Spring Deals in Religious Studies & Church History

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Spring Deals in Religious Studies & Church History
Spring Deals in Religious Studies & Church History
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                       Authority and Power in the                            Inwardness, Individualization                           On the Sacraments
                      Medieval Church, c. 1000-c. 1500                       and Religious Agency in the Late                         A Selection of Works of Hugh
                                                                                                                                      and Richard of St Victor, and of
                      T. W. Smith                                            Medieval Low Countries
                                                                                                                                      Peter of Poitiers
                                                                             Studies in the Devotio Moderna
                      Interdisciplinary studies in the                       and its Contexts                                         H.B. Feiss, O.S.B. (transl.)
                      conceptualization and exercise of
                      authority and power in the medieval                    R.H.F. Hofman, J. Oosterman, P.J.A.                      English translation of Victorine texts on
                      Church.                                                Nissen, M. van Dijk, C.M.A. Caspers                      the sacraments, especially marriage and
                                                                             (eds)                                                    confession.
                      412 p., 19 b/w ill., 156 x 234 mm, 2020
                      ISBN: 978-2-503-58529-1                                A collection of essays on the Devotio                    656 p., 1 col. Ill., 152x 229 mm., 2020,
                      Hardback: € 100                                        Moderna and its contexts.                                ISBN: 978-2-503-57943-6
                      Series: Europa Sacra, 24                                                                                        Hardback: € 95
                      Will also be available as E-book                       x + 230 p., 9 b/w + 6 col. ill., 156 x 234 mm,           Series: Victorine Texts in Translation, 10
                                                                             2020, ISBN: 978-2-503-58539-0                            Also available as E-book 
                                                                             Paperback: € 75
                                                                             Series: Medieval Church Studies, 43
                                                                             Also available as E-book 

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                       Le Pater noster au XIIe siècle                           The Birgittines of Syon                                   Shaping Stability
                      Lectures et usages                                        Abbey                                                      The Normation and
                                                                                Preaching and Print                                        Formation of Religious Life in
                      F. Siri (ed.)
                                                                                                                                           the Middle Ages
                      Le but de ce recueil est de mettre en                     S. Powell
                                                                                                                                           K. Pansters, A. Plunkett-Latimer
                      lumière les divers mouvements                             This volume examines the Birgittine                        (eds)
                      d’appropriation et retransmission                         Order of nuns as producers and
                      du « Notre Père » dans différents                         readers of texts in Britain from the                       This volume examines the efforts of
                      contextes institutionnels (les écoles,                    fifteenth to the early sixteenth                           medieval religious communities
                      les communautés de religieux, etc.)                       century, through an analysis of                            and orders to bring stability to the
                      et selon une multiplicité de                              medieval manuscripts and early                             dynamic complexity of organized
                      réécritures.                                              printed books.                                             religious life.
                      263 p., 8 col. ill., 156 x 234 mm, 2015,                  xxii + 348 p., 5 b/w ill., 156 x 234 mm, 2017              285 p., 3 col. ill., 210 x 270 mm., 2016,
                      ISBN: 978-2-503-55346-7                                   ISBN: 978-2-503-53235-6                                    ISBN: 978-2-503-56695-5
                      Paperback: € 80; Discount price : € 64                    Paperback: € 90; Discount price : € 72                     Paperback: € 110; Discount price : € 88
                      Series: Bibliothèque d’histoire Culturelle                Series: Texts and Transitions, 11                          Series: Disciplina Monastica, 11
                      du Moyen Âge, 15
Spring Deals in Religious Studies & Church History
Spring Deals in Religious Studies & Church History - 30% discount
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             Deux explorateurs de la pensée humaine, Georges Dumézil et Mircea Eliade, Ries         Homo Religiosus                                                            3      978-2-503-51223-5        55 €        39 €
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             L'école de Saint-Victor de Paris, Poirel                                               =                                                                         22      978-2-503-53562-3        115 €        81 €
             Des symboles et des anges, Poirel                                                      =                                                                         23      978-2-503-54757-2        110 €        77 €
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             Perspectives for an Architecture of Solitude, Kinder                                   Medieval Church Studies                                                   11      978-2-503-51692-9        150 €        105 €
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             The Cult of St Erik in Medieval Sweden, Oertel                                         Acta Scandinavica                                                          5      978-2-503-55507-2       100 €         70 €
Spring Deals in Religious Studies & Church History

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Spring Deals in Religious Studies & Church History Spring Deals in Religious Studies & Church History
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