Page created by Dwight Pratt
Notice of Activity                                            1

                     Ministry of Natural Resources Registry

                     NOTICE OF
                     ACTIVITY FORM
                     AND OTHER
                     NOTICES UNDER
                     THE ENDANGERED
                     SPECIES ACT, 2007

                     User Guide for

Notice of Activity
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             Prepared by:
             Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources

             Last Revision Date: November 26, 2013

             For more information, please contact:
                   Ministry of Natural Resources
                   Registry and Approval Services Centre
                   Telephone: 1-855-613-4256 (toll free)

             © Queen’s Printer, 2013

Notice of Activity
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             A   s of July 1, 2013, individuals and businesses may register with the Ministry of Natural
                 Resources (MNR, or the Ministry) on the Ministry of Natural Resources’ Registry (MNR
             Registry) to undertake certain activities related to the Endangered Species Act, 2007 (ESA),
             provided the proposed activity meets eligibility requirements prescribed in regulation.

             In general, an eligible activity is one that is likely to have adverse effects on one or more
             species listed as endangered or threatened, and in some cases extirpated, on the Species
             at Risk in Ontario (SARO) List or their habitat, and meets the requirements outlined in the
             appropriate section of Ontario Regulation (O. Reg.) 242/08.

             This guide provides information on the completing and submitting a paper copy of the
             “Notice of Activity Form and Other Notices under the Endangered Species Act, 2007”
             within the MNR Registry to notify MNR about one of fifteen options corresponding to
             sections of O. Reg. 242/08. Registrants will be required to select the Notice of Activity that
             is appropriate for their proposed activity based on the details of their activity, and in some
             cases, the species at risk involved.

             For information on the Notice of Activity Form and Other Notices under the Endangered
             Species Act, 2007 under O. Reg. 242/08, visit or call 1-800-668-9938
             (Toll Free across Canada). For any additional assistance, contact the MNR Registry and
             Approval Services Centre by calling toll free 1-855-613-4256.

             It’s important to remember that individuals, businesses, municipalities or provincial
             ministries proposing to undertake an activity that does not meet the requirements in
             O. Reg. 242/08 may need to seek an ESA authorization (e.g. a permit). In these cases,
             please contact your local MNR office. For a listing of local MNR offices, contact MNR’s
             Registry and Approval Services Centre.

             This guide contains the best available information as of the publishing date. The Ministry of
             Natural Resources may update this user guide regularly to ensure that it provides accurate
             information and guidance for users.

             Note: The Notice of Activity Form and Other Notices under the Endangered Species
             Act, 2007 can also be submitted electronically through MNR’s On-line Registry. For more
             information or to access the automated system, please contact the MNR’s Registry and
             Approval Services Centre or visit MNR’s Registry webpage at

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             This guide should not be construed as legal advice. All legislative requirements for the
             activities to be registered on the MNR Registry are set out in O. Reg. 242/08 of the ESA.

             A registrant must determine whether they are eligible to use the regulation to undertake
             the activity and can fulfil all of the conditions within the applicable section of the regulation.
             Failure to do so could result in a contravention of the ESA and could lead to prosecution
             under the Act.

             Where a registrant uses a third party to undertake all or part of the activity, the registrant is
             responsible for ensuring the conditions of the regulation are satisfied

             Permissions, approvals or other authorizations may be required from landowners , other
             agencies and/or levels of government (e.g., a conservation authority, municipality, federal
             or provincial government, etc.) before an activity can be initiated. Additional authorizations
             from the Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) may also be required for some activities (e.g.,
             Wildlife Scientific Collectors Authorizations). It is the registrant’s responsibility to ensure
             that all other permissions, approvals, and authorizations are acquired before proceeding
             with the proposed activity.

               PLEASE TAKE NOTE
               TIPS / BEST PRACTICES
               BEFORE YOU BEGIN
               DON’T FORGET!

Notice of Activity
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             The following fifteen Notices of Activity are available for registration using the Notice of
             Activity Form and Other Notices under the Endangered Species Act, 2007:

             1. Aquatic Species – Activities in the habitat of certain fish or mussels
             2. Barn Swallow and Chimney Swift – Activities in built structures that are habitat
             3. Bobolink and Eastern Meadowlark – Activities impacting 30 hectares or less of
             4. Notice of Drainage Works
             5. Early Exploration Mining – Activities conducted under an exploration plan or
             6. Ecosystem Protection – Activities to maintain, enhance or restore native ecosystems
             7. Hydro-Electric Generating Stations – Operations
             8. Notice of Incidental Trapping
             9. Newly Listed and Transition Species – Eligible development activities
             10. Pits and Quarries – Operations of an eligible pit or quarry
             11. Possession for Scientific or Educational Purposes by an Educational Organization
             12. Safe Harbour – Activities in created or enhanced habitat
             13. Threats to Human Health or Safety – Activities to protect against non-imminent
             14. Species Protection or Recovery Activities
             15. Wind Facilities – Operations

                  BEFORE YOU BEGIN
             Before registering, the registrant should confirm that their activity is eligible for registration.
             Please consult O. Reg. 242/08 for details about the legislative requirements. The registrant
             is responsible for ensuring all conditions and requirements of the regulation are met, within
             the specified timeframes.

             Who is required to register an activity on the MNR Registry?
             For activities related to O. Reg. 242/08, it is the legal entity or person who is responsible
             and accountable for the activity that is likely to result in an impact to a species at risk or its
             habitat, who is required to register on the MNR Registry.

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             This guide has three main sections:
             n SECTION 1: Steps to submitting a Notice of Activity Form and Other Notices under the

               Endangered Species Act, 2007

             n       SECTION 2: Standard Requirements for completing the registration

             n       SECTION 3: Specific Requirements for the 15 individual activity notices


             There are three stages to register a Notice of Activity Form and Other Notices under the
             Endangered Species Act (ESA) and receive a Confirmation of Registration:

                This form can be obtained from either of the following sources:

                         Phone: call toll free 1-855-613-4256 and request that the form be mailed to you
                     n   In Person: visit a Service Ontario centre and request a paper copy of the form in
                     n   Print a copy from the Ministry of Government Services Forms Repository

                UNDER THE ESA
                You will be asked to provide six types of information when completing the form,

                         the type of activity being undertaken (by selecting one of the 15 Notices of Activities)
                         and the sub-activity (where applicable)
                     n   the eligible species likely to be impacted by the activity,
                     n   the planned start and end dates for the activity,
                     n   the Additional Activity Information for the activity, and
                     n   the location at which the activity will occur (and any applicable additional information).

                     You will need to complete all of the required information before submitting the form to
                     the MNR Registry. Please refer to section 3.0 of this guide for more detailed information
                     on completing a Notice of Activity Form and Other Notices under the ESA.

                     You can submit your completed form to:
                               MNR Registry and Approval Services Centre
                               300 Water Street
                               Peterborough, ON K9J 8M5
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             Important Note: be sure to retain a copy of your completed form as proof of registration
             while you wait for receipt of your official Confirmation of Registration.

                After completing and submitting the Notice of Activity Form and Other Notices under
                the Endangered Species Act, 2007, you will receive a “Confirmation of Registration”
                within 15 business days that includes information about the species and the activity that
                you registered.

                     The “Confirmation of Registration” must be retained as long as required by O. Reg.

                     The Confirmation of Registration retention requirements may vary among the Notice of
                     Activities. For example:

                     n   for some activities, the Confirmation of Registration must be kept on file at the
                         registrant’s address
                     n   other activities require that the Confirmation of Registration be kept at the site during
                         the activity.

               PLEASE TAKE NOTE
             The registrant is advised to provide a copy of the Confirmation of Registration to any
             agents or employees who may be working on the site without the registrant present. In
             some cases, this may be a regulatory requirement.

             If any details provided in the registration change throughout the course of the activity,
             you must update your Registry submission to reflect those changes. Any changes must be
             updated in the Registry within 10 business days of the change.

             The registration must also be updated if, for example, it is determined that an eligible
             species that was not originally identified in the Notice of Activity is likely to be impacted or
             if the details of the activity change.

                  PLEASE TAKE NOTE
             It is the responsibility of the registrant to ensure MNR has the most up to date

             To update your registration, contact the MNR Registry and Approval Services Centre by
             calling toll free 1-855-613-4256. You will need to provide the number on your Confirmation
             of Registration and details regarding what information on your registration has changed.
             MNR will provide you with an updated Confirmation of Registration to reflect the changes.

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             ENDANGERED SPECIES ACT, 2007

             The information below is intended to help you complete a Notice of Activity Form and
             Other Notices under the Endangered Species Act, 2007. If you have any questions, please
             contact the MNR Registry and Approval Services Centre by calling toll free

             For more detailed instructions on each field, please refer to Appendix A&B.

                  PLEASE TAKE NOTE
             All fields marked with an asterix * in the form are mandatory fields and must be completed


             Part 1: Registrant Type
             You will need to indicate if you are submitting the Notice of Activity as an “individual” or
             a as a “business”. Only legal entities (e.g. individuals, incorporated companies, non-profit
             organizations, etc.) may provide notice.

             Part 1a) Personal Information for Individuals – fill in this section if you are registering as
             an individual
             When registering as an Individual, only a single contact person can be identified. Personal
             information (including registrant name and contact information) is collected under the
             authority of Section 53 of the Endangered Species Act, 2007 and will be used for Registry
             database administration, audit/enforcement purposes, analysis, and Species At Risk
             program management.

             Questions about the collection and retention of personal information can be directed to:
             MNR Registry and Approval Services Centre, Ministry of Natural Resources
             300 Water Street, Peterborough, ON, K9J 8M5

             Or by calling toll-free: 1-855-613-4256.

             Part 1b) Business Information – fill in this section if you are registering as a Business
             Businesses, agencies or organizations should provide their registrant information at a scale
             reflective of their organizational structure (e.g. regional or local offices), depending on
             where the responsibility for the activity rests within their organization.

             If your business collects HST then the Canada Revenue Agency will have assigned the
             company a 9-digit identifying business number which must be provided as part of the
             registration. For more detailed instructions on completing this section of the form, please
             refer to Appendix A.
Notice of Activity
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             Business registrants must identify the primary contact, or the “Business Accountable
             Person” for the activity and may identify additional contacts, if desired.

             The primary contact for the activity may be the registrant (e.g. for businesses without a
             Canada Revenue Agency business number), or the primary contact may be a designated
             party or agent chosen to act on behalf of the registrant. The primary contact should be
             knowledgeable about the on-site and day-to-day undertakings of the activity.

             It is recommended that the registrant grant all contacts the authority to discuss details
             related to the activity with MNR representatives, and be able to answer questions regarding
             how the regulatory conditions are being met (e.g. steps to minimize adverse effects on
             each species) upon request from MNR.

             Examples of additional contacts include the property owner, site manager, supervisor
             of third party contractors undertaking the activity, contractors providing services for a
             component of the activity, or individuals acting as registration administrators on the behalf
             of the registrant. Contact information in the registry must be kept up to date.

             Please refer to Appendix A for additional support in completing this section.

                     TIPS / BEST PRACTICES

                 PLEASE TAKE NOTE
             Some of the Notices of Activity have specific requirements for the completion of the Notice
             of Activity Form and Other Notices under the Endangered Species Act, 2007. Additional
             details about the information requirements for each activity are provided in Section 3.0 of
             this document.

             Part 1c: Address Information (Individual and Business)
             Businesses and individuals registrants must provide a physical address that identifies where
             the registrant is located, which may be different than a mailing address where mail is received.

             The following three address types can be used to provide the appropriate physical address
             information. Registrants only need to complete one of the address types, which should
             be indicated in the corresponding check box. (Please refer to Appendix B for additional
             information about completing this section.)

             Physical Civic Address:
             Used in organized areas with street names and numbers (also often referred to as the 911
             n Additional Location Information: can be used to provide any additional details that

               would help to identify or locate the physical location.                                9
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             Physical Surveyed Address
             Used in some organized areas and unorganized townships that have been surveyed. This
             system refers to the lot/concession/geographic townships that were originally laid out.
             n Lot Number: The lot number as surveyed in the original township survey;

             n Concession Number: The concession number as surveyed in the original township

             n Geographical Township: The name of the original township when first surveyed. Please

                note this is not in general the same as the current municipal name;
             n Part Lot Description: Over time the original lot may have been severed. If there is

                additional information to provide, please insert here (e.g. North Half, Pt 2 of Lot 1)
             n Additional Location Information: Used to provide any additional details that would help

                to identify or locate the physical location.

             Physical Unsurveyed Address
             n Used primarily in unorganized areas but can include any part of the Province. This system
               asks for a description of the location that would allow others to find the site, using map
             n Location description: This field is available for registrants to describe their location

               where no civic or survey information exists. Please describe as clearly as possible the
               physical address (e.g. Mile marker 87 on CPR main track west of Thunder Bay);
             n Unincorporated Township: Townships that have been surveyed but never became

               municipalities are referred to as ‘unincorporated’. Please identify if the site is within an
               unincorporated township.
             n Unincorporated area: Areas that have never been surveyed or formed municipalities are

               referred to as unincorporated but there may be a name for the general area (e.g. Algoma
             n Additional Location Information: Used to provide additional details that would help to

               identify or locate the physical location. Map coordinates can be entered here.

             Mailing Address:
             A mailing address is mandatory. If the physical civic address (e.g. where the registrant is
             situated) is the same as the mailing address, the registrant should check the “My mailing
             address is the same as my Civic address” check box.

             If the registrant’s mailing address is different from their physical civic address, or if the
             physical location is a surveyed or unsurveyed address, the mailing address section must be

             Once you have provided a physical address, there are two mailing address options. You can
             provide either a street address or a postal delivery address.

             For more detailed instructions for each field of this section of form, please refer to
             Appendix B of this guide.

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                 PLEASE TAKE NOTE
             Please make note of all mandatory fields * when completing this section of the form.

             2.1 Activity
             The registrant must indicate the type of activity being undertaken by making the
             appropriate selection. Some Notices of Activity require the registrant to select a sub-

             Only one Notice of Activity (and applicable sub-activity) can be selected for each
             registration. In situations where an activity will require the submission of more than one
             Activity Notice, the registrant will need to submit separate registrations.

             2.2 Additional Activity Information
             Some Notices of Activity require this section to be completed to provide more details
             about the activity being registered. Additional guidance for each Notice of Activity is
             provided in Section 3.0 of this Guide.

             2.3 Species
             Registrants are required to identify all the applicable species by common and scientific
             (latin) names. Please refer to the Species at Risk in Ontario list (SARO) and Ontario
             Regulation 242/08 for a complete list, or contact the MNR Registry and Approval Services
             Centre for assistance by calling toll free 1-855-613-4256.

             It is the registrant’s responsibility to accurately assess which species are likely to be
             affected by the activity (through impacts to individuals of the species or through impacts
             to protected habitat), based on the best available information. This includes determining
             whether protected species or their habitats are known to be at or near the location of the
             proposed activity, and considering whether the activity is likely to affect species at risk.

                PLEASE TAKE NOTE
             Some species are not eligible for registration because some of the sections within O. Reg.
             242/08 do not apply to all species at risk. The applicable sections of O. Reg. 242/08 identify
             which species are, or are not, eligible. It is the registrant’s responsibility to ensure that the
             species likely to be affected by their activity is (are) eligible for registration.

             2.4 Date of Planned Activity
             Enter the start and/or end dates for the activity. In some cases, these dates are required
             by O. Reg. 242/08, but not all Notices require this information. For additional details, see
             Section 3.0 of this Guide.

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             The registrant is required to provide details about the site at which the activity will occur.
             The following information provides guidance for site information requirements across all
             activity notices. Any additional activity-specific site information requirements are provided
             in Section 3.0 of this Guide.

             Section 3.1: North American Industry Classification Code – NAICS (for Business only)
             For NAICS references and more information about this section, please refer to Appendix A.

             Section 3.2: Site Contact Information (for Business only)
             Provide yes/no answers regarding the Site Contact Person. If the Site Contact Person is
             different from the Accountable Person and the Business Contact Person you will also need
             to provide information about the Site Contact Person. Note: an “Accountable Person” is
             the individual in the business who is legally responsible for its operation.

             Section 3.3: Site Location Information (For Individual and Business)
             This step involves identifying the site where the proposed activity will occur. The
             information provided to define the site must accurately represent the geographic location(s)
             at which the activity will occur.

             An activity site may have multiple locations associated with it that represent different
             components of the registered activity. For example, different addresses identified within a
             single site may indicate:

             n       the location for bridge repair and the location where the beneficial action for an aquatic
                     species is being undertaken, or the location where mussels will be relocated;
             n       the start and end points of a corridor for an infrastructure project;
             n       all corner posts (CP) or witness posts (WP) of a mining claim on which the early
                     exploration activity is taking place; or
             n       the activity site for the removal of safe harbour habitat.

             When multiple Site Location addresses are listed, one location must be identified as the
             primary location. If only one Site Location is provided, it is deemed to be the primary

             Registrants can select one of the following address types to describe Site Location
             address(es) : civic address, surveyed address and unsurveyed address. If possible,
             geographic coordinates for site locations should be provided. Geographic coordinates are
             included within the unsurveyed address type. For more detailed instructions for each field
             in this section of form, please refer to Appendix B of this Guide.

             The requirements for identifying a site, or providing address location(s) within a site, may
             vary across the different activity types. In addition, some Notices of Activity require the use
             of the Additional Location information text box to provide more detailed description of an
             address. For activity-specific site information requirements see section 3.0 below.           12
Notice of Activity
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                     TIPS / BEST PRACTICES


             The attestation represents a confirmation that the form is complete, the facts are true and
             that the person completing the form is aware of the applicable regulations and agrees to
             follow the rules contained within the regulations. The attestation includes:

             n       First Name/ Last Name: The legal name of the person to whom the Confirmation of
                     Registration will be issued and, for businesses, identifies the accountable person;
             n       Company Name: The legal name of the Company if the registration is made by a
             n       Title: The title of the person making this statement on behalf of the company. This
                     should be the accountable person listed for businesses;
             n       Date: The date when the attestation is made.

                  PLEASE TAKE NOTE
             Documentation associated with a Notice of Activity
             Some Notices of Activity require the registrant to keep records and prepare supporting
             documentation, including mitigation plans, monitoring records and reports. Typically this
             information must be kept on file by the registrant, and be provided to MNR upon request.
             The registrant should consult O. Reg. 242/08 to determine if the applicable Notice of
             Activity requires supporting records or documentation, and whether it should be kept on
             file or submitted to the MNR.

             FINAL STEPS

             1. Review the form to ensure that you have completed all mandatory fields.
             2. Create and retain a copy of the completed form for your records
             3. Mail the original copy to:
                           Registry and Approval Services Centre
                           Ministry of Natural Resources
                           300 Water Street
                           Peterborough, ON K9J 8M5

Notice of Activity
Notice of Activity                                                                                              14

             4. Alternatively, you may put this registration in to the drop box at a Service Ontario office
             5. You should receive your Confirmation of Registration within 15 business days. You may
                NOT conduct the activity until you have received your Confirmation of Registration. If
                you do not receive your Confirmation of Registration within 15 business days, please
                contact the Registry and Approval Services Centre at 1-855-613-4256.

                PLEASE TAKE NOTE
             The registrant is advised to provide a copy of the Confirmation of Registration to any
             agents or employees who may be working on site at a time when the registrant is not


             This section provides detailed information for each of the fifteen Notices of Activity
             because some requirements vary among the Notice of Activity types.

             Part 1: Registrant Information:
                Registrants for the Aquatic Species Notice of Activity may use either service type
                (business or individual). Due to the nature of the eligible activities, most registrants for
                the Aquatic Species Notice of Activity will register using business services. Services for
                individuals will ensure personal information is handled in accordance with the Freedom
                of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.

             Part 2: Activity Information
             2.1 Activity:
                The Aquatic Species Notice of Activity requires that the registrant provide a description
                of the activity being registered. As part of this description, the registrant will select one
                of the following activity sub-activity types:

                     n   Bridge or Pier,
                     n   Culvert,
                     n   Pipeline or conduit
                     n   Other structure.

                     Some structures (e.g. dams and hydro-electric generating stations) and some methods
                     for undertaking activities are excluded from this regulation. Registrants are advised to
                     consult O. Reg. 242/08 to confirm that their activity is eligible for registration.

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             2.2 Additional Activity Information:
                The following information should be provided in the Additional Activity Information text

                     n   A description of the structure (if “other structure” was selected),
                     n    Why the activity is required (e.g. construction, maintenance, repair, modification,
                         expansion, removal, or replacement),
                     n   The official name of the watercourse where the activity is being undertaken, and
                     n   Which beneficial action for the species will be undertaken. The beneficial action
                         should be consistent with the list of options provided in O. Reg. 242/08 section
                         23.4(11) (e.g. remediation of an area of degraded riparian habitat).

             2.3 Species:
                The Aquatic Species Notice of Activity requires that the registration identify the name
                of every eligible species that will likely be affected by the activity (through impacts to
                individuals of the species or through impacts to protected habitat). Only the species
                listed in the Schedule of section 23.4 of O. Reg. 242/08 are eligible for registration.

                     As of July 1, 2013 this list includes the following mussel species:

                    i.    Eastern Pondmussel,
                   ii.    Fawnsfoot,
                 iii.     Hickorynut,
                  iv.     Kidneyshell,
                   v.     Rayed Bean,
                  vi.     Round Pigtoe,
                 vii.     Salamander Mussel,
                viii.     Snuffbox,
                 ix.      Mapleleaf Mussel,
                   x.     Rainbow Mussel and
                 xi.      Wavy-rayed Lampmussel.

                     As of July 1, 2013 this list includes the following fish species:

                    i.    Eastern Sand Darter,
                   ii.    Pugnose Shiner, Redside Dace,
                 iii.     Black Redhorse,
                  iv.     Channel Darter,
                   v.     Cutlip Minnow,
                  vi.     Silver Shiner, and
                 vii.     Spotted Gar.

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             2.4 Date of Planned Activity:
                The Aquatic Species Notice of Activity requires that proposed start and end dates be
                provided for the registered activity.

             Part 3: Site Information
               The Aquatic Species Notice of Activity requires a description of the location at which the
               activity will be carried out. Each activity must be registered individually. The preferred
               method for providing site and address information is to provide the geographic
               coordinates (e.g. UTM Easting and Northing or Latitude and Longitude).

                     The primary address should indicate where the activity is taking place (e.g. the location
                     of the construction of the eligible structure). Some locations are excluded from this
                     regulation. Registrants are advised to consult O. Reg. 242/08 to confirm that the location
                     of their activity is not within an excluded watercourse.

                     Registrants should use subsequent address field(s) to indicate the location(s) where the
                     beneficial action(s) for the species will be undertaken and, if applicable, the coordinates
                     of the species relocation site (e.g. for activities likely to impact mussel species). Any
                     descriptive information regarding the location can be provided in the Additional Location
                     Information text box.

                     For more detailed instructions for each field of this section of form, please refer to
                     Appendix B of the Guide.

                     For further information on the Aquatic Species Notice of Activity under O. Reg. 242/08 s.
                     23.4, please refer to the information available on the MNR Registry website searching for
                     “Working on Structures in Fish and Mussel Habitat” and consult O. Reg. 242/08 on

Notice of Activity
Notice of Activity                                                                                                 17

             3.2 NOTICE OF ACTIVITY: BARN SWALLOW AND CHIMNEY SWIFT (S. 23.5; S. 23.8) –

             Part 1: Registrant Information
               Registrants for the Barn Swallow and Chimney Swift Notice of Activity may use either
               service type (business or individual). If the building or structure to be affected by the
               activity is owned by an individual, the registrant should use services for individuals.
               Services for individuals will ensure personal information is handled in accordance with the
               Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.

                     If the building or structure is owned by an organization, business, agency, municipality or
                     government ministry, the registrant should use business services.

             Part 2: Activity Information
             2.2 Additional Activity Information:
                The following information should be provided in the Additional Activity Information text

                     n   the type of building or structure being affected (e.g. chimney or barn),
                     n   the type of activity (i.e. repair, maintenance, modification, replacement or demolition),
                     n   the purpose of the activity (e.g. removing house and associated chimney), and
                     n   replacement habitat details (i.e. create structure, install nest cups, create structure plus
                         install nest cups, enhance existing structure, uncap existing chimney).

                     Example 1: The registered activity involves demolishing a residential chimney occupied
                     by Chimney Swifts. The replacement habitat involves uncapping an existing chimney.

                     Example 2: The registered activity involves routine bridge maintenance including the
                     removal of Barn Swallow nests. Replacement habitat will be provided by installing nest

             2.3 Species:
                This Notice of Activity applies only to Barn Swallow and Chimney Swift, in accordance
                with the requirements prescribed for each species in O. Reg. 242/08 s. 23.5 (Barn
                Swallow) and s. 23.8 (Chimney Swift).

                     n   Specify the species that will be affected by the activity (Chimney Swift and/or Barn

             2.4 Date of Planned Activity:
                The Barn Swallow and Chimney Swift Notice of Activity requires that proposed start and
                end dates be provided for the registered activity.

                     The start date of the activity is considered the first day that the physical alteration of the
                     structure that provides habitat begins.
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             Part 3: Site Information
               The Barn Swallow and Chimney Swift Notice of Activity requires a description of the
               location in which the activity will be carried out. Each activity should be registered

                     The primary address should indicate where the impact is taking place (e.g. the location of
                     the building to be repaired). The preferred method is to provide either the civic address
                     of the property or the geographic coordinates of the structure (e.g. UTM Easting and
                     Northing or Latitude and Longitude). Buildings or structures that do not have a
                     civic address should be identified by geographic coordinates, or if the civic address
                     encompasses a large area, the location of the building (or structure) on the property
                     should be identified by providing the geographic coordinates as the Primary Address
                     field. The coordinates of the center of the building or structure should be used.

                     Registrants should use the additional site location fields to indicate the location(s) where
                     replacement habitat will be created or enhanced. Any descriptive information regarding
                     the location can be provided in the Additional Location Information text box.

                     For more detailed instructions for each field of this section of form, please refer to
                     Appendix B of this Guide.

                     For further information on the Barn Swallow and Chimney Swift Activity Notice under
                     O. Reg. 242/08 s. 23.5 and s. 23.8, please refer to the information available on the
                     MNR Registry website searching for Alter a Structure that is Habitat for Barn Swallow or
                     Chimney Swift and consult O. Reg. 242/08 on e-Laws.


             Part 1: Registrant Information
               Registrants for the Bobolink and Eastern Meadowlark Notice of Activity may use
               either service type (business or individual). If the registrant is an individual, services for
               individuals should be used to ensure personal information is handled in accordance with
               the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.

             Part 2: Activity Information
             2.2 Additional Activity Information:
                The following information should be provided in the Additional Activity Information text
                box for the Bobolink and Eastern Meadowlark Notice of Activity:

                     n   a description of the development activity, and
                     n   the size of the new or enhanced habitat for the species.

Notice of Activity
Notice of Activity                                                                                                   19

                     This Notice of Activity only applies to an eligible activity that is part of land development
                     that would result in the damage or destruction of an area of Bobolink or Eastern
                     Meadowlark habitat that is equal to or less than 30 hectares. The Notice of Activity does
                     not apply to an activity to which s. 23.2 (Development — bobolink, eastern meadowlark)
                     of O. Reg. 242/08 applies.

             2.3 Species:
                This Notice of Activity only applies to Bobolink and Eastern Meadowlark, in accordance
                with the requirements prescribed for each species in O. Reg. 242/08 s. 23.6.

                     n   Specify the species that will be affected by the activity (Bobolink and/or Eastern

             2.4 Date of Planned Activity:
                The Bobolink and Eastern Meadowlark Notice of Activity requires that proposed start
                and end dates be provided for the registered activity.

                     The start date of the activity is considered to be the first day that the physical alteration
                     of the habitat begins.

             Part 3: Site Information
               The Bobolink and Eastern Meadowlark Notice of Activity requires a description of the
               area in which the development activity will be carried out. The preferred method for
               providing site and address information is to provide either the civic address of the
               subject property or the geographic coordinates (e.g. UTM Easting and Northing or
               Latitude and Longitude) of the primary access point to the property.

                     The primary address should indicate where the activity is taking place (e.g. construction
                     of buildings). The additional site location fields should be used to indicate the location(s)
                     where the habitat for Bobolink and/or Eastern Meadowlark is being created (or
                     enhanced) and managed. These addresses should also be identified as the locations
                     where habitat is being created (or enhanced) and managed in the Additional Location
                     Information text box. If UTM coordinates are provided, they should indicate the primary
                     access point to the habitat area.

                     For more detailed instructions for each field of this section of form, please refer to
                     Appendix B of this Guide.

                     For further information on the Bobolink and Eastern Meadowlark Notice of Activity
                     under O. Reg. 242/08 s. 23.6, please refer to the information available on the MNR
                     Registry website searching for “Bobolink and Eastern Meadowlark Habitats and Land
                     Development” and consult O. Reg. 242/08 on e-Laws.

Notice of Activity
Notice of Activity                                                                                                20

             3.4 NOTICE OF DRAINAGE WORKS (S. 23.9)

             Part 1: Registrant Information
               Registrants for the Notice of Drainage Works will use business services. The registrant
               should be the legal entity that is responsible for managing the drainage infrastructure
               under The Drainage Act (e.g. the municipality).

                     The primary contact (e.g. Business Accountable Person) should be the person
                     responsible for the drainage infrastructure within the municipality’s jurisdiction or another
                     appropriate municipal staff member who has an in-depth understanding of O. Reg.
                     242/08 s. 23.9.

             Part 2: Activity Information
             2.2 Additional Activity Information:
                The following information should be provided in the Additional Activity Information text
                box for the Notice of Drainage Works:

                     n   The official name of the drain(s) and the Township name(s), or the location of the
                         drain(s). To register multiple Drains within a Municipality, please have a separate list of
                         Drains prepared (including location descriptions or maps) that can be made available
                         upon the Ministry’s request with the Mitigation Plan in order to ensure compliance
                         with the regulatory provision.

             2.3 Species:
                The Notice of Drainage Works requires that the registration identify the name of every
                eligible species listed as endangered or threatened on the SARO List that will likely be
                affected by the activity (through impacts to individuals of the species or through impacts
                to protected habitat). Excluded species are listed below. The species that are eligible
                may change as a result of newly listed species being added to the SARO List. Registrants
                are advised to check the SARO list and O. Reg. 242/08 s. 23.9 regularly to confirm
                whether recently listed species are eligible for registration using the Notice of Drainage

Notice of Activity
Notice of Activity                                                                                                 21

                      PLEASE TAKE NOTE
                     The Notice of Drainage Works does not apply to the species listed in subsection (2) of O.
                     Reg. 242/08 section 23.9 (see exception noted below). As of July 1, 2013 the Notice of
                     Drainage Works does not apply to the following species:

                    i.   Bogbean Buckmoth,
                   ii.   Cherry Birch,
                 iii.    False Hop Sedge,
                  iv.    False Rue Anemone,
                   v.    Grey Fox,
                  vi.    Heart-leaved Plantain,
                 vii.    Pugnose Minnow,
                viii.    Scarlet Ammannia,
                 ix.     Small-mouthed Salamander, or
                   x.    Toothcup.

                     The only exception to this list of excluded species is for municipalities that entered into
                     an agreement with MNR under the ESA prior to June 30, 2010 for the excluded species
                     (i.e. the species listed in s. 23.9(2) of O. Reg. 242/08). In these situations, the municipality
                     remains eligible to use the Notice of Drainage Works for the excluded species named in
                     the agreement.

                     PLEASE TAKE NOTE
                     Registrants are advised not to select a species listed as extirpated on the SARO list
                     because this Notice of Drainage Works does not apply to extirpated species.

             2.4 Date of Planned Activity:
                Proposed start and end dates are not required for the Notice of Drainage Works. These
                fields should be left blank.

             Part 3: Site Information
               The Notice of Drainage Works requires a description of the area in which the activity
               will be carried out. The Primary Address should be either the address of a municipal
               building or the primary work-related address of the registrant. The Additional Location
               Information box must indicate or otherwise represent the entire geographic jurisdiction
               to which the Notice of Drainage Works applies.

                     For more detailed instructions for each field of this section of form, please refer to
                     Appendix B of this Guide

                     For further information on the Notice of Drainage Works under O. Reg. 242/08 s. 23.9,
                     please refer to the information available on the MNR Registry website searching for
                     “Ditch and Drainage Work and Endangered or Threatened Species” and consult O. Reg.
                     242/08 on e-Laws.

Notice of Activity
Notice of Activity                                                                                                22


             Part 1: Registrant Information
               Registrants for the Early Exploration Mining Notice of Activity may use either service
               type (business or individual). The registrant should be the legal entity that has submitted
               an exploration plan under the Mining Act, or been issued an exploration permit under
               the Mining Act. For business services, the registrant should be the employee of the
               business who has primary responsibility for conducting the early exploration activity. If
               the registrant is an individual, services for individuals should be used to ensure personal
               information is handled in accordance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of
               Privacy Act.

             Part 2: Activity Information
             2.2 Additional Activity Information:
                The Early Exploration Mining Notice of Activity applies to a range of activities authorized
                by the Mining Act early exploration plan or permit.

                     The Additional Activity Information text box should be used to record the mining
                     claim number on which the activity is occurring. Additional information describing the
                     exploration activity can be provided in the Additional Activity Information text box.

                     Example: Claim No: TB 4226102 This activity includes line cutting (1 m width) and
                     mechanized drilling for the purposes of obtaining rock or mineral samples (
Notice of Activity                                                                                               23

             Part 3: Site Information
               The area in which the activity will be carried out may be identified using geographic
               reference coordinates (latitude/longitude or UTM). The registrant should identify the
               locations of all corner posts (CP), or witness posts (WP) of the mining claim on which the
               early exploration activity is taking place. This can be done by providing each geographic
               reference point for the corner posts (CP) or witness posts (WP) in separate address fields.
               The registrant should also identify the coordinate locations of all directional posts (DP),
               where the claim boundary changes direction, using separate address fields.

                     For more detailed instructions for each field of this section of form, please refer to
                     Appendix B of this Guide.

                     For further information on the Early Exploration Mining Notice of Activity under O. Reg.
                     242/08 s. 23.10, please refer to the information available on the MNR Registry website
                     searching for “Mineral Exploration and Endangered or Threatened Species” and consult
                     O. Reg. 242/08 on e-Laws.


             Part 1: Registrant Information
               Registrants for the Ecosystem Protection Notice of Activity should use business services
               and should be the eligible legal entity that is responsible for the activity. The registrant
               information should identify the individual who has primary responsibility for the activity
               as the primary contact (e.g. Business Accountable Person) and non-primary contacts who
               may be contacted in cases where the primary contact is unavailable.

             Part 2: Activity Information
             2.2 Additional Activity Information:
                The Ecosystem Protection Notice of Activity requires that the registrant provide a
                description of the activity. The Additional Activity Information text box is to be used
                to record the description of the activity and should be used to provide the following

                     n   the ecosystem that will be affected by the activity (e.g. the ecosite as defined by the
                         Ecological Land Classification (ELC) system for southern Ontario),
                     n   the purpose of the activity (e.g. enhancing/rehabilitating a native tall grass prairie
                     n   a brief description of the approach to be used to conduct the activity (e.g. prescribed
                         burn, planting of native vegetation, etc.), and
                     n   if the activity corresponds with an action described in a government response
                         statement (GRS) or a provincial or federal recovery strategy (RS) for a species that will
                         be affected by the activity, provide the applicable action number from the GRS or RS.

Notice of Activity
Notice of Activity                                                                                                   24

                        PLEASE TAKE NOTE
                     This Notice of Activity does not apply to activities being undertaken in fens, bogs, sand
                     barrens or dunes, beach bars, alvars, cliffs or talus.

                     For assistance in obtaining Government Response Statements, Provincial Recovery
                     Strategies and Federal Recovery Strategies, please contact the MNR Registry and
                     Approval Services Centre by calling toll free 1-855-613-4256.

             2.3 Species:
                The Ecosystem Protection Notice of Activity requires that the registration identify the
                name of every species listed as endangered or threatened on the SARO List that will
                likely be affected by the activity (through direct impacts to individuals of the species or
                through impacts to their protected habitat).

                       PLEASE TAKE NOTE
                     Registrants are advised not to select a species listed as extirpated on the SARO List
                     because this Notice of Activity does not apply to extirpated species.

             2.4 Date of Planned Activity:
                The Ecosystem Protection Notice of Activity requires that the proposed start and end
                date be provided for the activity.

             Part 3: Site Information
               The Ecosystem Protection Notice of Activity requires a description of the location in
               which the activity will be carried out. The preferred method for providing site and
               address information is to indicate the civic address or the geographic coordinates (e.g.
               UTM Easting and Northing or Latitude and Longitude) of the site’s primary access point.

                     The Additional Location Information text box should be used to provide any additional
                     information that assists in locating the registered activity. If a reference point other than
                     the primary access point for the activity site is provided, a description of what the point
                     represents should be provided in the Additional Location Information text box (e.g.
                     “northwest corner of the restoration site at the intersection between Road 1 and the
                     gravel footpath”).
Notice of Activity
Notice of Activity                                                                                            25

                     For more detailed instructions for each field of this section of form, please refer to
                     Appendix B of this Guide.

                     For further information on the Ecosystem Protection Notice of Activity under O. Reg.
                     242/08 s. 23.11, please refer to the information available on the MNR Registry website
                     searching for “Ecosystem Conservation and Endangered or Threatened Species” and
                     consult O. Reg. 242/08 on e-Laws.


             Part 1: Registrant Information
               Registrants for this Notice of Activity should use business services. The registrant
               information should identify the employee of the business who has primary responsibility
               for the operation of the station as the primary contact (e.g. Business Accountable
               Person) and non-primary contacts who may be contacted in cases where the primary
               contact is unavailable.

             Part 2: Activity Information
             2.2 Species:
                The Hydro-Electric Generation Stations – Operations Notice of Activity requires that
                the registration identify the name of every eligible species listed as endangered or
                threatened on the SARO List that will likely be affected by the activity (through impacts
                to individuals of the species or through impacts to protected habitat),

                        PLEASE TAKE NOTE
                     As of July 1, 2013 the Hydro-Electric Generating Stations Notice of Activity does not
                     apply to the following species:

                       i. Hungerford’s Water Crawling Beetle, and
                      ii. Pygmy Snaketail.

                     Registrants are advised not to select a species listed as extirpated on the SARO List
                     because this Notice of Activity does not apply to extirpated species.

             2.4 Date of Planned Activity:
                Proposed start and end dates are not required for this Notice of Activity. These fields
                should be left blank.

Notice of Activity
Notice of Activity                                                                                            26

             Part 3: Site Information
               This Notice of Activity requires a description of the location of the hydro-electric
               generating station. The preferred method for providing this information is to provide
               the civic address of the station or the geographic coordinates (e.g. UTM Easting and
               Northing or Latitude and Longitude) for the primary entry point to the station.

                     For more detailed instructions for each field of this section of form, please refer to
                     Appendix B of this Guide.

                     For further information on the Hydro-Electric Generating Stations Notice of Activity
                     under O. Reg. 242/08 s. 23.12, please refer to the information available on the MNR
                     Registry website searching for “Hydro-electric Generating Stations and Endangered or
                     Threatened Species” and consult O. Reg. 242/08 on e-Laws.

             3.8 NOTICE OF INCIDENTAL TRAPPING (S. 23.19)

             Part 1: Registrant Information
               Licenced trappers are non-commercial entities so registrants for this Activity Notice
               are advised to use services for individuals. If the registrant is an individual, services for
               individuals should be used to ensure personal information is handled in accordance with
               the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.

             Part 2: Activity Information
             2.2 Additional Activity Information:
                The Notice of Incidental Trapping requires that the registrant provide a description of the
                activity being registered. This information should be provided in the Additional Activity
                Information text box and should include:
                n the trapper’s trapping licence number,

                n the date of capture, and

                n any other relevant information about the trapping (e.g. equipment used, etc.).

                     To be eligible to register under this regulation a person must:
                     n be trapping under the authority of a trapping licence under the Fish and Wildlife

                        Conservation Act, 1997 (FWCA),
                     n be trapping in accordance with Ontario Regulation 667/98 (trapping) made under the

                        FWCA, and
                     n have, despite the exercise of all due diligence, incidentally trapped and killed an

                        animal that is not a furbearing mammal (as defined under the FWCA).

             Registration should occur promptly after the incidental trapping of a non-furbearing animal.
             Each incidentally trapped non-furbearing animal that is a species at risk listed as threatened
             or endangered on the SARO List must be registered individually.

Notice of Activity
Notice of Activity                                                                                            27

             Registration is not required for furbearing mammals (as defined under the FWCA). If the
             licenced trapper has incidentally trapped, killed and possesses a furbearing mammal (as
             defined under the FWCA) they must obtain a Licence to Possess a Pelt, as required under
             Part II of Ontario Regulation 666/90 (Possession, Buying and Selling of Wildlife) made under
             the FWCA.

             2.3 Species:
                The registrant must identify the species name of the incidentally trapped and killed

             2.4 Date of Planned Activity:
                Proposed start and end dates are not required for the Notice of Incidental Trapping.
                These fields should be left blank.

             Part 3: Site Information
               The primary address for the Notice of Incidental Trapping should be the address of
               the licenced trapper who incidentally trapped and killed the animal (e.g. civic address).
               The location of where the incidental trapping took place should be indicated using the
               additional site location fields. The Additional Location Information text box should be
               used to indicate that the additional site location represents the location of the incidental
               trapping. Location information should be provided using geographic coordinates (e.g.
               UTM Easting and Northing or Latitude and Longitude).

                     For more detailed instructions for each field of this section of form, please refer to
                     Appendix B of this Guide.

                     For further information on the Notice of Incidental Trapping Activity Notice under O.
                     Reg. 242/08 s. 23.19, please refer to the information available on the MNR Registry
                     website searching for “Incidentally Trapping a Species at Risk” and consult O. Reg.
                     242/08 on e-Laws.


             Part 1: Registrant Information
               Registrants for this Notice of Activity should use business services. The registrant
               information should identify the employee of the business who has primary responsibility
               for the activity as the primary contact (e.g. Business Accountable Person) and non-
               primary contacts who may be contacted in cases where the primary contact is

Notice of Activity
Notice of Activity                                                                                           28

                 PLEASE TAKE NOTE
             If the eligible activity commenced on or before June 30, 2013, the Newly Listed and
             Transition Species Notice of Activity must be completed promptly after June 30, 2013. If
             the activity did not commence on or before June 30, 2013, the Notice of Activity must be
             completed before the activity is commenced

             Part 2: Activity Information
             2.1 Activity:
                There are 19 legislative or regulatory approval mechanisms that may make an activity
                eligible to be registered for the Newly Listed and Transition Species Notice of Activity
                (see O. Reg. 242/08 s. 23.13). The registrant must identify in the Notice of Activity which
                approval mechanism is applicable to the activity for which they are registering, and
                provide a description of the activity. As part of this description, the registrant should
                select one of the following sub-activity types:

                     1. Constructing drainage works under an agreement filed under subsection 2(2) of the
                         Drainage Act;
                     2. Constructing drainage works in respect of which an engineer’s report was adopted
                         under subsection 45(1) of the Drainage Act;
                     3. Laying down highways and lots under subsection 51(57) of the Planning Act;
                     4. Development of land within a plan of subdivision approved under the Planning Act;
                     5. Development in an area designated as a site plan control area under subsection 41(2)
                         of the Planning Act;
                     6. Development that is authorized by a development permit issued under O.
                         Reg.608/06 under the Planning Act;
                     7. Development of a unit within the meaning of the Condominium Act;
                     8. Carrying out an undertaking where approval to proceed was given under Part II of
                         the Environmental Assessment Act;
                     9. Carrying out an undertaking to which a class environmental assessment under Part
                         II.1 of the Environmental Assessment Act applies, if the requirements necessary to
                         proceed have been satisfied;
                     10. Carrying out a transit project as defined in subsection 1(1) of O. Reg. 231/08
                         (TransitProjects and Metrolinx Undertakings) under the Environmental Assessment
                     11. Carrying out an undertaking to which O. Reg. 116/01 (Electricity Projects) applies;
                     12. Carrying out an undertaking to which O. Reg. 101/07 (Waste Management Projects)
                     13. Constructing a hydrocarbon line or station under the authority of an order made
                         under Part VI of the Ontario Energy Board Act;
                     14. Constructing a renewable energy facility under authority of an approval issued under
                         Part V.0.1 of the Environmental Protection Act (see “Don’t Forget” note below);
                     15. An activity described in section 3 of O. Reg. 350/12 (Registrations under Part II.2 of
                         the Act – Solar Facilities);
                     16. Advanced exploration carried out under Part VII of the Mining Act;

Notice of Activity
Notice of Activity                                                                                             29

                     17. Mine production carried out under Part VII of the Mining Act;
                     18. Rehabilitation of a mine hazard in compliance with a closure plan filed under the
                         Mining Act; or
                     19. Voluntary rehabilitation of a mine hazard approved under subsection 139.2 of the
                         Mining Act.

                      DON’T FORGET! Re: section 14 above:
                     Registration for the Newly Listed and Transition Species Notice of Activity for the
                     “Constructing a renewable energy facility under authority of an approval issued under
                     Part V.0.1 of the Environmental Protection Act” (number 14 in the above list) requires
                     prior approval by MNR of the associated mitigation plan before being granted a
                     Renewable Energy Approval under the Environmental Protection Act by the Ministry of
                     the Environment.

                     The registrant should use the Additional Activity Information text box to provide the
                     date of MNR’s approval of the mitigation plan and the name of the local MNR office
                     from which the approval was issued. If this information is not available at the time of
                     registration, it can be entered later by updating the Notice of Activity.

             2.2. Additional Activity Information:
                The Additional Activity Information text box can also be used to provide supplementary
                information about the activity.

             2.3 Species:
                The Newly Listed and Transition Species Notice of Activity requires that the registration
                identify the name of every eligible species listed on the Schedule of O. Reg. 242/08
                s. 23.13 that will likely be affected by the activity (through impacts to individuals of
                the species or through impacts to protected habitat).

                     PLEASE TAKE NOTE
                     As of July 1, 2013 this Notice of Activity applies to the following species:
                     n Species added to the SARO List on January 24, 2013

                       n Little Brown Myotis (also known as Little Brown Bat),

                       n Northern Myotis (also known as Northern Long-eared Bat),

                       n Yellow-breasted Chat,

                       n Pugnose Minnow, and

                       n Silver Chub

                     n Species listed in Schedule 3 or 4 of the ESA to which clause 10(1)(a) (Prohibition on

                       damage to habitat, etc.) did not apply until June 30, 2013 (includes 65 species)

                PLEASE TAKE NOTE
             Section 9 of the ESA (Prohibition on killing, etc.) has applied to the 65 species in Schedule 3
             or 4 of the ESA since June 30, 2008. Activities that would result in a contravention of s. 9 of
             the ESA are not eligible under O. Reg. 242/08 s. 23.13.

Notice of Activity
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