Socialist Voice - Communist Party of Ireland / Páirtí Cumannach na ...

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Socialist Voice - Communist Party of Ireland / Páirtí Cumannach na ...
Communist Party of Ireland

           H HH
                                              Páirtí Cumannach na hÉireann

   Socialist Voice                        Partisan Patriotic Internationalist
                                           Number 189 November 2020 €1.50

                          H H
                                                           Page 2 Labour law

                                                      Page 4 Licensed to kill
                                               Page 6 Celebrate the Republic
                                                      Page 8 Identity politics
                                                            Page 10 Reviews
                                              Page 12 Revolutionary strategy
                                                         Page 14 Reformism
                                                              Page 14 Bolivia

                                          “. . . the intellectuals cast a veil over
                                          the dictatorial character of bourgeois
                                          democracy not least by presenting
                                          democracy as the absolute opposite
                                          of fascism, not as just another
                                          natural phase of it where the
                                          bourgeois dictatorship is revealed in a
                                          more open form.”
                                          Bertolt Brecht
                                          (journal, 16 March 1948).

The Industrial
Relations Act must go
The dispute in Debenham’s has exposed
the 1990 Industrial Relations Act for
the anti-worker legislation that it is.
                                                                Socialist Voice
                                                      43 East Essex Street Dublin
Jimmy Doran reports Page 2                             D02 XH96 (01) 6708707
Socialist Voice - Communist Party of Ireland / Páirtí Cumannach na ...
                                                                                    The judiciary have never been on the
                                                                                    side of workers The Trade Union Left
                                                                                    Forum has been to the forefront of the
                                                                                    campaign to have the 1990 act
                                                                                    abolished and replaced with a Fair
                                                                                    Work Act.
                                                                                        This would guarantee all workers the
                                                                                    right to union access, the right to union
                                                                                    recognition, full collective bargaining
                                                                                    rights, and immunity from civil or criminal
                                                                                    prosecution for any action during a trade
                                                                                    dispute that is in itself not an illegal act.
                                                                                        This would tip the balance firmly onto
                                                                                    the side of workers, who need to have
                                                                                    their rights and conditions protected
                                                                                    from exploitative employers.
                                                                                        The Communications Workers’ Union
                                                                                    is the latest in a growing number of
                                                                                    unions calling for the 1990 act to be
                                                                                    abolished. There are now five unions,
                                                                                    comprising 168,000 members, actively
                                                                                    pursuing this policy.
                                                                                        The Debenham’s dispute has also
                                                                                    revealed the dissatisfaction and mistrust
                                                                                    among large sections of the working
                                                                                    class towards the trade union
                                                                                    movement. Some of this is well founded,
                                         The 1990 Industrial                        as sections of the trade union movement
                                                                                    were happy with the “social partnership”
                                         Relations Act act puts the                 model, where a general agreement could
                                         balance of power firmly on                 be made for all workers, so removing the
                                         the side of employers and                  need to negotiate agreements for
                                                                                    individual groups of employees
                                         leaves workers powerless                   independently of all employers.
                                         during industrial disputes                     This led to thirty years of inactivity,
                                                                                    when unions went into a defensive
                                         and dependent on the                       mode, to protect what workers had,
                                         judiciary finding in their                 rather than an offensive mode, where
                                         favour.                                    workers fought for a bigger share of
                                                                                    what they produce, with improved rights
                                         Jimmy Doran reports

Who said                                 “The corporate media’s indifference
                                         to Assange’s trial hints at the fact
                                         that it is actually doing very little of
                                                                                    “Washington needs ‘a new way of
                                                                                    thinking’ that would acknowledge that
                                                                                    today no country is able to achieve
                                         the sort of journalism that threatens
                                         corporate and state interests and that
                                         challenges real power. It won’t suffer
                                                                                    such a unilateral superiority in both
                                                                                    strategy and economics that nobody
                                                                                    will be in a position to threaten it.”
                                         Assange’s fate because, as we shall        Henry Kissinger warning the current
                                         see, it doesn’t attempt to do the kind     US regime to change course on China or
“Instead of becoming distracted by       of journalism Assange and his              “we will slide into a situation similar to
the ‘threat’ of populism, we should      Wikileaks organisation specialise in.”     World War I.” If the king of warmaking is
do more to . . . represent the           Jonathan Cook (journalist)                 worried, then for once let us all join him.
concerns of citizens and to deliver
effective and timely policy              “Unity means sharing the fight, the        “Schools should not under any
solutions.”                              risks, the sacrifices, the objectives,     circumstances use resources
Daniella Wenger Bennett Institute        ideas, concepts and strategies, which      produced by organisations that take
for Public Policy, and Roberto Foa,      are developed through debates and          extreme political stances on
lecturer in politics and public policy   analysis.”                                 matters.”
at the University of Cambridge.          Fidel Castro                               Department for Education

                2 Socialist Voice November 2020
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The Debenham’s dispute has also revealed the dissatisfaction and mistrust
among large sections of the working class towards the trade union movement.
Some of this is well founded.

and conditions of employment. As a            the 1990 act, and they would be liable        majority vote of unions at its
result, union density collapsed.              to criminal prosecution and the seizure of    conference.
     The question is, How will the 1990       assets. A strike for a political demand is         The next step will be to put pressure
act be abolished? Ultimately it will take     also illegal under the act, as is a general   on the Dáil, as inevitably it will be here
legislative change by Dáil Éireann.           strike: a strike can only be called in a      that the Industrial Relations Act will be
     There are some opportunists pushing      trade dispute with an employer.               abolished. It is not a change that they
the line that if a campaign of                     Some argue that if all workers were to   will adopt easily: they will have to be
disobedience to the rules of the 1990         come out on a general strike the sheer        forced by public outcry and pressure of
act was organised by the trade union          numbers would overwhelm the                   numbers.
movement it would lead to the collapse        government and employers and no                    When we get to the stage where the
of the act and to its being abolished. This   prosecutions would take place. It is          ICTU is calling for the act to be
may sound attractive, but it is not           fantasyland to think that huge numbers        abolished, that is the time to bring
credible. Named and unnamed workers           of workers would come out on a national       people onto the streets in mass
have been served injunctions by the High      general strike against the Industrial         demonstrations to abolish the act. To try
Court; if these workers breach the act        Relations Act at the present time.            to mount a “people power” type
they can be fined, or imprisoned. This        Unfortunately, only about a quarter of        campaign on the streets against the
would certainly get the dispute into the      workers are in unions, and of these the       1990 act at this stage would be a
headlines but ultimately is not what’s        majority are not calling for the act to be    mistake; it would fizzle out, putting back
need for the act to be abolished.             abolished. Many haven’t even heard of it.     the demand and demoralising those
     The media are on the side of the              A strategic approach is needed to this   activists involved.
employers and the state. While this           imbalance of power. It has to be                   When the campaign does go onto
might grab the headlines for a day, it        recognised by workers that large sections     the streets it must remain there until the
would be buried very quickly with a           of trade union leaderships and members        act is abolished, otherwise once it goes
search for Fungie the dolphin or some         are quite happy with the act; so it will      into the Dáil it will be amended and
other such nonsense. The media can’t          have to be a bottom-up campaign to get        diluted, just as the Right to Water
tell you what to think, but they can tell     unions to adopt it as union policy. Five      campaign was.
you what to think about.                      unions have already adopted this policy,           All union activists must push their
     Other opportunists call on the Irish     along with the Union of Students in           unions in a more militant direction, to go
Congress of Trade Unions to call a            Ireland, representing 367,000 of the          on the offensive, get the 1990 act
general strike of workers against the act.    next generation of workers.                   abolished. A pay increase might make
This is also disingenuous, for a number            All unions need to get on board, but     life a little bit easier, but it does not
of reasons. Most prominent is the fact        it is up to union activists and branches      empower workers; but abolishing the
that the Irish Congress of Trade Unions is    to force the issue and get these motions      1990 act will tip the balance of power
not calling for the act to be abolished.      proposed at union conferences. When a         firmly in favour of workers, away from
Even if it wanted to abolish the act, a       majority of unions affiliated to the ICTU     employers.
majority of the unions affiliated to it       are calling for the act to be abolished            This will give workers the tools to
would have to be of the same mind. This       this can force the ICTU into adopting it      fight, to end precarious work, and to win
is not the case.                              as policy—just as it was forced, against      the right to union access, the right to
     Furthermore, if the ICTU was to call a   its will, to adopt the right to water as      union recognition, full collective
general strike it would be illegal under      policy a number of years ago by a             bargaining rights, and much more. H

(Britain), directive to schools in            “I congratulate the winners and ask           their own greedy pockets.”
England. An extreme political stance          them to govern with Bolivia and               A letter to the Midland Topic from “A
is defined as “a publicly stated desire       democracy in mind.”                           local farmer.”
to abolish or overthrow democracy,            Jeanine Áñez Chávez US-backed
capitalism, or to end free and fair           “interim president” and coup plotter,         “Do they know the word
elections,” and then goes on to list          lecturing the winners of the presidential     ‘intervention’ acts as a euphemism
other issues.                                 election in Bolivia.                          for cold-blooded murder under false
                                                                                            pretenses . . . For what fascism and
“Aaron Leonard’s works continue to            “It’s time to put humanity and life,          liberalism share is their undying
shed light on the paranoiac police            not just carbon, at the centre of the         devotion to the capitalist world order
state known as the United States of           climate crisis and our solidarity.”           . . . The fundamental dividing line is
America.”                                     Aruna Chandrasekhar                           not between two different modes of
Ron Jacobs American commentator                independent journalist from India.           capitalist governance, but between
on The Folk Singers and the Bureau,           “Socialism is the only solution for the       capitalists and anti-capitalists.”
documenting the FBI’s attempt to              Irish farmer, because capitalism is the       Gabriel Rockhill Franco-American
destroy the left-leaning folk singers         enemy, the friend of the elites who           philosopher, dismissing any real
Woody Guthrie, Pete Seeger, Josh              are trying to destroy Irish agriculture       difference between liberals and
White, Lee Hays, and many others.             and using it only to fatten even more         fascists. H

                                                                          Socialist Voice November 2020 3
Socialist Voice - Communist Party of Ireland / Páirtí Cumannach na ...

to kill
FRA HUGHES                                    that played a part in the dark and
                                              dangerous world of spies and

       CCORDING TO the BBC, “MI5 has          informers.
       up to 700 staff in Northern Ireland         The Police Service of Northern
       based at regional headquarters in      Ireland, and before that the Royal
Holywood, County Down. It took over the       Ulster Constabulary, led the state’s
lead role in intelligence gathering on        fight against the Irish Republican Army
‘dissident republicans’ from the police in    and the Irish National Liberation Army.
2007. The operational framework was           It ran agents and informers who
set out as part of the St Andrews             gathered information on both loyalist
Agreement a year earlier.”                    and republican proscribed
     On its web site MI5 (the Security        organisations, including the Ulster
Service) claims to have had fewer than        Defence Association, Ulster Volunteer         eradicate the threat to the integrity of
fifty operatives working out of Stormont      Force, and Red Hand Commando.                 the United Kingdom posed by militant
Castle during the “Troubles.” As                   Together with accusations of the         republicans, battling to end Britain’s
republicans can testify, they faced a         “shoot to kill” policy against                colonial occupation of the north-east of
plethora of state agents and state            republicans by Margaret Thatcher,             Ireland.
intelligence agencies during their “war of    coupled with persistent and proven                This is borne out by the leading role
liberation,” including the police Special     cases of state collusion with loyalist        MI5 plays in securing the state of
Branch, the Military Reaction Force,          murder gangs, the role of the state           Northern Ireland within the United
Force Research Unit, SAS, and who             security apparatus was, first and             Kingdom. MI5 has sole responsibility for
knows what other shadowy agencies             foremost, the battle to marginalise and       operational jurisdiction here against

The sectarian virus                                                                             Statistics like these, however, are
                                                                                            unlikely to dampen the enthusiasm of
                                                                                            the sectarian statelet’s diminishing band
GEARÓID Ó MACHAIL                                Stormont’s Department for                  of cheerleaders as they take to the
                                             Communities revealed in May 2020 that          streets in 2021 to mark a hundred years

        EXT YEAR the unashamedly right-      19 per cent of people in “Northern             of sectarian bigotry, corruption,
        wing and sectarian Orange Order      Ireland” live in relative poverty, including   economic decline, and armed conflict
        will mark the centenary of the       approximately 107,000 (24 per cent)            that has resulted in thousands of deaths
creation of the Northern Ireland statelet    children. Previously the department            and injuries.
with “a massive number of events,” the       published a biannual summary of                    Against the backdrop of the
centrepiece of which will be a huge          homelessness statistics that showed            forthcoming centenary, the minister of
parade from Stormont in May 2021. It         that 9,673 people in the North were            agriculture, Edwin Poots, recently dog-
behoves all on the Irish left to analyse     described as homeless last year.               whistled to the communally divided
the immediate future for this “failed            At the beginning of 2020, before the       population of the Six Counties that the
political entity” and to task ourselves      social and economic upheaval wrought           transmission of the covid-19 virus was
with educating Irish workers on the          by the covid-19 pandemic, the BBC              six times higher in “nationalist areas” of
lessons to be drawn from partition,          reported that “Northern Ireland” now has       the jurisdiction.
sectarianism, and the imperialist            “the highest suicide rate in the UK,” with         In 2013, as minister of health,
domination of our country.                   five people taking their life each week.       Poots banned blood donations from

                 4 Socialist Voice November 2020
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MI5 has sole responsibility for operational jurisdiction here against “dissident
republicans,” while the PSNI retains primacy over loyalist paramilitary activities as
well as ordinary crime.

“dissident republicans,” while the PSNI      against republicans by becoming not           explicitly permitted for the first time
retains primacy over loyalist paramilitary   only judge, jury and executioner but also     under British law to commit crimes. This
activities as well as ordinary crime.        the recruiter, organiser and promoter of      will legalise what many believe has
    Republicans are viewed as a threat       dissident republican activity, by using its   already happened in Britain’s dirty war
to the state, but apparently loyalists are   embedded assets, both inserted and            against Irish republicans.
not; in fact they may be deemed at           recruited as agents provocateurs within           Always remember, the crimes the
times an asset to the state—a local          these organisations.                          British establishment commit on the
militia?                                          The rationale is not to defeat its       Irish people will eventually be used
    The whole thrust of British state        enemies but to create an endless              against its own citizenry.
intelligence work, with a budget of          conveyor belt of young and old                    Thankfully, elements within the
possibly billions, is directed solely        republicans being sent to Maghaberry          British political class are standing
against republicans, north and south of      Jail and Hyde Bank prison while securing      against this new legalised criminality; but
the border that partitioned Ireland on       massive funds for its operation, in effect    their voices are few.
behalf of British interests in 1922.         creating a perfect storm of intercepted           Will the trial involving Dennis
    Republicans and nationalists have        missions and compromised leaders and          McFadden, MI5’s star witness against
always claimed that the security services    a perceived continued threat to the           the alleged leadership of the New IRA,
and security forces operated here with       peace talks and the Belfast Agreement,        and the Palestinian Dr Issam Hijawwi
impunity, using torture, false               the bogey man and woman of Irish              Basalat be the first showcase trial where
imprisonment and shoot-to-kill               republicanism.                                an undercover operative admits being
operations alongside extrajudicial                When is the state protecting itself,     involved in illegal activity, previously held
murders and covert state executions.         and by extension its citizens, from a         to be criminal but now to be accepted
    Now many people in both Ireland and      militarised threat and when is it             as the hard face of Britain’s fight against
the United Kingdom see the new               promoting, using and funding that             international terrorism?
Security Bill brought before Parliament      threat?                                           Why has this legislation been brought
as the next phase of Britain’s dubious            There are numerous examples of           forward at this time?
and at times discredited security            assets within organisations, legal and            Will it be used in the trial of Teresa
operation in Ireland. This act of            illegal, being used to promote illegal        May’s would-be assassin, entrapped and
Parliament may well be a “get out of jail”   activity. These cases have been well          possibly set up by the state?
card for MI5 operatives and others who       documented by the CND movement,                   Is it to help keep Dennis McFadden
flout the law, break the law, and commit     socialist organisations, and civil society    and others out of jail?
such crimes as recruitment to proscribed     groups, involving deep-cover agents—              The “Covert Human Resources Bill”
organisations, procurement of arms and       some of whom had physical                     must be opposed by all those who
ammunition, entrapment, incitement to        relationships with those they were spying     defend democracy. Entrapment by the
maim and murder, directing terrorism,        on, in order to cement their place in the     state will become a tool for criminalising
and prosecuting a war against the state      group—and incited violence in order to        individuals, groups and communities
in order to protect the state.               brand them as criminal and militant in        opposed to the state and for creating
    It is my opinion that this new           the eyes of the public.                       false-flag attacks on society, to
legislation will allow MI5 to operate even        Undercover informants working for        manipulate public opinion in favour of
more aggressively, immorally and illegally   the police and MI5 are going to be            the state narrative. H

gay people, saying, “I think that people         Attempts to show the correlation          imposed by sectarian leaders and tribal
who engage in high-risk sexual               between the prevalence of low-wage            loyalties. In 1932 thousands of workers,
behaviour in general should be               front-line employment in working-class        Protestant and Catholic, went on strike
excluded from giving blood.”                 areas and the spread of Covid-19 among        throughout Belfast while tens of
Incidentally, the esteemed minister is       the community were but background             thousands packed the streets in front of
also a “young earth creationist,” who        noise to the cacophony of tit-for-tat         Belfast City Hall to listen to speakers
believes that the earth was “created”        sectarian exchanges between unionist          from communist and labour
in 4000 BC, an analysis that was             and nationalist representatives, egged on     backgrounds lay out their demands for
sufficient to see him awarded the post       by mainstream media commentators              welfare and a living wage. One speaker
of minister for the environment in a         with a pro-imperialist agenda.                declared: “Let our slogan be ‘No
previous Stormont Executive.                     Concerted attempts to divide workers      surrender to poverty, misery, and
    Socialists were quick to point out       on sectarian lines have been a feature        destitution.’”
that areas experiencing unusually high       of the Northern state since its inception.        A window in that same City Hall
transmission of the potentially deadly       An entity founded on the very basis of a      commemorates the heroism and
covid virus in the North correlated to       sectarian head count was unlikely ever        courage of those workers from both
areas of multiple deprivation. Derry—        to escape the strictures of its very raison   traditions in the North who joined the
“Northern Ireland’s second city”—has         d’être.                                       International Brigades to defend the
some of the worst deprivation indicators         Nevertheless Northern workers have        Spanish Republic against the fascist
in western Europe.                           on occasion broken free of the shackles       uprising. H

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Celebrating the people’s struggle
for a progressive republic

TOMMY MCKEARNEY                            and only talked about in public if              undermine the idealism, introduce the
                                           absolutely unavoidable.                         unpleasant, and imply that there is still

       OVID-19 has not been all bad             The proffered rationale for this           worse to be uncovered. For example,
       news for those who govern           neglect is invariably misleading and trite.     Kevin Barry was willing to “kill and to
       Ireland’s 26-county state. Apart    “Say little in case it might inflame            die,” ran the tendentious headline in a
from giving Leo Varadkar and Micheál       passions in the North,” they mutter. No         recent Irish Independent article. Other
Martin continuing opportunities to pose    need to revisit that period, since we are       sources spin the tale that civilians died
solemnly in front of the television        now so friendly with Britain, we are            in crossfire, women were sometimes
cameras it has allowed the Irish           assured. Best not to dig too deep,              abused, and caring fathers were among
establishment to quietly ignore seminal    because your neighbour’s grandfather            police casualties.
events of a century ago.                   may have been a member of the RIC or                All undeniably true; but the story is
    While the pandemic has obviously       even a Black and Tan. And look at the           not being told in context.
restricted public gatherings, official     difficulties that commemorating that                This misleading slant is often followed
Ireland has done little to highlight or    bunch of thugs caused Charlie Flanagan,         by raising questions such as Tom Barry’s
reflect upon the past. It’s almost as if   not to mention the leadership of Fianna         account of the false surrender at
the War of Independence was a              Fáil.                                           Kilmichael, or insinuations that the IRA
disturbing and uncomfortable family             Of course if discussion of the period      was guilty of sectarianism in certain
secret, best when seldom mentioned         cannot be avoided, then endeavour to            areas. These are well-practised tactics

           CONTINUED ON PAGE 6             workers in the last hundred years should        service, free at the point of use and
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 5                      be the real story in commemorating the          funded by progressive general taxation in
                                           beleaguered history of the sectarian            addition to wealth taxes.
    An anti-sectarian consciousness was    statelet.                                           In the coming period the onus is on
again briefly raised among a section of         It’s clear to all but the wilfully blind   communists, socialists, left republicans,
Northern workers in the heady early days   that partition, sectarianism and the            trade unionists and other progressives to
of the civil rights movement in the late   capitalist system of economic relations         use the centenary of the imposition of a
1960s. Not surprisingly, the trusty old    in Ireland are hampering efforts to             British border in Ireland not merely to
Orange card was once again dusted off      contain the spread of the covid                 expose the catastrophic influence of
and employed to lethal effect by           pandemic. Working people in the North           imperialism, north and south, but to unite
unionism and its imperial puppet-          of Ireland deserve better than sectarian        and organise working people around the
masters.                                   cat-calling and should immediately join         demand for a new, secular republic for all
    The few but inspiring instances of     the demand for a fully equipped and fully       our people—an anti-sectarian, anti-
working-class unity among Northern         resourced all-Ireland national health           imperialist workers’ republic. H

                 6 Socialist Voice November 2020
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By 1920 there existed in many parts of Ireland a situation of virtual dual power. An
insurrectionary movement had rejected, and in places supplanted, the authority of a
long-established and powerful regime.

designed to muddy the waters in order to       work-places and unashamedly declaring          crony capitalism and in effect beholden
provide scope for those who wish to            them to be workers’ soviets.                   for its survival to the tenets of
equivocate, criticise, or deny.                     This aspect of the War of                 contemporary imperialism, whether
    It has to be said too that certain         Independence—that is, the potential to         British, American, or European.
republicans have tended to oversimplify        build a different, secular, socially and            Hardly surprising, therefore, that the
the conflict rather than critique it. They     economically progressive Ireland—is            Irish establishment is so uneasy about
have promoted a view defining the              often overlooked. Yet it remains central       taking part in a deep reflection on the
aftermath as one merely of betrayal of an      to a proper understanding of those             War of Independence and its immediate
ideal. In reality this is a version of the     events in our history. Moreover, it is one     aftermath. Uncomfortable questions
“great man or bad man” theory of history.      of the main reasons why today, apart           would be asked about the southern Irish
    However superficially attractive the       from recalling a few outstanding               state’s failure to address so many issues.
view may be, it fails to provide a concrete    episodes, the Irish establishment is           How is it that almost a century later, and
analysis of the past and therefore cannot      reluctant to revisit that period. To do so     in the grip of a dangerous pandemic, we
offer a telling insight into the present.      would involve examining the struggle for       have a two-tier health service, failing
    Ireland’s War of Independence is a         Irish independence within a wider and          abysmally? Why indeed have we two
story worth telling at any time and            more meaningful context than self-             uncoordinated health services on this
certainly not something to be shied away       government alone.                              small island? Why have we a
from. Nevertheless it was more than a               What were the defining                    homelessness and housing crisis? Why
series of military engagements, no             characteristics of the Sinn Féin               do we still have a financial sector
matter how spectacular some of them            movement of the time? What were its            unanswerable to the people? Why is the
may have been. It was a time of                objectives, and why did it fracture? Most      Taoiseach unwilling to declare his support
revolution, with mass popular                  important of all, why were working people      for an end to partition?
participation at the grass roots—a time        left out of the post-war settlement?                These and other questions will be
when the potential existed for                      Writing later, the socialist republican   addressed during a three-day digital
fundamental social and economic                Peadar O’Donnell made the incisive             festival organised by the Peadar
change. That this latter possibility did not   observation that “the middle class, which      O’Donnell Socialist Republican Forum to
come about is not only revealing but has       lurked in the shadow of the republican         celebrate and analyse Ireland’s War of
a crucial bearing on the present day.          movement from its rise to popularity, was      Independence. Taking place on the 27th,
    By 1920 there existed in many parts        no part of the freedom forces; it had no       28th and 29th of November, it is
of Ireland a situation of virtual dual         aim that could not be realised in Home         designed to coincide with the 100th
power. An insurrectionary movement had         Rule within the British Empire.”               anniversary of the Kilmichael ambush.
rejected, and in places supplanted, the             Therein lies a profound and accurate      The festival will explore, in conversation
authority of a long-established and            explanation for the Civil War, the genesis     with a range of expert speakers, many
powerful regime. In its stead the              of which lay in conflicting class interests    aspects of the struggle. In particular it
insurgents had established their own           within the insurgent forces.                   will asses the effect of those events on
governing institution, with its judicial       Unfortunately, such clarity or insight was     the present day, with a particular
system, police, and army. Not only did         missing from among a majority of the           emphasis on the theme that now, and
this new order have majority support in        anti-Treaty forces, a blind spot that          after such heroic struggle, “Labour must
the country but it enjoyed significant         focused attention then and subsequently        wait no longer.” H
backing from within organised labour, as       on superficial aspects rather than the
demonstrated by a number of                    substance of the new 26-county                 N Festival details and timetable will be
widespread, paralysing politically inspired    arrangement. This misconception                available on the Peadar O’Donnell
strikes. Moreover, labour was flexing its      facilitated the emergence and endurance        Socialist Republican Forum’s Facebook
muscle, seizing control of a number of         of a bourgeois state, a state immersed in      page.

References and further reading

l BBC News, “Suicide prevention                l Michael Farrell, Northern Ireland:           l Seán Mitchell, Struggle or Starve:
‘top priority,’ health minister,”              The Orange State (1987).                       Working-Class Unity in Belfast’s 1932
21 January 2020                                l Neil Hegarty, “When Belfast’s                Outdoor Relief Riots, Chicago:
(                Catholics and Protestants rioted               Haymarket Books, 2017.
l Steve Bradley, “Why is Derry so              together,” Irish Times, 2 September            l Public Health Agency, “Poverty”
poor, and why is nothing being done            2017 (           (
about it? (Part I),” 9 March 2018              l Sam McBride, “Orange Order’s                 l Paul Stewart, Tommy McKearney,
(                plan to mark Northern Ireland                  Gearóid Ó Machail, Patricia Campbell,
l Department for Communities,                  centenary revealed: A huge Stormont            and Brian Garvey, The State of
“Poverty”                                      parade, fireworks, gardens and                 Northern Ireland and the Democratic
(                more,” News Letter, 23 October,                Deficit: Between Sectarianism and
                                               2020 (           Neoliberalism (2019).

                                                                           Socialist Voice November 2020 7

Identity politics,                               On the right, identity politics is leveraged to deliberately
                                             divide and fracture workers, pitting them against each other,
                                             most frequently on the basis of race, gender, religion, or

the far right,                               nationality.
                                                 The left variant of identity politics emerged from the post-
                                             modern paradigm that has come to dominate much of
and masks                                    progressive politics within the academic world. As the past
                                             thirty years have shown, a politics that over-emphasises
                                             individual identity and difference over the potential to unite
With the rise of the far right it is worth   disparate groups under shared class interests leaves much to
considering the issue of identity politics   be desired. Nevertheless the focus on identity and difference
                                             is necessary, even if it served as an over-correction to certain
and the left. This, Eoin McDermott           historical tendencies on the left that treated the working class
argues, is a type of politics that takes     as a homogeneous, abstract, uniform mass.
identity, often essentialised, as the            The problem here is not universality but rather abstract
                                             universality. In the overreaction against such descriptions, the
central category for organisation and        post-modern position throws the baby of concrete universality
analysis. Its left-wing variant is           out with the bath water of abstract universality. Forgoing
suspicious of power, preferring to engage    universality as a concept and revelling in difference has led to
in academic taxonomies of oppression         nothing but the fracturing of progressive forces into small
                                             cliques incapable of pursuing a collective emancipatory
which prove incapable of addressing          project with the power to address the needs of the majority in
underlying causes.                           society.

           8 Socialist Voice November 2020 cannot bring the unionised male European worker and the female Bangladeshi
sweatshop worker together by asserting the primacy of a traditional model of class
over the real interests and feelings and needs of that Bangladeshi woman.

    Our model of class must recognise difference while              torrent of class struggle, ultimately petering out before they
stressing the concrete universality of class, based on the          reach their goal.
subject’s relationship to the means of production. As the               The goal of the communist movement should be to tear
Marxist philosopher and founder of the school of critical           down the barriers where they exist and incorporate the
realism, Roy Bhaskar, states,                                       streams in the broad river of class struggle. This cannot be
  you cannot bring them [the unionised male European worker         achieved by ignoring barriers or chastising people for not
  and the female Bangladeshi sweatshop worker] together by          placing class above those interests, such as race or gender,
  asserting the primacy of a traditional model of class over the    that they feel most pressing to their personal experience at a
  real interests and feelings and needs of that Bangladeshi         given moment. We must show how their interests are
  woman. You have got to do it by appealing to the                  interdependent with, and not independent, of class.
  commonality of their enemies and then the particularity of            Finally, how do we address the anti-maskers and the far
  their own interests and differences.*                             right? The first thing that must be acknowledged is that the
                                                                    anti-mask movement is not really about masks. The mask, or,
    Class is the concrete universal, the unifying commonality       more accurately, the absence of the mask, is an
that has the potential to unite all workers. Yet there are social   overdetermined signifier that unites a broad group of
structures and forms of oppression that impede this unity.          discontented working people who are suspicious of the
These should not be dismissed as secondary concerns: it must        opinions of experts. In this sense anti-mask politics is a
be shown that the vines of racism, sexual discrimination,           politics of identity, division, and scepticism.
xenophobia etc. rely on the healthy tree of capitalism, and that        With this in mind, we must not be too quick to blame
only through a universal struggle to destroy that tree’s root can   people after experiencing the so-called economic expertise
our collective concerns be adequately addressed.                    that both created and “fixed” the 2008 economic crisis—an
    With this in mind, let us consider the present moment, in       expertise that has left people worse off than they were a
which most people are feeling considerable pain because of          decade before. Now we witness health experts issuing sound,
the economic and public-health consequences of organising           scientific public-health advice that is not supported in turn by
society around the accumulation of profit, at the expense of        economic policies capable of protecting people’s jobs and
public need. The far right has recognised and leveraged this        livelihoods, thanks to the skewed priorities of Fine Gael,
pain and discontent, displacing it onto spurious issues of          Fianna Fáil, and the Green Party.
identity, such as the wearing of face-masks or attempts to              It is no surprise that so many people have reacted as they
blame immigrants for shortages of housing and health                have. Instead of turning against the economic system that is
services.                                                           the cause of their suffering, friends and neighbours have been
    It should be clear that the average person who turns up to      fed poisonous lies and conspiracies by right-wing forces that
protests surreptitiously organised by the far right is not a        the advice of health experts trying to protect them is the very
fascist but rather has legitimate grievances that are being         cause of their problems.
manipulated and channelled into dangerous dead ends by                  While liberals and the media sneer at these people,
pseudo-intellectual charlatans of diminutive stature.               dismissing them as the uneducated dregs of society, we
    If class offers the means of uniting the majority of working    should recognise that their grievances and fears are real and
people to pursue their common emancipation from the                 not entirely irrational. We must push back against anti-
constraints of capital but this unity is hindered by external       scientific talking-points of the far right against masks that
factors, how can we think about organising on a class basis if      cause nothing but harm to the communities they seek to
issues of identity seem to take precedence? Here an analogy         exploit, while at the same time recognising the just scepticism
may help us.                                                        about neoliberal economic expertise and acknowledging that
    We know that water has a general tendency to flow               fears and grievances over the future are real. We must stress
downhill, because of the effect of gravity; yet the simple          that the cause of these grievances is to be found in the mode
presence of the law of gravity doesn’t mean that the course of      of production that gives priority to profits over human life and
water is guaranteed to flow along a predetermined path. All         not a piece of cloth that can save lives. We must push hard
sorts of structures can be built to divert and channel the water    against attempts to lump doctors and nurses in the same
away from its original course. One who insists that water           category as establishment politicians and neoliberal
should flow downhill of its own accord and along a                  economists.
predetermined path, ignoring diversions and dams, has a                 If we succeed we can break down the dam of anti-
tenuous grasp of reality. If we wish to enable the water to flow    intellectual and dangerous demagoguery offered by the far
along its proper course towards the sea there are structures        right and offer a path for thousands of people to properly
that must be removed and new ones that can be erected to            address their particular concerns through the universality of
help channel the many weak trickles into streams, and               class struggle. This is why identity politics is not enough: only a
streams into a river capable of exerting tremendous force in its    class politics capable of integrating difference in its model can
movement.                                                           offer a way forward. H
    So it is with issues of identity and class struggle. Certain
identity positions established by the right, such as unionism,      *Roy Bhaskar, “Critical realism and the left,” in From
may hinder the development of class-consciousness like              Science to Emancipation: Alienation and the Actuality of
dams, others may simply act as parallel streams flowing in the      Enlightenment (London: Routledge, 2012), p. 190–201.
same direction but independent and weaker outside the

                                                                         Socialist Voice November 2020 9
                                                                                                                             Her face in wrathful lines.

                                                                                       Scene from The Young Marx (2017)
                                                                                                                             She took the money, safe it kept;
                                                                                                                             Treasured ’til January,
                                                                                                                             To Ireland fast and sure she sent
                                                                                                                             The money, so did Mary.

                                                                                                                             ’Tis for my land’s salvation,
                                                                                                                             I give this to your coffers!
                                                                                                                             Arise, and whet your weapons.

 Engels and                                                                                                                  Stir up the ancient hatreds!
                                                                                                                             The Rose of England strives to choke

                                                                                                                             Shamrock of Tipperary
                                                                                                                             Warm greetings to the best of blokes,
                                                                                                                             O’Connell, from our Mary.
                                                                                                                             [translation by Jenny Farrell]

                                                                                                                              Mary Burns was instrumental in
JENNY FARRELL                                    Mary                                                                     introducing Engels to the horrendous
                                                 From Ireland with the tide she came,                                     conditions of the Manchester proletariat.

      RIEDRICH ENGELS, whose 200th               She came from Tipperary:                                                 As the 24-year-old Engels wrote in The
      birthday falls on 28 November, had         “Oranges, fresh and good for sale”                                       Condition of the Working Class in
      a very personal connection with            So cried our lassie Mary.                                                England (1845), “The rapid extension of
Ireland. Soon after being sent to help run       And Moor and Persian and Brown,                                          English industry could not have taken
the family textile factory in Manchester in      Jews, Gentiles overwrought—                                              place if England had not possessed in
1842 he met twenty-year-old Mary                 All people of the trading town,                                          the numerous and impoverished
Burns, daughter of an Irish dyer. Engels’s       They came and bought, and bought.                                        population of Ireland a reserve at
friend the revolutionary German poet             ...                                                                      command.” However, the Irish also
Georg Weerth wrote a poem about Mary             And with the money that she gained                                       brought a tradition of struggle. Many
after he met the couple. It is a rare            For juicy, golden mandrines,                                             became trade unionists, and Feargus
contemporary account:                            She hurried home determined                                              O’Connor was elected to Parliament in

Setting our                                                                                                               discourse on the left. This light, informal
                                                                                                                          style certainly benefits from the book’s
                                                                                                                          origins as spoken material as Harvey
sights low                                                                                                                moves from subject to subject with an
                                                                                                                          effortless momentum. As a consequence
                                                                                                                          the book is suited to seasoned readers of
David Harvey, The Anti-Capitalist                                                                                         left theory as well as those just curious to
Chronicles (Pluto Press, London, 2020)                                                                                    explore critiques of the iniquitous
                                                                                                                          capitalist system we live under.
RAYMOND Ó DUBHGHAILL                                                                                                           Harvey’s status on the left is that of a
                                                                                                                          sort of benign elder statesman whose

       OR ANYONE in the Anglophone                                                                                        popularity transcends traditional
       world with an interest in Marx or                                                                                  sectarian categories. This is partly due to
      political economy, David Harvey is                                                                                  his congenial and gentle personality, as
probably a figure who needs no                                                                                            well as his tendency to generally avoid
introduction. The British professor, who                                                                                  controversy in his interventions in
celebrated his 85th birthday on 31                                                                                        popular discourse. Or at least this was
October, is one of the most prominent                                                                                     so until recently, when some of his
theorists and spokespersons of the                                                                                        pronouncements resulted in an
contemporary Western left, whose                                                                                          enormous amount of well-publicised
studies of Marx’s Capital and recent                                                                                      criticism from fellow-Marxists.
successful forays into podcasting will be                                                                                      These criticisms centred on his
familiar to many readers.                     climate change to political responses to                                    assertion that capitalism, in the
    It is from the latter source (also        the covid-19 pandemic.                                                      monstrous, globe-encompassing manner
entitled “David Harvey’s Anti-Capitalist          Harvey’s great skill, in writing as in                                  in which it exists at the present day, is
Chronicles”) that much of this present        speech, is to explain complex theories,                                     “too big to fail,” and that the notion that
volume has been drawn, or adapted into        histories and ideas in a clear,                                             a revolution could quickly overturn this
book form, covering a range of topics,        conversational style that avoids the                                        economic system to build socialism is a
from surplus value, the history of            pitfalls of impenetrability and prolix that                                 “fantasy” that belongs solely to the
neoliberal capitalism, alienation and         characterise much of contemporary                                           material conditions that prevailed in the

                 10 Socialist Voice November 2020
1847 as the first Chartist.                         In 1856 Engels and Mary visited            may even have hidden them briefly.
    The situation of proletarian families       Ireland together. He wrote to Marx             Following their execution, in both the
led Engels much later to note in The            following this trip: “Ireland may be           Marx and Engels-Burns households the
Origins of the Family, Private Property and     regarded as England’s first colony,” and “I    women expressed their support for
the State (1884): “now that large-scale         never thought that famine could have           Ireland by wearing green ribbons with
industry has taken the wife out of the          such a tangible reality.”                      black for mourning.
home onto the labour market and into                Both Mary and Lizzie were very                 In September 1869 Lizzie, Engels
the factory, and made her often the             involved with and supported the IRB’s          and the fourteen-year-old Eleanor Marx
bread-winner of the family, no basis for        struggle for an independent Ireland. Aged      spent three weeks in Ireland. The
any kind of male supremacy is left in the       only forty, Mary died suddenly on 8            demand for an amnesty for the IRB
proletarian household.”                         January 1863. She had been Engels’s            prisoners held in British jails had revived
    Engels understood marriage and              partner for twenty years. He was deeply        the liberation movement. Tens of
family as directly linked to the ruling class   shaken when Marx failed to respond             thousands of people were out on the
system, in which the accumulation of            compassionately to his loss; it nearly         streets of Dublin and Limerick. Engels
wealth led to marriage, strict monogamy         broke their friendship.                        planned to write a comprehensive study
of women, and female submission: “. . .             After Mary’s death Engels and Lizzie       of Ireland and began research in earnest.
in proportion as wealth increased, it           became lovers and moved into a small               Lizzie and Engels moved to London
made the man’s position in the family           terrace house in Mornington Street in the      in September 1870. Their house
more important than the woman’s . . .           Ardwick district of Manchester. This is the    became a centre for the socialist
[and the resulting] overthrow of mother-        house where Marx visited a number of           movement. Lizzie died on 12 September
right was the world historical defeat of the    times, as did his daughter Eleanor.            1878. Engels wrote about her: “She
female sex.”                                    Eleanor struck up a deep friendship with       was of genuine Irish proletarian stock
    Engels decided never to marry. He           Lizzie and through her became an Irish         and her passionate, innate feeling for
lived first with Mary Burns and, following      patriot. Lizzie was a member of the            her class was of far greater importance
her early death, with her sister Lydia          Fenian Society, and there are indications      to me and stood me in better stead at
(Lizzie). In effect he led a double life: one   that she joined the First International.       all critical moments to a greater extent
as a manager in his father’s factory, the           In 1867, when Manchester police            than all the pseudo-intellectual and
other in a suburban cottage rented under        captured two IRB men, Kelly and Deasy,         clever-clever ‘finely educated’ and
an alias for Mary and Lizzie, his real          Lizzie became involved in the                  ‘delicate’ bourgeois daughters could
home.                                           unsuccessful plot to rescue them. She          have done.” H

early part of the twentieth century.            tendency to focus on macro-economics,          many—too often he is content in his
     A debate ensued over whether these         for want of a better term, to the              pronouncements to merely suggest a
statements constituted a rejection of           exclusion of the realities of class struggle   bargaining with capitalism, rather than
Marxism, whether they had been                  that is Harvey’s great weakness, albeit        call for its overthrow: for example when
misinterpreted or exaggerated or were           one he shares with many in today’s left.       he declares the necessity for the
simply reactionary in nature, the                    The book is rife with topics to which     capitalist state to mitigate the worst
privileged musings of a professor resident      Harvey applies his brisk and broad             excesses of finance capital, or generally
in New York, long since detached from           critical lens. He rarely gets bogged down      to act as a bulwark against the
any real-world proletarian struggle.            in historical detail, offering instead a       economic system’s inevitable tendency
     For better or for worse, these divisive    critical, whistle-stop tour of his subjects:   towards increased exploitation in the
claims are repeated here, and fleshed           the Chinese tech industry,                     name of profit (a tendency he
out somewhat in the opening chapter,            financialisation of the economy, CO₂           understands well!).
titled “Global unrest.” If Harvey begins        emissions under capitalism, and more,              Such social-democratic attitudes, if
this passage in a tone of finger-wagging        all get this treatment. However, he            they can be labelled as such, may be a
reprimand to the younger generation             sometimes makes time for welcome               necessary consequence of abandoning
(warning that, because of the all-              anecdotal or literary asides, on his visits    one’s revolutionary aspirations in the
pervasiveness of capital, the upheaval          to Nanjing, or quoting Shakespeare to          here and now.
associated with a revolutionary period          discuss the rise of merchant capitalism.           It’s hard to escape the feeling that
would be “potentially lethal for a large        His breadth of knowledge and diverse           Harvey’s quite lucid criticisms of the
portion of the global population”), he          interests are clearly evident, and these       direction in which our economic system
ends it with the far less controversial         enrich an already compelling document          is and has been going deserve a more
thought that “revolution is a long              on a range of important issues facing          inspiring and radical over-arching
process not an event.”                          the planet right now.                          message than to aim small and set our
     One might very well argue in turn that          All of which goes to say that this is     sights low; because the capitalists are
the all-pervasive capitalist system in          an eminently readable, diverting and           strong, after all. One is reminded of
which human life persists is nonetheless        informative book from a distinguished          Marx’s immortal words in his criticism of
quite literally lethal already for a large      and even beloved figure of the left.           Feuerbach: “The philosophers have
portion of the global population, and this      However, it should be approached with          hitherto only interpreted the world in
fact is reason enough for its violent           the caveat that, for all Harvey’s              various ways; the point, however, is to
overthrow. But perhaps it is simply this        analytical qualities—and they are              change it.” H

                                                                           Socialist Voice November 2020 11

A to B
and everything in between
The Communist Party of          Each one of these demands has led             themselves as an alternative in
Ireland has, time and time      to the establishment of, or a                 confronting capitalism and the
again, shown its analysis       contribution to the narrative of,             establishment political parties, Fianna
                                campaigns, with varying degrees of            Fáil and Fine Gael.
of capitalism and               success, some of which are                        But taxing the rich, which is a
imperialism to be correct.      continuing. Importantly, however, they        progressive idea, is not in fact
Where we have been able         challenged both the establishment             confronting capitalism but merely trying
to intervene and make a         rhetoric and narrative and the                to reshape the structures within
contribution to the wider       reformist demands of the “left”               capitalism: a changing of the guard in
political movements,            wing—socialist, republican, and               favour of labour.
                                social-democratic forces—by                       Many parties proclaim themselves
debates and campaigns           consciously bringing a sharp class            socialist and want to bring about
we have actively                analysis and the transformative               socialism in Ireland, the CPI included. If
intervened in what were         demand to the particular issue.               we are conscious of our goal we must
popular reformist                   It was only after this conscious effort   work backwards to assess our best path
demands, shifting them to       by the party that we have shifted the         towards that goal of successful
transformative ideas and        balance of thought from reformation to        revolution for building socialism. In
                                transformation, from a basic economic         reality, at this point if we were to
demands, in a number of         analysis to a class analysis; and now we      present a “socialist programme,” what
crucial areas: (1)              must bring that central feature of party      is the real likelihood of different groups,
repudiating the debt,           work to the battle of ideas that is           communities, work-places and unions
(2) austerity is working, (3)   constantly evolving on many issues.           not only endorsing it but actively
the triple lock of                  We know that the left parties in          pursuing it?
imperialism,                    Ireland—Sinn Féin, the Trotskyists, the           In other words, has the working
                                Social Democrats, and others—will take        class reached a level of class-
(4) public ownership of         up populist and, in the main, progressive     consciousness where it is ready to take
water enshrined in the          positions, but because they are               up the cause of socialism—industrially,
Constitution,                   fundamentally wedded to the electoral         socially, politically, and, if necessary,
(5) universal public            process and have distanced themselves         militarily? Would the different arms of
housing, and                    from opposing EU, American and British        industry, services and agriculture work
(6) repeal of the               imperialism they seem to lack a vision        together, in unison and in solidarity with
                                for the working class outside of              other sections of society, to bring about
Industrial Relations Act,       capitalism and its imperialist structures.    a change in the mode of production,
to name a few.                  “Tax the rich” is about as far as these       willing to defend it at all costs?
Eoghan O’Neill reports          parties will go when presenting                   This is where we not only want them

           12 Socialist Voice November 2020
The weakness of just seeking reforms within the system is that it excludes a
distinctive class and anti-imperialist line of analysis and understanding, because the
target of the demand is not striking at the class nature of the state...

to be but need them to be. However,         and in a wide range of countries, which                   The reason for emphasising this is
this is not where the collective class-     is the most essential element in our                  that it is clear that capitalism, by virtue of
conscious is at the present time. So the    struggle for a just society, an end to the            historical fact, is incapable of either
question is one that has haunted            exploitation of the people—wherever                   solving or resolving the issues of the
socialist movements for generations:        they live and labour—and for a re-                    people and the environmental emergency
How do we go from A (where we are           rebalancing of the earth system, which                as well as resolving its own internal
now) to B (socialism)?                      is tilting towards a point of no return.              contradictions and crisis. The choice for
     We start from an analysis of where          The capitalist system and the                    capitalism and capitalists will always be
we are now; and at the moment the           capitalists who benefit from the mode                 to save themselves, save their wealth,
working class is in a defensive state,      of production, when put under the                     even going so far as jeopardising the
because our livelihood, wages, jobs,        strain of these reforms under the                     planetary system in pursuit of their private
services, communities, health and the       weight of their own contradictions,                   accumulation of capital and wealth.
environment are under persistent and        enter into a state of crisis. In modern                   The question is, How do we present
sustained attack, which has only            history (after the Second World War)                  an alternative to capitalism that is in
increased since the onset of the covid-     this is exactly what happened to                      tandem with the people’s state of
19 pandemic. We see examples such           Western economies after a prolonged                   defence yet is capable of stretching the
as the valiant efforts of the Debenham      period of state and public investment in              horizon of workers’ demands, and
workers, who have been on strike for        what was known as the “Golden Age” of                 advancing towards a programme for
more than 200 days against an               capitalism, what I would deem the                     socialist revolution and a socialist mode
unscrupulous capitalist enterprise.         golden age of social democracy. A boon                of production?
These attacks on workers, their jobs,       for the public became a crisis for the                    I would argue that the best way
their livelihoods will only increase        private capitalist class; and, beginning              forward—that open space between A
further in the months and years ahead.      in the late 1960s, a profitability crisis             and B—is to popularise a
     I have become more and more            emerged, which is shown in the graph.                 transformative democratic programme
convinced that if we only present and       To counter this free fall in rates of profit          that lays open an expansion of the
mount defensive actions, or                 the capitalist class and the imperialist              democratic demands of the working
concentrate on individual insular           powers went about implementing the                    class towards socialist revolution and
reforms related to the particular           greatest shift of industrial productive               socialist construction. The time has
business or industry, we may be in          forces in history, ushering in what is                passed for thinking about separate
danger of losing a lot more ground to       generally called the neo-liberal age: the             campaigns that deal with one particular
the forces of reaction and intolerance—     age of manufacturing in the global                    issue: we must begin to link the
the very people who were rightly beaten     south, of de-industrialisation in the                 individual struggles (e.g. the Debenham
off the streets a few weeks ago.            global north, of the dismantling of                   strike) with the broader class struggle
     Without a conscious effort of class-   welfare states, and the privatising of                (company profits over workers’
conscious forces to expose and rupture      state-owned industries, services, and                 livelihoods) and explicitly expose this in
the contradictions and fault lines that     land.                                                 any and all campaign literature.
exist within the system we will forever
be back and forth seeking reforms,
from all shades of political parties in
government. We cannot underestimate
the ability and resourcefulness of the
bourgeoisie in maintaining their class
rule. The capitalist system is fully
capable of meeting the individual
reforms when enough pressure is
applied. The workers’ movement in
capitalist countries, which has fought
tooth and nail for every reform to better
their conditions, is testament to that.
     Capitalist governments are fully
capable of imposing taxes on the rich,
are fully capable of nationalising
industries and services, are fully
capable of securing welfare and social
safety nets, are fully capable of
improving their infrastructure, and fully
capable of moving towards “green
                                            Source: “Profitability, crises and inequality: some
energy” and “zero carbon” economies.        heterodox views,” Michael Roberts blog
What they are not capable of is doing       (                       CONTINUES OVERLEAF
all these at once, for a sustained period

                                                                               Socialist Voice November 2020 13
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