Page created by Sergio Moran
SPEAKING AT                                           “(Cannes is) filled    “(There is)
CANNES LIONS                                          with world-class
                                                      thinking and award-
                                                                             Incredible reach
                                                                             and prestige
                                                      winning creatives,     thought leadership
We believe creativity is the driving                  being part of the      associated with
force for business, for change and for                festival is a huge     Cannes Lions main
                                                      honour”                stage”
good. That’s why we are campaigners
for creativity and we want our content
                                                      Chris Townsend         Diane Bickel
programme to inspire the kind of                      Publicis Poke          Taboola
creative bravery that can change the

                                                      “Topics brought up     “It's the
Cannes Lions is a place for the world’s branded       at Cannes set the      quintessential
communications industry to re ect and re-set.         creative industry's    speaking
Attendees expect to see world-class content that      agenda for the         engagement for
                                                      year”                  the advertising
will raise the bar of creativity in business.
                                                      Alec Brownstein
Our attendees enjoy hearing from their peers, their   Dollar Shave Club      Anselmo Ramos
industry idols and creative talent from outside of                           GUT Agency
the day. They like to be inspired, challenged and
held to account. Our speakers make the Festival
very special and we look forward to seeing your
                                                       “This was a
ideas.                                                 highlight in my       “Cannes represents
                                                       career”               the very best of the
                                                                             industry globally. It
                                                      Luis Miguel            is important for our
                                                      Alma                   company to be
                                                                             seen as a thought
                                                                             leader within this
SPEAKING AT CANNES LIONS                                                     context and
                                                                             speaking at Cannes
THE BENEFITS OF SPEAKING ON THE                                              is the perfect
OFFICIAL PROGRAMME                                    “It's a great          opportunity for
                                                      platform, and I have   this”
Speaking onstage at Cannes Lions is a personal
and professional game-changer. It is both
                                                      Nick Law               Sarah Cutler
immensely rewarding and a huge responsibility.
                                                      Apple                  Makemepulse
Here are what some of our previous speakers have
to say:

                                                                             “We wanted to
                                                                             own a
                                                                             within the industry
                                                                             and Cannes is
                                                                             THE place to do it”

                                                                              Angela Henao
                                The deadline to submit is 10 January 2020.

                                All submissions must go through content.canneslions.com.

                                Review the 12 commandments (to follow on page 4). All
                                content must premiere at Cannes Lions and can’t be a rehash
If you only read one page in    of something that has been presented elsewhere. We are
                                looking for brand-new thought leadership released live and
this entire guide… Read this.   exclusively from the stage.

                                Distil your talk proposal into a single, clear idea or message.
                                If you can’t summarise your talk in one sentence, keep going
                                until you can.

                                What do you want the audience to walk away with? What do
                                you want to be known for by taking the stage at Cannes Lions?
                                Think of what you would like the headlines to be after your talk
                                and aim towards that.

                                If you have a corporate or sales message, this is not the
                                platform for you. There are more effective homes for these
                                messages at Cannes Lions and we would be happy to connect
                                you with the relevant teams to facilitate this. The stage is
                                strictly for thought leadership.

                                Review the 2020 Content Themes and align your ideas. See
                                page 8.

                                Be a storyteller. Be a challenger. Be refreshingly honest. These
                                are all characteristics of the best talks that have taken the
                                stage over the years.

                                Don’t rush in completing the submission form. We can see the
                                passion behind the considered ideas and those who quickly
                                 lled out the form to throw their name in the hat.

                                You can also submit individuals to take part in other speaking
                                opportunities at the Festival. Click the “nominate an individual
                                button” at content.canneslions.com.

                                There is NO charge to speak on any of the stages. If your idea
                                is successful, the cost to cover the logistics behind your idea
                                (travel, speaker fees, accommodation) must be covered by
                                you, the session host.

                                Don’t leave it to the last minute to submit your idea. Take time
                                to workshop your ideas internally. The back-and-forth
                                dynamic you’ll have internally will only elevate ideas. Our tips
                                on how to brainstorm your ideas are all included in this guide.
WHAT                                                                                         We all know that a good speech can change the
                                                                                             world. Cannes Lions is home to some of the
                                                                                             world’s biggest stages and welcomes some of the

ARE WE                                                                                       world’s most creatively engaged and receptive
                                                                                             human beings. The content presented on-stage at

                                                                                             Cannes Lions needs to drive home the message
                                                                                             that creativity is a force for business, for good and
                                                                                             for change.

FOR?                                                                                         The best presentations that we’ve seen have really
                                                                                             moved the crowd. They have led to positive
                                                                                             action. The content at Cannes Lions Festival
                                                                                             needs to inspire the industry to produce better
                                                                                             work, generate better results and make the world
                                                                                             a better - and more interesting - place. As you are
                                                                                             putting together your ideas, we ask you to stick to
                                                                                             these simple guidelines:

                                           THE 12 COMMANDMENTS

01                                         02                                          03                               04
All content at Cannes Lions MUST           Serenade the audience, don’t sell to        Be a storyteller. Think of       Be transparent, relatable,
premiere at Cannes Lions. Don’t            them. The talk you put forward should       your talk idea as a story        global. Cannes Lions is a
rehash anything you’ve talked about at     be about creating a connection, not a       from start to nish. Your         global event. Our audience is
another industry event.                    transaction. The speakers you put           talk needs a hard-hitting        made up of human beings
                                           forward should be able to talk about        beginning, a solid middle, an    from 150+ countries. Please
                                           these ideas regardless of the company       interesting twist and a          remember this and only put
                                           they work for because these are what        satisfying ending. Tell us the   forward ideas that can be
                                           they are most passionate about.             story in your submission.        applied to a global audience.

05                                         06                                          07                               08
Provoke, challenge, incite. Please don’t   Make them feel– joy, sadness, anger,        What’s the value? Ensure         Involve the audience. We
play safe – be daring and be               excitement. Think of how you want the       your talk idea has one to        have now introduced
provocative. The best talks at Cannes      audience to feel. We want talks that will   three solid takeaways.           audience Q&A across all
Lions always challenge assumptions         surprise and delight as much as they        Make them clear and              stages, consider how you
and offer new (and radical) ideas          will inform.                                spell them out in your           could use this as part of your
around age-old issues. Tell us how you                                                 submission.                      ideas.
will challenge our audience.

09                                         10                                          11                               12
Take on the di cult questions. Take        Don’t just tell, show. People love to see   Be original in your              Inject some Cannes Lions
on the big, bold and burning industry      examples of work, creatives are visual      format. Panels often suck        magic. Please aim to raise
questions. Use the “Questions”             people. We have BIG screens where you       as they follow the same,         the creative bar. You don’t
section of the submission form to          can show incredible visuals. Think of       dry format. Presentations        need a rabbit in a hat (who
demonstrate how hard-hitting your          this when preparing your ideas.             can sometimes be too             needs gimmicks?) but
talk idea is.                                                                          passive. What can you do         remember this is the world’s
                                                                                       to be different?                 largest Festival of Creativity
                                                                                                                        and think of your session
                                                                                                                        within this context.

WHAT DO THE                                       A Single, Clear, Idea A BIG, universally understandable
                                                  idea: beauty, purpose, happiness, wonder. Simplicity.

MOST                                              Expressed eloquently. The talk can be summarised in
                                                  one clear message.
                                                  Creativity at the Heart and in the Description The talk
                                                  description itself is creative at its core. It features
                                                  brand new, original thinking or a unique perspective on
                                                  an age-old topic.


                                                  A Provocation/Twist Thought-provoking, challenging
                                                  of the status quo. Often slightly contrary to wider
                                                  industry belief.

We have analysed the most stand-
out talks from recent years who
have knocked it out of the park
with our audience. While the best
presentations have been unique in
                                                 Answering Key Questions and Offering Real Value
their own way, there are some
                                                 Valuable, practical takeaways. Our audience are
points of similarity that often unite            looking for valuable content just as much as
them. And it starts with the                     inspiration. The stuff that changes what you do when
synopsis…                                        you return to the office.

    QUICK               There is a section on the submission form labeled
                        “Questions this talk aims to answer”. Use this! This helps
    TIP                 you hone in on the value you will offer the audience and
                        helps makes your submission stand out.
                                                                               New Launches – Brand
                                                                               New Information Released
                                                                               Live in Cannes
  SHOULD                             Creative Pairings

  YOU TELL                                                                     Exciting product launches that are

                                     Co-presented talks between brands
                                     and agencies tend to knock it out the     of genuine interest and appeal to
                                     park, if they can share the warts-n-all   creative folk (not sales pitches) or

   STORY?                            side to their partnership in a dynamic    brand-new pieces of research
                                     way on stage                              released for the rst time from the

                                     Fewer Speakers Proposed                   FOMO Moments
                                     and Speakers who are
 Then comes the format.              Highly Respected
                                                                               Creating that “were you in the room
We live in the experience-                                                     when…” buzz. Consider the 30-
   economy, so what                  Intimate conversations, ying solo or      minute spot on stage as an event
                                     one to one interviews with credible       and create a once-in-a-lifetime
experience will you create           industry creatives/ marketers or          experience for the audience.
     from the stage…                 (creative) talent. Rarely panels.

     QUICK              We would rather you came to us with a big, bold,
                        badass idea we had to tame for the stage, than
     TIP                working up a smaller idea into an inspirational format.
                        However, we are not in the business of format-for-
                        formats sake. Sometimes a simple keynote speech is
                        the most powerful delivery. We are happy to help with
                        any format ideas.
WHO IS BEST                             Engaging, Likeable

PLACED TO                               They are often: funny, jokey, self-deprecating.
                                        They don’t hide behind gimmicks and they tell

TELL YOUR                               personal stories to highlight a point

STORY?                                   Relaxed, Not Corporate

                                        Typically, they are not suited and booted. They
                                        seem relaxed, even casual, but never

                                         Highly Opinionated
We are looking for nothing short of
world-class speakers. Carefully think   It’s one of the reasons that we ask people to come
about who you are putting forward to    back! These are people who are not afraid to
deliver the talk. Our highest-rated     speak out, but not in an offensive or arrogant way
speakers are always:

                                        Extremely Honest

                                        Candour goes down extremely well on-stage. All
                                        of our speakers, even the big brands, gave away
                                        what might be seen as proprietary information
Speaker       Speaker numbers

Tips          We will not run panels that have more than four
              people on stage at one time (including the
              moderator/interviewer).Too many people onstage
              looks messy and is distracting for the audience.

              Cannes Lions is a truly global event and we welcome
              a heterogeneous line-up of speakers. That way we
              get the best mix of stories. If you plan on submitting
              a panel of speakers, please try and
              re ect the world at large.

              Relevance over seniority
              Often, our audience want to hear from those in your
              organisation who have a really interesting story,
              background or point of view, not necessaily the most
              senior job title. Sometimes your CEO or CMO may
              not be the best person to tell the story.

  QUICK   This is not a corporate conference, it’s the International Festival of
          Creativity. You could be presenting to some of the most high-
  TIP     powered, smart and well-informed people on the planet, even if they
          are casually dressed in shorts and sneakers. You are also
          competing with the pull of a cool glass of rosé in the warm
          Mediterranean sunshine! To impress this audience you need to
          have something powerful to say and an exciting way to say it.
          Corporate sales presentations simply won’t work. Sessions with
          style, wit and substance will.

•   There is NO charge to speak on any of the stages.

•   If your idea is successful, the cost to cover the logistics behind your idea
    (travel, fees, accommodation) must be covered by you, the talk host.

•   All speakers receive a two-day Festival pass giving them access to the Palais
    on the day of their session and the day prior (for a technical check). There is
    also a discounted “Speaker Complete Pass” available. Please enquire for

•   All content must be original and fresh and created speci cally for the Festival.

•   Due to high demand, we can only feature a speaker/organisation once during
    the main Festival programme.

•   You, the session holder, are responsible for conception, creation and
    execution of your talk. However, all speaker con rmation/changes must come
    through the Cannes Lions Content Team.

•   Successful proposals are chosen on the merit of the idea and the speaker.

•   By submitting content, you are agreeing to our T&Cs (more on

                           WHAT HAPPENS
                         AFTER YOU SUBMIT?
               This timeline illustrates the different deadlines and milestones in the
                           content selection and development process.

                    Friday 10 January 2020

              Submit A Proposal
 All proposals must be submitted through
   the online content portal. Proposals
   submitted directly to the team will not be

                                                        January & February 2020 onwards

                                                       The review process can extend through to the
                                                       end of March, dependent on the number of
                                                       submissions we receive. We aim to get back to
                                                       proposals ASAP! You may be contacted for more

              February & March 2019 onwards

                  Feedback & Offers
        If your proposal is successful through rst
        review, a member of the Content Team will
 contact you to discuss your proposal or with an
initial offer of a slot on hold, subject to speakers
being con rmed and session content agreed. We
tend to keep slots on hold for a maximum of two
Two weeks from an offer

                                                                           Con rmation &
                                                                           Once offers are accepted, the content of the talk
                                                                           and speakers have been con rmed, and relevant
                                                                           visual assets have been received, we will
                                                                           announce speakers at the relevant section of
                                                                           canneslions.com and in marketing
                                                                           communications. We sometimes announce
                                                                           speakers while the talk content is still in

                                     Upon con rmation

                         Begin Production
   The Speaker Operations Team will work with
each session holder to assist with any technical
   requirements, and offer guidance on session
     promotion before, and during, the Festival.

                                                                             May 2020

                                                                           Final Preparations
                                                                           We work with all hosts to review the content
                                                                           which has been developed. We know what
                                                                           resonates based on our extensive audience
                                                                           research and also have a full picture of the
                                                                           overall Festival so can help mitigate any overlap
                                                                           and help you land key messages to deliver a
                                                                           successful session.

                                                    June 2020

                                        The Festival
   It’s show time! This is the moment where your
months of hard work pay off. On-site, the Cannes
   Lions Content Team are there all the way, right
  from when you arrive at the Speaker Lounge to
the moment you step out on that stage, secure in
    the knowledge that you’re about to deliver the
               best presentation possible. Enjoy it.

 All content is subject to the Cannes Lions Content Team’s approval and an official slot is only con rmed if all the content is agreed (topics,
 format, speakers etc). If a speaker drops out or the content changes, we reserve the right to revoke the offer of a slot. We tend to keep slots on
 hold for a maximum of two weeks.
·   I I   ,   ·

                                                                        Here at Cannes Lions HQ, we have conducted more than               These eight 2020 Festival themes are defined
                                                                        100 detailed interviews with Chief Marketing Officers,             by some of the most brilliant and inspired minds

                                                                        Chief Creative Officers, Brand Leaders, Strategists and            in our industry. Thank you to all who participated
                                                                        CEOs. We have also received 561 responses to our                   along the way.
                                                                        qualitative online survey.


             01                                                    02                                                            03                                           04
Creativity is the Business                           Cre ative Disruption in                                   Post-Purpose : Brand                         Your Brand is My Experience
     Growth Engine                                         Commerce                                         Accountability and Activism

             05                                                  06                                                              07                                            08
Looking to 2030: Making                          Applied Creativity: When Data,                                    Storytelling at Scale                       Let's Get Back to Brand
 your Business Future-fit                           Tech and Ideas Collide

    01-                                                  Creativity at Cannes Lions is far more than a 30-second ad. In fact, it's
                                                         hardly ever a 30-second ad. It's a survival mechanism. Applied properly, it's
                                                                                                                                                   Some of the big questions are:
                                                                                                                                                   • How can we define, identify, develop

    Creativity is the                                    transformative. It solves big business problems. It also requires complete                  and ensure real, sustainable business
                                                         organisational focus.                                                                       growth?
    Business Growth                                                                                                                                • What drives growth: is it penetration,

                                                         It is arguably the best (sometimes only) way to drive non-incremental                       engagement and/or reach and is there
                                                         growth.                                                                                     a blueprint for success? What
                                                                                                                                                     difference does creativity make in all of
                                                         But as you know, it requires a long-term, enterprise-wide commitment and                    this? And what type of creativity works?
                                                         often a complete re-engineering of business models, mindsets and culture.                 • As marketers and business partners,
   "The Chief Marketing                                  Marketers must define how creativity can support both short-term activities                 how can we better tell the story of
   Officer agenda is the                                 and long-term brand equity to have a better level of influence in the                       creativity and growth and balance it

   business growth agenda.                               boardroom. We need to focus on the "marketing of marketing and                              with automation and performance?
                                                         creativity" in order to gain credibility; but this must always be backed by               • The big idea is great, but what about
   Which means we need to                                business results. Creativity needs a new vocabulary: one that resonates                     the business result? How can we
   drive impact, top-line                                with the C-suite.                                                                           demonstrate the efficacy of creative

   acceleration and return on                                                                                                                        work by measuring what matters?
                                                         At the Festival, we will showcase speakers and organisations who have
   investment:'                                          used creativity to achieve sustained growth in highly-competitive categories
                                                         and demonstrated its impact. Whether this is powered by design-thinking,
   Debora Koyama, Chief Marketing Officer,
                                                         data, technology or consumer insights doesn't really matter. It's the output,
   International, Mondelez
                                             I           impact and ongoing buy-in that counts. Hear from marketers who have
                                                         mastered the boardroom and the CFO relationship; and from creatives who
                                                         are fluent in the language of business. Hear how to be a true business
                                                         partner rather than a drain on costs.


    02-                                                  Commerce is often seen as just transaction and friction reduction but it
                                                         presents so much more potential and opportunities for brand. It's a game­
                                                                                                                                                   Some of the big questions are:
                                                                                                                                                   • As distribution models are disrupted

    Creative Disruption                                  changer. Judging by the outstanding award-winning work on show at the                       with the massive ecommerce platforms
                                                         2019 Festival, we will see a lot more experimentation and sophistication in                 of this world, what consumer
    in Commerce                                          this fiercely disruptive and exciting space.                                                experience do you have and what part
                                                                                                                                                     of it do you own? But most importantly
                                                         People don't want to be bombarded with annoying "buy it now" sales                           - WHERE can you reach them and own

    "We're seeing the
                                             0           messages: they expect personalised shopping experiences to be
                                                         seamlessly integrated into their everyday lives. They want the brands they
                                                                                                                                                   • What part can physical retail still play in

    atomization of retail...                             like to add value. To make their lives better. To delight even:                             a digital and convenience led
                                                         • A personal greeting by a digital totem in a physical store? Of course.                    commerce market?
    People can buy from                                  • r.,ishlP
anywhere. From live TV,
from graffiti on walls, from                   -..-     recognition? Yes..
                                                      • Mobile-centric, participatory real-time shopping experiences which turn
                                                        the consumer into the retailer? Why not...
                                                                                                                                          seamless and integrate into
                                                                                                                                          consumers' lives in a relevant way
                                                                                                                                        • What can we learn from China: the
posters, from their friends.                                                                                                              ultimate experiential retail playground?
You can almost buy                                    We will select and invite trailblazers from brands and retailers who are
anything and it doesn't                               pioneering "new" forms of commerce (cashless, omnichannel, immersive,
                                                      experience) to promote better buying experiences.
have to be in a store or on a
shelf."                                               We will also explore how marketers can create a true point of difference in
                                                      saturated sectors and on the "go-to" sites like Amazon and J D.com. More
Daniel Bonner, Chief Creative Officer,
                                                      importantly, the vital role that creativity can play here, when you're in up
Wunderman Thompson
                                                      against a throng of competitors.

                                                      We will explore the (ever-changing) physical environment too, and its true
                                                      value and role as we ramp-up on in-device purchases. Some of the most
                                                      exciting work is happening in-stores (and elsewhere) and we will look at the
                                                      very best.

03 -                                                  You have made it loud and clear. The time for discussion and awareness is
                                                      over. It is time for action. There is no doubt that authentic, purpose-driven
                                                                                                                                        Some of the big questions are:
                                                                                                                                        • In an era of woke-washing, how can

Post-Purpose: Brand                                   work can have a positive impact on behaviour and society and support                brands authentically engage
                                                      business results. But there is growing evidence that people are cynical of          consumers in purpose-driven activism?
Accountability and                                    brands who "purpose-wash" for short-term gains. We're in woke times.              • What are the best, most sustainable

                                                                                                                                          examples of high-performing, purpose­
                                                      As the stakes become higher, brands and companies must live out their               driven work?
                                                      beliefs and missions or get their house in order before they seek to take         • In a world where everyone is "doing"
                                                      communications messages to market. In essence, they need to be fully                purpose, does it still matter?
                                                      accountable. They must walk the talk.                                             • We need answers, not rhetoric.
"The most meaningful way                                                                                                                  Specifically, what can we - as an
we can drive impact is to                             At Cannes Lions 2020, we will address purpose in a far more practical and           industry - do to tackle big, global

not only have a point of                              actionable way. We will hear what some of the world's biggest brands and            issues?
                                                      agencies are DOING to tackle massive global issues including climate
view but to put the weight                            change, inequality, gun control and hunger. We will also raise the benchmark
of the brand behind it:'                              of what is possible with the creative clout of our industry behind it.            We have some of the world's best
                                                                                                                                        creative talent in one place. We want to
Alicia Tillman, Chief Marketing Officer,              We will explore case studies from some of the brands doing authentic              harness this opportunity to enact real
SAP                                                   purpose-driven work that not only improves lives, but drives return. We will      change. More on this to follow....
                                                      examine campaigns that intersect social good with good business. We will
                                                      also hold the industry to account and explore the responsibilities that the
"55% of consumers
                                                      industry has to safeguard the privacy and safety of consumers.
believe companies have a                              This is a business critical, expansive topic and we will devote time to
more important role than                              exploring all its facets.

governments today in
creating a better future"

Ha,as Meao;ogf"I Braods Repmt 2019

0 4-                                                  What is Experience? Experience/CX/UX is all-encompassing. There's really
                                                      no point having great advertising if it points you to a rubbish experience.
                                                                                                                                        Some of the big questions are:
                                                                                                                                        • How can we fix broken experiences?

Your Brand is My                                      But, how do we define experience? Well, we asked you. And you said                  What does it take and who do we need
                                                      everything. From physical to digital and all those critical moments of truth in     to get in the room to fix it?
Experience                                            between. Done badly, this can decimate your brand and reputation. But done        • Have we reached "peak experience"? In
                                                      well, it can have a massive impact on your customer loyalty and bottom line.        what is now a sea of sameness Uust
                                                                                                                                          look at the fast food apps), how can we
                                                      Today, the brand and experience are one and the same; you must create               truly differentiate with brand personality
"These days fixing a failure                          touchpoints which provide rich, seamless interactions that exude brand              along the customer journey?

rate point on a customer                              character at every stage along the path to purchase.                              • What can we learn from the new
                                                                                                                                          economy, D2C brands unrestricted by
journey is worth far more to                          But to create transformative customer experiences, brands first need to             legacy operating models and
a business than producing                             transform their own enterprise experience, which means developing                   processes?

a 30-second advertising                               customer-centricity programmes, internal cultural transformation and              • How can we make experiences more
                                                      modern ways of working. Sounds hard? It is.                                         human, more emotional, more
slot"                                                                                                                                     engaging? What creates the difference
                                                      We will hear from brands who have struggled and experimented with                   between brand satisfaction and brand
Justin Billingsley, CEO, Publicis Emil
                                                      customer experience: those who have made mistakes, gathered feedback                love?
                                                      and improved the customer journey all along the way. We will hear how they
                                                      have prioritised customer satisfaction, synchronised brand messaging with

                                         -.-          a streamlined journey and joined organisational dots across the business.

                                                      The next realm of experience will be completely multi-sensory and
                                                 engineered with empathy. At Cannes Lions we will explore all these
                                                 possibilities in inspirational and expansive talks which explore human
                                                 psychology, experience design, emotions and behaviour.

- - ... ,,...

  OS-                                            The only thing that's constant in our industry is change. The AOR is almost
                                                 certainly dead, the next generation of creative talent demands new, modern
                                                                                                                                   Some of the big questions are:
                                                                                                                                   • How do we cultivate human-first

  Looking to 2030:                               working practices and D2C brands (who only last year we held up as the              workplaces to enable creativity? How
                                                 new icons in marketing) are seemingly hitting a plateau, struggling to scale.       do we lead differently to support our
  Making your                                    We are in an era where we need to constantly learn, experiment and create           teams to build brands in a modern way?

  Business Future-fit
                                                 the future.                                                                       • What is the best way to work with
                                                                                                                                     clients. Do we need to be business
                                                 This is a meaty and complex theme, ultimately looking at how we can                 partners? If we're not writing the briefs
                                                 bullet-proof careers and business as we prepare for a recessionary world.           ourselves, are we doing something
                                                 At Cannes Lions we will be focusing on these industry priorities:                   really wrong?
  "Creatives nowadays need                                                                                                         • Why are brands continuing to in-house?
  a swiss-army knife of skills.                  Talent: At a time when creative and marketing capabilities are, at best,            Is it more about translation and

  The creative technologist                      undefined, speakers will explore the new skillsets required and how we can          understanding than efficiency?
                                                 acquire and retain the world's best creative and tech talent.                     • How can we continue to recruit and
  today is as important as the                                                                                                       support inclusive teams that creatively
  copywriter"                                    Better teams and processes: enabling a creative culture is under­                   thrive?
                                                 scrutinised but essential. Speakers will focus on how we can build a
  Jess Greenwood, Global Chief Marketing         workplace as a catalyst for creativity and growth. Here it is important to
  Officer, R/GA                                  look at what detracts from this: burnout, lack of inclusion, #metoo, and age
                                                 discrimination (to name a few).

                                                 Agency and consultancy models: We will look at new agency models and
                                                 what the future value proposition needs to be to survive. What is the role of
                                                 the agency? Is it an ideas house? A consultancy? A transformation bureau?
                                                 Let's re-evaluate what the agency of the future stands for.

                                           -.-   Collaboration and Partner ships: Let's face it, we can't fly solo anymore. We
                                                 need to work better together to produce work that we're proud of.

                                                 In-housing: Speakers from both sides of the fence will explore whether it's

                                                 working and what elements are working best. A year on, we'll ask "will in­
                                                 housing creativity fail?"
        ' ,
        , '

  06-                                            There was once a time when tech and data both terrified and enchanted us.
                                                 But whilst some were still obsessing about "humans v machines", future­
                                                                                                                                   Some of the big questions are:
                                                                                                                                   • Practical applications: how can we

  Applied Creativity:                            thinking brands were creating virtual assistants, personalising1-2-1 ads at         supercharge our creativity with
                                                 scale and enabling customers to try on make-up at home via an App. What             technology, use data and machine
  When Data, Tech                                was once deemed "innovation" is now a hygiene factor. And now, as                   learning as the guardrails for good

  and Ideas Collide
                                                 creative technology becomes invisible, the creative possibilities are almost        ideas and deploy AR to create mind­
                                                 infinite. Data is also seductive and yet it can be profoundly limiting              blowingly immersive experiences?
                                                 (particularly when we're all working with the same information!)                  • Can we always rely on data/Al and
                                                                                                                                     what pitfalls must we avoid: both
                                                   Here at Cannes Lions we will always believe first and foremost in human           strategically and ethically?
  "I think that technology is                    curiosity and imagination. But we celebrate and interrogate the application       • How are well-loved brands and
  always a means to an end.                       of creativity, which is almost always informed and amplified by machines.          businesses using technology, data and

  Never an end in itself.                                                                                                            new tools to transform the way we
                                                 The magic of the Festival lies in the ideas that are brought to life on-stage.      interact?
  Sometimes our campaigns                        Our expert speakers, including creative technologists, storytellers, scientists   • Does digital live up to its promise? It
  are tech-enabled. Tech­                        and innovators will share real-life examples on how to practically apply data       might be great at efficiency and

  enabled creativity is where                    and tech in a way that delights and enthralls. Brands will also demonstrate         optimisation but what about
                                                 HOW they have harnessed technology and data to create better emotional              effectiveness?
  we often work best as a                        moments with consumers. We will showcase ONLY the very best, global
  brand though. Our best                         examples of tech and data-fuelled creativity. It will blow your minds.
  campaigns fuse the big
  idea and the best tech

  Fernando Machado, Global Chief
  Marketing Officer, Burger King

07-                                               This theme is as much about the context (and pace, volume) as the
                                                  content. Storytelling, the bedrock of our industry - used to be much simpler:
                                                                                                                                    Some of the big questions are:
                                                                                                                                    • How are the most-loved brands

Storytelling at Scale                             develop one key message, focus on a few formats and execute with artistry.          transforming from advertisers to
                                                  But, the job today is way more complicated. Platforms have multiplied and           entertainers?
                                                  we're all spoilt for choice. We crave and expect constant entertainment.          • What can creatives, brands and
                                                  We're greedy for more (and better) content. We will not accept mediocrity.          media do to work in a more joined-up

"We all know that people                          This is as exciting as it is unnerving and we need to embrace the challenge!        way to make messages that resonate
                                                                                                                                      in the right media?
actively avoid advertising.                       We must adapt formats, at pace and at scale. Today, brands that need to           • How are brands structuring their work
Our role as brands is to                          gain attention must focus on content that entertains and engages people             with internal teams and partners to

solve problems and deliver                        on the issues and stories that matter, right here, right now. Cultural              bring these stories to life across the
                                                  relevance is critical.                                                              magnitude of media available?
experiences in ways that                                                                                                            • Who are the most exciting new­
are relevant to how people                        Our speakers on this topic (storytellers, content creators, media owners,           generation storytellers? What do they
live their everyday lives,                        platforms) will explore new creative dimensions in storytelling: across             care about and why? Why are they
                                                  modern platforms and formats. They will discuss the bold endeavours                 resonating with younger generations?
that they care about and
                                                  being made by brands to shape their stories into entertaining, culturally
that make a positive                              relevant content, and the partners and creative talent required to make this
contribution to culture. This                     happen.

requires a phenomenal
shift in the way that we
work and t hink. It's a
massive challenge, but one
that we relish."

Brad Hiranga, Chief Brand Officer, General

           ,..   --

08-                                               Famously iconic brands do not make themselves. But in amongst the
                                                  current obsession with clicks and impressions, brand-building and long­
                                                                                                                                    Some of the big questions are:
                                                                                                                                    • What does a modern-day brand need to

Let's Get Back to                                 term brand health has been neglected. This theme is not as simplistic as            stand-for and what role does creativity
                                                  performance marketing vs. creativity but it does throw up some important            have in building impactful brands?
Brand                                             questions: primarily, what essence has been lost whilst the focus has been        • Have modern-day marketers lost the art
                                                  more squarely on immediate ROI?                                                     of brand-building and is this because
                                                                                                                                      the language baffles the board? How
                                                  The evidence shows that for creativity to really pay, there needs to be             can we regain confidence in creativity?
                                                  commitment. And patience. Getting back to brand is about focusing on              • How can legacy brands reinvent
                                                  building brand equity and growing brand affinity with customers. It's not           themselves to maintain relevance?
                                                  about short-lived stunts: it's about real, hard graft. It's about understanding   • What is the latest evidence that
                                                  what brand assets and emotional connections are integral to long-term               long­term efforts on creativity really
                                                  relationship building and memory making, so that you stay front-of-mind. It's       pay off?
                                                  about celebrating long-term wins and having the confidence to convince the
                                                  business that brand health matters.                                               This is not a retrospective look back at
                                                                                                                                    brands from the past . But a look
                                                  Most importantly though, we will explore what consumers are looking for,          forward at what will matter to the future
                                                  what represents a meaningful, relevant brand (humanity, impact, positivity)       consumer.
                                                  in the 21st century and how creativity can help to differentiate.

                                                  We will find the brightest and most inspirational minds in modern marketing
                                                  to share their thoughts and manifestos on why we must better balance the
                                  ' ,             long-term with the short-term.
                         -:•      , '        ,,

                                                          On the main stages, content should kindle
                                                          the spark of creativity so that great ideas
Lumiere & Debussy Stages                                  can catch re. Sessions on these stages
30 minute talks and 45 minutes debates                    are likely to be resolutely future-facing and
                                                          inspirational and will draw a large footfall.
Capacity: 2,280 Lumiere | 1,065 Debussy                   These spaces are large, imposing
Q&A mandatory and no panel formats on the Debussy Stage   auditoriums that only skilled and
                                                          experienced speakers will be able to handle.
                                                          They are the perfect place for keynote-style
                                                          solo presentations, professionally
                                                          conducted interviews with high-pro le
                                                          guests, live performances and complex
                                                          demonstrations. We have a skilled technical
                                                          and stage crew to assist with onsite
                                                          delivery – so we’re open to all ideas. Feel
                                                          free to be creative!

                                                          Audience Q&A runs on both stages but is
                                                          mandatory on the Debussy Stage. All
                                                          sessions are 30 minutes in length
                                                          (including Q&A) unless in a debate format.
                                                          We strongly encourage you NOT to put
                                                          forward a panel as they do not rate well with
                                                          our audience, however, debate formats
                                                          where you can demonstrate a for and
                                                          against argument will be discussed are
                                                          great crowd pleasers.
The Terrace Stage                                 Palais II Stage                                    The Forum

30 minutes | Capacity: 200                        30 minutes | Capacity: 450 |                       30 minutes | Capacity: 280 |
seated, up to 1000 standing |                     Q&A included                                       Q&A included
Q&A included, interactive
formats only                                      Here we’ll host talks across all the tracks        A space for speakers to deliver industry best-
                                                  including thematic days to be con rmed. It’s a     practice or actionable ideas for the audience,
                                                  wide-open, circular space with a large             around the eight Cannes Lions themes. The
An expansive, open-air space, this area has a
                                                  audience capacity. It is an ideal space for        talks that rate the best often feature industry
relaxed, informal and festival vibe. Host to
                                                  con dent and capable speakers, or more             experts or eminent creatives, who share
game shows, workshops, performances and
                                                  specialised presentations. There are also          candid insights about the work that they are
interactive sessions in 2019, it is where a lot
                                                  opportunities for live Q&A and audience            doing. This space is a more casual
of the festival magic happens! Submissions
                                                  interaction.                                       presentation environment, where the
for this space should be immersive or
                                                                                                     speakers are very accessible to the audience.
interactive (think workshops, un-
conferences, musical performances).

Makers Lab &                                      Interactive Stage                                  The Cannes Lions Beach
Workshop Room

90 minutes | Format:                              30 minutes | Capacity: 150 |                       1 hour | Curated panel
Interactive workshops –                           Q&A included                                       discussions
technical, skill building, craft                  This stage will take the tech trends, such as AI   At the Cannes Lions Beach, we host a series of
This space is for highly interactive, hands-on    or AR and bring them to life in a creative         Cannes-curated debates. These include the
content covering practical, skill-based           context. Sessions here will deep dive into the     Chief Marketing O cer panels, Chief
issues. Content can be both technical skills      opportunities, use cases, examples,                Creatives panels and Badass Women
based (e.g. coding, rapid prototyping, AR         challenges and reviews of speci c                  sessions. You can nominate a panellist at
workshops), ideation-based (e.g. creative         technology. Plus, most importantly, their          content.canneslions.com. See page 10 for
thinking, innovation workshops), or craft-        application in the branded communications          more more information.
based (e.g. storytelling, music workshop).        ecosystem. Session ideas should include live
                                                  demonstrations of the technology and
                                                  practical issues in discussion. All
                                                  technologies welcome!
                                           Nominate a Panellist to Participate in
                                             Cannes Lions Curated Sessions

                                                                                                     If you, or someone you know, has a particularly
The Cannes Lions Content                          These include but are not limited to:
                                                    Chief Marketing O cers on the Beach panel        strong view on an industry issue, please let us
Team also curate a series of                        series                                           know. You can now nominate an individual to
our own Cannes Lions-hosted                         Chief Creatives on the Beach series Badass       participate at content.canneslions.com also,
content sessions, designed to                       Women panel series                               by clicking on the “Nominate a panellist”
                                                    Future Gazers on the Terrace                     button.
challenge thinking and the
                                                    Cannes Lions Digital Pass
status quo.                                                                                          Below is a brief description of each panel:

      Chief Marketing Officers                      Chief Creatives on the Beach                       Badass Women Panels
            on the Beach

                                                     These panels feature Creatives from our      These sessions take a step back to look at
   These panels feature a range of marketing         industry to discuss the creative state of     who is driving creative leadership today.
    leaders from a broad range of industry            play and where the industry is headed.      They put some of the most fearless female
       sectors. Speakers must be of Chief
                                                        Networks, independents, in-house,        chiefs of creative businesses in the hot seat.
   Marketing Officer level or equivalent, from
   client-side organisations only. Both large,           adjacent - all Creatives welcome.               All Badass Women welcome.
       established and challenger brands

       Future Gazers Panels                            Cannes Lions Digital Pass

  This panel series brings together a group of            We curate a series of broadcast
   hand-selected visionaries from across the          segments on the Cannes Lions Digital
    industry to paint a picture of our world 18      Pass, particularly looking for experts on
      months from now. Each speaker will             speci c subject areas or up-and-coming
  present a vision for their chosen focus area,      talent. Put forward your thought leaders
  for example, The Future of Media or Design            here and describe their key talking
      or AI. If you have a mind-blowing and                  points in the nomination.
   forward-thinking thought leader, put them
                    forward here!
Speaking Opportunities Outside of the Call for Content

                                                               Cannes Lions
                                                               Location: Cannes Lions School Campus, Palais II
                                                               We exist to inspire the next generation of talents and industry
                                                               leaders. We’re looking for content that is engaging and interactive,
                                                               able to spark authentic conversations, pique curiosity and
                                                               encourage experimentation in a more intimate environment.

Young Lions Stage                                              Young Lions Academies
Length: 30 minutes to 1 hour                                   Length: 30 to 60 minutes
Capacity: 250 and up to 300 standing                           Class Size: 30-40
A space to inspire rising talents with infectious energy and   Our Academy classrooms hold hand-picked global talent
passion. Located in the heart of our campus, this circular     under the age of 30. Academy content is authentic,
stage has a buzzy atmosphere and homely vibe. Submissions      inspirational and interactive. Speaking engagements must be
should be highly engaging, future-oriented, and ground-        non-commercial, providing tangible takeaways and
breaking for young global talent.                              meaningful experiences for delegates.

        For more information, please get in touch with us at academies@canneslions.com

Friday 10 January 2020
Get in touch with any questions

 Submit your ideas
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