SPONSORSHIP PROSPECTUS - 2020 Osteopathy Conference Sunshine Coast, Queensland 16 October - 18 October 2020 - Osteopathy Australia

Page created by Julian Reid
SPONSORSHIP PROSPECTUS - 2020 Osteopathy Conference Sunshine Coast, Queensland 16 October - 18 October 2020 - Osteopathy Australia
 PROSPECTUS   2020 Osteopathy Conference
                     Sunshine Coast, Queensland
                     16 October – 18 October 2020
SPONSORSHIP PROSPECTUS - 2020 Osteopathy Conference Sunshine Coast, Queensland 16 October - 18 October 2020 - Osteopathy Australia
Thank you for taking the time to read this proposal.
Sponsorship opportunities for the 2020 Osteopathy Conference are now open and filling fast!
Osteopathy Australia and Osteopaths New Zealand are delighted to invite you to be part of our annual Osteopathy
Conference by getting involved as either a sponsor or exhibitor where you will be exposed to osteopaths from both
The conference will provide your organisation with a platform to showcase your products and services in a face to face
environment and to demonstrate your commitment and dedication to supporting best practice within the osteopathic
While we are very grateful for all the support we receive, we are also strongly committed to scientific based evidence and
maintaining the professional profile of osteopathy. We only accept sponsors who align strongly with our values as a
Various levels of involvement are outlined in this document which we are certain will assist you to achieve your marketing
objectives. If there are alternate ways in which you would like to participate and believe you could add value, please talk
to us.
For more information, please contact Peter Tzanis (Education), +61 2 9410 0099 or email: cpd@osteopathy.org.au
SPONSORSHIP PROSPECTUS - 2020 Osteopathy Conference Sunshine Coast, Queensland 16 October - 18 October 2020 - Osteopathy Australia
Who are we?
About Osteopathy
Osteopathy is a form of manual healthcare which recognises the important link between the structure of
the body and the way it functions. Osteopaths focus on how the skeleton, joints, muscles, nerves,
circulation, connective tissue and internal organs function as a holistic unit.

Osteopathy in Australia                                            Osteopaths New Zealand
▪ Osteopathy is not an alternative health option –                 • Osteopaths New Zealand was formed as a professional
  osteopaths are university trained, government                      association in March 2013 with the aim of providing a
  registered, allied health professionals                            unified voice for osteopathy in New Zealand.
▪ Osteopathy Australia was founded 60 years ago.                   • Osteopaths New Zealand support the professional needs
                                                                     of New Zealand osteopaths
▪ Osteopathy has been practiced in Australia for over
  100 years and has been taught in universities since              • Osteopaths New Zealand promote the benefits of
  the early 1980's.                                                  osteopathic healthcare to New Zealanders
▪ Osteopathy Australia is a member of Allied Health
  Professions Australia and the Osteopathic
  International Alliance.
▪ Osteopathy Australia represents the vast majority of
  osteopaths in the country; over 80%
SPONSORSHIP PROSPECTUS - 2020 Osteopathy Conference Sunshine Coast, Queensland 16 October - 18 October 2020 - Osteopathy Australia
The Conference
Program:                                                Quick Facts
• The conference program will encompass plenary and
                                                        DATE:     Friday 16 October – Sunday 18 October
  workshop sessions across three days.
                                                        VENUE     Novotel Sunshine Coast Resort
• It forms a blend of leading local and international
  speakers.                                             CONTACT   Peter Tzanis
• The trade exhibition will be held from Friday                   T: +61 2 9410 0099
  afternoon through to Sunday afternoon.                          E: cpd@osteopathy.org.au
• Based on the positive feedback from the previous
  conferences, we will once again have the conference
  catering in the trade area. This maximises the
  opportunity to network with delegates.
SPONSORSHIP PROSPECTUS - 2020 Osteopathy Conference Sunshine Coast, Queensland 16 October - 18 October 2020 - Osteopathy Australia
Who are our delegates?
• Osteopathy Australia represents the vast
  majority of osteopaths in Australia; over 80%
• Osteopaths practice in all states of Australia
  with higher percentages in New South Wales
  and Victoria
• Approximately 60% of our members are
• Osteopaths are generally younger with the
  vast majority of our members under 40
• Osteopaths can be sole traders, companies,
  family trusts or partnerships. The majority of
  osteopaths are independent contractors.
SPONSORSHIP PROSPECTUS - 2020 Osteopathy Conference Sunshine Coast, Queensland 16 October - 18 October 2020 - Osteopathy Australia
Marketing and
• A comprehensive marketing strategy has been
  put in place to ensure maximum exposure for our
  partners. The strategy combines direct mail,
  advertising, internet marketing, public relations
  and promotional activities. The conference will
  be continually promoted through a dedicated
  conference website, social media, direct email,
  and the Osteo Life magazine.
• The success of our strategy has been
  demonstrated by a consistent increase in
  delegate attendance.
SPONSORSHIP PROSPECTUS - 2020 Osteopathy Conference Sunshine Coast, Queensland 16 October - 18 October 2020 - Osteopathy Australia
Sponsorship Package Summary
              Package Details                                              Sponsorship Opportunities

                   Benefit                   Gold    Silver   Satchel Insert           Additional Inserts   eFlyer   eSatchel only
Exhibition space                              ♦       ♦
Guarantee no competitor sponsors
Priority exhibition positioning               ♦
Address at conference                         ♦
Free social event pass (maximum 2 tickets
                                              ♦       ♦
for onsite exhibition staff)
Free delegate list – name only
                                              ♦       ♦
Half page Ad in Osteo Life magazine or 1
free eflyer                                   ♦
Two social media posts before or during or
after conference                              ♦       ♦
Two satchel insert option (include
eSatchel on conference webpage)               ♦       ♦
Banner advertisement on conference
landing webpage                               ♦
Small logo on conference sponsorship
webpage                                               ♦            ♦                          ♦              ♦            ♦
Your company profile on conference
                                              ♦       ♦
Your company logo on conference e-flyers
sent to members                               ♦       ♦
Complimentary conference satchel
                                              ♦       ♦
Conference catering
                                              ♦       ♦

Satchel inserts (as selected)
                                                                   ♦                          ♦              ♦            ♦
                                             $4500   $3500        $700                       $400           $450         $150
SPONSORSHIP PROSPECTUS - 2020 Osteopathy Conference Sunshine Coast, Queensland 16 October - 18 October 2020 - Osteopathy Australia
Major Sponsorship Opportunities
✓ Presence and exhibition across the entire three days (Friday 16 –       ✓ Logo on generic conference and thank you slides, printed program and
  Sunday 18 October)                                                        the President’s welcome slides. Logo on sponsors section of Conference
                                                                            website with link to company website
✓ Option to purchase up to two, FULL three day conference registrations
  at discounted rate                                                      ✓ Conference website banner advertisement displayed on the landing page
                                                                            of the Conference website. Logo and hyperlink to company page within
✓ Trestle table, priority exhibition positioning                            the sponsors section of the website.

✓ 5 minute presentation during selected sessions (excludes keynote)       ✓ Two social media post messages before during or after the Conference,
                                                                            optional dates available
✓ Two satchel inserts including eSatchel option
                                                                          ✓ Delegate list – names only
✓ Verbal recognition, acknowledgement in the opening and closing
                                                                          ✓ A continuing no-competitor guarantee
                                                                          ✓ Half page advertisement in Osteo Life magazine OR one free eFlyer. Date
✓ Opportunity to display banner in the plenary room and trade               to be determined by Osteopathy Australia
✓ Opportunity to discuss conference integration and brand alignment
SPONSORSHIP PROSPECTUS - 2020 Osteopathy Conference Sunshine Coast, Queensland 16 October - 18 October 2020 - Osteopathy Australia
Major Sponsorship contd..

 ✓ Presence and exhibition for the Conference days (Friday 16 –     ✓ Two social media post messages before during or after the
   Sunday 18 October)                                                 Conference, optional dates available
 ✓ Option to purchase one, FULL three day conference registration   ✓ Delegate list – names only
   at discounted rate.
                                                                    ✓ Acknowledgement in the closing session
 ✓ Trestle table, positioning preference following gold sponsor
 ✓ Two satchel inserts including eSatchel option
 ✓ Logo on generic Conference and thank you slides, printed
   program and the President’s welcome slides. Logo on sponsors
   section of Conference website with link to company website
SPONSORSHIP PROSPECTUS - 2020 Osteopathy Conference Sunshine Coast, Queensland 16 October - 18 October 2020 - Osteopathy Australia
Conference Promotion Options

Pens and Notepads, to supply                      $300
Must be booked by Friday 31 July 2020

e-Flyer Conference Delegates                      $450
Option schedule prior during or post conference

Satchel Insert/Product Sample                     $700
Includes e-satchel

Satchel Insert/Product Sample                     $1100 (x2)
Includes e-satchel

Satchel Insert/Product Sample                     $1350 (x3)
Includes e-satchel

e-Satchel only                                    $150
Sponsorship Conditions
                                                                          All exhibitors are required to have adequate
                                                                          Public and Product Liability Insurance and provide

Sponsorship Booking Form
                                                                          a copy of the Certificate of Currency to us prior to
                                                                          the event date. The cover is based on a limit of
                                                                          indemnity to the value of $10,000,000.

                                                                          Unavoidable Occurrences
                                                                          In the event of the 2020 Osteopathy Conference
2020 Osteopathy Conference, Cairns, Queensland                            being cancelled or amended due to unavoidable
                                                                          occurrences whether by decision of Osteopathy
                                                                          Australia, the venue or any sponsor and for any
16 – 18 October 2020                                                      reason including but not limited to fire, flood,
                                                                          labor disputes, natural disasters, civil disorders, or
                                                                          other similar events during the conference, then
 PLEASE COMPLETE AND RETURN TO:   T: 61 2 9410 0099                       the sponsor shall not be entitled to any refund or
 Peter Tzanis                                                             claim any compensation, loss or damage. In the
 Education                        F: 61 2 9410 1699                       event cancellation occurs by decision of
 Osteopathy Australia             E: cpd@osteopathy.org.au                Osteopathy Australia in the lead up to the
 PO Box 5044                                                              conference, the sponsor and Osteopathy Australia
 Chatswood West NSW 1515          W: www.osteopathy.org.au                will come to an agreement on transferring part or
                                                                          full sponsorship to the proceeding Osteopathy
                                                                          Australia Conference.
Your Organisation’s Details                                               Cancellation Policy
                                                                          Cancellations must be made in writing to
Organisation Name                                                         Osteopathy Australia. In the event of a
                                                                          cancellation, a service fee of 50% will apply to
Contact Name                                Contact Position              cancellations less than 3 months prior to the first
                                                                          day of the conference. No sponsorship refunds
Address                                               State    Postcode   will be made on cancellations after this date.
                                                                          Refunds on exhibition booths will only occur if the
Telephone                                        Mobile                   booth is taken by another exhibitor.

Email                                                 Web

Sponsorship Options
All amounts listed below include GST

                GOLD SPONSOR                   $4500

                SILVER SPONSOR                 $3500

               Pens and Notepads, to supply    $300
               Booked by Friday 31 July 2020

               E-flyer Conference Delegates    $450

               Satchel Insert/Product Sample   $700
               Includes e-satchel

               Satchel Insert/Product Sample   $1100 (x2)
               Includes e-satchel

               Satchel Insert/Product Sample   $1350 (x3)
               Includes e-satchel

               E-satchel only                  $150
Important Information
Please note that receipt of this prospectus is not confirmation of sponsorship. Osteopathy Australia is committed to promoting
excellence in clinical practice, research and education. Our stringent sponsorship review process ensures: -
      ▪ alignment with relevant and valuable products and services with which our members will be eager to engage
      ▪ a balanced sponsor/delegate ratio maximising the value of interactions, with limited spaces available to ensure no
      ▪ promotion exclusivity and enhanced brand presence for gold sponsors
      ▪ a continuing no-competitor guarantee, only one applicant from each gold sponsor’s relevant industry will be accepted.
Please complete the Sponsorship Booking Form on the previous page and forward to us. Please allow up to two weeks for

               Your support is vital to enhancing and promoting excellence in osteopathy
For more information please contact
Peter Tzanis
+61 2 9410 0099
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