Stay Active with Us! - Winter 2019 LEISURE GUIDE - City of Port Coquitlam

Page created by Alberto Hughes
Stay Active with Us! - Winter 2019 LEISURE GUIDE - City of Port Coquitlam

                Winter 2019
November 17th   LEISURE GUIDE
Stay Active with Us! - Winter 2019 LEISURE GUIDE - City of Port Coquitlam
Season’s Greetings

I am honoured and thrilled to be your new Mayor!

I look forward to serving you for the next four years with my fellow Council Members – Councillors Laura
Dupont, Glenn Pollock, Darrell Penner, Steve Darling, Dean Washington and Nancy McCurrach.

I want to thank our outgoing Mayor, Greg Moore and former Councillor, Mike Forrest for their years of
hard work and contributions to make our community a better place. Thank you also to everyone who
participated in the 2018 election by voting or running for office.

I want to assure you that engagement of our citizens in our community will continue to be a top priority
for the City moving forward. I encourage each of you to take time to give your input on decisions being
made throughout the year. Your involvement helps us make informed decisions. It’s important we hear
what matters to you.

Of course, continue to also have fun in your community by taking part in the many great events and
activities we have lined up for this holiday season. My family and I hope to see you at the Winter in the
City events, including Christmas in Leigh Square, the Winter Artisan Market and the welcoming of the CP
Holiday Train on December 18.

The holiday season is always a busy one, so the programs offered in this season’s leisure guide are a
great way for you to take some time for yourself and stay healthy. Visit to find a program
that meets your needs.

My final message is to embrace the spirit of Christmas by
giving what you can to help others. Whether you’re able to
contribute to a food or toy drive or help a neighbour clear
snow from their sidewalk, it is the small things that often
make the biggest impacts in our community.

On behalf of City Council and staff, we
wish you all the best in the year ahead!

                                            Brad West

                         Check inside for our Update newsletter!
Stay Active with Us! - Winter 2019 LEISURE GUIDE - City of Port Coquitlam
Experience It!
                   HOW TO REGISTER                                       »»»» C O N T E N T S»»»»
     • In Person                                                               Active Living                                         28
     • Telephone              604.927.PLAY (7529)
                                                                               Adult & 50+ Programs                                  52
     • On-line        
                                                                               Arts & Culture                                        58
                                                                               Aquatics                                              10
 Jon Baillie Arenas & Wilson Centre
2150 Wilson Ave. V3C 6J5                        604.927.7529                   Birthday Parties                                      45
1379 Laurier Ave. V3B 2B9                       604.927.7529                   Children’s Programs                                   41

LEIGH SQUARE COMMUNITY ARTS VILLAGE                                            City Update                                           30
 The Outlet
2248 McAllister Ave Leigh Square V3C 2A5        604.927.7529                   Community Contacts                                    64
The Gathering Place                                                            Health & Fitness                                      22
#200 2253 Leigh Square V3C 3B8                  604.927.7529
                                                                               Preschool Programs                                    35
   WAYS TO PAY:              • Cash • Cheque • Debit Card
                                                                               Recreation Facilites & Sites Map                      63

                                                                               Schedules & Admissions Section                        31

                                                                               Skating                                                 4
           Recreation Staff Directory                                          Special Events                                        51

 Director of Recreation        Lori Bowie            604.927.7900              Sports                                                26
 Area Recreation               Glenn Mitzel          604.927.5180
 Managers                      Yvonne Comfort
                                                                               Terry Fox Library                                     61
 Manager of Cultural                                                           Youth Programs                                        48
 Development &                 Carrie Nimmo          604.927.7915
 Community Services
 Facilities Services           Rana McLean           604.927.7920
 Facility Coordinator          Yuriy Kostritsyn      604.927.7974                         REFUND POLICY
 Facilities/Field Rentals
                                                                                 •   Any refund/withdrawal request for recreation
 Program Coordinators                                                                services or activities will be pro-rated and
                                                                                     charged an administration fee of $5 for
  Active Living & Sports       Nathan Taylor         604.927.7923                    each individual activity withdrawal.
  Adult, Access &                                                                •   No charge for activity transfers
                               Chris Eastman         604.927.7981
  Volunteer Services
                                                                                 •   Refund requests will be accepted up to
  Aquatics                     Sherry Patrick        604.927.7982                    the 3rd class of a registered activity and
  Arts & Culture               Klara Manhal          604.927.8443                    up to 48 hours prior to a single day
                                                                                     registered activity.
  Children Services            Janis Dancs           604.927.5182
                                                                                 •   7 days notice required for camps
  Community &
  Civic Events                                                                   •   All membership plans are non-transferable and
  Health & Wellness            Shelly Alford         604.927.5175

  Customer Service             Deanna Hall           604.927.7906
                                                                              If you have any questions please call 604.927.7529
                                                                              or speak to one of our Customer Service Attendants.
  Youth Services               Sandra Battle         604.927.7935

 YOUR PERSONAL INFORMATION: The personal information you provide during the registration process is collected and used under the
 authority of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Act. The information is used for only the purpose of administering recreation programs,
 informing you of our services and benefits and for statistical purposes. If you have any questions regarding the collection, use or disclosure
 of your personal information, please contact the City’s Corporate Officer at 604-927-5411.

                                                          604.927.PLAY (7529)                                                                1
Stay Active with Us! - Winter 2019 LEISURE GUIDE - City of Port Coquitlam
Winter 2019
                     Our Commitment To Accessible Recreation Opportunities
    The purpose of the Leisure Buddy program is to provide support for individuals living with disabilities so they can
    participate in recreation opportunities offered by the City of Port Coquitlam. This can include, but is not limited to those
    living with physical, cognitive, behavioral or developmental challenges. The goal of a Leisure Buddy is to provide
    one-on-one volunteer support to program participants in an effort to create an inclusive recreation environment.

    •    If the idea of a Leisure Buddy interests you, please visit to fill out an
         application form. Hard copies of the form are available at the front desk of all recreation facilities.
    •    Access Services requires at least two weeks’ notice, prior to the start date of your registered programs, to find an
         appropriate Leisure Buddy.
    •    Participants are matched with a Leisure Buddy on a first come, first serve basis.
    •    Spring, Summer and Winter Break camp programs require high demand for leisure buddies.
         Participants are eligible for two weeks of Leisure Buddy support based on availability and resources.
    •    Access to a Leisure Buddy is not a guarantee. If a Leisure Buddy cannot be found, Access Services will be in
         contact to discuss further options which may include withdrawal from the program.

    •    We acknowledge that each participant is unique and are keen to learn the best approaches or techniques
         specific to your child so they can be successful in our programs.
    •    When describing your child’s needs please remember what may be routine for you and your family may not be
         routine for our program staff.
    •    Our program staff focuses on leading group activities and aims to provide balanced supervision for all participants.
         The Leisure Buddy assists the instructor and participants by supporting those with one-to-one needs.
    •    Your child’s Leisure Buddy does not provide any personal care including changing, toileting, feeding or
         administering medications.
    •    We want to set all program participants up for success. When selecting a program, please consider the nature
         of the activities your child will be participating in. If you are unsure if a program is the right fit, please contact a
         program supervisor to learn more.

    For more information on the Leisure Buddy Program, please contact Access Services at 604.927.7974.

PERSONAL                                       INDIVIDUAL                                     JUMPSTART
ASSISTANT SUBSIDY                              SUBSIDY PROGRAM                                In an effort to support families facing a
The Recreation Department welcomes             The Recreation Department offers               financial barrier to register into recreation
patrons of all abilities. Should you require   an Individual Subsidy Program for              opportunities in our community, Canadian
assistance to participate, our Personal        participants experiencing financial            Tire Jumpstart funding is available.
Assistant Subsidy program will allow           hardship. For those who qualify, the           Funding is specific to children and youth
your assistant or support person into our      program provides a maximum subsidy             ages 4-18yrs to assist with registration
programs and drop-in activities for FREE.      of 50% (to a maximum of $50) for               fees and equipment.
Personal Assistant Subsidy applications        registration or membership per person,
                                                                                              Jumpstart application forms are available
are available at all recreation facilities.    per quarter.
                                                                                              at all recreation facilities.
Participants requesting a Personal             For more information,
Assistant Subsidy for their registered                                                        For more information, contact
                                               please contact 604.927.7900.
program must complete their application                                                       Access Services at 604.927.7974.
at least two weeks prior to the start of
their program.

Experience It!

    C O D E of
   C O N D U CT

To provide a safe and
welcoming environment
we ask all guests, facility
users and staff to:
1. Treat others with
   respect and dignity
   at all times.
2. Report inappropriate
   behaviour, safety
   concerns, broken
   equipment or facility
   damage to staff

    Violations to the
    Code of Conduct
  may result in the loss
  of facility privileges.

   We provide inclusive
  recreation and cultural
   experiences to build
    a healthy, engaged
   Community, Integrity,
   Inclusion, Innovation,

                              604.927.PLAY (7529)            3
Winter 2019


          Learn To Skate Lessons                                                     Learn To Skate Schedule
                                                                                                                                 30 min.       40 min.
                      Learn with Us!
                                                           Mon/Wed           Session 1      Jan 14-Feb 6         8 classes       $50           n/a
             Learn, strengthen and improve                 4-5pm             Session 2      Feb 11-Mar 11        8 classes       $50           n/a
               skating and hockey skills by
             registering for one of our many               Mon               Session 1      Jan 14-Mar 11        8 classes       $50           $68
               programs. Our qualified and
           experienced instructors will provide            Wed               Session 1      Jan 16-Mar 6         8 classes       $50           n/a
          technical and progressive instruction
                 in creative, fun and age                  Fri               Session 1      Jan 11-Mar 8         8 classes       $50           n/a
                   appropriate classes.

                                              REGISTRATION NOTE FOR PARENTS
          CHOOSING THE RIGHT LEVEL                       MAXIMUM NUMBER                                    LESSON CHECK LIST
          If you are unsure what level to register       OF REGISTRATIONS                                  •   Registered lesson fees include
          your child in or it has been over a year       • Register for current and one                        FREE rentals
          since their last lesson, drop in during a        subsequent lesson set                           •   NO PLASTIC SKATES with buckles
          public skate or lesson with the excep-         • Cannot register for back to back
          tion of the first day, to receive a FREE                                                         •   No Skateez Skate Trainers
                                                           time slots
          assessment.                                                                                      •   Hockey skates - choose min. one size
          • Register at least one week prior to          WAITLISTS                                             smaller than shoes
            session start dates, so classes aren’t       Waitlists are important, as they let us           •   Figures skates fit same as shoe size
            cancelled or become full                     know when to add more classes. If the
                                                         class you want is full, waitlist your child       •   Ensure skates are sharp and
          • Parents/guardians are responsible            and we will do our best to fulfill your               tightly laced
            for registering their child in the cor-      request.                                          •   Mandatory: CSA hockey helmet
            rect level                                                                                         (face cage recommended)
                                                         • Can waitlist for two classes only and
          • Children must register for the level           register for the next session                       or boarding helmet
            indicated on their report card or by                                                           •   No bicycle helmets permitted
            assessment                                   CANCELLED CLASS
                                                         When there is insufficient registration,          •   Mittens or gloves; for safety as well
          • Children registered in the incorrect                                                               as warmth
            level will be transferred to the cor-        classes will be cancelled and a minimum
            rect level if space permits, or will be      of 48 hours notice will be provided; please       •   Waterproof pants for young first
            required to withdraw and register at         register early. We will do our best to find           time skaters
            another time for safety reasons.             an alternative class or issue a full refund
                                                                                                           •   For safety no shorts
                                                         and recommend an alternative session.

                                             Experience It!

          Skate Program Flow Chart                   Learn To Skate Levels
                                                     For detailed program information
                                                            and to register go to
                                                           or call 604 927-PLAY.

                                                        Tot Levels (2.5-5yrs)
                                                 PARENT & TOT (2.5-5yrs)
                                                 While having fun through songs and play,
                                                 parents who can skate will assist their
                                                 children as they learn ice safety, how to
                                                 stand and fall, march forward and turn!

                                                 TOT 1 (2.5-5yrs)
                                                 First time skaters will independently
                                                 learn ice safety, how to stand and fall,
                                                 march forward, turn, and hop assisted
                                                 while having fun through songs and play!

                                                 TOT 2 (2.5-5yrs)
                                                 Prerequisite Tot 1 Skaters who can
                                                 independently stand and move forward
                                                 will learn edges, forward and backwards
                                                 marching, and stationary snowplow

                                                 TOT 3 (2.5-5yrs)
                                                 Prerequisite Tot 2 Skaters will develop
                                                 a “glide to their stride”, learn to two foot
                                                 glide, and be introduced to gliding on a
                                                 curve, snowplow stopping and backward

                                                 TOT 4 (2.5-5yrs)
                                                 Prerequisite Tot 3 Skater will learn to
                                                 develop a forward and backward skate,
                                                 two foot glide on a curve, snowplow
                                                 stopping, and be introduced to forward
                                                 sculling and one foot pumping on a
                                                 straight line. Completion of Tot 4,
                                                 skater moves to Child 3.

                           604.927.PLAY (7529)                                              5
Winter 2019
                Child Levels (6-12yrs)
          CHILD 1 (6-12yrs)
          First time skaters will learn ice safety,
          how to stand and fall, develop balance
          and control, march forward while learn-
          ing to gain speed using inside edges,
          stationary snowplow stopping, backwards
          marching, and be introduced to forward


          CHILD 2 (6-12yrs)
          Prerequisite Child 1 or Tot 1
          Skaters who can stand and march forward
          independently will learn edges to develop
                                                                 Youth Adult Levels                      Family Drop In Lessons
          a “glide to their stride”, two foot glide on                                                In a fun and play based environment,
                                                         LEVEL 1
          a line and curve and be introduced to                                                       families drop in to receive one on one
          snowplow stopping, and backwards               YOUTH/ADULT LESSONS (13+yrs)
                                                         Learn ice safety and fundamental skills      instruction or participate in impromptu
          skating.                                                                                    group lessons to learn basic skating
                                                         required to forward skate, glide and stop.
                                                         CSA approved helmet mandatory and            skills together using toys. Maximum 34
          CHILD 3 (6-12yrs)                                                                           participants.
          Prerequisite Tot 4 or Child 2                  equipment rentals included program
          Learn forward and backward                     price.                                         F         Jan 11 to Mar 15
          skating techniques, forward sculling, wide                                                  		          Exception Feb 22
          slaloms, forward snowplow stopping, one        LEVEL 2                                        5:45-6:45pm         $12.50
          foot pumping on a straight line and be         YOUTH/ADULT LESSONS (13+yrs)                   per family admission only
          introduced to backward sculling.               Strengthen existing forward skating and      		 $15 per family admission
                                                         stopping skills and learn to scull, back-    		               and rentals
          CHILD 4 (6-12yrs)                              wards skate and crossovers. Equipment
          Prerequisite Child 3                           rentals included in program price.
          Strengthen forward skating, backward
          skating, left and right foot stopping,
          backwards sculling, tight salom,
          introduction to one foot glide on a line
          and curve and backward pumping on
          a line.

          CHILD 5 (6-12yrs)
          Prerequisite Child 4
          Become a stronger forward and backward
          skater, learn to one foot glide on a curve,
          backward snowplow stopping, forward
          pumping on a curve and be introduced
          to forward and backward pumping and

          CHILD 6 (6-12yrs)
          Prerequisite Child 5
          Learn powerful forward and backward
          skating, forward and backward pump-
          ing and thrusting, turning forward to
          backwards and be introduced to forward
          crossovers and parallel side stops.

          CHILD 7 (6-12yrs)
          Prerequisite Child 6
          Focus is on speed and technique to
          perform forward and backward skating
          and crossovers, slaloms, tight turns,
          and pivots.

Experience It!
                                                                                                   Learn To Play Hockey
                                                                                              Tiny Tot Hockey and Hockey Basics
                                                                                              programs follow the Canadian Sport for
                                                                                              Life Model, and offer an active start into
                                                                                              the game of hockey with the focus on
                                                                                              teaching basic skills. These programs also
                                                                                              serve as try it first opportunity for parents
                                                                                              who want their children to sample the
                                                                                              game of hockey or ringette and/or develop

                                                                                              some basic skills before committing to an

                                                                                              EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTS
                                                                                              Program fees include use of city stick,
                                                                                              hockey gloves, skates and helmet with
                                                   Non Instructional Day                      face cage if required
                                                                                              Mandatory requirement: hockey gloves
                                                         Programs                             and CSA hockey helmet with face cage
                                                     No Non Instructional programs            Optional equipment: Extra protective
                                                       offered on Friday, Feb 22              equipment optional and supplied
                                                      due to Ringette Tournament              by participant
    Special Skate Lessons                                                                     TINY TOT HOCKEY
                                               NOON HOUR SKATE
                                               An opportunity for everyone to enjoy an        LEVEL 1 (4-6yrs)
PRIVATE AND SEMI PRIVATE                                                  Prerequisite: Completion of Learn
                                               hour of lap skating.
SKATE LESSONS                                                             to Skate level Tot 1
Book a 30 min. private or semi-private            F                Feb 15 A fun introduction to ice hockey and skat-
lesson. Lessons scheduled during Learn            12-1pm		                ing skills for boys and girls. Skaters must
to Skate and some Public Skate sessions         		      Regular Admission be able to move forward with control and
starting Jan 11, email fenglers@portcoq-                                  balance.                                      TOONIE SKATES
                                               A great way to spend your day off school,       32383        W           Jan 16-Mar 6
 Private: 		                 1/$24, 5/$110     bring your friends down for some fun on                      5:30-6pm            $50
 Semi Private:               1/$35, 5/$160     the ice!                                        32381        F           Jan 11-Mar 8
                                                                                                            4:45-5:15pm         $50
CUSTOMIZED LESSONS                                           F                    Feb 15
Customize lessons organized to meet                          1:30-3:45pm      Drop in: $2     TINY TOT HOCKEY
specific skating needs & schedules. Book
                                               EVERYONE WELCOME                               LEVEL 2 (4-6yrs)
one or more 30 minute lesson with a mini-                                                     Prerequisite: Completion of Tiny Tot
mum of 3 participants. Opportunities open      PRO D DAY R/S/P                                Level 1
to all abilities and ages. Call 604 927-7929   Drop in with friends and teammates to
                                                                                              Boys and girls further develop basic skat-
                                               shoot the puck. Mandatory equipment:
            M, W, F     Jan 11-Mar 15                                                         ing and hockey skills to increase confi-
                                               Hockey gloves for all & CSA approved
       Custom class: 1/$10 per person                                                         dence on the ice.
                                               hockey helmet with face cage for 18yrs
                                               and under; helmet for 19yrs+.                   32384        W           Jan 16-Mar 6
PLAY AND SKATE                                                                                              6-6:30pm            $50
Children 3 to 5yrs learn basic skating                       F                     Feb 15
                                                                                               32382        F           Jan 11-Mar 8
skills through play; rentals included in                     10:15-11:45am             $4
                                                                                                            5:15-5:45pm         $50
program fee.
                                               PRO D DAY LEARN TO SKATE                       HOCKEY BASICS (6-11yrs)
              F             Jan 11-Mar 15      CAMP (5-10yrs)
              2-3:30pm             10/$80                                                     Prerequisite Child 2 or by assessment.
                                               New and experienced skaters divided to         Love hockey and want to learn how to
                                               learn or strengthen basic skating skills       play? Learn basic hockey skills, build
                                               for 1.5hrs of ice time. Camp also includes     upon existing skating skills and enjoy fun,
                                               creative and active off ice activities. Pro-   non-contact scrimmages; children must be
                                               gram fee includes skates and helmet!           able skate forward with control to register.
                                                32379        F                     Feb 15     Coed program geared towards non-minor
       REGISTER ON-LINE                                      12:30-4:30pm             $40     hockey participants.                                                                     32385        W           Jan 16-Mar 6
                                                                                                            5:30-6:30pm        $100
                                                                                               32386        F           Jan 11-Mar 8
                                                                                                            4:35-5:15pm         $68

                                                        604.927.PLAY (7529)                                                            7
Winter 2019
                                                                                                            Drop In Public Skates
                                                                                                               Jan 7 - Mar 15
                                                                                                       Experience the benefits of being active
                                                                                                       and spending time with family and friends!
                                                                                                       Children 7yrs and under must be accom-
                                                                                                       panied on the ice by a guardian 16yrs +
                                                                                                       on skates. Only CSA approved hockey or
                                                                                                       boarding helmets mandatory for children
                                                                                                       11 years and under; helmets strongly

                                                                                                       recommended for new skaters. Strollers
                                                                                                       and wheelchairs permitted on the ice &
                                                                                                       free helmet supplied to those 18 months
                               Drop In Hockey Jan 7 - Mar 15                                           and older in strollers. Public Skates not
                                                                                                       open to outside private lessons. See page
          A variety of Drop in Hockey programs are offered for all ages and abilities, additional      31 for schedule.
          Drop in Hockey programs offered during Pro D Days and some statutory holidays, see
          page 31 for regular schedule.                                                                PUBLIC SKATE
                                                                                                       All ages can enjoy time together and at
                                                                                                       the discretion of staff a designated skate
          MANDATORY EQUIPMENT                            16+ COED HOCKEY
                                                                                                       area for young skaters can be created
          REQUIREMENT                                    Time to practice your stick and puck
                                                         skills and organize a scrimmage with           Regular admission, see page 31
          R/S/P: Hockey gloves for all & CSA
          hockey helmet with face cage for 18yrs         participants! Goalies free.
                                                                                                       TOONIE SKATE
          and under; helmet for 19yrs+.                               M-F                              Add skating to your list of activities to stay
          Games: Full hockey gear mandatory and                       11:45am-1:15pm          $6.70    fit for only a Toonie!
          helmet with full face cage encouraged                                                                  M          1:30-3pm
                                                         16+ FEMALE HOCKEY
                                                         A great opportunity to practice your skills             F          1:30-3:45pm
          GOALIES FREE                                   and enjoy a game of hockey with friends!
          Two free goalie positions for drop-in          Goalies free.		                               PLAYTIME ON ICE (7yrs & under)
          hockey programs and morning Ring, Stick                                                      A unique and interactive experience
          and Puck. Sign up day before by calling                     Th
                                                                                                       for parents, grandparents, daycares,
          604 927-7970. Goalies not permitted for                     10:30-11:30am           $4.50
                                                                                                       preschool and kindergarten groups to
          afternoon R/S/P.                                                                             enjoy time on the ice playing with the kids!
                                                         19+ ADULT EVENING
                                                                                                       Skating toys and a designated hockey
          AM EVERYONE WELCOME RING,                      Buy a pass, book your spot and play a
                                                                                                       zone are a few of the activities to have fun
          STICK AND PUCK		                                                                             while learning to skate. Skating aids, soft
                                                         non-contact game with friends. Payment
          A great way to start your day, practice                                                      hockey pucks and plastic sticks provided.
                                                         starts on Thursdays at 11am sharp, pass
          your skills with friends.                      holders call 604 927-7970 or come in                      Tu, W       10:45-11:45am
                       Tu, Th                            person to the arena. Drop in and pay cash           Group rate: 21+/$2.60 per person
                                                         if space permits. Goalies free. Payment             Drop in: $5.20 Adult & one child
                       7:15-9:15am                  $4
                                                         information at
          PM EVERYONE WELCOME RING,                      publicskate.                                  ADAPTED AND ADULT SKATE
                                                                                                       Drop in to enjoy some social time together
          STICK AND PUCK                                              Th                               while being active on the ice. Adapted
          Supervised program for max 30. Skaters                      10:30-11:45pm          $11.60    skate permits wheelchairs on the ice with
          must be present to sign in day of at 3pm.
                                                                                                       free rental helmets. For more Adapted
          Goalies not permitted.                         45+ HOCKEY                                    skate information call 604 927-7924.
                       Tu                                We provide 1.5hrs of ice and you organize
                                                         the games. Sign up in person 45 minutes                     W
                       3:15-4:45pm                  $4                                                               2:30-3:30pm           $5.20
                                                         prior to program start; Goalies free and
                                                         encouraged to sign up the day before, call      		                Adult Adapted Skate
          PRO D DAY EVERYONE WEL-                                                                        		                Skater/Support staff
          COME RING, STICK AND PUCK                      604 927-7970.
          Drop in with friends and teammates to                       M, W, F                          YOUTH SKATE (11-18yrs)
          shoot the puck, max 30! Goalies not                         10-11:30am              $6.70    Lace up your skates and enjoy time
          permitted.                                                                                   with friends!
                       F                     Feb 15                                                               F            Jan 11-Mar 15
                       10:15-11:45am             $4                                                               10:15-11:15pm $3 Drop in
                                                                                                        		                  rentals included!
                                                                                                        FREE for a year with a $15 YAC Card

Experience It!
Reduced admission rates for organized
groups attending public skate sessions
at $2.60 for 21+ participants. A compli-
mentarily Arena Attendant is available to
coordinate rentals, assist on the ice or
help where needed. Interested in warm-
ing up after your skate, large urns of hot       CANUCKS AUTISM NETWORK
chocolate can be purchased and orga-             The Canucks Autism Network (CAN) is dedicated to providing year-round sports
nized for you too. Call 604 927-7929 for         and recreation programs for children, teens, young adults and families living with

help to plan your group skate.                   autism, while increasing autism awareness and providing training workshops in
                                                 communities across British Columbia.
                                                 I CAN SKATE (3-6yrs and 7-12yrs)
                                                 The I CAN Skate program is an adapted skating program for children with
     Special Public Skates                       autism, designed to teach basic skating skills. The goal of the program is to
                                                 increase the participant’s ability to skate, enabling them to engage in skating
 SKATE WITH SANTA                                opportunities in their community. The pace of the class is adjusted for the various
 Come skate with Santa and his helpers,          skill levels of the participants involved.
 and then enjoy free hot chocolate and              Winter Season                          F     Jan 11-Mar 1, 2019
 holiday treats!                                  		                                       5:45-6:45pm No session: Feb. 15, 22
    Su              Dec 16
    1:15-3:45pm                                                      For program information and to register,
  		     Regular admission                                       contact Ali Gorsak at 604-685-4049 (ext. 210) or
 Drop in with friends and family to enjoy
 a festive skate and warm up with a free
 cup of hot chocolate!                                                   HOLIDAY SKATE SCHEDULE
    M               Dec 24                         Watch for the 2018/2019 Holiday Public Skate schedule in early December!
    11am-12:30pm                                                  Additional public skates and hockey programs
                                                                       offered from December 24 to Jan 6.
  		     Regular admission
                                                        Go to for more information.
 Join a supervised time on the ice to
 practice your stick and puck skills.
                                                                           Family Day Skates
  R/S/P (4-12yrs)
             M              Dec 24           Join us Family Day for fun on the ice! Hockey programs: CSA approved hockey helmet
             10-11:30am $4/person            and hockey gloves mandatory. Children 18 and under require full face cage. Gloves and
  R/S/P Everyone Welcome Dec 24              sticks supplied by participants, helmet and skate rentals available.
  		 $4/person                               FREE FAMILY DAY SKATE                           DROP IN RING/STICK/PUCK
                                             Free admission and limited supply of             R/S/P (4-12yrs)
 NEW YEAR’S EVE DAY SKATE                    free skates and helmets.                                    M                    Feb 18
 Enjoy the last afternoon of 2018 skating                 M                    Feb 18                    1:15-2:45pm            1/$4
 with family and friends!                                 1:30-3pm                            R/S/P Everyone Welcome
                                                          3:15-4:45pm                                    M                    Feb 18
    M              Dec 31
                                                                                                         3-4:30pm               1/$4
    2:15-3:45pm                              FAMILY DAY SHINNY HOCKEY
  		    Regular admission                    Fun, supervised, non-contact mini hockey
                                             games: Parents vs. Kids, Parents vs. Par-
 NEW YEAR’S EVE DAY R/S/P                    ents, and Kids vs. Kids! Staff will assign
 Join a supervised time on the ice to        teams and supervise the game. Open to
 practice your stick and puck skills.        all ages. Max. 30 participants and two free
  R/S/P (4-12yrs)
                                             goalies spots available on a first come,                  604.927.7529
                                             first served basis, goalies call 604-927-
             M               Dec 31
             1-2:30pm $4/per person
                                             7970 to reserve your spot. Drop in options             For more information
                                             available the day of if space permits.
  R/S/P Everyone Welcome
             2:45-4:15pm $4/person            32722
                                                M                Feb 18
                                              		          $5 per person

                                                      604.927.PLAY (7529)                                                              9
           Winter 2019

                                                                  Children & Youth                             Homeschool
               HYDE CREEK POOL
                STAT OPENINGS/                                    Aquatic Programs                          Swimming Lessons
             ALTERNATE SCHEDULES                                                                       Hyde Creek offers Red Cross swim-
                                                         AQUA ADDICTS (6-9yrs)                         ming lessons for school aged children
                                                         Engage in aquatic games designed to           during the day!
            Feb 18        Family Day       1-5pm
                                                         develop water safety and swimming skills
                                                         – an assessment will be provided. Come
                                                         prepared with a light snack and water/
                                                                                                       SWIM KIDS 1-4
                                                                                                       This program offers the Red Cross
                Preschool & Parented                      32525 Sa         Jan 12-Feb 9
                                                                                                       Swimming Program to school age
                                                                                                       children during the day. Aimed towards
                   Opportunities                                10am-12pm          $100                those is Swim Kids Level 1 through 4.
                                                          32526 Sa         Feb 16-Mar 9
                                                                                                        32511       F        Jan 11-Mar 15
                                                                10am-12pm           $80
           TIME FOR SWIM                                                                                            1:45-2:15pm       $60
                                                          32527 Su        Jan 13-Feb 10
           Geared towards children 5 years of age               10am-12pm          $100
           and younger and their caregivers, it is        32528 Su        Feb 17-Mar 10                SWIM KIDS 5-10
           an opportunity to swim together in a fun             10am-12pm           $80                This program offers the Red Cross
           environment.                                   		                                           Swimming Program to school age
            Hyde Creek                                                                                 children during the day. Aimed towards
                      M,W,F        Jan 7-Mar 15          JUNIOR                                        those is Swim Kids Level 5 through 10.
                      9:30-11:30am                       TRIATHLON CLUB (10-16yrs)                      32512       F       Jan 11-Mar 15
            		                $3.00/parent & tot         An introduction to triathlons! Participate                 1-1:45pm         $70
                      $1.50/extra child or adult         in an indoor spin session, outdoor run,
                                                         and swim workout each class. Participants
           AQUA ALL-STARS (3-6yrs)                       should be in SK 7 or greater.
           Engage in aquatic games designed to
                                                          32529       Th           Jan 10-Mar 14
           develop water safety and swimming skills
                                                                      4-5:45pm             $120       FRONT CRAWL
           – an assessment will be provided. Come                                                     WORKSHOP (6-12yrs)
           prepared with a light snack and water/        DOLPHIN SWIMMING CLUB                        Learn and master the mechanics of
           juice.                                        Wear a monofin and snorkel as you build      front crawl. Intended for those who have
            32521       S          Jan 12-Feb 9          endurance, strengthen core muscles and       attempted Swim Kids 4-6 and have chal-
                        10am-12pm          $100          cross train. Participants should be in SK    lenges with front crawl.
            32522       S          Feb 16-Mar 9          5 or greater.                                 32517       W             Jan 9-Feb 6
                        10am-12pm           $80          Visit                                  7:30-8pm              $35
            32523       Su        Jan 13-Feb 10          for a detailed schedule.                      32518       W           Feb 13-Mar 13
                        10am-12pm          $100                                                                    7:30-8pm              $35
            32524       Su        Feb 17-Mar 10                                                        32519       Su          Jan 13-Feb 10
                        10am-12pm           $80                                                                    7:30-8pm              $35
                                                                          for                          32520       Su          Feb 17-Mar 10
                                                                   FEES & CHARGES                                  7:30-8pm              $28

                                                                please see page 32 in the
                                                                    schedules section

Experience It!

WHIP KICK WORKSHOP (6-12yrs)                 PRIVATE LESSONS                            PERFORMANCE ENHANCERS
Learn and master the mechanics of            For those wanting one-on-one instruction   Based on our private lesson format but
whip kick. Intended for those who have       to improve swimming skills. Private swim   with a consistent instructor.
attempted Swim Kids 5-7 and have chal-       lessons are geared towards the individu-
                                                                                         Dates and times correspond with
lenges with whip kick.                       al’s needs and abilities.
                                                                                         regular lessons
32513          W             Jan 9-Feb 6      Dates and times correspond with
               7-7:30pm              $35      regular lessons                            Private		           10 sessions /$250
32514          W           Feb 13-Mar 13                                                 Semi-Private         10 sessions/$330
               7-7:30pm              $35      Private		              $23/30 minutes
32515          Su          Jan 13-Feb 10      Semi-Private           $31/30 minutes
               7-7:30pm              $35                                                CUSTOMIZED SWIM LESSONS
 32516         Su          Feb 17-Mar 10                                                Additional programs can be created to
               7-7:30pm              $28                                                work around your busy schedule.
                                                                                        Contact the Recreation Programmer –
                                                                                        Aquatics at 604.927.7955
                                                                                        for more information!
                          Swim Lesson Schedules
               Indoor Swim Lesson Dates @ Hyde Creek
 Days                                Timeline                     No. of Lessons

 Saturday/Sunday (Set 1)                   Jan 12-Feb 3                    8
                                                                                              You can now view our
                                                                                            up-to-date lesson schedule
 Monday/Wednesday (Set 1)                  Jan 7-Feb 6                    10
                                                                                                    on-line at:
 Tuesday/Thursday (Set 1)                  Jan 8-Feb 7                     10
 Saturday/Sunday (Set 2)                   Feb 9-Mar 10                   10              or check program availability
 Monday/Wednesday (Set 2)                  Feb 11-Mar 13                   9                   at

 Tuesday/Thursday (Set 2)                  Feb 12-Mar 14                   10

 Saturday Only                             Jan 12-Mar 9                    9

 Sunday Only                               Jan 13-Mar 10                   9
 Monday Only                               Jan 7-Mar 11                    9
 Tuesday Only                              Jan 8-Mar 12                   10
                                                                                              For more information
 Wednesday Only                            Jan 9-Mar 13                   10

 Thursday Only                             Jan 10-Mar 14                  10

 Friday Only                               Jan 11-Mar 15                  10

                                                     604.927.PLAY (7529)                                                        11
           Winter 2019

            Please be advised that it is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to register children in the correct level of our swim program.
            Instructors assess all students on the first day of lessons to ensure that they have been placed correctly. In the event that a
            child has not been placed correctly, s(he) may be permitted to transfer to an alternate level, based on program availability, at the
            discretion of the aquatic staff. If no spots are available in an appropriate level, the child may be withdrawn from the program at
            the discretion of the aquatic staff for safety reasons.

            What you should know about Swim Lesson Registration:
             NOT SURE WHICH LEVEL TO REGISTER IN?                                WAITLISTS:
             If you’re unsure what level your child should be registered in      If the class you want is full, get on the waitlist! Classes with
             or it has been over a year since their last session, drop by for    waitlists may replace any classes that have been cancelled.
             a FREE evaluation. One of our qualified instructors will assess     Please only sign up for one waitlist per participant.
             your child and recommend the appropriate Red Cross level for
                                                                                 COMBINED CLASSES:
                                                                                 Combined classes are being offered in an effort to provide a
             NOT PROGRESSING?                                                    greater variety of class time options to families. In order to
             If your child has been in the same Red Cross level for 3 lesson     avoid cancelling a class, we may be required to move your
             sets, within a 6 month period, and has not progressed to the        child to another time in order to combine 2 classes with
             next level, we will provide the child with one private lesson.      low enrolment.
             Alternatively, you may choose to retake the level for the fourth
                                                                                 PROGRAM FEES:
             time at 50% the regular cost of the program. We also offer
                                                                                 Program fees cover access to Hyde Creek Pool for
             other programs that may be more suited to the needs of the
                                                                                 participants in Swimming Lessons only on the dates and
             child, including Performance Enhancers, Front Crawl Work-
                                                                                 times listed. Program fees no longer allow participants to use
             shop and Whip Kick Workshop.
                                                                                 the facility before, or after their lesson. Parents/guardians are
             CANCELLED CLASSES:                                                  welcome to watch their children participate in their lesson;
             A minimum of 48 hours before a class starts, lessons may            however program fees do not include parent/guardian use of
             be cancelled where there is insufficient registration. We will      the facility before, during or after their lesson. As space is
             attempt to find space in the next available class or issue a        limited in the pool area during swimming lesson times, all
             full refund.                                                        individuals wishing to use the leisure pool, and hot areas may
                                                                                 do so for a fee of $2 per visit between the following hours:
             Program participants can only be registered for 1 swimming                    Mon-Fri 4-7pm;
             lesson set at a time. You may register your child for the next                Sat & Sun 9am-12pm
             lesson set only after the completion of the lesson set they are
             currently registered in. Your child may be withdrawn from a
             program(s) if registered in more than one lesson set per ses-
             sion, or if registered in future lesson sets prior to the comple-
             tion of the lesson they are currently registered in. There is an
             administrative fee of $5 for each individual activity withdrawal.

Experience It!
                     Red Cross PRESCHOOL Swim Lessons
                                 Parent Participation Levels
These classes are for young children accompanied by their parents or caregivers, aged 16 and older.

          STARFISH (4-12 mths)

          Babies and their caregivers work on buoyancy and movement,
          front, back and vertical positions in the water, and shallow water
          entries and exits.

          DUCK (12-24 mths)
          Babies and their caregivers work on going under water, move-
          ment in the water, front and back floats and recovery, and shal-
          low water entries and exits.

          SEA TURTLE (24-36 mths)
          Toddlers and their caregivers work on submersion, front and back floats and glides, jumping into
          chest-deep water with assistance, kicking on front, and front swim.

                             Non-Parent Participation Levels
These classes are typically non-parented and geared for children to try on their own, with an instructor.
            Parents are permitted to assist their child for the first few classes if required.

          SEA OTTER (2yrs)
          For those who have completed Sea Turtle, are under 3 years of age and ready to try lessons by
          themselves. Practice basic assisted skills.

          SEA OTTER (3yrs-5yrs)
          Swimmers practice floats, glides and basic kicking and should be able to swim 1 meter on
          completion of this level.

          SALAMANDER (3yrs-6yrs)
          Swimmers work towards unassisted swimming skills and are able to swim 2 metres on completion.

          SUNFISH (3yrs-6yrs)
          Swimmers work on endurance, enhance deep water skills and are able to swim 5 metres on completion.

          CROCODILE (3yrs-6yrs)
          Swimmers increase distance, work on basics of front crawl and are able to swim 10 metres on completion.

          WHALE (3yrs-6yrs)
          Swimmers work on front crawl technique, enhance swimming skills on back and are able to swim
          15 metres on completion.

          At age 5
                        4         Steps to Register in the Swim Kids Program
          Incomplete or Complete Sea Otter/Salamander
                                                                      4               SK 1
          Incomplete Sunfish
                                                                      4               SK 1
          Complete Sunfish or Incomplete Crocodile
                                                                      4               SK 2
          Complete Crocodile or Incomplete Whale
                                                                      4               SK 3
          Complete Whale
                                                                      4               SK 4

                                         604.927.PLAY (7529)                                                    13
Winter 2019
                         Red Cross SWIM KIDS Lessons

                                                                                             HYDE CREEK

                SWIM KIDS LEVEL 1 (5-16yrs)                                                    Lea Hartley R.M.T.
                Swimmers develop front and back skills including kicking and are
                able to swim 5 meters on completion.
                                                                                               Massage Therapist
                SWIM KIDS LEVEL 2 (5-16yrs)
                Swimmers learn transitioning from front to back skills, are introduced
                to front swim and are able to swim 10 meters on completion.
                                                                                                    at Hyde Creek
                                                                                                  Recreation Centre
                SWIM KIDS LEVEL 3 (5-16yrs)
                Swimmers learn the fundamentals of front crawl, including efficient           I.C.B.C coverage available
                kick and side glides and are able to swim 15 meters on completion.               with doctor’s referral
                                                                                                   For appointment
                SWIM KIDS LEVEL 4 (5-16yrs)
                Swimmers learn the basics of front crawl, are introduced to the               call 604.927.7954 or
                fundamentals of back swim and are able to swim 25 meters
                on completion.

                SWIM KIDS LEVEL 5 (5-16yrs)
                Swimmers develop front and back crawl, are introduced to whip kick
                and are able to swim 50 meters on completion.

                SWIM KIDS LEVEL 6 (5-16yrs)
                Swimmers build on previous skills, are introduced to elementary              VOLUNTEERS
                backstroke and are able to swim 75 meters on completion.

                SWIM KIDS LEVEL 7 (5-16yrs)                                                   Have you completed your
                Swimmers enhance front and back skills, including an introduction to                 Water Safety
                whip kick on front and are able to swim 150 meters on completion.             Instructor course and are
                                                                                               looking for an opportunity
                                                                                           to expand on your aquatic skills?
                SWIM KIDS LEVEL 8 (5-16yrs)
                Swimmers work on endurance, refine technique, are introduced to                Volunteering with the City of
                breaststroke and are able to swim 300 meters on completion.                Port Coquitlam is a great way to gain
                                                                                            hands-on experience in a variety of
                                                                                              leadership roles while bettering
                SWIM KIDS LEVEL 9 (5-16yrs)                                                          your community.
                Swimmers build towards their masters of skills, are introduced to
                                                                                         Volunteering has numerous benefits and is
                components of sidestroke and are able to swim 400 meters on
                                                                                          a great way to achieve personal success.
                                                                                          Experience gained also looks terrific on a
                                                                                               resume and can prepare those
                SWIM KIDS LEVEL 10 (5-16yrs)                                                       looking for employment
                Swimmers master all strokes and water safety activities, are                            opportunities.
                introduced to next steps in training and are able to swim                       If interested, please contact:
                500 meters on completion.                                                          Rob Loxterkamp ,
                                                                                                   Volunteer Services

Experience It!

                                             Swim Club Opportunities

SIMON FRASER AQUATICS –                                                                     COQUITLAM LIONS
WINTER MAINTENANCE                                                                          WATER POLO
Ideal for those “summer swim clubbers”                                                      The Coquitlam Lions Water Polo Club has
who want to stay in shape during the off                                                    offered programs serving the Tri-Cities
season, or those who want an introduction                                                   since 1975 and have expanded to Port
to competitive swimming.                                                                    Coquitlam as of September 2014. Lions’
For information on the program, please                                                      Water Polo offers programs for all ages
visit                                                          for those just developing, under 10 years
                                                                                            of age, all the way to those participating
                                                                                            in the under 18 age category. Sessions
                                                                                            run from September to April with regis-
Focuses on the skills necessary to train
                                            PORT COQUITLAM MARLINS                          tration open in August and September.
and compete in swimming. Participants
                                            The Port Coquitlam Marlins is an orga-          The Coquitlam Lions Water Polo Cub is
should be in Level 3 or greater or have
                                            nized competitive summer swim club              committed to providing an enjoyable, safe
previous swim club experience.
                                            that helps children become active for life      and caring atmosphere for water polo skill
 27509        Sa        Jan 12-Apr 27       through the sport of speed swimming.            development and competition.
             3:45-4:30pm         $80        For over 40 years our club has helped
                                                                                            For information on the club, as well as
 27510         Su       Jan 13-Apr 28       thousands of boys and girls become
                                                                                            how to register, please visit
             3:45-4:30pm         $80        accomplished swimmers through profes-
                                            sional coaching and ongoing aquatic
SFA WHITE GROUP                             development programs.                           The Coquitlam Lions will be training
Builds on the skills learned in Aquatykes                                                   Friday evenings at Hyde Creek
                                            For more information on the club, as
and introduces more competitive swim-                                                       Recreation Centre from 4:45-6:45pm
                                            well as how to register, please visit
ming skills and techniques. Participants                                                    from September to April.
should be in Level 5 or greater.
                                            The Port Coquitlam Marlins runs a Winter
 27511       Sa         Jan 12-Apr 28
                                            Maintenance Program at Hyde Creek from
             4:15-5:30pm        $130
 27512         Su       Jan 13-Apr 29
                                            October until the end of April.                     Port Coquitlam
             4:15-5:30pm        $130
                                            ADVENT SWIM ACADEMY                             Physiotherapy
Geared toward strong Division 2-4
                                            Come join the only year-round swim club
                                            in Port Coquitlam and the Tri-Cities, which     & Sport Injury
swimmers, and those progressing from
the White Group. Focusing on stroke
                                            offers training for all ages and abilities to
                                            the local community. Advent is a recog-
development, fitness and endurance.         nized member of Swim BC, Swimming
                                            Canada and Sport Canada. Our high-per-                    at Hyde Creek
 27513       Sa         Jan 12-Apr 27
                                            formance, nationally recognized coaches                  Recreation Centre
             5:15-6:30pm        $130
                                            designed this program for anyone looking         • ICBC & WCB Claims
 27514       Su         Jan 13-Apr 28
                                            to receive high quality training. Advent         • Personal Training
             5:15-6:30pm        $130
                                            is a unique program catered for every
                                                                                             • Pool Classes
                                            individual, which aims to successfully and
                                                                                             • Acute & Chronic Pain Treatment
                                            effectively build swimming techniques and
                                            skills for both personal safety and profes-
                                                                                             • Intramuscular Stimulation (MS)
                                            sional success. There are different groups               Monday - Friday
                                            and individual training with Olympic level
                                                                                                       8am - 7pm
      REGISTER ON-LINE                      coaches. We are for “Flexibility and
                                            Quality”!                                          Please contact our office for more                   Visit our website at www.adventswim.               information about our services at:
                                            com or call us at 604.419.0513.                      604.945.6644 or email

                                                     604.927.PLAY (7529)                                                              15
           Winter 2019

                                                    Adapted Aquatic Opportunities
                                                                           HYDROTHERAPY CLASSES
                                                                           Port Coquitlam Physiotherapy & Sports Injury Clinic offers
                                                                           advanced physiotherapy for the whole family from chronic pain
                                                                           and post-surgery to sports, auto and work-related injuries.
                                                                           A unique service offered is their hydrotherapy classes held
                                                                           Mon, Wed and Fri        10:55am-11:55am          Hyde Creek
                                                                           For more information,
                                                                           contact 604.945.6644 or visit
            TIDAL WAVE
            Tidal Wave Aquatics is an exciting and unique program
            offered by Kidsfirst Physio. While the positive impact
            of physical exercise in the buoyancy and resistance of
            water is well documented, we have added an extra plus
            to our program. Under the personal supervision of Brenda
            Horton, B.S.R. P.T. (reg), MCPA, carefully trained youth
            assistants, who work directly with the children in the water
            offer one-on-one ratio of assistance to each child. Each
            specifically prescribed pool therapy program is developed
            and maintained by Brenda, yet presented with the unsur-
                                                                             CANUCKS AUTISM NETWORK
            passable enthusiasm and energy of the youth.                     The Canucks Autism Network provides year-round, innova-
                                                                             tive, high quality sports, recreational, social and vocational
            The benefits of this combination to those involved in our        programs for individuals and families living with autism,
            pool program are unmistakable. The unique socialization          while building awareness and capacity through community
            atmosphere provided develops a bond that makes the               networks across British Columbia.
            “therapy” even more fun, appealing, and valuable to the
            children.                                                        I CAN SWIM (4-6 yrs & 7-15yrs)
                                                                             The I CAN Swim program can accommodate a maximum
            Participants must undergo a physical assessment to               of 5 participants (diagnosed with autism) per class with
            determine need and appropriate physiotherapy plan                the goal of teaching basic swimming skills and introducing
            prior to approval for the program.                               water safety. Each half hour lesson covers basic swim
                                                                             skills, however levels are modified to accommodate the
            For more information about Tidal Wave Aquatics                   varying abilities of the participants. The instructor, coaches,
            or to book an initial assessment visit, contact                  and volunteers support participants to ensure that each
            Kidsfirst Physio at 604-463-7537 or                              child is challenged appropriately based on their ability.
            email to
                                                                             For program information and how to register,
                                                                             please contact Ali Gorsak at 604.685.4049 (ext. 210)
                                                                             or visit

Experience It!

                                                    Adult Opportunities

   Adult Swimming Lessons                     UNDERWATER HOCKEY
                                              With flippers, mask and snorkel, players
Develop swimming skills through par-          compete on the bottom of the pool with
ticipation in aquatic activities and sports   modified hockey sticks! Geared towards
according to your individual interest and     confident swimmers who are comfortable
goals.                                        underwater.
                                                 Tu          Jan 8-Mar 12
SWIM BASICS (13yrs+)                           		       Regular Admission
This is a two level program that teaches
basic swimming skills, with a focus on
increasing comfort level and confidence in
the water.
 32534        Th & Tu      Jan 8-Feb 7
                                                                         Masters Swim Programs
              7:15-8:15pm      $102.50        Coached swim workouts! A great way
 32535        Tu & Th    Feb 12-Mar 14        to stay in shape and improve swimming
              7:15-8:15pm      $102.50        skills! If competition is your goal, there is
 32536        W           Jan 9-Mar 13        an opportunity to race!
              9-10pm           $102.50

RED CROSS                                     SIMON FRASER
SWIM STROKES (13yrs+)                         AQUATICS                                        SEASONS PASS
Aimed at swimmers who have mastered           Simon Fraser                                    Purchase a season pass at a cost of
the basics of learning to swim and are        Aquatics (SFA)                                  $6 per session. Ideal for those who are
ready to focus improving their strokes and    leading our Masters                             committed to training two to three times
increasing distance.                          program since 2012.                             per week!
                                              For more information
 32537        Th, & Tu        Jan 8-Feb 7                                                      32540       M             Jan 7-Mar 11
                                              on SFA, visit
              8-9pm               $102.50                                                                  8-9pm                 $54
 32538        Tu & Th       Feb 12-Mar 14                                                      32541       Tu            Jan 8-Mar 12
              8-9pm               $102.50                                                                  8-9pm                 $60
 32539        W              Jan 9-Mar 13
                                              DROP IN FEE FOR                                  32542       W             Jan 9-Mar 13
              8-9pm               $102.50     FACILITY PASS HOLDERS                                        8-9pm                 $60
                                              Participants who hold a six month, or            32543       Th           Jan 10-Mar 14
                                              annual facility pass will have an option                     8-9pm                 $60
                                              to pay an additional $2 for each practice
                                              they attend.                                    MASTERS CARD
                                                                                              Purchase a Masters Card Punch Pass
                                                                                              and enjoy savings of $2 per session!
                                                                                              A Masters Card allows for easy drop-in
                                                                                              access to the program.
                                CALL 604.927.7529                                              Masters Card
                                                                                               		          $80/10 Punch Passes
                                For more information                                           		            Drop-In Admission
                                                                                               		               $10 Per Session

                                                       604.927.PLAY (7529)                                                           17
           Winter 2019

                                                                    Aquatic Fitness
           MOMMY MOVES®:                                  LIGHT-FIT
           MOM & BABY AQUAFIT                             A combination of gentle yet effective water          NEW TO AQUA-FIT?
           Foster your baby’s natural love of water       workouts. Designed to improve joint mobil-       If you are planning to become more
           while you enjoy a challenging aquatic          ity, tone muscles and improve posture.            physically active than you are now,
           workout. Baby should be able to hold           Low Intensity                                      please take the time to review the
           head up before attending.                                    Tu & Th     Jan 8-Mar 28                      “Par-Q & You”.
            Low/Medium Intensity                                        8:30-9:30am
                                                                                                             This form is available at Hyde
            32544    W             Jan 9-Feb 6                                 Regular Admission
                                                                                                             Creek or can be found on the
                     11:45-12:30pm         $50
            32545    W           Feb 13-Mar 13            DEEP WATER RUNNING                                 Canadian Society for Exercise
                     11:45-12:30pm         $50            A challenging workout that builds                Physiology website
                                                          endurance with no surface impact. A
           CARDIO COMBO                                   great cross-training option to prevent and
           A high-energy aerobic water exercise           rehabilitate injuries.
           to music. 40 minutes of calorie burning         Medium/High Intensity
           followed by muscle toning and flexibility                 Sa          Jan 12-Mar 30
            Medium/High Intensity
                                                                     M/ Tu/W/Th Jan 7-Mar 28
                                                                                                             Take A First
                                                                                                             Aid Course,
                      M & W & F Jan 7-Mar 29                         7-8pm
                      9:30-10:30am                                   Tu & Th      Jan 8-Mar 28
                            Regular Admission                        9:30-10:30am

                                                          ADAPTED FITNESS                                    SAVE A LIFE
                                                          Maintain and improve functional move-
                                                          ments through guided exercise in water.
                                                          Designed to build muscle and cardiovas-
                                                          cular fitness, while keeping joints healthy
                                                          and mobile.
                                                           Low Intensity
                                                                      M & W & F Jan 7-Mar 29
                                                                            Regular Admission

                                                          STRETCH & STRENGTH
                                                          Enjoy the warm water that helps relax
                 2300 Reeve Street,                       stiff joints while strengthening bones and
                                                                                                           Courses offered
                   Port Coquitlam                         muscles. Designed to increase muscle             include:
                                                          tone, strength and flexibility. Low Intensity
                 located in Gates Park                       M&W         Jan 7-Mar 27                      • EMERGENCY
                                                                                                             FIRST AID
                                                           		       Regular Admission
                                                                                                           • STANDARD FIRST AID
                                                                                    • CPR
                   for hours open                                                               

Experience It!
                                    Aquatic Leadership Courses
Hyde Creek offers the Lifesaving Society and Red Cross programs required to become a Lifeguard and Swim Instructor.
   Provided below are the courses required to apply for an Aquatic Leader position with the City of Port Coquitlam!

                                       HIGH SCHOOL CREDITS!                      Bronze Cross: Two Grade 11 credits

                                            Did you know that training to
                                                                                 Instructor:     One Grade 11 credit
                                            become a lifeguard and swim
                                          instructor can also earn you high      National
                                        school credits towards graduation?       Lifeguard:      Two Grade 12 credits
                                         Just bring in a copy of your award      Water Safety
                                              to your school counselor.          Instructor:     Two Grade 11 credits

                                             604.927.PLAY (7529)                                                        19
           Winter 2019

           CANADIAN SWIM                                    NATIONAL LIFEGUARD                             WATER SAFETY
           PATROL (8-12 yrs)                                – POOL OPTION (16yrs+)                         INSTRUCTOR - 2 (15yrs+)
           A three-level program aimed at develop-          Develop the practical skills and knowl-        The Water Safety Instructor (WSI) Course
           ing strokes and providing the foundations        edge required to be a certified lifeguard.     prepares candidates to instruct the Red
           for the Bronze medal awards. Participants        Receive training in incident prevention and    Cross Swim programs. Complete 1
           practice content appropriate to their ability    aquatic rescues. Manual and candidate          module:
           and interest.                                    fees included.                                 Classroom and Pool Sessions:
            32500        M&W             Jan 7-Feb 6         32506        Sa           Jan 19-Feb 23       Candidates must attend 100 % of the
                         6-7pm                   $75                      8:30-5pm              $405       sessions held Saturdays and Sundays
            32501        M&W           Feb 11-Mar 13                                                       from March 16-24.
                         6-7:15pm                $75        WATER SAFETY
                                                                                                            32669       Sa & Su          Mar 16-24
                                                            INSTRUCTOR – PREP (15+yrs)                                  11-6:30pm             $210
           BRONZE STAR (8-12yrs)                            This is an optional training opportunity for
           For those wanting to start lifeguard             candidates who are unsure if they meet
           training, but are not old enough to begin        the Swim Kids 10 ability required for the         Recertification Courses
           Bronze Medallion. Topics covered include         Water Safety Instructor program.
           personal safety, first-aid, and fitness.                                                        NATIONAL LIFEGUARD
                                                             Hyde Creek
            32502        F              Jan 11-Feb 8
                                                                                                           – POOL OPTION RECERT
                                                             32878     Su                        Jan 6
                                                                                                           Designed for those needing to recertify
                         6-8pm                   $85                   1-2pm                       $30
                                                                                                           their NL award. Candidates should be
            32503        F             Feb 15-Mar 15         32879     Su                        Jan 6
                                                                                                           prepared with their pocket mask, whistle,
                         6-8pm                   $85                   2-3pm                       $30
                                                                                                           fanny pack, swim suit and previous certi-
           BRONZE MEDALLION (13yrs+)                        WATER SAFETY                                   fication.
           Learn basic lifesaving skills for real-life      INSTRUCTOR - 1 (15yrs+)                         32509       Sa                   Jan 12
           scenarios applicable to almost any situ-         The Water Safety Instructor (WSI) Course                    9am-6pm                $105
           ation! Learn to save victims from water          prepares candidates to instruct the Red         32510       Sa                    Mar 9
           related incidents. Manual and candidate          Cross Swim programs. Complete 3                             9am-6pm                $105
           fees included.                                   modules:
            32504        Su          Jan 13-Feb 3           Skills Evaluation:                             WATER SAFETY
                         3:30-8:30pm         $195           Held on January 20, then January 27 from       INSTRUCTOR - RECERT
                                                            12:15-5:30pm. Demonstrate a Swim Kids          Provides instructors with program
           BRONZE CROSS (13yrs+)                            10 ability or greater.                         updates pertaining to the Red Cross
           Further develop lifesaving skills and CPR                                                       Swim Program. Candidates should be
           techniques. This is a pre-requisite for the      Online Learning:
                                                                                                           prepared with their swim suit and
           National Lifeguard – Pool Option certifica-      Self-guided between January 13 – Feb 8.
                                                                                                           pervious certification.
           tion. Candidate fees included.                   Teaching Experience:
                                                                                                            32507       W                    Jan 30
            32505        Su         Feb 10-Mar 10           Candidates must be available for at least
                                                                                                                        5-10pm                 $125
                         4:30-8:30pm        $160            two hours per day during one of the fol-
                                                                                                            32508       W                    Feb 27
                                                            lowing opportunities:
                                                                                                                        5-10pm                 $125
                                                             Sa/Su        9-12pm        Feb 9-Mar 10
                                                             M/W          4-7pm        Feb 11-Mar 13
                                                             Tu/Th        4-7pm        Feb 12-Mar 14           Become a Lifeguard
                                                             32668        Su        Jan 20 & Jan 27             call 604.927.7955
                                                                          12:15-5:30pm         $225
                                                                                                               for more information

Experience It!

                                               First Aid & CPR Training
   Basic first aid knowledge is a life skill that every person should know. First Aid and CPR training is mandatory
                           in many work places, but is also applicable to an individual’s daily life.


CPR - C (14yrs+)                                                                                Customized
Training rescuers in the skills required to
                                                    First Aid & CPR
provide basic life support to patients with      Recertification Courses                     First Aid Courses
airway, breathing, or circulatory emergen-
cies. Course fee includes a pocket mask.                                                 Do you own a daycare, are a school
                                              CPR-C RECERTIFICATION (14yrs+)             administrator, or simply have a group
 32492       Su                    Jan 20
                                              Candidates should bring their previous
             8am-3pm                  $85                                                of friends who want to take a first aid
                                              CPR-C certification card to class.
 32493       Su                     Mar 3                                                course together?
             8am-3pm                  $85      32498       Su                  Jan 27
                                                           8am-1pm                $55    Hyde Creek Recreation Centre offers
EMERGENCY FIRST AID (14yrs+)                   32499       Su                  Mar 10    customized First Aid and CPR training
Training rescuers in skills required to                    8am-1pm                $55    to fit your busy schedule. Gather a
provide basic life support and to manage                                                 group of 6 or more individuals and we
external bleeding, heart attack, and          STANDARD FIRST AID
                                                                                         can create any of the following full and
stroke. Course fee includes a pocket          RECERTIFICATION (14yrs+)
                                              Candidates should bring their pocket       recertification courses to cater to your
                                              mask, previous First Aid Manual and pre-   needs:
 32494       Su                    Jan 20
                                              vious SFA certification card to class.
             8am-5pm                 $120                                                     • Standard First Aid
 32495       Su                     Mar 3      32496       Su                  Jan 27         • Emergency First Aid
             8am-5pm                 $120                  8am-5pm                $85
                                                                                              • CPR Level A, B or C
                                               32497       Su                  Mar 10
                                                           8am-5pm                $85         • AED
Provides comprehensive training covering
                                                                                         Customized courses are based on
all aspects of first aid and CPR through
practical activities and scenarios. Course                                               instructor and facility availability.
fee includes a pocket mask.                                                              Requires 6 or more participants.
 32490       Su                Jan 20-27                                                 Please provide at least 1 months’
             8am-5pm                $170
                                                                                         notice if you are interested in
 32491       Su                 Mar 3-10
             8am-5pm                $170                                                 customized First Aid or CPR training.

                                                                                         For more information contact
                                                                                         the Recreation Programmer—
                                                                                         Aquatics @ 604.927.7955.

                                                       604.927.PLAY (7529)                                                       21
Winter 2019

           is for everyone!


      Get inspired, get healthy and reach your goals with our
        BCRPA-certied Personal Trainers. Pick an option:
         FITNESS                          EXPRESS           SEMI-PRIVATE      GROUP
       ASSESSMENT                        30-MINUTE           (2 PEOPLE)    (3-4 PEOPLE)
       Create your    1/$64, 3/$160,          $33
                                                              3/$105          3/$75
       health plan:     5/$255 or       (one full private
                                                             per person     per person
       45 min/$45        10/$490       session required)

     Work out on your own                 ADDITIONAL SPECIALIZED SESSIONS
       or with others!
                                        ACTIVE REHAB
                                        Registered Kinesiologist to help manage health
                                        conditions. 1/$70, 3/$190, 5/$300, 10/$550

                                        PRIME TIME TRAINING CLUB (50+)
                                        Specialized 3rd Age Trainer designs safe and
                                        effective programs for older adults.
                                        6 sessions/$60 or 12 sessions/$100
                                        Scan as you go: Mon &/or Wed, 1:45-3pm

                                        WEIGHT ROOM ORIENTATION
                                        Learn how to use the equipment safely
                                        and effectively. Adults: $30, Youth: $10

      GET STARTED TODAY! | 604.927.5222

Experience It!

                                             Health and Fitness / Adult
HATHA YOGA MULTI LEVEL                       YOGALATES (12yrs +)                                CURVY YOGA WITH KIM (12yrs+)
(12yrs +)                                    Experience the combination of yoga and             This yoga class is inclusive for bodies of
                                             pilates. Feel the benefits of the different        all shapes and sizes. This is the perfect
Hyde Creek       Instructor: Frauke
                                             styles and leave the class feeling taller          class to experience what yoga and
          Th           Feb 21-Mar 14
                                             and stronger. (Drop-in $11)                        Pilates is all about. (Drop-in $11)
          7-8:15pm                $38
                                              Hyde Creek         Instructor: Anita               Hyde Creek               Instructor: Kim
                                              32700     M                    Jan 7               32697     W                        Jan 2
 YOGA-HATHA                                             7:15-8:15pm             $4                         7-8pm                       $4
 This gentle style of yoga integrates         32678     M            Jan 14-Feb 4                32698     W                  Jan 9-Feb 6
 physical postures, breathing techniques                7:15-8:15pm            $38                         7-8pm                   $47.50
 and meditation to promote health and         32679     M           Feb 11-Mar 11                32699     W               Feb 13-Mar 13
 inner peace. An environment of self-                   7:15-8:15pm            $38                         7-8pm                   $47.50
 respect and noncompetition is
 encouraged. (Drop-in $11)
  Hyde Creek
  BEGINNER (12yrs +)
                                                                               DROP-IN OPTION
  Instructor: Bernadette                                                  FOR WELLNESS PROGRAMS
  32473       W          Jan 9-Mar 13                                        IF SPACE AVAILABLE
              7:30-9pm           $95
  INTERMEDIATE (12yrs +)
  Instructor: Bernadette
  32474       W          Jan 9-Mar 13
              6-7:30pm           $95
                                                                          Experience It Classes

YOGA-BABY & ME                                                     Come out and try a class for only $4
Exercise and socialize with your newest
workout partner. Take time to work on your     Strong by Zumba		              32675        Sa        Jan 5		            8:15-9:15am
physical and mental self. Leave feeling        Yogalates                      32700        M         Jan 7              7:15-8:15pm
refreshed. (Drop-in $9)                        Zumba                          32597        Th        Jan 3              7-8pm
 Hyde Creek
                                               Kundalini Yoga                 32478        Th        Jan 3              7-8pm
 32472       M           Feb 11-Mar 11         Pilates			                     32672        Th        Jan 3		            6:30-7:30pm
             11:15-12:15pm        $30          Zumba                          32597        Th        Jan 3              7-8pm

                                               R.I.P.P.E.D.                   32607        Th        Jan 3              8:15-9:15pm
                                               Curvy Yoga with Kim            32697        W         Jan 2              7-8pm

                                                                 REGISTER TODAY AS SPACE IS LIMITED

                                               Athletic Training 32702        W            Jan 2		             6-7pm              $15
                                               Athletic Training 32701        M            Jan 7		             7-8pm              $15

                                                      604.927.PLAY (7529)                                                               23
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