Spiral Scoop - Spiral Inc

Page created by Christine Mann
Spiral Scoop - Spiral Inc
MAY. 2021, ISSUE 1
                                                                                40 Years
Spiral Scoop
Spiral Inc. Quarterly E-Newsletter

                              GM Update
                              It has been a busy start to 2021 with several projects underway for what
Our Spiral Community          is a very special year for Spiral – our 40th year of service and celebration.
Workshop New
Policy / Legislation          With the COVID pandemic ongoing we have and will continue to keep
Changes                       informed and follow alerts and directives issued by the QLD Government.
                              I would like to thank everyone for adhering to these restrictions and
                              ensuring business as usual with minimal disruptions. If there are any
                              issues or concerns relating to the pandemic, please reach out to me as my
                              door is always open.
Our longest Spiral team
member - Danielle Pardon,
                              Our quality audit which was conducted late last year, continues and will
talks about her background,
                              until all of the recommendations for improvement are achieved and
greatest developments and
                              implemented. We have currently completed 90 % of outcomes which has
fondest memories during her
                              been a lot of work on top of our already busy schedules, however the
time at Spiral.
                              improvements to processes and compliance ensure we can continue to do
                              the great work that we do.

                              Moving into Q2 I’ll continue to prepare for our AGM which will take place
                              in October. Also keep a look out in your inbox for a date claimer for our
                              40th celebration party.
Spiral Scoop - Spiral Inc
1. Royal Commission                                       2. Policy Familiarisation
The initial interim report released in October 2020
                                                          & Updates
outlines that key themes have emerged after several
                                                          Please familiarise yourself with this quarters
public hearings by the Royal Commission. These
                                                          featured policies or procedures. Adhering to these
hearings will continue to allow for a comprehensive
                                                          policy's contribute to achieving Spiral's overall goals:
final report and recommendations. In the meantime,
the      commission      will     make      targeted
recommendations as appropriate, the first around          How to Give Feedback or Make a Complaint:
experiences of people with a disability during the        It is our Duty of Care to ensure everyone is aware
ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.                                they have the right to give feedback or make a
                                                          complaint. This can be submitted over the phone,
Key updates:                                              via mail, via the reception suggestion box or online
-Milestone reached as interim report tabled in            form
-Public activities relating to the inquiry have resumed   Abuse and Neglect:
in a COVID-Safe way                                       We take abuse and neglect very seriously, there
-Government to extend confidentiality protections of      are a range of resources available both internally
people who have or plan to provide a submission           and online from sources such as The Zero
-Extension to inquiry sought                              Tolerance initiative led by NDS, to prevent and
                                                          respond as well as implement and improve
The Third progress report summarising the work            practices safeguarding people with a disability.
carried out by the royal commission, is currently          More information can be found on the NDS
available to read.                                        Website If you feel you are experiencing abuse,
                                                          neglect or exploitation please report this to a
Spiral would also like to acknowledge the Loud &          Service Coordinator.
Clear team who continue their advocacy with their
involvement with the Royal Commission.                    New Process:
                                                          Workers Screening - The new NDIS Worker
If you would like to share your experience with the       Screening Check will enable a registered NDIS
Royal Commission, you can make your submission            provider to engage a worker with a valid clearance
via the Disability Royal Commission Submission. If        from any state or territory to deliver NDIS. The
assistance is required please contact a Service           new arrangements will begin in the Northern
Coordinator.                                              Territory on 1 July 2021.

For further information on the Disability Royal
Commission please visit their website.

Further Information / Website
Spiral Scoop - Spiral Inc

Taking into account expressed values and
beliefs of people with a disability

Successful and ethical working relationships for     Positive outcomes for participants around
Development Workers and Participants are based       acknowledging and considering these
on a clear understanding of what the supporting      diverse backgrounds can be achieved
role plays in acknowledging and considering          through the following key skill areas:
people with diverse backgrounds.
                                                     -Having an inclusive attitude
People with disabilities come from a range of        -Acknowledging, considering and respecting
backgrounds and communities and have varying         individual values, beliefs, culture
lifestyles and beliefs. They may come from           -Working in a way that enables people with
culturally and linguistically diverse communities;   disability to feel as comfortable and safe as
have a faith, or not; be married, divorced,          possible in their interactions with workers
partnered, or single; be LGBTQIA; or be parents,     -Encouraging people with disability to
guardians and carers. People with disability may     communicate their preferences for how
or may not be in paid work, or they could be         their supports are delivered
engaged in education and training.                   -Offering people with disability culturally-
                                                     sensitive activities
Each of these contexts and how Development           -Responding to needs relating to gender
Workers acknowledge and consider these varying
backgrounds can shape a participants overall         Acknowledging and considering the diverse
experience.                                          backgrounds of our Participants will ensure
                                                     they receive responsive personalised

    “Inclusion is about                              Further information please refer to the
                                                     NDIS Code of Conduct for Workers.
   embracing difference”
Spiral Scoop - Spiral Inc
Our Spiral
                                                        I became the Human Resources Officer and then
                                                        moved into Coordination a few years ago. During

                                                        my time at Spiral I have had 4 children (now aged
                                                        17, 9,7,6) and have continued to study. I now
                                                        have a Diplomas in Human Services, Disabilities
                                                        and     Community   Service  Coordination,
Interview 1 - Danielle                                  Certificates in Human Resources, Frontline
                                                        Management, Training and Assessment and have
Our longest Spiral team member - Danielle               completed various other smaller courses. A
Pardon, talks about her background,                     Bachelor of Social Science (Social Welfare) is my
greatest developments and fondest                       latest academic accomplishment.
memories during her time at Spiral.
                                                        What have been the greatest developments at
                                                        Spiral during your tenure?

                                                        Spiral was initially in an old house at the same
                                                        address we are now. In 2009 we moved to Sugar
                                                        Rd for the year while the old house was knocked
                                                        down and our current center was built. I have
                                                        seen Spiral go through many cycles over the
                                                        years. The introduction of the NDIS has seen a
                                                        huge change to how we deliver the services,
                                                        funding and who we are delivering the services to.
                                                        Covid-19 has then impacted everyone’s lives. We
                                                        have had to adapt to many changes and
                                                        challenges whilst retaining our Person Centered
                                                        approach. The culture here is one we hold on
                                                        tightly to.
What is your professional background and what
roles have you held during your time at Spiral?
                                                        What would be your fondest memory?

I have worked since a young age, in my father’s
retail businesses, reaching the role of shift           Geez, everything. That is the beauty of being part
manager at 16. Coming from a large family (oldest       of Spiral – everyone can make a difference. I have
of 7) I babysat as well as provided respite to family   amazing memories of the field and still have
friends from my teen years. Which lead me to            strong connections with many of the people we
know I wanted to work with people, however              support.
wasn’t sure “which people”. I nannied through my
initial Human Services study and trialed Aged
Care, but found my niche in the Disability
                                                                       Describe what working at Spiral
Industry, joining Spiral as a Development worker
in 2000. I continued to study and held a dual role                                          means to you?
of Training Officer and Development Worker by
2004. By 2006 I was the Training and
Development Officer and held various other
                                                             "The people, relationships… Making sure
responsibilities (including Quality Assurance                everyone knows that they matter.
Committee and Service Delivery Team member).                 Flexibility, looking outside of the box.
Through this time I also worked for Sunshine
Coast Tafe supporting People with Disabilities in            Making a difference to people’s lives."
mainstream courses, Noosa Leisure Centre Kids
Club, provided Private Respite and Retail
assistance as required. In 2011,
Spiral Scoop - Spiral Inc
Interview 2 - Graham
Read about one of our wonderful dedicated
Participants, Graham Eastwood regarding
his involvement at Spiral and the work he is
doing within the Spiral community.

Graham’s infectious enthusiasm and knowledge, if
you have had the pleasure of meeting him during his
6 years at Spiral, would no doubt have you engaging
in an interesting conversation about his hobbies,
interests and future goals. Participating in dance
and art workshops, Graham is currently completing
a sewing project making his own boxer shorts and
mentioned he cannot wait for Wednesday’s.
Graham’s participation doesn’t stop there, where he
                                                       “a roof over my head, bills paid
positively contributes to progress as Spiral's
                                                       and groceries in the fridge are
Community Representative to the Management
Committee. Graham seeks feedback and ideas from        my priority."
the Spiral community and then relays the
information to the committee for discussion.
 Graham is also a member of Loud & Clear self
advocacy, Our Voice and Inclusion Australia.

The next project on his to do list is an easy read
board game for Participants to help them set and
reach goals. This will see Graham plan and construct
the game, complete with photos that he gathers and
a set of instructions.

Graham enjoys connecting with others and seeing
his friends, and believes Spiral positively helps
people learn more skills. At home, Graham ensures
his priorities are in order and said “a roof over my
head, bills paid and groceries in the fridge are my
priority”. At the moment he is currently re
organising his kitchen cupboards, and when he isn’t
running errands, he likes playing mind craft and
going for walks.

We would like to thank you Graham for your
company and continued contribution to Spiral. See
you around soon!
Spiral Scoop - Spiral Inc
Workshop Updates
Black Box Programs
Our Creative Program is designed to
empower the potential of Participants by
building a range of skills across each
individual program. Get to know what the
individual skills and outcomes are of our

Musical Theatre
Musical Theatre offers a safe environment for
participants to explore their potential as
actors within a theatrical setting. Lead by
qualified and experienced professionals the
program is specially designed to:

·Value the individual’s contribution to script
development and their character.                      Music
·Acknowledge      individual    and     group         Music is an integral part of our Creative
achievements.                                         Programs at the Black Box, music can:
·Acknowledging that drama is not ‘easy’, but a
team effort based on trust, friendships &             ·Connect us to others and enable us to express
discipline.                                           our emotions
·Acknowledging that drama is not always               ·Distract from physical pain and can help reduce
accessible to all individuals, and that some          anxiety
students will develop skills more quickly and         ·Help towards reducing blood pressure, improve
readily than others.                                  relaxation and reduce muscle tension
                                                      ·Help towards building new neural pathways to
                                                      the brain
                                                      ·Comforting, and evokes happiness and positive
Drama is so much more than the ‘outcome’ in
the form of a production, it’s the ‘journey our
                                                      ·Is a natural mood enhancer
students embark on together throughout the
year. Skills developed are:

·Vocal skills – speech & singing                                  "a journey our
·Movement & Dance
·Spatial awareness
·Hand/eye coordination                                              embark on
·Improvisation                                                       together"
·Social skills, self-regulation, focus & discipline
Spiral Scoop - Spiral Inc
Monday: Musical Theatre
Another great year for Monday Drama. After a crazy
Covid shutdown in 2020 and reopening later in the
year, the group managed to pull their fantastical
characters, ideas and dialogue into a Home Alone/
Woodstock Experience – Keven's 2020 Vision, all
under the professional guidance of the usual suspects     Tuesday: Dance
– Creative Programs Director, Cathy Delves, Musical
Director, Carey Idle with Riley Truscott and              Another great achievement for Spiral
Dramaturg extraordinaire, Cesar Genaro, none of           Dance Company. Pulling together a show
which would work without the greatest support staff –     with Fiona leaving to have her baby, Cathy
Michelle Core, Doris Hell, Grant Smith and welcoming      returning halfway through to finish the
Gemma Collins.                                            work started, along side of new staff
                                                          member Carolyn Prince, who is currently
With Cathy away, a big thank you to Cesar for             leading the program with the support of
Directing this year to what is looking like an exciting   Lynn Farnham and newest hip hop artist
Viking Voyage to 1950’s Hollywood, where yet again        Jade Warwick.
our students crazy ideas and characters make our
program model unique and personal to our individuals.     Olivia's Twisties was a premier dance
We can’t wait to see you later in the year for Viking's   performance by Spiral Dance Company. A
go to Hollywood: Return to Sender.                        slightly    different,  slightly    magical
                                                          orphanage was the scene for this twisting,
                                                          dancing journey that shares the special gifts
                                                          of a group of orphans led by star dancer
                                                          Olivier, played by Maddy and under the evil
                                                          reign of the Matron (Kate) and Cook

                                                          This year, Carolyn is focusing on different
                                                          dance styles from Bollywood, Salsa through
                                                          to Hip Hop and Musical Theatre.

                                                          Spiral Dance Company will be performing
                                                          remotely this year for The Have a Say
                                                          Conference in Geelong and will be
                                                          supporting Spiral’s 40th Anniversary and
                                                          hold an open workshop at the end of the
                                                          year. Look out for the links to the Have a
                                                          Say Conference coming soon in June.
Spiral Scoop - Spiral Inc
Wednesday: We Can Do TV

Facilitated by Cesar Genaro, The We Can Do TV program,
introduces participants to digital technology and
approaches used in the field of News Broadcasting.
Participants have the opportunity to research, write,
shoot, narrate, interview, produce, edit, and appear on
camera in their own field reports.
                                                             Watch the latest release of
The broadcasting activities challenge Participants to        WCD TV NEWS Here >>
practice and advance in these skills. Through hands-on
activities, Participants will produce a series of news
projects, will shoot both single and multi-camera and will      Co-living spaces
edit on Adobe Premiere Pro. The finalised projects are          Future-proof home
suitable to be shared on internet video platforms.

Participants learn the process of show production as they
work out in the field and in the studio, alternating
positions that include anchor, reporter, writer, producer
and director.

This program has some fantastic outcomes including
overall improvement in written and oral communication,
development of interpersonal skills, and understanding
and interpretation of visual texts.

Look out for the next broadcast of WCD TV News!
Spiral Scoop - Spiral Inc
Friday: Drama
                                                           Like all the Creative Programs at the Black
                                                           Box the team had to conjure new ways of
                                                           delivery via Zoom. We can thank the talents
                                                           of Drama Director Florence Teillet for
                                                           creating an online program to keep everyone
                                                           busy, connected and up to date every Friday,
                                                           heavily supported by Musical Director
                                                           Carey, Cesar and our assistant Dramaturg.

                                                           Cathy who then returned (after her sailing
                                                           trip  was   postponed) to         work   on

Thursday: Music                                            Choreography for the show.         Everyone
                                                           worked hard to make up for lost time time
                                                           and Off The Rails: S-Train-ger Danger was a
Our music program continues to allows our                  resounding success, with a full house for
Participants of all abilities and musical preferences to   both shows.
express themselves through music. The aim is to
create a space where people can come along to learn        These events could not be made possible
and/or practice any instrument of their choice and         without a great team – At the helm – Drama
have fun while doing so.                                   Director, Florence Teillet, Musical Director,
                                                           Carey Idle, supported by Riley Truscott,
By supporting Participants to push themselves              Choreographer Cathy Delves, Cesar and our
outside of their comfort zone, music helps to improve      Assistant Dramaturg. A special thanks go to
confidence. This can be achieved by practicing to an       Matt for building the bar and Lynne for
audience, working towards a public performance and         assisting with costumes.
trying different instruments.
                                                           This year a humdinger of a show is in the
All participants have individual goals and enjoy           making, The Treasure Within - a pirate
socialising with likeminded people.                        treasure hunt with a twist. It will be full of
                                                           participants ideas from characters and
                                                           dialogue, to jokes and songs. This is sure to
Upcoming Projects for the Music Groups:                    be fun filled spectacular.

- Performance piece work for Friday Drama
- Applying to perform at the the Disability Festival,
Eumundi Markets 2021 (Date TBC)
- Volunteering at the 2021 Caloundra Music Festival
(Date TBC)

      “a space to be free to
      create and have fun”
Spiral Scoop - Spiral Inc
Visual Arts

Our Visual Art Participants have been busy in       Our artists are looking forward to exhibiting in the
the studio producing a variety of pieces, which     Nambour Agricultural Regional Show in June, the
showcase a range of techniques and skills.          facility has recently added a new lift allowing equal
                                                    access into the pavilion. For artists wishing to enter
 Not only are the talents on show throughout
                                                    works in the show, you can follow the link below.
the centre but our artists are receiving
recognition throughout our community.               Due to COVID restrictions last year, Spiral's annual
                                                    Art Workz exhibition was postponed, however we are
The recent exhibited in the Graceville Art          happy to announce that the annual exhibition will take
Show was a fantastic success with Debbie            place later this year. If artists would like to display
                                                    their artwork in this exhibition, it's a good idea to start
Costin selling one of her pieces and Will
                                                    now as not to rush the creative process.
Harrington's paintings receiving coverage on
Channel 9. Other artists got a kick out just        To exhibit at the Nambour Agricultural Regional Show,
seeing their work in an exhibition.                 Apply Here

  Will Harrington

  Will Harrington                 Will Harrington                          Kate Paterson

  Deb Costin                          Deb Costin                          Deb Costin
Workshop Schedule

Anniversaries & Staff
                                                                             UPCOMING DATES:
                                                                             May 3 - Labour Day
Celebrating 10 Years of Service - Congratulations Elaine Andrews-Carra
(Support Worker) who reached her 10 years of service with Spiral in          May 6 - Nambour Special School
March.                                                                       Expo

Jasmine Bethel - We would like to wish Jasmine all the best during this      June 11 - Nambour Agricultural
special time as she heads off on maternity leave awaiting the birth of her   Regional Show
first daughter. Jasmine's last day is 7th May .
                                                                             June 15 - 17 - Have a Say
Karen Riddell - Karen has officially... "left the building". Off taking 6    Conference
weeks of leave - we hope Karen has an enjoyable well deserved break!
Upon her return she will be based solely in the field leaving her admin      AGM / 40 Year Celebration -
position behind.                                                             OCTOBER (Date TBC) Enjoy a
                                                                             celebration with past and present
Tara McNeela - Tara joins the team in the role of Communications             staff, committee members and
Officer (undertaking a Maternity Leave Contract)                             participants at The Rocks
Nicole Embrey - Welcome Nicole, Nicole commenced in April joining the
Rosters Team along side Danni.

Further Information
Contact Spiral for further information about services, workshop details, enrolment information or to
organise a trial in a workshop. Spiral's mission is to empower potential and equality through growth,
innovation and community support - Your life matters.
Empowering Potential

       P: 07 5476 2711 F: 07 5476 2832
           E: spiral@spiralinc.org.au
   A: 122 Image Flat Road, Nambour QLD 4560
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