SRPInsight - FULL CIRCLE - Structured Retail Products

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SRPInsight - FULL CIRCLE - Structured Retail Products
SRPInsight               Issue 13 | March/April 2022            @SRP_Insider


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SRPInsight - FULL CIRCLE - Structured Retail Products
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SRPInsight - FULL CIRCLE - Structured Retail Products

Amelie Labbé, Pablo Conde,
Lavanya Nair, Summer Wang,
Marc Wolterink

Paul Pancham
                                               News Europe                                                        4
Daniel Evans
                                               News Americas                                                      10
Reihaneh Fakhari
                                               News Apac                                                          18
If you are interested in having a
similar bespoke report produced
for your organisation, please
                                               Feature: Europe 2021 (part 1)                                      24

Reihaneh Fakhari                               Feature: Europe 2021 (part 2)                                      27
T: +44 (0)20 7779 8220
M: +44 (0)79 8075 6761
E: 	Reihaneh@structuredretail                 Feature: Priips – full circle                                      30

                                               Q&A: Société Générale                                              32
SRP’s Reprint Policy: Articles published by
SRP can be sent to sources for reference       Q&A: Aydo                                                          34
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                                               Q&A: Fortem Capital                                                38
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to republish any Q&A, profile or feature
published by SRP, please contact:              Expert View: Coping with market corrections                        44

                                               Analysis: The cliquet                                              46

                                               Product wrap                                                       48

                                               People moves                                                       51
Front cover image: BIOD/AdobeStock

SRPInsight - FULL CIRCLE - Structured Retail Products

Marex launches public offering in Italy
Marex Financial Products has entered the Italian retail market with a new
certificate range targeted at financial advisors, private banks, family offices, and
asset and wealth managers.
                                               institutional market, but to get the Italian     our flexibility, innovation and technology
                                               desk off the ground in nine months and           in the retail market and fill an existing gap
                                               go from private placements into a full           in the Italian market – some products
                                               public offer programme with best-in-             take up to 10 days to be listed,” said
                                               class capabilities – coupled with our            Burgerhout.
                                               focus on innovation - is a remarkable
                                               achievement from our Financial Products          Marex is going to Italy first as most
                                               team.”                                           other European markets are accessible
                                                                                                on a non-listed and private placement
                                               Joost Burgehout, head of financial               basis.
                                               products at Marex, added: “We’re
                                               replicating what we have done so far at          “In Italy if you want to offer products
                                               Marex Financial Products in the Italian          to retail, they have to be listed. We
                                               public offering market.                          want to go all the way with the most
                                                                                                comprehensive product governance
                                               “We are entering the market as a new             framework. With this set up we can now
                                               issuer with full retail eligibility – listing,   enter any other European market. There
                                               market making, full public offerings. We         are some markets on our short-term
                                               will be working on a fast-track basis and        roadmap including Switzerland,” said
                                               will have one of the fastest to market           Burgerhout.
                                               service for the market: design the
                                               product today/list tomorrow, which is            “Our target market in Italy is the buy-

                                               something not many players can do,” said         side – private banks, wealth managers
                                               Burgerhout.                                      and financial advisors. These clients
           his is part of an initiative the                                                     will provide an indication of the kind of
           company started last year to        Some issuer banks have taken up to two           products investors want to see in the
           launch into the retail market. It   years to have this kind of set up ready          market and we will respond accordingly.
           has taken Marex nine months         and their time to market is usually longer.      We will offer value for money and speed
           to register the brand-new                                                            to market,” said Burgerhout.
issuance programme and launch its              “We have set up everything from
Italian desk which was set up in record        scratch – suitability, full public offer         The product offering will be based on
time after the onboarding of two former        documentation, contracts, technical              certificates and the differentiation will
Exane directors – Antonio Manfre and           connections to get real-time quoting             come through thematic baskets as well as
Carlo Siriani – and a third member, Guido      capabilities etc. We think we can leverage       fast track listing access.

The team responsible for the Italian and
Ticino certificates will develop a range
of cross-asset investment certificates
in equity, credit, FX, commodities and
funds backed by Marex Financial’s BBB
investment grade rating from S&P Global
                                               In Italy if you want to offer
Ratings, which will be listed on the
EuroTLX exchange.                              products to retail, they have to
“This is quite a big step for the
company,” said Nilesh Jethwa (pictured),
                                               be listed
chief executive officer at Marex Solutions
Division. “Our initial strength was the

SRPInsight - FULL CIRCLE - Structured Retail Products
                                                                                                                            NEWS | EUROPE

CACIB launches first structured product
designed to offset carbon emissions
LCL and Crédit Agricole CIB (CACIB) have partnered to launch the LCL Net Zero
Carbon March 2022.
The structured product meets European              Management - who want to reduce their           and EU’s objectives,” said Bouayad. “In
Benchmark Regulation criteria and                  exposure to climate risks and seize the         our approach both the wrapper and the
includes a mechanism to offset the                 opportunities offered by the transition         underlying index should contribute to
investment’s residual carbon emissions.            towards a low carbon economy,” said             reduce GHG emissions. With the use of
                                                   Bouayad.                                        a Green note that encourage the energy
This joint initiative is part of Crédit Agricole                                                   transition and the use of EU BMR Paris
group’s Social Project and the bank’s              The product includes two levers to steer        Aligned Benchmark the objective is met
commitment to reach carbon neutrality by           the energy mix towards a decarbonisation        as the GHG reduction reaches nearly
2050.                                              of energy consumption including the             80%.”
                                                   reduction of greenhouse gas emissions
“As a pioneer in climate finance, we               and offsetting the investment’s residual        According to Bouayad, the bank has
believe it is imperative to decarbonise            CO2 emissions.                                  received “multiple requests to continue
our economies and to offer our investors                                                           the development of our sustainable
solutions to reach this ambition,” Mahdi           Indexed to the MSCI Euro Climate Select         product range with on the one hand
Bouayad, head of ESG & index solutions,            50 Paris Aligned 5% Decrement Index,            the addition of new indices covering
CACIB told SRP.                                    the new investment product primarily            themes such as social equality, water or
                                                   aims to reduce carbon footprint in              biodiversity and on the other hand the
“Knowing our commitment to reduce our              compliance with the European Union’s            addition of new features related to the
carbon footprint by 2050 in line with the          decarbonisation trajectory.                     wrapper”.
Paris Agreement, this structured product
not only aligns our investors investments          The MSCI Euro Climate Select 50 Paris           The new LCL Net Zero Carbon March
with science-based emissions reduction             Aligned 5% Decrement Index aims to              2022 also includes the use of part of
targets but also goes beyond that with the         immediately reduce the weighted average         Crédit Agricole CIB’s portfolio of eligible
use of carbon offsets.”                            carbon intensity by 50%, followed by            green assets to refinance projects that
                                                   an additional 7% decarbonisation each           encourage the energy transition, the
 The French bank is seeking to                     year. In addition, it pursues a range of        reduction of CO2 emissions, or promote
strengthen its position at the forefront           secondary goals, such as increasing the         the circular economy.
of developments related to sustainable             weight of companies in the index with
investing with new tailored structured             clear carbon footprint reduction targets.       LCL and Crédit Agricole CIB have
solutions.                                                                                         included an offsetting mechanism for the
                                                   “Carbon offsetting does not make sense          residual emissions of the investment by
“LCL Net Zero Carbon March 2022 is                 if it is not associated with an achievement     supporting the Yedeni project in Ethiopia,
designed to meet the needs of investors -          of a massive carbon emissions reduction         which aims to tackle deforestation in the
clients of LCL Private Banking and Wealth          consistent with Paris Agreement goals           Bale ecoregion.

In our approach both the wrapper and the
underlying index should contribute to reduce
GHG emissions

SRPInsight - FULL CIRCLE - Structured Retail Products

UK manager releases ultra-defensive
callable structure
Structured product plan manager Idad has started 2022 by bringing an ultra-
defensive callable play to the UK market.
                                             returns with very limited downside risk        “I think we are looking at rates going up
                                             as the callable feature adds value,” said      considerably this year in general however,
                                             Thom Gascoigne (pictured), head of Idad        If the war continues, or if it gets worse, we
                                             UK, adding that the autocallable space in      may see further volatility – recently GBP
                                             the UK market is very crowded with not         SWAPs dropped 30 basis points but have
                                             many alternative investment choices for        since recovered,” he said.
                                             UK investors
                                                                                            This rise in rates may allow for capital
                                             Because it is not an autocallable product      protected products, but investors will also
                                             that clients are very familiar with, some      be looking at inflation and real returns.
                                             clients have been reluctant.
                                                                                            “It is a tricky time for investors. During
                                             “When you explain the structure and            Covid we had a massive drop off in
                                             the value most people like it. Even if         markets,” said Gascoigne. “This was
                                             the product is called, investors get 8%        unprecedented; however, we saw a big
                                             pa which is quite a good deal,” said           swing back in equity markets. Sadly,
                                             Gascoigne. “With the equity markets            with this current situation in the Ukraine
                                             falling recently it’s maybe less likely the    there is a lot of uncertainty but this leads
                                             issuing bank will call the products.”          to opportunities too, especially with
The UK firm partnered with Société                                                          structured products.
Générale to launch the Ultra Defensive       “However, when you get a high multiple
Callable Supertracker Plan, the first        on the participation, the likelihood of the    “Market dislocations can help some
single index callable plan offering 430%     issuer cooling the products is obviously       payoff structures to take advantage of the
participation in the FTSE 100 index or 8%    higher when markets recover,” he said.         pricing environment as many products in
pa if the issuer calls the product early.                                                   the UK are funded by selling volatility.”
The ultra-defensive feature comes in the     The new callable play also fits within
form of 40% downside protection barrier,     Idad’s strategy to continuously expand         There are 36 live callable structures with
meaning that for capital to be at risk the   its offering by diversifying the products it   different payoff combinations in the UK
FTSE 100 needs to fall by more than 60%      offers and finding differentiators with its    market, SRP data shows. Idad has over
at maturity.                                 UK competitors.                                180 live products half of which have been
                                                                                            issued by BBVA. Other counterparties
“A select few banks are pricing the          Gascoigne remains positive on the              used by the UK distributor include
callable feature very aggressively so you    market outlook despite inflation creeping      Commerzbank, Goldman Sachs, UBS and
can afford to put the barrier much lower.    up all across the globe and differing          SG Issuer featuring in four live products
We were able to achieve attractive upside    bullish/bearish opinions on rates.             with BNP Paribas.

Even if the product is called, investors get 8% pa
which is quite a good deal

SRPInsight - FULL CIRCLE - Structured Retail Products
                                                                                                                                 NEWS | EUROPE

Bpost offers full capital protection on S&P
water index
Bpost Bank has launched Global Water Participation 03/2032 in Belgium.
The 10-year capital guaranteed note offers                                                           31 December 2021. They were all issued
100% exposure to the S&P Global Water                                                                on the paper of BNP Paribas and offered
EUR Net Total Return Index, capped at                                                                at least 90% capital protection.
30%. The final index level is subjected to
37 months backend averaging, minus an                                                                Eight of its structures were steepeners
adjustment factor of five percent on an           We have a large                                    that paid a coupon based on the
annual basis. The product is issued via the                                                          difference between the 30-year EUR
Luxembourg domiciled BNP Paribas Fortis
                                                  proportion of                                      Constant Maturity Swap (CMS) rate and
Funding vehicle, while BNP Paribas Fortis         conservative investors                             the five-year EUR CMS rate.
acts as the guarantor.
                                                  among our clientele                                Six products were tied to a single
There is also a 90% capital-protected                                                                index, including the Solactive Eurozone
version of this product which is issued via                                                          Exporters Efficient Index (three products),
BNP Paribas Issuance BV.                                                                             S&P Global Infrastructure Index (two) and
                                                                                                     the S&P Global Water Index (one).
“These products are aimed at retail
investors who strive for a higher return          Bpost Bank, which mainly distributes its           As of 23 February 2022, the bank
than what can be obtained on a savings            products through its network of 660 post           has 182 live structured products worth
deposit today, and, at the same time,             offices, held a six percent share of the           approximately €1.2 billion listed on the
want to benefit from full or partial capital      Belgian structured products market in              SRP Belgium database. Of these, 43
protection,” said a product manager at            2021.                                              products (€182m) offered 90% capital
Bpost Bank.                                                                                          protection, with the remaining 139
                                                  The bank sold 15 products worth a                  structures (€970m) fully preserving the
The underlying S&P Global Water Index             combined €83m between 1 January and                capital invested.
tracks 50 companies from around the
world that are involved in water related
businesses. The 50 constituents are
distributed equally between two clusters          Bpost Bank: sales volumes by capital protection (EURm)
of water related businesses: water utilities
& infrastructure and water equipment &

The index, which was first launched in             200
February 2007, is modified market cap                          57.0            59.6
weighted. The highest weighted company
in the index is American Water Works               150                                                                    52.1
(9.68%) followed by Xylem (7.94%) and                                                               24.0
Veolia Environnement (6.39%).                      100
                                                              155.6            148.7                                                  2.7
The fact that after 10 years the product                                                                                 120.5
                                                    50                                              116.1
returns 100% of the nominal invested                                                                                                 80.5
(excluding costs) is an important element
for the bank and its clients.                        0
                                                              2017             2018                 2019                 2020        2021
“We have a large proportion of
conservative, cautious investors among                                        100% capital return          90% capi tal return
our clientele, who, while looking for a
higher return, are willing to take little or no   Source:
risk,” the banker said.

SRPInsight - FULL CIRCLE - Structured Retail Products

BBVA dispatches new QIS ESG strategy
BBVA Quantitative Investment Strategies (QIS) has expanded its range of
underlyings with the launch of the new Solactive BBVA Resource Scarcity index.
                                            “Today, these valuables appear more           most efficient and convenient wrapper,”
                                            critical than ever to the needs of a global   said Enrile. “The index is available also in
                                            society increasingly concerned with the       risk control and decrement versions.”
                                            effects of the rapid population growth
                                            and climate change,” he told SRP. “In this    Other QIS strategies offered by BBVA
                                            context, some firms are actively gearing      client’s include the Solactive BBVA ixESG
                                            their business to ensure the flow of          Global Leaders, Solactive BBVA Climate
                                            these natural assets and promote the          Action PAB Europe, Solactive BBVA
                                            maximum efficiency of their uses.             Climate Action CTB Europe, Solactive
                                                                                          360 Euro IG Corporate CTB, Solactive
                                            “Our best-in-class analysis capabilities      BBVA ixS Global Inclusive Growth,
                                            allow us to deep dive into the roots of       Solactive BBVA ixG Global Governance
                                            the resource scarcity theme, assessing        and Board Diversity, Solactive BBVA
                                            its value drivers, and identifying the sub-   Next Generation Networks, Solactive
                                            industries that will benefit the most from    BBVA Cybersecurity, and Solactive BBVA
                                            its future evolution.”                        Health and Wellness.

                                            According to Enrile, the unique thematic      “We are planning to grow our product
                                            manufacturing process embedded in             and service offering in 2022, expanding
The index launched in partnership           the index, will provide investors with        it to cover other themes and asset
with Solactive is aimed at capturing        a comprehensive, cost-efficient and           classes,” said Enrile. “Alongside these
alpha from the resource scarcity            transparent tool to gain exposure to this     plans we are also working closely with
megatrend and selects companies             theme.                                        clients developing tailor-made indices
harnessing nature’s most unscattered                                                      to meet their specific investment
riches including easing water and food      The top five constituents of the index by     requirements.”
supply, improving forestry and mineral      weight include EOG Resources (6.71%),
harvesting, managing urban physical         Anglo American (5.45%), Zoetis (5.45%),       SRP data shows that the Spanish bank
space and providing the energy of           TC Energy Corp (5.08%) and Pioneer            has marketed more than 50 publicly
tomorrow.                                   Natural Resources (4.77%).                    offered structures in the Mexican market
                                                                                          tracking three of its QIS strategies
The unmatched level of human                Investors will be able to play this           including the Solactive BBVA ixESG
development and prosperity achieved         thematic index strategy via “a wide range     Lideres Globales MXN Risk Control 10%
in the last few decades has run             of actionable investment alternatives”        index (39 products/US$111.2m), Solactive
parallel to the overuse and erosion of      including total return swap (TRS),            BBVA Next Generation Networks MXN
natural resources, according to Javier      autocallable and participation products,      Risk Control 10% Index (seven products/
Enrile (pictured), global head of sales,    as well as plain vanilla derivatives.         US$43.6m), and Solactive BBVA Health &
quantitative investment strategies (QIS)                                                  Wellness SIC MXN Hedged Risk Control
at BBVA.                                    “[We are] always looking to provide the       10% Index (seven products/US$8.9m).

Our best-in-class analysis capabilities allow us to deep
dive into the roots of the resource scarcity theme

SRPInsight - FULL CIRCLE - Structured Retail Products
                                                                                                                       NEWS | EUROPE

Spotlight on… top issuers in France
2021 was an excellent year for the French structured products market.
Sales volumes, at an estimated €23.4          €7.9 billion from 1,122 publicly distributed     Crédit Mutuel CIC completed the top five
billion, were up by more than 50% year-       products, which were almost exclusively          with a 5.1% market share from 66 products
on-year (FY2020: €15.4 billion), while        issued on the paper of SG Issuer.                sold (€1.2 billion)
issuance stood at approximately 2,500
products, an increase of 26% from the         In Second, Crédit Agricole held a 20%            The highest ranking non-French group
prior year (1,988).                           market share, collecting €4.7 billion            was Citi. The US bank collected €780m
                                              from 145 products. The group issued its          from 114 products sold (3.3% market
In fact, sales were at their highest levels   products via LCL Emissions, Amundi and           share). Citi was the first to offer French
since the launch of the SRP France            its corporate and investment bank (CIB).         investors access to autocalls on single
database in 2004. The previous high was       The former achieved the highest sales, at        stock decrement indices, including
reached in 2007 when volumes reached          €2.2 billion (from 14 products), including       iStoxx FP GR Decrement 2.54 Price EUR
€22.8 billion, although back then it was      €455m that was collected by LCL                  Index (TotalEnergies), iStoxx ORA GR
achieved from far fewer products (251),       Autocall AV Mars 2021, which was the             Decrement 0.7 EUR Index (Orange), and
according to SRP data.                        best-selling French product for the year.        iStoxx Engi GR Decrement 0.71 Price EUR
                                                                                               Index (Engie).
Thirteen issuer groups were active during     BNP Paribas issued 634 products,
the year. They included all the main          predominately through its Dutch                  Crédit Mutuel Arkéa also made the top 10,
French providers and a number of foreign      domiciled BNP Paribas Issuance BV                with a market share of 2.6%, which meant
(mainly US) investment banks.                 vehicle. The bank sold an estimated €4.3         that French institutions captured 88.6% of
                                              billion – the equivalent of an 18.7% market      their local market in 2021.
Société Générale was the number one           share – while Natixis in fourth place
provider with a 33.7% share of the French     captured 9.4% of the market (€2.1 billion        Disclaimer: data refers to public
market. It accumulated estimated sales of     from 111 products).                              distribution products only.

France: top 10 issuer groups by market share in 2021*

                                                                                         Société Générale - 34.9%
                                                                                         Crédit Agricol e - 20%
                                                                                         BNP Pari bas - 18.7%
                                                                                         Natixis - 9.4%
                                                                                         Citi - 3.5%
                                                                                         Goldman Sachs - 3.3%
                                                                                         Crédit Mutuel Arkéa - 2.7%
                                                                                         Crédit Mutuel - CIC - 2.5%
                                                                                         Morgan Stanley - 2%
                                                                                         Credit Suisse - 1.1%
                                                                                         Others - 1.9%

*Public distribution only, excl. flow- and leverage products 					                                     Source:

SRPInsight - FULL CIRCLE - Structured Retail Products

US: Structured products through the decade
In light of the US structured products market crossing US$100 billion in sales volumes
at the end of 2021, SRP takes a look back over the course of a decade to track the
evolution of the rapidly growing industry and chart shifts in investor behaviour.

                                             to gain more upside potential amid the         The most dominant issuer of MLCDs in
                                             Covid-19 market crash.                         2011 was HSBC Bank with US$3.4 billion
                                                                                            in sales across 194 products, followed by
                                             According to Deryk Rhodes (pictured),          J.P. Morgan Chase (379/US$1.4 billion),
                                             head of MLP trading and origination at         and Wells Fargo (43/US$625m).
                                             InspereX, the milestone event of the
                                             market crossing US$100 billion in sales        In 2021, J.P. Morgan Chase Financial
                                             was inevitable.                                accounted for most sales with US$103m
                                                                                            (138) while Citigroup Global Markets
                                             “There has been a long continual               issued US$134m in sales across 86
                                             effort to educate financial advisers on        products.
                                             the many attributes of market-linked
                                             products. We are seeing the product            “The market is much more mature than
                                             really take hold and become a regular          it was five or six years ago. The increase
                                             component of an advisor’s business,”           in adviser understanding of structured
                                             he says.                                       products as risk management solutions
                                                                                            has meant an increased comfort
                                             The firm has seen the rise of                  with principal at risk and the benefits
                                             autocallables over the last few years          structured products can provide within
                                             which has also helped spur the jump in         client portfolios,” says Rhodes.
The US market has more than doubled          notional.
in size since 2011 in which total sales                                                     While the structured product market is
figures for the year amounted to             “Even in light of the recent equity            much more mature it remains in people’s
US$45.7 billion across 9,631 structured      correction with rates returning to pre-        minds as relatively untapped while the
products. This represents a 120%             covid levels I think 2022 will be another      visibility of these products could still be
increase to the market’s current figure of   good year,” says Rhodes.                       greater.
US$100.9 billion over 31,553 products.
Three years earlier, the Lehman              In addition, the market saw a major            “When the market is upward trending
Brothers’ collapse shattered the industry    shift in accounts gravitating from             investors aren’t always looking to buy
but the US market remained the fastest       market-linked certificates of deposits         risk managed solutions, but when
growing markets in the world.                (MLCD) wrappers to principal protected         the market turns, they become much
                                             notes and particularly non-principal           more in vogue again. So, continuing
The total outstanding over the last          protected notes in recent years                to educate on the product remains the
decade has also skyrocketed with a           with autocallable structures rising in         core of what we are looking to do in
178% growth – 2011: US$80 billion;           popularity as well as new underliers and       2022,” says Rhodes.
2022: US$223 billion.                        wrapping thematic ETFs.
                                                                                            BASKETS OVERTAKE
Sales volumes remained steady and            MLCDS FADE                                     US investors have also recently
rarely fluctuated until 2017 in which        SRP charts the sharp shift of investors        gravitated towards index baskets as can
figures shot up to US$55 billion (11,777     away from MLCDs began to occur                 be noted in 2021 when they became
products) from US$43 billion in the          in 2020 after sales began gradually            the most popular underlying, overtaking
previous year.                               decreasing over the years. In 2011,            single indices which were previously
                                             sales of CD wrappers stood at a                dominant.
After which, sales followed an upward        record peak of US$7.5 billion over 1,314
trajectory hitting US$77 billion at          products. This figure has dropped to just      Index basket equities accounted for
the end of 2020, a pivotal year for          US$237m across 224 products in 2021,           US$32.5 billion in sales during 2021,
structured products, which finally rose to   highlighting the steep fall in interest from   a 43% increase from its 2020 figure
prominence among investors scrambling        US investors.                                  of US$22.7 billion. This category

                                                                                                                   NEWS: AMERICAS

collected just US$2 billion in sales in     The best-seller of 2021 - the Accelerated        Capped calls made a comeback in
2011 and ranked far behind single index     Return Notes - S&P 500 (06747W187)               2015 alongside enhanced trackers
and single share equity assets which        sold for US$137m. Issued by Barclays             and protected trackers which ranked
accrued US$16.8 billion and US$10.2         Bank and distributed by Merrill Lynch,           first on payoff league tables until
billion, respectively.                      the growth note featured an enhanced             2020. Since then, knock out, reverse
                                            tracker and capped call payoff while             convertible, as well as worst of
The market has also seen the deviation      tracking the S&P500.                             option payoffs have re-bounded and
away from FX Rate assets over the past                                                       accounted for US$11.8 billion in 2020
decade, collecting just US$14m over         According to Tom Baughman (pictured),            and US$16.3 billion in 2021.
seven products in 2021, compared with       managing director, Private Wealth
US$1.7 billion in sales over 239 products   Solutions at iCapital,                           Steve Czick, managing director,
in 2011.                                                                                     private wealth solutions at iCapital
                                            the multiple short bouts of increased            says that as the market has shifted to
The best-selling product in 2011 was        volatility in 2021 provided an optimal           overwhelmingly favoring yield products,
the STEP Income Securities – Ford           market for structured products sales.            the process for advisers has become
note distributed by Merrill Lynch worth                                                      more burdensome.
US$185m. With a tenor of just over a        “All major indices were way up for the
year, the growth and income product         year and this environment allowed for            “This extends to having to monitor
featured a reverse convertible and          most callable products to get called at          callability, coupon payments, barrier
digital payoff type and was issued by       least once during the year and terms still       breaches, etc. For a lot of heavy
Svensk Exportkredit.                        looked attractive to investors because           buyers of structured products, it almost
                                            of the periodic spikes in volatility that we     becomes a business within a business.
Tracking a single share of Ford Motor,      saw,” he says.                                   Also, with that same shift to yield,
the product reached maturity on 23                                                           the market has become too tilted for
March 2012. Investors collected the         There is also a larger interest in single        issuers, where the same type of risk is
9.75% p.a. paid quarterly throughout        stock worst of products than seen in             continually being added to their books,
the investment period, but at maturity      years past. “Investors are hungry for yield      rather than having products offset,” he
they received 99.09% of their initial       and using single stocks are getting them         says.
investment.                                 into the double digits for annual coupons.
                                            Two-thirds of the flow were callables            As we progress into 2022, two main
Throughout the years, dominant              while mostly two to three indices in a           themes will dominate the year ahead.
distributors of best-selling products       worst-of structure,” says Baughman.              These include the growth of new
fluctuated between Merrill Lynch, Bank                                                       wrappers such as separately managed
of America, and J.P. Morgan. However,       SHIFTING PROFILES                                accounts that will significantly improve
in 2017, a non-public distributor was       Payoff combinations have differed                the purchasing and after-market process
behind the best-selling Raymond James       since 2011 as well with uncapped call/           for adviser.
Analysts’ Best Picks Notes - Share          enhanced tracker types collecting the
Basket (06367TQJ2).                         highest sales (US$10.8 billion). This            “We can also anticipate an increase
                                            combination remained dominant until              in new vol-targeted yield indices,
Selling for US$310m, the growth note        2014 when it was surpassed by knock-             so issuers will begin competing on
was issued by the Bank of Montreal and      out/reverse convertible structures which         innovation, not just coupon levels,”
reached maturity on 29 January 2018.        totalled US$8.1 billion.                         says Czick.

When the market turns, risk managed
solutions become much more in vogue


Annuity regulator seeks to tighten up Rila
The US insurance regulator has developed new guidelines for technical changes to
registered index-linked annuity values. These would bring the products in line with
traditional variable annuities (VA).
                                             Regulation, and Model 805, Standard              The firm says that the exposure could
                                             Nonforfeiture Law for Individual Deferred        be interpreted to require that the profit
                                             Annuities.                                       provisions, spread, and expenses be
                                                                                              presented as an explicit fee disclosed in
                                             According to a letter penned by the ACLI         the contract which is different from the
                                             and CAI, there are technical aspects of          design of the product in the marketplace.
                                             the exposure which do not align with
                                             the realities of how Rila products are           ‘The explicit fee approach would remove
                                             manufactured.                                    simplicity and result in an unnecessary
                                                                                              disruption to the ILVA marketplace and
                                             ‘Instituting the Interim Value framework         impact consumer product choice.’
                                             as drafted could adversely impact the
                                             core design principles used to create            Registered index-linked annuity sales
                                             Rilas. Additionally, it appears to us that       broke records in the fourth quarter and
                                             the exposure is too restrictive and would        for the year, according to the Secure
                                             not meet some of the Subgroup’s own              Retirement Institute (SRI).
The National Association of Insurance        objectives, including fostering product
Commissioners (NAIC) has issued an           innovation responsive to the lifetime            Q4 21 Rila sales were US$10.6 billion,
actuarial guideline on registered index-     income challenge that retirement presents        26% higher than prior year. Sales for the
linked annuities (Rila) to finetune the      for millions of Americans,’ stated the letter.   entire year stand at US$39 billion, a 62%
product design of those retirement                                                            increase from the prior year.
products amid a significant growth in        According to the industry trade bodies,
demand among investors.                      Rilas are fundamentally spread-based             “Overall, Rilas have been making
                                             products, not fee-based products unlike          more noise in the industry than FIAs
The new guidelines have been published       conventional variable annuities.                 because they have more upside
after a consultation open to public                                                           potential,” said Tamiko Toland (pictured),
commentary for a 60-day period which         ‘Insurers manufacture Rila products by           annuities director at Cannex. “When
ended 22 January of which several            investing in fixed income assets with            you conceptualise them FIAs as fixed
industry players chimed in to give their     a return that covers the cost of liability       annuities and not as a structured product
insights, such as Prudential, the American   benefits, expenses and profit/risk               (even though they're both very much
Council of Life Insurers (ACLI) and the      margins. In this respect, Rilas share many       structured), the fact that you cannot lose
Committee of American Insurers (CAI).        core manufacturing concepts with fixed           money is important with the FIA, as far as
                                             indexed annuities.’                              what the clients can expect,” she said.
The NAIC task force initially created a
subgroup in mid-2021 to solely focus on      Prudential has also provided feedback            As the market continues to see plain
the Rilas which would later prompt the       on the guidelines and gave the                   vanilla Rilas grow, annuity regulators
guideline for technical changes to Rila      recommendation of a clarification in             will continue to tighten guidelines
values, also known in the US market as       language of the exposure to promote              surrounding this popular retirement
index-linked variable annuities (ILVA),      consumer choice to spread based or               product.
that would bring the products in line with   explicit fee type products.
traditional variable annuities (VAs).                                                         “Rilas are going strong and the biggest
                                             ‘Specifically, we recommend a new                risks for these products come from
Industry players do not appear to be         requirement, in the form of an actuarial         either a dramatic change in economic
in support of the proposed guidelines        certification to regulators attesting that       conditions that would make popular
while the issue for regulators stems from    spreads are reasonable based upon the            Rila structures less attractive or an
Rilas not exactly fitting two key model      current economic environment,’ stated            unexpected regulatory change,” said
laws: Model 250, Variable Annuity Model      Prudential in its letter.                        Toland.

                                                                                                                       NEWS: AMERICAS

JPM MerQube vol target play crosses
US$200m in sales
The MerQube US Tech+ Vol Advantage Index first appeared in the market in the
summer of 2021.
                                              observation date. Otherwise, no coupon           at just performance that one can get out of
                                              is paid for that period.                         intraday dislocations.”

                                              While J.P. Morgan is responsible for issuing     UNDERLYING ASSETS
                                              all the structures - the bank distributed        Srivastava highlights that although
                                              104 products worth US$167m, InspereX             innovation is at the forefront of index
                                              (formerly known as Incapital) has issued         evolution, integrating particular themes
                                              the other 38 products which had a sales          such as cryptocurrency pose certain
                                              volume of US$28.7m.                              difficulties.

                                              Dominant payoffs include knock out               “The biggest challenge with structured
                                              (139/US$194m), reverse convertible               products using crypto, whether it's using
                                              (112/US$156m), protected tracker (30/            futures or whether it’s using spot is just the
                                              US$40.5m), snowball (six/US$8.3m), and           availability of options,” he said. “In order
                                              enhanced tracker (three/US$2.6m).                to guarantee any payout, you need to be
                                                                                               able to hedge the options that you have
                                              According to Vinit Srivastava (pictured),        written or bought, and that is not any easy
                                              founder of MerQube, the appeal of                task, because the banks themselves are
                                              intraday strategies comes primarily from         not participating in that.”
                                              the perspective of better option pricing.
                                                                                               Although multi-asset index strategies
The volatility controlled proprietary         “In the case of a vol target index, clients      are becoming more mainstream, the
underlying developed by US start-up index     were paying close to 6% volatility on a          market direction could play against them,
provider MerQube has now amassed              typical 5% volatility index for option costs     according to Srivastava.
US$196m in structured product sales           and now with intraday strategies, which
across 142 structures, SRP data shows.        might be very similar in terms of the            “With the current rate environment that's
                                              performance, those hedging costs would           coming up, I would say we might see a
The index was exclusively licensed to         typically come down,” he said.                   comeback on equity underlyings because
J.P. Morgan in mid-July 2021 – the US                                                          that was one of the key reasons why
investment bank also led a Series A           “The savings on that are attractive and are      buying started to go a lot into multi-assets.
funding worth US$5m for MerQube to            the reason why clients harbour an interest       The pricing on a multi-asset basket was
drive its international expansion and         in such intraday strategies in terms of a        much better than what they could get
accelerate platform development.              hedging perspective, rather than looking         through equity,” he said.

To-date, the best-selling structure tied to
the MerQube US Tech+ Vol Advantage
Index is the Auto Callable Contingent
Interest Notes - MerQube US Tech+ Vol
Advantage Index (48132WDG1). Selling
for US$16.85m, the note which struck on
August 2021 features a knock out and
                                              The biggest challenge with
reverse convertible payoff type and is
expected to reach maturity in five years.     structured products using crypto
The income product pays a quarterly
coupon of 10% pa. if the underlying
                                              is the availability of options
is greater than or equal to 60% of
its respective initial level on each


CS RavenPack AI play reaches US$1bn trades
The bespoke index developed by the Swiss bank and RavenPack for the US structured
products market has delivered an annualised performance of 6.7% since its launch.

                                               The index also implements a strategy       special so we were eager to work with
                                               that combines equities and fixed income,   them,” said Heraty. “When we formed
                                               complemented by a daily risk control       the partnership, we knew that we could
                                               mechanism. The index has recorded          build an index that could be delivered
                                               a 6.7% annualised performance* since       to various markets such as structured
                                               its launch in 2017, and has provided “a    products and retirement products from
                                               window into systematic asset allocations   insurance companies.
                                               selected by sophisticated data-driven
                                               analysis”.                                 “By bringing together complementary
                                                                                          expertise, Credit Suisse and RavenPack
                                               “The amount of relevant published          have provided an objective and
                                               information about all available tradable   quantitative approach to information
                                               assets makes it impossible for analysts    gathering.”
                                               and investors to read and understand it
                                               all,” said Armando Gonzalez, president     “This milestone achievement illustrates
                                               and CEO, RavenPack. “Natural language      how artificial intelligence has reshaped
                                               processing creates an opportunity for      the landscape of equity investment:
                                               innovation in automating the analysis      sentiment analysis now drives alpha
Credit Suisse has traded more than US$1        of not just what’s being said, but how     discovery,” said Gonzalez.
billion in notional in derivatives linked      information is being perceived.”
to the Credit Suisse RavenPack Artificial                                                 Outside the annuities market a risk
Intelligence Index (Bloomberg ticker:          According to Gonzalez, the equity          control version of the index, the Credit
CSRPAI5E Index), as of 31 December 2021.       component of the Credit Suisse             Suisse RavenPack AIS Balanced 5% ER
                                               RavenPack Artificial Intelligence Index    Index, has featured across 64 structured
The index was launched in 2017 as a            leverages sentiment scoring applied to     notes in the US market worth US18.87m.
result of a collaboration between Credit       news data extracted by the RavenPack
Suisse and RavenPack to leverage the           news analytics algorithm that seeks to     SRP data shows that Credit Suisse
power of big data analytics to make            anticipate relative price movements and    has used 68 own-branded proprietary
sector allocation decisions in a tradable      make more informed sector selections.      indices across more than 650 structured
and systematic way within an index.                                                       products sold across 20 retail markets.
                                               “AI is now one of the most important
“Investors have shown interest in artificial   tools for creating products anywhere       Some of the most featured indices
intelligence and natural language              in the US along with external markets,”    developed by the bank's QIS team
processing,” Mike Heraty (pictured), head      he said. “Credit Suisse has unique         include the Credit Suisse FX Factor SEK
of institutional solutions at Credit Suisse,   and innovative ideas in terms of their     Excess Return, Credit Suisse RALL Holt
told SRP. “We were not surprised that the      approach, and the way they thought         Index, Credit Suisse HOLT European
index reached this notional milestone          about the use of sentiment analysis        Dividends Synthetic Return Index, Credit
because it's a unique thematic and was         and the construction of more formal        Suisse / Tremont Long-Short Equity
thoughtfully constructed.”                     products was key in helping us realise     Sector Invest Index, Credit Suisse /
                                               the potential of a collaboration”.         Tremont Investable Index, Credit Suisse
The Credit Suisse Ravenpack AI Index                                                      / Tremont Hedge Fund Index, Credit
aims to gain exposure to sectors of the        The success of the Ravenpack AI            Suisse / Tremont Event Driven Sector
US economy with stronger sentiment             Index is also due in part to the           Invest Index, and Credit Suisse / Tremont
as determined by a news analytics              positive momentum that quantitative        Emerging Markets Sector Invest Index.
algorithm developed by RavenPack,              investment strategies (QIS) have
which uses Natural Language Processing         experienced in the broader                 *Source: Credit Suisse. Bloomberg.
(NLP) models to objectively analyse            marketplace, according to Heraty.          Data collected from 6 October 2017 to
thousands of company news published                                                       31 December 2021. Past performance
by reputable sources across the globe in       “Back in 2017, we quickly recognised       (actual or simulated) is not an indicator of
milliseconds.                                  that the engine RavenPack had built was    future performance.

                                                                                                               NEWS: AMERICAS

Spotlight on… top issuers in Mexico
Monex and BBVA dominated the market with their currency-linked products.
Some MXN300 billion (US$14.9 billion)    range, digital and dual currency payoffs.      share. It sold 143 products (MXN13.8
was collected from 5,612 structured      All of Monex’ products were linked to the      billion) via its Banamex subsidiary.
products that were issued in Mexico      appreciation of the US dollar relative to      Approximately halve of its issuance was
during 2021.                             the Mexican peso.                              linked to the USD/MXN currency pair with
                                                                                        dual currency the preferred payoff.
Volumes were down 12% on the previous    BBVA México, in second, held a
year (2020: MXN348 billion from 5,866    30.2% share of the market. It achieved         Banco Santander and Scotiabank
products) with almost 80% of all sales   sales of MXN90.5 billion from 1,599            held a market share of 2.2% and 1.2%,
coming from products tied to FX rates    issued products, which, apart from             respectively. The former collected
(MXN233 billion).                        deposits and bonds, also included 540          MXN6.6 billion from 114 products, which
                                         warrants. Payoffs were a mixture of            included an American warrant on the
There were five issuer groups active     autocalls, dual currency and reverse           Financial Select Sector SPDR ETF
during the year.                         convertibles.                                  (MXN37.6m).

Monex was the main issuer in the         The bank, which between 2000-2019              Meanwhile, Scotiabank accumulated
market. The Mexican financial group      was known as BBVA Bancomer, was also           sales of MXN3.5 billion from just 37
sold 3,719 products worth a combined     responsible for the best-selling product       products. It was the sole issuer in Mexico
MXN185.6 billion between 1 January and   of the year, which came in the shape of        that did not offer any dual currency
31 December 2021 – the equivalent of a   the ASWP Spread Note. The three-month          products, instead focusing on autocalls,
61.9% share of the market.               spread option was linked to corporate          reverse convertibles and even the odd
                                         bonds and sold MXN4.8 billion during its       capped- and uncapped call.
The company’s products were a mix        subscription period.
between certificates of deposit and                                                     Disclaimer: data refers to public
structured bonds featuring accrual,      In third place, Citi claimed a 4.6% market     distribution products only.

Mexico: top 5 issuer groups by market share in 2021*

*Public distribution only, excl. flow- and leverage products 					                              Source:


Citi enters Simon consortium as new investor
The US bank is the latest structured products provider to make a strategic investment
in the platform owned by seven other financial institutions.
                                             The bank said in a statement that in       (pictured), head of Americas sales for
                                             ‘strategic alignment with the focus        solutions for financial intermediaries at
                                             of both companies’ the investment          Citi, who has joined the platform’s board
                                             underscores its commitment ‘to cutting-    of directors. The US platform closed the
                                             edge technologies’ that can deliver        first leg of a strategic financing round of
                                             advisor-facing tools for risk-managed      up to US$100m of growth capital in July
                                             solutions and ‘is complementary to         2021 - the Series B round was led by
                                             broader partnership opportunities that     WestCap, a growth equity firm founded
                                             exist between the two firms’.              by Laurence Tosi, former CFO of Airbnb
                                                                                        and Blackstone, with existing investors
                                                                                        also participating in the round.

                                                                                        Simon reported a year-over-year
                                                                                        increase in volume of 94% and usage of
                                                                                        67%, last week. The platform also closed
                                             Financial professionals                    several strategic partnerships in 2021 to
Citi has made an undisclosed strategic                                                  expand its product offering for financial
investment on Simon Markets, the US          are looking to stay                        professionals and released several
multi-issuer structured products fintech                                                enhancements to its portfolio allocation
company owned by a consortium of seven
                                             ahead of market                            tool Simon Spectrum to improve the way
financial institutions, including Goldman    volatility                                 advisors manage client accounts.
Sachs, Barclays, Credit Suisse, HSBC, J.P.
Morgan, Prudential and Wells Fargo.                                                     According to SRP data, there are 6,623
                                                                                        products listed on the Simon Platform
Citi is already plugged into the Simon                                                  with a value of US$18.5 billion. Goldman
platform as an issuer of structured          ‘Financial professionals today are         Sachs with US$10 billion is the most
investments and through its wealth           looking to stay ahead of market            active issuer on Simon followed by J.P.
management division whose financial          volatility and manage client portfolios    Morgan, TD Securities and Morgan
professionals use the investment platform.   with confidence,’ said Fabrice Hugon       Stanley.

Allianz sets aside US$4.2 billion for
Structured Alpha lawsuits
Allianz Group is setting aside €3.7          important step towards a resolution        be reliably estimated and Allianz SE
billion (US$4.2 billion) to cover expected   of the various proceedings,’ said          expects to incur additional expenses
settlements with US investors and            Allianz. ‘Discussions with remaining       before these matters are finally
government officials over the collapse of    plaintiffs, the US Department of Justice   resolved, according to the German
its Structured Alpha Funds, the company      and the US Securities and Exchange         financial services provider.
said on 17 February.                         Commission remain ongoing and the
                                             timing and nature of any global or         In addition, Allianz SE reported that its
The provision booked in its financial        coordinated resolution of these matters    Solvency II ratio reached 209 percent
statements 2021 has reduced the              is not certain.’                           as well as the launch of a new share
group’s net income by €2.8 billion.                                                     buy-back program for 2022 which will
                                             Therefore, the total financial impact      amount to up to €1 billion. Allianz SE will
‘The anticipated settlements are an          of the Structured Alpha matter cannot      cancel all repurchased shares.

                                                                                                                         NEWS: AMERICAS

Luma, Morningstar                                                                                    CAIS adds partner
collaborate on structured                                                                            in platform
                                                                                                     expansion push
products data analytics
Luma has teamed up with Morningstar to bring
structured product data and analytics to Morningstar
Advisor Workstation subscribers.
                                             of structured products so financial
                                             professionals can more easily see the
                                             impact to a client’s investment plan.

                                             ‘Our collaboration with Morningstar
                                             enables financial professionals to combine
                                             the breadth of our data with their deep                 US fintech platform CAIS headed
                                             portfolio analysis,’ said Tim Bonacci                   by CEO Matt Brown (above) has
                                             (pictured), CEO and president of Luma.                  announced a new partnership
                                             ‘This empowers them to determine                        with Focus Financial Partners to
                                             whether structured products can provide                 launch a new alternative investment
                                             the right fit for clients and help them more            platform to deliver access to a
                                             easily reach their investment objectives.’              range of alternative investments,
                                             According to SRP data, more than 31,500                 adviser education, independent due
                                             structured products worth US$100.9 billion              diligence, and end-to-end digitised
                                             were issued in the US in 2021 – the highest             transaction processing as well as
                                             number, both by issuance and sales, since               third-party reporting integrations.
                                             the launch of the SRP US database in 2005.
Luma Financial Technologies, an                                                                      The CAIS platform will enable Focus
independent multi-issuer structured          ‘Adding Luma’s structured products data                 partner firms to evaluate a range
products and annuities platform, has         and modeling to financial professionals’                of alternative investment strategies
signed an agreement with Morningstar         toolkits will illustrate important trade-offs and       on behalf of their clients. This will
to launch structured products data and       empower investors to make better informed               include hedge funds, private equity,
analytics within the Morningstar Advisor     financial decisions,’ said Kevin Reed, head of          private credit, real estate, digital
Workstation.                                 strategic partnerships at Morningstar.                  assets, and structured notes.

Morningstar will use the data provided       In addition to accessing structured                     CAIS will also seek to launch and
by Luma to analyse, manage, and              products data through Morningstar Advisor               operate proprietary feeder funds
allocate structured products in an overall   Workstation, subscribers will also be able              and multi-manager funds - these
client portfolio context. Subsequent         to access Luma’s platform directly within               customised fund solutions will be
enhancements of Advisor Workstation          this solution. In order to fully transact in the        exclusively available through the
through 2022 will build on Morningstar’s     marketplace, they can elect to enrol as a               CAIS Platform, while Focus will
objective to provide deeper classification   Luma client.                                            be able to add their own sourced
                                                                                                     third-party funds to the platform and
                                                                                                     benefit from centralised monitoring,
                                                                                                     transacting and reporting.
                                                                                                     CAIS will also provide its educational
                                                                                                     outlet CAIS IQ to Focus so advisors
Financial professionals can determine if                                                             can further improve client outcomes.
                                                                                                     CAIS IQ content will also be tailored
structured products are the right fit for clients                                                    to meet the needs of each Focus
                                                                                                     partner firm.


Credit Suisse: China, ESG in spotlight (part 1)
The Swiss bank is working to bring China equity structured products globally as these
assets accounted for nearly half of the assets managed on its SparkTrackers platform.
                                               with stocks categorised according to their    Launched in June 2015, the index has
                                               market capitalisation.                        delivered 11% compounded annual growth
                                                                                             rate with 14% maximum drawdown and 0.9
                                               Two indices over various share classes are    Sharpe on a historical backtest.
                                               available tracking the basket, which went
                                               live on 31 December 2020 and 26 April         “The index has been delivered to retail
                                               2021, respectively. They are re-balanced      and distribution clients through a variety
                                               on a monthly basis.                           of products including principal-protected
                                                                                             notes and warrants, alpha and delta-one
                                               “China equity is less correlated to           certificates,” said Florentin.
                                               developed and emerging market equity,
                                               and has significantly outperformed            Following the most recent launch on
                                               during the Covid crisis,” said Florentin.     the future food theme, which once took
                                               “Our China-related solutions are able         the SparkTrackers’ AuM to US$900m
                                               to monetise some of the repurchase            in August 2021, Credit Suisse plans to
                                               agreement we get on China names,              introduce a brand-new theme in the
                                               potentially passing it to clients through     coming two months.
The proprietary issuance platform for          outperformance transactions.”
tracker certificates on thematic indices                                                     AMCS
currently has assets under management          Primarily manufactured in Apac, the           In addition to the tracker certificates, Credit
(AuM) of approximately US$800m.                open-ended delta one certificates are         Suisse Asset Management is running an
                                               exclusively issued and distributed by         actively managed certificate (AMC) on the
“The demand for structured products on         Credit Suisse or its affiliates.              China Connect, which is one of the "most
China equity has remained strong overall                                                     successful mandate solutions” investing
since 2020 [as] China is opening up to the     The investment bank has also introduced       in both the Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock
world,” said Clement Florentin, head of        the China Southbound Long Short Index         Connect and the Shenzhen-Hong Kong
investment solution Asia ex-Japan & co-        to capture the opportunities arising from     Stock Connect, according to Florentin.
global head of QIS distribution structuring    the opening of China’s capital markets.
at Credit Suisse (pictured). “The increased    Developed by its quant research team, the     “The AMCs managed by asset allocators
incorporation of China equity to major         offering aims to monetise the premium of      in Asia are increasingly delivered globally,”
benchmarks has also been driving capital       the Southbound programme, which allows        he said.
flows to the region.”                          qualified Chinese investors to access
                                               eligible Hong Kong shares.                    Manufactured in Hong Kong SAR, the
At SparkTrackers, a total of 22 indices have                                                 China Connect AMC has been traded
gone live since September 2018 across          “The offshore stocks purchased by             globally on Quantum – the bank’s
14 themes comprising Asia online gaming,       onshore investors tend to outperform,”        proprietary platform to create and manage
electric vehicle (EV) power, 5G Frontier,      said Florentin, adding that those investors   bespoke indices across equity, fixed
China healthcare, cloud computing,             show unique investment preferences and        income, commodity, foreign exchange and
rising China brands, post-pandemic             likely possess an information advantage.      quantitative investment strategies (QIS) on
recovery, sustainable China, accelerating                                                    a discretionary basis. SparkTrackers also
economy spark, ESG top pics, CS top pics,      China onshore investors hold 10.7% of         leverages on Quantum allowing content,
hydrogen, PremiaTracker Southbound and         Hong Kong free float market cap and           execution and delivery services.
future food.                                   account for over 20% of turnover in
                                               Hong Kong SAR, according to the bank’s        Compared with other investment solutions
Among them, the Sustainable China              estimates. The Swiss bank invests in          desks in Apac, which primarily focus
Index stands out, being deployed with          stocks with large southbound flows by         on transaction origination and content
a quantitative and systematic strategy.        adopting a ‘glass-box’ machine learning       distribution, the investment solution
The basket selects around 70 out of 100        approach, in which the user can see how       group (ISG) team at Credit Suisse in
companies in renewable energy, smart           the model works and reaches its decision      Apac also specialises in origination and
grid and environmental protection spaces,      by following the steps from inputs to         manufacturing while additionally acting as
including both producers and suppliers,        outputs in contrast to ‘black box’.           a platform, noted Florentin.

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