would have been a luxury.                                                                              Roebuck catalog? Also popular was the
  In 1992, archaeologists discovered 2,000 year old military                                           Farmer’s Almanac, leading them to put
latrines with spatula-like instruments made from bamboo                                                a hole in the corner of the book starting
and other wood with the ends bound with cloth containing                                               in 1919, so it could be hung on the
preserved fecal matter. China also gives us the first real                                             outhouse wall.
                                                                                                          The Scott Brothers started selling
                                                                                                       some form of toilet paper in Philadelphia
                                                                                                       in 1867. In 1879, they founded the
                                                                                                       Scott Paper Company and in 1890,
                                                                                                       they started selling Waldorf Brand toilet
                                                                                                       paper, the first toilet paper sold on rolls.
                                                                                                       In 1928, the Hoberg Paper Company
                                                                                                       produced a much softer toilet paper that
                                                                                                       someone reportedly called “charming”.
                                                                                                       They named the toilet paper Charmin
                                                                                                       and in the 1950’s they changed the
                                                                                                       name of the company to Charmin. It
                                                                                                       wasn’t until 1935 that Northern Tissue
                                                                                                       invented the first splinter free toilet
                                                                                                       paper. The widespread use of flush
                                                                                                       toilets made toilet paper a necessity, as
                                                                                                       other things would clog the toilet. St.
                                                                                                       Andrew’s Paper Mill in England invented
                                                                                                       two-ply paper in 1942.
                                                                                                          In some parts of the world, toilet paper
                                                                                                       is still not used and in some places water
                                                                                                       is considered more sanitary. But for
                                                                                                       those of us used to toilet paper, there is
   Left: Nara Period toilet sticks from Japan. Photo by Chris73 and used under the Creative Commons    no substitute.
 Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license. Right: Replica of a tersorium. Photo by D. Herdemerten and           P
                   used under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license.
SMOKE SIGNALS                                                                                    Page 16

                       ghgh                  From the Ashes                                                   ghgh
   August 24th is Vesuvius Day… the day Mt. Vesuvius                        The volcano made the soil rich for agriculture and barley, wheat,
erupted, destroying not only Pompeii, but also Herculaneum                  millet, grapes, olives and other crops were grown there. At the
and several other Roman cities. Or at least we thought it was               time of the eruption, Pompeii was a wealthy town, attracting
August 24th. The only eyewitness account was given in a                     well-to-do vacationers and boasting lavish homes, artisans’
letter by Pliny the Younger to the Roman historian Tacitus,                 shops, bustling markets and a 20,000-seat arena. At the time of
about 25 years after the event. The date of August 24th                     the eruption in 79 AD, there were approximately 12,000 people
comes from a version of this letter printed in 1508 and we                  living in Pompeii.
now know that it is almost certainly in error. People buried                   About 17 miles away was the city of Herculaneum. It followed
by the volcanic ash were wearing clothing too heavy for                     a similar pattern of possession as Pompeii. Smaller than
August. The fresh fruit and vegetables preserved at the                     Pompeii, with only about 8,000 people, it was also a popular
markets are from later in the year, the produce from August                 retreat for Roman’s wealthy citizens and was even more
already having been dried. Wine jars had been sealed for                    prosperous than Pompeii.
fermentation, which would have happened close to the                              The Eruption in Pompeii and Herculaneum
end of October. Coins found buried in the ash had a 15th                       The morning of the eruption didn’t seem very different than
imperatorial acclamation among the titles of the emperor,                   any other day. There had been small earthquakes for about four
which weren’t minted before mid-September. The most                         days before the eruption, but this was nothing new for those
likely date is now somewhere between October 17th and                       living so close to Vesuvius. In 62 AD, there were quakes that
November 23rd. Still, the official day is August 24th, so let’s             lasted several days, damaging Pompeii’s water supply, several
take a moment to reflect on the eruption.                                   temples and public buildings along with causing major damage
 Pompeii and Herculaneum Before the Eruption                                in Herculaneum. Another smaller quake occurred in 64 AD.
   Pompeii was first settled in the 8th century by the Oscans                  The eruption in 79 AD lasted for two days and started with
as five villages (the root                                                                                       Vesuvius sending up a
of Pompeii being the                                                                                             column of debris and hot
Oscan word for five). Over                                                                                       gas somewhere between
centuries it changed hands,                                                                                      9 and 19 miles into the
first to the Greeks, then                                                                                        sky. A rain of pumice fell
the Etruscans, the Greeks                                                                                        on Pompeii and lasted
again, the Samnites and                                                                                          about 18 hours, beginning
then the Romans. The                                                                                             at about 1:00 PM. Many
city was near the Appian                                                                                         people where able to gather
Way, on the coastline at                                                                                         their valuables and escape
the mouth of the Sarno                                                                                           during this time, despite the
River and just five miles                                                                                        high temperatures of the
from the volcano. The river                                                                                      falling debris. By the time
and nearby Appian Way                                                                                            the ash was done falling, it
made the city a vibrant and                                                                                      had accumulated to a depth
important port of trade.                                                                                                            continued on page 17

    Top: Map showing the first day’s eruption. Map by MapMaster and used under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.
   Bottom: Modern view of Mount Vesuvius. Photo by Ekrem Canli and used under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license.
SMOKE SIGNALS                                                                                      Page 17
Another Adventure with Bob continued from page 16                            day’s ash fall descended upon Herculaneum. Instead, they
                                                                             were hit hardest by the pyroclastic surges, which deposited
of nine feet. Early in the morning of the second day, perhaps
                                                                             up to 70 feet of pumice and ash in six different flows. Luckily,
around 1:00 AM, a series of pyroclastic surges began to                      most of the population had already fled. In some areas, hardly
erupt from Vesuvius, reaching temperatures up to 500°F or                    any damage was done, perfectly preserving buildings, objects
more. The US Geological Survey defines a pyroclastic flow                    and victims. In other areas, there was heavy damage caused
as a “high-density mix of hot lava blocks, pumice, ash and                   by the flows that traveled up to 100mph. Anyone still in
volcanic gas.” The fourth and fifth surges reached Pompeii,                  Herculaneum perished.
speeding toward the town, knocking down structures and                          At one time, it was thought that victims of the eruption died
instantly killing anyone left behind and leaving behind a layer              from suffocating under the ash and debris. We now know that
another six feet deep. By evening, the eruption was over.                    death came much, much quicker. The people of Pompeii,
  Because of the direction of the wind, very little of the first             Herculaneum and the surrounding area died from the heat of
                                                                             the pyroclastic flows in just fractions of a second, regardless of
                                                                             what shelter they sought.
                                                                                               Pompeii After the Eruption
                                                                                After the eruption, some people returned briefly to Pompeii
                                                                             and Herculaneum. Some were former residents trying to
                                                                             retrieve possessions. Others were there to loot. After that,
                                                                             the towns were completely lost to time, becoming even more
                                                                             deeply buried by other eruptions. Nothing from Pompeii was
                                                                             discovered until the late 16th century. It wasn’t until 1693 that
                                                                             anything was really excavated and it wasn’t until 1763 that an
                                                                             inscription was found revealing the name of Pompeii. Major
                                                                             excavations began in 1863. This was the first time that plaster
                                                                             was injected into the cavities left by the victims. This technique
                                                                             is still used today, except using resin instead of plaster. The last
                                                                                                                large excavations were done in
                                                                                                                the 1950s, using questionable
                                                                                                                methods and causing many
                                                                                                                headaches for today’s
                                                                                                                researchers. More damage
                                                                                                                was done by problematic
                                                                                                                reconstructions in the 1980s
                                                                                                                and 1990s, following damage
                                                                                                                from an earthquake. There are
                                                                                                                no further large excavations at
                                                                                                                Pompeii and money is focused
                                                                                                                on preserving what has already
                                                                                                                been uncovered.
                                                                                                                                     continued on page 18

   Top: Mural of Venus from Pompeii. Photo by Sarahhoa and used under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 Generic license. Middle left:
 Cast of a young victim from Pompeii. Photo by Gary Todd and released to the public domain. Middle right: Cast of a dog from Pompeii. Photo by Jebulon
 and released to the public domain. Bottom: Panorama of the ruins of Pompeii. Photo by Josef Lucking and used under the Creative Commons Attribution-
                                                           Share Alike 3.0 Germany license.
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