Spring 2022 Resident registration begins February 14 - Cary Park District

Page created by Andy Washington
Spring 2022 Resident registration begins February 14 - Cary Park District
Spring 2022
Resident registration begins February 14
Spring 2022 Resident registration begins February 14 - Cary Park District
Table of Contents
Adult Programs              28          Foxford Hills Golf Club    36     Registration Information       43
Athletics                   32          Fitness Center             9      Senior Programs                39
Birthday Parties            19          Group Fitness Programs     11     Special Events                 7
Community Gardens           6           Gymnastics Programs        35     Sunburst Bay Aquatic Center    3
Dance Programs              26          Martial Arts Programs      34     Teen Programs                  24
Dog Park                    13          NISRA                      31     Walnut Hollow Disc Golf        25
Drama Programs              27          Parks & Facilities Map     41     Youth Programs                 20
Early Childhood Programs    15          Park & Facility Rentals    30
Employment Opportunities    5           Preschool                  17
E.T. KidZone               23           Registration Form          45

Park District Facilities
                                                          E.T. KidZone Sites
Community Center and Administrative Offices               General Information      847.639.6100
255 Briargate Road, Cary, IL 60013
                                                          Briargate School E.T.    847.639.5361
Phone: 847.639.6100
                                                          Deer Path School E.T.    847.462.8106
Fax: 847.639.6290
                                                          Oak Knoll School E.T.    847.875.5217
Community Center & Fitness Center Hours
                                                          Three Oaks School E.T.   847.639.4213
Please visit carypark.com for the most current hours
of operation.

Administrative Annex
855 Feinberg Court, Suite 113, Cary, IL 60013             Registration Key Dates
Phone: 847.639.6100
                                                          Resident registration begins February 14
Park Maintenance Garage                                   at 7 am. Non-resident registration begins on
1200 Silver Lake Road, Cary, IL 60013                     February 21 at 7 am. Please see the ‘Registration
Phone: 847.639.8440                                       Information’ section on page 43 for details on
                                                          program registration.
Cary Park District Preschool
100 Cary-Algonquin Road, Cary, IL 60013
Phone: 847.639.7448
                                                          Community Center
Foxford Hills Golf Club                                   Holiday Hours & Closings
6800 S. Rawson Bridge Road, Cary, IL 60013
Phone: 847.639.0400                                       Easter, April 17: Closed
Foxford Hills Golf Club Hours                             Memorial Day, May 30: Open 7:00 am - 6:00 pm
Hours vary by season. Contact Foxford Hills Golf Club
for hours.                                                The Community Center may have additional days
                                                          with reduced hours as each holiday approaches.
                                                          Please visit carypark.com for updates.

                                                   New Trail Maps!
                                    Stop by the Community Center to pick up a trail map!
                                   The newly printed maps now include the trail extension
                                  through Hoffman Park. The trail map can also be viewed
                                                      at carypark.com

Spring 2022 Resident registration begins February 14 - Cary Park District
Board of Commissioners

        Mike Renner          Melissa Victor        Jill Carasso     Keith Frangiamore         Phil Stanko
         President           Vice President       Commissioner        Commissioner           Commissioner

  Mission Statement                                        Park Board Meetings
  Providing exceptional recreation, parks,                 The Park Board meets on the fourth Thursday of each
  and open space opportunities.                            month (unless otherwise posted) at 7:00 pm at the
                                                           Community Center, 255 Briargate Road. All are welcome
                                                           to attend. Meeting agendas and minutes are posted on

Staff Directory
Administrative Staff                                        Finance Department
Dan Jones, CPRP, MPA Executive Director                     Vicki Krueger, CPRP		 Director of Finance &
Katie Hughes         Director of Communications & 		                              Administration
                     Marketing                              Melanie Chesny		 Staff Accountant
Sara Kelly, CPRP     Deputy Director                        Connie Nesler, MBA		 Assistant Director of
David Raica          Director of Planning &                 		 Finance & Administration
                     Development                            Courtney Pollin		 Accounting Clerk
                                                            Meghan Tillson		 Human Resources Coordinator
Recreation Department
Erica Hall, CPRP        Superintendent of Recreation        Parks & Facilities Maintenance Department
Eric Barge              Program Manager                     Paul Rogus, CPSI, CPO,   Superintendent of Park &
Missi Brezina           Senior Coordinator                               CPRP        Facility Maintenance
Becky Horn, CPRP        Program Manager                     Eric Arreola, CPO        Facility Maintenance Specialist
Emily Pitz              Registration Manager                Jaime Arreola            Parks Specialist
Katie Tarosas, CPRP     Facilities & Program Manager        Nathan Chobanian         Parks Specialist
                                                            Patrick Noonan           Parks Specialist - Safety
                                                            Taylor Nowak             Parks Specialist
                                                            Mike Penkava, CPRP       Park Maintenance Manager
                                                            Bob Sutalski             Parks Specialist/Mechanic
                                                            Mike Warren              Facility Maintenance Manager

                                                  Visit the Employment Section of
                                                  carypark.com for a listing of jobs
                                                      that are available at the
                                                             Park District.

Spring 2022 Resident registration begins February 14 - Cary Park District
                                             Sunburst Bay
                                             Aquatic Center
                                             At Cary-Grove Park

       Opening Summer 2022
     Visit carypark.com for more information.

Sunburst Bay is designed to support interests of toddlers
                                                                  Information on pool passes,
to seniors. It will be located in Cary-Grove Park as the
second phase of development that compliments the already          daily fees, rentals, and more
existing playground, football fields, and soccer fields. This      will be available in March.
park is located next to Cary-Grove High School (Three
Oaks Rd. & First St.).                                            To receive this information
                                                                   as soon as it is available:
Leisure Pool                 Other Amenities
l   Zero depth entry         l   Body flume slides
l   Variety of slides and    l   Plenty of deck & lawn seating
    water play features      l   Shade sails & cabanas
l   Water walk               l   Locker rooms                       Subscribe to our email
l   Current channel          l   Concessions with plaza seating     newsletters! Subscribe
                             l   Party room                         through carypark.com.
Lap Pool
l   Accessible entry         Parking & Trails
l   Eight 25 yard lanes      The facility is accessible by
l   Diving boards            walking or biking the trail system
l   Drop slide               and by car with plenty of bike         Follow us on Facebook!
l   Climbing wall            racks and parking in front of the
                                                                     Search for Cary Park
                                                                      District and Like or
                                                                           Follow us.
Spring 2022 Resident registration begins February 14 - Cary Park District
Sunburst Bay Aquatic Center! Receive project updates!
              Subscribe to our email newsletters!                             Follow us on Facebook!

  When will Sunburst Bay Aquatic Center open?                      How do I apply for a job at Sunburst Bay Aquatic Center?
  At this time, based on construction progress to date, the        Numerous seasonal job opportunities will be available for
  facility is anticipated to open in late May/early June 2022.     persons age 15 years and older. Job areas include admis-
                                                                   sions, guest services, lifeguards, swim instructors, conces-
  When will the hours of operation, season pass information,       sions, and maintenance. Pay rates vary between $13.00
  and daily fee schedule be available?                             - $20.00 depending on the job and duties. Jobs will begin in
  A schedule of the hours of operation, fee schedule, and          early May and end around Labor Day. Visit carypark.com
  information on season passes will be available in March. To      for a complete listing of jobs and how to apply.
  receive this information as soon as it is available, subscribe
  to our e-mail newsletters from our website and follow us on      What is happening to the pool at the Community Center?
  Facebook.                                                        The pool at the Community Center is over 40 years old and
                                                                   now that it is closed it will be removed. The Park Board of
  What types of programs will be offered at Sunburst Bay?          Commissioners will be discussing options for this area in fu-
  The Park District plans to offer a variety of programs for       ture years. It is expected that in the near term, the pool will
  toddlers to active older adults. Programs may include swim       be removed and the area seeded with turf grass. This project
  lessons, adult lap swim, aqua fitness classes, special events,   is anticipated to begin early 2023.
  and more. Information on these programs and when you may
  register will be included in the summer brochure available in    Will the Community Center/Fitness Center/Administrative
  April.                                                           Offices be moving?
                                                                   No. The Community Center, Fitness Center, and Administra-
  What rental opportunities will be available?                     tive Offices will remain at their current location.
  There will be multiple new rental opportunities available.
  Cabana rentals located on the pool deck will be available for    Will Fox River Grove residents receive “in district” rates?
  day long rental use. Birthday party packages will be avail-      In District rates will be available to those residents who pay
  able that include a private room and direct access to the        taxes to the Cary Park District. All others will be required
  facility. Information on rental opportunities and how you        to pay “out of district” rates to utilize Sunburst Bay. The
  can reserve a cabana or a private room will be available in      Park District does offer a fair share program, whereby one
  March.                                                           can pay an amount equal to the taxes necessary to be paid if
                                                                   they were a resident homeowner of the Park District.

                                             Become Part of the
  First Team to Work at Sunburst Bay Aquatic Center
               Lifeguards                                                     Admissions
      Swim Instructors / Pass Takers                                         Guest Services
     Aquatic Maintenance / Custodians                                 Visit carypark.com for a listing of jobs,
                                                                          descriptions, and how to apply! 4
Spring 2022 Resident registration begins February 14 - Cary Park District
Summer Job Fair! March 19 10 am - 1 pm
                                           Apply and Receive an Interview at
                                               the Job Fair. See page 25


Sunburst Bay Aquatic Center                  Recreation Programming
- Lifeguard                                  - Dance Instructor
- Swim Lesson Instructor/Pass Taker          - General Programming Instructor
- Admissions Staff                           - Youth Athletics Instructor
- Guest Services Staff                       - Keyboard Instructor
                                             - Art Instructor
Camp ECHO (Camp for grades K- 8)             - ET KidZone Staff
- Camp Counselor                             - ET KidZone Inclusion Aide
- Before & After Camp Lead
- Day Camp Activity Leader                   Parks Department
- Day Camp Inclusion Aide                    - Park Maintenance
                                             - Aquatics Maintenance / Custodian
Sunshine Camp (Camp for 3 - 5 years)
- Camp Director                              Other Areas with the Park District
- Camp Counselor                             - Front Desk (Community Center)
                                             - Concessions (Lions Park / Sunburst Bay)
Marketing Department
- Communications & Marketing Support

             Visit the Employment Section of carypark.com
        to read the job descriptions, requirements, and to apply.
Spring 2022 Resident registration begins February 14 - Cary Park District
Community Gardens
                                   at Hoffman Park
   Rent a Garden Plot!                                 Rentals are available on a first-come, first-served basis.
                                                       Those who rented last year will be able to renew the
Do you like to garden, but don’t have the space at
                                                       same plot as last year if registered by March 31, 2022.
home? Rent a 20 x 30 foot plot at Hoffman Park and
grow your own vegetables, fruits, herbs, plants, and   To rent, please complete a registration form found on
flowers.                                               page 45 of this brochure and return it with payment to
                                                       the Community Center. Renters will be notified of their
Rental Fee
                                                       plot number and additional information.
Resident                          $60.00
Resident Senior                   $51.00               More information, including the Guidelines for Use
Non-Resident                      $90.00               are available on our website, carypark.com.
Non-Resident Senior               $77.00

                Demonstration Gardens
                                                        The Demonstration Gardens at Hoffman Park are
                                                        six gardens maintained by local volunteers. All of
                                                        the harvest is donated to the Cary Grove Food
                   Grow g Seaso
               02                                       In 2021, 15 volunteers plus a Girl Scout troop tend-

                                                        ed to the six garden plots and broke a record with a

           2600 lbs
                                                        harvest total of 2,635 lbs for the year! All the nutri-
                                                        tious and organic produce is donated to the Cary
                                                        Grove Food Pantry. Since 2011, the Give Back
                    Harvested & Donated
                                                        Gardens have produced 14,000 lbs of produce, all
               to the Cary-Grove Food Pantry            of which was donated to the Food Pantry.

                                                        If you are interested in volunteering at the
                                                        Demonstration Gardens, please contact
                                                        the Cary Park District at 847.639.6100.                       3
Spring 2022 Resident registration begins February 14 - Cary Park District
Special Events



Spring 2022 Resident registration begins February 14 - Cary Park District
Special Events

             Let’s Go
            Fly A Kite!
                                  Saturday, April 9 10:00-11:00 am
                                    Lions Park All Ages - FREE!
               Bring your kite and help us celebrate National Kite Flying month and the arrival
        of spring! Fly on your own or participate in a kite flying contest. The categories may include
      biggest kite, smallest kite, highest flying kite, most unusual kite and others. Register onsite for the
         contest. Information on the Illinois Park District Youth License Plate will be available on site.

                                                               Let the Park District bring some Easter fun to you!
                                                                 Register for the day you would like and enjoy
                       At Home                                 an at home Easter egg hunt for your family! The
                                                                Easter Bunny will hop over and hide two dozen
                                                                    candy filled eggs for everyone to enjoy!

                                                               Eggs will be hidden between 10:00 am - 2:00 pm
                                                                             on the day you select

                                                               CODE     DAY     DATE       FEE
                                                               13371    M       4/11       $15
                                                               13372    W       4/13       $15
                                                               13373    F       4/15       $15

  Dog Egg Hunt
                   Wednesday, April 13
              6:30 pm - Small dog egg hunt
        7:00 pm - Medium and large dog egg hunt
          Dog Park - Hoffman Park $4/per dog
 Leash up your pup and hop on over to the Dog Park for an egg
 hunt that is just for dogs! Owners must stay with their dog at all
 times. Please bring a basket or bag for collecting eggs. Each dog
 may collect up to 10 treat filled eggs and have their picture taken
 with the bunny. Please arrive early as the egg hunt will promptly
 start on time. Dogs do not need to be dog park members to
 participate. Pre-registration required by April 7.
CODE        TIME					FEE
13374       6:30 pm small dog hunt		      $4.00/dog
13375       7:00 pm medium/large dog hunt $4.00/dog                                                                    KT

Spring 2022 Resident registration begins February 14 - Cary Park District
Fitness Center

                                                                Community Center &
                                                                Fitness Center Hours
                                                                Please visit carypark.com for the most current
                                                                hours of operation.

                                                                Holiday Hours & Closings
                                                                Easter, April 17: Closed
                                                                Memorial Day, May 30: Open 7:00 am - 6:00 pm

                                                                The Community Center may have additional days
                                                                with reduced hours as each holiday approaches.
                                                                Please visit carypark.com for updates.

            255 Briargate Road, Cary | 847.639.6100 | carypark.com
A membership to the Fitness Center provides you                             Membership Rates
with access to the cardio and strength rooms. All
members must bring their pass and scan in each                                    Resident          Non-Resident
time they use the Fitness Center.                      12-Month Membership
                                                       Individual                      $195             $295
Fitness Center Features                                Couple                          $315             $479
The Fitness Center offers a variety of cardio
                                                       Family of Three                 $389             $579
and weight training equipment including:
l Treadmills		            l Chest press                Senior Individual               $155             $235
l Ellipticals		           l Chest shoulder press       Senior Couple                   $275             $419
l Recumbent bikes         l Tricep extension
l Upright bikes		         l Leg extension
                                                       6-Month Membership
l Stepper		               l Bicep curl                 Individual                       $99             $156
l Abdominal		             l Back extension
                                                       Couple                          $169             $253
l Lat pulldown		          l Seated leg press
l Seated leg curl         l Seated row                 Family of Three                 $209             $313
l Rear delt/Pec fly       l Free weights               Senior Individual                $75             $112
l Lateral X
                                                       Senior Couple                   $145             $217
l Locker rooms with showers
                                                       Monthly Membership
                                                       (For those who desire a month-to-month membership)
Fitness Center Usage Policy                            Monthly memberships must be arranged through automatic
Members must be 15 years or older to use the Fit-
                                                       monthly credit card charge or electronic funds transfer.
ness Center. Youth ages 15 - 17 years old must have
signed consent of a parent or guardian to use the      Individual                     $18.95            $28.95
Fitness Center. Persons 55 years and older may re-     Couple                         $30.95            $46.95
ceive the senior membership rate.
                                                       Family of Three                $37.95            $56.95
Corporate Rates                                        Senior Individual              $14.95            $22.95
Would you like your employees to take advan-           Senior Couple                  $26.95            $40.95
tage of the Fitness Center? The Park District
offers corporate rates for businesses. Contact the     Replacement Fitness Pass
Cary Park District at 847.639.6100 for more informa-   Lost or stolen fitness passes must be replaced. Replacement
tion.                                                  passes are $10 each.
5 - 10 people: $975        16 - 20 people: $1579
                                                                               Daily Fees
11 - 15 people: $1315      21+ people: $71/person
                                                                    Resident                   Non-Resident
                                                                       $5                          $8
Fitness Center
              Personal Training                                         Fitness Assessment
  New virtual personal training now available!
                                                              A fitness assessment is a confidential all-inclusive review of
                                                              your current health and fitness levels. A certified trainer will
Are you new to working out? Do you need some motiva-          meet with you to review your cardiovascular fitness, body
tion and encouragement to help you reach your fitness         composition/body fat percentage, flexibility, blood pres-
goals?                                                        sure and muscle strength/endurance. The trainer will dis-
                                                              cuss the results with you.
No matter what your current level of fitness is, a personal
trainer can help you reach your fitness goals. Whether it’s   A fitness assessment is required before signing up for a
to lose weight, tone up, improve your health or gain sport-   personal training session. After registration, you will be con-
specific improvement, a trainer can help design a pro-        tacted by a personal trainer to schedule an appointment.
gram to meet your needs.

A fitness assessment is required before signing up for a      Code: 12825       Fee: $45
personal training session. All personal training packages
expire 6-months from the date of purchase.

Personal Training Fees (1 hour session)
5 sessions                $190
10 sessions               $350
Express Training Fees (30 minute session)
5 sessions                $98                                 Healthy Minds Healthy Bodies is available to qualified
10 sessions               $175                                veterans for one year Fitness Center membership, up
                                                              to 15 one hour personal training sessions and monthly
Semi-Private (you and a friend; 1 hour session)               networking events. Intake and qualifications are taken
5 sessions                $225/couple                         through Northern Illinois Special Recreation Association
10 sessions               $425/couple                         (NISRA). You can also contact Sara Kelly at the Park
                                                              District for more information 847.639.6100.
Semi-Private (you and a friend; 30 minute session)
5 sessions                $112/couple
10 sessions               $212/couple

                                                              Give the Gift
                                                               of Fitness!
                                                     Give someone you care about the gift of fitness. Gift
                                                     certificates are available for annual memberships and
                                                     personal training sessions. Give the gift of health and
                                                     wellness today!

                                                                      Be Our Guest!
                                                                                                  Expires May 31, 2022

Group Fitness
  Walk-in Fee                                                 Unlimited Fitness Pass
  R/NR FEE: $6/$9; This fee is payable at the                 If you normally attend three or more programs a week or
  Community Center Front Desk before the class                want a flexible fitness schedule, this is for you!
                                                                                             R/NR Fee          Registration
  Punch Card Palooza
  Purchase a punch card and receive an extra punch            Spring Season                  $188/$282            11647
  for every increment of 5 you purchase. Restrictions may
  apply. Have your card validated by the instructor be-
  fore each class. Punch cards expire two months from
  the date of purchase.

   Purchase         R/NR Fee        Receive
   5 Punches        $30/$45         1 extra punch free
   10 Punches       $60/$90         2 extra punches free
   15 Punches       $90/$135        3 extra punches free

Barre Fight                                                     Great Balls of Yoga
Barre Fight has the aerobic benefits and empowerment            Release stress and tension while learning self-massage
of cardio kickboxing combined with the toning benefits          techniques in a fun and casual environment. This class
of ballet. The class is broken into four segments: two seg-     helps with arthritis, carpal tunnel, and other ailments. En-
ments of cardio kickboxing and two segments of Barre            joy this relaxing class - you know you “knead” it! All levels
exercises. At the end there is an amazing stretch section       welcome. No class 3/10
that is truly rewarding for your hard work. Participants do     Location: Community Center
not need to know anything about kickboxing or ballet to         Instructor: Sheri				Min/Max: 3/8
take this class. Both the ballet and kickboxing elements
of the class are approached from a fitness point of view.       CODE     DAY     DATES          TIME               R/NR FEE
All levels welcome.                                             13377    Th      2/24-4/14      6:15-7:15 pm       $35/$53
Location: Community Center
Instructor: Rae Lynn			                      Min/Max: 3/8
CODE    DAY     DATES          TIME             R/NR FEE        This mat-based workout is designed to engage the
13376   Th      2/24-4/14      5:00-6:00 pm     $40/$60         mind and work the entire body. Fluid movements will
                                                                develop core strength plus, increase flexibility while
                                                                improving balance and posture. All levels welcome.
        Bolly Tone Express                                      Please bring a mat to each meeting; mats will not be
      Get tones while grooving to the beat with a variety       available for class use.
of high and low intensity dance sequences. This workout         Location: Community Center
is both cardio and strength with added isolation of cer-        Instructor: Carrie			                 Min/Max: 3/8
tain muscle groups to get that toned body everyone is
after. This workout will be sure to get your feet stompin’,     CODE     DAY     DATES          TIME               R/NR FEE
head noddin’ and shoulders poppin’. All levels wel-             13378    M       2/21-4/11      7:15-8:15 pm       $40/$60
come. No class 3/8                                              13379    Sa      2/26-4/16      8:45-9:45 am       $40/$60
Location: Community Center
Instructor: Sheri				Min/Max: 3/8
                                                                Pilates/Yoga Combo
                                                                This class incorporates all the benefits of Yoga and
CODE    DAY     DATES          TIME             R/NR FEE
                                                                Pilates. We will start out with gentle stretching and then
13405   Tu      2/2204/12      5:00-5:45 pm     $35/$53
                                                                move into the toning aspects of Pilates. Yoga stretches
                                                                will be added in throughout the workout to enhance
                                                                the Pilates exercises. To ensure that there is time to work
                                                                all of the muscle groups of the body this class does not
                                                                include Shavasana. We will end class with a full body
                                                                stretch and various breathing techniques.
                                                                Location: Community Center
                                                                Instructor: Rae Lynn			                      Min/Max: 3/8

                                                                CODE     DAY     DATES          TIME               R/NR FEE
                                                                13380    Th      2/24-4/14      7:15-8:15 am       $40/$60
Group Fitness
REFIT                                                         Yoga
REFIT is a positive cardio-based fitness format tailored to   Increase awareness of your mind and body as well as
every body. Each class is an experience with uplifting        your overall physical fitness. This class focuses on the
music and fun, easy to follow choreography. We nurture        classic poses, building on the basics with emphasis on
a sense of community and acceptance. Come join the            alignment of the standing, sitting, and twisting poses.
REFIT revolution.                                             Detailed instruction helps you achieve each pose for all
Location: Community Center                                    levels. All levels welcome. Please bring a mat to each
Instructor: Colleen			                      Min/Max: 3/8      meeting, mats will not be available for class use. No
                                                              class 3/8
CODE    DAY     DATES          TIME             R/NR FEE      Location: Community Center
13381   W       2/23-4/13      6:00-7:00 pm     $40/$60       Instructor: Sheri				Min/Max: 3/8

                                                              CODE    DAY     DATES         TIME             R/NR FEE
Senior Strong                                                 13384   Tu      2/22-4/12     6:00-7:00 pm     $40/$60
This fun class consists of a series of age appropriate
moves to improve strength, flexibility, balance, and agil-
ity. Enjoy camaraderie with your peers while getting fit      Yoga for All
and improving your health. Anyone over 55 years of            Reduce stress and build a healthier body. This pro-
age is welcome. Must be able to stand without assis-          gram includes Hatha yoga postures, techniques, and
tance. All levels welcome.                                    sequences for flexibility, strength, postural alignment,
Location: Community Center                                    increased energy and overall health. Beginners are wel-
Instructor: Rae Lynn			                     Min/Max: 3/8      come. It is a good idea to have your own props. Please
                                                              wear comfortable clothing that allows for movement.
CODE    DAY     DATES          TIME           R/NR FEE        This class is not included in the punch pass or unlimited
13382   M       2/21-4/11      10:45-11:45 am $40/$60         fitness pass options. Drop in fee is $10/$15 per class.
                                                              Location: Community Center
STRONG                                                        Instructor: Pat Wilhelm, RYT 500          Min/Max: 4/15
Sculpt all muscle groups using a variety of equipment.
Gain balance, core, and strength and leave each class         DAY     DATES        TIME              R/NR FEE
feeling strong. All levels welcome.                           F       ongoing      8:00-9:10 am      $10/$15 per class
Location: Community Center
Instructor: Rae Lynn			                  Min/Max: 3/8         Zumba
                                                              Ditch the workout and join the party! This fun, fast-
CODE    DAY     DATES          TIME           R/NR FEE        paced, Latin-dance based cardiovascular class is sure
13383   Tu      2/22-4/12      10:45-11:45 am $40/$60         to get your heart pumping and muscles toned. You
                                                              won’t even feel like you’re working out it’s that much
                                                              fun. All levels welcome.
                                                              Location: Community Center
                                                              Instructor: Jamie			                    Min/Max: 3/8

                                                              CODE    DAY     DATES         TIME             R/NR FEE
                                                              13385   Su      2/27-4/10     9:00-10:00 am    $35/$53

l      Restrooms.

                                          Dog Park at
                                         Hoffman Park
Featuring                                             Dog Park User Fees (annual fee)
l     18-acre fenced-in dog park that
                                                       Resident (1 dog)                      $55.00
      includes a mowed grassy open
      play area, a field meadow, and a                 Resident (additional dog)             $10.00
      tall grass area with walking trails              Senior Resident (1 dog)               $46.00
l     A separate fenced-in small dog area              Senior Resident (additional dog)      $10.00
l     Separate training areas for owners to
                                                       Non-Resident (1 dog)                  $110.00
      acclimate dogs that are off-leash for
      the first time                                   Non-Resident (additional dog)         $20.00
l     Restrooms                                        Senior Non-Resident (1 dog)           $92.00
l     Agility course                                   Senior Non-Resident (additional dog) $20.00

    For guidelines for use and forms needed to register your dog to use the park visit


                    Fur-ever Companion
                     Memorial Plaques
    Whether your dog was your companion, best friend, secret keeper, buddy, comfort, or anything in
    between, we have a unique opportunity to remember him or her with a commemorative memorial
    plaque at one of his or her favorite places to play - the Hoffman Park Dog Park. Each plaque will
               become part of the rainbow that will be affixed to the fence inside the park.

                         Become Part of the Next Installation
Complete the form found on page 14. Additional forms may be found on our website on both the
Dog Park page and the FORMS page. To be a part of the next installation, forms are due by
April 30. The next unveiling will be in June and you will be contacted when it is installed.

Hoffman Park Dog Park
                       Fur-ever Companion Memorial Plaques
     Remember your dog with a commemorative memorial plaque at the Dog Park.

                                             IN MEMORY OF
                                            Dog’s Name Goes Here
                                                    Dog Owner(s)

Cost is $50 per bone plaque and each plaque will be displayed along the fence at the Hoffman Park Dog
Park. Cost will cover sign printing of the 6 x 12 inch sign and park maintenance. Please contact the Cary
Park District at 847-639-6100 or caryparkdistrict@carypark.com with any questions or for more information.

Your Plaque will Read as Follows:


Line 2: We suggest dog’s name (26 characters max)

Line 3: We suggest owner’s name(s) (26 characters max)

Messages are subject to approval by the Cary Park District. The plaque becomes property of the Cary Park District
and replaced at our discretion.

Please complete all contact information. This is how we will contact you when your plaque is
ready for display at the Dog Park.

Your Name								                                                       Phone Number

E-mail Address

                                                                                                  Office Use Only
                                   Contact the Cary Park District for                   Total Paid
                                   more information 847.639.6100                        Check #
                                   caryparkdistrict@carypark.com.                       Credit
                                     Visit us at carypark.com                           Date


Early Childhood

                                               Age 1 - 6 years with parent
                                               Hop on over and have breakfast with the Bunny! Children will enjoy sea-
                                               sonal activities including coloring eggs to take home. After breakfast
                                               the guest of honor will make an appearance. Don’t forget your camera
                                               to capture the moment with your family. Space is limited - register early.
                                               Every family member attending must register. Children under 1 year are
                                               free. High chairs and booster seats are not available for this event, but
                                               you may bring your own.
                                               Location: Community Center                Min/Max: 20/40

                                               CODE     DAY		 DATE           TIME             R/NR FEE
                                               13113    Sa		 4/2             9:00-10:30 am    $14/$21 per person


Toddler Time                                                     Little Sprouts
24 - 36 months with parent                                 BH    Age 3 - 4 years                                         BH
Here is a chance to spend quality time with your child           In a small school setting, your child has a social environ-
enjoying an interactive program that includes circle time        ment to support developmentally appropriate activities
and free play. Your child will learn and grow through sto-       for the individual as well as group. This program provides
ries, songs, and visual stimulation. Socialize with other par-   hands-on experiences such as math, art, music, manipu-
ents and children. Masks will be required. No class 3/31         latives and dramatic play to enhance your child’s inde-
Location: Community Center		                 Min/Max: 4/6        pendence through learning. Register for one or both days!
Instructor: Early Childhood Staff                                Masks will be required. No class 3/28, 3/30, and 4/18
                                                                 Location: Community Center		               Min/Max: 5/12
CODE     DAY     DATES         TIME           R/NR FEE           Instructor: Early Childhood Staff
13135    Th      3/17-5/12     11:00-11:45 am $65/$98
                                                                 CODE     DAY    DATES        TIME               R/NR FEE
Twos On Their Own                                                13142    M      3/14-5/9     9:15-11:00 am      $121/$182
Age 2 years                                              BH      13143    W      3/16-5/11    9:15-11:00 am      $138/$207
Are you looking for your child to experience a social envi-
ronment in a small school setting? This program provides         Spanish Classes for Early Childhood
hands-on activities through art, music, manipulatives and        Age 3 - 6 years                                           EB
dramatic play to enhance your child’s independence               Join us right from your living room as we explore new cul-
through learning. Masks will be required. No class 3/29 and      tures and learn Spanish via the interactive Zoom platform.
3/31                                                             Children will learn conversational Spanish through fun and
Location: Community Center		               Min/Max: 4/12         interactive activities, music, and also learn Spanish pho-
Instructor: Early Childhood Staff                                netics to begin reading and writing in Spanish. Each ses-
                                                                 sion covers new and exciting materials. This class is taught
CODE    DAY     DATES         TIME               R/NR FEE        live by a Language in Action, Inc. instructor. Zoom login
13138   Tu      3/15-5/10     9:15-10:30 am      $104/$156       information will be emailed to participants before the first
13139   Th      3/17-5/12     9:15-10:30 am      $104/$156       class.
                                                                 Location: Virtual (take the class from your home)
                                                                 Instructor: Language in Action staff       Min/Max: 6/12

                                                                 CODE     DAY    DATES        TIME               R/NR FEE
                                                                 11806    Th     4/8-5/13     9:30-10:15 am      $84/$126

Subscribe to Our Newsletters!
Early Childhood                                                  Be the first to know when new programs and
                                                                    activities are offered, the latest on Park
                                                                   District projects, and any changes to our
Rock ‘n’ Kids                                                   operations. Subscribe to our newsletters online.
Age 1 - 3 years with parent                               BH
Wiggle, giggle, dance and sway, have some fun the Rock
‘n’ Kids way! Tot Rock and Kid Rock are movement based              Join Over 3,000 People!
learning and imaginative play classes with music. All class      Follow us on Facebook and join over 3,000
procedures are designed to keep staff and students safe.       people who get Park District news as it happens!
Activities are age appropriate by class and will include          Plus we share pictures, trivia, and more!
songs and rhymes, rhythm and coordination, fine and
gross motor, imagination and sensory, listening and follow-
ing direction skills.
Location: Community Center (Wed. AM class)
             Village of Lake in the Hills (Wed. PM class)
Instructor: Rock ‘n’ Kids Staff		            Min/Max: 4/8

CODE DAY DATES               TIME              R/NR FEE
Tot Rock (ages 1 - 2 year old with parent)
13397 W        4/13-5/25     9:30-10:10 am     $77/$116
13398 W        4/13-5/25     5:15-5:55 pm      $77/$116

Kid Rock (age 2 - 4 years with parent)
13399 W       4/13-5/25     10:15-10:55 am     $77/$116
13400 W       4/13-5/25     6:00-6:40 pm       $77/$116

100 Cary-Algonquin Road, Cary | 847.639.7448 | carypark.com

                                                   Registration for the 2022/2023 School Year
  Smiles Happen Here!                              Current Students: Registration for students currently
                                                   enrolled in our preschool will begin Monday, February 14.
The Cary Park District Preschool creates a
                                                   Students Not Currently Enrolled in Our Preschool: Resident
positive, sensitive and responsive environ-        registration will begin Wednesday, February 23. Non-resi-
ment to help children feel valued and grow         dent registration will begin Wednesday, March 2. Registra-
with each learning experience. Through             tion is held at the Cary Park District Community Center,
developmentally appropriate activities, we         255 Briargate Road.
foster physical, emotional, social, and cogni-
                                                   Registration must include a copy of your child’s birth certif-
tive growth while promoting a lifetime love        icate and a $60 non-refundable yearly registration fee for
of learning.                                       each child. Multiple child discounts available. All children
                                                   must be completely toilet trained -- NO PULL UPS.
Contact Information
For questions regarding current or future regis-            To enter the            Your child    On or before
tration or to schedule an observation, please                 program                must be
contact Nancy Herbster, Preschool Director, at      3-year old program (TWTH)      3 years       9/1/22
847.639.7448. Information is also available at
carypark.com.                                       3-year old program*            3 years       12/31/22
                                                    4-year old program             4 years       9/1/22
                                                   * Space for younger 3s may be limited.

                                                   2022/2023 School Year Schedule of Classes
                                                    3-year old Program                        Monthly Fee
                                                    TWTH                 9:00 - 11:30 am      $220/$275
                                                    3-year old Program
                                                    TTH                  9:00 - 11:30 am      $190/$238
                                                    MWF                  9:30 am-12:00 pm $200/$250
                                                    4-year old Program
                                                    TWTH                 9:30 am-12:00 pm $220/275
                                                    M-TH                 9:15 - 11:45 am      $250/$313
                                                    M-F                  8:45 - 11:15 am      $285/$357

Meet our teachers! Tour the classrooms! Receive information on our program!
The Cary Park District Preschool offers a solid foundation for your child’s future learning. If you
have a child who is ready for Preschool next year and are interested in learning more about the
Cary Park District Preschool, we would like to invite you to register for our Preschool Preview. You
and your child will have the opportunity to talk one-on-one with one of our nurturing teachers
about our quality curriculum, and explore our fun, engaging classrooms.

 February 16         Cary Park District Preschool, 100 Cary-Algonquin Road
     Please register for a 20-minute time slot. Registration is accepted at
      carypark.com and at the Community Center, 255 Briargate Road.

     Code              Time            Code              Time            Code              Time
     13421           1:30 pm           13424           3:00 pm           13427           6:00 pm
     13422           2:00 pm           13425           3:30 pm           13428           6:30 pm
     13423           2:30 pm           13426           4:00 pm           13429           7:00 pm

                  If you have any questions about the Preschool, please contact
                       Nancy Herbster, Preschool Director, at (847) 639-7448.

   Visit carypark.com for more information on the Cary Park District Preschool.
Birthday Parties!
Your child’s next birthday party can be a “piece-of-cake” when you let the Cary Park District do
all the work! Pick the perfect theme for your child’s special day and we’ll make sure your party is
unique, fun, and memorable.

                         Two Party Packages to Choose From
Star Package                                              All Star Package
2 hour party                                              2 hour party
1 party attendant                                         2 party attendants
1 hour of activity time, attendant will assist during     1 hour of activity time, attendants will assist
the second hour with activities the parent has            during the second hour with activities the
planned.                                                  parent has planned.
Guest list up to 10 children. The guest list for this     Cupcakes, ice cream cups, juice boxes, treat
package can be expanded to 15 children for $10            bags, and decorations.
per child.                                                Guest list up to 25 children max
R/NR Fee: $100/$150          Code: 13391                  R/NR Fee: $275/$375       Code: 13388

Deposit: $25                 Code: 13386                  Deposit: $25              Code: 13386

                                    Choose A Party Theme
Sports                                                    Shiver Me Timbers
This party is perfect for all young athletes. Play all    Arrrgh! Guests become mini pirates during this
kinds of sports such as basketball, soccer, and other     party and have an exciting time searching for
fun games that keep your birthday child and guests        hidden treasure and making their own pirate
having fun.                                               hats.
Hawaiian Luau                                             Create a Theme
Aloha and welcome to the Hawaiian islands! Your           If there is a theme your child is interested in,
child’s party is equipped with the perfect tropical       contact the Cary Park District.
decor and includes fun games to keep those little
hula dancers occupied and having fun!
                               Premium Packages Available
Build a Buddy
Guests will build a stuffed animal and decorate a bag to bring home their new furry friend. Buddy
options include monkey, puppy, dinosaur, bunny, frog, or bear. Party is 2 hours in length, includes 2
party attendants 1 hour of the Build a Buddy activity and the second hour the attendant will assist
with activities the parent has planned. Maximum 15 kids
R/NR Fee: $280/$375          Code: 13387                  Deposit: $25              Code: 13386

Mini Master Chef
Bon-a-petit! This party is ideal for those little chefs and bakers! All mini chefs will have a blast assem-
bling their own mini pizzas. While pizzas are cooking, guests will decorate their own cupcakes. Party
is 2 hours in length, includes 2 party attendants 1 hour of the cooking activity and the second hour
the attendant will assist with activities the parent has planned. Maximum 10 kids
R/NR Fee: $200/$275          Code: 13390                  Deposit: $25              Code: 13386

Magic Party
Abracadabra! This party is wonderful if your child is into the mystery of magic. Invite all your favorite
guests to a magic show put on by a real magician! Party is 2 hours in length, includes 2 party atten-
dants 1 hour of the magic activity and the second hour the attendant will assist with activities the
parent has planned. Maximum 25 kids
R/NR Fee: $175/$275          Code: 13389                  Deposit: $25              Code: 13386

Youth                                                               Subscribe to Our Newsletters!
                                                                     Be the first to know when new programs and
                                                                        activities are offered, the latest on Park
                                                                       District projects, and any changes to our
                                                                    operations. Subscribe to our newsletters online.

                                                                         Join Over 3,000 People!
                                                                    Follow us on Facebook and join over 3,000
                                                                  people who get Park District news as it happens!
                                                                     Plus we share pictures, trivia, and more!

                                                               Baton Twirling
                                                               Ages 6 - 18 years                                           EB
                                                               Learn how to twirl a shiny baton, make it sparkle as it goes
                                                               through your fingers, and toss it up high. Practice two-ba-
                                                               ton and rhythmic ribbon moves too. Have fun while learn-
                                                               ing marching, dance, performance, and memorization
                                                               skills. Participants will perform in a spring show. Information
                                                               on batons will be given at the first class. No class 4/2 and
                                                               Location: Community Center
Magic Class                                                    Instructor: Jana Sinn			                       Min/Max: 1/10
Ages 5 - 12 years                                        EB
Amaze family and friends with tricks that involve cards,       CODE      DAY     DATES          TIME             R/NR FEE
ropes, coins, mind-reading, and more. All materials are        Level 1
provided and each child receives a magic kit to take           13171     Sa      3/19-5/21      2:00-2:45 pm     $110/$165
home. Children are grouped by age and always learn             Level 2
tricks that are age-appropriate. Additionally, you can sign    13173     Sa      3/19-5/21      2:45-3:30 pm     $110/$165
up for this class again and again since brand new tricks
are always taught each session.
Location: Crystal Lake Rotary Building
             431 Walkup Road, Crystal Lake
Instructor: Magic Team of Gary Kantor Min/Max: 1/10

CODE     DAY    DATE       TIME                R/NR FEE
13174    W      2/23       6:45-7:40 pm        $20/$30
13175    M      5/2        5:00-5:55 pm        $20/$30

        E-Sport Gaming Leagues
Ages 8 years & older                                     EB
Register to be a part of an e-gaming league competing                MONDAYS
with others from all over the state from the comfort of your      1 V 1 ON PS4 WITH
own home. Once you sign up with the Cary Park District,           SUB OR XBOX PLUS
you will receive an email with a link and password to regis-        WITH LIVE SUB
ter for your desired platform on GG Leagues. GG Leagues                                      SWITCH PLATFORM
is an 8-week session where you will compete once per
week culminating with playoff and championship rounds.
Prizes are awarded by GG Leagues for those winning their             TUESDAYS
age division and league. When you play, you represent                    1V1
the Cary area! Help make Cary the top E-Sports team in                FRIDAYS                 WEDNESDAYS
                                                                         2V2                   3 V 3 OR 1 V 1
the state!

                       Ages 8-12: 7-8 pm
                                                R/NR FEE
                                                $40/$60                                   Unlimited Play Pass

                       Ages 13-18: 8-9 pm
                       Ages 18 & older: 9-10 pm
                                                                         1V1              Reg Deadline April 4
                                                                   SWITCH PLATFORM

                                                                     French and Italian Classes for Kids
                                                                     Ages 7 - 11 years                                      EB
                                                                     Join us right from your living room as we explore new cul-
                                                                     tures and learn French and Italian languages via the in-
                                                                     teractive Zoom platform! Each session covers new and
                                                                     exciting materials. Zoom information will be e-mailed to
                                                                     participants before the first class.
                                                                     Location: Virtual (take the class from your home!)
                                                                     Instructor: Language in Action Staff       Min/Max: 6/12

                                                                     CODE     DAY     DATES         TIME             R/NR FEE
                                                                     Speak French
                                                                     13177    M       3/7-4/11      6:15-7:00 pm     $86/$129
                                                                     13318    M       4/18-5/23     6:15-7:00 pm     $86/$129
                                                                     Speak Italian
                                                                     13179    W       2/23-3/30     6:15-7:00 pm     $86/$129
        Learn to Code                                                13319    W       4/6-5/11      6:15-7:00 pm     $86/$129
         Ages 8 - 17 years                                      EB
From the comfort of their own home, students will learn
programming essentials using MIT’s Scratch program-                  Spanish Classes for Kids
ming language. A multilevel curriculum starts with children          Ages 3 - 11 years                                        EB
learning the basics of programming. Students will program            Join us right from your living room as we explore new
interactive media projects, such as stories, games, and              cultures and learn Spanish language via the interactive
animations. The activities encourage exploration of key              Zoom platform! Children will learn conversational Span-
computational thinking concepts (sequence, loops, par-               ish through fun and interactive activities, music, and also
allelism, events, conditionals, operators, and data) and             learn Spanish phonetics to begin reading and writing in
key computational thinking practices (experimenting and              Spanish. Each session covers new and exciting materials.
iterating, testing and debugging, reusing and remixing,              Zoom information will be e-mailed to participants before
abstracting and modularizing). Since this class is a multilev-       the first class.
el program where children are placed based on skill and              Location: Virtual (take the class from your home!)
experience, students can repeat class as they start where            Instructor: Language in Action Staff        Min/Max: 6/12
they left off from the last class. This is a six week session that
will start the week of April 4 and the day and time will be          CODE     DAY     DATES         TIME             R/NR FEE
arranged by the instructor and parents. Registration dead-           Spanish Jr. (Ages 3 - 6 years)
line is March 28.                                                    13320    Tu      4/5-5/10      9:30-10:15 am    $86/$129
Location: Virtual (take the class from your home)                    13321    W       4/6-5/11      4:30-5:15 pm     $86/$129
Instructor: Chasewood Learning Staff             Min/Max: 4/10       Speak Spanish (K - 3rd Grade)
                                                                     13322    M       4/18-5/23     5:30-6:15 pm     $86/$129
CODE     DAY     DATE           TIME                R/NR FEE         13323    Th      4/7-5/12      10:30-11:15 am   $86/$129
13338    TBD     4/4-5/9        TBD                 $103/$155        Youth Spanish (Ages 8 - 11 years)
                                                                     13324    Th      4/7-5/12      10:30-11:15 am   $86/$129
                                                                     13325    Th      4/7-5/12      5:30-6:15 pm     $86/$129

    Information on Camp ECHO will be in
    the Summer Program Guide available
    on our website the week of April 4.

    Subscribe to our e-newsletters from
    our website or follow us on Facebook
    to be the first to know when this
    information is available.

         Favorite Apps & Video Games                                       Kids Painting Class
         Ages 6 - 12 years     		                         EB              Ages 8 - 18 years                                     EB
 Art is all around us, including on phones and online! Join        Start exploring your creative side with step-by-step instruc-
 Young Rembrandts for a workshop mimicking the amaz-               tions for young artists. During class the instructor will guide
 ing imagery of our favorite apps and video games. Every           you from start to finish to create a canvas painting that is
 day students will learn new illustration and coloring tech-       yours to keep! Class will include all necessary supplies in-
 niques inspired by popular video games. Artwork is inspired       cluding paint, brushes, palette, apron, and 11 x 14 canvas.
 by a pixel block characters, plants, zombies, and many            Location: Community Center
 more classic apps and games. If your child loves to game          Instructor: Chasing Creativity with Kristen Min/Max: 3/10
 or draw, they’ll have a blast putting their own personal
 touches on some of these favorites! Register your special         CODE     DAY     DATE          TIME              R/NR FEE
 gaming artist today!                                              13408    W       4/6           6:00-7:30 pm      $25/$38
 Location: Community Center
 Instructor: Young Rembrandts Staff         Min/Max: 8/15
                                                                           Acrylic Painting Class
 CODE     DAYS     DATES          TIME             R/NR FEE                Ages 14 years & older                            EB
 13420    Tu-Th    3/29-3/31      12:00-2:00 pm    $85/$127        Pain, socialize, and have fun as you create a masterpiece
                                                                   that you’ll be proud to hand on your wall. Our instructor
                                                                   will take you on a step by step journey from start to finish
 Cartooning                                                        teaching you different techniques leaving you with a com-
 Ages 6 - 12 years      			                                   EB   pleted canvas. Class will include all necessary supplies in-
 Get ready to laugh - Young Rembrandts spring cartoon              cluding paint, brushes, palette, apron, and 11 x 14 canvas.
 classes will bring out your child’s inner artist while grinning   Location: Community Center
 from ear to ear and learning the fine technique of car-           Instructor: Chasing Creativity with Kristen Min/Max: 3/10
 tooning. Our awesome artists will be drawing dinosaurs at
 school, monsters and kids, robots and family photos that          CODE     DAY     DATE          TIME          R/NR FEE
 will boost their art skills and crack everyone up! All new        13407    Sa      4/30          10:00 am-Noon $35/$53
 lessons every week and supplies are included.
 Location: Community Center
 Instructor: Young Rembrandts Staff           Min/Max: 6/15

 CODE     DAY      DATES          TIME             R/NR FEE
 13330    Tu       4/5-5/24       6:00-7:00 pm     $86/$129

              Virtual Art Show!
Watch the virtual art show featuring over 40 pieces
created by friends and neighbors from all over the
community. Our community is so lucky to have so
many talented artists! Visit carypark.com to watch.

E.T. KidZone

                           Spring Break Day Off School Activities
                                    March 28 - April 1 and April 15 and 18
               Subscribe to our e-newsletters or follow us on Facebook to receive Kid’s Day Off
                                    information when it becomes available

     E.T. KidZone adds a world of
    enrichment to your child’s day!
l   Daily quiet time for homework, reading or journaling.
    Homework assistance is provided by staff.
l   Daily indoor and outdoor physical activities include
    unstructured play and staff-guided cooperative
l   An afternoon snack and drink. The Cary Park District
    will balance these snacks with healthy selections.
l   A variety of arts and craft projects based on
    seasonal and enrichment themes. Children will
    create take-home projects they are proud of.
                                                              E.T. KidZone is available to families with children attend-
l   Activities and guidance that encourage children to
                                                              ing K – 5 at Briargate, Deer Path, Oak Knoll, and Three
    work together, support each other’s efforts, build
                                                              Oaks Schools. E.T. KidZone is held at the child’s school.
    friendships and develop important social skills.
l   Day-Off programs on selected days when school is
    not in session. Day-Off programs are filled with
                                                                  E.T. KidZone provides a wide array
    activities and friendship. Available to all District 26         of benefits to children and their
    grade school children.                                                      families!
                                                              l    Peace of mind knowing your child is safe,
If you have questions regarding current                            supervised, and involved before and after school.
or future E.T. KidZone registration, please
                                                              l    Convenient drop-off and pick-up times and
contact Becky Horn at 847-639-6100 or
                                                              l    Flexible scheduling options.


         BullsEye Axe Lounge in South Barrington
         Age: 13 - 18 years
         Friday, April 1
         3:30 - 6:00 pm
         R/NR Fee: $55/$83
         Registration code: 13430

         Includes 90 minutes of axe throwing, food,
         and drinks. Transportation leaves from and
         returns to the Community Center.

Spanish Classes Jr. High Students                                Spanish for High School Students                        LG
Grades 6th - 8th                                           EB    Grades 9th - 12th                                        EB
This class is a great supplement to middle school or junior      This class is a great supplement to high school Spanish
high Spanish classes or may also be taken by students not        classes or may be taken by students not currently enrolled
currently enrolled in a school Spanish class. Students will      in a high school Spanish class. High school students will
learn Spanish grammar and communication skills that will         cover basic grammar points and vocabulary and prac-
give them a strong foundation for high school Spanish. This      tice conversational skills. This class is taught by a Lan-
class is taught live by a Language in Action, Inc. instructor.   guage in Action, Inc. instructor. Zoom login information
Zoom login information will be emailed to participants be-       will be emailed to participants before the first class.
fore the first class.                                            Location: Virtual (take the class from your home!)
Location: Virtual (take the class from your home!)               Instructor: Language in Action Staff        Min/Max: 6/12
Instructor: Language in Action Staff       Min/Max: 6/12
                                                                 CODE     DAY      DATES         TIME            R/NR FEE
CODE      DAY     DATES          TIME             R/NR FEE       13327    Tu       4/5-5/10      5:15-6:15 pm    $86/$129
13326     Tu      4/5-5/10       4:00-4:45 pm     $86/$129

        E-Sport Gaming Leagues
Ages 8 years & older                                     EB           MONDAYS
Register to be a part of an e-gaming league competing              1 V 1 ON PS4 WITH
with others from all over the state from the comfort of your       SUB OR XBOX PLUS
                                                                     WITH LIVE SUB
own home. Once you sign up with the Cary Park District,
you will receive an email with a link and password to regis-                                    MONDAYS
ter for your desired platform on GG Leagues. GG Leagues                                       SWITCH PLATFORM
is an 8-week session where you will compete once per
week culminating with playoff and championship rounds.               TUESDAYS
Prizes are awarded by GG Leagues for those winning their
age division and league. When you play, you represent                 FRIDAYS
the Cary area! Help make Cary the top E-Sports team in                   2V2                  WEDNESDAYS
                                                                                                3 V 3 OR 1 V 1
the state!

                        Ages 8-12: 7-8 pm
                                                 R/NR FEE
                                                                                          Unlimited Play Pass

                        Ages 13-18: 8-9 pm
                        Ages 18 & older: 9-10 pm
                                                                    SWITCH PLATFORM       Reg Deadline April 4

   l   18 hole course                           l   Distinctive landscapes and
   l   6-hole family / short course                 unique elevations
   l   Concrete tee pads with signs including   l   Parking lot and restrooms
       hole location, distance, and par         l   Benches and trash receptacles

   Walnut Hollow is located in Hoffman Park near the Dog Park.
Dance Program Information                                            Spring Dance Recital
The Cary Park District is excited to partner with                    Dancers will have the opportunity to perform in the
Dancepiration Dance Studio in Crystal Lake to expand                 Spring Dance Recital on June 11, 2022. More informa-
dance program offerings to the community.                            tion on location and time will be available throughout
                                                                     the session.
These classes will be held at Dancepiration Dance                    Costumes
Studio, 835 S. Virginia Road, Crystal Lake, IL 60014                 Dance costume purchase is required through
                                                                     Dancepiration Dance Studio. Cost of the dance cos-
                                                                     tume is approximately $50 - $60.

           CODE       TIME                   PROGRAM                                  AGE                R/NR FEE
           Monday 3/7 - 6/6 (No class 3/28)
           13409      5:00-6:00 pm           Beginner/Intermediate Lyrical            8-12 years        $195/$292
           13410      6:00-7:00 pm           Jazz/Hip Hop: Level I & II               6-10 years        $195/$292
           Tuesday 3/8 - 6/7 (No class 3/29)
           13411      4:00-5:00 pm           Special Needs Workout                    11 yrs & older    $156/$234
           13412      5:00-6:00 pm           Beginning Broadway                       7-11 years        $195/$292
           Wednesday 3/9 - 6/8 (No class 3/30)
           13413      6:00-7:00 pm           Tap: Level I & II                        6-10 years        $195/$292
           Thursday 3/10 - 6/9 (No class 3/31)
           13414      4:00-5:00 pm           Special Needs Dance Class                11 yrs & older    $195/$292
           13415      4:00-5:00 pm           Jazz/Hip Hop: Level I                    5-7 years         $195/$292
           13416      6:00-7:00 pm           Jazz/Hip Hop: Level II                   8-10 years        $195/$292
           13417      7:00-8:30 pm           Jazz/Hip Hop Level III                   11-13 years       $221/$332
           Saturday 3/12 - 6/11 (No class 4/2)
           13418      9:00-9:40 am           Music & Movement                         2.5-4 years       $130/$195
           13419      9:45-10:45 am          Creative Ballet                          4-5 years         $195/$292

Ballet                                                               Jazz
Ballet is an academic dance form and technique which                 Jazz is a style of dance incorporating grand body move-
is taught according to specific methods. Ballet is the ba-           ments (kicks, jumps, leaps, turns, tricks, etc) to enhance
sis of almost every dance style and it’s techniques are              it’s choreography. Ballet technique is used to execute
very important for classes such as lyrical, contemporary,            movements with proper technique and body place-
and jazz.                                                            ment.

                                                                     Music & Movement
                                                                     This class introduces children to moving to music and
Broadway is a musical theater style dance class using
                                                                     learning basic dance movements through ballet and
techniques found in Broadway musical productions.
                                                                     jazz basics.
Dancers will learn prop work, character building, acting
for dancers, along with dance techniques to execute
these performances.                                                  Special Needs Dance
                                                                     A fun and upbeat dance class for dances with special
                                                                     needs. Dancers will learn jazz and hip-hop techniques
Contemporary/Lyrical                                                 to incorporate in dance combinations to their favorite
Contemporary/lyrical is an expressive powerful form of               songs.
dance that heavily relies on the technique and skills
learned in both ballet and jazz to execute it’s techniques.          Tap
Classes include improvisation, floor work, combinations,             Tap is a style of dance characterized by its unique per-
center, across the floor, partnering lifts, and more.                cussion movements of the feet. The higher the level of
                                                                     tap the more intricate the movements become.
Hip-Hop is a style of dance constantly evolving with the
culture of hip-hop music. Classes learn different styles
of hip-hop by doing different combinations each week
from different genres.                                                                                                      26

        Broadway Bound                                                Jazz/Pom Jubilee
       Ages 4 years & older                            EB            Ages 5 years & older                              EB
Does your student love the spotlight? Students will learn     Jazz is lively, entertaining, and is the foundation of many
musical theater song and dance, play acting games, and        pom routines. Students will learn technique and how to
explore the world of theater in this action-packed work-      work together as a team. Students should bring a water
shop. Students should bring a water bottle and wear jazz,     bottle and wear jazz or clean gym shoes.
ballet, or clean tennis shoes.                                Location: Community Center
Location: Community Center                                    Instructor: Ms. Holly		                  Min/Max: 3/10
Instructor: Ms. Holly		               Min/Max: 3/10
                                                              CODE DAY        DATE         TIME              R/NR FEE
CODE DAY        DATE         TIME             R/NR FEE        Ages 5 - 7 years
Ages 4 - 6 years                                              13353 Su        4/24         1:00-3:00 pm      $20/$30
13355 Su        3/27         1:00-3:00 pm     $20/$30         Ages 8 years & older
Ages 7 years & older                                          13354 Su        4/24         3:15-5:15 pm      $20/$30
13356 Su        3/27         3:15-5:15 pm     $20/$30

Dramatic Debut                                                Children’s Theater Company of Cary
Ages 4 - 6 years                                        EB    Grades 2nd - 6th
Let your imagination run wild with the world of drama! This   Develop confidence, creativity, and stage presence while
action-packed program explores drama through move-            participating in a Cary Park District directed performance!
ment, imagination, group games, and story playing. Using      Learn what it takes to make theater magic happen in a
puppets and props, children practice and perform clas-        fun, yet driven environment. Students audition for a role
sic children’s stories. We learn to be “characters” and to    in the play, are cast by the director, and rehearse until
be comfortable pretending in this class. Children develop     show time. All students are guaranteed a speaking role.
self-awareness, self-confidence, creativity, and group co-    Students also play games while working on impromptu,
operation.                                                    projection, and listening skills. Students must be available
Location: Community Center		                                  for all rehearsals and the performance day. Tech week
Instructor: Michele Price			               Min/Max: 4/8       takes place the entire week preceding the production.
                                                              Additional rehearsals may be scheduled as needed. The
CODE     DAY     DATES        TIME             R/NR FEE       performance will be held on Friday, May 6 at the Commu-
13208    Tu      2/15-3/8     5:00-5:45 pm     $36/$54        nity Center. No class 3/29
13209    Tu      4/5-4/26     5:00-5:45 pm     $36/$54        Location: Community Center
                                                              Instructor: Kelly Forney & Michele Price Min/Max: 6/20

                                                              CODE    DAY     DATES        TIME               R/NR FEE
                                                              13207   Tu      2/15-5/3     6:00-7:15 pm       $110/$165
Existing Essentially:        Spanish                                                       Euchre Club
Essential Oils Make and Take Adults                                                   EB   All Ages			                            BH
Adults                                 BH     Have you ever wanted to learn a for-         Interested in meeting new people
 Learn the what, how, and whys of nat-        eign language, but never had the op-         while playing Euchre in a relaxed, wel-
ural health with a focus on the use of        portunity? Now is the time! Stay con-        coming environment? This is the club
essential oils. Essential oils have been      nected and learn Spanish from the            for you! You do not need to be an ex-
around for centuries but have be-             comfort of your own home via Zoom.           pert to join. In fact, this club welcomes
come increasingly popular over the            In this class you will learn conversation-   those who want to learn or improve
last few years. The instructor will spend     al Spanish that you can immediately          their skills. All ages are welcome to join!
time providing a brief overview of tips,      begin using. The class will be tailored      This club will meet the first and third
tricks, and safety precautions when           to the needs of the students enrolled.       Thursday of each month. Pre-registra-
using essential oils and will also focus      This class is taught live by a Language      tion is required. Registration will close
on the essential oils associated with         in Action, Inc. instructor. Zoom login in-   the Monday before each meeting. A
the topic of the class. Participants will     formation will be emailed before the         minimum of 4 participants is required
then be able to create 3 items to take        first class.                                 for each meeting to run.
home to use in their daily life. Items will   Location: Virtual (take class from           Location: Community Center
vary based on topic, but may include                         your own home)                R/NR Fee: $2/evening
a roller or spray bottle.                     Instructors: Language in Action Staff        Min/Max: 4/30
Location: Community Center                    R/NR Fee: $86/$129
Instructors: Allie Hannat                     Min/Max: 6/15                                CODE      DAY     DATE      TIME
R/NR Fee: $20/$30 per session                                                              13164     Th      2/17      7:00-9:00 pm
Min/Max: 5/25                                 CODE    DAY   DATES        TIME              13165     Th      3/3       7:00-9:00 pm
                                              13212   W     2/23-3/30    6:00-7:00 pm      13166     Th      3/17      7:00-9:00 pm
CODE DAY DATE          TIME                   13213   M     3/7-4/11     10-11 am          13167     Th      4/7       7:00-9:00 pm
Natural Immune Support                        13328   M     4/18-5/23    10-11 am          13168     Th      4/21      7:00-9:00 pm
13160 Sa 3/19          10am-Noon              13329   W     4/6-5/11     6:00-7:00 pm      13403     Th      5/5       7:00-9:00 pm
Spring Cleaning                                                                            13404     Th      5/19      7:00-9:00 pm
13401 Th    4/21       6:00-8:00 pm
Balancing Emotions
13402 Sa 5/14          10am-Noon

                        Spring Craft Fair
                       Saturday, March 12 9:00 am - 3:00 pm
                         Community Center FREE to Shop!
    Spring is just around the corner so shake off those              Card Table: $10/$15         Code: 13118
    winter blues and shop from a variety of crafters and             6 Foot Table: $15/$23       Code: 13119
    vendors!                                                         8 Foot Table: $20/$30       Code: 13120

    Register now to sell your wares at the Spring Craft Fair.        To register for the Spring Craft Fair, complete and return
    Space is limited. Vendors are limited to one represen-
                                                                     the registration form found on page 29 of this brochure.
    tative per company on a first-come, first-served basis.
    No food or drink for immediate consumption may
    be sold. Seller set up begins at 7:30 am. Tables and
    chairs are provided. Electric is available, but please
    bring your own extension cord. For more information,
    contact Katie Tarosas at 847.639.6100 x 110.

Spring Craft Fair Application
                                               Saturday, March 12 9:00 am - 3:00 pm Community Center
                                                   Set up begins at 7:30 am More information is on page 28
                                  Return this application to the Community Center, 255 Briargate Road, Cary, IL 60013


Address:									City:


Email Address:

The Cary Park District will provide the table and chairs. Please check which size table(s) you would like:

                Card Table                  $10 resident / $15 non-resident                                   Code: 13118
                6 Foot Table                $15 resident / $23 non-resident                                   Code: 13119
                8 Foot Table                $20 resident / $30 non-resident                                   Code: 13120

               Check here if you wish to use your own table and/or display and will not need the provided table. Your
               table and/or display must fit within the designated space for the table size you have selected above.

               Check here if you need electric access.

Please describe what you will be selling or what company you will be representing. Vendors will be limited
to one representative per company (i.e. Mary-Kay, Tastefully Simple, etc.) on a first come, first served basis.

 Method of Payment:                              Cash ________ Check # ________                                               MasterCard/Visa/Discover_______ Total

 Credit Card Number__________________________________                                                               Exp. Date _______________                               CVV/CVC___________
                                                                                                                                                                                 3 or 4 digit number
 Cardholder Name ____________________________________                                                               Amt. of Charge _________                                      on back of card

 Authorized Signature ____________________________________________________________

Warning of Risk: Recreational activities/programs are intended to challenge and engage the physical, mental, and emotional resources of each participant. Despite careful and proper preparation,
instruction, medical advice, conditioning, and equipment, there is still a risk of serious injury when participating in any recreational activity/program. Understandably, not all hazards and dangers can be
foreseen. Depending on the particular activity, participants must understand that certain risks, dangers, and injuries due to inclement weather, slipping, falling, poor skill level or conditioning, carelessness,
horseplay, unsportsmanlike conduct, premise defects, inadequate or defective equipment, inadequate supervision, instruction, or officiating, and all other circumstances inherent to indoor and outdoor
recreational activities/programs exist. In this regard, it must be recognized that it is impossible for the Cary Park District to guarantee absolute safety.

Waiver and Release of all Claims and Assumption of Risk: Please read this form carefully and be aware that in signing up and participating in Cary Park District identified programs/activities, you will be
expressly assuming the risk and legal liability and waiving and releasing all claims for injuries, damages, or loss which you or your minor child/ward might sustain as a result of participating in any and all
activities connected with and associated with said programs/activities (including transportation services/vehicle operation, when provided).

I recognized and acknowledge that there are certain risks of physical injury to participants in these programs/activities, and I voluntarily agree to assume the full risk of any and all injuries, damages or loss,
regardless of severity, that my minor child/ward or I may sustain as a result of said participation. I further agree to waive or relinquish all claims I or my minor child/ward may have (or accrue to me or my
child/ward) as a result of participating in these programs/activities against the Cary Park District including its officials, agents, volunteers, and employees (hereinafter collectively referred to as “Cary Park

I do herby fully release and forever discharge the Cary Park District from any and all claims for injuries, damages, or loss that my minor child/ward or I may have or which may accrue to me or my minor
child/ward arising out of, connected with, or in any way associated with these programs/activities.

I have read and fully understand the above important information, warning of risk, assumption of risk, and waiver and release of claims. If registering via fax, your facsimile signature shall substitute for and
have the same legal effect as an original form signature.

Photo Release: The Cary Park District takes photos and videos of participants in programs, during special events, and in the District’s parks and facilities. By signing the waiver, you are giving permis-
sion to the District to use these photos and videos in our publications and on our website and social media outlets without further permission and without any compensation to you. All photos and video are
the property of the District.

Signature of Participant or Parent/Guardian ______________________________________ Date_________
* Participation will be denied if signature of adult participant or parent/guardian and date is not placed on this registration form/waiver.                                                                          29
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